#carl berstein
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aj-theteenagecondition · 22 days ago
This is a hate post for my tall blonde friend who declined to cosplay as the femme bob woodward to my carl berstein. I blame her boyfriend who is limiting our potential for vaguely homosexual behavior.
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easy-bruiser · 4 years ago
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themirthofanation · 2 years ago
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awakeningstar-posts · 4 years ago
In mid May 2020, the Atlantic launched a project entitled « Shadowland » that explores conspiracy theories that have captured the American imagination. « Shadowland traces the evolution of conspiracy thinking—from the rumor that helped spark the American Revolution to the rise of QAnon—and how we can regain our grip on reality. » I read the articles with an open mind, hoping they would prove that some of the theories being circulated were in fact incorrect, but I found no such evidence. Rather we were told that «The Conspiracy Theorists Are Winning : America is losing its grip on Enlightenment values and reality itself » and that we know there is a fight between good and evil because Q told us so.
 « You understand this sounds crazy, but you don’t care. You know that a small group of manipulators, operating in the shadows, pull the planet’s strings. You know that they are powerful enough to abuse children without fear of retribution. You know that the mainstream media are their handmaidens, in partnership with Hillary Clinton and the secretive denizens of the deep state. You know that only Donald Trump stands between you and a damned and ravaged world. You see plague and pestilence sweeping the planet, and understand that they are part of the plan. You know that a clash between good and evil cannot be avoided, and you yearn for the Great Awakening that is coming. And so you must be on guard at all times. You must shield your ears from the scorn of the ignorant. You must find those who are like you. And you must be prepared to fight.
You know all this because you believe in Q. »
I thought I would take the opportunity to respond as someone who has been labelled a conspiracy theorist. Before I go into that, let me tell you a little about myself. I am a former democrat, volunteered for the Obama campaign, went to liberal schools, and have a master’s degree from a top 5 university in the US. More importantly I have, like many so called conspiracy theorists, an ability to use critical thinking to understand when a story isn’t adding up, and an overwhelming need to protect humanity from the corrupt and chaotic systems we are embroilled in. You may call us conspiracy theorists, but we prefer the term truth seekers. You see the fact is that we did not come up with the conspiracy, we are calling it out. Nobody who has ever gone done a rabbit hole wishing it were true, in fact we go down it after seeing evidence after evidence that we cannot unsee. For those of us in touch with our intuition, we trust our guts to tell us if something resonates. I cannot speak to the origins of Q, but I will say firstly  that most people reading messages from Q do their own research into the topics, in fact Q activily encourages people to do so and secondly most people joined the movement because they already had been red-pilled and questioned the mainstream narrative.
Rather than call someone a conspiracy theorists, it would be much more effective to provide us with evidence that the theory is not true. Simply name calling to end a discussion is as mature as a child who hits a friend in an argument because he cannot use his words. Look at the evidence we are providing and convince us we are wrong. Like I said, most of us wish most of the theories we talk about were untrue. The world would be a better place without them. But ignoring danger or pretending it’s not there, does nobody a favor, especially the individuals directly affected. 
I will take this opportunity to break down certain subjects mentioned in Shadowland. Since they did not provide any evidence showing that the theories were in fact incorrect, I will share what I found that made me question the validity of the denyers. 
George Floyd Riots: 
Let me preface this by saying that I am a black woman and have attended a number of protests. You do not need to convince me of the racist system we have in the US. We live it. The destruction of the black community and their businesses however, by rioters is not a solution to a community already hard hit. Why are there so many white rioters involved, why do their images look like antifa? If you actually care about our community, do your research instead of blindly following the media. Look at images like this one that was charged? Does he not look like a proper criminal? https://www.waynedupree.com/2020/06/timothy-odonnell-antifa-chicago-tattoo/
What we are seeing here is a clear separation of peaceful protestors and rioters. When the looting happened, the first accounts to come out stating that the looters and rioters were from African-Americans on the ground.
St. Paul Mayor stating all arrests up to the time of this speech were people from out of state destroying the local black community: https://youtu.be/vNrHsXmSSGg
Minneapolis Police Chief saying people involved in rioting not form the community: https://www.fox9.com/video/688884
Local Black protests organizers telling White rioters to stop hijacking their movement: https://twitter.com/superyayadize/status/1266674577977085952?s=20
Black protestors asking white saboteurs to stop vandalizing their neighborhood: https://twitter.com/cutedee1/status/1266946277419429888?s=20
White people rolling up handing Black men bricks to throw during the protests? https://twitter.com/JaValle/status/1267250753422241792?s=20
I have seen videos here of white youth pelting a white man almost to death, beating a white woman and attacking her husband when he came to her rescue. Images are too disturbing to share but I am sure you can find it if you look it up. 
So who is behind the riots? Is it Antifa? Since when do white supremacists protests alongside black people and attack other white people?
Child abuse :
When #pizzagate first went viral and Comet pizza was attacked, I had the same reaction as every other liberal. What in the world are they going on now ? I mean, I know they didn’t like Hillary (I didn’t either, Jill Stein voter here) but sheesh, she wasn’t involved in a child pedophilia ring for goodness sakes.
Then I watched Fall of Cabal : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtjTRYrF8X4&t=3s
There were some crazy suggestions made in this 10 part video series, so I started doing my own research. What was the big deal about Podesta emails in the wiki leaks drop.
What was spirit cooking and who is Marina Abramovich ? https://www.google.com/search?q=marina+abramovic+spirit+cooking&client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=ALeKk00GU9KK-UWm7KbAYnxoQb1jPcptMQ:1590605863403&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1qtzL3NTpAhWQlqQKHahtBEsQ_AUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1280&bih=664 
The images I saw made my stomach turn, but I will let you do your own research and see what you come up with. 
I started to really ask myself, good GOD could this really be true ? It sounded absolutely insane until I remembered that in West Africa these stories of child abuse and power are common place. Children go missing every election cycle as do young women, it is awful and it is common knowledge. 
So then I asked myself, if they do it here, why would it be so surprising for people in the West to practice this dark magic ? 
Then Out of Shadows came out. Another wealth of information to be researched. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQc9s8JDVck
Then Heavyweight champion David Nino Rodriguez came out to confirm Hollywood pedogate and child abuse rituals : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNRuyy3jbDs
We can argue over whether sources are accurate or not, but to deny that there is something ridiculously eery about ‘spirit cooking’, Epstein and the number of famous people who spent time on pedo island, and the 800,000 children who go missing every year in the US alone is downright irresponsible and cruel. 
If you really want to be sick, look up Anthony Weiner’s laptop and his Clinton ‘insurance’
Deep State and Operation Mockingbird 
Out of Shadows and Fall of the Cabal discuss this. 
See Church Senate hearings on Operation Mockingbird to find official statements : https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/ciasuseofjournal00unit.pdf
The program was not ended and Pulitzer Prize winner Carl Berstein covered it in 1997 :
CNN’s Anderson Cooper was forced to disclose his internship at the CIA : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/reliable-source/wp/2013/10/20/quoted-anderson-cooper-on-his-cia-internship/
JFK and Eisenhower often spoke of the insidious infiltration of the US government. Look up their quotes if interested. 
Trump vs. Corporate Democrats :
 Jimmy Dore was the one to open my eyes to the corruption and hypocrisy of the democratic party. Since the 1990’s, the Democrats have been working at the behest of Wall Street and Big Pharma. Corporate power vs. The people at its finest. It was the democrats that gutted welfare, rolled out NAFTA, attempted to roll out TPP.
When President Trump won, the democrats blamed it on the Russians because looking in the mirror at their failure to serve the American people was either too painful to do, or they simply did not care.
Rather than try to understand their voter’s concerns we went on a 3.5 years conspiracy theory on Russia Gate. It was all over the media, and it is now coming to light that there was no real evidence to start the investigation in the first place.
These are all sources from anti-Trump progressives by the way. Don’t believe it, do your own research.
Every time we have more evidence of corrupt democrats or the establishment, the only comment we hear is ‘BUT Trump’. ‘BUT Trump’ is not an actual response to allegations. If you care about this country, we need to be able to call out wrongs from ANY group and debate. 
Biden alledged rape of Tara Reade: BUT Trump
Democrat corruption over Uranium deal: BUT Trump
Democratic governors signing executive orders forcing nursing homes to receive COVID-19 patients resulting in thousands of death: BUT Trump
Democrats including Biden, Clinton, and Obama voted for the 2006 Wall at the southern border: BUT Trump
The list goes on.....
Obamagate :
When the Flynn charges were dropped, we started seeing evidence of foul play by the FBI in the process.
DOJ report released Dec. 2019 : https://www.justice.gov/storage/120919-examination.pdf
Again don’t believe me, read the released witness testimonies and see for yourself.
Biden caught lying about role in the investigation , so does this go all the way up to the White House ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C1_0knDeJI&t=232s 
Coronavirus : 
When the crisis jumped from China to the rest of the world in February/March, I was impressed with the global coordination to contain the virus. Closed borders, airport shut downs, quarantines, loan assistance for small businesses and unemployment relief for workers. Standard formula, applied globally. What a fantastic response by governments, including those who have turned a blind eye to the millions who die annually from diseases that could be prevented with existing life saving medicine, improved regulations on food and water supplies, and alternative medicines. But here we are in 2020 and all of a sudden, your health and mine are so important that they were willing to shut down economies. Had world leaders suddenly grown a heart or was there more to this story? I keep a blog on the changing narrative : https://awakeningstar-posts.tumblr.com/post/618825801687875584/food-for-thought-connecting-some-dots-on-covid-19
Great Awakening
I will not go into this as this is a matter of spiritual awakening. Some of you are already there, and some will wake up to the bigger picture that is at play here. This is not a theory that people are following because of Q. For those of us who understand that the world is shifting from darkness to light we are bearing witness to it by the changes in ourselves, how we view the world. If you do not understand that, don’t worry, it will only be a matter of time before the Earth experiences a mass awakening of Consciousness. This is being discussed in all spiritual communities and the concept was introduced by many spiritual thought leaders including Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson decades ago.
If you are interested in going down the ‘who runs the world’ rabbit hole, do so at your own risk , you will forever be changed: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1226748062799810561.html
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smokingwiththestars · 7 years ago
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Carl Berstein
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prazskytankista · 4 years ago
Rudolf Mládek: Budete i Vy „Hluboké hrdlo“?
Řeč je samozřejmě o agentovi, který odhalil, resp. vypověděl všechny informace v aféře Watergate prezidenta Nixona, na níž se jako „investigativní novináři“ přiživili dva chytráci z The Washington Post. A to Carl Berstein a Bob Woodward, kteří za přepsání informací od agenta „Hluboké hrdlo“ obdrželi v roce 1973 Pulitzerovu cenu. source http://www.parlamentnilisty.cz/arena/nazory-a-petice/Rudolf-Mladek-Budete-i-Vy-Hluboke-hrdlo-629613
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brenopereira42 · 5 years ago
9 livros para quem sonha em ser jornalista
O bacharel em Jornalismo trabalha na busca de informações e na sua divulgação por meio de veículos de comunicação, como jornais, revistas, rádio, TV e internet. No seu dia a dia, ele investiga e divulga notícias de interesse público, redige e edita reportagens, faz entrevistas e escreve artigos, adaptando o tamanho, a abordagem e a linguagem dos textos ao veículo e ao público a que se destinam. 
Fizemos uma lista com nove livros que são referência para quem decide seguir essa carreira. As obras registram relatos do dia a dia de jornalistas, coberturas famosas e mostram diversas histórias vividas por alguns profissionais da imprensa. Confira:
Fama e Anonimato, de Gay Talese
A obra reúne uma série de reportagens sobre pessoas famosas e anônimas de Nova York nos anos 1960. O autor, Gay Talese, é conhecido por ser um dos maiores nomes do chamado Jornalismo Literário. Os textos foram publicados em revistas americanas como Esquire e The New Yorker.
Um dos textos mais marcantes é o perfil de Frank Sinatra, considerado um clássico da literatura do século 20. Embora não tenha conseguido conversar com o cantor, Talese escreveu um perfil repleto de informações após entrevistas com pessoas próximas a ele. 
Veja também
EstudoCinco filmes sobre a carreira de Jornalismo13 nov 2012 – 17h11
Orientação Profissional“Amo a natureza, adoro escrever. Posso ser jornalista ambiental?”1 abr 2020 – 15h04
Hiroshima, de John Hersey
Na obra, John Hersey descreve com detalhes a vida de sete personagens um pouco antes, durante e depois dos bombardeios atômicos em Hiroshima e Nagasaki, no Japão. Desde o que cada um fazia no momento do ataque até o impacto e consequências da radiação na vida deles, Hersey dá uma aula sobre Jornalismo Literário e impressiona com a riqueza de suas descrições. O texto que originou o livro foi publicado em uma edição inteira da revista The New Yorker, um ano após o bombardeio, em 1946.
A Sangue Frio, de Truman Capote
Em 1959, após ler a notícia de um assassinato brutal de uma família no interior do Kansas, nos Estados Unidos, o jornalista Truman Capote decide ir à cidade de Holcomb saber mais sobre essa história. A Sangue Frio é um romance de não-ficção baseado em uma reportagem dividida em quatro partes que Capote publicou na The New Yorker sobre o caso. 
Capote relata os detalhes do assassinato depois de entrevistar moradores da região, os familiares das vítimas, policiais e os próprios assassinos, além de ler diários e cartas.
Todos os Homens do Presidente, de Carl Berstein e Bob Woodward
Em Todos os Homens do Presidente, os repórteres Carl Berstein e Bob Woodward contam os bastidores, os detalhes e o passo a passo da série de reportagens que produziram para o The Washington Post que culminaram na renúncia do então presidente americano Richard Nixon, em 1974. A história ficou conhecida como Caso Watergate e é considerada uma referência do jornalismo investigativo.
O Olho da Rua, de Eliane Brum
Se deseja entender melhor como uma matéria é produzida, O Olho da Rua é ideal para você. Na obra, a jornalista Eliane Brum reúne 10 reportagens que fez e conta os detalhes por trás da elaboração de cada uma, desde o processo de escrita até certos erros que podem ser cometidos e dicas para quem sonha em ser repórter. Além disso, o livro apresenta histórias de brasileiros em diferentes regiões do Brasil que enfrentam uma série de desafios no dia a dia.
Veja também
Orientação ProfissionalQuer ser jornalista? Conheça a escola mais renomada do mundo15 dez 2016 – 09h12
UniversidadesRelembre 15 jornalistas famosos da ficção26 out 2012 – 08h10
Chatô, O Rei Do Brasil, de Fernando Morais
Chatô, O Rei do Brasil é uma biografia de Assis Chateaubriand, um dos maiores nomes da comunicação no país. O livro ao mesmo tempo narra a história da imprensa em boa parte do século 20.
Chatô era dono de um império midiático. Criador do grupo Diários Associados, que correspondia a uma série de revistas, emissoras de TV, estações de rádio e jornais e foi o maior conglomerado de mídia da América Latina. O empresário teve também uma intensa vida na política e na sociedade. Outro grande feito foi a criação do Masp (Museu de Arte de São Paulo). Na obra, Fernando Morais mostra que, apesar de uma personalidade polêmica, o empresário teve um grande impacto na modernização da imprensa brasileira, na cultura do país e até na política nacional.
Uma História Pessoal, de Katharine Graham
Quem sonha em trabalhar em uma redação não pode perder a oportunidade de ler Uma História Pessoal. É o livro de memórias da publisher Katherine Graham, que dirigiu o The Washington Post por quase 20 anos e participou da cobertura de vários acontecimentos marcantes, como a renúncia do presidente Richard Nixon.  A obra também é uma aula sobre jornalismo ao mostrar como Graham tratava os repórteres e editores com quem trabalhava e a seriedade com a qual lidava com suas responsabilidades.
Mestres da Reportagem
Quer se aprimorar na arte de entrevistar enquanto conhece melhor a trajetória de grandes nomes do jornalismo? Mestres da Reportagem reúne 30 entrevistas com respeitados repórteres brasileiros, que contam sobre os bastidores de suas principais matérias, além de abordar a importância da área e técnicas de jornalismo. Entre os entrevistados estão Sônia Bridi, Eliane Brum, Goulart de Andrade, César Tralli e Ernesto Paglia.
Rota 66 – A História da Polícia que Mata, de Caco Barcellos
Vencedor do Prêmio Jabuti, em 1993, na categoria Reportagem, Rota 66 foi escrito por Caco Barcellos, um dos maiores nomes do jornalismo brasileiro, após uma investigação jornalística sobre o trabalho da Polícia Militar de São Paulo entre as décadas de 1970 e 1990. A obra revela o “esquadrão da morte oficial”, denunciando milhares de assassinatos de pessoas inocentes cometidos pela polícia.  
Prepare-se para o Enem sem sair de casa. Assine o Curso Enem do GUIA DO ESTUDANTE e tenha acesso a centenas de videoaulas com professores do Poliedro.
9 livros para quem sonha em ser jornalista Publicado primeiro em https://guiadoestudante.abril.com.br/
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criticasdeumlouco · 6 years ago
"Nossa deadline é de 4 mil páginas para 8 horas"
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O que "Todos os Homens do Presidente" e "The Post" podem ter em comum além de passar pelo ramo jornalístico investigativo? Tudo! Apesar de pouco mais de 50 anos de diferença de um para o outro, ambos são ambientados no jornal Washington Post. A primeiro momento pode parecer marketing do jornal, contudo os filmes abordam os anos 70 do veículo e como eles foram cruciais para a história do jornalismo e dos Estados Unidos. O primeiro, lançado em 1976, fala sobre uma investigação de dois jornalistas que culminou na renúncia do presidente dos Estados Unidos, Richard Nixon. Robert Woodward e Carl Bernstein em 1972 iniciaram uma investigação a partir da invasão do edifício Watergate por 5 homens. O prédio era sede do partido de oposição do Nixon, o Democratas. Mas as suspeitas começaram a vir quando Berstein descobriu que um desses invasores tinha o nome na folha de pagamentos do comitê de reeleição de Nixon. Depois de outras descobertas dos jornalistas dos esquemas de corrupção e espionagem desde a época de sua candidatura o então presidente renunciou na TV, pois o impeachment era questão de tempo.
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Já a película de 2017, "The Post", fala sobre o Washington Post nos início dos anos 70. O "The Post" era um jornal regional e havia acabado de abrir suas ações na Bolsa de Valores na tentativa de se tornar nacional. Nesse cenário um funcionário do governo rouba arquivos confidenciais contendo informações sigilosas de ações militares na Guerra do Vietnã e entrega nas mãos do Washington Post e The New York Times as primeiras 100 páginas. O The New York Times publica, mas sofre embargo e sanção do governo não podendo escrever mais nada a respeito. O Washington Post consegue todos os 14 mil papéis e resolve publicar apesar do embargo que era referente a todos os veículos da imprensa. Esse caso é conhecido como Pentagon Papers.
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Ambos os filmes são ricos em detalhes e tentam ser fiéis aos acontecimentos recentes nos Estados Unidos que nos ajudam a ver a principal função da imprensa. Fiscalizar o governo. Nem sempre realizada dessa forma.
Notaç��es: A fala que eu mais gostei foi algo assim: Nossa deadline é de 4 mil páginas para 8 horas(provavelmente está errada, mas a ideia é a mesma). Deadline é o prazo para entregar a pauta, matéria e  afins... Eu gritei de ficar rouco com a cena final do "The Post" que é basicamente o início do filme "Todos os Homens do Presidente", a invasão do edifício Watergate. Isso porque o filme tem 50 anos de diferença de suas produções. É um "boom" temporal em nossas cabeças.
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jeremystrele · 7 years ago
Recommended Reading
Recommended Reading
by Elle Murrell
The dream library inside Corbett and Yueji Lyon’s Lyon Housemuseum. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
Wordsmith extraordinaire and TDF’s former Managing Editor,  Lisa Marie Corso. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
Our former Managing Editor Lisa Marie Corso is now freelancing her incredible wordsmithing skills, but her wit and wealth of amazing recommendations are never far from our minds. Most recently we hit her up for some good-book intel, and she had us ordering Heartburn by Nora Ephron – express delivery. ‘I’ve read it so many times during different stages of my life and it always leaves me feeling invigorated, like I’ve just taken my brain to a Daylesford day spa where people only call me Miss Corso,’ LMC divulges. The story is a semi-autobiographical account of Ephron’s marriage breakdown to Carl Berstein, who she left during her second pregnancy, after she found out he was cheating on her. ‘I love how Rachel, the protagonist, navigates the crisis with humour and heart.’
At the moment, Suspicious Minds by brothers and psychologists Ian Gold and Joel Gold is the book on Lisa’s bedside table. It’s about modern-day delusions brought on by pop culture and the film The Truman Show.
Just beside that one, of course, is Meryl Streep’s biography Her Again by Michael Schulman. ‘No one wants to think they have a ‘type’ but after looking at the last three books I’ve read, I definitely do. If I did a BuzzFeed ‘What Book Are You?’ quiz, my results would say: The RomCom book where the woman sucker punches life and really likes eating, or the book where humanity is dissected, but ultimately can never be explained.’
Architect Corbett Lyon of Lyon Housemuseum, Photo – courtesy of Corbett Lyon.
Professor Corbett Lyon is the director of Lyons Architecture and co-founder of the incredible Lyon Housemuseum. His home (museum) library is chock-full of inspiring biographies and stories of people who have in some way changed the world for the better. As an architect, he notes the most inspiring book he has ever read was one he picked up as a young student: Robert Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. ‘It turned architectural thinking on its head, and is a book that continues to underpin how I think and work as a designer today,’ he tells.
Corbett is currently contemplating a book on philosophy by Benedict Spinoza, published in 1677!! ‘Spinoza’s Ethics presents a very different way of thinking about the world –  how we perceive it, and how we live and work in it,’ explains Corbett. ‘For a work that is over 300 years old, it’s a book that’s remarkably relevant to today, and offers some great insights into our contemporary society and culture.’
Like LMC, Corbett (and an increasing number of other people) have a special affection for the printed page. ‘There’s something special about holding a book in your hands – the tactile quality of the paper, being able to flick through its pages and how it feels as a design object,’ he explains. ‘You don’t get any of that reading text on a screen.’
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aj-theteenagecondition · 17 days ago
carl “I know it hurts” berstein
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larryland · 7 years ago
by Gail M. Burns
One of my happiest farcical memories is of seeing Ken Ludwig’s hilarious 1986 opus Lend Me a Tenor at Oldcastle way back when they were performing in the Everett Mansion on the campus of what is now Southern Vermont College. So I was thrilled that they would be the company to introduce me to Ludwig’s sequel, A Comedy of Tenors, written a full quarter century after the original. Christine Decker has deftly directed this laugh riot which brings many of the central characters from the earlier play together again.
Once again Henry Saunders (Richard Howe) has trouble with tenors. He is trying to stage an epic concert with three of them – operatic Italian megastar Tito Merelli (Peter Langstaff), young American star on the rise Carlo Nucci (Ethan Botwick), and Swedish tenor Jussi Björling – in Paris in 1936. Not only do Saunders and his assistant and son-in-law Max (Max Arnaud) have Tito’s enormous ego to deal with, but on the day of the concert Björling has to hurry home because his mother died. No worries, Max, also an aspiring tenor, will step in.
All is well again until the Merellis arrive – Tito, wife Maria (Yvonne Perry), and 25-year-old daughter Mimi (Ana Anderson). Maria knows, but Tito doesn’t, that Mimi is madly in love with Carlo Nucci, who Tito already despises and sees as a threat to his supremacy as the world’s top tenor. When Mimi and Carlo are nearly discovered in flagrante delicto Maria helps Carlo dress quickly to escape. Tito sees them together, assumes the worst and VOILA a farce erupts.
Act II introduces the characters of Beppo (Langstaff), a garrulous Venetian bellhop who just happens to be a magnificent tenor AND a dead-ringer for Tito; and Tito’s former lover, the renowned soprano Tatiana Racón (Renata Eastlick).  Two lusty ladies, two bedrooms in the hotel suite, and, apparently, two Tito’s makes for merry mayhem as tenors accept and refuse participation in Saunders’ concert and the minutes tick down to curtain time.
Ludwig knows opera, he knows Shakespeare, and he knows how to construct an air-tight farce. He studied with Leonard Berstein at Harvard (listen for the Bernstein reference in this play) and often bases his original works on Shakespearean plot. Here the parallel is obviously to the comedy referenced in the title – The Comedy of Errors – which also deals with the confusion caused by identical characters.
Langstaff provides a solid center around which all this absurdity whirls. While he is portraying two men with large personalities, Langstaff’s performance is not too big for its britches. His aging Tito is genuinely anguished that his beloved Maria may be cheating on him, and righteously angered when Carlo threatens not only his standing in the opera world but the sanctity of his family. His Beppo is winsome and playful, full of wonder at the women, food, and career opportunities that seem to have suddenly landed in his lap.
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As the supposedly sane one in the mix, Arnaud’s Max is also quite distracted by the fact that back in Cleveland his wife Maggie, Saunders’ daughter, is expecting their first child at any minute. A tall man, Arnaud is physically adept and manages to do some gasp-inducing near-pratfalls a al Dick Van Dyke. Conversely, Botwick is slight and nimble. He has done the fight choreography for this production to good comic effect.
In a memorable moment, Arnaud, Botwick and Langstaff actually sing an operatic trio together, accompanied by a recorded orchestra. I was sure that they would lip synch, but no, they took a deep breath and belted it out and while I was not fooled into believing they were world class tenors they all sing very well and I was completely enthralled by their exuberant rendition of Verdi’s Brindisi (drinking song) from La Traviata.
Yvonne Perry is the beautiful, fiery Maria. Ludwig has given all three of his women strong senses of self and healthy sexual appetites. Maria stands up to Tito and tells him exactly what she wants, and doesn’t want, at all times. Anderson is a slinky little minx as Tito and Maria’s daughter Mimi – named after the central character in Puccini’s La Boheme, of course. Her lust, er, love for Carlo is openly expressed, as is her ambition to make it as an actor.
Eastlick is nothing short of dynamic as the Russian diva Tatiana Racón. She doesn’t appear until well into the second act, but once she’s there you will forget everyone else on the stage and only have eyes for her. She has true star power.
A long-time Oldcastle stalwart, Howe seemed adrift without a paddle at the performance I attended. He is usually a most reliable performer, and I hope what I witnessed was just one of those inevitable and infuriating bad days.
At the performance I attended Carl Sprague’s set got its own round of applause when it was first revealed. Portraying a Parisian hotel suite heavy on the red and gold, Sprague has provided all the doors, balcony, steps, and furnishings for a rip-roaring farce. Roy Hamlin has done an excellent job with the props – lacy underthings pop up in the strangest places and a sumptuous buffet of mostly fake food (except for one talkative tongue) graces a table down stage right. Ursula McCarty’s costumes are clever and flashy. Langstaff transforms from Tito to Beppo and back with simple and subtle swaps of vests and cummerbunds.
A Comedy of Tenors is Ludwig and Oldcastle at their best. While there are a few racy moments, there is no reason the whole family can’t come along and end their summer with a big laugh. Lord knows, this summer we all need all the laughter we can get!
Oldcastle Theatre Company presents A Comedy of Tenors by Ken Ludwig, directed by Christine Decker, runs August 18-September 3, 2017. Set design by Carl Sprague, costume and prop design by Ursula McCarty and Roy Hamlin, lighting design by Scott Cally, sound design by Cory Wheat, stage manager Gary Allan Poe. CAST: Richard Howe as Henry Saunders, Max Arnaud as Max, Yvonne Perry as Maria Merelli, Peter Langstaff as Tito Merelli and Beppo, Ana Anderson as Mimi Merelli, Ethan Botwick as Carlo Nucci, Renata Eastlick as Tatiana Racón, Carl Sprague as the Voice of Jacques.
Oldcastle Theatre is located at 331 Main Street (Rt. 9) in Bennington, VT. The show runs two hours with one intermission and is suitable for ages 10 and up. For further information or reservations contact Oldcastle through their website oldcastletheatre.org or call 802-447-0564.
  REVIEW: “A Comedy of Tenors” at Oldcastle by Gail M. Burns One of my happiest farcical memories is of seeing Ken Ludwig’s hilarious 1986 opus…
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trumpmedia-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein, who partnered with Bob Woodward in the 1970s to investigate the Watergate break-in, told CNN:
“Trump's attacks on the American press as 'enemies of the American people' are more treacherous than Richard Nixon's attacks on the press.“ 
On Saturday, Berstein tweeted the same warning:
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Source: 20 February 2017
Dateline: 18 February 2017
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airborn64 · 6 years ago
Neues Enthüllungsbuch: Abrechnung mit Donald Trump Bob Woodward gehört zu den profiliertesten Journalisten Amerikas und deckte unter anderem die Watergate-Affäre auf. In seinem neuen Buch „The Fear – Trump in the White House“ gibt er erschütternde Einblicke in die Regierungsarbeit. © REUTERS Link zum Video: Link zur Homepage:
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tbkfilmco · 11 years ago
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Woodward and Buckteeth...
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aj-theteenagecondition · 1 month ago
im perpetually confused with the layout of carl bersteins apartment in this movie
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