#castle tower ruins
thegimmicky · 1 year
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Minecraft snowy ruins
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lovehina019 · 9 days
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illustratus · 2 years
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dontaskchaosandco · 23 days
(follow-up to a previous poll)
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artbyanca · 2 months
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The haunted tower
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unikornu · 9 months
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Soft snow signs in O'dyllita
[EU] Unikornu
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yorksnapshots · 2 years
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Castle on the Hill.
Clifford's Tower, York, England.
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elfwithantlers · 6 months
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🏰Fortress of Tustan, Ukraine
📜𝕸𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖛𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖋-𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘-𝖈𝖎𝖙𝖞
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eopederson · 5 months
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Vestiges de muraille et de tour, château, Uzès, Gard, 2016.
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Tower of the ruined medieval castle in L'Isle-d'Abeau, Dauphiné region of eastern France
French vintage postcard
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art8code · 1 year
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Grady Frederick ArtStation
Software used: Procreate
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nathanielmatychuk · 4 months
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Created and edited in Corel Painter.
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asoiafreadthru · 5 months
A Game of Thrones, Jon III
“I don’t see your wolf,” Lannister said as they walked.
“I chain him up in the old stables when we’re training. They board all the horses in the east stables now, so no one bothers him. The rest of the time he stays with me.
“My sleeping cell is in Hardin’s Tower.”
“That’s the one with the broken battlement, no? Shattered stone in the yard below, and a lean to it like our noble king Robert after a long night’s drinking? I thought all those buildings had been abandoned.”
“It’s better that I’m by myself,” Jon said stubbornly. “The rest of them are scared of Ghost.”
“Wise boys,” Lannister said.
Jon shrugged. “No one cares where you sleep. Most of the old keeps are empty, you can pick any cell you want.”
Once Castle Black had housed five thousand fighting men with all their horses and servants and weapons. Now it was home to a tenth that number, and parts of it were falling into ruin.
Tyrion Lannister’s laughter steamed in the cold air. “I’ll be sure to tell your father to arrest more stonemasons, before your tower collapses.”
Jon could taste the mockery there, but there was no denying the truth.
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illustratus · 2 years
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mothmiso · 10 months
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Scotney Castle (2) (3) (4) (5) by d0gwalker
Via Flickr:
(1) View of the rear of the new house at Scotney Castle, near Lamberhurst, Kent, England. The new house was constructed between 1835 and 1843 for Edward Hussey. On the left hand ledge of the fountain you can see a stone carving of a cat reaching its paw down towards the water, where beneath the surface there is a stone carving of a fish. This was probably created for the final resident of the castle, Betty Hussey, who was hugely fond of cats. (There are several cat pictures and memorabilia in the house itself.) (2) (4) View of the ruined old castle buildings of Scotney Castle. Looking across the moat you see the one remaining tower and the ruined walls of what was originally a four-turreted 14th century castle. It was allowed to go to ruin while a newer house was built further up the hillside in the 19th century. (3) The boathouse by the old moated castle.    
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photo-snap-stories · 1 year
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Zamek Królewski w Chęcinach (część 2 z 2)
W 1465 roku na zamku wybuchł groźny pożar, a od drugiej połowy XVI wieku, czyli momentu kiedy się wyprowadziła królowa Bona zamek Chęciński zaczął tracić swój blask i świetność. Kolejny pożar miał miejsce w połowie XVI w, a starosta Stanisław Dębiński aby przywrócić używalność zamku dokonał tylko najistotniejszych prac remontowych. Dzieła zniszczenia zamku dokonał wiek XVII w. W 1607 r. podczas rokoszu Zebrzydowskiego spalono twierdzę i ograbiono zbrojownię. Zamek został splądrowany ponownie w 1655 roku przez Szwedów oraz sprzymierzonego z nimi księcia Siedmiogrodu Jerzego Rakoczego w 1657 roku. Warownia przestała być rezydencją starostów i została opuszczona w 1707 roku po jej kolejnej dewastacji przez Szwedów.
Po tych wydarzeniach zamek opustoszał. Po raz ostatni działa zamkowe wystrzeliły w 1787 r. na wiwat wjeżdżającego do miasta króla Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego. Od tego czasu mury średniowiecznej warowni służyły okolicznym mieszkańcom jako źródło materiałów budulcowych. W latach I wojny światowej ruiny wykorzystywane były przez wojska rosyjskie. Wtedy to w wyniku austriackiego ostrzału artyleryjskiego zostały poważnie uszkodzone wieże. W okresie międzywojennym drobne prace konserwatorskie nie były w stanie zatrzymać niszczenia zamku. W czasie II wojny światowej zagrożeniem dla zamku była eksploatacja kamienia z Góry Zamkowej dla pozyskania budulca dróg w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie. Eksploatację wstrzymano co uchroniło zamkowe mury przed zawaleniem. Po II wojnie światowej następuje odbudowa ruin zamku (między innymi w latach 1948 -1949 – baszty, 1959 – 1960 mury).
The Royal Castle in Chęciny (part 2 of 2)
In 1465 a dangerous fire broke out in the castle, and from the second half of the 16th century, that is, when Queen Bona moved out, Chęciny Castle began to lose its luster and splendor. Another fire took place in the mid-sixteenth century, and the staroste Stanisław Dębiński, in order to restore the use of the castle, made only the most important renovation works. The destruction of the castle was done in the 17th century. In 1607, during the Zebrzydowski Rebellion, the fortress was burnt down and the armory plundered. The castle was plundered again in 1655 by the Swedes and their ally Prince George Rákóczi in 1657. The stronghold ceased to be the residence of starosts and was abandoned in 1707 after its subsequent devastation by the Swedes.
After these events, the castle was abandoned. The castle cannons fired for the last time in 1787 to the cheers of King Stanislaw August Poniatowski entering the city. Since then, the walls of the medieval stronghold have served the local residents as a source of building materials. During the First World War, the ruins were used by the Russian army. Then, as a result of Austrian artillery fire, the towers were seriously damaged. In the interwar period, minor conservation works were not able to stop the destruction of the castle. During World War II, a threat to the castle was the exploitation of stone from Góra Zamkowa to obtain building material for roads in the General Government. The exploitation was stopped, which saved the castle walls from collapsing. After World War II, the ruins of the castle are reconstructed (inter alia, in the years 1948 -1949 - towers, 1959 - 1960 - walls).
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