#cat man and his personal space heater
yuri-is-online · 3 months
Was planning on marrying Shang on my main but... Karish... I looked at his dialogue and this guy... this man is so fucking stupid
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Was? Was he going to jump down the wishing well for the baby?
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cloverexe777 · 2 months
Wolverine and Deadpool hc’s
- he likes smelling your hair after you was it it pretty weird but also sweet that he fine comfortably in your scent
- he’s a cat person so if you have a cat expect him to be cuddled up with it somewhere as for his favorite breed of cat he like orange tabby’s
- when it’s winter time he sleeps really fucking hot, like space heater type fucking hot
- calls you nicknames like sweetheart or cupcake idk something a old man would say
- he’s up your ass 23/7 you can’t get away from him you’ll wear yourself out trying
- ever argument y’all have he some hour makes it weird just so you can forget why your man at him
Like for example:
You: you fucker!
Him: i’m literally Ryan Reynold’s, of course I fuck 
You: the fuck
- he has a random picture of hugh jackmen Logan shirtless and sometimes makes you look at it
- kidnapped brought Logan to y’all’s house once just so you guys could meet said and I quote “I thought you’d like to met before the three of us got married”
- he is a dog person dogpool is proof of that
‘Deadpool here you better watch my fucking move or so help me I’m gonna fine you and when I do Disney isn’t even gonna help you ‘
- love from wade and clover
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fortheb0ys · 4 months
It's been so grey and rainy here for like 2 weeks
I need to be cuddled up with an old man(your pick ;) ) just spooning him, maybe a bitta cockwarming and gentle fucking while the rain patters on the window barely covering our moans and grunts
It's the opposite here! Hot and sunny :(
I'm a firm believer that Price runs hot. Your own personal space heater.
Hot cocoa sits neglected and cold on your side table. It's warmth replaced with Price. Your hands around his waist pull him tightly against your shivering body.
Those same hands now running cold. Trying to find warmth, fingers roam upwards, settling into Price's chest. Mindlessly you run your fingers through the hairy mess. You would also joke how it felt like petting a cat.
You push the limits, pinching one of his nipples suddenly. Price jumps at the surprise, his walls tighten around you, reminding you that you're buried deep inside him.
A groan escapes his mouth as you continue to pinch and squeeze the sensitive buds. He pushes back against you, catching friction in any place he could.
Quiet grunts are drowned out by the steady rainfull. The entire world seemed like it was contained in just this small room. Just you and Price entangled in soft pleasure.
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overwatchfics · 2 years
i saw youre doing requests! can i request dating headcanons where y/n is a blackwatch agent also dating a fellow blackwatch agent (genji, cass, moira, and reaper)? tia! <3
Blackwatch Dating HC's
Already did Cassidy's so just the rest of Blackwatch.
Not at his healthiest, but God damn his angstiness is kinda hot for you.
While he is focused on vengeance against his brother, you manage to pull him out of it or you help him vent and vow to help him out.
Genji really appreciates the gesture
When Genji is off of his vengeful Shimada bs he'd love to take you to the arcade, an old past time of his.
He's not really in it for playing to win anymore he just likes seeing the smile on your face when you're playing with him.
Anything to tear him away from his Blackwatch work.
If your a electrical engineer of any kind hell occasionally let you mess with the lighting on his body
You totally didn't use his body as a disco ball while blasting funk nope
When it's just the two of you in a private place, he shows his love through physical touch
Genji likes to cradle your face and lightly graze his thumbs across your skin
If you're lucky he might take off his mask and ask to kiss you
You're going to have to be real patient with him, after his murder he's real insecure about his being as a cyborg.
If he does kiss you he's gentle, he has a feral side that wants to go all put, but around you he wants to savor the moment and keep you there in his arms.
As far as dinners go, he doesn't really eat much... not much left of a body to sustain anyways, but he'll be more than happy to help you cook!
He's great with a knife, doesn't have to worry about nicking himself.
In the bed, Genji's a cuddler. He is semi-emberassed about it. He falls asleep on his side and wake up wrapped around you.
I liken Genji to a cat, he just rubs up against you trying to get some affection and cuddles he's too scared to ask for.
If you two are on missions together, he sticks by you, no arguments and everyone on the team knows this. Not even Commander Reyes can separate the two of you.
After long missions spent apart Genji shows up at your room or vice versa but no matter you hell take you into his arms and press his head against your shoulder.
He fears losing you as he has lost himself.
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Listen, you have to be into science if you're going to roll with Moira.
Since you're a science person or an agent who operates in the science division you can expect to be working with Moira a lot
While she won't experiment on you (unless you ask) she'll ask for your participation in helping her with an experiment and analysis.
You both know it's hard to find time for either of you to go out together, so the best time for dates is unsurpsingly in the lab.
Moira will gladly do a couple silly experiments to keep moral high with various experiment such as giving a rabbit a pair of human arms, exploding goop, and some stuff they probably belongs in Area 51.
After it's been in exhausting day you two will find it easier to just walk over to whoevers room is the closest and crash there. Not before before pulling you close and kissing you. Moira looks into your eyes and wonders how you can put up with her insanity.
Blanket hugger I swear, she's not even ashamed about it
She also has the coldest feet she's so tall most blankets won't cover her completely.
Hope you don't mind being Moira's little space heater, she'll leech your warmth.
Has all of her limbs wrapped around you kind of like a spider
Loves you more than she'll ever admit.
If you're out on the field, you can bet sharing notes and observations is a must.
Since you're same department you two get to stick together
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Gabriel (Commander Reyes)
Big man, soft heart.
It's lonely at the top and he loves when you drag him out of the base to do stuff.
Gabriel loves to go to the movies, horror and comedy in particular
Also gives him an excuse to have you hold his hand during some scary parts
Also adores glancing at you laughing at some dumb scene in a comedy
Always brings his heavy gray hoodie and has you wear it if the theater gets to cold. Gabe always manages to grab a picture of you in it and set it as his screen saver.
Type of man to take you out to dinner afterward, and refuses to let go of your hand.
On base you can hang with him in his room, since he's Commander his accomadations are nicer than yours.
He has a heated blanket and you can't find the heart to tell him no when he asks you if you want to cuddle with him.
Gabriel is a big man, but the way he holds you is unmatched to anyone else
He is gentle with his touch and likes to rest you on top of his chest.
His heartbeat puts you at ease and sleep finds you easier than normal.
On missions with him, it's common to get separated since he's Commander there are times where he works from a computer to strategize in comms. But the few times he's on the field you two are a force of nature.
Unstoppable really.
After long missions apart, Gabriel searches for you and when he find you he pulls you into a searing kiss and lifts you up, smiling with tears in his eyes tha you're ok.
With his warm hand in yours, tomorrow is a new day and any day with Gabe is a good day.
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A/N: I already did Cassidy's for dating HC's so I did the other homies of black watch. I'm going to sleep now but I'll update the master list tomorrow.
Have a request? Drop it in the request box and be sure to check the rules!
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soundprooft-visualz · 2 years
How do you think Aliens would react to humans being so cuddly as well as our high body temperature? Like imagine it’s crazy cold and one of the aliens are cold blooded so they’re not doing to well and some humans just scoops them up and acts like a living heater. (I had an older sister that used to put me in her shirt when I was really little when it was winter so I wouldn’t get too cold)
Considering that most of my friends consider me to be their personal heater? I'd definitely say that other intelligent species would react about the same way. If you fall asleep in the ship's common space and wake up covered in your crewmates, I think that'd mostly be on you ESPECIALLY if you already know you run hot.
So probably something like this?
It really was just supposed to be a nap. Well, it really wasn't even supposed to be that, but 30 hours straight on a death world worse than Earth was enough to exhaust anyone to the point they'd accidentally fall asleep. He'd meant to just sit down for a minute and get his thoughts together. What had confused Yalek was that when he woke up, he felt like he was under a weighted blanket, but that would've meant someone carried him to his bunk. That couldn't have been it though, his chest was too cool for him to be under a blanket. Instead when he opened his eyes, he found three of his smaller crewmates curled up on his chest and stomach respectively. The great bear of a man grunted, looking down past the thick red beard as the three little birds woke up.
"You lot a'right?" It chirped something in response and cocked it's head, causing its whole body (which was mostly neck) to shake. Yalek decided it was more trouble than it was worth to get up. He rested his head back and shut his eyes, deciding he could relax until they decided to move. It was risky though. If his crewmates ever found out he applied the same rules to them as he did to sleeping cats, they'd never let him hear the end of it.
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Roommates (stucky x reader)
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3767 words
A/N: i'm writing this fic for...almost 6 months, i dreamed many times of stucky and their roommate. it was always hard to write i had seen in my dreams and to translate all i felt during those dreams. But here we are.
It's gonna be in idk many parts.
This one is a little introduction, and with slight angst.
TW: fluff, light angst, polyamourous relationship. Steve and Bucky (they're a warning...) <...>= texting
Don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
magnificient moodboard by the amazing @christywantspizza
divider by the talentuous : @firefly-graphics
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own.
Part 1 | Part 2 | part 3
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When you had to find an apartment. You never thought to find yourself with two gentle giants for roommates. But here you are, one year later with Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers in a nice and homely appartement.
You knew them from college, they were friends of friends and when your last roommate kicked you out because she wanted to be alone with her boyfriend… the two big guys were nice enough to propose you to come and live with them for a while. “Yeah, don’t need to pressure yourself, doll, take your time to get back on your feet. We have enough rooms for three.”, told you Bucky. “And when you find a studio or something else, we’ll help you to move out and in, sweetheart.”, said Steve.
But one year later, you don’t want to move out. You like to be here with these two. Monday is Buck’s night for cooking. Tuesday, yours, Wednesday is Steve turns, Thursday is movie night with take outs or leftovers and Friday to Sunday is more like “who’s there, who’s eating at home, who wants to go out?” vibes.
Life is easy, and you were surprised to see that…they clean, like ALL the time. Steve is the tidiest of all of you. Buck tries to keep is mess in his bedroom and ask for help when he has too much “trash”.  Sunday is almost always the day where you all clean the appartement. You cook pancakes or waffles and then it’s time to give the appartement a little bit of a makeover. It’s always full of giggles and pinning. Like the time you found a boxer under the couch. Bucky was a blushing mess, saying it was from like two weeks ago when this girl came home with him after a night out. “But I respected the rules, we didn’t do anything on the couch”. Or the time, Steve found your vibrator under the bathroom cabinet, you just took it back and gave him an innocent smile and told him to forget about it. Spoiler alert: Steve didn’t forget that and was impatient to finally have the guts to ask you if you wanted to use it with him one day.
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Today, it’s Friday. It’s the first slow day you have in weeks.  Steve is out with some friends and Bucky didn’t answer yet to tell you if he’ll be home tonight.
You decide to eat some leftovers and to watch for the hundredth time your favourite movie. Thirty minutes in, you hear the keys and then the door opens with a loud thud. An angry Bucky storms in the living room and lay on you without saying a word. He pushes his head between your breasts and groans. “Ok, hello to you too grumpy man. Can you tell me why you invade my space and doesn’t ask for my consent before shoving your head here?” Bucky starts to mumble fast, and you don’t understand anything.  You slap him gently on the back of his head. He stops and lifts his head to look at you. “Shitty day, shitty people. Need a stress relief. May I, doll, please?” he pouts and makes his best puppy eye.
Since you arrived, you realised that the two giants you lived with were very into physical touch. Bucky likes to lay on you meanwhile Steve likes to play with your hair during movie night or offers you little massages during them.
You never complain, you’re most of the time cold so this two are your personals heaters.
You start to massage Bucky’s head and this lovely idiot starts to act like a cat and purrs. “Did you eat?” he asks you.
“Yup, leftovers, there’s still some if you want.”
“The lasagna?”.
The evening goes on. But you can feel that Bucky wants to ask you something. He’s fidgeting, more than usual, and can’t seem to stop touching you. He’s currently massaging your calf. “What is it, Buck?”.
He sighs, and sighs again before sitting up and looking you dead in the eye. “Can I kiss you, doll?”. First, you think he’s joking, but then his expression is too serious for your liking. “Like kiss me on the lips?”, you ask him.
 “WHY?” you almost scream in shock.
He blushes and whispers “because you look beautiful, and I want to kiss you”.
“that’s a cheesy pick-up line, Barnes.”
He looks at you again and asks, “but does it work?” shyly you nod. You won’t lie, you already thought of what it would feel like to kiss Bucky, but you never really asked him, too scared to make thing awkward with your roommates. “So can I kiss you, doll face?” when you don’t say anything he gets closer, when his lips are almost touching yours, he murmurs “I need words, Y/N”.
You swallow loudly before saying “yes, you can, Bucky”.
Then his lips are on yours. The kiss is tender, lovely and your fingers grab his hair. His hands get under your shirt, and you shiver. You feel his tongue caresses your lower lips and you parted them. When both or your tongues meet, the kiss gets more and more passionate. Your legs circle instinctively his waist to bring him closer. When you need to breath you break the kiss and Bucky is panting above you. Pupils blown out and lips swollen. He’s more beautiful than ever. You smile, a little bit uncomfortable. You tap his cheek gently and whisper “gonna go to toilets, sorry”. He nods and lets you go.
Bucky can’t wait to tell Steve what happened.
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Two weeks later, Bucky has never once talk about the kiss… at least with you. You didn’t either. You felt weird. Not in a bad way, you wanted to start again, to try again and see if the kiss made you feel again all dizzy and warm.
But for now, you are alone with Steve. Bucky went home to see his family.
“Truth or dare, sweets?” asks Steve from the kitchen.
“Really, aren’t we like to old or outnumbered to play this game?” he snorts and come back with your cocktail and his beer.
“Nope, it’ll be fun”.
“If you say so, truth” you reply.
After maybe twenty minutes, you have to say that he is right, you’re having fun. You told secrets that both of you had never tell and you did some fun dares. But now, Steve wanted to ask you to kiss him.
He spoke with Bucky, and he was jealous. He’s best friend had the guts to kiss you, when he was too afraid to be rejected. But tonight, with the alcohol in his system he feels powerful.
“I dare you to kiss me…with tongues!”, he declares. You laugh because he made a move with his tongue, but you accept the dare. Why not try and see if your attraction for Steve is the same as for Bucky?
When your lips touch his. You feel sparkles down your spine. When you lick his lips with your tongue and he part his, you feel hot all over. His hands go to your waist, and he places you on his lap.  And like with Bucky it gets heated pretty fast. And like with Bucky, you end the kiss and excuse yourself to go to the toilets
&lt;Stevie: I did it, buck.
Bucky: how does that feel, punk?
Stevie: like a dream came true, but I don’t want to scare her. We are not playing fair.
Bucky: I know, we must discuss that the three of us when I get back.
Stevie: what if she says no. What if she wants to be just with you.
Bucky: or you…
Stevie: I am sure she likes you more.
Bucky: stop, Steve. We don’t know what she feels. Did she kiss you back? Like really kiss you.
Stevie: yup…that was so hot. She did the thing with her tongue you told me about.>
“Stevie?” you say when you come back in the living room.
“I-I think I’ll go to bed. See you tomorrow?” you ask shyly.
“Sleep well, sweetheart, brunch is on me!”. You kiss his cheek and retrieve to your bedroom.
&lt;Y/N: I kissed Steve.
Y/N: we were playing truth or dare. He dared me to kiss him. (with tongues, his words, not mine)
Nat: and ?
Y/N: I don’t know what I am supposed to do now. I felt the exact same thing with Bucky and Steve. And you know I don’t feel much when I kissed guys until I am pretty attached to them.
Nat: yeah I know…you and your demi-sexual thing.
Y/N: scuse you bisexual girl who dates only nerds guy. How’s Bruce?
Nat: currently massagin’ my feet so perfect. But you need to talk to them. I am sure they’re planning something.
Y/N: planning smth?
Nat: ask them. Good night, babe.>
What you didn’t know, it’s that before you join them in the appartement. Bucky and Steve had a thing, that only Natasha knows. They are best friends, sure, but they’re also lovers. They only tend to be like that when you are not around, since you moved in.
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You are not going to lie to yourself, you are feeling bad to have kiss your two roommates. And you are feeling worse to have like it, both time and even considering doing it again.
This Saturday, you come back from a little walk with Natasha. When you arrive, the appartement is quiet, a little bit to quiet. No one is in the living room and the door from Bucky’s room is wide open and empty, but the room from Steve is closed. You wait to hear something, like Steve has a girl around, but nothing.
You go there and knock. Steve’s voice comes to you in a grumble “yeah?”, “Hello, just to let you know I am home. “, you say.
 “Oh hey, little one, ok, we’ll be there soon for dinner.”
You can’t stop your question “We?”. You hear Steve chuckles and then he invites you in.
“Buck and I, sweets, who else?” he says when you open the door.
Steve is on his back with Bucky curled onto his side, sound asleep. You saw them bro cuddling now and then, but never like that. You raise an eyebrow but don’t say anything. Bucky has hard days and seems to find comfort in cuddling. “I have an empty space right here” teases Steve and tapping the other side of him. You hesitate and decide to go and join the cuddle. You lay down beside Steve, his arm goes around your waist. You put your hand on his chest, just beside Bucky’s hand.
 “He’s ok?” you ask quietly.
“Bad day, really bad one.”, answers Steve.  Automatically, you caress Bucky’s cheek and pass your finger in his hair. “How was your day with Natty?”.
“Good, really nice.”, you smile at Steve.
In your walk with Nat, you arrived at this conclusion: no need to put words for now, just enjoy the feeling of being close to those two wonderful men. So, you enjoy the cuddle and to pass your fingers in Bucky hair, while Steve caress your hip. You’re at peace. You’ve never felt like this with any of your ex’s.
Maybe they talked to each other, and they know that you have kissed each of them, maybe you can tell Steve now and Bucky when he wakes up. Maybe, just maybe you are, and they are into polyamorous relationship. Maybe…
“Stevie?” you murmur in his neck, he smells divine as always, citrus and pine. He hums in response. “I…I kissed Bucky before I kissed you.” His hand still on your waist and he squeezes it.
“Yeah, same Sweetheart, I kissed him before I kissed you.” You sit up, not sure to have truly heard what he said.
“Wait, what?”. Steve grins at you, then he turns his head to Bucky and kisses him on his forehead. Buck sighs in his sleep and get more comfortable on Steve. His leg goes on his thighs, and he tightens his grip around the waist. He looks peaceful. “You’ve kissed?”, Steve shrugs but his smile tells you everything you need.
You weren’t expecting that, of course not, but why are you not more shocked or disturbed? You look at them and it’s like the missing piece of the puzzle in your head. Everything starts to make sense, or you have more questions that need answers. “I always thought that your friendship was more than that”, you think out loud. Steve chuckles while Bucky stirs in his sleep. He tucks himself more onto Steve and his hand, who was on his stomach, goes right to Steve��s crotch. And the blond does nothing to stop him, well not exactly nothing, he’s looking at you and when he sees your expression, he gently takes bucky hand et brings it back to his sternum.
“I think we need to talk the three of us, Sweets” he whispers to you. You can only nod and keep staring at their interlaced hands. “We don’t want to scare you away, you know?”,
“Scare me away?”, you ask intrigue.
“Yeah, by telling you our little secret.” You stay silent, not sure you want to acknowledge the truth just yet…because it doesn’t scare you at all, it turns you on more and that’s what scares you, you almost feel like a creep.
“I would have never judged you. You can love who you want” you finally say. Steve smiles and brings you closed once again. You put your hand on top of theirs. For the first time in a long time, you feel complete and that stress you out.
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The next day, you all decide to have THE discussion. It’s just after your usual Sunday brunch. The guys are doing the dishes and you just looking in the void. Your mind is racing. What if it just a dream, what if they pranked you?
“Dollface? You’re with us?” calls you Bucky. You blink twice to focus on them again. They are smiling, and you get butterflies.
“Yeah, I am” you whisper.
“Good, good, so…” starts Steve. And then he explains everything, his relationship with Bucky, their attraction for you since they met you. You listen, stunned by their revelations. Bucky points out some details and makes you giggle. You feel shy and powerful. The more they talk, the more they stare at you with love and lust. You have the last word; you are the one who has to say yes or no.  You take a big breath and ask, “How would it works?”.
They are taken aback; Bucky takes Steve’s hand under the table and squeeze it hard. “If we try this throuple, we have to make rules, right?” You sound so confident; Steve’s heart is beating fast.
“Yeah, we need rules for the start, to try and navigate in this together” states Bucky. You nod and smile. Then you get up and round the table to go to their side. You see their hands and chuckle.
 “No more hiding now, show me those hands, guys”. They laugh and put their hands on the table, you place both of your hand on their neck. It feels good, you like that they don’t have the same texture, but they both soft. They lean against you and close their eyes.
 “I feel like I just solved a puzzle” murmurs Bucky. “Is it weird?” he asks.
 “I don’t know, don’t feel weird. “, you answer. Steve is the first to move, he stands up and takes your hand and Bucky’s and goes on the couch. He sits down and puts you on his laps. Bucky takes your calf and cuddle against Steve. One of Steve’s arms is around your waist and the other is around Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky has one arm around Steve waist and the other on your legs. You put your hand on each one of them that touches you.
 After a moment of silence, you ask” Can we kiss again?”.
 “Yes, please” they said in unison. “I want to see you kiss” you murmur.  They don’t move, Steve’s blushing, while Bucky is looking at you. You put your hands on their chins and turn their faces, so they face each other. “Please, can I see you kiss?”. Your gentle command makes them move. Slowly they approach each other lips. When they start kissing, it’s sensual, loving and you get flustered. It’s hot, you never thought that looking at two people kissing would be this sexy. Then Bucky does something that makes Steve moans. You did once or twice hear him having someone around, but he has never moaned like that. Steve’s hand on your hip squeezes your flesh. Steve breaks the kiss first; Bucky bites his lower lip.
 “You turn, doll face”, growls Bucky. You expect him to kiss you, but he does the same as you did, take your chin between his fingers, and make you face Steve. You kiss the blond; you try some of your trick to make him moan like Bucky and when you succeed you break the kiss and turn your intention on Buck. He smiles at you, and you smile back, before going to kiss him. With Bucky, each of you fight for dominance. You move on Steve’s lap and after a while, you feel him getting hard under you. Suddenly the reality of the situation strikes, and you start to panic.
You get up and say, “I’m going to the toilets”. Bucky and Steve watch you go, and they try not to laugh, because they recognise a pattern there.
Your room is next to the toilets and when you go out, you look at your bed and you really want to hide yourself. But why would you hide? You take a deep breath before going back in the living room.
They are whispering to each other, Bucky seems unhappy, while Steve tries to calm him down. “hey, guys!”, they turn their heads so fast, you’re sure they’re going to bump into each other and you giggle. “ehm, sorry to ran away, could we…could we go in my room? For more privacy?”
Steve is the first to get up, Bucky looks at you strangely “privacy of what? we are the only one here” he says in a cold voice.
“Bucky” warns Steve.
 You sigh and smile “No he’s right Steve. Bucky, I know that we are alone, but I would feel better and safer in my room…because it’s new to me and I need to navigate around all of that…around this new us. If that makes sense?”
Bucky relaxes and nods, standing up, “makes sense, sorry.” You wait for them to come close to you before you take each of their hand and guide them into your room.
“Where do we sleep?”, you ask.
“Let’s just say, that we can sleep on our own or together, but no pressure” answers Steve. You smile and walk into your room, sitting on your bed facing them.
Bucky is the first to go lay and waits for Steve and you. “Doll, in the middle” he commands. You giggle and do as he say, loving the few times you find yourself engulf between those two sweet giants.
Steve follows you and sighs. “Love the smell of your sheets, sweetheart”. You smile at him and blushes.
“I use the same wash as you…”, he laughs softly and kisses your cheek.
“But it still smells like you.” He boops your nose and you giggle shyly. Bucky brings you close to him, and he kisses your neck, making you shudder.
“When did you know?”, he asks you.
“When I did know what, bucky?”
“That you liked both of us”.
This question, you’ve been asking it to yourself for weeks now. But honestly, it just came along the way. The fact that they opened their home for you, that they’ve always been there since. Always have a shoulder to lay on, someone to rely on. You’ve never felt alone since you moved in here. You tell them that and they both smile, Steve strokes your cheeks and Bucky your hip. You feel safe, understood, and complete.
Then, they both lean in and kiss you. A three-way kiss, that left you breathless and panting. You look at them and you smile, stroking their chin with your thumb, loving the difference of texture. Steve is shaved, while bucky always have a three-day beard. You pass your thumb on their lips and bucky groans, pupils wide, the blue of his eyes almost inexistant.
“You’ve freed the beast”, chuckles Steve, who’s biting his lip.  
“Y/N, Sweetheart?”, whispers Steve. You try to focus on him, but flashback holds you in your terror.
You look between them, and you take a shaky breath. “Oh, yeah?”. Bucky nods and starts to pempers kisses on your cheek and neck.
“Can I kiss you doll?”. You nod and he kisses you tenderly, deeply, you let him have the dominance in that kiss. It feels good, but then his hands wonder on your body, and you start to panic. Bad memories coming back to you. You try to tell him to stop, but then Steve joins him and you freeze, panic taking hold of you, and you feel hopeless, unable to tell them to stop. You whimper and they stop everything they do and look at you. Your eyes are tearing up and you’re heaving, fright written on your face.
Bucky looks at Steve and he’s panicking; the blond understands he must be stronger for both of you. “Buck, it’s okay, she must have…”, they look at each other and remembered the time you came home totally shaking and afraid. It was just before you dump your last friend with benefits.
“Rumlow”, growls Bucky. “I’m gonna end him”.
You take bucky hand and holds it tight. “don’t leave me.”
“I’m not, I’m here doll.” You nod and looks at Steve.
“I won’t either, sweetheart, I’ll stay here with you. Just take a deep breath for us?”. You nod and do some breathing exercise, following what Steve does and then Bucky when he joins in.
“So-sorry”, you murmur, unable to look at them, fiddling with your nails. One hand goes on yours and then another.
“No need to be sorry”, they said in unison, their soothing voice calming you even more.
“it’s a lot.”
“Then we take our time.”, says Steve softly.
“Yeah, you’re stuck with us now”, jokes gently Bucky and that makes you smile.  
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part 2
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bangpop91 · 7 days
I'll Meet You In Between
It's day 2 of @bucktommypositivityweek round 2! Today's prompt was scenes from a firetruck. This drabble takes place directly before Mayday. I hope you guys enjoy Day 2
Buck woke a groan fumbling with his phone to turn off his alarm before flopping back down into the bed not wanting to get up for the day. It hadn’t been that long ago that he looked forward to every shift. But these days the idea of getting out of the massive plush bed that also happened to feature a big muscular pilot with ridiculous bed head, and is like his own personal space heater. Buck wiggled closer into Tommy’s side burying his nose into Tommy’s armpit making his man grunt.
“Your face is like icicles,” Tommy groaned, adjusting himself so that they were face to face.
“It's not my fault your house is like a penguin habitat.” That startled a laugh out of Tommy while Buck grinned, pressing kisses against Tommy's stubble covered cheek. 
“You have a shift baby.” Tommy reminded him before capturing his lips in a sweet kiss.
“So do you.” He replied in-between morning kisses, where if he played this right could lead to morning sex 
“I don't have to fight crosstown traffic.” Tommy countered sitting up scratching his scalp making his mess of curls even more out of control from where they curled frizzy and untamed on one side and flat against his scalp on the other. He looks so rumpled and soft, far from the cool guy exterior Tommy meticulously puts on like armor every morning. He's moved on to casually scratching an itch on his chest while checking the weather on his phone like he does every morning before he gets out of bed. He wants to live in this moment and it's domesticity forever, he knows that realistically it's too early to talk about living together, about forever. But he wants this to be the sight he wakes up to every morning. Tommy looks down at him, Buck still stubbornly burritoed under the blanket  with his face in Tommy's pillow.
“Bed head?” He asked, looking at him with a lopsided grin. It makes Buck laugh from his spot in bed watching Tommy go through his morning routine.
“Nicely tousled.” Tommy and him should not be laughing at what dorks they are being, but he loves that he and Tommy can be silly, and there is no pressure to be tough, or manly, or cool, they can just be themselves. 
“Alright Darlin, you do have to get up now.” Buck is feeling a little bratty and burrows further into his burrito of blankets and Tommy’s pillow like a petulant child. “Will you get up if I promise to shower with you?” Tommy teases leaned over Buck.
“I could be persuaded.” He responds and lets Tommy lure him from the bed with kisses. He does make it to work on time, he didn't have time to stop and get coffee on the way to work which is fine because Tommy had sent him on his way with a thermos of coffee, kisses, and a reminder to be safe.
It turns out to be one of the worst and craziest shifts he has ever worked. He knows Tommy's own shift has been just as hectic. And yet in the rare minutes of downtime that he had to check his phone there were messages from Tommy.
A picture of a black cat from the pet rescue site that Tommy likes scrolling through with the accompanying message.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : I love Salem almost as much as I love you.
Buck: Awe he’s beautiful. I love him.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : 🐝🐝🐝🐝
❤️ Loml ❤️ : Are you enjoying the bee-nado
Buck: look at you learning how to use emojis I’m so proud of my old man.
❤️ Loml ❤️ : Don't be a brat, Evan.
Tommy finds him in the aftermath of the plane crash. They are in-between the 118 and 217’s engines when Tommy pulls him in for a hug.
“How you holding up Darlin?” His voice is low and quiet in Buck’s ear.
“I wish today would just end already.” He mumbled clinging to the back of Tommy's flight suit. He doesn't want to let go of Tommy, because right now Tommy is the only thing holding him upright.
“Twelve more hours okay.” Tommy promised, “Just twelve more hours and we will have forty-eight hours together. We'll turn our phones off, catch up on Stylish Designs, and try that new chili recipe.” 
“Okay.” Evan nodded with a smile, Having something to keep him moving towards. An end goal for his shift. Tommy is called away, his chopper is ready, Tommy presses a quick kiss to his lips.
“I'll see you at home.” He says with a big, bright charming smile that makes him melt. He'll see Tommy at home.
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teamblck · 7 months
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König headcanons
SFW but some are suggestive so MINORS DNI
heart banner by cafekitsune
• has a cleft lip on the left side
• uses so many emojis when texting
• “i love you schatz be home soon😘 🩷😁❤️💖💝💓🥰😍💕💌❣️”
• hates baths because he’s usually too big to fit in them comfortably and gets folded up
• i hc him to be around 6’5-6’7(i know his va said he’s 6’10, but his va also said that könig wouldn’t be interested in bigger people only thinner so i’m not listening)
• favorite flavor of ice cream is strawberry
• was raised by his grandparents and was an only child
• keeps his hair buzzed off
• HUGE cuddle bug
• whenever he’s home he’s attached to your hip
• gets so happy when you ask him to help you learn german (if you don’t already know it)
• gets homesick often and dreams of taking you to austria
• never had an actual relationship before but has had a couple of hookups
• doesn’t matter what size you are this man is picking you up all the time
• def does the the german stare
• has stretch marks (along with a ton of scars) on his body because of all the growth spurts he had as a child and teenager
• mutters the funniest comments under his breath
• i feel like he has had sex before but he doesn’t actively go out looking for it since he’s so committed to his job
• likes watching the rain
• ambidextrous
• listens to audiobooks
• a human radiator heater
• snores when he lays on his back
• cat person
• when he gets nervous or really flustered (like when he’s having sex) all he speaks is german
• has like 5 weighted blankets
• would buy an engagement ring like 3 months into dating
• hates air conditioning but complains about being hot all the time
• has no other forms of social media except pinterest
• 100% eats pussy for his pleasure
• hates his living space being a mess so is constantly cleaning
• god like stamina
• blushes easily
• even if he food is nothing like what he ordered he wouldn’t say anything and just eat it even if he hates it
• love language would be physical touch and quality time
let me know if you have any feedback!
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littleguyconnor · 8 months
Sleeping with the mercs (literally) <3
Engineer: Has no concept of a sleep schedule, when he goes to bed is completely random every night. But the times when the both of you do go to sleep together, he’s very cuddly. He might be a little shy at first, but he gets over it once you wind up tangled in each others arms in the morning. His room is kept pretty simple I think, since he doesn’t stay in there often, but there’s some overflow of things from his garage. Sheets are light and airy from living in Texas, but the heater definitely comes on in the winter.
Scout: Also has no sleep schedule, though he’s more prone to passing out around midnight. Talkative up until the very moment he falls asleep because his mind is racing constantly. Probably still has a twin sized mattress so it’s pretty cramped, but he’s long and thin so cuddling makes enough room for both of you. He moves around a lot though, so sometimes the blankets end up on the floor in the middle of the night. Prefers to keep his room on the cooler side.
Demoman: Goes to bed pretty late, but it’s always around the same time. Very open to cuddling, loves to be the big spoon. Snores a little, but nothing too obstructive. Mattress is soft and squishy with big, thick comforters. Lots of quilts stacked on top of them that his mom made, which essentially act as a weighted blanket. Room is on the chillier side, but all the bedding prevents it from being uncomfortable. Sleeps like a rock.
Soldier: Has an extremely strict schedule and follows it exactly every single night with no exceptions. He’s kind of like a cartoon character in that he'll pull out a book, read one sentence, and then immediately pass out and start snoring. Doesn’t mind cuddling but you have to be the big spoon. His sheets and room are kept very plain, he just has the bare essentials and not much else. The bed is comfortable, though, and there’s a little raccoon stuffed animal he sleeps with every night. Room is kept pretty cold, but he’s warm so it’s okay.
Pyro: Has a set bedtime and routine they like to follow, which includes keeping a nightlight on. Bed is soft with tons of blankets and stuffed animals piled on top of it almost like a nest. If enclosed spaces feel secure and comforting to you, Pyro’s bed is the perfect place to be. Room is kept pretty warm. Heavy sleeper to a comical degree, if a fire alarm went off they’d still be snoozing. Curls up in bed like a cat.
Sniper: Goes to bed early, but doesn’t actually fall asleep until way later. It takes a while for him to get comfortable with the idea of sharing a bed with someone, but once he does, he’s very clingy and very affectionate. Loves to be both the big and little spoon, it doesn’t matter which. It’s definitely cramped in his van, which means cuddling is necessary if you both want to fit. It gets a little cold at night, so he layers a heated blanket over the rest of the bedding. Wakes up early in the morning.
Heavy: The only one with a healthy bedtime. He has a lamp next to his bed so that he can read a bit before sleeping, and sometimes he falls asleep with the book still in his hands. Bed is very very large and very very comfortable. Thick comforters, fur blankets, fluffy pillows, everything is built to keep heat in and the cold out. He’s like a personal heater, this man radiates warmth. Likes to sleep side by side with you so he doesn’t accidentally crush you.
Medic: You have to drag this man into bed, he will not sleep otherwise. He’s usually exhausted though, so he falls asleep quickly once he’s actually in bed. Likes cuddling and being cuddled, and his chest is the perfect place to lay on. His room is cluttered with jars of unidentified substances and creatures, books, medical tools, and scattered papers. His bed is the only cleared off space, mainly because he doesn’t ever use it. Room is chilly, but he also radiates heat so it’s never uncomfortable.
Spy: Usually goes to bed at around midnight. His living quarters and room are usually off limits to anyone but himself, so inviting you in is a big show of trust for him. He’s not much of a cuddler, but he’ll hold you for as long as you want if you ask him. Sheets and blankets are silky smooth and soft and have just the faintest smell of smoke. His room itself is very lavish with warm lighting. He has a fireplace that keeps the room nice and toasty.
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year
Batch Headcanons — Bed Sharing and Bedtime Snuggles with a Partner (SFW)
This is safe for work and all ages, so no worries on that front.
This man’s senses are always working, so he has a hard time settling down to sleep. In a perfect world, he would have the right environment to let him sleep every night. But, of course, he doesn’t have that.
But he likes to snuggle with you. Having you next to him helps him soothe and settle.
He will focus on the smell of your hair or the way you breathe as you fall asleep. Paying attention to those small details calms him immensely.
Hunter will curl into you, letting the senses of you wash over him completely. This man is a cuddler and generally a big spoon, holding you close to him.
Whenever either of you are away from one other for whatever reason, he doesn’t sleep as well. Life is stressful, and he has a milieu of reasons why he won’t sleep well.
But that gets easier after you start wearing his sweatshirts or large soft shirts to bed and then sneaking them into places he’ll find whenever you have to sleep apart. He loves the gesture. Being able to focus on one sense, on one smell, keeps him from getting overwhelmed when he’s trying to fall asleep . And then he holds you close when you’re home and sharing a bed again.
Crosshair is a skittish feral cat with an injured paw. He has been through a lot and has trust issues because of his past. Approaching sharing a bed with him takes time and patience.
Being a calm and steady presence while he falls asleep and when he wakes up again counts for a lot to him.
He isn’t immediately a cuddler, but he will brush his fingers against your hand or arm or back while he sleeps or dozes. Those little touches are his reassurances that you’re still there.
The man runs cold, so blankets, sweatpants and sweatshirts, and socks are a must for him. Crosshair almost cries when you buy him a weighted and quilted blanket. He is both warm and calmed as he sleeps.
When he does relax and realize you aren’t going anywhere, this man is such a little spoon. He likes being in close proximity to you and being held. Being close to you reassures Crosshair that he has someone who cares for him right there.
He isn’t good at saying “I love you” out loud. However, he says it all the time when he presses in close to you and snuggles up against you at night.
Guess who has figured out the ideal temperature for both of you to get a good night’s sleep while snuggling? This guy.
Perfect number of blankets to room temperature ratio. (It’s endearing that he figured out the right ratio for you, since it means he’s paying attention to you and your specific nuances.)
His brain doesn’t shut off easy, so it’s hard for him to fall asleep. When you present with the concept of natural noise to lull him to sleep, Tech latches on to that idea quickly. He takes your sleep needs into consideration and develops a playlist that suits you both (usually thunderstorms and ocean waves on a beach).
Tech struggles to put down his data pad when he’s in bed. However, he’s willing to try when you explain that setting it aside for a while before bedtime will help him fall asleep. (Anything for a science experiment, and it does help.)
When he does fall asleep, Tech sleeps hard, as in he won’t wake up unless there is literally a klaxon sounding right next to him.
He is a spider monkey when he sleeps. Tech clings to you, his legs twisted through yours and his arms around you. He nuzzles in close and finds you to be a calming presence.
Literal ultimate big spoon and personal space heater.
Once you mention that you like to sleep in a cold room so that you can snuggle up under blankets or with a partner, his brain just light-bulbs. He’s immediately files that away for future use and deploys it with great effect. Wrecker is nothing if not very aware of his partner’s needs and likes. (Someone rolled high on emotional intelligence.)
He’s also aware of how large he is, so he doesn’t hold you too tightly when he holds you at night (unless you ask him to). He keeps his hold loose enough if you want or need to squirm out of his embrace for any reason. He also loves it when he registers that you snuggle back into his embrace in the middle of the night, if you had to get up for a midnight bathroom break.
Having you in his arms when he wakes up makes him so unbelievably happy. This man lives to protect those he loves. If you also happen to be holding Lula while you sleep in his arms, he’s a big old softie and will basically melt.
Wrecker is also functionally a weighted blanket for you. His heart swells with love the first time you pass out quickly in his arms as he holds you.
Just because he’s a natural big spoon doesn’t mean he doesn’t love it when you (try to) spoon him. Usually that means your arm slips under his armpit and your leg goes over his hip. Wrecker knows he’s a big man, and he finds you doing that adorable. He’ll usually slip his hand into the bend of your knee and shift it to a comfy spot for you both.
Echo has his fair share of insecurities and body image issues after what he survived at the hands of the Techno Union on Skako Minor. Losing three limbs takes a lot out of a person. Sharing that with someone he cares about deeply isn’t easy.
He is tense the first time you share a bed with him. This stems from his prosthetics and what he looks like without them. It takes a lot for him to feel comfortable sleeping without them, especially after sleeping with them on due to the war and being in the run. You being patient with him gives him the confidence to try sleeping without them.
He sleeps so hard the first time he takes them off for bed. Maybe it has to do with you holding him and curling around him, or the way you gently massage his limbs to work out the tension he has after wearing them for so long. Being so vulnerable with someone in bed helps a lot.
Echo loves having you snuggle into his left side and press your face into his left shoulder. It means that he can hold you properly with his one good arm.
He doesn’t say it, but he also loves the way you sneak your legs between his and the way you cup his right elbow with your hand and arm. It makes him feel whole in a way he hasn’t felt in a long time. Having you hold him so tenderly is reassuring.
This man is also the king of sleepy, gentle kisses to the side of your head. He is sweet and soft and warm, snuggling close to you.
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mktrashheap · 7 months
Lin Kuei trio + cats.
A/n: Hi. It's freaking hot, I'm not dealing with it, I want to get into a freezer. This is my contribution.
He's not a cat person, he's a cat in disguise.
They're independent, territorial, throw a fit and wreck havoc. Oh, yes... About the cat.
The cat is a menace? He loves it. Go and spread chaos because it's boring.
Cat dad coded.
I just see him with tabbies. Have you seen tabbies? They share one braincell among themselves.
Unintentionally spooks the cat when he turns into/out smoke.
Kuai Liang:
He got adopted by the cat.
The cat sleeps on him. The man is a moving space heater of course the cat loves him. Everyone loves him. Who wouldn't?
I wouldn't. I'm dying here.
A bit annoyed when the cat wants to use his dangling chains as a toy.
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Small facts about each of the divine warriors:
Irene: She cannot cook in anyway shape or form and even when offered she refuses to learn. She will only eat food raw and all of the other Divine Warriors just serve her first before they start making their food, unless Menphia and Shad are dealing with a high bout of animalistic instincts. (being a meif'wa and hell hound respectively)
Irene was not a modest woman or had any form of personal boundaries. Like, she would walk around topless without a care in the world and if she was ever cold at night, she would never just put on more clothes but instead join a tent or sleeping bag with another warrior. Shortest of the Divine Warriors.
Shad: He is the warmest man ever, unfortunately he leans on the end of "Your skin is literally leaving first degree burns" than nice space heater. He also smells like wet dog whenever he gets wet, before his skin eventually evaporates it. Due to how water reacts to his skin, he does take dust baths like a chinchilla. Full on rolling around in sand and then claiming he is clean.
After turning full evil, he decided to continue his bloodline for the sole purpose of pissing Irene off. He met a woman one day and was like "Hey, I am not gonna be a parent to this kid, I just want to do this to piss off my ex." and the woman just looked at the large demon man and said bet. The woman then met her wife and they became the first matriarchs of Falconclaw. Tallest of the Divine Warriors.
Enki: While not necessarily having the most stable form, he is the lankiest and physically weakest of the Divine Warriors. He used bows and magic, he was never going to be the most muscular. The only times he was ever considered "strong" was when he choked a man out after stabbing them in the back. Certainly a wizard and not a fighter.
Enki was the most strategic of the Divine Warriors as well, mostly due to the fact that he hoards knowledge like a dragon hoard gold. He 100% info dumps in every conversation, like you see a cool bug, he knows everything about that bug. The kid that rants about dinosaurs at the playground. 3rd shortest of the Divine Warriors. Shorter than Shad, Esmund, and Menphia but taller than Kul'Zak and Irene.
Menphia: This woman will take a nap anywhere, the moment she is not fighting or training she is in the softest spot in the the sun. Imagine trying to talk diplomacy and one of the divine warriors is asleep on the table. It's not short napes either, full cat naps.
This womans is so cut, like one would imagine that a woman who is part cat is soft but noooo. This woman has abs and shoulders for daaaaaaaays and don't get me started on her thighs. Crushing a watermelon is the least she could do. The 3rd tallest of the divine warriors.
Esmund: Before being a Divine Warrior, he was a human lumberjack from a small farming village. A very large lumberjack but not a king or knight that some would present him as. He was a small farm boy who saw a hot latina goddess and decided to say follow her to the end of the earth.
While not being the tallest of the Divine Warriors, he is the biggest. Look up "bear" in a dictionary and it is this man, broad, hairy, and thick. He is also the perfect cuddling temp which created a lot of "Poor Farm Boy Panic" whenever Irene would share a tent with him. (I think he was like, 6'8-6'9, Shad being 7ft)
Kul'Zak: He had a peg leg after saving Esmund from a Leviathan but he made sure to never hold it against the man, he already suffered from survivors guilt. He rather enjoys the leg, it allows him to spin while playing the fiddle much easier. Losing the leg proved to be more beneficial because when sirens walk on land it feels like their feet are walking on hot coals and sharp glass but with one less foot it was less bad. (Think original my little mermaid.)
While being the 2nd shortest of the Divine Warriors, he was also the technical largest, not that it was really known. He was a creature of the ocean and chose to explore land. What he looked like in the ocean was much longer and larger, over twice the height of Shad with his tail being a beautiful mix of blue, cyan, green, and emerald. Goes full mermaid, though difficult to switch to this form after losing the leg.
I feel like his mermaid tail should be lacking a fin or something, or be otherwise impaired. Just to have the ‘lost a leg’ experience in the water too.
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andyxd151 · 2 months
Fun facts about my YV OC’s
Dante is the oldest (not confirming their ages though)
Marina’s nickname is Rina
Oliver can dislocate his rists at will and it freaks everyone out every single time he does that
Ryu has a sunflower tattoo on their back bc of their petname
Amari is ambidextrous
Kaliska’s name means ‘coyote chasing deer’
Cyrus actually hates meatloaf, but their aunt gave it to to them to have something to eat and they were to nice to say no, so that’s why it was just sitting there when Lucien came in
Amari’s dad and Rina’s and Oliver’s moms are siblings making these three cousins
The day she gave Charlie the mixtape, Amari was sent home early so she wouldn’t have to find out Charlie’s answer to the note he (never) got with the tape because she was almost certain that she’d be rejected
Ryu practiced the whole scene where they confessed to Finn with the tickets all night the night before in front of the mirror because she was sweating and shaking at the thought of it
Rina likes to crochet in her free time
Cyrus was a theatre kid in both middle school and high school
Kaliska has a pet hog nose snake named Pringle
Dante had a weird anime kid phase in the 5th grade, he cringes every time he remembers it
Dante actually met Ryu in college and even dated for a bit
The three cousins lived in their own apartment that the three of them rented thanks to the help of Amari’s connections during college
Oliver chose to move out straight after college in order to open up his small bakery
As soon as she moved out, Rina wanted to move back in saying she felt to lonely
Amari was the last one to leave the apartment
Amari is the oldest, Rina is the middle, and Oliver is the youngest but they were all born in the same year
Dante was born and raised in Japan by his mom and her family, he moved to the US for college
Amari and Ryu were fun buddies that also didn’t get along for a bit but now kinda get along and bond over the fact that they both like oblivious blondes with freckles
Amari has a pool in her backyard and Charlie has yet to look back there, she doesn’t mention it because they want to see how surprised and bewildered he’ll be when they get to tell him how it’s been there the whole time and the only reason he never know was because he never asked
Cyrus has a pet European rat named Remy (I snuck in my baby)
Marina has a succubus womb tattoo
Amari’s skateboard nickname for Charlie is “Ollie” like the backward Ollie
Oliver has a fear of the dark and even has a night light for the nights Al doesn’t sleep over
Cyrus hates being too hot or too cold but loves the heat from their living space heater
Ryu works as a tattoo artist in shop just down the street from Finn’s flower shop
Kaliska is the best at playing rock paper scissors
Rina sometimes needs to FORCE the food down Auron’s throat not because he doesn’t like the food, but because he claims to be to busy to eat, and by force I mean having this man in some sort of a head lock while trying to get the fork in his mouth, the whole experience is like trying to give your pet their pills
Dante HATES apricots he likes peaches and every other variation of peaches EXCEPT APRICOTS, he’s not allergic he just has a really weird hatred for specificity apricots
Before meeting Faust, Dante would go to Comicon and Anime Expo with Cyrus every year, now he goes with them both
Cyrus likes to watch the Hangover movies when they’re stressed
Before they met Finn, Ryu was actually kind of a grumpy person, but now they have their sunshine:)
Oliver was a tube baby and a C section baby, he sometimes questions if he’s even really human
Rina was allergic to cats when she was little
Cyrus is double jointed in their thumbs and can dislocate them at will, it weirds the hell out of Lucien every single time
Dante has a scar on his back from being whacked with a branch by another student from when he was a kid
Ryu actually loves animals
Cyrus can’t cook for shit but can make a MEAN cherry pie
Kaliska and Jack have matching bracelets
Finn always packs Ryu lunch
Same goes for Lucien and Cyrus
Kaliska is lactose intolerant but continues to eat anything and everything with dairy whenever she gets the chance
Dante is an Xbox guy
Cyrus likes to watch Lucien sleep in order to make themself sleepy
Ryu has a snaggle tooth
That’s all for now! I have more but I don’t want to put too much in one post :)
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spin-birdie · 4 months
tabaxi tav headcanons
teehee making an original post on this blog for the first time in like 2 million years because i have cat-people brainworms. anyway
tabaxi tav (tavaxi, if you will,) acting very much like a cat when it comes to hanging out/showing affection towards their companions
they're totally content to just sit across from someone while reading separate books. like, wyll's reading some adventure book and tav is reading a book about ancient githyanki architecture or whatever niche thing they're invested in, and wyll thinks they don't like him cause they haven't said a word to him the whole time but tav is like "man i love hanging out with my good friend wyll :)"
going through obsessive phases as tabaxi are wont to do. they spur every companion into a passionate rant about their field of expertise at least once. (like when they're into githyanki architecture they happily let lae'zel talk their ear off about anything and everything related to it)
tav purring when they're happy is a given. but also. cats are known to purr to soothe themselves or other cats in their colony when they're distressed. tav noticing shadowheart is upset about something, getting as close to her as they can, and instinctively purring to try and comfort her
karlach is like forbidden fruit to them at first, bc part of them wants to curl up next to her and use her as a space heater, but the rest of them wants to keep their fur blissfully unsinged thank you very much
astarion immediately takes a liking to tav bc they're the only other person in the party who will enable his sticky fingers, for they too will pick up random trinkets for the sake of it
you empty out their pack and its just full of like, anything remotely expensive or unusual-looking that they picked up with intent to either sell or research and just got bored before they could get around to it (on the plus side it means astarion can usually rifle through their belongings and pocket whatever he likes bc they probably wont notice)
astarion: i need blood, but which of my companions to try and drink from? the tabaxi seems to sleep deeply, and hell if cazador's compulsions are still in effect maybe itll be easier to drink from a cat-person
astarion 5 mins later: ptah! ptah!! hair in my mouf
tav's fine with kissing, but they prefer to show affection through kneading, grooming (though they know their companions arent keen on getting clawed or licked) or rubbing their cheek against peoples armor (to scent it, like "yeah these are my people i hang out with :3")
when astarion breaks down crying after killing cazador, or shadowheart's wound is causing her pain, or karlach is distraught over her impending fate, tav will hurry over and rub their cheek against their friends shoulder, purring as hard as they can to try and soothe them 🥺
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oneshot-wme-archival · 4 months
Oneshot Friend Profiles: Refuge (Minus George)
All friend profiles are laid out as follows: Name/title at the top, arrows at the upper corners to switch friend profiles, a large block of text in the upper left (with a scroll wheel if the text's length exceeds the box size), sprites underneath the text, and art of the character along the right.
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Lamplighter: A tired-looking man who seems to subsist purely on gallons of coffee. It's unclear how long it's been since the last time he slept. Though he's not the brightest fellow, he's an incredibly hard worker and takes his job very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he gets anxious whenever he can't perform his duties. He's responsible for keeping the lights around the city lit, as well as delivering highly concentrated phosphor for use in machines.
A high-school dropout, he feels nervous whenever he has to be around smart people. Lately the Lamplighter has taken to reading the dictionary in what little free time he has.
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Watcher: A strange woman standing in the clocktower, watching the world end.
Seconds, minutes, hours, days; the flow of time inexorably drags us all towards a vast and unknowable sea. Will you let it carry you in darkness, squinting against the sting of its spray? Will you rage against its currents, fighting to make as much headway as you can before you're overtaken? Or will you choose, as some, to stare wide-eyed at this swirling torrent and become enraptured by it?
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Ling: The friendly proprietor of the Refuge Cafe. Once a popular spot to relax and bask in the warm aromas and gentle sounds of cafe ambiance, it's mostly deserted since the squares began picking apart the upper reaches of the city. Nowadays, Ling's best customer is the unfaltering (though not especially talkative) Lamplighter.
Always a gracious host, Ling enjoys meeting customers both new and old and chatting with them. If you ask nicely, he might even take the time to whip up a request for something off-menu!
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Mason: A chatty guy with a passion for plants. He owns a small plant shop in the Refuge apartment district, however it's mostly just an excuse to do more gardening as Mason tends to gift almost as many plants as he sells. When it comes to horticultural advice, Mason is the guy to see.
A friend of the Watcher. Mason also admires the Lamplighter's hard work, and once sent him one of his plants as a thank-you.
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Kelvin: A space heater robot that has claimed one of the corners of the Refuge's back alleys as his own. Kelvin's warm body naturally attracts a lot of cats, and he seems to have developed some kind of bond with them. Kelvin is always willing to offer his warmth and comfort to any creature that wanders by.
Technically the lamplighter's neighbour, but they don't interact much...
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Kip: The brilliant and highly respected head engineer of the Refuge, Kip is responsible for many advances in robot technology that make our lives easier every day. She's also the creator of many robots that can be met throughout the world; most notably Silver, the head engineer who was based on Kip's own image.
Silver was intended to be the first of a new type of robot that could think and act like a person. Unfortunately, the difficulty of that task led to her going rogue during development. Though Silver was eventually stabilized, that day left a scar on their relationship that has yet to heal.
Though her creations are well known, the creator herself prefers to keep a low profile and focus on her work. It's likely that few outside of her colleagues have ever seen her.
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whiskeyswriting · 1 year
Meet My Babies
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{ Lily in Gotham Masterlist }
My little mischievous kitty. I never thought I'd be a cat person, but this little void won me over. It had been my first week in Gotham when I find I had the cutest intruder in my apartment.
He was hiding under the coffee table and trembling with every clap of thunder. “Oh sweet baby. You’re lost?”
I rush to the kitchen to get him some water and some tuna. I placed the bowls near him and I made sure that the windows were all closed.
Once he got more calm, he slowly crawled out from under the table and started sniffing and rubbing up against my furniture. Eventually, he came back to eat his tuna. Once he was done, he curled up across from my space heater and fell asleep.
I made “Found Kitten” posters but nobody called me about him. It wasn’t until the day he climbed onto the sofa when I was napping and slept with me that I knew he’d be mine.
Mr. Marshmallow
Oh the canine love of my life. He actually was a gift from my job. Okay not that he was left at my desk. It had been administrative professionals day and on our behalf, Wayne Enterprises hosted an empty the shelters day. All the adoption fees and initial vet visit were paid by my job.
It had been so hard to just choose one but when I saw how people were overlooking the little cottonball, simply because he didn’t have a loud bark. I held my hand out to him so he could sniff me and immediately he licked it. He then plopped down and exposed his belly to me.
“Aren’t you just a cheeky boy?” I ask as I rub his belly.
“Actually I’m more of a boxers man,” the voice behind me says.
I fall flat on my bottom when I realized it was Mr. Wayne.
“I didn’t mean to startle you!” He says as he helps me up. “I was merely making a joke and I realize it was an inappropriate one.”
“I didn’t hear you. Was there anything you needed?”
“Actually yes. Are you able to come back to the office right this moment?”
“But sir…” I gestures to the adoption event.
“It can wait.”
I look back at the dog and hope nobody else sees him. “But the…”
“He’s yours already. I already handled all the paperwork.”
And that’s how Mr. Marshmallow became to be my second baby.
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