luminous-grace · 5 years
for the trope mashup: 11. Fantasy/Magic + 34. Hurt/Comfort :D
Eep. This is over two months late but I did get to it so like. Better late than never, right? Thank you @casbeanwrites, for your endless patience even though I’m almost 100% sure you forgot about this because, like I said, it’s two months late. Anyways, here you go. Please enjoy… whatever this is.
Panting, Dean weaves through the forest.
Cas? Could use a little help here, buddy.
I will be there momentarily. Please do try your best not to get killed.
“No promises,” Dean mutters darkly, narrowly ducking under a wayward branch. The shouting behind him grows closer, and Dean swears. Catching sight of a break in the trees, he be-lines for it, bursting out in the open air with a rush of relief. It’s short lived, however, as he comes face to face with a wide open clearing and exactly nowhere to hide.
“Well. Shit.” Dean spins around, one hand drifting to the knife in his belt and the other dropping his bag protectively behind him.
After a moment, his three pursuers burst out of the woods, looking mean and very pissed off. Slowly, they advance towards him, and Dean sends another urgent message Castiel’s way. His response comes in the form of exasperated concern blasting through their mental link, and Dean winces, shaking his head to clear it.
Stalling it is.
“Alright, fellas.” Dean says, raising his free hand placatingly. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
One of bandits, Dean’ll call him Baldy, snorts. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to be an issue.” He turns to elbow the guy next to him. “Grab the bag.”
His buddy steps forward, snatching the bag from where Dean had dropped it. As he retreats back to his friends, he shoots a foot out at the back of Dean’s knees, knocking his legs out from under him. With a grunt, Dean stumbles to the ground before glaring up at them.
“I said,” Dean says, a little louder this time, craning his head skyward. “That we can do this the easy way or the hard-”
With a sound like a thunder crash, a creature the size of a house barrels out of the clouds above them. Terrified, the three men grasp for their weapons but they couldn’t have hoped to be fast enough. Before they can even blink, a massive foot shoots out, effortlessly pinning all three of the bandits to the ground.
Wings buffeting the ground as he steadies himself, Castiel glowers down at them. His eyes are a bright, otherworldly blue, the only source of light against a sea of black scales. Those in turn are a dark, polished obsidian, seeming to blur together despite the bright afternoon light and making it impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.
Dean grins.
“Fellas”, he says amiably, climbing to his feet. “Meet the hard way“
You’re ridiculous. Castiel grumbles, for Dean’s ears only. And for future, if you intend to end up two-hundred paces south of where we had originally planned, I would appreciate an advanced notice.
“Fine, okay.” Dean mutters out of the corner of his mouth. “May have miscalculated a bit, that’s my bad. Can we focus here?”
Your bad, huh? That’s a novel sentiment. Glowing blue eyes swivel back towards the terrified bandits. Castiel cocks his head, something like amusement coloring his voice. Widening his thoughts to include the men in question, he asks: Should I eat them?
Dean watches in satisfaction as the men visibly pale, seeming to shrink under Castiel’s penetrating gaze.
Dean considers for a minute. “Nah,” he says, finally. “They can run home back to their families, talk about the big scary dragon roaming around, like anyone’ll believe ‘em. Maybe make them piss their pants a little. The usual.”
Fine. Castiel rumbles, and this thought Dean knows is just for him. But I’ll have you know that I’ve had considerably less fun since you showed up.
“Love you too, babe.” Dean says, just to see the split second of utter confusion on the bandits’ faces, their eyes shooting between him and Castiel as if they can’t decide which of them is more terrifying.
As if to help answer their question, Castiel leans down until his snout is inches from the leader, the man going cross eyed trying to keep him in focus. Slowly, Castiel starts to growl, the rumble of it quickly building to a crescendo that drowns out everything around them. His lips curl back to reveal blue flames that spill out of the side of his mouth, curling along his jaw.
I would run now, little ones. Castiel says, raising his foot just slightly.
They don’t need telling twice.
Dean doubles over laughing at the sight of three grown men stumbling over themselves to get as far away as possible. Castiel huffs a breath through his nose, tail flicking in amusement as he watches the bandits disappear over the horizon.
“Think that scared ‘em off for the next decade or so?” Dean asks, brushing dirt of his pants walking over to retrieve the bag Baldy had conveniently left behind.
You’re being too conservative. I’d say twenty is more than likely. Castiel butts him gently with the side of his head. Need a lift?
“Hell yes,” Dean enthuses, scrambling up into the hollow space where Castiel’s neck meets his back.
With a rush of air that buffets all the trees around them, Castiel pushes off from the ground. Once airborne, Dean sighs, stretching out to press his face to the warms scales of Castiel’s neck.
“Missed you,” he murmurs. The sound is lost to beating of Castiel’s wings, but Dean knows from the contended rumble in Castiel’s chest that he heard him.
They make it home in record time, Dean somehow managing not to fall asleep and slip off mid-flight. Sliding down from Castiel’s neck, Dean regards their little home fondly, tucked away in the side of a conveniently secluded mountain. It’s small, most rooms consisting of caves Castiel had hollowed out himself, and it’s filled with a collection of odds and ends that Castiel fell in love with and acquired through years. (Himself included, Dean thinks with more than a little amusement.)
To one side there’s a library, complete with the fruits of centuries of Castiel’s labors. Adjoined to it is a kitchen, added later to Dean’s delight and Castiel’s trepidation. Finally, tucked further inside is the bedroom, or what passes for a bedroom when its original owner is a centuries old mythical creature. When Dean had first arrived it was just a pile of soft mosses and other flora that Castiel had seemed content to lounge around on. Then Dean had started sneezing within ten feet of it, and adjustments had to be made. It’s since been converted to a real king size bed, acquired from somewhere Dean really doesn’t want to think too hard about, and the nest of blankets, pillows, and other soft fabrics Castiel managed to procure makes it a fair compromise. All things considered, it’s not a bad place to spend the rest of your life.
There’s a rustling sound behind him, like a thousand wings flapping all at once, and Dean snaps out of his daydream, turning to face his husband.
“Hey, Cas,” he says, as he takes him in. Even after all this time, the fact that this is his life still renders him somewhat breathless. Castiel might be two stories tall with the power to scare entire kingdoms into submission, but it’s Cas who has the perpetual bed-head and quiet smile, the piercing blue eyes that never manage to quite lose that otherworldly blue. Currently, he’s also very naked, so that doesn’t hurt either.
Castiel raises an eyebrow at the blatant once over.
“Hello, Dean,” he rumbles, leaning in for a kiss that Dean returns eagerly.
“Missed me too, huh?” Dean says when he pulls back, grinning.
“I should think that would be obvious,” Castiel says, like that’s not something he could or should be embarrassed about.
Dean smiles at him fondly for a moment, before abruptly remembering the point of the entire ordeal. “Wait,” he says, snapping his fingers. “Before we get side-tracked. I got your stuff back.”
Reaching behind him, he passes the bag to Castiel, who visibly brightens.
“Thank you, Dean.” Castiel says, the unfiltered joy in his voice never failing to make Dean blush.
“Yeah, sure thing.” Dean scratches at the back of his neck self-consciously. “Don’t think I was able to get all of ‘em, but I figured some were better than none.”
“This is perfect.” Opening the bag, Castiel carefully removes the contents to reveal several black, glittering scales. Individually, he turns each one over in his hands, examining them closely for damage. Presumably deeming them satisfactory, he brushes past Dean, heading over to a box near the corner where he reverently deposits each one.
Dean frowns slightly, watching the entire process. “I gotta say I don’t know what the big deal is. It’s not like we aren’t tripping over those every three feet in here. What’s it matter if some goons want to make off with a few?”
“It’s difficult to explain.” Castiel says, closing the lid of the box carefully and making his way back over. “These scales come from me and by extension they are a part of me. They contain trace amounts of my power which, in the wrong hands, could prove disastrous. Also,” he adds as an afterthought, “I don’t care for anyone but you touching them. It feels…” he frowns, searching for the word before finally settling on: “Wrong.”
Dean grins. “Shucks, Cas. You sure know how to make a guy feel special.”
Castiel shoots him an dry look. “My apologies. I didn’t intend for my basic physiological explanation to be misconstrued as a compliment.”
Dean snickers, reaching up to begin the process of shedding his travel gear. When he raises his arms above his head to shrug off his coat, however, a sudden burst of pain has him gasping. Bringing a hand to his side, he grimaces when it comes away bloody.
Castiel is on him in a flash.
“They hurt you.” With a noise that can only be classified as a growl, Castiel drops to his knees, jerking Dean’s coat out of the way in an attempt to locate the issue.
“It’s fine,” Dean lies, wincing as Castiel’s gentle prodding proves fruitful. “The bleeding’s mostly stopped. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
Quickly and efficiently, Castiel tugs off Dean’s outer coat before divesting him of his shirt and undershirt in rapid succession. Carefully, he peels off Dean’s slipshod bandage job and stills at the sight of what lies beneath.
“That bad, huh?” Dean asks, weakly.
He’d caught a glance of it earlier, having ducked behind a tree to hastily place a field dressing. It’s a long cut, starting near the top of his ribcage and traveling to end somewhere above his navel. It had seemed fairly shallow at the time, although- Dean supposes- being hopped up on adrenaline likely hadn’t helped with accuracy. But if Castiel’s continued silence is any answer, apparently it’s a lot worse than it he’d thought.
Using the small basin of water they usually keep in the kitchen (and when did that get there?) Castiel carefully dabs at the wound, cleaning it up to the best of his ability.
Despite himself, Dean flinches, and the look Castiel levels him with could make armies run screaming. The only thing keeping Dean standing is knowing that the rage isn’t directed at him.
“Don’t move.” Castiel orders. “I’m going to get more bandages.” Dutifully, Dean stays as still as he can, and it’s not until Castiel is once again kneeling in front of him that he finds his voice.
“Okay, I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not worth it.”
“I disagree.” Castiel says, voice still dangerously calm, but Dean sees his eyes start to glow in that familiar way that means he’s about to start shifting forms and wreaking havoc. “I think the look on their faces as I tear their limbs off one by one will be very worth it.”
“Look, Cas. I’m sorry-“
“Don’t-” Castiel cuts himself off, gritting his teeth. “Don’t you dare apologize.”
“Okay, but… I could have been more careful.” Tentatively, Dean brings a hand down to rest carefully against the side of Castiel’s cheek, relieved when he turns his face into it.
“You’ve never been careful in your life.” Castiel sighs, somewhat ruefully. “It would be foolish of us both to assume you’d start now.”
Dean smiles softly, and after a moment Castiel returns it. “Sounds about right.”
The silence that falls is gentler now, less fraught with worry. Dean watches idly as Castiel works, meticulously stitching up the wound and applying more bandages with the experience of someone who’s done it many times before.
“You know that, out of all humanity, yours is the only opinion I care about,” Castiel says, abruptly, and Dean blinks at the sudden change in subject. “And you also know that I would happily raze entire kingdoms in your name.”
Uncertain as to where this is headed, Dean nods quietly, shifting to card his fingers gently through Castiel’s hair.
”Therefore,” Castiel continues, “if it would make you feel better to let those-”, he breaks off, growling out a world Dean doesn’t understand but assumes form the tone is the highest of insults, “-go, then I shall defer to your judgement.”
“Thanks, babe.” Dean says, eventually, struggling to keep his smile in check and missing by half a mile. “I appreciate you not smiting the entire rest of my species because they were mean to me.”
Castiel nods seriously. “However,” he warns, voice severe again. “If they come back I reserve the right to deal with them as I please.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Dean agrees. Sliding his hand down, he taps Castiel on the cheek. “Alright, babe: how’s it looking?”
“I am almost finished.” Carefully, Castiel tapes the last bandage in place, smoothing it out with his thumb so it rests flat. Rocking back on his heels, he takes a moment to appraise his work. After a moment he nods, leaning in to press a lingering kiss to Dean’s side. A quick burst of otherworldly magic shoots out at the touch, jumpstarting the healing process, and Dean shivers for reasons definitely (mostly) medically related. Seemingly satisfied, Castiel rises to his feet with a grunt, drifting comfortably back into Dean’s space until his face is only inches away.
“What’s the verdict, doc?” Dean hears himself ask, voice surprisingly hoarse.
Castiel tilts his head. “You’ll live,” he says, solemnly, and Dean breathes a sigh of relief.
“However,” Castiel continues. “I regret to say you will be horribly disfigured. I am afraid I’ll have to leave you for a more appealing mate.”
Gaping, Dean can only stare at him. After a moment, he catches sight of the slight uptick of Castiel’s mouth and everything clicks into place. Cackling, he reaches up to drop his arms around Castiel’s neck.
“Was that a joke?” Dean asks, unable to keep the delight out of his voice. “A genuine human interaction? You’re getting better at this.”
Castiel brightens, his entire demeanor shifting as he moves to wrap his arms around Dean’s waist. “Was it adequate?” He asks, somewhat shyly. “I’ve been practicing.”
“Your expertise is astounding.” Dean says. “Let me give it a test run.”
Leaning forward, Dean noses at the side of Castiel’s jaw, sliding up until his mouth is ghosting across his ear.
“I’m sorry I worried you,” Dean breathes, watching in satisfaction as Castiel shivers. “Would you be willing to let me make it up to you?”
Castiel smirks at him, eyes dark. This, at least, is a human interaction in which he’s very well-versed. Dean lets himself be tugged into the bedroom, and he’s still snickering up until the moment Castiel pushes him (gently) down onto the edge of the bed before unceremoniously crawling into his lap.
Dean lets out a sigh, hands coming up to settle firmly on Castiel’s hips, tugging him in closer. Any lingering amusement fading to be replaced with something slow and warm that builds low in his gut and spreads its way through the rest of him.
Reaching forward, Castiel fits his hand around Dean’s jaw, thumbing distracting at the corner of his mouth. Then, he leans in close, knocking their foreheads together:
“I’m sure I could be persuaded.”
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed!): @mishtho, @sudo-apt-get-destiel, @charmedbycastiel, @feraladoration
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deancasfanficnet · 4 years
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Thank you again to all who participated in our March Raffle. The last couple of weeks have been rough for us all and we wish we were able to give each and every single person something special during this difficult time. However, all we can do is promote some amazing authors and their fics to hopefully bring you some happiness with the current events. 
Without further ado, here are our winners which were picked randomly.
Winner of the stickers & business card -- @cennfaelad (please email us at [email protected] with your address and details) 
Winner of the postcards, stickers & business card -- @jemariel (check your emails!)
Winner of the tote bag, postcard, stickers & business card - @burrsmom (check your emails!)
A big thank you to everyone who reblogged and a special thanks to @lizard-b16, @proudace, @celestial-space-bee and @satisfactionguaranteed for their contributions in the forms to compile a mini list of some great fics and authors! (List of some recommendations under the cut). 
We hope you are all staying safe, washing your hands and taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. Big love from us to you all! 
-DCFN Mods
Contributed by some of our followers:
Their stories are always a delight and a surprise!
I’ve recently started reading a fic of theirs and I’m absolutely in love with it. Their style of writing is so descriptive and on character enough for me to feel like it’s actually Dean and Cas -- that every new chapter fills me with so much inspiration to draw and create something. They write like they know what they’re doing, like they’ve studied the characters so much they become real. It’s just overwhelming how great the writing is and how true to the nature of the characters it still is while being an AU! 
Their stories are full of the best things: love and fluff; hot, hot sexy times; action and adventure; alternate universes; angst and happy endings. Through all of their stories, the characters stay true which is lovely! They are so creative and talented and are able to pull you into every one of their worlds right from the beginning!
I love their stories and writing style!
They're a really good writer with interesting stories. They're also really good at writing smut.
The depth and love shown in their writing resonates with me throughout the day when I am working or whenever I need a pick me up.
Personal Space by @malmuses​
Dean is an astronaut, and he definitely chose the career so that he could help move humanity forward, not just because he didn't want to sit in an office, thank-you-very-much. 
Becoming the first human to set foot on Mars was never part of his five-year plan, but he loved his job and couldn't say no when the opportunity arose. 
He had spent plenty of time thinking about what he was risking never seeing again if something went wrong; his brother, brother-in-law, and the adorable kid they were adopting, not to mention his friends, his car, and pie. 
What he hadn't considered was what, or who, he might find when he actually got there.
Rating: E
Why do you love this fan fiction? Because it's wonderful!
Sweet Boy by mishaminion69
Dean's sixteen when he meets John's well-to-do boss, Castiel Novak, and he's quick to develop a crush during a time where he's only begun to discover his preferences. He dates the beautiful Lisa and practically raises his younger brother Sam, because it's what John expects. But Castiel appears to see Dean in a way no one else does, and despite him knowing there's no way anything can happen between them, he relishes in the idea that Castiel cares at all for his well-being. Between mounting pressures from a teenage Sam that no longer wants a caretaker, John's nudging for Dean to follow a career path he doesn't want, and a mysterious check for the exact amount of one semester at the school Dean had been eyeing, Dean finds himself reconnecting with Castiel. And Castiel has a very interesting proposition for him.
Rating: E
Why do you love this fanfiction? It was one of the first ones I've read so it is sort of special to me, and the build-up to the love confession is worth it.
The Dean Winchester Beat Sheet by saltyfeathers
In his final year of college, Dean Winchester’s got a lot of decisions to make: what he’s going to do with his life, where he’s going to do it, and most importantly, which girl he’s going to do... right now. And later tonight. And the next night. And the next—
When new transfer student Castiel Novak shows up first in his class, and then his friend group, Dean can’t help but see it as an infiltration. Something is up with Castiel, and he’s going to find out what. More accurately, he’s going to enlist his best and longest suffering hacker friend, Charlie Bradbury, to do it for him.
Not a single one of Dean’s suspicions has anything to do with the fact that upon their first meeting, Castiel insults his shoes, his general existence, and his masculinity by— looking at him like that.
Rating: E
Why do you love this fan fiction? This is just some of the most sublime storytelling I've read in any fandom ever. Plus it's hot as hell. I just can't read this fic often enough.
Vagabonds by amarillogrande
Dean is a sheriff in a tiny town in Colorado, restless and unsatisfied with his life. It's not like what he's read about in the dime novels since he was little, capturing dangerous outlaws and being the last word of the law. More like tossing the town drunk in a cell to sober up when they get a little too rowdy. But Dean's chance comes when a thief rolls through their town. He pursues the thief, which puts him right into the path of Emmanuel, a notorious outlaw. When he is captured by the outlaw and his gang to be held for ransom, Dean starts off on a journey he could have never envisioned, and learns that perhaps there's more to Emmanuel than meets the eye.
Rating: E
Why do you love this fan fiction? God there are so many reasons for why I love this work. I’ve come back and read it multiple times, the style of writing flows so nicely, and it’s a captivating story. The old western style is such a hard thing to try and replicate in an interesting manner, and this fanfic does it in one of the most flawless ways I’ve ever seen in my years of reading. It’s so professional and again, captivating, that each time I read it I have to finish the story in one setting or else I can’t stop thinking about it. This work is one of my all-time favorites now, up there with my emotional attachment to Twist and Shout, among others. It just captures the characters emotions and essence so well that it’s a wonder this isn’t a published book.
Where the Heart Lives by @ltleflrt​
Home is where the heart is, but it's nice to have a cozy little love nest too.
A collection of related short ficlets without a plot. Just small glimpses of Dean and Castiel being happy and in love.
Rating: M
Why do you love this fan fiction? Each chapter is a perfect little look into their lives together after hunting. You almost feel like you are there each time! Ltleflrt's words are perfect and paint such an amazing picture of what I wish for them after the end!
91 Whiskey by komodobits
In the spring of 1944, the 104th Medical Battalion of the United States Army is disbanded, and its men reassigned to various infantry companies in preparation for their invasion of occupied France. For First Lieutenant Novak, this is less than helpful, as he has so far met his platoon’s designated medic a grand total of twice, and has both times found Sergeant Winchester to be the optimum combination of reckless, arrogant, and downright insufferable so as to make cohesive platoon function near impossible. When the time comes to move out, however, Castiel has to reconcile himself to the fact that men are going to go down and trust that Dean Winchester may well be the only person who can put them back together again. WW2 ETO infantry AU.
Rating: E
Why do you love this fan fiction? It allows us, the fandom, to have a chance and escape reality and canon all at once. Or even create an entirely new universe that brings joy to the readers and creators
Thank you again to those who submitted these wonderful fics and authors! Please check them all out! 
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spncreatorsdaily · 5 years
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Did you enjoy all the fanfics this week? 
Then, please consider giving @casbeanwrites and @wingsdestiel a follow! You could also follow their fanfic tags here and here. You can also follow them on AO3 here and here
Again thank you so so much @casbeanwrites and @wingsdestiel for participating this week and allowing us to reblog your content!
Ps - And as always don’t forget to tag us #spncreatorsdaily in your creations so we can reblog them this Saturday.
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sharkfish · 2 years
i would like to read these ace fics for spite
ace fics from my bookmarks! i am probably missing some because there are many ace-related tags and most people use one/some but not all, so it's not always easy to track them all down.
as always, please give the author some love via kudos and/or comments if you liked the fic!!!
Aces by Flatcoke - 32k
The first time he comes into the shop Dean is pretty sure he is a hallucination brought on by his dry spell and accompanying month-long porn fest. He has seen this guy’s whole profile. He’s seen the whole profile so maybe his brain automatically imagines his face on every dark-haired guy he sees now.
Or in which Dean's newest patron also happens to be his favorite porn star, and how is going to get through grad school when all his blood has headed down south?
For Science by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan - 6k
“Think of it like an experiment," says Dean. "You’re testing a hypothesis as to whether or not a desirable response can be achieved through the stimulation of the anus via the application of a willing volunteer’s muscular hydrostat.”
Cas raises an eyebrow. “Are you actually trying to use the scientific method to talk me into letting you lick my asshole?”
Grooming Instincts by jemariel @jemariel - 26k
There's something going on with Cas. Dean is determined to help him through it, in whatever way he can.
He might end up with more than he bargained for.
OR: Dean helps Cas scratch an itch. As it were.
Halflings by Unforth @unforth - 103k
Ever since his wife Lisa died, Dean Winchester has been willing to do anything for his son Ben. When Ben decided he wanted to adopt a halfling, Dean said yes without hesitation - provided they did so the right way, by giving whichever half-human they decided to bring home the respect and dignity it deserved. Half-octopi Castiel isn't exactly what they were looking for in a pet, but, then, they aren't exactly what Castiel was expecting for owners, either.
Keeping You in Sight by gingerswag - 136k
Castiel valued his solitude, and was happy to stay hidden away in the mountains for the rest of his life. But when his seeing eye dog dies, that solitude is suddenly broken when Gabriel shows up not with another dog but an actual human slave. Castiel doesn't believe in slavery, but he can't turn away the very hurt and broken man he's given.
Lover by casbean @casbeanwrites - 27k
Dean knows that Cas doesn't like him. They're not even friends, not really. But Dean can't help it, he wants to be around Cas, he wants to be his friends, he wants... more. But he has to respect that Cas is just not interested.
It's not until Cas gets into the first heat of his life in front of him that Dean is faced with the fact that maybe, just maybe, Cas doesn't hate him at all.
Sparks by vipjuly - 21k
The creepy house on the corner has been abandoned for years, everyone says. It's ramshackle and decrepit, the yard overgrown, the wrought iron fence bent and broken in some places. The adults in the neighborhood have asked the city to do something about that eyesore for so long, but the city insists that someone is paying property taxes on the house, therefore they cannot do anything about it.
So, everyone ignores it and pretends it doesn't exist. They definitely don't go anywhere near it, either.
Dean, though.
Dean is drawn to it as if by gravity.
Little by little, Dean repairs what he can. The monster inside the house ain't so bad, either.
Y'know. For a monster.
The Unclean by TheIttyBitty - 53k
Dean should know by now to expect the worst when his brother calls him in the middle of the night with words like, we have a situation on his tongue. Still, he's more than a little surprised when Sam asks him to take in a young man recently rescued from a cult. Castiel - malnourished, abused, and afraid - might be more than Dean can handle, but someone's got to do it. Dean searches and finds a bright, loving man buried under those years of abuse, and he'll do just about anything to help Castiel feel whole again.
Triquetra by Ltleflrt @ltleflrt (dcj) - 46k
In a world where magic is common, there is an institution known simply as The University. It has the best teachers, the best library, and the best location no knows where. But that's what the portals are for, anyway.
Teacher Jimmy Novak, and Head Archivist Castiel Novak, have a unique relationship that is generally tolerated by staff and students, minus a cruel word of gossip or two. Otherwise, life is easy, work is fulfilling, and their world is quiet. Only the students change, and that's fine.
Until Dean Winchester joins the faculty and everything else changes.
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bluishorange · 3 years
fic recs week 30
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17 this week. I have a lot of bookmarks I want to move up in my queue but haven’t yet because they’re too heavy. I ended up reading a lot of fluff/established deancas because my day job made me go like this:
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and my small business made me go like this:
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and my personal life made me go like this:
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anyway let’s read some fanfic!!!!
2021 and newer
the most remarkable thing by @myaimistrue
the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar by @manicpixiedeangirl66 I love established deancas. Cas shows up during Asa Fox’s memorial
Truth Blooms In The Meadow by @pointyearedelvishprincling another established deancas
Coals Aglow by @imogenbynight the rare smutty apocalypse world fic
a matter of who, a matter of when by myaimistrue this one’s very good but do heed the tags
'Til Dreams Do Us Part by @casbeanwrites lots of djinn dream fics out there, but in this one Dean doesn’t know that his dream wasn’t real
Dextera Domini by MajorEnglishEsquire
Every Night, Forever by @darkshrimpemotions
So There It Is, I've Said It All by @porcupine-girl
Starbright by @whelvenwings
I am going to try to read something cool for my 700th fic. so send me a rec if you like!
my asks are open. main/side ship destiel, canon or canon divergence highly preferred, no high school/college AU, no wips, no a/b/o, no non/dubcon that happens in the story (ok if it’s referenced/discussed). emotional arcs/character development are my fave.
ok let’s have a better week everyone
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it took me a while, but I finally finished this drawing of Rowena - The Queen of our hearts Hell o/ hope y’all like it :)
@cas-lost-grace @casbeanwrites @suckerfordeansfreckles @deanies-weanie @starespressos @wingsandimpalas @wanderingcas
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jemariel · 5 years
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Picking Up Roses (on Ao3)
Author: @jemariel Artist: @blueeyesandpie Beta: @elanor-n-evermind Rating: E Word Count: 26.4k Ao3 Tags: Beta-centric A/B/O; Secret Identities; Endverse!Cas!Dean; Castiel Smith; Tragic Pasts (see Ao3 tags for detailed warnings); Yoga; Massage; Recreational drug use.  Summary: Castiel Smith has spent his life climbing the corporate ladder, and has sacrificed a lot to get where he is. Including pieces of his own identity. Nobody can know he's not actually an alpha....
Dean Winchester has carved out a life for himself in spite of his troubled past. When Castiel Smith shows up in his yoga class, there might finally be someone he can open up to, truly....
Hidden truths are intimate things, and you never know what you'll discover when you're honest with someone.
Read on Ao3 Art MasterPost
@casdeanflipfest @reallyelegantsharkfish @nickelkeep @shealynn88 @suckerfordeansfreckles @weathergirl83 @daughter-of-the-rain-and-snow @navajolovesdestiel @7faerielights @hartlessfics @leafzelindor @casbeanwrites @cassbutt-and-the-righteousbi @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @fuckedupasusual @fangirlingtodeath513 @magnificent-winged-beast @jasminrogue @yourspecialeyes @maggiemaybe160 @ltleflrt
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cas-lost-grace · 5 years
I was tagged by lovely @prayedtoyou, to share three facts about myself! Thank you, darling
I used to be a professional bellydancer
I took sign language lessons (but I don´t remember much due to lack of practice )
Today I cried watching Spider-man: Into the spider-verse. Twice
I tag @casbeanwrites, @winchester-ofthe-lord, @deanieweaniewrites, @navajolovesdestiel, @omgilostmyshoe, @screaming-internally and @fangirlxwritesx67
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deanieweaniewrites · 5 years
After The Deposit
Read on AO3 Here
Rated: T
Warnings: No Archive Warnings
Pairing: Destiel
Tags: Meet-cute, Awkward Flirting, First Date, Twin Fic
Summary:  This is a twin fic that goes along with casbeanwrite's A Safe Deposit This is the same fic from Castiel's point of view, plus the aftermath and a sweet ending. Castiel is a nurse at a fertility clinic. Dean is a sperm donor for his friend Charlie and her wife. They flirt over a cup of Dean's semen and go on their first date.
Castiel was a hard worker throughout his whole life. Some would call him a workaholic, but what could he say? He liked his job. He worked in a fertility clinic as a nurse. There were ups and downs to his job, as there were with any career. He mostly saw couples, women trying to have children, and then there were the men coming in for fertility tests where they would have to make a deposit. Every once in a while, that part was awkward, but he always did his best to make sure everyone felt comfortable and like they weren’t being judged.
Today was different than the usual days. It was all normal until Mr. Green eyes and oh-so-sexy bowlegs walked in. He only felt slightly creepy when he immediately looked up this guy’s file for a name. Dean. He put on his professional face and tried to make Dean comfortable.
The last thing he expected was for Dean to flirt with him . He was surprised and a little embarrassed. This guy was either married or in a committed relationship, so that made this awkward and inappropriate. He brought the magazines Dean asked for and left when he asked, his cheeks flushed pink. He went back to his station to work on some paperwork. That was when his coworker, Balthazar, decided to bother him.
“Hey Cassie. Did you see the stud that just came in?”
“Yes, I did. I was the one who took him back.” Castiel tried to ignore him, but it was no use. Balthazar’s arm was on his shoulder and he was all up in his space.
“You gonna get his number?”
“He’s in a fertility clinic. I’m sure he’s in a very loving and committed relationship.”
Balthazar hummed. “Why don’t you find out what he’s in for?”
Castiel picked up Dean’s file and skimmed over it. Sure enough, he was a donor for someone named Dorothy. She had a patient file here too. Castiel couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, but he knew it was just part of the job. Dean said he flirted when he was nervous, so he wasn’t really interested in Castiel, he was just weirded out. Castiel ignored Balthazar while he waited for Dean to return.
When Dean did return, he found out that Dean wasn’t trying to get a wife or girlfriend pregnant, he was donating for his lesbian friends. Oh, that was sweet. Too sweet. Of course Dean was stupidly hot and a sweet guy. Getting his number had to be one of the greatest moments of his life.
When he arrived home that evening, he immediately started getting ready. He showered and shaved, leaving a thin layer of stubble. He startled when he turned and his daughter, Claire, was right there in the doorway after he got dressed.
“Do you have a date?”
Castiel smiled a bit. “Maybe.” He was so thankful for the relationship he had with Claire. It was rocky at first after her mother died, but things were better now. She was fifteen now and she had matured a lot over the past five years.
Claire beamed. “Really? Tell me about him or her. What are they like? Where did you meet them?”
Castiel smiled. “His name is Dean. I met him at work.”
“You didn’t tell me they hired someone new.”
“He doesn’t work there.”
“...You’re going a date with a patient?”
“Yes, but he’s single. He was there to donate for his friends, who are lesbians, so they can’t conceive on their own.”
Claire smiled. “That’s sweet. Is he cute?”
“Very.” Castiel finished tying his tie and gave Claire a gentle squeeze of the shoulder as he passed her.
A few hours later, Castiel found himself waiting at a table at a local restaurant. He tapped his foot anxiously as he waited for Dean. When he finally saw him across the restaurant, he couldn’t resist the urge to beam and stand up to make himself more visible.
He wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate to hug Dean or just wave, so with his hand up, he stuck it out for Dean to shake, as if that wasn’t the most awkward thing he had ever done. He felt a slight rush of relief when Dean simply laughed and shook his hand.
“Relax, man. It’s just dinner.”
“Dinner with the man I flirted with over a cup of semen while I was at work.” Castiel sat back down in his seat. “I’ve never been here before.”
“You’ve never been to The Roadhouse? If you like burgers, you’re going to love this.” He sat down across from Castiel and placed his arms on the table, leaning forward with a flirty grin.
Castiel smiled softly. “I do love hamburgers.” His phone dinged and he blushed. “I’m sorry, I know it’s rude to text on a date, but I need to leave my phone on in case my daughter texts me.”
“No, don’t be sorry. Making sure your kid is okay is more important than stupid date etiquette.”
Castiel checked his phone, and sure enough, it was Claire.
Claire Novak
How’s it going? Is he there yet?
Castiel Novak
Great. He just got here. Are you okay?
Claire Novak
I’m fine. I’m just checking in on you. Have fun!
Castiel smiled at his phone and set it aside. “She was just asking if you were here yet.”
Dean nodded. “How old is she?”
“She just turned fifteen.”
“Big birthday. She get her driver’s permit?”
“Oh yeah, she did. I felt bad, because I started crying at the DMV and embarrassed her. She says it wasn’t actually that embarrassing, but it was embarrassing for me.” He blushed. Why was he admitting this on a date?
“That’s sweet. You sound like a really caring father.”
Castiel smiled. Damn, he was just as charming and nice as he was attractive. “Thank you. I try to be. She’s the light of my life. I do everything for her. It hasn’t exactly been easy for her, so she deserves everything I can give her now.” He would have stopped at ‘thank you’, but Dean seemed to be enjoying listening to him, which felt nice.
“How is it that you’re stupidly gorgeous and a great guy all in one?”
Castiel’s cheeks flushed. “You’re saying that about me? I was thinking the same about you. I’ve been thinking that ever since we got here. You’ve let me sit here and blab about my daughter and you’ve barely spoken.”
“Maybe it’s just because I love the sound of your voice. After all, thinking about it is what got me off today.” Dean put a hand over his face. “God, I really can’t control myself around you.”
Castiel laughed softly. “It is pretty entertaining.” He glanced up as the waitress that sat him approaching the table. She grinned at Dean.
“So you finally got a hot date? About time. You gettin’ your usual?”
Dean grinned up at the waitress. “Hell yeah I am. How’re you, Jo?”
“I’m good. Mom’s behind the bar tonight and Ash is bussing tables, as usual.” She looked over at Castiel. “If he gives you any trouble, you tell me and I’ll whoop his ass.”
Castiel smiled. “I’ll be sure to do that, thank you.”
Jo smiled back. “What can I get for you?”
“I’ll just have a water and a cheeseburger with the usual toppings, thank you.”
Jo picked up their menus and left to go get their drinks.
Castiel looked back at Dean. “You must come here a lot.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve come here since I was a teenager. Jo and I went to highschool together. She’s a fireball. Her mom is too. Ash is a cool guy. He’s the one with the mullet. You’ll see him around.”
Castiel nodded. “I’ve talked a lot about my family, tell me about yours.”
“Well, not much to say. I don’t have a lot of family. There’s my little brother, Sammy. He lives out in Palo Alto, California. He’s a lawyer. He’s such a smart kid. He got a full ride to Stanford right out of highschool. His fiance, Jessica, she’s a sweetheart. They’re going to move out here at the end of the year. I miss them, so I’m looking forward to being able to see them more. I hate driving out there.”
“Why don’t you fly?”
“Hell no. I don’t do planes.” Dean shook his head. “I love driving, but 25 hours is rough. I usually stop overnight, so it takes two days to get there, three if I don’t leave at the asscrack of dawn.”
Castiel nodded. “I understand. Everyone has some irrational fear.” He smiled softly. “That’s really impressive that your brother went to Stanford.”
Dean beamed proudly. “I know, right. He’s a good kid, so smart.”
“You probably miss him.”
“Oh yeah, I miss him a lot. I can’t wait for him to move down here.” He smiled. “What’s your daughter’s name?”
“Claire.” He picked up his phone and showed his wallpaper, which was a picture of him and Claire. She had her hair long and braided on the side, which was her favorite style.
Dean smiled. “That’s a great picture. She looks like she loves you a lot.”
“She does.” Castiel set his phone back down. He was absolutely smitten as he talked to Dean. Conversation flowed with ease and was barely interrupted by the arrival of their food. They talked over their burgers and Castiel learned a lot about Dean. He was an auto mechanic, and had worked on cars since he was ten. He grew up all over the continental US, but he was born in right here in Lawrence, and he spent his high school years in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. They were still talking long after their meals were over, and soon it was getting late.
“I hate to cut us off, but I did promise Claire I’d be home before nine. I’m sure she would be fine, but I should still probably go.”
“Oh wow, it’s that late? Damn, yeah I’ll let you go.”
Castiel was going to just go home, but then he blurted something out. “Do you want to come over?”
Dean blinked in surprise. “I mean, yeah, I’d like that.”
Castiel was tense until he heard Dean’s answer. He wanted to spend more time with Dean. “You want to follow me there? It’s not far.”
“Sounds good.” Dean led the way out of the Roadhouse. They had already paid for their meals. He looked around. “Which car is yours?”
“The Lincoln, right over there.”
Dean nodded. “Alright. See you there.” He smiled.
Castiel smiled back and nodded. “See you there.” He got into his car and made sure Dean was behind him before he started driving. His house was a cute townhouse near the center of town. He had a flower garden out front and a vegetable garden in the back. He parked in his garage and got out of his car. He looked back at Dean’s car and walked to the driver’s side door. When Dean rolled down the window, he leaned in slightly.
“Mind if I go in first to let Claire know you’re here?”
“Not at all.” Dean chewed his lip as Castiel started to leave. “Wait-“
“Hm?” Castiel turned back and found Dean’s face way closer than before. His eyes flicked down to his lips and he swallowed. A few seconds later, Dean leaned forward and pressed their lips together in a quick kiss. Castiel kissed back and pulled away with a grin. “I’ll be back.” He was practically giddy as he walked up to the door and let himself in. Within seconds, Claire was bounding down the stairs.
“Tell me everything! What’s he like? What did you do? Was he nice? Did you tell him about me?”
Castiel smiled. “Slow down, it’s actually not over yet. He’s in the driveway and-“
“Can I meet him?”
“Sure. I just wanted to let you know that he was here before letting him inside. I didn’t want to startle you. Have you done your homework yet?”
“No, but-“
“You can meet Dean, but then you’re going to finish your homework. It’s late.”
Claire nodded. “Okay.”
Castiel stepped back outside and waved for Dean to come inside.
Dean walked up the sidewalk. “I like the garden.”
“Thank you.” Castiel let Dean inside. “Dean, this is my daughter, Claire. Claire, this is Dean.”
Claire waved. “Hey, Dean. Thanks for taking my dad out. He needed that. It’s been forever since he’s dated.”
Dean chuckled softly. “No problem. In fairness, I only gave him my number. He asked me out.”
Claire smiled. “He likes you, then. Good to meet you, Dean.”
“Nice to meet you too, Claire.” Dean watched as she went upstairs and then turned to Castiel. “She’s sweet.”
“She is.” He hummed. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“I’m good, thanks.” Dean followed Castiel to the living room and sat down next to him on the couch, taking his shoes off once Castiel did.
Castiel turned the TV on before looking at Dean. “Kiss me again.” He was surprised at his own forwardness, but he needed to feel Dean’s lips again.
Dean had a wide grin. “Another chance to kiss you like I mean it? Hell, I’ll take it.” He ran his thumb over Castiel’s jaw before leaning in for another kiss.
Castiel’s head spun and his world suddenly became very small. All he saw was himself and Dean, right here. All of his worries were gone. Everything with Dean felt so right. He had known this guy for eight hours and he was so head-over-heels. Hands drifted and nothing was rushed. A couch make-out session moved up to Castiel’s bedroom and became something more. Castiel fell asleep that night with his head on Dean’s chest, arm thrown over him.
The following morning, Castiel’s alarm went off and he turned it off, sitting up with a yawn. He looked over and his heart fell when the bed was empty. Did Dean already leave? He put his worries on pause when he heard Claire laughing downstairs. He quickly threw some clothes on and walked downstairs. He was met with a delicious smell of bacon and eggs. He saw Dean in the kitchen cooking and Claire sitting on the island with a piece of bacon in her mouth. Castiel smiled and walked up to Dean. “Good morning.”
“Morning. Hope you don’t mind me making breakfast.”
“Not at all. I can’t cook.”
“He set spaghetti on fire once.” Claire hummed.
Dean laughed. “That’s amazing.” He put the bacon and eggs on plates and set them on the table. When Claire’s back was turned, he snuck a kiss to Castiel’s cheek.
Castiel had no idea that morning how deep his love ran for Dean. That first date became one of many. Dean came over all the time to cook dinner, and they exchanged texts almost constantly. Dean constantly made jokes about how they met.
Dean Winchester
To this day, I still think about the time you held my semen in a cup and accepted my number
Castiel Novak
That was disgusting
Dean Winchester
Hey, you’ve seen me come a bunch of times now ;)
Castiel Novak
I’m at work
Dean Winchester
Oh, was that winky face too “provocative”?
Castiel Novak
No, the part where you referenced our sexual relations was inappropriate
Dean Winchester
Okay, okay, I’ll stop. Hey, meet me at the overlook today.
Castiel Novak
The one at the lake?
Dean Winchester
Yeah, that one. Great place to celebrate a six month anniversary, right?
Castiel Novak
It’s perfect. I’ll see you there. Love you
Dean Winchester
Love you too
That evening, Castiel walked the trail to the overlook. When he arrived, he found a blanket laid out and a basket full of food and wine. It was perfect. He watched the sun set over the lake, colors dissipating from the sky. When he stood up, he turned around to find Dean down on one knee with a little box in his hands.
After a year of marriage, Castiel walked into the fertility clinic for the first time without scrubs, because he wasn’t here for work today. Today, he and Dean were here for children of their own.
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luminous-grace · 5 years
I was tagged by @casbeanwrites to list ten songs I can’t stop listening to and tag ten people. Disclaimer I never listen to music so this is gonna be all Mumford and some weeb shit as well as soundtracks.
1. Guiding Light - Mumford and Sons
2. Beloved - Mumford and Sons
3. The fucking. Entirety of Cascade from Homestuck (because it’s like... an instant anxiety reducer.)
4. Granger Danger from AVPM (for the same reason as above)
5. “Portals” from Endgame by Silvestri because... reasons. (Contains spoilers)
6. Feel the Tide by Mumford and Sons
7. Ok I genuinely don’t have 4 more because I have NO music that I listen to and it’s a tragedy.
I also have no one else to tag but thank y’all <3
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deancasfanficnet · 5 years
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Happy June and happy Pride Month to all of us out there that are LGBTQIA!! No matter who you are, just know that we as a community support you and love you! 
So another month, another amazing Author of the Month! This month’s Author Spotlight goes to @casbeanwrites​ !! Flo has been writing fan-fiction for 5 years, but overall has been a writer for 15 years! That’s awesome! Some of their strengths in writing include character building and emotional scenes! Their favourite Supernatural character is of course, Cas and their favourite season is Season 8! Definitely a new one for the group (but we can’t blame you Flo!)
Featured Fic Recs:
Blaze and Fall
Dean's not handling his best friend and ex-roommate's "kinks" very well.
Until he learns how to handle them.
Ne Me Quitte Pas
"I will offer you Pearls of raindrops From countries where The rain never falls
I will dig the earth Long after my death To cover your body Of gold and lights
I will make you a land Where love is king Where love is law And you will be queen."
("Moi je t'offrirai Des perles de pluie Venues de pays Où il ne pleut pas
Je creuserai la terre Jusqu'après ma mort Pour couvrir ton corps D'or et de lumière
Je ferai un domaine Où l'amour sera roi Où l'amour sera loi Et tu seras reine.")
-Jacques Brel
Check out the rest of @casbeanwrites fics on their Ao3! For the duration of June, Flo’s work will be featured on our blog’s home page, as well as in our discord. Give their fics a read if you haven’t already, and then be sure to let them know how awesome they are! 
-DCFN Mods
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spncreatorsdaily · 5 years
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Hey, everyone! 
A new week is about to begin and we’re happy to announce that this week’s featured creators are  @casbeanwrites and @wingsdestiel
Congratulations to both of you!
As always, we will try our best to reblog as many of their creations as we can, so please help us to support both @casbeanwrites and @wingsdestiel  by hitting the reblog button.
As a side note, don’t forget to tag your creations with the tag #spncreatorsdaily if you want them featured on the blog on Saturdays!
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bluishorange · 3 years
fic recs week 26
obligatory links:
everything tagged 1000 destiel fanfics in 2021
weekly fic recs
why would I do such a thing?
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regarding castiel by @mishastits ok this is a new all time fave. regarding Dean but if Cas was there (which HEY WRITERS, he should’ve been!). it’s Cas POV and I love how he’s written and I love Dean with his defenses down.
in this louisiana bar by fleeceframe HOLY SHIT so Cas goes back in time to visit pre-Stanford era Dean and I love it so much I want to read it again right now
Bring Him Back by @wormstacheangel​
There's A House by @darkshrimpemotions​
multitudes by quillquiver
2020 and older
Shelter by @gravelghosts
the ringing in my ears gets violent by perilously
You Ain't Empty by @casbeanwrites​
Hands, From Which All Things Are Built by MajorEnglishEsquire I’ve been reading my way through MajorEnglishEsquire’s deancas works and I love this one. Cas leaves after the crypt scene in goodbye stranger but he and Dean text a bunch while he’s gone and it’s great
The One Thing You Can't Lose by MajorEnglishEsquire I’ve read this twice.
Fall by rageprufrock
please send recs! my asks are open. main/side ship destiel, canon or canon divergence highly preferred, no high school/college AU, no wips, no a/b/o, no non/dubcon that happens in the story (ok if it’s referenced/discussed). emotional arcs/character development are my fave.
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Destiel Trope Collection 2019 Day 25: Roommates
PB&J | @dmsilvisart Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1785 Main Tags and Warnings: roommate au, pining Summary: Have you ever dated someone to make someone else jealous? Dean has a very important question for Cas. Cas is oblivious and apparently Dean is an asshole.
It's All Benny's Fault | @casbeanwrites Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 7904 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, guinea pig, fluff, dean in denial Summary: Everything was fine in Dean Winchester's life, until the day his (ridiculously adorable) roommate forced him to adopt a guinea pig, and everything went to Hell.
Me Too | @isolemnlyswear-iamsuperwholocked Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2736 Main Tags and Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Roommates, Based on a Tumblr Post, Inspired By Tumblr, Miscommunication, Misconceptions, Openly Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Bisexual Dean Winchester, Mentions of homophobia, Homophobic John Winchester Summary: Dean has to get a new roommate, asap. He can't deal with it anymore- the dude has no idea what personal space even is, for one. He stares at Dean all the freaking time and it's starting to make him uncomfortable. Not to mention the fact he might have a crush on the blue-eyed weirdo. Cas has to get a new roommate, asap. He can't deal with it anymore- the dude has completely no respect for his sexuality. All his friends made jokes when Cas was with them and Dean just laughs, and Dean acts way too weird around him for it to be normal. Not to mention Cas isn't ready to have another crush on someone who could never like him back.
sunday morning coming down | @reallyelegantsharkfish Rating: Mature Word Count: 2395 Main Tags and Warnings: Recreational Drug Use, Marijuana, Demisexual Castiel, Mutual Pining Summary: Smoke can do all kinds of stuff to you, maybe. Maybe make you want to touch, want to kiss. Maybe make you want to cook dinner and lay together reading and laugh together on long drives through the Hill Country, Baby’s wheels tried and true around the curves and bends.
Holiday Traditions | @suckerfordeansfreckles Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1356 Main Tags and Warnings: roommates, best friends to lovers, mentioned homophobia, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: Ever since Dean has known Cas, since they moved in together almost three years ago, Cas has dreaded the Christmas season. Every single time, it had taken him days afterwards to find his smile again. Every single time, he came home and hid in his room for as long as possible. Every single time, Dean’s heart broke a little more for him. But Cas survived the holidays again this year, and he’s done with family for the next few months. And Dean, the awesome (and totally smitten) best friend he is, decided to treat Cas today. Make December 29th 2018 the best one Cas has ever had. Starting with breakfast in bed.
Wake Up, Sweetheart | @breathingdestiel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2766 Main Tags and Warnings: au, best friends to lovers Summary: Dean decides to confess his love to Cas. It doesn't go as planned.
La Vie A Plus | @thebloggerbloggerfun Rating: General Word Count: 6260 Main Tags and Warnings: Asexual Castiel, Artist!Castiel, Punk!Castiel Summary: Dean Winchester is hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with his best friend and roommate, Castiel. Castiel - with his blue hair, and his tattoos, and his artwork, and his perfect everything. Dean never stood a chance, really. It only sucks because, as far as Dean can tell, Castiel is definitely not interested. But love, much like art, has a way of being unpredictable. Even if you think you know where you're going with it.
Truth or Dare | @lemonsorbae Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1190 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - College/University, First Kiss, Fluff Summary: What else is there to do when the power has been out all day?
Perfect | @galaxystiel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6712 Main Tags and Warnings: College AU, roommates, fluff, 5+1, Summary: Five times Dean told Cas they’d figure it out, and one time he didn’t need to.
Roommate Wanted | @supernatural9917fic Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23088 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe, Roommates, Gay Castiel, Dean thinks he's straight, Switching, Dean/Cas Big Bang Challenge 2018 Summary: Dean Winchester moved to Pontiac, Illinois six months ago when his girlfriend Carmen got a new job. Unfortunately for Dean, Carmen then left him for her boss, so he needs to find a roommate ASAP. Castiel Novak needs to move out of his brother’s house before his niece is born, and when he finds Dean’s ad on Craigslist, it seems like the perfect solution for both of them. So what if Dean is ridiculously gorgeous? Castiel can keep his crush under control. So what if Castiel is gay? Totally straight Dean isn’t at all affected by seeing him hook up with dudes. They’re just a couple of completely platonic roommates. Well… that’s what they think, anyway…
Like Home | @nickelkeep Rating: General Word Count: 4549 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Mutual Pining, Cupcakes, Wedding Planning, First Kiss, Living Together, Castiel and Dean Need to Use Their Words Summary: Castiel's twin sister Hannah is getting married, and as the Man of Honor, he's been along for the Bridal Show and Wedding Planning ride. After talking about the last one with his best friend/roommate Dean, Dean suddenly wants to tag along (mostly for the free food). Can Cas handle pretending to be engaged to his best friend?
First and Only | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 35782 Main Tags and Warnings:Romance, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Flashbacks, Non-Chronological, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Cuddling & Snuggling, Virgin Castiel, Voyeur Castiel, Demisexual Castiel, Demiromantic Castiel, Switch Castiel, Autistic Castiel, Openly Bisexual Dean, Switch Dean, Homeless Dean, Thief Dean, Moving In Together, First Time, First Kiss, Ice Skating, Alcoholism, Public Displays of Affection, Minor Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester Summary: Single bachelor Dean bets he can have sex more times within a calendar year than his happily-married brother. But when Castiel – Dean’s roommate, best friend, and total virgin – asks Dean to be his First, Dean’s plan to bed numerous strangers goes up in smoke. Over the weeks, then the months, Cas becomes his go-to guy. His “fuck buddy”, if you will. But that doesn’t sound right. It doesn’t feel right. Dean was Cas’ First, but now he wants to be Cas’ Only. Now he’s gotta figure out how the heck to court a guy he’s successfully wooed a hundred times already.
The House That Wanted to Be a Garden | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32982 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe, Romance, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Friends to Lovers, Sharing Clothes, Cuddling & Snuggling, First Kiss, First Time, Naked Cuddling, Accidentally Moving In, Home Improvement, Fairies, Magic, Believer Castiel, Demisexual Castiel, Gardener Castiel, Skeptic Dean, Musician Dean, Famous Dean, Grumpy Dean, Bisexual Dean, Dean vs Gardening, Summer, Autumn, Hygge Summary: AU where Dean accidentally moves in with his neighbour, Cas, who is surprisingly okay with it. Or: Every time Dean fixes anything in this cursed house, a random plant pops up and breaks it again. The woo-woo weirdo named Cas on the other side of the river keeps insisting that Dean must've offended the forest fairies. He offers his own home's amenities for as long as Dean needs them. But with each passing night, and every bent pipe, fritzing electrical system, or shattered window, Dean finds himself returning to his own place only to sleep. And then... one night... he doesn't even do that.
Room for Two (The Mattress AU) | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 14548 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - College/University, Roommates, Romance, Fluff, Crack, Sharing a Bed, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Literal Sleeping Together, Wet Dream, Sleepy/Unconscious Sex, Accidental Sex, First Time, Insomniac Castiel, Dominant Castiel, Autistic Castiel, Switch Castiel, Comfortably Bisexual Dean, Switch Dean, Horny Dean Summary: ✔ College roommates ✔ Buying a mattress together ✔ Faking a relationship to get a discount ✔ Sharing a bed ✔ Roleplaying as a couple to "test the bed" ✔ Fake kissing becomes real kissing ✔ Fake sex is Way Too Real ✔ Cuddling ✔ Wet dreams ✔ "Oh no I thought I was dreaming but it was real life" ✔ Matchmakers Sam & Charlie ✔ Cas seems kinda clueless but actually understands everything ✔ Mutual respect, support, and understanding ✔ Friends to lovers ✔ Mutual pining ✔ Go౦ԁ sHit
Sharing the Rain Dog | @almaasi Rating: Mature Word Count: 19837 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Human, Historical (1999), Fluff, Romance, No Angst, Accidental Dating, First Dates, Rain, FBI Agent Castiel, Musician Dean, Singer Dean, Flustered Dean, Shared Custody, Domestic Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Moving In Together, First Kiss, Sharing a Bed, Dean in Panties, Cuddling, Uniform Kink, Clothed Sex, Sexual Roleplay, Non-Penetrative Sex Summary: When some asshole hits a dog with his car and drives off, the first two people on the scene are Dean and Castiel. Castiel's an FBI agent with a plane to catch, and he doesn't have time to take the dog to the vet. Dean's a musician, and he doesn't have the money. An agreement is reached: Dean goes, Castiel pays, and they'll exchange details and meet again to work things out. But who gets the dog? Sooner or later they're going to realise that having shared custody of one pitbull isn't ideal. She needs one home, not two. One stable, loving home...
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theyregoodfics · 4 years
an ace a/b/o fic i think about all the time. batting average: 600
Lover by @casbeanwrites
Rating:  Explicit
Words: 27,427
Tags: Alpha Dean Winchester, Omega Castiel (Supernatural), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Castiel/Alpha Dean Winchester, Asexual Castiel (Supernatural), Mating Cycles/In Heat, Masturbation, True Mates, Friends to Lovers, no explicit sexual intercourse, Cuddling & Snuggling, Scent Marking, Fluff
Dean knows that Cas doesn't like him. They're not even friends, not really. But Dean can't help it, he wants to be around Cas, he wants to be his friends, he wants... more. But he has to respect that Cas is just not interested.
It's not until Cas gets into the first heat of his life in front of him that Dean is faced with the fact that maybe, just maybe, Cas doesn't hate him at all.
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casbeanwrites · 5 years
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Lover by @casbeanwrites + art by @thekingtrickster
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 27386
Chapters: 6/6
Tags and warnings: A/B/O, alpha Dean, omega Cas, asexual Castiel, true mates, friends to lovers, happy ending, read all the tags on ao3
Dean knows that Cas doesn't like him. They're not even friends, not really. But Dean can't help it, he wants to be around Cas, he wants to be his friends, he wants... more. But he has to respect that Cas is just not interested.
It's not until Cas gets into the first heat of his life in front of him that Dean is faced with the fact that maybe, just maybe, Cas doesn't hate him at all.
Written for the Asexual Supernatural minibang 2019
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