#caron black gifs
allmyandroids · 5 months
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Ohh godd Mr. Carbon Black...he was literally made for me to love him unconditionally đź–¤
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cordoleo · 8 months
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hear ye hear ye — the riverlands welcomes the commander of the king's landing city watch, ruling lord royce caron of nightsong. king matthos baratheon is glad that the thirty - seven year old appears to be steadfast and he shall overlook that it’s said they are also obtuse, as long as they are glad to celebrate peace in the seven kingdoms. fortunately for them, matthos remains oblivious that they are happy with his reign.
i. background.
full name: royce caron ( previously storm ).
commonly goes by: roy.
epitaph: the bastard of nightsong.
official title: knight of the seven kingdoms (c. 279), ruling lord of nightsong and lord of the marches (c. 284), commander of the king's landing city watch (c. 293).
age: thirty seven.
birth date: tba !
gender + pronouns: cis man + he/him.
orientation: unfortunately heterosexual.
allegiance: house baratheon, house caron.
spoken language: the common tongue.
religion: the faith of the seven; particularly faithful to the smith and the warrior.
ii. appearance.
faceclaim: kingsley ben-adir.
eye color: black.
hair color: black, with plenty of gray peeking in around the curls, hair is always kept short, near buzzed; his beard is scruffy, and trimmed weekly so it does not grow further.
remarkable markings: he has several scars from his time in the battlefield, besides one on his shoulder from when he got knicked by a sword during the greyjoy rebellion, and a few facial scars ( more notably, one just under the side of his left eye and one hook-shaped on his right cheek, remaints of a bad jousting injury in his youth ).
dominant hand: right.
height: 6'3"
build: muscular.
iii. personality.
virtues: x
vices: x
weapon of choice: long sword, has yielded a war hammer in his days.
moral alignment: x
inspired by: rolland storm; owain, jasper and henry tudor; charles brandon, duke of suffolk, tba.
common tropes: tba.
iv. relationships.
parents: ronnet caron + maris.
siblings: renyse and utp caron ( younger half - sisters ).
relationship status: widowed; utp utp ( c. 285 / w. 292 ).
children: name (13), name (10), name (8).
previous relations: n/a.
v. biography.
trigger warning : infertility discussion, cheating, parental neglect, death, arranged marriage, implied stillbirth/child death, illness.
once a lordling known for his beautiful voice, ronnet caron settled into the role of ruling lord and all the beauty he carried vanishing, reveal of his unkindness shining through even towards his own wife, whose only sin had been the inability to carry a child to term. fueled by spite more than the need to raise children, he sought out women whom he had dalliances with and put word that he would take in their bastards born from him.
three would be brought to nightsong — roy was the first. born to a lady's maid that was made to live under the roof of her mistress despite the betrayal enacted by them, maris did not last long. roy grew by himself, knowing to keep only to himself and out of both stepmother and father's way, until the second bastard would arrive. renyse would akin herself to a moon, but roy found her light to be one he very much needed. together, they yet took care of the third bastard brought to nightsong.
that was until matthos baratheon's war was won, and opportunity arose for kids of the stormlands to follow their liege to king's landing. roy half volunteered, half was offered by ronnet to be sent as a squire — a knighthood would serve to at least give him a prospect better than just the bastard of nightsong, whose father held little interest on after the affront was made. while he may have thought of the possibility of joining the kingsguard or the city watch when he'd become of age, the king instead took him under his wing, favoring the boy above most of the others. under matthos' guidance, he grew bold, strong and capable, seeing in the king a father he had never had; the sentiment would become one of the pinnacles of his life from then on, and his loyalty would belong to matthos above all.
when the greyjoy rebellion came, both roy, just entering adulthood, and his father, graying and bitter, joined the war efforts for the stormlands. while roy prevailed, finding his calling on the battlefield, his father fell; he'd be sent to nightsong with an infection that would be fatal, nothing to be done. nothing but to sign papers for legitimacy for roy and his two half-sisters, who would rise to the position of actual nobility and granted the opportunity to mingle, take official positions and marry just as well as any noble born.
roy's marriage, however, would only come to happen for necessity, from the ruined coffers of nightsong, left ravaged by war and his father's spending. from his wealthy, high-born bride, he found harmony, a competent ruling lady, and a mother to three of his children — would be four, had she not been taken by illness before the babe was to come. the offer of another marriage was refused, and, instead, the king saw to give him distraction in the form of a new position: the head of the city watch from king's landing.
for a good while, it was a good distraction but, unfortunately, it also exposes him to the worst of mathos' reign — attempted briberies, people stealing so they will not starve and getting punished for it, watching the lannisters taking over the city, even within his own men's ranks. though his position has grown to be enviable enough that people only refer to him as the bastard out of jealousy rather than disdain, he has begun to wonder if it is best to continue to remain blissfully ignorant and loyal to his liege or speak and suffer the consequences for it.
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daeron-dondarrion · 1 year
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♛ → THE STORMLANDS present DAERON DONDARRION “STORM BRINGER”, LORD and HEIR OF BLACKHAVEN, PRINCE CONSORT. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the BLACKS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the THIRTY-FOUR year old MALE who was PERSEVERING & STALWART before they saw the first of the flames, is now HEADSTRONG & JUDGEMENTAL after seeing the last. they’re often associated with the thunderous sound of a clashing sword through the raging battle, the subtle strumming of a guitar in moments of privacy, and the frequent visits to his brothers and mother that now exist only beneath adorned gravestones. ( Yon González )
**Note: To honor Yon’s Spanish heritage, there are aspects of the Iberian Calé people in the culture and customs of House Dondarrion and Blackhaven as a whole**
FULL NAME: Daeron Dondarrion
DATE OF BIRTH: January 3rd, 110 AC (Thirty-four years old)
HOMELAND: The Stormlands
STATUS: Lord of Blackhaven, Prince consort of the Crownlands & Stormlands
RELIGION: Faith of the Seven
GENDER IDENTITY: Cisgender male
LANGUAGE: Euskera, the Common tongue
MARITAL STATUS: Married to Princess Caerella Targaryen
In canon House Dondarrion didn’t get involved in the Dance, however I’m taking a little creative liberty here: a fraction of House Dondarrion did get involved in support of the Blacks. The late Lady Roanne Dondarrion was the sister of Lord Lysander Buckler, who got executed in King’s Landing for refusing to renounce Rhaenyra. Because of this, Lady Roanne urged her husband to take a stance in support of the Blacks and avenge her brother’s death. Lord Emmon Dondarrion refused this, wishing to remain neutral and avoid bringing doom to his house. The three sons of House Dondarrion (Balian, Harwyn and Daeron) fought against their father’s wishes and took a regiment to battle with them. In 131 AC Balian and Harwyn died in battle, and Daeron got very gravely injured. The healers at the camps did their best and he was taken back to Blackhaven to convalesce and die there, as it was believed he wouldn’t make it. Ultimately, Blackhaven’s maester saved his life. Losing two sons is something from which Lady Roanne never fully recovered and it said she died of a broken heart (132 AC).
Daeron returned to the war after making a full recovery (late 132 AC/early 133 AC), rejoining his maternal house (Buckler) in battle. He came back to the war as a whole other beast, and during this time he earned the monicker “Storm Bringer”, as it was said he fought so fiercely his sword rumbled with the sound of thunder during battle, and the nickname stuck since.
Despite being the third son, Daeron became Heir of Blackhaven because of the deaths of his two older brothers. With so much loss plaguing House Dondarrion, only the following members live to this day: Lord Emmon Dondarrion, the old ruling lord, a gruff and sickly man, Lord Daeron Dondarrion, heir of Blackhaven, and Lady ___ Dondarrion, who is lady-in-waiting to Queen Daenerys Targaryen.
As a Stormlander Daeron wasn't entirely happy about the annexation of his realm to the Crownlands when the last Baratheon died. He shared the feelings of losing their independence that other of his compatriots had. Mostly, he was reluctant to fully embrace the Targaryen rule as he worried his customs and the way of life of the Stormlanders would be erased under the Targaryen rule. However, he didn't see rebellion as the answer. Due to this mindset, Daeron and House Dondarrion as a whole weren’t in support of Pearse Caron’s uprising. Daeron and his family agreed that the best course of action was to work for unity and stability between the two realms, to find equality so the Crownlanders weren't favored by Queen Daenerys.
The naming of Lord Wylliam Swann as Lord Paramount of the Stormlands was something he took as a gesture of good faith, as was the fact that the queen took Stormlanders to her court, including Daeron's younger sister.
The support he gained from Princess Caerella Targaryen when Blackhaven was attacked by the Vulture King and his bandits served as proof to him that the two parts of the realm could work together towards common goals. He accepted the proposal to wed the Targaryen princess after this event. Daeron and Caerella were wed in the ways of her people and his, honoring the traditions of Old Valyria as well as customs from the people of Blackhaven.
Since they were married, Daeron has been travelling back and forth between Blackhaven and King's Landing, with the majority of his time being spent in his homeland. He and his wife had a place within the court of Queen Daenerys but given his father's declining health, Daeron made a point to be present in Blackhaven to take on the duties of ruling lord that his father could no longer carry out.
Daeron and Caerella recently had a son, Baelon Dondarrion. Following the traditions of naming an aitabitxi (godfather) from the Blackhaven community was named, as well as a godfather within the court that could look after Baelon should anything happen to his parents. The godfather they chose was Lord Wylliam Swann.
With the taking of Alaym in Andalos, Daeron departed to fight for the faith and assist in reclaiming those holy grounds, leaving his wife to help his sick father in ruling Blackhaven. Upon news of unrest in the realm with the disappearance of Prince Jaehaerys, the Storm Bringer is journeying back home.
House Dondarrion: Daeron has a respectful but contentious relationship with his father. His father has never quite let go of the fact that his three sons moved against him in favor of their mother’s wishes, which resulted in the loss of two of his sons. Daeron is the only survivor, and as such, any resentment his father still has over the matter is placed upon him. Daeron adores his younger sister and is quite protective over her, regardless of how capable she might be. He’s already lost two siblings, he doesn’t wish to lose the only one he has left.
Caerella Targaryen: Daeron and his family agreed to the union for political reasons and over time he grew to develop true affection for his wife. He saw her as a reliable ally in the aftermath of Blackhaven's attack, and he grew to see the human side of her the more time they spent in each other's company. She is his family now, she is a daughter of Blackhaven by marriage, and the mother of his son; as such she has his full devotion.
Minisa Tarth: Close friend. Minisa was betrothed to his brother, Harwyn, and Daeron had already welcomed her into the family fully. Despite what fate dictated for that match that never happened, Daeron still appreciates and cares for Minisa a great deal, looking out for her as if she was his sister.
Wylliam Swann: A good and trustworthy friend. Daeron respects him a great deal and considers him one of the cleverest men he knows. It was because of this respect for his fellow Stormlander, that Daeron asked to name him Baelon's godfather.
Open to connections for friends, enemies, and everything in between!
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malcontentswanns · 11 months
who: @elaenaceltigar where: the red keep, during the build up to the games of king jaehaerys targaryen and the coronation.
it had been some months since he had seen either of the celtigar sisters: since he had seen her, specifically. mud on her nose, jumping slightly at the sound of thunder despite the breathless laughs that slipped from her lips, silver hair, bright amethyst eyes. she was not here, that was as much as he knew; how strange it was to sit at a table and not see her across him. two chairs to the left. dark orbs looked anywhere but in the direction of her vacant chair as he thought quietly on the words they had uttered to one another, in voices so quiet as though they were afraid of scaring the other off.
he'd be lying if he said he did not think of her, each and every day; always before he slept, wondering what she was thinking laying in her own bed somewhere in the continent.
which was why when he was crossing through an inner courtyard of kings landing, ducking under alcoves as it began to rain, he found himself tripping over something when he saw a head of silverly hair. for a moment he felt his breath catch in his chest, wondering whether he had managed to stumble across her when it felt like she had become a ghost. what he tripped over was an easel, which immediately went flying onto the terracotta stones below the soles of their feet. there were various dyes and hues that also went tumbling as his foot made contact with the easel, his breath remaining hitched in his throat when he saw her. and then the woman turned around, and he felt his shoulders untense. not entirely, for the woman before him was someone he knew.
for she too had spent a week beneath his family's roof in stonehelm, dined with lord orryn swann and lady cassandra caron with their children. two sons of stonehelm, the eldest lord arthur swann, and then wylliam himself. she remembered the way his own mother seemed captivated by lady celtigar's knowledge of arts and painting, the pair having a seperate conversation regarding water oils and techniques of the brush. no doubt they probably showed one another paintings. it was never meant to be any harm, and yet such was an example of wylliam swann's ability to read the room so wrong. and how wrong he had been. lyra had mentioned that her sister was happier than usual. he didn't know elaena enough to notice the difference himself.
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"oh, sorry." wylliam uttered, his voice hushed, almost as though he were anxious to no doubt get her in more trouble. there was no mistaking the silence that came upon their return home, and the battering maximus had taken to wylliam's own face. the bruises were yellow and brown now, rather than black and purple: but they were there, regardless. "i'm sorry." he repeated, this time not entirely referencing the painting, which he picked up quickly. his eyes looked upon it, it seemed to be a woman - he did not know who. probably some portrait. he put the canvas back on the easel. "would you like me to send for some more dyes?" he asked, not entirely knowing how to bring up what he truly wanted to say.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
laying on trystane's bed, carefully placed on the bed by a servant at a lord's request, is a a bundle of beautiful black, streaked with grey ( reminiscent of the beard of lord caron ) fur. it is gently rolled and tied with string, note attached to it. 
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to my heart, 
i know that the cold air is not a friend of yours, i purchased this from an old friend up north for you. i hope it will keep you warm while my arms cannot. i find that recalling summers under the dorne sun with you, warm me adequately. and if you do not read this, i hope you will at least wear the fur. 
may the gods gift me another breath so that i may use it to remind you of my love. 
        the  sight  of  the  gift  made  him choke on the heart that had lodged itself in his throat. his lungs screamed for air, but he couldn’t move let along command his brain to function. there was no need to look at the note to know who it was from for he’d not said a word to anyone recently about how the winds in the vale were far too cold and cutting for him, far too used to the desert’s heat. people could assume, but only someone who knew him would know for certain. and there was only one person who knew that would go to the trouble. something squeezed his heart. wyllas. why . . . he knew now that the letters had all been burned. did he find joy in torturing him?
        a poor servant chose that time to enter the room, and before he could even say an apology for interrupting the allyrion lord, trystane snapped,        ❝  who put this here?  ❞        his emotions, desperate for an escape, rushed forth in a fury, making his tone harsher than he’d intended. the nervous response came, “i don’t know, my lord. forgive me. some other servant brought it.” someone assigned to the carons, he almost corrected because he knew, he knew. he’d opened the door a crack, and now wyllas was trying to squeeze through again. stupid man. he shouldn’t have done that. he should’ve have kept it shut like he’d swore himself he would. he shouldn’t have . . .  “do you want me to take it away?” how quickly his mind ceased all thoughts. over a simple question with what should be a simple answer. yes, his mind screamed, but it had not won the war, and his heart screamed the opposite just as loudly. a stalemate.        ❝  i’m sorry for snapping at you. it’s fine. you can go,  ❞        he said instead to the servant. 
        it was only when the door closed that trystane stepped forward, feeling like his feet were stepping across quicksand, or mayhap he was already being dragged under. his lungs felt heavy. his heart even worse. it was the agony, however, that had resurfaced in his soul ever since his eyes had found wyllas’s once again, though even in godsgrace it’d quietly lurked, that reminded him he was alive; death would feel kinder. sitting down on the bed, he reached out and touched the fur. it was soft. it couldn’t have been easy for wyllas to get this. the effort and thought alone should make his heart warm more than any fire could; the small gifts he’d given him during their time in dorne  ( be it flowers, small trinkets, warm words, or merely reaching out to hold his hand )  had always made trystane feel blessed to be loved by one as magnificent as wyllas caron. and yet . . .
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        i don’t want this, he realized, and the knife twisted as painful clarity washed over him. his heart wanted wyllas. he . . . he wanted wyllas. he wanted to run to the other, casting aside all chains that held him back. he wanted it to be wyllas’s arms that kept him warm against the cold winds. his fingers inched toward the letter         but there was no relief. his hand curled into a fist. for he could want, so strongly that he almost found the courage to act, but then his wounds ached, and he remembered. he wouldn’t survive another wound like the previous one. so he rose to his feet, picked up the fur and the unopened letter, and forced himself to lock both away in the bottom of one of his trunks. hopefully, his heart would remain in there too. it was better off this way.
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aedan-velaryon · 2 years
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♛ → THE CROWNLANDS present AEDAN VELARYON, the RULING LORD OF NIGHTSONG and MASTER OF SHIPS. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the BLACKS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the TWENTY-NINE year old MALE who was CHARMING & QUICK WITTED before they saw the first of the flames, is now IMPULSIVE & CYNICAL after seeing the last. they’re often associated with rough and calloused hands from work on ships, warm, candlelit rooms, the salty tang of the sea. ( thomas doherty )
as the second born son, there'd always been less pressure on aedan's shoulders. less pressure, but never too little as to not notice who he was, even if it wasn't necessarily expected of him to become the ruling lord of anything. status counted, title or not. from a young age, he was trained to fight; swords and knives and axes. but where his heart found the most joy, was on a ship, with the breeze in his hair and salt water on his skin, his tongue. not much one for the skies, he rather neglected most things that connected with riding dragons, and focused on the royal fleet his father had command over.
when tensions hightened in the seven kingdoms, aedan was on his family's, the blacks' side, naturally. it wasn't the first times he watched ships sail into battle, but certainly the most formative ones. aedan lost some of his carefree joy in the long, grueling war that took so much from his family. his father and mother, lord corlys velaryon and rhaenys targaryen, passed, and deimos took over the role of ruling lord of driftmark. a carefully held structure, seven kingdoms held together by dragon breath and fire, collapsed, and left behind shards that governed themselves.
aedan hardly knew where that left house targaryen and velaryon at first. though, when the position of master of ships fell into his hands, he slowly slipped back into his element. he did his duties to his country and to the position that was now upon his shoulders. only in his private life did he allow himself liberties of a wilder nature. following the annexation of the stormlands to the crownlands, lord pearse caron lead a rebellion against queen caerella that would be doomed to fail. after house caron was stripped of their lands and titles, aedan was installed as ruling lord of nightsong.
it was a wakeup call, one that left him with a hollow feeling in his stomach. he’d have to carry the duties he’d have to fulfill all the way into his home, into a private life that would no longer be his own as soon as he was wed. he was supposed to have had his fun now, and start being the lord that the people dependent on nightsong needed.
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enzysfashiondiary · 9 months
What yarn are you gonna use?
Caron Simply Soft Brites Yarn, Limelight
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Light Gray
Caron Simply Soft Brites Yarn, Super Duper Yellow
Caron Simply Soft Brites Yarn, Grape
Caron Simply Soft Brites Yarn, Blue Mint
Caron Simply Soft Brites Yarn, Watermelon
Caron Simply Soft Brites Yarn, Mango
Caron Simply Soft Yarn, Dark Sage
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Black
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Blacklight
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Spring Green
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Paddy Green
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Orchid
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Royal
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Bluebell
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Petal Pink
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Pumpkin
Red Heart All In One Granny Square Yarn (250g/8.8oz), Soft White - Citrus Twist
Red Heart All In One Granny Square Yarn (250g/8.8oz), Black - Hyper Violet
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Cherry Red
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Perfect Pink
Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo Yarn, Bright Yellow
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Including the 20% discount i got for all of it ITS STILL THE COST OF A THERAPHY SESSION
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bonobochick · 4 years
Coisa Mais Linda aka Girls From Ipanema, S2 - Part 1
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Coisa Mais Linda / Girls From Ipanema, S2
on Netflix.
Part 2
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years
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One Dress a Week Challenge
March: White
Gigi / Leslie Caron as Gigi
To end the month of white on a high note, here's another of my longtime favorite costumes. It looks to be made of a satisfyingly hefty satin, with a shape that's not entirely unlike a dress of 1900 (when the movie was set), although it owes even more to the 1950s. It would be a spectacular gown even without those fascinating bird-shaped ornaments on the shoulders, but they really take it to the next level. The touch of black makes it a perfect choice for the transition into the month of black (starting tomorrow) as well.
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adimisenko · 7 years
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Valentino (1977)
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danceofdragonsrphq · 2 years
anonymous asked: hi ! I’m wanting to make a lady of house umber and would like for her to be mistress of whispers to king stark so my question is how would i phrase that in the application exactly? 
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hi love! we welcome northerners! hannah is acting as head of state for now, until we hopefully get someone to pick up the stark king! but for now, please contact quen on @wcrdsarewind​ (who plays our favourite royce bolton, domeric.) as for phrasing, simply put it in with the name part! we’ll be able to figure it out. looking forward to reading! some fun para example ideas could be: the mistress of whispers finding out caerella targaryen has recently made herself queen of the crownlands and stormlands (following the north breaking from the blacks alliance and going neutral) or the execution of lord pearse caron of nightsong for treason!  
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caffiend-queen · 4 years
11 Ways That I, A White Man, Am Not Privileged.
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Wait for it...
1. I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon. That’s right, I had to work for what I’m given. When I went to college, I worked hard for those grades. I didn’t get in on nothing, I took school seriously! I worked each day to pay my rent and my tuition.
2. I earned my job. You think it was easy to get to the job I have now? I didn���t just waltz into it. I had to work my way up to my current position. I came in on time, put in my hours and even had to hang out after work with people I despise. That’s how you make it in America.
3. I budgeted and saved my money. It’s easy to just spend all of your cash, but I put it into a savings account. Learn some self-discipline!
4. I fought against a history of social stigmas and systemic biases to get to claim the tiny space I occupy. Oh no, wait, this might be getting away from me.
5. I have been judged on name alone when applying to get my house and job. What? That’s not a thing. Is that a thing?
6. I had my entire life plotted out in statistics before I even began making my own decisions. Oh come on… is that… I’m just going to google for a second.
7. … Oh shit. I think I just figured it out. Uh…
8. I’m really sorry, this really wasn’t my intent. How do I check my privilege? Do I just tell people that look like they might not know that I’m privileged?
9. I don’t know how to fix this, money? I gave to Planned Parenthood, is that good? Who else? ACLU? Can I donate directly to Black Lives Matter? I don’t just give it to my Black friend, right? That seems weird.
10. I’ll just sit down, would you like to fill in the last one?
11. [Your answer here.]
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daeron-dondarrion · 2 years
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♛ → THE STORMLANDS/CROWNLANDS present DAERON DONDARRION “STORM BRINGER”, LORD and HEIR OF BLACKHAVEN. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the BLACKS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the THIRTY-THREE year old MALE who was PERSEVERING & STALWART before they saw the first of the flames, is now HEADSTRONG & JUDGEMENTAL after seeing the last. they’re often associated with the thunderous sound of a clashing sword through the raging battle, the subtle strumming of a guitar in moments of privacy, and the frequent visits to his brothers and mother that now exist only beneath adorned gravestones. ( Yon González )
In canon House Dondarrion didn’t get involved in the Dance, however I’m taking a little creative liberty here: a fraction of House Dondarrion did get involved in support of the Blacks. The late Lady Roanne Dondarrion was the sister of Lord Lysander Buckler, who got executed in King’s Landing for refusing to renounce Rhaenyra. Because of this, Lady Roanne urged her husband to take a stance in support of the Blacks and avenge her brother’s death. Lord Emmon Dondarrion refused this, wishing to remain neutral and avoid bringing doom to his house. The three sons of House Dondarrion (Balian, Harwyn and Daeron) fought against their father’s wishes and took a regiment to battle with them. Early in the war Balian and Harwyn died in battle, and Daeron got very gravely injured for which he was taken to back to Blackhaven to convalesce and die there, as it was believed he wouldn’t make it. Ultimately, Blackhaven’s maester saved his life. Losing two sons is something from which Lady Roanne never fully recovered and it said she died of a broken heart (132 AC).
Daeron returned to the war after making a full recovery (late 132 AC/early 133 AC), rejoining his maternal house (Buckler) in battle. He came back to the war as a whole other beast, and during this time he earned the monicker “Storm Bringer”, as it was said he fought so fiercely his sword rumbled with the sound of thunder during battle. It was Rhaenyra herself who first called him that, and the nickname stuck since.
Despite being the third son, Daeron became Heir of Blackhaven because of the deaths of his two older brothers. With so much loss plaguing House Dondarrion, only the following members live to this day:
Lord Emmon Dondarrion, the old ruling lord, a gruff and sickly man.
Lord Daeron Dondarrion, heir of Blackhaven
Lady ___ Dondarrion, who is lady-in-waiting to Queen Caerella Targaryen
As a Stormlander Daeron isn’t entirely happy about the annexation of his realm to the Crownlands. To him, this feels like they’re losing their independence. He’s mostly reluctant to fully embrace the situation because he worries his customs and the way of life of the Stormlanders will be erased by being under Targaryen rule. However, he doesn’t see rebellion as the answer. Due to this mindset, Daeron and House Dondarrion as a whole weren’t in support of Pearse Caron’s uprising. Daeron and his family agree that the best course of action is to work for unity and stability between the two realms, to find equality so the Crownlanders aren’t favored by the queen. He’s perceived the naming of Lord Wylliam Swann as Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and as a gesture of good faith from the dragon queen as well as the fact that she’s taken Stormlanders to her court, such as his younger sister.
To honor Yon’s Spanish heritage, I want to include certain aspects about the Iberian Calé people into customs of House Dondarrion. As of right now, I just know there will be special emphasis on their relationship to the departed/respect for the dead, their wedding ceremonies, and their devotion to their kin. Stay tuned for more!
House Dondarrion: Daeron has a respectful but contentious relationship with his father. His father has never quite let go of the fact that his three sons moved against him in favor of their mother’s wishes, which resulted in the loss of two of his sons. Daeron is the only survivor, and as such, any resentment his father still has over the matter is placed upon him. Daeron adores his younger sister and is quite protective over her, regardless of how capable she might be. He’s already lost two siblings, he doesn’t wish to lose the only one he has left. (His little sister is very much a wanted connection)
Alyse Dondarrion née Frey: Widow of his late brother, Balian. More to come/be developed about this connection.
Minisa Tarth: Close friend. Minisa was betrothed to his brother, Harwyn, and Daeron had already welcomed her into the family fully. Despite what fate dictated for that match that never happened, Daeron still appreciates and cares for Minisa a great deal, looking out for her as if she was his sister.
Caerella Targaryen: His queen. Daeron pretty much sees her and her kin as people he must be allied with. They might reluctant allies now that they’re a single realm, but he’s still willing to work with the Crownlanders in ways that serve him and his family, as well as theirs.
Open to connections for friends, enemies, and everything in between!
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vixerehq · 4 years
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                    event i : killing dionysus ; part two
                TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, injury, hanging, knives, weapons guns.
the night had been winding down. drinks had been served far too many times, the happy couple had been congratulated –– begrudgingly, but congratulated –– by all, and everyone begins to say their goodbyes ; ready to leave yet another meeting of the families behind them. that’s when the lights went out. a blackout. 
with no windows, no candles, and no pesky mobile phones with their handy flashlights, it’s almost as if someone wanted it to be pitch black, with paranoid mafia families stuck inside a building with no weapons, no phones, no exits, and far too many questions they can’t answer. what could go wrong?
by the time someone’s pulled out a lighter and found a candle, the screams have already begun. people stuck in elevators and storage rooms. masked men cordoning off the vault and attacking anyone they can. makeshift weapons made from broken bottles and unlikely alliances made in split-second decisions. it’s too late. 
in an empty room with empty tables and abandoned drinks, balon greyjoy, father of theon greyjoy, is found dead in his seat: his throat cut. alerie tyrell, mother to margaery and loras tyrell, is found in her seat: her throat cut. obara sand one of the infamous sand snakes, is found dead in oberyn martell’s seat: her throat cut. obella sand, ellaria sand’s daughter, is knocked out beside her but unharmed. robert baratheon is found by the vault door –– his throat cut, yet still alive. trystane martell is missing, and ned stark is found just in time ; saved by an approaching theon greyjoy. 
nobody’s realised what any of this was about. morning is beginning to rise. the police have locked down the street from both ends ; stopped the media and innocent bystanders from straying too close. and as people begin to leave from the same red door they first walked in through, they see them: from the second storey balcony hang petyr baelish and lysa arryn ; a bullet each in the chest, dead before they were ever thrown off the ledge. there’s black ink smeared on their faces and gold leaf stuffed in their mouths. a mark of the lannisters and the greyjoys. peace was always overrated. 
LOGISTICS: you may continue threads from the first part of the event, as well as threads designated below and threads set in the medical tent afterwards. please do not begin threads past midnight on the day of the attack. new characters will be added and given roles. the event will stretch from saturday june 20th to sunday june 28th. if you have any questions whatsoever, don’t hesitate to contact the main. 
location: the whole house. time: eleven-thirty pm onwards. extra music vibes: [ x ] 
LYANNA STARK & ESRA TALLHART & SANSA STARK are in the elevator, one the way up from the vault when the electricity goes out. they are stuck there in suspension, just the dim glow of the emergency light flickering as the old, shaking lift barely hangs on. LYANNA realises that the elevator is beginning to slide down little by little ; and the three begin to call for help ; bracing for impact. 
ducking behind the bar, NYMERIA SAND & DACEY MORMONT & BRYCE CARON & BRIENNE TARTH put aside their loyalties and form a vanguard. using broken bottles and whatever else they can find –– knives, pens, a hammer –– to fight and incapacitate as many masked men as they can. NYMERIA beats two men to death . they are the ones to hear LYANNA & ESRA & SANSA in the elevator once the coast is clear. BRIENNE and BRYCE and DACEY work together to get the lift doors open.
EDRIC STORM & JOFFREY BARATHEON are stuck together, trying to find a way out of the dark basement. both have suffered MINOR INJURIES and CUTS TO THE FACE. they decide to venture through the makeshift dining hall to escape through the vault doors. that’s when they see ROBERT BARATHEON with his throat cut but breathing. they try to stop his bleeding and try to get out of their as quickly as possible. 
THEON GREYJOY & LORRA CRAYNE & ARYA STARK are in the kitchens when the lights go out ; and the sound of screams, they decide to stay in the kitchen –– until they can get enough weapons. grabbing KNIVES and a BLOWTORCH, they quietly venture outside. while ARYA and LORRA fight off a masked man and KILL HIM, revealing him to be LOYAL TO ASHA GREYJOY ; THEON runs up ahead and fights off more masked men from harming NED STARK. 
MYRCELLA BARATHEON & LEONETTE FOSSOWAY & ALIYA DAYNE are in the powder room when two masked men steal inside. while MYRCELLA is hit in the head and falls back, ALIYA grabs her heels as a makeshift weapon and the three women DISARM and TIE UP both men. when unmasked, they are revealed to be LOYAL TO CERSEI LANNISTER. they stick together and stay hidden until BRIENNE TARTH comes to find them. 
TYBOLT CRAKEHALL & OLENNA TYRELL & MACE TYRELL & DAENERYS TARGARYEN are in the library when the commotion starts. the one LANNISTER MAN who steals in is hit on the back of the head by TYBOLT and they blockade the door as best as they can until NYMERIA SAND comes to find them. 
MARGAERY TYRELL is stabbed deep in the arm. she is hiding in a storage cupboard with JON TARGARYEN, who grabs a LONG KNIFE. they go outside and are met with a masked man ; who is fought and defeated by JON. they go through the dining hall and see ALERIE TYRELL is dead. while MARGAERY deals with this revelation, OBERYN MARTELL fights off masked men and comes into the dining hall as well ; only to see his daughter dead. it is JON who rallies and gets them out of there. he thinks quickly and pulls the FIRE ALARM ; scaring off the masked men and alerting the authorities.  
BARBARA BRACKEN & RHAENYS TARGARYEN & ARIANNE MARTELL have stolen guns off dead men’s bodies ; they duck behind the aquarium to stay safe. however, when FIVE LANNISTER MEN come after them, they fire towards the aquarium itself. water and glass goes everywhere ; and while the three women are only mildly hurt, the men are hurt and dealt with quickly. RHAENYS has suffered a bullet graze to the leg ; and ARIANNE & BARBARA need stitches. teaming up, they duck into the stairwell and find their way out. 
the first people to leave the party, LORAS TYRELL & ELIA MARTELL & DESMERA REDWYNE had left before the blackout happened. but they had been upstairs, talking through and laughing about the night, when the masked men had crept into the house. after a fight ALL THREE had been tied up and left in a locked room while the men descend. desperate to warn the others, LORAS breaks through his binds and helps the others. they run to get help. 
ELLARIA SAND & RICKON STARK & RENLY BARATHEON are held at gunpoint at the stairwell. none are armed ; but they talk to distract the masked man and shove him down the stairs ; killing him so they can escape. they run back down to the basement and through the dining hall. ELLARIA sees obara dead and obella unharmed ; RENLY sees his brother still alive and RICKON is reunited with his family. 
ANYA WAYNWOOD & SARELLA SAND & JON TARGARYEN have set up a makeshift treatment centre in the upstairs library ; everyone is required to get checked before they are allowed to leave. as the injured, assailants, and corpses are brought up, ANYA & SARELLA & JON find squid ink in every knife wound ; confirming that it was a GREYJOY plan ; they also find gold leaf, confirming LANNISTER involvement. SANSA STARK is also in the treatment centre, counting numbers and keeping an eye on things to ensure nothing gets out of hand. 
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psychodollyuniverse · 6 years
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Black Narcisuss - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1947 based on the 1939 novel by Rumer Godden. The title Black Narcissus refers to the perfume Narcisse noir (Caron) and its effects on others; it also alludes to narcissism.
Black Narcissus is a psychological drama about the emotional tensions of jealousy and lust within a convent of nuns in an isolated valley in the Himalayas. The cast features Deborah Kerr, Kathleen Byron, Sabu, David Farrar, Flora Robson, Esmond Knight and Jean Simmons.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
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[    xiao zhan  ,  27  ,  cis man  ,  he/him  ]    in  the  time  of  dragons  ,  STEFAN  BARATHEON  is  entering  the  game  of  thrones  .  said  to  be  loyal  +  daring ,  we  can  only  hope  that  is  the  case  as  regrettably  they  are  also  well  known  to  be  temperamental  +  headstrong  .  when  asked  about  them  ,  people  are  always  reminded  of  icarus flying dangerously close to the sun ; a black stallion galloping through the woods ; a storm barely contained by skin and bones .  though  they  are  the  LORD  OF  STORM’S END  ,  their  true  loyalties  lie  with  house baratheon  and  rumour  has  it  that  if  given  the  choice  they  would  support  their family above  all  else  .  those  of  us  in  the  shadows  wish  them  luck  and  can  only  hope  they  will  survive  what  is  to  come  . 
FULL NAME:   stefan baratheon. ALSO CALLED:   stefan. lord stefan. TITLES:   lord of storm’s end. AGE:   twenty-seven. GENDER:   cis man, he / him. ORIENTATION:   hetereosexual, heteroromantic. 
BIRTHPLACE:   storm’s end, the stormlands. RELIGION:   faith of the seven. SPOKEN LANGUAGES:   common tongue.
STATUS:   unmarried. betrothed to emmelyne celtigar. formerly betrothed jeyne caron.  LOYALTY:   house baratheon.
POSITIVE:   loyal. daring. adventurous. determined. fearless. NEGATIVE:   temperamental. headstrong. blunt. reckless. impatient.
MORAL ALIGNMENT:   chaotic good. TEMPERMENT:   choleric. MBTI:   estp - the entrepreneur.
FACECLAIM:   xiao zhan. HEIGHT:   six feet one inches. BUILD:   tall and lithe, but not awkwardly so. HAIR:   long and black. EYE COLOR:   black.
FATHER:   ruling lord baratheon ( deceased ) MOTHER:   ruling lady baratheon ( deceased ) SIBLINGS:   utp baratheon ( older brother ), theodore baratheon ( older brother ), jocelyn baratheon ( older sister ), ayleen baratheon ( younger sister ). EXTENDED FAMILY:   cassana velaryon neé baratheon, royce baratheon, emmon baratheon ( cousins ). raymont baratheon ( uncle, deceased ), margot baratheon ( aunt, deceased ). PET:   a black destrier stallion named, phantom. also has other horses that reside at storm’s end but phantom is his favorite and the one he has won many tournaments with. 
as the fourth born child and third born son, stefan escaped the pressures and expectations placed upon his older siblings. he was not the heir nor the spare, making the odds of him ever inheriting storm’s end slim to none. it suited him just fine. even from a young age, he found any lessons that revolved around politics dull and would do all he could to avoid them. his parents initially tried to reign him in but it was a pointless endeavor. the more they tried to shape him into an acceptable lord the more stefan fought against them, and so eventually they granted him the freedom he wanted.
stefan gained a reputation around storm’s end for causing trouble. he would often play pranks on not only his siblings but other residents of the keep, he’d sneak into the kitchens to steal pastries, and he’d also sneak out of the castle to explore the surrounding woods or the beach, which gave his parents many heart attacks when suddenly stefan was nowhere to be found. 
stefan’s goal ever since he was young was to be a knight. he even entertained the idea of one day joining the kingsguard. he trained day and night to master the blade and the bow and arrow. his parents, glad that stefan had found something to dedicate himself to, encouraged his dreams. if it also helped calm stefan down then that was a bonus. lord baratheon arranged for stefan to be a squire for a knight from a prominent family in the stormlands.
initially he was thrilled to be taking the first steps toward his dream. stefan arrived with wide eyes and big aspirations, only for reality to quickly crush them. there were too many rules and too many boring tasks; it was no better than the lessons he’d done everything to avoid as a kid. he was more an errand boy than a knight-in-training. he rarely had time to train with his master constantly giving him chores. so stefan did what he always did when frustrated, he rebelled. he returned to his old habits of causing trouble and running off. anyone else would have been sent away but stefan was a baratheon. no one wanted to risk offending lord baratheon by rejecting his youngest son. much to their relief, stefan asked to return to storm’s end after a year serving as a squire.
lord baratheon did make stefan a knight when he was seventeen despite doubting that his son, having now realized that knighthood was not solely made up of swordfighting and adventures, would do anything with the title. stefan did enjoy entering in tourneys, however, and if a fight were to occur he’d eagerly join the fight. there was simply too many rules that went with being a knight for stefan to live that lifestyle. however, he did his best to maintain the ideals of knighthood - when his temper and recklessness didn’t get in the way.
in his early twenties, stefan left the stormlands for the first time. he did some traveling, visiting some houses but mainly just exploring. he had many grand adventures during his travels and got into plenty of trouble. he never stayed in one place for long.
it was the death of his father that made him return home. while stefan had always been a troublesome child, he had genuinely loved his father and his loss hit the young lord hard. the normally playful and joyful baratheon was almost unrecognizable during the worst days of his grief. he seemingly transformed back into a young boy, following his older siblings around, as if afraid they were going to leave him too. stefan had always been comfortable being the one to leave, knowing that his family was safe at home and waiting for him; he’d never considered the possibility that one day they would leave him.
stefan has since remained in the stormlands for the most part, wanting to stay with his family and help his brother when he could - it didn’t always work since trouble seemed drawn to stefan even when he tried really hard to stay away from it. though he did travel to the crownlands and even king’s landing often for tournaments ( and to visit a certain someone but that’s a secret ). he has no political aspirations, and his thought of joining the kingsguard had faded long ago; now stefan simply wanted to live his life as he wants to.
unfortunately, his older brother apparently had other plans. ever since their father died, stefan’s brother has been trying to get stefan to take on more responsibility and behave like a proper lord of storm’s end. stefan had done his best to avoid these responsibilities. he’d thought himself successful. however, recently his brother has nearly finalized talks with house caron to betroth stefan to jeyne caron. suffice to say he wasn’t pleased and made no attempt to hide his anger over the arrangement - not to his brother, or his brother’s advisors, or even to his “betrothed” and her family. he is determined to find a way to end this betrothal before he’s forced to marry.
a big believer in act first, think second, and yes, that has rarely worked out well for him. but somehow he always finds a way to get out of the trouble he causes so all’s well that ends well, right? 
when he was younger he would climb the cliffs of durran’s point and along shipbreaker’s bay. it absolutely terrified his mother to the point that she begged him to just climb the walls of storm’s end instead. he eventually acquiesced after a near fatal accident almost sent him plunging into the waters below. 
a very talented knight. while he doesn’t serve as a tradition knight would by being sworn to a lord (some would argue that his title his only honorary) stefan does take up missions to help people in need - often hunting down thieves and criminals that are troubling the people of the stormlands. he does his best work under the cover of darkness, blending effortlessly in the shadows, and going about unseen and unheard. he’s also very quick on his feet and agile. additionally, he’s a skilled climber from his days of scaling the cliffs around storm’s end when he was a kid.
his temper is as unpredictable as a storm. one minute he can be calm and the next something will set him off. stefan sees no point in hiding his emotions, if he’s angry, people will know, but that also means if he’s happy people will also know. 
for as rash and reckless as he can be, stefan is truly loyal and cares deeply for the people he loves. his family is very important to him as are his friends. he’s the type of person that once you’ve gained his loyalty you won’t ever be without it - unless you act against him first, in which case once you’ve broken his trust it’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to gain it back.
literally couldn’t care less about all the power struggles going on in westeros. he thinks it’s all stupid, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t support his family if it came down to it. he isn’t happy with the targaryens because they offended his sister. prior to the king disrespecting her, stefan was fairly neutral to them. 
you’ve heard of horse girls but stefan is absolutely a horse boy. the stables at storm’s end were his favorite place within the castle’s walls and overall second only to the wilderness surrounding his home. stefan learned to ride as soon as he learned to walk and fell in love. the adrenaline rush that came when he was galloping across the plains was exactly the thrill he loved. he could spend hours on horseback without complaining. since returning home, he has taken over running storm’s end’s stables where he keeps his prized horses and also breeds horses.
RIVAL / MUTUAL ANNOYANCE  —  wc on main.
PEOPLE HE MET TRAVELING  —  stefan did limit his travels to the souther, probably not going further north than riverrun or possibly the eyrie. might have gone north if there was a tourney to compete in but mainly remained in the south.
FRIENDS  —  sparring partners, drinking buddies, people he’s traveled with. stefan is very social and personable when he wants to be and won’t turn down a friendship.
EX-FRIEND  —  someone who was once a friend until they went against stefan in some way, causing the relationship to be destroyed. maybe they want to reforge the friendship. maybe the two of them are total enemies now.
GOOD INFLUENCE  —  someone please try to keep this boy out of trouble. he will absolutely give them a hard time and won’t listen but he appreciates that they care about his safety. 
PREVIOUS FLINGS  —  he had a few brief relationships during his travels. could have ended on good terms or bad terms. wouldn’t have been recent because now stefan is very much in love and committed to emmelyne.
ENEMIES  —  stefan is definitely a person you either like or not so he’s definitely made a few enemies, or people who just strongly dislike him, throughout the years. 
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