#carnivale justin
phoenixspencer · 4 months
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stiwfssr · 6 months
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You look like you're about to pray.
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rayjiguang · 8 months
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Love these twisted and complex characters.
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sigurism · 1 year
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Justin Crowe | Clancy Brown Carnivàle 2.03 -Ingram, TX
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adharaphoenix · 18 days
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oranpo · 4 months
What particular genre of Clancy Brown do you enjoy most? 😁
Haha the one where he's old. I mean, not to out myself as an old man fucker here (although given my interests... and the circumstances... you can see it coming from miles away) but Clancy, in my opinion, just ages like fine wine😔💕💕💕
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Actually I lied. The one where he's an evil priest
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He's gorgeous, He's delicious. Please watch Carnivale.
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blvvdk3ep · 5 months
Started Carnivàle and I am so sad because it is the BEST show I've watched in a long time, but it's from 2003 and I don't think the fandom is that big still, so like what do I do with this brief, brilliant show that I know doesn't get resolved because it wasn't renewed and there isn't enough conversation about how insane and great it is
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carnivalehbo · 2 months
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hiddennotions · 2 months
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Everything About Carnivale's lost seasons
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Season 3
-The Light Avatar Aura's would be shown for the first time
-Iris would help Sophie with her powers during the season.
- Iris would figure out what Avatars are.
- Sophie knows Justin is her father. Iris doesn't know she knows.
- The season would open with Jonesy pitching at a major league game. Samson would show up and get into a booth next to Lily and a little boy who looks like Jonesy. Jonesy would see Samson in the crowd and he'll whisper, "I need your help" causing him to take off his mitt and walk off the game.
- Libby would be reluctant to go back since she believes she escaped that life.
- Rita Sue and Stumpy would be in Florida owning an Aligator farm.
-Ben would be a changed man, more paranoid and management like. His wounds require constant sutures and he has lost his Vitae Divina.
-Gabriel has more backstory and character to be revealed. His parentage would be important, but it would not be Scudder. He also can see to the heart of matters - he sees through illusions that other people may use to mask their true nature.
- Ben and Samson would be at a different Carnival and be the only ones of the original crew to remain- Carnivale has gone back to the barn.
- Justin's influence has grown nationwide particularly in the east coast and Midwest. The KOJ formed by Stroud would have gotten newfound influence as a fascist parliamentary, killing jews, Romani, and Carnies by either lynching, tar and feathering, or pogroms. He'd also have become a kingmaker for politicians and business owners potentially rivaling FDR.
- Justin himself however would be forever hobbled by a inoperable hunk of shrapnel near his heart. Prone to exhaustion and with a ticking time bomb in his chest, he'd be nothing more then a puppet in his own ministry. Sometimes he is wheelchair bound. He is also unaware that Sophie is his daughter or the Omega and would have a sexual relationship with her.
- Season 3 would also begin with Justin giving a speech in the complete temple of Jericho to his constituents. Sophie would be on one side and Iris would be on another with a little boy there as well. After that Justin would be exhausted and carried to his bed, where the boy would jump on his bed yelling "daddy!" leaving it ambiguous who the father is.
- Iris and Sophie would be in a power struggle throughout the season. Sophie is more powerful obviously, but is unsure and afraid of herself. The reason she revived Justin is that she needs him for some unknown purpose and can take him down easily.
- On the carnival side of the plot, most of the season would be Ben regathering his allies and following "Management's trail".
- Lodz would return and is already in the flesh. Presumed as a mummy.
-The splitting of the atom would be a plot point.
-Near the end of the season, Justin would ally himself with the Bund.
-In the season finale WWII would break out. Ben would use this as an opportunity to give a speech that inspires them all to help him and it would be like the avengers assembling. Then the Carnivale would be reformed.
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Season 4
- They would finally explain the role of the Omega.
- Justin would preach isolationism.
- Meanwhile, the Carnivale would traverse Europe looking for manuscripts and talismans to gain a advantage against Justin.
- It would end in 1940.
- There would be some kind of confrontation for the season 4 finale.
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Season 5-6
- The last shot of the series would be the trinity explosion.
- A character called Photon, a full-blooded Hopi Indian running the medicine show, would be important.
- Ben would search for info for the atomic bomb.
- Germany is rushing to create one themselves and it's a race against time.
- Ben and Sophie would marry and have a little girl.
- Ben would realize that the bomb wasn't the end of the world but their world, the era of the avatar, and doing so would allow humanity to escape adolescence and advance as a species. His allies would beg him not to, but Ben has no choice and he and Sophie take their child with them as they share a passionate kiss before being blown away.
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-Phineas Boffo would return.
- Dora Mae would return.
-DK had further plans for Diane Sallinger throughout the series.
- Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley would be important characters.
- Taos, NM, Kingman AZ, and New York NY would be visited at some point.
- With two dark avatar the generations are now dangerously unbalanced and we presume the fight lost.
- The Gospel of Thomas would be integral in revealing the Omega.
- Lodz has his own agenda: He is at heart a mercenary who works for the highest bidder and would go over to Justin's side before having a Bridge On The River Kwai "What have I done?" moment and save Ben. However, this was to revealed throughout the series. Plus, Lodz has his own justifiable end goal. He has the unique perspective of having been touched by both houses and has come to the conclusion that Avatara have subjugated humanity and is attempting to gain power to change these state of affairs.
- Justin and Ben would fight over the influence of Sophie throughout the series.
- The interviews are quite vague at Justin's ultimate fate. Whenever asked about Justin's role at the end of the series they ignore the question and don't mention it. This combined with his disappearance in the Pitch Document which says he completely vanishes at some point makes me theorize Sophie kills him for her boon.
-Ben and Justin would switch moral compasses throughout the series. This is because, as avatara, they are adolescents.
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Deleted Scenes
-When Justin had his fit in Outskirts Damascus, NE he was supposed to have Baboon teeth.
- Justin's book he wrote in the asylum was cut from the story.
- The virgin mary statuettes were supposed to bleed with maggots.
- The cabin in Black Blizzard was supposed to be just a vision. They would then reveal that a entire family had died inside of a faulty gas leak while having a Norman Rockwell dinner.
- One of the cut storylines in season 2 was Sophie going to a back-alley abortion clinic.
- There was a previous scene with Gecko and Dora Mae that predicted his death in episode 4.
- Gecko was supposed to be the Spock of the group. He would also cut off his ears and split his tongue to make him appear more Lizard like and his show would consist of him snarling in the middle like an animal.
- The conjoined twins would predict the future and things to come in a horrifying, unsettling way.
- There was a scene of Iris doing laundry and discovering Justin's frock had a bullet hole in it.
-A deleted scene between Dora Mae and Gecko predicted her death.
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moonrevolutions · 3 months
Super happy pride king~! Have any wishes?
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❝I'm trying to fuck Clancy Brown. The homosexuals will win when I do that.❞
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phoenixspencer · 2 months
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tv appreciation week 2024 - favorite season | episode titles + directors
Carnivàle Season 2
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stiwfssr · 6 months
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thissugarcane · 7 months
justin taylor <3
I started writing this in a comment response to a very kind commenter on "swimming with sharks" on ao3, but then realized I was rambling rambling rambling away, so decided to put it here, instead. also it's one of two things I desperately want to fix about the season 5 rewrite which I want to do via "show not tell" (aka I don't want to explicitly say, or have anyone say via dialogue, "this is justin's journey to Discover Himself", but that's what I want to write).
So! The point that I think people sometimes miss (or maybe just don't focus on because usually, he is so self-aware compared to the others) about Justin: he is a teenager. and, like a teenager, he will try on different identities to see what sticks. he's strong and determined and kind and stubborn and god forbid someone tell him to do anything-- but he's also not a fully realized personality. (By the end of the show he is)
this comes out in the way that he mimics people he admires / fucks, throughout the show.
Like, obviously I don't think Justin is as eager to "be shown an identity to mold himself to" (like say, Michael is, for better or worse). But he definitely shows signs of using others around him, that he admires for whatever reason, to try on different identities.
He most obvious: Brian. So season one (and two) he's with Brian (or trying to be with Brian.) And we see him going clubbing / enjoying tricking and public sex and everything that Brian says is important. (I would argue that he does like those things, and I will stand by the idea that, while Justin might want to settle down, I don't think monogamy from his partner is as important as stability and security. But obviously being a club kid is a personality he tries on, and decides isn't exactly who he is.)
Then, he's with Ethan; he leaves The Club Kid Who's Agressively Queer And Proud behind to be With The Young Romantic Musician. And then we see him wearing turtlenecks and Being A Pretentious Art Student. Only, you see signs he doesn't like this particular identity, especially at that one party where he tells Ethan's friend off right before Carnivale. He prefers the atmosphere of Carnivale, even if he doesn't really like either. And I would argue Justin does like some of the things that go with this identity: the bathtub, the romance of eating on the floor in a small cozy hovel.
So he goes back to Brian, and they sort of do their own thing.... until Just 'gets with' Cody. It might not be romantic, but it's a significant relationship at the time. Justin shaves his head and gets off on agression. Would he do this if he weren't struggling with anger management and everything else? We have to assume no, since he, well, doesn't… but at the time, Cody is a personality he tries on, to try and deal with Stuff. *waves hands at PTSD*
When he goes to LA, Justin's 'with' Connor, and we see him go back to tricking and anonymous sex / sex parties, but it's in a suuuper LA way: he's at a rich sex party, he's being dragged to glitzy events, everything is super shallow. And -- I have to tell myself he didn't fuck Connor more than once or I get really sad, so it's just a lil crush that he avoids, sure -- he sounds really disappointed when his "in" to the all-access LA party scene, Connor, is done with him.
So he comes back home to Pittsburgh, and has Brian again... only he isn't sure who he is or, most importantly, who he wants to be. This was the character struggle I would argue the writers gloriously failed to depict in season 5, btw: Justin wanted Brian. He just didn't know who he wanted to be and what he wanted to do, for himself. (By the end of the season, arguably, he'd figured it out: he was determined, and he was strong, and he was a survivor, and he was gonna go be an artist, whatever hardship and slogging through galleries and schmoozing and bullshitting and people he wanted to murder he had to kiss ass. he was going. to. be. an. artist.)
they were just real bad at like. the journey to get there.
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sigurism · 1 year
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Carnivàle 1.08 -Lonnigan, Texas
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superdogbiter · 2 years
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