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mambo68 · 1 month ago
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laikaflash · 8 months ago
"The world wants me dead." for whoever you feel most inspired to write for, but if you want me to list a specific character, for zwei
It's been... a while in the making. (orz) Early on, I ended up thinking back on our convo on your fic "Shadows of his Past", and I won't deny the influence. So, this is how I imagine Z.W.E.I. lived shortly after his pact with E.I.N. because I felt this prompt suited that point in his life.
ETA: forgot to link the prompt list.
Again, Z.W.E.I. felt the noose tighten in a dream. It was the nightmare that brought him back to the edge of the forest where Graf Dumas’ men nearly slew him. The clanging of their armor rang in his ears as they beat him senseless. When he staggered to his feet, sword in bloodied hand, a swift kick from a sabaton to his stomach brought him down. As he gasped on the ground, he saw the malicious glint in their eyes between their visors.
The captain said, “Shall we send this wretch where he belongs?”
After a roar of unanimous agreement, a noose fell around his neck and his arms were pulled backwards. As he was forced to stand, the crescent moon looked sickle-sharp and brighter than he had ever seen. Z.W.E.I. gnashed his teeth as the knights began to drag him, but the snarling that came next was not his.
He woke up sweating on his bedroll to the growling of the wolf spirit E.I.N. at his side. Without a second thought, Z.W.E.I. got up, grabbed his sword, and looked all around in the dark forest. There was no one in sight. Moonlight filtered through the bare canopy above, an eagle-owl hooted, and E.I.N. flattened his ears and bared his fangs at the slightest noises in the brush.
Z.W.E.I. lowered his sword and said, “Stand down, E.I.N. It was only a dream.”
E.I.N. ceased his bristling and fell silent, waiting for his next command.
“Rest,” Z.W.E.I. insisted as he put the sword away. “I don’t know how you sleep, but we won’t make it much farther like this.”
The spirit, with his eyes still alert, faded from sight.
Z.W.E.I. went back to his bedroll and curled up against the cold autumn air. He had hated to sleep alone, and now with E.I.N. at his command, he believed he had something better than a guard dog. Something that would make his situation all the more precarious, but the very thought of E.I.N. lunging to deliver the final blow to Graf Dumas had sustained him from town to town. There was no longer a place for him with the hajdúk*, and he had heard the Holy Roman Empire was rife with witch-hunters. No wonder, then, that the graf’s Malfested hunt began under the emperor’s auspices.
Then he thought about his dream. He rubbed the traces of the scar around his neck and felt cold sweat. He had almost died like an outlaw, and now the graf—and all who believed him—would surely condemn him as a Malfested. Perhaps the next time, the graf’s men would try to capture him alive and make an example of him at the gallows in Ödenburg.
“Let them try,” Z.W.E.I. hissed between his teeth. “If this kingdom wants me dead… The world wants me dead.” He put his hand over the crescent-shaped mark on his chest and silently vowed that even if he and E.I.N. were the only ones left to oppose the graf, they would bring an end to his Malfested hunt.
*At the time, Hungarian mercenary soldiers. Pronounced (to the best of my ability to approximate it) "hai-dook". The singular is "hajdú".
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europaaesthetic · 7 months ago
Städte, und ihre Deutsche Version
Agram - Zagreb
Aschgunen - Ascona
Bellenz - Bellinzona
Bern an der Etsch - Verona
Bistritz - Bistrita
Breslau - Wroclaw
Bozen - Bolzano
Brünn - Brno
Budweis - Budějovice
Chikago - Chicago
Cilli - Celje
Danzig - Gdansk
Debrezin - Debrecen
Fünfkirchen - Pecs
Gotenburg - Göteborg
Großsanktnikolaus - Sânnicolau Mare
Hermannstadt - Sibiu
Karlsbad - Karlovy Vary
Kattowitz - Katowice
Kischenau - Chisinau
Kolmar - Colmar
Königsberg - Kaliningrad
Konstantinopel - Istanbul
Kostarika - Costa Rica Kronstadt - Braşov
Krumau an der Moldau - Česky Krumlov
Laibach - Ljubljana
Lauis - Lugano
Lemberg - Lviv
Lodsch - Lodz
Losanen - Lausanne
Lundenburg - Břeclav
Mailand - Milano
Marburg - Maribor
Massilien - Marseille
Mühlhausen - Mulhouse
Nanzig - Nancy
Neuyork - New York
Oberlaibach - Vrhnika
Ödenburg - Sopron
Ofenpest - Budapest
Pillau - Baltijsk
Pilsen - Plzeň
Preßburg - Bratislava
Raab - Győr
Ragusa - Dubrovnik
Rauchbucht - Reykjavík
Rauschen - Swetlogorsk
Reval - Tallinn
Sarajewo - Sarajevo
Steinmanger - Szombathely
Straßburg - Strassbourg
Stuhlweißenburg - Székesfehérvár
Temeschburg - Timişoara
Tichau - Tychy
Totiserkolonie - Tatabánya
Ungwar - Uschhorod
Weiden in Friaul - Udine
Wieselburg - Moson
Wiesenthein - Vicenza
Wilna - Vilnius
Windhuk - Windhoek
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korrektheiten · 7 months ago
19. August 1989 – Anfang vom Ende des Stacheldraht-Sozialismus
PI schreibt: »Von CONNY AXEL MEIER | Heute, am 19. August 2024, jährt sich zum 35. Mal das paneuropäische Picknick an der österreichisch-ungarischen Grenze unweit von Sopron (Ödenburg). Dieses, damals anscheinend unbedeutende Ereignis, markierte weitaus Weltgeschichtliches, nämlich das Ende des Stacheldraht-Sozialismus, wie er sich damals manifestierte. Unfreiheit, Willkür, Indoktrination und Bevormundung bis hinein in die ureigensten Lebensbereiche […] http://dlvr.it/TC5y9T «
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mohammadkhademaaljamea · 9 months ago
🇦🇹📍 Ödenburger Straße 73-85, Vienna/ Austria
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nokzeit · 9 months ago
Beim Tun wurde Inklusion gepflegt
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Beim Tun wurde Inklusion gepflegt Im Wohnangebot „Ödenburger Straße“ baute ein junges Audi-Team unter anderem einen überdachten Fahrrad-Stellplatz. (Foto: Tanja Bauer) Audi-Azubis bei den Projektwochen der Johannes-Diakonie Mosbach. (pm) Soziales Engagement ist bei Audi Teil der Ausbildung. Im Rahmen von sozialen Projektwochen haben jetzt Audi-Auszubildende bei der Johannes-Diakonie für den guten Zweck gearbeitet und Menschen mit Behinderung tatkräftig unterstützt. Gleich zwei Einrichtungen des Unternehmens können sich nun über zusätzliche und erneuerte Ausstattung freuen Zunächst waren zwölf angehende Elektroniker für Automatisierungstechnik fünf Tage lang rund um die Mosbacher Werkstätten im Einsatz. Sie verbesserten die Ruhe- und Erholungszonen im Außengelände hinter der Werkstatt. Die Arbeiten wurden in Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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mambo68 · 27 days ago
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Deak Square 33.
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mambo68 · 4 months ago
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Lenck Mausoleum
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mambo68 · 11 days ago
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mambo68 · 11 days ago
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Courtyaqrd.Szent György St.
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mambo68 · 2 months ago
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Summer was just a dream.Lenck Villa.
Kodak Retinett017
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mambo68 · 25 days ago
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Bastion promenade.
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mambo68 · 25 days ago
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Bastion promenade.
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mambo68 · 29 days ago
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Gate.Templom St.
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mambo68 · 1 month ago
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Scarbantia and Ödenburg.
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mambo68 · 1 month ago
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