#castle season 8
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multifandom-gif · 10 months ago
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Kate Beckett + wig in season 8 🧡
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renegadesstuff · 10 months ago
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“Every writer needs inspiration. And I found mine. Always. Always.” 🤍
S8E22, “Crossfire” aired 8 years ago (May 16, 2016) ❤️
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footyvolley21 · 12 days ago
no matter how many times I watch it, it still hurts. season 8, I hate you
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katherinehoughtoncastle47 · 9 months ago
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onewithspectacles · 2 years ago
Oh, I feel your pain. I remember when the finale aired I felt completely blindsided. That was honestly the craziest amount of whiplash in tone I have ever experienced from a show. Honestly, given the fact they knew they had been canceled and that episode would be the series finale, I’m surprised they didn’t shoot an additional scene to replace the plot twist reveal—that way it wouldn’t be so jarring. I personally think that the season 7 finale would have worked much better as a series ending, and they honestly should have just left it there. But no, we got a surprise season 8 renewal. 🙃
From what I understand of what was happening behind the scenes, they were planning for a 9th season but had not renewed Stana’s contract for budgetary reasons. Which was a spectacularly dumb move on ABC’s part, since the show may be called Castle, but it is really about both of them. You can’t just get rid of your deuteragonist and call it a day 🙃 THE CHARACTERS WERE LITERALLY MARRIED HOW WERE YOU SUPPOSED TO EXPLAIN HER BEING GONE ALL THE TIME. I suppose if you believe the time travel episode at some point she would be a Senator and that would explain her absence but they hadn’t even set up her political ambitions yet!!!
I digress.
I have three recs for shows and I have no idea if you will like them, but I enjoy them and I get a little bit of Castle vibes from them.
1. Psych (2006-2014): Like Castle but sillier. Extremely rewatchable. Does have a main ship but I don’t find them quite as compelling as Caskett. But very funny.
2. Pushing Daisies (2007-2009): one of my all time favorite shows. Very stylistic and beautiful. Also kind of silly and romantic. Should definitely have gotten one more season.
3. Nancy Drew (2019-present): yes I am recommending a CW show. The mystery and relationship writing between the main characters on this show is top notch. It reminds me of a cross between Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf, and Castle. The mysteries are usually supernatural in nature but often very well written, and the main ship of the show reminds me of Caskett in that “OTP all other love interests are literally just obstacles for them to overcome” way. There is plenty of angst but the show is really funny too. Now, the main ship *isn’t* actually together yet, but like 99% of the fandom ships them and I’m pretty sure they will end up together. If you care about endgame status, maybe check back in with us in about two and a half months?
Anyway, hope you like at least one of those shows. You’ve got me thinking about Castle again… I recently rewatched a season 2 episode on an airplane and it was just as good as the like four other times I’ve seen it 😂
Revisiting Castle
I have decided to revisit Castle, 7 years after the finale and 10 years after the high of my obsession where I spent months creating content about the show.
I am feeling all the feels, and all of the nostalgia. Including rereading fan fiction I don’t even remember writing and feeling like I want to puke when thinking about Caskett.
Not much different than how it was back then 😂
I genuinely miss this feeling, and in the last ten years have really only felt it for the show Outlander, but man do I miss being younger and watching this show and watching that relationship progress.
Which brings me to acknowledging the completly lack of memory surrounding the final few seasons and that finale. Guys, I rewatched that last scene and wanted to scream.
The sad thing is I wasn’t really on tumblr anymore, or much on the internet expressing my feelings about that finale. And I need more.
I need to know what everyone thought, I need to know reactions, I need to not feel alone. I need fan fiction recommendations and understanding of why they did this. What was going on with the writers and the actors. I need closure.
So if you happen to read this and have references, links, fan fic recs, stories, feelings, anything. Help me relive that amazing feeling of fandom and obsessive love over this show and this couple.
Also taking recommendations on shows that could provide similar feelings. As I mentioned, I love outlander and it definitely fits the similar vibes the hopeless romantic in me needs.
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brian-in-finance · 7 months ago
Video 📹 from Instagram
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Remember… every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. — Semisonic, Closing Time, 1998
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brooksdavis · 1 year ago
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CASKETT APPRECIATION WEEK 2023: Day Five ↬ Favorite Season: Two
Look...I know that I'm not the easiest person to get to know, and - I don't always let on what's on my mind. But - this past year, working with you... I've had a really good time. Yeah. Me, too.
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trixiedeckerstar · 2 years ago
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CASTLE | May 16, 2023  Castle and Beckett have breakfast with their kids Lily, Jake and Reece
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maxhp2910 · 8 months ago
Ohk, So as the Spring season (anime) has come to an end and I've watched a few of them, thought I could rank them out:
1. Mushoku Tensei S2 Part 2
2. Kaiju No. 8
3. Demon Slayer (Coz of the Last Ep. ofc)
4. MHA (Still Airing)
5. Wind Breaker
6. Tensura S3 Part 1
Lmk yours...
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multifandom-gif · 10 months ago
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Katherine 'Kate' Beckett in 8x02, “XX” ❤️
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renegadesstuff · 4 months ago
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Same but different 🤍
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luxurystark-jackson · 8 months ago
it will forever be wild to me how main actors in different tv shows show up in cameos in other shows. like wdym lisa edelstein is beckett's partner during the FBI agent arc. ive watched castle a million times and i see lisa edelstein on my screen while watching season 6 episode 1 and i'm thinking What The Fuck. mindboggling. what is cuddy doing here.
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katherinehoughtoncastle47 · 10 months ago
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nikki-rook · 2 years ago
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There is no way he can solve this case before us
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brian-in-finance · 7 months ago
Video 📹 from Instagram
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Remember the first day of the last block?
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i-prefer-west-side · 1 year ago
8x18 fic prompt: beckett tells castle how he betrayed her in her dream
He thought his wife had a full day, so he's surprised to see her walk into his PI office mid-morning, coffees and a pastry bag in her hands and an apologetic look on her face.
"I'm here to apologize," Kate announces after a quick greeting.
Rick shakes his head and joins her on the couch. "Nothing to apologize for."
"No, I do. There's no reason I should have been that annoyed because of a dream."
"Well..." When she levels a glare at him, he lifts a hand in surrender. "It happens. I am curious what dream me did that was so heinous, though," he admits, leaning back and taking a sip of coffee.
Kate scrunches her nose and looks away, refusing to make eye contact. After a moment she rolls her eyes, then meets his gaze again. "You ate my leftovers."
He just blinks.
"It's so dumb," she continues with a shrug. "But I was really looking forward to them, and when I opened the fridge, they were gone."
Rick chuckles and scoots close to her, lifts her hand, and brushes his lips across her knuckles. "I'm sorry that dream me did that. Real me will be more considerate."
"Thanks. Anyway, it bothered me all morning that I got so worked up about it. I usually don't. So...I was going to wait until tonight, but..." She trails off and takes something out of her purse.
He takes the item, and when he sees the word on the display, he looks back up at her, unshed tears blurring his vision. "Kate," he whispers, "you're-"
She nods. "Looks like we have more mood swings to look forward to," she jokes. She lifts a hand and caresses his cheek. "Ready to tackle sleepless nights and dirty diapers again?"
He drops the pregnancy test and pulls her into a hug. "Can't wait."
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