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witch-hazels-musings · 1 year ago
Hello lovelies
I have news
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I wrote a book
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rapidhighway · 2 years ago
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grab this
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rosemaze-reveries · 1 year ago
cassia crushing on you hcs
⚠ typical cassia-isms, ie. stalking, obsessive behavior, murder attempts (?) ⚠ reader ≠ chief
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You’re an anomaly in Cassia’s quest to hunt down the "fairest one of all" — like Chief, it’s not necessarily your beauty that’s captivated her, but your scent is irresistible just the same. She can’t place the reason. Not that that’s important. All Cassia knows is that it's addicting and she wants more of it.
Typically, Cassia would say that the potency of her perfumes is directly proportional to how beautiful she considers their inspirations. Her fixation on you runs a little deeper than visual attraction, and yet the richness in your scent rivals all her previous creations; she's eager to add this novelty to her lineup.
She collects pieces of you when you're careless enough to leave them behind. A lock of hair from your brush. Your favorite pen. Your fork after dessert. A shirt, especially if it's still warm—your scent is strongest then. Some are to use in perfumes, others are for personal safekeeping.
For a long time, she mistakes her obsession to begin and end with your scent. People rarely serve her any other purpose. She has tried to put you to sleep through various means to obtain more of it: a poisoned comb, a sedative perfume, helping you into a corset strung too tight. Chief always steps in before she gets too far. Now, you're familiar enough with her habits to evade them.
If Cassia is ever frustrated with you slipping away, she never shows it. She continues to seek you out, even for casual conversation, as if her attempts to 'collect' you never happened.
Occasionally she expresses concern for your wellbeing — your scent reveals a lot to her — and she'll offer you rejuvenating perfumes when you're feeling under the weather. You might have trouble making sense of her intentions knowing she has a track record of spritzing people unconscious.
Does she genuinely hold an interest in you as a person? Or are you just imagining things? It's odd for Cassia to be so taken by someone. Even odder for her to drag it out this long. Once she sets her eyes on something, rarely would anyone be successful in prying it from her fingers. You convince yourself it's because you have Chief's protection.
Cassia's mindset is simple: she makes fragrances to bring herself salvation. She doesn't murder in cold blood -- her "inspirations" fall into an eternal slumber, wholly unaware of what's happening to them, and their sacrifice will go on to save someone else. It's never done out of malice.
She reasons that keeping you around might give her the same salvation she's been longing for -- you are her "immortal fragrance," even if not in the form she expected. She still makes perfumes using your hair, if you let her, but also finds deep gratification in your physical presence. She likes burrowing her face into your neck, taking deep inhales for the slow pleasure of it.
Cassia isn't an experienced lover, as she's kept an icy distance from most in her life. She doesn't have much self-restraint when she wants something, though, so she becomes intimate very quickly.
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hanlight · 7 months ago
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James, he signed, you can stop now 😭
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koenigami · 1 month ago
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tooxmanyxships · 1 year ago
I have no words.
I'm on the floor. Gasping for air.
Death caused by this man
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midostree-art · 11 months ago
if your an adult you should be working real jobs and doing taxes instead of waisting time in fandom and drawing, because being here and having hobbies and fun when you are +18 is embarrassing
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seiwas · 2 years ago
conversations on love #3 (gojo x reader) lil snippet sneakpeak!
Print photos aren’t as important anymore when cloud storage spaces are just as–if not more–accessible, but Gojo is admittedly sentimental despite every front he puts up to hide it. 
He’s kept every single gift you’ve given him and camouflaged it as decoration in his office, and the family drawing 10-year-old Tsumiki made is still folded between the pages of a self-help book Yaga gave him when he first decided to teach. 
When every moment is experienced so vividly, seen through a muddle of infinite energies, there are those he wishes could stay still—ones that take up space to remind him: ‘this is real, it happened, and because of it your life is irrevocably changed’.
For the longest time, Gojo has kept a photo hidden, locked away in the drawer by his bedside as if keeping it there means the memory will stay guarded forever—untouched, unspoiled, unruined.
It becomes clearer to him then, by the look in your eyes and remembrance soft-spoken, that what good is a photo unseen? 
What good is a love unwitnessed?
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mariatesstruther · 1 year ago
thinking of an au where maybe joel/tess get to jackson first like before tommy
maybe joel and tess meet ellie as a younger girl like age 5/6/7 and they become a lil family and head out of boston because the QZ is getting bad with things heating up between fedra and the fireflies
there’s no immunity situation but she’s in a bad way in boston, something with her family maybe being fedra or her being targeted in school. she’s been getting food and meds and love from joel and tess for months or maybe years. anyway, they get her out of there and decide to head out to someplace that tess has heard about through the grapevine, rumored to be a safe haven somewhere in wyoming
they go through some shit but they survive and they get there. and at the gates they’re told to wait to meet a woman named maria, who will apparently talk to them about the conditions of being let into jackson—turns out maria is maria simone, tess’s fuckin college roomates, soul-sister, sometimes referred to as “long-lost love.” her joel and ellie are let in and welcomed immediately, to the dismay of nobody because they all love and trust maria—besides maybe seth, but who cares. fuck seth
tess and maria catch up as she guides them through jackson, telling them about how her and her father had escaped to this place with her son after leaving a fucked up QZ, much like them. now her and kevin and hank are here trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy and safety for people here in jackson
tess and joel and ellie get settled in a house and for a week are two are just left alone to get eachother adjusted, which is surprisingly easy for ellie—by day three she has managed to find a way to pillow-sled down the stairwell without breaking her own neck, which to her means it’s definitely 100% safe. joel and tess find themselves slipping into the routine of parenting, and after maybe a month manage to consider themselves living in whatever “domesticity” means nowadays
joel finds himself desperately missing tommy, who left to join the fireflies five years earlier and hadn’t radioed him back in one. tommy and him hadn’t left off on good terms, but they’d always respected their promise to eachother to keep in contact at least once a couple of months—since tommy went radio silent, joel has always had the gut-wrenching fear that he was dead. when ellie came along, the dull, old ache pressing on his chest somewhat eased, distracted by the warmth of loving his child with tess
but now, in jackson, where he had more time and space to think—he found himself wondering more and more where the fuck tommy could be, if he wasn’t dead, which—maybe he isn’t? there’s a chance, isn’t there? one of jackson’s conditions was that nobody but radio patrol had access to contacting people outside directly, and he’d of course agreed for the sake of staying with tess and ellie—so who says maybe tommy isn’t also in a situation where he just can’t get to joel? he doesn’t say anything, but he hold out hope
then five years go by
ellie is now 10/11/12, and hands down the most mischievous little rascal anyone in jackson’s ever seen. one day when she’s out with her cousin kevin (how exactly he’s her cousin is kinda complicated, but that’s just how things are with the miller-servopoulos-simones)—or, technically, he’s out with her, because earlier he headed out on a solo patrol to check a trap near the south border-walls and caught her sneaking her way back from her secret toad pond. she knows she’s not supposed to go out there alone, and she usually doesn’t—but today kev was busy, and mom and dad were both out on a three-day group hunt, so even if she did get caught she’d have a couple days of free before they’d hear about it and get pissed off. she took her chances, and had made it out and back unscathed like always—except, of course, getting snuck up on by kevin maybe 15 yards from her sneak-back-in-point at the south wall (“yo, rascal, whatcha doin—?” “AHH, FUCK—!” “OW, ELLIE, shit—! it’s me, wait!! it’s me! don’t hit me!” “what the hell, dude!!! you scared me!” “what the hell, you! you know you shouldn’t be out here alon—!” “i was already on my way back—!” “were you goin out to see the fuckin frogs, ellie?? again??? i told you, it’s a short way but anything could—!” “oh, whatever, i was fine! and you were busy!” “i told you i’d be back in four hours!!! you couldn’t just wait four hours????” “no!!!! and you know that!!!!” … kevin sighs. he does know that.)
and so they’re bickering about something stupid like usual—whether sweet or regular potatoes are better, who’s scarier between joel tess or maria when they’re pissed, which is better between star wars or jurassic park; the usual—when they hear a pined groan over from somewhere near, low to the ground
guns go up. footsteps creep silently. even though ellie’s young and mischievous, she’s also one of the fiercest kids in jackson anyones ever seen. her and kevin approach a man on the floor in  disheveled, torn up, cargo wear, seemingly delirious judging by the slur of his words and the bloody headwound
“jesus,” ellie says, voice a perfect lil blended imitation of joel and tess. “the fuck’s wrong with him?”
“he looks half-dead. clearly dehydrated and sustaining multiple injuries,” kevin evaluates neutrally; his mother always reminded him to be careful and cautious around people that appeared to be hurt or sick, and to be especially frugal with his sympathy. at the sound of another small, pained groan, he raised his gun to point between the man’s eyes and stepped closer, subtly trying to block ellie. “yo, dude. you waking up?”
“you sound so lame saying that,” ellie comments, because of course she does. she keeps her gun and interested eyes trained on him but stands away carefully, and kevin finds himself feeling extremely proud of her. “who say’s ‘yo, dude’?”
“i do”
“exactly. only you.”
“shut up, you little punk. what am i supposed to say?”
“something cool, obviously. we gotta scare him! here, like this—,” she clears her throat and turns her full attention back to the guy on the group with the mustache, raising her gun between his eyes like kev as she regard him with a louder, commanding voice. “wake the fuck up, motherfucker! hands where we can fuckin see em! you try anythin, ill fuckin gut you, you hear me?!”
“jesus, dude.”
“what?? look! it’s working!”
“where the fuck did you even learn—just stand back, okay?” kevin is a bit more serious now, looking down into the man’s now open eyes and finding himself struck stunned for a millisecond by a sense of strange familiarity. “hey, man, wake the fuck up. you with me? look here, buddy. just tell me your name, and what you’re here lookin for.” it was a familiar command he’d heard a hundred times from her mother, in a myriad of different contexts, but all with the same goal—direct interrogation
the man blinks at him, seemingly still disoriented, and winces as he moves to speak: “tommy. my name is tommy miller, and i’m lookin for my brother joel.”
for @clickergossip and @bumblepony and @liveandletcry23 and @bearrycool and @maddiesbooknook who i feel like are always writing stuff for or to inspire me 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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prissybabyhamlet · 5 months ago
‘oh hey jess how’s the saving all yr money for yr wedding going’ yeah good actually
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baenakinskywalker · 2 months ago
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freaks rise up 🫡😇
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dumbandpoetic · 11 months ago
can’t lie i am still not a fan of the lyric changes in better than revenge and lowkeeeey feel like it defeats the whole purpose of the re-recordings because it’s supposed to be the same so people will listen to taylor’s versions
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supertrashcompactor · 1 year ago
Handsome Anne - Ch. 10
“Your brother has been so wonderful when I needed him most,��� Ann said, already as bored with this game as she was with Whist and Brag. Indeed, it was boring playing a game you'd already won.
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year ago
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slightlymore · 2 years ago
wow thank u for ur specific answers! ur very creative 🫶🏼
it's like u've created some sort of brand for urself with ur dreamy magic core fics which are quite fun to read since it leaves readers such as myself to anticipate what happens next with the not-so-usual trope of falling with the normally background characters in stories! it creates suspense (in a good way!)
and may i add that you write quite beautifully? i really like the wording on the narrations as well as the characters' dialogues! LMAO I ALSO MELTED WHEN TRAIN CONDUCTOR HAECHAN FIRST UTTERED THE ENDEARMENT "DARLING" 😩 really fits the late victorian era ur going for fksmndbdbd the smut was a chef's kiss too for sure! and to think that you got the idea for it just two days ago and it's over 40k words 🤯 very impressive!
i will be looking forward to ur future fics with a similar trope just like dreamers and train conductors! it's quite exciting to imagine what else do you have up ur sleeve to incorporate other magical and dreamy concepts ☺️🤍
you're so so so sweet!! thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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afortoru · 7 months ago
*swooning in how gentle he is*
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The only ship dynamic that 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙢𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚. 🖤
Monster X Human
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