#pwyl; the right choice
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice - Part 8 (Final)
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / self-growth / angst / romance
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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“Emerson!” you called out, looking for your daughter within the bustle.
“Eunjung-ie,” another voice crooned and you followed it, placing your hands on your hips when you found the three year old happily nestled in the older lady’s lap. Your grandmother shot you a smirk, smoothing down your rambunctious daughter’s hair. “Eunjung, Mummy looks a bit stressed out, don’t you think?”
“She does!” the young child agreed, peering up at you with wide eyes. “Why are you so mad, Mummy? Today is special!”
“That’s right!”
You eyed them and let out a huff of air. “Are you both done?”
“Are we done, Grandma?”
“Hm, I don’t know, we could keep going, couldn’t we?”
“Very funny,” you commented dryly as the pair broke out into giggles. “I’m over here worried that she’s going to stain that dress or ruin her hair or I’m not going to look good-”
“You already look beautiful,” your father interjected, kissing your cheek and breaking down for the tenth time so far. “My baby is all grown up!”
“I’m the baby!” Emerson whined and you groaned.
Getting married was supposed to be one the most wonderful days of your life. As you looked at three of the most important people in your life, you couldn’t help but smile.
Today was wonderful.
Even if your Dad couldn’t stop breaking down, which had caused you to retouch your make up at least twice now when you teared up with him. And Emerson had been running around the bridal room all morning long, burning off the endless energy she seemed to always have these days and almost destroyed the hard work of the hairstylist and dressmaker. Then there was the astute woman in her chair, bossing everyone around as if this was her event to organise.
It kind of had been. When you had told your grandmother that you were going to marry Mark, she had insisted on being a part of the entire journey.
“I wasn’t there to see my only daughter get married, I’ll be making sure I see you go down the aisle, Y/N.”
You were thankful for the older woman, despite the headaches that had come with her out-of-date suggestions.
But it would be all worth it. In less than an hour, you would be walking down the aisle to marry the man of your dreams.
Mark had accepted you, your daughter, and your family too. He was who grounded you when you were frazzled and kept you guessing for what was to come. He had easily stepped into the family from the beginning, a solace for your Dad in a land of hard-headed women, a voice of reason when it came to your grandmother and her blunt opinions, and a friend then father figure to Emerson.
Marrying Mark today would be the best thing to happen in your life.
You just had to make it down the aisle first.
“Mummy, are you breathing?”
“Its nerves, Eunjung-ie, Mummy might pass out with how tight that dress is though.”
“If only your mother was here to see you get married today,” your father said with a toot of his nose, fresh tears falling once more.
You closed your own eyes, shutting out everything around you.
The room eventually fell silent and when you had recomposed yourself enough from your panic, you opened your eyes to see only one woman before you.
“Your father is right, if only she was here.”
“I think she is,” you told your grandmother with a watery smile. “Can’t you feel her spirit in the air?”
“She’s within you, I know it.”
“If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be here today,” you told her, and she shook her head. “I’m serious. Had you not needed me to assist you when you were unwell, I wouldn’t have met Mark or-”
“It’s your mother’s doing,” your grandmother admitted and you frowned. After wrapping your hands over hers, she continued. “I saw her in a dream. She told me enough time had passed by and to stop being so lonely. That she would come to me. And she did. In the form of you.”
“You’re as bad as Dad is at getting me to cry today,” you muttered, blinking rapidly and tilting your head back to avoid ruining your makeup again.
“I love you, Y/N. I love everything about you. Especially your eyes.”
“Mum’s eyes were brown though,” you pointed out and the woman before you nodded, chuckling lightly.
“I wouldn’t change anything about you. Okay, well if you did have her eyes…”
She chuckled some more and rubbed at your hands. “Your mother married your father for love. I realised that too late. Watching you fall in love with Mark made me regret a lot. I missed out on seeing that. But I’m so happy my beautiful girl is marrying her Taiwanese fiancé and-”
“You had to throw that out there!”
“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.”
“You’re lucky I understand your blunt mannerisms now, Grandma.”
“I’m lucky, full stop.” She tapped you on your behind playfully, scooting you towards the exit. “Come, it’s time for Mark to be just as lucky as I am.”
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“Mummy, when is the baby coming out?”
Glancing over at your daughter, you then rolled your eyes. “When he’s ready to, apparently.”
“But you were due two days ago,” Emerson said, pointing to the calendar that had been circled with the due date. “Grandma said that because you didn’t listen to her and go to the temple in your first trimester, he’s going to be super stubborn.”
“Must you recite everything that woman says?” you muttered, attempting to rock to the other side of your bottom in hopes it would ease some of the pressure you were feeling down there. Everything ached and you were more than done with being pregnant now.
“Mummy will no doubt bring your brother into the world in the next day or so,” Mark stated and you glared up at your husband who shrugged gently. “Mummy would like him to vacate his home inside of her right now though.”
“Can I go stay with Grandma until he’s here? Mummy’s cranky.”
“Emmie, sweetie,” you breathed, smiling at her. You took your now five year old’s hand and relied on her to help you move. The relief was immediate and you sighed in content.
“Did you just use me!?”
“What are children for,” you grumbled, shooting another look at Mark who seemed to ignore it and scooped Emerson up into his arms.
“Sure, you can go stay with Grandma. Grandpa is over there today helping her set up a praying station for the baby’s delivery.”
“I want to go pray with her!”
“Someone best start praying that this baby gets out soon!” you whined, breathing heavily.
By the time Mark returned from dropping Emerson off at the family home, you were in a better mood. Your son had stopped pressing on the spot in your back that he had been and you had managed to eat something as well.
It was the small things in life, and you would appreciate them all whilst you were this heavily pregnant.
Things over the last few years had been very up and down. You had been successful in setting up the company with your Dad, and then your grandmother’s health waned. Taking time off from work seemed to perk the elder up, having you at her beck and call was her favourite thing, you were certain of it. When you married Mark and moved out, however, things changed again. Your daughter was still besotted with your grandmother, mostly because she spoilt her rotten. It was because she hadn’t done that with you, so she would say, but Emerson had an innate ability to have the woman wrapped around every finger her hand possessed. You had gone back to working and for a while there everything was stable.
Until your morning sickness settled in. Your entire pregnancy with your son was different than with Emerson. At first, your Grandmother had been ill along with you. But when it was found out you were pregnant, she proclaimed she had been dreaming of a new star in the sky for weeks on end before your announcement.
And if she had been bad enough with all her traditions during your wedding preparation, the experience with pregnancy was far worse. You loved her, you truly did, but sometimes you wished to be back overseas and enjoying a more peaceful pregnancy.
“Nothing is dull around here with us,” Mark murmured once he pulled you into his arms, smiling down at you. “If it’s not Emerson, it’s your Grandmother. And if it’s not either of them-”
“Don’t finish that sentence.”
“Your hormones are so unattractive,” he commented, smiling all the same.
“That’s basically informing me that you find me ugly right now.”
“Like I said, like Grandmother, like granddaughter.” Mark dodged your hand that you went to slap him with. “And like great-granddaughter too.”
“Do you wish you married into another family instead?”
“Now what would I do that? Our melting pot is just right.”
You grinned, nestling into your husband’s embrace. As he held you and rubbed at your exhausted body gently, you glanced over at the photo of your mother on the wall. You had a lot to thank her for. The way she had raised you had led you to become a strong-minded and independent woman. You had reached out for goals and you had made a lot of choices over your years.
The right choice was coming to Korea though. Had you not, you would have missed out on reconnecting with a part of yourself, and meeting the man of your dreams.
And whilst you had been sure of your life back in America, your world now was unpredictable, full of chaos, and tumultuous compared. Especially since you were about to give birth to a child that was already as stubborn as all those around you.
Smiling at the photo, you silently thanked the woman before you, and then the man that held you now.
You were ready to see how the rest of your life’s story would pan out.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
189 notes · View notes
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice - Preview
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / angst / romance / self-growth
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
 The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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“Are you visiting the grandmother who lives here?”
“You know her?”
He nodded, albeit with a chuckle. “Everyone around here does.”
“Oh,” you stated, your smile fading. The kind stranger shook his hands at your reaction and you pointed to the gate. “It’s actually my first time meeting my Grandmother.”
“You’re the granddaughter she’s been talking about?”
You frowned. “She’s mentioned me?”
“She comes into the bakery on the corner every other day with her friends. They’re always talking about their family. She’s boasted about you over the past couple of weeks a lot.”
“That eases my mind,” you confessed and he chuckled. Holding out your spare hand, you smiled. “I’m Y/N by the way.”
“Mark,” he greeted, shaking your hand and then peered at your daughter.
“And this is Emerson,” you mentioned to which he reached out to tickle her chubby cheeks lightly.
“You should get inside; it’s a long trip from the states to here.”
“How did you…?” you trailed off as Mark smirked. “Right, because she’s been talking about me.”
“And because I’m from there myself,” he added on, lifting his hand in farewell. “You should come down to the bakery tomorrow. I’ll treat you to something delicious.”
You were still smiling when you raised your hand to press the buzzer to the gate, marvelling over how nice Mark was. Your worries about this trip being a disaster were easing as the minutes went by, and when the gate finally opened, you beamed at the elderly woman who appeared before you.
A grunt was all she greeted you with, her piercing stare scrutinising you from head to toe. Your smile began to wane as her eyes flittered to your daughter, her lips turning downcast.
“Where is its father?”
“I uh-”
“You should have left it with him.”
“I can’t do that,” you mentioned meekly, pulling Emerson into your side more tightly.
A huff of air left the old woman and she spun around, grumbling to herself about how little help she would receive now.
Perhaps you had been too hasty in your positive assumption after all.
Part 1
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
184 notes · View notes
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice  - Part 2
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / self-growth / angst / romance
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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You hadn’t slept a wink overnight.
As soon as you had stepped inside the gate, your grandmother had started listing off the reasons why she had requested your help. You could see from the fragile gait she maintained that her legs had worsened since your mother had last visited her, and her breathing was a bit haggard too. All the same, the older woman had an air about her that didn’t want you to pity or fuss over her.
You were simply here to assist her daily needs, that was very clear.
“Can you cook?”
“Korean meals?”
“My mother taught me as much as she knew.”
“That doesn’t leave me with much hope. Are you a good learner?”
“Yes, Grandmother I am.”
She turned then, eyes small and dark. “You look like him.”
“Uh, I do?” you replied awkwardly, smiling lightly. “A lot of people say I look a lot more like my mother. Just with different eyes.”
“I hated his eyes.”
She spun around then, ambling into the homestead again. You could tell she was house proud. The place was clean and everything had its place. You made a mental note to spend more time the following day looking at all the memories around the house but for now, you travelled behind her, rocking Emerson whenever she stopped to catch her breath. Eventually, your grandmother showed you into the room for your stay.
“I don’t have anything for the baby set up. I didn’t know you were married.”
“I’m not.” The judgement was instant and you avoided eye contact. “It’s just Emerson and I.”
“I suppose the way of life over there allows for such sin then.”
You refrained from telling her that Emerson was created with a purpose and not from a natural conception either.
“Well, I’ll let you settle in. Tomorrow I have an appointment at two-fifteen. Can you remember that?”
“Two-fifteen, of course.”
Another grunt left her and when she shut the door behind her departure, you slumped down onto the bed, your tears slipping down your cheeks silently.
And then your phone went off. Recomposing yourself, you connected to the call. “Hey, Dad!”
“That bad, huh?”
“She’s a little rough around the edges,” you admitted, rubbing Emerson’s back slowly as you sniffled back the remnants of your emotions. “I’m sure she’s just used to being on her own and doesn’t like that she’s had to reach out for my help.”
“If you begin to feel too uncomfortable, we’ll make other arrangements.”
“We can’t just do that, it’s not our place to, Dad. I’m sure with some time, it’ll be fine.”
He sighed into the receiver. “You just hold on to that hope kiddo. She will try to squash it.”
Emerson had started to fuss when you had pulled out the travel bed you had packed for her, and you had heard the clearing of a throat from outside of the door loudly soon after. You were frazzled enough about being here, and that only made you feel rushed to silence your child. As you rocked her back and forth gently, you tried your best to hold it together. Chanting over and over to yourself that things would be okay.
You were up searching for the kitchen as soon as the morning shone through the windows, a bottle in one hand. With the stress of travelling, feeding Emerson naturally wasn’t working nearly as well as you hoped it would overnight. So you aimed to ensure she had enough in her system for breakfast, smiling to yourself when you finally found the right room.
You set about heating the milk for Emerson quietly when your grandmother walked in. “You’re an early riser.”
“Most mornings, yes.”
“Because of the child?”
You smiled forcibly. “Yes, because of Emerson.”
“What does that mean?”
“What does what mean?” you questioned and the elder shot you a look.
“The name.”
“Uh, I think it’s a German name.”
“You’re not German though, why use a foreign name?” she retorted and you attempted to laugh to ease the mood. It wasn’t appreciated by the woman and you ceased the gesture.
“I happened to like the name.”
“Another weird habit of you Americans, huh?”
“All the same, it is her name,” you replied, somewhat defensively. The woman stared back at you, an indescribable look within her eyes. You found your confidence and smiled again. “It is my child’s name and I’d appreciate you respect that.”
“We name our children with dreams and goals we have for them here in Korea. In hopes they live up to their names,” she mentioned before leaving the kitchen with her cup of tea in hand.
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You slumped down into the chair in the bakery an hour later, letting out a heavy breath. Not even the smell of freshly baked bread could perk you up, though you did smile when Mark approached you.
“Did you even sleep?”
“I want to say that I got maybe an hour’s worth,” you replied and he sat down across from you, pouting softly. It made your mood improve being in his company. You then glanced around the bustling store. “Is it okay to vent?”
“None of the ladies are here,” he confirmed and you groaned loudly. “Y/N, you’re doing better than most. You lasted the night.”
“Barely.” You then shot him a disgruntled look. “I thought she would be happy to meet me. Especially since you mentioned I had been a topic to discuss.”
“Well, she did seem rather excited about it when she was talking with her friends. It’s rare to see Mrs Kim smile, but she did.”
“I guess I didn’t live up to her expectations.”
He reached out for your hand gently. “It’s only been a day, give it some time.”
“Speaking of time, I don’t think I have too much time for myself this morning, so I should make my purchase.”
“No way, it’s on me today, remember?”
You grinned at him and after being told to wait there, you glanced down at Emerson sleeping against your chest and sighed. At least after all that fussing, she was finally catching up on her rest. You hoped you would be able to get an early night’s rest tonight.
Mark then returned with a tray brimming of baked goods. You glanced up at him in surprise. “All of this?”
“You haven’t been to Korea, that’s what I was told. So I’m guessing you’ve never tried Korean bread before either.”
“Not authentically,” you agreed with a smile and picked up one, taking a bite of the sweet bun. You melted into your chair. “Oh my god, this is so good! Did you make this?”
“Ha-ha, no. I just work here to discount my rent. You can find me here every morning from seven to midday.”
“And then do you disappear?”
Mark chuckled. “Into the world of study, sure.”
“You’re a student?” you questioned, your cheeks growing pink. “Oh, I didn’t expect you to be so young.”
“I’m a teacher’s assistant at the local university,” he answered, smirking lightly. “I teach math.”
“The one subject that I’m weak with.”
He grinned again. “Maybe you’ll need some lessons.”
“I’m a bit old for school, I graduated many years ago.”
“You don’t look too old to me, Y/N.”
“I’m older than you think.”
“Does age matter?”
You sighed softly. “In this country, it seems a lot of things matter.”
You didn’t mean to unload your frustrations onto Mark, yet he was an easy listener. You told him how much you had doubted who you were in the past twelve hours more than you had in your entire life. You forgot he was a stranger you had only met last night, though you didn’t spill everything about your life either.
When you were done and pulling apart another pastry with your frustrations, Mark finally responded. “You’re not a bad person for being a single mother, Y/N. You’re right; there is a lot of stigma around children and parenting in this country. It’s a narrow-minded viewpoint. But she should be grateful you’re here. You could have said no because you’re a mother to such a young child. You didn’t though.”
“I guess I didn’t want to let her down.”
“She’s not exactly offering you something positive in exchange though.”
“My Mum married my Dad, who is obviously not Korean,” you announced, pointing to your eyes to prove it. “I think she is still bitter over it, and since I look like both of them, maybe I’m a sore spot for her to look at.”
“You’re still her granddaughter, and I remain convinced that she was boastful about your achievements here the other day. Old people tend to be more traditional. Give her some time to open up.”
You nodded, smiling at him lightly. And then it dawned on you just how much time you had spent here, and further, how much you had said. Before you could say anything, Mark raised his hand to dismiss your thoughts. “I told you where to find me for a reason, Y/N. You’re more than welcome to come and seek me out. I’ll listen. It’s the least I can do.”
“You’re a good person.”
“Not as good as you are. But you’re right; she’s probably convinced you’re using this trip as a vacation and off sightseeing by now.”
“I should go!”
“We’ll do the sightseeing later in the week then,” he commented with a grin and you mirrored it, nodding before dashing out the door.
At least you had someone rooting for your success here.
Part 3
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
155 notes · View notes
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice - Part 4
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / self-growth / angst / romance
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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When your grandmother returned to consciousness, she blinked slowly at finding you sitting at her side. You perked up, smiling at her and leaned in closer. “Oh thank goodness, you’re okay.”
Her eyes travelled to the hand you gripped onto and you let go, cringing a little. “Sorry, I just, I don’t do well in hospitals after Mum’s time in one. Was I holding on too tightly?”
She still didn’t speak, but her gaze relaxed, reaching for the hand that had let her go. You were stunned as she slipped her weathered palm into yours, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
With tears in your eyes, you smiled, nodding at her softly. She was giving you a chance.
When you were certain she was resting well again, you stepped out into the hallway, looking over at the chair Mark was resting in. He had been adamant in taking care of Emerson for you whilst you dealt with your grandmother’s heart scare, and although he was someone new in your world, the instant connection you held with Mark made it easier to leave your daughter in his care.
You weren’t ready to come out to this sight, however.
You were used to seeing your Dad with Emerson. He was an active role model in her world as much as he had been in yours and so seeing your Dad with your baby girl had always made your heart swell with joy. But as an only child, it wasn’t as if you had an endless access to male figures in your life. A couple of friends back home had husbands who would spend a little time with her when playing with their kids but that was about it.
So seeing Mark napping in the chair whilst cradling Emerson so naturally to his chest was a little too much for your heart to handle.
Blinking rapidly away from your moment, you walked over to the spare chair at his side and slumped down into it, jostling him enough to wake him up. When he opened his eyes, Mark straightened up and looked around at his surroundings before staring back at you. “How is she?”
“She’s awake now, and stable.” You held out your arms. “Here, let me take her.”
“She’s alright here,” he offered which threw you off a little. Mark turned bashful. “I didn’t mean to nod off, her breathing was so even and well, next minute you’re waking me up.”
“The joys of babies,” you mentioned with a smile, allowing your hands to fall to your lap. Fidgeting with your fingers, you quietly looked at Mark from your peripheral. “Do you like babies?”
“I have three nieces, they’re the sweetest things. Whenever I see them, I’m pretty hands-on.”
“I see.”
“My whole family is pretty baby orientated. Well, family orientated. It’s important to be close to the ones we love most.”
You glanced at the hospital room in front of you and nodded. “I share the same mindset.”
“She’ll come around to you, Y/N. I know it.”
“Thanks for giving up your time to be here, Mark. I really appreciate it.”
He shook his head. “Don’t mention it, where else would I be?”
You had to look away then, not allowing the fantasies to build any faster than they already had.
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Your grandmother was allowed to return home after a couple of days in the hospital and when you brought her back, you hadn’t seen her smile as wide as she did then.
“The comforts of home are the best healer there is,” she told you and you grinned, helping her into her bed to rest.
Being home meant that she was in her element, however.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed resting?” you asked when you found her in the kitchen making herself a tea. “I could make you that, it’s what I’m here for. To help you.”
“Oh nonsense, child. I can make myself a tea.”
She continued to get up multiple times throughout the day, frustrating you immensely. “Grandmother,” you started, shooting her a stern expression. “You were discharged with strict instructions of long periods of rest.”
“I’m bored,” she admitted and you smiled, sitting her down and then going into your bedroom. You soon returned, putting a thick album in her lap. She glanced up at you, curious. “What is this?”
“I wondered if it would be right to share this with you or not. It’s a photo album dedicated to my childhood. I know you received photos from Mum now and then, but I thought you might like seeing more.”
She made no attempt to open the album and you smiled, nodding lightly. “If you don’t want to-”
“You brought this with you?”
“Of course.” You eyed her hesitantly. “Ah, it has photos of my Dad in there. I took out some with just me and him but left some as well since they had Mum in them. Is that okay?”
“Let us see,” she stated, reaching for her glasses on the side table before flipping the book open.
It was as if you were with someone entirely different. She actively asked for the scenarios to some of the photos, laughing and smiling at your avid story-telling ability about your memories. When you got to the end of the book, you smiled softly, fingering the photo behind the protective film.
“This was the last photo I took with her,” you mentioned, feeling your emotions rise. “She always had the biggest smile.”
“Her smile could brighten even the worst of my moods,” your Grandmother said, smiling fondly. “It’s how she got away with so many things.”
“Mum always said whenever I smiled a certain way I could convince her to do anything.”
Your grandmother chuckled, nodding along. “You share the same smile.”
You both fell silent, the surfacing emotions making you vulnerable. Staring at the photo, you shared a watery smile. “It’s hard without her here. I thought coming to Korea would bring me closer to her in some way. It just makes me miss her more.”
“I miss her every day.” You glanced at the older lady, her tears silently running down the grooves in her skin. “How was she, in the end? Did she feel pain?”
“No, she passed peacefully. She knew when it was time to let go before it got too hard to push through it all.”
Your grandmother nodded, flipping back through the book and then stopping on a family portrait. She choked back on her sobs. “Can I have this one?”
Staring at the photo of the three of you smiling brightly at your graduation, you then looked back at the maternal figure at your side. “Of… of course.”
Before you could question her choice of the photo, you heard whimpers coming through the baby monitor on the table and stared at the device. You felt her hand fall on top of yours and gave it a squeeze. “Go, your daughter needs you.”
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The following day, you found your grandmother out in the garden. Gaping at her figure through the window, you dashed out of the bedroom and outdoors. “Grandma!”
She turned to look at you, smiling warmly. “Yes, my dear.”
“You’re not meant to be out here! That’s it! Inside, now!”
Guiding the jovial woman back to her room and into bed, you let out a grumble and then returned to your room to gather up Emerson. Stepping back into the bedroom, you placed your baby within her arms.
Her smile faltered. “Why are you handing me her?”
“I figured there’s a way I can get this house cleaned without having to find you wandering around or keep an avid watch over Emerson at the same time. You will keep each other company until I’m done, you hear?”
The smile returned to her lips, but her eyes pierced through yours. “I didn’t invite you here to help raise your child, Y/N.”
“Well, I didn’t sign up for you being a stubborn old thing who won’t listen to my instructions either, but here we are.”
She laughed, wholeheartedly, and then waved you off. “What are you standing there for? There’s a lot that needs to be done.”
You spent the morning cleaning, darting a look through the window whenever you had time to ensure everything was going well in there. Emerson had grizzled once, but it soon dampened down and by the time you were ready to serve up lunch, you found the pair completely content in each other’s company.
“How’s the cleaning?” your grandmother asked as she held the book that Emerson was patting her palms against energetically. “Did you get it all done?”
“I even pulled the carrots out of the garden for you. Are you hungry?”
“Did you make lunch?”
You nodded. “I had time to do so. Here, let me take Emmie so you can eat.”
“No, she’s fine here with me, aren’t you, Emerson?”
You froze, the tears springing up in your eyes immediately. When you didn’t make a move to bring the food over, the elder glanced at you, frowning at your stupor. “Why are you crying?”
“No reason,” you managed, blinking rapidly as you brought over her tray of food.
“Well, you are free to go out if you like. I’m sure that nice boy from the bakery will take you out to see more of the city.”
“Are you sure?”
She stared at you, pointedly. “Be home by five.”
“Emerson can get-”
“I’ve raised a child of my own and then my neighbours as well, Y/N. Do you not trust in this old lady’s abilities? Go, before I change my mind.”
You grinned, going over to kiss the top of Emerson’s head and hesitated before kissing the cheek of the woman beside her. It was her turn to be surprised, though you didn’t miss the small smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth.
“I won’t be long, and if you need me, please just ring right away.”
After changing your outfit, you then stepped outside, texting Mark about meeting up. When your phone rang, you smiled brightly, answering the call right away.
“How’s it going, kiddo?”
“Dad, I think I’ve finally found a way into her heart.”
Part 5
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
141 notes · View notes
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice - Part 7
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / self-growth / angst / romance
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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Just as planned, your father arrived in Korea for the first time in over thirty years, a couple of days later. You met him at the airport, rushing forward to take Emerson from his arms after kissing him on the cheek.
It had been a long two days without your daughter in your arms.
“Mum-Mum-Mum!” she sang and you nodded, kissing her all over. And then her chubby arms reached out for the person waiting behind you.
Mark grinned, taking her happily. “Hey Emmie, look how big you’ve gotten!”
You gave your Dad a look, who then quietly yet firmly placed a hand on Mark’s shoulder. “Mark, right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“We have a lot of talking to do, so it seems,” your father mentioned and you grinned, shooting Mark an innocent shrug.
It wasn’t only him who could plan things.
You could tell your father was anxious when you arrived outside the gate to the family home, staring at it as if he was seeing an entire lifetime before now in front of him. He hesitated for the handle on the gate but you encouraged him forward.
“I’m right here.”
“I know, I know,” he mumbled, taking a deep breath.
“I’ll catch up with you all later,” Mark announced, bowing out from the family reunion and leaving you all to go inside to see your grandmother.
Once inside, you held Emerson’s hand after putting her on the ground, watching on silently in the doorway.
“Michael,” the elder greeted, and you could see the nervousness settled into her old stare just as much as it was within his. Smiling as your father edged forward, he bowed politely at the woman. Once upright again, he gasped when your grandmother mirrored the gesture, shaking with emotions. You knew this was a first in his lifetime, as was the warm hand she placed over his trembling one. “Welcome.”
“Mo-mother,” he choked out, the pair having a long-overdue moment. You took Emerson around him and into your bedroom to get changed. When you returned, your Dad and grandmother were both settled down and chatting together.
“You brought her back with you?”
You glanced at your Dad, blinking rapidly. “Mum’s here?”
“I figure it would be best to let her rest with the other members of her family. Especially since Y/N is over here.”
“But, what about you Dad?” you breathed, tears welling in your eyes. “You prided in having her close.”
“She will be,” he told you, looking between both you and the other woman in the room. “It was always in your mother’s plans to expand the business east. I’ve just signed a contract two weeks ago that starts that new adventure.”
“You’re moving here?!” you asked, throwing your arms around his neck happily. “Really?”
“I’ll have to travel back and forth, but yes, Korea can be my home too. I’m not going to let Emerson grow up without seeing her Grandpa all the time!”
“Pa-Pa-Pa!” the child on the floor cried, crawling over to the chair your grandmother was seated in and pulled herself up. She looked directly at the old woman and giggled. “Ma-Ma-Ma!”
“Ma?” she repeated before looking at you.
“Grandma,” you confirmed, smiling as your family unit.
You never knew you could be this happy in your mother’s country until now.
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There was someone you still needed to catch up with. After the ceremony of your mother’s urn being placed next to the rest of her family was over, you made plans to meet up with Mark. You hadn’t exactly avoided him since coming back to Korea, you had been genuinely busy. But in those first two days, you had felt too awkward to truly delve into your feelings.
The confidence of seeing your family all on the same page made you realise that you needed to be on the same one with Mark too. Whether that was friendship or something more, you weren’t quite sure. It was important to you to find out, however, and after leaving Emerson with your Dad and Grandmother eating breakfast, you walked over to the bakery.
“Welcome!” his cheery voice greeted and you grinned when he saw who was there, waving in greeting.
You then took a seat at the table you had on your first trip to the bakery, waiting for him to approach you. He sat down in the seat opposite, trying not to smile too much. You looked up at him and sighed. “Is it okay to vent?”
Mark chuckled at your opening line and nodded. “I’m apparently a good listener. Someone I know once told me that.”
“Is that so,” you wondered, leaning across the table. Your smile eased somewhat. “I was dumb.”
“Just dumb?”
“Blind too, at least I hope so.”
Mark grinned, leaning in towards you himself. “So blind. What guy gives away multiple breads for free to just anyone?”
“I thought you were being friendly!”
“I was,” he assured with a laugh, making a gesture with your hand to carry on. “Anyway, you were saying about being dumb and blind?”
You rolled your eyes in response before smiling again. “I liked getting to know you. And you accepted Emerson so easily, which means a lot to me.”
“Who doesn’t love Emmie? She’s got more charms than you do. I’m pretty sure she accepted my heart before you ever did.”
“Are you just going to keep teasing me? I came here to be serious with you.”
“I’m working, and you choose to unload feelings onto me now?” Mark glanced around the bakery and sighed heavily. “Couldn’t you wait until I was a free man?”
“Were you always this playful?”
“Were you always this easy to wind up?”
You grinned at each and you nodded. “Fine, I’ll wait until your shift is over.”
“I have teaching afterwards.”
“I’ll wait until you finish there,” you corrected and Mark rested his head in his hands, smiling warmly at you. You grew shy. “What?”
“How long are you willing to wait for me?”
“Is this some sort of test?” you wondered aloud and then copied his comfortable pose, resting your elbows up on the table. “Hm, how long am I willing to wait for you?”
Before you could make any further response, Mark enclosed the gap between you both, pressing his mouth onto yours. It was short, sweet and full of promise.
You breathed shakily when he pulled away. “For as long as I need to wait, I’ll do just that.”
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It turned out you didn’t have to wait more than a couple of hours. Mark’s shift at the bakery ended and he texted you to meet him in the park he had taken you and Emerson on your first day out. Arriving shortly after his message, you frowned when you found him setting up a picnic on the grass. “Don’t you have your teaching gig?”
“I was joking,” he admitted, grinning up at you as he placed food out for you both. “I wanted to see just how long you could wait for me.”
“I guess there’s a lot more I need to learn about you,” you told him as you sat down and Mark nodded.
“Of course, you haven’t known me for very long. And right before I could confess anything to you, suddenly you disappeared from my world.”
You avoided his gaze then, sheepishly picking at one of the pastries. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too. I should have done what I really wanted to that day.”
“Which was?”
“Stop you from walking away from me. I knew you were upset but if I told you what happened, maybe you wouldn’t have left.”
Mark smiled at you. “I think you leaving did a lot of good though. I mean, you told me about your parents. Your Grandmother looks to be accepting your Dad a lot more now.”
“He’s feeling pretty validated as a family member now.”
“That wouldn’t have happened if you stayed, right?”
“Probably not. I mean, it sounds like he was already planning to come this way, but I doubt my Grandma would have let him in so soon.”
“And she really did miss you both. I had to check on her some times just to make sure she was eating. She told me she missed Emerson’s energy in the house. It made her feel younger.”
“She makes me feel old sometimes,” you said with a laugh, thinking of how quick your daughter was moving around now. “I’m scared to go back to work in case she gets way too fast for Grandma.”
“You’re going back to work?” You nodded. “Where?”
“At the company Dad’s opened here. He wants me to help him run it.”
“Wow, that’s a lot of responsibility,” Mark mentioned softly, his eyes shifting to the food. “You’ll be pretty busy.”
“I know, I mean, I’m only going to be working part-time until Emerson is old enough to attend kindergarten, but still, it’s going to be a bit of a change once she turns a year old.”
“Probably won’t have time for dating anyone then.”
“I never did when I last worked,” you agreed, watching Mark’s downcast expression. You tried not to break out into a smile but his reaction was hard to resist. “It’s a good thing I told Dad that I’ll need him to baby-sit a lot at night, right?”
“At night?” You nodded again and he frowned. “Why?”
“Are you serious?” you questioned with a smile and Mark blinked a couple of times. You leaned in closer. “How else am I going to date my boyfriend? I can’t expect him to put up with my daughter third-wheeling all the time. Though, she’s definitely a big part of my world. My boyfriend will have to understand that.”
He grinned, reaching out to hold onto your face tenderly. You liked when he did that, in fact, you were certain you liked a whole lot about the man before you. “I don’t mind Emerson being with us. Like I said earlier, she accepted me a lot earlier than you did.”
“Are you just going to keep talking or do I have to kiss you myself?”
“I thought you had a boyfriend?” Mark pointed out and you rolled your eyes, grabbing onto his face.
“I do, and I’m about to kiss him,” you announced, placing your lips on Mark’s and kissing him with all the passion you could muster.
Part 8
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
126 notes · View notes
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice - Part 5
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / self-growth / angst / romance
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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The honeymoon period of harmony within your grandmother’s home was somewhat short-lived. Over the following two weeks, you had grown closer to the woman, learning more about your mother along the way. She was adamant you were just like her, even if your eyes were the colour of your father’s. It made you feel closer to both your mother and the woman you were living with now. And although you hadn’t known your grandmother for long, you could tell having you here fulfilled her in ways that hadn’t been for some time.
It was as if you had brought the spirit of your mother back into the home as well.
“I’m going to meet with the neighbourhood committee now, Y/N!” your grandmother called out and you popped your head out of the bathroom.
“Alright, have fun!”
“Don’t forget to bring Emerson down. They have to meet her.”
“Of course, I promised I would stop by.”
Your grandmother fondly held the hand of the small child playing on the floor, chuckling when Emerson started to crawl after her. You dashed out to grab her before she followed the elder outside, holding the infant up so she could wave goodbye.
Your heart hadn’t felt this full in weeks.
When you eventually started on your journey to the bakery, you were in a good mood. Emerson managed to have her morning nap whilst you got everything straightened up and when you went to check if she was awake, she was full of smiles.
“Oh are you happy, Emmie? Should we go say hello to your Great-Grandmother’s friends and Mark? Let’s go!”
You hummed all your way to the store, the brisk air only quickening your step. As you went to round the corner, you happened to catch the tail end of a conversation from a couple departing the store.
“They’re always gossiping about some poor soul. If I was that single mother, I’d feel embarrassed to know her.”
Frowning briefly, you shook off the comment and stepped inside.
“What do you mean, your granddaughter didn’t marry before having the child?”
“Misun, she’s saying that she didn’t even sleep with the guy, isn’t that right?”
“The child was inserted in her without a father present. Very clinical,” your grandmother chided and all the women at the table shook their heads in disgust.
“What is this world coming to?”
“It’s an outrage! It shouldn’t be that hard to meet someone. Is she ugly?”
“Was I ugly as a child? Of course not. I mean, if she didn’t have her father’s whiteness, she would be the perfect example of a Korean woman. Any man would want her.”
You didn’t even know you had started to cry until your tears fell on top of Emerson’s hair, unsettling her somewhat. As your baby began to whine, you attempted to wipe away your emotions roughly. The eyes at the table travelled to you, the set that mattered the most widening in response.
“Don’t,” you managed, stepping backwards. You tore your focus away from your grandmother’s and up to another pair of eyes, surprised to see the look residing in Mark’s gaze as well. You hadn’t expected his judgement to hurt this much, and spinning around, you raced out of the bakery.
“Y/N, wait!”
“Get away from me!”
Mark reached out for your arm, but you yanked free, marching along the pavement.
“You heard it all wrong!” he attempted and you stopped to let out a scoff. Eyeing him scornfully, you shook your head, your tears raining over Emerson in your baby carrier.
“I should have expected it from her; it’s in her culture like you said. That narrow-minded point of view.” You then pointed at Mark with a shaky hand. “But from you? That hurt more.”
“What are you talking about?!”
“I saw your gaze. You looked disappointed at me.”
“Only because you never told me,” he responded, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “I thought you had her with someone and you didn’t.”
“Does it matter how I conceived Emerson?”
“Not to me.”
“You just said-”
“I was surprised, Y/N. Not disgusted.”
You stared at Mark for a moment longer and then smiled sadly. “This is why I don’t get people. Because whenever I think I matter, I’m reminded that I don’t. Thank you for your friendship. I was stupid to allow my thoughts to run any further than that.”
Turning around, you walked away, unresponsive to any calls Mark made after you.
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You fought through the desire to catch the first flight back home. Even if you were beyond crushed, you knew that you had to sort out arrangements for your grandmother’s welfare first. She had only just started breathing better and when she returned home later that day, you could hear the staggered breathing had returned.
Your pain would have to wait until you could decide it was safe to leave.
All the same, you refused to be in the same space as her for long. You felt like a complete fool for letting down your barriers as you had. You believed she had accepted her half-blooded granddaughter but her words in the bakery had destroyed that beautifully painted picture. She tolerated you, at best.
Staring at your fussing daughter, you wondered what she thought of Emerson. Had she given her some grace since she was innocent in all of this? Or had there been a moment where your grandmother had been smitten by her? You remembered back to Mark’s exclamation of how charming Emerson was.
You felt depressed whenever you thought of Mark.
Had you really fallen for a guy you barely knew? You always wanted to see the best in everyone; it was a strength according to your parents. But it had blindsided you as well, convincing you that his friendliness had a further meaning behind it. He was just that, a nice guy who offered you one too many smiles. Your heart must be more ready than you had believed it to be towards having a partner in your life. And seeing Mark with Emerson had sealed the deal.
You had been doubly foolish in this foreign city.
After a week of working on hiring someone proficient and showing them around, you had settled on a flight home. Your Dad was ready to welcome you back and you needed the security of the familiar life you had lived up until this point. Your mood swings were detrimental to Emerson’s needs and you couldn’t be that kind of mother to her anymore.
Your grandmother refused to pay any mind to the new helper, openly dismissing her assistance in any way. It frustrated you, and yet you were also too tired to keep on trying. You had done your best and she had shot your efforts down.
Some people were never meant to change.
“I’m leaving tomorrow early in the morning,” you announced over dinner, though the matron of the table didn’t respond. You poised your chopsticks in your hands for a moment, taking in a steadying breath. “It’s been wonderful getting to know you, and I wish your good health to be long-lasting, Grandmother.”
She scoffed but didn’t make any effort to continue with any sort of remark.
You sighed. “Thank you for your hospitality all this time, I’ll make sure to let Emerson know all about you.”
“The witch I am, supposedly.”
“No, as the woman who embraced her for a short period despite her mixed blood.”
You both fell silent and then she left the table. Fighting back your emotions, you tried to finish your meal, though you gave up when you choked on a mouthful. Your grandmother returned then, holding out a red envelope.
“What’s this?”
“I went to a temple this week and prayed over you both. Whilst I was there, I was given a name as an answer. Every Korean child has a name with a meaning behind it. You already have your own, but Emerson didn’t have one. I hope you can accept this parting gift.”
With shaking hands, you took the envelope.
“My happiest moments were when you called me Grandma informally, by the way,” she admitted before walking off and leaving you reeling with all your mixed emotions.
Part 6
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
123 notes · View notes
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice - Part 3
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / self-growth / angst / romance
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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You had been in Korea for almost a week now, and your grandmother was still as prickly as the first time you met her. She didn’t like spending time with you much, but she didn’t appreciate it whenever you weren’t around to answer any of her whims either. Apart from your morning ritual of going to the bakery, you didn’t leave the house unless it was to run errands or get groceries on her behalf.
And most of all, your grandmother still hadn’t accepted Emerson.
“You’re secretive about that child,” she mentioned sourly when she sat down and watched you play with your daughter on Saturday morning. Glancing up, you gave her a small quizzical look before smiling back down at the giggling infant.
“How so, Grandmother?”
“What is her father like? Is he Korean? Or white like you.”
You held your tongue at her open prejudice and answered her briefly. “He’s Korean.”
“What does he do for a living?”
“I’m not really sure,” you answered, feeling your stomach race with nerves. You had been hoping for at least another week before getting into this topic with the elder. You weren’t ashamed of how you had brought Emerson into your world. She was everything to you, and you were proud to be her mother. However, Mark’s warning the other day resurfaced and made you hesitate in sharing any further information.
“How do you not know, you would have dated him to have the child.”
You grimaced. “The world isn’t so black and white these days.”
“You had a one night stand?!” she assumed, aghast, pointing at your child with disgust filling her wrinkled features. “This child is a product of lust and that’s it?!”
“I’d appreciate that you didn’t refer to Emerson as a product of anything. She is my daughter and was very much so wanted.”
The old lady huffed out a heavy breath of air. “You skirt around her father as if he’s never been in the picture, what am I meant to think?”
“Because he never has been, I’ve never met him,” you concluded sternly, shooting the woman a hard look. She was surprised, her mouth falling ajar ever so slightly. And then she grew confused.
“What do you-”
“I went through having Emerson with science assisting me, Grandmother. I chose to do this because, with my Mum’s death, I realised I had wasted too many years building a career when I didn’t consider how many years I had on this Earth. I chose to start my family without a partner at my side.”
“You’re so young, well, not as young as you should be to get married, you should be already. That’s the liberal west, I suppose,” she started and you ignored the quip. She still had more to say. “However, children are formed out of love.”
“And I love Emmie, with every part of my heart.”
“She was born out of wedlock and without a father. It’s unnatural.”
You shrugged. “It is what it is. The world is different like I said.”
“Did your Father plant this idea in your mind? What a wicked man-”
“I didn’t have to come,” you interrupted, ceasing the path she was travelling down. “I have never met you and you’ve never cared for my existence either. Not once have you celebrated my life, yet it was with the encouragement from my Father that I came to look after you. It was out of respect for my Mother’s love for you that I was raised to believe you were a kind woman even in your harsh ways. I know it’s rude to speak up like this, but I won’t tolerate you putting down my family. My parents were very much in love and raised me to-”
“You can leave then, I don’t need you.”
You challenged the elder, unblinking with your anger. She was more hard-headed than you had expected and with a groan, you nodded. “If that’s how you feel. Come on, Emmie, let’s go out since we’re such a burden.”
You scooped up your child and after packing yourself a bag and strapping her to your chest in her carrier, you left the home and argument behind you.
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Your first stop was the bakery. You didn’t know anyone else but Mark in this neighbourhood, and you wondered if he would be able to give you directions to somewhere kid-friendly to spend your day. You weren’t ready to go back to your grandmother’s home any time soon, and if you had to, you would wander around mindlessly until later in the day.
You needed to cool down and forget that you had blown up at the woman.
However, when you entered the store, you noticed Mark wasn’t there to greet you with his friendly smile. And the afternoon clerk was already behind the counter. She smiled politely at you both. “Mark finished for the day.”
“Ah, thanks,” you mentioned before departing the store, pulling up your phone’s map to figure out how to at least get to a park of some sort. You wandered as you followed the map around, getting confused the longer you stared at it and nothing really looked to match.
“The first way a pick-pocketer can score is from tourists who make it obvious they’re not from here,” a voice mentioned, removing your bag from your back effortlessly. You went to yell until you noticed who was standing beside you now, grinning at you and holding up his loot smugly.
You rolled your eyes. “If you want a collection of diapers, formula and wet wipes, be my guest. The rusks I’ll throw in for free.”
“As tempting as that sounds, how about I carry it for you, but in return, you have to pay me.”
“How much?” you wondered and Mark thought for a moment. You shoved him playfully and he chuckled.
“Give me your afternoon. You’re free to let me show you around, right?”
“Of course,” you said a little too determinedly and he raised an eyebrow but didn’t question your response. You peered at him and then back at the map. “Where will we go?”
“I know of some places,” he confirmed, taking your hand in his and leading the way. You had gone to the park first, both having turns at pushing Emerson lightly in the baby swing and watching one of the bubble shows put on for the children. When Emerson fell asleep in your embrace, you decided it was time to go somewhere indoors and did a bit of shopping. And now you were nestled into a booth at the back of a quaint café, eating a very late lunch.
“Today has been exactly what I needed. Thank you, Mark.”
“I haven’t really taken you sight-seeing,” he commented and then leaned closer. “We’ll just have to do that next time.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” you replied, leaning in closer as well. Emerson sighed in her sleep and you gently brushed her hair away from her slumbering face.
Mark smiled. “You’re really good with her.”
“You think?”
“Mm, anyone can tell you love your daughter, Y/N.”
“I’m glad you think so.” Looking up, you then let out a heavy breath. “My Grandmother thinks she shouldn’t exist.”
“But look at her, she’s gorgeous.”
“I know!” you cried, grinning again. “I’m highly biased, but it looks like you fell for her charms too.”
“And yours,” he admitted, a light tinge to his cheeks as he took a sip of his coffee. He then glanced up, eyes guarded. “Her father… is he in the picture at all?”
You held back for a moment, not wanting to explain your situation for a second time today. Instead, you realised the connotation behind his questioned and smiled. “He’s never been in it.”
Mark relaxed and you watched him, your smile growing. He then glanced up, his trademark smile reaching right up into his eyes again. “I’m glad you clarified that for me.”
“You are, huh?”
Before he could answer, you received a text alert, your eyes widening at the message you received from the life alert machine your Grandmother wore. Standing up abruptly, you stared at Mark who took your phone from your shaking hands. His expression turned protective, guiding you out of the café and into the back of the first taxi you found. He held your hand all the way back to the house, following you into the courtyard as you raced up into the living area where two paramedics were working on her.
You gasped, your legs feeling weak. Mark caught you, helping you stand as you watched on in panic.
The words you had said to her rushed back to the surface, guilt plaguing you. Whilst you had been out having fun, she was back at home, struggling to breathe.
“Please don’t be like this,” you murmured, tears falling from your eyes. “I still have so much to learn about you.”
Part 4
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
120 notes · View notes
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Right Choice - Part 6
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Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / self-growth / angst / romance
Warnings: open prejudice and stigma over solo parenting
A/N; Although the warnings seem rather negative, this story is one I hope a lot of you will enjoy! I’ve wanted to write this for over eight months now, and I’m glad I finally sat down to do so. It isn’t as dark as it sounds, and nor is it intentionally a dig at Korean culture as a whole.
The Right Choice will be posted daily at 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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Despite being confused by your grandmother’s parting words, you had boarded the flight back home and when you finally saw your father, you were overwhelmed with need. You hugged him tightly, refusing to let him go even when Emerson started to fuss about the attention not being solely on her. Taking her out of her capsule, your father started to dote over her and you smiled, feeling a sense of normalcy.
These last few weeks had been quite the rollercoaster ride.
Once settled back at home, you sat on your bed, sorting through the things in your carry-on bag. You stopped when you saw the envelope your grandmother had given you, plucking it out from your other belongings. You had yet to look at it, and right now, you wondered if you should.
“Tomorrow,” you told yourself, collecting everything off your bed and placing it on your dresser, along with the envelope.
Tomorrow came and so did the day after. Every time you looked at the envelope, you couldn’t bring yourself to open it. Finally, after stalling for four days, you clamped your eyes shut and untied the lush envelope. You felt paper inside and gently pulled it out, surprised to find two types of parchment.
The smaller piece was hand made, clearly from the temple itself. You unfolded it and looked at the name before you.
Eun Jung.
You turned to the other piece of paper, finding a letter from your grandmother.
 My dearest Y/N,
I hope you don’t despair too much over my decision to give Emerson a Korean name. I once prayed over your mother’s name and when she asked me for a Korean name for you, I did the same then. It is another tradition that I have been able to pass on from generation to generation.
Eun means grace. I believe Emerson will have as much grace and beauty as her mother. You have raised her well so far and I know you will continue to do so. Jung means affection. Again, you are both full of love for all those around you. Her smile shines much like her mother’s and grandmother’s. A smile like that will warm the hearts of many.
I myself lack both traits. I was raised to believe in only one path forward, and your mother choosing to marry your father wasn’t the path I had paved for her. I resented her for many years. I yearned for her even longer. I realise now, from the beautiful photos you shared with me, that she chose the right path, the right man.
I know you will also make the best decisions for you and Emerson.
I am sorry I was too late in showing my affections for you both. The time we had together is precious to me and I will carry those feelings until the day I die.
Thank you for warming this old heart of mine,
Your Grandma.
 “You okay?” your Dad asked when he entered the room, finding you sobbing away on your bed. Hugging you tightly, you spluttered out emotions and occurrences from your trip to Korea. When you finally came to an end, he let out a bit of a sigh. “As much as I missed you and Em, I don’t think you wanted to come back.”
“I did, Dad. It was all a mess.”
“Your feelings are bruised but you aren’t ready to let go of the people you met there. Your Grandmother, this Mark guy. You’re still affected.”
You shrugged. “I’ll recover.”
“Don’t be stubborn for my sake. Your Grandmother is good enough at being that way herself. I know it runs in your blood too. If you need to go back-”
“Our home is here with you, Dad. It always has been.”
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It wasn’t easy to get back into rhythm. You found that you missed the close proximities of everything in Korea. In a single area, you had all the shops you needed and more. Here, you had to travel to certain parts of the city for supplies. You craved Korean food more often than you wanted to admit, and whenever you passed by a bakery, you teared up.
You hated that you missed Mark.
When you had stopped to think over your hasty actions, you realised you had hurt the one person who had been your constant in Korea. Mark had always been at your side. When you were new, when you were lost and when you needed him the most.
You had shoved away someone who you now believed cared for you more than what you had insinuated.
Sometimes, you would hover your thumb over his number, urging yourself to call him. Other moments, you would write him messages and then delete them before you sent anything. It had been a month since you last spoke to him.
It was probably best that you just moved on with your life.
Except, your grandmother wasn’t having anything to do with that.
“She did what?” you questioned, rubbing your temples as a headache began to form. “No, I understand why she decided to quit but is there anyone else who would be willing to step in? My Grandmother can’t exactly go without some in-home care on a daily basis due to her declining health.”
Hanging up the call, you let out a groan. Your Dad perked up from behind his computer, smirking lightly. “Another one quit?”
“Must she torment everyone on this planet?!”
“You lasted longer than any of these people.”
“I’m family, she has to respect me to some degree,” you grumbled and your Dad laughed.
“You’d think she’d be nicer to the paid help huh?” You nodded sullenly. He gave you a knowing look. “Then again, if I were her, I wouldn’t want anyone other than you to look after me, Y/N.”
“She blew it.”
“Did you even ask her why she said what she did?” he wondered and you stopped, furrowing your brows together in thought. Had you? You couldn’t remember doing so and it only made you more perplexed. Carrying the thought around for the rest of the day, you were frustrated with yourself for leaving everything so open-ended. Whilst you had been initially hurt, it ended up being you causing just as many wounds for the people you left behind.
Emerson sat up beside you on the floor, using your thigh to get to her feet and wobbled back and forth. You held out your arms, ready to catch her if she fell. And then she looked at the photo on the mantelpiece, pointing towards it. Following her finger, you smiled when you noticed it was your Mum. Beside her was your Grandmother and your smile froze, especially when the child started to bounce around.
“Be careful, Emmie.”
“Ma-Ma-Ma!” Frowning, you had already heard her first word earlier in the month and she had established calling you Mum. This was different and with the way she was avidly pointing to the photograph, you realised what she was saying.
“Grandma?” Emerson clapped with joy, stumbling back into your lap and giggling, chanting the word over and over.
Even she was missing the woman.
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You woke in the middle of the night to a persistent phone call, rolling over to grab your device off your nightstand and answered sleepily.
It was the one voice you hadn’t expected to hear again. “Y/N, it’s your Grandmother. She’s being rushed to the hospital again.”
You had gotten on the first flight to Korea, your Father promising he would follow you with Emerson in two days. After arriving back in Seoul, you headed for the neighbourhood you knew well enough now, ringing Mark repeatedly. He never answered but when you texted him, he insisted you go to the family home and he’d met you there to take you to the hospital.
You were a ball of nerves when you got out of the cab, unlocking the gate and stepping inside. Mark met you in the courtyard.
For a moment, he didn’t say anything, staring back at you, soaking you in.
You tried to break out of doing the same thing. “Mark, my Grandmother?”
“Right,” he breathed, nodding softly. He pointed towards the house. “She’s in there.”
“She’s been discharged already?” you wondered, rushing into the home and slipping off your shoes before entering it.
And then you stopped in the doorway. There were balloons and streamers all around the living area, brightening up the room. Along one wall, a banner saying, “Welcome Back Y/N” boldly greeted you and in the middle of the room in her chair sat your grandmother.
A very healthy looking version, might you add.
“What… what is going on?”
“Your Dad arranged it all,” Mark announced from behind you, smiling widely at your grandmother. He stepped around you and gave her a high five.
You blinked several times, not comprehending anything that was happening around you.
“I hear you missed me,” the oldest in the room stated, smiling smugly. “This old thing really made an impact in your world, did it?”
“You’re not sick?”
“Well, I have had some mild breathing issues after blowing all these up,” she admitted and Mark shook his head.
“I told you to wait for me, Mrs Kim.”
You turned your attention to him. “You planned all this?”
“It was a collective effort,” he worded carefully before grinning at you. “Are you happy?”
“You tricked me! I thought something horrible had happened.”
Your grandmother nodded. “It did. You left and took Emerson away too. It hasn’t been the same without either of you.”
“But you said all those things-”
“I had said a whole lot of good too,” she cut in, tutting you. “You never let me explain.”
“I told you there was more to it,” Mark mentioned, stepping closer to you and reached to cup your face tenderly. “A whole lot more.”
You started to cry then, a mixture of relief and frustration overwhelmed you. Mark laughed as he hugged you, rubbing gently at your back.
And then your grandmother stepped in to hug you as well. “Welcome home, Y/N.”
Part 7
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
PWYL’s 2019 Masterlist!
We’re a few days out from the end of the year, with two stories to post, but since everything is ready to go, it’s time to share this post with you all! It’s crazy how much I’ve written this year! I’ve made this list for those who wish to browse it and organised it so that some things will be linked and others will take you to the group masterlist (because if I linked everything, the links wouldn’t all work). 
Thank you for everyone who has supported my stories this year!
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Series: (12)
King of Demons (2018-2019 series) - Got7
Beyond the Palace Walls (2018-2019 series) - Jung Jaehyun
Destined (To Love You Forever) - Park Jinyoung
Too Good To Be Wrong - Park Chanyeol
Through His Eyes - Im Jaebum
Could You Marry Me? - Son Hyunwoo / Shownu
The Right Choice - Mark Tuan
Spiritual Connection - Brian Kang / Day6
You Didn’t Let Me! - Yoo Kihyun / Park Jinyoung / Lee Seunggi
The Spirit(s) of Christmas - Day6
Idol Advent - various idols
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Collaborations: (6)
An Easter Collab to Dye For - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Christmas in July 2019 - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Puppy Week - with @goodnightkisseu​ + @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Frightful October 2019 - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Mistletoe Manor - with @noona-clock​
All I Want For Christmas - with 6 other GOT7 writers (listed in collab masterlist!)
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Oneshot/scenarios: (170)
Ab6ix (masterlist HERE)
Rite of Passage - Youngmin
Spark - Woong
Scented - Donghyun
Love Error - Woong
Astro (masterlist HERE)
Sanctuary - Moonbin
Manipulated - Moonbin
BAP (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Himchan
Home - Youngjae
Compassion - Yongguk
Kiss Me Again - Youngjae
Getaway - Daehyun
Uninvited - Himchan
Lit - Daehyun
BTS (masterlist HERE)
Boyfriend Taehyung
Love Sick - Namjoon
What Happens Next - Namjoon
CNBlue (masterlist HERE)
It’s In The Books - Jungshin
After Party - Jungshin
A Christmas Date - Minhyuk
Day6 (masterlist HERE)
Neighbourly - Jae
The Handsome Stranger - Brian
Existence - Sungjin
Too Early - Sungjin
Her Name - Jae
Join Forces - Brian
His Voice - Jae
That Good - Jae
Just Rest - Brian
Exo (masterlist HERE)
Back for Good - Chanyeol
Different Kisses with Kyungsoo
Be Okay - Kyungsoo
Remind Me - Minseok
Consolation Prize - Sehun
Lip Treatment - Sehun
Be Mine - Minseok 
Challenging Silence - Sehun
Fool of Compromise - Sehun
The Only Choice - Jongdae
Nap Time - Jongin
Destination - Jongin
Buttoned Up - Jongin
Power Suit - Sehun
The Special Outfit - Sehun
Who’s Surprised? - Baekhyun
Perception - Kyungsoo
Clueless - Chanyeol
Puppy Love - Suho
Sage - Chanyeol
Do It All - Minseok
High Notes - Jongdae
Plan B - Kyungsoo
Got7 (masterlist HERE)
Drunken Confession - Jaebum
Intrigued - Mark
The Morning After - Jaebum
Your Neighbour - Jaebum
Shower Again - Jaebum
Hidden Confessions - Jackson
Renewed - Yugyeom
Exposed - Jinyoung
Hasty Assumptions - Jinyoung
Biased - BamBam
Chosen - Jackson
Well Played - BamBam
Stubborn - Jinyoung
Mixed Signals - Jinyoung
An Exception - Jinyoung
The Favour - Mark
Tell Me More - Mark
Clarity - Jinyoung
Unplanned - Mark
Under The Stars - BamBam
Revelations - Yugyeom
Relax - Mark
Premature - Jackson
Petulant - Jinyoung
Your Turn - Jinyoung
Take A Break  - Jinyoung
Past and Present - Jinyoung
Touch - Jaebum
Not Just A Wallflower - Yugyeom
As Long As It Takes - Jaebum
Made With Love - Mark
Mistaken - Mark
This Seat’s Taken - Jackson
Hair Attack - Jinyoung
Change of Plans - Jinyoung 
Cloudy With A Chance of Sunshine - Youngjae
The Perfect Match - Jinyoung
Melt - Jinyoung
The Right Sort - Jinyoung
No Spell Needed - Jinyoung 
Back Again - Mark
Three Whole Days - Jaebum
Spotless - Jinyoung
A New Spring - Jaebum
Head First - Jinyoung
Combined - Effort - Yugyeom
Even If I Tried - Jinyoung
Fan Encounter - Jaebum
All I Want For Christmas Is: Chocolate - Jackson
New Predictions - Mark
Ikon (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Chanwoo
Treasure of the Sea - Hanbin
No More Goodbyes - Donghyuk
K-Actors (masterlist HERE)
Still Constant - Hyungsik
Are You Annoyed? - Ahn Hyoseop
Written In The Books - Jung Haein
Monsta X (masterlist HERE)
Everyone Has a Weakness - Kihyun
Romantic Notions - Shownu
Wrong Number - Changkyun
First Kiss - Wonho
A New Formula - Changkyun
A Role To Play - Kihyun
Reap The Rewards - Wonho
A Kissing Game - Wonho
Pawsed - Shownu
Until You’re Better - Kihyun
Worthy - Kihyun
Walk With Me - Minhyuk
Well Trained - Kihyun
Added Extras - Changkyun
Heartless - Hyungwon
What A Dream - Kihyun
Experimental - Changkyun
Could You Remember Me? - Shownu
What Happens After Midnight - Kihyun
NCT (masterlist HERE)
Out of Time - Kun
Valentine’s Couple - Jaehyun
Game Night - Doyoung
Body Conscious - Jaehyun
Who Told You To Protect Me? - Haechan
Sophie’s Moving This Castle - Taeyong
Old Maple - Mark
Put Together - Doyoung
A Not So Simple Answer - Johnny
Nu’Est (masterlist HERE)
We Got Married with Minhyun
Different Kisses with Minki
Change The Date - Minhyun
Dream Girl - Minhyun
Life Lessons - Minhyun
A Dramatic Start - Minhyun
Flutter - Baekho
Defining Roles - Minhyun
Seventeen (masterlist HERE)
The Best Easter Ever - Hoshi
Human Nature - Jeonghan
Kiss It Better - Jun
Shinee (masterlist HERE)
Just Smile! - Onew
Stray Kids (masterlist HERE)
Within - Felix
Guilty As Charged - Chan
TVXQ (masterlist HERE)
Birthday Cheese - Changmin
Vixx (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Hyuk
Different Kisses with Ken
Excessive - Taekwoon
Overheard - Taekwoon
Dance Sessions - Hakyeon
Reconnected - Taekwoon
Legend - Taekwoon
Wanna One (masterlist HERE)
Alliance - Seongwoo
We Got Married with Minhyun
Boyfriend Jaehwan
Different Kisses with Jaehwan
Call The Shots - Seongwoo
Different Kisses with Bae Jinyoung
Warming Up - Jaehwan
Change The Date - Minhyun 
Dream Girl - Minhyun
Best Seat In The House - Daniel
Life Lessons - Minhyun
A Dramatic Start - Minhyun
Test of Love - Daniel
Defining Roles - Minhyun
Winner (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Mino
With A Bow On Top  - Seunghoon
Various Artists (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Zico
Reassurance - Hyunsik (BTOB)
Universe - Hyunsik (BTOB)
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Got7 as Airforce7 reaction
Chelle Chats Drabbles: (377)
Jan - Jun // Jul - Dec
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