#carrot boy you really have moved me immensely
lewisinho · 8 months
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jannik sinner the man that you are
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
red cheeks and sunsets
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: George has been pining over Y/N for far too long and Fred decides to give his twin a little push. 
A/N: I love reading about Georgie so I thought I’d get back into writing and write a really fluffy oneshot about my fav. I hope you like it, I’m a bit rusty but if you wanna request anything please do :)) love you all 
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“Seriously George, do you realise how creepy you’re being right now. You’ve been staring at the poor gal for 10 minutes.” Fred’s voice brings George out of his trance, okay it might have been the carrot Fred threw which hit George right in the forehead.
“I’m not staring” George mumbles, tearing his eyes away from Y/N reluctantly and at his dinner.
“No of course you’re not” the other twin states with an eye roll.
George can’t help it you see; the staring, the daydreaming, the embarrassing stuttering and nerves he feels whenever she is near or even in the same room as him. The redhead has had an immense crush on Y/N L/N for a year, too scared to say or do anything about it. No that he hasn’t tried to let her know about his feelings but each time he’s stood in front of her he is unable to speak and forgets everything prior to that moment, it’s a wonder he hasn’t passed out during his attempts. As soon as George looks into her eyes, those breath-taking, incredible eyes, nothing else registers in his brain. How can one be expected to think when looking as something so beautiful?
So, George decides it is easier to just admire from afar, to try and salvage whatever is left of his ego. He tells himself he’s fine with Y/N not knowing, he’s okay with sending shy smiles her way and imagining how it would feel to wrap his arms around the girl and kiss those perfect lips. He doesn’t think his heart could take the rejecting because at least this way he can pretend Y/N likes him back.
Fred groans, “mate just tell her” George interrupts him with a laugh. “No I’m serious, just walk up to her and say ‘Y/N I like you’, 4 words. That’s it.”
George stares down at his plate pushing food around with his fork and sighs “Fred, it’s not like I haven’t tried. I end up sounding like a stuttering idiot cos I can’t get the words out; I can’t get any words out. Plus, there’s no way she likes me back, I mean look at her” George’s eyes find their way back to Y/N, who is sitting with her friends, laughing “why in the world would she like someone like me, she’s stunning”
“Yeah you’re right, she’s a straight 10 and you’re a 6 at best” Fred answers with a chuckle.
George gives his twin a little shove with his shoulder, “thanks man, I appreciate the support.”
Fred has had enough of George’s pining; he can’t seem to get much out of George if Y/N is around. It’s like George gets tunnel vision and all he sees is Y/N and everything else around him fades away. Fred does think its sweet seeing how infatuated his twin is with the girl, he just wishes George would muster up the courage to tell Y/N how he feels. Maybe then George will be able help with the planning of some new pranks.
Fred and George are walking down the hall back to the common room one night when a familiar H/C haired girl turns the corner and walks their way.
George almost trips when he sees her but Fred nudges him upright.
“Hey boys,” Y/N smiles at them, eyes landing on George “hey George.”
Fred smirks, hearing that George got a second greeting, hoping he’ll at least say something.
Y/N is still staring at George hoping for a reply, George doesn’t seem to say much around her. She isn’t sure why. Yeah George is the more ‘quieter’ one of the duo but he still has an outgoing and loud personality. A few times Y/N has caught herself admiring George and a smile would always creep onto her face seeing him joking and laughing with his friends.
“H-hey” George all but whispers back, his cheeks feel like they are on fire and that his whole body might combust under Y/N’s gaze.
Fred wraps his lanky arm around George’s shoulder “Hello dear Y/N, you look very beautiful this fine afternoon, don’t you think Georgie?”
George almost chokes at Fred’s comment “Er- I guess so, I mean-um, y-yeah you do.”
If George wasn’t staring at the floor silently hoping a hole would appear and swallow him up, he might have seen Y/N’s face turn a light tint of pink.
“Oh, well thank you” Y/N giggles, “I guess I should get going. It was nice to see you both, bye George” Y/N waves and continues down the hall with a small skip in her step.
As soon as Y/N is around the corner, George groans into his hands, why is it so difficult for him to form sentences around her.
Fred just laughs, “you truly have it bad bud, but don’t worry, Freddie is here to help.”
George just groans louder; he isn’t sure Fred will be much help.
George finds himself running up to the astronomy tower later that week, Fred had left a note on his pillow saying to meet him ASAP so they can set up for a prank, it sounded pretty urgent, the note stated if he was even a minute late Fred would spill his secrets to Y/N. So, here George was racing through the halls to try and make it there on time, everyone was at dinner, so the halls were pretty empty which worked in George’s favour. Out of breath, George finally makes it to the astronomy tower stairs, taking 2 steps at a time he jogs up.
“Bloody hell Fred, I swear you just wanna make me-“Georges words disappear into the air as he reaches the top of the stairs.
Y/N is leaning against the railing staring out at the sunset, she turns her head to face George.
“Sorry to disappoint Georgie, but I’m not Fred” she giggles.
Godric, George thinks her giggle is the most magical sound in the world, he’d do anything to hear it again.
“S’ okay…” George trails off, he’s going to kill Fred later.
They stand in silence for a few moments, “Isn’t the sky so beautiful tonight?” Y/N breathes turning to look at the orange painted sky.
George can’t help but stare at this absolute goddess in front of him, the fiery sunset glows against Y/N’s face, he takes a small step closer to her hoping to memorise the way the sun beams against her soft skin. He wonders what it would feel like to caress her cheek, surely all his troubles would wash away the moment he has her delicate face in his hands. He glances down at her lips, he wishes he could just grab her face and kiss her right here, somehow try and show her how much she means to him.
George doesn’t realise words have left his mouth until it’s too late “Merlin, you are beautiful.” Georges eyes widen, did he actually just say that?
Y/N, surprised, turns to face him and it’s like a faucet in his brain has been turned on and he can’t stop the words coming out of his mouth, everything he’s ever wanted to say to Y/N is pouring out before he can control himself.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. Not that its not true! Because it is, you’re beautiful, you’re amazing actually. The most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. So beautiful in fact, you make me forget how to breath actually. Whenever I’m around you, I get all nervous and don’t know what to say. Like how do you tell the most beautiful girl in the world that you’ve had a crush on them for a year” George takes a breath, Y/N doesn’t say anything, not that she really had time to, George took her millisecond of silence as rejection and kept speaking. “Merlin, I can’t believe I just said that. It’s okay that you don’t feel the same way, I don’t blame you. I’m so sorry, let’s just forget-“
George doesn’t get to finish the end of that sentence, Y/N had grabbed his face and lightly pressed their lips together.
Startled, George doesn’t know what to do, his brain is going wild he thinks he might have a head attack with how fast his heart is beating, surely this is a dream. But when Y/N’s arms snake around his neck it pulls him back to reality. George moves his hands to Y/N’s hips and deepens the kiss.
Y/N tastes of a mixture of pure heaven and cotton candy, George thinks he’s floating away when he feels Y/N play with his hair at the base of his neck, a soft moan escaping from his mouth.
They eventually pull apart and George keeps his eyes closed, worried if he opens them, he’ll find that he’s actually in his bed and this was just an insanely good dream.
“Georgie, open your eyes” Y/N’s hands are back on George’s cheeks.
George slowly opens his eyes and finds his favourite pair staring back at him.
“Wow” is all he manages.
Y/N just giggles, “If you can’t tell, I like you too. Like a lot. Fred actually told me to meet you here, he said you had something important to tell me. I’m glad you finally said something.”
“Me too because I’d really like to kiss you again” Y/N laughs and presses her lips to Georges sweetly.
George smiles, finally gaining the confidence to say a sentence he never thought he’d be able to form around Y/N. “Y/N do you think maybe- I mean would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?”
“Of course, George Weasley, I’d love to” Y/N replies.
“FINALLY!” a voice erupts from the stairs.
“What the hell?” George questions as he turns around to try and find the culprit, his hand not leaving Y/N’s waist. “Fred?”
Fred emerges from the stairs with a goofy grin on his face.
“Have you been hiding there the whole time? Go away you perv!” George chuckles, reaching for his wand.
“Alright, no need for that” Fred holds his hands up in defence “I just needed to make sure my plan worked and it looks like it did so you can thank me later. Maybe at your wedding.” Fred winks.
“Go away!” George shouts. “I’ll hex you if I have to’
“Okay I’m going, I’m going. No funny business up here though” Fred quickly adds before running down the stairs, narrowly avoiding the jinx George sent his way.
“I’m so sorry about him” George says looking back at Y/N.
Y/N smiles “it’s okay, I guess without him I wouldn’t be able to kiss you anytime I want now.”
The redhead laughs, “yeah, I guess I am grateful for that but not that I’m ever going to tell him” George leans down and kisses Y/N once more, unable to control the smile breaking onto his face.
He finally got the girl, his girl.
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clarawatson · 3 years
It Only Takes A Taste (3)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x [Fem]!Reader (GN pronouns, fem coded stuff, but I’m not sure where this is going as a larger work so we’ll say Fem!reader to be safe) Summary: Jack comes for dinner, I guess. W/C: 2345 Warnings: none yet! A/N: this one got a little long, oopsies. AO3 Where am I in this series? 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |
The bed had been so warm and comfortable you hadn't wanted to get out, but the thought of seeing Aaron again made your heart grow three sizes. You'd been texting back and forth for the last couple of days, just small awkward stuff. He likes to text emojis. He's precious. Of course he's precious. 
He comes in as you're serving your first customer of the night—a sobbing thirty-year-old man who can't even order his pie without spluttering in tears. Is it favouritism to get excited by Aaron turning up? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. 
"Hello," you smile. There's a hundred things you could have called him, but he's too cute and your brain doesn't want to work. 
"Hi," he grins back. "Can I have a coffee, please. Here."
"Yes you can." Aaron splits his bill between the counter and the tip jar. "How was your day,  Aaron?" 
"Boring paperwork. Couldn't concentrate."
Concern furrows your eyebrow. "Is something wrong?"
"Huh? No! I kept thinking about seeing you." There's that sunshine smile again. You might even match it yourself. He points to the cake that's still in the display tin. He's in earlier in the night than usual, so there's a lot more range to choose from. "Is that carrot cake?" 
"Sure is. Do you want some?" 
You serve him a slice and let the coffee machine splutter and fight with you. He stabs his cake with his fork and looks like he has an out of body experience the moment the cream cheese icing hits his tongue. That's a face you want to see again under different circumstances.
"Me! And Joe's recipe. I sort of mixed it together and prayed."
"Then mark me a religious man." Aaron smiles. You can't held but smile back at him.
"It's a bit early for you to be in," you say. It's not an issue, just means you got the earlier shift. Finishing at 1am instead of 7am. Plus, Aaron looks nice in the daytime. Very nice. The afternoon light suits him.
"Didn't have a case," he shrugs. 
You've googled him since getting his business card. “Supervisory Agent Aaron Hotchner, Section Chief of the BAU”. The fuck did that even mean? BAU was the Behavioural Analysis Unit, which was still mainly a mystery, but you think it’s maybe just an over-glorified way of saying ‘they look inside people’s heads and hope for the best’. He’s got a handful of news reports that you’ve practically memorised. 
Okay, that’s a little obsessive. Don’t admit that to him. 
He wasn’t the ‘untouched by darkness’ that you’d thought of him before, his work face held all the darkness his smile did not. You hoped you never had to see the serious man who stood before the cameras. 
“How’s Rita?” Aaron asks. He’s cut the top off his carrot cake, saving it for later. He looks at it longingly every now and then, then he scoops just a little bit of the cream cheese and lets it rest on his tongue.
“She’s good. Restless. She’s happy for the due date to arrive.” She’d also asked you to be the baby’s godparent. Rather forcefully, actually, it had felt a bit strange. That was the only reason you hadn’t jumped at the opportunity. You’d do anything for Rita, but saying yes in that instant would had felt strange. Almost… wrong, maybe.
Aaron knows you’re thinking about it. He puts his fork down and shifts in his chair, waiting for you to continue. He doesn’t fill the silence between the two of you. You think about telling him, but then Lola’s bustling through the door and grabbing her apron.
“Hot stuff, when can I go for a smoke break?” is the first thing Lola says to you. She pulls chewing gum out of her mouth (yes, pulls. She sticks her fingers in her mouth and pulls it out as far as it will go without snapping) and Aaron moves his cake around his plate a bit. Does he not like it? Don’t be silly, he asked for it. Requested it. Whatever. You put his three cookies into a plastic bag and slide it across the counter to him.
“Lola you only just came in.”
“But I want to know,” she whines like she’s a teenager with an after school job, not a thirty-five-year-old woman who works at the diner full time. “Hey, Rita’s been acting weird, right? Is that a pregnancy thing, or?” Lola rubbed her nose on the back of her wrist and sniffs. An action you’re all too familiar with by now, and of course she was doing illegal substances in the bathroom before she started her shift when there’s a legitimate federal agent in the diner.
 “Oh,” Lola says as she looks at Aaron. She looks at you, raises her eyebrows, and nods like she’s impressed. “I take back telling Rita she was a liar." Even without knowing the context of Rita and Lola's conversation, you know Rita had told Lola how pretty/handsome/gorgeous Aaron is. "I’m going to go clean some tables.”
She grabs the cleaning supplies and heads out into the dining area. The door swings open, banging against one of the booths, and you’re immensely glad Lola doesn’t scream 'watch it’ at them. A curly haired blonde woman (gorgeous, mind you) touches Aaron’s shoulder and he sits up straight, smiling, and your heart plummets a little bit. Just the tiniest amount. 
“Jack insisted we switch over here before I go to parent/teacher interviews.” As if on queue, a well mannered, sandy-haired boy sits next to Aaron and grins too much like Aaron. Aaron’s son. You can put two and two together. Profiler or not.
“How was school?” Aaron asks. Jack shrugs.
“It was school.” He learnt that from his dad, there’s no question. 
“Well, in that case. Jack, this is my friend Y/n. Y/n, this is Jack.” Jack extends a hand to shake in greeting and looks really shy about it. You shake it quickly so he doesn’t feel like a kid who’s been roped into doing adult things. There’s a pile of colouring-in pages Joe’s printed off at the local library beneath a cup of crayons that Jack’s eyeing off. 
You grab a sheet and a crayon, raising an eyebrow in invitation as you turn around to Jack. 
“Yes please,” he says, grin growing across his face. “Thank-you.”
“You’re welcome. Wonderful manners.” Jack grins even bigger and you think he, too, might combust just like his dad. Stardust! That’s the movie you were thinking of. When Yvaine sees Tristan she shines, literally, the star inside of her just can’t be contained. That’s Aaron and Jack, and the way they look when they smile. 
Aaron’s sister-in-law looks at you with a cocked head, like a curious cat. Like she’s waiting to pounce. But… curiously pounce. Like she's sussing you out. She extends a hand in greeting.
“Jess. Aaron’s talked about you.”
There’s no response but to look sheepish. This seems to greatly please Jess, who smiles softly and rubs the back of Aaron’s head affectionately. They have a long history together, it’s too familial to be just a relationship born through marriage. 
“I’ll see you later then, Rockstar,” Jess says.
“Bye,” Aaron and Jack say together. Aaron rests his cheek on his hand, watching you as Lola hands you three orders she’s taken while you’ve been talking to Aaron. Jack leans over and whispers to Aaron about his homework (it’s a whisper that belongs on a stage) as you wrestle with the coffee machine. 
It’s been grinding it’s way down to not working for a while now. Ever since you met Aaron, actually. Joe’s said he’s going to fix it, or get a new one, but everyone’s in a state of non-commital until Rita has her baby.You’ve got no idea why, it’s just the way things are. Good luck, maybe? Or luck in general? 
Somehow you get Aaron talking about Shakespeare. It might have been Jack’s doing, to be completely honest, but one moment you’re trying to make the froth… well, froth… and the next you're listening to Aaron talk animatedly about Othello. Jack's young enough to not think his Dad's passion is embarrassing. 
"Have you watched Othello?" Jack asks, a question that Aaron's neglected to ask you. "I'm not old enough to yet." 
"I haven't seen that one yet, but I've seen Much Ado About Nothing."
"Is that the one with the olive gardens?" Jack asks. Aaron frowns, eyes searching for the answer in that big beautiful minds tonight.
"Yes," he says finally. "That was the one with the olive trees."
Jack giggles. "There was kissing in that movie." 
"Lots of it," Aaron agrees. You're not sure you're talking about the same film, but it's cute to see the two of them interact. 
"With the guy who plays Lockhart in the second Harry Potter movie?" You ask. Jack laughs just like his father. It's all light and mirth. He nods in confirmation. 
"His name is Kenneth," Jack says like he's familiar with him. When Aaron smiles, you know Jack's his whole world.
It’s not long before Aaron realised he’d brought Jack in without asking if he wanted anything. The afternoon rush had died down, leaving you in the space between out-of-work and dinner. You make the most chocolate-y hot chocolate you can for Jack when Aaron says he can have one. Well, Jack says the best bit is the froth, so it’s more child-size-hot-chocolate-in-an-adult-mug-full-of-froth. Jack loves it. He slurps at the chocolate, which leaves a giant frothy mustache over his top lip that won’t go away no matter how much he licks at it.
When he’s done you let him come around to the kitchen to wash his face, because no amount of wet napkins is going to fix that mess. Jack can’t reach the sink, so you fashion a step out of old milk and bread crates. Joe gives him cake batter to taste before realising that he actually has no idea who Jack is. Aaron watches from the kitchen door with a smile on his face. You don’t catch it until Jack jumps off the crates and takes your hand, leading you back out. Aaron’s fingers brush your hand as you pass him. Electricity sparks between the two of you that's completely unavoidable. The two of you recoil involuntarily.
Aaron gives you a small smile of apology. You give exactly the same one back. Lola legitimately gasps like she too felt the electricity between the two of you. Surely that was just something that happened in movies? Or in books? That’s not a real thing, right? But Aaron brushes past you again, as if he’s making sure as well, and it’s there again. Only it’s like your whole arm becomes pins and needles, not just a quick lightning spark.
If it’s like that every time you’re with him, your not sure you could even go beyond lusting after him and giving him coffee and meals every now and then. Aaron drops his gaze, then follows Jack to the front of the counter. 
They stay for dinner (because Jack insists, he wants the nachos) but the rush comes early and there’s really not much time to talk to them, so you almost miss them leaving. Almost. You’re serving the angry couple at table three (are they angry at you, or each other? Who knows, you don’t, but they’re taking it out on you) when Jack taps your hip. 
He’s very patient as you finish the order (somehow you figure out what they want between the curse words) and bend down to him. He hands you a folded piece of paper.
“This is for you,” he says. “I did it.” You’re about to unfold it, but he insists that it belongs in your apron pocket until you can look at it with no rush. That’s a kid who knows what it’s like to have a very busy parent. So you tuck it away safely and mess with his hair, which makes him grin from ear to ear.
“See you later!” Jack yells as he runs to Aaron, who’s waving goodbye with a doggy bag full of Jack’s unfinished dinner.and his keys between his fingers. 
“I’ll see you later,” he mouths as the noise in the diner starts to rise. Without thinking you blow him a kiss, which he catches effortlessly and kisses the fist closed around it before slipping out. 
When you get to the kitchen Lola’s already in the midst of teasing you. 
“You like him,” she says with all the confidence in the world. There’s not point denying her, so you just nod. It’s met by a chorus of ‘ooo’s which, to be honest, you really didn’t need. It made the diner feel far too small.
When everything dies down you remember the paper Jack had given you. You wipe the milk and spaghetti sauce off the counter, then make sure it’s dry, and unfold Jack’s page. It’s the generic colouring page Joe’s printed out, but Jack’s tried to make the generic waitress look like you. Well, you if you had purple hair and green skin. It’s a start, you guess, there’s an apology from Aaron on the back. Makes it worth it.
You move a couple of postcards on the corkboard aside and put Jack’s picture there instead. Joe pretends not to notice, but when Lola goes out the back with one of her customers, Joe comes round the front and presses a finger to the page.
“Good kid,” Joe says. He nods a couple of times then turns to you. “You know he and his dad come as a package, right? You fuck up one, you fuck up both.” Joe’s first wife had three kids that weren’t biologically his. He’s still mad at himself for not taking the kids seriously and only turning up for their mom.
“I know,” you say. 
Joe strokes your cheek as he passes and kisses your forehead. It’s all the praise you need. 
taglist (if you want to get added, just inbox me, and if I’ve missed you I am so sorry): @willowrose99 @genevievedarcygranger @maryosprinkle @kleff03 @yoshigguk @samanthareid06 @typical-leo @leilanixx
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Dinner for two
A Kristanna one shot fanfic
Rating: F/M
Relationship: Anna/Kristoff (canon verse)
Words counting: 2401
Summary: On the evening of the great thaw, Anna provides Kristoff with a gallant dinner at his new accommodation. This is about coming home and getting first steps into friendship. Some feelings... Because I can´t help it getting them together in an innocent way...
Hope you enjoy!!! :)
 So, the villain was thrown overboard and put to the castle jail for the time being.
 There had been great cheer and laughter once the party of three plus a reindeer and snowman riding between the animal´s antlers had got down from the boat to get into the harbour on a transport vessel.
 Then, everything happened in a rush over… The moment they descended the boat, people came running up greeting and questioning them with lot of excitement.
 Elsa first talked to Kai, then turned to Anna “I will have to talk to the ambassadors and guests of honour to explain. You will make sure to take a rest before tonight´s dinner, will you?”
 “But Elsa,” Anna intervened, “you need a rest, too.” Elsa waved off and explained, that she would rest later, for sure.
 “All right,” Anna smiled and then gasped, leaning closer to her sister, whispering, “I would like to take care, Kristoff and Sven get a suitable accommodation for the time being. But for that, I will need Gerda´s help. Is that okay with you?” Elsa nodded happily, that was a great idea. She then left towards the castle. The people would not come to close near her, after all she was the queen.
Anna turned to Kristoff, who stood surrounded by some customers from the marketplace. He got questioned on what had happened and he shrugged, not really knowing what to say.
 Anna wanted to step up, hooking herself into Kristoff´s arm kind of protecting him from the friendly attacks. But then a thought struck her mind ´you just kicked your false fiancé overboard and now you go for the next one? ´ She felt a bit forlorn and silly. But then, the ice harvester was her friend, was he not? He looked like he desperately needed some help, it was her turn now to step in for him. So, Anna came along and stood next to the man who had raced down the hills with her. “Ah, you must know, it is all rather complicated. We will explain in time, I promise. But will you please excuse us, we all need some rest.”
 The chatter ebbed and the people apologetically moved out of the way and smiling they went off.
 Kristoff sighed and glared at Anna “thank you. That was spooky.”
 “Ehem, nearly as scary as Marshmallow on the north-mountain…?” She giggled and then added quickly, “don´t worry, I will show you and Sven a safe place.”
A bit later, Olaf sat on Anna´s bed and looked around in amazement. “Oh Anna, your home is so lovely. I like it.”
 “Glad you do,” Anna smiled at her little friend, “you are welcome to stay with me if you like.”
 “Oh, I don´t know. I promised Sven to come over for a visit.” Olaf mused. “Do you think, Kristoff will stay forever in the stables? Should he not rather be sleeping in a bed like other humans?”
 Anna glanced to the window, that gave free sight towards the old stable department and hoped deep inside he would feel comfortable right now.
 She had offered Kristoff a guest room within the castle. But he had been so reluctant, at the end he confessed he rather stay with Sven in the super nice stables, she had just shown to his best friend. Anna had understood that after all the excitement, the man appreciated the solitude with his companion. She than had promised him to come over later with some dinner.
 On Elsa´s request Kristoff had been invited to dine with them and the other guests. That was worse to him than her offer of the guest room in the first place. Anna had chuckled, nodding understanding, and had then excused him for the occasion.
 Now, she was about to get ready for the evening dinner. As much as she had ever wished to dine with her sister, to be surrounded with people for chatter and laughter, she now felt kind of uncertain of how to feel about all those people seeing her again. She still felt silly, childish of the late event. She had thrown herself at that betrayer´s neck practically publicly. Gossip would rise for sure… But then, she did not want to leave Elsa alone that first evening back at home.
 And then, Anna had mused if she should ask Kristoff why he had come back to Arendelle after all. Apparently, he had rushed to help her. Had Olaf been right, that he loved her? She decided to wait for a proper opportunity to talk to him. But not tonight. They all needed to settle in the first place, get a rest and especially no overthrown talking yet.
 Olaf liked what he saw.
 Anna had finished dressing. Her light green dress was simple cut, with some traditional embroidery in mix of dark green and black along the front buttons, that run the bodice. The skirt´s bottom seem was embroidered in the same style, just broader stitched. Her hair was combed in a bun, with two braids engulfing the round piece. A green sleeve was stuck decoratively in the right-side braid.   Together they went downstairs towards the great dining room. Olaf then left, to see Sven.
The dinner was a quite ongoing. Elsa sat at the head of the table; Anna was seated next to her at the top of the right length side. It was all so overwhelming to Anna, although she was exhausted from all the happenings of late. She would enjoy so much sitting next to her sister daily from now on.
 Next to Anna sat Lord Dubois of Bourgogne. He was kind, with a fatherly way of conversation. Lord Dubois had offered to take Prince Hans back to the Southern-Islands, as they lay on his way back home. Elsa and Anna had thanked him for taking care of that misfortunate topic.
 Before desert was served, Anna leaned in a bit closer to Elsa with a questioning look. Elsa looked puzzled, then understood. She smiled and nodded with her head for Anna to leave.
 Anna quietly said goodbye to her table neighbour and got up. She nodded in the round and then left silently.
 Once out of the dining hall, she hurried up towards the kitchen. It was not uncommon for her to show up there. Olina, the cook, had been informed before by Gerda, of the princesses´
request for the night. So, when Anna stood in the door, two baskets with food, dishes, and cutlery service were already packed and ready for her to pick up. Nobody would say a word or question her doing for tonight.
Kristoff was laying cosily against Sven´s body. The animal had dozed off, after he had been offered a giant bucket of carrots that was delivered by a stable boy. Apparently ordered by the princess personally. The haystack in the corner had been multiplied as well and the water barrel freshly refilled. It was a nice place, dry, warm, and clean. What more could he ask for?
 At this very moment, a kicking noise against the door startled him from his musing. Then a soft nock, the door opened slightly, and an auburn head peeped through, grinning “hello, disturbing?”
 Kristoff pushed up from his position, unwillingly nudging Sven with his elbow. The reindeer startled up from the ground so fast that Kristoff nearly tipped over backward. Regaining his composure just as fast, he easily cleared his throat, “no, all fine. Please come in.”
 Sven had already skipped over to Anna and pranced around, showing his happiness seeing her.
 “I must say,” Anna chuckled, stroking Sven´s chin, “this is certainly a far more natural greeting than over there.” She nodded her head towards the castle.
 “Why am I glad to have stayed out of that…?” Kristoff remarked with a grin and stepped closer to give Anna a hand with her bringing in the baskets. “Have you kicked the door just before?” he asked. “Yes, I thought it was loose and I could just push it with my foot. But it didn´t move so I still had to free a hand.” Anna shrugged and then explained, “oh yes, that´s your dinner. I hope you like it. I guess the cook has put in enough, hopefully.”
 Kristoff stared at the baskets in front of his feet and asked, “but you got something to eat already, did you? Who do you think should eat that all up?”
 “I thought you must be starving by now, so I wanted to make sure you get the best share of it!”
 “Thank you,” Kristoff meant it because his stomach did rumble since a while, “that´s very considerate. Must you go back immediately, or can I offer the princess a … seat in the strow?” He gestured with a generous move towards the stables, where Sven had laid himself back down in the corner.
 Anna grinned and then laughed, feeling so comfortable and honestly welcomed. “Oh yes, that would round up the evening just perfectly, thank you!” She followed Kristoff´s gesture and went over to the strow and plopped herself down into the golden bed. She patted Sven´s neck behind her, adjusted her skirts shifting around and then sat straight, ready to be a good company.
 “Where is Olaf,” Anna looked around wondering where the little fellow had gone. “Oh, he went back to your room. He said that he had never seen a bed so comfy in his entire life and couldn´t wait to go get a good sleep. Honestly, how long has he actually lived?” Kristoff chuckled and grabbed the baskets, then placed himself opposite from Anna.
 “True,” Anna sighed, “but I´m so happy we have him here.” Kristoff nodded, reassuring gently, “yes, he is unique.”
 Going through the immense food offer before him he whistled, glaring at Anna in amazement. “Okay, that´s provision for a week. How long do you want to jail me up in here?”
 Anna stared shocked. He felt imprisoned. No, that´s not what she had meant it to be… Panic rose within her and tears shot to her eyes.
 Kristoff noticed her face going white and eyes filling with tears. Oh no, what had he said? “Anna are you, all right? What is it?”
 “Is it so terrible for you to be here in town, at the castle´s environment?” She whispered, facing down, and fiddling with the fabric of the skirt with her fingers.
 Kristoff´s heart skipped for a moment. She worried for his well-being and thought he didn´t like it here… How fond he was of her. She was so honest, so selfless. “No, Anna. I´m grateful to be here. That you let me stay in here with Sven and don´t rush me to sleep in a room I could not identify with right now. I was kidding about being jailed up, okay?” He tilted his head to get a glance at her face.
 Anna looked up slowly when he was about to speak. She smiled uncertain of how to respond and then smiled at him, “you´re welcome. This place is yours for as long as you like.”
 Kristoff sighed relieved to have her smiling again, “thanks. Sounds great to me. Besides, I could not go anywhere far for the time being. I will have to reorganise my stuff.”
 Anna gasped, put a finger up as to mark the importance, “about that! Thanks for the reminder. Don´t worry, it´s all organised. Kai will take care of that. But we need an exact and clearly detailed list of all your belongings and supplies, that go along with the sled.” She started fiddling around in one of the baskets and pulled out a bundle of papers and pencil. “There, will you please set the list till tomorrow morning? That´d be great!” Anna beamed and laid the paper and pen next to Kristoff on the floor.
 The man looked back and forth from her to the paper. “Are you serious?” he gasped. “You shouldn´t…”
 “I promised you, forgotten? I would have totally understood if you had just walked off. But to be honest, I was so glad and thankful for your coming along. What would I have done without you?” Again, Anna´s eyes got moisty, but she composed herself, clearing her throat, adding conspiratorially “but still I understand it was Sven´s idea, right?” She winked and then put a sheepish smile, pulling up her shoulders giggling.
 “Yes, absolutely, it was!” Kristoff laughed and waved a hand in defence.
 “But now,” Anna nodded seriously to the baskets, “you should really do yourself some good and start eating, please.”
 Kristoff had insisted she should have a little share, otherwise he´d feel foolish eating all alone. As she hadn´t had any desert yet, Anna gladly granted his wish and helped herself with some nuts and another glass of wine. Then she checked the sweets basket and cried out joyfully discovering some chocolate cake.
 Kristoff tried not to stuff impolitely, but the diverse ingredients were delicious and so multiplied he could hardly decide where to start and how much he should enjoy. As he hadn´t eaten a lot the last days in the first place, he felt full very soon.
 He rubbed his stomach and sighed contentedly. “Thank you so much. I think I have not eaten so well, since… I even can´t remember haven eaten so well ever before.”
 “Don´t tell me you would not enjoy a vast food feast at your family´s place?” Anna laughed, but then gasped and stared at Kristoff.
 He had not noticed still caressing his belly. “No, that´s all wonderful. Berries, mushrooms, and sorts, you know. But I still indulge from that delicacy you know.”
 “Kristoff. Your family.” Anna put her hands to her chest, “don´t they need to know that we´re all fine and things have turned out to the best?”
 Now Kristoff looked at her, grinning, “I think, they already know… But if you like, I will take you up there again as soon as I can. So, you will tell them personally okay? But no, maybe that´s a bad idea. I mean, they will surely love to see you again… Only, you never know what they are up to the next time you meet them… you know?” He looked kind of apologetical and then uncertain not to scare her off.
 Anna smiled, shrugging she mused, “well, what if we just roll with it….?”
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Chapter Two: London Calling?
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Forever? Masterlist
25th December 2015
“Merry Christmas Anne!” Ashley called out as her and her mum entered the Twist family home, the smell of Anne’s homemade nut roast wafting towards them as they hung the coats up. 
“Ashley! Linda! Merry Christmas to you both!” Anne greeted them both with a hug, her familiar scent was sweet, with an added floral touch that Ashley didn’t recognise.
“Is that a new perfume Anne? It smells absolutely delightful.” Ashley asked as she took off her battered converse, she respected Anne too much to wear them in her house.
“Yes my love! Harry bought it for me, we did our stocking presents this morning and we’re just setting the table for dinner.” Anne told her.
“Sounds absolutely perfect!” Linda exclaimed as Anne led them into the kitchen, perfectly decorated as always, Harry stood at the island in the middle of the kitchen chopping a mountain of carrots, “You’ve got him well trained haven’t you?” 
“Linda! My favourite Hanson!” Harry cried, placing his knife on the chopping board as he ran towards her, wrapping his arms as he swayed her from side to side. 
“Look at you Harry, you’ve grown so much since I last saw you,” Linda said, taking a step back to look at Harry properly.
“Mum you literally saw him six months ago.” Ashley muttered, rolling her eyes at her persistent mother.
“Don’t listen to her Linda, she’s just jealous.” Harry told her, causing Ashley to stick her middle finger up at him, “If it’s alright with you Linda, I’m going to say hello to my second favourite Hanson.” Harry sauntered towards Ashley, “Merry Christmas!” He cried, stretching his arms out, before enveloping her in a hug, the itchy fabric of his over the top Christmas jumper.
“Merry Christmas you little shit,” Ashley whispered, so as not to let her mum or Anne hear.
“Can I get you ladies anything to drink? I’ve got wine, beer, lemonade or just water.” Anne told them as she retrieved a bottle of red wine from the fridge.
“Well as it’s Christmas I’ll have a glass of wine please.” Linda told her.
“Just water for me please, I wasn’t feeling too well last night, I’m not sure alcohol is going to help that.” Ashley said softly, “Are you doing your ginger biscuits Anne?” 
“I made some yesterday, why do you ask lovely?” 
“I just thought I could smell them, I remember the smell from when Harry and I were little.” Ashley told her.
Dinner was in full swing and Gemma and Robin had now joined the group, to some it might seem unorthodox for Ashley and Linda to spend Christmas with another family but since the Christmas of 2008 when their oven stopped working Anne insisted they came over as they had lots of food spare and since then it had become a bit of a tradition, alternating between houses each year. The room was full of laughter and the warmth from the open fire tickled their skin, the sound of the Michael Buble album filled the room. “So Harry what have you got planned for 2016?” Linda asked, piling carrots onto her plate.
“I’ve got a few things lined up, I’m looking forward to it, I never thought the idea of not having my day planned for me would be so exciting.” Harry told her, fiddling with his paper crown.
“How about you Ashley? I know you’re on a gap year, but have you decided what to do after that?” Robin asked her.
“I’m quite interested in radio, I’ve applied for an internship at Capital in London, Harry gave me their contact details, and when we went down for the boys’ show in London I had an interview, and I’ve been offered a place, starting in the new year.” Ashley told them, the only other person around the table who knew was Linda, she had meant to tell Harry, there just never seemed to be a right time.
“That’s amazing Ash!” Harry exclaimed, “So you’ll be moving to London then?” 
“I’ve got the money dad left me in his will, I think this is the sort of thing he’d want me to use it for, to get myself a small flat.” Ashley didn’t like talking about what happened to her dad, she was only ten when he passed away so she didn’t really understand at the time, he was diagnosed with cancer when she was little, and in his last few months it became increasingly worse.
“He’d be so proud of you poppet.” Anne assured her, taking hold of her hand from across the table.
The meal was finished and Anne stood in the kitchen preparing dessert whilst everyone discussed whether to play monopoly or family fortunes first. Ashley felt herself losing concentration in the conversation, she felt her palms become clammy, she began to realise it was a recurrence of what had happened the night before. She excused herself and made her way to the bathroom, making it in time to throw up in the toilet rather than all over Anne’s bathroom floor, she slumped against the wall, knowing it was likely she’d probably throw up again. The tiles on the wall were cold against her warm skin, she stood up, splashing cold water on her skin. “Ash you alright in there?” Gemma asked from the other side of the door, Ashley unlocked the door, letting Gemma in, “You look a bit peaky lovely, are you alright?”
“I think I had something dodgy to eat last night, I was sick last night as well.” Ashley explained.
“Mum told me you could smell ginger.” Gemma replied, sitting on the floor next to Ashley.
“What’s they got to do with anything?” Ashley asked.
“Ash when was your last period?” 
“I’m not exactly regular, but i’d say it was almost eight weeks ago. Wait, you don’t think?” 
“You might be pregnant.” Gemma whispered, Ashley rested her head in her hands.
“Why is this happening? Why now?” Tears rolled down her cheeks, as far as she was concerned she wasn’t ready to be a mum, she was only just an adult.
“Hey, we don’t know that you’re actually pregnant lovely,” Gemma told her softly as she held her tight, rubbing her back gently, “I might have a test somewhere, do you want to do it now?” Ashley said nothing, she just nodded, “Let's get this over and done with,” she whispered.
Ashley had never known three minutes to take so long to pass, she sat on the toilet biting at her nails, the timer on Gemma’s phone went off, indicating that the three minutes were up. “Do you want me to look at it first?” Gemma asked.
“I think I’ve got to do it, it’s pretty clear I’d be bringing up a baby by myself, for that I should be able to stand on my own two feet.” She wobbled as she stood up, taking the test in her hands. She took a deep breath and looked down at it, she knew what it meant, she turned towards Gemma, “two blue lines. It’s positive.” her voice wobbled terribly as she broke down in tears.
“It’s gonna be alright, we’re going to get through this together, we all love and care about you immensely, whatever you decide, whatever’s best for you.” Gemma assured her, cradling her in her arms, “Do you want me to get Harry or your mum?”
“You can’t tell Harry, not yet, not today, I’ll tell mum soon, just not now.” 
“Alright, we’ll go back downstairs when you’re ready.” The two girls were interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Are you okay Ash? Can I come in?” Harry asked from the other side of the door.
Ashley shoved the test in her pocket and wiped the tears from her cheeks, “Yeah come in.”
“I’ll leave you two to it,” Gemma made her way out of the bathroom, “She’s not feeling too well, look after her.” she instructed Harry.
He held out his hands to pull her up from where she was sitting on the floor “I’m going to run you a warm bath with any bubbles of your choice, then we’ll watch a film in my old bedroom, I don’t want to subject you to games night if you’re feeling ill.”
After a wonderfully long soak in the bath Ashley changed into the joggers and hoodie Harry had left out for her, she tied her damp hair up on top of her head and made her way into Harry’s room. He’d created a proper relaxed environment for her, the room was lit by nothing but fairy lights that were strung around the ceiling. “Love Actually or Home Alone?” Harry asked as she climbed into the bed.
“Love Actually, you know how much I love Colin Firth,” she chuckled, snuggling up under the duvet like a little kid.
“Don’t know why I even asked.” Harry replied, putting the DVD in the TV before joining Ashley in the bed, she snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arm around her, stroking her arm gently. 
“I’m sorry I ruined your Christmas Harry,” Ashley whispered.
“Don’t be daft, I love spending time with you, if I’m honest with you I’ve spent so much time in other people’s company over the past five years, I’d much rather be up here with you watching cheesy Christmas movies.” 
An hour into the film Harry looked down at Ashley, she was sound asleep, she looked two peaceful, so he didn’t dare disturb her, he knew she was unwell and didn’t want to make her feel worse. He pulled his arms from where he’d been holding her, getting out of bed and pulling the duvet up so she was properly covered. He turned off the TV and all the fairy lights, “Merry Christmas my love.” Harry whispered, placing a kiss on top of her head before making his way back downstairs.
The smell of bacon stirred Ashley from her deep sleep, she peered around at the bedroom that wasn’t hers, realising she was in Harry’s bed. She slipped out of bed, making her way downstairs to the kitchen where Harry and Gemma sat eating breakfast. “Morning,” Ashley chimed as she sat beside Harry at the kitchen table.
“You feeling better?” Gemma asked, prompting Harry to get up and make up another bacon sandwich.
“Yeah, I slept like a baby.” She told her, stretching out before pouring herself a cup of tea, “You didn't say anything did you?”
“It’s not for me to say, you can tell him when you’re ready, but I know my brother, he’ll be by your side every step of the way.”
“What are you two whispering about?” Harry asked, placing the bacon sandwich in front of Ashley.
“You.” Ashley replied, sticking her tongue out at him, “When do you fly out to LA?” 
“As soon as he can I reckon.” Gemma winked at her.
“Oh yeah we wouldn’t want to keep Kendall waiting would we?” Ashley teased, Harry crossing his arms across his chest like a grumpy child, “Oh we’re only messing H, if you’re happy that’s all that matters.” Harry continued to keep up the grumpy teenager pretense, “If you don’t give me a smile I will sit on you,” Harry glanced at her suspiciously, “You leave me no choice.” She stood up from her seat and plonked herself on his lap, he uncrossed his arms and wrapped them around her tightly, her head squishing against his bare chest that poked through the gap in his white dressing gown.
“You win.” He told her, “You always will.”
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bangtan-madi · 5 years
546 Days Without You — One: Negative 41
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Pairing — Seokjin x Reader
Tags — boyfriend!Seokjin, older brother!Yoongi, producer/songwriter!MC, military au (ish), idol au (ish)
Genre — fluff, angst
Word Count — 3.1k
Summary — Kim Seokjin is your entire world, and that world falls apart the moment he and your older brother Yoongi are conscripted into the South Korean military.
Part — 1 / 15
A/N — Hey lovelies! This is the first chapter of an estimated 15 part series. Feedback is always welcome! I anticipate a chapter of this story going up every weekend, either Saturday or Sunday. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!!
(gif not mine. credit to original creator.)
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Not every great love story starts with a chance encounter, and not every beautiful relationship blossoms from love at first sight. Sometimes the universe has a sense of humor as she tosses two unlikely people at each other just to see what could happen. 
Sometimes it's not love, but annoyance at first sight.
"All right, again, from the top," you state into the microphone at your desk. "This time, try to nail that middle note. I know you got it in you, Kook."
Jungkook glances up from the sheets of music that line his podium in the recording studio. From behind the glass, he gives you a big thumbs up and boyish grin.
"That's producer-speak for, 'Again...but with passion!"
You don't have to turn to know who's sneaked up behind you, speaking over your shoulder and into the mic so Jungkook can hear.
The youngest member snickers, replying, "Aish, I got it, Hyung. Go back to your own room."
"I finished recording mine!" Seokjin retorts, causing you to finally glance over your shoulder at him. "My vocals were flawless so it didn't take nearly as long as the rest of you."
Without thinking, you pop your elbow back just hard enough to hit Seokjin in the ribs. Being the dramatic fool that he is, Seokjin jumps back, cradling his rib cage as if he's just been shot. The look on his face only causes you to roll your eyes.
"Oh, you're fine," you murmur. "What were you recording anyway? You didn't say."
He shrugs. "Mostly just practice, nothing specific."
"Well, if you're done being secretive, can you go be annoying somewhere else, just for a few minutes so JK can finish his session?"
"What do I get out of it?"
You tap your chin for a moment, pretending to think it over. "My undying gratitude?"
Seokjin scoffs. "I already have that, Jagiya."
"C'mon, Jin," Jungkook intervenes. "Leave [Y/n] noona alone."
"Five minutes? Then I'm off the clock and all yours. Until then, maybe go bug my brother. I know that makes you happy."
At the mention of Min Yoongi, Seokjin's face spreads into a wide smile. He leans down, presses a quick kiss to your cheek, and says, "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll go bug Yoongi until you're done. Then I'm holding you to your word."
Attempting to hide the happiness that simple gesture brings you is hopeless, so you settle for saying, "See you in a minute!"
Seokjin flashes a wink as he reaches for the doorknob. "Don't you dare be late."
Once the oldest member has left the room, you turn back to Jungkook with a grin and wave of your hand. "You heard the man: Again, but with passion!"
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After wrapping up at the studio—a task that takes closer to an hour than five minutes, like you initially promised—you turn off the lights and lock the door on your way out. Jungkook had really sung his heart and soul today, and you couldn't help the proud smile that stays on your face on the bike ride home.
You're lucky. Of this, you're very much aware. Not only are you involved in one of the most lucrative businesses in South Korea but the particular company you've dedicated yourself to for the past eight years is truly one of a kind. Big Hit has given you so many opportunities, just like all of the other five-hundred-ish employees. Your CEO, Bang Si-Hyuk who is often referred to as either Hitman Bang or Bang PD, is one of the most passionate and empathetic humans you've ever met. If it weren't for him, there's not a change Big Hit would be where it is today. The co-CEO, Lenzo Yoon, is also a talented man, but he came into the picture far later than Bang PD, around March of last year.
But your luck doesn't just stop with the company or its leaders. Your specific job is one you've always wanted. Not only do you get to manage some of the best music coming out of your country, but you get to produce and write it alongside the biggest band in the world. This is a group that includes some of the most important people to you, including your older brother by two years Yoongi, your boyfriend of four years Seokjin, and your best friends of almost eight years which make up the rest of the group.
You don't like to think of your life as fate or destiny, but hard work and a little luck paying off after years of struggling.
There's no greater example of your success than what you get to come home to. Some people might see the nice apartment in downtown Seoul and think that's what you mean by success. Nice things, nice home, nice location just down the street from Big Hit HQ. But what you mean when you say success is the person, or people, you get to come home to.
On most days, the entire band is at the dormitories a few blocks away, but a couple years ago, you and Seokjin decided to get a place to yourself so you could have some space as a couple. This is where you spend most nights, but Seokjin still splits his time between the two locations. Lately, you've noticed him spending more and more time at your shared apartment, and your heart sinks when you remember why.
The word feels like venom in your mouth, and your hands grip the handlebars tighter as you pull the bike through the front door of the apartment.
Everyone knew this was coming. It doesn't make it any easier to accept. Big Hit's had lawyers fighting against the boys' conscription for years. They've tried every argument they could think of: their impact on the South Korean economy, the fact that the Idol projects were started by and are still majority funded by the government and thus they've already served, the Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit they were awarded by President Moon Jae-in himself.
So far, nothing has worked, but they swore they would keep trying until the very last day.
A string of uttered curse words brings you out of your thoughts and back to your surroundings. The beautiful apartment, simple and elegant as well as lived-in and homey, gives you an immense sense of comfort. As you park your bike in the interior walkway, you hear even angrier muttering from the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Seokjin stands over a set of sizzling pans. Several ingredients are strewn across the counters, and the heavenly scent of traditional Korean food fills your nose. Soft instrumental music plays in the background. 
The sight wouldn't be unusual if it weren't for Seokjin cursing at the pan that's holding what should have been mildly brazened vegetables. However, the greens are charred beyond recognition, and Seokjin's palm is clutched to his chest.
"Wow, that radish must have seriously pissed you off."
Seokjin jumps and lets out a yelp. Knowing how easily scared he is, the sight makes you giggle, much to his dismay.
A scowl quickly replaces the fearful expression. "It's not nice to sneak up on an unsuspecting boyfriend, you know!"
"You'll live," you reply, teasingly popping a small slice of carrot into your mouth. You gesture for him to extend his hand. "Let me see?"
The brunet offers his hand, and you examine his palm. There's a small burn there, nothing too nasty, but it does look like it hurt a few moments ago. You bring the palm to your lips and kiss it tenderly before moving towards the pan of burnt vegetables.
"Burning the food and then yourself. Are you feeling okay, Jinnie? It's not like you to be so careless in the kitchen. I'd expect this sorta thing from Joon, but not you." Lifting your eyes to meet his, you add, "Something on your mind?"
Seokjin's smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, but not in the way it usually does. It's not playful or teasing, nor is it caring or empathetic. It's a little sweet, a little sad, and a little bit too revealing of what's going on underneath.
"Honestly? I just wanted to have a nice night with my Jagiya. No talk of the album or tour, no one or several of the guys interrupting, no one but us. And I wanted to impress you by making your favorite meal!" He runs his un-burned hand through his hair, messing with the long black ends absentmindedly. "I guess I have a lot on my mind, and it distracted me."
You remove the pan of ruined food and place it quietly in the sink. "You wanna talk about it?"
"You probably already know, Jagi."
You do. Of course, you do. What else could make the happiest person you know this distracted and frustrated?
It's just like a few years ago, and you feel your chest tighten at the thought of the friend you lost. You felt a similar sense of impending doom just before he left for the military, too. After all these years, you thought you'd forgotten that feeling, only to have it return ten-fold with Seokjin.
Shaking your head, you turn on a different playlist—something more upbeat, and turn back to Seokjin with a grin. "C'mon. I'm hungry, and you need a sous chef."
Seokjin's somber expression melts away. Reaching into the cupboard nearest him, he pulls out two chef's hats that belonged to a couple's costume set you'd worn for Halloween a few years back. Being the goofball he is, Seokjin kept both hats and forces you to wear them whenever you cook together.
Placing the item on your head, tucking your hair behind your ears, he gives his signature windshield wiper laugh at your eye roll.
"You can be my little chef!"
The reference to the animated movie Ratatouille, which you both adore, causes you to chuckle along with him.
"So does that mean if I yank on your hair, you'll do what I want?"
Seokjin's laugh becomes outrageous and uncontrolled. Realizing how your words might've sounded, a deep heat rises in your face, and you pull your sweater collar up to cover your cheeks. 
Your boyfriend claps his hands, thoroughly entertained by your reaction. "Well, you can give it a try, Jagi! I think that jus—"
"—Shut up or I'll stab you."
The laughter didn't stop for another few minutes, and the teasing didn't cease the entire night. If you're honest with yourself, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Seokjin was right; it's nice for once just to be alone together. Not that you don't adore the boys—hell, one of them is your brother—but it is nice to have a quiet night in, filled with good food and great company. Despite it just being the two of you, nights like these are never dull. You doubt there's ever been a dull moment in the man's entire life.
After the meal is finished, you decide to do your usual wind-down routine: shower, skincare, dancing on dangerously damp floors to the sound of your favorite playlist. The usual.
When you are finished, you exit the bathroom and enter immediately into the adjacent master bedroom. What you should've seen is something simple: a few pieces of furniture, various personal items, and a large mattress in the center. However, it seems as if Seokjin's taken the opportunity while you're in the shower to redecorate.
All the pillows are on the floor, in front of the mattress. Several duvets cover the floor. Throw blankets line the space, and curtains are strewn in the air above it, creating a sort of carnival-esque tent. Fairy lights are strung from the ceiling down to the interior of the space. BT21 character pillows line the exterior, creating a walkway of sorts. The whole space looks cozy and enchanting and well thought out.
He's gone way out of his way to make tonight special, you think to yourself.
You grab a notebook from your nightstand before nestling down into the pillow fort. You're unsure of where Seokjin has sneaked off to but are fairly certain he'll be back any moment. Until then, you hum gently a recently crafted melody to yourself, repeating it over and over, until you get it just right. Once nailed, you sketch the notes onto the blank music sheets inside your notebook, knowing that if you don't write it down you'll forget.
Yoongi's notification pings from your cellphone. Placing your notebook on your lap, you read the text before swiping to respond, all the while continuing to hum the newly created melody.
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"You can sing like an angel and yet you still refuse to do vocals for us." Your eyes lift to meet Seokjin's as he stands in the door. "Do you like holding out on us or something?"
After seeing Yoongi respond with a smiley face emoji and a thumbs up, you turn off your cell and drop it onto the pillows. "How long have you been standing there?"
He shrugs. "Long enough."
"And...why are you staring at me?"
"So I can have a better picture of you in my mind."
You toss your notebook aside with an exasperated groan, only causing Seokjin to laugh. "You're so cheesy, my god."
His playful smile doesn't fade as he approaches the pillow fort. "Worldwide cheesy is my second nickname, you know."
"I am not calling you that. And I do not sing like an angel. So...no. Not holding out on anyone."
"But you do write your own lyrics and melodies. You don't share most of that with us, either. Except maybe with Yoongi, but that's not fair."
Seokjin plops down on top of you, his weight causing an "Oof," to slip from your lips. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and slips his arms under the small of your back.
"Are you seriously pouting because I tell my brother, my producer and songwriter brother, about my shitty drafts?"
A muffled, "Yes," comes from your boyfriend's mouth.
Rolling your eyes, you relax into the comforters and relish in the cozy and intimate atmosphere. One of your hands tangles in Seokjin's dark hair, playing absent-mindedly with his long hair. The other rests against his broad shoulders; your fingers dance along the edges of his ocean-blue sweater, the one you often steal for yourself. 
"Tonight was really sweet," you whisper after a few minutes of silence. "You didn't have to go out of your way like that."
"I wanted to. We haven't spent a long of alone time together since we started pre-production on the next album. And before that, there was the tour for Seven. I feel like 2020 has been a year we've spent more apart than together, and it shouldn't be like that..."
His sentence trails off, and you know what his somber tone is implying. It's 41 days until his twenty-eighth birthday. What should be a day of celebration will most definitely be a day of mourning. 
"There's still hope," you mumble, pulling him tighter to you. "The lawyers haven't given up yet. They're still working on getting you and everyone else an exemption."
"Yeah...you're right."
"Hold on, can you say that again? I didn't quite catch it."
Seokjin nips gently at your throat, earning a surprised giggle from you. "Watch it, Jagi."
After your laughter settles down, the peace of the evening returns along with the blissful quiet. It's not often that Seokjin is still or silent, but over the years, you both have found a rhythm that works for you. You have your obnoxious, loud, exciting times, and then there are the serene, still, hushed moments like these. Both are beautiful in their own way, but after a full day of work, this is exactly what you needed.
"I wish every day could be like today," you murmur, half to yourself.
Your brunet boyfriend moves slightly, resting his head on the pillow beside yours. He shifts you so you're curled up against his side, arms and legs tangled under the covers he pulls over you both. A yawn slips out, despite you trying to fight the signs of sleepiness. Your eyelids become droopy, and his fingers rubbing circles on your ribs doesn't help.
When a second yawn escapes, Seokjin chuckles and presses his lips to your forehead. "You can sleep, [Y/n]. I'll be here when you wake up."
Loving nothing more than to spend more time with him, you know he's right. It's been a long day, and you have another one ahead of you tomorrow. Instead of fighting him and slumber, you curl closer, pressing a brief kiss to his lips, then tuck yourself under his chin and wrap your arms around his small waist.
As if to show you, Seokjin holds you tighter as he continues to run his fingers along your rib cage and spine. 
"I promise."
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saibh29 · 5 years
Mother and Daughter
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Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, Implied family issues
AN: Ok this one I enjoyed... immensely... 
Your mother is in town for a few days, which means your boyfriend is suspiciously absent
Your mum was coming to the city, it was a biannual visit that she made under sufferance simply to say that it wasn’t always her commanding you to come home. She liked to sit on the high ground of moral vindication.
You loved your mum, you actually had a decent relationship now you’d grown up, moved away and didn’t have to live with her anymore. These visits though, even though they only lasted for a few days, tended to be painful for everyone involved. Your mum did not like the city, she didn’t like crowds of people, traffic, noise or the small bedrooms you had in your tiny apartment. She missed her own kitchen, fancy coffee machine, Women’s meetings and town gossip sessions.
You’d taken the morning off work to wait for her to arrive and had already set up the bed for her in the spare room. You’d also removed any trace of your boyfriend from the apartment. Kelly was allergic to parents and in the case of your mother you didn’t really blame him. Your mum was also allergic to men, after the mess your dad had made of their relationship you didn’t really blame her either. So, by silent agreement neither of them met, ever. Not in the context of ‘mother of your girlfriend’ anyhow.
You’d been sat on the window seat so saw the taxi pull up outside your block and your mother emerge, commanding the poor uber driver to remove her bags from the cab. How one woman needed practically a suitcase a day you’d never figured out, especially as her daughter, you, managed to travel for weeks with only a rucksack you’d had since high school.
Starting to assemble the requisite smile on your face you went down to help her with the pile of luggage.
She turned and caught sight of you enveloping you in a huge hug, your mother always smelt vaguely like fresh cookies and vanilla, it flashed you back to sitting in the kitchen of your childhood home nibbling on said cookies while in the living room your mum and dad screamed at each other.
“Y/N, darling” she held you slightly away from her eyes taking you all in. “You look skinny, have you been eating? I brought plenty of casserole and stews, you can put it in the freezer”
“Mum, you always say I look skinny, and how did you get TSA to let you on your flight with a load of frozen food”
“Hmmm” That was your mothers all purpose noise, mainly meaning the subject was closed and she wasn’t going to tell you anything more. Picking up the many bags you helped her carry them up to your apartment, dumping them in the kitchen. “Put that food in the freezer darling”
“hmmm” you copied your mums previous sound but did as you were told. It was more trouble than it was worth to try and disobey her.
Your mum was still stood in the middle of your apartment. “This place seems smaller every time I arrive”
“I promise you its not” how did the woman do it, in one sentence you were desperately trying to remind yourself that murder was not a good idea. “I have to go to the firehouse. I was just waiting for you to arrive” your mum was still staring around the room. “Maybe you want to rest?”
“Rest?” she finally gave you her attention again. “Oh, I'm quite rested. Maybe I’ll come to the station with you, I haven’t been there for quite some time”
Crap. That was what you’d been wanting to avoid. Trying to dissuade her though would only make her more determined to come with you.
“I'm sure the boys would appreciate some warm food”
“mum…” you whined but she was no longer listening, she’d gone to your fridge and was tutting in dismay at the offerings inside.
“We’ll stop by the market on the way”
“Ok” grabbing your bag you hustled her back out of your apartment and down to your car. It was going to be a very long day.
The guys as you’d guessed had been delighted to see your mother entering the station with you following behind, arms piled high with groceries. They’d swarmed your mum leading her into the station with smiles and hugs.
“Yeah don’t worry about me!” you snapped trying not to trip over your feet. “I'm fine”
The guys ignored you completely still fawning over your mum. Someone did come up from behind you though and the top two bags were removed from your arms leaving you with only one.
“I see she arrived”
“It’s been 2 hours Kelly, 2 hours and I want to kill either her or myself, I haven’t decided which yet”
“That bad?”
“She called me skinny! Mocked my fridge, apartment and now she’s here… my mother is here, where I work”
“Sounds terrible”
“Just don’t” you warned as he didn’t look all that sympathetic.
“Hey! Y/N get moving with those groceries your mum’s gonna cook”
Your eyes narrowed as you focused on Herrmann who was hanging out of the door to the mess room. You were about to say something scathing and generally unkind when Kelly cut in.
“Coming” he nudged you forwards. “Aren’t we?”
“Yeah sure… we’re coming” you went into the mess dumping the groceries onto the counters where you mum was already rooting around in cupboards bringing out varying pans and equipment.
“Your mum’s going to cook” Otis sounded almost dreamy as he leant beside you on the bench “real food Y/N”
“I heard”
“darling will you peel the veg for me please” you mum didn’t wait for an answer just pushed the peeler into your hands along with a bowl of washed vegetables. “and clean strokes Y/N, don’t attack it like a rabid dog”
“Sure” you got the word out around gritted teeth and snatched a carrot from the bowl. Obviously you were attacking it because soon after your mum grabbed the carrot snatching it from your hands in horror.
“You said peel it”
“Yes peel, not chunk. Honestly”
Alright, that was it, you were done. Almost hurling the peeler back to the counter, you spun on your heel and stormed out of the mess room.
You’d gone to the locker rooms, sat on the bench in front of the lockers therapeutically letting your feet swing into the metal with a satisfying thump.
“Babe?” Kelly came carefully into the locker room, sitting down beside you his arm going around your shoulders. “what’s going on?”
“I can’t deal with her being here Kelly” you let your boots kick once a lot harder into the lockers. “Mum needs to be at home in that sphere and my life, you, my apartment everything else needs to be separate”
“I think most people feel like that about their parents”
“Helpful, Kelly. Very fucking helpful”
“Hey” he used his spare hand to take hold of your chin forcing your face around to look at him. “She isn’t here for long and in the meantime, she’s your mother.”
“So what, deal?”
“Yeah babe, you deal”
“What good advice Kelly”
You both jumped apart like guilty teenagers at your mums voice coming from the doorway. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked between the two of you. You’d never seen Kelly move so fast as he did then, lurching off the bench and going for the door. Your mum didn’t move though blocking his exit.
“Kelly Severide, sit down”
“I um… but…”
“Yes Ma’am” Kelly came back to sit beside you as your mum finally moved from the doorway to stand in front of the two of you.
“Y/N, you may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child. I'm sorry if that upsets you, I am never going to stop being your mother though and this is simply how I am”
“It doesn’t upset me” you felt like an ungrateful ass now. You knew your mum hated the city and yet still she came, still she wanted to see you. “I'm happy you’re here”
“Good, now…” she trailed off staring at the two of you.
“This needs to stop”
“Me pretending I don’t know about you two and you” she turned narrowed eyes on Kelly. “Is my daughter somehow not good enough for you to admit to dating?”
Kelly coughed and squirmed uncomfortably, looking at you for obvious rescue, you just shrugged though. “Don’t look at me, I can’t help”
“No Ma’am of course not”
“Do you love her?” your mum continued; she could be relentless when she was focused onto something. When Kelly remained silent, her hands went to her hips. “Well?”
“Yes alright” Kelly jumped to his feet. “Yes! I love her, I love your daughter”
“Well good” your mum then turned her interrogation to you even though you were fairly in shock from Kelly’s sudden declaration of love. “and you Y/N, why did you think you had to hide this from me?”
“I… um…” Kelly sat back down and took your hand in his own linking your fingers together. It gave you the strength to keep talking. “When dad left, you broke Mum. Ever since then you’ve had this vendetta against men. I didn’t want to hurt you”
Your mum stayed quiet for a minute before reaching out and pulling you to your feet severing your connection to Kelly. She wrapped her arms around you. “You don’t have to protect me sweetheart. I'm your mum. I want you to be happy, it’s all I’ve ever wanted” She kissed your cheek “Now, I have some food to cook” and with a final look at both of you she left the locker room.
Turning around so you could lean against the lockers you caught Kelly’s eye. “Hell of a way to tell me you love me?”
He shrugged standing up and catching hold of your waist, he pulled you off the lockers and into his chest instead. “the truth is the truth”
“I love you too”
Kelly’s lips claimed your own in a kiss that made everything but him flee your mind.
“Now, come on. I want to see what kind of food I can scrounge”
Laughing at that you let him take your hand and pull you out of the locker room again.  
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writingforanxiety · 4 years
Spell Gone Wrong
It was finally the day! Luz had gotten up before the sun had risen  at the promise from Eda the night before of teaching her the basics of potion brewing today. She couldn’t wait to get started, throwing off her sleeping bag cover and burying King in the aftermath as she made her way straight to Eda’s door and started yelling enthusiastically outside of it.
“Eda! Eda wake up! It’s morning and you promised to show me magic stuff!”
Luz continued to excitedly chat outside of Eda’s door as Eda awoke with a loud groan. Rubbing her eyes and sitting up she let out a loud long yawn as she made her way over to the door, rubbing her lower back and grumbling quietly. 
‘Alright, alright! I hear you kid hold your dang horses, I’m coming geez. And do you even know what time it is?! How do you expect me to teach you when I’m a sleepy little owl?”
Eda opened the door and Luz let herself in, dancing excitedly around Eda and tugging at her sweater sleeves. Eda could’t pretend she wasn’t glad to see the kid so ecstatic about learning from her, stroke of her ego or her own effections she’d never tell, but she ruffled the girls head affectionately before walking past her and out the door. Luz strode close behind her talking about how excited she was and how she couldn’t wait to become a great witch while Eda scratched her scalp and called out to King to get his lazy bones up and help them downstairs. 
Entering the kitchen and pushing King off the counter Eda set to work grabbing jars out of cupboards and an assortment of pots and pans. Luz had taken a seat at the counter and was ogling every ingredient Eda sat out before her with pure elation. Setting down the last few items and pushing a handful of baby carrots in front of Luz, Eda gave a grand flourishing gesture with her hands and let out an overly enthusiastic “TADA”!
Luz looked down at the small carrots in front of her and back up to Eda’s big smile, then back down.
“Eda… these are baby carrots. Are they important for the potion? Or are we having a surprisingly healthy breakfast for this house”.
“Ha Ha, and no this isn’t breakfast, these, Luz, are what we’ll be enchanting today. I’m going to show you how to make a potion that can make things shrink and one that can make ‘em grow. Super simple and almost impossible to mess up kid”. 
Grabbing two medium sized pots and some of the scattered ingredients she layed out earlier, Eda began explaining to Luz what to mix and how long to cook it before it would work properly. Luz was wide eyed and ecstatic to be learning this, and it made Eda’s heart jump seeing how enthralled in the lesson she was. Once she had both potions to the appropriate consistency she slid them over to Luz and picked up one of the baby carrots.
“Okay now Luz, I want you to take this and dip it in a pot, users choice”.
Luz grabbed the carrot and looked between the pots, choosing the pot on the left at random she swirled the tip of the carrot around inside until Eda told her that was enough, then set it gently on the counter. She heard Eda explaining what the process about to happen was Luz was far too concentrated on the carrot to really process any of it. With a gentle shake at first and a building tremble after, Luz’s eyes grew wide as the carrot seemed to grow ten times its original size, now roughly the same length as the smaller girl’s arms.
“Eda, this is so.So.Cool!!! I can’t believe I’m actually learning this!”
Luz reached for another carrot to try the other pot as King made his way back onto the counter, perturbed at the lack of inclusion he was receiving. 
“Hey! That’s nothing! If you want to see something really cool then check this out.”
King slid his demon book onto the counter with a loud thunk, grunting as he repositioned it and flipped it open to a random page.
“Okay, now this dude is really terrifying, just the saliva on his fangs could-”
He was cut off mid sentence by Eda grabbing him by the collar and plopping him down onto a chair next to Luz, handing him his book and giving him an amused look.
“Sorry there small fry, you’ll have to wait your turn at teaching the human, It’s professional mentor time.”
“Hey! That’s not fair! I have just as much important information to teach her as you do”!
The two started a back and forth argument about what was more important to learn while Luz continued to dip carrots into the pots. Dipping the carrots into the shrinking pot resulted in them becoming so small she couldn’t see or feel them. Wondering if they disappeared or if they were just too small to see she prepared to ask as much to Eda when King jumped up onto the counter and upset the shrinking pot. Before Eda could catch it or Luz get out of the was a glob was splashed onto the kids lap as she pushed away from the counter.
“Oh no! Eda, what do i do?” 
“It’s okay! None of it touched your skin. We have to be careful and get you changed and you’ll be fine. King, run upstairs and grab a new shirt for Luz and help me-”
Eda was cut off by King jumping from the counter and upsetting a book that has spilled potion on it. With a horrified look Eda watched as a few droplets splattered across Luz’s forearms. Thinking quickly she grabbed a damp rag from the sink and quickly rubbed Luz’s arms down and mopping off her shirt as best she could. When nothing happened Eda let out a relieved laugh and sat back on her heels, mentally planning to strangle that little fuzz ball of a demon when he was back with Luz’s clothes. Standing up to see where he was Eda heard a surprised gasp and turned around to see Luz staring wide eyed at her hands, a look of surprise on her face.
“Eda, I think, I think somethings happening.”
As she finished her awed sentence her legs began to tremble and she fell to her knees, her body appearing smaller than Eda recalled as she rushed over to put a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh boy, okay kid listen up. You’re going to be fine, alright? Not a lot got on you and all we have to do is use a little bit of the growth potion to reverse it okay? You’re going to be back to normal before you know it!”
Eda knew she was right but didn’t like how fast the girl was getting smaller. As she heard King’s little claws at the top of the stairs Luz was down to the size of a toddler, her clothes shrinking with her at a slower rate and looking adorably big on her. As King rounded the corner into the kitchen carrying some fresh clothes and a bathrobe with him Luz had finally stopped growing and was looking at her small hands with amusement. She was no bigger than one of the Bat Queens babies and couldn't get over how cute King was from this angle.
“Oh my god!! King you’re like, 1,000 times cuter from below! Oh your little face and paws! Oh my gosh I love you so much.”
“Alright king’s cute and all but let’s get you fixed up before anything else happens. I’m going to clean up that spill so no more accidents happen and then we’ll have you right back to normal kid.”
King scurried over to Luz and threw his loot onto the ground. Luz was a little below his eye level and giving him the biggest sparkle eyes he had ever seen from her.
“Okay I know I’m usually the cute one but Luz? You’re like a little baby! Is this how everyone feels when they look at me? No wonder I’m getting cuddled all the time. Come on, I’ll help you get up on the counter.”
Kneeling in front of Luz he invited her to climb onto his back. Luz gave out an excited yell and climbed up, grabbing his collar to hold onto.
“Is it weird that I’ve dreamed about this before? Except instead of me shrinking you were larger and also there was a forest made of candy.”
“Luz you are the weirdest human I’ve ever met.”
“Jokes on you! I’m the only human you’ve ever met!”
“Okay that’s enough, King get Luz up here so we can get this over with. Also, stop being weird, you’re freaking me out.”
With an annoyed grunt King scampered up the chairs with Luz whooping excitedly from his back. He wouldn’t admit it but it was kind of fun to be the one giving the piggy back ride for once. Once at the top of the table and safely over the edge, Luz climbed off of King and over to Eda, who was standing with a small bowl in her hand near the table.
“Okay Luz I had the amount you need, also sorry in advance for the mess.”
“It’s okay Eda I’m ready! Wait what mess?’
With that Eda upturned the bowl over Luz, emptying the contents over the miniature girl and stepping to the side to grab the bathrobe. Moving back to her original spot she draped the immensely oversized robe over little Luz and leaned her elbow on the counter to wait out the process. It didn’t take long for Luz to grow back to her full size, although the bathrobe was still way too big. Smiling up at Eda she hopped off the table and embraced her around the waist and hugged tightly.
“Thank you Eda! I can’t believe I learned how to do all that! And I got to ride King like a little demon horse thing!”
Eda just laughed and gave her an encouraging pat on the back before stepping back and eyeing the mess on the counter.
“Alright kid that’s enough magic lessons for one day, now grab those clothes and go shower up and we’ll work on some real breakfast after, okay?’
Luz nodded enthusiastically and grabbed the clothes off the floor before sprinting up the stairs two at a time to the bathroom, she got to learn new magic AND Eda was going to actually help them with breakfast? This day was the best!
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice - Part 4
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / self-growth / angst / romance
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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When your grandmother returned to consciousness, she blinked slowly at finding you sitting at her side. You perked up, smiling at her and leaned in closer. “Oh thank goodness, you’re okay.”
Her eyes travelled to the hand you gripped onto and you let go, cringing a little. “Sorry, I just, I don’t do well in hospitals after Mum’s time in one. Was I holding on too tightly?”
She still didn’t speak, but her gaze relaxed, reaching for the hand that had let her go. You were stunned as she slipped her weathered palm into yours, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
With tears in your eyes, you smiled, nodding at her softly. She was giving you a chance.
When you were certain she was resting well again, you stepped out into the hallway, looking over at the chair Mark was resting in. He had been adamant in taking care of Emerson for you whilst you dealt with your grandmother’s heart scare, and although he was someone new in your world, the instant connection you held with Mark made it easier to leave your daughter in his care.
You weren’t ready to come out to this sight, however.
You were used to seeing your Dad with Emerson. He was an active role model in her world as much as he had been in yours and so seeing your Dad with your baby girl had always made your heart swell with joy. But as an only child, it wasn’t as if you had an endless access to male figures in your life. A couple of friends back home had husbands who would spend a little time with her when playing with their kids but that was about it.
So seeing Mark napping in the chair whilst cradling Emerson so naturally to his chest was a little too much for your heart to handle.
Blinking rapidly away from your moment, you walked over to the spare chair at his side and slumped down into it, jostling him enough to wake him up. When he opened his eyes, Mark straightened up and looked around at his surroundings before staring back at you. “How is she?”
“She’s awake now, and stable.” You held out your arms. “Here, let me take her.”
“She’s alright here,” he offered which threw you off a little. Mark turned bashful. “I didn’t mean to nod off, her breathing was so even and well, next minute you’re waking me up.”
“The joys of babies,” you mentioned with a smile, allowing your hands to fall to your lap. Fidgeting with your fingers, you quietly looked at Mark from your peripheral. “Do you like babies?”
“I have three nieces, they’re the sweetest things. Whenever I see them, I’m pretty hands-on.”
“I see.”
“My whole family is pretty baby orientated. Well, family orientated. It’s important to be close to the ones we love most.”
You glanced at the hospital room in front of you and nodded. “I share the same mindset.”
“She’ll come around to you, Y/N. I know it.”
“Thanks for giving up your time to be here, Mark. I really appreciate it.”
He shook his head. “Don’t mention it, where else would I be?”
You had to look away then, not allowing the fantasies to build any faster than they already had.
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Your grandmother was allowed to return home after a couple of days in the hospital and when you brought her back, you hadn’t seen her smile as wide as she did then.
“The comforts of home are the best healer there is,” she told you and you grinned, helping her into her bed to rest.
Being home meant that she was in her element, however.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed resting?” you asked when you found her in the kitchen making herself a tea. “I could make you that, it’s what I’m here for. To help you.”
“Oh nonsense, child. I can make myself a tea.”
She continued to get up multiple times throughout the day, frustrating you immensely. “Grandmother,” you started, shooting her a stern expression. “You were discharged with strict instructions of long periods of rest.”
“I’m bored,” she admitted and you smiled, sitting her down and then going into your bedroom. You soon returned, putting a thick album in her lap. She glanced up at you, curious. “What is this?”
“I wondered if it would be right to share this with you or not. It’s a photo album dedicated to my childhood. I know you received photos from Mum now and then, but I thought you might like seeing more.”
She made no attempt to open the album and you smiled, nodding lightly. “If you don’t want to-”
“You brought this with you?”
“Of course.” You eyed her hesitantly. “Ah, it has photos of my Dad in there. I took out some with just me and him but left some as well since they had Mum in them. Is that okay?”
“Let us see,” she stated, reaching for her glasses on the side table before flipping the book open.
It was as if you were with someone entirely different. She actively asked for the scenarios to some of the photos, laughing and smiling at your avid story-telling ability about your memories. When you got to the end of the book, you smiled softly, fingering the photo behind the protective film.
“This was the last photo I took with her,” you mentioned, feeling your emotions rise. “She always had the biggest smile.”
“Her smile could brighten even the worst of my moods,” your Grandmother said, smiling fondly. “It’s how she got away with so many things.”
“Mum always said whenever I smiled a certain way I could convince her to do anything.”
Your grandmother chuckled, nodding along. “You share the same smile.”
You both fell silent, the surfacing emotions making you vulnerable. Staring at the photo, you shared a watery smile. “It’s hard without her here. I thought coming to Korea would bring me closer to her in some way. It just makes me miss her more.”
“I miss her every day.” You glanced at the older lady, her tears silently running down the grooves in her skin. “How was she, in the end? Did she feel pain?”
“No, she passed peacefully. She knew when it was time to let go before it got too hard to push through it all.”
Your grandmother nodded, flipping back through the book and then stopping on a family portrait. She choked back on her sobs. “Can I have this one?”
Staring at the photo of the three of you smiling brightly at your graduation, you then looked back at the maternal figure at your side. “Of… of course.”
Before you could question her choice of the photo, you heard whimpers coming through the baby monitor on the table and stared at the device. You felt her hand fall on top of yours and gave it a squeeze. “Go, your daughter needs you.”
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The following day, you found your grandmother out in the garden. Gaping at her figure through the window, you dashed out of the bedroom and outdoors. “Grandma!”
She turned to look at you, smiling warmly. “Yes, my dear.”
“You’re not meant to be out here! That’s it! Inside, now!”
Guiding the jovial woman back to her room and into bed, you let out a grumble and then returned to your room to gather up Emerson. Stepping back into the bedroom, you placed your baby within her arms.
Her smile faltered. “Why are you handing me her?”
“I figured there’s a way I can get this house cleaned without having to find you wandering around or keep an avid watch over Emerson at the same time. You will keep each other company until I’m done, you hear?”
The smile returned to her lips, but her eyes pierced through yours. “I didn’t invite you here to help raise your child, Y/N.”
“Well, I didn’t sign up for you being a stubborn old thing who won’t listen to my instructions either, but here we are.”
She laughed, wholeheartedly, and then waved you off. “What are you standing there for? There’s a lot that needs to be done.”
You spent the morning cleaning, darting a look through the window whenever you had time to ensure everything was going well in there. Emerson had grizzled once, but it soon dampened down and by the time you were ready to serve up lunch, you found the pair completely content in each other’s company.
“How’s the cleaning?” your grandmother asked as she held the book that Emerson was patting her palms against energetically. “Did you get it all done?”
“I even pulled the carrots out of the garden for you. Are you hungry?”
“Did you make lunch?”
You nodded. “I had time to do so. Here, let me take Emmie so you can eat.”
“No, she’s fine here with me, aren’t you, Emerson?”
You froze, the tears springing up in your eyes immediately. When you didn’t make a move to bring the food over, the elder glanced at you, frowning at your stupor. “Why are you crying?”
“No reason,” you managed, blinking rapidly as you brought over her tray of food.
“Well, you are free to go out if you like. I’m sure that nice boy from the bakery will take you out to see more of the city.”
“Are you sure?”
She stared at you, pointedly. “Be home by five.”
“Emerson can get-”
“I’ve raised a child of my own and then my neighbours as well, Y/N. Do you not trust in this old lady’s abilities? Go, before I change my mind.”
You grinned, going over to kiss the top of Emerson’s head and hesitated before kissing the cheek of the woman beside her. It was her turn to be surprised, though you didn’t miss the small smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth.
“I won’t be long, and if you need me, please just ring right away.”
After changing your outfit, you then stepped outside, texting Mark about meeting up. When your phone rang, you smiled brightly, answering the call right away.
“How’s it going, kiddo?”
“Dad, I think I’ve finally found a way into her heart.”
Part 5
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gilbertsannegirl · 5 years
She Had Dreamed Some Brilliant Dreams During the Past Winter
Merry Christmas to @anne-shirley-blythe! Sorry it’s late but I had a lot of fun writing this fic for you and I hope that you thoroughly enjoy it. Hope you had a wonderful christmas x And thank you @kindredspiritssecretsanta (@royalcordelia) for throwing such a wonderful event and can’t wait for next year to roll around again.
Read it on AO3
Last Years Fic
Summary: An AU story set in their second year of college, my take on Anne and Gilbert’s engagement. This particular story is set a year after my Christmas story last year, so it makes more sense if you read that once first, but you don’t have to.
Crisp snow crunched under Gilbert Blythe’s boots and broke the silence of the early morning. The earth was still at rest and the sun had begun to peak over the blanket of white that covered every surface of the ground. Having fallen during the night, the snow was almost unbroken by sleds or feet. However, there was a sure path from the Blythe’s front porch all the way to the gate of Green Gables where the culprit now stood. In the gloom of the morning, Gilbert could just make out the window of the east gable that belonged to his beloved. In the act of a supposed grand gesture, he located a few small pebbles peaking out from under the snow and carefully threw them at Anne’s window.
 A rustle of curtains revealed her. Still clad in her nightwear, she gestured for him to stay right where he was, and Gilbert couldn’t help the sly grin and chuckle that escaped as soon as he saw her.
 “It is so very Anne of her to go along with my ridiculousness, isn’t it?” he murmured, facing away from the window now and looking out on the expanse of the white world in front of him. In the gloom of the dawn Gilbert could see the lights of various farmers’ homes begin to flicker into existence. Although not the most ideal weather, he still loved crisp winter mornings such as these. Tomorrow would bring Christmas and hopefully a new season of his life.
 The door to Green Gables creeped open, and despite Anne’s best efforts a quiet screech from the worn hinges echoed through the silence. Gilbert turned to see her step out of the house. She was wrapped in a scarf and winter coat and was pulling gloves on as she slunk across the porch. He thought she had never looked more beautiful with the red glow of the morning light painting shadows across her face, highlighting freckles and tendrils of hair peaking out from under her hat.
 “Gilbert Blythe,” she hissed. “What do you think you are doing sneaking around at this hour in the morning? Rachel will have my head if she knows I’ve come out to see you so early.” She sighed then, tipping her head up to feel the early sunlight crawl under the exposed skin of her face, the warmth flooding her cheeks. “Oh, but it is so good to see you. When did you get back?” She stepped closer, bringing her arms up to wrap around his neck, fingers playing with the curls at the back of his head.
 Gilbert wrapped his arms around her waist. “Well, Miss. Shirley, I think Mrs. Lynde knows by now that you are not fully to blame for everything that happens between us. Considering that I am the one who took us for a picnic in the snow last year, which was probably not the best idea.” Anne grinned at that, and he continued, “You know, I rather like these early mornings, they bring out the green in your eyes.” She hummed, and he took the opportunity of a deserted world to press his lips against hers briefly. “And to answer your question, I came back last night and was dying to see you.” She sighed and pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Gilbert reciprocated.
 The creaky step broke their embrace, and both spun to see Davy rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms. “Gee Gilbert I sure bet Anne is glad to see you,” he yawned. “But isn’t it awful early to be going out?” They smiled politely at him and both saw the young man Davy was growing to be since the summer of their last visit. He was standing much taller now and was beginning to take on most of the duties around the farm with the help of Mr. Harrison.
 “Right you are, Davy-boy. But you see, Anne and I need to get over to Carmody to do some shopping for my mother’s Christmas Eve dinner which you know you are all invited to. Besides, it can be a bit tricky on these roads and you never know when you can run into some trouble with the sleigh. We best be leaving and you best be starting to work around here I suppose. We won’t keep you, just let the others know that I’ve whisked Anne away this morning, will you?” Gilbert grinned at Davy’s curt nod, “Thank you.”
 “Thank you Davy, we’ll be back before lunch,” Anne finished. With a wave, Gilbert and Anne went to the stables to hitch up the sleigh. She grabbed the blankets while he checked to see if everything was in order with the sleigh and they weren’t in danger of anything breaking on them. Gilbert nodded at Anne and they both climbed in, carefully arranging and draping blankets over themselves. He winked at her as he slid one hand under the blanket to grasp hers, and she laughed, “Gilbert, don’t you need both hands to drive the sleigh?”
 “On the contrary, Anne-girl, I think I can do it with one hand if it means I can hold yours,” he replied smugly, and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her cheek. She beamed at him as he clicked the reins and the horse plodded forwards leaving behind the stables for the open plains of Avonlea. “Oh, I also have a few planned stops along the way. I figured you wouldn’t mind coming out early to spend some time together before we have to return to be with our families. I think we rather deserve it after the beginning of the school year we’ve had, considering that I’ve only just come back from finishing my examinations.”
 “Don’t you think we spend enough time together already, Gil? I can hardly deter you from Patty’s Place as it is,” she teased. He chuckled, rolling his eyes in fondness and she tucked herself more into his side. There was a certain air between them that had always existed, although Anne hardly saw it until a year ago with that picnic in the snow. A teasing relationship filled with mutual respect for each other’s wisdom, wit and character. She realised after the kiss under the mistletoe last year that they had always been and forever would be kindred spirits, soulmates, life partners, and best friends.
 The sleigh came to a halt and Anne looked out of the sleigh, her eyes landing on Barry’s Pond or, as she had named it, the Lake of Shining Waters. At this time of year, however, there wasn’t much lake left because of the glistening ice that lay firm over the water’s surface. She glanced back at Gilbert and saw his eyes shifting over her as if he was memorising everything about her. She raised her eyebrows. Shaking his head and shifting his eyes back to hers, he murmured, “Do you remember the time that I asked you to be my friend by the waters edge?” He chuckled then, “You were so petty, considering that I had just saved your life.” Grinning as Anne gave him a playful slap on the arm, “Ouch! A feisty one too; matches your hair, Carrots.”
 “Oh, you really thought I would forgive you after everything you did, Mr. Blythe? I hardly thought you were worthy of redemption; it was only later that I regretted everything I said to you that day. You really went and ignored me after that? I don’t think that helped the situation at all, dearest.” Gilbert gave a sigh at that, and Anne dropped her red head into the crook of his neck. He felt her lips move before hearing the words, “I love you, and I love you all the more for forgiving me after the fool I made of myself in the first five years of knowing each other.”
 “I love you too, Anne-girl. I’ve loved you since the day you broke that slate over my head, and I’ll love you until our journey comes to an end,” Gilbert replied, kissing her hair.
 “Oh Gil! How did I ever tell Marilla that you weren’t my idea of a romantic suitor when you are the most romantic person I know?” Anne grinned, pulling her head out of his neck. Gilbert beamed leaning forward to place a soft, slow kiss on her lips.
 “Come now, don’t get all sentimental on me yet. I still have one more place to take you before Carmody and it seems the sun is only getting higher in the sky, my love.” Gilbert started the horses on a trot again and Anne hummed as she watched the trees overcrowd the image of her beloved lake. Being whisked around Avonlea by Gilbert on a cold winters day wasn’t unusual, but Anne wished they would go somewhere warm soon. The cold air was bringing out an unflattering flush to her cheeks, highlighting her freckles and hair. This was both to Anne’s annoyance and Gilbert’s pleasure.
 It was to her slight dismay when he slowed to a stop outside the group of trees she knew so well. It was certainly not warm in there, but then again she had missed the Dryad’s Bubble immensely during her semester at Redmond. She side-eyed Gilbert who possessed a smug grin, before saying, “Oh, so this has become our Christmas Eve spot? Alright then Gilbert, but I don’t really want to walk all the way in there. It’s snowed a lot more this year and I’m not sure that we can make it in.”
 “Not to worry, Anne-girl.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him before replying, “I was just going to sit out here and reminisce on last year. Do you remember what I gave you for Christmas?”
 Anne beamed. “How could I forget? Darling, I wear it every day, you know that.” She fished under her coat for the delicate necklace, the small pink heart glistened against her palm as she looked down at it. “Oh, it’s the most wonderful gift I’ve ever received, besides you of course.”
 It was Gilbert’s turn to blush, and before he could talk himself out of it he whispered, “Well I have a far greater gift for you this year. How would you like another piece of jewellery, my love?” Anne’s brows furrowed and she pulled back from him a little, dropping the pendant back against her throat. “The promise that comes along with this though is far more precious and it would mean the world if you say yes.”
 “Gil… Do you mean…?” Anne’s eyes began to well up and Gilbert pulled out a circlet of peals, a ring she had dreamed about for years, “Gilbert Blythe, are you really asking me this?” A tear slid down her cheek and Gilbert quickly brought his thumb up to catch it.
 “Yes, my dear Anne-girl. I’m asking you this, and I mean it with all my heart. I don’t want anything more in this life than you! We’ve been officially courting for a year, but I think I’ve been courting you since the first time I laid eyes on you. I think 9 years is long enough to make a man wait, don’t you?” Anne laughed, her throat choking on the sound. “So, my lovely Anne, will you marry me?”
 “Oh, darling you don’t need to ask twice! Yes, with all my heart, yes!” Anne flung her arms around him now crying openly against his neck, the pearls he bought suiting the saying pearls are for tears in that very moment. She pulled back from the embrace placing her hands on either side of his face, her thumbs running under his eyes to catch his wayward tears. She brought her lips to his in an unhurried kiss.
 Gilbert pulled away first. “Anne I’ll put this ring on your finger on one condition.” Her eyes met his, glistening with the unshed tears she was somewhat holding back and nodded her head at him. “We get married as soon as possible. I know that we still have two years of college left, and then I have three years of medical school, God willing. But Anne-girl promise me we’ll get married as soon as we can afford to, because I don’t think I can wait five more years to wake up to your face every morning.”
 “Gil, even if our families think we are crazy, as soon as we finish our Arts degrees, I am marrying you. I promise you every day of my life from this point onwards. Oh Gil, I love you so!” Anne flung her arms back around his neck and Gilbert gasped at her boldness but wrapped his arms around her waist all the same. He pushed her away a little bit and grabbed her hand, sliding the snug ring into place, and Anne knew it had always belonged there. No questions asked, they would be married in two and a half years.
 Gilbert directed the sleigh towards Carmody, and they rode away together, crowned king and queen in the bridal realm of love, along winding paths fringed with the sweetest flowers that ever bloomed, and over haunted meadows where winds of hope and memory blew.*
 *Anne of the Island, Chapter 41 Love Take Up the Glass of Time
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enbyleighlines · 5 years
Hey dont know if you are still taking prompt suggestions but I would love to read MDZS Modern AU! Wei Wuxian & Jiang Yanli - Boyfriends. If you are done with prompts, thanks for all the wonderful fills!
Hey! I am absolutely still taking prompts, please and thank you~
This is actually the final prompt left in my ask box, so feel free to fill it up again! I’m having a wonderful time with this modern mdzs au!
Jin Yanli is out in the garden when Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan arrive for their playdate. Jin Zixuan greets them at the front door, and then just tells them to go around through the side gate.
It’s a bright day, with a refreshing breeze. A-Yuan rushes forward towards the backyard fence, kicking up dandelion fluff in his wake.
Wei Wuxian chuckles, and walks a little bit slower just to tease the kid. He knows that A-Yuan isn’t yet tall enough to reach the latch, so he can’t enter the backyard until Wei Wuxian opens the gate for him.
“Hurry up, Xian-gege!” A-Yuan calls over, bounding in place, reminding him of some sort of cartoon bunny.
(Ever since Wei Wuxian moved in with Lan Wangji, rabbits have never been far from his mind. Lan Wangji’s passion for the animal is rubbing off on him, apparently.)
“Okay, okay,” Wei Wuxian replies, slowing his gait even more, “Hold your horses.”
“Xian-gege!” A-Yuan pouts, enraged.
It’s impossible to take his anger seriously, though. Wei Wuxian starts laughing, watching with delight as A-Yuan’s lower lip juts out even further.
But Wei Wuxian also takes pity on the poor child. He reaches over the door to unlatch it without another word.
As soon as the door swings open, A-Yuan is bolting forward at full speed again. He runs over to where Jin Ling is pushing around a toy truck around the sandbox.
“A-Xian,” Jin Yanli says, standing up from her crouching position, “Hello!”
“Jiejie!” Wei Wuxian is suddenly twenty years younger. He leaps into her embrace, nuzzling his face into her shoulder.
She giggles at his antics. “A-Xian, how have you been?”
Wei Wuxian knows exactly what she wants to know. He heaves a loud, lovesick sigh and tells her, “I’m so happy, Jiejie! Wangji is the best boyfriend. He spoils A-Yuan and me rotten.”
A few days ago, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had kissed for the first time. Upon waking, Wei Wuxian immediately texted his Jiejie, along with everyone else he knew. His declaration had received many different responses. Jin Yanli’s reply was the most ecstatic, though. Though they indeed set up this playdate for the kids, the idea had originated from an ulterior motive. Wei Wuxian wants to gush about his new boyfriend, and Jin Yanli is all too happy to listen.
Jin Yanli pulls away to look Wei Wuxian in the face. “I’m glad you found someone you is willing to spoil you,” she says, “My A-Xian deserves nothing less.”
Wei Wuxian leans his cheek on her shoulder, which is awkward, because he’s long since grown taller than her. “He makes me so happy, Jiejie,” he whispers, wanting to make her understand just a fraction of the immense love he holds in his heart for Lan Wangji.
Jin Yanli’s smile softens. Then she pulls further away to say, “I made us some tea. Let’s sit down, and you can tell me everything.”
And so they do. Wei Wuxian barely pays his cup any mind. He is too busy blabbering— about the few dates they’ve been on, about Lan Wangji’s cutest habits, about all the thoughtful little things Lan Wangji does to show he cares.
“And what about you?” Jin Yanli asks during a pause, “Relationships are a two-way street. What have you been doing to show you care, A-Xian?”
Wei Wuxian thinks. “Well...” he begins, “I tell him how handsome he is! Every day! And I thank him for everything he does around the apartment. And... well.” Here Wei Wuxian hesitates, uncharacteristically shy. “I tried to write him a love poem, because he loves poetry, but... it turns out I’m not good at writing poems.”
Jin Yanli giggles demurely into her wrist. “Ah, A-Xian,” she teases, “You have been bitten hard by the love bug, I see.”
“Do you blame me?” Wei Wuxian flails his arms, flustered. “Wangji... he’s so good,” he murmurs, stricken with the sheer force of his affection, “He’s really... such a good man. I knew I was gone the moment he offered to foster A-Yuan, so he could have a permanent home. And— and he can be so ridiculous! He calls me ridiculous but you should hear about some of the things he says and does! He named his bunnies Cabbage and Carrot! He hasn’t even flinched at the any of the horror movies I’ve shown him, but the first time we watched a cheesy romcom, he got so flustered that he muted the kissing scene!”
Wei Wuxian grabs Jin Yanli’s hand, desperate to make her understand. “I love him so much, Jiejie,” he says, “I know it’s only been like four days, but I’m so in love with him!”
“You’ve known him for how long?” Jin Yanli shakes her head, visibly amused.
“Hmmm...” Wei Wuxian thinks back to their first encounter. “We met in high school, freshman year... when we were both fourteen. Ah! And we’re twenty-four now!” Wei Wuxian jolts back at the realization. “A decade! It took me ten whole years to kiss Lan Wangji!”
Jin Yanli laughs. “Well, better late than never,” she points out.
Wei Wuxian is not so easily soothed, though. He sticks out his bottom lip and pouts. “I can’t believe it. I could have been kissing Wangji as far back as high school! We could have gone to senior prom together! We could be married by now!”
“It’s no good to dwell on what-if’s, A-Xian,” Jin Yanli says, “Remember how long it took for Zixuan to return my feelings?”
“That’s because he is— was an idiot.”
“And now we’re married, and we have A-Ling.” She looks off towards her son, practically radiating contentment. “Focus on what you have right now, so you can savor every minute.”
Wei Wuxian follows her gaze.
The boys are building a sand castle. Or so Wei Wuxian assumes. It mostly just looks like a heap of sand with some twigs poking out of the top.
“Jiejie,” Wei Wuxian says, “I... I want to ask Wangji if we can adopt A-Yuan for real.”
If Jin Yanli is surprised, she doesn’t show it. She just gives Wei Wuxian a loving grin. “Have you talked to A-Yuan’s family about it yet?”
Wei Wuxian nods. “Granny Wen mentioned it before, actually,” he admits, “She said A-Yuan already talks about Wangji and me like we’re his fathers. Wen Qing’s Uncle also gave me his blessing.”
Jin Yanli lights up. “A-Xian, that’s wonderful!” She claps her hands together. “So when are you asking Lan Wangji?”
“I don’t know.” Wei Wuxian worries his lip. “I mean... we only just begun dating. Don’t you think it’s too soon? I don’t know if Wangji even wants children...”
“A-Xian.” Jin Yanli waits until she has Wei Wuxian’s eyes back on her. “I’ve seen Lan Wangji with A-Yuan. He clearly loves children. You don’t have to worry about that. But if you think it’s too soon, then wait. There’s no need to rush. You’re already fostering him, and A-Yuan isn’t old enough to know the difference.”
Wei Wuxian feels the oppressive weight lift right off his shoulders. “You’re right,” he realizes aloud, “There’s no need to rush.”
“Exactly,” Jin Yanli says, “Like I said, enjoy the present. Don’t spend too much time regretting the past or fretting about the future. You’ve got a doting boyfriend, and an adorable kid who loves you.”
Wei Wuxian feels like tearing up. He valiantly avoids doing so.
“Now drink your tea already,” Jin Yanli chastises playfully, “I brought this brand just for you. It’s a chai with extra spice.”
“Jiejie!” Wei Wuxian puts a hand to his heart. “Still spoiling me, after all this time.”
“I will spoil you forever,” Jin Yanli promises, “No matter whether you’re eight years old or eighty, I will always spoil my A-Xian rotten.”
Wei Wuxian laughs, delighted. He knows she means it, and that makes it all the more endearing.
The rest of the day is spent sipping tea, weeding the garden, watching the kids, and making plans for a double date. And, as Jin Yanli so wisely advised, Wei Wuxian savors every last minute of it.
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thehikinghusky · 4 years
I haven’t been on here in a good long while. But I’m thankful I kept this blog in the early days. It makes today hurt a little less.
My last post was over three years ago. I wish I had kept up with this blog better because what is on here warms my heart. It’s fitting that my last post was regarding her sarcoma because that’s ultimately what took her away from me. 
This year has been so hard in so many ways on a lot of people. But my 2020 has overall been a year of good fortune and growth for me, up until now. This year has taken from me the most painful thing it could have taken. My sweet Kaya. 
Three years ago, we fought cancer. And for three glorious years, we got to forget about it. And this year, I noticed Kaya had started losing weight. It was gradual at first. About two months ago, I took her to the vet to confirm what I already knew. The cancer was back, and had engulfed the majority of her liver. 
Although she was a little thirstier and started having issues throwing up water when she drank too much, she was overall happy. The vet couldn’t tell me how much time I had left with her, but however much, it could never be enough. 
Over the past week, she made a steady and steep decline. The dog she was on Sunday was not the dog she was on Friday. She had stopped eating almost entirely, and she didn’t have the same vigor I so fondly remember. She could barely get up anymore. I could tell she was tired. Today I got to stay with her, pet her, and give her kisses as we said our final goodbyes. 
There’s no way to prepare yourself for how much something like this hurts. Six years was not enough. The whole fifteen of her life would not have been enough. I loved her so intensely from the day I brought her home. And I told her from day one, that she had to live to fifteen. There was no other option. Well, she heard me. Her fifteenth birthday was two weeks ago. I’m going to share a picture from that day, as she was still in good enough health to enjoy a leisurely walk to smell some interesting things and to wade in the river. 
I want to mourn her loss less and celebrate her life more. She was always so loud and opinionated. She was very independent. She loved food more than anything else on the planet, probably me included. And in this last week, she couldn’t even enjoy food. I told her today that she would be able to eat all the chicken nuggets she wanted now. I asked Nanook to help her cross over the Rainbow Bridge so she wouldn’t have to do it alone. 
I’m so immensely thankful for the time we had together. For the adventures we got to go on. For the love and the bond that we shared. I’m thankful for the circumstances we’ve achieved. Together. Kaya was the first dog I adopted on my own. We went from living in a single bedroom where I worked two jobs to a three bedroom house with a fenced in yard and a doggy door where I got to work from home. I’m thankful that I got to spend more time with her, especially as her health declined. I’m thankful we had as long as we did together. And I’m thankful I got to see her off to the other side, as much as it hurts. 
Kaya will always and forever be my sunshine, my heart dog. There aren’t enough words in the world to encapsulate the light that was her life. She was a fighter until the end. A stubborn Husky until her final day. 
There are so many things I want to say. So many memories I never want to fade. She will be in my heart, and tattooed on my hip, forever. I’ll miss the loud alarm barks, letting me know it was time to get up because SHE was up. I’ll miss how if I didn’t listen, she would just come sit on my head. I’ll miss the way she played. One of her favorite things to do was just dive face first into the bed and yell and roll around. She was never a fan of sleeping in the bed, but boy did she like to roll all over it. I’ll miss how she followed me absolutely everywhere. She was my bathroom buddy. I couldn’t pee alone, and I couldn’t shower without knowing she was right on the other side of the curtain, patiently waiting to be able to lick all the water off my legs. 
I remember the day I brought her home. The Humane Society offered a two week foster-to-adopt program. I met her, not quite sure what to make of her because she had been a loud grumble butt from day one, and I signed up to put a hold on her and come back the next day to pick her up, as that was when I was moving into my new house. I got so lucky in getting her. As I handed in my paperwork for her, another lady started filling out the hold form too. Somewhere, there was a miscommunication, because instead of starting the foster the next day, they had adopted her out to me. I drove away from the Humane Society and looked over at her in awe. I had a dog. She was my dog. And she wasted absolutely no time making herself at home. I hadn’t even kind of unpacked, and I had just put sheets on the bed. One of the first things she went to do was her signature bed roll. I still have a picture of her looking up at me, moving box right beside her. It was good they didn’t do the foster. There was never any going back, anyway. 
She was so smart. I’ll miss the training and the puzzle games with her. I’ll miss just talking to her. She understood more than most would believe, I think. And she loved like no other. If she came to you for pets, it’s because she wanted to, not because you asked. She loved to have her ears and her face scratched. And if you’d scratch the fronts of her back legs, she’d kick them straight out in a big stretch. 
She was the most gentle baby, but she was loud about it. I trusted her more than any other dog not to bite me, no mater the circumstances. But she would absolutely be vocal if you were doing something she didn’t like. Baths, for instance. For a dog that loved water as much as she did, she HATED bath time. I’d take her out to a lake or a river and before you knew it, she was chest deep, shoving her face directly into the water. But if I so much as touched the shower knob while she was in the tub? She was screaming bloody murder before the water even hit her. 
I think she knew she could tug at my heartstrings enough to get me to bend to her will on most things. I could never bear to hear her cry. For as loud as she was, and she was pretty much constantly loud, she had her own language. One I grew to understand. To most people I’ve known who’ve met her, she just constantly sounded angry. She communicated in a lot of barks, growls, and grumbles. We always joked that she was my grumpy old lady. More often than not, though, her angry sounds weren’t her being actually angry. It’s just how she talked. 
Although Huskies are notorious escape artists and like to bolt as soon as they get the chance, she was never like that. There are only two times she ever got away from me that I can recall. The first, she pushed her way out of a screen door that hadn’t been latched. All she did was walk out into the yard to take a poo, lol. She came right back at the shake of a treat bag. The other time, we were out hiking. Her leash had slipped out of my hand, and she took off running for the trees. I just knew I had lost her to the wilderness. As soon as she hit the tree line, though, she whipped right back around and came back to me. She just had to get out some zoomies really quick. 
She liked to play fetch, but mostly just the chase part. She was never interested in actually picking the ball or whatever we were playing with back up and bringing it back. But she did like toys. Her favorite was one we took to calling Hampton the Hedgehog. ...And then Hampton Jr. and eventually Hampton the third because she liked him a little too much, lol. 
Her favorite food was whatever was in my hand at the moment, lol. Nothing tasted as good as whatever I happened to have. After she was labeled a hospice dog a couple of months ago, I decided I was going to give her whatever she wanted to make sure she had the happiest time she could, so she was off dog food entirely and just ate some of whatever I was having. She loved chicken nuggets, roast beef, and ribs. I tried to make her some variety of cake every year for her birthday. Some years it was a meat stew pie, some years carrot cake, and one year it was a meatloaf iced in mashed potatoes. This year, I made her a carrot cake iced with whipped cream cheese. She wasn’t the biggest fan of the cream cheese, but she liked the cake bit. 
She was loyal and loving until the end, and I’m so glad she’s no longer suffering. If you have pets, do me a favor and hug them just a little bit tighter for me tonight. Give them an extra biscuit and tell them how good they are and how much you love them. For those of us who can’t anymore. Enjoy every second. Life is fleeting, and you never know when it will be gone. 
Rest in peace, my sweet Kaya. You will always be my sunshine. 
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anthony-kate · 6 years
MALEC ADVENT CALENDAR 2018 | December 15th by CryptidBane
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In Eternal Spring
(Harry Potter AU with Beauxbatons!Magnus and Durmstrang!Alec, rated T)
Magnus loves Beauxbatons. He loves its white walls, verdant gardens, and stained glass windows. Its elegance brings him calm, a respite from the realities of being a muggleborn orphan.
Here, it feels like he belongs, and he almost believes it too. So when the headmistress announces that Beauxbatons will be participating in an academic exchange, Magnus decides that he will be a representative.
The qualifications are simple enough: Submit a letter of recommendation from a professor, and pass both a written and a practical exam. Magnus is the top student in three of his classes, and his Charms professor adores him.
A week after the test, the headmistress calls upon himself and Catarina Loss to notify them of their acceptance. Magnus is responsible for the Durmstrang students, and Catarina is responsible for Hogwarts, the pair of them playing host to the twenty-odd students from each.
“It is an honor to be chosen,” the headmistress says with great gravitas, leveling them both with the sophisticated yet steely gaze she often wears.
All the details have been ironed out, and Magnus can’t wait for their guests to arrive.
Catarina says that she has a friend named Ragnor who goes to Hogwarts.
“He’s a grump, but he said that his parents were insistent that he participate. He speaks French, but really all he uses it for is complaining.”
“He sounds charming,” Magnus says with a laugh. “Do you think I could convince a Durmstrang student to tell me where it’s located? Seduce them maybe?” Magnus asks, wiggling his eyebrows. He places a marker into his book on the school in question. His roommate, Raphael Santiago, peers over at him with an exasperated expression. He is younger than Magnus and Catarina, but always manages to look annoyed with them anyway.
“Don’t bother,” Raphael says, waving his wand at a white throw pillow. The cushion wriggles, then soars into the air,  landing in Raphael’s lap. “I doubt any of them will speak with you any more than they have to.”
“So hurtful, Raphael,” Magnus replies with a huff. “Have a little more faith in me.”
Raphael makes a point of rolling his eyes. “May I have enough faith to carry me through your bullshit.”
Catarina snorts into her own set of books, warding off Magnus’ indignant rebuttals with her hand. “Well they’ll be arriving tomorrow, so make sure they’re happy, with or without your seduction.”
“Of course,” Magnus replies. “Trust me, I’ll take very good care of them.”
“I’m expecting an international incident,” Raphael says. He returns to his Accio practice, summoning a gilded book from across the room.
Magnus smiles and flicks his wand. All of the cushions in the room rise, then descend, covering Raphael from head to toe.
Magnus stands next to the headmistress beneath painted ceilings, the mural of magical creatures moving above them. One of the dragons spits a stream of fire, disrupting a crowd of birds, their tiny brushstrokes weaving across the rippling sky.
Large windows line the walls, stained glass writhing as unicorns and phoenixes cast shapes along the floors. Magnus scans the room. The youngest students are all crowded together, tiny and anxious, gossiping amongst themselves. They’re sweet, Magnus thinks. He hopes that their visitors will show the young ones just how vast the world is. Catarina stands at the front as well, braids laying over her shoulder. She and Magnus exchange eager looks as a staff member hurries to the headmistress. Then, the headmistress calls for silence, preparing them all for their guests.
Hogwarts arrives in a flurry of color. Groups of five release bright bursts from their wands, weaving lines of red, green, blue, and yellow, as they troop through the hall. Four students brandish their wands before all the rest, a silvery corporeal patronus erupting from each of their wands. Magnus raises a brow, impressed, and claps with the rest of his peers. Catarina smiles at one. He nods back, looking surly, then steps in line with the others.
The headmistress greet the Hogwarts students, introducing them to Catarina. Catarina curtsies at them all before leading them to one of the long tables. Tittering commences as soon as they settle in, all of Beaxbatons arching their necks as the sound of heavy footsteps approach.
The double doors burst open. A girl with long dark hair spars with a blonde boy, both of them bearing the emblem of Durmstrang, her whip and his metal staff gleaming beneath the glass chandeliers that illuminate the room. The rest of the entourage pours in behind them in a river of dark red and fur, moving with great surety toward the front of the room. Magnus watches as they come to a stop. It grows quiet, both fighters settling at each other’s throats as sparks fly around them.
Movement draws Magnus’ eye, a tall shadow in the doorway, broad shoulders spreading wide as the arrow is drawn and shot, fusing the air with white heat as it explodes into the form of a dragon. The light casts the archer in sharp relief, soft white light catching on thick lashes and a scar through one eyebrow. He’s beautiful.
Magnus Bane is not flustered. Magnus Bane doesn’t even know what being flustered is, thank you very fucking much. The headmistress beckons to him. He flicks a lock hair out of his face, stepping toward the students, nonchalant.
“We thank you for coming all this way. This is Magnus Bane, the senior student representative who will escort you to your accommodations.” The headmistress turns to Magnus and gestures with her hand toward the Durmstrang students. “He will be taking care of you.”
Hazel eyes meet his own, and Magnus fights the urge to cover his unusual gold gaze, plastering on his most winning smile. The boy blushes high on his cheeks. Oh. Magnus bites back a grin, stomach fluttering. That sure is a sight.
Well, no time like the present. And because he is most certainly not flustered.
“Welcome to Beauxbatons. I am Magnus Bane.” Magnus pauses, taking a polite bow. He stands, watching as the archer speaks urgently with another student, attention flickering between Magnus and the granite floors. That won’t do. “I will guide you to where you will be staying. We have guest wings prepared for you. But first, food.”
Magnus shows them to a banquet table. The Beauxbatons students shift to make space, periwinkle blue uniforms making way for the heavy Durmstrang coats. He sits toward the end, in one of the many gold and navy blue chairs, taking in the scents of the feast as it appears on the table. He’s so hungry. Someone sits in the chair next to his, bringing the scent of teakwood and a rustling of furs.
“You are Magnus,” a deep voice says in halting French. Despite the noise around them, Magnus hears him with crystal clarity, the words still trailing fingers up his spine.
“I am,” Magnus replies. He turns, meeting green and gold and brown, sucking in air. Magnus lowers his lashes and bites his lip. “And you are?”
“Alec,” he says, wearing a hesitant expression. Magnus fights to breathe as Alec continues. “Alec Lightwood. My sister told me to introduce myself. Your eyes are beautiful.” The compliment tumbles from Alec’s mouth in a rush, his face turning bright red.
“Thank you,” Magnus manages, trying to find his composure as the flattery echoes in his mind, giving birth to butterflies in his chest. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yes,” Alec says, still blushing, gaze darting down to the table. “It is nice to meet you too.” The hall hums with chatter and the sound of utensils on plates, and Magnus is sure there are people watching them, but he can’t bring himself to care.
“I think you have beautiful eyes as well,” Magnus says.
“Thank you,” Alec mumbles, fingers twitching where they rest on the table.
“You’re welcome,” Magnus says, thrilled to watch as Alec turns away, muttering something to himself in a language Magnus isn’t familiar with. “Shall we eat?” Magnus asks. Alec nods. Magnus takes a lamb chop, some roasted potatoes, and assorted vegetables.
It smells divine, the usual fair of foods mixed in with some diversity to suit their visitors. Magnus appreciates the sight of Alec taking a large serving of each vegetable, avoiding the fatty bits of steak as he takes a slice onto his plate, cutting the meat into even pieces before eating. He’s meticulous, and the behavior charms Magnus more than it has any right to.
They continue to eat, Magnus ignoring the disapproving looks Alec sends him every time he pushes a carrot to the side.
“Why do you not eat the carrot?” Alec asks. His brows draw together as he searches for the right words. He rubs the back of his neck, fingers scratching at his dark hair, looking unbearably cute. “They are good for you,” he says, frustration with French clear on his face.
“I don’t like them,” Magnus admits, a bit embarrassed of his childish reasoning. Alec smiles and shakes his head.
“You should eat them. I do not like brussel sprouts, but I eat them,” Alec says, stabbing a brussel sprout, holding it up for examination before putting it into his mouth. He chews with immense determination before swallowing. “See? It is good for you. Please try.” Just five minutes into Alec’s acquaintance, Magnus will do anything for him, so Magnus gives him an awkward smile.
“Only because you’re so pretty,” Magnus says with a wink. He sighs, staring down at the now-cold carrots as they mock him. He puts one into his mouth and immediately regrets it.
With a few awful bites, the carrot is gone, and Magnus washes the taste away with a large gulp of water. Alec laughs, nudging Magnus’ shoulder with his own.
“We will work on it,” Alec says, encouraging Magnus with a firm nod before pulling away.
Magnus smiles in reply. The warmth of Alec’s hand burns through Magnus’ uniform, surging through his veins, and setting him alight. But Magnus is not flustered. So he does what he does best, wrapping confidence around himself like a cloak. He will not let Alec Lightwood get the better of him so easily. Magnus is the seducer, not the seduced.
Alec clears his throat, a shy smile settling across his face. “Would you like to, how do you say, get to know each other?” There is no guile or flirtation, only earnest curiosity, and nerves that dance in his hazel eyes.
Magnus never stood a chance.
“Of course,” Magnus says, more than a little breathless. “I would love to.”
Alec grants him a brilliant smile, nodding, then takes the largest slice of pie Magnus has ever seen.
Magnus doesn’t get any alone time with Alec after the welcoming feast, disappointing him beyond belief, even though he and Catarina continue to tend to the needs of the exchange students. Much of their time is spent explaining Beauxbatons’ traditions, such as their annual unicorn racing competition.
Two days into , the Hogwarts students begin to ask about Quidditch, and are horrified to hear that Beauxbatons does not have any official Quidditch tournaments during the school year, much less school teams.
Magnus and Catarina bring the complaints to the headmistress, who consults Hogwarts and Durmstrang on their policies. The headmistress allows Magnus, Catarina, and representatives from the two visiting schools to plan a Quidditch tournament.
“So we have three teams. There are less students from Durmstrang and Hogwarts, but we play Quidditch regularly. It’s pretty competitive at Hogwarts,” a blond girl, a Slytherin, suggests. “The final match up will be decided by point differential if there is a tie.” The rest of the Hogwarts entourage make affirmative noises, looking toward the Durmstrang group for their opinion.
All five Durmstrang students nod in acceptance. “That is okay for us,” Alec says, “we will play.”
Catarina records all of the information and requests that everyone sign the parchment. “If everyone is in agreement, we will hold tryouts for each school this coming Saturday at different times during the day. Magnus and I will speak to the staff about the tournament,” she declares.
As the exchange students become more acclimated to life at Beauxbatons, Magnus finds himself with more time to give Alec his undivided attention. Magnus meets Isabelle and Jace, Alec’s siblings, and takes to Izzy as soon as she compliments his nail polish. Jace is as uninterested in Magnus as Magnus is in him, directing his attentions to one of the Hogwarts students, a Hufflepuff named Simon.
The eight of them, including Raphael, Simon’s best friend Clary, and Catarina’s friend Ragnor, spend most of their time together in the southmost courtyard. It’s a small but quiet space. There are flowers of all different colors and shapes in bloom. The grass is kept manicured, a powerful enchantment shrouding the chateau grounds in perpetual spring. It’s peaceful, and easy to access should any student require Magnus or Catarina’s attention.
It is in this courtyard that Magnus finds out that Alec plays Quidditch. He’s the best keeper at Durmstrang in fact, if Isabelle is to be believed, and Magnus insists on watching the Durmstrang practices.
“You do not have to come watch. I am not very good,” Alec says. He waves Magnus’ protests away, glaring at his sister where she sits in the grass, shy. She laughs, whispering something in Clary’s ear that makes the Gryffindor blush.
“How can we be sure you aren’t spying on us for the Beauxbatons teams?” Jace asks, his French impeccable in a way that Alec’s is not. He eyes Magnus from where he’s sitting with Simon, playing Wizard’s Chess, and swears under his breath when Simon takes his knight.
“Because I don’t care about sports beyond appreciating the beautiful people playing them. I’m only going for your brother,” Magnus says, rolling his eyes. Alec blushes, bright and borderline cherubic, but says nothing. “I don’t even know how to play Quidditch,” Magnus admits with a shrug. “How can I spy for my team if I don’t even know what’s happening?”
Jace looks over at him in disbelief. “Don’t you play Quidditch at home like everyone else?”
Magnus thinks about an empty house and its cold lack of magic.
Raphael gives an annoyed huff from where he sits in the shade of a tree, working on a report. He closes his book and glares at Jace. “Don’t you know how to keep your mouth shut?”
Magnus can’t be here anymore, embarrassment and a bit of frustration creeping up his spine, sinking teeth into the edges of his smile. “Raphael, be nice. No harm, no foul,” he says, trying his best to mean it. “But if you’ll excuse me, I just remembered that I offered to help tutor a student before dinner. I will see you all tonight.” He gets to his feet before anyone can argue and shoots Raphael a warning glance before leaving the courtyard. He leaves the scent of flowers behind as he enters the building. The book he’d been reading, a text on muggle science, is heavy in his hand.
The corridor is empty, and Magnus is grateful for the space. He deals with this every once in a while. The whole of Beauxbatons knows about him: always at the top in his classes, a ridiculous flirt, and a muggleborn orphan with no one who loves him. It’s no one’s fault that the students from the other schools are not as informed as his peers.
In a way, he’s more irritated with how much the reminder hurts him, than he is with Jace. Jace hadn’t meant anything by it, and Magnus hates that an off-hand comment from an acquaintance can sound so much like the confused hatred of his now-dead stepfather. He hears the sound of footsteps.
“Magnus?” Magnus ignores Alec, walking faster, and turns down the passageway to another wing of the chateau. Light shines in through the windows, mermaids in the stained glass swimming alongside him. Beauxbatons loves him, Magnus knows, but the halls almost seem to stretch as he tries to hide. Alec’s pace quickens, and then there’s a hand on Magnus’ arm—curse Alec Lightwood and his long legs.
Magnus sucks in a breath. “Yes?” he asks, turning toward Alec with a practiced smile. “Can I help you?”
Alec opens his mouth, then closes it, free hand coming to rest on his chin as he mutters in Bulgarian. “My brother,” Alec says, straightforward, French still just a little rough on his tongue. “He is not very...good with people? Rude? I do not know the correct word.” Alec gives Magnus an apologetic smile, hand sliding down Magnus’ arm until their fingers are woven together. “I am sorry for him.”
Magnus stares at Alec for a moment, feeling Alec’s warmth, and laughs.
“Oh, Alec. It’s alright. It’s an honest question,” Magnus says. And it is. Quidditch is as eponymous to magic as wings are to flight, and to think that someone doesn’t even know the rules must be ridiculous. Alec shakes his head, insistent, raising Magnus’ hand to his lips.
“Even so,” he murmurs. “You are hurting, and I am sorry.” Alec leans down, kissing Magnus’ knuckles, eyes full of concern. “Come watch me. Please, I will teach you.”
Magnus doesn’t even realize he’s crying until tears drip from his chin and onto the stone flooring. “Oh, Morgana, this is so embarrassing,” Magnus mumbles, trying to hide his face. Alec refuses to let him.
“No apologies,” Alec murmurs. He cups Magnus’ face, hands gentle, and wipes the tears from Magnus’ cheeks. “I am sorry you are hurting.”
“Thank you, Alec,” Magnus whispers. He leans into the touch, soaking in Alec’s kindness.
“Call me Alexander. For you, I am Alexander,” Alec replies. “I care for you. Let me show you.”
Magnus nods, heart lurching in his chest as it reaches, desperate, for the sunlight of Alec’s smile. Magnus wishes he understood Bulgarian. He wishes he could hear what Alec means, instead of what he wants to hear.
“Thank you, Alexander.”
Two months pass. They don’t speak of it again after that day. Jace apologizes, and Magnus waves it off, emotions firmly under control once more.
Despite their silence on the subject, things between Magnus and Alec begin to change. As if that day broke a dam, Alec often holds Magnus’ hand, initiating physical contact with a casual sort of grace that leaves Magnus unable to flirt like he usually does.
Magnus attends the tryouts, spectating practices whenever he has time. He still doesn’t understand the complexities of the game, but he knows that Izzy, Jace, and Alec are all very good.
Alec gives Magnus a kiss on the cheek after dinner, much like how Izzy greets Magnus every morning. They part ways. Magnus ventures back to his quarters, taking in the fresh scent of pine as he admires the wreaths that appeared overnight. The holidays are upon them, decorations popping up around the chateau, and Magnus begins to think of what to get Alec as a gift. A watch maybe? Or a scarf perhaps. Dark green would look charming with Alec’s hazel eyes.
Raphael meets him at the door. “We need to talk.”
“Good evening to you too, my darling Raphael,” Magnus says, rolling his eyes as he unlocks the dark blue door that leads to their chambers.
“This isn’t a joke, Magnus,” Raphael snaps, irritated, following Magnus inside. “It’s about your precious Lightwoods.”
“They’re not mine,” Magnus replies.
Raphael plows on, undeterred. “Their father is Robert Lightwood. Sound familiar?”
Magnus thinks for a moment, then gives Raphael a sarcastic smile. “No, I can’t say it does.”
Raphael weighs his response. He mutters to himself, looking conflicted, then seems to make a decision. “The Lightwoods are a pureblood family,” He says, words ringing with a gravitas that would be comical on any other sixteen year old.
“Your point?” Magnus asks, quashing the insecurities that threaten to climb his spine and bloat his mind.
“You know what my point is, Magnus,” Raphael replies. “But if you need any other evidence...” He walks over to his desk, retrieving something before walking over to Magnus’ bedside. A book, bookmarked in the middle, lays on Magnus’ nightstand. Raphael’s heavy gaze bores a hole into Magnus’ chest. “Goodnight, Magnus.”
Magnus flips through the book Raphael gave him, sitting in the boughs of a large flowering tree. It smells like sunlight, comforting, golden beams winking in and out of existence as the leaves dance in the wind.
It’s a compendium of the remaining pureblood families, the author having taken great interest in the subject after Voldemort’s fall. The Lightwood family tree is illustrious to say the least. Alexander’s great-great-great-grandmother created the draught of living death, and another, even older relative, is recognized as the first wizard to use a threstral hair in wand-making. Thestral hair is not commonly used in wands anymore, but it’s impressive all the same.
Alec comes from a long line of purebloods. There’s not one member, of the Lightwood family, by marriage or otherwise, that isn’t pure blooded. Magnus continues reading.
With each wizarding war, the Lightwood family aligned with the pureblood elitists. Barghest Lightwood, Alec’s eldest uncle, had been convicted as a Death Eater, and died in Azkaban. The Lightwoods moved from the England to Bulgaria after the Battle of Hogwarts. As unsurprising as it is, seeing the proof is more painful than Magnus expected. The Lightwoods do not believe that Magnus belongs in their world.
He sets the book onto a nearby branch and stares up into the maze of flowers, and wonders what Alec thinks.
Magnus wakes when the sky turns dark. It’s cold, his limbs are stiff, and his neck aches from sleeping in an awkward position for too long. His stomach growls in the quiet air. He hears the clamor of students, laughter travelling down the halls and toward the main hall. It looks he hasn’t missed dinner.
With a languorous stretch, Magnus collects his things, swinging down to the ground with a thud. His bag bangs around his legs as he walks, slipping down his arm. He tugs it back over his shoulder and ventures into the corridor. The dining hall smells like beef stew, mouthwatering, the promise of warmth and comfort drawing Magnus to the table. Alec waves at him, but Magnus looks the other way.
He serves himself a steaming bowl of soup, grabbing a few slices of bread to dip into it, and slips from the dining hall. The smell of garlic and tomato permeates the sparsely populated hallways. It doesn’t take very long to reach his quarters, several paintings asking him for a bite of food as he walks past.
Dinner is quiet that night.
Magnus’ strategy doesn’t work for more than a couple days. Alec catches him on his way to the library, hand wrapping around Magnus’ wrist, tugging Magnus to a stop before letting go.
“You do not want to see me?” Alec asks, searching Magnus’ face for answers as he herds Magnus into an empty hallway. Magnus protests, unable to meet Alec’s eyes, excuses dying on his tongue as Alec refuses to let him escape.
“I—yes,” Magnus admits. “I’ve been avoiding you.
“Why?” Alec asks. He lets go of Magnus, crossing his arms. “What is the reason?”
Magnus steels himself, fighting down the desire to run. “You’re a Lightwood,” he says.
“I am,” Alec agrees, unmoved. He waits, impatient, gesturing for Magnus to continue.
“And I’m a muggleborn,” Magnus explains, watching, waiting for Alec to respond. Alec stares back at him, as if expecting him to continue. Magnus averts his gaze. Unicorns whiny from the mural that decorates the wall, foals wobbling over to poke at Magnus’ hand with their noses. There’s a beat of silence, then, Alec begins to speak.
“I see. Thank you for sharing.” He smiles, soft, and almost guilty. His arms unwind. “I understand why you are unsure to tell me. My family has a reputation.” Then, he struggles with what to say next, the language barrier frustrating him. “I understand, but I am not the same. We are not how we were.” His hand comes to rest over his heart, pressing against his chest. Hurt flashes across his face as he speaks. “Please do not run away from me.”
Magnus bites his lip as he considers Alec’s words.
“And your siblings?”
Alec mulls this over before speaking. “Isabelle and I learn together. She is better. I still make mistakes.” He pauses, biting his lip. “Jace, he is slower at these lessons,” Alec confesses. “He is not good with others. Simon helps.” That makes sense. Simon is a half-blood, and more outspoken than the other Hufflepuffs Magnus has met.
“What about your parents?”
Alec’s eyes dim, brows drawing together as his hands fall to his sides, clenching into fists. “My father is not a good man. My mother tries.” He does not elaborate.
Magnus takes in Alec’s stiff posture. Families are complicated, whether they’re dead or alive. That is something Magnus understands well. He leans in close, catching Alec’s gaze, and runs his fingers over Alec’s knuckles.
“Last question,” Magnus says, smile growing playful. “When are you going to teach me how to play Quidditch?”
Alec brightens. “We can go now? I have a broom. We can borrow Jace’s.” He looks relieved to be back on even keel, tugging on Magnus’ heartstrings as he shoots Magnus a warm smile, the tension of their conversation melting from his eyes.
“As long as you promise that nothing will happen to my face,” Magnus says, pouting. Alec laughs, long and loud, before shooting Magnus a wolfish grin.
“Do not worry. I will protect your beautiful face.”
Magnus blushes. He tugs his collar up over his cheeks as he adjusts his bag, following as  Alec leads him toward the Durmstrang wing.
It’s beautiful, as it always is on the Beauxbatons grounds. The trees are always in bloom, petals and leaves rustling, fauna scurrying in the underbrush.
Magnus enjoys flying. He does not, however, enjoy dodging bludgers.  The wind whips around him, whistling as the bludger hurtles toward him with startling speed. He lets out a yelp and starts to climb, broom carrying him further into the sky as he tries to outrun the cursed object. After a few close calls, Magnus convinces Alec that Quidditch just isn’t for him.
They come to rest in one of Beauxbatons’ many gardens. There are hydrangeas all around them, tiny petals creating waves of greens and pinks and purples, insects buzzing between the stems. Sunlight soaks into their skin, warming them despite the winter months that settle in sheets of white over the mountains. Alec sets his broom on a nearby bench, stretching as he turns to survey the flowers. Magnus watches as Alec sheds the outer layer of his uniform.
Alec keeps the fur cape in his room, but usually wears the maroon jacket and pants of the Durmstrang uniform. Jace and Izzy often forgo it all for the more spring-friendly Beauxbatons option, blue instead of their usual red, the school having provided a set for every exchange student.
A high-collared button-up exposes the barest hint of a black tattoo on Alec’s neck. The white material lays across his chest, stretching as Alec pulls the outer layer off. He drops it into the grass, disrupting a pair of beetles that take off and zoom away, buzzing madly. Magnus whistles as Alec unfastens the top two buttons, ogling him without shame. Alec laughs and unfastens the next one with a playful smirk.
After banishing the assorted Quidditch equipment, he inspects Magnus for any sort of damage, gentle as he brushes Magnus’ hair from his forehead.
“You are in good condition?” Alec asks. His hand falls back to his side, a butterfly floating up to light on his shoulder. “Your beautiful face is not damaged?”
“I’m fine,” Magnus says. He misses Alec’s warmth, finding himself jealous of the tiny creature. He grips the broom as it bobs, sensing his agitation, dismounting it and stepping onto the lush grass. The lacquered wood is smooth beneath his fingers when he sets it next to Alec’s own.
He walks over to one of the many bushes, stroking the bundles of flowers as he admires them. Alec joins him. The sun kisses Alec’s hair, shining on the swaths of skin that Magnus finds so beautiful. “These are very pretty,” Alec says. “Hydrangea, a good flower. It gives thanks.”
There’s a moment where Magnus wonders what he did to deserve Alec. It’s an invaluable gift, Alec’s presence, steadfast and warm at his side. He draws on Alec’s strength, searching for something to say. A fox darts out of one of the bushes. It rushes past them, leaping into a hedge before disappearing, leaving a series of crackling twigs in its wake. Magnus and Alec glance at each other, both of them grinning widely as the air quiets once more.
“This is my favorite garden,” Magnus says. Alec nods in understanding, waiting for Magnus to continue. “Beauxbatons was the first place that I felt at home. I feel like I belong here; I love the magic and the flowers, and the snow that falls in winter but never touches the ground.” He reaches up toward the sky and feels the wind rushing through his fingers. “I’m an orphan. My parents died when I was young, and I’ve only recently inherited the property they left for me.” Magnus thinks of its open halls and grand ceiling, all of it cold and untouched by the magic that flits through every molecule on Beauxbatons grounds. The very same magic that surges through his blood and frightened his parents.
“You are strong,” Alec says. “Your past. It is hard, but you are here, and you still smile.” Alec’s words are direct, the still-rough French hindering him from making any poetic statements, but the effect is the same.
The guileless nature of Alec’s words and actions is a healing balm that eases the weight that Magnus always carries with him. But Magnus does not know how to express how Alec makes him feel, nor does he know if his words would be welcome; so he lets the conversation blow away with the petals that fall into the wind.
Magnus lays down on the lawn and stares up at the clear sky. Alec hesitates to follow, still lingering by the hydrangeas. A pair of birds chirp overhead, one of them swooping down to inspect Alec’s clothes where they lay in a heap. Magnus turns to look at the brooms they left on the bench. “The Quidditch tournament will be starting soon won’t it?”
Alec wanders out of sight, calling behind him. “Yes. It is next week. We are calling it the Christmas Quarrel. Do you like it?”
Magnus laughs. “That’s perfect. How’s the team looking?”
“They are good. We are a strong team,” Alec says, stepping back into Magnus’ view.
“Oh really? How does Beauxbatons look?”
Alec doesn’t say anything, then, a bit unsure, “They are okay.”
Magnus lets out a wounded noise. “Ouch, that hurts. Don’t kick our asses too hard.”
“I can throw the match?” Alec says. “Beauxbatons is important to you.”
Magnus peeks up at Alec with one eye, gasping in mock offense. “Well now you have to win.”
“I have to win?” Alec asks, coming to stand at Magnus’ side, hands hidden behind his back. “What will I get if I do?”
“You’ll just have to find out,” Magnus teases. He hopes that Alec doesn’t notice the blush burning up his neck and cheeks.
“I will find out if I win?” Alec asks.
“I pinky promise,” Magnus swears, holding out his hand. Alec winds their fingers together.
“I will not lose,” he replies, shaking his head at Magnus’ antics. He sits down at Magnus’ side, chest hair peeking out of his shirt, offering Magnus a cheerful flower with a multitude of long, thin petals. It looks almost out of place—a single bloom in a sea of hydrangeas.  “For you.” Magnus sits up to accept the gift, his left arm taking most of his weight.
The flower is dainty between his fingers, bending, the head too heavy for its stem. He bites his lip. Magnus takes in a deep breath even though the fresh air doesn’t seem to be making it to his lungs. He looks up into Alec’s face, affection welling up and threatening to spill over. It smells like flora and teakwood and Magnus wishes he could bottle this moment and keep it forever. “This is the first flower anyone has ever given me,” Magnus whispers. “Thank you.”
“You are welcome,” Alec murmurs. He leans over Magnus, blocking out the sun. “Flowers suit you.” He pulls out his wand and waves it. Petals of all shapes and sizes showering down upon them. They land in Magnus’ hair and on his robes, catching on Alec’s shoulders before the wind sweeps them away.
Magnus reaches up, slow enough for Alec to evade him, and cups Alec’s cheek in his hand. Alec lays a hand over his own, then presses a kiss to Magnus’ palm.
“And that?” Magnus asks. Alec smiles.
“That was because I wanted to,” Alec whispers.
Magnus feels the exact moment he tumbles headfirst into love—when Alexander Lightwood lays down beside him, and laces their fingers together.
Magnus leaps to his feet, cheering as Alec blocks another goal from one of the Hogwarts players. Both Hogwarts and Durmstrang beat Beauxbatons with ease.
It’s half an hour into the final match. Alec tosses the quaffle to Izzy. She takes off, hair streaming behind her in the wind. Magnus loses track of her quickly, opting to watch as Alec surveys the field, wind billowing around him.
There’s the sound of a bell, and Alec pumps his fist, giving Izzy a high five as she and Jace streak past him and around the Durmstrang goalposts. Magnus checks the score. Durmstrang is up by thirty points.
All of a sudden, two of the players throw themselves into a dive. They charge through the mania of chasers, the beaters doing everything they can to catch any bludgers that come too close to the pair.
“What’s happening?” Magnus leans over to yell into Ragnor’s ear.
“The seekers have spotted the snitch,” Ragnor yells back, fighting to be heard over the uproarious audience, the Beauxbatons student body having split loyalties. “The game is close. Whoever catches the snitch will win the game.”
Magnus turns back to the field, trying to follow the snitch while keeping track of Alec. Alec blocks another attempted goal. Magnus claps and hollers his approval.
A hush ripples over the crowd, and Magnus follows Alec’s gaze to see both seekers on the ground, standing with their brooms still between their legs. Then, the Durmstrang seeker raises his arm. Something golden gleams in his hand.
“Alec won,” Magnus whispers. The crowd erupts, all of the students rushing the pitch, sweeping Magnus along as they push forward, cheering and trampling the immaculate Beauxbatons lawn as they go. The horde swarms the Durmstrang seeker and raises her onto their shoulders. It’s then that Magnus spots Alec, fighting his way over.
“Magnus,” Alec says, reaching for him. They manage to grab hold of each other, and the throng pushes them closer together, pressing them chest to chest. Magnus gazes up into Alec’s eyes. “We won,” Alec says.
“You won,” Magnus breathes. “Congratulations.”
“What is my prize?” Alec asks, grinning. “You promised me.”
It’s like the world freezes, disappearing, everything and everyone around them fading into white noise. Magnus gathers all of his courage and prays to every deity out there.
He grips the front of Alec’s uniform and pulls him in, their lips meeting. The kiss is short. Alec’s lips are dry and chapped, but Magnus doesn’t care—panic and worry setting in. Then, Alec pulls him into another, deeper, kiss. It sweeps Magnus up in a current, drawing him farther into Alec’s arms.
They come up for air, heaving, both of them too tangled in each other to acknowledge the chorus of cheers around them.
“I am sorry for my sweat,” Alec murmurs, lips brushing against Magnus’ with every word.
“Nothing a shower won’t fix. We can even save water if I joined you,” Magnus says, breathless, smirking.
Alec laughs, entire body shaking as he regards Magnus with a disbelieving smile. “To save water?”
“Water conservation is very important for environmental health,” Magnus says, grinning. Alec shakes his head and mutters to himself in Bulgarian. Magnus shrugs. “It was worth a shot.”
“You are funny,” Alec says. “You think that we would save water together. I think we would shower for a long time.”
Magnus blushes, blood rushing through his veins, and tugs on the sleeve of Alec’s Quidditch robes.
“Well, we can always find out.”
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themadlostgirl · 6 years
Not Dead Yet (Part 71)
Some stuff happens...eh
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warnings: language
Tinkerbell and I had been going over the list of ingredients I needed to find and where I would most likely be able to find them. They weren’t exactly easy locations nor were the ingredients common in any regard. It would take time to procure them all. With the supply of magic beans dwindling down I would only be bringing one bean with me to get me back to Neverland after I had found everything. That meant a lot of walking and maybe stealing an unattended horse or two.
If it could save Peter though than it will have been all worth it.
Peter and I were lounging in a hammock lazily rocking side to side as I looked over the list Tinkerbell had given me. “When are you going?” Peter asked.
“Tomorrow morning, get an early start. These won’t be easy to find.” I sighed and folded the list back up.
“How long do you think you’ll be gone?”
“Depends on how lucky I am. Could just take a couple days but it might take longer. I won’t be gone too long though.” I was hoping that it wouldn’t take more than a week. If it was getting to be that long and Peter hadn’t heard from me then he was allowed to worry.
“Well if there’s a chance I won’t be seeing you for a couple days,” he pulled me up off the hammock, “Then I’m keeping you all night.”
“Hey!” I kicked at him as he dragged me into the jungle, “Peter, I’m going to be leaving early and will need some sleep!”
“Should have thought about that before you told me you’d be gone for a few days.”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
As expected Peter kept me occupied for the entire night. I’d be surprised if I got more than two hours of sleep.
“Well as nice as that was I need to leave soon.” I stood up from the bed, “Thank you so much for making me so tired. I am going to kill you when I get back.”
“Y’know,” he pulled me back, “You could always leave later.”
“Why? Just so you can keep me from getting a good night’s rest even longer? No thank you.” I gave him a quick kiss, “I am going to get dressed, find the ingredients, all while thinking of some way to get back at you for keeping me up.”
“You didn’t seem to have any objections last night. Also, if you really didn’t want to all you had to do was say so. You cannot blame your needs on me.”
“You are such an imp.” I muttered as I pulled on my discarded clothes and grabbed a bag of magic beans.
“That’s not what you said last night.”
“I’m leaving.” I pulled the rope ladder down.
“Sure you don’t want a quickie?”
“Goodbye, idiot.”
“See ya.” he waved before falling back against the bed and going back to sleep. Lucky.
I dropped the bean on the ground and I was in a whirlwind to the Enchanted Forest. The morning was very sluggish as I didn’t have any energy. Hopefully I’ll find something soon.
The day flew by but it had been a waste. I made camp ready to continue the search tomorrow.
When the sun had finally crept over the crest of the hills I woke up and tore down my makeshift camp. I wandered into the nearest town but no one was up. Strange. Even for a small town like this people were usually up and bustling by now. Was there a plague going around that I didn’t know about?
“Well if no one’s here then I’m ransacking the gardens.” I hopped a fence and started pulling carrots and apples from the little garden.
That’s when I felt it. A tremor shook through the ground and the wind picked up to dangerous speeds.
I turned around and saw the unmistakable dark smoke of a curse engulfing the land and moving fast. I dropped the food and fumbled for my bean dropping it on the ground. Portal! Where was the--
Huh? What’s that? I squinted my eyes open and sighed. Time to get up already? I hit the snooze button on my alarm and sat up in bed. Where did the weekend go? I felt like I hadn’t slept a wink. At least it’s a nice day out.
So weird, I feel like I’m still asleep. Maybe I shouldn’t have stayed up all night. I shuffled over to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. Hopefully school will be merciful this week. Feels like senior year has been dragging on forever.
“Mari? Are you up yet?” mom’s voice called from downstairs.
“Yeah ma,” I called back as I started to dry myself off, “I’ll be down in a minute.”
“Okay, if you don’t hurry then dad’s gonna eat your breakfast.”
“Keep him away from my pop-tarts!”
I opened my closet and pulled on my school uniform. Why couldn’t I have gone to a school without uniforms? Oh well, no making this drab get up any better. I ran downstairs where mom and dad were sitting in the kitchen. Mom handed me my pop-tarts fresh out of the toaster. After breakfast I left for school and mom and dad went to work.
“Barrie, Marigold.” Mrs. Peters called during homeroom.
“Here,” I muttered from my desk. She went through the rest of the list of students. I stared out the window waiting for the first bell.
School was a drag as usual. I didn’t have many friends, none at all in fact. I just couldn’t make friends with any of the girls in my class. Don’t even get me started on trying to talk to the boys, that was terrifying all in of itself.
After classes were through I raced home and changed out of my uniform and into some casual clothes. If you looked inside my closet it was a neatly organized mess of peach, mint, sky blue, and lilac. They all looked nice but sometimes it felt as if it wasn’t really me. I’d like to try some darker more edgy kind of clothes but I knew I’d never be able to pull them off. I wasn’t some badass, I was just a babysitter that couldn’t make friends. Speaking of which, I needed to get moving if I was going to make it in time to watch the Anderson twins when they got out of school.
As I was walking down main street passing the faces I had seen everyday and looking up at the cloudy sky a wave of sadness crept through my bones. Was I forgetting something? No. It’s just the bleak weather affecting me. What was there to be sad about when I was home?
“Pan,” Felix called, “We can’t stay here, it’s not safe.”
“No,” Pan snapped, “We’re not leaving until we find her.”
“We’ve been out here for days, there is no one here! All the villages are destroyed! Whatever happened there are no survivors!” Pan was his friend and his leader so he wasn’t in the habit of telling him what to do but this was insanity.
Over a week went by after Y/N left to find some plants in the Enchanted Forest. When she didn’t return Pan sent Devin out to find her. He was gone for a couple hours before he returned and told Pan that the Enchanted Forest had been pretty much wiped out of existence. Not a soul could be found. Villages, tiny farms, and even castles had been destroyed.
Since then Pan and the boys had been searching the Enchanted Forest and other realms trying to find her. Seeing Pan like this brought back memories of when Y/N almost was killed by pirates. The desperation was something Felix hadn’t seen before, at least not this strongly.
“She’s out there, she’s too stubborn to die.” Pan muttered and kept on walking.
“Pan please,” Felix stressed, “We have searched every corner of this realm and every other realm. If Y/N is alive she would have called for the shadow long ago.”
The grass at Pan’s feet turned yellow and started to wither. “Don’t you think I know that? But she’s not dead, I know she isn’t.”
“Then where is she? Why can’t we find her? You have to stop pretending and accept the reality for what it is. Whatever happened here killed everyone, including Y/N. Now call off this wild goose chase and let us go home!”
Pan used his magic to throw him back. Felix was on the ground unable to move and Pan had a fireball in his hands ready to throw. Felix stared back at his leader in mounting worry before the fireball extinguished itself. The force keeping him down lifted and Pan turned away. He threw Felix a bean. “You want to go back to Neverland then go, take the boys with you.”
“I said to go!” he growled. This wasn’t the time to test his luck more than he already had.
“See you back at camp.” Felix called for the boys to gather round and they all jumped through the portal leaving Pan alone. The heat of an immense fireball catching the surrounding trees on fire wafting against the back of his neck.
Peter sat in the center of a massive ring of charcoaled grass and smouldering trees. Venting hadn’t helped as he had hoped. He was drained and tired and miserable. Terrible thoughts mocking him relentlessly.
Y/N is missing.
She said she wouldn’t leave. She should have stayed on Neverland. He should of never let her go. Not without him.
Y/N is all alone.
Fear. That was a new feeling. Absolute fear.
Y/N may be hurt.
Why couldn’t he find her? Why wasn’t she calling for help?
Y/N could be being tortured right now.
She’ll be home soon. Y/N will be home soon!
Y/N may be dead.
She’s too stubborn to die.
She may be dead and it was all his fault.
She’s dead and it was all his fault!
Another wave of fire sent the already charred surroundings aflame once more.
Please be safe. Please pet...please come home.
“They didn’t find her?” Tinkerbell looked at Wendy.
“No. According to Felix the entire forest is gone. Y/N can’t be found.”
“Alright then, next step is to keep Pan from going off the deep end and destroying the island.”
“If he ever finds out about this--”
“So long as no one says anything he never will.” Tink assured her, “How about some tea? The kettle just boiled.”
“Sure.” She took the offered cup, her hands shaking. “Nothing like something warm to erase the guilt.”
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hovercraft79 · 6 years
Winter Song
Ch 30 Jingle Bells
Chapters: 30/31 Word Count: 1,761 Fandom: The Worst Witch (TV 2017) Rating: Teen Warnings: None Summary: Tonight is the big New Year’s Eve bash at Pentangle’s and Hecate, much to her dismay, has agreed to go. But Pippa knows her friend. And she has a few surprises up her sleeve to make Hecate’s night special.
Notes: This story is part of the B-Sides: Stories from the world of Hecate’s Summer Playlist series. It is a prequel to Hecate’s Summer Playlist.
Jingle Bells has been around forever. Pick whichever cover is your favorite.
THIS IS THE LAST ONE! I’m so glad I stuck this out and finished – I hope you are, too. As always, thanks to Sparky for all the editing. She’s a good sport about it every time. Also, I should say thanks to my family for leaving me to feed this little obsession. They’re great.
Hecate checked her bag one last time. She couldn’t believe she’d let Pippa talk her into spending New Year’s Eve at Pentangle’s Academy. The Pentangle’s New Year’s Eve party was famous – infamous really. Though Pippa had promised she’d enjoy herself, Hecate couldn’t imagine that would be true.
She flipped open her pocket watch and checked the time. Pippa had been very cagey about tonight’s plans, saying only that she should pack to spend the night and be waiting in front of Cackle’s at five-thirty in the evening. It was five twenty-eight. Hecate gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror, smoothing her hands down her Ordinary style jumper and woolen trousers. Again, Pippa’s instructions – dress warmly and be ready to blend in with the Ordinaries. She flicked her wrist and transferred to Cackle’s entry.
The cold hit her like a brick, and for a flash of time she was back in the ice. She pushed the feeling away, casting a warming spell so strong she would be sweating soon. She still didn’t know what all of this business was about; she could be at Pentangle’s in two easy transfers, or half an hour on her broom.
Ching! – ching! – ching! – ching! – ching! – ching! – ching! – ching! – ching!
The sound started small, then grew, louder and louder with each passing second. A moment later a red carriage, pulled by a pair of white horses wheeled through the gate. The driver wore holiday green, matching the horses blankets, the upholstery and the swags of greenery decorating the carriage.
The only thing out of place was a deep pink figure riding in the back seat. Hecate cut the warming spell. She didn’t need it anymore. She watched the carriage swing around the drive, keeping her face impassive until the carriage swung to a stop in front of her.
“Hello, milady!” Pippa leaned out of the carriage offering Hecate a hand up. The driver was on the ground in an instant, taking Hecate’s bag and helping her into the carriage. In no time, Pippa had Hecate in the seat and tucked under a heavy quilt.
“What is all of this?” Hecate asked, inspecting the inside of the carriage and the quilt and… and how lovely Pippa looked in her pink coat and fuzzy white hat. “I don’t understand…” Merciful Merlin… was this a date? Hecate’s eyes widened.
“There’s nothing to understand, Hiccup.” Pippa could see the panic rising in Hecate, and she second-guessed herself again. “I’ve been getting ready for the party all day, and I wanted to relax a bit. With you. This seemed like a fun way to get you to Pentangle’s.” Pippa fluffed and tucked the quilt around them, making sure they were touching, but only just so. She didn’t want to make Hecate any more nervous than she was, or make her feel trapped in any way. “Do you like it?”
In truth? Hecate didn’t know if she liked it or not. But Pippa looked so hopeful and… well, she didn’t dislike it. “It’s… nice… I’ve never done the whole carriage ride thing before. It’s not as cold as I expected.”
Pippa leaned over so the driver couldn’t hear her, whispering in Hecate’s ear. “That’s because I chanted a little bubble over the carriage so it wouldn’t be too cold, just cold enough.” She leaned back, but not quite all the way, and she was immensely pleased when Hecate seemed to relax into her as well. “Isn’t the sky lovely tonight, Hiccup? It’s like you can see the whole Milky Way tonight.”
“It’s beautiful,” Hecate said, pulling her eyes away from Pippa to look up at the sky. “This is lovely. Thank you.”
“Thank you for coming tonight. I promise you’ll have a good time.”
Hecate doubted that. Even in the best of times, parties were not to her liking… but for Pippa she would try. “I’m sure I will.”
Pippa smiled reassuringly. “Would you like some hot cocoa? I got the dark kind that you like with the cinnamon and the hint of cayenne.” She reached into a basket on the floor of the carriage and pulled out two travel-mugs of cocoa. Hecate accepted gratefully.
“You remembered,” Hecate sighed, warming before she’d even taken a sip of the cocoa. One thing she had to admit about Pippa, she remembered details like that. To be honest, Hecate seldom drank cocoa at all anymore, but she’d always loved that particular mix. Pippa had returned to Amulet’s with it after a winter break had taken the Pentangles to Mexico. She’d given Hecate a canister of it every Christmas after, until there weren’t any Christmases after. Hecate hadn’t been able to buy it for herself.
“How could I forget? It’s just like you… dark and spicy…”
“And a little bit bitter?” Hecate said, drily.
Bright laughter bubbled up from Pippa at that. “Just the perfect amount, Hiccup – like good coffee and dark chocolate.” She bumped her with her shoulder. “You always made me laugh more than anyone else.”
Hecate relaxed into the carriage seat. She loved hearing Pippa laugh. Pippa had never laughed at her expense, even when they were girls and she was laughing at something Hecate had said or done. She never laughed at her. And Pippa had always laughed at herself more than anyone else. “You too, Pip. No one has ever made me laugh quite like you did.” It was true, too. She could play with Ada and be silly and Dimity… well, Dimity was amusing in her own way, but Hecate had never found the ability to just let go with anyone else in quite the same way. She wondered if that was still true or if their separation had stolen that as well.
Pippa leaned a bit heavier into her. “You’ve gone into your head, I think, Hecate. Flying after happy memories, I hope?”
“Memories of us from a long time ago,” she said, sadly. “I’m feeling the gap, I suppose.”
Nodding, Pippa hooked her arm through Hecate’s under the blanket. “It creeps up every now and again, doesn’t it, like a familiar chasing down its shadow? When that happens to me, I just focus on my very favorite memory of us until it goes away.”
Hecate turned away, watching the bright lights of the village as they rolled past. “Favorite memory? I don’t…” She started to say she didn’t have one, but that was a lie. One memory shined brighter than all the rest – the first day they’d done their broomstick waterskiing routine perfectly. They’d been so excited, Pippa had flung her arms around Hecate and spun them around until they collapsed onto the grass, laughing and hugging. Pippa had even planted a loud, sloppy kiss on her cheek. “The first time we made it through the routine.”
“That’s mine, too.” Pippa pressed tighter against her before settling back. “At least, it used to be.” She felt Hecate stiffen so she added quickly, “Now I think my favorite memory of us hasn’t happened yet.” Hecate loosened, her posture relaxing into the curve of the seat.
They rode the rest of the way in companionable silence, simply enjoying the scenery and the company. As they finally approached Pentangle’s, Hecate could hear the roar of the party blaring from the roof. Her lips pressed together in something she hoped would pass for a smile – or at least something Pippa would pretend was a smile. The driver hopped down from the carriage with practiced grace, hurrying over to assist Hecate and Pippa as they climbed down more cautiously.
Pippa grimaced as she landed on the frozen ground.
“Ankle?” Hecate leaned down to fuss, but Pippa shooed her away.
“It just twinged a bit - wasn’t careful.” She handed Hecate some carrots from her pocket. “Go thank the fellows who did all the work tonight while I settle up, would you?”
Hecate took the carrots and moved around to greet the horses. The first one she came to was a beautiful chestnut with the name ‘Hammurabi’ stamped into his leather horse collar. “Thank you, Hammurabi, for conveying us to our destination.” She held a carrot in her open palm, rubbing the horse’s velvety nose as he nibbled the vegetable and lipped at her hand. “I’m a bit of a fan of Codes as well, you know. Too big, some would say.”
Once he’d finished the carrot, she moved over to the other horse, another chestnut, this one with a white blaze down his forehead. “There’s a handsome boy,” she said, holding out another carrot. Hecate checked the name. “Oh! I beg your pardon, Lady Evangeline! Aren’t I a silly witch?” She rubbed the blaze on Evangeline’s forehead, talking softly to her, and then again to Hammurabi when the big steed nudged her with his nose.
She looked up to find Pippa watching her intently, a small smile on her lips and something unreadable in her eyes. She gave the horses one last rub and joined Pippa on the walkway; by unspoken agreement they watched the carriage until it disappeared around the bend. As soon as it was out of sight, Pippa transferred their belongings to her quarters.
“Shall we head to our party, darling?” Pippa asked, holding out an elbow. “I’ll transfer us right up.”
Hecate would have loved to stay right where she was – or to have stayed in the carriage for that matter, but she squared her shoulders and nodded her head. Pippa snapped her fingers, and they disappeared.
Bracing herself for the noise, Hecate was surprised when they appeared in the blissful quiet of Pippa’s living room. “I don’t…”
“This is our New Year’s Eve, Hiccup. I wouldn’t subject you to the Bacchanalia that’s going on up there.” She snapped her fingers and waved her hands. A mini-buffet table appeared next to the sofa, filled with crudités of all sorts as well as a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The chessboard sat ready as did a handful of other games and a movie or two. “I’ll have to make an appearance, and I’d love for you to join me, but I intend for us to celebrate down here. No one up there will even know I’m not there.”
“Y-You did this for me?” Hecate breathed, looking around in amazement.
“I did this for us, Hiccup. It’s a new year and a new start. I wanted it to be something we would both enjoy. Now…” she pointed to the chessboard and arched one eyebrow. “It’s my last opportunity this year to try and even up the score. Let’s play.”
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inked-foundry · 6 years
Not finished but I’m still super proud of myself that I managed to write 1600 words today! I don’t know how!
Just a short excerpt from a bit on Apollo and Danae dragging Minerva into an agreement she isn’t exactly happy to accept.
Minerva turned the envelope over in her hands, running her thumb across the royal seal of the phoenix, dusted with gold and violet paint. She’d never expected to earn an invitation to the palace. But of course, she’d have to keep it on her if she had any hopes of getting in. It may have been lunch they were asking her to attend, but she was still a known crime boss.
It was an enigma at all that she would be the presence of royalty.
They’d request she wear the beast she owned. She supposed they’d have to take her boots and slacks, as scuffed and patched as they were, strung up by suspenders. She covered it all up with her father’s old jacket.
As she was pulling it on (the outerwear nearly taut across her broad shoulders), there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” she muttered, rolling down the sleeves. Her tattoos were a pride, but perhaps not something to flaunt today.
The door squeaked open on its hinges. Minerva knew from the voice alone it was Adonis in the threshold. “I think you ought to need a sort of escort on your way to the palace?” He mused. Minerva cast a glance over her shoulder to catch him playing with an end of his hair, dyed silver. “I might be impressive enough.”
“Stop playing pretty boy, bub.” Minerva snorted. She fixed her collar and smoothed down her short tuft of hair as final touches. Brushing him aside as she walked through the door, she noted, “If you really want to be helpful that damn bad, sit at my desk and let any grunts that bother coming in know that I’m out.”
Adonis pouted, hanging onto Minerva’s arm as he left. “C’mon, can’t you just entertain me for this once?”
“Buddy, there’s no way in hell I’m entertaining you,” Minerva huffed. She fought herself free with a simple nudge, brushing off her sleeve, like he’d left some sort of grime on it. “Shut up and find someone else to fawn over. Now get your ass in that desk or leave, or some poor soul is going to be on the wrong end of my knuckles.”
With a bristle and an annoyed noise, Adonis shuffled into her office, dusting off his vest as he went along. His legs seemed to long for his body as he dropped himself into the upholstered leather seat, a foot dangling over the arm.
“Don’t get cocky,” Minerva muttered.
And she left for the streets.
* * *
There was a member of the royal guard at opposite corners of the room. Both of them had some fancy pins decking their pristine white jackets, but Minerva couldn’t help but smirk at how pompous and presumptuous the nobles could be. Neither of them had fantastic figures beneath the layers. Her brawn could snap them like carrots when it came down to it.
At least she could say she had the experience to prove it.
Then across the circular table from her were Lord Apollo Crane and her Highness, Princess Danae. Sitting before them, it was as if a political cartoonist had designed them to be as physically different as possible.
Danae was a stout thing with a mane of dark hair, sapphire and emerald eyes keen and infinitely judging. Her floor-sweeping dress seemed like a joke. It was doubtlessly impractical and unimpressive to Minerva alongside her tiara and dainty little gloves. It was cute to see the heiress try to intimidate her, though.
Apollo, meanwhile, was an immense man, to the point that he hardly fit in his chair. He was certainly more casual, gold hair lazily pulled back and bronze eyes warm, if worried. His stubble was growing a bit out of control, admittedly. His outfit wasn’t much more formal than Minerva’s, lacking any flourishes between his sweater vest and tie.
She’d met authorities who had played like this before, one acting kinder and the other being more brutal. Except Danae was a mere child. There wasn’t much to worry about.
She just had to get the upper hand.
At least the spread of food on the table made things a tad less formal. Some of it was fancier things Minerva had never even considered in the Gutters. Just to be safe, she helped herself to a lobster.
“Thank you for joining us here today, Miss Arc,” Apollo began. He folded his hands together on the table, carefully watching Minerva’s every move. He seemed particularly tense when she picked up a knife. “We do apologize for such short notice.”
“I know the formalities, bub,” Minerva noted. She cut off a piece of lobster meat and ate it at her leisure, making the nobles wait for her to swallow before continuing, “Let’s get past this and to what’s more important, alright?”
The corners of Danae’s mouth twitched. “May I remind you that you are no longer within your own territory, Miss Arc? We could arrest you in contempt of nobility at the very least, and on several thousand charges for both direct and indirect crimes, including—”
“And what can you do about that, princess?” Minerva raised an eyebrow. “You don’t have any actual power, do you?”
Danae kept her face calm, but her eyes filled with a sort of rage that you only saw from Hylos when he was plotting war for the gods. She turned to Apollo stiffly. “Apollo, can you please assist me here?”
“There are royal guards in the room if you need to be restrained, but I am quite sure you are not as intense as the rumors say,” Apollo offered, ever content. But by the look of anguish on Danae’s face, it wasn’t as harsh as a response as she was hoping for.
“Apollo,” Danae mused.
Apollo’s face first showed signs of sterness as he briefly turned to the princess, chiding, “Let’s be civil.” He lowered his voice and leaned over, but years of back-room eavesdropping let Minerva hear him mutter, “I can take care of this. Please take this as practice for future diplomacy.”
He reached over and plucked a deviled egg from a platter, offering it to Danae. She just sank deeper into her chair and sulked. Apollo shrugged and popped it into his own mouth.
“I didn’t know court members doubled as babysitters,” Minerva mused. She cut off another piece of lobster and filled her mouth before either of the nobles could demand an apology.
“Civility, please, Miss Arc,” Apollo was on the verge of begging. Good.
“Then that’s just boring, bub.” Minerva finally let herself smirk. They couldn’t touch her. All their threats were idle attempts to get her into submission. It was cute, almost. But if they needed her enough to call her here, they couldn’t just arrest her. “So enlighten me. Why did you decide to bother me today?”
Apollo drew in a deep breath. “We have a request to make.”
Minerva pushed her plate out of the way and leaned in, elbows on the table. “How many tallions are we talking?”
“We won’t be paying you anything,” Danae added with a bit of smugness. At least she had enough arrogance to be a decent figurehead—Minerva could give her that. “It’s more a favor for the crown, with the return benefit that we don’t send in the guard and halt your little operation in its stride.”
The gears in Minerva’s head came to a halt. What the hell was going on?
“There’s quite a bit going on in the palace at the moment, and we won’t bore you with the details, as you so bluntly put it,” Apollo sighed. He sat straighter, and though he was a behemoth to begin with, Minerva finally began to realize just how tall he was. “As much as it would be best for everyone involved to shut down the crime you organize, it… provides a few sparks of business here and there. Money is money, I’m afraid, wherever it comes from. And we will admit that you give some chance for those in the Gutters to rise to a great socioeconomic status.”
“Are you just here to butter me up?” Minerva snorted. “If so, do continue.”
“The gist of it is, Miss Arc, we cannot force you to stop your organization without causing an entire subsect of the city’s economy from toppling.” Danae mimicked Apollo’s straightening of the spine, hardly looking any bigger. “We ask that you momentarily halt operations until the palace gets itself in order.”
Halt operations.
She had people that needed money. These people only had one way to make money to bring home, some having younger siblings to support or simply needed to keep themselves afloat. These people had loans to pay off and couldn’t afford to be late. Apollo and Danae were going to crush far more than an small source of business. Asking her to stop was putting people’s lives on the line.
“Excuse me, bub?” Minerva immediately reached into the center of the table and ripped a crab’s leg off the shell, waving it in the air. She burst out of her seat and asked, “You see this?” She snapped it in half, then halved the half. Tossing it haphazardly across the table, she spat at Apollo, “This is going to be your gods-damned arm unless you stop joking!”
The guards immediately reached for their swords.
Apollo held up a hand to hold them back as he rose out of his seat. “Please compose yourself, Miss Arc.”
“It’s not something I can just stop, asshole,” Minerva explained.
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