#catalyst headcanons
catalystsimp · 2 years
Catalyst Headcanons
- 100% vegan and 100% does not shut up about cruelty free alternatives if she ever gets started on a tangent.
- Owns a pet black cat named Cleo who she refers to as her witch familiar. Kitty is very spoiled.
- Loves horror but does not claim that negative energy.
- Pansexual and has some experience with relationships and dating, though not nearly as much as other legends around her age.
- Understands that her spiritualism isn't for everyone and would be with someone who isn't interested, however she would still gush to them about her practices.
- Direct blood relatives weren't supportive over transition, instead views her friends as family.
- Loves 80s music, especially the rock bands. Also adores artists like Prince, Madonna and Tears for Fears.
- Hopeless romantic and devotes so much time to her partner. Writes love poetry and spends her time creating gifts like dreamcatchers.
- Can play multiple instruments, but the keyboard is her ace.
- Tries not to overthink when it comes to "what if"s but constantly finds herself with many sleepless nights due to overthinking how everything could have gone so much differently.
- Introverted. Her idea of being social is sitting around a table with some friends and having some tea or doing some readings, tends to avoid big social events like parties or clubs but will go if a friend is dragging her along.
- Great at dancing if she's in the right mindset, with the right people and if the right song is playing. Otherwise, she rarely dances... Unless she's alone. She dances by herself a lot.
- Incense. Lots and lots of incense. Her room smells like one of those aroma stores.
- Quite tall and still wears heels regardless.
- Will fall in love on the spot if her partner spontaneously ran her a bath and surrounded it with candles as well.
- Avid roleplayer. Probably has/had multiple DnD campaigns with her friends.
- Goes all out on Halloween costumes, helps other people do their makeup and makes her outfit look as realistic as possible.
- Paints portraits and draws doodles to express difficult emotions. Has a private notebook full of vent poetry and drawings.
- Texts very formally, uses full punctuation and rarely ever abbreviates phrases.
- Spends years on her morning routine. Not only does her makeup take years to do, she also has 50 different skincare brands to apply. All of which are cruelty free, of course.
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emptyadderallbottle · 3 months
Chat, look what I made
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yuesya · 7 months
I just read the Mechamaru short and also the other replies and well. And it just STRUCK me how Mechamaru is downright in the wrong in so many fucking ways.
Especially when you mentioned the guards. Those poor people who were guarding the Death Paintings and fingers. Mechamaru didn’t even give them a single consideration and probably even forgot they even existed, but they died horrible deaths because of Mechamaru colluding with Kenjaku.
Mechamaru accuses of Shiki having a perfect life - powerful, beautiful, perfect - and feels anger at her for the indifference when she looks at him, and yet, HE is worse than she is.
Ironically enough, despite her indifference and very much real and sincere want to resort to killing to solve her problems ALA she’s a cute little psychopath, Shiki is far more nicer to her subordinates and “people who don’t matter to the sorcerers”.
The guards. The assistants. The servants.
Because of how logical, abnormal and straightforward her way of thinking is, Shiki just… gets straight to the point. She treats her servants nicely because it’s basic decency to treat people who make everything work nicely. She makes sure her assistants are out of harm because duh, they are her assistants and can take care of other things, they don’t have to risk their lives fighting curses they cannot handle, she can handle that. Someone has committed a crime? Well easiest solution is to kill them but because of politics she will just immobilize them :/ Just let her break their limbs quickly, she had learnt from her mistake with Geto Suguru after all. They can be interrogated with only their mouth.
It’s just. Shiki doesn’t care about them the way she cares about Nanami or Satoru or Tsumiki or Megumi or Yuzuki.
Yet, she’s far, far more kinder to them than many other sorcerers who just see them as fodder.
Ironic. One of the most inhuman of sorcerers is kinder to them than those with human ego, isn’t it?
I think we're probably all in agreement that Mechamaru's plan in canon wasn't thought out very well. It sort of feels like he just finally, finally saw a chance to save himself, and went for it -to the point that he was tunnel-visioning quite a bit, either ignorant or uncaring or both regarding the casualties that such actions would have.
Shiki is largely uncaring about most people on the emotional level, but not the intellectual level. Which makes all the difference!
Mechamaru is indeed rather hypocritical in various ways when you look at things this way. Luckily, he's alive instead of dead in the Liyue AU, so now he gets to deal with the repercussions.
I haven't really made up my mind on details in the Liyue AU, although I think I'd like Mechamaru to have some character development in which he deals with the consequences of what his actions wrought.
In his own world, we have many civilian deaths, as well as the deaths of the warehouse guards. He also endangered his own classmates during the Goodwill event. He actively assisted and helped to hide Geto-Kenjaku and the man's faction from the jujutsu school.
In Liyue, an entire village was decimated by the four Special Grade cursed spirits that Shiki was fighting. Cursed spirits that she was only fighting because she'd been sent to search for Mechamaru.
Part of me wants to keep the transfigured monster-form a permanent state for Mechamaru. Actions have Consequences, and all that. It would also serve as an ever-present reminder that Mechamaru can't run from, in terms of what his shortsighted decisions cost him. There's also a fun parallel to hilichurls!
At the same time, there's another part of me that wants to make it so that Mechamaru can learn from the adepti. More specifically, learn to transform his shape from the illuminated beast adepti, whose original forms are animals but they themselves can take on a human form.
Because part of Mechamaru's growth in the Liyue AU would be coming to terms with what he did, but also trying to atone for it, too. To move past his mistakes, and become better.
... Anyways there are fun things to write either way, and I'd better stop here and get back to editing the next chapter for zenith of stars now haha.
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otaplover · 2 years
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A fairytale we will never forget. (Wanderer/f!Reader)
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴ You are a failed writer of the Academia and Nahida gives you something to write about. Post Sumeru Arc! Wanderer x f!academiaReader *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴A/N: OK! LISTEN- I have so much I need to write and My Precious Treasures is giving me trouble. Let me have my small little scaramouche man to cheer me up until my writing gets better (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*). (Side note: not everything is cannon compliant, Im still on last act of story- but have been semi spoiled lol cause Kaveh stole my heart and the event was sooo cute!) *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Word Count: 3.3k *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Tags: if bickering was cute, writing stories together, lots of fluff, light spoilers, writer will do anything for inspiration, poor be'tad
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You've failed again and would you be surprised it's not the first time you have failed.
It might have been the sixth, but you have lost count when your writings could fill ten books worth. You look at the scrolls limply hanging off your desk, the textbooks pilling so high they create a safety hazard of 'homicide by books'.
It's not right. It's not correct. It's not factual. It's not accurate. That's all they say, when they dismiss you with a wave of their hand and close the doors in front of sleepless eyes.
You want to scream, because it's not fucking accurate when a measly academia scholar like yourself cannot even read non-biased readings that do not have the author as Great Sage.
You needed something to take your mind off this.
You needed a break.
"You want to write a fantasy novel?" Aether comments munching on a stick of grilled meat. He looked off put by your comment as his companion Paimon speaks up, "Paimon doesn't understand how more writing is taking a break from writing?"
"It's a break because I can enjoy myself! No need to look at which theory makes more sense than the old. No more citing ancient sages that lived hundreds of years ago that are outdated. A good old fantasy."
Aether rolls his eyes, "And what defines 'good old fantasy'?"
Your eyes shine as you point directly at him. He scoffs as he tries another vendor's dish, "I mean- You have fought literal gods right! Or at least people tell me you have fought monsters that are as strong as gods!" You pause as you comment on your own delusions, "Well- I'm not sure how strong a god is, but it sounds impressive."
Aether is about to stop you as you continue, "Oh! Oh, what about the time you slayed a dragon? That sounds super interesting."
He groans in a way that you sense is that every time someone mentions the words 'dragon', that he must correct them, "For the last time. We didn't 'slay' it. We purified the crystal that made Dvalin sick."
"...So, your saying saved a kingdom from dark magic and that is not fantastical enough!"
You slam a couple mora onto the next vendor as Aether finished his latest dish. Sure, that money was for the breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next two days but what could be better than breathing, live, material!
You plead, "Please! One story, any story! I need something to jump start my brain that is not a library book."
Aether looks up the sky longingly you would narrate it as a 'take me now' moment; but surely not from you.
"Any story?"
You beam nodding as Aether reluctantly says yes.
"So that's the story. Sorry about this but I need to be back in Liyue by tomorrow and knowing (Y/N), she can um- be a lot."
You can't understand the rest of the sentence, but you see Aether talking to a smaller girl with leaves in her hair and flowers that bloomed around her.
At least that is what you say, but behind the boy with a large hat covering his head wore a frown as you could see each flower wilting- dead on the floor fictitiously.
What a buzzkill.
The girl, Nahida is what Aether calls her and she reminds you of sunshine that warms your heart. She smiles as she gives a small wave to you. As she does the boy behind her taps his foot frown never leaving his face.
"I see." And there is an ethereal ring in the small girl’s voice, "Leave it to us, please give the people of Liyue and the him our regards."
"Huh! Us?" A voice speaks at the same time. It was the boy with short purple hair dressed in flowing clothes different than your own. He looked like the wind would parachute him away at any second.
Aether sensing the shift whispered goodbye to you, leaving the room with the small girl and the frowning boy.
The girl speaks up first, "Aether told us of your 'predicament'? She questions because, no, writing a fantasy novel isn't considered a predicament more than getting a thorn stuck in your thumb; compared to how the academia cranks out automatous, encyclopedias of information that are used as the life blood of people’s lives, but in a sweets way she gives respect as she looks in your eyes.
Or so you thought.
"Therefore, he will help you!" And she points her thumb behind her to a balking boy who stomps his foot down. You could have sworn you felt the ground shaking, but that was probably his attitude.
"Wha- I refuse! There is no way I will be helping that baboon." And ouch, because words do hurt but if he had any sense of social norms and could read the room he would not continue. But he did, "You expect me to become one of those mediocre story tellers on the street?"
You glower as you gather any confidence you have in your work, "How dare you. Stories keep people alive!" And he gives you a look as if you are the idiot in the room because stories don't technically keep you alive, but that didn't stop your ramble," They let us share emotional connection with one each other as we can obtain a deeper understanding of people!" Don't say it, remember your manners, “and someone like you that has the emotional capability of a doormat wouldn't understand that!"
You wince as you see the boy’s brow raise underneath his ridiculously large hat, his mouth snarling as he cracks his fingers. It felt like the air was being sucked out of the room.
"Oh, really now?" It sounds like a threat the way his tone bleeds with irritation, "Let’s see who's the doormat once I-"
Nahida, gently places a hand on top of his and the air returns to normal. You let out a gasp that you did not feel you were holding as her voice rings out, "Now children, that's not how to treat each other."
She looks stern? Like a mother that is discipling her child by the way his face writhes into reluctance. She gives you a harsh stare that makes you feel like your own mother is chiding you, "Now, people who ask for favors can't start fighting with the asked. Can they?"
You look down at the floor, digging your heel in, properly chastised, "No... they can't."
She turns to the boy behind, "And people who invite guests into their home..."
He looks reluctant as if this wasn't his first time finishing her sentence, "don't blast them away..."
Blast them away?‌ And you think the right answer should be 'threaten, cause bodily harm, or even joke about causing bodily harm' but the small girl looks content either way.
"Now to start good relationships, we shake hands!" She clasps her hands together smiling.
Neither of you move.
"I rather not take my chances."
"I rather put my hand in boiling water."
Oh yes, this will be wonderful...
You sit down on a bench overlooking the landscape of Sumeru. It was beautiful the way the bustling of the city created a divide between the ethereal beauty of the nature itself to the bustling city life that coexisted with it.
Now that's beautifully said. Wait- but you used the word "beautiful" at least three, not four times now. What could you use instead?
You were about to dive deeper into your thoughts before a voice interrupted.
"Hey baboon!" A voice calls in which you wish was with endearment, because at least that be cuter than plain degrading. The boy pushes a plate of sticky rice plated with different types of fresh fruit, covered with syrupy goodness, "This is disgusting."
He's been doing this a while now, ever since Nahida kicked you two both out of the house with a couple of mora to keep you both full (how nice of her). She commented on 'sharing experiences with one each other', leading you to buy your favorite dessert as an olive branch.
You see the way her pushes the plate off towards the side of the table, "Hey that's my favorite dessert you know!"
And he scoffs folding his hands across his chest, leaning against the chair, "You have the tastebuds of a child then." And of course he continues, because goddamnit he does not know when enough is enough, "Oh- I forgot you are a child trying to create a kid's book."
You don't know which is worse. You going back to your small apartment to keep writing a bleeding thesis paper or you having to deal with this punk.
You take a breath in, you strive for peace, "Well. Then what's your favorite food?"
He rolls his eyes, "I don't have a favorite food."
"Everyone has something they like." You counter because he is not getting off the hook.
He pauses before he replies in pure reluctance, "Tea. The more bitter the better."
Now you're folding your hands across your chest, mirroring him.
"Tea?" You deadpan, "That's not a food."
"Were you not listening? I said I had no favorite food."
This time you scoff, "Well then why don't you like sticky rice?"
"It's disgusting."
"That's not an answer!"
"It is an answer you complete and utterly useless-!"
A third voice, "Excuse me."
You both turn to a server that has seen better days in their effort to survive customer service industry. The man looks at you and then at him, "You need to leave unless you stop yelling at each other. There are others trying to enjoy the view."
You look behind him and indeed others do look frustrated with the boy and you. At least you can read the room before the boy in front of you could, he looked like he was about to argue, and it was an argument he would lose. Slamming a couple of mora with a quick sorry, you grab the boy by his sleeve running out leaving your mango sticky rice behind.
By the time you make it to the top of Sumeru you are huffing and puffing. Air feels like fire as you steady yourself on your kneecaps gasping. Next to you, the boy has every piece of flowing fabric in place, his face not even a drip of sweat upon it. In other words, he looks and probably is way healthier than you.
"How- huff aren't you- dying?" And you say it in a way the means 'how are you standing', 'why are you freakishly healthy' or in a comedic sort of way 'are you even human?'; but his jumps eyes wide as he retorts head up high, "Everyone can run at least that far."
You start to think about your counterparts in the academia and how even a mile run would make you want to never leave your room again, and then you rethink, because Aether is his 'friend?' and that blond hair boy is certainly the least normal boy you know but he might fall into the category of 'everyone' to your interviewee.
That gave you hope.
You sit at a rickety bench underneath tarp that give a nice shade in the sun, fanning your shirt to let air in between all your robes. You notice him standing off to the side, like a cat waiting to be beckoned and that almost makes this time bearably. He must have surrendered, because he sees you eyeing him then the chair across from you and he sit down right on the edge.
"So", you start once you’re sure you can say a whole sentence without wheezing, "I know- that maybe, we got off on the wrong foot," and he opens his mouth for another (probably insensitive) comment and you talk quicker, "but I'm ready to listen to any story you have to share!" There quick and simple.
He closes his mouth, the thin line never shifting in his lips before he huffed, "I don't have a story for you."
And all common courtesy went out the window as you breathe in and out, peace! Peace you say! "Everyone has a story." A twinge of sass, "Like how everyone has a favorite food."
"Fine. I'll be more clear. I have no "fantasy" story that you will want to write."
And you blink, that was not the response you were expecting. You feel the academic spirit ignited in you as you prod for more information, "What do you mean by that?"
He's thinking and you can see thunder clouds brewing in his purple eyes as he clenches his teeth, "You want those dumb fairy tales where idiotic princes go save a damsel huh? Someone who saves you no matter what even though there is no one there!" You describe it as lightning engulfing his eyes as it leaks out with every enunciation in his words. You can feel the hair at the bottom of your neck standing up, "How stupid you all are."
A moment of thought, "Well, if you put it that way it is pretty stupid."
His face contorts in a way that you wonder if your face muscles can do that as well, "Huh?!"
"Yah!" You twiddle you fingers as if trying to connect the dots, "I never said I wanted to write a classic fantasy story! Who gets to say what I will write?" You stand up renewed energy as the cogs move in your mind, "I'm writing this because I want to! Stories are meant to connect us and if I can't hear your story then how the hell am I even supposed to know what to write?"
You don't let him even start. His mouth agape.
"You're right I may be an idiot I will admit. I can't even pass a stupid thesis paper because I am too focused on the fact that every paper I have used as reference sucks the living life out of me faster than I can even graduate." You point a finger towards him, your index finger almost touching his nose and he is spluters, "But Im not an idiot when it comes to sharing others stories."
When you're sure he's not going to start on another rampant of the insipid state of his world you say one last thing. A perfect conclusion.
"We haven't formally introduced ourselves."
His brows furrow, "Ha- I know your name!" He says in a loud voice, but there is less venom this time.
You shake your head, giving little tuts of disappointment, "No silly" he preens at the word but it's payback for him calling you a baboon, "I don't know your name."
The boy eyes cross towards your fingertips as he slaps your hands away, "Get your hand out of my face." You can tell he is thinking.
He gives a sigh, before mulling over the possibility of only one-story telling night vs. a determined author who will bang on his door every day until she gets what she wants. At least that's what you believe he is thinking of.
"You can call me..."
His voice becomes muffled under his hat, and you ask him to repeat again. His violet eyes dart to the side darkening, like saying his name is sooo difficult.
".... hat guy"
You swear your ears misheard him underneath that large hat he wears as his voice projects to the ground, "Sorry, say that one more time?"
This time you blink in incredulous response, "Hat guy?" You give him time to at least say a semblance of a normal name, but he is quiet, hands folded over his chest as his final answer, "Really? Hat guy?"
You throw your hands up, "I thought we were getting somewhere! Like I was trying to open up to you about the whole story thing!" Your hands lower in apocryphal delusion, "Hat guy... what type of parent names them hat guy?"
It's so ridiculous that you start laughing.
"Stop laughing! You're looking more like a baboon than before." A sharp comment breaks you out of breath as you hunch your sides.
You wipe a nonexistence tear from you tear ducts as you look at him. A faint mellow glow is left on his cheekbones- the only word you can use to describe the reaction is embarrassment.
Or anger. Probably anger.
The fleetingness of absurdity leaves you as the last hiccup escapes your lips, he looks like a cat that had water poured on him, "Sorry, sorry! I'll be serious now. Nice to meet you pft Hat Guy!" A guffaw escapes again and this time you have to stop because it looks like he's ready to punch your lights out.
You slip next to him, his face a contorting to annoyance. Pulling out a small journal, that has seen better days, kept in the back of your satchel you find a pen. Clicking the pen as you flip to an open page.
"So. Where do you want to start?"
"Wow (Y/N) you really..." Aether pauses finding the words, "stuck to the facts?" He finishes handing the rest of the paper to Paimon struggling to hold the rest of the pages in her tiny hands.
Paimon struggles to flip through the pages, squinting at the words on the page her eyes flicking to the violet haired boy in the back, "Yeah! Who knew that he was a prince of a continent who was known for dragon slaying? Then went on a thousand-year-old journey to find a piece of paper that hold the secret of a war from a long long LONG time ago...?" Even Paimon was awestruck by your story telling.
You puff up your chest in pride, "Well, the dragon slaying idea had come from you Aether. Gotta switch it around sometimes you know?" And you can see Aether facepalm his face mumbling something that's not worth the effort to narrate.
You turn toward Nahida and the boy of inspiration, "So! How do you like the first draft? I’m thinking of adding more details and vocabulary but all and all pretty good right!"
The girl, Nahida tilts her head in wonder, "I had no idea your story was so rich." She holds a secret behind her smile as she looks up towards the boy who hasn't said a word about the manuscript, "Truly, this has been an enlightening experience."
You nod rapidly, she always knew what to say to lift your spirits. You hop over to "hat guy" as he is staring blankly at your hard work. You give a small poke, and he jerks violet eyes catching yours.
"How is it?" You tilt your head to fit underneath his hat as you point towards a paragraph that has to do with the boy falling out of his kingdom in the first act, "Pretty accurate right? I tried combining multiple classic fantasy stories to create this, like you said."
He doesn't push you away, nor does he voice any acrimony. He does look at you like an adult would look at a child who made a mess of their kitchen before presenting equally a mess of a cake that people have to coo at because- it's a child's cake. Inedible, sloppy cute and the worst part- burnt on one side and raw on the other, but nonetheless a product of hard work made by a child.
Though this could be your imagination but notice him open his mouth after deliberating his thoughts. He decisively says in full confidence:
"I see why you haven't graduated."
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sheltershock · 10 months
I was thinking today about how Sasha and Milla both got burned for using telepathy/mind reading on another person without their consent and I liked that it played out that way. I think realistically if you had the ability to read minds you’d also be traumatized by the thoughts/fantasies of others. Plus it adds more subtext in PN2 when Sasha scolds Raz for trying to bend someone else’s will to his own. Because that’s what he did when he was younger. Major props. Psychonauts is so good at subtext that’s why I love the writing, and it’s ability to be whimsical and silly but also realistic and gritty at times.
But then I thought about their constant psychic link. It’s cute, nice little relationship thing between them. However, when taking the mind reading trauma into account… that psychic link probably wasn’t easy. At least in the beginning.
I mean the last time they did any level of telepathy/mind reading it went so awfully that both of their lives changed trajectory in an instant. So the idea of doing that again in general must be terrifying. I’m sure they both decided to form that link, but even having known each other there could be that aching fear in the background that the other person might accidentally hurt them.
Maybe the link was a form of therapy for the both of them. And they might have not even shared/said anything over it for a while. It could have been strictly professional at first, reminders for meetings, information relay, communication in the field, etc. They’re both still a little tense though that they’ll accidentally share something unrelated.
Milla was probably the first of them to share something over the link that was non-work related. Something mundane, like appreciation of the view from her office, or a compliment of the music she can hear through the wall, or what’s being served in the cafeteria that day. Something simple. And he’d answer back and they’d continue with their day. The first thing Sasha would have sent over was probably observations, non emotional observations. Construction being done, new colors being painted, or saying it’s colder outside and to bring a jacket if she’s going to the Quarry that day. They get a little more confident after a while. They share things they know the other would like. They start having longer conversations. There’s more emotion. People can observe them smiling at seemingly nothing more frequently.
Once a little bit more comfortable they’re talking about what they did that weekend, Milla struggles to describe exactly what her experience was like the other night. She offers to share the memory directly. She can feel Sasha tense up on the other side. The conversation ends. The next day, he offers her to send it over. He’s spent the entire time preparing for it, telling himself over and over that it’s her, that she’s offering, that it’s probably fine. And it is. Milla’s delighted and they move on, though she checks to make sure he’s not hiding a bad reaction from her. They’re both fine.
But that’s one of the things she’s very aware of. Long stretches of time where Sasha won’t say or respond to anything at all. She can hear swears through the wall during this brief times, and he hardly ever leaves his lab either. She understands why, everyone has bad days. But sometimes he does reach to her, because she always offers an ear to everyone. But she always makes it a verbal conversation. She just can’t seem to push past the irrational thoughts that the source of his frustration might be her. That she’s not a good enough agent, a good enough friend, a good enough partner. And she knows that he’d never say any of those things… to her face. But if she would read his mind she’d know for sure.
And one day he asks again if he can talk to her, and hesitantly she agrees. Over the link. And she spends the entire time waiting, waiting for that dreaded Freudian slip. But it doesn’t happen. And he finishes his thought, and they both continue on, except Milla finds herself in tears in her office. And she finds herself reaching back over to talk some more.
Over time and each individual thought, memory and experience, they’re both confident and far less afraid as they used to be. Their fears aren’t completely gone of course, but it’s them, specifically. And they know where the other’s sore spot is, and are more than willing to provide a warning for anything triggering. They find themselves using their telepathy abilities with others from the newfound confidence. Projecting their own thoughts to another, but only one way though. Only in the other do they feel truly safe enough for a two-way mental link. And was preciously an isolating, vivid and painful experience is now one where they are never truly alone, and it’s peaceful and it’s comforting.
Just a thought.
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u5an5 · 1 year
The fact that original Adam is (probably) dead, and not the one we know doesn't mean that the one we do know isn't a real Adam. In interview with Wendigoon, Alex mentioned that taking someone's form affects alternates in some way, including gaining their memories. So, consider.
If you were someone in every sense but literal. You were called by their name, looked like them, sounded like them, remembered everything that they experienced, and was them, for years, after being nobody. Wouldn't you be this someone? Or identify as them?
Maybe Adam was dead for years, but he also tried to kill himself when he learned this.
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character pride icons pt. 45: apex legends
canon queer characters
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bangalore = valkyrie - lesbian | gibraltar - gay
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catalyst - transgender | loba - bisexual | mirage - queer
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seer + fuse - pansexual | bloodhound - non-binary
queer headcanons
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octane - transgender
feel free to use these for any non-commercial purpose, as long as proper credit is given!
if you'd like to see a different combination of character + flag, my ask box is always open for requests
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kitsune has tried to eat ohm an unfortunately large amount of times (more 400 dollar visits to the vet for tummy aches . srry catalyst 😔😔😔💔)
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Fortnite Headcanon #1286
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helpfandom · 1 year
Yandere 07 Donatello x Platonic Reader hcs.
I'm going to do one for all of the 07 bois because they deserve love.
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On god, I swear to you, all Donatello[s] fall fast in their obsession. Even if its not a human, even if its a fandom or something of the sort. '18,'14,'03, '07, I don't care, they fall fast.
You were so nice to him and he wanted to know more about this nice human who treats people well. He had a heart attack when he found out you were a kid, like, you're a kid, and interacting with people online? Oh no no nononono. You are NOT going to be back online without Donnie finding out.
Donnie monitors your online presence and hacks into things so you stay where he thinks you should. He makes all of your Youtube [or the tmnt equivalent] to be ultra kid friendly material and puts a lot of lego cooking food ASMRs on there for some reason??Got any music apps? He blocks any artists who make explicit music [by his taste]. He monitors all that you, and tries to find out all that he can about you, by using your socials. He is proud that haven't posted anything to private, but since you are a kid, ignorant to the world, he does find out some personal information.
You automatically call the nice person who helped you through fixing your broken appliance whenever there is a problem, so then Donatello hacks into your devices and makes it seem like your appliance is broken so that you have to ask him for help. It makes him feel nice inside to be wanted.
Once Leonardo comes back and forces the turtles to go and patrol New York, Donatello finally sees you for the first time, and he wants to protect you, you look so innocent, so full of life, and he wants to make sure that nothing can happen to that innocence.
Upon seeing you and recognizing you because of your voice, he wants to kidnap you, sorry, take you home, right then and there, but he recognizes that he can't because of the others.
But when he can, ohohohoho, you will be in the sewers in less than 12 hours. He has badly prepared to have you 'home' and had to call Mikey in order to make it livable for you. which leads me to the fact that yes, Mikey did help him, but also 'ratted him out to the rat': "Hey, Sensei, can I bring a human home? Since Donnie got to?" "He did what.?"
Splinter bursts in because,, human. And puts you back on the surface after apologizing to you when he sees that you don't want to be here.
Donnie gets upset, and takes you back, putting you in a different part of the sewers where he watches you during his job, and when he's not busy, visits you.
"Hey... I um. Don't know if I count as a dad, but I want to protect you. Is that weird? anyway, do you recognize me? it's me! Donnie!" "...Why are you so scared?"
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eastcoast-envy · 1 year
Some random Apex headcanons I've accumulated.
- Some Legends never get used to Mirage constantly having a holo around. The older Legends (like Bangalore, Wraith...) know which is which at all times, but newbies sometimes get spooked. When Newcastle was introduced I couldn't help but picture him trying to have a heart-to-heart with Mirage only for the real one to come up beside him and scare the crap out of him.
- Everyone is friends with Rampart. Yes, everyone.
- Additionally, everyone gets along with Pathfinder, though some (Mad Maggie and Vantage) never really warm up to him. It's more of a "you've done nothing wrong to me so eh sure we can work together" kind of attitude.
- Horizon is the mom friend of the group. Vantage and Catalyst both kind of attach to her and will come to her for occasional guidance. (This makes Horizon really happy.)
- Most of the Legends find Loba exhausting, and it gets exponentially worse when Valkyrie is around.
- Bloodhound is very selective; they don't like most of the other Legends except for Fuse (obviously?), Rampart, Seer (mostly), and Vantage, after the two have a nice long conversation about boundaries and navigating social situations.
- Bloodhound and Vantage also eventually bond over the whole raised-outside-most-of-society thing and sharing a respect for nature that the other Legends don't have. I'd like to think Arthur and Echo get along.
- Octane and Lifeline are still passively rich. Neither has had their funds cut off (yet) and they sometimes give their friends money. (Or in Octane's case he's sometimes suckered out of it.) When Octane asks Rampart to fix something he broke she'll charge him more than she does everyone else, not because she doesn't like him, but because she knows he'll pay it. (She in turn uses this money for the Paradise Lounge.)
- Once Wraith started getting back some of her memories/past, Ash and Horizon became interested in her. Do they act on this interest? No, not really; Wraith doesn't trust either of them that much and wouldn't tell them anything even if they asked.
I still have some more but this post is getting long and I don't know how to format it with the "keep reading" thing. ;-;
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enaelyork · 1 year
Orson Krennic’s wedding - [Reader Aesthetic]
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Request open for : Aesthetic - Fanfic - Headcanon
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astromechs · 7 months
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i forgot this, too; jyn, my spring baby 🥺
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veil-of-exordia · 1 year
'Hamlet was friends with Ophelia' this. 'Hamlet was friends with Laertes' that. Consider:
Hamlet was friends with Polonius.
Hear me out:
1: Both theatre kids. Enough said.
2: Apart from Horatio, Polonius is the character most capable of sustaining conversations with Hamlet. He takes Hamlet's insults in stride. He has not just one, but multiple extended conversations with Hamlet. Hamlet displays aggravation towards Gertrude and Claudius, while Polonius displays aggravation towards Laertes and Ophelia...but the two seem strangely calm, almost exasperated, around each other. Granted, the origins of Polonius's attitude is probably because he is socially inferior to Hamlet and because he wants to appeal to Hamlet to reveal 'secrets'...but Hamlet definitely appreciates a conversation partner that can endure him, if not keep up with him, and why wouldn't Polonius return that sentiment?
3: They also both speak numerous asides. It shows that they have a shared tendency to comment on people behind their backs (which is corroborated by other aspects of the play, of course), and this indicates that there is a nonzero chance that they have gossiped together.
4: Ophelia approached Polonius about Hamlet's madness. Consider:
-Ophelia seems to be distressed and concerned about Hamlet when she approaches Polonius.
-Ophelia knows that Polonius is overprotective, yet still approached Polonius about Hamlet, expressing her concern (as in Hamlet looking 'piteous', 'as if he had been loosed out of Hell') specifically.
The implication here is that Ophelia appears to believe that Polonius won't try to actively harm Hamlet, but might rather help him, or at least prevent Hamlet from getting worse. And why would Polonius want to help Hamlet? You know the drill.
5: We get a lot of ambiguity about Hamlet's madness throughout the play. However, we mostly agree that sending R&G, unwitting coconspirators in a murder plot, to die in his place, was a move no sane person would do. We can also agree that at least some of Hamlet's 'madness' early on was feigned.
Consider that the death of Polonius was what drove Hamlet truly mad. It matches up with the timeline that Hamlet started being truly mad just before the R&G death-sentence while being at least somewhat sane earlier.
And why would killing Polonius drive Hamlet over the edge? Apart from the general shock of murder, finding out you accidentally killed a long-time friend would definitely be enough to drive anyone over the edge.
6. They both like surveillance. One more shared hobby.
7. As I've outlined in my Polonius and Gertrude are foils post, Polonius appears to be too concerned as a parent while Gertrude appears to be too unconcerned, and Hamlet is greatly dissatisfied with Gertrude's attitude. By extension, then, Hamlet would probably respect Polonius's "engagement" better compared to Gertrude's "detachment", and this might draw them together.
8. Speaking about Gertrude! Hamlet and Polonius are the only two characters in the play who have expressed explicit, strong dissent in-person against Gertrude specifically. Combining with point 3, ranting about Gertrude could have been an excellent bonding activity for them.
Of course, I like this headcanon because it makes the story more tragic. But I have an additional reason:
-Were Hamlet once friends with Polonius, Hamlet's killing of Polonius would be a betrayal of that friendship. This adds an additional layer of meaning when Laertes talks about 'honour' in the final scene.
And finally, all this also indicates that Hamlet and Polonius are foils (differences despite similarity). I am too tired to analyse this further but. Yeah I think we get the gist.
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marsbar17 · 11 months
Hi again!! :3 Think u could write t4t witchvoid hcs?? Preferably domestic life or what they would do on dates??? Or how they act around their friends after they starting dating??? They’ve been on my mind a lot lately lol!!!! :D (sfw and nsfw is fine!)
The wholesomeness is taking over me >:) Enjoy just nice healthy relationship shit
[Apex Legends]
[Catalyst x Wraith]
• They definitely enjoy coffee/tea dates at cafes, just sipping drinks and talking about anything and everything
• It's mostly Catalyst talking while Wraith admires her and listens to how her day went
• Occasionally they go to movie theaters to watch cheesy romance movies and laugh at how dumb they are
• Catalyst secretly enjoys the movies but what she enjoys even more is seeing Wraiths face as she laughs
• They share a thing of popcorn just to touch hands :)
• Most of their dates are just hanging out at home
• Cooking together, getting dressed together, eating together, spending free time together
• In front of others, they're kinda low key, they ain't flaunting it, but it's not like they're keeping it super secret
• They just don't show a lot of pda in public and they don't talk about their personal lives
• Wattson was probably the first one to know
• She either walked in on them kissing or saw Wraith with a hickey and they couldn't lie to her, no one can lie to wattson its a crime
• Wattson promised not to tell everyone about it as long as Catslyst now came to the Wraith-Wattson-Mirage-Crypto game night every saturday
• Catalyst beats them all at every game
• Even after they made their relationship public to the other legends they still don't show affection much in public
• But in private they like to just tangle all their limbs together under a blanket and watch movies
• They both seem like the intimidating one in the couple but I like to think that Catalyst is the "excuse me, she said no pickles" while Wraith just stands there
• It's not that Wraith is nervous, she just doesn't care enough to ask the employees to correct it
• I can see them both domming, but mostly Catalyst
• I feel like, no matter who is the dominant one, Catalyst just really likes the feeling of having someone wrapped around her dick
• Just like in the last post, i still think that their favorite positions are riding and doggy
• All the stuff about the spicy piercings carries over too
• Wraith is especially sensitive and if Catalyst wants to overstimulate her she'll just start jerking her cock while she pounds deep inside
• For someone so sensitive, Wraith has a surprising amount of stamina and can go a couple rounds if she wanted to
• Catalyst is very much the type to mark up her lovers in every way, biting, sucking, digging her nails in, all of it
• Wraith is lucky her outfit is full body and includes a scarf :)
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huntershowl · 23 days
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when i start plotting out a ship with someone, sleeping is often one of the first sticking points. safe to say that most people, when they develop a romantic relationship, naturally fall into the habit of sleeping with their partner (in a literal sense as well as others.)
it's not something i talk about in their doc or even that often outside of it, but persephone suffers from sleep paralysis, night terrors, and insomnia. even alone, they're often unable to sleep until it's well into midday, catching a couple of hours at most while hidden away in a spot they're completely sure is secure and unseen. ( one of the reasons she became so dependent on alcohol is that sometimes the only way they can fall asleep is after drinking an irresponsible amount. ) and because the trauma that caused her paranoia was suffered at the hands of another person, the presence of other bodies makes the prospect of sleeping even more difficult than it already was.
that is to say, persephone is incapable of sleeping in the same space as another person. this is the case whether we're talking about the same bed, the same room, or the same house/unit.
it takes a lot of work to begin to rectify this, along with a TON of trust, time and patience. by trust, i mean complete trust — not only persephone knowing for a fact that the other muse won't turn around and ambush her in the night, but also knowing that they could protect themselves (and her, in the event they're keeping watch while she rests) if someone tried. this most often comes with a heavily plotted and very specific Type of romantic relationship. it happens faster with some muses than with others, depending on how physically safe seph feels with them (ie. their general power level and their history with seph.)
sleep isn't the only way their paranoia manifests, however. it's the reason she sticks to traveling by rooftop, alone — being on ground level makes them genuinely believe (not just feel like) they're being watched. it's also the reason they don't stay in the same place for more than one night: they travel between out-of-the-way, ramshackle, abandoned apartment units (i call them her hideouts) each evening, and though she usually doesn't sleep the whole night (or at all), she still uses that particular hideout as her base until morning.
if someone learns the address to one of their hideouts, or if they have to take another person there, it's considered compromised, and they abandon it as soon as possible. they haven't stayed/slept in their actual apartment since returning from their disappearance.
lastly, when persephone agrees to meet up with someone, or goes on a job with a partner from the unseen, they prefer to travel alone and meet up at rendezvous points. this allows them agency and privacy in travel; they can move around by rooftop without worrying about another presence with them.
note: all of this applies to her life after her two-year disappearance. ( so roughly 5 years ago through present-day / early 20s to mid/late 20s in age.) beforehand, despite still being a very independent kid, seph was a lot more comfortable spending idle time, sleeping, etc. around other people. she and orion were together more often than not, they'd seek friends out when bored, and you could pat her on the shoulder without her trying to kick your teeth in on pure reflex. KJSHDJHSD
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