#carina's smile/smirk
mustbebunnys · 4 months
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I find it is the fastest way. Okay, now, where were we? STATION 19, 3x07 // 7x09
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tvseries-writings · 1 year
Heat Kills
Plot: Reader has an heatstroke caused by an intensive workout.
Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca x reader
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You can't stand the heat; you’ve hated it since you were little, always. When summer came, you were happy just because school was over but, at the same time, you hated the forty degrees you had to endure every single day.
Then you became a professional soccer player and, having always played on teams up north, you never felt as hot as you did this season with the OL Reign. Although the Seattle Women's soccer Team has been a great benefit in your career, this scorching heat is truly terrible, especially since you are not used to it.
A small sigh leaves your lips as you grab your water bottle and tuck it into your backpack, ready to face a scorching workout in the ten o'clock morning sun.
"Good morning Bella, where are you going?" Carina hugs you from behind, her breasts pressing against your back as she fondles your butt with an amused smirk on her face.
"Car I'm on my way to practice and I'm already late ... as much as I would like to slam you against this table, unfortunately I can't."
You turn around, staying in her arms and kissing the tip of her nose with a smile.
Carina pouts, and after a few seconds, just long enough for her brain to work and understand what you've just told her, her gaze changes to a frown of confusion and concern at the same time.
"The weather alert has been issued, didn't you see it Bambina? You can't train in this heat, it's going to be 104° F out there..."
You sigh and shake your head slightly. You knew this conversation would happen, and you also know how it will end. Probably with a gorgeous, sexy Italian doctor very pissed off at you.
"Car, I can't miss another workout. Less than two weeks ago I was sick and couldn't train for almost a whole week, I can't miss any more days. I have to earn my place on the team, you know it's important to me…like this"
Carina shakes her head several times, hard. She tortures her lower lip, clenching it between her teeth, and although you find it very sexy, the particularly pissed off look on the Italian's face gives you pause to comment on how hot she is when she does this.
"You'll get sick if you run in this heat. They can't make you train with a weather alert, è sconsiderato e stupido. Cazzo."
Your lovely girl rants in her native language, and you foolishly fail to control yourself and let your eyes wander to the clock hanging on the wall behind the angry doctor.
You had never done that before.
"Are you really thinking you're going to be late? No way, you can't really think about going y/n. Ugh, who am I kidding? Of course you want to go, sometimes I think you're worse than Maya...you know what, fai come ti pare."
"Carina, wait-"
Before you can even try to stop her and reason with her, the brunette locks herself in your bedroom slamming the door and making the whole apartment shake.
You know her, you know that she just has to let the pissing go now. So, despite the knot in your stomach from the fight and with the excuse of giving her the space she needs, you bend down to pick up your duffel bag and then leave the apartment, stuffing your car keys into the left pocket of your shorts, ready to head to the soccer field.
After only an hour and a half of practice, you realize you've screwed up big time when you start to lose all feeling in your body and feel like you're floating on air. Your teammates are no better off than you are.
You cast a glance at Coach Harvey, praying that she will notice the terrible condition you are in but you doubt it. After all, she is sitting in the shade and with all this heat you doubt she is really watching you. At least, not today.
The ball is put back in the middle, after Clarke has scored one of her famous goals, and the coach blows her whistle. You run nonstop to get to Clarke's side; you cross the half-court line and are careful not to be offside as you pass the ball between you over and over again.
You don't know how but suddenly you are no longer in control of your body and your right foot ends up over the ball instead of to the side. In less than a second, you find yourself on the ground groaning in pain as soon as you hit the ground.
You snort, wrinkling your nose and taking the hand offered to you without even understanding who is offering it to you. Octavia gives you a smile, although she can't really hide the worry on her face.
She helps you to your feet and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"You don't look so good, are you okay?"
Meanwhile, the other girls have taken the opportunity there to take a break and drink some water, and you don't blame them, especially considering that you still have another hour of training ahead of you.
Octavia Blake is many things but she is definitely not a quitter. Never.
"You're really hot y/n, are you sure you feel good?"
You don't answer her, you don't feel good at all, and you can't even understand her.
"I don't think Carina and Maya would agree, you know? I'll take you to them."
You don't really understand what she is saying, not at all. The heat clouds your mind; you run a hand over your forehead, you have the impression that you are dripping with sweat but actually you are not, your hand is completely dry when you pull it back.
Not good, not good at all. A cold shiver runs down your spine as you lean against Octavia making her support you even more and she is the one who supports you even more.
From that moment until she takes you to Station 19, you don't notice anything, just her shaking you from time to time as you go, calling your name several times as you continue to lose consciousness. The only time you realize you are at the station is when Andy and Vic help Octavia get you out of the car.
They’re probably calling your name but you can't answer; honestly, you don't even know how you are there, really.
You don't know how much time has passed, but you only begin to understand what is going on around you because of your Italian girlfriend's warm hands caressing your face.
"Bambina, bambina look at me. Are you okay? Can you hear me?"
Carina swipes a strand of wet hair from your forehead, bringing it behind your ear. The doctor pulls a small flashlight out of her gown, turns it on and holds it in front of your eyes while she holds your head still.
"Y/n, follow the light, honey. Follow the light, okay?"
You wrinkle your nose, and the nausea you have been feeling up to this point only increases as you are blinded by the flashlight.
You scan Carina with one arm, turn onto your side and vomit all the contents of your stomach onto the floor.
Carina strokes your back, trying to give you as much comfort as she can, while Andy shoves an IV of cold fluids into you.
"Andy, call Maya. I think the heat stroke is a lo worse than I thought. She's not even sweating..."
As soon as Carina sees Andy running down the hall to find your firegirl, she immediately turns to you and takes the thermometer out of Vic's hands. She sticks it in your mouth, even though you are not very cooperative, and waits for you to make the sound to check your temperature: 104° F.
Carina gasps and her heart stops for a few seconds; she is more than aware that such a temperature is very dangerous and could even make you convulse.
You start sobbing and try to reach Carina with clumsy and uncoordinated movements, seeking the comfort of a hug. You feel so bad that you do not realize what you are doing; it is as if you have no control over your body. Your confused state only makes the doctor more concerned.
"Bella we can't, your temperature is too high."
Carina bites her lip, trying not to cry. She wants to hold you in her arms but she can’t.
Carina feels her heart stop when suddenly your eyes roll back and your body is suddenly shaken by convulsions.
"Damn it, no no no. Come back to me, Bella.”
Carina turns you on your side, pulling up the arms of the cot and takes care of your head.
"Vic, give her a 12-mg Diazepam drip!"
Vic goes to the station's medical supplies in a flash and rummages around until she finds what Carina asked for. She prepares the solution and inserts the IV into your left arm, which Carina says is your best arm for targeting veins.
In less than three minutes your body has stopped moving. Carina pulls your hair back from in front of your face and leaves a kiss on your forehead before unwinding the IV bag a bit to check the speed at which the drug is being administered.
Maya Bishop, Captain of Station 19 as well as your girlfriend, comes running up to you. Concern fills her blue eyes that you love so much.
"What happened? Andy told me you were with her but she didn't tell me what it was about..."
Maya takes your hand between her own wincing in shock when she feels how much heat your skin is giving off.
"Shit, she's burning up. We have to get her to Grey's Sloan."
Carina and Maya exchange a glances. Carina twists her lower lip between her teeth and runs a hand through her hair. Both you and the blonde know that this gesture indicates that the brunette is very worried about something.
"No, you know how much she hates Bella hospitals. We can't, we can't do that to her. Let's take her to your office and use your shower to cool her down."
Maya leans over to take you in her arms but Carina stops her, shaking her head firmly.
"You have to be very careful Maya, we shouldn't even be moving her but we need to get her temperature down quickly. She had a seizure and I'm afraid she may still have another one.”
Carina whispers, her voice breaking as she thinks back to the feeling of a few moments ago. Maya takes a deep breath; she doesn't think she has ever been so scared in her entire life. She barely nods, taking you in her arms with such gentleness that she is surprised herself. Maya walks down the corridor to the door of her own office; Carina opens the door for you, and as soon as you cross the threshold, she closes it again.
The blonde firefighter lays you down on her bed, paying special attention to your head as Carina kneels beside you. She puts two fingers on your right wrist to check your pulse while looking at the clock on the wall.
"Pulse is dropping, we need to cool her down now, Maya-“
"Shit, she's seizing. Maya, help me!"
Carina turns you onto your side, removing the pillow from under your head and being very careful about the arm in which the IV needle is still stuck .
"Maya, Maya I need you to focus amore mio. She needs you; Maya look at me" Carina groans in frustration and concern for the blonde, watching her stand absolutely still in front of this horrible sight, "Maya!"
The firefighter blinks a few times before recovering from her shocked state and jumping into action. She lifts everything around that could hurt you and helps Carina hold you on your side so you don't choke on your own tongue.
It takes a good three interminable minutes before the seizure is over and Maya and Carina's arms ache from the force they had to use to hold you down.
"We're running out of time," Carina says, starting to remove off every layer of clothing but your underwear before taking you into her arms. Maya looks like a machine, she does everything Carina tells her to do - like turn on the shower, for example - but her eyes are blank, the Italian knows very well that the blonde is not in a good headspace right now but now the priority, as much as it hurts her to have to necessarily choose between the two of you, is you.
Maya turns on the tub's faucet and waits for it to fill. Carina steps in and slowly and gently losers you into the tub. You gasp, your eyes jerking open as your body feels the excessive change in temperature. A whimper escapes your lips as you try to pull away from the icy grip but firm hands hold you down, whispering excuses you don't want to hear right now.
"N-no, f-cold. I-I don't want to."
Chills run down your spine, making you whimper softly as you try to pulls your girls closer to you.
"I know Amore, I know... Shh, it's okay. You'll get better, you'll get better."
Carina rubs your back, somehow trying to comfort you without giving you too much heat.
The Italian puts her hand on your forehead, feeling that your temperature has dropped a bit.
"Maya I'm cold, I'm cold, I don't want to do this anymore. Please, I don't want to do this anymore."
The fever makes you start cry and your body is shaken by sobs that only make you feel worse.
Her name spoken by you make out of the near catatonic state she has been in.
“Baby, you need to calm down, this is not good for you okay? I promise it will be over soon but this way you are putting to much strain on your heart love. Please calm down."
Maya takes your hand and brings it to her own chest for you to follow her breathing and you do, unconsciously and maybe out of habit, but you do.
Carina keeps an eye on your heartbeat the whole time; her fingers never leaving your pulse for a moment, and her heart only seems to start beating again only when your pulse slows down and becomes stable again, at least for your current condition.
More than twenty minutes pass in the freezing water before you are finally covered with at least a T-shirt and then placed on the bed in Maya's office. Under cooling blankets, contrary to what you would have liked. Your mind is clearer and Carina and Maya are very relieved about that.
"What happened?"
Your voice is barely more than a whisper. You are struggling to find the words and your mouth feels as if it is stuck. It is also exhausting to talk right now, you can barely move your head towards them to look into their eyes as you speak.
"Heat stroke, Octavia brought you here Bella. You've had two convulsive episodes from a high fever. It's down now, but you're not out of the woods yet, so you need to rest."
Carina strokes your face as she points to the IV in your arm. As soon as you see it, you panic. You sit up and scratch your arm to pull the IV out. Under normal circumstances, you would think before you act but now, the delirium of heatstroke is just flying the last neurons you had.
"No no no, the press will go crazy with this news. I can't stay in the hospital, I have to get out of here; an OL soccer player in the hospital for heat stroke, n-"
Maya grabs your face and, to your and Carina's surprise, slaps you. Not so hard that it really hurts, but hard enough to bring you back to reality.
Although shock, fever, and heat stroke cloud your mind, you recognize where you are in a few moments.
"Oh...we're in your office."
You place the hand you were about to use to remove your IV at your side and give them a small apologetic smile.
"It's okay Bella, now get some rest. I'd like to keep you here a little longer for observation. We’ll take you home tonight, if all goes as it should."
Carina leans over you and plants a kiss on your lips, followed soon after by Maya.
"Now Maya and I will talk, you rest. Oh, and don't even think you've escaped the lecture. It’s waiting for you as soon as you feel better.”
Carina smiles at you with a wink and then leaves the office followed by Maya. Not before the latter mimics you an "I love you" with her lips and mentally asks you to pray for her. Surely, Carina won't let her get over the slap she gave you a few minutes ago.
Hey, thanks for reading. I know it's not much and it’s not that good but it's better than nothing, right? Write a comment and tell me what you think. Have a nice day!
p.s: I wrote this because it's like thirty-five degrees in Italy and I'm dying :)
Buy me a coffee ☕️
Taglist: @mmmmokdok @chaekhan @blackhill2245 @melatonindaydreamz @foggytidalwavefun @sevnheaven @budoxinha @gayshyandreadytocry @lighthousekiller @m456300 @blitzar-3 @in-love-with-heda @idontknownemore @lesbianbabe @speedup500 @differentranchempathfestival @mebeingthatbitch @jemilyswife @yuleni18 @whyamihere2673 @reggierizzoli
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honeybeefae · 1 year
Secretly Mine (Azriel x Eris)
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Eris Week Day Three: Secrets
Summary// Eris is visiting the Court of Nightmares to keep in touch with things now that he is officially High Lord of Autumn. As he mingles he is introduced to a lovely vixen who, despite Eris's resistance, takes no hints to his distaste. While Eris tries to search for a way out he catches the eye of a Shadowsinger who is none too pleased about the wandering hands touching what is his, even if in secret. 
(I love Azris. If I can’t have Eris I am more than happy to have him go to Azriel. Also sub Eris is HAWT. Writing this was so much fun if you know what I mean so I hope you guys enjoy it!)
WARNINGS: Smut, Secret Relationship, Dom/Sub Dynamics
Eris had never felt more uncomfortable in his life as Keir practically shoved the young fae woman into his arms, his tone dripping with satisfaction as he not so subtly brought up the woman’s accomplishments and marriageable age. 
“Such a beauty, wouldn’t you agree?” He pursed his lips. “She’s the daughter of one of the elite here. Well-read, submissive, beautiful, everything a man could wish to have.”
“Oh, you boast too much, Keir.” She faked a laugh, turning to Eris with a sly smirk. “My name is Carina and you, my lord, need no introduction.” The bow she gave him was so deep that he could see right down her dress, which he was sure was the point. “I am honored to be in the presence of such a powerful man.”
“Two powerful men, right Carina?” Keir corrected, his jaw clenched from the slight of being forgotten. She nodded quickly, a bit of fear flitting through her eyes before she turned docile once more. “Of course! You know I could never forget you and all you have done for my family, Keir.”
“And it should stay that way.” He raised his glass though his tone was anything but calculated as he bid the two of them goodbye. Eris went to turn around, hoping she was distracted, but sighed when she latched on to his arm. 
“And where do you think you are going, my lord?” She purred.
“I was just going to fetch myself a drink,” Eris replied cooly, trying to pull away which only seemed to cause her to sink her claws in deeper. “Did you need something?”
“A dance if you please, before you wander off and get stolen away from me.” Carina pouted her lips. “I would love to show you my moves…” Her fingernails ran up his arm suggestively and he had to resist the urge to cringe. 
He looked around for anyone to save him, desperate for an out, but found none. Eris ground his teeth and forced a smile while holding out his hand, leading her out to the floor. The music was soft as he began to sway, hating the way her body pressed against his.
If he were being honest there was only one body he wanted to be pressed against and that person was somewhere hiding in the shadows, watching his every move. He could feel the skin on the back of his neck prickle as he tuned out the woman’s mindless chatter, spinning her so that he could do a sweep of the room.
It wasn’t until his second turn around the room that he finally spotted the Shadowsinger. Azriel was lounging against a far column, his hazel eyes blazing with jealousy as Carina stroked Eris’s back while bringing him down to whisper something.
Eris could see Azriel’s jaw tighten, and could practically feel his hands around his throat as he finally broke his gaze to look at his dance partner. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“You’re hardly paying me any attention, my lord. I thought you were raised with better manners than that.” She chided, her ruby-painted lips ghosting over his ear as she cooed, “Perhaps you need a reminder of how to treat a lady. One night with me and you’ll never forget the lesson.”
“Wow, I-” Eris tried to respond, pulling back only to stumble into something hard. The smell of darkness and night air filled his nostrils as he turned to see Azriel glaring at the two of them, his jaw tight. “Azriel.”
“Eris.” He replied lowly, never taking his eyes off Carina. “My High Lord has requested an audience with you. Now.”
“Can his lordship wait? We were in the middle of-” She tried to interject but flinched back when he took a step forward, shadows curling over his scarred hands. “I’ll look for you after, Eris. Don’t keep me waiting long.”
However Azriel and Eris are already halfway across the room by the time she finishes her sentence, the anger and jealousy rolling off the Illyrian in waves as Eris holds back a whimper in his throat. 
It had been so long since he had seen him. They had to keep their…whatever it was between them, secret, for obvious reasons but especially now that Eris was High Lord of Autumn. And with how busy he had been with taking over the court he had barely had time to sneak away to his favorite distraction.
They entered the hallway and Azriel gave a quick look around before he all but shoved Eris towards a small closet, ordering him quietly to ‘Get the fuck inside now.’.
As soon as the door shut behind them Eris was pressed against the cold stone wall, a tan arm pressed against his throat as Azriel pushed his hips against his. He could feel his hot, throbbing cock through his leathers and this time Eris did whimper.
“Azriel, please, let me explain.” He swallowed, mouth dry as Azriel cocked his head. 
“What is there to explain? You vanish on me for weeks and then suddenly here I find you dancing in the arms of someone else, someone who was very keen on what you had to offer.” Azriel’s words were like ice as he tried to control his breathing. “By the pathetic noise you just made for me I know you still crave my cock so that little show was obviously a ploy for my attention.”
“It wasn’t! I didn’t want to dance with her, I swear, Keir-” Eris argued only to gasp when Azriel moved his arm away from his throat to grab a fistful of his long, styled mane. “Fuck, Az…”
“Look at how quickly you submit for me, prince.” He smirked, biting his bottom lip as he shoved his head back into the wall to expose his throat. “You were just dying for me to stake my claim for you in there, to fuck you in front of everyone and show them who owns you.”
Before Eris could protest Azriel had wedged his thigh between his legs, pressing up against him at just the right angle that had the redhead groaning. “You’ve got my attention, fox, what is you want?”
“You, fuck, I want you.” Eris crumbled faster than cake as his voice turned into a whine, his eyes half-lidded. “Please, Gods I’ve missed you so much. I need you, Azriel.”
“That’s not what you’re supposed to call me,” Azriel tsked, lowering his mouth to his throat and grazing it with his teeth. “Come now, be a good boy and try again.”
Eris’s throat bobbed as he took a shuddering breath, feeling a wet spot forming on the front of his pants from how pent up he was as he whispered, “Please, Sir. Please touch me.”
He could feel the Shadowsinger’s lips turn up in a smirk as he whispered praises into his skin, his hand wandering up until he was palming him through his pants. Eris’s reaction was immediate, his back arching and hips rising to get more as he remained pinned against the wall. 
It was torture, sweet torture, as he kept the pressure just light enough to keep his pleasure from growing as he kissed his way up the High Lord’s neck. Azriel paused over his mouth, his gaze drinking in the neediness on Eris’s face, before kissing him passionately. 
The closet was too small for actual sex but that didn’t stop the two of them from grinding against each other, their tongues dancing together sensually as Eris fisted his hands in his lover’s hair. Azriel growled, pulling away to suck a deep bruise onto his neck, marking his territory before he placed a hand on Eris’s shoulder and shoved him to his knees.
“Worship me, prince. Show me how much you’ve missed me.” He purred, running his fingers through Eris’s hair as he made quick work of Azriel’s laces to free his cock. It was long and thick, dripping with precum and begging to be shoved down his throat which is exactly what Eris planned to do.
His mouth opened wide and Az wasted no time in shoving himself all the way inside, his eyes closing as the tip of his dick hit the back of his throat. Eris gagged, trying to breathe through his nose as he looked up at the God above him. Azriel’s shadows were peeking over his shoulders as his eyes practically glowed in the dim light of the room, his aura absolutely dominating as he clicked his tongue.
“Much better use for that mouth.” He taunted, gathering the long strands of hair in his hand before he started to fuck into his mouth. “You can feel free to go back to that girl after we’re done…though I doubt you’ll be able to speak after this.”
Eris tried to garble out something but Azriel wasn’t interested in what he had to say, more focused on using him to get off as his balls hit the High Lord’s chin with how hard he was going. The sounds coming from his mouth were filthy as drool leaked out the side of his lips, his hands desperately trying to free his own cock.
The musk of sex and sweat was making him dizzy as he finally got his dick out. He thanked the Mother that Azriel didn’t say anything to stop him, allowing him that small bit of pleasure as he started furiously jerking himself off. One of his hands braced itself on the Illyrian’s thigh while the other fisted his cock, squeezing tightly when he got to the top as he slobbered all over Az’s member.
“Such a desperate, pathetic little fox,” Azriel grunted, his eyebrows furrowed together. “A needy, greedy slut for this cock, for me. The only thing you’re good for is for me to use and abuse, isn’t that right?”
He pulled him off his cock for a moment, waiting for an answer, to which Eris moaned out, “Yes Sir.”
“Gods, your mouth was made for sucking cock.” Az growled as he shoved himself back in his mouth, throwing his head back as he felt the first tingles of his approaching orgasm creeping up his spine. “What would that woman think if she saw you like this, hm? Saw you on your knees for me, the Spymaster of the Night Court?”
The thought of others seeing him like this made him feel shamefully more excited as he stroked himself faster, his moans vibrating around his lover’s dick which only added to his pleasure.
“You love the thought of that, don’t you? Imagine if we didn’t have to hide. If I could just take you wherever, whenever I wanted.” The Shadowsinger sped up as image after image flooded his brain. “In the courtyard, on your throne, on the dining table, I would fuck you so much that there wouldn’t be an inch of your body that wasn’t covered in my cum.”
“Please, please, please,” Eris wailed around him, his eyes rolling back into his head as he suddenly found himself on the edge of bliss. “I want it, I want it so bad, Sir.”
“You know the rules, prince.” He reprimanded, tightening his grasp. 
Eris blinked away tears as he focused all his attention on making Azriel cum, knowing that as soon as he came Eirs could as well. His tongue toyed with the underside of his cock every time it slid in, his throat constricting around him while his hand went up to fondle his heavy balls.
Azriel’s hips started to stutter as he slammed his cock all the way into his throat, ignoring his gasps for breath as he growled loudly and emptied himself into his mouth. Eris swallowed like the good boy he was, drinking it down like wine as he went back to playing with himself.
It didn’t take Eris long to find his own release as Az pulled his softening cock from his throat, his cum dribbling out of his mouth as Eris threw his head back and moaned deeply with each spurt of cum that came out his cock.
Both of them were breathing heavily, a small pool of cum staining the floor as Eris closed his eyes and sagged to the ground. 
“I’ll give you a moment to rest, High Lord, before we go back out there,” Azriel smirked, tucking himself back into his pants as he crouched down and caught some of his own cum trickling out the side of his mouth. “I suggest you make a quick excuse to leave and meet me in my chambers within the hour lest you let everyone smell cum on your tongue.”
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Summary: Santiago inviting you and Frankie for his house warming party over the weekend leaves you to spend some nights at his new place. Getting up in the middle of the night to get some water, leaves you finding Santi and his girlfriend in the kitchen. Unable to look away Frankie finds you and decided to have some fun with you too.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x fem. reader / Santiago Garcia x OFC
Rating: E
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings: established relationship, accidental voyeurism, dub con (just cause people are being watched without their consent but the watched people do not mind in the end) smut (oral; fem receiving, unprotected PiV), fluff, dirty talk (the word slut is used twice)
follow me @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified for new fics
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You usually weren’t a big fan of being stuck in a car for two hours. But Santiago Garcia did not buy a house to settle down with his girlfriend (soon to be fiance) of two years and invite for a housewarming party every day. 
And you were always a fan of spending time with Frankie. 
You looked at him from the passenger's seat, one of his hands on the steering wheel, the other one on your thigh. He had the aviators on that you gifted him for his last birthday after he broke the pair he had before. The gray shirt he was wearing was tight around his upper arms and you could see a tiny bit of the tattoo he got earlier this year. 
God he was gorgeous. 
“See something you like?” he hummed, a smirk sneaking to his lips as he caught you staring, his hand squeezing your thigh. 
“See something I love,” you clarified and he smiled, his dimple showing and you swore you could see his cheeks blushing.
You and Frankie have known each other since you were four years old. Growing up as neighbors until he left to join the army made you spend endless summers together. 
But you hadn’t started dating until a little over six years ago. 
With him joining the army and you eventually going abroad to study you very much lost contact. After you got your degree you moved to Boston for work and only came back to the tiny town you grew up in for family celebrations or holidays. 
But then your mother died and you decided it was time to go back home to help your father. 
It was on your 26th birthday that Frankie showed up on the doorstep of your childhood home with a box of donuts and a bottle of whiskey, looking like he had been through hell and back. You would only learn much later that he had been. 
Your friendship really just picked up where you left off, just with you both legally allowed to drink booze and adult problems.
And feelings that hadn’t been there before. 
You remembered that you talked on your birthday until the early morning hours, Frankie telling you little about the army, about the divorce he was going through, about his little girl he wanted to be the best father too, about his drug addiction. Much like you told him about the man you had broken up with before you moved back home because he insisted you stay where you belonged. With him in the city. He didn’t care about your family or your feelings for that matter. 
Not that you thought you would marry the guy, but it still hurt to be so wrong in someone you loved. 
He told you everything about his little daughter Carina. She was his whole world.
She was also the reason he and his ex-wife had tried to make their marriage work but decided in the end that they were better off as friends. 
Carina and you became fast friends, even though you still think it was because of the huge amount of cookies you had baked with her and Frankie the first time he had invited you over to meet her. 
You started to spend more time together after that. 
You went on drives, you cooked together, you even went on a weekend trip into the woods where you met all his army brothers. It was the most fun trip you ever had been on. 
But something changed throughout the months after that. Touches lingered longer. Hugs seemed… tighter and more intimate. And then came his 34th birthday. 
His divorce was final, his three year old daughter was staying for the whole weekend and he had decided that it was time to teach her how to swim. 
The three of you spend the whole day at the local swimming pool. You brought muffins and sang happy birthday for him with his daughter before he blew out the one candle you had put on one of the muffins. 
When you asked him if he made a wish he only nodded at you with a small smile.
It was the perfect day.
Carina fell asleep before Frankie’s truck was even off the car park, making both of you chuckle. You stopped to pick up pizza on your way home, you insisted you pay because after all it was his birthday. When you came out of the pizza place, Frankie was leaning against his car, waiting for you. 
You put the pizza on your seat, waiting for him to go back to the car but he didn’t so you leaned next to him against the car, bumping your shoulder towards his. 
He took a deep breath before he came to stand in front of you and you still could feel the butterflies in your belly when he looked into your eyes, his fingers brushing over your cheek. They never really went away since that day.
“What did you wish for Frankie?” you had asked and he had smiled softly. 
“A birthday kiss,” he whispered. You licked your lips. 
“Then come and get it,” you whispered back. 
You would never forget this first kiss with him in the parking spot in front of a pizza place in your home town. 
That was six years ago and you have only grown closer ever since. 
By now not only your family but all friends were asking when you would get married and have children on your own. 
Both you and Frankie told them to fuck off on a regular basis but they did not seem to get the hint. 
If they knew you had been married for the last three years they would lose their minds. You got married on a beach while you were both on vacation in mexico. The only witness the older man who married you early in the morning at sunrise. 
But Frankie and you had a bet going how long it would take for anyone to notice. 
When he had asked you to marry him you had gotten him a ring too, so seeing the both of you with rings was not something out of the ordinary. 
“Can you believe that he’s going to propose?” you asked Frankie when you entered the town Santi had moved into. He had started his own Security firm here and met Tina, his girlfriend, who owned the flower shop across the street from his office. 
You had heard the story a million times, but the thought of Santiago Garcia buying all kinds of flowers on an almost daily basis for a month until he had finally asked her out still made you laugh. 
“I couldn’t believe Benny getting married too, so anything is really possible,” Frankie joked and you laughed. 
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You would be staying at Santi’s place for four nights. The house warming party was in two days and Frankie had agreed to help Santi with the finishing touches of the back porch which left you and Tina mostly laying in the garden, watching your men sweat and work shirtless while offering occasional Lemonade.
You were very thankful the guest bedroom was in the basement when Frankie railed you in the shower after, his hand over your mouth to suppress your moans.
Sex with Frankie was ….
You still couldn’t believe he was the first man who ever made you cum on his cock. He was only satisfied when he made you cum at least twice. 
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The day before the housewarming party you spend with Tina in the kitchen. Helping her prepare some salads and dips and things for the party on the next day while Frankie and Santi finished the work on the porch and started putting tables and chairs together. 
“I’m gonna make dessert when we come back from dinner,” Tina said. You wanted to argue but she waved you off.
“Santi is gonna help me. He has a hand for all things sweet,” she winked and you grinned. 
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You were very tired after dinner. And maybe a little tipsy.
Frankie and you invited them both to a Chinese restaurant where you ate way too much sushi. 
Seeing Santi so in love with Tina was not something you ever thought you’d see. He had been living with Frankie for a while when you got back in contact with Frankie and he had a new girl every week. It went on until he decided to go back to Columbia for work.
You were happy to see him so content and happy with the woman he intended to spend the rest of his life with. 
Once back at their home you didn’t fight to help with desert anymore, letting Frankie tuck you into bed where you fell asleep almost immediately, not even waking once Frankie got into bed with you after he had taken a shower. 
You woke up hours later in his arms. One of his hand holding one of your breasts like every night. He argued he did it unintentionally but you knew how much he loved your tits. 
Checking your phone you saw that it was just after 2 am. Sighing you carefully untangled from Frankie, feeling thirsty. Sadly you hadn’t gotten a new bottle of water before going to bed. You put one of Frankie’s shirts on (apparently Frankie had undressed you to your panties after you pretty much passed out) and opened the door to make your way to the kitchen.
You were climbing up the stairs when you thought you heard a moan. Stopping where you were standing you listened for more noise, taking the rest of the stairs. When you could look through the room, your head just on the ground level you heard another moan and you turned your head towards the noise, eyes widening when you saw what was going on. 
Santiago’s house had an open floor plan on the ground floor. When you entered the house you were facing the stairs that lead to the first floor and the basement. The spacious living room lay on the left side, the kitchen on the right side. 
The kitchen was huge, having two islands, one you were facing now where Tina was laying on top, her side facing you. Santi on his knees in front of her. 
You knew you should turn around and look away but you seemed rooted to the spot. 
His arms were wrapped around her thighs, keeping them apart as he went down on her. One of her hands was in his hair, her back arched, her eyes closed, her other hand made into a fist which she pressed against her mouth to keep herself, quite unsuccessfully, quiet. 
“Fuck baby keep doing that,” she whispered and you heard Santi hum against her.
You felt yourself getting turned on, your panties dampening with your arousal. 
“Fingers… need… fuck give me two fingers,” Tina moaned lowly and you saw Santi bring one of his hands between her legs before she whimpered as two of his finger pushed inside of her. 
You closed your eyes, deciding that this is not something you should be watching, before taking a deep breath and turning around to go back down to wake up Frankie so he could fuck you, when you collided with someone. Just so stopping yourself from yelping you looked up, already knowing it was Frankie. You parted your lips to tell him to turn around when he put one of his fingers in front of his lips, his head turning towards the kitchen. 
He was completely naked, his cock already half hard.
You gulped, following his line of sight. 
He turned his head back towards you and you caught Frankie’s eyes, before he leaned down, his lips against your ear. 
“I saw you watching them,” he whispered and you shivered. His hands came to rest on your hips, taking a step down so you couldn’t see into the kitchen anymore he towered over you. 
His eyes were now on your friends in the kitchen and you sucked your bottom lip in as you heard Tina moan. 
“I think he’s gonna make her cum baby….” Frankie whispered, his eyes now finding yours again. He took a step closer, two fingers hooking into the waistband of your panties to push them all the way down, you stepping out of them, before his hand cupped your pussy. 
“Fuck you’re so wet,” his fingers parted your folds, slipping through your wet slit. 
You let your head fall back against the wall.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum,” you heard Tina moan and you released a shuddering breath. 
“Frankie…” you whispered. He shook his head slowly.
“Shh listen….” he hummed, nodding upstairs and you did. Hearing Santi’s girlfriend fall apart as she tried to keep quiet, her moans echoing through the room. 
“Fuck baby you’re so sexy. My little cock slut,” you heard Santi say and Frankie’s eyes found yours. 
“Gonna fuck this pussy so good we gonna wake up the whole neighbor hood,” he continued and you felt one of Frankie’s fingers enter you. 
You heard a slap and you were dying to see what was happening in the kitchen. 
“That turn’ you on? Making Frankie and his girl wake up to find me fucking you in the kitchen?” Santi asked.
“Fuck baby….” she moaned and your lips parted when Frankie pushed another finger inside of you, pumping them slowly, his other hand pushing your shirt up. You helped him, pulling it over your head, throwing it down. He cupped your breast, playing with your nipple.
“You want them to hear what a slut you are for my cock?” you heard Santi ask and Frankie bend down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. Your hands flew up into his hair. 
His lips wandered up your neck, his lips against your ear as he moved his fingers inside of you. 
“When I woke up you were gone and I got up to find you and maybe fuck you in the kitchen,” Frankie said and you whimpered, very quietly. 
“But then I found you watching my best friend fuck his girlfriend…” he sucked on your earlobe and you let one of your arms fall down, your hand wrapping around his cock. You let your thumb brush over the wet tip of his cock.
“Who would have known my little wife is getting turned on from watching our friends fuck?” he looked at you then, his lips finding yours, swallowing your moan as he added another finger, stretching you out for his cock. 
“Fuck me already baby,” you head from upstairs and you pushed Frankie away. He looked at you confused until you knelt down on the stairs, getting on all fours for him. Looking over your shoulder you caught a glance of Santi pumping his cock with his hand and lining himself up to sink into his girlfriend with a satisfied groan. You caught Frankie’s eyes, smirking when you found his hand pumping his cock too. 
“Fuck me,” you mouthed and he shook his head in mock disbelief, his chest rising in a silent chuckle. 
You heard a long moan from the kitchen and cursing from Santi. 
Frankie’s hands were on your ass, parting your cheeks. He spit on his cock, taking a step closer and you felt him notch the head of his cock against your slit. 
You could hear Santi and Tina fucking, moaning from both filling the room, skin slapping on skin. 
They were doing a shit job at keeping quiet but then again it was their house.
“Can you keep quiet?” Frankie whispered, pushing the tip of his cock inside. 
“Can you?” you challenged, looking at him over your shoulder, biting your lip when he thrust his cock into you fully. 
“Fuck baby you’re so wet,” Santi moaned and you let your head fall down between your shoulders, squeezing Frankie’s cock. 
“If I knew getting caught turned you on so much, I would have fucked you in your shop,” a moan was heard from Tina and finally Frankie began to move. 
“Oh shit,” you whispered, feeling his hand groping your hips as he pumped into you with deep thrusts. 
He fucked into you, his thick cock stretching you and it felt so fucking good it took all your brainpower to keep yourself quiet. Frankie groaned quietly, giving you a hard thrust that made you moan. 
The sounds of Santi fucking his girl were almost porn worthy. And they continued doing a terrible job of keeping quiet and it made you wonder if they might want to get caught. 
Frankie fucked you harder and you moaned again, definitely too loud to not be caught. He stopped, his cock deep inside of you, his hands coming to rest on your shoulders as you waited if you had gotten caught. 
You didn’t. 
You looked at Frankie and he winked at you, before both of his hands wrapped over your mouth. He gave you a quick thrust and your eyes rolled back. 
He used his grip as leverage, beginning to pump into you with short hard thrusts. You heard him groan quietly. 
“Oh fuck, right there. Baby…. fuck you gonna make me cum,” Tina whimpered and you clenched around Frankie, making him choke on a moan. 
You risked a glance towards the kitchen, now being able to see what was going on and fuck these two looked so fucking hot. Frankie kept fucking into you while you saw Santi pump his thick cock into his girlfriend who was still laying on the kitchen island. His hands were on her breasts, groping them and you sighed into Frankie’s hands, closing your eyes. 
Frankie took a step up, his feet now next to yours on the stairs. He let go of his grip over your mouth and pushed your upper body down as his cock dove into you. The new angle made him hit your G Spot perfectly and you pressed your lips together, trying to keep quiet.
“Shit I’m gonna cum,” Santi groaned. 
“Rub my clit,” Tina moaned and you heard her cry out a long fuck as she came. Santi following her only seconds later. 
Frankie pumped harder into you and it was only seconds later that you fell apart, moaning as quiet as possible as he fucked you through your orgasm. 
“Shit baby,” Frankie groaned in a whisper. You felt him twitch inside of you, and you clenched around him, squeezing his cock and he groaned, loud, as he spilled inside of you. 
You leaned your head down, your arms laying on the stairs, breathing deeply as you still felt Frankie spill inside of you. He leaned down, his chest against your back as he kissed your shoulder. 
You turned your head, smiling softly and he kissed you. 
“There better not be any cum on the stairs, Fish,” you both heard Santi say and you jumped. Frankie’s arm came up to cover your tits as he pulled you up, both of you finding Santi and Tina looking at you with him still inside of her. 
There was an amused grin on his lips and Tina seemed amused. 
“No worries. Definitely no cum on your stairs,” you finally said and you all burst out in quiet laughter. Frankie kissed your cheek. You both took some stairs down and he pulled out of you. You felt his cum drip down your thighs and you reached for your panties to clean yourself while Frankie helped you back into your shirt. 
Turning around you wrapped your arms around Frankie’s neck and kissed him softly. You heard footsteps behind you and turned your head, finding Santi standing on top of the stairs, wearing his sweatpants. 
You sucked your bottom lip in, feeling guilty. 
“I’m sorry. I woke up and wanted to get some water and when I walked up I heard you and I just…” Santi waved his hands. You saw Tina come up behind him, hugging him from behind. 
“Next time just ask if you could join if you end up fucking,” Santi winked and you made big eyes, looking at Frankie who was still looking at him. You turned your head again, finding them both looking down at you. 
Frankie’s hand ran down your back, groping your ass. 
“Maybe we will,” he said and you looked at him, finding his eyes. It was like a silent conversation happened in the span of seconds before you turned your head to look at Santi and his girl again. 
“Yeah. Maybe we will.”
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rqzy · 1 year
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uhh i dunno to name this😄☝️☝️
cw: afab fem x gyro, unprotected sex, fingering, blowjob, praise kink, porn w/o plot
word count: 1.4k
note: idk if i should make a part 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Small whimpers leave your lips as you’re sprawled on a motel bed with Gyro towering over you, exploring your body no less. “You don’t mind me lifting this do you?” he asks with that stupid smirk you’ve grown accustomed to seeing throughout the race when he wins 2nd place. He lifts your skirt, as if it wasn’t already hiked up to your upper thighs, his hands trailing up and down them before resting his fingers on your inner thigh. The sensation is driving you crazy, his touch making you more desperate each time he teased you.
“Gyro quit being such a tease..” you say a bit quietly. “But bella, it's the best part,” he says, leaning into your ear and whispering it teasingly. “You’re so mean, gyro” you whine as he continues to explore your body. He trails his fingers up to your button-up before ripping it open, the buttons going everywhere as you gasp. “Gyro, that's my only good shirt!? you say still shocked. “Oh it's fine, I'll just give you one of mine,” he says smugly before placing his hands on your breasts and whispering again “Looks like we have to take that pretty bra off, huh?” he moves back as you sit up, and undo your bra in front of him embarrassed, you blush at the sight of him watching intently before the bra comes off.
“fuuuuck..bambola, you look so cute,” he says before pushing you back down “I can't wait to see how pretty you are when I fuck you.” he says before kissing you, palming your breast, fondling it as you moan quietly into the kiss. The kiss lasts for a bit before he trails his kisses down to your neck, littering it in his green lipstick. Soft whimpers leave your lips once again as he does this. “you like that don’t you?” he asks, you can feel him smiling against your skin as you hum a soft “mhm” to him. he begins to bite your neck a bit, earning another abundance of moans from you as he continues to smile against your skin. His hand slowly moves from your breast down to your lifted-up skirt as his hand trails over your panties before resting it.
“You’re so wet for me and I haven't even done that much” he chuckles before rubbing against your panties, smirking of course as he does this. “Should we take this off?” he asks, teasing you as he lifts the waistband up. You nod before he asks “Speak up y/n.” he says as his smirk grows. “Take it off, gyro.” you say with a tint of desperation in your voice before he slides your panties off, in awe of the sight he was seeing before leaning back down and kissing your neck again as he rubs a few small circles around your clit. waves of pleasure being sent through you as you’ve been craving this for so long. “f-fuck gyro..” you moan softly he continues to rub your clit before sliding two fingers in you as they pump in and out of you. Your soft moans slowly became louder as he continued, the feeling was overwhelming as he began kissing your neck a bit rough.
“mm- gyro im close” you whine to him before he removes his fingers as he looks up at you “That was only a small preparation” he snickers before standing up at the edge of the bed. “c’mere carina.” he says, gesturing before you sit at the edge of the bed. “undo my belt for me, will ya?” he asks looking down at your flushed face as you slowly undo his belt before looking up at him again. “Fuck, those pretty little eyes of yours are driving me crazy, y/n.” he says sighing before pulling his boxers down enough for his dick to spring out. He held your cheek in his hand as he spoke “suck it, please” Despite his ‘please’ nothing about his tone made it sound like much of a choice.
you didn’t mind though as you slowly took his tip into your mouth sucking softly as you began taking more of him into your mouth. He sucked air into his teeth at the view of you trying to take his dick in your mouth. “That's good, keep going, Tesoro'' he said as his breath got heavier. As you continue taking him, wrapping your hand around the shaft of his dick for whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth. For a while you were doing a good job since Gyro would occasionally mutter some Italian curse under his breath before he placed his hand behind your head and moved your head on his dick at a fast pace. “fu-fuck, amore thats real’ good” you could tell he was getting close before you pull away. “now it wouldn’t be fair if you got to cum and i didn’t” I say pouting a bit as i look up at him before he chuckles,” that's right..you’re right, let's change that.”
he says before again pushing you onto the bed and pulling you closer to him as he lifts your legs over his shoulder as he grins at you. “you ready, y/n?” you nod eagerly at his question before he slowly slid into you, stopping to let you adjust before you gesture him to move. “you’re so fucking tight” he mumbles in between grunts as he slowly slides in and out of you. a bundle of moans leave your lips as he moves his hand to your cunt rubbing circles on your clit while he fastens his pace. You couldn’t focus on anything but him now, and he wanted that.
“I'll make you so cock drunk you won't be able to walk tomorrow, dolcezza.” he says smugly before thrusting into you quicker for a bit as you whine and whimper. “Gyro..im really fuckin’ close” you try to speak in between moans before he thrusts into you rougher as you finally reach your high and you pant for a bit recovering. You hear gyro chuckle again, confused, you look up at him. “Oh Bambina, I said I'd make you cock drunk, didn't I? You aren’t getting off that easy.” he says before pulling you to the edge of the bed and flipping you over, The sight in front of him was heaven. You fucked out from your prior orgasm, bent over the bed for him now. “fuck you so hot when you’re fucked out, I wonder what you’ll look like after I make you cum again.”
he says leaning in whispering to your ear before he pulls back and slides into you again, going at a relentless pace. “mm!.. f-fuck gyro..!!” you say sensitive and overstimulated as he slaps your ass a bit harshly making you grip the sheets and yelp. “you take me so fucking well, y/n” he says as more grunts leave his mouth as he holds your hip with one hand and while the others still on your ass. he continues to fuck you relentlessly as you feel your next orgasm coming up. You can barely form a sentence, You mumble praises to him,” G-gyro im..f-fuck..im close” As he continues his rough pace, more moans and whimpers leave your body. “S-shit Miele I am too.”
he sounds more breathy as he chases his release as he fucks you. Soon enough, you cum again moaning a bunch of curses as well as his name. “your pretty voice is gonna be the reason i fuckin’ cum, y/n.” he says in between moans before quickly pulling out and cumming on your ass as he moans a string of Italian curses under his breath. Gyro then plops onto the bed lazily before turning to you,” Bella, you're so pretty when you’re cock drunk off me~” he says before kissing your cheek. Before you could even say anything you heard a snore, he was asleep?? already? you chuckle and go to get up to shower before you feel how wobbly your legs are, you punch gyro awake. “Come shower with me, I can't walk by myself.” You say as you watch him smile widely as he wakes up from his small cat nap, “I told you , you wouldn’t be able to walk, and I'd love to shower with you..” he says before picking you up and bringing you to the bathroom to shower smirking.
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englishstrawbie · 3 months
For Marina, prompts: 13, 15, 24, 36, 39, 46, 53, 62, 80, 99 <- any please and thank you :)
I've come back to this ask so many times, wondering how to fill some of these - and then the idea came into my head last night and this turned into something I really enjoyed writing. This one incorporates:
46 - “I made breakfast, but I didn’t know what you liked so I made enough to probably feed a small tribe.” (with a small tweak) 62 - “I hope you’ll never forget how much I adore you.” 99 - “You don’t know half of the things you do to me.”
I hope you like it! 😊
Carina wakes just after eight o’clock, the room starting to brighten as the sun fights its way through the pale curtains. The bed is warm, the sheets soft, and she buries her head into the pillow, soaking up the familiar scent of perfume left behind on the cotton. She groans as she stretches her limbs, slowly opening her eyes as they adjust to the light.
The other side of the bed is empty.
It wasn’t a dream, was it? She came home, she spent the night in their bed, in her wife’s arms. After months of sleeping in a cold, impersonal hotel room, she was back to the familiarity of her own apartment, with the promise of a better future.
But the other side of the bed is empty.
Carina lifts her head, wondering if she will hear the buzzing of the treadmill or Maya’s quiet grunts as she challenges the number of push-ups she can do.
She doesn’t.
She hears the stereo playing some of her favourite Italian music, the whistle of the kettle as it boils, the clattering of pans – and Maya berating herself for being too noisy.
A small smile creeps across Carina’s face and she pushes the covers off, swinging her legs out of the bed. She grabs a nearby hoodie – one of Maya’s SFD sweaters – and pulls it over her messy hair as she walks out into the apartment. She hangs back, not making her presence known as she watches Maya scoop a pancake out of the pan and put it onto an already high pile, a satisfied nod of her head when she switches off the stove.
Behind her, the dining table is full of food – pastries and waffles, bowls of strawberries and blueberries, bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms.
“Oh hey, you’re awake,” Maya says when she sees Carina nearby. She looks back at the table, her expression turning bashful. “I, uh, I made breakfast, but I didn’t know what you’d like, so I made enough to probably feed a small tribe.”
Carina chuckles. “I can see that.”
“I just wanted to do something special to celebrate you coming home.”
“I think we celebrated pretty good last night, bambina,” Carina says with a smirk.
She steps into the kitchen, immediately wrapping her arms around Maya and drawing her in for a morning kiss. She can taste the sweetness of the strawberries on her lips and hopes that Maya doesn’t mind her morning breath.
“Mmm,” she murmurs happily.
“Did you sleep okay?” Maya asks.
“Very well,” Carina says. “I missed our bed.” Her gaze dips to Maya’s lips, running her finger over them and smiling as Maya gently kisses it. “I missed you.”
Maya lets out a small sigh. “I missed you too.”
Carina pulls her in for another kiss, deeper this time, her hands creeping their way underneath her tank top in search of warm skin. She feels Maya moan against her lips as she pushes her up against the small island, almost getting carried away until her stomach growls angrily.
Maya breaks the kiss as she laughs.
“Your stomach is so loud when you’re hungry!”
Carina rolls her eyes, grumbling to herself as Maya extracts herself from her arms.
“Please,” Carina says as she turns and leans against the island.
She can’t keep her eyes off Maya, her tank top riding up as she reaches into the cupboard for Carina’s moka pot and exposing her toned abs. It is almost enough to distract her from Maya’s important task.
“Shit!” Maya says, breaking the spell that Carina is under.
“What’s wrong?”
“I forgot to buy more of your favourite coffee.”
Carina can see Maya mentally kick herself. “It’s okay,” she says casually.
It’s not like they ever stock bad coffee – Carina had banned instant coffee the moment she moved in. She wanders over to the cupboard and grabs a bag of Columbian coffee grounds that Gabriela had sent her several months ago.
“Use these,” Carina says. “And remember to…”
“I know,” Maya cuts her off, with a roll of her eyes.
The smell of rich coffee wafts across the kitchen as Maya fills the funnel with the coarse grounds. She has learned to put the stove on a low heat, forcing herself to be patient as the coffee spills over into the top chamber slowly. She pours Carina a cup and holds it out with a look of nervous trepidation.
Carina bites back a smile as she accepts it, taking a small sip. The taste takes her by surprise.
“Oh,” she says, taking another sip, just to make sure. “Oh mio dio… Maya, this is the best you’ve ever made!”
Maya shrugs nonchalantly. “Yeah well, I’ve been practising.”
The image of Maya spending hours trying to perfect an espresso, for her, for the day she came home, tugs at Carina’s heart.
“I’m glad I finally got it right,” is all Maya says. She spins around toward the stove. “Damn, I forgot to make French toast!”
Carina can see her avoiding the thought of the months they spent apart and all the sadness and longing they both felt. She places the cup down on the island and moves towards Maya, grabbing her hands and wrapping them around Maya’s body, cocooning her with their arms.
“I don’t care that you forgot about the French toast,” Carina says, pressing her lips just behind Maya’s left ear. “Or that you forgot to buy more of my favourite coffee. I only care that you remember how much I love you. And I hope you’ll never forget how much I adore you.”
She feels Maya let out a shaky breath and Carina buries her face into her neck, leaving a flurry of kisses on her skin, until she hits the back of Maya’s ear again. She can sense the smile that spreads across Maya’s face. She untangles their arms and spins Maya around in her arms.
 “So,” she says slowly. “I need to swing by the hotel later to pick up my stuff. And then I thought we could have lunch down by the water and stop by the market?”
“Like, a date?”
Carina nods. “I don’t want them to end just because I moved home.” She blushes at her own sentimentality. “They’ve become my favourite part of the week.”
Maya’s smile widens. “Me too.”
It is Maya who initiates the kiss this time, a brief brush of her lips against Carina’s.
“And since I made breakfast, you can make dinner.”
Carina chuckles. “Deal,” she says with a resolute nod. “I’ll cook you something so good, it will make your taste buds explode. It’ll be the best thing you’ve ever tasted.”
Maya’s eyebrows quirk. “You sure about that?”
Carina’s laugh grows louder and she leaves the question unanswered, hearing Maya grumble under her breath as her hand swipes her ass playfully.
“You don’t know half the things you do to me, you know.”
“Oh, I know,” Carina says cheekily as she heads towards the table that is laden with breakfast foods – ready to start the first day of the rest of their lives.
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she-karev · 3 months
Carina Gives Birth (Maya x Carina Birth Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Two
Fandom: Station 19
Ship: Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
Canon Episode: After Series Finale
AN: Happy Pride guys! For the last day of this pride month I wanted to do something special and what’s more special than the miracle of life? I’m doing two chapters of this; one will have Carina giving birth and the next will have Maya in the birthing room. Enjoy you guys and let me know what you think down below!
Summary: Carina gives birth to her and Maya’s daughter with Maya by her side who is supportive through all of it.
Words: 1795
January 24, 2024
Maya leans against the door frame of the hospital room in the OB floor of Grey Sloan tormented while her wife is inside having their baby. Despite being an OB herself Carina denied the epidural preferring to release natural oxytocin through pleasure. The reason Maya is outside is because Carina ordered her out of the room so she can do this herself.
The blonde firefighter doesn’t know if she should be offended or grateful to be excluded out of this private moment. Nevertheless, she is nervous as it is as she waits for Carina to be more relaxed and fully dilated so she can give birth to their baby girl and there will be light at the end of this dark tunnel.
Her red hoodie is soaked with sweat, and she flexes her hands compulsively at her sides, the urge to run from her problems is strong but she knows she doesn’t want to miss one moment of this. Besides if she ran Carina would find her and kill her.
“Do you want me to get you anything?” Andrew asks quietly and Maya realizes her brother-in-law came up from the hallway to stand next to her, “Water, coffee…a shot of vodka?”
Maya chuckles at her sympathetic brother knowing he’s been here before her with his wife Amber two years ago. She can only imagine how stressed he was and how agitated Amber got by the minute. She thinks it was a miracle he made it out in one piece.
“I’m fine. Carina is in there…trying to relieve the pain naturally.”
Andrew holds up his hand, “Say no more I’ve learned all about that from my very informative and shameless sister. Other than that, how’s it going?”
“Well, I’m gonna be a mother again and the key to achieving our yearlong dream is to put up with my angry and hormonal wife.” Maya purses her lips, “Maybe I should have carried this one instead. Speaking of which, how’s Liam?”
Before they drove to the hospital Maya and Carina dropped off their son, Liam, at his uncle Andrew’s and aunt Amber’s.
“He’s good.” Andrew says assuring, “He and Lucy were playing plush armies with Amber when I left. He was smiling the whole time; I think he already knows he’s gonna be a big brother soon.”
Maya smiles, “God I hope those two are close growing up. It’s not the case with me and my brother but I’ve learned that poison is not genetic, so I am hopeful.”
Andrew grins at Maya patting her back in comfort, “Well you’re already raising one great kid and he’s gonna be a great big brother. Besides Amber read from the books that siblings entertain each other because they have someone their age to play with. I mean look at me and Carina. We had each other and we both ended up great.”
Maya chuckles clearly teasing Deluca who smirks, “Generally speaking and the way we grew up I would say I’m right. So, I think your good on the sibling’s front.”
“Thanks for that I needed to hear it.” Maya exhales and furrows her eyebrows at the mention of Amber’s latest reading topic, “Wait why is Amber reading about raising two kids? Are you guys…?”
Andrew shakes his head vehemently, “No god no Lucy is a handful as it is, and Amber is starting to hear back from the fellowships she applied for.”
“But she’s entertaining the idea and wants to wait till Lucy is older.”
Maya smiles at the news of possibly being an aunt again, “Wow for all of her complaining Amber isn’t shy on doing all of that again.”
Andrew shrugs, “Well she grew up with two brothers and I grew up with a sister, so it was a given for us to want Lucy to have that too.”
“Well, hey maybe you can let it slip to Amber that Maya is a good name for a girl.” Andrew chuckles at that, “Or Bishop if there’s a Y chromosome.”
Andrew winces, “She already claimed both her brothers' names if we have a boy.”
“Just keep it in mind.”
“Will do.”
Carina’s agonized cries cut off their conversation as Maya and their OB, Linda Perez, rush back inside. Maya immediately stands by her wife’s side. Carina’s face is drenched with sweat and twisted with pain. The towering belly over her contracts causing Carina to scream in agony and Maya can only soothe her with words.
“Breathe, let it out you’re doing so great.” Maya turns to Linda who is doing a pelvic exam on Carina and needs to get answers, “What’s going on?”
“Your wife is fully dilated, and the baby is crowning she needs to push.”
Maya is shocked at how fast the labor progressed, “Already?”
“Sometimes in the case of geriatric pregnancies the time can-”
“Did you just say geriatric?!” Carina asks their OB offended with Maya standing by scared to step in.
Linda is scared as well and tries to mend her words, “It’s just the term Dr. DeLuca you know it.”
“Of course, I know it I am asking you not to make this so much worse for me!” Carina groans again.
Linda gets back to business, “Okay Dr. DeLuca I want you to give me a big push, okay? Can you do that?”
Carina shudders and looks at Maya, “I don’t know if I can, this is all happening so fast, what if I can’t do this?”
Maya stays calm and looks down at her wife with tenderness as caresses her hair back, “Yes you can, you can do this I know you can. You always say that to all of your patients and now it’s your turn.”
Carina groans, “I am amazed none of have punched me when I told them that as they were experiencing a world of pain I’m feeling right now!”
Maya chuckles, “Hey listen to me look at me.” Carina looks at Maya with tears in her eyes clearly scared, “It’s scary now, it’s scary for both of us, but in the end, we won’t even remember how scared we were once this baby comes out. Our daughter is gonna come and it’ll be so wonderful for both us and it’ll make all of this so worth it.”
Carina sniffles at that slightly calmer as Maya continues, “You told me that when I was on the fence of having kids and I am so glad you did because I wouldn’t be here with you about to expand our family. You did that for me, and I want you to do something for me again. I want you to push so that we can meet our daughter and take her home with us so we can raise our two kids and love them for the rest of our lives. Can you do that?”
Carina sighs and nods, “Yes.”
Linda once again orders Carina to push and she does so with Maya right next to her smoothing her hair back as she screams. Carina grabs Maya’s hand and holds it as she pushes again this time using all of her strength as Maya yells out words of encouragement while Carina holds her hand with alarming strength. And then it happened in an instant.
Carina’s pants stop as they hear a baby’s weak cries from the end of the bed. They look to see Linda holding their bloody and wriggling daughter already crying in the OB’s arms. Linda cleans the baby and wraps her in a blanket. Carina’s past aggression has shifted into laughs of joy accompanied by tears at finally seeing her dream come true. Linda puts the baby in Carina’s arms and the Italian woman greets their daughter.
“Ciao bambina, erano le tue mama’s.” Carina kisses the top of her crying daughter’s head overcome with so much love.
Meanwhile Maya is frozen with shock as she looks at the little girl in front of her stunned by what she helped made and how beautiful it all turned out.
“Do you want to cut the cord mommy?” Linda asks with a smile, holding the scissors out to her.
Maya snaps out of it long enough to smile, grab the scissors and cut the umbilical cord. After that she sits next to Carina on the bed crooning over their daughter who has calmed down. Carina sees her wife behind her and can see the love in her eyes as they glisten with tears.
Carina coos at the baby girl wrapped in a blanket, “Here bambina your mama wants to see you, let’s go to her.”
Carina moves to put the baby in Maya’s arms. Maya is shocked at first but gradually adjusts and holds her daughter and she puts her in a football position with her neck up. She looks at her daughter in front of her and immediately feels that unconditional love her father never gave her. She doesn’t care how many gold trophies she wins or how many races she does, nothing will stop her from loving this little blonde and blue-eyed baby in her arms. She says the same words she said to her three-year-old self two years ago knowing it’s exactly what she needs to do to break her family pattern and start anew.
Maya smiles at the baby, “Hi baby, I love you no matter what.” Maya starts to cry, and her voice breaks a bit as she is overcome with so much love for this tiny being, “You are lovable, no matter what. You are lovable, your mama’s love you without question and without condition. Don’t ever forget that or doubt how worthy you are of love because you are worth so much of it. We love you so much.”
Carina smiles at Maya knowing how much pain she had to go through to get to this point of her life and knowing just how lucky their children are to have a mother like her. Carina caresses their sleeping daughter’s cheek with her index finger as Maya softly caresses the babies soft light haired head.
Linda smiles at them before asking an important question, “What’s her name?”
“Andrea.” The women answer at the same time, and they look at each other in surprise. Maya smiles knowing Carina is naming her after her brother who has supported them and been by their side through all of this. And Carina knows Maya is naming her Andy Herrera’s full name, Andrea, as her best friend means the world to her and has saved Maya’s life so she can be in this moment with their new child.
Carina smiles and leans her head forward to touch Maya’s as they enjoy this moment as a family with the newest addition to their family, Andrea DeLuca-Bishop.
Maya Gives Birth Here
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goldenempyrean · 3 months
Silent Suffering
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〚 Notes - Just something I threw together whilst absolutely devouring a pint of raspberry sorbet (the whole thing...) 〛
〚 Pairing - Carina Deluca x Maya Bishop 〛
〚 Summary - Carina isn't one to cause a fuss, not when she isn't feeling well. Luckily she's got a very loving wife to take care of her. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2,900 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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It had been a relatively quiet morning, until Maya’s alarm blared through the room, pulling a very groggy Carina from a restless sleep beside her. 
The brunette hadn’t gotten much rest that night. She’d been tossing and turning for most of the evening, unable to get comfy and as she blinked awake, the distinct feeling of a headache sat behind her temples making them throb ever so slightly. 
Carina swallowed against a scratchy throat and winced at the dull ache. She could already tell this wasn’t just a bad night’s sleep; she was definitely coming down with something. Her nose felt stuffy, and she could feel the beginnings of congestion settling in. 
Despite how miserable she felt, the Italian plastered a smile on her face as Maya stretched and yawned beside her. “Good morning bambina,” She murmured, trying to sound chipper, though her voice came out slightly hoarser than usual. 
“Morning, love,” Maya replied, her voice still thick with sleep. She turned to her girlfriend, her eyes crinkling in a smile. “Did you sleep well?” 
“Yeah, just a bit restless,” Carina lied, hoping Maya wouldn’t notice the redness around her eyes or the slight puffiness of her face. 
The blonde nodded sympathetically and rolled out of bed. “I’ll go start the coffee,” She replied, already heading toward the kitchen. 
Carina sighed with relief as she watched her wife leave the room, allowing herself a moment to rub her aching temples. She sniffled quietly, wincing at how congested she already felt. There was no way she was going to let Maya know she was sick. She knew her wife could get over-anxious at the best of times, the last thing she needed was for her to be worried about her when she was meant to be working. Especially in Maya’s line of work, the slightest break in concentration could have disastrous consequences. 
She pulled herself out of bed and stretched, hiding a grimace at the ache in her muscles before beginning to get herself changed. 
In all honesty if Carina could’ve bundled up in a one of Maya’s hoodies and some sweatpants she would’ve. The last thing wanted to be wearing was her tight fitting slacks and open front shirt but she was Carina Deluca. She had to keep up appearances. Even if she was just dropping her girlfriend at work.  
By the time she’d gotten herself changed, there were small droplets of swear beading along her forehead. Carina could feel them trailing down her back as well. She was definitely running a fever. God this was a nightmare. 
The brunette hid a raspy cough against her shoulder before shuffling to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror Carina cringed at her appearance though her self-disgust didn’t last for long. A tickle creeping down the bridge of her nose caught her attention and she quickly swiped a tissue just in time to muffle two harsh sneezes into it.  
“Great.” She rolled her eyes in displeasure as she swiped another few tissues to blow her nose, “Come on, get it together.” 
The Italian sighed before splashing a handful of cold water onto her face before beginning apply her makeup in an attempt to mask her reddening nose and the half-dead look she’d had going on. 
The brunette cleared her throat a final step before straightening her posture and headed out to the kitchen. Despite feeling crappy, she couldn’t hold back a smirk at the site of her wife in pyjama shorts, swaying her hips to the rhythm of a Chappel Roan song on the radio as she made her lunch for the day, two steaming cups of coffee already sitting on the counter. 
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” She mused lovingly, coming behind Maya to wrap her arms around her waist, “I’m presuming one of those are for me?” She pointed towards the two cups. 
“Yeah, I know you usually take it black but I know you didn’t slept great so thought you could do with something less harsh.” Maya smiled, turning to press a kiss to her wife’s cheek, “It has some of that vanilla syrup you pretend not to like too.” 
Carina shook her head but couldn’t bite back the smile pulling at her lips, “Aren’t you a sweetheart?” She thanked her before taking the cup and sipping it softly, “Thank you bambina.” The hot liquid felt amazing against her sore throat. 
“Of course.” Maya smiled, carefully slid out of Carina’s hold as she finished packing up her lunch before taking a sip of her own coffee, “I should go get dressed, I’m only in for a few hours today, just covering for a member of B shift with Andy but she’s not going to be impressed if I’m late.” 
Carina chuckled softly, nodding as she tried to ignore the pounding in her head. "Yeah, don't want to keep Andy waiting," she agreed, giving Mai’ a gentle nudge towards the bedroom. "I'll be ready to go by the time you're dressed." 
Maya disappeared into the bedroom, leaving her wife alone in the kitchen. She leaned heavily against the counter, closing her eyes briefly to stop the room swaying around her. 
By the time the blonde returned, fully dressed and looking effortlessly professional, Carina had managed to pull herself together enough to look presentable. “Ready to go?” she asked, forcing a smile. 
“Ready,” Maya replied, leaning in for a quick kiss before grabbing her bag. “Thanks for dropping me off today. You’re the best.” 
Carina smile softened, becoming genuine, “No problem darling, let’s get you to work.” 
The drive to the station was a blur. The brunette focused intently on the road, forcing herself to ignore the pounding in her head and the chills running down her spine. The last thing she wanted was for Maya to notice her lack of enthusiasm so she made sure to keep nodding along as the blonde talked happily about how she was going to finally get B shift to clean up their side of the fridge.  
When they finally arrived, Carina pulled up alongside the curb and leaned over and to give Maya a lingering kiss. “See you at five?” The blonde asked as she reached down to grab her backpack. 
Carina nodded, managing a weak smile, “Of course, I’ll be here. Have a great day, love.” She cleared her throat a little too sharply, bringing her hand to touch the front of her neck as she winced. 
Maya gave her a quick wave before hurrying into the building. Carina watched her go, her smile fading as soon as her wife was out of sight. She let out a shuddering breath, finally letting out several sneezes she’d only just managed to hold back before sniffling miserably and resting her head against the steering wheel. This sucked. 
Carina sniffled for another few minutes before taking a deep breath. She couldn’t stay here, god forbid any of the other firefighters see her. She hated people knowing when she was ill. After muffling a painful sounding cough into her elbow, she straightened herself up before pulling out of the parking lot. 
Originally, she had planned to be productive today. Handle a few bits of paperwork for the station’s clinic, run some errands, maybe grab a greek salad from that place she liked a few blocks away. But now, all Carina wanted to do now was go home, to change out of these uncomfortably clothes and crawl back under a blanket. She hated this. She hardly got ill to begin with, but when she did it always seemed to hit her hard. 
By the time she pulled into the driveway, the poor brunette could hardly keep her eyes open. It was some miracle that she managed to stumble to the door in one piece. Finally inside and away from prying eyes and the pressure to maintain standards, Carina let herself relax. 
The first thing she did was head straight back to the bedroom, stripping off her clothes as she did so. She knew she was wasting energy but staying in her current outfit just wasn’t an option. Instead she dug around in Maya’s side of the wardrobe and pulled out one of her old t-shirts, pulling the cool fabric over her head. Accompanying the shirt, she picked out a pair of shorts and slid her legs into them, shivering slightly as chills ran over her exposed skin. 
Maybe these clothes were a little too light, she thought and grabbed Maya’s thick hoodie and pulled it around her arms. That was better. She looked at herself in the mirror for a moment, debating on whether to take her make up off by a wave of dizziness had her gripping their wooden dressing table for support. Make-up could wait, she needed to lay down for a bit. 
Coughing miserably into the sleeve of her borrowed sweater, Carina grabbed the fluffy throw blanket which sat neatly across their bed before stealing the box of tissues from the bathroom. Making her way out to the living room, she led down and curled up on the sofa, her knees up to her chest and she closed her eyes. 
Maya glanced at her watch for what felt like the hundredth time. It was already five fifteen, and there was still no sign of Carina. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she pulled out her phone. She called her but the line went straight to voicemail, not even ringing so she presumed it was out of battery…or switched off. 
It wasn’t like her girlfriend to be late. She was a very punctual person… well, when it came down to her anyway. Sure Carina could sometimes get caught up in things but she’d never been late when it came to her. 
The sound of footsteps behind her caught the blonde’s attention and looked over her shoulder to see Andy walking out of the building, pulling on her coat. 
“Hey Mai, what you doing waiting out here, it’s bloody freezing out here.” Her friendly voice called out as she dug her hands into the pockets of her coat. 
“I was just waiting for Carina,” Maya voice trailed off as she replied, “I don’t quite know where she is.” 
Andy frowned a little, “That’s not like her. She’s always early to collect you.” 
The blonde nodded in agreement, “I know, I’m a little worried about her now.” She fidgeted with her hands again before she felt Andy rest her hands on top of them before bringing an arm around her shoulder to ground her. 
“How about I drop you back home, it’s too cold to be loitering about and I’m headed that way anyway.” She offered warmly, not taking no for an answer as she guided her friend towards her car. 
“Are you sure- I’m really grateful, thank you.” Maya sighed with relief. 
The drive home was filled with Andy’s rant about the nerve of B shift, they hadn’t been exactly welcoming. Meanwhile Maya could barely concentrate. Her mind was racing with scenarios, each more worrying than the last. By the time they pulled into their neighbourhood, she was practically vibrating with anxiety. 
The two parked up and Andy walked her up the door. Maya searched around in her bag for a moment before realising she’d left her key on the hook inside - Carina always had a key on her usually. Instead, she gritted her teeth and knocked on the door loudly, hoping that her wife was home. Sure the car was there but she knew Carina was meant to be getting groceries today and she often liked to walk there and cut through the park. 
Inside, the loud echo of the knock fulled a tired brunette out of her feverish sleep. She sat up groggily, a little confused before remembering where she was. 
She tried to call out to let whoever was at the door know she was coming but her throat was too dry to produce a sound. Woozily standing up, the blanket she’d been cuddled in trailing behind her before falling to the floor in a heap as she made her way to the door. 
“If she’s not in then you’re welcome to wait at mine for a little bit. She’s probably just got caught up in things.“ Andy began to think of solutions but a clatter of keys falling to the ground inside stopped her, “Oh, she is in! There we go.” 
Maya shrugged, “I’m sure she just forgot where she left the keys and had to look for them.” 
But nothing could have prepared either of them for what came next. After some fumbling with the lock and what she’d presumed was a muttered curse between a few coughs, the door swung open. Slowly revealing a pale Carina leaning on the frame for support.  
Her hair was a mess from having been slept on, but what surprised Maya most was her outfit, in the whole team of dating Carina, she’d never known her to wear her clothes. Sure she’d occasionally steal a sweater or two but this was on another level and quiet frankly she was adorable even with the red, running nose and glassy eyes. 
Over the hours she’d sweated most of her makeup off in her sleep apparently, leaving the brunette with smudged eyeliner, dark circles beneath her eyes and her forehead sheened with a sweaty glow. Carina coughed again, the sound deeper and more painful this time.  
It took Carina a moment to realise what had happened. Shit! She had been meant to pick Maya up! Damn it!  
Her eyes widened with the realisation, she tried to speak but her words cracked and caught in her throat, coming out as a quiet, sore rasp, “Mai’! I’m so sorry-“  
“Carina? Oh my god, sweetheart! Look at you!”Maya cut off her ramblings as she worriedly eyed over her wife’s sickly appearance, “My poor baby, you sound awful, shh, don’t start apologising, you have nothing to be sorry for.”  
“I forgot-“ Carina tried again but Maya was quick to interrupt again. 
“No, no, none of that,” She murmured reassuringly, mumbling a pitiful blessing when her girlfriend turned away to sneeze unexpectedly loudly into a crumpled tissue, “Come here love,” Maya held her hand up to Carina’s forehead, hovering in front of it for a moment before the brunette subtly nodded her approval.  
She pressed her cool hand against her forehead, it was obvious from the heat radiating from her that was she running a temperature, “Sweetie, you’re burning up. Let’s get you back inside.” The blonde gently ushered her to go and sit back down before turning to Andy - she’d taken a few steps back from the door to give them some privacy. 
“Thank you so much for dropping me off.” She smiled gratefully. 
Andy nodded, reaching over to squeeze her shoulder reassuringly, “It’s not a problem at all, you go take care of your girl.” 
“I will do, thank you again.” Maya waved, watching her manager begin to walk away before closing the door behind herself. 
Making her way to the living room, she picked up the blanket which had still been strewn on the floor and pulled it around Carina’s shoulders as she came to her side, “You’re not feeling very well.” She stated, less of an accusation and more of a sympathetic statement. 
Carina simply nodded, sniffling as she reached for a tissue to muffle another damp sneeze into before uttering a croaky, “Excuse me.” 
Maya felt her heart melt a little at the sight of her wife so miserable and ill, “Bless you darling.” She cupped her flushed cheeks gently, “Have you been like this all day?” 
Carina nodded weakly, her eyes heavy with fatigue. "I didn't want to worry you," She whispered, her voice barely audible, “Or be a burden.” 
"Shh, love, you know could never, ever be a bother to me,” Maya murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Carina’s forehead. She could feel the feverish heat against her lips, “Have you taken any medicine or anything?” She looked around at the stray tissues which lay about around the sofa. 
Carina shook her head, “I fell asleep before I took any.” She mumbled, looking up in a feverish confusion as she watched Maya wander away before returning a few moments later with some cotton pads and micellar water. 
“May I?” Maya crouched down to be at her level before gently beginning to wipe away the remnants of her makeup. She also carefully untangled her hair the best she could, gently doing it up into a more manageable bun with one of her scrunchie bobbles, “That must feel a little better, hm?” 
“You’re amazing.” Carina croaked, a small smile appearing on her face as Maya continued to dote over her. She hadn’t ever experienced anything like this nothing, she’d never felt so loved, so cared for. Feverish tears threatened to well up in her eyes but she sniffled and fought them back. 
The blondes’ eyebrows crinkled a little at Maya’s slightly teary eyes, “You okay baby?” 
“Never better.” Carina sniffled again, giving her a tired but clearly appreciative look. 
“Good, let’s get you to bed and then we’ll find you some medicine.” Maya returned the smile and wrapped an arm around her wife’s waist to support her as she stood, “We’ll have you feeling better in no time.” 
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Can you do when Ominis and Sebastion reactions when f!reader speaks Italian to them like romantic and don't understand? Maybe they like the language and ask her to continue speaking in Italian
Sebastian And Ominis with a F!reader who speaks Italian
Warnings: none, just fluff!
A/n: I wrote this on Mobile, I hope the format turned out okay! Also, the reader is intended to be Female, but I didn't use any gendered terms so you can read it as anything you would like!
Ominis Gaunt
So, he likes being held.
He will admit it with pride, his favorite place is with his head on your chest.
So it's a dreary winter day and that's exactly where you are. In front of the Slytherin fireplace holding a sleepy Ominis. And he is sleepy, he can hardly keep his eyes open.
It's a Saturday and everyone else is in Hogsmeade, so you have the common room to yourself. The gramophone is playing your favorite song and it's pretty much perfect.
If it wasn't for the unfortunate events of the night before.
Ominis had received a rather nasty howler from his parents regarding you, demanding he answer their questions about your blood status.
And in the howler they had mentioned how it was already shameful to have a blind son, and not to mention a blind son courting a potential mud blood.
It really shattered Ominis.
He had cried himself to sleep that night and woke up with you snuggled against him, having snuck into his dorms after hearing what happened.
And now he was finally on the verge of restless sleep, being held by you.
No matter how many times you told him that he was absolutely breathtaking, he didn't quite believe you.
The moment was right. You kissed your boyfriend's head and rested your cheek against his hair.
"sei così carina. Bel ragazzo."
Ominis hadn't been asleep. He turned his head and nuzzled further into your chest, blushing slightly. "What does that mean?"
Well. You hadn't expected to get caught. So you stuttered for a second before blushing yourself. "Um...nothing. I just called you pretty, that's all."
When it's genuine, Ominis has the prettiest laugh you've ever heard.
"I'll believe it if you keep talking to me. That sounded amazing. Is that Italian?"
Sebastian Sallow
After the events of fifth year, arguments were unfortunately common in your relationship.
Of course they never escalated, were never really more than tiffs honestly.
But as much as you love Sebastian, he could drive you to your wits end.
What had started off as an invite to snog in the undercroft ended in an argument.
He asked you about the boy you were talking to in herbology, and when you dismissed the question he started an argument.
Maybe a reasonable thing to ask, but not to be passive agressive over.
So when you put your hands in your hair and sigh, muttering a "Oh mio Dio!" between clenced teeth, you're shocked when Seb stops his pacing to look at you.
"Say that again."
And he has a commanding voice that makes anyone listen (and weak in the knees), so you repeat yourself.
And he just smiles.
"You're voice is so pretty when you say things like that. In What, Italian?"
Of course you are taken aback because a moment ago you were ready to kill him.
"You should say things like that more." He smirks before apologizing.
"Now, tell me about your day. Besides this spat, I mean."
You shake your head at his antics. "Well this morning, when I woke up,"
"No, tell me in Italian."
little shit. We love him though.
184 notes · View notes
upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Being a new firefighter at station 19 and immediately having both Maya and Carina fall for her but she is very interested in Andy. She and Andy secretly get together. After six months of dating and countless amounts of flirting from the two starts to aggravate andy and the reader. One day Andy just snaps and kisses her in front of them. The other two are upset but end up getting over it. Fluffy and angsty please?
Summary: Secrets weigh you down.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x female!reader, Marina
Warnings: none
Word count: 1216
a/n: Andy Herrera deserves to be the captain of Station 19 <3
masterlists | guidelines
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Giggling can be heard in the kitchen. Andy and Y/N are cooking together while the other firefighters are working on different tasks. They clicked quickly when Y/N arrived to Station 19 two months ago. She worked as a firefighter before moving to Seattle, but she still hasn’t ranked up to lieutenant, it wasn’t that important to her.
But it is incredibly important to Andy. She wants to become a captain one day, which is why when they started dating a few weeks back, they decided to stay quiet about it.
“Y/N!” Carina exclaims as she and Maya walk into the kitchen, making Andy frown instantly. The couple have been making moves on Y/N, which bothered her, but she knows she has to let it go so they wouldn’t be exposed. “How have you been?”
“Hey, Carina.” She smiles politely. “I’ve been great actually.”
“Seriously great, you should’ve seen her on call last week, incredibly hot.” Maya comments, the last part coming out as a playful whisper.
Y/N giggles and shakes her bead, putting a tray of food into the oven. ”It wasn’t that amazing.” She raises her brows, looking at smirking Maya.
“Oh, I’m sure it was.” Carina comments. She had heard everything about the specific call from Maya.
Andy rolls her eyes. She’s stirring the pot in front of her, out of the conversation, but still hearing all the compliments the couple are throwing in Y/N’s way. Inside her head, she’s mocking every single thing coming out of their mouths.
“I’m very glad that you moved here. I’ve grown very appreciative of watching you work.” Maya says with a certain glint in her eyes.
Carina leans against the counter. “It’s the uniform.”
“Oh, I kn-“
“Could everyone not cooking leave the kitchen, please?” Andy finally speaks up with quite a loud voice, clearly showing her annoyance. Y/N giver her a look, but she ignores it. “We are trying to cook here for everyone and you are being very distracting.”
Maya and Carina glance at each other, but decide to leave the floor so they wouldn’t annoy Andy even more. However, they can’t help but compliment Y/N one last time before doing so.
”Andy…” Y/N turns to look at her, though she just continues cooking normally.
“They were being annoying.” She reasons, turning the stove off.
Sighing, Y/N lays her chin on Andy’s shoulder. “I know. But you can’t yell at them.”
“I did not yell at them.” She turns around and puts her hands on Y/N’s hips. “I just don’t like watching them being like that with you, especially knowing I can’t do anything. And it all feels like it’s my fault.”
“It’s not your fault.” Y/N assures, putting her hands on Andy’s cheeks. “You’re ambitious when it comes to work, I love that. And sadly us being together could jeopardize you getting a promotion, which is why we do this.”
“I know, I know.” Andy groans. She squeezes her hips lightly with a frown on her face. “One day I’m going to trip Maya when she goes down the stairs.” She mumbles quietly, kind of hoping Y/N wouldn’t hear her, but she does, and she gets a disapproving look. “I wouldn’t make her fall! Just stumble a bit.”
“She’s your captain.” Y/N pulls away from her hold and goes to check on the food in the oven, having to bend slightly when doing so.
Andy stares at her. She leans against the counter and smirks. “You do look amazing in the uniform.”
“Shut up!”
A dirty rag flies to her direction, which she luckily dodges while laughing.
With her foot tapping the ground rapidly, Andy listens to the others talk. The whole team, plus Miranda and Carina, are eating dinner together. Which means she is stuck on listening to Maya and Carina try to woo her girlfriend, and after months of constant flirting, she’s getting more than annoyed. They just aren’t getting the hint.
Y/N continues to politely smile and nod as they flirt with her, at times laughing awkwardly. She holds onto Andy’s hand that’s gripping her thigh quite tightly under the table.
Sometimes Victoria and Travis glance at each other with knowing looks when they see either Carina or Maya staring at Y/N, which somehow infuriates Andy even more. Others are noticing the advances they’re making and they aren’t caring that Maya is the captain.
“Are you free this weekend?” Carina asks.
“Uhm,” she has a date night with Andy, “not really.” Y/N smiles slightly.
“Well, if your plans change, you could come over.”
Andy slams her fork to the table. “No, she can’t!” Her voice is loud and strained. Y/N turns to look at her with wide eyes, she tries to shake her head lightly to make Andy stop, but it goes unnoticed.
The table is quiet and everyone is staring at her with perplexed looks. “Herrera.” Maya starts. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is not okay, because you two,” her finger moves between Maya and Carina, “just won’t stop.”
”Won’t stop what?”
She points at Y/N with wide eyes. “All the- the flirting and you’re so hot in your uniform. We all wear the same uniform!” She groans and throws her hands in the air. Feeling like everyone is looking at her like crazy, she decides to just come out with it. Andy grabs both sides of Y/N’s head with her hands and pulls her into a kiss.
Y/N hums in surprise at the contact, but goes along with it, kissing her back. It feels good to finally have the secret out. All the close calls and staying away from each other were starting to get tired.
Andy pulls away and instantly turns to look at Carina and Maya. “We’re dating, please stop flirting with her.” They both nod, still quite surprised by the outburst. “Thank you.” She grabs Y/N’s hand and pulls her to the locker room, so they could have some privacy.
“That was..something.” She looks at Andy with raised brows.
“I’m sorry.” Andy sighs and sits down to the bench. “I was just so tired of them.”
”It’s okay.” Y/N starts giggling as she sits next to Andy. She isn’t sure if she even should be laughing, but it all just seems hilarious at the moment. Andy scoffs at her, but starts laughing as well.
The laughing gets cut off by Maya and Carina coming into the room with frowns on their faces. They stop in front of the pair. “We just wanted to come here and apologize.” Maya states, looking at Carina who nods.
“We never ever wanted to make you uncomfortable.” Carina adds.
Y/N smiles, accepting the apology. She elbows Andy’s side when she stays quiet. “It’s fine,” she says with an exaggerated sigh, “just don’t flirt with her anymore.”
“We won’t.” Maya chuckles. “Now come on and finish eating you two. I don’t want to see any kind of inappropriate stuff during work hours.” It’s incredibly how her voice turns to the captain voice with a snap of her fingers.
“Copy that, captain.” Y/N grins as they walk back to the dinner table, this time holding each others hands.
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toasttt11 · 6 months
do you like me?
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April 19, 2021
Carina has tried for the six years to do everything to not think about or care for Joseph Woll, but he seems to have a way to worm his way through her walls and she hated it because no one has ever made her feel so much.
After she invited him to her game in December of 2019 she didn’t get to see him before the rest of the season was suspended and she headed home to her family but she did stay in contact as Joseph asked to be able to text her and she reluctantly agreed still not sure why.
Carina did spend most of her time in quarantine working out and being on the ice. It was a lot for Carina being home for so long again and not being able to leave. She did enjoy being near her family longer than a few weeks but it was difficult living with people again for that long as she is use to living alone most of the time.
Carina reluctantly did keep in contact with Joseph, texting him more than she has ever texted anyone and gave him the rare facetime’s, they became a lot closer and Joseph could tell Carina was softening towards him bit by bit.
Carina was in her new house she bought a few months ago, and was pacing in her bedroom trying to decide if this was the correct idea and she couldn’t take it back.
Carina wasn’t stupid, she may be grumpy but she understood that Joseph had regrettable wormed his way into her heart and she couldn’t stop no matter how much she tried to too.
Carina let out a deep breath glaring at the ground as she continued to pace. Groaning once more she all but stomped out of her house and into her car starting to drive out of her driveway.
Carina had left right as the sun was setting and the traffic had already cleared up and she got to her destination within a hour and a half, she parked in the parking garage and headed into the elevator up the the floor she knows she needs to go.
She walked through the hallway and knocked on the apartment she was looking for, the door opened and Jospeh was there.
“Ina? What are you doing here?” Joseph let out a disbelieving laugh and a smile came to his face.
“Can i come in?” Carina asked as politely as she got and it made Joseph raise an eyebrow but he nodded moving over letting her come in and he shut the door behind them.
Joseph watched as Carina started pacing in his living room and he frowned in worry as he has never seen Carina this emotional, “Ina is everything okay?” Joseph asked in a soft voice walking closer to her.
Carina spun around abruptly facing him and blunty asked him, “Do you like me?” Carina fiddled with her fingers behind her back and away from Joseph seeing.
Joseph froze and his eyes widen dramatically, “What- Why are you asking?” Joseph spluttered out nervously.
“Do you?” Carina asked slightly softer but still very blunt as she took a step closer to him.
Joseph took a deep breath but nodded seeing Carina looking at him, “I do.” Jospeh’s felt a sense of relief finally telling her his feelings after six years.
Carina slowly nodded not looking away from him and crossed her arms around herself, “Well are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?” Carina sassed him with a slight smirk.
“Girlfriend?” Joseph spluttered out again looking at her nervously but hopeful, Carina nodded once more, “You like me Ina?” Joseph stepped closer to her and even with her doc martens on he was still a few inches taller than.
“So what if i did.” Carina sassed back hoping to cover her feelings.
“Then i would love to ask you to be my girlfriend.” Jospeh softly replied but giving her a stern look rasing his eyebrow as he wasn’t asking her until she at least told him she felt something.
Carina looked away letting out a hmph, Jospeh could see a slight pout on her lip before she started mumbling to herself.
“Ina, i can’t hear you.” Jospeh softly interrupted her mumbling and grumbles, he watched as she took a deep breath before looking back at him.
“I feel something for you too.” Carina glared at Jospeh keeping her arms crossed.
“That’s all you had to say Ina.” Joseph softly smiled at her but also felt his heart jump hearing the words he’s waited for.
“So would you like to be my girlfriend Ina?” Joseph looked at her fondly gently nudging her arm.
“Alright.” Carina furrowed her eyebrows nodding, “Guess that’s fine.” Carina tried to act nonchalantly but Joseph could see the slight smile on her face.
“May i kiss my girlfriend?” Joseph questioned titling his head.
“If you want.” Carina whispered out as he leaned closer to her and his hand brushed against her back and rested there, she swallowed at his touch and feeling his breath hit her lips.
“I would love that.” Joseph whispered back before pressing his lips gently to hers and pulling her closer to him, he felt her hands tentatively run across his shoulders up to his neck and rest there as they kissed each other.
Carina pulled away catching her breath and let herself smile slightly as she looked up at him.
“Wait don’t you have a game tomorrow?” Joseph looked at her in concern as he suddenly remembered.
“I’m sick.” Carina plainly anwsered a small smirk forming on her face as she faked a cough.
“You-“ Jospeh shook his head speechless but also not suprised because it’s Carina, he smiled and pulled her back into a kiss.
Carina stomach rumbled as they kissed and Jospeh pulled back letting out a fond chuckle, “Want dinner?”
“It’s late.” Carina protested kinda feeling bad.
“And you’re hungry.” Jospeh sternly replied gently and slowly grabbing her hand so if she wanted to pull away she could but he smiled when she squeezed his hand back, “Come on i made dinner a few hours ago and i have a lot of leftovers.” Joseph walked with her to his kitchen and sadly dropped her hand as he grabbed the food from his refrigerator and grabbed a pan to heat up.
Carina let out a small noise when she saw he made salmon bowls her favorite, “Salmon?”
“You like Salmon still?” Joseph asked hoping she still does, Carina nodded quickly. Joseph smiled and started heating up the food pretty quickly and putting it into a bowl and putting it onto the counter, “You want something to drink?”
“Water. please.” Carina replied. Joseph smiled and grabbed her a glass of water before picking the bowl up and gesturing for her to follow him he brought them to his couch and set her food onto the coffee table.
“Thought you would be more comfortable.” Joseph shrugged when he saw her questioning look, Carina nodded sitting down and slipped off her boots and put her keys and phone onto the coffee table before picking the bowl up as Joseph sat down next to her.
Carina hummed as she took her first bite and happily ate another big spoonful, “Good?”Joseph asked curiously as he watched her fondly, Carina replied with a rapid nod.
Joseph clicked on a random show as Carina ate her dinner.
Carina put her bowl on the coffee table, “Thank you.” She looked over at Joseph.
“Of course.” Jospeh softly smiled back before looking at the time seeing it was already ten o’clock at night, “Your staying tonight.” Joseph stated and got up off the couch.
“Not gonna ask first?” Carina teased him as she got up following after him.
“No, i’m not letting you drive home this late.” Jospeh called back as he walked to his bedroom, he opened his drawer grabbing a pair of sweat shorts and a t-shirt and turned around and handed them to her, “The bathroom is right there.” He pointed to the bathroom door.
Carina nodded and headed into the bathroom shutting the door and slipping off her clothes and putting on his, she walked back out leaving her clothes in the bathroom.
Joseph looked over and smiled softly at the sight of her in his clothes, “Uh you can have my bed and i’ll take the couch.” Joseph offered not wanting to overwhelm her.
Carina shook her head soflty walking over grabbing his hand pulling him to his bed, “We can share.”
Joseph smiled and squeezed her hand back, he pulled the covers back and got into bed and Carina laid down next to him.
Carina laid her head on the pillow looking at Joseph, Carina tentatively brought her hand up to his face and gently brushed her fingers across his cheek and into his hair.
Joseph smiled softly closing his eyes enjoying her soft touch as he slowly fell asleep.
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bqstqnbruin · 1 month
Elias Pettersson Teacher AU
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I rewrote this about four times and this was not where I thought it would end up but here we are anyway
Teacher AU Series
Warnings: swearing
WC: 711
“Go, get home before it starts to get bad out,” Carina says, shooing the last of her team away to their parents who were waiting for them in the parking lot. The custodial staff had already left for the night, meaning Carina was the one who had to put the rest of the stuff away after volleyball practice. The girls wanted one more practice in their own gym before their conference tournament started that weekend, and it was the only day she could get the gym with basketball tryouts starting that week as well. It also happened to be the night of ‘the storm of the century,’ as the weather channel was calling it.
Their local weather channel, however, had a habit of calling nearly every storm that would drop more than a quarter of an inch of snow the same thing, so Carina wasn’t that worried. She grew up experiencing these kinds of storms all her life. This wasn’t going to be that different. Even if it was, it was supposed to be finished by the time school was going to start the next morning. 
Carina makes her way back to her classroom, the snow already falling and casting shadows through the hallways now that the lights were turned off. She could see out into the parking lot from one of the hallways, only . 
She makes his way to his classroom instead, seeing him hunched over his desk with a pen in one hand, his other holding back the blonde hair that always fell in his face. She knocks on the door, waiting for him to look up to see her in the window and wave her in, the smile on his face growing when he sees her. Carina knew her own expression lit up when she saw him, this weird air between them where she was sure he liked her too but she was also convinced she was over analyzing all their interactions.
“What are you still doing here?” she asks, sitting down at one of the desks.
“I wanted to get these papers back tomorrow.” 
Carina craned her neck to try to get a look at the stack he still had. Judging by how many he had, he had only finished one of his four sections worth of essays. 
“Elias, you’re not going to sleep tonight if you try to grade all of those.” 
Elias laughs, the sound making Carina’s heart skip a beat. “Why are you still here?”
Elias nods, smiling at her. “Go home, it’s gonna get bad out.” 
Carina sighs. “You should listen to your own advice.”
“You walk to school, right?” he asks her, sitting back in his chair and twirling his pen between his fingers. Carina nods. Unfortunately for her, just about everyone who worked at and attended the school knew she lived on the next street, giving her no reason to drive her car every day. In retrospect, she should have driven since she knew what the weather forecast was when she left, but she didn’t. “I’ll go home now if you let me drive you home.”
Elias starts packing up his stuff without letting Carina answer. “You don’t have to do that, I’m fine walking.” 
“Too bad,” he says, taking her hand in his and leading her to her classroom to grab the rest of her stuff. 
There was nothing romantic about it, he was just making sure she got home safe, right? He was just a coworker helping another coworker in her time of need.
The two of them finally make their way outside, the snow coming down a lot harder than the forecast had predicted. “Oh, shit, it’s going to take forever to get home,” Elias mutters, turning his car on and trying to get the heat blasting as fast as possible.
“How long does it take you on a normal day?”
“An hour.”
“Oh,” Carina says, Elias already turning into her driveway. The two of them sit there for a second, neither of them moving. “You could stay the night.” 
Elias cocks his eyebrow, a smirk on his face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she lets out. “I mean, the students will probably see your car and think things are happening, but-”
“I don’t think I care if they do.”
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jmflowers · 5 months
For hygge (sorry if I misspelled it). Maya and Carina having to go appliance shopping (washer, dryer, dishwasher, etc) broke while Maya was on shift. Her and Carina decide to go after Maya’s shift. Maya is checking out all the appliances and seeing which one has the better deal, better warranty, uses less electricity & or water. Carina is tired and pregnant and trying to keep a toddler entertained and just wants Maya to hurry up. Maya finally decides and tries to make it up to her wife by stopping by her favorite fast food restaurant to grab dinner and something sweet for Carina.
I am so not used to getting really detailed prompts, so I didn't follow this exactly. But I hope you like it just the same!
August 2025
“This one has a five-year warranty,” Maya calls out, reading the information tag hanging on the side of the washing machine. “But that only covers repairs, not replacement.”
“Mhm,” Carina hums from somewhere behind her.
“That three-year warranty might be a better deal,” Maya continues, looking between the two indecisively. “Except, that other one without the warranty is more efficient than both of these.”
“Bambina,” Carina huffs, finally drawing Maya’s attention away from the row of appliances she’s been perusing for the better part of an hour. She’s holding tight to the handle of the shopping cart, her body tipped just enough to relieve some of the pressure on her spine. Her free hand rubs at the tight muscles in her lower back, the weight of her 36-week belly clearly getting to her.
Maya pales, suddenly cluing back into reality.
“I do not care if it breathes fire,” Carina hisses, laying a hand atop Andrea’s beloved stuffed ostrich before he can launch it out of the shopping cart… again. “Please, please just pick one so we can go home.”
They’ve been in their new house for only a couple of weeks. Already, the laundry has piled up – new bedding and Andrea’s mud-covered clothes from afternoons spent in the new backyard and stacks of baby clothes that need to be folded and put away before their daughter arrives. And, of course, the ancient washing machine that had come with the house had decided it was perfect timing to officially fall apart.
Maya recognizes that realistically, she’s not being overly rational. She doesn’t need to study efficiency and water usage and warranty details to make the correct choice. The selection of machines before her are all acceptable, all financially-sound decisions.
But there’s a baby in Carina’s belly – her  baby – and that fact alone seems endlessly capable of making her spiral.
It feels like they’re living the weeks before Andrea’s birth all over again.
“I’m sorry,” Maya swears, stepping towards Carina. She holds out her hands, an unspoken offering of the massage or belly-lifting Carina’s been gratefully accepting lately.
Carina shakes her head, though, her frustration and exhaustion evident. She catches the stuffed ostrich again, sighing heavily as Andrea wails loudly at the betrayal. “We will be in the car,” she says, maneuvering the shopping cart back towards the front of the store.
“I’m sorry,” Maya repeats as she climbs into the driver’s seat.
Carina has reclined the passenger seat as far as it will go, the pillow she takes everywhere now shoved beneath her lower back. Her eyes are closed, but she winces still as Andrea roars a little too loudly, one of his toy dinosaurs flying across the backseat and crashing roughly against the rear passenger window, mere inches from Carina’s head.
“Andrea,” she scolds without opening her eyes, “Non lanciamo giocattoli.” (We don’t throw toys.)
“’dactyl!” Andrea yells, as though the fact that the toy he’s thrown is a pterodactyl  is explanation enough for its flight.
“Inside voice,” Maya reminds him, turning in her seat to catch his eye.
He nods, pressing a finger to his lips as he smiles. “’dactyl,” he whispers. “Mama sleep?” he asks a moment later, brows furrowed as he looks at Carina.
“Yeah,” Maya answers, smirking when Carina’s own brow furrows. “Mama needs something yummy to wake her up. What do you think?”
The suggestion splits Andrea’s face into a wide grin, one of his little fingers tapping against his chin in his learned rendition of thinking. “’Misu?” he suggests.
“Good idea,” Maya praises him, smiling even wider when the corner of Carina’s lips lift. “And maybe some eggplant parmigiano, to make up for how long Mommy took in the store?”
“Long,” Andrea echoes.
Carina’s hand drifts across the console, landing gently on Maya’s thigh.
“Hopefully,” Maya continues, “Mama will forgive Mommy when our brand new washing machine gets delivered tomorrow, and Mommy can get back to work washing everything for baby Pip?”
Andrea’s brow furrows again, that little finger drifting back up to his chin. “Maybe,” he repeats, clearly trying to gather the words for whatever else is on his mind.
Carina peeks an eye open, watching him, too.
“Maybe,” he says again, “Mama get rub, rub, rub.”
Maya laughs, reaching into the backseat to grab hold of Andrea’s shoe. Their little boy squeals, delighted but immediately pulling himself out of the grasp. “I think you’re right,” Maya agrees, enamoured with his intelligence. “I think Mama does need a massage, too.”
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swan-of-sunrise · 6 months
Hawkeye (Part II)
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Summary: Clint reaches out to (Y/N) for help and after a visit with the physically and mentally taxed archer, she takes it upon herself to meet Hawkeye’s #1 fan and impart a little wisdom onto Clint’s young partner.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This week's chapter is a little longer because (a) I'm not sure I'll have Part III finished by next Thursday and (b) You guys deserve it!! There's a surprise character that'll pop up in the second half of this chapter and if you've seen Spider-Man: No Way Home, then I think you'll know who it is lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Hawkeye (Part II) December 21st, 2024 Apartment of Moira Brandon, East Village (Previous Chapter)
Out of all the Avengers she’d been introduced to during that fateful party at the Avengers Tower so many years ago, (Y/N) always had a secret soft spot for Clint Barton; he was equal parts kind and sarcastic, quickly noting the anxiety she’d been desperately trying to mask from the moment she arrived and taking the time to get to know her while simultaneously directing playful jabs at his fellow teammates. Their first meeting and team-up in the subsequent conflict with Ultron coupled with Natasha’s endless stories from their days of working together at S.H.I.E.L.D. cemented (Y/N)’s unbreakable trust in the archer, and it was that trust that led her to an average-looking East Village apartment building only four days before Christmas with a priceless and top-secret piece of S.W.O.R.D. technology tucked away in her messenger bag.
“Thanks for coming on such short notice, (Y/L/N),” Clint smiled as he ushered her into the temporary safe house, checking up and down the hall before locking the door and leading her into the cozy living room. “See any of those idiot Tracksuits tailing you?”
(Y/N) shrugged her winter coat off and draped it over the back of the couch with a humorless chuckle. “Nope, but I almost wish I had; I could’ve used a good laugh or two after that horrendous traffic jam on the Brooklyn Bridge.” She folded her pink scarf in half and tossed it on top of her coat, meeting Clint’s eyes with a sardonic smirk beginning to spread across her face. “Wouldn’t you know, some dumb-ass archer decided to impale a Pym Particle-infused arrow into the Manhattan Bridge and create commute hell for anyone traveling in or out of Brooklyn?”
Rolling his eyes, Clint flopped down onto the well-worn couch and sighed in exasperation; he looked exhausted, with darkened circles under his eyes and a noticeable cut on his forehead. “Still a smart-ass, I see. For your information, I shot a Pym Particle-infused arrow at a regular arrow and then it impaled itself into the bridge.”
“Well, either way, I thought you’d like to know that Scott got his ass chewed out by Hank for that little stunt,” She replied in amusement and sat herself down on the couch beside him, taking a moment to adjust her sweater over her small baby bump before rummaging through her messenger bag. “Apparently, Hank’s not too fond of his life’s work being used for – and I quote – ‘stupid shit you see on the eleven o’clock news.’”
The archer scoffed at that. “I once saw the guy use Pym Particles to enlarge a goddamn chicken sandwich, but whatever.”
(Y/N) laughed as she withdrew a small metal case and handed it over to Clint. “Back-up hearing aid, as requested; my coworker said that this is one of the best on the market, so you should be well-covered if yours ends up breaking again.” He nodded in thanks and slipped the case into his pocket. Her former teammate’s recent hearing loss as a result of years of work as a S.H.I.E.L.D. spy, Avenger and vigilante inspired her to seek out Brooklyn College’s underfunded but resilient disability resource center; she studied ASL and learned enough to not only begin teaching Steve and Carina, but to also pre-film her lectures for any hard of hearing student who decided to enroll in her Introduction to American Popular Culture course. “And I looked into that socialite guy for you…” Activating the transparent S.W.O.R.D. tablet – a parting gift from Nick Fury before he traveled up to the organization’s newly-built space station – (Y/N) allowed it to scan her handprint and read off the information she’d collected. “Jack Duquesne, born into the obscenely-wealthy Duquesne family that’s apparently descended from European aristocracy. Since he’s seemingly never worked a day in his life, he’s had enough free time to become an expert swordsman and accrue a pretty impressive sword collection; is that what he was doing at that black market auction the other night?”
Clint nodded as he studied the images on the tablet’s screen. “He wanted to add the Ronin’s sword to his collection; according to Kate, he ran off with it after the Tracksuits crashed the auction, and then he almost took my head off with it when we broke into her mom’s penthouse this morning.” When (Y/N) thoughtfully tilted her head to the side, his frown deepened. “What?”
“When I did a little more digging, I found out that Duquesne is listed as the CEO of Sloan Limited. It’s a shell company, one that launders money for none other than-”
“The Tracksuit Mafia…” The archer exhaled and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and rubbing a hand over his forehead. “Kate thinks that Jack Duquesne killed his uncle Armand. At first, I thought the idea of him becoming her stepfather someday was clouding her judgement but it’s looking like her instincts might’ve been right.”
Taking note of the stiffness in his movements and the weary tone of his voice, (Y/N) tucked the tablet back into her messenger bag as she gave him a sympathetic smile. “None of what I found out really helped you, did it?”
“It helped, (Y/L/N), it really did…” Clint hastily reassured her. “But I’m no closer to being able to go home for Christmas. I’ve got the suit and the sword, but Maya Lopez and the Tracksuits still have me and Kate connected to the Ronin and there’s a good chance that they’ve got Laura’s Rolex; I can’t leave until I track it down and figure out a way to stop the Tracksuits from targeting Kate, and I’ve gotta do all that before Kingpin gets involved.” He sat back and offered her a small smile. “The Barton Family Christmas hit a little speed-bump, as you can tell, so how’s the Rogers-(Y/L/N) Family Christmas going so far?”
“Well, Carina helped us decorate cookies and gingerbread houses for the vets down at the VA hospital yesterday, and then she decided that our living room wall could use a thick coat of frosting as well.” Clint burst into laughter and (Y/N) couldn’t help but join him. “Steve’s convinced that she’s got the makings of an artist, but I just think she likes to keep us on our toes. And this little gumball…” Beaming, she rubbed a hand across her bump. “Moved for the first time this morning.”
“That’s amazing! Boy or girl?”
“We don’t know yet, but we’re gonna open the envelope my doctor sealed for us together on Christmas Day and find out.” Memories of her first pregnancy and the overwhelming loneliness she struggled with unwittingly came to the forefront of her mind, but she forced herself to ignore them as she continued. “I’ve never really been one for big gender reveals, but after Carina’s…shall we say, unconventional birth and everything we’ve been through since, I just wanted this pregnancy to be special for us.”
A look of understanding crossed Clint’s bruised face, as he was one of the few Avengers who could empathize with desiring balance between a normal family life and the superhero life they’d been thrust into, but he merely smirked and jokingly replied, “Well, if you’re still thinking of baby names, I’ve always thought that Clint Rogers-(Y/L/N) had a nice ring to it.”
(Y/N) snorted in amusement. “Oh, really? You know, I’ve heard the same exact thing about Sam Rogers-(Y/L/N), James Bucky Rogers-(Y/L/N), Bruce Rogers-(Y/L/N), Thor Rogers-(Y/L/N), Korg Rogers-(Y/L/N) and Rocket Rogers-(Y/L/N).”
“I’m not usually one to judge, but I’ll totally judge you if you name your kid after a talking raccoon or a big pile of rocks.” When his chuckles died down, the archer’s blue-grey eyes softened as they looked between her face and the bump she was unconsciously cradling. “I’m really happy for you guys, and I know…I know that Nat and Tony would be, too.”
After flashing him a thankful smile, (Y/N) leaned her elbow on the back of the couch and rested her temple against the palm of her hand. “So, what’s this Kate Bishop like?”
“A pain in my ass,” Clint bluntly replied and when she lightly scoffed at his answer, he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m serious! That kid’s cocky, reckless and she talks way too much…but I can’t deny that she’s a damn good archer and her instincts are sharp.” His brow arched as a thoughtful expression crossed his injured features. “You know, she reminds me a little of you, actually; she put that suit on to protect innocent people from the Tracksuits without a single thought for her own safety, just like how you volunteered to help an Air Force vet and a couple of wanted Avengers save the world from Hydra without a single thought for your own safety.”
(Y/N), detecting a hint of concern in her friend’s tone of voice, nodded in understanding. “You’re worried about her.”
Clint nodded. “Damn right I am. You were twenty-seven when you helped Steve, Nat and Sam stop Project Insight, and Kate’s only twenty-two; you understood the risks of getting involved in this sort of life, but Kate…she’s got blinders on. I tried to make her understand that I’m not a role model, that I’m not someone that people should look up to and that this life I’ve led for the past twenty years isn’t a game but like I already told you, she’s cocky and reckless.”
“She doesn’t know about the Ronin, does she?” When Clint shook his head, (Y/N) bit her lip and carefully contemplated her next words before speaking. “Maybe the reason you can’t get through to her is because you haven’t shown her the real you and she can sense that you’re hiding something from her; if you open up to her now, then you might be able to stop her from getting too deep into all this.” He shrugged his shoulder, but she could see that she hadn’t convinced him to confide in his reluctant partner; she glanced down at her wristwatch and hummed to herself. “Well, I should probably head out now if I want to beat the commute traffic to Brooklyn…”
“Yeah, and I should give Laura and the kids a call before I pass out from exhaustion.” Clint helped her to her feet and gave her a fond smile as she pulled her coat and scarf back on. “It’s been good seeing you, (Y/L/N), and I really appreciate your help. Tell Steve that I said hi and that he should totally name his second-born after one of his oldest and coolest friends, okay?”
“Sure thing, Hawkeye,” (Y/N) chuckled, slinging the strap of her messenger bag over her shoulder as they walked over to the apartment’s front door and giving her friend a hug, careful of his bruised and battle-worn limbs as she did. “Good luck, Clint. You’re going to fix this and you’re going to make it home for your Barton Family Christmas and on Christmas Day, we’ll give you guys a call to let you know if it’s a boy or a girl.”
“Aye aye, Captain.” With a smile and a teasing salute, Clint opened the door and watched her head towards the building’s elevator before retreating into the temporary safe house.
(Y/N) stepped into the elevator and after the door slid closed, the uneasy feeling that had begun to form when the topic of Kate Bishop came up only seemed to deepen as the elevator descended. It was foolish to further embroil herself in Clint’s struggle against the Tracksuits; not only was she entering her pregnancy’s second trimester but if a powerful man like Kingpin caught wind that she was involved, it could put Steve’s secret life in jeopardy and their family’s safety at risk. But it was Clint’s comparison of Kate to (Y/N) that compelled her to pull the S.W.O.R.D. tablet out of her messenger bag and research the young archer’s cell phone number.
“I sure hope that I’m doing the right thing, Nat,” She murmured under her breath as she worked. “For Kate and for Clint’s sakes…”
An hour later, (Y/N) was seated at one of the rickety metal tables outside Greenwich Village’s own Joe’s Pizza, patiently waiting for the twenty-two-year-old to work through her star-struck awe while she enjoyed a slice of pizza and scratched the young archer’s rescue Golden Retriever behind his ear.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe I’ve met two Avengers in less than a week! Is this, like, some sort of a superhero test? Or a trial period or somethin’? I mean, I’ve only been in four-ish fights so far…or wait, was it five? I don’t know, I can’t really remember ‘cause I’m pretty much running on caffeine and adrenaline at this point,” Kate nervously chuckled, a little out of breath as she finally stopped rambling and attempted to rearrange her excited features into a nonchalant smile. “…So, um, what can I do for you, Ms. (Y/L/N)?”
“Please, just call me (Y/N).” Smiling, (Y/N) took another bite of her pizza slice and used it to point at Kate. “I’ve heard a lot about you from our mutual friend, so I wanted to meet you for myself.”
The young archer’s brows raised almost comically. “R-Really? Wow, that’s really…was it all good things you heard?”
“Mm-hmm, and I also saw the video of you rescuing this good boy on the news.” The one-eyed Golden Retriever nuzzled his face against her lap and perked up when she tore her slice of pizza in half, wolfing it down in record time once she offered it to him. “He’s lucky that someone as skilled as you came along when you did.” After watching the dog enjoy his chunk of pizza, she looked back up at Kate and sobered as her eyes fixated on the steri-strips that closed the lacerations that were scattered across her youthful face. “Actually, I asked you to meet me here because I wanted to talk to you about this case you’re working with Clint.”
Kate slumped in her seat, a dejected frown beginning to form on her injured face while she took a halfhearted bite of her pepperoni pizza slice. “You think I should stay home and let Clint handle it, don’t you? That’s what my mom thinks, too; she didn’t say anything about it to me, but I know she thinks I’m crazy for doing this. I mean, I’m just a civilian and Clint’s a freaking Avenger, so I guess I see why it’s nuts that I’m helping him out, but I…I can’t just sit back when I know that I can help.”
Smiling a little to herself, (Y/N) dabbed at her lips with a napkin and shook her head. “Kate, I’m the last person on the planet who’d ever tell you to stay home and ignore the instinct to help. I was just a civilian when I helped Steve, Nat and Sam take down Hydra – an unpublished historical-fiction novelist with a part-time job at the V.A., who just so happened to be one of only two people in D.C. that a couple of wanted Avengers could trust. They tried their hardest to make me stay home and out of danger but I refused, because I knew that I could help them. I had to help, no matter what, and nothing they’d say could change my mind.”
“So, you understand why I’m still helping Clint?” The young archer’s expression brightened and she sat up in her seat. “That’s great!” When (Y/N) didn’t immediately answer, her head tilted to the side in confusion. “…Isn’t it?”
“You and I are a lot alike and because I see so much of myself in you, I wanted to tell you what I wish someone had told me ten years ago, when I took my first steps into the life of an Avenger.” (Y/N)’s fingers caressed the content Golden Retriever’s fur, taking small comfort in his calming presence as she continued. “When you choose to spend your life trying to help people, there’s going to be consequences you’ll have to face. Some of the consequences won’t come as a surprise – the fights and battles have taken a physical and mental toll on me, for example, and I’ll have to live with their effects on my body and on my mind for the rest of my life – but others will. From the moment it began, my entire career’s been called into question; you see, people assume that my success is due to my long-time association with the Avengers and not the writing skills I’ve worked my ass off developing and perfecting. I lost any chance at anonymity or a private life when I announced my engagement to Steve Rogers. I became estranged from my family, because they didn’t approve of my relationship or my association with the Avengers. I went through the joy of befriending some of the kindest and most misunderstood people in the world, and then I was forced to mourn them in a way that no one but my fellow Avengers could ever understand; the world lost Iron Man, Black Widow, Black Panther and the Vision, but I lost Tony, Nat, T’Challa and Vis.”
Kate bowed her head and stared down at the discarded pizza crust on her plate. “And you lost Steve, too.”
(Y/N) nodded mutely, careful to keep up the ruse that Steve Rogers died in the Battle of Earth and wasn’t currently wrapping Christmas gifts with their fifteen-month old daughter in their Brooklyn home. “When you face the threats that Clint and I have faced, you have to accept that there’s going to be things that you lose along the way. I don’t tell you any of this to dissuade you, Kate, far from it; I’ve always believed that if you feel that you can help, then it’s your moral obligation to do so.” She reached across the table and rested a comforting hand atop Kate’s, giving her a small smile when her eyes finally met hers. “But it’s important that you know that this life isn’t easy, and it’s only fair that you hear it from one of the only Avengers who stumbled into this life the way you have. Do you understand?”
Kate nodded, and the brief silence that filled the air as (Y/N) finished her slice of pizza was broken by a timid question. “Do you know who the Ronin is?”
“…I know who they used to be,” (Y/N) carefully replied. “But if you want to know more about the Ronin, then you’ll have to ask Clint.”
“Urgh, I knew you’d say something cryptic like that. Hey, what’re Clint’s favorite Christmas movies and does he have any strong opinions about ugly Christmas sweaters?”
After (Y/N) helped Kate plan out the perfect mini-Christmas party for a homesick Clint, she bid the young archer and her energetic Golden Retriever goodbye and watched them both stroll down the sidewalk with a fond smile on her face. It was clear to her that Kate’s heart was in the right place, and that perhaps she was the perfect person to help Clint move on from the Ronin as well as resolve the ongoing conflict with the Tracksuits. I just hope they’ll both stay safe, she thought as she anxiously bit her lower lip and stroked her small baby bump, her mind preoccupied with a myriad of the worst possible outcomes to the archers’ partnership.
“Here you go, Ms. (Y/L/N): one large chicken and olive pizza to go,” The young worker’s sudden appearance shook (Y/N) out of her heavy thoughts and after setting the pizza box down, he started to bus the table with a small smile on his face. “Need any packets of Parmesan cheese or red pepper flakes?”
“No, thank you, I-” (Y/N) cut herself off when her eyes caught sight of a familiar well-worn paperback sticking out of the teenager’s back pocket and she felt herself begin to grin. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen a copy of For Queen and Country with its original cover art. How’re you enjoying it?”
He nodded enthusiastically. “It’s one of my favorite books!” The young worker’s gaze briefly met hers as a light blush dusted his cheeks; there was a brief flash of grief in his brown eyes – a deep sort of grief that looked entirely out of place in the eyes of a teenager – but it soon vanished when a bashful expression graced his features. “I’ve been a fan for a pretty long time, Ms. (Y/L/N), and I was actually workin’ up the courage to come out here and ask you for your autograph. I don’t wanna bug you or overstep-”
“Of course I’ll autograph your copy!” (Y/N)’s smile widened as he stammered out a brief thanks and scrambled to hand her the paperback and his server’s pen. “Who should I make it out to?”
“Peter, Peter Parker.” Again, (Y/N) was struck by the strange emotion that flashed across his face, but what gave her pause was the sudden familiarity that his name brought her; she couldn’t put her finger on it, but something about the teenager’s name tugged at the far reaches of her mind. Doing her best to shrug the unsettled feeling off, she jotted down a brief greeting and signed her name before blowing on the drying ink and handing the book and pen back with a smile. “Thanks a lot, Ms. (Y/L/N)! It was good seein’ you agai-um, sorry, I think my manager’s callin’ me, happy holidays!”
Peter Parker, who’d abruptly turned as white as a sheet, shoved his book and pen into his pocket and scooped up the dirty dishes before practically sprinting back inside. (Y/N)’s brow arched at his odd shift in behavior, but gathered up her pizza box and strode down the sidewalk to where she’d been lucky enough to park her yellow Volkswagen Bug. After securing the pizza in the car’s front trunk (or ‘frunk,’ as Sam liked to jokingly call it), she carefully climbed into the driver’s seat and waited a moment for the baby to settle down before dialing Steve’s cell phone number.
“Hey, sunshine! How was your visit with Clint?”
“Productive, for the most part; he has an idea of who the middle-man between Kingpin and the Tracksuits is, but he’s still not sure how to stop them from targeting him and his new friend Kate or uncovering Laura’s past. I also had a quick chat with Kate over lunch, which is why I’m bringing home a chicken and olive pizza from Joe’s; you should also know that your offspring conned me into buying it.”
Steve chuckled. “Oh, they did, huh?”
“Mm-hmm, and you should count yourself lucky that it was only pizza; at four months pregnant with Cari, I was craving Flamin’ Hot Cheetos dipped in vanilla ice cream,” (Y/N) snickered as her husband made a sound of disgust on the other end of the call. “Oh, and the strangest thing happened as I was leaving! Do we know a Peter Parker from anywhere?”
“…I don’t think so, but the name sounds awfully familiar.”
“Right? There’s something strange about it but I can’t put my finger on-” A recognizable babbling in the background of the call caused her to stifle a giggle. “Someone’s feeling chatty today, aren’t they?”
“I think that last episode of Sesame Street might’ve riled her up a bit; you know how much she loves when the Count makes an appearance,” Her husband remarked before calling out, “Cari, did you wanna talk to Mama? Mama’s on the phone right now.”
The gibberish grew louder as the infant toddled over and happily exclaimed into the phone. “Mama!”
“Hi, lemon drop! I’ll be home really soon, okay? Mama loves you!” (Y/N) smiled to herself, listening to their daughter’s incoherent mumbling grow faint as Steve regained control of the cell phone. “I should be home in a half an hour or so, depending on how backed up the bridge is.”
“Fingers crossed that all the city’s archers decide to leave the Brooklyn Bridge un-impaled for the afternoon commute.” Steve joked. “You can tell me all about Clint and his new partner over pizza and my famous green smoothies. I love you, sunshine.”
She gave her phone an exaggerated air-kiss that made Steve huff out a quiet laugh. “I love you too, sweetheart, and I’ll see you soon.”
After hanging up the call and tucking her cell phone into her messenger bag, (Y/N) started the car’s engine and turned up the radio, the local station’s Christmas playlist already playing through the speakers. “Okay, gumball, your daddy promised to make us a smoothie, so let’s get this show on the road.”
Pulling away from the curb, (Y/N) hummed along to the upbeat Elton John track in the hopes that the music would distract from the unsettling feeling beginning to take form in the pit of her stomach, but the tune wasn’t enough to make her shake the suspicion that someone was watching her from afar.
A/N: Who do you guys think was watching (Y/N)?? You'll have to stay tuned to find out! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ziGMhEsAw833GQ9eV44nR?si=6dfead09c76848d5 
Hawkeye (Part III)
Stumblin’ In Book VII: “Superhero Snapshots” Masterlist 
Tagging:  @mrs-obrien​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk​​​​ @momc95​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley​​​​​ @username23345@crist1216​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​ @groovyqueer​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​​​  
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nonnienonnon00 · 10 months
Maya and Carina Season 7
So here's what I think would be a great a Season 7 kicker for our fave wives to finally start a family. Its just a thought.
Opening scene
Skyline of Seattle - we zone in on Maya and Carina's apartment. Maya is trying to leave for her shift - but Carina keeps blocking her from going.
Carina, holds onto Maya's hips and kisses her neck,
"Bambina, I have the day off - I think that should mean that YOU should take a day off with me." She kisses Maya's lips, deepening the kiss - smiling as she then moves to kiss Maya's face.
Maya is defenseless and quite frankly is considering staying at home with her wife,
"Babe, you know I want to but I gotta go." She looks deep into Carina's eyes and just marvels at this beautiful woman she gets to call her wife.
"Hmmm, you are something else Dr Deluca."
Carina gazes into Maya's eyes and just sighs. She's never felt a love like this before - its so big in her chest - almost tangible - she can feel it, taste it on her tongue.
"Ok ok, if you must. But just know I'm going to be alone in this apartment all day, doing God knows what to keep me entertained." Carina smirked.
Maya knew exactly what that meant,
"Oh you are mean. Now I'm going to be picturing you doing THAT all day."
Carina laughs a little at her wife,
"Good! That's what I want you to do. Ok go before I decide to tie you down to the bed and have my way with you."
Maya's eyes bug out at just the thought,
"Carina! Ok I'm leaving! I love you so much." She kisses Carina again and walks out of the apartment.
Carina, sits down at their dining table and smiles to herself. The past few months they really took time to get reacquainted and focused on building their foundation. Now everything feels stronger between the both of them and Carina knows that Maya feels the same way.
Just then Carina gets a phone call from a clinic downtown. Confused she answers,
"Hi, I'm looking for Andrea Deluca. We've tried his contact number for a while but it seems to be inactive. We do have a Carina Deluca here on file as his next of kin."
Carina's heart breaks abit at the thought of her brother. Its been a few years since he died but the sting of just hearing his name is just as strong as it was in those beginning stages of losing him.
"Hi, yes this is Carina Deluca. Andrea is my brother, he passed away a few years ago."
Carina closes her eyes as the pain seeps in - just a few moments ago she was about to devour her wife in their hallway and now here she is about to speak about her dead brother.
"I'm so sorry to hear that. We were not notified of this so he is still on file her at the clinic."
Carina's brow furrowed,
"What is this about? Why are you looking for my brother?"
The lady on the phone clears her throat,
"Mam, this is Seattle Sperm Bank: Sperm Bank & Cryobank. We have your brothers specimen here and we were just calling to let him know that we are moving offices. We've been contacting our patients to let them know all month. Your brother was the last on our list."
Carina froze. Sperm bank? Why did he go to a sperm bank?
"Mam, we can arrange for his specimen to be destroyed if you would like."
Carina immediately blurted out,
"NO! I mean, no. Please don't do that. I will come down to your offices today to discuss. I'll be there in 30 minutes."
"Sure not a problem at all. We will see you then."
The amount of questions that passed through Carina's mind as he moved around the apartment to get ready were crazy.
What did this mean?
Was he ok?
Would we want to destroy it?
Maybe this is how it was always supposed to be?
Would we even be able to take it?
What about Maya? What would she think? Would she say no?
Scene cut to end of the day, Maya is heading home from her shift with a huge smile on her face. They tackled a crazy warehouse fire but managed to make it out unscathed. Andy was a great captain. She always knew she would be. But for now all Maya could think about was her wife. She desperately wanted to see her.
She walked into the apartment and settled down her backpack. It was unusually quiet. Rounding the corner, she found Carina sitting on the couch with a piece of paper in her hand.
"Carina, are you ok?"
Carina looks up at her wife with tears in her eyes. She hands the paper over. Maya reads it slowly,
"I don't understand. How did you get this?"
A tear streams down Carina's cheek,
"The clinic randomly called me today. Andrea put me down as his next of kin. They obviously couldnt get ahold of him."
Maya speaks under her breath,
"He went to a sperm bank? Why would he do that?"
Carina takes a breath,
"He did it when he went on meds for his condition. When he was manic and got diagnosed. It is quite common that it can effect your reproductive system so I guess he wanted to be careful. He always wanted to have a family." She smiled at herself.
Maya knew she needed tread carefully,
"This document says that its been transferred to you?"
Carina looks at Maya,
"I couldn't let them destroy it Maya. Andrea put me down as his next of kin but also as his proxy should anything happen to him I would have control on his profile with this clinic."
Maya nodded along and stared at the page,
"Babe, look at me. What are you thinking?"
Carina took a deep breath,
"I know this may not be ideal but we could never decide on a donor and then things with Jack didnt work out - which honestly I am kinda happy about. This just feels like a blessing but I dont want to do anything that you dont want - especially after everything we went through last year. I want us to make a family and be happy. But most importantly I want us to do this together."
Maya reached for Carina's hand, taking a deep breath and said,
"OK so hypothetically what would this look like? How would we do this?"
Carina picked up her wife's hand and kissed her fingers,
"Well, I guess it would be your egg with Andrea's sperm and I would carry. So in a way we would make an actual DeLuca-Bishop baby. And honestly just the thought of carrying your baby makes little butterflies in my tummy." Carina looked and Maya with so much hope in her eyes.
Maya also felt the butterflies at the thought of Carina doing this but before she they went any further she knew she needed to lay down some rules.
"So if we do this, I need to say a few things and I hope you won't get upset or offended. Can I do that?"
Carina nodded with that hope bubbling in her heart.
"I need to know that if we do this, have our baby like this that it won't be some sort of replacement for Andrew. I just want our baby to have their own life and not have this huge thing hanging over them cos of what happened to your brother. Please don't hate me for saying this."
Maya could feel the worry rising in her chest. Carina reached over and cradled her cheek,
" Bambina, I could never hate you for saying that. I love how much you want to protect our baby. But I want you to know that I would never allow that to happen. Our baby will never live in the shadow of my brother."
Maya smiled at Carina and pulled her against her body. Carina tucker her face into her wife's neck and took in a deep breath. The scent of Mayas perfume always managed to calm her down when her mind started racing.
Maya kissed Carina's forehead and hugged her body to her own on their couch. She knew that Carina must've been through a rollercoaster of emotions that day.
Taking a deep breath Maya said,
"Let's do this. Let's make a baby this way. A real DeLuca-Bishop."
Carina looked up at her wife and smiled so wide her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest.
Before she could lean in and kiss her wife, Maya smiled saying,
"Your gona have my baby."
Carina felt those butterflies again,
"Our baby".
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englishstrawbie · 5 months
Marina + number 7 please and thank you 🤍
Here you go, my friend, I hope you like it! 😊
Carina moves around the room on full charm offensive, cosying up to potential benefactors as she persuades them to donate their money to the Elena Bailey Memorial Clinic. She finds it an easy task; a friendly tone to her voice, a hand on their arm, the tilt of her head as laughs at their jokes. She has always found people easy to manipulate with a little bit of flirting and, so far, she has secured over $100,000 thanks to a particularly generous woman who has made her fortunes selling a wellbeing lifestyle. All nonsense, as far as Carina is concerned, but if it means money for the clinic then she is more than willing to boost the woman’s ego.
As she moves on to the next group of people, she can feel a pair of blue eyes watching her from a distance. She knows she looks good in a strapless black dress that clings to her slim body, accentuating her hips that Maya loves to grab and exposing her neck that Maya loves to kiss. But still, she doesn’t dare look over her shoulder at where those blue eyes are coming from because she doesn’t need any distractions.
And her wife is certainly a distraction tonight.
Bailey had roped in 19 to help with the fundraiser and they had dutifully agreed. They might have shown up almost thirty minutes late (thanks to an ember that had blown from a fireplace into a nearby pile of blankets, setting them alight and starting a house fire less than one hour before the end of their shift), but they had turned up suited and booted in their Class A uniforms, ready to sell as many raffle tickets as possible.
The first time Carina had seen Maya in her Class As, she had not been able to take her eyes off her. Travis had reminded her more than once to close her gaping mouth. Who could blame her though? The crisp white shirt tucked into tight black pants that show off the curve of her ass; the tie, neat under her starched collar; and the jacket that fits smartly over her broad shoulders.
Carina groans inwardly at the image that won’t leave her mind and tries to concentrate on what the man next to her is telling her about the water quality in the bay. She picks up on the important stuff – he owns a yacht that he keeps in the marina, which means he has money; and he has fifteen-year-old twin daughters, which means he is interested in women’s rights. She secures another $20,000 for the clinic before taking a break and heading towards the bar.
It takes her a few minutes to get the attention of the barman, but just as she is about to order, she feels a hand on the small of her back and a familiar voice beside her.
“Water please. And she’ll have a white wine,” Maya says.
“Oh, will I?” Carina arches an eyebrow in amusement.
Maya smiles cockily as she leans in and kisses her wife lightly. “Hi.”
“Hi bella,” Carina says softly.
Her eyes sweep Maya up and down, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she appreciates her wife in her formal wear; except the smile on her face fades away when she notices the purple bruise on Maya’s cheek, hidden by a thick layer of make-up.
“Maya, your face,” she says, running a finger lightly over the blemish and watching as Maya winces a little under her touch.
“It’s okay,” Maya reassures her immediately. “It was stupid, I was coming out of a basement and tripped on a loose step. I wasn’t in any danger, the fire was already out. I landed awkwardly, that’s all.”
She must see that Carina isn’t convinced because she slides her hand into Carina’s and squeezes it gently. “I’m okay, I promise.”
Her eyes are bright and honest, and Carina lets the worry go. She nods and smiles, stealing another kiss from her wife. The drinks are placed on the bar in front of them and they take them, Maya guiding Carina away from the crowd towards a small table nearby.
“So, the fundraising seems to be going well,” Maya says.
She gives Carina a sideways glance, a playful accusatory tone to her voice. Carina smirks, brushing her hair back and watching as Maya’s eyes land on her bare shoulder, a lick of her lips giving away her thoughts.
“It’s work, bambina,” Carina says. She can’t deny it though, she does enjoy making Maya a little jealous.
“Hmm,” Maya says knowingly. A glint in her eye, she slowly unbuttons her jacket.
“Maya,” Carina warns her.
Maya lifts her eyebrows. “What?”
A low growl escapes from the back of Carina’s throat. Maya chuckles and pushes her glass towards her, an innocent look on her face.
"You need some water, babe?”
Carina ignores her and closes the gap between them. “Maya Bishop,” she says under her breath, “don’t tease me. You know how mad Doctor Bailey will be if we leave early.”
It is Maya’s turn to grin, the use of her full name means she knows her plan to weaken Carina’s resolve is working.
“But you know we could be having a lot more fun at home,” she says. “Because the more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave.”
“We can’t,” Carina tries to argue, but when Maya’s hand comes to rest on her hip, pinching her waist lightly, her body betrays her and she lets out a small gasp.
“Are you sure?”
Carina narrows her eyes, knows that Maya’s choice of phrase is supposed to remind her of the night they met, to play on Carina’s fondness for nostalgia. She sighs, close to relenting.
“But the party…”
“I bet you’ve already raised more money for the clinic than everyone else in the room combined,” Maya says. “And I have sold every raffle ticket in my book already.”
“Of course you have,” Carina says, shooting her an amused look.
She looks around and spots Bailey and Ben on the other side of the room, chatting to another couple who are dressed in what look to be very expensive clothes. Carina is pretty sure a donation from them would solve the clinic’s budget issues for at least a couple of years. She watches as Bailey’s face breaks out into a wide smile and she shakes the hands of the clinic’s latest benefactors with vigour.
She feels Maya step closer, her warm breath on her neck.
“I think that’s our sign we can leave, don’t you?”
When Carina turns towards her wife, her breath gets caught in her throat when she notices that Maya has loosened her tie and unfastened the top three buttons of her shirt, revealing her collarbone.
“Yes, bambina,” Carina says, grabbing Maya’s hand and yanking her towards the door, all patience gone. “Let’s go.”
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