#cartoonz x wildcat
kogumogokie · 4 months
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meme photos x ggdc(goose goose duck crew) + wildcat doodle and wildcat judging moullyy’s delirious & cartoonz which i thought was funny and hilarious not to add in .. and just something to post ✍️👹‼️
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spiritfoxarts · 5 years
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Request - CaRtOoNz x WILDCAT
Yes, I shall do~ UwU
(bonus cat and tiger version of Tyler) ;)
@mightyflowercircusmoonstuff thank You so much for this request, it was nice to draw them as animals again (YEP definitely looks better than in 2017)
Also I’m sorry, if someone doesn’t like this fight scene
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vanosslirious · 3 years
Update | Ch 13 — Morning Problems • Brian.
Chapter Summary: Brian and Thomas are looking for Brock.
POV.: The Terroriser.
Wc: 1.563.
He took his phone out and dialed Lucian’s number.
“You’re just g-going to ask him?” Thomas asked, his eyes wide as he stared in disbelief at Brian.
“Deep breathes, Thomas,” said Brian.
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heck-damn-so-i-draw · 4 years
Hello all you frogs and snails and newts alike, @ouijaasylum (aka @2003-tmnt) and I have concocted a special october brew.. All in a story!
We've come up with an interesting tale that merges the two stories, into an au- of two aus! They've already posted the first part! I'll reblog it again after I post this so its easy to find 💞
Now, none of this is canon,
But its been super duper fun to create this with my friend, so make sure you follow both of us to get the full story!
The ghost adventures au will also be brought back to life, and .. I may need to reorganize so I may be deleting and doing that.. Stay tuned!
Happy Halloween
🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃
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cha0sbunny · 5 years
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certifieddeadgirl · 5 years
I was planning on doing a face reveal in my future!
H2O Delirious at 25:12 of Cartoonz's video: "YouTube Said They'd Stop Demonitizing MK But They Lied, So Enjoy the Free Video!"
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h2oblooky · 7 years
Cartoonz: have you seen the fanart for Wildcat and Vanoss?
Delirious, secretly in a relationship with Vanoss: No, why?
Cartoonz: apparently people ship them, hardcore.
Cartoonz: Can't really blame them, Wildcat and Vanoss have good chemistry.
Delirious: Yeah...
Few hours later-
Delirious: [curled up in the corner, doubts of his relationship with Vanoss, running through his head]
Vanoss: [walks in] Hey, Jon.
Vanoss: [Sees Delirious] What's wrong? [sits next to Delirious]
Delirious, mumbles: people ship you with Tyler.
Vanoss: [raises eyebrow] They do?
Delirious: yeah, even cartoonz. Apparently you two have good chemistry.
Vanoss, smiles softly: well, there is no better chemistry than what we have. [slings arm around Delirious.]
Delirious,looks up: [sniffles] Really? You don't want Tyler?
Vanoss: Nope! I got the cutest thing ever, why would I throw that away?
Vanoss, smiles: It also helps I have amazing chemistry with said cutest thing.
Delirious: [laughs and smiles.]
Vanoss: Now cheer up! I'm starting to miss your crazed smile! [kisses the tip of Delirious's nose]
Delirious: [giggles]
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deliriousarmy · 4 years
Can someone link me to some good h2o delirious fics??? I am dying and I have no idea where to look besides ao3, but I still don't even know which ones I should start there!!!!!
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I would prefer deep Delirious lore but ship content is fine too.
delirious x vanoss
delirious x cartoonz
delirious x dead squirrel
delirious x wildcat
delirious x ohm
and also..... cartoonz x ohm
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b0osblog · 5 years
Mafia Blood- Chapter 1
ayyyyyyy! It’s ya boi!.... *coughs* so how you been?.... yeah sorry for not posting in a while.... I kinda get sidetracked... BUT! I now have a story. I’m about 3-4 chapters in writing it (cause i suck at writing with a really short time period so I want to be ahead). Its on the BBS! But I hope you enjoy it. It’s a Mafia-Monster A/U (Idea credit to @hiyometoo). I would like to put a disclaimer as well. There will be some serious themes such as suicide, abuse blood, death. If you are uncomfortable with this, this story isn’t for you. Adding to that. this is a story. I do not view these people or the relationships between them to necessarily be who they are in real life. But I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. I don’t really have art for it but I’ll be working on it! If you want to do art or get inspired by it, by all means draw it if you wish! @ me if you post it so I can see it! I love seeing people draw and different art styles! This story isn’t the best but I hope you guys enjoy anyway. This isn’t a Shipping book either, even if some of the writing seems to suggest so. It’s more so hinting at future friendships as such. One more thing before I let you guys get the story. I’ll be posting the story chapters once a month (on like the last Sunday AEST). Anyway I’ll let you guys read it and judge for yourself! I hope you guys are having a good day/night and I’ll see you soon!
Chapter 1
Every river leads to an ocean. Stars do burn out. So yes, everything ends. But do you want to know a secret? Everything- and I mean everything, begins again.
                                                                                                             -Eric Van Vuren
It was a quiet night for the casino. There were still a lot of people but not as much as there usually was.
“You sure everything is in place?” Ryan’s concerned voice was quiet as he hid behind the pillar.
“Yes Ohm. All you have to do is get people to use their cards over their cash. Everything will be fine.” Wildcat spoke slowly and quietly, as if he were distant from the mic while making sure Ohm heard everything.
“OK… Here goes nothing…” Ohm airily said.
“Good luck man. We’re rooting for you.” That’s all Ohm heard before the line went dead.
"OK… no pressure at all guys. No pressure at all.”
He felt that something was up. It almost seemed to quiet of a night, especially with what he had to pull off. He walked out from behind the pillar, taking a deep breath and putting on his best-selling smile. Eyes were felt on the back of his head but he ignored it. Looking would only make him seem suspicious. Ohm did however peek out the corner of his eye. He saw a demon. He seemed to be missing an eye but Ohm didn’t look for long enough to be sure though.
He continued his trek towards the bar, shaking his head as he neared, trying to clear his mind.
“Hey Del! Sorry I took so long! Things got a little out of hand on the phone. Hope things didn’t get too busy while I was gone!” Ohm’s voice was bright, but had an edge to it.
Delirious gave him an understanding nod, his blue eyes glowing behind the hockey mask.
“No problem man. Just make sure you focus on whatever it is that’s happening with your fam.”
“Thanks. I’ll… be sure to do that.” He gave a grim smile a jolt uncertainty gripping him.
He shook his head again and slipped behind the bar and began to serve people, charging them on card.
It was made a lot easier considering Delirious was working the opposite end of the bar. It raised more red flags in his head but he continued anyway.
‘He was family. They wouldn’t betray him… would they?’
Delirious had been occupied talking to an owl like man. One that Ohm recognised to be Vanoss.
‘What was he doing here?’
A demon of sorts sat in front of him downing the shot of vodka he had just ordered His eyes- well eye- narrowed on him slightly.
“Hey floppy ears! That owl shit over there that you keep looking to, why does he get to pay with cash? I gotta pay with card.” The demon asked curiously, peering at him suspiciously.
One eye had a scar in the shape of a jagged edge 'x’. He wore a dark suit with the dress shirt collar flipped up like he was some sort of popular person. He held a lazy-confident sort of smile despite the serious demeanour he held. His dark brown eyes hiding something, though Ohm couldn’t tell what it was.
“Sir, you haven’t paid for the last two rounds. It would be easier if you-”
“You think I’m that drunk that I don’t remember paying? I-”
“Look sir. I’m sorry. I just thought it would be easier for you. Instead of you fishing out cash and me having to get the change. If you’d-” He was cut off by the demon standing up and leaning on the bar, a somewhat sinister smile on his face.
The look in his eye showed something else, it almost looked like regret.
Some people looked over at the disturbance but looked away almost instantly.
‘What was their problem? They looked so scared.’ Ohm thought as he glanced back at the red man in front of him through his blindfold.
“Don’t pull the innocent act with me bunny-boy. I know who you are! I know who you work for!”
Ohm’s ears flattened down against his head. He didn’t like the name, a small frown formed on his face as his eyebrows furrowed.
“Yes. I work for Mr. Frank Patterson. He owns this casino.” There was an edge to Ohm’s voice, causing monsters to look his way and shaking their head rapidly, their eyes screaming ‘no’.
“No. No you don’t. My father wouldn’t hire anyone from the mafia. Especially from Wildcats’ side of things.”
“Sir… I don’t kno-”
“Bullshit!” The demon now had hold of Ohm dark vest, pulling him closer. “Tyler sent you, didn’t he Ryan.” There was a dark sinister side to his voice but there was something else, as if he were almost afraid of something.
“I swear to god I have no clue what you’re talking abo-” Ohm was cut off by Delirious speaking up, who now had a firm grip on his left arm, the demon on his right held the opposite.
“You will remain silent for the rest of the journey.”
A feeling passed over Ohm; it felt like his voice box had closed up and a weight pressed on his chest, making him want to take deep breaths but remained from doing so. He tried to speak but no sound could be heard, leaving the three men in silence.
“Finally the dumb bunny is quiet.” The demon sighed in a relieved kind of way.
Ohm narrowed his eyes, a scowl scrunching his face up.
‘He’s really starting to sound like Wildcat…’
“I wouldn’t mistake Ohm for being a ‘dumb bunny’, Cartoonz. I don’t even know what power he has, so I’d be careful what you say.” Delirious’ voice held a sharp and serious edge to it.
Ohm looked to delirious, confused.
‘He hadn’t figured out his power?’
Cartoonz grumbled something under his breath as he moved to get behind the bar, jerking Ohm forward harshly, towards the exit as he did so.
They neared two Corvettes, one black and the other an azure blue.
“In.” The demon growled as he opened the passenger door to the black Corvette and shoved Ohm forward.
Ryan stumbled but caught himself before sitting calmly as the door was slammed and the demon stormed towards the driver’s side. He shouted something to Delirious before opening the door and throwing himself into the seat with a scowl.
“I know you won’t be able to reply but you can nod or shake your head. If you lie, I’ll know.” Cartoonz sounded agitated but also curious.
The car roared to life and before Ohm could blink they were out of the carpark with a screech of rubber and a trail of smoke following.
 They were currently on a highway to nowhere, well from what Ohm could only assume. Cartoonz was staring intensely at the road ahead, while the blue car stayed close behind them.
“Ok, you blindfold wearing dipshit. Is Wildcat planning on trying to over throw my father?” Cartoonz questioned.
Ohm looked thoughtful for a moment. He knew that if he lied he’d probably get his assed kicked, but it was the same vice-versa. He came to the conclusion of telling the truth, it being the lesser of the two evils. Ohm nodded his head yes.
“Was he planning on doing it in the near future?”
Ohm nodded again.
The demon cursed under his breath. “Really starting to wish Del didn’t bind your mouth shut permanently for the ride… how on earth am I going to get the time frame of the attack?”
Ohm stared thoughtfully at the demon before holding up 1 finger.
“What the fuck are you doing? Threatening me?”
Ohm shook his head.
Cartoonz looked to be in serious thought.
“What are you trying to do then?”
Ohm rolled his eyes under the blindfold and slapped his head.
‘Is he really that stupid?’
“Are you giving me a time? Day?”
Ohm gave a quirt nod.
Cartoonz gave him a side long look.
“You’re being awfully open about this…” Cartoonz looked suspicious.
Ohm shrugged but held up the figure again.
“OK… you are giving me a time span right?” There seemed to be a softer edge to his voice, like something changed in his head.
Ohm nodded.
“OK… week?”
A shake of the head.
“Um… please don’t say it’s a day.” A light panic seemed to tint the demons voice.
Ohm looked at him curiously.
‘Despite him being an ass… he seems to really care for his family.’
Ohm shook his head.
Relief flooded the demons features and his grip lessened on the steering wheel.
“OK then… a month?”
His heart was pounding. He had one more chance to falsely lead them, but he couldn’t find it in his heart to do so.
Ohm looked away and nodded. He could deal with Wildcat’s anger.
And worse come to worse, he could flee to Moo’s group.
Cartoonz slammed the steering wheel harshly. “When we get there you’re gonna tell me exactly how and where he plans to do this. Or your neck will find itself bleeding.”
Cartoonz gave him a look that said it wasn’t an empty threat. But there was also something in his eye that told him that Cartoonz wouldn’t actually enjoy it. Ohm only nodded and looked ahead, his eyes beginning to droop.
“Get some rest. I want you to be able to recall every detail of the plan and not be sleepy. ‘Cause you forget shit when you’re sleepy.”
Ohm nodded, he was feeling tired and besides, if he was going to die, he wanted to catch up on some sleep before then.
He rested his head against the seatbelt, letting sleep numb his body.
“I’ll wake you when we’re there.”
It was the last thing he heard before falling asleep.
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ashleygren · 5 years
BBS ships (updated)
A couple months ago I made a list talking about my favorite ships of the bbs bois. Some time has passed so i though i would update the list with any new pairings I fell in love with and other ones i've grown indifferent towards. Note: I like most bbs pairings and I'm not gonna trash on any of the ones I don't like, if you saw the last version of this list and noticed a pairing left pff it doesnt mean I hate it now I just have different ones to love. I'll do 4 ship categories default, rarepairs, ot3's (or more), and platonic.
Terrornoss- an underated ship that I see popping up more and more lately.
Vanpanda- one of my favorite ships that I find no content for.
Pandacat- took me a while to notice this ship appears a lot in my story ideas either as a major or background pairing.
Delitoonz- I blame their twitters for this, go check them out these two are so silly.
BasicallyIdovanoss- it stays in the background of my mind always.
Vanohm- I havent actually seen these 2 play with eachother for a couple months but i see them interact and joke on twitter so that keeps it alive for me.
Ot3's (or more)-
Vanoss + any 2 others
Moo x ohm x terroriser
Wildcat x terroriser + any 1 person
Ohm x cartoonz + any 1 person
Nogla & terroriser- i see them as brothers or related in a lot of my ideas (not all I have at least one where they're a major pairing).
Squirrel & any of the dream team
Cartoonz & gorillaphent- they bros no one can convince me otherwise theyre family.
Vanoss & any of his friends
Panda & any of his friends
Cartoonz & delirious- delirious is his little bro.
Ohm & any of his friends
Ohm & panda- these two are hilarious to watch in videos together. They flirt so much I'm still surprised I don't ship them yet.
Ohm & cartoonz- ohm is like a parent/older sibling to most of his friends so its nice to see the one person older then him watchinf out for him.
Basically & vanoss- does any other duo scream exhausted older bro & hyper brat little bro like these two.
Well theres the updated list. I've said it before but I love watching these bois and their friendship its amazing. I hope they stay friends for a long time.
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bayleafbeeen · 6 years
What’s this? An original post? Who am I? (Look, it’s a BBS AU!)
I'll start by saying I'm very bad at conveying what I mean and typing out my thoughts in general, so sorry if I sometimes don't make much sense. I have absolutly no plot whatsoever, or literally anything other than just what they'd each be. I also have reference pictures of like the basic kind of stuffed animal they are, but it's kind of unnecessary unless someone wants them. 
Feel free to write/draw/do anything with this, but be sure to tag me if you do! I'd love it~! <3
Among the Sleep inspired AU. More so the prologue where you have to save all the little stuffed animals and dolls. Not really the plot but more just little baby Delirious and all his little toys being his friends. With the main teddy bear being replaced with Vanoss as a stuffed Owl. I'm not sure how old Del would be, not as young as in the game, but still fairly young? Idk. 
Vanoss Owl as main stuffed boi. Cannot fly but likes to pretend he can with Del's help. (Del throwing him up into the air with his wings all stretched out and then catching him, aww.) Loves being with and goofing off with Del and always willing to put up with whatever for him.
Moo Moose. He is one of those beaned stuffed animals where he’s filled with beans in parts of him but is still a stuffed animal. You can warm him in the microwave and use him as a warm comfort thing. (It’s a thing, I swear.)
Terrorizer Horse. Same thing as Moo, beaned stuffed animal thing. You can cool in the freezer and use him as a cold comfort thing. Has one red eye that was patched on after the other was damaged/lost. Del thinks it looks really cool and they both like to pretend it's because he's part robot, but he isn’t. (The whole using him as cold and not hot thing contributed to this idea, cause you know, the robotic parts would be cold and not hot?)
Wildcat Pig. Blunter than the rest but not to a mean point. Still a good loving boi.
Nogla Rag Doll. A tad bit of an outcast because he's not an animal, but it doesn't bother anyone much so not really.
Gorillaphent Purple Elephant. Real giant boi. Probably sits in the corner of the room most of the time but he can move if he wants.
DeadSquirrel Squirrel. Smaller and semi beat-up looking? Something tore up the left side of his head and you can still see where he was sewn up neatly, but is missing his left ear. (Mom tried to just get rid of the torn up toy, but Del protested very much and cried for at least [3] hours straight to get him back, after Mom fixed him up of course.) Little blue bandana/handkerchief around his neck. Would probably talk more like the toys in the prologue, childish broken English. 
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Ohm Grey Bunny with a Blanket. (See picture; it’s a thing.) Wasn't made with eyes, so someone put a blindfold on him to help him look less creepy. He usually moves like a little kid (well, bunny) dragging his blanket behind him. Can let go of the blanket if needed but doesn't like to. Often sticks around Cartoonz (Cause, you know, he can't see and while he can still move around and tell things without sight, he'd much rather just stick with someone he trusts when he can instead cause it's easier for him. Isn't bothered by and kinda appreciates Cartoonz being protective of him and doesn't feel any less for it.)
Cartoonz Red Fox. Something happened and his right eye fell off while Del was playing with him. Del was very upset about it, so his mom sewed a little X scar stitch over it and Del really liked it. (Is kind of protective of both Ohm and little Del and will not hesitate to fight if someone so much as taunts them. {Aside from friends etc.} Knows Ohm can handle himself and doesn't baby him just because he can't see, and would most definitely act this way even if he could.)
Moo and Terrorizer are kept together (probably up on a shelf somewhere, but still in Del’s room.) seeing as they are the same type of toy (The kind with beans for cooling/heating) and mostly used on special occasions. They like to tease each other about being the same but one being only hot and one only being cold. (Terrorizer calling Moo hot-headed when he's mad/upset about something and Moo shooting back calling him cold-hearted. XD)
Obviously, all the boys are very protective of each other and Del and would 100% throw hands (Or rather, paws) for little baby Del if given the chance.
Del has his little mask that his mom made him as a Halloween costume once, and likes to wear it/play with it sometimes. (Del playing peekaboo but like, with his mask instead of his hands? Absolutely adorable.) Del sleeps cuddling Vanoss, with Cartoonz and Ohm always somewhere close on/in the crib. He has trouble sleeping without Vanoss. Sometimes will also sleep with other animals, but not often. Del carries around Vanoss almost all the time and will most likely start balling when someone takes him away. Can sometimes be caught carrying Vanoss in one arm and Cartoonz in the other, but not always.
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vanosslirious · 3 years
Chapter 27 Update: Darkness.
Wc: 412.
“Is this where you slept?” Evan wondered. He opened the box and took out a few tapes from within. He looked them over, before swiftly turning to shine the light at the doorway. His hand shook as he gripped the flashlight, and his eyes widened in shock at what was sitting in the center of the threshold.
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bards-witcher · 5 years
Wildcat x Cartoonz with hella fluff and maybe soemthing involving a shower like washing the other's hair (No nsfw tho). Thanks!
Okay so this is my first wildtoonz fic so go easy on me please XD
I hope you like it and that it’s fluffy enough for you :D
He felt the hot water practically melt away all of his stress and anger as he stood under the showerhead, so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t hear the other man enter the shower with him, only felt arms wrapping him, causing him to jump and accidentally smack his head into Tylers’ mouth.
“Motherfucker, the hell was that for Luke?” He half-heartedly wiped at his mouth, luckily the impact hadn’t broken the skin, but the chuckle from the southerner did little to soften the blow.
“Serves your ass right for sneakin’ up on me, lucky I didn’t punch you in the face”
“I’d like to see you try; I’ve got the reflexes of a hawk I’ll have you know” He put on a smile as Luke simply snorted at the remark.
“Wanna bet?” All the confidence he’d previously shown was now gone at the confidence he could feel exuding from the older man, and yeah, he’s pretty sure Luke could give him a run for his money.
Instead, he leaned around Luke to pick up the shower gel, quickly dispensing some onto his hands before returning the bottle, he was quick to then wrap his arms back around the smaller man, using the gel to wash the older man’s torso whilst he pressed gentle kisses against the back of his neck.
“What’s wrong?” He stopped his administrations at the accusatory tone Luke threw his way.
“Why does something have to be wrong? Am I not allowed to show some affection to my boyfriend now?”
He only earned a hum from Luke before the older man turned in his arms to face him, Lukes’ own hands coming up to rest on his shoulders before kneading them gently, unable to stop the way his eyes closed as Luke worked out one of the knots on his back.
“How was your recording session today?”
“Alright, would’ve preferred it if my ever-considerate boyfriend had offered I join him in the shower though” Luke simply snorted, his hands still massaging their way across his shoulders to his neck, whilst his own hands began to wash Lukes’ back.
“So, you would’ve preferred me to barge into your office, mid-recording, whilst you’re shouting at Brian and Anthony, to come and join me for a shower?” The slight quirk of Lukes’ eyebrow only added insult to injury, but the older man was right, his friends would’ve had a field day with him otherwise.
“In retrospect, I guess you’re right-”
“As always”
He pinched at Lukes’ side, earning a squawk from the older man as he tried to evade the touch. “Don’t push it” Luke simply chuckled, returning to his ministrations but a determined look crossed his eyes.
“I meant how was the game, stressful?”
“Every game I play stresses the fuck outta me” Luke simply nodded before he dragged his hands away from his shoulders, but before he could mourn the loss of contact, the older man was turning them.
“Switch places with me” He followed the smaller mans words, not wanting either of them slipping and he soon found himself turned away from Luke and under the spray of water, but before he could question why the change, he felt shampoo being rubbed into his hair and gentle hands massaging his head, and the headache he didn’t realize he had begun to dissipate.
He doesn’t know how long Luke massaged his scalp, only knew he could stay there forever if given the chance, but it wasn’t too long before the older man’s hands wandered down and began to massage his back, letting out a brief hiss when Luke worked at a particularly tough knot in his back, Luke pressing a gentle kiss to the spot in lieu of an apology.
It was fair to say that he was now putty in the older man’s hands, letting him do whatever he wanted as he was gently turned back around to face the older man and soon those gentle hands were washing the shampoo out of his hair.
Before he could even think about reciprocating the treatment, the water was turned off, about to let out his indignation Luke simply stated that he’d already washed his hair, all he could do was let out a disbelieving hum at the comment.
They dried each other off, unable to stop his laugh at the way Lukes’ hair frizzed from the brief towel dry he gave, earning him a small slap upside the head, however, he was quick to grab Lukes’ retreating hand, pulling the older man closer towards him.
“Told you I had reflexes like a hawk”
Luke smiled up at him, giving him this win before placing a soft kiss on his lips “I never doubted you, now lemme go so I can sort out dinner”
“Let me, you’ve already treated me enough today”
“It’s already in the oven dipshit”
He ignored the feigned insult to instead keep a close hold of his boyfriend “What’s with all the special treatment? You pregnant or something?”
They both chuckled a little at the joke before Luke leaned in to once again press a gentle kiss against his lips, their touch lingering for a moment before they pulled away. “What, am I not allowed to show some affection to my boyfriend now?”
He felt his face turn red at his own words mirrored back at him, muttering out ‘I hate you’  which earned him a bright smile from Luke which made his heart rate increase tenfold and for a moment he had to remember to breathe.
“Love you too bitch, now let's get dressed before the kitchen burns down” Leaning forward he presses a gentle kiss on Lukes’ forehead in thanks, the older man half-heartedly pushing him away at the affection before they both got ready to spend the rest of the night wrapped up with one another.
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Red Dead Redemption/Wild West AU
Vanoss - Gang Leader - tries his best to protect everyone - Scarily cunning when needs be - Old Medicine Doctor mask
Delirious - Wild Card - Thinks he can do everything by himself almost gets himself killed by doing so - Is very good at combat but he bites off more than he can chew - Black bandana and a fanged bone mask on top of that
Moo - Medic - Takes care of the boys if they get hurt - gives free health care to children who can’t afford it in whatever town they go to - Never in on plans/No mask
Terrorizer - Look out & Sniper - Not as good a Lui in sniping but more skilled in hand to hand combat - large scar over his left eye from a bear attack - metal mask that covers his left eye, has a red light on eye
Lui - The Researcher & Sniper - Childish yet the smartest in the gang and will hit every target - Gets info on most of schemes and plans most of it - Classic red bandanna
Nogla - Hunter - Sometimes back up for missions if people are stretched thin - Keeps a constant stream of fresh food for the group - Not involved in schemes/No mask
Mini Ladd - Assistant Medic & Researcher - Helps get info to Lui by being friendly in town and assists Moo when he needs a hand - Not involved schemes/No Mask
Wildcat - Second Hand - Nothing happens without his approval as well as Vanoss’ - Fastest hand in the gang even better than Vanoss - Pig mask that covers his eyes
Ohm - Another hunter - Has developed traits of animals from being abandoned in the woods as a child - Bipolar: When he’s in the field he’s violent and loud but when he’s chilling he’s actually timid and quiet - Is blind but can hear extremely well - Gray cloth that covers eyes
Cartoonz - Lead footman - Leads heists that Vanoss and Wildcat are not on - X Scar over right eye - Bone mask with horns, right horn is broken
Basically - Assistant Researcher - More secretive information gatherer - Unlike Mini he gets a bad rep and does things on the underside of the town to see everything - Always wears mask except in camp - vibrant purple bandanna
Panda - Cook - Keeps the camp running smoothly along with Smii7y - He’s cheerful and everyone loves him - Not involved in schemes/No mask
Smii7y - Helps run the camp and is always out shooting in the woods with Kryoz but is never actually out in missions - Funny and silly always seen with Kryoz - Not involved in schemes/No Mask
Kryoz - Second in command foot man if Cartoonz is not there you listen to Kryoz - Arrived with Smii7y and it’s rumored that the reason Smii7y is not in the plans is a request from Kryoz - both broke out of an abusive orphanage and have known each other for most of their lives - Red and blue striped bandanna
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lovingai · 6 years
bbs + x-men
me and @copinori just had the most CRACKHEAD idea but it just might work
xmen au with the bbs
HEAR ME OUT-- it fits?? sort of
we sort of came up with a character list but like.. theres still flaws and stuff and this was for fun and i might just puke out some art for it
we'll see, but in the meantime:
Magneto - Brian (Terroriser
Charles Xavier - Brock (Moo
Mystique - Ohmwrecker
Moira McTaggert - Lauren (Brock's wife)
Azazel - Luke (Cartoonz
Jean Grey - Evan (Vanoss
Cyclops/Scott Summers - Delirious
Havok/Alex Summers - Gorillaphent
Beast - Anthony (Panda
Wolverine - Tyler (Wildcat
Laura/X-24 (Wolverine's biological child) - Connor (IT FITS DOESNT IT I KNOW
Archangel (the angel from Xmen Apocalypse) - Craig (Mini
Iceman/Bobby Drake - David (Nogla
Kitty Pryde - Lui Calibre
Banshee - Scotty (407
Storm - Marcel (Basicallyidowrk
Nightcrawler - Cody (Racingcatz
Quicksilver - Smii7y
Rogue - John (Kryoz
Jubilee - CourageJD
Powerman/Darwin - Arlan(SilentDroidd
feel free to include more people. i probably missed some people so i'll most likely reblog again in order to add them
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eliza-writes-stuff · 6 years
Ships list
It’s for a project I’m using in a new fanfiction it’s not band class au sorry because Marked by Death will be on wip due to being unprepared.
Moocat (Tyler/I Am Wildcat x Brock/Moo Snuckel)
Krii7y (Kryoz/John x Smii7y)
Terrortoonz (Brian/Terrorriser x Luke/Cartoonz)
Vanogla (Evan/Vanoss x Nogla)
Pandawrecker (Anthony/BigJigglyPanda x Ohmwrecker)
And Delirious, Mini Ladd, and Lui shall be single because i don’t know any ships interacting, but i would love to know.
Also look at these rarepairs!!! 
I’m not gonna brother with the tags because i haven’t written anything yet. Maybe a trailer later...
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