#castle ficathon
castleficpromoter · 21 days
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Castle Ficathon 2024
Rules And Details
Castle Fic Promoter’s master list for all Castle Ficathon 2024 fanfics.
Invisible String (Rated: T) by @bravevulnerability - Mini-Ficathon
Lights Out (Rated: T) by @evitascarlett14 - Mini-Ficathon
Worth Working For (Rated: T) by @i-prefer-west-side - Maxi-Ficathon
What Happened Here V2 (Rated: K+) by @sixsocksscienceclub - Mini-Ficathon
Jake and Reese (Rated: T) by @sixsocksscienceclub
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bunysliper · 1 year
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Lightning Flashes
Words: 1,511 Genre: Family/Drama Rated: T Character: Rick C., Kate B.
Summary: Richard Castle gets the surprise of his life and looks to his longtime friend, Kate Beckett, for support. Will she be able to step up and help him with his newest challenge? - Caskett, AU. For Castle Ficathon 2020. NOW COMPLETE.
Lightning Flashes - Epilogue
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i-prefer-west-side · 3 months
Fresh off a summer spent healing from a near-fatal bullet wound, Kate Beckett meets a handsome man at a bar, and finds that one night can give her more than she bargained for. A meeting AU set in season 4, for Castle Ficathon 2024.
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lordofkavaka · 5 months
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SNOWED IN - She was only there to help her Aunt Theresa while her Uncle Herb recovered from a mild heart attack. But then a blizzard hit and Kate Beckett found herself stuck with an irritating yet ruggedly handsome novelist. Caskett AU Meeting. For Castle Ficathon Winter 2023. Rated T.
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sixsocksscienceclub · 7 months
Chapter 4 drop! I know the ficathon is over and that makes me a bit sad, but it doesn't stop me from writing and posting. I'm in too deep now.
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wingedflight · 2 years
3SF: Narnia, Edmund/Caspian, dark academia AU, vanish in the air, you'll never find me
Candlelight flickers off the old cracked spines in the archive as Caspian rounds the corner, only to stop dead at the sight of another man--a stranger, with pale skin and dark hair, a thin frame, and eyes as sharp as a crow’s. The man has a book held open in the palm of one hand and, as if unsurprised by Caspian’s interruption, he immediately says, “Did you know that these fairy tales are considerably more accurate than any of those false history tomes your people wrote to cover up the existence of the true Narnian peoples?” Then, with a quirk of his eyebrows, he reshelves the book and walks away without a backward glance. 
(Caspian follows the man, of course, but he has disappeared without a trace; in later days, he asks about the castle but no one, it seems, has ever seen the man with crow’s eyes.)
Written for the 2023 Three Sentence Ficathon -- come join in and play! The water's fine!
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bamboo72498 · 2 years
writer asks
🐾: Do you plan on writing for any fests or events?
Hopefully! I want to do Fictober next year and anything else that comes up with them. And of course: Castle Summer Ficathon! I missed doing it last year, so 2023 will be my comeback.
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loveandprose · 4 years
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no other shade of blue but you: chapter 5
“Okay, sounds like she went straight home, which means that the last two people to see her alive before her killer were the director and Melissa’s scene partner. Did you get their names?”
Esposito nods, hesitating. “The director is 60-year-old Martin Russell, lives uptown on the West side. And Melissa’s scene partner is, uh, Martha Rodgers.”
“I’m sorry. What?” Kate says, disbelieving. “Castle’s mother? That Martha Rodgers?”
Esposito cocks his head. “Beckett, how many stage actresses named Martha Rodgers do you think there are in this city?”
“I don’t know,” she says defensively, making a face. “It’s a... common name.”
“We gonna go interview them or you wanna stay here and pout some more?” he asks.
She narrows her eyes. Fuck. She does not want to deal with Castle this morning, especially before she’s had her coffee.
“Guess there’s no point in taking my coat off,” she grumbles. “Let’s go. We’re stopping for coffee on the way.”
More here.
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writingwell · 3 years
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Silver & Gold: part two - chapter 14
This is their Christmas Eve, so I have at least one more chapter to post. It's possible two more. I don't know the end yet.
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skygirl5 · 4 years
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edenfalling · 5 years
[Fic] “And Set Such Colour There” - Howl’s Moving Castle
It's time for another batch of Three Sentence Ficathon fills!
Here is the first ficathon post and here is the second ficathon post. Both are now closed for new prompts, but you are still welcome to write fills and comment on other people's stories. :)
55. Written 2/21/20 for betony, in response to the prompt: Howl series, Howl/Sophie, she comes in colors everywhere.
And Set Such Colour There (130 words)
One of the tribulations of sharing a bathroom and a magical workroom with Howl was that he was both extremely vain and bad at organizing his things, which frequently led to annoyances like hair dyes left on the shelf with rare and expensive spell ingredients, or failed experimental potions clogging the shower drain.
And then, very occasionally, more drastic problems reared their metaphorical head -- or rather, Sophie's head, which was now covered in hair dyed every shade of the rainbow and possibly several others that didn't, strictly speaking, exist in the human range of vision.
"I don't see why you're complaining," Howl said; "Consider my feelings for a minute -- how on earth am I meant to find a suit that won't clash hideously with at least part of your hair?"
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castleficpromoter · 6 months
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CastleFicPromoter’s Castle Ficathon 2024
This “contest” isn’t a competition against others, merely a fun way for the Castle fandom and its talented fanfiction writers to generation some awesome stories over the summer season.
Participating stories should be posted on Fanfiction.net (or Archive of Our Own). Stories posted on FFnet will be included in the “favorites” list on the CFPromoter FFnet account. Links will also be tweeted through CFPromoter’s twitter account and blogged/reblogged on tumblr.
Word Count Goals:
Mini-Ficathon – 25,000 words
Ficathon – 50,000 words
Maxi-Ficathon – 75,000 words
Ultra-Ficathon – 100,000 words
Submissions will be accepted starting Monday, May 6, 2024 and ending at midnight on Friday, September 6, 2024. You can start writing at any time, but only fanfics posted within the timeframe will be accepted as part of the Summer Ficathon challenge.
Anyone can join, experienced and new fanfiction writers alike. Everyone is welcomed. The main point is to have fun!
Stories are to be posted on your own FFnet account, but should have “Castle Ficathon 2024” somewhere in the summary, so that readers know the story is a participant. Stories posted on AO3 are also acceptable this year and, just as with stories posted on FFnet, should have “Castle Ficathon 2024” somewhere in the summary. (sidenote: If you are posting your ficathon story only on AO3, let me know, otherwise I might miss it - Thanks!)
If you post a link to the story on Twitter, feel free to tag @CFPromoter in your tweet, so I’m aware your story is posted. I’ll be using the hashtag “CastleFicathon2024” and “CF2024” on Twitter (and tumblr) when I do tweet promotions.
Every participant will receive an individualized digital badge of participation at the end of the challenge. Participants will receive an additional badge for the word count level achieved at the end of Ficathon. Those who break 75k will also receive a personalized wallpaper based off the Castle Ficathon 2024 key art.
Need help coming up with ideas? Feel free to check out the prompt list on our tumblr page, or the many prompts to be found on the Castle Fanfic Prompts tumblr.
Don’t stress if you have trouble with updating regularly, the main point is to have fun, so… no pressure.
Questions? Concerns? Contact me!
Message me on tumblr, PM us on FFN, or tweet me.
Have fun everyone, and happy writing!
- Travis (aka @lordofkavaka​)
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bunysliper · 1 year
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Lightning Flashes
Words: 2,577 Genre: Family/Drama Rated: T Character: Rick C., Kate B.
Summary: Richard Castle gets the surprise of his life and looks to his longtime friend, Kate Beckett, for support. Will she be able to step up and help him with his newest challenge? - Caskett, AU. For Castle Ficathon 2020.
Lightning Flashes - Chapter 14
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i-prefer-west-side · 1 month
Fresh off a summer spent healing from a near-fatal bullet wound, Kate Beckett meets a handsome man at a bar, and finds that one night can give her more than she bargained for. A meeting AU set in season 4, for Castle Ficathon 2024. (I've been crap at posting on Tumblr, sorry) (but we're up to chapter 14 now)
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lordofkavaka · 5 months
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SNOWED IN - She was only there to help her Aunt Theresa while her Uncle Herb recovered from a mild heart attack. But then a blizzard hit and Kate Beckett found herself stuck with an irritating yet ruggedly handsome novelist. Caskett AU Meeting. For Castle Ficathon Winter 2023. Rated T.
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siverwrites · 5 years
3 Sentence Ficathon 7
Another 3 fills for Howl’s Moving Castle, Ace Attorny and Lilo & Stitch
Any, any, "Put me down, you're drunk." (Howl’s Moving Castle, Howl & Calcifer)
"Not drunk enough!" Howl lamented to Calcifer's frantic demands and he wouldn't have cared if the wizard hadn't scooped the wood he clung to in wavering hands while the spirit could only cling helplessly, watching the wood burn away, not really listening to Howl's ramblings.
But somehow through the cloud of mournful drunken despair Howl must have registered Calcifer's plight and demands to put him down because he finally did at last, and Calcifer slunk deeper into the hearth well away from the consequences of another failed endeavour with a lady.
Calcifer hid, Howl moaned and the whole of the castle remained in a sulk for the rest of the day until it was all forgotten in the morning.
Any, Any, See what the new day brings (Ace Attorney, Edgeworth)
It was finally over. Fifteen years the nightmare haunted him and then he woke after a quiet night, feeling strangely hollow and off balance. Now Edgeworth stood at his office window in the early morning sunlight, watching the city below, and there was a great deal to consider, but one thing was clear: this was a new day unlike any other.
Lilo and Stitch, Lilo, any
It was a hot and sunny day, the beach was crowded and Lilo scampered among the various tourists snapping away with her camera. This time she had an extra goal and the number of different people—so many—a funny seagull and a cute fish—she paused for a moment to feed it some snacks she kept in a bag at her side—were excellent targets. When she decided she had enough she ran back home with delight, knowing she had the perfect batch of distractions for the forlorn Stitch who had at last discovered a limit to his appetite.
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