#cat fight indeed 😂
baronessblixen · 6 months
I just read one of your Diana and Scully fics (...okay, maybe three) so seeing your tags on the cat fight reblog GOT ME. XDDDD
It's so true.
Thank you for re-reading ❤️
To be honest, the only story I remember is Fowl Play. And that's mostly because @xxsksxxx is a fan of it. But those cats immediately screamed Scully and Diana at me. It was perfect. Their coloring too 😂
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fandoomrants · 1 month
Tua, s4, ep 5 thoughts!
-Five and Lila travelling for years?! Omg!
-Also them fighting, laughing, and bonding!
-Pls no one make this weird and sexual! That was finally them bonding and showing trust, taking care of each other. Him, helping put the glass out of her leg, and her shaving him and leaning on him. That's just trust!
-Klaus is gonna spend some time in that coffin, wouldn't he?
-Can he potentially die due to lack of oxygen and food, and be reborn over and over again for eternity?!
-I knew he's gonna set sth on fire....
-That was indeed uncalled for!
-I feel that the same thing with Klaus trusting Reginald and then being stabbed in the back by him is repeating again...
-Ok, Ben's mind is really hijacked...
-Yep. Viktor's name is indeed spelled with a K. I knew that, not sure why I started spelling it with a C.
-Can't believe for once Luther is reasonable, and Diego's not. Well, they both usually are but I've always thought Luther is more oblivious.
-Wherever Five and Lila are, the time must be passing differently.
-OMG, dog ghost!! Cute!!!
-Claire was picking up Klaus 🥹
-Allison can just try to rumour the guy.....
-Caire to the rescue!
-Can't believe Allison did that in front of her daughter....
-Aw, Diego learned another language to be able to communicate with Lila's family?!? Cute!
-The place Five and Lila are at is kinda nice.
-..... Thoo, I did say their bond was nice and shouldn't be seen as something romantic in the beginning but ngl, they give me a bit odd vibes....
-Nooooo! 🫣🫣 This shouldn't have happened!
-Ughhh, finee! I get it, I can't read people's relationships right! Every time I decide "oh, what a cute platonic bond", and ha! Nope! Not so platonic!
-I'll be forever mad about that!
-Sidenote (I wanna forget the prev scene!) but where is Gene kinda familiar from? 🤔🤔 Been trying to decide that for 5 episodes now.
-Luther actually trying to bullshit his way out of a situation, lol.
-...And gets in trouble for being nosy.
-Ok, the others got in trouble.
-Not the pants 💀😂
-Yay, fighting to music!
-Why are clothes being ripped? 💀💀
-And a random cat!
-"The moneymaker" 💀💀💀💀
-I was gonna say how are they gonna explain this to Five but Five has things to explain on his own...
-No, really, noo, I don't want this thing with Lila and Five 😭😭 Why is it happening?! It's literally proving Diego was right. Is like, something wrong with them? Like, are their brains messed? I suppose, 6 years is a long time...
-Umm.... Isn't Five a bit afraid of the train...
-Why is he hiding it?! Ughhh....
-Ok, kinda actually really happy Klaus decided to fight his way out.
-Tho, I expected that Allison and Claire would get there then.
-Aw, cute reunion!
-Why is Lila suddenly not worried about her kids, btw?
-But hey, good thing Five gave her the notebook!
-Ok, I kinda get why he's like that but like, he's been through apocalypse and all, he needs a break. But Lila is right, this isn't real.
-Ok, she remembered her children...
-Nah, Viktor, let them shoot him.
-See, bad idea. You got shoot, and he's bitching about his suit!
-I'm not buying the old man's nice words.
-Ouch! That was unexpected!
-But I suppose I guessed right for Reginald's wife?
-Omg, that skin thing is creepy!
-Is she an alien too?
-I think Jean isn't buying it...
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
Hot topic: Bruce Wayne, top bottom or switch
The Joker
Cat Woman
that's such a hot topic indeed!
Bruce/Bane - Bane tops. I cannot physically imagine Bane bottoming with anyone.
Bruce/Joker - Joker bottoms (mostly). Joker tends to be written as a power bottom and I love it. There are some situations where I can see him topping Bruce (like in A Serious House On A Serious Earth) but it's not often.
Bruce/Dick - Bruce tops! I know a lot of people will fight me on this but there is no way I can picture Dick topping with Bruce like, ever :') I normally prefer bottom!Dick 90% of the times already anyway
Bruce/Jason - Switch! It depends from the situation really. It can work very well both ways.
Bruce/Slade - Switch, but just because it's a toxic masculinity thing 😂 Like there's a battle for dominance every time to determine who tops (Slade normally wins but don't tell anyone)
Bruce/Selina - Bruce bottoms. Like, canonically. Who am I to deny canon things.
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girl-with-goats · 10 months
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the nightmares of editing
alternative text: screenshots of comments and annotations and explanations
and SOMETHING for dessert,
Did they have this convo before? (a very valid question indeed)
Night was bleeding into the day, []
sorry Nina had [Nina is my cat who decided to walk over the keyboard while I was using the demon app*]
than it really was. [Something something] Pen didn't bat an eye when they a
[further description of the march]
rework this scene - jogging > fighting
It wasn't enough to bring back her sanity—but honestly, she didn't really want it back.
Chapter nine featuring I don't know what yet but it's going to be fun
I am fine 😂
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
Wish we had more lore on the relationships between ops. I mean we have IQ, Valkyrie and Finka all being workout buddies while finka herself is friends with doc, tachanka and blitz. Cav and echo are friends apparently. Frost and nomad are friends while nomad, Twitch and aruni travel together so they might be friends.
Who is zofia friends With?
Who is friends with oryx
Or Ela?
Ash is only really friends with Castle and sees Thermite as a brother so not much there
On one hand, I wish there was more lore, indeed! On the other hand, as time passed and I saw how the writers handed Siege lore... I think I want them as far away from my favs as possible, and I'll make the lore myself, thanks 😂
I think neither Ela nor Zofia probably had many friends in Rainbow, partially because their strained relationship and quarrels bled into everything and it's very uncomfortable for a third party to get dragged into it (neither sister has any chill, I be anyone around them has seen them fight multiple times). However, Zofia strikes me as more repressed and self-isolated than her sister, thanks to Jan Bosak's A+ parenting (sarcasm very much intended). Ela might have been on friendly terms with other artists (Glaz, obviously, maybe Nomad since she draws maps on her journal), maybe to other rebellious figures (I think she could have gotten along with Clash, Cav and Lion, imo). But ultimately she seems too selfish/self-centered -it's all about her family situation and how she feels suffocated by it- so she was easily swayed into leaving for NH.
Oryx's only known relationship is with Kaid, and it's a clear master/mentor at best, boss/grateful employee at worst. I've always wondered how the three Fortress operators fit together, and what Oryx and Nomad's relationship is. Do they get along like mere acquaintances, or as two exasperated siblings? Or maybe they just don't particularly care or like each other? Is there a rivalry between them for Kaid's approval, does he favor one more?
About Ash, Harry's board from The Hammer and The Scalpel gave us a lot of info, and most of the threads coming from her are green! We know she has some sort of cat & mouse game going on with Caveira, she greatly respects Thatcher, Tachanka and Doc despite having different approaches to leadership than they do, and she excahnges technical knowledge and expertise with Fuze! We also know from more recent lore that she gets along with Mira much better than she used to (their old rivalry seems gone).
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
As you said in your post the other day, some people might have been watching the show with their eyes closed whenever the superheroes weren't on screen. And you know what? It might be the case, because if you look at ladynoir stans' blogs, if an episode didn't include any remarkable ladynoir moments, they won't be posting about it, and if it did, they will be posting about those moments only, skipping all the other LS moments, no matter how cute or relevant they may be. And when those skipped moments result in something huge, it takes them by surprise because they didn't see it coming. How else can I explain that there are still people saying that S5 dynamics don't make sense because, as far as they can remember, Adrien only liked Marinette as an acquaintance?
I'd believe it, nonny. Anyone who believed with their full chest that Adrien only saw Marinette as an acquaintance by s4 was not watching the show. Gamer? Despair Bear? Riposte? Gorizilla? Frozer? Style Queen? Mayura? Are we watching the same show?
In origins: she's just a friend
In riposte: she's a very good friend
In mayura: our everyday ladybug
In ephemeral: one of my best friends in the world
In Multiplication: she's so special.
Like babes, Adrien has been telling us all along. But like, yeah, clearly LadyNoir are the only ones that are friends and Adrinette barely knows each other, right. Therefore canon should just completely ignore that side and give them no development and only focus on one side because a group of fans deemed it the most deserving, and they only want to watch the bug girl and cat boy call each other names while fighting the bad guy of the week like in s1 and never have plot progression or development for anyone else. And they call us boring 😂😂
I love canon's direction this season that's allowing us cute as heck moments, plot progression, character progression, backstory, lore, progression of the dynamics, the angst??? S5 has been so good so far, and not just because of the Adrinette. Because I agree, if it was only the two of them blushing at each other, that would be cute but eventually boring, but s5 has been not that?? Their development this season is simultaneously so sweet and so angsty, and it's reminding me why I love them so much because they love each other but they're stuck in what seems to be a winless fight, but they keep fighting for each other and to be together. We've seen LadyNoir working in sync since s1, and now we are getting to see how Marinette and Adrien complement each other too, demonstrating that they are indeed made for each other no matter what. And that's bad???? Make it make sense.
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napping-in-the-sun · 2 years
CR2E2: A Show of Scrutiny
As a note i’m switching between episode of cr1 and cr2 and i am at the raishan fight (e83) on cr1 so the difference in combat is very funny, they so squishy right now
aww they follow molly
lmaoo beau , guess they all going to the stockade now
welp this turned violent very quickly
oh wait no, never mind then
little sister 👀, oh it’s a con
« for the cause »
they’re definitely bailing from the inn first opportunity they get
frumpkin the therapy cat
none of these fuckers trust each other
« i like funny stories, me too »
the stick and rock collection… 😂
caleb and nott: trying to keep the fact that nott is a goblin a secret
also caleb and nott: The Goblight!
beau: gets punched once by a zombie, broken rib almost died
vox machina: walks off a meteor smash
molly seems pretty tied to the circus, wonder how he’ll join the group once they leave town and presumably part way with the circus
i wonder if the sword thing is molly bullshitting or a narrative justification for his class? (i feel like he’s bullshitting just a bit)
disguises ! :D
uh Caleb never gives a fake name
« the weirdos who just rolled into town » which describes both the circus and the party
to the lake!
i feel like the answer to the mystery is at the center of the lake because the giant snakes are running away from it
frumpkin 🥺
« let’s risk it » never goes well
circus is near the lake 👀
Molly is indeed fabulous 💛🤍💜🖤
it was the frog !! 😮
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uncleasad · 8 months
I finished Season One of Dickinson earlier this week, and now I have a backlog of thoughts to post… This one—the only one so far in complete prose form—was written on or about January 5.
With Dickinson 1x06, the “cruelty arrow” has finally come to land on Emily herself. And while her intentions were noble—who among us would not wish to be freed of responsibilities in order to spend a few days devoted to our life’s calling?—the way Emily went about this ruse, and especially witnessing her loved ones’ reactions, make her seem callous and selfish, or at least obliviously self-centered.
When it aired in 2019, no one could have understood the gravity of Emily’s (fake) illness, which is ironic since but a year later, in early 2020, everyone would have understood—yellow fever in Emily’s day, like COVID-19 in early 2020, was essentially a death sentence. Today, only 3 years removed, I think many people, particularly those who did not lose someone at that time, neither adequately recall the dire nature of those days nor adequately grasp the deathly seriousness of Emily’s lie. Indeed, while I recognized her lie was when I watched, the full gravity of it did not sink in until much later, when I made the connection (and, mercifully, not having lost someone, I still don’t have the same sense of terrible weight that others would).
Emily’s father’s confession of his drunken affair/one-night stand while betrothed to her mother was one thing, but Mrs Dickinson’s (still casually cruel) reminiscence of early motherhood and lament at soon having to bury a child (one she never wanted, yes) began to show the real harm of Emily’s faking a deadly illness. Austin’s bedside chat, though sad, was a breath of fresh air, because it served to highlight the depth of the sibling bond they share, and his love for his sister, in spite of their “fight” for Sue’s affections.
But it was Sue’s return to Amherst, distraught at the likely loss of yet another person she loves—the person she loves the most in this world, perhaps—that really hammered Emily’s cruelty home. Knowing that Sue had lost everyone she’d loved, how could Emily have stooped so low to have faked such a sickness? (How long had Emily been faking this illness? And how fast does mail get from Amherst to Boston? I can believe Sue could make it back to Amherst the day after receiving Emily’s letter, but I cannot believe Emily wrote and mailed the letter the day the episode opened, it got to Boston, and Sue was back the very next day.)
I’m somewhat hopeful that Sue’s words resonated with Emily and that, combined with Austin’s confessions about the nature of his love for Sue the night before, prompted Emily to realize how selfish she’s been and “urge” (with eye contact and a nod and a lifetime of shared history between them) Sue to say she’d come back for Austin.
I enjoyed the B-plot with Emily’s “new George”—Edward’s new law clerk, Ben—who like George has shared literary interests with Emily and encourages her wilder notions—perhaps more so than even George, as the night swim shows. (Edward has let another fox into the hen house!) Unlike George, Ben seems (so far) far more understanding of Emily’s situation and desires—although I do not fully trust him, no matter how sweet his story about his father’s wedding ring is….
In the C-plot, was I the only one to think that Lavinia’s dress looked reminiscent of Emma Watson’s as Belle? And with her…wild-haired…cat, it was to be a portrait of Beauty and the Beast? (No? Just me? OK, well, we all know my mind works in a bizarre manner 😂) It was heartening to see that she took the portraitist’s words to heart, however, and began trying to draw herself as she wished to be seen—a nude self-portrait in front of a mirror is a fascinating concept. And…also interesting that Lavinia did not make a bedside visit to Emily…
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It's a common saying amongst crew members "time flies in flying". It is Indeed true , I don't know where these 9.5 years went.. Almost end of an era. I am not gonna lie here by saying I'll miss it or I am feeling emotional. Rather I can't wait to start a new chapter and see where life takes me. I am grateful to aviation for teaching me a lot, for giving me a lot of (khatta-meetha) memories and ofcourse for giving me this opportunity to travel.
And now I am looking forward to having a proper sleep schedule, celebrating NewYear's,Eid,Holi,Diwali in Delhi, traveling with people who I know and love (mostly my husband) where there are nill chances of any cat fights 😸😂 . Just kidding.
So yes it's time for me to say good bye and for a new phase of my life to start.
Thank you Goair/Indigo for this Era (almost an Era)....
Cheers to a long and overdue Break🥂
#goodbyes #tonewbeginnings
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lucidityof9 · 2 years
[After a night off Dev. (for a night out at a caper wig house party) my dreams gave me all the lovely things in one creation!]
A building filled with a warm atmosphere. a place of water, comforts and places to be social. All aspects. The lighting was perfect. The flow of people, the maze like rooms, the levels unlike any regularly laid out square building. I was having the time of my life.
The pool room had no gravity, an inviting cool feel. People were playing above the water, like a floating game of volleyball.
I went to change in the showers room, which I quickly realized, had a very heavy sexual atmosphere, and a lot of attractive females. Anime scene here we are. I had to pee quickly and had someone peep at me trying to flirt 😂
Found myself walking along the pier to the establishment (large one indeed), found the combat grounds! Shooting range, fighting, archery, swords… all of it 🤩⚔️
I walked out to a garden lit atmosphere, laid out a lawn walkway on either side. There was what looks like cabin buildings with wide-open glass fronts, too be inviting. All with different themes and feels. I found myself laying in one, on a large large bed, a room full of cats and kittens gravitating towards laying with me on the bed. I was so giddy!
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[Why was my brain giving me all the dopamine?! On the night I skipped the dev? Hmmm curious. Especially the way my brown reacted before on some. My suppressed feels would come out in my dreams. More intensely than I’ve ever felt in waking life about three years prior. So intense]
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phoenixduelist · 2 years
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Oh, that reaction was more than expected and she prided herself on judging the length of his sword correctly to have it almost touch flesh but not quite.
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Perhaps for a noblewoman she was too relaxed despite such harsh action; the demon of a woman couldn't even bother to hide her amusement spiked adrenaline.
“Ah, please. My father would be rolling in his grave if you greeted me by some ridiculous, flourish bow instead.” she waved dismissively “Warrior aristocracy, duelist career, then...” she left the list unfinished in case the possibility of being overheard “I'm quite used to men pointing swords at me, although this action isn't the secret of a long life.” a small shrug with a hint of pride lacing the accented voice
“But I find myself wholeheartedly agreeing with the previous statement. That inbred dwarf with his personal assassin are quite fond of your company.” Rozália stated bluntly, it was a miracle she could finally catch the man without those two
“However,” and she was already fighting the urge to grin “judging by this reaction, if I used your bedroom window to let myself in unannounced,” like a proper, rouge pirate from tales “you would probably have a heart failure.” the faint tremble of her shoulders indicated her actual effort of holding back laughter at the possible scenario, along with the fact that she might be considering it.
Thankfully, managed to gain back the air of regality -as this time there was no Pest to gasp at her audacity- when her initial question was answered verbally as well, not just by the fluid swing.
“You don't have to. I was undoing wrongfully inflicted torture.” the playful edge of her words once again replaced by something akin to regret
“But it's not perfect yet. Don't overwork yourself, especially not with sudden draws like that. I will tell you an another secret: a duel invitation from me doesn't come from the darkness, from behind your back. You will see me coming. My ship? That's an another question.” if the river of fate flowed in a different route she could've been the fresh air of nobility instead of bound to be mortal enemies with the Admiral by...career. An another thing to add to the ever growing list she was robbed of.
“Bold of you to assume I ever left.” Rozália fired back with a smirk, delighted to witness an emotion different from disgust, distrust, fear and hostility directed at her.
“I would call it more like wanting to witness your realization that I indeed spoke the truth. And I might be trying to win the Most Insane Captain title; or so does my crew think and voices quite loudly.” Rozália chuckled at that, they probably weren't wrong, but she needed to...needed to explore what could have been.
“A better look of the ships what will be chasing me in a week was just a perk of the situation. The Devil never sleeps.” despite the wording, the implied meaning, emerald eyes only dulled at the fact. Restoration of honor and protection of family; she owed them her life, now she's trying her utmost to pay some of it back.
“However, if you're feeling generous enough, I wouldn't mind a proper tour. I can pretend I haven't memorized the map and besides Viola haven't sewed an another dress for such short visit.” she half suggested, this time trying to hide she was out of her true element in this case
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
hi hi ! i was wondering if you could do a rook x fem! reader, where the reader is always taking his hat and wearing it. like straight up just grabbing it off his head at the most random moments and walking off wearing it. i like to think rook would be confused by it lol 😂 if it can be fluffy romantic type beat, that would be amazing!! thank you and have a nice day <3
This was fun! I’ve never focused on Rook so much but I’m beginning to like him a lot 👀 hope this suits all your hat-stealing needs
Four times the Ramshackle Prefect stole Rook Hunt’s hat (and one time he got them back)
Rook Hunt/Female!Reader
Tw// camping, French people, rook typical creeping, she/her pronouns used for reader
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1 -
It’s a lovely, golden afternoon on campus. The sun is shining in a way that’s both bright and delicate to the skin, there’s a light breeze that livens the air without causing it to become too cold, the birds are singing sweetly, and you and your boyfriend are lazing about in the pollinator gardens outside, soaking up the day.
It had begun, as nearly everything does, as a study date, but after a while of bemoaning an oncoming stress headache, Rook sighed.
“Ma petit bichette, every moment of pain that strikes you is double more for me. The sun is bright and lively, the trees dance and sway, and yet you pout so. What can I do to soothe your sores?”
You let out a wistful sigh, “Studying is no fun when you’re sitting all the way over there. How can I play with your hair when you’re so far away?”
Rook let out a playful laugh, taking off his hat to hold against his chest as he laid with his head in your lap, “Is this better, Ma choute?”
He didn’t miss the momentary smirk you let out before it melted into a sweeter smile, your hand reaching to rake fingers through his hair, “Much better, darling, thank you.”
He watched as something in your body languages shifted, much like a cat about to pounce, and he barely refrained from narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
A second later, his hat was removed from his grasp, and he raised an eyebrow as you placed it on your own head, preening side to side to show off for him.
“Do you think I look okay?”
He laughed softly and reached up to caress your cheek, “Absolutely beautiful, chèrie.” He his lips were twisted into something both soft and playful as he flicked the brim up, “But really, now. I’m worried you may have simply been after my accessory and not my love. Surely this isn’t true, is it?”
When all you did was smirk and lean down to press a kiss to his lips, he knew at once that he was half right.
2 -
It had been three days since that incident in the garden when he heard familiar footsteps approaching form behind.
“Ah! Ma sucre d’orge, how fairs my fairest?” He smiled as you wrapped your arms around him from behind, and turned around in your grasp to see your face. “Mademoiselle Trickster, the stars dance in your eyes. Are you up to mischief?” He watched as your hand slowly made its way up to his head, and felt the weight of his hat being lifted. He tilted his head in interest, a tiny smirk playing on his lips, “ah, my hat again? Do you like it so much?”
He couldn’t stop himself from the smile that he was trying to fight back when you sheepishly smiled and said, “I just think it’s neat.” Before you plopped his hat directly back onto your own head.
He hummed and leaned down to peck your cheek, “If you desire it so much, I suppose I can part with it for now. Be sure to care for it well, will you? It’s my favorite headpiece.”
As you nodded eagerly and turned to skip off, he couldn’t stop himself from laughing again. You had ventured all the way to the third year classrooms just to stop him and steal his hat? What a marvelous creature you are indeed.
3 -
He’s beginning to regret saying he could part with his hat.
It’s been two weeks of you sneaking up behind him and stealing his hat, with a kiss and a ‘thanks’ if he’s lucky, and sometimes without a word if he isn’t. Being hatless all the time is making him feel naked. How can he hide his eyes from the sun? How can he keep his hair from being messed up? Why were you doing this to him?
Well, he finally decided to put a stop to it.
It was a Thursday when he left his dorm room with a box in tow, wrapped in delicate, lacy patterned pink wrapping paper and headed his way to the Ramshackle dorm that his lover stayed.
“Ma amor! I’ve come bearing a present for you!” He called into the darkness of the dorm.
When you emerged from upstairs, looking sleepy in your pajamas, rubbing at one eye with the worst case of bed head he’d ever seen, he thought he might swoon. There’s a certain beauty in someone so relaxed, so sweet, so docile, isn’t there?
“Hi baby, wha’s up?” You hummed, walking right up to him to snuggle your way into his arms, “I missed you.”
“I believe you may have been asleep, lovely,” Rook said with fondness and amusement, “I brought you a present.”
You looked up with big eyes, “Ah?! Why, what day is it? Oh shit, Rook, I’m so sorry, I didn’t get you anything-“
He cut you off with a kiss and patted your head, “Non, Ma ange, it’s no holiday today. I simply noticed you like my hat.” He smiled when he saw you perk up, staring intently at him. “So I brought you this.”
He watched as you carefully undid the paper, eyes flicking up to him every few seconds nervously. He walked to stand behind you, arms wrapped around your waist, head resting on your shoulder as you opened the box to reveal…
A hat!
He listened to your heart beat flutter as you looked over it. It looked remarkably similar to his signature hat, but the colors were different. It was a cool grey-blue with a white ribbon, rather than his usual tan and black one, and it had a white plume that matched his own, but on the opposite side of his, and angled lower so as not to stick up.
He watched as your eyes looked between him and the hat, a mix of emotions evident on your face, before you put it on and smiled at him, “Thank you, Rook. This is really sweet, I love it.”
4 -
It seems as though this gift did not stop the prefect from stealing her boyfriend’s hat, however. It wasn’t as often - he saw them wear her matching hat to class a lot - but sometimes they would still do it; Either having forgotten their hat at their dorm and stealing his, or simply taking his hat and stacking it on top of their hat.
He thought it amusing and cute at first, but was readily growing less enchanted with it, often taking his hat back from them before they could run off with it and watching them pout in retaliation.
It seemed this only made them more determined, and he had to swat away their hands more often throughout the day.
“Trickster, is there a reason you want to steal my hat? You have a matching one of your own, non? Do you not like it?”
His lovers hands halted and their mischievous grin slipped from their face as they lowered their arms back to their sides, “Is it…annoying you?”
Rook hummed a moment before speaking carefully, “This game is becoming somewhat tiresome for myself, but it seems as though you could not get enough. Why do you enjoy it so?”
He watched as you shifted side to side and to play with your fingers, “I like having a reminder of you during the day when we’re in separate classes. Your hat smells like you…”
He looked shocked for a moment before giving a doe-eyed smile to them. How sweet is that? How lucky to have someone who admires him as much as he admires them.
“Ma chèrie, there is truly no other like you. Come by my dorm later, I will aid your quest, but I ask you not steal my hat any longer. I have a look to maintain, you know.”
Counterattack -
Rook hummed as he wandered around Ramshackle dorm. His lover had been asked to be the scorekeeper for Vargas’s camping trip, and he was left behind, all alone!
He understood, now, why you had kept stealing his hat. It had already been three days and it felt tortuous without you.
He was on a mission, though. He sifted carefully through the coat rack in the foyer, eyes pealed for- yes, there it is!
Your grey-blue hat with the white band and matching plume. He smiled to himself as he took off his own tan hat, placing it where yours had once been. He placed your hat on his head, sighing softly. It has simply been awful with you gone.
He jumped as he heard approaching footsteps and the jingling of keys, turning to look at the door. He didn’t need any magic spells to know you were on the other side.
When you opened the door, looking exhausted and hungry, only to find your boyfriends standing there in YOUR hat, a hysterical laugh bubbled over your lips.
Grim wandered in behind you, grumbling about tuna or classes or something, who cares, and promptly began screeching upon seeing Rook just…standing there.
“Ah, Ma bichette, you’ve returned! Welcome home. You have a…pale beauty about you. Shall I make you something to eat? Perhaps some soup for the soul?”
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meimi-haneoka · 3 years
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Chapter 58: Comments + JP-ENG translation differences
Helloooo everyone, let's start this week with a new chapter of Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card!! It hasn't been that long since we were all here commenting over chapter 57, isn't it? Well, I must say this new chapter was a nice blend of foreshadowings, red flags, pathos, and dreams. It feels like a baloon that is inflating, more and more, and we're at the point where it's about to pop.
Surprisingly enough, there weren't many incorrect translations this time, but there is one where all the words are completely different, and ended up partly burying the full intentions of a character. Guess who are the characters involved in this case? Hahaha, if you follow me since long enough, you already know who's involved. 😂 (we'll laugh about it, to not cry in exasperation)
But I'll let the gif of the month ask the question we're all left with, after reading this chapter...
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Follow me under the cut!!
The color page
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First of all, forgive me if I'm going to use screenshots straight up from the Youtube video, but my JP raws won't be available until December 1st, since Comic-days decided to postpone the release to that date 😫(which, by the way, what was that mess with the release dates? Amazon still has it for December 5th, wtf???)
We have our lovely Moon guardians, this time! 🥰 If I remember correctly, this is the first time we have Ruby Moon in her true form on the color page...after the double spread of last month, it feels almost automatic that it had to be about these two! Now all the guardians are featured in their true forms 😊 Momo's source of power hasn't been specified yet, but now it makes me wonder if she's Sun-based (or something completely different like Time). The editorial text over this color page says "Two creatures, created by Clow Reed, and having the same attribute of the Moon" . Just lovely! 😊
A Sad World
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CLAMP sensei keep telling us the story of the two Alice, as imagined by our dear Naoko, for the upcoming play! It's not very clear if we're exploring the other Alice now (the one who can't go back home) or we keep being told the story of the first one (the one who wanders in a world of dreams), personally I think it's the latter. This Alice, indeed, keeps wandering over and over in this mysterious world of dreams, guided by her faithful black cat, speaking or reading fluently in several languages (Akiho can speak and read different languages, it's her strong point) and fighting wind (Gale), water (Aqua), even sweets (Action), and even when she got trapped (Siege), it was okay, because her dear cat was there for her, manipulating Time to help her out (can you see the miscellaneous callbacks?). As you can see from the screenshot above, there's literally Kaito's magic circle under the black cat, so I think the analogy is even more apparent now, isn't it? 😁
Allow me to share this one more close-up for a moment, because I seriously started wheezing when I saw it 😂😂:
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LMAO Kaito the Cat is so intent in protecting his Alice, that is throwing himself into the battle 😂😂 It's a very mysterious world, and it's not like Alice can ever get bored in it (a small part omitted in the ENG translation), but she suddenly thinks that, although she can do and see whatever she wants, even stuff that in her world of origin wouldn't be possible, as if it was just magic, in this world...there's none of the people she loves dearly. While the black cat looks at her (almost puzzled, if you ask me....), Alice sheds some tears, while saying "This world is very...sad"
We're back at our normal storyline, and Akiho & Sakura have just uttered in unison the last word above. They're checking out the play's script with the screenwriter herself, and Naoko explains a little bit how she created this story. Remember Natsume Soseki's "Ten Nights of Dreams" featured in chapter 10 of Clear Card? Let me jog your memory:
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In fact, both Akiho and Sakura mention having read aloud parts of this story in class. Naoko explains that all the 10 stories featured are dreams, and there's never a precise point in which the storyteller wakes up from them (in that regard, I'm not sure why they translated this in ENG as "the reader never wakes up", it doesn't make much sense? But I don't know the story, so) so this led her to think "It's quite a scary thing, to never wake up from a dream".
My face when I've read the line above:
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Ominous sentence nonchalantly said by a character: check The bubble with said sentence takes up almost the entire page at the center: check I think we have all the elements to say that this is foreshadowing?? 😅😅 if we have to try and theorize how this could relate to the Clear Card plot, what it could be possibly referring to? Is Sakura dreaming all of this? Or is it....Akiho, the one dreaming? And if it's true, what will it take to wake them up? Is this happening right now, or in the future? I just can't help but immediately think again about Fujitaka and the mention of lucid dreams, the ones where you realize you're dreaming and can steer the events in the direction you want.....
The Two Alice take up their roles
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Our creative Naoko started from such ominous thought to think up the story of the Two Alice (bless her and her dark mind), story that she could complete thanks to Akiho's advices and the two friends' similarities. Naoko therefore thanks them, and the two girls (always in a terrifying unison) promise to try their best. Now! It's time to decide WHO will play each of the two Alice!
But there's a fast-forward, and we find out how it went from Sakura and Syaoran, who are going back home from school. Apparently, Sakura will play the Alice who wanders in the dream world, even though she initially offered herself to play the other one. The SyaoSaku bit lasts very short, as we're immediately catapulted at the Shinomoto mansion, where a conversation between Akiho and Kaito is happening at the very same time as SyaoSaku's (istg, are we sure only Sakura and Akiho are the ones synchronizing, at this point? 😂) Let's grab a seat if you're not sitting yet, because the rest of the chapter all the way to the end is gonna be emotional, and also where effectively lies the plot progression of this chapter.
Akiho will play the Alice who can't go back home. She admits Sakura also was hoping to play that part, but if possible Akiho requested that she'd be the one playing that Alice....because...she feels she can understand this Alice's feelings quite well. And as if to not leave any doubt as to what she's referring to, we have a flashback of little Akiho, in the same position and clothes of when a child Kaito "examined" her from afar, announcing she had not a trace of magic in her. All the sadness, loneliness, isolating feeling of being left out from your own home, being sent away at a very young age...Akiho knows very well all of that. I want to just point out that I didn't like how in the ENG translation it seems as if Akiho "snatched" the role, imposing herself over Sakura "because I just had to be her". That's so out of character and obviously not at all how Akiho would behave. In fact, in the JP version, it's very well specified that she asked if possible to be the one playing that Alice. You know, just to make it clear.
Let me worry about YOU
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We have the return of The Hand™. Yeah, since it seems this will happen more than once, I've given it a name 😂😂 The Hand™ is different than a regular hand, because regular hands listen to what their owner says, while THIS Hand here is all intent in making his owner as miserable as possible, by mutinying against him at the least appropriate moments. 😂😂😂 So just like last time, Kaito sees Akiho's sweet face darkening with sadness, and he's overwhelmed with the compelling need to console her, comfort her, creating a connection between them, that he himself has carefully avoided till now. Before The Hand™ can reach Akiho's head to caress her, he manages to stop it, but this time, hehe, our Akiho sees it. Kaito is caught red-handed (OKAY I'LL STOP 😅) and he's forced to make up a lie about seeing something in her hair, to explain his position. All while he hides The Hand™ behind his back, literally clutching it with the other one. You never know when the Beast might move on its own again. 😂 And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have the return of Assertive Akiho! (so many tropes in this manga 😂) Akiho sees *once again* Kaito acting strange, and she says:
JP: As I already told you, please rest.
I'm not sure if in the ENG version is clear enough, but in the JP text there's that やっぱり that gives a "See? I was right" nuance to the "You need to rest" warning that she's been giving him since that morning (yeah, yeah, chapter 57 and 58 happen in the same day!). Akiho seems sliiiiightly fed up with his recklessness 😂
Kaito consequently says something that honestly killed me while I was reading that part in Japanese. He's so damn harsh with himself.
JP: "it seems like I made you worry, I'm a total failure at being your attendant"
This is more or less the same in the ENG version, but the word 随伴者, zuihansha, caught my attention. It's a word he or other characters never used before, to describe him. It translates as "attendant, someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another", but also as "accompanying person". Also, I checked all the possible meanings of the word 失格, and I found "disqualification; elimination; incapacity; being unfit for one's role; being a failure"
I'm not sure, but I get the feeling Kaito here is basically degrading himself more than necessary in front of Akiho, using a very polite speech, over the mere fact that he's making her worry. The more polite, the more distance he creates between them, but Akiho is not keen on playing this game again, so she calls him out and says "It's not true!!". She stands up, and in a very emotional scene, she asks him if it bothers him that much, that she's worrying about him. You can practically hear her say "let me worry about you, let me at least do that". Kaito denies, with a tender smile, and says he only wants her to think about herself first, above anything, above anyone. Only about herself. This part, in Japanese, features an additional あなたの事を ("About you") and might actually be *the first time* Kaito uses "anata" to address Akiho in the manga. I have to check line by line to be honest, but I remember he always used to repeat her name in the sentence, or using generic pronouns (ご自分). In a manga where pronouns are such a big deal (Kaito's ore or Syaoran switching from omae to no pronoun at all with Sakura), I wonder if this might hide a subtlety. Anyways, Akiho replies that she already thinks about herself...but she wants to think about him, too.
And here we have probably the only biggest translation difference of this chapter (there's something later too, actually, but it's a mismatched line), I honestly don't understand why they translated it like this.
ENG: I care about you. JP: And I want to do it (precisely) because it's you, Kaito-san.
Now, if we want to scratch all the levels of subtleties Akiho carefully implemented in her line, we could say that, at the end of the day, both sentences mean the same thing. Akiho cares about him, that's obvious. But that's not what she said. She wasn't so blunt, so curt. Akiho knows Kaito, we've been saying this time and time again since forever. She knows she cannot be too direct, or Kaito will run away and put more walls between them, just like it happened in chapter 52. She's learned the hard way, and so in her line there isn't only the "I want to care about you" message, there's also the "you're special to me, Kaito-san. Thinking about you is *also* taking care of myself. Because you, being yourself, are precious to me". The connotation of "because it's you" is totally lost in the ENG translation, and that's a huge pity in my opinion. Especially cause this creates a parallel. Who else said "because it's you", back in chapter 32?
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Momo got so angry at Kaito, after this scene 😅 Because he was expressing how special Akiho is to him, while not realizing in the least what that meant.
Kaito is surprised at Akiho's words, and I'm sure he'll have a lot to think about in the next days...did anyone ever tell him something like that? That he's a special existence to someone? I don't really think so. We will see how Kaito will behave with Akiho, after this "additional piece" added to the effort Akiho is putting in conveying her feelings to him, in the most delicate and respectful way possible. Akiho just wants to take care of him, since she knows he isn't feeling well, and she needs him to let her do at least that.
What is true? And what is false?
The scene moves finally to Sakura's dream, where she sees MCF again. I think the last time it happened in a dream was Chapter 48, right? Sakura doesn't seem to be scared or hesitating in front of MCF anymore. She's gained a self-confidence she didn't have before, because now she knows. She knows more things, she found out that Kaito's got magic, she can feel something is inside Akiho, and she's finally tuned in with her own perceptiveness, listening to what her heart says, let alone the fact that she's more sure than ever that Syaoran would never betray her.
So with a very smart observation ("You're still as tall as me, while Syaoran-kun had a growth spurt lately"), she shots the question:
JP & ENG: Are you Akiho-chan?
Sakura wakes up in her bed, a light floating over her. Knowingly (like she's used, by now, to these kind of events) she chants "Secure!" and captures a new Card, "True or False", featuring Naoko on it! And look what we have here, again the play with words where the kanji features a word, but the furigana features another one (which wasn't portrayed in the ENG translation, but they couldn't do much about this)!
JP: What is False (dream)? And what is True (reality)?
Sakura goes downstairs to drink some water, but in the kitchen she very conveniently (wink, wink) finds Touya, with a saucepan in his hands, about to heat up something. He tells her to sit down, and Sakura realizes he's preparing some hot milk with honey for her!!
Here there's another translation mistake: the bubble with "Here. Warm milk and honey" is mistakenly attributed to Touya, when in fact it's actually Sakura's, happily noticing the warm drink Touya made for her. I mean, the shape of the bubble was kinda telling, Touya doesn't talk in that lively manner. 😅😅😅*sigh*
Sakura actually takes this opportunity to ask advice to her brother, about what he does when he can't discern what's true from what's not. I really loved this conversation between siblings, because Touya's answer put to rest much of the anxiety that had been arising in my chest during the reading of this chapter.
Basically, if it's up to him to choose what's true and what's not, then he would go for whatever it is he doesn't want to lose.
I found this...so enlightening. And meaningful. Especially cause Touya is looking at Sakura quite intensely, while saying this.
You see, my fear with all this talk of dreams and what not is that Akiho, Kaito and Momo might be something fleeting, and leave at the end of the story without being something concrete, tangible, with which Sakura can keep her bond and contact forever. Almost as if they never existed. And I wouldn't really like that.
But Touya's message gave me great hope. Because yes, Sakura will certainly choose her love, family and friends, but I'm confident she will also choose to not leave Akiho & Kaito behind. She will find a way to make all these things coexist, and I know she can do it. As Eriol said, she's capable of making the Time Manipulator™ understand what really matters, before it's too late. And they'll find together a way to save Akiho. Akiho, right now, is real, flesh and bones, but if the Book inside of her takes over her, and destroys her soul, it's over. Akiho will be no more. She'll be gone, like a dream. And I'm sure Akiho too, for her part, will decide what she wants to be true and what not. So thank you, Onii-chan, for this light of hope! 🙏
Touya goes back to his room, leaving Sakura wondering over "what I don't want to lose". And here, the chapter ends.
Woooow, 31 pages this time around! After being used to chapters of 27/28 pages, those few additional ones feel like a treasure 😁 So we had the Alice roles finally assigned, Sakura making the Big Question to MCF in her dream and capturing a new Card, and another building block added to Kaito and Akiho's relationship. Next chapter is gonna be presumably the last one of the future volume 12, so expect a super cliffhanger from hell!!! 😁
I'm reminding you the dates for Chapter 59: December 25th (presumably), on Comixology (digital, ENG) December 26th, on Clamp-fans and Comic-days (digital, JP and other languages) December 28th, on Nakayoshi (paper and digital, JP)
Thanks to the New Year festivities, we get the chapter in advance!!! AND NO CHRISTMAS BREAK!! YAAAAAAAY!! 😁
I'll be waiting for your comments and questions in my askbox!
See you at the end of December!!!
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raamitsu · 3 years
Idk what “I’m going protect them myself” was all about for the entirety of ch235, yet in the previous arc he’s always been like that. As much as I am well aware that Takemichi couldn’t do things alone, I was actually looking forward to him acting all by himself but guess I won’t be seeing that anymore. Seems like Hina’s words in moebius arc motivated Michi to rebuild a gang and insisted to involve everyone to save Mikey.
As usual, Chifuyu is indeed Takemichi’s best partner. He’s such a dork istg 😭 Acting like tough guy who didn’t care about his friend even though he knew what Michi has been through, then he resigned, HE RESIGNED YALL, just to help him achieve his mission. We need a Chifuyu Matsuno as our companion. Takemichi sure is lucky one.
Kokonoi, Kakucho and Senju were in Takemichi’s mind when he mentioned about protecting them is just 🥺 Also, when he talked about how Mikey took his role to protect others’ future instead 😭 Wakui really is amazing at putting most of the TR manga readers in an enraged mode in the previous chapters just so we could forget them all and cry about this.
Today’s chapter is just short and slow. We’re now officially entering the progress of the beginning of “Takemichi’s final fight” arc , and the fact that both of them are now forming a new gang to which even Kantou Manji Kai can’t defeat (yeah I really think they can’t cuz it looks like it’s gonna be a gang of kitties fighting against the evil humans lol, not to mention he had his English name for the new gang + cat lover 😂), I really hope this will be a fight where it affects/impacts us as a manga reader.
Now that Takemichi decides to involve everyone, I guess this is the point of the story where we should be prepared for the next possible outcome. Whether he involves them or not, their fate might not be any different either way. Therefore, I’m ending my ‘quick thought’ post here and… looking forward to the next chapter 💪🏼
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herotome · 3 years
1) you made Dart even cooler how dare you when he's not immediately a LI we can smooch at the earliest possible opportunity you meanie XP jk and 2) b-but... he could just... be a *fan* of master chief? :'D Hate for you to have to do extra work when also amber glass would be pretty :D <3 3 unless it's a copywrite thing idk D: Related ask; IS he a gamer? Cos I obviously need more reasons to simp for this incredible hunky darling <3 Are any of the cast gamers at all? Too busy saving the world? :)
Hahaha well... The smooching is a ways off, but there will still be some moments with him to enjoy. I think you'll like it. ❤️
Honestly (this is also replying to horizonholds who said something similar) Dart wouldn't mind being compared to Master Chief! He really takes a lot of teasing in stride as is, so being compared to a SciFi supersoldier would be an enjoyable change for him -- even if it's just for the amber lens.
So indeed, the dilemma was more about... me... wanting a unique visual design. But who knows maybe I'll go for it anyway, fight the monopoly. 😂 Not like bungie is gonna come after me over a color hahaha.
I could see Dart playing a lot of FPS games when he was younger, with his siblings! If he tried it now he'd be rusty, but his skills would pick back up pretty fast.
Warden... probably played MMOs back in his college days.
Griffin would be the most likely person to play a game just for the story... like interactive games..... ahem.
Mia... I want her to be a gamer, but she has a pretty active social life. She probably has a hand-held console and several RPG cartridges gathering dust. I can't see her ever sitting down with a stationary gaming set-up, and nowadays she probably plays dumb dress-up FTPs on her phone, or one of those word game apps.
Jade is probably plays emulated flash games like Motherlode, or else just plays games like... Cat Goes Fishing, Bitlife, Goat Simulator -- just kinda off-beat single player games.
Overall they're too busy/distracted to game as a hobby (except maybe the low commitment games), but if MC is a gamer, they can include it more in their routine.
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01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
with my mom yes but my father no, not even close
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
03: Do you regret anything?
I regret the suffering
04: Are you insecure?
too much
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
I wanna know when I'm gonna day, I just don't want it to hurt
07: What did you last eat?
I don't know how to say it in english
08: Played any sports?
yes, dance and gymnastic
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
never been into one
11: Do you like someone?
yes indeed
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
14: Do you miss someone?
definitely yes
15: Have any pets?
cats, hamster and a rabbit
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
miserable, I'm doing this to distract myself
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
18: Are you scared of spiders?
not at all
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
oh yes for sure
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
I don't even remember when was the last time I did it
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
probably studying
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
this is a hard one, i can't answer that
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
no, I don't like it
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
I do
26: What are you craving right now?
for my heart to please slow it down
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I did and Im still sorry for it
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
yes, still hurts btw
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
yes, I'm a bitch
30: What’s irritating you right now?
feeling unloved
31: Does somebody love you?
oh god
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
too many
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I can't remember
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
can't remember but i did in front of a mirror a minutes ago
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
forgive without a doubt
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
no, 2016 is the year
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
8/9 idk
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
51: Favourite food?
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I do
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
54: Is cheating ever okay?
absolutely not
55: Are you mean?
sometimes, yes
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
I want to
58: Favourite weather?
59: Do you like the snow?
I love it
60: Do you wanna get married?
another hard question, I can't answer this
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
62: What makes you happy?
feeling loved, special its the sweetest thing
63: Would you change your name?
when I was a kid I wanted too but today I wouldn't
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
not at all
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
oh boyyyy im not the right one to answer this 😂
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for for?
my sis, mom and grandma
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