starrjoy · 6 months
Enjoy my weird cat
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medli20 · 10 months
Is Pip based on a chow chow?
Regardless if he is or not I love him and want to know more about him
Aaaa thanks! I was going more for Tibetan mastiff, but in retrospect I think he ended up looking more like a chow chow lol.
Pip is a very cuddly, gentle boi who is fiercely loyal to our druid, Ollie. He's been really great at teleporting our party short distances in combat while doing some AoE damage, and he's pleasantly warm to the touch. He'll eat absolutely anything too. We've come across some vaguely evil effigies in our campaign that we weren't really sure what to do with, so Pip ended up eating them. Both our druid's player and our DM love to slip Pip's dog-isms into the narrative and we all love and cherish him lol.
Here's a shot of his token when he was a WIP. A Pip WIP if you will.
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virmire · 4 years
Hey there, I've wanted to get into the Dragon Age series, do you have any recommendations on what game to start?
Hi! Glad you’ve taken an interest in the games! I’d say that it depends on whether you prioritise gameplay or story. If story I’d say start from the beginning and play Origins first. It’s brilliant and has made me cry.
If you’re more into gameplay I’d say start with Inquisition as combat in Origins can be quite tedious at times bc it’s kinda slow and repetitive. There will be some missed references if you play Inquisition first but not to the point where you won’t understand the story etc.
I guess you could also start with da2 if you want as the story there is better than what some folks claim (I personally liked the story quite a bit) and the combat is improved from dao. It just has a lot of recycled areas, is all.
Hope this helped a bit!
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corantus · 5 years
I would like you to know that baby Johnny absolutely warms my heart every time you draw him!
thanks i love drawing him he,s just like
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egobuzz · 4 years
cassiapeia replied to your post “my ultimate dream is sohla and hunzi team up and start their own...”
The show just being a giant dart board with different foods pinned across and Sohla just throws two darts and goes from there
Roll the Spice with Sohla El-Waylly
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I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels weird with AFiS. I enjoy the content but I've never been a big fan of the 80s cartoon look and it almost has a ... Slimy (?) vibe to it with the characterizations. I've always just chalked it up to it not being my cup of tea.
You’re definitely not alone in that regard-- I know several other SF fans that are kinda ehhhh about the show as well.  I’ve watched my fair share of gritty shows so the grittier vibe of the characterizations doesn’t really bother me as much as some people but I definitely had to get used to some of the characterization.  Particularly with Falco and Slippy.  Tbh the only reason I was interested enough to watch the first episode was because of the fact that it was Star Fox.  I just... take it as someone else’s AU.  The art is impressive given with what he’s working with and I DO think the guy puts a lot of work into it. 
My bigger beef about AFiS has to do with the creator’s side content he’s made for the series-- mostly “joke” images.  I mean, at first it was stuff like baiting Krystal fans (he’s pretty notorious for being anti-Krystal, anti-SFAdv) but then it turned into even more tasteless shit like
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... trigger memes and casual transphobic slurs (yes I’m aware what a “tranny” is in mechanical terms but the picture is making a joke out of the slur so like... don’t come at me, it’s still a shitty thing to do).
But unfortunately given the content drought from Nintendo, a lot of SF fans are willing to overlook this sort of behavior (which this image WAS posted 5 years ago and I’m not sure if the guy has really changed much?  I don’t really follow the show anymore apart from occasionally seeing new content getting reblogged) because it’s content, even if it’s in a style that doesn’t really appeal to everyone and even if the creator has posted questionable stuff in the past.  I’ve been told by several friends he’s posted some anti-semitic, racist, and other homophobic stuff as well. 
I don’t really want to start a debate on AFiS with fans but I do encourage people who follow it to be mindful of who they’re supporting.  If he’s changed his behavior, then I’m happy for him that he’s grown more as a person and realize that some of his “edgy humor jokes” aren’t really that funny.  But like if this is still the norm... again, I would encourage people to be mindful.  
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renxamamiya · 4 years
I'm in the same boat where ML has some cool concepts and designs but doesn't seem appealing to watch. The pacing seems weird and all over the board
ikr??? I feel that the pacing is way too fast for my liking, and it’s just grating to watch
I stil love the concepts tho like oof. I can see why ppl really like it, but it’s just really hard to watch
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vvetlands · 5 years
(for the questions thing!) 2, 8, 14, and 18!
2.the stars or the moon?
8.water nymph or forest nymph?
uhh forest nymph
14.lavender or roses?
18.happiness or luck?
thank you babey!
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iessos · 6 years
Okay for the record, on Destiny I recently got Whisper of the Wyrm and every time I pull it out I have the immediate thought of "oh... worm" thanks to seeing you say it
oh worm?
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pokemon-doodles · 5 years
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a snom! requested by @cassiapeia
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galiifreyrose · 4 years
Top 5 emojis ? Top 5 dogs ? :')
TOP FIVE EMOJIS Ok well. I’m going to have to just allude to some of them
:blur eyes:
:gahaha: our lovely laughing-while-screaming emoji
I will not choose dog breeds, absolutely  not. I’m going to talk about SPECIFIC DOGS.
My doggo, Nessie. My Westie is the best doggo.
HOWEVER. OIKA. #2 DOGGO. This is simply factual.
Let’s see. My friends just got a little corgi named Hubble @cassiapeia​ I need you to know that he’s one of my favorite doggos ever.
Tink and Meek the Samoyeds are fuckin stellar dogs.
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cassiapeia replied to your post “I am very late to the part on this one, but Cerinian Panther? My...”
I always thought the "sole survivor" of an entire planet was ridiculous
Right?? My biggest problem was that it really seemed to imply Krystal could pilot a ship but then assumed that no one from Cerinia was off-world when the planet was destroyed. Not to mention assumed that only Krystal somehow would be able to flee.  I mean, I don’t really know if the ship she flies at the end is hers or if it’s the SharpClaw’s because we see it transporting Tricky to Ice Mountain but I’ve been leaning towards it being Krystal’s with the SharpClaw having “borrowed it” after she got captured.
And like, if that’s the case, the ship seems kinda big so why would she be the only person in that ship?  Wouldn’t she try to fit as many people as possible in there?
And if it’s not her ship, I still imagine she’d need something other than a 1-seater fighter like an Arwing to survive in space... Arwing’s aren’t really meant for super long-range flight.  Where would you store supplies and stuff?
So yeah, the “sole survivor” thing is something I def retcon.  
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renxamamiya · 6 years
I'm not only worried about Scorbunny being fire/fighting because of the nose bandage but also because my bunny is ready to fucking throw hands at any given time of day (aside from food time of course)
I love scorbunny it can beat me up and I will still love it.
Jokes aside though I will love it with aall my heart still I do agree with you for not wanting it to be a fire/fighting type. Heck, because of it having boundless energy like the description that the Pokemon company released about it I would like it to eventually be a fire/electric type tbh. Certainly when it was revealed I immediately thought of it with that typing. 
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I'm sorry if you've already talked about this before, but how far do you think Krystal's powers go?
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No apologies necessary-- I LOVE talking about my favorite blue gal.
From a game perspective, Adventures mentions that she can channel magic power, even power that’s not really hers (she does this with the Krazoa throughout the game).  Andross’s whole plan hinges on the fact that Krystal can do this-- though it seems that the process itself was draining Krystal’s life force (though that’s probably because of the crystal she’s trapped in?  Or maybe the amount of power she was having to channel, idk).  (I might actually make a post about how this entire thing works because it’s really confusing and I’m not sure I wholly understand all of Krystal’s part in his master scheme myself.) So we can check “conduit” off the list-- I’m not sure what else to call that particular power but that’s what I’m going with.
Adventures also shows the possibility that she can implant telepathic messages into her staff-- although at a glance while it appears Krystal is doing that, part of me wonders how much of it is the staff doing the telepathy, not Krystal.  We already know the staff can choose people and the staff has a way of sensing magic caves nearby.  I’m not sure Krystal actually did much.  Maybe the staff has a voice recording feature to it that Fox just doesn’t know about?  We’ll... tentatively count this towards telepathy regardless.  I already did a small post on the staff (on my personal blog before I even made this blog) that can be found here .
Assault formally introduces Krystal as a telepath-- which from a meta perspective is supposed to function in lieu of Peppy’s boss battle tips in gameplay and from a meta/development/lore perspective was probably something Bandai decided to add into Krystal’s character because they saw that she already had the channeling power and probably telepathy a la staff recording message. So they decided to slap a name to it and expand upon it. Interestingly enough, despite being just a telepath, Krystal seems to be able to detect weak points and incoming enemy waves.  Now, we don’t really know if she’s hearing thoughts from enemies such as “Ah yisss, we’re about to get the jump on them!” or “Oh crap oh crap, I hope they don’t hit this Very Obvious and Clear Glowing Weak Point”, but given that a good portion of the enemies you face in Assault don’t seem to have much intelligent thought... ehhhh, I would say it’s entirely possible that she isn’t limited to just scanning people’s thoughts but also scanning their physical body via metaphysical means (it’s kind of hard to put into words-- maybe just like “sensing” what is a weak point). The thing is, even in Assault, they keep her powers still kind of vague so it’s hard to tell.
From the perspective of me as a person writing fics-  I tend to view Krystal not purely as a telepath but also an empath.  I do have a fic planned out where she deep dives into someone’s mind (not gonna say who but I’m hyped to write it) but such an endeavor would be something she would be unable to do on the fly, so to speak. Something like that would need a lot of energy and probably would have to be Krystal’s sole focus (meaning she couldn’t do this and pilot an Arwing at the same time).  I think her telepathy could go as far as digging into memories but I think the deeper you go, the more concentration/energy you would need to have.  So really?  Her powers go as far as she can physically withstand them to go.  And I would imagine there’s ways to replenish her magic, in maybe a similar way that you can replenish her staff’s magic meter.
I don’t really consider the staff’s abilities to be part of Krystal’s powers so I won’t list them here.  As far as I know (because nothing contradicts this yet in the series), magic in Star Fox works as it does in what we know of Dinosaur Planet (the game--not the planet itself) where anyone can seemingly do it with practice and knowledge.  That would be why Fox could pick up the staff and do magic things with it.
tl;dr here’s my list based off the games/my own personal headcanons (the ** denotes a mostly headcanon one):
Channel outside magic power 
Telepathy -- From as simple as reading current thoughts to as deep as meditating and breaking into a person’s mind.
Empath** -- Feeling/sensing people’s emotions in a deeper way than most.
Sensing** -- Being able to detect things about -insert any given object- like a weakness or a strength.
One thing I haven’t explored fully myself is how Krystal would use these powers... as Kursed.  But I’ve been poking at the idea for the past few days and some of the ideas I’ve had have been... welp.  I may have been inspired to write them down for future fic ideas.
WHEW this one turned out to be long.  Sorry for talking your ear off!
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