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guillemelgat · 2 years ago
Hi! Do you know of good resources for people looking to learn the pronunciation rules for Catalan? I don't know that I'm looking to necessarily dive in to learning a whole 'nother language at the moment, but I'd like to have a frame of reference for how Catalan sounds. I know it's Not Spanish, but as a native English speaker who has taken some Spanish, I'd like to know what it does sound like, because I automatically parse it as Spanish when I see it written, and I know that ain't it. Thanks!
Hello! Thank you for asking, it's always exciting when other people want to learn Catalan :)
Catalan has a lot of similarities in vocabulary and grammar to Spanish, but in terms of pronunciation it's very different—this is a big sticking point for a lot of learners. The hardest part, if you're coming from Spanish, is definitely the vowels. Unlike Spanish, there are seven vowels in Catalan—the e and the o each have a more open and a more closed pronunciation, which is hard to explain, but they'll demonstrate it in the video below. (This system of seven vowels is actually present in most Romance languages, and Spanish is an exception 😅) Catalan vowels are also fun because if they're not stressed, they change/simplify! In the western dialects of Catalan, they simplify like this:
a -> a
è, é -> é
i -> i
ò, ó -> ó
u -> u
That one's not too crazy, but in eastern dialects, they simplify wayyyy down, and it takes a lot of practice before you get accustomed to it:
a, è, é -> [ə] (this is a schwa, it's like the 'uh' sound in English)
i -> i
ò, ó, u -> u
This video from Easy Catalan does a great job of showing the pronunciation of the language, explaining all the different letters, giving examples, and letting you hear spoken Catalan! I brought up the difference between eastern/western dialects in vowel reduction because that's the only thing they don't mention, but it does show up in the video—the person in the green jacket speaks with the eastern pronunciation, and the person in the sweater with the western pronunciation.
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guillemelgat · 2 years ago
Han afegit més diccionaris a la versió en línia de l'Alcover-Moll! Alguns són dels principis del segle XIX, i inclouen formes no-normalitzades i traduccions al llatí i castellà—a més de representar una mica la diversitat de la llengua catalana (hi ha diccionaris del mallorquí i del valencià). A més a més s'accedeixen amb una cerca avançada que permet introduir-hi frases senceres, així que té pinta de ser una eina realment útil, sigui per filòlegs, historiadors, estudiants de la llengua, o qualsevol persona que vol saber més sobre el català que no apareix al DLC.
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guillemelgat · 2 years ago
I’m probably very late finding this out, but Briz’s Cansons de la terra is on Wikitexts, with sheet music and MIDI recordings, so if you want to go wild looking through 19th century Catalan folksongs you can now do that!
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
Holaa! T'ho dic en català així practiques una mica :) Si estàs aprenent català recomano molt veure Plats Bruts, que és una sèrie de fa com mil anys però encara és super popular xd. Té com 70 capítols però no cal que te'ls miris en ordre exacte, l'única continuïtat que tenen és els personatges principals que es van introduint o que van marxant i tal. Recomano molt mirar-la, es pot trobar fàcilment per Youtube i val molt la pena!!!
Ei hola!! Moltes gràcies pel missatge, i també per la recomanació :) He de confessar que ja he mirat la sèrie sencera, la vaig mirar durant la pandèmia i em va encantar, i si la pogués esborrar de la ment i tornar-la a mirar ho faria. Però ho poso aquí perquè tinc molts seguidors a qui potser els agradaria també, agraeixo molt la oportunitat de fer-ne propaganda haha
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
LGBT Terminology/Dictionaries in Minoritized Languages
I was asked by @portugue for some dictionaries/terminology lists in different languages, but I realized when I checked that I actually only have them for 2 of the languages I study. If people have more minoritized language resources for LGBTQIA+ terminology, please add them on here! Let’s try to get as many as we can.
TERMCAT - Diccionari LGBT (Catalan): https://www.termcat.cat/ca/diccionaris-en-linia/256
Stonewall Cymru - Geirfa (Welsh): https://www.stonewallcymru.org.uk/cy/cymorth-chyngor/geirfa -UPDATE: This Google doc has corrections/improvements on the Stonewall Cymru list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bE8oVmZEhl6Wxqk6EEiEkv8z5xxq-cyQYjjigQPYKO0/edit
An Foclóir Aiteach (Irish): https://usi.ie/focloir-aiteach/
Celtic Students Blog - LGBTQ Terminology in the Celtic Languages (Welsh, Cornish, Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Manx, Breton): https://celticstudents.blogspot.com/2021/02/lgbtq-terminology-in-celtic-languages.html?m=1
Geidh.uk - Briathrachas LGDTCE+ (Scottish Gaelic): https://geidh.uk/briathrachas-lcdt/
(Last edited: 6/8/21)
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
Totalment obsessionat amb aquesta cançó que acabo de trobar a l’arxiu/cançoner del projecte Càntut, m’encantaria que algú el versionés i que tingués un comeback perquè crec que encara és rellevant
Hi ha més informació aquí si us interessa
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guillemelgat · 5 years ago
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📚Aquí teniu el text d’aquesta setmana (un fragment d’Història de la llengua catalana)
📝 Tasca 2: Busca una paraula catalana al diccionari. Mira l'etimologia i comenta'ns què has trobat: una història o origen inesperat o únic, si té alguna cosa a veure amb la teva llengua materna, o qualsevol altra cosa que t'hagi semblat interessant (o no tan interessant, segons el cas). 
Aquí teniu unes diccionaris amb etimologies que podeu consultar:
Diccionari català-valencià-balear / Diccionari Alcover-Moll - https://dcvb.iec.cat/
Diccionari de l’Enciclopèdia Catalana - http://diccionari.cat/
Viccionari (Wiktionary) - https://ca.wiktionary.org/
📍Fés un post amb… la paraula escollida, la seva etimologia, i el teu comentari.
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guillemelgat · 6 years ago
My Catalan professor showed me this website, which has maps of regional pronunciations and variants of Catalan words collected between 1964 and 1978 by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans. If you want to look at the maps themselves, you should find them by looking under Volums, hovering over a volume, clicking on Mapes, then choosing the word that you want to look at. Just a warning that if you like Catalan sociolinguistics/phonology, you will waste an entire afternoon on this website, so use with caution.
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guillemelgat · 7 years ago
(2/2 Random Fun Resources)
This is a resource specifically for Catalan learners, but it’s really cool! It’s basically a website that compiles poetry by Catalan authors and the different songs that these poems have been used in. If you know me and my love of Ovidi and Obrint Pas, or the fact that I have a quote from Estellés as the header image of this blog, you will understand why I think this is amazing and you should too. (My Catalan professor was very angry about the fact that they order people by first name instead of last name, but that’s a minor issue.)
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guillemelgat · 8 years ago
A good Catalan vocab resource
I don’t know if someone has mentioned this before, but there’s a website called Rodamots that sends out a daily email (Mon-Fri) with a word in Catalan. It’s usually a fairly advanced word (I haven’t used a lot of the words), but they’re usually fun things to know, and they also come with a passage in Catalan or two as well as a quote for the day and lots of good links. Their website has all of their previous words and expressions to go through if you want. Their Twitter will also give an overview of words and stuff, but personally I like the emails better because they’re a daily chance to practice Catalan. (They also used to send out words for Catalan beginners, but I can’t seem to find the link to that on their new website...)
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guillemelgat · 6 years ago
I had forgotten how good listening to LaTdT (aka LaTdP) is, I don’t know who half the players on Barça are anymore but it’s just nice listening to Catalan in the background.
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