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mambo68 · 19 days ago
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Courtyaqrd.Szent György St.
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scotianostra · 1 year ago
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Good Morning from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Sunrise Light, Track to North Castlewalls Farm, Whittliemuir, Howwood, Renfrewshire
📸wooiwoo on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/wooiwoo/53588293845/in/dateposted/
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cloaksandcapes · 8 months ago
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Another magic item featured in our Sky Knight art, the Gilded Guard helps tanky characters move around the field and reposition themselves to be more defensive and advantageous to their party.
Gilded Guard
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
“A massive kite shield built with elegance and grace in mind. Despite its size, it is very light and easy to maneuver. The gaps in the side are perfect for allies with ranged weapons to attack from while seeking shelter from opponents, or for a longer ranged martial weapon to attack from.”
Whenever a melee attack misses your AC score by 2 or less, you can use your reaction to disengage and move up to half your speed without provoking opportunity attacks. If you have no reaction, you can instead choose to move 5 feet to an occupied square, but must remain adjacent to the creature attacking you.
Castlewall. If you take the dodge action and do not use your movement on the same turn, any ally adjacent to you that makes a ranged attack before the start of your next turn, does so at advantage. If you make a melee attack on your next turn before moving, it is also done at advantage  Mastercraft Shield. You gain a bonus to your AC score equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down.) This bonus also applies to the shield's original effect, increasing the range of missed attacks that trigger its property.
Join us in Discord or on Twitch every Mon\Wed\Fri to create new D&D Homebrews like magic items, monsters, or subclasses. If you want to support Cloaks & Capes check out our Patreon for 657+ magic items, 12 monsters, 200+ tokens, maps, and more for just $3\month.
We add over 30 new items a month and 1+ monster a week.
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diablo-and-cito · 2 years ago
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Today we have Empress Diablo being tired.
She just destroyed another Cardboard Box, rearanged the carpets and houses, and chewed on the Castlewalls.
After this hard day at work, she just wants to relax on the cooling stone bed.
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ghostfaey · 1 year ago
La sparizione - chapter six
Summary: Plagued by the ghosts of her past, Riona has hidden away for centuries. That is until the call for help of a certain seer finds her and begs her to save her brother. Not knowing how her life will change, she finds her way to Volterra, directly in front of the leaders of the Volturi.
Trigger Warning: Violence, SA, blood, Death of Children, Murder, just some nasty things
<<<chapter five chapter seven>>>
I have been hiding for hours. The sun that was once high on the sky is long gone and the stars are now embellishing the dark blue night sky. The air is cool and smells like rain. Soon there will be thunder I'm sure.
I've found myself a nice place on a open windowsill in one of the corridors of the castle. While looking out into the night, watching the earth go quiet, I listen to the chaos that my vanishing has caused.
Of course Caius has ordered almost every guard to go an look for me. He even gave orders to Demetri to find me, knowing that if I don't want to be found then no one would even get close to figuring out where I am.
Aro and Marcus were both in utter shock as they learned of my dissaperance. As soon as Caius told them that I had run away they were both at his neck, yelling at him, wanting to know what he had done. Marcus came to the quick conclusion that fighting won't bring me back, although he still looked like he wanted to pull someones head off, but Aro had to be ripped away from Caius. The pain they felt was almost enough to make me go and show myself. Truly, I do not want to cause them pain. I know for a fact that it is the bond that makes me feel this way but it doesn't change that I care for them. Their pain is my pain, my pain is theirs.
I want to give them a chance. Afterall they are suppose to be my happiness. But it's so hard. They are stupporn, especially Caius. He doesn't seem to care at all. He must see me as a weakness that fate has laid upon him. Maybe that's what this is. Souls shouldn't be bonded.
A feeling of emptiness makes itself at home inside of me. I wish I could turn those feelings off. I wish I could leave. There is no place for me in those castlewalls.
Marcus had let his brothers know that he could still see their bond to me, that I wasn't gone too far away. And Aro soon realized that as long as they could still remember me, hope isn't to be lost.
The castle is still awfull loud, the shuffling of foodsteps and the whispers of guards can be heard. They all are wondering about their masters and me. Surely they did hear my yelling earlier in the garden. It must have been quiet entertaining.
I'm still wondering what I should do. If I should actually give them a chance or if I should just leave. But then again leaving is not a real option. It would only end in pain for both parties. Although I must say staying here isn't much better. Until now, staying in this cold castle has only lead to heartache.
The only way out I see at the current moment is death. Absolute death. Sleeping forever.
That acutally sounds quiet nice.
What bliss it must be to be able to sleep again. A neverending slumber. Peaceful.
It would be an option. I just need to find someone who would be able to rip my head apart. Someone who would know that they have to burn me in order to kill me. So a newborn isn't an option.
Edward had done it right. He came to the Volturi and gave them no other choice. If it wasn't for his mortal lover he would be dead for good.
But the Volturi aren't an option for me. Of course the kings would never even think about hurting me. And the guard would rather get killed by fire than face the wrath of their masters.
Who else is there to ask?
"Riona?", a voice behind me makes me turn around in surprise. My gaze meets the ruby eyes of the silent king. The one who had shown the most kindness and understanding towards me.
But how can he see me?
I look at him, my brows furrowed. Then I realize that the chaos in my mind must have made me slip up, my gift no longer hiding me.
"I thought you would have left the castle.", Marcus speaks again. I look at him, really look at him. His eyes are somewhat milky and the melancholy one can see in them usually is mixed with a glimmer of hope. His thin lips are partly liftet up into a slight smile. His long brown tresses of hair are not as well kept as they normally are, telling me that he must have run his hand through it more than once during this evening.
I hold my hands together, play with my own finger in order to not reach out to him. The way my body yearns to be near him, now that he is standing right in front of me even more, it almost hurts.
I sight and turn my head away, looking back out into the city. If I don't look at him, maybe the pain will lessen.
"I wanted to, at first.", I tell him. "But then I thought that it would be unfair."
I feel his presence behind me, coming closer as the bond pulls him forward towards me. I feel at ease.
"Unfair? How so?" His soft voice makes a warmth spread trough my veins, like blood once did. I look up at the sky, curious to see which stars I can see tonight. How bright they will shine. How strange to think that they are actually long gone.
"Unfair towards you. Unfair towards Aro too. Although mostly to you.", I explain. "You have been nothing but kind to me. There is no reason for me to feel any kind of displeasure when I'm around you. If there would be only a bond between us things would be much easier. But that isn't how things are. You're brothers are way more difficult. Especially Caius"
A low chuckle comes from Marcus and I turn around to see him looking down, adoration clear in his eyes. He slowly, almost as to not scare me away, takes a seat next to me. Leaving enough space between us. Only our knees are almost touching. Almost. And my skin begins to tinggle.
"It does fill me with joy that my presence does not make you feel uncomfortable, cara mia.", he says and his smile is contagious. If I could blush I think I would.
He takes his gaze away from me to look at the stars as well. Behind us I can hear the whispering of guards coming closer. As they turn the corner I hide both of us in the warm embrace of my gift.
It's exhausting. I never use it on anyone else besides myself, because I can almost not take it. At least not for an awefully long time. But for the seconds it takes for the guards to pass us I can make it possible.
Sitting here with Marcus feels right. It makes the hollow place inside of me sing with joy. The only thing that would make this more perfect would be his arms around my form. I know that every fibre of my being yearns to be closer to him. But it is simply to early. I do not feel ready yet.
The bond makes it feel like there is no time to waste. But you cannot waste time when you are living for all eternity. And so I want to drown in this moment and take my time. Slowly. So Slowly.
The king next to me has not noticed that I used my gift on him. Hasn't even noticed the guards that have passed us. I do not know if it's because his thoughts have led him to another place or if it maybe is because of my presence?
"My brothers are in fact not easy to understand. They are both peculiar creatures." he speaks. "I have lived with them for thousands of years and I have not yet found to understand their reasoning. They do and say things that I cannot follow."
I look at his face as he speaks, trying to memorize the way his lips curl as he speaks, how his brows furrow and how his eyes focus on the million stars on the sky.
"Do not feel obligated to them, Riona. Do not feel obligated to me. We may share a bond but you are as free now as you have been on the green island that you call home."
I raise my eyebrows at him, a laugh escaping me, missing any kind of amusement.
"Free?", I ask. "How am I free Marcus?" The smile on his lips dissapears as he looks into my eyes.
"We will not stop you if you truly want to return home. You know we couldn't", he tries to explain.
I shake my head, not believing that he truly thinks I can leave. Slowly I get up, bringing distance between me and the tall vampire in front of me.
"You think I could leave if I wanted to? You truly think that the bond would not effect me, would not rip me apart from the inside? You think I could let you three perish without looking back? There is no chance of me leaving, Marcus. There is no way, no other option, none of the freedom that you speak of." His eyes gleam with guilt and it hurts me to be so harsh with him. But my emotions are all over the place and it almost feels like I'm freshly turned all over again.
"You say that you will not hold me back. You will let me leave if I want to. Because even if you wanted me to stay you couldn't keep me. But that's exactly what you are doing. This bond, Marcus, it's a cage. A leash. Holding me captive like a pet. I know you do not do it on purpose. I know I cannot be angry at you for this. But please, never ever think again that I have any kind of chance, any kind of freedom."
Long strides take me through the castle, towards the throneroom. The guards that I pass look at me with wide eyes. No wonder, I have been gone for hours while they spend every minute searching for me on behalf of the angry blonde one. I do not want to know how terrifying it must have been for them to be on the reciving end of his wrath.
Though it has been his fault alone that I vanished. But he would never admitt that, I'm sure.
Marcus trails behind me, a painful look still present in his eyes. The guards that stand in front of the big doors, one with a shady dark skin and curly black hair while the other, much smaller, looks like one would describe a typicall italian men, missing the tanned skin of course, look at us curiously as we come closer. Before I even reach them I call out to them.
"I need to speak to them. Right now." My voice loud and powerful. Not leaving any space for doubt.
"They are currently in a trial, you will need to wa-" I cut the small one off.
"I do not care.", I say as I come to a stop in front of them. They both look at me, then behind me at Marcus. I cannot tell if they're scared of him but they surely do respect him enough, because not a second later they open the doors for us.
I step onto the marble floor, making my way to the middle of the room where a unknown immortal is being held down by Felix and Demetri, fear clear visible in his eyes. His ash-blond hair falling in wild locks into his face, his clothing dirty and torn, giving him a wild look.
I take a look at the two kings, both have gotten up the second I set foot into the room. A big, genuin smile on Aros lips as he traces my whole body with his eyes, he seems clearly relieved. His hands reach out to me as if he wants to pull me into his embrace. His blonde brother trying to hide the smile that tucks on the corners of his lips. As much as he tries to hide it, I can see the guilt in his red eyes. He does recognize his mistakes. But I doubt I will hear an apology.
"Sei tornato, tesoro.", Aro whispers as he steps towards me, the fearful immortal in front of him that is still waiting for his judgment, he has forgotten.
His hands are still reaching for me, even after he stands right in front of me. His eyes wandering over my face, studying me and my reactions.
"I need to talk to you and your brothers. Alone.", I say, not wasting any time. There is a silence that fills the room, making me suddenly realize that all eyes are on me. Nothing I would like more to do than use my gift and vanish in front of their eyes.
Aros eyes glance to the kneeling vampire, then back to me. I can see how his fingers twitch, trying to hold back the urge to take my hand in his and figure out what I'm thinking about.
"Of course, tesoro. Let us just finish this trial and then we will be all yours.", he speaks, his voice airy and almost like a whisper.
He looks back at Caius then at Marcus, who had found his place on his throne.
"Brothers, what is your judgment?" he asks them, a seemingly innocent smile on his face.
A smirk makes his way onto Caius' lips, making it obvious how much he enjoys this.
"Guilty." he speaks. Aros gaze shifts to Marcus.
He as always seems bored of the scene in front of him. His eyes barely moving to meet the eyes of the judged immortal.
He takes his time, before finally speaking up. "Guilty."
A whimper escapes the immortal in the middle of the room. "Please! No, no!", his cracked voice escapes him as Aro makes his way over to him, a wicked grin on his lips. "I didn't know! Please! Please!" His yelling tears at my unbeating heart but I know there is nothing I can do for him. Whatever he has done to deserve their judgment, the law is the law.
Aro grips his head and I turn away, not wanting to see what must happen.
To my surprise I meet the eyes of Caius, who has been staring at me since I got here. I stare into his ruby eyes, holding his gaze.
I can hear as Aro rips his head clean off, as if stone is ripped apart. The smell of smoke makes me cringe and a unpleasant warmth makes me step further away from the fire that has been lit. But even now I do not take away my eyes from Caius. Although I would think he would take this as an act of defiance, he does not seem angry, as an amused smirk lays on his lips. He sees this as a challenge, I am sure.
I don't notice as the fire goes out and not even ash stays behind, leaving no trace of the man that stood here only moments ago. The guards leave the room and suddenly I am alone with the three kings.
Aro turns to me, in a second he stands beside me, his hand laying softly on my lower back.
"Please tesoro, take a seat.", he says as he leads me to his throne. Something in me feels wrong as I look at it.
I do not belong here.
This throne is way to cold for me. Cold and hard and strange. A hollow pit in the depth of my stomach opens as I sit on it and look up at Aro. My fingers glide against he armrests, feeling the hard material. A shiver runs through my body.
I do not like this feeling. But it seems like the three immortals that are watching me intensily think I fit perfectly into the picture.
Aros gaze is filled with adoration. But looking closer I can see the fire in them.
"Sei perfetta, mia regina." he speaks as his eyes take me in, head to toe.
My body tingles, feeling their hungry gaze on me. Having them look at me like that makes me nervous and powerful at the same time. What a strange sensation.
"I am not here to play your little doll that you can look at all day, Aro.", I speak up, realizing that if I don't start talking, they will simply stare at me for all eternity. "I came so we could talk."
They all wake from the fantasy that has been playing in their mind.
"Of course, dear Riona. What is it you would like to talk to us about?", Marcus asks. I imagine he knows what I came here for but he is polite enough to give me a chance to explain.
"Do you not think that before we talk, she should feed, brother? Afterall it's what she promised us a few hours ago and still, she has not done so.", Caius hisses and I glare at him, anger boiling within me. "Look at her eyes. They are pure black."
"No.", I say firmly. His eyes find mine and his brows furrow.
"No? Wha-", he starts but I cut him off as I get up.
"No, you do not have a say in this." I step towards him, my anger clear on my face. "I am not yours. You have no say over me. I can do as I please. It must be hard for you to understand this after years and years of being one of the most feared beings in this world. But times change Caius. I am not afraid of you. I never will be. So get this through your skull or I will make sure you will never forget the memories of me after I've vanished out of your life forever."
In this moment I wish my form would be taller. Standing in front of him, being almost as tall as him sitting on his throne, I wish I could tower over him. But then again my words have been clear and for the first time I can see his fear. He tries to hide it. He tries so hard. But I can see it. I can feel it. It consumes my mind, makes my knees weak and aches in my chest.
His ruby eyes look into mine, searching for any kind of sign that would let him believe I was not serious. But he can't find any. His hand grip the wooden armrest and I can hear it splinter under the force.
I turn my back on him, not returning to the throne in the middle. Sitting on it makes me feel strangely vulrenable. Instead I take my place next to Aro, now being able to have them all in my view.
"So, let's talk."
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riversebb · 2 years ago
the unstained blade of righteous anger, unencumbered by manufacture, disencumbered through deliberate evaluation, drawn and raised, like sand-lines and castlewall. batter at malicious opposition with the flat, fence entrenched value-definitions with the fine point, save the edge, for it is double-sided.
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human-antithesis · 2 years ago
Rape Humanity With Pride
Lyrics: Inside a mind so deranged How I wish you all were dead Annoying humanity sickens me I contemplate your extinction The beast I caress you never see Everyday I destroy your lives Inside my castlewalls life runs red
I have you now inside my head I crush your feeble maggot minds The flies collect the remnants The locusts shatter flesh
My work almost complete
The spells are cast Your dreams won't last In perfect destruction
The spells are cast Your dreams won't last You fell for my seduction
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Some flowers found on the wall of an old castle ruin
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i-do-not-mean-it · 5 years ago
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Quinta da Regaleira
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k-anzan · 6 years ago
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ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴇᴇʟ,, 
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mambo68 · 19 days ago
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Back courtyard.
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calmiera · 6 years ago
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Took a walk around the castle yesterday. Even though I've spent most of my life in this city, I still managed to take a path I don't remember ever taking. And sunset from the castle yard is especially beautiful and full of colors (and definitely worth seeing) #Bratislava #Slovakia #castle #bratislavacastle #colors #sunset #castlewalls #forestpark #parliament #evening #night #lights #sightseeing (na mieste Bratislava Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2oFyZqoxy0/?igshid=hpptjusaj72b
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weehughie · 6 years ago
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Wildflower moat... • • #wildflowers #moat #castle #castlemoat #southseacastle #southsea #lighthouse #southsealighthouse #flowers #henryviii #seafort #coastalfort #wildflower #bluesky #skyporn #unionflag #unionjack #history #tudor #castlewalls #bright #colourfull #colorfull #nature #iphonex (at Southsea Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzss6lYBR9E/?igshid=1magx3vc09hq8
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projectbougou · 2 years ago
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#old #walls #fortress #castle #castlewalls #amateurphotography Coordinates: 39.167100,20.986600 (at Arta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chk-ODSK-Z1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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darkturtletynemouth · 2 years ago
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We’re about to storm the castle. Www.thedarkturtle.com #darkturtleclothing #brandlocal #saltwatertherapy #supportingsmallbusinesses #lovethelittlethings #instagiveaway #endlesssummer #paddleboarding #clothingstore #newcompany #oceansurfbranded #longwalks #walkinthewoods #naturewalks #summervibes #castlewalls #castleisland #historicalbuildings #citywalls #castleruins #castle #landscape #castles #castlesofinstagram (at Bamburgh Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClbZ5GkIKAr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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optimistart · 3 years ago
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🌻 hello people ! I know, it's been a while and I'm sorry... or not ! I needed to take a break, and with my exams and my admission to an art and design school, there was a lot of stress. But I'm here, as fresh as fish, to continue to draw and to show to you my works. Because maybe, I didnt post... but I continue to draw ! See ya ! 🌻 #drawing #watercolor #castle #drawingcastle #castlewalls #colour #art #artwork https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgj3WXQo32d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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