twstwinnie · 1 year
Oh gosh I just stumbled on your writings your writing is so nice!, and I loved in a relationship with jamil and floyd they were so good 😭,im sorry if your getting a buncha these now may I request in a relationship with azul if thats ok?
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✎ With You ~ Azul Ashengrotto
summary: the highly requested in a relationship with Azul! usual three categories! crushing, confession, and dating!
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, mutual pining, gn! reader
a/n: I adore azul— this just took me forever bc of writer’s block! but!! here he is! i’ll probably spin a wheel for who I do next, but if you’re curious, the current requested are: jack, epel, sebek, kalim, riddle, jade, and vil! so if you were looking out for them, they’re coming soon! also, i‘ve been considering making a tag list, so yeah! anyway, enjoy azul!! — winnie <3
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✎ starry - eyed !
» Azul is the type to vehemently deny any feelings he may have towards you. When you first met, he assumed that his interest in you was nothing more than seeing you as a potential business prospect. He kept a close eye on you, but as time went on, his excuses became feeble in the face of what he felt.
» He’d keep insisting that your meetups are “business research,” even going as far as taking notes after every meeting in hopes to convince himself that that’s all it was. However, as time goes on, he finds that he doesn’t even think about finances or his business when he’s with you. He becomes entirely invested in conversations with you and the happenings of your life.
» Upon realizing that he isn’t doing the “research” he foolishly told himself he was doing, his avoidant tactics only increase in strength. He didn’t like you— he couldn’t.
» He wants to convince himself that it’s bad business to get emotionally involved— that there’s no room for romance in his world, but deep down, he knows it’s all an excuse. Truth be told, Azul is terrified at the prospect of liking you.
» With his history of bullying, Azul doesn’t have much of a positive self-image. The people close to him know that his confidence is fragile, and the bravado he hides behind is built on a foundation of power. However, when it comes to the romance world, Azul is playing on an even field with everyone else that may like you.
» In such a world, Azul fears that he has nothing to offer you.
» You’re kind and generous in a way no one else is. Azul’s underhanded tactics aren’t a suitable offering for you. And if power and money doesn’t appeal to you— what then? What can Azul possibly offer to you? What did he have that made him the most suitable option out of the countless people vying for your hand?
» Nothing. That’s what. That’s why Azul cannot like you. Because if he did, it’d be futile.
» There is no contract. He’d be giving his whole heart to you with no guarantee that you’d give anything in return. He’d leave himself vulnerable to being positively crushed by rejection. He could handle losing in business— such losses came with the field, but in love? Tell him— what proven strategies can be put in place to prevent pain or heartbreak? What insurance is there when your heart is tattered with the pain of rejection?
» There is none, and Azul knows this for certain. However, as time goes on, he finds himself unable to deny his feelings any longer as he spends more time with you.
» You happily listen to his business ramblings, propose event ideas for the Lounge, and you’ve even mastered the art of reigning in the Leech Twins. You fit in so perfectly into his life, but that only terrifies him more. He finds himself scared of losing you, but unable to commit himself to the idea of being infatuated by you.
» In response to this standstill, he draws away from you. This way, he becomes used to your absence instead of your presence. Then, should you learn of his feelings, the rejection won’t feel as harsh.
» What he doesn’t anticipate, however, is that you take notice. You recognize this behavior almost immediately. Not only that, you call him out on it.
» “Azul, why are you avoiding me?” you ask as you walk into the VIP room. Azul pauses, surprised at your sudden presence.
» “I— well… What gave you such an idea?” he questions, attempting to play oblivious. You roll your eyes.
» “Ashengrotto. I know you better than most. I can see through that farce of yours. I’m not mad or anything, I’m just worried,” you say as you sit in front of him. “Is it the lounge? Studying? Do you need my help with something?”
» The gentleness in your tone warms his heart. His face flushes red involuntarily. “What would you want in return?” he questions. You laugh.
» “This again? Nothing, Azul. I just want to help you because I like seeing you happy. So? Did something happen?” you ask, tilting your head curiously. Azul looks away, biting back a fond smile.
» He supposes that, if you’re offering, he might as well get clarification on his situation. Of course, he does so without telling you it’s about you.
» After he explains everything, you hum a bit.
» “Well, why are you so hung up on what you bring to the table?” you inquire. Azul halts.
» “Pardon?” Azul tilts his head.
» “Well, what I mean is that a relationship isn’t transactional, y’know? It’s not about if you can bring ‘power’ or ‘money’ to a relationship. In fact, I’d say that that’s useless,” you insist. Azul hums.
» “Then, what do you suppose is the most important quality?” he asks.
» You smile softly. “Aside from being a decent person? Whether or not the person you like likes you back. I know you don’t like things being out of your control, but that’s the truth. I mean— you like this person because you simply enjoy their company, right? Not because they bring anything to you,” you explain. Azul nods.
» “That… is correct,” he mumbles.
» “Exactly. So, who’s to say it’s any different for them? If they like your company, that’s more than enough. They won’t need power, fame, money, or any of that. In a relationship, you and your effort are enough, Azul.”
» Azul’s eyes go wide as you explain that to him. While yes, it’s a simple concept, it’s something an over thinker like him easily forgets. He can’t help but smile softly and thank you for your advice.
» It’s then and there that he decides he must confess to you. Not only did he already like you, but the way you approached his problem with a level head and a kind demeanor only solidified to him that you completed him. When he approached a situation with logic, you reminded him that sometimes, it was better to be emotional. And when he got too emotional, you grounded him with logic. Above all else, though, you support him through so much.
» And Azul is nothing if not competitive. He refused to lose to someone else. He had to show initiative and confess to you first. If he does, you’d know how serious he is about you.
» With that, he quickly starts drafting up a few ideas.
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✎ say the words !
» In the journey to come up with the perfect confession to win your affections, Azul faces many obstacles. The biggest one being his competition.
» Azul tasked Jade and Floyd to keep tabs on people who also sought your companionship. This resulted in the knowledge that, apparently, you were getting confessed to on a near weekly basis. Jade mentioned a few names, but they were all faceless students that he didn’t quite remember.
» While Floyd, with a strangely giddy expression, would always report that you rejected the potential suitor, Azul still became nervous. Would the next confession be a rejection, or would you accept? How would his confession stand out amid so many others? Were you even interested in romance, or did you already have someone else in mind?
» Eventually, Azul decides that collaboration is the best way to go about it. Attempting to find an idea himself is like talking into an echo chamber— it results in no progress. Initially, he turns to the twins for assistance, but they both give him eerie smiles. Instead of helping, they insist that it’s “fun to watch him figure things out,” thus denying any assistance.
» Azul knows he won’t be able to convince them otherwise, so he seeks help elsewhere. He considers a few options: Jamil, Riddle, and Ruggie, but ultimately decides that those are people he’d rather not be open and vulnerable with. Eventually, he settles on discussing the matter with Idia during their club hours. While he was certain the other lacked romantic knowledge, he at least knew that he’d receive brutal honesty in regards to the situation.
» “Idia. I have an inquiry regarding a personal matter,” Azul starts. Idia narrows his eyes at him.
» “Uh… I have no interest in your shady dealings,” he mumbles. Azul huffs.
» “It has nothing to do with my perfectly sound business practices!” Azul shakes his head. “Actually, it has to do with romance.”
» “Huh?! Romance?! Whaaat… so even a shady antagonist can have a heart,” Idia mumbles before continuing. “Uhhh my knowledge doesn’t extend beyond video games. Why bother asking me?”
» “Because I know you’ll be impartial. Anyway, I have a… friend that I’m rather fond of,” Azul starts, but Idia quickly cuts him off.
» “Not to ruin your moment, but I know who you’re talking about. You’ve got low-tier stealth stats. It’s obvious you like them,” Idia mentions with a sigh. “I mean, they’re oblivious to it, but still. I’m guessing you want some s-rank confession to woo them?”
» Azul pauses, shutting his mouth and huffing. “Yes, I want to… ‘woo’ them. I have no idea how, though. I’ve drafted countless ideas, but all of them seem plain. During lunch hardly seems romantic, and the beach seems cliche. I’m at a loss,” Azul admits. Idia stares at him for a few moments.
» “Please tell me this is some weird joke. Are you being real right now?” Idia deadpans.
» “What? I’m hardly joking! I’m truly at a loss. Why else would I request assistance?” Azul mutters. Idia groans.
» “This is like grinding hours for a total OP secret weapon, then not even using it in the final battle,” Idia mumbles. “You have your glitzy lounge, right? Close it for a day and confess there. Seriously, I’m a newbie in romance and I could even think of that.”
» Azul goes silent as he thinks about it. He’d always viewed the Monstro Lounge as nothing more than a business prospect. Though, the atmosphere was certainly ideal. He made sure of it himself. You did quite enjoy studying there, too.
» Azul let out a long sigh. It was so obvious that he almost wanted to slap himself for not seeing it sooner.
» “That is a great idea, Idia. Thank you. I’ll close it down early Friday night, then. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have many preparations to make. And a lifetime of embarrassment to work through for not realizing such a simple solution,” Azul insists, quickly leaving the club room.
» With that, his plan is in motion. Jade and Floyd, while not willing to help him previously, are now willing to help put his plan into motion. They ensure that the Lounge is fully closed that night and pass on the invitation to you. Floyd cooks a specialized menu Azul put together, and Jade helps decorate for the occasion.
» After everything is ready, Azul awaits your arrival nervously. Floyd and Jade keep him company, though mostly tease him for being so clearly anxious.
» “Azul. At this rate, I’m afraid you’ll break the seat with how tightly you’re gripping it,” Jade mentions. Azul straightens, pulling his hands away from the chair he’d been leaning on.
» “Eh? To be fair his nervousness could be faaaaar worse. Imagine if we told him what we saw earlier~” Floyd teases. Azul tenses.
» “Oya, Floyd. We said we wouldn’t mention that to him. Now look at him. He’s even more fearful than before.” Jade smiles simply. Floyd laughs a bit.
» “Ah, well. Too late~ You know, they got confessed to earlier. It was another random bottom feeder, but~ figured it’d be better that you knew,” Floyd sings, smirking. Jade chuckles.
» “It shouldn’t be an issue. I’m certain,” Jade says. Before Azul can pry for details, footsteps echo through the lounge. “Oh? Seems our guest of honor is here. Good luck, Azul.”
» With that, Jade leaves, Floyd following him out. Azul lets out a shaky sigh and turns to face you, putting on his usual expression as you walk over, eyes wide as you take in the decor. Dainty lights were strung overhead and gentle flowers decorated the tables.
» “Wow, this is pretty. I knew you were closing early today, but I had no idea it was for this. What’s the occasion?” you ask with a bright grin. Azul smiles, pulling out your chair for you.
» “There’s no occasion. It’s simply a gift to you,” Azul states, seating himself after you. You give him a teasing smirk.
» “What’s this? Azul Ashengrotto giving me a gift with no strings attached? Color me surprised~” you hum. Azul blushes and rolls his eyes playfully.
» “You're speaking as if this is a one-time occasion. I’ve gifted you plenty in the past, you know. Or have you forgotten my generosity already?” Azul asks, faking a pout. You laugh gently.
» “Of course I haven’t forgotten. I could never forget the generosity and kindness that rivals that of the Sea Witch. I dunno… I guess it almost makes me feel special!” you mention. Azul pauses for a moment before looking at you.
» “It’s because you are special,” he blurts out suddenly. Your eyes widen and you go speechless. For a moment, the silence weighs heavy between you both before he clears his throat.
» “Forgive me… I know you’ve already leant your ear to another for a confession today, but could you listen to one more?” Azul asks softly, vulnerability lacing his tone. You wordlessly nod, keeping your eyes on him. Azul shifts a bit under your gaze but persists.
» “I’ve felt this strong affinity for you for quite some time now. At first, I thought it was just a mutually beneficial friendship, but then… I realized it was more than that. I tried to distance myself out of fear, but you managed to stop me before I could get far. You’ve always been good at recognizing when something’s troubling me.” Azul gives you a fond smile before continuing.
» “You reminded me that relationships don’t need to be transactional. That I’m enough. I greatly enjoy your company. I know you don’t want my money or my power, but it feels wrong to confess empty-handed. So, instead, in this verbal contract, I’d like to offer you two things.
» “First, a promise. I promise to do all in my power to make you happy, and to be a suitable partner. But more importantly, I’d like to offer you my heart. I cherish you more than any other. All I ask for in return… is an answer. Will you accept my confession, and the terms of my verbal contract?” Azul looks at you with bated breath. The air is tense and you don’t say a word, but soon, a few tears slip down your cheeks. Azul’s eyes widen and he rushes to your side.
» Before he can inquire about your well-being, you wrap your arms tightly around him, nuzzling your face in his neck.
» “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for that? Great Seven, I’ve rejected so many people just hoping that you might eventually say something. Yes. Of course I’ll accept. I’d love to be with you, Azul,” you express happily. Azul lets out a relieved sigh, embracing you and reveling in the feeling.
» “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. You have my sincerest apologies,” Azul mumbles. You shake your head, pulling back to smile at him.
» “You’ll always be worth the wait, Azul.”
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✎ at last , with you !
» Unsurprisingly, given that they were eavesdropping the entire time, the Leech twins are the first to learn about you and Azul’s relationship. Now that you two are together, they reveal that they’ve known the feeling was mutual the entire time.
» Azul gapes at them, angrily asking why they hadn’t said anything sooner. Naturally, they respond that it’s far more interesting to let these things play out without interference. As irritated as he is at the notion, Azul feels grateful. He feels much more sound in his decision since he had time to truly think it over.
» However, that brings up more curious questions to him. How long have you liked him? Who else knew of your feelings? Was he the only one kept in the dark?
» With a laugh, you express that you’ve liked him for quite some time now. This shocks Azul beyond words, but it also makes him feel elated and secure in his relationship with you. He can’t help but feel just a tad cocky. All of these people were confessing to you, yet you still chose him? It’s quite the phenomenon!
» Of course, as usual, you insist that he’s the phenomenal one. You waited for him because you loved him, and that’s a fact he should never doubt. Azul knows it’ll be a struggle to get past his insecurities fully, but when he’s with you, it feels like that goal is far more manageable.
» As your relationship develops, you two eventually find a nice balance. Azul is still running a business in tandem with his studies, so he gets incredibly busy, but you have your own obligations, too. You’d think that you’d have no time to spend together, but Azul goes out of his way to make time for you.
» Whether you’re silently reading in his office while he works, or he’s going over paperwork in your room while you’re studying, you two always find ways to spend time together. Even if it’s just being together in silence while you’re both working, Azul feels at home. Being in your presence is enough to soothe him.
» However, every so often, your schedules align and you’re able to go on a proper date together. Azul plans these as far in advance as he possibly can. The moment he notices that your free time lines up, he’s planning a proper date with you.
» Azul is (secretly) a hopeless romantic, so he adores having romantic dates with you. When caught up in a cold world filled with emotionless business decisions, it feels nice for him to be able to step away into the warmth of your company. So, his dates reflect that accordingly. Whether it be a private dinner or a stroll beneath the stars, he makes sure every date is one to remember.
» You allow Azul to be himself when he’s with you. He isn’t trying to run a business, make deals, or keep his grades up. There is no facade for him to upkeep when with you. He’s the same, sensitive octomer that he's always been ever since he was young.
» At first, Azul is still weary of being vulnerable around you. After all, you’re his beloved partner! He can’t stand to show a shameless side of himself to you. He wants you to think highly of him. He wants to show you his best. He can’t imagine what you might think of him if he were to show you that younger, weaker side of himself, let alone his merform!
» This all changes after his overblot, though. You easily notice the build-up of stress and the increase in contracts, given that you’re always by Azul’s side. In the beginning, you turn a blind eye to it all, but once your friends get involved, it’s hard for you to play clueless much longer.
» You assist in the plan to take him down, fully expecting Azul to hate you for it. Azul expects much of the same. He took things too far, and he hurt you. When you tried to get him to stop on your own, he didn’t listen. Instead, he pushed himself beyond what he was capable of and showcased the ugliest parts of himself to you.
» When he wakes up, you expect him to be angry. Instead, you’re met with a look of sorrowful shame. Azul can’t meet your gaze, face flushed red and eyes glossy with tears.
» “I-I’m sorry… I’ve shown you something so unsightly and I nearly hurt you,” he mumbles. He mentally braces himself for the breakup— for you to turn away and leave him behind. The worst part about it? He’s powerless to stop you. He’s lost all of his contracts, but he doesn’t care about that anymore if it means losing you, too.
» However, he’s surprised to find that you don’t leave. You let out a relieved sigh, smiling at him warmly.
» “Azul. I’m hurt that you went that far, but I’m more hurt that you didn’t tell me you were struggling so much. I love you. All parts of you. You didn’t show me anything strange. In fact, I’m glad I saw everything,” you explain gently, leaning your head against his.
» Azul regards you with a fragile expression, eyes wide. “You… aren’t leaving? Why? Why stay?” Azul questions. You hum gently, running your fingers through his hair.
» “Because one mistake doesn’t define who you are as a person. You’re still my Azul, even with your past, present, and future mistakes. I love you as is, good and bad. I’m just glad you’re okay,” you mumble. Finally, in such an intimate moment, Azul fully lets his guard down and allows tears to slip.
» “I thought I lost you, too. I don’t care for those petty contracts if it means you’ll no longer love me,” Azul’s voice cracks as he speaks. You gently wipe his tears away, smiling as you pepper his face with gentle kisses.
» “You could never lose me, Azul. My heart is yours. Nothing will change that. Now, come on. You still need to heal, so rest. I’ll be here when you awaken again.”
» Throughout his recovery, you remain dutifully by Azul’s side. He feels incredibly grateful to you for it. You saw the things he tried so hard to erase and accepted him in his entirety. His true form, his pain, his past— none of it phased you. If anything, it gave you a better understanding of him.
» Azul gradually returns to his usual, slightly arrogant self, but you can see the change clear as day. He still uses his usual dealings and business practices, but he no longer uses it as a means of coping with his perceived weakness. Instead, when he does feel that lingering doubt, he turns to you for support.
» And when he’s resting in your arms after a hard day of managing the lounge, he knows that he has no need to hoard power for the sake of protecting himself.
» After all, his heart is in the most capable hands possible.
» He’s yours. And that’s all he’ll ever need.
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— fin.
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66sharkteeth · 3 months
Number 3 for Finzé and Nine. Like specifically, how'd Nine adjust to being able to go to Finzé when he's up to his eyes in medical bills? I'd assume Finzé is well off enough to have little for second thoughts about pitching in, yes?
Also, I'd assume Nine def lied to Finzé about the severity of his illness. Is he more honest about it nowadays or does he still try to downplay it sometimes?
3. What is your OC's financial status? Are they just scraping by, making enough to live comfortably, or wealthy? Has there ever been a drastic change in their status? If so, what happened?
Oh! This one is actually how they end up married lol. Nine is kinda stressing about his medical bills and one day and this scene plays out:
Finze: Why don't you just marry me so you can get on my insurance? It just makes the most financial sense.
Nine: Did you just propose to me?
Finze: Oh huh yeah I guess i did
And that's how they end up married (Dw, Nine makes him give him a more proper proposal later).
To answer the actual OC question more directly tho-
Finze's usually well off in whatever universe/AU he's in, tho it varies. Sometimes he's more self-made financially successful, like in CoB, and not RICH RICH, but he's living comfortably! Other universes/AUs... he's like Claude and comes from MONEY and is living lavishly (He's not Luis' estranged bastard son in these versions).
Nine, at least in CoB, is a pretty successful underground artist. I don't think under normal circumstances, he'd be making a killing, but he'd be making a living at least, but unfortunately his medical bills push him more into the "struggling" category before Finze comes along.
As for how much he tells Finze- That's been something he's opened up more about as their relationship went on. Nine could probably get a lot of financial help from his fans if he was open about his conditions, but he's very stubborn about not being a charity. However, he's started to realize Finze's support is...a very big sign of love from someone who really struggles to show his affection and care. Being so willing to take care of him in this way is almost part of Finze's very quiet love language, so he's become more and more open to accepting Finze's help to the point they eventually get married and Finze is legally included in all his medical finances.
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abundancewithher · 2 months
Budgeting Tips
Hey young stars and hearts! As you all may know, i am on my big girl finance journey and if you didn’t know you do! Welcome or welcome back my loves! My name is Mimi if you are just coming across my posts.
My goal is to be a representation for the finance, manifestation, and money mindset for black girls and other POC. I spend a lot of money, that’s okay because i am changing my mindset about money. Instead of surviving in scarcity mindset, choosing to live in abundance mindset. Living in a state of abundance does require a little work.
As much as i changing my mindset into believing i am deserving of more money and that it flows to me effortlessly, I want to actually keep it and not over spend my money that flows to me easily by overindulging.
So, with that being said, here are some budgeting tips i will be implementing into my finances to improve my financial health:
- Assessing Your Financial Situation
Before you can create a budget, you need to understand your current financial situation. Take a peek into those bank credit card statements! This all includes:
- Bank statements
- Credit card statements
- Pay stubs
- Bills and receipts
2. - Calculate Your Monthly Income
Determine your total monthly income, this is very crucial. I cannot stress this enough! This includes your salary, any freelance or side income, rental income, dividends, and any other sources of income. Make sure to calculate your net income (after taxes) rather than your gross income. Write down an estimate in a monthly budget planner, if you don’t have one you can purchase one here, or write it on paper to stay organized.
3. - List Your Monthly Expenses
Make a list of all your monthly expenses. You actually might not have any, but what if you’re down to your last five dollars and Apple just takes that shit? That would be frustrating, right? because you didn’t know it was coming up or that you even had a subscription for anything at all, list that also! These can be categorized into fixed and variable expenses:
- **Fixed Expenses:** Rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, car payments, and subscriptions.
- **Variable Expenses:** Groceries, dining out, entertainment, clothing, and miscellaneous expenses.
4. - Track Your Spending
For at least one month, track every penny you spend. This will give you a clear picture of where your money is going and help identify areas where you can cut back. Use a spreadsheet, or budgeting app, purchase a budget planner, or write it down in a notebook.
5. - Set Financial Goals
Define your financial goals. These could be short-term (e.g., paying off a credit card), medium-term (e.g., saving for a vacation), or long-term (e.g., retirement savings). Having clear goals will motivate you to stick to your budget.
6. - Create Your Budget
With your income, expenses, and financial goals in mind, create your budget. Allocate a specific amount of money to each category of expenses. Make sure to prioritize essentials (like housing, utilities, and groceries) before allocating money to discretionary spending (like entertainment and dining out).
Example Budget Categories:
Housing: $1,200
Utilities: $200
Groceries: $400
7. - Stay Committed and Be Flexible
Sticking to a budget requires commitment and discipline. Be patient with yourself and remember that it's okay to make mistakes. If unexpected expenses arise, adjust your budget accordingly. The key is to remain flexible and adaptable while staying focused on your financial goals.
These are tips I have created according to my digital budget planner, which can be purchased below. Again, building your finances takes time and discipline but it is very rewarding once you actually start to create a flow and a plan. I am implementing this asap to get ahead of my finances. Have fun with this of course!
Budget Planner
xoxo mimi💋
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kittysdiary · 2 years
Any money making tips?
Money Making Tips:
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Have a side hustle - There are so many side hustles that you can get into to make quick + extra money.
Start a shop on Amazon or Etsy
Start a YouTube channel
Help tutor or do 1 on 1 classes
Sell your old clothing
Deliver food + groceries
Start a blog
Offer freelance services
Invest - One of the best ways to make money is to invest it!
Invest in stocks
Invest in quality products
Invest in yourself
Invest in experiences + education
BUDGET!!!! - My #1 tip when it comes to making money and saving it involves budgeting + making a budget plan!!
Understand budget categories: food, pets, fun, children, education, home, utilities, insurance + etc.
Research budgeting methods and use one that fits you and your lifestyle. There are lots to choose from like the 70/20/10 method or the cash envelope method.
Prevent over spending - Over spending is a big challenge for a lot of us when it comes to money. Understanding how to prevent it can help save lots of $ over time.
Wait before making big purchases
Use a spending tracker
Set a spending limit
Use cash
Create shopping lists
Avoid browsing online shops
Save your money - Know when and how to spend + save your money!
Meal prep
Buy in bulk
Save coupons
Try a saving challenge
Get cash back rewards
Know your spending triggers - Figure out what can cause you to spend a lot of your money. Some triggers could be:
Social media
Peer pressure
Some ways you can overcome these triggers are by unsubscribing from marketing emails and by making a solid plan before going through with a big purchase.
Make good spending habits - Pick up on habits that will help you get ahead in your finances!
Spend less than you earn
Maintain an emergency fund
Invest in yourself
Fix your bad habits
These are just the basics when it comes to personal finance. Hope it helps! Xoxo. 💸💓
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collapsedsquid · 10 months
However, this theory cannot account for the reality of service-based capitalist accumulation today. First of all, the category “services” lumps together a widely divergent range of sectors such as retail, hospitality, and transport, not to mention professional and personal services from education and health care to finance and real estate. Many of these sectors are productive in the Marxist sense of the term, generating surplus value, and indeed are extremely profitable. Second, the assumption that manufacturing possesses unique growth-inducing properties and capacity to scale doesn’t really make sense in the face of services based on information and communication technology (ICT), digital automation, and platform scalability. Third, Baumol’s model is outdated. Service workers represent a far greater proportion of the labor force today than they did in the mid-twentieth century when he developed that model. Baumol also uses a narrow set of service occupations as the basis for his theory, like beauticians and elementary school teachers. Taking the United States as an example, from the 1990s to the 2000s, jobs and productivity growth was mostly driven by ICT, logistics and transport, the retail trade, insurance, finance, and other services. Labor productivity in services grew at a rate of 2.6 percent a year between 1995 and 2001 — the rate for manufacturing was 2.3 percent — accounting for 73 percent of US labor productivity growth. The share of services in US GDP as a whole rose to 80 percent in 2007 from 60 percent in 1947. Service sector employment accounted for more than 83 percent of total employment in 2013, compared to 60 percent in 1947. Looking beyond rich countries, we can also see shifts to ICT-intensive service exports. In 2014, India was the largest global exporter of ICT services with a value of $74 billion due to both scale and productivity. Total factor productivity in the Indian service sector grew by 2.4 percent from 1980 to 2006 — twice the rate of industry and agriculture. We should not dismiss service industries as “stagnant sectors” of low-skill, low-wage jobs that are a drag on growth. Many countries around the world are seeing services contribute an increasing share of growth over time. Services may have historically played a small part in capitalist growth, often resisting mechanization as they remained outside the circuit of capital in domestic reproduction. But this is no longer the case today.
Going to have a rich highly-productive economy by having everyone be a Real Estate Broker or personal injury lawyer
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sharmakanika · 25 days
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passiveincomemoney · 5 months
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The 50/30/20 Rule: Simplifying Personal Budgeting
Budgeting can often seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. The 50/30/20 rule is a simple yet effective way to manage your finances and save for the future. This rule was popularized by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and her daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi, in their book “All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan.” It's a straightforward method that divides your after-tax income into three categories: needs, wants, and savings.
Here's a breakdown of how it works:
50% on Needs: These are your essentials, the non-negotiable that you need to survive. This includes housing, groceries, utilities, insurance, and minimum debt payments. If you find that more than half of your income is going towards these expenses, it might be time to reassess and find ways to cut back.
30% on Wants: This portion of your income can be spent on things that you enjoy but don't necessarily need. Dining out, shopping, hobbies, and vacations fall into this category. It's the flexible part of your budget that allows you to enjoy life while living within your means.
20% on Savings and Debt Repayment: The final slice of your income pie should be dedicated to building your financial future. This includes savings, investments, and extra payments on any debts you may have. It's about creating a buffer for the unexpected and ensuring you're working towards financial goals.
The beauty of the 50/30/20 rule is its adaptability. It's a guideline that can be adjusted based on individual circumstances and financial goals. For example, if you're carrying a significant amount of debt, you might want to allocate more than 20% towards paying it off. Conversely, if you have minimal needs, you might choose to save a larger portion of your income.
Implementing the 50/30/20 rule can be as simple as setting up automatic transfers to different accounts or using budgeting apps to track your spending. The key is consistency and honesty with yourself about where your money is going.
Remember, the 50/30/20 rule is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a starting point to help you take control of your finances and make informed decisions about your spending and saving habits. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your budgeting strategy, the 50/30/20 rule can be a valuable tool in achieving financial stability and peace of mind.
Budgeting doesn't have to be complicated. With the 50/30/20 rule, you can simplify the process and focus on what's important: living a fulfilling life while securing your financial future. Give it a try and see how it can transform your approach to personal finance.
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enterprisewired · 7 months
Mastering Your Finances: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create a Budget
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Creating a budget is a foundational step towards achieving financial stability and realizing your financial goals. Whether you’re aiming to save for a major purchase, pay off debt, or simply gain better control over your finances, a well-crafted budget is an invaluable tool. This comprehensive guide will take you through the essential steps on how to create a budget, empowering you to make informed financial decisions and secure a more secure financial future.
How to Create a Budget?
1. Set Clear Financial Goals
Before diving into the budgeting process, define your financial goals. Whether it’s building an emergency fund, saving for a vacation, or paying off student loans, having specific and measurable goals will guide your budgeting decisions.
2. Gather Financial Information
Collect information about your income, expenses, and debts. Compile pay stubs, bank statements, bills, and any other relevant financial documents. This step provides a comprehensive overview of your financial situation.
3. Categorize Your Expenses
Divide your expenses into fixed and variable categories. Fixed expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments and insurance, remain consistent each month. Variable expenses, like groceries and entertainment, can fluctuate. Categorizing expenses helps identify areas for potential savings.
4. Calculate Your Monthly Income
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Determine your total monthly income, including salary, bonuses, freelance income, or any other sources of income. Understanding your monthly income is crucial for establishing a realistic budget.
5. List Your Fixed Expenses:
Write down all fixed expenses, such as rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, and loan payments. These are recurring costs that remain relatively constant each month.
6. Identify Variable Expenses
Make a list of variable expenses, including groceries, dining out, entertainment, and transportation. Variable expenses can be adjusted based on your financial goals and priorities.
7. Include Savings and Debt Repayment
Prioritize saving and debt repayment in your budget. Allocate a portion of your income to an emergency fund, or retirement savings, and pay off outstanding debts. Treating savings as a non-negotiable expense ensures consistent progress toward financial goals.
8. Factor in Irregular Expenses
Account for irregular or annual expenses, such as insurance premiums, property taxes, or holiday spending. Divide these expenses by 12 to incorporate them into your monthly budget, preventing unexpected financial strain.
9. Subtract Expenses from Income
To better understand how to create a budget, subtract your total expenses from your total income. The result should ideally be a positive number, indicating that your income covers all your expenses. If the result is negative, adjustments may be needed to align your budget with your income.
10. Adjust and Prioritize
If your expenses exceed your income, revisit your budget and identify areas where you can cut back. Prioritize essential expenses and savings goals while minimizing non-essential spending. Adjusting your budget ensures financial sustainability.
11. Embrace the 50/30/20 Rule
Consider following the 50/30/20 rule, where 50% of your income goes to needs (housing, utilities), 30% to wants (entertainment, dining out), and 20% to savings and debt repayment. This rule provides a simple guideline for balanced budgeting.
12. Use Budgeting Tools
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Leverage technology to simplify budgeting. Numerous apps and online tools can help you track spending, set financial goals, and visualize your budget in real-time. Choose a tool that aligns with your preferences and makes budgeting more accessible.
13. Track and Review Regularly
Budgeting is an ongoing process, and the answer to “how to create a budget” might differ from person to person. Regularly track your spending against your budget, making adjustments as needed. Reviewing your budget ensures that it remains aligned with your financial goals and adapts to changes in your income or expenses.
14. Emergency Fund Planning
Prioritize building and maintaining an emergency fund within your budget. Having a financial safety net provides peace of mind and protects against unexpected expenses.
15. Seek Professional Advice
If you find budgeting challenging or have complex financial situations, consider seeking advice from financial professionals. Financial advisors can offer personalized guidance to help you achieve your financial objectives.
16. Mindful Spending Habits
Cultivate mindful spending habits as a key aspect of budgeting. Regularly assess your discretionary expenses and identify areas where you can make conscious choices to reduce unnecessary spending. This might include packing lunch instead of dining out or opting for cost-effective entertainment options.
17. Cash Flow Management
Effective budgeting involves managing cash flow strategically. Ensure that you have sufficient funds available for essential expenses and prioritize payment of bills to avoid late fees. Understanding your cash flow cycle helps prevent financial stress and keeps your budget on track.
18. Automate Savings Contributions
Simplify your savings strategy by automating contributions to savings accounts. Setting up automatic transfers ensures that a portion of your income is consistently directed towards savings goals, reinforcing the habit of saving.
19. Celebrate Financial Milestones
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Acknowledge and celebrate financial milestones within your budget. Whether it’s reaching a savings goal, paying off a significant portion of debt, or achieving a specific financial target, celebrating successes reinforces positive financial habits and motivates continued progress.
20. Financial Education and Literacy
Invest time in expanding your financial education. Understanding financial principles, investment options, and economic trends empowers you to make informed decisions. Numerous resources, including books, online courses, and workshops, can enhance your financial literacy and contribute to long-term financial success.
Knowing how to create a budget is a fundamental step toward financial empowerment and security. By following these comprehensive steps, you can gain better control over your finances, make informed decisions, and work towards achieving your financial goals. Remember, budgeting is a dynamic process that evolves with your financial journey, so stay committed, stay flexible, and enjoy the benefits of financial well-being.
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Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Here's a thread of today's updates:
A bathroom bill denies access to public restrooms by gender or trans identity. They increase danger without making anyone any safer and have even prompted attacks on cis and trans people alike. Many national health and anti-sexual assault organizations oppose these bills.
Arkansas SB270 was filed today. This is an extremely aggressive bathroom bill which would make it a criminal offense for trans adults to use bathrooms consistent with their gender identity if a minor is present, deeming it "sexual indecency with a child," a felony offense. Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm.
Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted.
Oklahoma SB613 passed in the Senate today and was sent to the House. Tennessee HB1215 passed in its first committee and was sent to the House Insurance Committee yesterday. Idaho H0071 passed in the House yesterday and is now with the Senate.
Public performance bans, or "drag bans," restrict access for folks who are gender non-conforming in any way. 
They loosely define "drag" as any public performance with an “opposite gender expression,” as sexual in nature, and inappropriate for children. 
This also pushes trans individuals out of public spaces.
Tennessee HB0030 passed in its first committee and was sent to the House Finance, Ways, and Means Committee yesterday. Tennessee HB0009 passed its first committee and was sent to the House Calendar and Rules Committee yesterday.
Schooling / Parental Rights bills force schools to misgender or deadname students, ban instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and make schools alert parents if they suspect a child is trans.
They remove life-saving affirmation and support for trans youth. 
Iowa HF8, a "Don't Say Gay or Trans" bill, passed in subcommittee yesterday and is now with the House Education committee. Wyoming SF0133, which already passed in the Senate, is now with the House H04 - Education Committee.
Sex designation bills make it harder for trans folks to have IDs, such as birth certificates, that match their gender identity.
They can force a male or female designation based upon sex assigned at birth.
Some ban a non-binary “X” marker or require surgery to qualify for ID updates
Iowa HF290 was introduced and sent to the House State Government Committee yesterday. This is a sex designation bill which defines gender as sex assigned at birth. Kansas SB180, a sex definition bill, had a hearing this morning, but no vote was held.
Most sports bills force schools to designate teams by sex assigned at birth. They are often one-sided and ban trans girls from playing on teams consistent with their gender identity.
Some egregious bills even force invasive genital examinations on student athletes.
Yesterday Tennessee HB0306 had its action deferred in the House K-12 subcommittee until next week on the 21st.
In other bills that either fit multiple categories or stand on their own, we have: West Virginia HB3503 was introduced and sent to the House Education Committee yesterday. This is an "anti-diversity" bill which prohibits requesting diversity statements for admissions and employment and bans DEI activities (e.g., training on gender identity). It also bans state funding for DEI offices and staff.
North Dakota HB1205, a book ban, is on the House floor.
It's not too late to stop these and other hateful anti-trans bills from passing into law. YOU can go to <http://transformationsproject.org/> to learn more and contact your representatives
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illumtori · 10 months
The Top 5 Budgeting Techniques Every Young Adult Should Know
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In the roller coaster of life where new experiences and challenges can come at you fast, getting a grip on your finances is crucial. Let’s cut through the noise and explore five tried-and-true budgeting techniques that can put you in the driver’s seat of your financial journey.
The Foundation: Why Budgeting is Essential
Start Early, Thank Later
One of the secrets to a stress-free financial life is starting early. When you begin to budget in your younger years, you are not just counting pennies but also laying the foundation for a stable future. It is like planting a tree, the sooner you do it, the more shade you will enjoy down the road.
Read the Benefits
Proper budgeting does more than just prevent the dreaded end-of-the-month penny-pinching. It sets you up for success:
Save for Goals: Whether it is travel, higher education, or buying a home, a budget helps you put aside funds intentionally.
Avoid Unnecessary Debt: With a clear view of your income and expenses, you can make informed decisions, preventing you from spending more than you can afford to pay.
Achieve Financial Freedom: While it sounds dreamy, it is achievable. A well-maintained budget paves the way for peace of mind, giving you the freedom to live without constant money worries.
The 50/30/20 Rule
The 50/30/20 rule is a straightforward framework to help individuals allocate their income:
Necessities (50%): This segment is not just about survival but it is about maintaining a baseline quality of life. This should cover rent or mortgage, utilities, transportation, basic groceries, health insurance, and debt payments.
Wants (30%): This is not about reckless spending but acknowledging that leisure and entertainment are part of a balanced life. This can cover outings, special occasions, hobbies, dining out, and non-essential shopping.
Savings & Debt Repayment (20%): While part of this goes to savings, it is also about chipping away at any outstanding debt faster than just minimum payments.
Provide a simple structure ideal for those new to the budgeting process
Ensure you’re saving consistently every month.
One-size-fits-all percentages might not accommodate everyone’s unique situation.
Could be challenging in areas with a high cost of living.
Zero-Based Budgeting
Every dollar you earn should be put to use, whether that is paying for a service, buying goods, saving, or paying off debt. Each month, your budget should “zero out”:
Record Monthly Income: This includes your regular paycheck, any side hustles, rental income, and other sources.
Itemize Monthly Expenses: Start with fixed expenses (like rent) and then move to variable ones (like entertainment).
Match Income to Expenses: Deduct every expense from your income until you’ve allocated every dollar. If there is money left, put it toward savings or debt. If you are in the red, adjust your expenses.
Promotes intense awareness of your spending habits.
Can lead to a more frugal lifestyle as you critically evaluate every expenditure.
Requires frequent attention and adjustments, especially if you have fluctuating income or expenses.
Can be tedious for those not used to detailed financial tracking.
The Envelope System
Actual physical envelopes labeled for each of your expenses. After receiving your paycheck, you distribute cash into each envelope according to your budgeted amounts. When the envelope is empty, that is your cue: no more spending in that category for the month.
Tactile Advantage: The tangible act of handing over cash and seeing an envelope thin out offers a visceral connection to your spending, making you more conscious of your choices.
Digital Variations: With the world moving increasingly towards cashless transactions, use apps to mimic the envelope system with digital “envelopes” to help you allocate and track your spending in the same disciplined manner.
Provides clear boundaries for spending in each category.
Cultivates awareness and curbs impulsive spending.
Carrying cash can be inconvenient or even unsafe in some settings.
Might not cater to larger or online transactions.
The Reverse Budget Method
Instead of saving what is left after all expenses, this method flips the script. You decide on a savings goal and immediately set that amount aside when you receive your income. The remainder is then used for expenses.
Savings Commitment: By prioritizing savings, you ensure consistent progress toward financial goals, regardless of how the month’s spending unfolds.
For Variable Incomes: Since traditional budgeting can be hard when income isn’t consistent, reverse budgeting provides a way to ensure savings aren’t overlooked. By setting a percentage or fixed minimum amount to save, it instills discipline, even amidst financial unpredictability.
Prioritizes long-term financial health and goals.
Simplifies budgeting by focusing on one primary action.
Requires a strong commitment, as it can be tempting to dip into savings when other expenses arise.
Might not account for unexpected, high-cost necessities.
The Value-Based Budget
Unlike more rigid systems, the value-based budget doesn’t focus primarily on percentages, categories, or envelopes. Instead, it centers on your personal values, ensuring that the way you spend your money aligns with what matters most to you.
Self-Reflection: Begin with introspection. What truly brings joy, purpose, and meaning to your life? Is it travel? Perhaps education, or maybe supporting charitable causes? It is not about what society deems important, but what resonates with you.
Allocate Accordingly: Once you have identified your core values, align your spending to reflect them. This might mean allocating more to experiences over possessions if experiences are what you value most. Or it could mean setting aside a specific portion for charitable donations if giving back is a cornerstone of your values.
Creates a deep sense of fulfillment, as your spending is intrinsically tied to your passions and beliefs.
Provides flexibility, allowing for shifts in values and priorities over time.
Requires consistent introspection and honesty about what truly matters.
Lacks the structural rigidity of other methods, which can be a challenge for those who benefit from stricter frameworks.
Tips for Sticking to a Budget
Consistent Reviews
Consistent Reviews: Your financial journey is a living, breathing entity. To ensure you are navigating it efficiently, set aside time at least once a month for a budget review. This allows you to:
Identify areas where you consistently overspend.
Recognize positive patterns and reinforce them.
Adjust for any new income or unexpected expenses.
Set Realistic Expectations
Understand that budgeting is a skill developed over time. As you embark on this journey:
Celebrate small victories. Did you stick to your dining out budget this month? That is a win!
Don’t be disheartened by slip-ups. Instead, view them as learning opportunities. Analyze what went wrong and strategize for the future.
Embrace Flexibility
While discipline is a crucial aspect of budgeting, so is adaptability. Life throws curveballs, unexpected medical bills, car repairs, or other surprise expenses. When these arise:
Avoid panic. Instead, revisit your budget, making temporary adjustments to accommodate these unforeseen costs.
Consider having an emergency fund in place, which can act as a financial cushion for such scenarios.
Remember that every month might not look the same. Holidays, birthdays, or seasonal expenses can alter your spending. Anticipate these variations and adjust your budget accordingly.
Mastering your finances is an evolving journey, not a destination. Embrace the techniques that resonate, be patient with yourself, and remember: every step you take is one step closer to financial empowerment.
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dr-alex-zarifis · 1 year
Why is Tesla selling insurance and what does it mean for drivers?
Re-published under Creative Commons license, originally published in ‘The Conversation’: https://theconversation.com/why-is-tesla-selling-insurance-and-what-does-it-mean-for-drivers-130910
In the past year, Elon Musk and Tesla have fascinated the world with new innovations like the Tesla Cybertruck. There is excitement about most new Tesla products, but one hugely important one has been largely overlooked. With far less fanfare and no stage performance by Musk, Tesla started offering car insurance last September. In the long run, this is going to have a major impact on most of our lives – perhaps even greater than Tesla’s more eye-catching innovations.
Tesla Insurance is only available for Tesla vehicles in some states of the US at present. It will expand the number of territories gradually over time. But as with the Tesla Cybertruck, the company first wants to see how the business holds up to whatever is thrown at it and whether it cracks under pressure.
For those eligible for Tesla Insurance, the company claims to offer premiums 20% to 30% lower than rivals. Yet even if you are in an area where you can request a quote, Tesla won’t necessarily make you an offer. It sometimes still refers drivers to a traditional insurance partner instead. It may be that Tesla chooses the clearer, less risky cases and sends more complex ones to insurers with more experience and appetite to handle them.
So why is Tesla selling car insurance? For one thing, it has the real-time data from all its drivers’ behaviour and the performance of its vehicle technology, including camera recordings and sensor readings, so it can estimate the risk of accidents and repair costs accurately. This reliance on data may well mean it never branches into selling insurance to drivers of other manufacturers’ cars.
At the moment, Tesla is offering insurance premiums calculated with aggregated anonymous data. In future it could roll out more customised services, like the ones offered by insurers using telematic black boxes, to offer drivers (cheaper) quotes based on how they actually drive.
Every time there is an accident, Tesla has instant access to data about the driver behaviour that led to it. One attraction for the company is that it can evaluate how some of its technologies, like autopilot, stability control, anti-theft systems and bullet-resistant steel, can reduce risk.
Another motivation for Tesla is that some insurers charge a relatively high premium for Tesla cars. One reason is that they still don’t have much historic information about the cost of repairs of electric vehicles. By vertically integrating insurance into its offering, Tesla brings down the price of owning its products.
At the same time, insurance is a barrier to many innovations that Tesla is targeting for the future. With the insurance taken care of, it will be easier to sell self-driving vehicles or send people to Mars (with sister company SpaceX). Like many things Elon Musk does, this both solves a short-term problem and fits the longer-term strategy. It’s a little like how Tesla focused on producing luxury vehicles first to finance the infrastructure for selling cheaper cars like the Tesla Model 3.
How insurance is changing
Tesla has one more reason for offering insurance, which is that the sector is changing: a tech company disrupting it fits the zeitgeist perfectly. My research at Loughborough University has looked into this disruption. I evaluated 32 insurance providers around the world including Tesla and found that artificial intelligence, big data, the internet of things, blockchain and edge computing were all rewiring insurance, both literally and metaphorically.
Broadly speaking, the work of the insurer is shifting from local human expert underwriters to automation driven by big data and AI. The existing industry players that I evaluated essentially fell into three categories. Some had recognised they cannot compete with tech companies. They were focusing on interacting with customers, branding and marketing, while outsourcing everything else to companies with the relevant skills.
Other insurers were trying to add new technologies to their existing business model. For instance, some are using chatbots that apply machine learning and natural language processing to offer live customer support. Yet another group had more fully embraced the new technological capabilities. For example, life insurers like Vitality and Bupa now encourage customers to use wearable monitoring devices to offer them guidance on improving their health and avoiding accidents.
Alongside all these were the new breed of insurers, with Tesla perhaps the best example. Others include Chinese giants Alibaba and Tencent. Just like Apple and Google are making incursions into banking and finance, these are tech-savvy companies with many existing customers who are adding insurance to their portfolio of services. In every case, the capabilities of AI and big data-driven automation have acted as a catalyst.
What it means for drivers
In the short term, Tesla drivers can look forward to insurance that is arguably more seamless and convenient and may well be cheaper – particularly if they clock up fewer miles and drive safely. (Drivers should still compare prices with other insurers: the likes of Progressive and GEICO are among those that insure Tesla vehicles.)
In the longer term, this is a sign that insurance – like banking, road tax and many services – will be driven by real-time data. It will probably change our behaviour for the better. We will probably drive slower, eat healthier food and exercise more – even if libertarians will be uneasy.
This shift will challenge our attitudes towards personal information privacy. Some of us will value the benefits of being open and transparent with our personal information, while others might seek solutions that keep their data with them. Edge computing has potential here, since it allows some data processing to be done on your device so that your personal data doesn’t need to be sent to a central server.
So Tesla and Elon Musk have not just added another revenue stream to their many successful endeavours. They are also helping to fundamentally change the way that we interact with insurance providers. In the future, insurers will be more like a partner on our journey both by car and on foot – both on Earth and beyond.
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nurealtyadvisors · 1 year
Advantages of Multifamily Real Estate Investing
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Investing in multi-family real estate is a favored asset class among both seasoned and novice commercial real estate investors. This category of real estate comprises properties specifically developed to accommodate multiple families, including apartment buildings and townhouses. These properties are typically owned by a single entity and rented out to multiple tenants. Multifamily investment properties for sale in New York can be a lucrative investment opportunity for individuals and companies looking to generate income from rental properties. Here are the many benefits of multifamily investing:
Help Pay Mortgage
One of the key advantages of investing in multi-family real estate is the ability to lease out multiple units, generating rental income that can be used to offset or even pay off your mortgage. With this strategy, you can enjoy the financial benefits of property ownership while maximizing your returns. This can significantly reduce your monthly housing costs and help you build equity in your property faster.
Easy to Finance
When considering obtaining a mortgage, multi-family loans are comparatively simpler to qualify for than single-family homes. This is because rental income can be considered as a source of income, enabling you to secure a larger loan. Nonetheless, it is crucial to meticulously examine your credit report and make enhancements to your credit score to secure the most favorable mortgage interest rate. By doing so, you can ensure that your mortgage application is successful and you receive the best possible terms.
Scope of Real Estate Portfolio Construction
Investing in multi-family properties presents an excellent opportunity for creating a rental property portfolio. By acquiring more multi-family units, you can generate sufficient rental income to offset your mortgage payments, thereby freeing up funds to acquire additional properties. This approach enables you to grow your real estate investment empire steadily. Over time, you can build a portfolio of properties that generates significant monthly income.
Easier Control
When you own Multifamily buildings for sale in Yonkers New York, you have greater control over your investment. You can handle the day-to-day issues that arise, collect the rent, and save on property management costs. Additionally, many renters treat multi-family units better because they know the owner is nearby.
Tax Benefits
Another significant benefit of multifamily real estate investing is tax benefits. You can write off the costs of maintenance and repairs on your rental unit, deduct insurance premiums and property/facility management fees, and reduce the value of your home over time. All these tax incentives lead to many tax savings.
Multi-family real estate investing is also a much easier way to become a real estate investor. You only need one mortgage and one insurance policy to cover your building, which makes it simpler to manage and reduces the need for property managers.
Reduce the Risk
Owning multiple units reduces risk. If one unit is vacant, you still have rental income from the other units to cover your expenses. Additionally, owning multi-family properties can help you weather economic downturns and other challenges that can impact the real estate market.
Multifamily investments offer compelling risk-adjusted return profiles. Different financing options are available for family offices and property trusts for individuals and partnerships. However, the complexity and diversity of the structural features of each loan create opportunities for failure in the financing process. Investigate not only the financing options but also the structural characteristics of the loan and be aware of the limiting factors early in the process. This creates the foundation for a successful path that increases cash flow. It is advisable to rely on seasoned brokers specializing in multifamily real estate investment to assist you in navigating the intricacies and pinpointing suitable prospects. Investing in multi-family properties can potentially yield substantial rental income, enhance equity, and foster financial security.
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finance-money · 2 years
How to create a budget and stick to it.
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Creating and sticking to a budget is essential for achieving financial goals and maintaining control over your finances. A budget is simply a plan for how you will spend your money. It helps you prioritize your spending and ensures that you have enough money to cover your bills and save for your future. In this post, we will discuss how to create a budget and stick to it.
Step 1: Determine your income The first step in creating a budget is to determine your income. This includes your salary, any bonuses or commissions, and any other forms of income you may have. Be sure to include all sources of income, even if they are irregular.
Step 2: List your expenses Next, list all of your expenses. This includes your rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, groceries, transportation, and any other regular expenses. Don’t forget to include any irregular expenses, such as car repairs or vacation expenses.
Step 3: Categorize your expenses Once you have a list of all your expenses, categorize them. This will help you see where your money is going and where you can cut back. Some common categories include housing, transportation, food, entertainment, and savings.
Step 4: Create a spending plan Now that you have a clear picture of your income and expenses, it’s time to create a spending plan. This is where you will decide how much money you will allocate to each category. Be sure to include a category for savings and make sure that it is a priority.
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Step 5: Track your spending Once you have a spending plan, it’s important to track your spending. This will help you stay on track and make adjustments as needed. You can use a budgeting app, a spreadsheet, or even a pen and paper to track your spending.
Step 6: Make adjustments As you track your spending, you may find that you are over or under budget in certain categories. When this happens, make adjustments to your spending plan. This may mean cutting back on entertainment expenses or finding ways to increase your income.
Step 7: Review and repeat Finally, review your budget on a regular basis and make any necessary adjustments. Remember, a budget is a living document and should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Creating and sticking to a budget takes time and discipline, but it is essential for achieving financial stability and reaching your financial goals. By following these steps, you will be on your way to creating a budget that works for you and helps you stay in control of your finances.
USA giveaway: submit your basic information here to win $750 PayPal gift card.
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golfurwjbr · 21 hours
Breaking Down the Expense of CoolSculpting Treatments in El Paso
Are you bored with coping with cussed wallet of fat that simply should not budge regardless of how loads you exercise or vitamin? If so, CoolSculpting will probable be the answer you'll were looking for. This modern non-invasive therapy is designed to get rid of undesirable fat cells, supplying you with a slimmer and greater contoured frame. But https://www.scoop.it/topic/nuhu/p/4155450596/2024/07/21/american-laser-med-spa-el-paso-scribble-maps prior than you dive headfirst into this one-of-a-kind procedure, or not it's noticeable to fully grasp the verify related to CoolSculpting therapy plans in El Paso. In this achieved assistance, we will wreck down the price of CoolSculpting recuperation systems, that includes you with each of the understanding you wish to make an told possibility.
The Cost of CoolSculpting in El Paso
CoolSculpting worth in El Paso can wide variety relying on a lot of materials. These encompass the quantity of destinations being dealt with, the scale of the remedy nearby, and the general ambitions of the sufferer. On traditional, CoolSculpting medication plans in El Paso vary from $2,000 to $four,000 in step with session. However, it would be well suited to notice that distinct categories is also required to reap favored effects.
Factors that Influence CoolSculpting Cost Size of Treatment Area The period of the treatment theme performs a stunning role in picking out the payment of CoolSculpting therapies. Larger areas corresponding to the abdomen or thighs also can require more suitable applicators and owing to this assertion incur enhanced charges. Number of Treatments Needed Depending to your detailed desires and body composition, varied recommendations can also be crucial to achieve prime-fine outcomes. Each extra cure will upload to the general payment. Location The agreement of CoolSculpting cure choices can fluctuate based on in that you reside. Factors along with close by call for and rivalry among inclined can effect pricing. Expertise of the Provider Experienced and reputable CoolSculpting providers may just expense height bills resulting from their skills and be aware record of turning in useful result. Financing Options for CoolSculpting in El Paso
While CoolSculpting is an investment on your visible charm and self insurance, or no longer that is understandable that the earlier settlement can be a problem for a few individuals. Fortunately, there are financing recommendations likely to advisor make CoolSculpting greater in your price range. Many suppliers present versatile money plans or work with 0.33-birthday party financing organizations that specialize in clinical medicine choices.
Frequently Asked Questions roughly CoolSculpting Cost in El Paso How long does a CoolSculpting session mostly ultimate? Each CoolSculpting consultation on the entire lasts nearly 35-60 minutes in keeping with medicinal drug area. Is CoolSculpting painful? While one can truely ride just a few ache each of the method thru the initial cooling phase, such tons victims find the manner to be tolerable and file minimal disease. How many categories of CoolSculpting will I wish to figure out result? The wide variety of intervals required varies from particular person to user. Your vendor w
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investspherewealth · 2 days
Tax Saving Strategies for Salaried Employees Make the Best Use of Your 80C Deductions
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The achievement of the most of the money you've earned as a salaried employment requires you to maximise your tax-saving strategies. The provisions of section 80C of the Income Tax Act is an increasingly common tool for reducing taxable income considering that it permits deductions of as much as 1.5 lakh rupees in a single year. Acquiring the right kinds of assets and expenses which come under the above category can help you accumulate wealth while reducing your tax liability.
Maximizing 80C Deductions:
Section 80C offers a variety of ways to save on taxes, from investments to expenses. Here’s how you can make the most of it:
Make investments in Equity-Linked positive aspects Schemes (ELSS) mutual fund investments so you can take full advantage of the tax advantages as well as having a chance to develop wealth through exposure to equity. Among tax-saving options that are available, ELSS Investments has one of them of the shortest lock-in periods of time at just three years. For everybody who is interested in market-linked returns and accepting 80C tax deductions, this seems to be the most appropriate option that investors can use.
Life Insurance Premiums:
The premiums you pay for life insurance policies also qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C. Whether it’s a term plan or endowment policy, securing your family’s future while reducing your taxable income makes life insurance an essential part of your tax-saving strategy.
Some Historical Data:
A Few Historical Information Over time, the parameters of Section 80C have changed. In the beginning, Section 88's tax-saving deduction threshold was ₹60,000. This cap was eventually raised to ₹1 lakh in 2005 when Section 80C took its place. Since 2014, the ₹1.5 lakh deduction ceiling under section 80C has been further increased, giving employees with salaries greater opportunity to invest in a range of instruments and save taxes. The federal government's objective of encouraging taxpayers to make long-term saving and investment decisions is reflected in this evolution.
How Investsphere Can Help:
Trying to strike a balance between tax advantages and financial growth can be challenging when navigating the many tax-saving choices available under Section 80C. Investsphere can help in this situation. In addition to helping you save money on taxes, our knowledgeable advisors assist you in selecting the best investment options based on your financial objectives. Investsphere provides customised solutions to optimise your 80C deductions, whether it's by assisting you with ELSS investments, explaining the ins and outs of life insurance, or helping you maximise your provident fund payments.
A fundamental aspect of personal finance is the preparation of taxes, and for employees with salaries, taking full use of Section 80C deductions might result in large savings. By making the right combination of expenditures and investments plans, you may decrease the obligation to pay taxes while effectively securing your financial future. You can effectively utilize your 80C deductions and effortlessly manage the complicated requirements of completing your taxes with professional guidance from Investsphere.
This content is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always consult a financial professional for personalized guidance.
website: investspherewealth.com
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Different Types of Insurance in Maspeth and Middle Village, New York
Insurance has been an essential aspect of risk coverage for individuals, businesses, and even families. This protective measure covers all forms, from the basic to more comprehensive. In Maspeth and Middle Village modeling, several categories of insurance promise to meet diverse needs. Different types of insurance coverage help get the right coverage for the house, vehicle, business, or even health.
Homeowners Insurance
This is also known as risk insurance in Maspeth and Middle Village, New York, and it covers losses resulting from fires, thefts, vandalism, or even natural disasters. Property owners in Maspeth and Middle Village usually protect themselves through insurance policies that cover the house structure as well as personal possessions. Also, home insurance covers personal injury protection, which addresses damages incurred when people are injured in the house.
Auto Insurance
Auto insurance protects vehicles and drivers against accidents, thefts, or other damages. In Maspeth and Middle Village, auto insurance policies offer comprehensive coverage and general liability protection against bodily and property damages sustained by third parties in an accident or collision. In New York, driving a car without proper auto insurance is illegal, mainly because drivers should not be without protection in case they encounter an accident or other automobile-related issues.
Commercial Insurance
Commercial insurance is critical to the businesses that operate within Maspeth and Middle Village. This type of insurance has a broader scope, notably covering risks such as property damage, theft, general liability, business interruption, etc. Commercial insurance assures business owners that everyday business activities can go on as expected, regardless of a calamity that would have caused financial pressure.
Health Insurance
Health insurance reimburses or pays for such costs and can provide people with the resources needed to obtain good healthcare. Maspeth and Middle Village residents have different options for acquiring health insurance, with employer health insurance policies being one option and family and individual plans being another. Such insurance is essential in financing visits to health care facilities, hospital stays, operation procedures, drugs, and preventative services, which are all aimed at decreasing the burden of treatment costs.
Life Insurance
In life insurance, the insurer undertakes to give some financial assistance to the beneficiaries in case the Insured is no longer covered. At Maspeth and Middle Village, any life coverage should be in some aspects, like term life insurance, which avails coverage for a certain duration, or whole life insurance, which covers the insured for life. The death benefit paid out to the beneficiaries is helpful since it can cover burial expenses, house mortgages, and other things.
Disability Insurance
Disability insurance is designed to help persons in Maspeth and Middle Village earn income and protect them if they cannot work because of a disease or injury. There are short-term and long-term disability insurance options, where short-term only cater to temporary disabilities while long-term extends to the rest of one's working life. This type of insurance in Maspeth and Middle Village, New York, is essential mainly to assist in managing a person's financial situation when the person cannot carry out any work.
Commercial Liability Insurance
Businesses at Maspeth and Middle Village find commercial liability insurance beneficial as it helps protect them against legal action because of mistakes, accidents, or injuries caused by their business. This type of insurance protects the company from the occurrence of lawsuits against any customer who gets hurt while on the premises, the destruction of buildings, or claims against the safety of the products, making provision for the process expenses, compensation, or adverse ruling that would have otherwise made the entity go broke.
Workers Compensation Insurance
Employers in New York with employees are legally required to procure worker compensation insurance. This policy compensates employees injured at work or while performing work-related duties for their medical expenses or lost income. In the case of Maspeth and Middle Village, workers' compensation insurance offers legal coverage for workplace-related incidents for both the injured employees and the employer.
Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits Insurance entails several employee benefits, including health and life, retirement, and disability insurance. In Maspeth and Middle Village, employers who sell employee benefits insurance coverage can compete favorably in the market for skilled labor by offering attractive benefits packages. Such life and health insurance policies also assist in protecting the health and earning capabilities of members of society.
Individuals, families, and businesses in Maspeth and Middle Village, New York, have access to various insurance options. Many policies, including those for homes, automobiles, companies, health, life, and disability, provide critical protection against various risks. Insurance plans covering workers' compensation and employee benefits assist businesses and their employees in creating a safe and supportive workplace.
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