#cate's parents wtf???
sarah-cam · 11 months
parents that drugged their kids as babies to have superpowers when they accidentally use their superpowers:
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Honestly, kimiko should just rebel, follow her own rules and kicks Billy's ass because losing her arm to Zoey could mean the boys is no better than the shining light of liberation because wtf is she doing trying to kidnap a child (Zoe) from her parent? She's no better than the people who kidnapped her and kenji and she's no better than Billy either! Plus, there is a scene of kimiko jumping out the window, holding her injury. So, it must means she's going to possibly going to tell Billy to tell him to shod off and go live her own life; Get some modicum of peace with Frenchie maybe.
honestly? yeah.
and i wish i wish i wish, BUTT. sadly kimiko's got her own complexes and things she doesn't understand due to the way she was... well... stolen from her family and forced to be a soldier.
she's in survival mode, she is almost always in survival mode. she's been treated as a weapon and tends to act as a weapon because she had her humanity robbed from her. in some ways, her situation has a lot of depths that make her very similar to homelander in these regards
except~ kimiko is actually horrified of what she's capable of and what her 'survival mode' and 'weaponization' end up doing (most of the time). and the thing was, she *initially* blamed the v for it, but the underlying cause is her unaddressed *trauma* that puts her in survival mode in the first place (hence why she came to terms with it *sorta* and asked annie to get her the v again, realizing that v itself was a *tool* that she could use to protect the people she cares about).
the boys is no better than shining light *BECAUSE* of butcher. all of them want better and to do better and actually help. frenchie, kimiko, annie, hughie, mm, even mallory--
except butcher.
butcher just wants destruction, and he doesn't care what the cost is and is willing to sacrifice others or use them like pawns or weapons to get what he wants. he ends up being an especially frustrating character because you know that he has these valid grievances and plights and *could* actually do the right thing and give a shit about other people.
but he doesn't. especially the people who actually help him. he treats kimiko and starlight especially, but even his team, like GARBAGE~ with absolutely ZERO excuses for it
and even worse than that, he *uses* these plights as a means to garner sympathy and hide from any criticism for what he does like the gotdamn fucking daddy issues coward he is. he uses his own trauma legit in all the wrong worst ways possible not just to control and manipulate others, but as an excuse to be his absolute worst self and continue spiraling into all that hatred and self loathing.
AND it works!! people are more likely to excuse everything that butcher does! there's a part of me that blames fandom misogyny (for the mistreatment to our precious lady supes) at least a lil, but i also think it's in part to the story being told a good chunk from butcher's *side* of things, but the whole point is that butcher gets *proven wrong*. he is wrong from the start and is a massive fucking hypocrite, and the reader/viewer is supposed to come to this realization as the story unfolds and reveals more about him.
don't even get me started on the chaos in fandom right now, it's a fuckin' mess post gen v. i CAN NOT with the genocide apologism--
homelander, to some degree has some similar issues. except he's *not* self aware about the fact. he's also battling a different demon with the subconscious thought that he is wholly *unloveable* (which is why he is incapable of recognizing vought as his abuser and still seeks approval and admiration from those around him. he is seeking the means to love himself without realizing he can't actually learn to do that through others)
homelander is also easily manipulated, as to some degrees, is kimiko. hence where scumbag extraordinaire billy butcher comes in. butcher is slowly dragging down homelander to his fucked up level. kimiko and the boys are resisting because they are seeing through butcher's nonsense and dishonesty for once
hard agree that going after zoe isn't just a bad wrong stupid move, it is fucked beyond belief because when you get to the point when you start targetting actual fucking *CHILDREN*--.
there is no excuse for that. ever. EVER. that is why we have the geneva conventions, and yeah. butcher MAKES the boys leik actual fucking terrorists, but that is kinda the point ain't it?
i'm still hoping it's at least *kinda* a raw deal/wrong place, wrong time kinda thing where zoe is there but they weren't actually going after *her* specifically or that butcher withheld certain details/claimed they'd be *saving* her just to get his team on board (as per typical butcher fashion. UGH), but i mean... kidnapping a kid def ain't something butcher wouldn't lower himself to doing.
boi gets worse every season and he started out pretty damn bad.
but BOI, am i lookin' forward to the HELL to come~<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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godunlap · 11 months
NOTES ON EP. 7 ( part 1/? ) 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝. probably to be continued tomorrow when my brain isn't sludge!
HOLY FUCKKKKKK, okay had to get that out where do we start
◌ okayyy so had a major feeling already that cate wasn't taking her meds & i also felt like they played more of a factor into the side effects of using her abilities than she realized. thank u for the confirm fhbrhbf
◌ I SWEAR I KNEW VICTORIA WAS MARIE'S BENEFACTOR THE SECOND I WATCHED THE PROMO BUT I DIDN'T KNOW WHYY, the full power reveal?? it makes so much sense. also i'm still BEGGING for any crumbs of info about her daughter cause literally wtf happened after she gave her the v
◌ andre.... i wish i could like you so bad
◌ are we worried for cate/sam? yes... do i support them on their journey? unfortunately i sure do.
◌ that whole ending for shetty / cate was SO PERFECT & i knew cate would be able to see the duality of yes this woman does sincerely love you but she HATES who & what you are on a fundamental level.
◌ this is the ULTIMATE rejection, even worse than her parents honestly. she did so much for indira, she knows indira can see the good in her & it's still not enough. humans will never understand her.
◌ & along with that, she knew she was risking the rest of the group turning on her, but she also knew shetty had to die. yes it was personal but it was also prompted by the idea that supes would never be safe while people like her were in such high places of power.
◌ half a life of isolation, followed by years of manipulation, suppression & control, only to be faced with the ugly truth that you will never be accepted is really the recipe for a villain origin story IS IT NOT???
◌ there's also the way this plays into cate's worst fear that she's just inherently unlovable like to her very core :)))) but i don't wanna think about that rn.
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fudgetunblr · 1 year
Wtf is Josh from druck doing in Tár though ??? I felt like a proud parent, like “look at him next to Cate Blanchett”
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atlanticistic · 2 years
I'm not really planning on coming out to my parents but i feel like i am just transparent and it's really hard to pretend because i feel like i slip up more and more often cause i feel so comfortable in being gay when im not in my hometown. Today i was talking to them on the phone about the oscars and before i even thought it through i said i love cate blanchett and i need her to win and that i went to see Tár in a cinema again because i loved it so much. I also told them that a lot of high schoolers were watching it with me and i was surprised cause the movie is "a bit lesbian". Omg i bet my mom is just wtf and trying really hard to repress it right now.
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wcamino-confessions · 4 years
this is a big fat happy warning for the mods hey get off ur phone i ding cate if it's thundering or windy or sunny lay in the driveway and think " wtf can i do to make this quarantine better " instead of just sitting in ur phones and watching these submissions roll in with boiling water that goes cold in theee minutes fo posting i just want y'all to feel safe and not stressed so go play with ur pets if you have any your parents if you have any siblings of you have any:)
thank you for your concern, but i am fine :)
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imastrangeone98 · 5 years
Lost and Found -Chapter 4: Little Star
(A/N: Lolol ok here’s something happy to balance out the weird stuff that happened previously... also, if you think it’s weird now... hoooo boy you got a big storm coming)
(oh and have this song- this and some other choral songs will be a part of this “soundtrack” for this pic)
The birds chirped and flew gracefully in the sky as fluffy clouds floated past. Children laughed and played in the grass as their parents lovingly watched from the shadows.
Everything was serene, the way things always should be. Faith was grateful for it, as it gave her time to reflect.
“You did something, didn’t you?”
The words bounced around in her head, impossible to ignore.
You did something.
She thought back to Ramiel, his face filled with utter horror as she forced the pain into him, watched as he dissolved into nothing, became nothing.
It wasn’t my fault! she tried to reason with herself. He would’ve stopped at nothing to eliminate me; he would’ve hurt thousands more if it meant that I’d be captured.
And then she thought of Dante and Lady. Their expressions of pain and confusion. Of fear.
They were afraid of her.
And if they were afraid... did that mean they were too?
She gazed down at her arms, at the deep scars on her wrists and exposed forearms. Her fingertips brushed over the mark on her neck. The splotch on her back. The bullet wounds on her stomach. The sting in her heart.
Had they thought about her in their final moments? As she stared each of them in the eye, what was running through their minds? Were they scared of her?
Did they resent her?
...They probably did, didn’t they?
And if they did, where did that leave her? She had failed so many times to make people happy, and each time she had failed them made her worse.
Would things have been different if she hadn’t met them at all? Would they still be alive?
Would it have been better... if she hadn’t existed ?
A small wail pierced through the tranquil air. Faith turned to notice a child sobbing just a few feet away, her teary eyes fixed on the fallen ice cream cone.
Her veins filled with sympathy. Poor kid.
She scooted closer to the child and cleared her throat.
No response. Only crying.
She tapped the girl’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” she asked.
“My... my ice cweam!” the little one cried. “Mommy said onwy one and I dwopped it!”
“It’s okay,” Faith soothed, rubbing the child’s back. “I’m sure your mom will understand; maybe she’ll get you another one.” She glanced around for any sign of the mother- none. There was a pinprick of worry somewhere, but it was too far away. “Where is your mom?”
“I- I don’t know!” The girl sobbed harder. “I’m wost!”
“It’s okay,” Faith reassured her again. “We’ll find her. In the meantime, how about I play you a little song? Do you like music?”
The child sniffled, then rubbed her eyes. “Uh huh.”
“Okay, what’s your favorite song?”
She gave it some thought. “Twinkle Twinkle Wittle Star!”
“Alright, let’s see what I can do.” Faith summoned her violin, and began to play.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
As she played, a small crowd began to form around them. The little girl smiled, her bright eyes full of joy.
The pinprick of worry that was far away was coming closer.
In the dark blue sky you keep,
Often through my curtains peep.
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
Out of the corner of her eye, Faith thought she saw a flash of silver and crimson. The faint idea that she should leave briefly raced through her mind, but one look into the girl’s radiant face convinced her otherwise.
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
The song came to a close. There was applause, but Faith didn’t notice; she felt the source of the worry approach, and the little girl beamed.
“Mommy!” She ran into her mother’s arms with a squeal of joy, completely ignoring the older woman’s tears of relief and murmurs of how she was so glad her little girl was safe and sound.
And as they walked away, Faith waved goodbye to the little girl and the mother and watched as their forms grew smaller and smaller, until they disappeared from view.
“Well, that was... interesting.”
Faith wasn’t as surprised as she probably should have been when she turned around to see the two people from the diner, Dante and Lady.
“But I admit,” Dante continued, “I’m more of a rock man myself.”
“Hello,” she said. “I thought I asked you not to look for me.”
“You did,” he confirmed, his finger tapping lightly on one of his holstered pistols. “But if you haven’t already noticed, we’re kinda bad at following orders.”
“Also, you still haven’t told us what the hell happened at Freddi’s,” Lady said. “Who the hell are you? What aren’t you telling us?”
Faith sat there for a bit, contemplating how to answer.
“My name is Faith Song,” she finally said to them. “I’m a nephilim, and I’m being hunted by angels.”
“Like the one in the diner?”
“Yes. That was Ramiel, an archangel of Heaven. There are many like him, and with his death, they’ll be coming after me with more force than ever before.”
“Why did you kill him?” Dante asked, an eyebrow lifted on his face. “You didn’t seem very happy doing it.”
“Yes...” Faith stared at her worn-down sneakers. “Fading them is usually my last resort, but... I suppose you could say I was... distracted.”
“He mentioned someone named Cate.”
She froze.
Cate. They know.
“...Touchy subject. Got it.” Dante couldn’t seem to help but stare at Faith. “You know, I usually have a hard time getting people to tell me things, but you seem like an open book.”
“You’re not telling us everything, are you?” Lady interrupted. Her eyes seemed to pierce through Faith, as if she was trying to extricate her past through sheer force of will alone. “Why are they hunting you? Is being a nephilim that bad?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“I think otherwise.”
Faith didn’t know what to say. Why did they want to know about her so bad? Why did she always have to meet people who became so concerned for her?
And why did she always fall for them?
“You can’t know any more about me,” she said, but her voice was shaky, even to herself. “Everywhere I go, I bring nothing but trouble.”
“Seems like you’ll fit right in, then,” Dante said as he flopped down next to her. “Looks to me like you’re just trying to find a place to lay low for a while. You can stay with me in the meantime.”
Her voice stopped working.
“Good idea,” Lady announced, sitting on the opposite side of her. “You can keep an eye on her while I do some research on these angel things.”
...What? What was happening?
“What are you- What do you mean...?” Faith stammered, trying to address to obvious impossibility of their suggested idea.
“I got a spare room upstairs,” he mused; he seemed to have completely ignored her. “If you don’t mind a little dust, you can have it-“
“Wait, stop, both of you!”
They turned to look at her, clearly surprised.
“Why... why are you doing this?” she asked. “You just saw me Fade someone, and here you are, acting like I’m one of you! Why are you so open with me?!”
For a moment, neither of them said anything.
Then Dante said, “Look, we get it. You’re lost. You’re scared. You’ve seen horrible shit, and you probably feel like you’ve done horrible shit. We’ve been there.”
“What he’s trying to say is that you’re like us,” Lady murmured, tilting her head slightly to look at Faith in the eye. “We’ve all been through hell. People like us stick together. Also...” She turned back to stare at the fountain, blue-red eyes hardened like glass. “That angel bastard made me feel... God. I thought I’d never feel anything like what he made me feel.”
“You’re gonna have to explain that,” he said as he fiddled with one of his pistols. “What the hell did that guy do to us? This,” he gestured to his gun, “didn’t even phase him.”
They weren’t going away. Faith didn’t know whether to feel relieved or terrified.
“...Maybe later.”
“You’d better. We’re a unit now.”
Her gaze fixed on a small family that was resting under the shade of an oak tree. A father held his son high above his head and swung him around, the child squealing with delight.
A unit...
Faith wondered if she still remembered what that felt like.
A/N: wtf is this why do I live this sucks ass
Hopefully I can get better- I’m still going over some bumps
Edit: read chapter 5! :D
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allthingsteenmom · 5 years
• Reintroducing Mackenzie uuugh
• Wow even that short little clip reminded me just how much I’m not a fan of her
• Horses are so fun
• Tyler brings up a really good point with the relationships between birth and adoptive parents
• There is so much stuff on Cheyenne’s counter, that would stress me out so badly lol
• Matt texting Cory happy Father’s Day without even telling Cheyenne ahead of time is so fucking adorable and also very mature
• Damn Cory always has such nice braids
• I like how Cheyenne’s plate only has meat and no sides on it lol
• Oh my god, as a server, parents who let their kids run around like Cory & Cheyenne are letting Ryder right now are the WORST, especially in a nice restaurant
• Gannon is so grown
• Oh look, the dog they abused that they still have
• Ugh GOD looking back over Mackenzie and Josh disgusts me
• I do really feel for Mackenzie with her mom having cancer though; that’s heartbreaking
• And being away from your family for a few months is validation to cheat? Ok
• Trust is hard when you have a history of cheating, leave for months, and talk about how common cheating is tf
• I do think Leah is young to have an Instagram
• JAYDE IS SO CUTE. “can I tell you a secret? I wish that I could be a farmer one day”
• I’m not great at bowling lol
• LA traffic, no thanks
• Omggg Cory doing the roller coaster thing with Ruder is sooo cuuute
• I like Taylor’s leggings
• Josh was cheating/supporting a cheater? What a surprise (not)
• Mackenzie’s friends scrunchie and hair is so cute
• “We were fighting so we didn’t know if we were together”..Uh what?
• The throwback scenes of Cate & Ty never fail to make me teary
• Nova knows how to throw a tantrum but she’s so sweet
• “Caution: wet paint”
• Hahah I love little kid gifts
• Why is Ryan not even sitting with everyone else
• Why would you intentionally plan to wait until the last minute to ask about taking a kid for Father’s Day?
• I wasn’t even allowed to have social media at 14 as a freshman in high school...so I just made a secret Facebook account
• Why is she sitting there cuddled up to him?
• “I’d just like you to trust me, so that’s why I lied”
• Also...his explanation of nothing obviously isn’t the full truth?? Wtf
• ..How special what is? I’m confused
• “Are you gonna tell me when stuff happens?” “I don’t know”...WHAT THE FUCK
• Of course Ryan didn’t know how many games Bentley had
• Sounds like a lot of excuses Ryan but ok
• Yeah, sure, don’t worry about your relationship with your child or his mom
• Matt has some nice waves
• (low key still think Cory and Cheyenne will end up together)
• Cheyenne’s “oh god” is how I feel on her behalf lol
• I think bowling shoes are kind of cute tbh (like just the style, not that so many people have worn them)
• I think it’s sweet that they celebrate Carly’s birthday
• How do we feel about Mackenzie’s glasses?..
• “I know that only god can heal me” oh my goddd. Yeah just fuck modern medicine, right?
• Is it just me being biased, or is Mackenzie throwing a selfish tantrum right now?
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casualantiheroism · 6 years
Don Cates wtf.
Ok. So. Here's the thing. I've seen spoilers for #Venom 11 and I find myself in the weird place where I like where the story's going, I like what the writer is doing and I'm still mad reading it so it's like- why? Why am I mad?
I sat down to think on this and imma say some stuff here that's going to make some comic fans mad first, so let's get that out of the way.
Don Cates, for all his self-insertness is making a valid point about toxic relationships and about abusive people in a person's life and while it could eventually have a positive ending where the two get back together I doubt it because if I had to pick up based on my obsessiveness and anxiety that makes me ruminate on shit, the symbiote is gonna get some kinda god like power to battle carnage and when eddie gets it he'll get that power and they'll be cosmic (dude's got a fetish for overpowering his favorite characters)
So they'll be partners and honestly I can't recall the guy writing a love interest in any of his big 2 books so far but maybe they'll just live a life of celibacy and ass kicking like every other superhero and while that pisses people off because it kind of should it's also totally valid especially after the trauma the dude has been thru (and Cates is working thru? I guess???)
So why does it piss me off? People have the right to break out of toxic relationships and tbh a good deep dive story on that is NEEDED in the worst fucking way. Like it or not. Not just in a 'oh this is happening' way, Cates may be rehashing old territory but he's doing it well.
And then I think back to First Host and to parts of Lethal Protector and honestly how many people proudly and rightfully shout the series gay overtones and I am asking myself how many gay/masc couples are doing well in a big two book right now?
How many have a big fan following?
How many have merch?
How many have movies coming out with big blockbuster stars?
It's a big fat goose-egg. Nada. Zip. Zero so far (but if you see any hit me up cause I'm looking) hulkling and wiccan disbanded their team and while they're not dead they're ...not around persay either.
Vivian Vision is around, Deanoru is thriving on and off camera. We're not gonna look over at DC rn about harley and ivy but any gay dudes? Any masc folks taking center stage in their own stories? On a big stage where shit can be seen from space?
No? My bet is no.
So yeah people are gonna look and see this and go 'oh fuck this is bad and wrong' and it is for them. It is in it's own way too. For others its great. I just don't we can go forward without discussing the why and the why is- representation. People 1- want to see happy-ish relationships and 2- want to see masc folks with happy relationships too. So they filled in the blanks. Dude finds a big goey alien and has kids with it? Gay. Alien finds a human trash fire and takes care of it? Fuck ever actually see two men hold each other and really love each other in a marvel book?...
[/sounds of silence]
Like seriously people if teddy and hulkling showed up with a baby, idek doing something healthy like training superhero kids how many people would be drawing fanart of that shit? How many comics would be up and out there? How many headcanons about unnamed baby and parents? How many adorable dad pictures?
Lol any symbrock shippers going to one of Cates's cons? you want to piss him off seriously ask him "I know you don't see the symbiote as a romantic character and I respect that. Can you tell me what comics you're reading from Marvel or DC where there is healthy gay male/masc representation? Where they're alive and happy and getting attention?" Cause I will bet you fucking folding money the dude won't answer/can't and that's a discussion we all need to have.
While I'm tempted to hate the guy...I can't. 1 he's got a right. 2- I need the deep dive on healing a lot more then I need that because without that deep dive I doubt I'd realize that Marvel for all it's woke points is really only telling one kind of gay story.
Womp womp.
Deanoru etc aren't bad but in it's own way thanks venom and cates for pointing out something that I didn't know I needed. Which is positive big two masc representation and rather then wallow I want to see that.
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tasteslikekeys · 6 years
Sensory Overload #6 - Film & Voltron
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Since I don’t have my crew of friends while I’m back home with my parents, I spend any time I’m not working on the house or my job at the movies. Thus, this insanity.
These go back to June and definitely doesn’t include all of the films I’ve seen since last Overload. I’m really terrible at keeping up with this. ANYWHO.
How To Talk To Girls At Parties
I rarely consider walking out of movies, yet this one tried my patience and senses after the first act. I didn’t feel it successfully married the cinematic styles it goes into rather late in the film, and gave off the impression of indecision. The main boy turns from charming to eye-rolling ownership of this alien girl, and the ending felt like sci-fi white boy fantasy fanfic. Really want to know how the film was pitched to get Ruth Wilson and Nicole Kidman attached. Seriously, wtf.
Ocean’s 8
CATE BLANCHETT IN SUITS. Does anything else matter? Not really. I will gladly watch more if it turns into a franchise, but I felt the characters lacked development and specifics that Soderbergh had in the last remake. And I have to admit to kinda missing the gilded Soderbergh look. BUT. It was a fun time, and when I wasn’t ogling Cate, I was absolutely delighted by Anne Hathaway.
Weeks later, and I am still giving myself a nightly pep talk to not think about THAT death before bed. One of the most visceral scenes I’ve ever witnessed. Didn’t help that the Drafthouse has excellent sound, and having those damn clicks hop around the theater kept me on edge. I’ll have to do some digging or see if the digital release comes with info on how much they composited the actors into the miniature sets, because that one pan to the phone was fun. It’s just a really interesting film about grief, genetics, and trauma. Collette gives a stellar performance and I was kept guessing until the end.
A Boy and His Samurai
I was not prepared for this movie to be so SWEET. Literally. It’s probably due to all the fic I read, but it is peak Fluff, Fish Out of Water, Kid Fic, Bakery AU, Time Travel. A Samurai pops into present day and into the lives of a single mother and her adorable son. Seemingly stuck out of time, our Samurai becomes the stay-at-home caretaker and discovers the art of baking. And it is DELICIOUS. Also, if there is ever a live-action Voltron movie, my pick for Shiro is Ryo Nishikido. Holy moly.
First Reformed
I really enjoyed this film...until the last 5 minutes. I liked how the camera is really specific, very centered, almost devoid of greens, and I enjoyed the commitment to the standard size frame. However, I am still resistant to high frame rate, and some shots had my teeth on edge. And I’d like to ask why Seyfried’s dialogue was the way it was, where it sounded so unnatural. Ethan Hawke gives a really great performance of a priest struggling with God and humanity’s guilty conscience towards the Earth. But that ending...
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Those bowls of tissues outside the theater were no joke. Have ‘em handy. It is so important to feel capable and worthy of love. We have a problem with empathy and recognizing it as a strength. The world would be a better place if we looked, listened, and loved like Fred Rogers.
Ant-Man and the Wasp
I am in the unpopular camp of not really liking Ant-Man. If Paul Rudd weren’t Scott, I’d be struggling to stay interested. I don’t feel any valid chemistry between the Pyms, or the Pyms with Scott. Rudd ages like fine wine and my eyes have been dilating for Evangeline Lily since LOST...but together? I don’t buy it. I think Lily totally has the range to give Hope dimension and appeal, but it’s just not in the scripts. I will say the sequel did much better with her than the first film. I loved her teasing about Cap (that smile), and the film letting her get sweaty and messy and yum. Honestly, my favorite relationship in this franchise is with his repaired family. The support from Paxton was downright adorable.
Sorry to Bother You
WHOA. I mean. Whoa. I’m pretty dang impressed with how the crew kept a major plot point out of marketing. I would have neeeeever guessed it would take such a turn. I’ve loved Lakeith Stanfield play supporting roles in things like Atlanta, so him as a lead in a film was a treat. The film is playful, bold, brutal, and terrifying. And maybe has my favorite Armie Hammer performance of all time. 
Three Identical Strangers
A crazy, unbelievable journey through the Nature/Nurture debate. What starts has a happy reunion story takes a disturbing turn, and the lines we cross to try and understand what is and isn’t in our control. 
Eighth Grade
The young actors in this film blew me away. They are paaaaainfully realistic and had my shoulders up to my ears the entire time. But it was the dad, played by Josh Hamilton, that stole my heart. He gives a speech that just squeezed my heart to pieces. I was able to see a live Q&A after the film, and really loved Burnham’s insight and thoughtful answers to the questions asked. It was also wonderful to see that Jake Ryan is as strange and funny as Gabe.
Hotel Transylvania 3
Does this series need to exist? Nope. Did I enjoy the heck out of this third installment? You bet your britches. Something I’ve noticed with the 3rd film in a series like this, is that artists and creators just have FUN. And it shows. We already know the characters, so they can just go nuts on art direction, design, and animation. Things go full Tex Avery, and I loved it. The story is nothing new, but in Tartakovsky’s hands, there is some stellar animation and visual gags. I don’t know how they break these rigs the way they do in these films, but it’s clear, timed amazingly, and the hilarious. I sat next to a woman and 3 kids, and this woman and I were in tears over some of Drac’s faces. That dance sequence to Bruno Mars ALONE. 
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My first Film Club screening at Houston’s Alamo Drafthouse. I had only seen the vague trailer and knew nothing else of what to expect. No furry beasties in this flick. Only the human kind, which is far more frightening. It’s a beautiful-looking film. I’m a sucker for a good, slow truck-in, and this movie does them right. It’s a film where 5 people could see it together and have 5 different opinions on the Who Done It. There was a discussion after the film, and we all had our own takes. I enjoy movies like this that almost demand to be seen more than once, so you can re-interpret the clues and motives knowing the end.
Mission Impossible: Fallout
Henry Cavill. Mustache. That bathroom fight sequence. The End. Seriously, that fight sequence was worth price of admission. It was choreographed, blocked, and edited perfectly. I don’t stay up on this franchise, but @matthewjacksonwrites said I would enjoy the action, and I was really jonesing for such an experience. The plot isn’t anything special, and you can spot the twists and turns a mile away, but honestly? All of that was totally okay, because the execution is satisfying enough. And yeah, Henry Cavill needs a lesson on MeToo, but, good god, he is distractingly beautiful. And resulted in my purchase of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and tumbling down the Napoleon/Illyea hole. Nope, not sorry.
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I appreciated the time Lee lets you spend in his shots and sequences. He helps the pace by cutting between 2 sequences, as well as showing the striking differences between a speaker recounting the horrific murder boy he knew, with an initiation ceremony for the Ku Klux Klan. You do get a signature Lee camera at the end, and then you are quickly thrust into the horrors of today. I won’t say more, but at the credits I had to run to catch a movie starting down the hall, and I wasn’t able to wipe away the tears by its start. My only complaint is that I wanted more personal insight and conflict from Ron.
Good Manners
My second Film Club screening. Who wouldn’t be intrigued by a Brazilian/Lesbian/Werewolf story? With song! Haha. The 2 main actresses had my eyes glued to the screen. Isabel Zuaa breaks your heart with her face in the first act. She plays her role like someone with no expectation of goodness or happiness. Visibly prepared for the worst, because that has been her experience. It makes her transformation all the more drastic. Marjorie Astiano is perfect for Ana, because she wears EVERYTHING on her face. The first half with them was my favorite, because the camera lingers and resists to cut, so you catch the emotions rolling over them without manipulation. For instance, while the doctor is performing a sonogram on Ana, it never cuts away from her and the dr’s dialogue is all off-camera. They repeat this style several times, and it gives extra appreciation for their casting. Man, then things take a TURN, bridging 2 movies into 1. I won’t say much more, but I dug the practical and digital effects for the wolf sequences. It’s a story about loneliness and embracing who you are.
Teen Titans GO! to the Movies
Basically a movie length episode, peppered with hilarious animation sequences in varying styles. I really want to look up the budget, because it looked like the majority was still using the TV Flash puppets and library, which would save a ton of moolah that could be used for the traditional sequences. Tons of fun, tons of laughs, and I have no idea what that surprise in the end credits might mean. Intrigued.
Woman Walks Ahead
The film suffers pacing in the last act, and it felt large chunk of Catherine/Sitting Bull bodning was cut out, but this is a gorgeously shot film. I was salivating over the landscapes and lighting. I’d watch an endless loop of that horse “dancing” back and forth across the frame. Jessica Chastain’s period New York accent is baffling, Michael Greyeyes is the standout, and Sam Rockwell really is good at playing an asshole.
Crazy Rich Asians
The Hollywood Romantic Comedy is alive again! I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. The Drafthouse had a wonderful preshow presentation cataloging Asian Cinema and (Mis)Representation in Hollywood. It’s sad that there hasn’t been an all Asian Hollywood film for a good 25 years. Knowing all of this makes CRA a big deal, but it also puts on a lot of unfair pressure on a single film. I hope it makes bank, because it was worth every penny. They did so many of the tropes I love about the genre, as well as avoid the ones I dislike (where the girl experiences EXTREME fuck-ups, a la Bridget Jones). Awkwafina is the perfect Fairy Godmother, the leads have great chemistry, Wu is adorable, Yeoh is dimensional, and I want every RomCom to have a food montage as WELL as the dress montage. 
Marlina The Murderer in Four Acts
The description we got for Film Club was it’s an Indonesian Western. They say the director doesn’t do storyboards, which makes sense for how few shots there are. All of the interiors have this wonderful blocking that is like watching a play. Extra centered, and literally walled-in. There are no close-ups and I bet there isn’t a shot under 20 seconds. The landscape is endless and indifferent. The men are terrible and, save for one, deserve their fate.
Voltron: Season 7
Coming off the high of S6 put a lot of pressure on 7. Plop the news about Gay!Shiro and I was really excited. I thought it was another solid season...had the creators not been so heavy on Adam’s role and his relationship with Shiro at SDCC. Was additionally cruel that Netflix hopped on the overhype train and put Adam on a bunch of the promo thumbs. They way that panned out was incredibly disappointing and misleading to me. Had none of that news dropped, I would have been a happy Voltron cheerleader. Yes, there were some strange executions of early episodes, but I felt there were some incredible moments and animation sequences. The season was like a reward for those of us who have championed Shiro from the start, and by the way he is beautifully drawn on the show, I feel the crew is just as in love as I am. I sounded like Ant-Man when he grows Big and giggles when that major Atlas/Shiro insanity happened. DAYUM. And I loved the parallels of the first ep of the season with the first ep of the series. Shiro and Sheith’s friendship is so dang sweet. I’m rewatching the whole series while I art and I also have to commend how much better the compositing and effects have gotten. Gorgeous stuff!
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asreadbydana · 6 years
The Darkest Minds Series | Reading Reactions
Hey guys! I decided that in preparation for the new book coming out at the end of July I would (finally) read The Darkest Minds series by Alexandra Bracken. I also thought, hey, why don't I post my reactions while I'm reading it? And so that's what I'm going to do! I'll be adding to this post with my thoughts as I work my way through the series. Feel free to keep up with it if you are interested 😊
The Darkest Minds
Update #1
Thrown right into the story, ok!
I can't even imagine how scary it would be to have children dying at such an extreme rate
The way the children are treated in this is just a little too real.
Alright Alexandra, the powers have intrigued me... I wonder why she chose the colors she did? And why is there never purple? Lol
So far, not too much has happened but I'm excited to see where the plot goes, although I have a good guess...
Update #2
First impression of Martin? DO. NOT. LIKE.
Well if that ain't the sketchiest memory to see when meeting a new person! Like, hi, I'm a murderer???? wtf
Ooohh, new friends!
And now it's time for some action! Finally got a glimpse of some of the powers. Yellows seem pretty scary tbh, nothing like Pikachu
Ok, yeah, definitely not Pikachu. Holy heck! If yellows can do that, I can't even imagine what oranges have done that's made the adults fear them so much (that was an odd sentence to read in my head lol fear the fruit!)
Update #3
Is it bad that I haven't read Watership Down so I don't really know what the significance is? Maybe I'll ask my brother, I know he's read it.
Also the whole sock exchange was very awkward and I'm impressed with the second hand embarrassment it gave me.
I'm glad Ruby and Chubs finally found some common ground! I mean, I understand Chubs' suspicion, but it's definitely a better group dynamic when THE CHARACTERS LIKE EACH OTHER. Just sayin'
The orange power is pretty crazy!
Okay, finally seeing what Ruby did to her parents was really sad, but also frustrating.
Hey look, they found the camp.
Yay, school! I hope if the world turns dystopian children will continue to do what they can to learn.
I was wondering when this guy was going to show up!
Tbh, not really feeling the romance. I think I'm just more interested in reading about friendships nowadays than about relationships. Maybe it will grow on me...
Update #4
This Clancy kid is kind of creepy. I definitely don't trust him.
OK wait, this better not turn into a love triangle, I swear...
Why am I not surprised that oranges are rare and oh so powerful?
Still sad about what happened to her parents
Does anyone else find Clancy's teaching sketchy? Like, yes Ruby, show him all your embarrassing memories and things you want kept private, nothing can go wrong there!
No, Zu is leaving us! Also, did we find out why she doesn't talk and I just missed it??
Fight, fight!! (But in all seriousness, calm down boys)
Give the girl a break, she hasn't had years to train and hone her skills like you, sheesh
Wow, way to bring new meaning to mind rape (p.s. I knew Clancy was a bad egg)
Ruby, sweetie, that's not gonna help
Would Liam have believed her if he didn't see/feel what happened?
Seriously?! In the last 2 chapters?? Dang, Alexandra Bracken. You really know how to play with my emotions!
Well, onto the next one...
Never Fade
Update #1
Right away we've got some new characters, alright cool
Oh, and the League is being sketchy yet again!
Were Vida's looks really that important to Ruby?
Jude seems sweet, kind of like a little brother
And we've got a lead on Liam! Knew he wouldn't be gone long 😜
Can I just say that it's so scary that in these dystopian novels the adults are always so willing to kill children? Like what the heck!?
Very unsure about Liam's brother...
I feel very unclear on what the League actually wants. Are they pro powers or against? Or are they just using the children with powers as a means to an end?
Update #2
Well they didn't stay there long!
I like that Ruby is more open to using her powers in this one. Embrace who you are!
The exchange with Andy is how I hope a lot of the adults in this world are feeling. Fear makes us do crazy things, but you can only justify it for so long.
🎶 Reunited and it feels so good 🎵
Well hello, Vida, you snake! Do I trust her? No. Am I supposed to? We'll see...
Another group of young adults abusing their power? You would think they'd want to stick together and help one another!
Update #3
Ick, do all the leaders have to use people in that way????
Whoa, finally seeing what Clancy was talking about in the last book is pretty crazy. I hope we learn more about what he did to the reds.
Ruby to the rescue! (Again)
Well they knew it would be a trap, but they went anyway
Holy heck, Jude has got some crazy skills and quick thinking! I'll say it again, yellows are not to be messed with!
That went bad fast!
Omg, is that the true power of an orange? Damn, Bracken, you know how to cause some nightmares.
Also, does anyone else get an uncomfortable feeling reading some sentences? Not even gory ones, but like, about digging nails into asphalt for example? When I read that I can picture myself doing it and let me just say, no thank you that is not a feeling I like!
Update #4
I'm curious how Internet and other connections even work when the world is so messed up. And how hackers can navigate them!
Ah, Clancy, we meet again. NOT nice to see you.
"I blew out the breath I didn't realize I had been holding" omg. Bracken has used some variation of this several times so far in this series and let me just say, I have noticed Every. Single. Time. Why is this concept/sentence so popular in YA, my gosh?
Wow that tunnel would make me claustrophobic!
Oh shit! That's the thing about oranges! When you are around them you can never really trust what you are seeing, ahhhh
"He let out the breath he'd been holding" really?? Again?? 😧
Ok, this professor has me intrigued. I can't wait to find out what Bracken set up as the reason the children have developed these powers.
Also, Cole? Didn't expect that!
Dang, who is that kid and where did he find the nerve!? So much for peace!
How was Ruby not smart enough to figure out that's what L.G. was doing as soon as she saw the research? I mean come on, that's pretty obvious.
Thanks for breaking my heart Bracken! The next book just won't be the same...
In the Afterlight
Update #1
Why is it that adults are always obsessed with money? And how come they never want to PROTECT the children who are different
Oh ok, I’m gonna be reminded of the sadness throughout this whole book, aren’t I?
I knew they were in California, but I didn’t even think about those other kids !!!!
Also, can I just say, poor Chubs and breaking his glasses. I feel you, bro.
Update #2
Why can’t Cate just accept that Ruby and the others are right?! Ugh!
I was waiting for Vida to display her true emotions. But to think that Ruby doesn’t care? She’s obviously not very observant.
Brothers, eh? Can’t live with ‘em… that’s about it lol
I wonder what the government hides from us in regards to other countries…
I don’t understand why Cole doesn’t just tell Liam? Would it really be so bad?
Truth: I’m still not feeling the romance. And I could do without the kissing scenes.
There’s that darned Watership Down again
Clancy is still such a mystery. I get why he’d want to embrace his powers, but doesn’t he also want to know why he got them?
Chubs and Vida get to spend some quality time~
Ok, no more sparring matches you two!!
Update #3
Those poor kids. Afraid even to be rescued.
Why did Liam hide this from Ruby???? Maybe she would have been a bit more open to it had he been honest.
Also, don’t like the reporter lady.
Omg! Zu!!!!
I can’t believe people think it’s fake? Why would children lie about those kinds of things?
Ah, yes, the red army.
Again, don’t like Alice.
Finally Cole! Was it really so hard?
Ok, this is sad but I totally care more about the side romantic relationship than I do the main one. I just don’t see their chemistry, honestly. It seems like it’s more a relationship of convenience than feeling.
Man, another one? Come on, Bracken, why you gotta do that to us?
I was wondering why the sleepwalking was relevant… not the answer I would have wanted, but alas
Update #4
Still going through with the plan, huh, Ruby?
I guess it makes sense that you can erase memories but not feelings. And that Sam would have images once Ruby’s influence was gone
Wow that wrapped up quickly
Tbh, even though he was horrible, it sucks Clancy had his ability to choose taken from him
Family reunion ♡ not so sad anymore!
Where do they go from here…?
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