#cashew bar machine
olomaya · 10 months
More Vending Machine Foods! 🥪🍪🥤
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Tired of candy and soda being your only options? Here's some more diversity for your vending machines.
@its-time-o-clock asked if I could share these and they kind of go with my exercise mat since I made them at the same time for my gym. I figured it would be useful to add sandwiches and chips to put in my hospital/clinic as well so Sims have more convenient food options.
There are 10 items to buy:
Drinks: Water, Juice, Sports Drink
Bars: Granola, Protein (you DON'T need my Quick Snacks mod for this)
Sandwiches: BLT, Egg Salad
Snacks: Chips, Trail Mix, Oreos
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Some of the foods have effects, for example:
Juice and Oreos give you a sugar rush buff
Sports Drinks and Protein Bars give you an adrenaline buff.
Sports Drinks and Water help with fatigue after a workout
Sandwiches have a chance of giving nausea. Vegetarians will get nausea if they eat the BLT
Eating too many chips or Oreos or drinking too much juice will make your Sim gain weight.
Environmentally Conscious Sims will get a negative buff if they buy a bottled drink
Like normal vending machines, there's a chance that food will get stuck (5%). I reduced the chance of dying by the vending machine falling on you to 1% because what are the odds, but it's 5% if you slam it because that's rude!
I added my script to theATS3 vending machines. The Snowy Escape one has drinks and bars, the custom ATS one has sandwiches and snacks. I created two other scripts if you want all the items in one machine or just drinks:
You need to add the script before you create the vending machine so that it loads the correct foods/drinks.
Needs UNI for the vending machine functions.
Credits/Thanks: The vending machines and most of the food objects (the bottles, chip bags, and Oreos) are from @aroundthesims and the amazing Sandy so thanks as always to her for her massive and versatile library of quality objects! The sports drink is converted from Somik&Severinka (I wish I played TS4, their foods look so amazing!), the cashew piece is from icemunmun's Baker Basket (my fave food mod!). Rest is from EA.
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acidicbarkbeast · 1 year
prompt; rehab wordcount; 1 730 wordcount rule; any cw; car accident mention
There was a point in his life, where he didn’t put much thought into fate. He’d believed pretty steadfastly, that things happened, and that people simply had a tendency to insert meaning into those happenings, for comfort, karma, responsibility, the like.
Then his Uncle ended up in the hospital after a work accident, waiting on surgery and sporting a few broken bones. Eddie was by his bedside for the most of it, talking with him, reading to him, playing him music, much softer than his usual stuff.
Wayne didn’t like him sitting there all hours of the day though, and would regularly bully him out of the room to go on walks and stretch his legs, talk to people, drink in the sunlight before winter hit. That’s where he met him; Steve.
They’d ran into each other a few times since first meeting, sharing this and that. Steve was attending physical therapy twice a week because of a pretty serious car wreck, making the rounds on crutches and saying hello to staff and other patients as he rebuilt the muscle in his legs. Eddie couldn’t help but admire him… For one or more different reasons.
Today was a Tuesday, meaning Steve should’ve been somewhere around the hospital. Eddie wasn’t exactly looking for him, at least, not actively, but he was keeping an eye out for that gorgeous head of hair.
Eventually, he found him at the vending machine, struggling to retrieve an armful of snacks from the drawer compartment.
It was, frankly, perfect timing.
Again, he wasn’t very big on fate, destiny, miracles… But Steve threw a wrench in that, a beautiful, mole-ridden, big, brown-eyed wrench.
Shakily and stubbornly, Steve tried to balance his crutches at an angle so he could reach the machine’s opening. Under his weight, suddenly, one crutch skid on the linoleum floor, and from one second to the next, Steve was going down.
Jumping into action, Eddie caught him, but just barely.
“I’ve got you, Big Boy,” Eddie airily chuckled into his ear, having the air knocked out of him. Steve wriggled in his arms, laughing in disbelief.
“Eddie!” He beamed, peeking up at him through his bangs, “I thought I’d see you today.”
“Did you, sweetheart?” He smiled, Steve’s attitude, infectious. Shuffling them over to some waiting chairs outside of some office, Eddie settled him down, and went to pick up the fallen crutch, setting it with the other against the wall. Playfully poking Steve’s shoulder, he offered, “Need any help with those?”
The younger man tilted his head, puppy-like, “Please?”
One by one, Eddie pulled out candy bar after candy bar, two water bottles, and a packet of cashews, until there was a little pile of it all in Steve’s lap.
“And what occasion might warrant such a feast as this?” Eddie asked theatrically.
“Oh,” He sounded, perking up, “Some of the kids are here with me. They wanted goodies.” Eddie drew his eyebrows together, “So they sent the guy on crutches? No offense.”
“I volunteered, actually, get my rounds in…” He coughed into his fist, “And maybe ‘cause I was hoping I’d bump into you.”
He could feel his face warm, knowing the feeling was mutual, that they were always looking for one another, like two halves of a soul. Well, maybe not of a soul, as far as Eddie knew, that place was already platonically taken by one Robin Buckley.
“In that case, may I aid you in your long and tortuous journey, Sir Stephen.” Eddie half-bowed, one arm waved behind his back, the other extended in front of him, “You know, I have more pockets than a man should need.”
Steve silently accepted by lifting his arms out of the way, commenting, “Was that supposed to be some sort of innuendo? Because I didn’t get it.”
He shrugged as he stuffed his vest with chocolate and peanuts, “I just say whatever comes to mind, baby. They’ve yet to find an off-switch, I’m afraid.”
Swinging his crutches out, Steve pushed himself onto his feet, the momentum causing him to veer a little much into Eddie’s space. They were practically nose to nose as he muttered, glancing down at Eddie’s lips, “Why afraid? What if I don’t mind it?”
“Uhhhh…” No mirror needed, Eddie knew his face was burning red, his wide, blinking eyes filled with something like shock and desire. If it were possible, there’d be smoke puffing out of his ears; brain malfunction.
Steve giggled, honest to god, before beginning the slow hobble toward some unknown destination.
Eddie was quick to catch up, frantically speaking, “What I meant to say was, that you would definitely be the first.” He breathed, “Not to mind it, I mean.”
Humming as he read over the signage on the wall, they rounded a corner, and then another. Steve stayed quiet, but it was the pleasant kind, his mouth pulled into a soft smile.
Eventually, after a few turn-arounds, they found the wing where they held the therapy equipment, most notably the assisted treadmill that Steve refused to use. There, they found Max, in her wheelchair, with a girl standing at her side, and a boy standing behind her. With one of Max’s arms in a sling, the boy seemed to be the one assigned to moving her around.
They’d never met before now, but Eddie knew from Steve that Max had been in the same crash he was, only in the passenger seat. Steve didn’t mention it a lot, but Eddie got the idea that he felt some guilt about it, even if he wasn’t the one to have caused the accident.
“There you are,” The redhead said, unimpressed, and she gave Eddie a judgemental onceover that honestly rivaled the mean looks he used to get in high school, “Wow, did you pick up a stray?”
“Be nice,” Steve chirped, handing everyone their assorted snacks, and keeping a water bottle and the cashews for himself, “This is Eddie.”
“Oh,” The other girl giggled into her Hershey’s bar, Eddie thought her name was something like Elle or Em, “That Eddie.”
He could only begin to guess what that tone of voice could imply, and all answers set a fire in his belly. Had Steve been talking about him? He didn’t have to ask, Steve’s poppy-red face told him enough.
Scratching the back of his neck, Steve mumbled, “Do you know any other Eddie?”
“So it’s serious?” Max remarked rhetorically, then gestured with her bad arm toward Eddie, “Forward.”
The boy, Lucas, who had been nibbling on a Mars bar suddenly tuned back into the conversation, grabbing the handles of the wheelchair and rolling Max closer to Eddie, so she was only a few feet away from him. Steve looked a bit mortified, but also proud, obviously expecting this, but still dreading the inevitability.
“I’ll only say this once,” She leveled at him, surprisingly intimidating for a teenager who he towered over, “Steve is our babysitter first, and your boyfriend second. If you hurt him, we will resort to violence, gladly.”
The twinkle in her eye told him that she was telling the truth.
He chanced a glance at Steve, who was angled away from the beat-down with a hand over his face. Distracted, he realized he’d missed whatever else Max had said.
“Do you understand?” She repeated, like she was the principal, and he was a misbehaving student who’d just been sentenced to a day of community service.
He stammered, “Uh, yes. Yes, I do.”
She narrowed her eyes, and then suddenly, using her good arm, wheeled herself forward and an angle and out of the boy’s grip, where she ran over Eddie’s toes, punctuating, “You better.”
He yelped, plain and simple.
“Max!” The boy reprimanded, forcibly wheeling her out of kicking distance, though she seemed to have been satisfied with just running him over. Lucas looked at him pleadingly, as if something similar had happened before, “I’m sorry. She’s, um, protective.”
Max stared at him like a cat might its prey.
“Are you okay?” Steve appeared at his side, big, flat hands hovering around him, unsure of how to help. The pain had mostly gone by then, dulled by his thick boots.
“Alive, I assure you,” He said instead of something more serious, she was just a kid after all. What was he going to do, yell at the girl? If anything, he should applaud her and her unpredictable attack patterns.
“Let’s go over to the window,” Lucas suggested, already wheeling Max away, Elle-or-Em trodding after.
When Steve still looked a bit guilty, Eddie assured, “Really, I’m fine. My Uncle’s in here with a broken foot, who am I to complain about a little bruise?”
“Still…” He shrugged, “How is Wayne, anyway?”
“Going into surgery today,” Eddie grinned excitedly, the joy completely washing over any hurt feelings he previously had, “We’re counting down the days he’ll be locked away in here.”
“That’s amazing. I’m really glad everything’s on track.”
He wasn’t stupid, he noticed easily how Steve tried to match his enthusiasm, but fell a bit short, watching the way he bit his lip till it was cherry. He leaned into Steve’s space, until his inquisitive eyes met Steve’s downturned ones, “Hey, what’s wrong, Stevie?”
“It’s gonna sound fucked,” He cringed.
“No, no. Tell me, sweetheart.” Eddie eased, and he could pinpoint the moment Steve’s resolution broke.
“Just…” He started, stopped, bit his lip again. It was only mildly distracting, “When your Uncle’s out of here, you won’t have a reason to visit anymore.”
And that… Oh. He hadn’t thought about that.
He took the opportunity to do something daring, something he might have once called particularly risky if hadn’t been reading all these goddamn signals.
Gently, he took Steve’s face in his hands, where he could spot some faint scarring over his brow, over his mouth, on his cheek, and wondered if those were from the crash, “I’m not just gonna up and leave you, Stevie. We could maybe… exchange numbers…?”
Prettily, Steve’s eyes lit up, “You mean that in the way I think you do, right?”
“Wanna test that?”
“You kissed him, didn’t you?” Wayne asked, one eyebrow raised expectantly.
Chewing on a shaggy lock of hair, Eddie nodded with his whole body.
His uncle sighed, relaxing back into his pillow, “Finally. Christ.”
It took a second for his offense to register, “Hey!”
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tymorrowland · 1 year
If you had a vending machine (for snacks, or beverages) what would it have?
literally any and all tasty beverages, meat snacks, honey roasted peanuts and cashews, a variety of flavored chips, and just a couple snack cakes or candy bars. my cravings change pretty much hourly so i can’t think of anything specific
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camellasstory · 3 days
How Drink and Snack Vending Machines Are Adapting to Health Trends
The vending machine industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, driven in part by the growing demand for healthier snack options. As consumers become more health-conscious, vending machine suppliers have had to adapt to meet the changing needs of their customers. In this blog post, we’ll explore how drink and snack vending machines are evolving to cater to health trends, and why Vending Raleigh is the best vending machine supplier in Raleigh for your healthy vending needs.
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The Rise of Healthy Snacking
In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards healthier eating habits. Consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of nutrition and are seeking out healthier snack options. This trend is driven in part by the growing awareness of the link between diet and health, as well as the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
The Evolution of Vending Machines
In response to this trend, vending machine suppliers have had to adapt to meet the changing needs of their customers. Gone are the days of vending machines stocked with sugary snacks and fizzy drinks. Today’s vending machines offer a wide range of healthy snack options, from nuts and seeds to fresh fruit and energy bars.
The impact of health trends on the vending machine industry
Health trends have significantly reshaped the vending machine landscape. Consumers are more health-conscious than ever, and this shift has forced operators to reconsider their offerings.
Gone are the days when machines were solely stocked with sugary snacks and sodas. Today’s consumers demand options that align with their wellness goals. This includes low-calorie drinks, organic snacks, and even plant-based choices.
As a result, manufacturers have started collaborating with health brands to offer products that meet these new consumer expectations. The availability of nutrient-dense foods in vending machines is no longer an anomaly; it’s becoming the standard.
Moreover, fitness enthusiasts often seek on-the-go options that fit into their active lifestyles. Vending machines now cater to this segment by providing protein bars and electrolyte-rich beverages alongside traditional fare.
These changes reflect a broader trend towards integrating better-for-you products into everyday life through convenient solutions like vending machines.
Healthy Snack Options in Vending Machines
So, what kinds of healthy snack options can you expect to find in modern vending machines? Some popular choices include:
Fresh fruit, such as apples, bananas, and oranges
Nuts and seeds, including almonds, cashews, and pumpkin seeds
Energy bars, such as Clif Bars and granola bars
Trail mix, with a combination of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit
Sandwiches, wraps, and salads, made with whole grain bread and fresh ingredients
Low-calorie snacks, such as crackers and pretzels
Why Choose Vending Raleigh for Your Healthy Vending Needs
At Vending Raleigh, we understand the importance of providing healthy snack options for our customers. That’s why we offer a wide range of healthy snack options in our vending machines, carefully selected to meet the changing needs of our customers.
Here are just a few reasons why you should choose Vending Raleigh for your healthy vending needs:
Wide range of healthy snack options: We offer a diverse range of healthy snack options, including fresh fruit, nuts and seeds, energy bars, and more.
Customizable vending machines: We can customize our vending machines to meet your specific needs, whether you’re looking for gluten-free, vegan, or low-calorie options.
State-of-the-art technology: Our vending machines are equipped with the latest technology, including cashless payment systems and remote monitoring capabilities.
Exceptional customer service: Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, with fast response times and regular machine maintenance.
The Benefits of Healthy Vending Machines
So, why should you consider installing healthy drink and snack vending machines in your workplace or facility? Here are just a few benefits:
Improved employee health and wellbeing: By providing healthy snack options, you can help improve the health and wellbeing of your employees.
Increased productivity: Healthy snacks can help boost energy levels and improve focus, leading to increased productivity.
Enhanced reputation: By providing healthy vending machines, you can enhance your reputation as a caring and responsible employer.
Future outlook and potential advancements in the vending machine industry
The future of vending machines looks promising. With the integration of artificial intelligence, these machines could offer tailored recommendations based on individual preferences and dietary needs.
Imagine a machine that learns your snack habits over time. It suggests healthier options or even alerts you when your favorite product is restocked.
Augmented reality could also play a role. Users might view nutritional information or ingredient lists by simply pointing their smartphones at the machine.
Furthermore, advancements in robotics may lead to more interactive experiences. Machines could engage customers with personalized greetings or gamified purchasing options, attracting tech-savvy consumers.
As sustainability gains momentum, eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient designs will likely emerge as standard features in new models.
Collaboration with local businesses for fresh offerings can redefine convenience food altogether—bringing farm-to-vending innovations right into urban settings.
The vending machine industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, driven in part by the growing demand for healthier snack options. At Vending Raleigh, we’re committed to providing healthy snack options that meet the changing needs of our customers. With our wide range of healthy snack options, customizable drink and snack vending machines, and exceptional customer service, we’re the perfect choice for your healthy vending needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you provide healthy snack options for your employees or customers.
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bbbbbbbbbbbboldtired · 3 months
It may as well be
one of the Garten boys birthdays,
I mean it's summer, pavement dripping
birds so manic the driveway
littered with toys
is Ben 35?
he married an army wife and
engineers sound for a living
got far away as he was supposed to.
I hear my mother cursing in the
kitchen, over literally nothing
like she was supposed to.
It's this "fucking" coffee machine
faulty door, zipper that won't zip
it's her mother
grinning borderline and blameless
Grace always had a chocolate bar
crossed legs and some idle
wrapping her bony knuckles
in her excuse me I'm elderly fashion
she'd be sitting in her chair while
we all fucked off gathering the items
our wits,
she passed down the
screeching and emotive sighing
to my mother and me.
My mother who made from scratch
birthday cakes for a brother
all deranged and spaced out
on spectrum, hitting
Ben with light saber, squirt gun
year after year in the dewy popsicle grass
mowed by my tireless father in little league mitts
baseball heroes
lemonade suburbia where I
judged just about everyone's neediness
and tried to excel at games until
we all put ourselves aside to blow out candles
enchanted predictable and pretty soon it was
someone elses big day in our ritual
calculated fun.
Tomorrow I drive out to Ohio
I'm going to buy me a shotgun and
go down the road.
my mom pacified on klonopin in her
beautiful layered "to look younger" haircut
and flipflops
driving my wounded father across this summer
her anxiety is beneath her throat
and i pack my bags in tepid silence
we've moved from mother den guardian
beautifully attended to birthdays in summer grass
to me spinning and teetering, flirting with
institutions smoking grass bipolar as her mom's
anxious trill floated from her in footsteps
scuffling, pans clattering emoted without
question, doom!
but today i line up my mess kit, cheap tent
cashews and lame bravery while
the ipad clacks and joy from msnbc stays smiling
it's all so lonely
without the water guns
or the river
it's all so lonely without
ill be finding myself
staring at the next town, cursing at nothing
deep in Ohio.
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formeryelpers · 3 months
Easy Breezy Frozen Yogurt, 1387 N Main St, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
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Fro-yo girl here. Easy Breezy #6 is the first EB in the East Bay! The shop opened in mid-March 2024 in downtown Walnut Creek, near Broadway Plaza (I had a flashback to my visit to Yogurt Park in Broadway Plaza). Like the other locations, the Walnut Creek branch is adorable. The first thing I saw was the familiar sign board with the mascot, Breezy.
WC EB features eight hand-crafted flavors of froyo, custard, and vegan soft-serve with premium toppings and warm sauces. It’s $0.98/oz – yes, more expensive, but the quality is better. I personally love their thick, creamy, tangy, velvety original tart. It tastes different than any other original tart out there. The toppings bar made me happy…spotted Lotus cookies, madeleines, nuts, sprinkles, fruit, cheesecake, candy, cereal, syrups.
I didn’t love Vietnamese iced coffee (vegan soft serve) though. It seemed too sweet and the coffee flavor wasn’t strong enough. Also, because the Lotus cookies are left out in the open, the cookie wasn’t as crispy as one that’s stored in an air-tight container.
Flavors of the day:
Berry Freeze (vegan)
Vietnamese Iced Coffee (vegan)
Vanilla Custard
Fluffernutter (froyo)
Original Tart (froyo)
Vanilla Bean (froyo)
Chocolate Milk (froyo)
Banana Custard
The décor looked familiar – light blue walls, hand-written flavor signs, Carpigiani soft serve machines, a froyo toppings island, and eco-friendly touches like bowls for dining in and reusable bowls. The vegan flavors are made with different bases, including coconut milk and cashew milk. Everything is clearly labeled for people with dietary restrictions.
Samples are dispensed by a friendly employee. Love that you can find their current flavors on their website. Not enough places make it easy to see the available flavors.
Congrats, Easy Breezy!
You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.
4.5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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wonkabarofficial · 4 months
Discover the Magic of Fusion Mushroom Bars
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Ever heard of fusion mushroom bars? No, we’re not talking about a secret spot downtown where hipsters gather. We’re talking about a groundbreaking innovation in the world of functional foods. Whether you're a seasoned wellness warrior or a curious newbie, these bars might just be the tasty, healthy treat you've been looking for.
What Are Fusion Mushroom Bars?
Fusion mushroom bars are a delightful blend of nutritious ingredients, infused with the powerful benefits of medicinal mushrooms. Think of them as your typical energy bar but on health steroids. They combine the earthy flavors of mushrooms like Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Chaga with nuts, seeds, and sometimes even a hint of chocolate.
Why Mushrooms?
You might be wondering, why mushrooms? Well, these fungi aren’t just for pizza toppings or a fancy risotto. Medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their impressive health benefits. They’re packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support your immune system, boost brain function, and even enhance your mood.
Health Benefits of Fusion Mushroom Bars
These bars are more than just a quick snack. They’re a powerhouse of nutrition and wellness. Here’s why you should consider adding them to your daily routine:
Boosted Immune System
Mushrooms like Reishi and Chaga are known for their immune-boosting properties. They contain beta-glucans, which help to activate your immune cells, making your body more efficient at fighting off infections.
Enhanced Cognitive Function
Feeling a little foggy? Lion’s Mane mushroom is celebrated for its ability to stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF), which is essential for brain health. This means better focus, improved memory, and enhanced creativity. Perfect for those long workdays or study sessions.
Natural Energy Boost
Unlike the sugar rush (and subsequent crash) you get from typical energy bars, fusion mushroom bars provide a steady, sustained release of energy. They’re often combined with ingredients like nuts and seeds, providing healthy fats and proteins that keep you energized throughout the day.
Stress Relief and Mood Enhancement
Reishi mushrooms are adaptogens, which means they help your body manage stress. They’ve been shown to reduce anxiety and improve overall mood. Imagine biting into a bar that not only tastes good but also makes you feel good.
Ingredients You’ll Love
Fusion mushroom bars aren’t just about mushrooms. They’re a symphony of flavors and nutrients. Here are some common ingredients you might find:
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, cashews, chia seeds, and flaxseeds provide protein and healthy fats.
Dried Fruits: Dates, cranberries, and apricots add natural sweetness and fiber.
Superfoods: Ingredients like cacao nibs, spirulina, and matcha for an extra health kick.
Natural Sweeteners: Honey, maple syrup, or agave to satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt.
How to Enjoy Fusion Mushroom Bars
Wondering how to incorporate these magical bars into your diet? Here are a few ideas:
Breakfast on the Go
Rushed mornings are the perfect time to grab a fusion mushroom bar. They’re quick, convenient, and give you the energy you need to start your day right.
Pre-Workout Fuel
Need a boost before hitting the gym? These bars provide the right mix of carbs, protein, and healthy fats to fuel your workout and enhance your performance.
Midday Snack
Avoid the afternoon slump by munching on a fusion mushroom bar. It’s a healthier alternative to vending machine snacks and keeps your energy levels stable.
Hiking and Outdoor Adventures
Packing for a hike? These bars are lightweight, portable, and packed with nutrients, making them ideal for outdoor adventures.
Making Your Own Fusion Mushroom Bars
Feeling crafty? You can make your own fusion mushroom bars at home. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:
1 cup of mixed nuts (almonds, cashews)
1 cup of dried fruits (dates, cranberries)
1/4 cup of chia seeds
1/4 cup of flaxseeds
2 tablespoons of mushroom powder (Reishi, Lion’s Mane, or Chaga)
1/4 cup of honey or maple syrup
1/4 cup of dark chocolate chips (optional)
Blend the nuts and dried fruits in a food processor until finely chopped.
Add the chia seeds, flaxseeds, and mushroom powder. Blend until mixed.
Pour in the honey or maple syrup and blend until the mixture sticks together.
Stir in the dark chocolate chips if you’re using them.
Press the mixture into a lined baking dish and refrigerate for at least an hour.
Cut into bars and enjoy!
Where to Buy Fusion Mushroom Bars
Not into DIY? No problem! There are plenty of great brands offering delicious fusion mushroom bars. Check your local health food store or browse online retailers like Amazon and Thrive Market. Look for brands that use organic ingredients and have good reviews.
Fusion mushroom bars are a fantastic addition to any diet. They’re not just tasty and convenient; they’re packed with health benefits that can boost your immune system, enhance your brain function, and improve your mood. Whether you buy them or make your own, these bars are sure to become a staple in your wellness routine. So, why not give them a try and experience the magic for yourself?
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buzzerbeaterbin · 9 months
I cannot express how LAUGHABLE of a venture it was to expect myself to ever reasonably keep up with essentially a 6 days/week workout routine in the midst of the biggest life transition I'm experiencing thus far. This semester we are focusing on fitting in a 1 hour session only 2-3x/week, that hits both strength training AND cardio - the name of the game is efficiency!!! Aerobic, weight-bearing, heart-rate elevating, fat-burning, full body, FUNCTIONAL, ATHLETIC. I'm accepting that certain other goals (e.g. flexibility) will have to take a backseat for the time being. It's looking like a lot of HIIT, double compounds (e.g. squat to shoulder press), minimal equipment ->
I'm done with waiting in lines for popular machines!!! WHO HAS THE TIME!!! I've also learned the value of simplifying your needs as much as possible the so that your ability to stay consistent with your workouts is not limited to exclusive, fancy equipment that ties you down to a particular studio/gym e.g. kind of a meme but I got so used to the hip thrust machine at my giant suburban gym just to basically never see it again. I PRAY for the day I am able to rely on body weight calisthenics alone, but until then, there's so much magic in a bare-bones bench + dumbbells gym, and almost everywhere you go will have that
on that note, a lot of solidcore moves can be done with sliding discs, youre welcome
for the first time in an extremely long time, one of my primary goals this time around is actually weight loss - there's a whole lot more I can say about this but for now, one of the primary reasons is the fact that I will be in Korea for the first time ever this summer ifykyk lol. but starvation is never the means nor the ends, especially given how much GLUCOSE my brain requires during these long days. I'm approaching this as a fun challenge to see how I can be the most efficient (time and money) with my fuel
snack hunt saga:
the biggest revelation = The Only Bean Edamame Beans, they have a 11g protein :110cal ratio (same ratio as those pure protein bars) and go down wayyy better bc it's real food and not processed powder (I'm still learning to tolerate protein powder). They come individually packed too so SO good for on the go!!!!
I've been liking TJ's flavored cashews too - not the best macro profile (like all nuts) but are so easy to pack for a study session and don't go bad quickly
MEDJOOL DATES every once in a while i remember again that nuggets of heaven exist and are so filling so quickly
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slimate · 11 months
Stepping out of work into the pleasant warmth of a 65°F November evening in my northern temperate climate, getting into my fossil-fuel dependent death machine and hurtling 3 miles to a Presbyterian church I've stepped foot in twice in my life as it is the designated spot for my "district," which is an incoherent partitioning of land shaped like a child's abandoned attempt at building a mine shaft out of Legos specifically to minimize the effect it will have when I tap a little button to indicate that "I personally would like it if my rights to my own reproductive autonomy were partially enshrined in the state constitution." Afterwards I get back into my death machine and check my phone, which was manufactured using slave labor and requires a "dongle" as it intentionally lacks an audio port, to find that the air quality is now "moderate" due to the relentlessly burning forests hundreds of miles north of me. I close the weather widget and open my web browser. The pinned article, from the Atlantic, is called "Joe Biden heroically wheezes out unyielding support for Israel." The thumbnail quote reads "...my soul, and that of Freedom, requires exponentially increasing human sacrifice to sustain my body, and *cough* an apartheid of historic proportions with a little ethnic cleansing is just what I need to last another year or two." I navigate to the search bar on my web browser and type "calories 1/2 cup raw cashew". I have a panic attack.
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Automatic Cashew Processing Machinery, Color Sorter Machine Manufacture and Global Supplier | GI Agro Technologies
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In order to design, develop, and manufacture food processing gear, two young professionals with a love for the sector founded GI AGRO TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD. in Chennai in 1994.
             Our team of experts is made up of highly skilled cross-functional individuals who can provide technically advanced machinery with minimal operating costs and simple maintenance.
            A strong internal R&D team aids us in designing and developing specialized solutions to meet the distinct and particular needs of each customer. By automating the entire cashew processing process, we have raised the bar for the international market.
           The cashew processing industry around the world now looks to us for periodic technology upgrades due to the outstanding performance of our machines.
              We also carry out turnkey projects to establish new processing facilities and update existing ones in India and abroad.
                 We have entered the production of artificial intelligent RGB color grading and sorting equipment for food goods like rice, grains, cashews, pulses, coffee beans, and solid material of any kind like ore and stones as part of our strategy for ongoing expansion.
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wdblog · 1 year
Do Nut Butters Help In Weight Loss: Nut-orious Secrets Unveiled
Ladies and gentlemen, can we just take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nut butters? Don’t know what they are? Hang on! We’ll first help you understand the world of nut butters and then dive into creamy, dreamy concoctions that spread like silk and taste like heaven! 
What are nut butters?
Think of your regular nuts – almond, cashew, hazelnut, peanut and all their nutty cousins. Then think of the rich, creamy delight they hide under those tough exteriors. Nut butters are the delightful result of blending nuts into a smooth, creamy, and utterly irresistible concoction. It's like the nuts decided to have a party, invited the blender, and created a spread that's perfect for pretty much everything. Nut butters are incredibly versatile and can be used in various ways – spread on toast, added to smoothies, part of your snack bars, used as a dip for fruits or vegetables, incorporated into savoury dishes, or simply enjoyed by the spoonful. Nut butters are packed with essential nutrients, including healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins (such as vitamin E and B vitamins), and minerals (such as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium). They provide a concentrated source of nutrition in a small serving. As a result, they’re a key ingredient in nutritious and healthy snacks for adults, teens and kids! 
Nut Butters: Creamy Comfort or Weight Loss Wonder?
First things first, let's clear the air – nut butters can indeed play a role in your weight loss journey. While they might not have a cape or superhero theme music, they do have a few superpowers up their sleeves that can help you shed those extra kilos. Let’s look at how nut butters are making waves.
Satiety Superstars: One of the nut butter superpowers is their ability to make you feel full and satisfied. Thanks to their combo of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, nut butters can curb those gnawing hunger pangs and keep you from raiding the cookie jar in search of solace.
Nutrient-Rich Nuttiness: Nut butters aren't just about fats and proteins; they're also packed with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So, when you indulge in a spoonful (or two), you're not just fuelling your taste buds; you're giving your body some well-deserved nutrition. Nut butters are a good source of magnesium and calcium, both of which are essential for strong and healthy bones.  
Blood Sugar Bodyguards: Another trick nut butters have up their sleeve is their ability to stabilize your blood sugar levels due to their combination of healthy fats, protein, and fiber.  No more rollercoaster ride of sugar highs and crashes! With nut butter in your corner, you can maintain steady energy levels, which means fewer cravings for that vending machine chocolate bar. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. 
Energy Emissaries: Nut butters are like tiny jars of energy. Their calorie density makes them the perfect pick-me-up when you're about to hit the gym or embark on a brisk walk. A spoonful of almond butter can transform you from a couch potato to a fitness enthusiast in no time. Well, almost.
Nut Butters in Snack Bars: The Secret Ingredient
Now, you might be wondering, "How do I fit nut butters into my daily routine without just eating them by the spoonful?" Enter Wild Date snack bars! Our entire range of snack bars contain nut butters as a secret ingredient, working their magic behind the scenes to keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day. They are made of almond, cashew and peanut for that extra punch in taste. When you bite into a Wild Date snack bar and taste that creamy, nutty goodness, you're not just savouring a delicious treat – you're tapping into the weight loss potential of nut butters. It's like having a hidden ally in your quest for a healthier you.
So, Nut Butter Lovers, Rejoice!
Nut butters can be your partners in crime (the good kind!) on your journey to better living. Their ability to keep you feeling full, provide essential nutrients, and maintain stable energy levels makes them a valuable addition to your diet. And when they make a cameo in your favourite snack bar (read Wild Date), it's like a tasty bonus on your path to better health.
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delhideli · 2 years
All about vegan ice cream
Table of content
Vegan Ice Cream Brands
What Is Vegan Ice Cream Made Of?
Ice Cream Brands From Days Long Past
Vegan Ice Cream Recipes
Dairy-Free Vegan Ice Cream Accessories
Why Not Make a Vegan Milkshake?
What ingredients vegan ice cream contains, and is it actually healthy?
Trying to find the top vegan ice creams? This list of vegan ice cream options includes a wide variety of creamy, delectable flavors, from banana nice cream to soy ice cream. Whether you want to pick up a package of vegan ice cream sandwiches or want to make some vegan milkshakes.
Is anyone clamoring for vegan ice cream? Ice cream that is vegan is demanded! With so many options available on the market, our vegan ice cream guide is here to assist you in remaining calm. The dairy-free ice cream options at many major grocery stores now, ten years later, are housed in complete freezer cases.
Many well-known brands have caught on to the trend and begun selling vegan choices, Ben & Jerry’s and Haagen-Dazs. A number of new all-vegan brands have also emerged. Even a scoop of vegan ice cream is now available at places like Baskin-Robbins and Cold Stone Creamery! For individuals who are new to the vegan lifestyle to quickly understand the lay of the land, Delhi Deli Cafe decided it’s about time we did a comprehensive round-up here at World of Vegan.
Read More: Yummy Mochi Ice Cream Recipe
Vegan Ice Cream Brands
Brands created for the market employ milk made from rice, soy, almonds, cashews, or coconut. These products are as smooth and delicious as ice cream without putting any animals in jeopardy. In most stores, you can find at least one vegan ice cream brand. A good natural foods store will also stock a wide variety of goods, including drumsticks, fudge bars, pint-sized ice cream sandwiches, and other treats.
Baskin-Robbins: Non-Dairy Chocolate Extreme and Non-Dairy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Ben & Jerry’s: Non-Dairy Pints
Brave Robot: Animal-Free Dairy
Daiya: frozen dessert bars (three varieties)
Double Rainbow: (Soy flavors only)
Dream: Almond Dream
Forrager: Organic Cashew Milk Pints
Haagen-Dazs: Non-Dairy Collection
Mauna Loa: Macadamia Milk Frozen Dessert
NadaMoo: Deliciously Dairy-Free Frozen Dessert
Oatley: Non-Frozen Dessert Pints
Planet Oat: Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert (five flavors)
Ripple: Non-Dairy Frozen Desserts
So Delicious: Dairy-Free Frozen Desserts
Tofutti: Premium Pints & Cuties
Trader Joe’s: Soy Creamy
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What Is Vegan Ice Cream Made Of?
You might be wondering what precisely goes into vegan ice cream given that there are so many ways to make it dairy-free. The solution is really quite straightforward! The following components make up the base of the majority of vegan ice creams:
Dairy-free milk derived from almonds, soy, or coconuts (our fave is vegan pistachio ice cream!)
Flavor derived from substances like strawberry, chocolate, mint, or vanilla
a sweetener like agave or sugar
Foods with texture, like cookies, chocolate pieces, nuts, or fruit
Vegan ice cream can be produced from a variety of ingredients, including fruit, nuts, seeds, oats, and more. The most popular vegan ice cream bases are listed below:
coconut cream
Cashew, almond, and other nuts
Sunflower seeds
There are countless combinations you can create at home if you have an ice cream machine. Banana chocolate mint? Is strawberry balsamic with bits of pecan? of course! Additionally, if you’d rather buy a pint from Delhi Deli Cafe, you are more than welcome to do so. For a list of some of the top dairy-free ice creams, keep reading!
Ice Cream Brands From Days Long Past
Nothing precious can endure, and this rule also applies to vegan ice cream. Join us as we remember some cherished brands that are no longer in existence.
Almond DREAM
Purely Decadent
Vegan Ice Cream Recipes
Vegan Matcha Chip Ice Cream
This Ice cream recipe for dairy-free ice cream is one for the books—minty, it’s crunchy and incredibly invigorating. This vegan matcha chip ice cream is oh-so-beautiful and ideal for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up.
Vegan Ice Cream Cake
Can’t decide between vegan ice cream and cake? But there’s no room for doubt with this delicious Ice cream recipe, and it’s really easy to make. You are entitled to both cake and ice cream!
Vegan Rocky Road Ice Cream
Did you realize that traveling on a bumpy road may be quite delectable? This dairy-free ice cream is quite the journey with vegan marshmallows, nuts, and chocolate chips.
Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream
This fruity yet amazingly creamy fresh vegan strawberry ice cream is perfect for a summer afternoon or post-meal treat. It is prepared from real strawberries. Want to spice things up? To finish it off, simply visit Delhi Deli Cafe to taste the strawberries and relish them!
Banana Nice Cream
Want vegan ice cream with only one component? Bring on the banana lovely cream! This quick and easy vegan dessert is a great option for dessert because it is so inexpensive!
Minimalist Mango Berry Nice Cream
What is a delicious, sweet dessert that is ideal for the summer? This berry delicious cream is completely dairy-free. You can top this dessert, which only requires three ingredients, with almonds and other vegan favorites for the ultimate indulgence.
Dairy-Free Vegan Ice Cream Accessories
Easy DIY Vegan Chocolate Bowls
With these delectable chocolate bowls, your non-dairy ice cream game will be on point! These chocolate bowls are an incredibly quick and easy way to spice up dessert time and are ideal for gatherings. Enjoy your drink after adding some fruit, nuts, mint leaves, or other delectable garnishes.
Chocolate-Dipped Ice Cream Cones
You may eat your favorite vegan ice cream or sliced fruit in these plant-based chocolate-dipped ice cream cones. You won’t want to miss creating these because they are incredibly simple to put together and are excellent for enlivening a party.
Why Not Make a Vegan Milkshake?
After a long day, relaxing with a bowl of homemade vegan ice cream might be a terrific way to unwind, but don’t disregard the possibility of making a delicious vegan milkshake! Here are some suggestions if you’re at a loss on what kind of shake to create:
Cream and Bananas
Vanilla with chocolate
Cream and Cookies
Vanilla and Strawberry
You may also get creative by adding toppings like vegan cookie crumbs, banana slices, chocolate drizzle, or other delicious-looking ingredients to your vegan milkshake. Insert a recyclable straw, and indulge!
What ingredients vegan ice cream contains, and is it actually healthy?
Is it possible to make ice cream that is both nutritious and free of dairy cream? Yes, it is definitely feasible, as seen by the expanding selection of vegan ice creams available on the market. But what ingredients exactly do those plant-based ice creams contain?
Because of our childhood recollections, many of us cannot fathom the hot summer months without ice cream, which is recognized as a creamy frozen delicacy. Each region, and even each town, used to have its own ice cream vendor in the old days. These merchants were creative with flavors and employed local ingredients.
Let me first say that there have always been frozen desserts kinds without any animal components before we get into the specifics of how contemporary producers replace dairy in their products. For instance, there are well-known sorbets that are prepared using fruit juice and sweetened water. The most well-known tastes are tart and include lemon, grapefruit, or a combination of berries.
Fruity popsicles and sorbets can, of course, sate our yearning for a cool treat, but they can’t quite compare to the creamy, sweet ice creams we remember from our childhood. As the popularity of plant-based and vegan diets increased, numerous manufacturers began creating their own recipes for the ideal vegan ice cream. Let’s look at what they are made of!
Cashew Nuts
If you’ve been a fan of vegan desserts for a long time, you may be aware that one of the most popular bases for the creamy vegan sweets is cashew nut. All the traditional delights that would often call for heavy cream or even cheese can be made using cashews that have been soaked and processed since they have a particularly creamy, dairy-like consistency. However using a lot of cashew nuts has the disadvantage of raising the price of the ice cream. In addition, we frequently consume nuts in their processed and sweetened forms, which are extremely difficult to digest. In addition, some people may have nut allergies. That is to say, despite the fact that it tastes great and contains no dairy, it might not be the ideal choice for regular usage.
Coconut Milk
The simple substitution of plant-based milk for dairy milk in many vegan recipes, both at home and in industrial food production, is one of their key components. Here, coconut milk is the best option simply because it has a lot of fat and may therefore closely mimic the flavor of the original ice cream. Naturally, if coconut milk is the major component of the ice cream, the coconut flavor will be highly strong, which places some restrictions on the manner the ice cream’s flavoring can be added by the producers. Because of this, many additional ingredients are frequently added to coconut milk-based ice creams to disguise the flavor, but it might be challenging to do so fully.
All conceivable vegan items contain soy. It is used as a substitute for things like milk, cheese, meat, and imitation cold cuts. It should come as no surprise that soy or its byproducts can be found in ice cream in addition to vegan sausages. Although it makes a superb basis, it is frequently used as an additional component. Knowing where and how soy was grown and confirming that the product is organic and free of genetically modified organisms are crucial when it comes to soy. Of course, moderation is necessary, just like it is with the majority of other meals that pose health risks.
Cocoa butter and coconut oil
Cocoa butter and coconut oil are frequently found as ingredients in vegan ice cream, and their concentrations can be extremely high. Both ingredients are included to slow down the melting process and, of course, to add some fat in an effort to most closely resemble full-fat dairy ice cream. Since cocoa butter is rather a costly ingredient on its own, it is typically added to more premium brands, however, it does improve the product’s flavor and texture. Recently, coconut oil was in the news (again) for not being as nutritious as it was once thought to be.
All forms of sugar and sweets, according to those who live a sugar-free diet, may be harmful. Why it’s not inappropriate, but it shouldn’t be taken too far: There is nothing wrong with including natural sweeteners in your diet as long as they are used in moderation. So, search for natural sweeteners like coconut sugar and syrup, raw cane sugar, and stevia (which is what health-oriented products typically use). As we indicated at the beginning of the article, one of the most important factors to consider while looking for vegan ice cream that is also nutritious is the kind of sweetener that is being used.
To give the ice cream a better texture, milk powder is frequently added in traditional ice cream preparation. Vegan ice creams have several kinds of thickeners as well. The majority of the time, it’s various flours, which shouldn’t be a major issue unless you have certain dietary intolerances and allergies.
You won’t ever have to wonder about the kind and caliber of the flavorings used if you get an all-natural vegan ice cream. What is all-natural is simple to identify: these brands will feature items like fresh fruits and berries, raw cocoa powder, pure vanilla, etc. on their ingredient list. They will never use the word “artificial” or have anything printed in numbers or letters rather than words. When selecting a healthy product, this is as simple as making sure you don’t need to Google any of the ingredients you see on the box. So if you want to taste the best ice cream in town, you must visit Delhi Deli Cafe with your family.
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snapthistiger · 3 years
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exercise 11142021
bike ride to the gym
3 x 10 tricep press
3 x 5 dips
3 x 10 row machine
3 x 10 lat machine
30 minutes on the step mill
3 x 10 pec machine
bike ride home
the gym workers received mini Milky Way bars
top left = someone lost their drawers by the park
bottom = someone lost their glasses by the park
gorgeous weather today
watching “Are You Being Served?” with @brainsludgemissives at 7pm
trying not to think about work / have not been successful at that this weekend
youngest daughter and her BF travelling back from Colorado late this evening.  her cats, Pecan & Cashew, have been at my house for about a month and a half and i hope they are going to her house this week.
grilled pork tenderloin and a baked potato for supper tonight
hope you have a peaceful afternoon / evening..
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The Same Bed - Chapter 2
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Word count: 2895
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Friends are there to help each other out, but can they help falling for each other when all the long days they spend together turn into late nights they have and their reliance on each other.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst, unhealthy past relationship, slow burn.
A/N: Second chapter has arrived y’all. Read it, enjoy and I’ll see you on the other side. There’s also a tag list, so be sure to tell me if you want in, or don’t I won’t force ya, as well as a masterlist so be sure to check it out. Anyway, as are the latest, Unbeta’d all mistakes are mine.
Series masterlist
The next week consisted of the same routine. Always in the same bed, always holding hands, with Dean falling asleep first. Tonight, was no different, apart from the bar they decide to hit after a very successful hunt before heading home. An easy salt ’n’ burn which went down without a hitch. Celebratory drinks were purchased and consumed by the Winchesters and their partner. They sat on the stools awaiting their next drinks while Y/N was approached by a man. Not unattractive by any means, well-built and clean. Sam looked over watching the interaction and Dean's behaviour knowing full well he may have to break up a fight if it went too far. Dean watched as Y/N shamelessly flirted with the gentlemen who had now caught her attention. It didn’t take very long for Dean's jealousy to overtake him as he clenched his fist around his beer bottle his posture tall and rigid. Y/N turned to the boys after wishing the stranger a good night.
“Hey guys I’m kind of beat, what’d you say we head home?”
“You turned down Prince Charming?” Trust Dean to make the ridiculous comments.
“Actually no, I told him I’d be more than willing to run away with him and have all his Prince Charming babies in his castle, but he didn’t want to make my boyfriend angry.” Trust Y/N to throw the comment right back at him.
“What boyfriend?” Y/N looked at Dean, a smirk on her face with one eyebrow raised as she pointed at him.
“He said you looked angry and didn’t want to provoke you by talking to me. So, thanks for that.” She started walking towards the exit a smirk on her face as Dean chased her, Sam holding up the tail laughing to himself.
“Don’t blame that on me I didn’t do anything! Oh, excuse me for being precautions and not wanting you to get hurt!” Dean could argue all he wanted but with Sam laughing and Y/N being as nonchalant as she was, he couldn’t get a reaction out of them. After getting home, they all made their way to bed. As always Y/N stayed with Dean, though tonight she couldn’t fall asleep and for good reason. Y/Ns phone had begun vibrating incessantly. She snatched it up swiftly with the aim of leaving Dean to his sleep, and she managed gracefully.
What woke Dean that night was something he would have described as a nightmare, though tonight it happened to be real and not a figment of his sleeping state. Dean opened his eye to see Y/N sitting up leaning against the headboard instead of the bright Y/E/C he was usually greeted with. Her gaze wasn’t on his as he’d hoped it’d be, it was on her phone, and they weren’t happy or refreshed as they ordinarily were, they were lacking in rest and filled with tears coupled with the sorrowful and provoked look on her face. Dean rushed to sit up looking at her, worry painted plain and clear on his face.
“Y/N! Are you okay? What happened?” His gaze had trailed to her phone which she briskly shut off, wiping tears away with her free hand.
“Dean! Sorry, I — Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you, I was just — I was reading the news.” She had always been a terrible liar.
“The news made you cry?” The disbelief overtook his expression. “Y/N I trusted you with my nightmares, you can trust me with — “ he waved his hand at the phone “whatever this is.”
“I know, I know I just — I want to forget about it…” Deans stare didn’t falter, waiting for her to continue. Y/N caved, leaning her head back and closing her eyes as though she could make it all disappear if she couldn’t see anything.
“I have this ex…” she peered over to Dean who made himself comfortable. She had his full and undivided attention, which she hated. “He’s mad about the breakup.”
“Y/N I’ve known you for ages you haven’t dated anyone in years.”
“Oh, I know…which just makes his advances and accusation all the more aggravating… His name is Carver. Keeps saying I messed up his life, that if I hadn’t shown up, he’d have been better off. Jokes on him I was the better half of that relationship and I can say that. Anyway, um, in short, he’s bombarding me with texts about how I never loved him, about how I played him and he’s accusing me of cheating and not doing enough for him, there’s more but it's all the same pathetic revelations he thinks I need to know about at two am four years after our breakup. I mean we didn’t even date that long to begin with it took me less than two months to figure out what a pig-headed loser he was — is!”
She was angry, hurt by the words directed at her. Regardless of the fact that she knew not to take Carver’s words to heart, she couldn’t help but do just that. Seeing as he had never been good with words, Dean instantly took action, pulling her close, hugging her as she cried her way back to sleep in his arms. Dean slid down in the bed, not once pulling away from Y/Ns body or moving her to her side. Dean found it difficult to keep the butterflies at bay as he focused on her breathing. He fell asleep with his girl on his chest and a smile on his lips.
When Y/N woke she could feel the weight of Dean's warm hand stroke her back and could hear a steady pulsing noise. Funny enough that, she soon identified the noise as Dean's heartbeat seeing as she was still laying on his chest. She moved cautiously unaware of the fact that the man she had fallen asleep on was in fact awake as well.
“Morning, sweetheart.”
“Morning, Dean. Listen about last night—“
“It's okay, really, I’m just glad I could be there for you.”
“Thank you.”
“You know, I seem to remember a pizza when you helped me…”
“Really? I don’t.” This was easy, Dean thought, comfortable, with Y/N resting gently against his chest looking up at him, his hand still stroking her back.
“Huh, I could have sworn there was a pizza.”
“Oh, you mean the one you finished off before I could get a chance to taste it. That pizza?”
“If I remember correctly, which I do, it was you who ate it all…before we even got home.”
“Oh, you mean that pizza. I do recall yes.” She smiled at him “And what would you like Dean?”
“Do you really have to ask?”
“Fine but you’re buying, I’m just going with you.” Y/N made her way out of bed to the door.
“That’s hardly fair!” He called out after her, a smile adorning his face. Dean got up and moved to the bathroom stopping at the sink to look himself in the mirror.
“You’re losing this battle and you’re losing it bad. Man, how does she do it.” He brushed his teeth and made his way to the bunker library where Sam was researching, as always, on his laptop, books scattered over the table.
“Morning, Sammy. Y/N and I are going on a supply run, you need anything?” Dean's eyes trained over the opened pages before looking to his brother, eyebrows raised as he awaited his brother's response.
“You two have been spending quite a bit of time together.”
“Is that the title of a book or something you want me to pick up?” Sam watched his brother for a split second before Y/N joined them in the library dressed in black jeans and an equally black tank top, signature hunter flannel overtop.
“Morning, Sammy. Dean and I are going on a supply run. You need anything” The boys abandoned their stare before Sam answered as Dean headed for the door.
“No. Thank you. Oh, actually if you could bring back some cashews that would be great.”
“Yeah, sure, no problem. See you later Sam.” With that Y/N followed Dean to the garage where she was once again faced with the stunning, near mint ’67 impala she had come to love almost as much as the driver. Noticing the smile decorating Y/Ns face he proceeds to say the one sentence, sworn she would never in a million years, come out of Dean's mouth.
“You wanna drive?” Naturally, Y/N was speechless, mouth left agape as Dean held out the keys.
“You’re serious…” Eyes wide she whispered, tiptoeing over to Dean.
“Yeah, I figured it’s about time.” Y/N took the keys in her palm memorizing the weight as though this was the last time she’d ever have the opportunity to touch them, which of course wasn’t true; Dean would always give her the keys to grab things for the trunk. She eased her way into the driver's seat hardly blinking, as not to miss a detail of this experience. Taking a deep breath, her cheeks began to hurt from all the smiling as she started turned the key in the ignition bringing Baby to life.
“Oh, Dean…Oh Baby!” Dean tries his best to hold back his giggles as he watched her watch Baby.
“She likes you”
“She’s not a dog Dean, she a machine.” He could hear the adoration in her voice as she gripped the steering wheel. Y/N proceeded to put the impala in the drive, pulling out of the bunker's garage onto the road in the direction of the grocery store. Dean's eyes lit up and the eruption of laughter coming from next to him. Dean moved to turn on the stereo putting in a Who tape but was interrupted by Y/N.
“Nuh-uh! Driver picks the music; shotgun shuts his cake-hole! Your rules Dean-o. Look in the box, there should be an orange tape.” Taken aback by her dominance, Dean looks through the case of tapes.
“Dean-o? Really? That just sounds so stupid.”
“Well then it’s fitting isn’t it? And I was worried you thought it was cute.”
“Haha…There’s like 17 orange tapes in here you wanna be more specific.”
“It should say ‘the best of Zeppelin’ in black sharpie, my handwriting.” Dean's confusion and surprise grew as he finally reached for the tape described to him.
“Put it in.” Y/N couldn’t help but smirk at the innuendos running through her head though Dean missed it, too consumed by shock at her choice of music as he inserted the tape.
“The first one is my favourite Zeppelin song so no interrupting.” Instantly the aforementioned bands ‘No Quarter’ came on, filling the car with its gentle beginning. As the guitar and drums picked up Y/N smirked and nodded her head to the music.
“Just wait for the bass.” Without delay the instrument picked up, engulfing their mutual ears with something Y/N could only describe as “Better than breathing air.”
She sang the lyrics alongside Robert Plant at a hushed murmur not wanting to miss the words the artist performed. With every beat her fingers tapped on the steering, she consequently plucked at each of Dean's heartstrings. He felt a warm, nearly overwhelming feeling charge through his chest though as soon as he came to notice it, he pushed it down just as fast as it had made its way up.
Y/N still had a smile on her face when they arrived at the grocery store though it took them longer to get there due to the scenic route the drive had taken. She got out of the car happy to have had the experience but nevertheless saddened by the slim chance of ever have it again. Y/N came around the car to Dean's side holding out the keys to him before he looks at her, his face expressing the utmost confusion, sarcastically so, before smiling.
“Nah, you hold onto ‘em sweetheart, how do you expect to drive us home if you don’t have the key.”
With a shriek and a jump before clinging to the Winchesters side in a show of thanks, Y/N displayed to perfection, a child on Christmas morning. Though he hugged back he watched around them, inspecting for judgmental eyes.
“We are in public!” He said.
“Shit! I know.” Dean began their trek to the entrance with Y/N wrapped around his waist, his arm resting on her shoulder.
Dean grabbed a buggy at the entrance pushing it to the produce.
“We gotta grab those, uh…” “Cashews?”
“Yes, those, before we forget.”
“Good idea.”
The store was sparse of customers given that it was the middle of the day in the middle of the week, neither was surprised. Their cart had begun accumulating content as Dean pushed while Y/N rode on the front-facing him.
“Alright, we got the bread, milk, eggs, cashews, bacon,” She looks up to Dean “times two,” he shrugged “snacks for the drive back and movie night,” “all we're missing now is —“
“Y/N?” She didn’t turn to check who had called because she already knew, recognizing the voice that had yelled ta her on multiple occasions only to apologize saying he’d do better. Instead, she looked to Dean who eyebrows had raised in a questioning manner then focusing on the man who had called her name. Y/N hopped off the buggy slowly to be faced with the one that still managed to ruin her sleep all these years later. Dean promptly made his way to her side reassuring her with a hand on her lower back.
“Carver— Hi.” Dean jaw visibly clicked at the mention of his title, finally putting a face to the name.
“What are the chances!” How dare he text her those things the night before only to act as though nothing happened. Dean was furious, he could feel his anger roll through him as he clenched and released his fist doing his best no to make a scene.
“Yeah…” She breathed out in shock. Not a word was spoken as they watched the ex standing in front of them.
“Can we talk?”
“No. I’m busy.”
“It’ll only take a second.” He looked to Dean, who had taken a protective stance next to her, standing up straight and tall, shoulders back, chin tilted up slightly, a blank expression on his face.
“Just say it then.”
“I was hoping I could speak with you alone.”
“No.” This time Dean was the one to respond to Carver’s request.
“I wasn’t really askin’ you, buddy.”
“He’s staying Carver. Just — say whatever you have to say, will you.” It took him a moment as he held Dean's stare before moving his gaze to Y/N.
“I wanted to apologize for last night…you know… the—“ He gestured using his head glancing at Dean momentarily.
“You mean the utterly untruthful and pitiful text you sent to me accusing me of things I never did.” Carver’s face went red looking to Dean. “He knows.” The Winchester found it amusing that her ex was intimidated by him with only a stare.
“Right, well, I just wanted to apologize. I was drunk and didn’t mean any of it.” Carver moved his hand to the back of his neck before continuing. “I guess I was just missing you.”
“That’s because I took on all the responsibilities when we were together, Carver. You did nothing. And you know what they say, ‘drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.’”
Dean now had a proud smile on his face as his hand slid from her back to rest on her shoulder. Carver didn’t know what to say to that. He couldn’t argue with her, not that he’d want to, considering the towering man next to her. Carver examined the couple, taking in their comfort around each other. Y/N was unconsciously leaning into Dean, taking comfort in his close proximity.
“You guys dating.” Carver finally asked. Y/N didn’t even get a chance to process the question let alone think of a response before Dean spoke up.
“Well, we’re certainly not just sleeping together. Not that it’s any of your business.” Y/N smirked at his comment, understanding the inside joke that they were in fact just sleeping together in the most literal sense possible, though Carver took the smile as a sign of confirmation. Neither argued his assumption nor clarified, both enjoying the uncomfortable atmosphere around Carver.
“It was good to see you Y/N.”
“It was wasn’t it.” She commented as Carver walked his way to the check-out line. Dean leaned down kissing the crown of her head.
“What. An asshole.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“Right, now that that’s over,” He made a face of disgust as he shivered his shoulder to reinforce his implications. “where were we?” He smiled at her.
“Pie, Dean, we were at the pie. My ‘thank you’ for dealing with that.” She pointed in Carver’s general direction.
“Awesome, so worth it.” Dean's grin grew as he spotted the variations of baked goods.
As they drove back, Dean gave her permission to take the longest way home if she felt so inclined, which, needless the say, she did.
Chapter 3
Tag List: @just-someone-difficult​ @mila-dans​ @akshi8278​ @bargedog​ @valhallavxlkyrie
Series Tags: @wellfuckmyexistence​ @lovememisha​ @laycblack​ @redbarn1995​
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acklest · 5 years
Philosophical debates with potential world-ending implications are fun and everything, but every now and then, I’d like to see Sam and Dean have petty, bitchy, well-worn arguments about everyday shit, solely for sport or to combat boredom.
Sam: *staring pointedly at the beer in Dean’s hand* 
Sam: Dean, it’s three o’clock in the morning.
Dean: Yeah? What’s the current temperature?
Sam: ...what?
Dean: I thought you might have other shit I don’t care about to tell me.
Dean: Atmospheric pressure?
Dean: Pollen count?
Dean: Is it gonna rain tomorrow? ‘Cause I was thinkin’ of washin’ the car.
Sam: How do we keep running out of shampoo so fast?
*brief montage of Dean using extra shampoo to style elaborate punk hairstyles in the shower*
Dean: Don’t look at me, hippie.
Sam: Are you even watching this?
Dean: *pretends he wasn’t asleep* Hmm?
Sam: You were asleep? Dude, I’ve been watching this crap for 45 minutes because it was your turn to pick the movie! And you’ve been asleep practically the whole time!
Dean: *rubs eyes* You musta liked it fine, ‘cause I didn’t hear any whining.
Sam: Because you were asleep.
Sam: Who put bacon pieces on these donuts?
Dean: *mouth ridiculously full* A visionary.
Sam: *knows perfectly well what Dean said* A missionary?
Sam volunteers to go in and pay for the gas because he says he needs to pee but it’s so he can preemptively buy their next set of snacks. Once they’re back on the road, Dean looks in the bag, then glares at Sam.
Sam: *voice slightly muffled by a mouthful of raw, unsalted cashews* Watch the road.
Dean: *fussily picks long brown hair off of jacket sleeve, staring at Sam*
Dean: Fourth one today. I’m tellin’ you --
Sam: You know I shed more hair this time of year. You shed the same amount of hair, yours is just short so you don’t notice it.
Dean: This ain’t your usual summer molt. And who pulls your Tribbles outta the shower drain, huh? You or me?
Sam: I clean it, too! I cleaned it last -- wait, I think it was --
Dean: *dramatically holding the offending hair away from him before letting it fall to the ground* Oh, you’d remember, dude. That shit’s gross.
Dean: If you don’t want a whole beer, don’t open a whole beer!
Sam: I drank as much as I wanted. Just finish it like you always do.
Dean: I’m not finishin’ this, it’s from a couple of hours ago.
Sam: *rolls eyes and leaves kitchen*
Dean feels the bottle to gauge temperature, shrugs, and finishes the beer. It’s horrible and he can’t even complain about how horrible it is because then he would have to admit that he finished a beer he said he wasn’t going to drink.
It’s not that Sam doesn’t iron his own shirts, it’s that he doesn’t iron them within what Dean considers an acceptable time frame. So Dean will iron his and Sam’s shirts without saying anything, and when Sam goes to do his ironing, he notices that all his shirts are already neatly pressed, every button buttoned, even the stupid top buttons that are always a pain to undo. Leave it to Dean to find a passive-aggressive way to button a dress shirt. It’s as if he can feel you’re welcome, by the way radiating off of them.
Bitching over which highway they should’ve taken to get to the hunt. Short answer: Not the one they took.
Sam: Are you wearing the shirt I wore yesterday?
Dean: Smelled clean enough to wear, so probably not.
The (often-times inappropriate) joke or quote that Dean will apply to a situation will occur to Sam mere seconds before Dean says it. A warning air horn sounds in Sam’s head but it’s usually too late.
Sam: *thinking of the joke later*
Sam: *checks that Dean isn’t anywhere nearby*
Sam: *chuckles to himself* That was pretty good. Completely mortifying at the time, but pretty good.
Sam using the laptop after Dean has been using it:
I won’t look at the recent search history.
I will not look at the recent search history.
*looks at the recent search history in morbid fascination*
Sam: Gross.
There’s a folder in the bookmarks bar of the browser that wasn’t there earlier.
Sam: *eyes it warily before clicking on it*
Tumblr media
Dean: Clean your plate.
Sam: I’m not hungry anymore.
Dean: That’s like five bites of mashed potatoes. You can’t manage that?
Sam: I’m full!
Dean: *finishes Sam’s mashed potatoes as if under protest*
Dean: You can’t put the towels in with the clothes! All my shirts are — *picks towel fuzz off of t-shirt* ...schmutzy.
Sam: Schmutzy?
Dean: It’s a word!
Sam: Hey, that shirt was basically covered with wraith entrails before I threw it in the washer.
Dean: Wait, what? Like big pieces? Like... chunks?
Sam: What?
Dean: We have a septic system, Sam! Before you throw stuff in the machine, you have to scrape off all the big, chunky pieces.
Sam: *grimaces and pushes away remaining lunch*
In the car:
*cautiously sniffs the air*
*soft gagging sound, usually exaggerated for dramatic effect*
*pointedly cranks window down while glaring at the other*
If Sam falls asleep in the car, then asks where they are after he wakes up, Dean will sometimes tell him they’re much farther away from where they actually are so that Sam thinks he slept for a really long time. 
Sam: *stretching as much as he can* How long did I sleep?
Dean: *deliberately in a different shirt than the one Sam last saw him wearing* It’s Wednesday.
Sam: *recognizes that the names of the two creatures they’re dealing with lend themselves to an unfortunate “hybrid” portmanteau that Dean will seize upon right away*
Sam: Ugh.
Sam: *searches for an alternate name to use for one of them*
Sam: *from another room* Hey, have you seen my --? Huh.
Dean: Your what?
Sam: Wait, I think I left it in the library.
Dean: Left what?
Sam: Never mind, found it!
Dean: Found what?!
Dean: *shuffles grumpily past Sam into kitchen*
Sam: Morning.
Dean: *annoyed growl from inside kitchen*
Dean: *angrily dumps yesterday’s coffee grounds before putting in a new filter and fresh coffee, slamming things around*
Dean: *starts coffee pot*
Dean: *walks out of kitchen, focuses on Sam’s large Starbucks drink, and glares at him in betrayal*
Sam: What? What’d I do?
After a successful hunt: 
Dean: Good thing I got that shot in when I did.
Sam: What, the kill shot? No, I had the kill shot.
Dean: *kicks the dead thing’s body so that the kill shot is facing out* See that? That’s obviously one of mine.
Sam: How do you figure?
Dean: *kicks it again* 'Cause it’s actually dead.
Sam: My aim is just as good as yours.
Dean: I mean, your aim’s okay. Serviceable.
Sam: Serviceable?!
Dean: See those inconsequential shots to the left arm and shoulder? Those are all you.
Brochester Hijinks Masterlist
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plusonetohealth · 4 years
Type 2 Diabetes friendly snack ideas
I thought I would share this list of snack ideas given to me by my nutritionist. These can also be good snacks for people who just want to mind their sugar intake. Keep in mind every case of diabetes is unique, and I am not a professional. Here are 30 snacks ideas:
1. 25 almonds
2. String cheese and a half cup of blueberries
3. A Glucerna minibar and a warm drink
4. A half cup of plain Greek yogurt mixed with two tablespoons of homemade granola
5. Two sugarless fudgesicle bars
6. Ten baby carrots and two tablespoons of hummus
7. Two bagel thins and an ounce of lox
8. One ounce of hard cheese with six small rosemary raisin crackers
9. A handful of peanuts (just a handful)
10. Three cups of air-popped popcorn sprinkled with garlic salt and cumin (or your favorite spices)
11. A half cup of low-sugar, low-fat ice cream
12. A cup of raspberries and two tablespoons of whipped cream
13. Sugarless Jell-O with a little whipped cream
14. Two cups of chopped salad – cucumbers, parsley, tomatoes and red onion with a smidgen of feta
15. Two figs and one ounce of brie cheese
16. A slice of low glycemic bread with a half tablespoon of butter
17. A berry parfait with a mix of berries and Greek yogurt mixed with vanilla
18. A hard boiled egg and celery sticks
19. A small stir-fry of low carb vegetables (if really hungry)
20. Five shrimp with two tablespoons of sauce
21. A two egg white scramble with spinach
22. Half of a Kind bar
23. Half of an almond nut butter and no sugar jelly sandwich on low glycemic bread
24. One piece of dark chocolate, eaten slowly
25. A small antipasto of two grilled artichoke hearts, roasted pepper, 6 black olives and one thin slice of mozzarella
26. A small bowl of tzatziki (Greek yogurt mixed with chopped cucumber, garlic and dill) and sliced cucumbers
27. Eggplant rollups: broiled slices of eggplant wrapped around a thin slice of provolone cheese and a sundried tomato
28. One small homemade oatmeal raisin cookie
29. One half cup of cottage cheese and sliced radishes, cucumbers and baby carrots
30. A small box of raisins mixed with two tablespoons of cashews
As always, you should check with your nutritionist (and your blood glucose machine) to make sure that these snacks are right for you.
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