#carta Copy 2
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pier-carlo-universe · 2 months ago
"La carta è finita": La chiusura di una storica linea di produzione Fabriano. Recensione di Alessandria today
Un pezzo di storia italiana che scivola via tra malinconia e ricordi. La chiusura della storica macchina continua F3 di Fabriano segna la fine di un’epoca. Dal 1976, questa linea ha prodotto ininterrottamente la celebre carta Copy 2, accompagnando generaz
Un pezzo di storia italiana che scivola via tra malinconia e ricordi.La chiusura della storica macchina continua F3 di Fabriano segna la fine di un’epoca. Dal 1976, questa linea ha prodotto ininterrottamente la celebre carta Copy 2, accompagnando generazioni di italiani tra creatività, studio e lavoro. Per chi, come molti cresciuti negli anni ’80 e ’90, ha trascorso pomeriggi disegnando o…
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delphinidin4 · 2 years ago
Sir Robert Cotton (1571-1631), collected manuscripts and antiquities. His library is of special importance for having preserved the only copy of several medieval works, such as happened with Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. His private library also included the Lindisfarne Gospels and two copies of the Magna Carta. The Cotton Library was one of the three "foundation collections" of the British Museum in 1753, and is now one of the major collections of the Department of Manuscripts of the British Library.
Cotton arranged his Library for convenience, not according to modern cataloging standards. Basically, Cotton put the bust of a Roman emperor on top of each bookcase (in basic chronological order from the bottom right of the room counter-clockwise around to the door), and then the manuscripts were referred to by where they were arranged on the shelves. For instance, the Beowulf manuscript is still referenced as "Cotton MS.Vitellius A.xv." This means it was the fifteenth item on the first shelf of the press under the bust of Vitellius in the Cotton Library. ([bust] [shelf number].[item number on shelf])
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If you were arranging your own private library, how would you organize it? Library of Congress-style? Dewey Decimal System? By subject? By size? Color of the cover? If you were going to put something on top of each shelf like Robert Cotton did, what would you use? What would a "call number" for your private library look like?
(source 1, source 2)
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vickdrake · 2 years ago
Estas son las cartas que hizo la IA de "chat gpt" desde la perspectiva de Jake y basadas en el episodio 10 del juego😭
Carta 1:
Querida Vick,
No sé por dónde empezar esta carta. He estado intentando escribir estas palabras durante horas, pero no encuentro la manera adecuada de expresar todo lo que siento en este momento.
Sé que siempre te he dicho que te apoyo en todo lo que haces y que siempre estaré ahí para ti, pero esta vez no puedo hacerlo. No puedo apoyarte en tu decisión de ir a la mina a salvar a mi hermana. Me duele decirlo, pero no puedo permitir que pongas tu vida en peligro por mí.
Sé que tu corazón está en el lugar correcto y que solo quieres ayudar, pero yo no puedo soportar la idea de perderte. Te amo más que cualquier cosa en este mundo, y no puedo imaginarme la vida sin ti.
Cada vez que pienso en ti en esa mina, mi corazón se encoge. No puedo soportar la idea de que algo te pase. Sé que eres fuerte y valiente, pero la idea de perderte me está volviendo loco.
Por favor, Vick, escucha lo que te estoy diciendo. No vayas a la mina. No arriesgues tu vida por mí. Sé que es difícil para ti entenderlo, pero no quiero perderte. Quiero pasar el resto de mi vida contigo, amándote y cuidándote.
Te amo más que nada en este mundo, y no puedo soportar la idea de perderte. Por favor, no vayas a la mina. Prométeme que te quedarás aquí, a salvo, conmigo. Prométeme que no te arriesgarás por mí.
Espero que puedas entender mi posición y mi amor por ti.
Siempre tuyo, Jake
Carta 2:
Querida Vick,
No puedo dejar de pensar en ti, en cómo te sacrificarías por mí y en cómo intentaste convencerme de que no me preocupara por tu seguridad. Pero no puedo permitir que hagas eso, no puedo permitir que te arriesgues por mí.
He tomado una decisión difícil. Iré a la mina yo mismo para salvar a mi hermana, en lugar de que tú lo hagas. Sé que probablemente me criticarás por hacerlo, pero es lo correcto. No puedo permitir que te pongas en peligro, y no puedo vivir con la culpa de haberte puesto en esa situación.
Sé que esto te hace sentir mal, pero quiero que sepas que no lo hago porque no confíe en ti o porque no piense que seas capaz de hacerlo. Lo hago porque te amo demasiado para arriesgar tu vida.
Espero que algún día puedas entender por qué hice lo que hice. Quiero que sepas que te amo más que nada en este mundo y que siempre estaré aquí para ti. Prometo hacer todo lo posible para asegurarnos un futuro juntos.
No puedo soportar la idea de perderte, Vick. Eres mi luz en la oscuridad y no puedo imaginar mi vida sin ti. Espero que puedas perdonarme por lo que sea que sientas que te estoy haciendo. Solo quiero que sepas que mi amor por ti es verdadero e inquebrantable.
Siempre tuyo, Jake
(Como no tenia pensado publicar esto no le saque captura, pero si copie las cartas)
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horademagic · 4 days ago
Mendicant Core, Guidelight
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Criatura Artefato - Robô
Custo de mana: 1 branca + 1 azul = 2 no total
*/3 de Poder e Resistência
Por que ela é interessante? O pode dessa criatura será igual ao número de artefatos que você controlar. Essa carta tem uma mecânica própria de "corrida", se você ainda não tiver acelerado ainda com essa carta, comece a acelerar. Isso quer dizer que uma vez a cada um dos seus turnos quando um oponente perder vida de alguma forma, você vai colocar um marcador de aceleração nesse terreno, até atingir a velocidade máxima que é 4. Quando tiver em velocidade máxima, quando você conjurar um artefato você poderá pagar 1 mana a mais, se fizer isso, então copie o que conjurar dessa forma, basicamente duplica seus artefatos tudo.
Preço da carta: em torno de 7,20 até 166,00
Indisponível em Português
Link: https://www.ligamagic.com.br/?view=cards/card&card=Mendicant%20Core,%20Guidelight
Até a próxima postagem, Ulli e Thiago
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targetsas · 2 months ago
Cartiere Fabriano: addio alla carta per ufficio, tra emozione e futuro
Dopo 47 anni di attività, la storica macchina continua F3 dello stabilimento di Fabriano si è spenta. Era il cuore pulsante della produzione della carta per ufficio, incluso il celebre Fabriano Copy 2, un simbolo di eccellenza italiana. Alle 8:07 del 10 dicembre, la F3 ha terminato il suo lungo ciclo di lavoro, segnando un momento storico e doloroso per la comunità e i dipendenti che per decenni…
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bvqvmdblogspotcom · 3 months ago
Conjunto Fitness Academia Short + Top ou Conjunto De Lingerie Erótica Renda, Pijamas Baby-Dolls S a 3XL
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Nome Oficial Conjunto Fitness Feminino Academia Short+ Top
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Estoque: 1315 Gênero: Feminino Envio De: Minas Gerais Conjunto: Não Possui Bojo Conjunto: De Academia Top + Short Com Base: Em Cor Preta Possui Detalhe: Em Várias Cores Cor: Variados
Medidas P: Veste 36 M: Veste 38 G: Veste Do 40 GG: Veste 42/44
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Devolução grátis Você tem 30 dias a partir da data de recebimento.
Ali Express Black Friday Nome Oficial Conjunto De Lingerie Feminina Erótica Renda, Pijamas Baby-dolls, Roupa Interior Quente, Trajes Sexy, Peluche
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azvolrien · 7 months ago
Ireland - Day 2
I woke up to an 8.30 alarm after a surprisingly solid night’s sleep. I usually don’t sleep very well on the first night in a hotel, but this was fine. The aircon probably helped; it’s been warm enough recently that I haven’t been getting much sleep at home, never mind in a hotel.
I had breakfast at the generous hotel buffet – they weren’t checking room numbers, so really anyone could have wandered in off the street – and headed out for the day. My timeslot for the Book of Kells wasn’t until 10.30, so I had a little time to kill before then and stopped off for a look around Christ Church Cathedral, almost right across the Liffey from the hotel.
It’s a church, albeit one with a pleasant flower garden out the front, and the main nave didn’t strike me as anything particularly, well, striking. Some nice stained glass, elegant vaulting and a pretty tiled floor, but still: just a church, and on a smaller scale than any other cathedral I’ve visited except maybe Dornoch. Downstairs, however, is a bit more interesting, as the cathedral’s crypt runs all the way under the building and houses a number of artefacts from the cathedral’s history, including a few sets of altar plate, a copy of Magna Carta, and – more gruesomely – the mummified remains of a cat and a rat that got trapped inside the organ pipes however long ago.
I left the cathedral behind and walked along Dame Street to Trinity College, where I joined the queue for the Book. The exhibition starts off with a few big panels both about the illuminations and calligraphy in the Book of Kells and in other contemporary manuscripts for a bit of historical context, as well as some about the physical structure of the Book, such as the preparation and binding of the vellum pages and the sources of the various pigments the scribes used.
I took a few photos of the display panels, as photography in the next room wasn’t allowed, and went through to see the Book itself.
They had it open at a page from the Gospel of Luke showing the genealogy of Jesus – not one of the big-ticket illuminations like the Chi-Rho page, but still rather charming in itself. The initial letter on each line had been beautifully decorated, and the scribe responsible had added what might have been a little tribute to the Book’s possible original home: a merman had been drawn pointing towards the “Who came from Jona”, or, in the Latin, “Qui fuit Iona”.
I followed the exhibition upstairs from the Book to see Trinity College’s other main attraction, the library’s famous Long Room. It’s not showing its best face to the world right now as they’re working on moving all the books out for a big conservation project, but there are still a few shelves full and the room itself, two storeys of warm dark oak, would be a beautiful sight even if it were completely empty. It currently also houses a few other artefacts such as one of the original proclamations of the Easter Rising and the Brian Boru Harp, i.e. the Irish harp, the one they use as the Guinness logo and, flipped, on all the government buildings. It isn’t actually old enough to have anything to do with Brian Boru, however.
The last bit of the exhibition is in a separate building, with a 360-degree film about the history of the Book with lots of moving copies of the illuminations. I wondered if they’d worked with Cartoon Saloon for this bit – if anyone has experience animating the Book of Kells, it’s them – but couldn’t find anyone to ask.
After a quick look at the Irish elk skeletons in the impressive foyer of the Museum Building, I visited the College’s Zoology Museum, which is in a completely different building. Overseen by a group of enthusiastic students in yellow t-shirts, these two rooms in the zoology department house a wide array of specimens including lots of skeletons, Things In Jars, and some truly horrifying old taxidermy such as an unnaturally smooth Indian rhino.
More horrifying taxidermy was to follow, as I then set off for the National Museum of Ireland’s natural history branch, locally nicknamed the Dead Zoo. Only the ground floor is open at present, but that alone has plenty of specimens on display. It’s a proper Victorian-style natural history museum: none of this nonsense about dumbing it down to appeal to The Kids, just rows of glass cabinets filled with dead animals, including three (3) Irish elk skeletons – two stags and a hind – and several more disembodied skulls mounted on the walls, one of them upside down for some reason. The labelling does make the point that they’re more properly called ‘Irish giant deer’, as they’re not closely related to either extant species called elk, but I am set in my ways and will continue with the wrong name. Another impressive specimen is the rather terrifying basking shark hanging from the ceiling – an actual taxidermied skin rather than a model.
The next museum on the list was the NMI’s nearby archaeology branch, which houses – among other things – the famous Ardagh Chalice and a great many Celtic brooches and gold collars. The artefact I found most memorable, however, was one of the bog bodies. Although not remotely complete, consisting of the upper half of a decapitated torso, the man’s hands are so perfectly preserved that you can see the ridges of his fingerprints.
I then walked back up to Dublin Castle to see the Chester Beatty, as its manuscript collection had been recommended to me. Said collection is indeed impressive, with a lot of western books including illuminated manuscripts like the Book of Kells as well as lots of others showing beautiful Arabic calligraphy from across the Middle East and Persia, and further afield still with illustrated scrolls from China and Japan.
My route from the archaeology museum to the Chester Beatty chanced to take me past the Gaiety Theatre, so on a whim I booked a ticket to see Riverdance that evening. The manuscripts had put me in an Asian mood, so I stopped off at a Japanese restaurant for an early tea of duck gyoza and chicken and prawn yaki soba before returning to the theatre.
It’s quite a small, intimate theatre for such a big-name show: I was right at the back of the stalls next to the guy working the lights, but I still had a fine view of the stage.
It really is a classic. The dancers must have to spend God-knows-how-long in rehearsal, because they all had the timing both with each other and the music down absolutely perfect. The title number – used as the Act 1 finale – got a particularly strong response from the audience; from the cheering, it sounded like there was an especially enthusiastic group up on the balcony. The dancers looked like they were having fun too; they weren’t as stone-faced as Irish step dancing often seems to call for, and a definite undercurrent of ‘Oh my god we’re actually in Riverdance’ came through much of the show.
The weather’s been really sunny all day. I hope it holds for tomorrow, as the current plan is to visit Dublin Zoo (the not-dead one).
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onthegreatsea · 8 months ago
this spike in 360 game prices seems so damn artificial.. its like i keep seeing copies of games for 15, 20 quid on ebay listings but last month those same games all sold for a fiver. and like ninja gaiden z was a fiver sealed for forever, even like just 2-3 months ago. now its 25 for an open copy? blue dragon has doubled in just a month or two as well. like what happened? ugh im glad i bought most of the ones i wanted years ago but it is very annoying that the last few pick ups i wanted have shot up so much... past the point where i feel they're worth it. goodbye magna carta 2 ... may we meet in another life
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clown6demo6drag6quen · 11 months ago
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
1. La urraca- los contrabandistas
2. Check yes, Juliet- We the kings
3. Cartas y WhatsApp- Los contrabandistas
4. Qué Agonía- Estilo Al Norte
5. Makes no difference- Sum 41
Thanks so much @d0llyguts !!!
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mario1964pr-blog · 1 year ago
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¿Por qué un agente de bienes raíces requiere una preaprobación antes de mostrar viviendas? 🏘 Por Mario Rodríguez, Equity Mortgage Caguas
¿Alguna vez te ha pedido un corredor de bienes raíces una carta de preaprobación antes de mostrarte una propiedad? No es porque no te valoren como cliente, al contrario, en realidad están cuidando tus mejores intereses.
▪︎ Tener el deseo de comprar vivienda está perfecto, sin embargo, falta saber cuál es tu capacidad financiera; y eso solo se logra con una preaprobación.
¿Qué es una preaprobación? Es la carta de un banco hipotecario, Equity Mortgage Caguas, (787) 216-3836, de que puedes pedir dinero prestado para comprar una casa o apartamento, hasta cierta cantidad, basado en tus ingresos, empleo y ahorros, junto con tu historial crediticio.
5 razones para obtener la preaprobación:
1. Tiene más peso que una "precalificación".
▪︎ En una preaprobación, el banco hipotecario ha verificado tu crédito y documentación para aprobar un monto de préstamo específico.
▪︎ Generalmente, esta preaprobación es válida por 120 días, siempre y cuando no cambien tus ingresos, reservas (ahorros), no aumenten tus deudas, ni cambies de trabajo.
2. Agrega valor a tu oferta.
▪︎ En el mercado actual, donde las viviendas a la venta atraen múltiples ofertas, tener una carta de preaprobación puede marcar la diferencia. Un mercado de vendedores con escasez de casas y apartamentos, los vendedores pueden inclinarse hacia la oferta que demuestre un respaldo sólido. La preaprobación infunde confianza en tu capacidad para comprar, lo que puede ser decisivo al tomar una decisión de venta.
3. Aumenta tu poder de negociación.
▪︎ La preaprobación fortalece tu oferta y te da una ventaja al negociar el precio. Los propietarios motivados a vender pueden estar más dispuestos a aceptar una oferta de alguien que ha demostrado ser financieramente capaz de comprar su vivienda.
4. Ahorra tiempo.
▪︎ Solicitar una hipoteca conlleva un proceso que incluye la revisión de tus finanzas y la documentación necesaria. Al obtener la preaprobación de antemano, te ahorras tiempo al evitar retrasos una vez que encuentres la propiedad que deseas.
5. Demuestra compromiso y seriedad.
▪︎ Al presentar una carta de preaprobación al vendedor, muestras que estás comprometido con la compra y que has tomado las medidas necesarias para asegurarte de que estás listo para seguir adelante con la transacción.
En resumen, obtener una preaprobación antes de buscar tu nueva casa o apartamento es fundamental para tener claridad financiera, influir en las ofertas, aumentar el poder de negociación, ahorrar tiempo y demostrar compromiso.
¡Contáctanos en Equity Mortgage al 787.216.3836 para ayudarte en este importante paso hacia la adquisición de tu hogar! 🏠 *Si te parece útil el artículo ¡compártelo!
©️ DERECHOS RESERVADOS: Don't copy it, share it
#Preaprobacion #Hipoteca #Equity #ComprarCasa #EquityMortgageCaguas
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taruntravell · 1 year ago
Beyond the Stones: Hidden Gems on Your Stonehenge Tour
While Stonehenge tours itself is undoubtedly a remarkable and iconic archaeological site, there are several hidden gems and nearby attractions that you can explore to enhance your Stonehenge tour experience. Here are some suggestions:
Avebury Stone Circle:
Located about 25 miles north of Stonehenge, Avebury is the largest stone circle in Europe. The site is surrounded by a charming village, and you can freely walk among the stones. Unlike Stonehenge, you can get up close and personal with the megaliths at Avebury.
Silbury Hill:
Close to Avebury, Silbury Hill is the largest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe. Its purpose is still unclear, but it's an impressive structure that adds to the mystery of the ancient landscape.
West Kennet Long Barrow:
Also near Avebury, this Neolithic tomb predates Stonehenge and is an atmospheric burial chamber. It's a short walk from Avebury and provides insight into ancient burial practices.
Durrington Walls:
Located near Stonehenge, Durrington Walls is a large henge enclosure and the site of the recent discovery of a "superhenge." It's believed to have been a gathering place for feasting and other ceremonies.
Stonehenge Landscape Walk:
Stonehenge is part of a larger archaeological landscape. Take a walk around the surrounding fields to discover burial mounds, ancient pathways, and other features that contribute to the overall understanding of the area.
Situated about 2 miles northeast of Stonehenge, Woodhenge is another prehistoric monument. While the wooden posts that once stood here are long gone, you can see the circular layout marked by concrete posts.
Old Sarum:
Not far from Stonehenge, Old Sarum is the site of an Iron Age hillfort and the location of the original Salisbury Cathedral. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Salisbury Cathedral:
If you have time, visit Salisbury Cathedral, home to the best-preserved copy of the Magna Carta. The cathedral's stunning architecture and beautiful surroundings make it a worthwhile stop.
The Cuckoo Stone:
Located near Stonehenge, the Cuckoo Stone is a standing stone associated with local folklore. It's a short drive or walk from the main Stonehenge site.
Remember to check for any entry requirements, opening hours, and guided tours for these sites to make the most of your visit. Exploring the broader area around Stonehenge allows you to delve deeper into the rich history and mysteries of this ancient landscape.
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mafuyuchii · 3 years ago
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EU VOLTEI (de novo isso Mafu? -qq) MAS DESSA VEZ É PRA FICAR BAM!
E ai como vocês estão? Espero que bem, eu passei por cada perrengue nesse período da faculdade que eu não conseguia nem parar e sentar no notebook sem literalmente bater a cabeça no teclado e cair de exaustão. Foi estágio, provas, relatórios, literalmente um caos que me fez ficar acho que uns 2 meses sem editar 
mas agora que o período tá acabando, cá estou eu voltando a editar porque estou conseguinte entregar tudo e passar em todas as matérias (além disso fui editar pra me distrair da nota que a professora não posta DE JEITO NENHUM) e bom, aqui estamos com a capa.
Confesso que no inicio eu tinha a menor ideia do que fazer, quanto mais eu editava mais eu tava achando que tudo tava saindo errado, mas fui naquela de “confia no resultado, só faz -qq” e cá está a capa, SÉRIO EU AMEI O RESULTADO DEMAIS! especialmente que as cartas e o dinheiro parecem que estão mais a frente do que o resto da capa, dando um efeito meio que 3D na capa (quem diria, Mafu produzindo 3D nas edições hehe ~)
Capa para a fanfic “Dear Enemy” escrito por XChaotic para a seção de Spy x Family, fanfic com foco no ship de Damian x Anya (que eu descobri o nome do ship ser damianya :o) eles mais velhos obviamente INDAWOINDAOIWN 
Se inspire! Não copie! Créditos à MeomoiceCR e  怠惰ヌキ pelas artes utilizadas na edição da capa, assim como renders, backgrounds, psd’s e textures.
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horademagic · 22 days ago
Conversinha/ A Little Chat
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Instantânea de Comprar Carta 
Custo de mana: 1 azul + 1 de qualquer cor = 2 no total
Sairá do campo assim que for usada (característica das Instantâneas)
Por que ela é interessante? ao conjurar essa mágica você poderá sacrificar uma criatura que tenha poder igual ou superior a 1, se fizer isso, copie essa mágica garantindo que ela acontecerá duas vezes. Olhe as duas cartas do topo do seu grimório, escolha uma para vir para sua mão e a outra vai para o fundo do grimório, é uma compra seletiva de carta.
Preço da carta: em torno de 0,10 até 8,00
Disponível em Português
Link: https://www.ligamagic.com.br/?view=cards/card&card=A%20Little%20Chat&aux=Conversinha
Até a próxima postagem, Ulli e Thiago
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
Sunday 10 November 1839
12 20/..
fine morning F58 ½° on my table now at 10am and R -9° and breakfast – off to church at 11 – arrived just before service began – Mr. Camidge preached 33 minutes from Mat. xxii. vv. 16 to 22. on our return found Mr. de Richter – off again in a few minutes – and he who set off at the same time was ready at the door of the university library to receive us – we arrived about 1 ½ and staid till 4 ½ - 65,000 volumes – rich in philosophy – our government has given them 2 copies of our statues etc. from Magna carta to queen Anne – 4 librarians – de R- the 2nd in rank – salary = 2500/. – Retraite after  36 years of service = 400/. – I think he said he had already served 9 years – said yesterday he was aet. 36 – no chance of his accompanying us in our tour – cannot leave Moscow – shewed us the work of Ledebour Charles Frederic (I think) a Ledebourg i.e. a Latin for de [?] – vid. Upsala [Uppsala] observation on à Linnée – all the voyages that have been published on Russia – then talked of going to read at the
open to the public from 11am to 2pm – should have given up the idea of doing anything at botany at home but he thought we could examine dried plants .:. said we would begin on Tuesday – botany instead of Russian – poeles [poêles] = 25/. to 30/. per month each – the latter price if heated with bouleau but perhaps Mrs. Howard gives up Sapin which is worth perhaps five roubles a month less than bouleau (birch) – oil for one lamp from 5 to 11 pm would probably cost about ./40 – and stearine candles = 50/. per ppd of 40lbs. x 4 candles = 160 candles 600/. per month (including chauffage et éclairage) enough and 15/. per day for nourriture – Give our 2 coachmen 10/. between them per month – home at 4 40/.. dressed – dinner from 6 to 7 – off at 7 ¼ to Mr. Fischers’ – one gentleman there in addition to the [family] – papa and mamma, son and 3 daughters – tea on the table – there from about 7 ½ to 8 ¾ - home about 9 – princess R- had sent to say tea was ready – so went to her about 9 ¼ and staid till 10 55/.. A- poorly – seemed very well at Mr. Fischers’ – had been starved all the day – did not go with me tonight – on my return found her undressing – wrote the last 5 lines till 11 10/.. – fine day F60 ¼° now at midnight and the same at 9 ¼ pm and R -6 ½° now at midnight = F18°
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seasaltcosmos · 3 years ago
im like one of those door to door salesman who try to convert people to christianity but instead of bibles i hand out copies of magna carta 2
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1962dude420-blog · 4 years ago
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Today we remember the passing of Jani Lane who Died: August 11, 2011 in Woodland Hills, California
Jani Lane (born John Kennedy Oswald; February 1, 1964 – August 11, 2011) was an American recording artist and the lead vocalist, frontman, lyricist and main songwriter for the glam metal band Warrant. From Hollywood, California, the band experienced success from 1989 to 1996 with five albums reaching international sales of over 10 million. Lane left Warrant in 2004 and again in 2008 after a brief reunion. Lane also released a solo album, Back Down to One, in 2003, and the album Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner with a new group, Saints of the Underground, in 2008. Lane contributed lead vocals and songwriting to various projects throughout his career.
Lane was born John Kennedy Oswald (later changed to John Patrick Oswald), on February 1, 1964 in Akron, Ohio to Robert and Eileen Oswald. He was raised in Brimfield with four older siblings: sisters Marcine Williams, Michelle Robinson and Victoria Ley, plus older brother Eric, already an accomplished guitarist. With sisters Micki and Vicky and brother Eric harmonizing and playing guitar, Lane taught himself to play drums, guitar and piano by ear by age five. He grew up listening to Cleveland rock station WMMS (100.7 FM "The Buzzard") and was introduced to a variety of music by his older siblings.
With connections from siblings Eric and Vicky in and around the music scene (and with his parents' help), Lane made a name for himself at a very young age. He played drums under the pseudonym "Mitch Dynamite" in clubs by age 11 and with a local band "Pokerface." By that time, his siblings had left for college or marriage, although Vicky was still active in the entertainment industry in northeast Ohio and southwest Florida. Due to Vicky's numerous connections, Lane was able to network with industry execs in pursuit of his dream. Lane graduated from Field High School, in Mogadore, Ohio, a nearby city to Brimfield in 1982.
Lane is credited as the vocalist/drummer on Warrant's Latest and Greatest CD. Throughout his career, Lane would sometimes play drums/acoustic guitar and piano with his band and played the drums in various formats and gigs with other musicians.
After high school, Lane joined the band Cyren, featuring vocalist Skip Hammonds, guitarist John Weakland, bassist Don Hoover (and later Rusty Fohner) with Lane on drums and vocals. Many of Cyren's shows opened for a popular local band called Risque'. When their bassist, Al Collins, noticed Lane's vocal talents, he convinced Lane to form a new band they eventually called Dorian Gray. The new band also included Steven Chamberlin on drums and Dave Chamberlin on lead guitar. Dorian Gray was designed to have Lane as the lead vocalist and to perform original material, but Lane wasn't ready to be the lead singer and quickly returned to the drum kit. Billy Denmead was hired as lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist. After only a few shows, Collins left the band, vowing to put a band together when Lane was ready to be a lead vocalist.
Lane moved to Florida in 1983 with Dorian Gray. He eventually formed Plain Jane with Collins and Chamberlin, adopting the stage name "Jani Lane" (Chamberlin would also soon rechristen himself Steven Sweet). He took the name "Jani" from his German grandparents, who spelled his name "Jani" and pronounced it "Yay-nee."
Lane began vocal training with vocal coach/trainer Ron Feldmann, who introduced him to Creative Engineering, Inc. in Orlando. Lane worked there as a programmer of the animatronic character Dook LaRue, the drummer for The Rock-afire Explosion. His vocal debut was at The Station in Fern Park, Florida.
Lane, Collins, and Chamberlin recorded the first Plain Jane four-track demos at their rented house in Winter Park, Florida. Although reluctant to leave Florida, they rented a trailer in the spring of 1984 and moved to California with hopes of landing a record deal. They were broke by the time they landed at the Hollywood Bowl Motel and resorted to making sandwiches with mustard packets while taking turns calling their parents for cash.
Struggling to make ends meet as a musician, Lane resorted to working in a pornographic video warehouse. The band, along with a new road crew and a few girlfriends, pooled their wages and lived in a two-bedroom condominium rented by new Plain Jane guitarist Paul Noble. At one time there were 13 people living in the crowded space.
By 1985, Plain Jane had become a regular feature on the Los Angeles club circuit and opened many shows for a band called Warrant. Plain Jane's bassist and guitarist both left the band on the same day Warrant's singer and drummer quit. Erik Turner, who had founded Warrant in July 1984, was impressed by Plain Jane's songwriting and vocal performance and invited Lane and Sweet to jam with his band at Hollywood's db Sound in September 1986.
After generating notoriety on the club circuit, Warrant began to attract the attention of record labels. Following an abortive deal with A&M Records over a contribution to the soundtrack for the motion picture Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, the band signed with Columbia Records. The Columbia deal came via the partnering of Warrant and manager Tom Hulett, known for working with The Beach Boys, Elvis Presley, The Moody Blues and others. Hulett became Lane's mentor and friend until Hulett's death from cancer in 1993.
As lead vocalist with Warrant, Lane wrote all of the material for the band's 1989 debut double platinum album, Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich, including four Top 40 hit singles: "Down Boys", "Sometimes She Cries", "Big Talk" and the No. 2 Billboard Hot 100 hit "Heaven." The album peaked at no. 10 on The Billboard 200. Lane also wrote four Top 40 hit singles ("Cherry Pie," "I Saw Red," "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and "Blind Faith") for the second album, the 1990 double platinum Cherry Pie, which peaked at no. 7 on the Billboard 200. Lane also co-wrote and performed with Warrant the song "The Power" in the 1992 movie Gladiator. In 1992, Warrant released Dog Eat Dog, their gold third album, which peaked at no. 25 on the Billboard 200.
Lane left Warrant in March 1993 to pursue a solo career. He returned six months later, helping the band secure a new record with Tom Lipsky of CMC International. Warrant recorded Ultraphobic in 1995, Belly to Belly in 1996, Greatest & Latest in 1999 and a cover album, Under the Influence, in 2001.
Due to personal and business disagreements, Lane left Warrant again in 2004. In January 2008, the band's agent, The William Morris Agency, issued a new photograph of the band with Lane prominently featured, confirming his return to the band. It was the first time that all original members had been in the band since 1993. The band's first show with all original members was in May 2008 in Nashville, Tennessee. Warrant performed a series of shows during the summer of 2008, but by September, the band and Lane agreed to move forward separately due to "too much water under the bridge." Warrant and Lane both continued to perform Lane's compositions live and Lane continued to write for himself and other artists.
Lane became involved in acting in the early 1990s. He made a brief appearance in Caged Fear and appeared in High Strung in 1991.
In 1993, Lane started working on his first solo project. Titled "Jabberwocky," the album represented a significant musical departure from previous work. Between 1997 and 2000, demos of Lane's solo material began surfacing on the Internet, with some bids on eBay reaching an estimated $100 per copy. In 2002, Lane decided to postpone the "Jabberwocky" project and released a new project as his debut solo album. The "Jabberwocky" project remained unreleased.
Lane's official debut solo album, Back Down to One, was released on June 17, 2003 through Z Records and in the U.S. in 2006 on Immortal/Sidewinder Records. It carried a "power pop" sound more closely aligned with the sound of Warrant than "Jabberwocky." Shortly after the album's release, Lane was admitted to a rehabilitation center for alcohol and drug-related exhaustion.
In the fall of 2004, Lane contributed lead vocals for the first ever theme song to a novel, Billy McCarthy's "The Devil of Shakespeare," along with James Young from Styx, Ron Flynt of 20/20 and Chip Z'Nuff of Enuff Z'Nuff.
Lane contributed vocals on the track "Bastille Day" and "2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx" for the Magna Carta 2005 Rush tribute album "Subdivisions."
Lane had success with the "VH1 Classic Metal Mania: Stripped" discs, where the acoustic version of "I Saw Red" was included on disc 1, a new acoustic swinging version of "Cherry Pie" featured on disc 2, and a new acoustic version of "Heaven" featured on disc 3.
In 2005, Lane became a fan favorite on the popular VH1 series Celebrity Fit Club 2. His problems with alcohol were highlighted and many viewers supported his efforts at recovery.
With the reissue and U.S. release of "Back Down to One" in 2006, Lane attempted to restart his version of Warrant. Although "Back Down to One" was credited as a solo release, Lane assembled a new touring band called "Jani Lane's Warrant." The band's first shows in Michigan were stopped by legal action from former bandmates objecting to his use of the Warrant logo on his posters. Lane subsequently continued touring without the Warrant name and logo.
Lane lent his vocals to numerous tribute CDs during the 2000s. In 2007, he released a solo cover album titled "Photograph," featuring a collection of his tribute contributions.
Keri Kelli and Lane wrote a song for Alice Cooper titled "The One That Got Away." It was recorded by Cooper on his 2008 record Along Came a Spider. Lane also finished work on a side project, Saints of the Underground, which included Kelli and Bobby Blotzer and Robbie Crane, (both from Ratt). Their album, Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner, was released on April 22, 2008 by Warrior Records, and was mixed by producer/engineer Andy Johns, who'd worked with The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. The album featured additional bass work by Chuck Wright (Quiet Riot, House of Lords). The band was originally called "Angel City Outlaws" when they posted their first two promo singles, "Bruised" and "Exit."
In summer 2010, Lane toured with Great White, filling in for singer Jack Russell, who was recuperating from surgery after suffering internal complications.
On August 11, 2011, the Los Angeles Police Department and local news stations announced that Lane was found dead of acute alcohol poisoning at a Comfort Inn hotel in Woodland Hills, California at the age of 47. Lane was pronounced dead by fire department personnel who responded to a call shortly before 5:30 p.m.
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