#castle swimmer neris
majosullivan · 1 year
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I’ll probably make full posts for these characters later down the line, but I thought it would be fun to do mixed characters text posts for once
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castleswimmersstuff · 4 years
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I.... I think I made this meme wrong but it’s ehhh
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wendylianmartin · 3 years
MISS WENDYYY! OK SO: I was re-reading Castle Swimmer (again) and when Susca tells the story about how they were cursed, there’s a part when she says: “So SHE cut a deathly mark DOWN HIS BODY WITH A SPEAR.” And since Neris is Siren spelled backwards…Was that foreshadowing to when Susca swings the spear at Siren?
Possibly heh heh
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ayma-nidiot · 5 years
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Castle Swimmer © Wendy Lian Martin
Character description: The beacon of many prophecies who is the reincarnation of the sea serpent Jörmungandr. He was sent by the god of the surface to protect the Prince Siren and thus the future of the endangered shark tribe. Appears in the awesome Webtoon Castle Swimmer.
Miðgarðsormr Mt: 17 Range: 1
Effective against beast units. Unit suffers 5 points of damage for every attack.
(Type A) Twilight of the Gods – Neutralizes “effective against flying” bonuses. Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat if foe initiates combat.
Summoned: Mortal, lead me to the one who calls himself Prince Siren. I am Jörmungandr, the sea serpent, and I will kill those who would do harm to Prince Siren.
“Tap!” Quotes: -I can communicate with and control any being of the sea. If I so wished, I could command all peoples of the ocean to wage war on one another.
-G-Gah! Siren… Help me! The sea serpent… he’s hurting me!
-You want to know why I’ve chosen Kappa as my vessel? He is a descendant of Thor, my mortal enemy. If I can control him, then the world will have reason to fear me!
-You couldn’t have summoned a more capable fighter. I will destroy. I will kill. Whatever we wish, I will make happen!
Home: -Quite a comfy abode you have here, mortal! Consider yourself lucky that it will be spared from my wrath.
-Susca… I hate that name. Don’t you dare speak it to me again!
-… ...Careful, mortal. If you stare at me like that too long, you’ll be seeing darkness before you know it.
-I don’t actually give two figs about the shark people. But Siren… Something tells me he will become a powerful king.
-I bring you greetings from [friend]. Now get out of my sight before I kill you.
-Do I have anything to do with the shark’s prophecy? Nope. That would be the work of the god Neris. Another one of my enemies, if you will. Like me, he is a god of destruction. But that doesn’t mean we’re allies… In fact, he’s my enemy. I should be the only one allowed to rule the world. That’s why I want to protect the Prince Siren - so I can be the one true god of this world and finally defeat Thor! It’s not… because my vessel cares about Siren. …Probably. (Upon reaching level 40, 5 stars)
-Map: -Don’t order me around! -Sure. -Fine, I’ll go.
-Critical/Skill: -You will know pain! -Die! -Your time is at its end! -Bloodbath!
-Defeat: This is… impossible…
-Behold! The power of the new god of the world! (5-6 stats up)
-All the world will know my true power. (4-6 stats up)
-Ugh! I am no weakling! (1-2 stats up)
-I suppose I should thank you for helping me in world domination. (New skill learned)
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wendylianmartin · 5 years
Will we learn more about Neris in castle swimmer also Why did Neris exactly attack the shark castle? (I don't know if these are spoilers to the story i'm just curious if we will learn more about him or not)
Im curious too, I kind of made Neris up on the spot when I got to that part of the story (I do that with a lot of things) But the potential is there!
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wendylianmartin · 5 years
Is there religion in Castle Swimmer? Do people worship Neris or the god of the surface? How does Kappa feel about the god of the surface?
Almost every castle worships the God of the Surface but they’re usually more obsessed with the Beacon. Kappa’s not a huge fan of the surface god because of the silent treatment he’s been given.
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