#castle swimmer worm
majosullivan · 2 years
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‘The perfect sequence of panels doesn’t exis-’
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sp3ctrum-int3rn3t · 18 days
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we miss you skiff
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oaklores · 6 months
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Caught up w/ castle swimmer… I love u worm <3
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boldlygreatsuit · 29 days
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I adore castle swimmer, it’s such a fun comic and the world building, character design and development is absolutely inspired x I wanted to draw kappa and siren switching story roles (mostly cause I wanted to draw kappa with normal koi color and patterns) and I had so much fun drawing siren tho, I’m happy with how glowy he looks like this x
@wendylianmartin is the og creator x
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sirladysketch · 4 months
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quickie Castle Swimmer sketch between WT linearts. <3
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elowensupremacy · 2 years
episode 1 of season 3 of castle swimmer has me feeling a lot of emotions.... a very many large amount....
BUT let me all draw your attention to the absolute best panel of worm ever:
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someones-anachronism · 7 months
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brainrot. these fish live in my head and they wont leave
no those are not finger guns theyre just low res i swear 😭
i hate doing tags but i must suffer if i want my art to be seen i guess /silly
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toastipuff · 8 months
OHHH MY GOD who up feeling INSANE over episode 156.
spoilers below
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THIS FRAME IS MAKING ME SO ILL. where do i even begin. he straight up just connected to another Surface Being™️ for a moment. the lore is quickly deepening and my brain is doing backflips. also the sluggis reaction (or lack thereof)?!!:!!: - have they seen this before ??? what do they KNOW ??? they have to be hiding something and u can just FEEL it. so many things are happening i am LOSING MY MIND! not to mention orakos and the narwhals getting Closer (cannot WAIT to see orakos again) i'm so !!!!!
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arpstail · 7 months
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The best thing ever
By the way.
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fruitcakebro · 4 months
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arrow-craftz · 1 year
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majosullivan · 8 months
Both shout out and RIP to my girls and Worm for realising they were about to witness a couple’s argument and immediately got out of there as quickly and quietly as they fucking could
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tinyozlion · 4 months
Gundam Wing: Minutia and Trivia
On my long and winding way down research rabbit holes, I often stumble on bits and pieces of trivia that I find quite interesting, but don't really fit anywhere in my usual commentary on Gundam canon and are far too niche and inconsequential to merit a post of their own. HOWEVER. Since I know in my heart that you, dear reader, are also the sort of person for whom background details of the absolute least consequential variety are a source of delight and inspiration, I am compiling some of my discoveries here, and perhaps if I find more, there will be follow up posts. This one happens to be, in a very loose sense, mostly about Romefeller, OZ, and its Special Eyebrow People, because that is where my brain worms are currently converging. Here is my collection of useless trivia. I lay them at your feet like weird pebbles. Look at them. They're neat.
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1. The Daily Kingdom Newspaper
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It's quite likely that this has already been done, but in the grand spirit of this blog, I have decided to take the path of highest effort for the stupidest reason, and transcribed this paper. This page of After Colony news, ostensibly from July 14th, A.C. 195, appears to be reporting on events that happened towards the end of World War II. It's apparently been a slow news day for the Sanc Kingdom press for several centuries. I found myself getting kind of wrapped up in the stories and was disappointed I couldn't turn the page and find out what happened next. (I mean, I know what happened next, broadly speaking.) Of particular interest were Henri and Camille Dreyfus, Swiss chemists who made a lot of innovations during both world wars. ...They were also apparently noted OZ supporters? Well, what can you expect from a big industrial supplier of*checks notes* acetyl intermediates.
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2. The OZ doggy
Pictured below: Treize's well-heeled hunting pet
and a dog is there too *BA-DUM tsch!*
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This spotty and behaved hound is a real breed of hunting dog, the German Short-haired Pointer, or GSP! Did you know this, dear reader? I did not know this. This is new Dog Lore to me.
from the wiki: "It is a pointer and retriever, an upland bird dog, and water dog. The GSP can be used for hunting larger and more dangerous game. It is an excellent swimmer but also works well in rough terrain. It is tenacious, tireless, hardy, and reliable. German Shorthaired Pointers are proficient with many different types of game and sport, including trailing, retrieving, and pointing pheasant, quail, grouse, waterfowl, raccoons, opossum, and even deer."
Seems like a perfect bird-hunting companion for Mr. Treize. She'll probably go retrieve the beautiful red phoenix he murdered. I've decided she's named Oscar (after the Rose of Versailles) and she is a very good girl. Braver Oscar! Braver Hund!
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3. Luxembourg Castle
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This is Treize's abandoned Disney castle in Luxembourg. I owe the background artists of this scene an apology, for in my heart I assumed this was a random assemblage of spare castle-parts they found at Ludwig II's rummage sale. Reader, I was wrong:
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THIS is Schloss Viandin, a restored castle in Luxembourg. Look at this place, it's gorgeous! You can hardly tell there's a secret mobile suit bunker in the basement. Frankly, I'm jealous I'm not being confined there, Treize! Stop sulking in the catacombs and go relax in the pretty princess bed until you feel better. Gaze upon the signed picture of Patrick Swayze; let him inspire you.
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4. Romefeller's Secret
This one comes to us from the Battlefield of Pacifists manga, which, I've learned, is pretty good actually. (I mean it's not GOOD good, but it contains some interesting stuff). Now, come: I am taking you with me on this journey:
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I feel extremely vindicated knowing that there's semi-canonical support for my theory that the Romefeller aristobrats are Austrian. I knew it. I KNEW IT. According to this manga, Romefeller was officially founded in Vienna-- the wording is a little ambiguous in this translation, but if Romefeller had members joining it in 1862, then it had to have existed in some form since then-- which means that the "Glorious Year" of 1956 is something other than its founding date. So what exactly happened in 1956? As I am a hack and fraud, and have been one all my life, I have looked to wikipedia for guidance. Mostly what was happening was the Cold War, colonialism, uprisings, Elvis, research and debate over artificial intelligence, both the hard drive disk and the snooze-button alarm clock being invented, Japan joining the UN, and wait what's this--
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...My god...
It's all coming together.
Eurovision is a plot by Romefeller.
The evidence is all here. There is simply no other conclusion we can come to.
--For this, and many other reasons that are well beyond the scope of a fandom blog, you should probably boycott them.
I rest my case.
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5. The Romefeller Coat of Arms
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I'm no vexillologist, and my heraldic experience is limited to adoptable pixel dragons, but what I am is an insane person with too much time on their hands. And so, to the best of my ability, I have blazoned the Romefeller coat of arms:
Supporters: Two Unicorns Rampant 
Crown: Purpur Crown of Peerage or Lord of Parliament  
Escutcheon: Heater with Two Engrailed Wedge Top - party per pale (halved vertically)
Blazon: Sinister (Right): Argent, Bend Sinister Sanguine; Dexter (Left): Bleu Celeste, Charged with a Ringed (or Celtic) Cross Argent 
Motto Scroll: UPRTUN or UPRTVN
--I don't know what UPRTVN is meant to stand for, but there are truly SO many ways you could play Latin Mad Libs and get a reasonable-sounding answer. At a stab, knowing Romefeller's priorities and values, I would guess it probably contains a, you know, "Unity/Peace/Rule/Tradition/Victory/Necessity", "Unity Through The Rule of Tradition Is Our Victory", or some such deeply worrying thing. Take your pick really.
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6. "Herbst" / "Autumn"
The Rilke poem Treize quotes in "Frozen Teardrop" is not terribly difficult to find online, but if you're not sure what you're looking for it can be difficult because he has multiple poems about Autumn, and Autumn Day is perhaps better known; also the internet is absolutely filthy riddled with despicable bots and farmed content that has lost its attributions, so you do have to dig to find where different translations have come from (bless this very Web 1.0 page for carrying on the lord's work in basic html). Here is the original in German, and two complimenting translations:
Herbst -Rainer Maria Rilke Die Blätter fallen, fallen wie von weit als welkten in den Himmeln ferne Gärten; sie fallen mit verneinender Gebärde. Und in den Nächten fällt die schwere Erde aus allen Sternen in die Einsamkeit. Wir alle fallen. Diese Hand da fällt. Und sieh dir andre an: es ist in allen. Und doch ist Einer, welcher dieses Fallen unendlich sanft in seinen Händen hält.
This translation by Horst A. Scholz (linked here so I don't get into trouble) is the most spare and one-to-one translation into English I've found-- I always appreciate having a comparison between the very literal meanings and a more creative reconstruction when I'm reading translated poetry.
Meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum, this translation by Robert Bly is very freeform and agnostic; for my own purposes, I think the use of "Space" instead of "Heaven" happens to fit nicely with the themes of Gundam:
Autumn -translation by Robert Bly The leaves are falling, falling as if from far up, as if orchards were dying high in space. Each leaf falls as if it were motioning "no." And tonight the heavy earth is falling away from all other stars in the loneliness. We're all falling. This hand here is falling. And look at the other one. It's in them all. And yet there is Someone, whose hands infinitely calm, holding up all this falling.
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filenameghost · 5 months
baby Worm from Castle Swimmer I drew a couple months ago :)
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babiestbubbles · 9 months
hi! sorry I died for a bit. anyways, i'm back and have severe Castle Swimmer brainrot. so, have some headcanons and look forward to some ficlets or maybe a drabble in the near future!
Absolute regressor. Barely got a childhood with the constant responsibility of fufilling prophecies so he definitely regresses to cope with that and just the stress/responsibility of being the Beacon.
Barely any gear because he's constantly drifting in and out of places. tried really hard to hold onto things. Made the mistake of getting attached to a stuffed animal more than once, but always ends up losing them in transit one way or another. At this point he actively deprives himself of gear out of fear of it getting lost again, but sometimes he dreams about the times he used to have a pacifier or a sippy cup.
Usually regresses pretty young, like older baby to older toddler at best. (3-9 years old) Likes a lot of hands on activities and movement, since most of his fun when little is playing pretend. Sometimes the fish will tell him stories, especially if he's having trouble sleeping.
Arp/Worm acts like a caregiver if/when he gets too little, but there's only so much he can do.
The Evil Witches found out after he had a nightmare and woke up inconsolable. They offer to take care of him, Mucku especially since misses taking care of people. He loves watching little shows Mono puts on for him with her magic, and even Nethimir clearly has a soft spot for him. At one point while traveling looking for Ogo they surprise him with gear they've either made/stolen for him and he actually cries because its the first bit of gear he's had in months. They try to spoil him as much as they can from then on out.
When he was trapped in the Sharks' dungeon he woke up regressed and scared more than once, especially early on. Eventually, about a week and a half in, Siren found him one day. Kappa was clearly super out of it and at first Siren was super worried that Kappa was dying or that Siren had prolonged the prophecy too long and now it was taking matters into its own hands. But kappa tried his best to explain that he was fine and eventually Siren was at least convinced that Kappa wasn't dying.
He tried to be softer with Kappa, even if he didn't know what was going on, and brought him things. Scrolls, some shells and objects, anything to entertain the boy who was clearly restless being trapped in a cage alone for over a week. Eventually he brought out some old toys of his. Pathetic little things, an old rattle, a spinning top and some other bits and bobs he'd found abandoned at the back of his closet. He'd originally brought them as a bit of a sheepish joke, he didn't have a lot of drawings of him as a child so he figured this was the closest piece of his childhood Kappa could get.
What he didn't expect is the way Kappa's eyes lit up, mesmerized by the simple toys. Kappa was so happy he could barely contain his excitement, hands practically shaking. He and Siren played with the toys all day, and even when Siren had to return them to his closet, and report back to his mother, he left Kappa with one. The small rattle. As it was clearly the boy's favorite.
The next morning, when Kappa woke up, he told Siren everything. Explained regression to him, told him why he regressed and the ins and outs. When he got to the part about caregivers he trailed off, explaining that he never really had anyone in his life to look out for him like that.
Siren, of course, immediately, albeit shyly, offered himself up. Before remembering their current dilemma. Siren vowed that at least during the time Kappa was here, he'd be the best caretaker he could be for Kappa, and he absolutely followed through.
Siren was by his side almost constantly, and always knew when Kappa was little. He picked up on ever tell, the way he'd get quieter and more reserved, the way he'd be even gigglier. Siren was, for all intents and purposes, everything Kappa had dreamed of.
When they parted ways, Kappa was devastated. In face, until he met the 3 witches he didn't regress after he left Siren. Even when he woke up from nightmares, scared and little, he'd push it down. Ignoring every desire to regress no matter how much it hurt.
Now that he's back with Siren though, he regresses super regularly. Almost every night. Between Siren, Mucku, Nethimir, and Mono, Kappa has all the love, toys, and attention he could want. And he loves every second of it.
I realized this post is too long so have these for now and I'll try to drop some more when I get a chance!
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elowensupremacy · 2 years
guys the worm post is so old i need you so stop liking it and look at some of my other content please 😭😭😭
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