#cassia; crush
hvbris · 1 year
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Three generations of Snow . Lucretia, Tigris & Cassia
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I forgot to post Cassia from the LTE Halloween event. Thank God I got a bunch of diamonds from bundle sales with (most) of wedding deluxes.
She’s mute but you understand her well...
Screen shots are from CRUSH CRUSH.
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eliotquillon · 1 year
cassia when she first meets lev and virgil: they’re only being nice to me out of obligation and probably think i’m a spy just like everyone else!! nobody in the heart gets me!
lev and virgil: *literally scheming to set her up with a guy they think would make a nice boyfriend for her the whole time*
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erosiism · 3 months
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prompt: very lazy (oblivious) reader x yandere crown prince who basically does everything for him. reader is clueless about his friends disappearing around him, historical setting where MC is a pampered son of a noble family 
character(s): yandere crown prince, lazy!reader
warnings(s): mild violence, yandere themes. still considered rather fluffy and sfw
note(s): male reader, second person, present tense, as far as this goes this guy is too green to be really called a yandere lol. his possessive and violence tendencies are not to be glorified regardless, loose use of magic, not beta read 
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Your biggest enemy is hard work, and your favorite hobby is sleeping. You can’t help it—you are spoiled, no doubt about that, and because you got lucky enough to be born into a prestigious family who dotes on you. Your social life is almost non-existent, but ever since you were young, your friend has stuck next to you. 
Your friend, who happens to be a crown prince.
People say he’s scary. You doubt that highly—is His Highness Cassian not the one who has brought you sweet treats from young? Is he not the one who littered your skin with tiny kisses because he likes showing affection? Is he not the one who allows you to laze around or nap? Rumors tend to be untrue, and you feel almost sorry towards the prince for having to deal with that.
(“I heard that if you mess with him, His Highness has the ability to kill! Haven’t you heard the disappearances lately?”)
You asked the crown prince questions regarding the rumors. All you got was a surprised, flippant reply: kill? That’s ridiculous, [Name]. I haven’t even mastered my mana skills yet.
So you don’t trust the rumors. It makes sense for people to be jealous, after all: he’s the crown prince. He has objectively good looks, and he’s an amalgamation of everything someone would covet: wealth, prestige, brilliance, and skill.
“You slept in class again?” A voice tears you out of your thoughts. You’re lounging on the bench in the school garden, and your legs are propped up on the sides. Your bag is thrown loosely to the ground. Inwardly you wish you had the physical capability to be agile enough to scale up a tree—because god, the place up there looked amazing—but unfortunately, you didn’t.
You face him. Cassia raises an eyebrow, and his fingers reach out gingerly to touch your cheek gently. You don’t recoil. It’s become normal.
“I can see words imprinted on your face. How long did you sleep? Or rather, how long was your class?”
It takes a few moments for you to process the prince’s words, before you squint your eyes. There’s a red smear on his cheek that seems hastily wiped off. It’s not too obvious, not to others, anyways, but you’re so used to Cassian's face looking normal that you immediately notice it.
“What’s that red thing on your face?” You ignore the question. You know that he can guess the answer.
“…Red thing?” Cassian immediately narrows his eyes, pausing. His fingers leave your face and go to his own. It looks like blood; which is odd, and definitely not possible.
“Is that…” you mull it over for a second. It can’t be blood. Or lipstick.
Cassian, though having received multiple marriage proposals, didn’t seem to be settling down any time soon. 
Strange, it doesn’t even seem like he likes women. So the only plausible thing is—
“—were you drinking tomato soup earlier?”
Cassian blinks his eyes, before a look of realization dawns on his face. And if you see correctly, there’s almost the tiniest hint of relief. Cassian’s lips tug up into a smile—he laughs, the prince laughs, the sound bright and mirthful and irrevocably fond. Your parents have teased you once about the prince nursing a crush on you. But this is how he has treated you for as long as you can remember.
“Looks like a tomato,” You furrow your eyebrows. “Hey, do they serve tomato soup in the academy? I really want tomato soup. It’s easy to drink, and…”
“I’ll get you some later,” Cassian says affectionately. He ruffles your hair, and you relax. “Don’t worry too much, alright?”
You shrug loosely. “Alright.”
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[ before ]
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He stares at the dead body on the ground. There aren’t a lot of rumors of you, but your laziness is well known. Some see it fondly, almost endearingly, but there are the rare few who view you with disdain because of your apparent lack of diligence.
Caspian doesn’t like that. He’s fine with rumors of his own—but of you? But of sweet, innocent, lovely you? He loathes it.
“Stop talking,” he smiles. “…You can do that, can’t you? After all, you’re already dead.”
A head lolls about and blood drips off a blade.
What, Cassian thinks with that sweet softness he has reserved for you, smiling gently, should I get for [Name] today?
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shitpost since i had this lying around. lowkey cringe
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rosemaze-reveries · 7 months
cassia crushing on you hcs
⚠ typical cassia-isms, ie. stalking, obsessive behavior, murder attempts (?) ⚠ reader ≠ chief
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You’re an anomaly in Cassia’s quest to hunt down the "fairest one of all" — like Chief, it’s not necessarily your beauty that’s captivated her, but your scent is irresistible just the same. She can’t place the reason. Not that that’s important. All Cassia knows is that it's addicting and she wants more of it.
Typically, Cassia would say that the potency of her perfumes is directly proportional to how beautiful she considers their inspirations. Her fixation on you runs a little deeper than visual attraction, and yet the richness in your scent rivals all her previous creations; she's eager to add this novelty to her lineup.
She collects pieces of you when you're careless enough to leave them behind. A lock of hair from your brush. Your favorite pen. Your fork after dessert. A shirt, especially if it's still warm—your scent is strongest then. Some are to use in perfumes, others are for personal safekeeping.
For a long time, she mistakes her obsession to begin and end with your scent. People rarely serve her any other purpose. She has tried to put you to sleep through various means to obtain more of it: a poisoned comb, a sedative perfume, helping you into a corset strung too tight. Chief always steps in before she gets too far. Now, you're familiar enough with her habits to evade them.
If Cassia is ever frustrated with you slipping away, she never shows it. She continues to seek you out, even for casual conversation, as if her attempts to 'collect' you never happened.
Occasionally she expresses concern for your wellbeing — your scent reveals a lot to her — and she'll offer you rejuvenating perfumes when you're feeling under the weather. You might have trouble making sense of her intentions knowing she has a track record of spritzing people unconscious.
Does she genuinely hold an interest in you as a person? Or are you just imagining things? It's odd for Cassia to be so taken by someone. Even odder for her to drag it out this long. Once she sets her eyes on something, rarely would anyone be successful in prying it from her fingers. You convince yourself it's because you have Chief's protection.
Cassia's mindset is simple: she makes fragrances to bring herself salvation. She doesn't murder in cold blood -- her "inspirations" fall into an eternal slumber, wholly unaware of what's happening to them, and their sacrifice will go on to save someone else. It's never done out of malice.
She reasons that keeping you around might give her the same salvation she's been longing for -- you are her "immortal fragrance," even if not in the form she expected. She still makes perfumes using your hair, if you let her, but also finds deep gratification in your physical presence. She likes burrowing her face into your neck, taking deep inhales for the slow pleasure of it.
Cassia isn't an experienced lover, as she's kept an icy distance from most in her life. She doesn't have much self-restraint when she wants something, though, so she becomes intimate very quickly.
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rheaofficial · 3 months
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Tristan/Trista, the Chosen One
In hindsight, Tristan/Trista being the Chosen of Heptra should not come as a surprise. They are very good-looking, with glimmering golden hair and smooth, marble-white skin. Their eyes, a brilliant shade of blue, are more captivating than the most finely crafted sapphires; their smile is more dazzling than diamonds. Most important of all, Tristan/Trista has a kind, noble soul, a rare gem in such uncertain times.
Cassius/Cassia, the Renegade Mage
Cassius/Cassia has always dreamt of becoming the Arch Wizard, but their hope is crushed to dust after failing the Test of Will. Now, they are on the run, for it is illegal to practice magic without passing the Test. Despite the difficulties, the mage is still determined to unravel the secrets of the arcane.
Zareb/Zaria, the Lost Sailor
The sailor bears ethereal features, with midnight-black hair and rich brown skin, their eyes a warm shade of honey. Many were charmed by their crooked smile and paid the price for it- often in coins, but sometimes in blood, too.
Sekhriu/Sekhria, the Dark Champion
The current Dark Champion of Isferata is always shrouded by a veil of shadows that writhes and dances around their imposing figure. Legends claim that those are souls of their former foes forced to serve as their unwilling aides; others claim that they are favors from the Dark Queen. No one knows what the Dark Champion really looks like, for they dare not even stay within Sekhriu/Sekhria’s proximity- the aura of fear is enough to stop one’s heart.
(Note: This RO’s romance route only triggers when the story reaches its middle point)
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najia-cooks · 11 months
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[ID: An extreme close-up of ground spices in various shades of brown and orange laid out in lines on a plate. End ID]
سبع بهارات فلسطينية / Seb'a baharat falastinia (Palestinian seven-spice)
Seb'a baharat is one of a few spice blends often referred to in English simply as “baharat” (the plural of Arabic بهار / bahar, “spice”). A warm, earthy blend, it is commonly used to season meat, fish, and poultry in the Levant, Eastern Arabia, and Egypt, where recipes differ from region to region and from person to person. Common ingredients include cumin, cardamom, black pepper, nutmeg, and cinnamon.
Palestinian versions of seb'a baharat are usually dominated by allspice, black pepper, and cinnamon, giving them a pungent and sweet head; nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom provide additional warmth, while cumin and coriander often round out the blend with earthiness and a hint of florality. Ginger is also an occasional inclusion.
By the early 2010s, decades of Israeli taxation on exports and imports of non-Israeli goods had eroded Palestinian economic and culinary self-determination; Israel had instituted further blockades of the Gaza border in 2007, leading to a sharp decline in exports. Several farmers in Gaza turned to growing spices and herbs, including cumin and ginger, on their farms with the intention of finding a profitable market for them in Europe. However, frequent border closings, punitive export taxes, and Israeli shooting at Palestinian farmers who were attempting to work their land, made the plan unviable.
More recently, Palestinians have continued to work to find new ways to produce food despite shrinking access to arable land and fresh water. Resisting Israeli targeting of Palestinian food self-sufficiency is a matter, not just of subsistence and economic power, but of identity and dignity.
Today, Israel's total siege of Gaza continues as civilians run out of food, water, power, and medical supplies. Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) has put out an urgent call for donations to provide medical supplies to hospitals when supply lines reopen. Also contact your representatives in the USA, UK, and Canada.
1 Tbsp ground allspice (6.6g; 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp allspice berries)
1/2 Tbsp ground black pepper (6.2g; 1/2 Tbsp black peppercorns)
1/2 Tbsp ground cinnamon (5.3g; 1 large stick Chinese cassia)
1 1/4 tsp ground coriander (2g; 1 1/2 tsp coriander seeds)
1 tsp ground nutmeg (1.4g; 1/2 nutmeg)
1 tsp ground cloves (2g; 1 1/4 tsp whole cloves)
1 tsp ground cardamom (scant 1/2 Tbsp pods; 2.6g just seeds)
3/4 tsp ground cumin (2.1g; scant tsp cumin seeds)
1. In a mortar and pestle or using the flat of a knife, roughly crush nutmeg and cinnamon.
2. In a dry skillet over medium heat, toast whole spices one at a time until each is strongly fragrant. Remove from heat and allow to cool in a single layer on a large plate.
3. Grind all spices together in a mortar and pestle or a spice mill. Pass through a sieve to remove large pieces. Store in an airtight jar in a cool, dark place.
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kaminocasey · 9 months
25 Days of Life Day: Day 15 - Stuck in the Cold with Wolffe
Summary: You and Wolffe are on your way to a party and you get stuck out in the snow, so you try to find a place to get warm!
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Suggestive content, nudity, light angst
A/N: Okay a few things, I'm SO sorry I'm so behind. I'm gonna try to get caught up! We had the Steel City Con and then I had to go back to work and then we got sick... so it's been a rough week lol. Anyway, I had to throw Gregor and my OC Cassia in there for a little fun-sy thing. Lol. Okay back to our regular programming! S/O to @rebelsriley for the Wolffe inspo! <3
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“I told you we were going to be late to the party.” You grumble, your teeth chattering violently from the cold. 
You’re normally a generally pretty happy person, but unfortunately, stepping in the freezing cold foot high snow is what’s putting you in a bad mood. Especially dressed for a party, and not for snow. Where the hell did this snow even come from?
“Yeah, well… if you hadn’t taken two hours to get ready...” Wolffe snips back, frozen white flakes getting stuck in his dark lashes. 
The two of you are on your way to a party at Gregor and his partner Cassia’s apartment. Wolffe had suggested that the two of you walk and then the snow started coming down thickly. He had been saying for the last hour or so “Not much farther” but you’re pretty sure that you’re lost. So when you suggested that he comm someone, he went to pull out his comm device and found that it was dead. Then, you went to try to use yours except you left it at home.
So that’s how your night is going.
“It wasn’t two hours.” You snap. 
“Oh, I’m sorry… an hour and fifty minutes.” He grunts. 
“We need to get out of this snow. Now.” You insist, ignoring his snide comment.
“You think I don’t know that?” He’s been surveying your surroundings for the last fifteen minutes trying to find a safe place to stop and get out of the cold. 
At this point, he’s willing to splurge on a hotel, but the closest thing he can see is a sketchy motel. 
“That place is fine.” You point at the sketchy motel.
“Fine.” He grunts, trying to hide just how cold he is. 
Wolffe also tries to ignore how close you are to him, knowing it’s only because you’re so cold. You weren’t even supposed to be with him right now. Rex had invited you and the look in your eyes was so starry when he asked you. And then Rex had asked Wolffe to pick you up and bring you. He still doesn’t know why.
When you arrive at the dingy motel, the two of you walk into the main office, warm air immediately hitting you in the face so nicely that you both let out a satisfied “Ahhh.” 
The small Aleena man at the desk peers over the counter at you and Wolffe, nervously glancing at Wolffe when he realizes he’s a clone.
You look up at Wolffe, smirking when you realize that he’s thinking of the time that the 104th had to go to Aleen and when he looks down at you, he rolls his eyes. 
“Two rooms.” Wolffe mumbles and you elbow him in the side. “Please.”
You smirk up at him again, going warm in the face from how well he reads you. You have been nursing a crush on the man since the moment you met him, grumpiness and all. You work with the Wolfpack closely as a translator since Wolffe absolutely refused to work with C3-PO ever again. “Only have one available.” He tells Wolffe. 
You and Wolffe share a look and with a sigh, he holds his hand out for the key card. The man gives Wolffe the card and you give the Aleena a polite smile as Wolffe leads you back outside into the cold, and then up some stairs that lead to the rooms. 
When you get up to the room, Wolffe groans and you peer around him, seeing that the room only has one bed. Because of course it does. 
“What a romcom trope.” You laugh, nervously.
“What does that even mean?” He grumbles, going around the room and inspecting it. “Lock the door.”
“Yes sir.” You grumble right back.
He pauses, his shoulders rigid, and looks up at you, his eyes wide. Going hot all over, the cold forgotten, you swallow dryly. Wolffe eyes your form, up and down and you feel like you’re going to combust if he continues to look at you like that.
“What?” You demand, nervously.
“Our clothes are sopping wet…” He turns to crank the heater up and groans, irritated but unsurprised. “Fucking heater doesn’t even work properly…” 
You let out a nervous laugh again and he rolls his eyes, rubbing a hand down his face.
“Glad you think this is funny.” He starts to take his coat off and then his sweater and you turn around. 
“What are you doing?” You ask him.
“You wanna freeze to death in your wet cold clothes? Strip. Now. And then get under the blanket.” He uses his Commander voice and you feel like you’re definitely on fire now. 
You’re absolutely torn because Maker, that commanding tone? But also like… getting naked in the same vicinity as Wolffe? It feels like the universe is playing some cruel prank on you. The man hates you. He makes it well known that he thinks you’re only a burden. 
“I’m… sorry.” He offers, softer, behind you, noticing you pausing. “Just… if you want, I can put a pillow between us… We need to get our body temperatures back up.” 
He’s right. You know he’s right. 
“I won’t look.” He promises you.
But you don’t think you’d mind if he did. Nevertheless, you strip down to nothing and climb under the covers. You’re still shaking under the cover and you can’t tell if it’s from being cold or being near Wolffe. 
“I’m sorry for… earlier.” Wolffe murmurs. 
You shrug, looking over at him. He doesn’t look so big and bad now that he has a blanket pulled up to his chin. You actually can’t help but smile. 
“It’s alright. It’s who you are. I wouldn’t ask you to change.” You shrug. 
“You wouldn’t?” He looks over at you.
“Nah.” You grin.
He gives you a small smile and your chest tightens. 
“Sorry this was a rotten Life Day… I’m sure you’d rather be here with someone more… pleasant.” He murmurs. “Like Rex.” 
You’re still trembling, which Wolffe notices and wants desperately to pull the pillow away so he can pull you to him and warm you up himself. 
“Nope.” You tell him, turning over, scooting closer to the pillow. 
He does the same, so now you’re both cuddling the pillow and your fingers are mere centimeters from each other. 
“Not at all.” 
“I thought when Rex invited you…”
You chuckle. “I think Rex is really nice… but I prefer my men a little grumpy and just over everyone’s shit at all times.” 
He lets out a genuine laugh and it’s probably one of the nicest sounds you’ve ever heard. 
“I honestly thought you hated me…” You admit to him, quietly.
He’s watching your hand and decides to bravely place his over yours. Relief fills his veins when you don’t pull away. Wolffe suddenly realizes why Rex had him bring you to the party. He either owes Rex a handshake or a beating, he isn’t sure yet. 
“I could never.” He tells you, honestly. “Your sunshine demeanor keeps me going most days, if not all days…” 
The breath hitches in your throat at his admission. “Can we…” You pat the pillow and he nods, quickly pulling it away and dropping it on the floor, pulling your body against his immediately, as if he’s been dying to do that. 
He starts to open his mouth to say something, but you clumsily crush your lips to his, making him immediately melt against you. He groans against your lips, enveloping you in his arms, warmth spreading through both of your veins so lightning fast you think you feel warm again.
“I could think of another way to get us warm.” He teases, lightly.
“You read my mind.” You chuckle, tangling your legs with his. 
Somehow, this Life Day turned out to be the best one yet. 
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting  @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover
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happyhauntt · 7 months
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➡ faye's writing masterlist.
here you can find all my published oneshots, blurbs & series! some content may be crossposted on my ao3 account, happyhauntt. i accept requests! check out the list of characters / fandoms i'll write for.
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𝐡𝐩 & 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐫𝐚.
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young gods ── canon [1.2k] ➡ the gryffindors have a little tradition on their first night back at hogwarts.
famous last words ── james potter x reader [2.1k] ➡ you and james are sworn enemies. you find you quite like it that way.
a writer & his muse ── sirius black x reader [1k] ➡ renowned mystery writer sirius black has a new muse in his life, and unfortunately, it's you. castle!au.
la vie en rose ── sirius black x reader [1.8k] ➡ it's just a regular tuesday in july until an escaped convict appears in your kitchen. oh, and he happens to be your ex.
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oh, captain! ── cedric diggory x oc [series masterlist] ➡ megan wynne jones wants to be the best, but there's one annoyingly perfect boy standing in her way: cedric diggory.
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haunted ── alina starkov x reader [1.1k] ➡ alina starkov is dead, except she isn't, and the memory of her haunts you constantly.
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gold rush ── nikolai lantsov x oc [series masterlist] ➡ it doesn't matter what she calls him. pirate, privateer, prince, sobachka, her heart aches for a man she knows she can never truly have. nikolai lantsov, the hope of ravka. anya kamenev, ravka's bane. oh, what a pair they make. a series of interconnected oneshots about nikolai & anya.
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𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬.
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a grey day ── spencer reid x medical examiner!reader [1.3k] ➡ spencer meets the newest member of the department.
a lack of caffeine ── spencer reid x medical examiner!reader [1.8k] ➡ caffeine makes the world go 'round. that's something you and spencer can agree on. follow up to 'a grey day'.
bury these bones ── spencer reid x medical examiner!reader [1.9k] ➡ spencer’s day isn’t anything more than average, but a surprise phone call and impromptu hospital visit have him rethinking his expectations.
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a touch of colour ── eddie diaz x reader [2.7k] ➡ eddie and chris' home is freakishly empty. you decide to redecorate a little.
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𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐬.
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fight or flight ── poe dameron x solo!reader [1.6k] ➡ you and poe have never seen eye-to-eye. most days, you wonder if you ever will.
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beautiful ghosts ── star wars [series masterlist] ➡ nearly thirty years after the empire’s fall, something darker has risen in its place. helmed by a monster who makes puppets out of lost, broken boys, the first order seeks to crush the galaxy once and for all  ━━  and the resistance, led once again by general leia organa and her wife, colonel ashka cybele, will stop it by whatever means necessary. if that means sacrificing their children, then that is what they must do. multiple x ocs. a sequel trilogy rewrite.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬.
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burial ground ── finnick odair x oc [series masterlist] ➡ In District Four, they teach you  how to survive the Games. They don’t teach you how to survive what comes after.
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𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨.
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in the light ── the doctor x oc [series masterlist] ➡ the doctor doesn't believe in lost causes. fox is determined to prove them wrong.
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𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.
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hello sunshine ── steve harrington x oc [series masterlist] ➡ cleo has lived in the house next door her whole entire life ─ and nobody has ever questioned what came before, not even once.
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𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐢𝐚𝐟 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞.
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we are a god ── rhaenyra targaryen x oc x alicent hightower [coming soon] ➡ none could have foretold, when viola first set foot in the red keep at the tender age of seven, the havoc she would wreak upon the political landscape of the seven kingdoms. least of all the girl herself.
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inkpot gods ── jaime lannister x oc [series masterlist] ➡ a tourney at Harrenhal causes a war to ignite, and cassia finds herself caught in the very center of a world where good men do unforgivable things, and the bad men are even worse.
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sinful-lanterns · 6 months
Any ptn rarepairs?? I quite like Cinnabar x Chelsea idea
I like Cabernet x Kelvin! I know Kelvin would be scared out of her mind dating a woman like Cabernet, but their interactions in the event together were so cute!
Besides that, I also like:
Cabernet x Cassia (woman obsessed with taste x woman obsessed with smell. They were made for each other)
Ignis x Luvia Ray (that Lady Pearl event sparked this)
Shalom x Coquelic (they have the spiciest, most toxic sex ever and it’s canon because I was there)
Also, I don’t write for these two but Lynn x Hecate will always be in my heart. Those two girls are the sweetest with each other and they definitely take pictures/draw each other since I headcanon they are crushing 🥺
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As Promised! A Recipe for Kipsha (Sort of)
Hello everyone! A few days ago I said that, as a way to celebrate reaching 100 followers that I would make one of the dishes from the setting of my WIP. And I did that! Kind of. You see it turns out that Sainsbury's or at least Google, lied to me, and so I was unable to find barely which was a necessary component of this recipe. Even worse when I returned home I found that the only wheat flour that I had was self-rising. And so, I did not make Kipsha (recipe here) which is eaten in the western and central parts of Kishetal, rather I made Kipisa which is eaten on eastern border of Kishetal and Makur in cities like Kutar and Nabi (shown below).
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The primary difference between Kipsha and Kipisa is the grain used. Kipisa is made with rye while Kipsha is made with barley. In addition, Kipisa is often served with butter. Butter as a culinary ingredient is almost entirely limited to the eastern plains, where it preferred to or eaten alongside olive oil. Saramuk Ukishiya, meaning "Butter Eater" (Saramuk coming from the Lakuri word for butter, Shayram) is a common derrogatory term used to refer to those people living in the region shown above. The recipe is below the cut!
Kipsha or Kipisa or Kipcha is a kind of cake or biscuit commonly eaten by the wealthy and poor alike. It can vary wildly from soft and spongy to harder and more cracker like. It is a popular form of street food and can be served as savory or sweet. In savory applications honey is typically forgone and olive oil may be replaced with various varieties of animal fat. All varieties contain some amount of barley or more rarely, rye, however examples meant for nobility may contain up to 70 or even 90%.
The name Kipsha is a reference to the sesame and/or poppy seeds used in and sprinkled over the top. Kip being the Kishic word for seed or grain. Though it may also refer to an infant, thus part of the cake's association with fertility.
This recipe is for Sweet Kipisa, as it is enjoyed in the city of Kutar. A similar varient is eaten just across the mountains in Labisa, though here they make use of barley rather rye. It is this barley variety, Kipsha, which is my MC, Narul's favorite dish.
This particular variety of Kipsia is cracker-like, with a slightly chewy interior.
Note: For those ingredients which are not available on earth, approximate substitutes are provided.  
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The Cakes
(Note that Kishetal has no distinct set of measurements nor are recipes recorded. Recipes are typically passed down orally and differ greatly between regions and even families. Adjust ingredients to one's own liking)
1 ¾ cups Rye Flour
1 ¼ Unbleached Wheat Flour
½ cup Water
1 Tbsp Olive Oil or Untoasted Sesame Oil
2 Tbsp Sweet White Wine (Riesling or Muscat are suggested)
3 Tbsp Kafa (This Kishic yogurt drink can be substituted with equal parts plain greek yogurt and whole milk)
2 Tbsp Honey 
1 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
2 ½ Tsp Untoasted White Sesame Seeds
½ Tsp Sinrian Cinnamon (Substitute Cassia Cinnamon)
¼ Tsp Ground Black Pepper
 1. This are meant to reflect Narul’s Preferred Toppings, though with the addition of more typically eastern additions
1-2 Dried figs chopped (Fresh figs may be substituted)
3 Tbsp Honey, warmed
2 Tbsp Regula Juice (Substitute 1:1 parts orange and lemon juice)
Ground black pepper to taste
Sesame Seeds to taste
Chibalan Salt to taste (Substitute: Flake Salt)
Torn mint leaves
Goat Butter, melted (Cow or sheep is also acceptable)
2. Other Toppings
Unsalted soft cheese such as ricotta
Crushed nuts (typically walnuts or pistachios)
Chopped Cherries or other fruits
1. Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl.
2. In a different bowl combine all liquid ingredients and whisk thoroughly.
3. Combine wet and dry ingredients, knead using your hands to form a firm ball, add water and flour as needed to achieve this.
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4. Cover the dough with a damp towel and allow it to rest at room temperature for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 4.
5. Preheat oven to 400 F or 200 C (fan 195 C).
6. Liberally dust a counter or large cutting board with rye flour. Dust a rolling pin or similar instrument with flour.
7. Place the rested dough onto the floured surface and roll out to approximately 1/4 inch
8. Using a biscuit cutter or knife, cut dough into cakes, these can be any number of shapes, delicately score the surface.
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9. Place cakes on a covered cookie sheet making sure that they do not touch. 
10. Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden or lightly browned.
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11. Remove and immeditately apply melted butter, honey, and regalu juice to surface. Allow to sit and cool for at least 5 minutes (Kipisa is not eaten hot. The more time is allowed for the absorption of the toppings, the better)
12. Once cool, add additional toppings. It is not unusual at this point to add additional butter and honey, nor is it unheard to dip the cake in the regalu juice and butter while eating it.
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13. Enjoy!
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I probably should have a taglist but I don't know who all would be on it, whoops. So I'm just tagging my followers that liked the original post @patternwelded-quill , @skyderman , @flaneurarbiter , @jclibanwrites , @alnaperera, @rhokisb, @blackblooms , @lord-nichron , @kosmic-kore , @friendlyshaped , @axl-ul , @talesfromtheunknowable , @wylanzahn , @dyrewrites , @foragedbonesblog
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gothhabiba · 11 months
Palestinian seb3 baharat recipe roundup
Arabic-language, Palestinian youtuber, from her mother
1/2 Tbsp nutmeg (جوزة الطيب) (optional)
1 1/2 Tbsp cassia cinnamon (قرفة) (quills or bark)
3 Tbsp allspice (بهار حلو)
1 1/2 Tbsp cardamom (هيل)
1/2 Tbsp cloves (قرنفل)
1 1/2 Tbsp black pepper (فلفل أسود)
1/2 Tbsp ginger (زنجبيل)
1 1/2 Tbsp coriander (كزبرة)
1/2 Tbsp dried lemon / loumi (لومي)
Measurements after grinding. Tbsp = ملعقة كبيرة, tsp = ملعقة; not US customary measurements.
Comment says ginger is modern; Wikipedia says loumi is commonly an ingredient in Gulf-region 7-spice.
English-language, Palestinian youtuber, from her grandmother
1 cup black pepper
1/3 cup cinnamon
1/2 cup allspice
1/4 cup cardamom
1/4 cup cumin
3 cloves
2 nutmeg pods
Measurements before grinding. US customary measurements.
English-language, Palestinian food writer.
6 tablespoons whole allspice
6 cassia bark sticks or cinnamon sticks
3 tablespoons coriander seeds
1 tablespoon black peppercorns
1 teaspoon cardamom seeds
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
10 whole cloves
2 blades mace
1/2 whole nutmeg, crushed
Called "nine-spice" but it's the same blend. Measurements before grinding; US customary measurements.
East Jerusalem Goods store, seems to be owned by Israelis?
"Our baharat is a mixture of: clove spice, English pepper, black pepper, nutmeg, cardamom spice, cumin, and a touch of dry coriander."
"English pepper" refers to "فلفل انجليزي" "falfil inglizi" "English pepper" aka "فلفل افرنجي" "falfil afranji" "French pepper" aka "بهار حلو" "bhar hloo" "sweet spice" aka allspice. A direct translation of the Hebrew "פלפל אנגלי"; it doesn't seem to be in common use in Arabic otherwise.
English-language, some white lady living in the "Middle East" claims this is used by "Arabs in Israel"
1 tbsp ground cardamom pods (the black seeds inside)
1 tbsp ground dry ginger
½ tbsp ground nutmeg
1 tbsp ground black pepper
1 tbsp ground cinnamon
½ tbsp allspice
Measurements after grinding. US customary measurements.
English-language, "Levantine" food blogger, recipe from mother & grandmother
1 tablespoon Coriander
1 tablespoon Allspice
1 tablespoon Cumin
1 tablespoon Cloves
1 tablespoon Black pepper
1 tablespoon Cinnamon
1 tablespoon Nutmeg
Measurements after grinding. US customary measurements.
Arabic-language, labelled "Palestinian", page with various regional recipes
2 parts allspice berries (فلفل إفرنجي حب؛ بهار، فلفل هلو؛ كباب صينية)
1 part black peppercorns (فلفل أسود حب)
1/2 part cloves (قرنفل)
1/2 part ground cinnamon (قرفة مطحونة)
1/2 part cumin seeds (كمون حب)
1/2 part ground ginger (زنجبيل مطحون)
1/3 part nutmeg, whole or ground (جوزة الطيب مطحون أو حب)
The recipe gives various terms for allspice which in fact refer variously to allspice (the first three) and cubeb berries (the last one). In this context allspice is certainly what is meant.
Measurements variously before and after grinding. It's unclear whether the "parts" (جزء) are by volume or weight; black pepper is almost twice as dense as allspice...
English-language, comment on "Middle Eastern" recipe that calls for "baharat":
"My family is Palestinian and came from Jordan. The 7 Spice Mixture we use is Allspice, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove, Black Pepper, Cumin and Coriander.”
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This was a few days ago and now it’s less than 24 Hours away.
If you missed her last time, there’s your second chance.
Screen shot’s from CRUSH CRUSH.
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severevoiddragon · 4 months
Leaving this here as a reminder for me and for you to know that I'll come back here tommorow with more questions because I know who I want to ask about, I just don't know what yet-
Additionally, if you're willing to freely infodump about Kitty and Charles, I'd like that ✨️
Ok !! I was asleep when you sent it but I assume it's morning for you BC you're an hour ahead of me I think !
Im rlly interested to see who you wanna ask about-
Omg freely infodump !!!!
BC of. Georgian times. Charles is at school but kitty isnt BC she's a girl. She does get tutoring at home and she gets Charles to tell her what he did at school <3. He really hates school and wishes him n Kitty could swap places
Charles plays piano and Kitty plays violin !! Charles will often accompany Kitty when she's playing.
Kitty has a really short temper and often gets extremely close to punching Charles' bullies.
She has a few friends, including Marie Everly who she definitely does not have a massive crush on, because all girls love their best friends, and all girls definitely want to kiss them. However, she knows she must marry James Beaumont BC he is rich and she is a girl so won't inherit the house or the fortune. She is a little bit very annoyed about this.
It was a mOnth beTween cHarles disappEaRing and Kitty and her famILy dying. january 1st was when they died. after about 2 weeks, henry n esther (their parents) were Like "charlEs is probably Dead isn't he? :(" and kitty was absolutely distraughT. about a week later, H&e dEcided to create the cenotaph for charles. then cassia and bartholomew greene had to Make the graves for henry, esther and kitty.
Charles is on the autism spectrum so when hes like "kitty the lights are too bright and the birds are too loud" it is a sensory overload but nobody knows this so kitty is just like "??? No they're not???" And Charles is like "oh. Okay :("
Kitty wants to be a writer or a poet but she's also got such a good fashion sense so in a modern au I think she'd either be a fashion designer or a fashion journalist. Charles wants to be a scientist (then known as natural philosopher). Biology is definitely his speciality. In a modern au I think Charles would definitely specialise a lot, but back in the Georgian times, there werent as many specific scientist roles.
Kitty was only called Kitty by Charles. There are no written records of her being called Kitty.
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astriel-nya · 8 months
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Now that I finished the game I wanted to just post some highlights of the journey of Vibrance Von Valancius!!!
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Idira being the fucking SAVAGE she is about Heinrix and yes I think I did become his Mistress xDD then errr became Marazhai's pet?
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My gay ass was shut down by Cassia and she complimented my shouLDERS?? :'DDD I love her smmm forever my besty and the only one that got a truly good ending
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I can hear the typing of a mILLION FANFICS IN THE DISTANCE :'DD
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I was such a FUCKING DICK to the footfall people holy shit
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I think I just a a fUCKing thing for interrogators??! Pasqal, Heinrix, Marazhai and ohh yeah my dakest moment was being kidnapped and tortured, my girl got traUMA :')))
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Heinrix dispensing a RARE W in my playthrough :'DDDD
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Did I go onto romance Yrliet after condemning her planet to Slannesh? yES :'DDD
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Yrliet saying Kunrad had a crush on me hAS ME CRAVING A ROMANCE MOD!!!
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This poor fuCKING GUY JUST CANNOT CATCH A BREAK :'DD I wonder if he just reports all the batshit stuff I do to the Inquisition
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ratsoh-writes · 5 months
Masterlist 34
(****) = suggestive
the longest they've gone without doing the do (lf ot)******
most excited to go on a rollercoaster
SO wants company when upset, but doesn't want to talk (fs ut sf)
crush asks to pet their gaster blaster (lf st ul)
their favorite flower/fruit goes extinct (farmers + dt)
the rich boys have a SO who isn't used to money being spent on them (lf drt)
hogwarts houses (uw ht flt bt)
when their shop got broken into
his pet traps SO
crush accidentally burns themselves (ut uf ht)
SO is affectionate after he wrecks them (ut uf hf ht fsg)****
his pp gets bigger/smaller (gears maple)*****
alien invasion (sf hfm tt dt)
SO is temporarily blind
SO can flirt but cant be flirted with (mf lf lsf uf)
SO jokes his dong is too big (nt ft)****
SO wears thigh highs and his shirt (lf mf +brothels)****
they're cursed with the truth (marcelo papyrus captain chaos red)
the bauble and flavor siblings home
wedding vows (fsg fsr)
gaster comes back from the dead
doing a presentation (nt ff hfm fs sf)
gay sex wins, fatality (brothels + fsg lf)**
monkey paw clown nose
he's cursed to speak backwards for a week
board games (brothel + bf fs)
pigs blood (drf tht fs ss lf)
non sexual intimacies (brothel + fs bf)
kid comes home with disrespectful date
object becomes sentient (flt ss gt hfm bs)
voice actor SO (uf lsf mf lf fsg)
karen fights for them (basil Sugar, Pluto, Peaches, Cider, Compass, Sparks, Finn, Quill and Papaya)
their brother is lv sick (fsg sf)
first date (cash mutt weasel pesto gold coffee)
tv laugh track (tht ut)
SO has vertigo (bf + brothel)
SO has a cursed job (ut bbt os)
crush accidentally burns themselves (ht uf ut)
SO is dazed after getting railed lol (ut uf ht hf fsg)****
how the ut uf us bros handled meeting their horror counterparts
what was wines and coffees mother like?
the horrorfell civil war
strongest and weakest ten update
other heat cycle species seasons**
more snail breeds
how the old farm aus are doing without the monsters
temmies children kevin
difference between fae born monsters and normal ones
night sky in ebott
can skeletons choke
Heat changes (all)****
How many fingers to kitsune have. And more wing info for birdtale
spunions axelaterals and lavender quarts
sky serpents, and what form do slime monsters take
how does one become a prince
pet taxes and registration
animal bias and needlecones
fire elementals dealing with rain and ebotts grade system
why is dual colored magic "ugly"
ogres swiftees bugbear
skeleton bones vs human bones + how breaks heal
how smooshable are the skeletons (featuring quill)
fortune telling?
most common ecto color (all monster types)
whos now the main mafia? (rps only)
common monster names
train system
EBOTT MAP first draft + where the skeletons live
more random monster behaviors
side characters
juniper devi argo
blight dwight their parents
more rich b*tches
Damocles Cassia (and vlock info)
Diane Swann (and vila info)
what they look like
vamp and duchess' mates
Poseidon and Salacia's children
sans kid is a changeling
fellswap red
mutt and oblivious SO
mal and vila SO
cash and oblivious SO
roulette comes back from the dead
bruisers SO reveals they're a selkie
maid SO**
taffy gets cheated on
silex gets cheated on
Jupiter gets cheated on
fellswap gold
if wine and coffees mother had survived
coffees braces
the brothel
do they regret taking the lust serum?
did they have to take the lust serum
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