#castelló de la plana
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months ago
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Coca de tomata (tomato flatbread) is a typical recipe from the Castelló area of the Valencian Country. It's a kind of empanada bread made with wheat flour, beer and olive oil, filled with tomato, onion, red peppers, egg, pine nuts and tuna.
Photos by the blog Saboreando las estrellas. Recipe and video in the link.
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housekeepinginfo · 5 months ago
Top 20 Vegetables in the World
Vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet, offering a wide array of nutrients that are crucial for maintaining good health. But with so many options available, which are the most beneficial? In this article, we’ll explore the top 20 vegetables globally, focusing on their nutritional value, popularity, and why they should be a staple in your daily diet.
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proud-spaniard · 1 year ago
Bolero de Castelló
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stabbed-monster · 10 months ago
I don't ask usually for reblogs but neonazis close to the alt-right councilor of Castelló have attacked a public leftist party during Madalena fiestas using baseball bats and metal rods. They left +30 injured one of those is critical. Police only showed up to cover the retreat of the armed group and did nothing to prevent the attack
Sources are in catalan but i'll do my best to translate
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marcosortegatattoo · 9 months ago
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Tatuaje Tradicional y Japonés en Castelló de la Plana - Valencia - Madrid
American Traditional Tattoos in Castelló de la Plana - Valencia - Madrid
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depoble · 3 months ago
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museu belles arts
📍 Castelló de la Plana
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valavelo · 1 year ago
J57 ~ Prendre le temps pour les rencontres
Nules~Peníscola (100km)
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Aujourd'hui c'est dimanche. Une belle journée avec des températures encore tip-top pour la saison. Résultat, beaucoup de monde en balade sur le chemin côtier. Après avoir passé Castelló de la Plana, je croise un groupe de 3 espagnoles en peine avec un pneu crevé. Leur bombe magique anti-crevaison n'a pas fonctionné. Il va donc falloir changer la chambre à air. Une fois la chose faite on repart, on se suit un moment puis je trace ma route.
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Je passe par Orpesa, encore une station balnéaire. Le quartier Marina d'Or est extravagant. Son avenue principale à l'air d'attendre la parade de Disney Land. Drôle d'ambiance en cette saison puisque tout ou presque est fermé.
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Je quitte la zone urbanisée pour m'aventurer dans le parc naturel de la Sierra d'Irta. La zone est sauvage, le chemin rempli de grosses pierres monte et descend sans cesse. C'est beau mais éprouvant pour finir la journée. Au détour d'un chemin difficile, je rencontre un couple d'Ukrainiens à vélo, Luisa et Volodimir. Ils m'invitent à prendre un café et on partage ce qu'on a dans les sacs. Je comprends que leur décision de partir sur les routes s'est imposée à eux. Ils ont un visa de séjour en Union Européenne et ne peuvent pas rentrer chez eux pour le moment. Alors ils vivent de peu de choses et vont en direction de Málaga où ils ont des pistes pour un travail. Je suis impressionné et ému par ces gens qui ont beaucoup perdu mais continuent à aller de l'avant. Pas facile de les quitter mais le soir pointe le bout de son nez et j'aimerais redescendre vers Peníscola.
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La ville est juchée sur un rocher formant une presqu'île. Ce sera mon décor pour la soirée.
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academialatinacastellon · 2 years ago
Nombre del Negocio: Centro Educativo Latina
DIRECCIÓN: Carrer d'Herrero, 23
Ciudad: Castelló de la Plana
Estado: Castelló
Código Postal: 12005
País: Espana (Spain)
Teléfono de negocios: 964 22 53 31 / 634 94 99 39
email de negocios: [email protected]
Sitio web: https://www.academialatinacastellon.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcademiaLatinaCastellon/
LinkedIn: https://es.linkedin.com/company/centro-educativo-latina
Descripción del negocio: Centro educativo en el centro de la ciudad de Castellón Centro educativo Academia de informática
URL del CID de Google Mi Negocio: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9912623257216012439
Horas de trabajo: Domingo Cerrado Lunes 8am–2:10pm / 3–8pm Martes 8am–2:10pm / 3–8pm Miércoles 8am–2:10pm / 3–8pm Jueves 8am–2:10pm / 3–8pm Viernes 8am–2:10pm / 3–8pm Sábado Cerrado
Palabras clave: fp castellon - formacion profesional castellon - ciclos formativos castellon - ciclo grado medio castellon - ciclo grado superior castellon
Service Areas:
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12endigital · 26 days ago
Turisme presenta a los alcaldes de la provincia de Alicante las herramientas con las que contarán los municipios en Fitur 2025
La consellera de Innovación, Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Marián Cano, ha mantenido una reunión con los alcaldes y concejales de la provincia de Alicante, donde ha presentado las herramientas con las que contarán los municipios en Fitur 2025 para poder promocionar sus destinos. Turisme programará también reuniones con los municipios de València y Castelló de la Plana. La consellera Marián Cano…
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informativosevilla · 4 months ago
La Generalitat ejerce la acción popular en el caso del asesinato de Lorena Pilar, víctima de violencia sobre la mujer en Castelló
El Consell ha autorizado a la Abogacía General de la Generalitat a ejercitar la acción popular en el caso relacionado con el asesinato en Castelló de la Plana de Lorena Pilar, víctima de violencia machista. El suceso constituye un caso de violencia sobre la mujer, un problema de ámbito social público de interés general que obliga a los poderes públicos a actuar de manera activa con el objetivo de…
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useless-catalanfacts · 1 year ago
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Yesterday was the 91st anniversary of the Normes de Castelló ("Castelló rules"), also known as Normes del 32 ("rules of '32", because they were approved in 1932). These rules were tue agreement on how to spell the Valencian variants of the Catalan-Valencian language. They expand the spelling rules for the language that were approved in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands in 1913, adding the characteristics of the Valencian dialects and words based on the spellings used by the notorious Valencian writers of the Valencian Renaixença literary movement.
Nowadays, Valencian is again under attack. Right-wing, Spanish nationalist political parties are in power now in the Valencian Country and cutting down on the language rights of Valencian people and where the language can be used, imposing Spanish as the public language instead. The social use of the language is also threatened by the historical discrimination against speakers of the Catalan-Valencian language, who are still routinely denied care in the public healthcare system, in many places can't access an education in the native language of the land because policies favour only Spanish, face discrimination in social media and leisure environments, and often have to hear that their language is useless or makes them sound "rural", "provincial" and "uneducated" and that the only way to be respected is to speak Spanish. Despite all of this, Valencian is alive and enjoys a rich culture, literary and musical traditions important since centuries ago and very lively nowadays.
To commemorate the 91 years of the "Castelló rules" and to show that we are alive and won't surrender our language and culture to those who wish to see us dead, many Valencians have gathered in the streets of the city where the rules were signed, Castelló de la Plana. In the photos above (posted by som_ppcc, Plataforma per la Llengua and Escola Valenciana) you can see this rally and the Valencian tradition of muixeranga.
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rosariorodriguezllorens · 5 months ago
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V Jornadas de la Danza Española en el Siglo XXI, organizadas por la APDCV Associació de Professionals Dansa de la CV, y que tengo el placer de dirigir. En esta ocasión, las jornadas se centran en la danza tradicional y se celebran en Castellón de la Plana en el Conservatori Professional de Dansa de Castelló, al que estoy muy agradecida. Os animo a disfrutar de las excelentes maestras y maestros que nos van a enseñar lo mejor de su tierra y de sus bailes: Alicia Pastor , Isabel Escudero y Josep Vidal. Sin olvidar la importancia de todo lo que nos van a transmitir las invitadas e invitados a la Mesa inaugural: Imma Puig, Sandra Quemades, Salvador Mercado y Joan Prades. Todo acompañado de música en directo con la Rondalla de la Associació Saborija Cultura Tradicional y Pep Oria y Eliseu Artola a la dolçaina y el tabal, respectivamente.
Diseño del cartel: Carmen Nácher
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dashocontent1234 · 6 months ago
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stabbed-monster · 8 months ago
Hey! Remember a month and a half ago when i posted about how a neonazi group attacked people during the Madalena in Castelló and the police helped them escape because the city councilor in charge of the police is their friend?
Now he has sent the police to bust a peaceful demonstration for the worker's day and they had sent a 70 year old man into the hospital.
I'll leave here CNT's announcement in response to the events and i'll try to translate them like last time
Announcement in response to the police repression suffered during May 1st in Castelló de la Plana
By cgtcastello/may 1, 2024
Today CGT Castelló (union), with help of La Cosa Nostra(local antifa group), Subversives (local feminist amd lgbt colective) COS (union), Intersindical Valenciana (union), CNT (union) and Endavant (left-wing org), organized the traditional activist demonstration for the First of May with the motto "For the working class and the peace between people". In what was going to be, at first, a day for the rights of the working people, has become, due to several police provocations and agressions, into a new sample of the repression.
We describe this policial intervention as deliberate and on top, a total taunting against the people that formed the march. It has put in danger the physical integrity of the assistants during the succesive charges made from start to end of the itinerary, using UPR units from the National Police and several forces from the Local Police of the City of Castelló with the goal of breaking the demonstration, pushing and assaulting those present, without bearing in mind that there were old people and families with minors, some of them had been forced to leave the demonstration after seeing the constant charges.
Is completely intolerable that we get supressed like that just because we try to use our rights to manifest, especially in a date like is the 1st of May that, as we have said before, we don't think it has been a coincidence. The excuses used by the police force had been that several protesters were wielding "wooden sticks" on the flags and that they could "disturb the peace", element that has always used on this calls to wave the flags without it never beeing a risk for anyone. We want to remind that this is protected under law 04/2015 also known as "gag law", law that we already protested about against it's approval and that we still keep demanding to be abolished.
After watching the situation, the Executive Secretary of our union, after identifying himself as the person that made the call for the demonstration, has tried to dialogate with the police agents, asking to speak with the commander in charge and demanding the id of the agents. That was denied to us in several occasions, reaching the point where one of the policemen that formed part of the deployment said that we were "assaulting and threatening him". We recall that identifying themselves is a duty of the agents, and we have in mind that their license numbers were written with small typography on their bulletproof vests, not being properly visible.
On the final part of the demonstration's tour, in what it has been the last charge, police agents knocked down an older person that was on the protest, causing several contusions. When asked to inform medical services so they could help him, agents moved away, ignoring the request.
Once the demonstration was over, the Executive Secretary of CGT Castelló asked the UPR agents of CNP (national police) the seized material, that request was denied and he received a fine for "7 sticks" that according to the peace officers, could disrupt greatly the peace
Because what we described here, from CGT Castelló we anounce that we are going to take legal actions on the Administration Subdelegation for the attacks and assaults made from the different police forces that acted today. We are not going to consent that our right to protest gets diminished. On top of that, we ask for the resignation of the people in charge of the police actions: Antonia García, administration subdelegate, Emilio Romero, superintendent of the National Police, Antonio Ortolá, political responsible of the Local Police and Paco Catalán, superintendent of the Local Police
To conclude, we want to thank to all the people that added their strength today against this abuse. Despite the repression they are not going to stop us.
For the working class and the peace between people!!
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marcosortegatattoo · 9 months ago
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Traditional Tattoos Castelló de la Plana - Berlin - Madrid
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vkmingenieriaestructural · 1 year ago
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VKM Ingeniería Estructural Castelló
Somos un cluster. Le ponemos en contacto con los mejores profesionales adaptados para sus necesidades en Ingeniería Estructural en Castelló
Visita nuestra web:
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Albocàsser, Alcalà de Xivert, Alcudia de Veo, Alfondeguilla, Algimia de Almonacid, Almassora, Almedíjar, Almenara, Altura, Ares de Maestrat, Artana, Atzeneta de Maestrat, Azuébar, Barracas, Bejís, Benafer, Benassal, Benicarló, Benicàssim, Benlloch, Betxí, Borriana, Borriol, Cabanes, Càlig, Canet lo Roig, Castellfort, Castellnovo, Castelló de la Plana, Catí, Caudiel, Cervera del Maestre, Chóvar, Cinctorres, Cirat, Cortes de Arenoso, Costur, Culla, El Toro, Eslida, Fanzara, Figueroles, Forcall, Gaibiel, Geldo, Jérica, L'Alcora, La Jana, La Llosa, La Pobla de Benifassà, La Pobla Tornesa, La Salzadella, La Vall d'Uixó, La Vilavella, Les Alqueries, Les Coves de Vinromà, Les Useres, Llucena, Moncofa, Montán, Montanejos, Morella, Navajas, Nules, Onda, Oropesa del Mar, Peníscola, Portell de Morella, Ribesalbes, Rossell, San Rafael del Río, San Joan de Moró, Sant Jordi, San Mateu, Santa Magdalena de Pulpis, Segorbe, Sierra Engarcerán, Soneja, Sot de Ferrer, Sueras, Tales, Teresa, Tírig, Torás, Torreblanca, Traiguera, Vall d'Alba, Vall de Almonacid, Vila-real, Vilafamés, Vilanova d'Alcolea, Vilar de Canes, Villafranca del Cid, Villahermosa del Río, Vinaròs, Vistabella del Maestrat, Viver, Xert, Xilxes, Zucaina.
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