#career counselling platform
sharpdecisions · 7 months
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study-24x7 · 9 months
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Unveiling the Best Courses After 12th with Expert Career Counselling
Embark on a journey of educational discovery with our comprehensive guide to the best courses after the 12th grade. Unlock the doors to your future as we provide expert career counselling for students, helping you make informed decisions about your academic and professional pursuits. Explore a myriad of options and find the perfect path that aligns with your interests and aspirations. Our insightful guidance ensures that you're well-equipped to make the right choices for a successful and fulfilling career. Discover the possibilities that await you beyond high school with our dedicated career counselling services.
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via marketing or work in dynamic and fast-paced industries, via coaching, sports management, fitness entrepreneurship, coaching and mentoring services in connection with career development, leadership skills, personal empowerment, via work in innovation management, technology development, product development, especially emerging industries. You find abundance when you are bold, take risks, focus on ambitious goals, cultivate independence, build a strong public image and when you embrace leadership qualities.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in finance, banking, investment, wealth management. Or via working as a realtor, property manager, real estate developer, via curating, selling or managing art collections, working as a chef, restaurateur or food critic. You find abundance in work in hospitality (managing hotels, resorts, spas), via work in landscape architecture or gardening, interior design, or as a performer, producer or manager, through farming, agricultural management or sustainable food production or creating an eco-friendly business. You feel abundant when you are focused on stability, value quality, when you are patient and persistent.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work as a journalist, writer, editor, public relations, marketing, working as PR specialist, brand manager, social media strategist, work as a teacher, lecturer, educational content creator, via writing content for blogs, websites or online platforms connected with technology, lifestyle, business. You find abundance when you write books (fiction or non-fiction), via work in technology sector, via technical writing, UX writing or product management, via event planning and work as a sales representative, account manager or business strategist. You feel abundant when you network actively, when you keep learning and embrace versatility.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in healthcare as a nurse, doctor or therapist, work in interior design or home décor, helping others create comfortable and nurturing spaces, work as a chef, baker or food critic, via handmade furniture, textiles or pottery, engaging in childcare, daycare management or family support services, via work in real estate, helping families find their ideal home. You feel abundant when you use emotional intelligence, emphasize nurturing and care.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via pursuing a career in acting on stage, in film or on television, working as a musician, singer or performer, via directing or producing theatrical productions, films or TV shows, work in television, radio or digital broadcasting, you could work as a host, anchor or presenter, designer, stylist, model, painter, sculptor or graphic designer.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering personalized health and wellness service. You can offer remote fitness coaching, such as offering personalized fitness plans and virtual training sessions. You could work in mental health professions, like counselling or psychology, work as a nutritionist, dietitian, work as a proofreader or editor, work with biology, chemistry, environmental science, mathematics or with language or having an IT role (system analysis, IT support or cybersecurity). You feel abundant when you develop organizational skills, use analytical skills and when you seek structured environments.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering dance classes, via work in art curation, gallery management or the fines arts, helping to showcase and promote artists and their work, via a career in human resources, focusing on employee relations, conflict resolution, via talent management, recruitment or career coaching. You feel abundant when you work in fashion design, graphic design, visual arts, brand management and marketing. You feel abundant when you aim for balance and harmony, emphasize fairness and justice.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via forensic accounting, crisis counselling or support services, via a career in scientific research, forensic science, medical research, psychology, surgery, oncology, energy healing, finance, technology or wellness, via art therapy and filmmaking. You feel abundant when you embrace transformation, healing, use psychological insight, when you pursue authority and expertise.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via travel blogging, vlogging or becoming a travel consultant. You find abundance via academic research, publishing, by becoming a travel consultant, tour guide, work in the tourism industry, work connected with educational, human rights and cultural exchange, via career as a spiritual teacher, counsellor, life coach, via theological or philosophical work, writing or teaching. You feel abundant when you cultivate optimism or enthusiasm, seek global or cultural perspectives, pursue knowledge or education and embrace exploration and travel.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn Sun people in your life. You find abundance via work as a financial advisor or analyst, accounting, as a property developer, manager or investor, via work in property management, overseeing rental properties, commercial spaces or large residential complexes, via civil engineering, work in educational administration (school or college management). You feel abundant when you focus on long-term goals and value pragmatism and responsibility.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via buying and selling collectibles (stamps, coins, vintage items), creating eco-friendly products or services (zero-waste goods, sustainable fashion). You may also find abundance in esports coaching by offering coaching services for aspiring professional gamers. You feel abundant via work in scientific research, in fields like physics, astronomy, biotechnology and environmental science, work in roles focused on research and development, via digital marketing. You feel abundant when you are pursuing unconventional paths, via networking with like-minded individuals and align with social causes.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in music as a composer, musician or performer, via a career in painting, illustration, sculpture or other visual arts, via hospice work, via work in non-profit sector, focusing on causes related to humanitarian aid, environmental conservation or social justice, work in hospitality, such as hotel management or event planning, via cultural exchange, guided tours or spiritual retreats. You feel abundant when you embrace your creative talents, cultivate compassion and empathy, when you explore spiritual and esoteric interests and when you focus on meaningful impact.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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antiporn-activist · 6 months
We knew this was coming, and it's here...
Teen Girls Confront an Epidemic of Deepfake Nudes in Schools
Using artificial intelligence, middle and high school students have fabricated explicit images of female classmates and shared the doctored pictures.
April 8, 2024
After boys at Francesca Mani’s high school fabricated and shared explicit images of girls last year, she and her mother, Dorota, began urging schools and legislators to enact tough safeguards.Shuran Huang
After boys at Francesca Mani’s high school fabricated and shared explicit images of girls last year, she and her mother, Dorota, began urging schools and legislators to enact tough safeguards.Shuran Huang
Westfield Public Schools held a regular board meeting in late March at the local high school, a red brick complex in Westfield, N.J., with a scoreboard outside proudly welcoming visitors to the “Home of the Blue Devils” sports teams.
But it was not business as usual for Dorota Mani.
In October, some 10th-grade girls at Westfield High School — including Ms. Mani’s 14-year-old daughter, Francesca — alerted administrators that boys in their class had used artificial intelligence software to fabricate sexually explicit images of them and were circulating the faked pictures. Five months later, the Manis and other families say, the district has done little to publicly address the doctored images or update school policies to hinder exploitative A.I. use.
“It seems as though the Westfield High School administration and the district are engaging in a master class of making this incident vanish into thin air,” Ms. Mani, the founder of a local preschool, admonished board members during the meeting.
In a statement, the school district said it had opened an “immediate investigation” upon learning about the incident, had immediately notified and consulted with the police, and had provided group counseling to the sophomore class.
Tenth-grade girls at Westfield High School in New Jersey learned last fall that male classmates had fabricated sexually explicit images of them and shared them.Peter K. Afriyie/Associated Press
“All school districts are grappling with the challenges and impact of artificial intelligence and other technology available to students at any time and anywhere,” Raymond González, the superintendent of Westfield Public Schools, said in the statement.
Blindsided last year by the sudden popularity of A.I.-powered chatbots like ChatGPT, schools across the United States scurried to contain the text-generating bots in an effort to forestall student cheating. Now a more alarming A.I. image-generating phenomenon is shaking schools.
Boys in several states have used widely available “nudification” apps to pervert real, identifiable photos of their clothed female classmates, shown attending events like school proms, into graphic, convincing-looking images of the girls with exposed A.I.-generated breasts and genitalia. In some cases, boys shared the faked images in the school lunchroom, on the school bus or through group chats on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, according to school and police reports.
Such digitally altered images — known as “deepfakes” or “deepnudes” — can have devastating consequences. Child sexual exploitation experts say the use of nonconsensual, A.I.-generated images to harass, humiliate and bully young women can harm their mental health, reputations and physical safety as well as pose risks to their college and career prospects. Last month, the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned that it is illegal to distribute computer-generated child sexual abuse material, including realistic-looking A.I.-generated images of identifiable minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
Yet the student use of exploitative A.I. apps in schools is so new that some districts seem less prepared to address it than others. That can make safeguards precarious for students.
“This phenomenon has come on very suddenly and may be catching a lot of school districts unprepared and unsure what to do,” said Riana Pfefferkorn, a research scholar at the Stanford Internet Observatory, who writes about legal issues related to computer-generated child sexual abuse imagery.
At Issaquah High School near Seattle last fall, a police detective investigating complaints from parents about explicit A.I.-generated images of their 14- and 15-year-old daughters asked an assistant principal why the school had not reported the incident to the police, according to a report from the Issaquah Police Department. The school official then asked “what was she supposed to report,” the police document said, prompting the detective to inform her that schools are required by law to report sexual abuse, including possible child sexual abuse material. The school subsequently reported the incident to Child Protective Services, the police report said. (The New York Times obtained the police report through a public-records request.)
In a statement, the Issaquah School District said it had talked with students, families and the police as part of its investigation into the deepfakes. The district also “shared our empathy,” the statement said, and provided support to students who were affected.
The statement added that the district had reported the “fake, artificial-intelligence-generated images to Child Protective Services out of an abundance of caution,” noting that “per our legal team, we are not required to report fake images to the police.”
At Beverly Vista Middle School in Beverly Hills, Calif., administrators contacted the police in February after learning that five boys had created and shared A.I.-generated explicit images of female classmates. Two weeks later, the school board approved the expulsion of five students, according to district documents. (The district said California’s education code prohibited it from confirming whether the expelled students were the students who had manufactured the images.)
Michael Bregy, superintendent of the Beverly Hills Unified School District, said he and other school leaders wanted to set a national precedent that schools must not permit pupils to create and circulate sexually explicit images of their peers.
“That’s extreme bullying when it comes to schools,” Dr. Bregy said, noting that the explicit images were “disturbing and violative” to girls and their families. “It’s something we will absolutely not tolerate here.”
Schools in the small, affluent communities of Beverly Hills and Westfield were among the first to publicly acknowledge deepfake incidents. The details of the cases — described in district communications with parents, school board meetings, legislative hearings and court filings — illustrate the variability of school responses.
The Westfield incident began last summer when a male high school student asked to friend a 15-year-old female classmate on Instagram who had a private account, according to a lawsuit against the boy and his parents brought by the young woman and her family. (The Manis said they are not involved with the lawsuit.)
After she accepted the request, the male student copied photos of her and several other female schoolmates from their social media accounts, court documents say. Then he used an A.I. app to fabricate sexually explicit, “fully identifiable” images of the girls and shared them with schoolmates via a Snapchat group, court documents say.
Westfield High began to investigate in late October. While administrators quietly took some boys aside to question them, Francesca Mani said, they called her and other 10th-grade girls who had been subjected to the deepfakes to the school office by announcing their names over the school intercom.
That week, Mary Asfendis, the principal of Westfield High, sent an email to parents alerting them to “a situation that resulted in widespread misinformation.” The email went on to describe the deepfakes as a “very serious incident.” It also said that, despite student concern about possible image-sharing, the school believed that “any created images have been deleted and are not being circulated.”
Dorota Mani said Westfield administrators had told her that the district suspended the male student accused of fabricating the images for one or two days.
Soon after, she and her daughter began publicly speaking out about the incident, urging school districts, state lawmakers and Congress to enact laws and policies specifically prohibiting explicit deepfakes.
“We have to start updating our school policy,” Francesca Mani, now 15, said in a recent interview. “Because if the school had A.I. policies, then students like me would have been protected.”
Parents including Dorota Mani also lodged harassment complaints with Westfield High last fall over the explicit images. During the March meeting, however, Ms. Mani told school board members that the high school had yet to provide parents with an official report on the incident.
Westfield Public Schools said it could not comment on any disciplinary actions for reasons of student confidentiality. In a statement, Dr. González, the superintendent, said the district was strengthening its efforts “by educating our students and establishing clear guidelines to ensure that these new technologies are used responsibly.”
Beverly Hills schools have taken a stauncher public stance.
When administrators learned in February that eighth-grade boys at Beverly Vista Middle School had created explicit images of 12- and 13-year-old female classmates, they quickly sent a message — subject line: “Appalling Misuse of Artificial Intelligence” — to all district parents, staff, and middle and high school students. The message urged community members to share information with the school to help ensure that students’ “disturbing and inappropriate” use of A.I. “stops immediately.”
It also warned that the district was prepared to institute severe punishment. “Any student found to be creating, disseminating, or in possession of AI-generated images of this nature will face disciplinary actions,” including a recommendation for expulsion, the message said.
Dr. Bregy, the superintendent, said schools and lawmakers needed to act quickly because the abuse of A.I. was making students feel unsafe in schools.
“You hear a lot about physical safety in schools,” he said. “But what you’re not hearing about is this invasion of students’ personal, emotional safety.”
Natasha Singer writes about technology, business and society. She is currently reporting on the far-reaching ways that tech companies and their tools are reshaping public schools, higher education and job opportunities. More about Natasha Singer
A version of this article appears in print on April 11, 2024, Section B, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: Fake A.I. Nudes Create Crisis in Schools. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Anti-Romantic | TEASER | CHAPTER 3 OUT NOW!!
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Pairing: Hyunjin x Fem!reader Genre: non idol au, fluff, smut, romcom, drama, opposites attract Warnings: swearing, explicit sexual content, dysfunctional relationships, taboo couples/relationship therapist and patient dynamic
P.S. ♡ If you like my work, please consider giving me feedback in the form of reblogs, comments, and asks! ♡
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As the most beloved dating coach in the sunny state of California, Hyunjin has dealt with all kinds of nightmares— from real desperate housewives and their indifferent husbands to toxic shotgun marriages doomed to fail— and he’s fixed them all. Dubbed the “Love Doctor,” Hyunjin has a PhD in both sociology and broken hearts. Every single day for Hyunjin ends the same: yet another flashy career success and to celebrate, sliding on his rose-tinted glasses and sipping on pink champagne, his perpetual poison.
That was all before you, of course.
For your entire life, you’ve been unlucky in love. From your endless unrequited high school crushes to your situationship who turned out to be gay, love has just never been in the cards for you. It’s all changed you from a hopeless romantic into a pessimist who doesn’t believe in true love. You now make fun of every couple you see, religiously watch wedding fails on Youtube, and absolutely hate romantic comedies. 
But no amount of lackluster girls’ nights or hours thrown into your crappy job can fill the hole in your heart. You’re absolutely lonely. In one last attempt to give love a chance, you ditch your Tinder dates and decide to turn to L.A.’s famous “Love Doctor,” this hotshot relationship therapist all of your friends rave about. 
Barrelling into Dr. Hwang’s office like a cyclone, you bring along your signature stormy attitude and want a remedy to your emotional dry spell, even though you still believe in your heart that counseling won’t work for you. You don’t expect, however, your new intimacy expert to be hotter than hell, definitely not a middle-aged woman ready to lecture you about putting out.
No, Dr. Hwang is more like the Grandmaster of love, the amorous warlock of the West Coast, and with the way he silently strips you with his bedroom eyes the moment you walk in, perhaps even the sex scholar of the Valley. As he slowly disarms your defenses, you do your best not to let him know of your inappropriate fantasies about him. But even worse than your impossibly vivid wet dreams, you’re falling in love with your fucking therapist. Or Hyunjin, as he so charmingly commands you to call him. 
And you try to keep your feelings for him at bay, you really do. But Hyunjin just doesn’t give up, relentlessly tugging at your mind and heart and taking up every quantum of your life. Because after all, the Love Doctor loves a good challenge.
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TAGLIST @army-stay-noel, @hwangjuhong, @chizumiyoshi
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📢 ©jisungsdaydreamer 2023 | All rights reserved. I do not condone translations or transfers of my work onto other platforms such as Wattpad, AO3, etc. Tumblr is my only platform. Acts of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
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August 28, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Aug 29, 2024
Former president Trump appears to have slid further since last night’s news about a new grand jury’s superseding indictment of him on charges of trying to overthrow the 2020 presidential election. Over the course of about four hours this morning, Trump posted 50 times on his social media platform, mostly reposting material that was associated with QAnon, violent, authoritarian, or conspiratorial. 
He suggested he is “100% INNOCENT,” and that the indictment is a “Witch Hunt.” He called for trials and jail for special counsel Jack Smith, former president Barack Obama, and the members of Congress who investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. And he reposted a sexual insult about the political careers of both Vice President Kamala Harris and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign has today escalated the fight about Trump’s photo op Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, where campaign staff took photos and videos in Section 60, the burial ground of recent veterans, apparently over the strong objections of cemetery officials. Then the campaign released photos and a video from the visit attacking Harris. 
Arlington National Cemetery was established on the former property of General Robert E. Lee in 1864, after the Lee family did not pay their property taxes. At the time, Lee was leading Confederate forces against the United States government, and those buried in the cemetery in its early years were those killed in the Civil War. The cemetery is one of two in the United States that is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army, and it is widely considered hallowed ground.  
A statement from the Arlington National Cemetery reiterated: “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign. Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants. We can confirm there was an incident, and a report was filed.”
Republican vice presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio first said there was a “little disagreement” at the cemetery, but in Erie, Pennsylvania, today he tried to turn the incident into an attack on Harris. “She wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up?” Vance said. “She can go to hell.” Harris has not, in fact, commented on the controversy. 
VoteVets, a progressive organization that works to elect veterans to office, called the Arlington episode “sickening.”
In an interview with television personality Dr. Phil that aired last night, Trump suggested that Democrats in California each got seven ballots and that he would win in the state if Jesus Christ counted the votes. As Philip Bump of the Washington Post pointed out today, Trump has always said he could not lose elections unless there was fraud; last night he suggested repeatedly that God wants him to win the 2024 election.  
When asked his opinion of Vice President Harris, Trump once again called her “a Marxist,” a reference that would normally be used to refer to someone who agrees with the basic principles outlined by nineteenth-century philosopher Karl Marx in his theory of how society works. In Marx’s era, people in the U.S. and Europe were grappling with what industrialization would mean for the relationship between individual workers, employers, resources, and society. Marx believed that there was a growing conflict between workers and capitalists that would eventually lead to a revolution in which workers would take over the means of production—factories, farms, and so on—and end economic inequality.
Harris has shown no signs of embracing this philosophy, and on August 15, when Trump talked at reporters for more than an hour at his Bedminster property in front of a table with coffee and breakfast cereal at what was supposed to be a press conference on the economy, he said of his campaign strategy: “All we have to do is define our opponent as being a communist or a socialist or somebody that’s going to destroy our country.” 
Trump uses “Marxist,” “communist,” and “socialist” interchangeably, and when he and his allies accuse Democrats of being one of those things, they are not talking about an economic system in which the people, represented by the government, take control of the means of production. They are using a peculiarly American adaptation of the term “socialist.”
True socialism has never been popular in America. The best it has ever done in a national election was in 1912, when labor organizer Eugene V. Debs, running for president as a Socialist, won 6% of the vote, coming in behind Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft. 
What Republicans mean by "socialism" in America is a product of the years immediately after the Civil War, when African American men first got the right to vote. Eager to join the economic system from which they had previously been excluded, these men voted for leaders who promised to rebuild the South, provide schools and hospitals (as well as prosthetics for veterans, a vital need in the post-war U.S.), and develop the economy with railroads to provide an equal opportunity for all men to rise to prosperity. 
Former Confederates loathed the idea of Black men voting almost as much as they hated the idea of equal rights. They insisted that the public programs poorer voters wanted were simply a redistribution of wealth from prosperous white men to undeserving Black Americans who wanted a handout, although white people would also benefit from such programs. Improvements could be paid for only with tax levies, and white men were the only ones with property in the Reconstruction South. Thus, public investments in roads and schools and hospitals would redistribute wealth from propertied men to poor people, from white men to Black people. It was, opponents said, “socialism.” Poor black voters were instituting, one popular magazine wrote, "Socialism in South Carolina" and should be kept from the polls.
This idea that it was dangerous for working people to participate in government caught on in the North as immigrants moved into growing cities to work in the developing factories. Like their counterparts in the South, they voted for roads and schools, and wealthy men insisted these programs meant a redistribution of wealth through tax dollars. They got more concerned still when a majority of Americans began to call for regulation to keep businessmen from gouging consumers, polluting the environment, and poisoning the food supply (the reason you needed to worry about strangers and candy in that era was that candy was often painted with lead paint).
Any attempt to regulate business would impinge on a man's liberty, wealthy men argued, and it would cost tax dollars to hire inspectors. Thus, they said, it was a redistribution of wealth. Long before the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia brought the fears of a workers' government to life, Americans argued that their economy was under siege by socialists. Their conviction did indeed lead to a redistribution of wealth, but as regular Americans were kept from voting, the wealth went dramatically upward, not down.
The powerful formula linking racism to the idea of an active government and arguing that a government that promotes infrastructure, provides a basic social safety net, and regulates business is socialism has shaped American history since Reconstruction. In the modern era the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision of 1954 enabled wealthy men to convince voters that their tax dollars were being taken from them to promote the interests of Black Americans. President Ronald Reagan made that formula central to the Republican Party, and it has lived there ever since, as Republicans call any policy designed to help ordinary Americans “socialism.”
Vice President Harris recently said she would continue the work of the Biden administration and crack down on the price-fixing, price gouging, and corporate mergers that drove high grocery prices in the wake of the pandemic. Such plans have been on the table for a while: Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) noted last year that from July 2020 through July 2022, inflation rose by 14% and corporate profits rose by 75%. He backed a measure introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)—who came up with the idea of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—that would set standards to prevent large corporations from price gouging during an “exceptional market shock” like a power grid failure, a public health emergency, a natural disaster, and so on. Harris’s proposal was met with pushback from opponents saying that such a law would do more harm than good and that post-pandemic high inflation was driven by the market.
Yesterday, during testimony for an antitrust case, an email from the senior director for pricing at the grocery giant Kroger, Andy Groff, to other Kroger executives seemed to prove that those calling out price gouging were at least in part right. In it, Groff wrote: “On milk and eggs, retail inflation has been significantly higher than cost inflation.” 
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tuliptic · 2 years
Where Do I Go : From Here Until?
This reading is specifically targeted towards those who are about to graduate and have no idea where they should go, not knowing the directions. I believe most who have gone through this phase will understand how difficult it was to start adult-ing. Let us help the younger one through this as well. (This is supposed to be a career reading but it ended up becoming a How To Adult 101 kinda reading. To that anon who asked for a career reading, I hope you’re okay with this reading here)
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: What messages do you need to hear? Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or images used here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1:
Overall theme (energy of querent) : The World
Overall, you’ve felt like you’ve achieved whatever you've wanted or deemed needed to. This pile is giving me the top student vibe, like you’ve done everything you can and have achieved top graduate and you’re ready for the next phase of life aka adult.
Where are you right now? King of Wands
You’re probably the type of person who’s the top in the class and have been leaders in group assignments. You have that energy still in you, and you’re maintaining it as much as you can. Currently you’re at a nice spot in life, not having that much worry about adulting cuz you feel that you’ve done all the necessary preparations for you to march into it.
Where should you go from here? Ten of Cups
Self-alignment is what I’m seeing here, preparing to be in harmony with yourself. You’ve probably heard about adult life from many around you and your best preparation you can do right now is to make sure you’re emotionally ready for what is to come. For some reason, I’m seeing something like counseling? Or humanitarian courses? Some fields that are related with human emotions and the regulation of it? I’d also suggest that you consult your family about this. You’ll be needing the support and hence, surrounding yourself with those who support your vision and share your values.
Why should you go there? Nine of Cups
Satisfaction. Wherever it is you want to go will give you the utmost satisfaction as you're able to help others to get better. I feel that it’s like you’ve received help in the past and now you want to be able to extend the same help to those who need it. It’s like you’re at the position to be able to repay the gratitude. You’ve wanted to be free, you’ve wanted to repay the energy and you’ve wanted to create peace in your life, in the lives of others.
How do you get there? Three of Wands
Consistent progress, step by step. Just keep moving forward and the paths will be opened unto you. I’m also seeing some overseas opportunities for some of you. So if you’re given the chance, grab and take them in your hands and go act on your dream. It's the perfect time for you to be making changes towards a new you.
What do you do when you get there? The Hanged Man
Learn, expose yourself to as many things as you can and observe things from every angle possible. But for you to be able to accept those new perspectives, you’ll first need to let go of whatever limiting thoughts you have as they could hinder your learning process. That aside, this card is ruled by Neptune and it’s a planet that rules spiritual and religious themes, so there’s something you may be interested in venturing into.
Advices for you: Five of Pentacles rx
You may have felt left out during your school/college days but now, as you’re adjusting yourself to enter the adult world, you’re slightly feeling more adjusted as compared to how insecure you were in the past. You’re probably the type of person who was not really much welcomed because of how excellent you are? And there may be people who didn’t like that part of you, resulting in you yearning (maybe?) to enter the adult world, so that you can be away from childish people who are trying to hinder you because of their incompetence. Your confidence is now slowly being restored. Believe in every reason that makes you feel better
Overall energy: The Chariot, Six of Swords rx
The overall energy here is a pleasant one, where we can see movements. Six of Swords in reverse gives me the feeling that you’re adjusting your energy and preparing for a personal transition, which the cards earlier have further explained. This is a time for rebirth, and upon waking, you are ready to act on your passions and dreams, to proceed into the life of adulting with your chin up.
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Pile 2:
Overall theme (energy of querent) : The Tower rx, The Hierophant rx
You’ve experienced a lot of lows as of now. A bunch of unwelcomed changes were thrown to you and you originally were at a loss. But you’ve gotten tired with how problems and changes kept coming their way. After a couple of introspection and consultation you’ve done, you’ve decided to go “fuck it” and go through a 180 degree change in how you view things.
Where am I right now? The Sun rx
You’ve probably experienced something not so nice and you’re still at your low. For some reason (since this is mainly targeting students), I thought maybe you’re unsatisfied with how your thesis turned out, or unhappy with your finals? Something that happened in school/college/university affected you and made you down, made you lose your light.
Where should I go from here? Two of Wands
For some reason I’m seeing travel. Solo traveling, specifically. To travel to some place with a different culture, or to a place where you’ve never been, so that you observe and immerse yourself in them, to be independent and plan your own schedule. You’ll be able to learn things from this trip. I don’t quite know how to properly explain but lemme give an example. You’re used to the city life and out of impulse or proper planning, you’ve decided to travel to the countryside alone to see how the people there live and pass their time, take some pictures or sit and have a conversation with the locals there. (Suddenly this sounds a bit dangerous so please don’t go solo thanks.)
Why should I go there? Eight of Swords rx
You’ve already had some preset beliefs that need to be turned over. Example, you’ve believed life in the countryside is just all mud and trees and no internet. But it’s not that. Life in the countryside sure isn’t as glamorous in the cities, but the necessities are met and there’s internet. You’ll realize that the countryside is colorful as well, just that the colors it is painted in is different from the cities. From this experience, you’ll probably realize how it’s similar to you, where you have a different color compared to other people, but you two are equally colorful. You’re called to be kind to yourself and let go of the self-criticism that’s been eating you up.
How do I get there? The Moon
Listen to your heart, tune in to your intuition. I know this sounds hella vague and some of you don’t exactly know how. But as long as you do what your heart tells you to, then you’ll be able to make do somehow. Remember that you’re the co-creator of your life and destiny, and that you’re the one who gets to decide where you wanna go, how you wanna go. You wanna take a week’s journey instead of a day? Go ahead, do that. Listen to what your heart has to say. But also please remember to stay responsible.
What do I do when I get there? Page of Wands
You’ll probably be feeling a lot of creative urge during that stage. Write? Art? Photography? Do that. Record your journey, let new ideas flow through you. There may also be some stubbornness in it but balance it out with your strength and you can see that your vision, your thoughts will be seen through your work. Cultivate and curate. You are heading into a new beginning so welcome it.
Advices for me : Strength
Believe in your strength, let courage flow through you. Embrace the fierceness in you and let it guide through your life. Do not cage the Lion, but be friends with it, tame it, and let it be your loyal protector. If somebody crosses your boundaries, let the Lion defend you. Also, let the Lion lead you to act on your passions and dreams upon waking up. Believe instead of finding excuses, show the world your own charm and let yourself love freely.
Overall energy: Strength, Two of Cups
Strength is here again and courage is an important theme for you as you proceed into another phase of life. I usually refer to the Two of Cups as a couple’s card, and pairing with Page of Wands earlier, you may have a partner who’s very supportive of you, or you may find a partner who’ll be very encouraging to what you do in life. Your higher self is sending you signals and messages through dreams and they’re waiting for you to communicate with them, to get the messages they want to send you to jump into adulthood easier.
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Pile 3
Overall theme (energy of querent) : The Hermit
First thought is that you may be an introvert. Second thought is that you enjoy your alone time as much as your social time. Reason is that you can enjoy time at your own pace without having the need to rush. There’s actually a lot on your mind and those are mainly thoughts on how you can improve yourself. For some reason, I’m also picking up on manifestation as well? You are very in tune with your higher self and probably communicate with them in dreams.
Where am I right now? The Sun 
You’re at a pretty nice place for you to start taking action. The Sun symbolizes positivity, symbolizes vibrant energy. And you’re in this state. Maybe graduating from university gave you hope and you’re just ready to enter this new phase with a new mentality, ready to act on your passions and dreams. You give me the vibe that you have a bucket list to complete when you’re an adult and you can’t wait to accomplish those.
Where should I go from here? The Lovers rx
There may be more than two paths available for you and there’s some dilemma, confusion, questioning which to do first. There are quite some inconsistencies in you that may result in choices not getting you on the best path. However, allow yourself to be inconsistent. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Honor your inner grace, wisdom and beauty. Take a look at your current situation and decide however you want to walk. It may not be the best, but at least you’re walking without regrets.
Why should I go there? Eight of Pentacles rx
I feel that the path you’ve chosen to tread on is a path you’re meant to go on. This card here talks about traditional hard work that you’re required to complete. It also tells you things that can be ignored and cannot be ignored, and when you’re called to master a skill, you need to do so. Your main task is to turn this card into the upright position, to master the particular skill you’ve selected. It’s like the card above, where you walk without regrets, learn without regrets. When it’s all over, you will feel very happy about what you have accomplished.
How do I get there? Page of Wands
By taking this journey as an adventure. We all know that adulting is a new beginning and there’s a lot to us all but also, take it with a twist of creativity. There’s the symbol of will and with that, you can go far. Along with stubbornness, strength and balance, your vision, your path can gradually be seen, and you know how to define yourself better. Hard work will pay off if you’re loyal to yourself.
What do I do when I get there? Seven of Wands
Spending most of your time going with the flow of life is cool, but it’s not advised to do so in the long run. Sometimes, you’ll feel some lack of content or comfort being left alone and you want to hang out with someone. But you’re called to be aware of what’s happening around you cuz there may be some competition, jealousy, or even work conflicts that can arise due to you being excellent in your job or something. You will want to resist them or change the whole direction of the negativity that’s directed towards you.
Advices for me: Three of Cups
This card is a card about celebration. So celebrate every small wins and let them be definitive. A lot of small wins make a big win, after all. With this card here, I’m seeing that you’re called to take time off for yourself, for your loved ones and build new relationships, with yourself and some new people. Get yourself involved in a community or a society, as it will benefit you not only in the future, but also helps you to adapt to adult life better. There’s abundance waiting for you.
Extra message: This is gonna be a short one sentence but, some of you may be welcoming a new love as you step into adulthood OVO
Overall energy: The Hierophant, The Star rx
This pile is gungho but also scared. I have a feeling that people around this pile have been instilling fearful thoughts and responsibilities into them these entire while. Something like “now you’re an adult, you’ll need to start having savings and get some stuffs done,” or “once you start earning you gotta buy your own car,” or something similar. I can’t think of much right now. There’s much tension there, but you’re called to surrender those old, limiting beliefs, whatever thoughts that have been fed by older people. Now, you have to awaken and allow yourself to be reborn into limitless possibilities.
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Pile 4
Overall theme (energy of querent): Justice
I immediately thought of Libra energy when I saw this card and some of you may have prominent Libra in your chart. You guys adore and adhere to balance in everything y’all do, including interaction with other people. I suddenly thought of karma. No, I'm not saying that you are karma (or maybe you guys embody that energy a lillll bit?) but you guys are a firm believer of karma’s retribution. Karma’s gonna come to collect your debt kinda vibe.
Where am I right now? Page of Pentacles rx
You’re currently in a standstill. You’re easily distracted at the moment and have been wanting to try a lot of things, which may be standing in the way of your ability to realize your goals and dreams. Planning and skills are fundamental and you realize you have neither, hence standing still in where you are. You don’t have a solid foundation to stand on, and you’re probably lost with all sorts of options available for you right now.
Where should I go from here? The Chariot
Action. You need to find a direction and take action. This is not an impulsive energy, but instead, it’s an energy about motion, about movement, about going for things, about getting things done. I mean, where’re we going? No one knows it, even us, the main characters of our stories. But we still gotta go on, right? This is the energy this card is telling you to embody, to go and charge forward, and see where life takes you. Stop standing there like a scarecrow.
Why should I go there? Four of Swords rx 
Why? Cuz you’ve slept for far too long. I don’t mean in the literal sense but if you’ve been sleeping a lot it’s time to wake up and get your body moving. You need to remember you’re the lion and you shouldn’t be hibernating, but instead, you’re supposed to get up and do what The Chariot has instructed you to. It’s time for you to wake up and surrender any old or limiting beliefs, awaken yourself to let yourself be reborn into limitless possibilities.
How do I get there? Three of Pentacles rx
It’s giving me a solo journey kinda vibe. Three of Pentacles is a team project kinda vibe but now, you’re alone. You’ll need to ride that Chariot yourself else you’ll let your team take you there. Your higher self is saying “No, nope.” to this and it’s now up to you to maneuver your own journey to finding where you want to stand. You won’t be alone for a long while. It will be so until you’ve found your path and found a nice team who will work together with you.
What do I do when I get there? Seven of Cups
You’ll be seeing how the real world is like when you enter adulthood. You’ll learn that whatever you’ve heard in your student days are just… Not so realistic. The adults you see once you’ve graduated are just tired all the time with their day to day tasks cuz of responsibilities, but you also manage to see a few who are capable of making the best out of their lives. In the end, you’ll realize that it depends on each individual, and you’re called to realize that you’re the co-creator of your life and your destiny. Seeing them makes you reflect on who you are, what you want to be as a person. 
Advices for me : Nine of Swords
Do not be afraid or anxious. It’s probably the fear that’s throwing you into a standstill and that you’re unable to move forward. You need to know that the present is what’s defining you at this moment. The present is where you learn. Look for opportunities in life’s challenges and learn those lessons. Be prepared, but not fearful. Adulthood is a phase of life that we all need to go through and take your time to figure it out as you journey. Adulthood is not a solo journey, but the path to finding yourself, finding what you want to do is. 
Extra Card (that fell out): Knight of Pentacles rx
You’re called to be patient and allow yourself to make gradual progress. Sometimes the gusts of wind blowing at you may be strong and you can only walk in small steps, or even get blown back a bit. It’s still alright, as long as you make the steps later with the energy of The Chariot. Know that the source of strength comes within you, and only you can release that energy out. 
Overall energy: The Sun, Strength
The Sun and Strength being here talks about having courage, having faith, welcoming the adult world. It is not something for you to shy away and run from. Adulthood is a new phase in life and it’s difficult, but it’s also something to look forward to as you grow up. As you grow into the new you that you’re becoming, remember to have fun and play once in a while. You need to reconnect with your inner child as well. Balance yourself between adult life and your child life.
Thank you for reading until the end! Feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated! See you soon in another reading!
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sharpdecisions · 8 months
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With a committed partner in Personalized Portfolio Advisory Services, Sharp Decisions, Inc., set out on a customized financial path. Our knowledgeable financial advisors are aware that every investment plan is different and should be customized to meet your specific objectives. Consider a service that develops a portfolio strategy in line with your financial goals and risk tolerance, in addition to offering professional insights into market movements. We are your advisor, guiding you from asset preservation to strategic growth and making sure your portfolio aligns with your financial goals. Join us as we explore the complex world of individualized advising services, where our top priority is your financial prosperity. Your reliable partner in negotiating the complexities of asset management for a safe and prosperous future is Sharp Decisions, Inc.
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study-24x7 · 9 months
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Embark on a transformative journey with Study24x7, your dedicated career guidance and counselling platform designed exclusively for students. Our comprehensive career guidance assessments and personalized counselling services provide invaluable insights to help you navigate the path to a fulfilling career. Discover your passion, strengths, and potential career paths with precision through our innovative career discovery platform. Our expert counselors are committed to supporting you every step of the way, offering guidance tailored to your unique aspirations. Trust Study24x7 to be your beacon for informed decision-making, ensuring you embark on a career that aligns seamlessly with your goals. Take charge of your future with Study24x7 - your trusted partner in career exploration and growth.
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misfitwashere · 28 days
August 28, 2024 
AUG 29
Former president Trump appears to have slid further since last night’s news about a new grand jury’s superseding indictment of him on charges of trying to overthrow the 2020 presidential election. Over the course of about four hours this morning, Trump posted 50 times on his social media platform, mostly reposting material that was associated with QAnon, violent, authoritarian, or conspiratorial. 
He suggested he is “100% INNOCENT,” and that the indictment is a “Witch Hunt.” He called for trials and jail for special counsel Jack Smith, former president Barack Obama, and the members of Congress who investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. And he reposted a sexual insult about the political careers of both Vice President Kamala Harris and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign has today escalated the fight about Trump’s photo op Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, where campaign staff took photos and videos in Section 60, the burial ground of recent veterans, apparently over the strong objections of cemetery officials. Then the campaign released photos and a video from the visit attacking Harris. 
Arlington National Cemetery was established on the former property of General Robert E. Lee in 1864, after the Lee family did not pay their property taxes. At the time, Lee was leading Confederate forces against the United States government, and those buried in the cemetery in its early years were those killed in the Civil War. The cemetery is one of two in the United States that is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army, and it is widely considered hallowed ground.  
A statement from the Arlington National Cemetery reiterated: “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign. Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants. We can confirm there was an incident, and a report was filed.”
Republican vice presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio first said there was a “little disagreement” at the cemetery, but in Erie, Pennsylvania, today he tried to turn the incident into an attack on Harris. “She wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up?” Vance said. “She can go to hell.” Harris has not, in fact, commented on the controversy. 
VoteVets, a progressive organization that works to elect veterans to office, called the Arlington episode “sickening.”
In an interview with television personality Dr. Phil that aired last night, Trump suggested that Democrats in California each got seven ballots and that he would win in the state if Jesus Christ counted the votes. As Philip Bump of the Washington Post pointed out today, Trump has always said he could not lose elections unless there was fraud; last night he suggested repeatedly that God wants him to win the 2024 election.  
When asked his opinion of Vice President Harris, Trump once again called her “a Marxist,” a reference that would normally be used to refer to someone who agrees with the basic principles outlined by nineteenth-century philosopher Karl Marx in his theory of how society works. In Marx’s era, people in the U.S. and Europe were grappling with what industrialization would mean for the relationship between individual workers, employers, resources, and society. Marx believed that there was a growing conflict between workers and capitalists that would eventually lead to a revolution in which workers would take over the means of production—factories, farms, and so on—and end economic inequality.
Harris has shown no signs of embracing this philosophy, and on August 15, when Trump talked at reporters for more than an hour at his Bedminster property in front of a table with coffee and breakfast cereal at what was supposed to be a press conference on the economy, he said of his campaign strategy: “All we have to do is define our opponent as being a communist or a socialist or somebody that’s going to destroy our country.” 
Trump uses “Marxist,” “communist,” and “socialist” interchangeably, and when he and his allies accuse Democrats of being one of those things, they are not talking about an economic system in which the people, represented by the government, take control of the means of production. They are using a peculiarly American adaptation of the term “socialist.”
True socialism has never been popular in America. The best it has ever done in a national election was in 1912, when labor organizer Eugene V. Debs, running for president as a Socialist, won 6% of the vote, coming in behind Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft. 
What Republicans mean by "socialism" in America is a product of the years immediately after the Civil War, when African American men first got the right to vote. Eager to join the economic system from which they had previously been excluded, these men voted for leaders who promised to rebuild the South, provide schools and hospitals (as well as prosthetics for veterans, a vital need in the post-war U.S.), and develop the economy with railroads to provide an equal opportunity for all men to rise to prosperity. 
Former Confederates loathed the idea of Black men voting almost as much as they hated the idea of equal rights. They insisted that the public programs poorer voters wanted were simply a redistribution of wealth from prosperous white men to undeserving Black Americans who wanted a handout, although white people would also benefit from such programs. Improvements could be paid for only with tax levies, and white men were the only ones with property in the Reconstruction South. Thus, public investments in roads and schools and hospitals would redistribute wealth from propertied men to poor people, from white men to Black people. It was, opponents said, “socialism.” Poor black voters were instituting, one popular magazine wrote, "Socialism in South Carolina" and should be kept from the polls.
This idea that it was dangerous for working people to participate in government caught on in the North as immigrants moved into growing cities to work in the developing factories. Like their counterparts in the South, they voted for roads and schools, and wealthy men insisted these programs meant a redistribution of wealth through tax dollars. They got more concerned still when a majority of Americans began to call for regulation to keep businessmen from gouging consumers, polluting the environment, and poisoning the food supply (the reason you needed to worry about strangers and candy in that era was that candy was often painted with lead paint).
Any attempt to regulate business would impinge on a man's liberty, wealthy men argued, and it would cost tax dollars to hire inspectors. Thus, they said, it was a redistribution of wealth. Long before the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia brought the fears of a workers' government to life, Americans argued that their economy was under siege by socialists. Their conviction did indeed lead to a redistribution of wealth, but as regular Americans were kept from voting, the wealth went dramatically upward, not down.
The powerful formula linking racism to the idea of an active government and arguing that a government that promotes infrastructure, provides a basic social safety net, and regulates business is socialism has shaped American history since Reconstruction. In the modern era the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision of 1954 enabled wealthy men to convince voters that their tax dollars were being taken from them to promote the interests of Black Americans. President Ronald Reagan made that formula central to the Republican Party, and it has lived there ever since, as Republicans call any policy designed to help ordinary Americans “socialism.”
Vice President Harris recently said she would continue the work of the Biden administration and crack down on the price-fixing, price gouging, and corporate mergers that drove high grocery prices in the wake of the pandemic. Such plans have been on the table for a while: Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) noted last year that from July 2020 through July 2022, inflation rose by 14% and corporate profits rose by 75%. He backed a measure introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)—who came up with the idea of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—that would set standards to prevent large corporations from price gouging during an “exceptional market shock” like a power grid failure, a public health emergency, a natural disaster, and so on. Harris’s proposal was met with pushback from opponents saying that such a law would do more harm than good and that post-pandemic high inflation was driven by the market.
Yesterday, during testimony for an antitrust case, an email from the senior director for pricing at the grocery giant Kroger, Andy Groff, to other Kroger executives seemed to prove that those calling out price gouging were at least in part right. In it, Groff wrote: “On milk and eggs, retail inflation has been significantly higher than cost inflation.” 
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
FIRST ON FOX: The former Missouri teacher who resigned after school administrators found out about her OnlyFans account told Fox News Digital she's made close to $1 million selling porn.
Brianna Coppage, 28, was an English teacher at St. Clair High School, about an hour outside of St. Louis, and was placed on leave before ultimately resigning once administrators discovered her racy side hustle.
Coppage, who made $42,000 working as a teacher, said she used OnlyFans to make extra money that would help her pay off student loans from her advanced degrees.
"I started it, one, to just supplement my income and kind of see what happens and possibly make extra money. Like, I have student loans. I was working on my third degree. So, I also have a master's degree in education, and then I was working on my specialist degree," Coppage told Fox News Digital in an interview.
Coppage was placed on leave in September after meeting with two school administrators who received reports about her OnlyFans account.
"They specifically said they got a report from an adult in the Sullivan School District, and they asked, do I have any other income streams like outside of teaching? And I said, ‘Yes, I do have an OnlyFans.’ They asked how long I had been doing it, if it was during my own time or … anything at school, which I told them."
Coppage said her work on OnlyFans was "completely separate" from her professional life at school.
Kyle Kruse, superintendent of the school district, previously told Fox News Digital administrators were "recently notified that an employee may have posted inappropriate media on one or more internet sites."
"The district has engaged legal counsel to conduct a comprehensive investigation into this matter," Kruse said. "Actions taken as a result of the investigation will be in accordance with board policy and with guidance from legal counsel."
Coppage said she's now among the platform's top creators, raking in nearly $1 million since she began the account over the summer.
"I will also say that I have tens of thousands of fans now. And I have, you know, far exceeded my teacher salary for the year," she said.
The former high school teacher added that if given the opportunity she'd do it again.
"I don't regret it. I still strongly feel that. People are allowed to have personal lives outside of their career. And I've seen a lot of comments like, 'Well, what if the students found it or it's online? People are going to see it.'
"And I don't necessarily disagree with that," she said. "I know for a fact that, one, students are not the ones who found it. They're not the ones who reported it. And they didn't see it until adults posted my link in a community group."
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pitchnhirejobs · 1 month
Pitch N Hire's Guide to Crafting an ATS-Friendly Resume for Better Hiring Outcomes
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What is an ATS? An Application Tracking System (ATS), alternatively known as a talent management system, is the software utilized by recruiters and employers for picking up, organizing and sorting out resumes according to particular guidelines. The main aim of an ATS is to simplify the process of hiring by eliminating irrelevant applicants and highlighting those whose qualifications correspond well with the job description. While saving time for HR departments, this also means that candidates must format their CVs properly. 3 Main Tips for an ATS-Friendly Resume:
No Header or Footer: Most ATS can't handle parsing information that goes into either of these two sections. Vital details, such as contact information, name, and title, need to be within the main body of the document. Keeping everything in a simple, easy-to-read format will help the ATS capture all your information correctly.
Keep it Simple: Elements for an ATS-friendly resume are quite minimalistic. Ensure common fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman are in use. Further, shun graphics, tables, or complex formatting in your resume. Traditional resume sections are critical: stick to sections like "Education," "Experience," and "Skills," making sure these are clearly labelled.
Use Keywords: Keywords are a very important feature in an ATS resume. Every content prepared on your resume will be scanned by an ATS to pick out relevant keywords about the description of the jobs. It makes it easy to beat the scanner by the use of relevant keywords that tally with the job posting. Be cautious not to stuff the resume with keywords; they must fit naturally into your content. How can Pitch N Hire help you? Pitch N Hire offers tailored services for job seekers and recruiters. For job seekers, Pitch N Hire offers automation tools that help you create an ATS-friendly resume, ensuring that potential employees wear it noticeably. Their platform also offers a range of job search tools, career counselling and personal career recommendations. For recruiters, Pitch N Hire offers advanced ATS tools that efficiently edit and organize resumes and simplify the hiring process. Their services include candidate management, interview processing and data-driven insights, all geared towards speeding up and improving the recruitment process.
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coachifie · 11 days
Welcome to Coachifie IT Training Institute
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At Coachifie IT Training Institute, we are dedicated to shaping the next generation of IT professionals. Our mission is to provide high-quality, industry-relevant training that empowers individuals to excel in the ever-evolving world of technology.
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usasmmhiveki · 14 days
Buy LinkedIn Accounts
 LinkedIn,the worlds biggest expert organization gives a stage where experts can make and oversee LinkedIn Accounts to develop their vocations, network with peers, and investigate valuable open doors. LinkedIn accounts act as computerized portrayals of people’s proficient personalities, offering a far reaching outline of their expert process, abilities, mastery, and achievements. These profiles capability as virtual resumes, permitting clients to feature their schooling, work insight, certificates, and accomplishments.
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Past simple computerized resumes, LinkedIn accounts empower clients to interface and draw in with a tremendous organization of experts across different ventures and geological areas. Through associations, clients can lay out significant connections, look for mentorship, and team up on projects. LinkedIn’s vigorous inquiry and suggestion calculations work with the disclosure of applicable associations in light of shared interests, abilities, and vocation objectives.
Besides, LinkedIn accounts act as a center point for information sharing and expert turn of events. Clients can share bits of knowledge, industry patterns, and articles, situating themselves as thought forerunners in their particular fields. Gatherings and networks on LinkedIn give roads to conversations, learning, and looking for counsel from peers.
For organizations and selection representatives, LinkedIn accounts are priceless instruments for ability obtaining, manager marking, and systems administration. Organizations can feature their way of life, values, and open positions, while selection representatives can source competitors, audit their profiles, and draw in with possible recruits.
Generally, LinkedIn accounts engage experts to assemble their own image, extend their expert organization, and open doors for profession development and headway in the present serious work market. 
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How To Use LinkedIn?
 To successfully use LinkedIn, begin by making a convincing profile that features your expert experience, abilities, and achievements. Utilize an expert photograph and specialty a succinct yet captivating outline that exhibits your interesting offer. Associate with partners, cohorts, and industry experts to grow your organization. Draw in with your organization by sharing applicable substance, remarking on posts, and partaking in conversations. Join LinkedIn bunches connected with your industry or interests to interface with similar experts and remain refreshed on industry patterns. Use LinkedIn’s pursuit of employment component to investigate open positions, and influence the stage’s informing element to contact enrollment specialists or possible associations. Finally, routinely update your profile with new abilities, encounters, and accomplishments to keep up with significance and perceivability in your expert organization.
Why Linkedin is the best social media?
LinkedIn stands out as a premier social media platform due to its exclusive focus on professional networking and career development. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn is tailored specifically for professionals, providing a space where individuals can connect, engage, and collaborate within their industry or field of expertise. Its robust features, such as comprehensive user profiles, endorsements, recommendations, and skill endorsements, allow users to showcase their professional credentials effectively.
LinkedIn’s vast network of over 700 million users worldwide offers unparalleled opportunities for networking, mentorship, and career advancement. It serves as a hub for recruiters, job seekers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to discover talent, share insights, and explore business opportunities. Additionally, LinkedIn’s content-sharing capabilities enable users to stay updated on industry news, trends, and best practices, fostering continuous learning and professional growth.
Moreover, LinkedIn’s job search feature streamlines the job-seeking process, connecting candidates with relevant job openings and recruiters. Its premium features offer additional benefits, such as enhanced visibility, advanced search filters, and access to online courses and certifications, further enhancing its value proposition.
Overall, LinkedIn’s singular focus on professional networking, coupled with its extensive features and global reach, makes it the preferred social media platform for professionals seeking to advance their careers, expand their networks, and stay ahead in today’s competitive job market. Buy LinkedIn Accounts.
Benefits of shopping for Buy LinkedIn Accounts
Bringing in cash with Google Adsense has never been less difficult on the grounds that you can rapidly significantly increase or fourfold your profit and every one might be a site or blog for your organization. Then, basically share the URL of your site with a many individuals utilizing the associations you bought for your LinkedIn profile, permitting you to change over site or blog guests into veritable clients. With only a couple of mouse clicks, you might produce a stunning measure of day to day deals for your organization! Buy LinkedIn Accounts.
How to Buy LinkedIn Accounts with Connections?
You should pick your choice and put in your request since usasmmhive.com sells an assortment of LinkedIn account classes.
Why You Should Buy LinkedIn Accounts with Connections?
Individuals who share a comparative interest in a vocation can interface on the notable expert systems administration site LinkedIn. As well as giving clients admittance to additional people, LinkedIn profiles with associations likewise habitually have more tenable and intriguing substance than accounts on other web-based entertainment destinations. Other long range interpersonal communication networks don’t have a portion of the capacities that LinkedIn does, similar to devices for posting position and direct associations with organizations and individuals. Buy LinkedIn Accounts through online from usasmmhive.com. https://usasmmhive.com/
We are the best service provider in the world with good reviews. So Please order now & Buy LinkedIn Accounts. If you want more information just knock us.
24 Hours Reply/Contact
WhatsApp: (681) 655-4332
Skype: usasmmhive
Telegram: @usasmmhive
       Or live chat is available on our website
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usasmmhiveyt · 14 days
Buy LinkedIn Accounts
 LinkedIn,the worlds biggest expert organization gives a stage where experts can make and oversee LinkedIn Accounts to develop their vocations, network with peers, and investigate valuable open doors. LinkedIn accounts act as computerized portrayals of people’s proficient personalities, offering a far reaching outline of their expert process, abilities, mastery, and achievements. These profiles capability as virtual resumes, permitting clients to feature their schooling, work insight, certificates, and accomplishments.
Past simple computerized resumes, LinkedIn accounts empower clients to interface and draw in with a tremendous organization of experts across different ventures and geological areas. Through associations, clients can lay out significant connections, look for mentorship, and team up on projects. LinkedIn’s vigorous inquiry and suggestion calculations work with the disclosure of applicable associations in light of shared interests, abilities, and vocation objectives.
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Besides, LinkedIn accounts act as a center point for information sharing and expert turn of events. Clients can share bits of knowledge, industry patterns, and articles, situating themselves as thought forerunners in their particular fields. Gatherings and networks on LinkedIn give roads to conversations, learning, and looking for counsel from peers.
For organizations and selection representatives, LinkedIn accounts are priceless instruments for ability obtaining, manager marking, and systems administration. Organizations can feature their way of life, values, and open positions, while selection representatives can source competitors, audit their profiles, and draw in with possible recruits.
Generally, LinkedIn accounts engage experts to assemble their own image, extend their expert organization, and open doors for profession development and headway in the present serious work market. 
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How To Use LinkedIn?
 To successfully use LinkedIn, begin by making a convincing profile that features your expert experience, abilities, and achievements. Utilize an expert photograph and specialty a succinct yet captivating outline that exhibits your interesting offer. Associate with partners, cohorts, and industry experts to grow your organization. Draw in with your organization by sharing applicable substance, remarking on posts, and partaking in conversations. Join LinkedIn bunches connected with your industry or interests to interface with similar experts and remain refreshed on industry patterns. Use LinkedIn’s pursuit of employment component to investigate open positions, and influence the stage’s informing element to contact enrollment specialists or possible associations. Finally, routinely update your profile with new abilities, encounters, and accomplishments to keep up with significance and perceivability in your expert organization.
Why Linkedin is the best social media?
LinkedIn stands out as a premier social media platform due to its exclusive focus on professional networking and career development. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn is tailored specifically for professionals, providing a space where individuals can connect, engage, and collaborate within their industry or field of expertise. Its robust features, such as comprehensive user profiles, endorsements, recommendations, and skill endorsements, allow users to showcase their professional credentials effectively.
LinkedIn’s vast network of over 700 million users worldwide offers unparalleled opportunities for networking, mentorship, and career advancement. It serves as a hub for recruiters, job seekers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to discover talent, share insights, and explore business opportunities. Additionally, LinkedIn’s content-sharing capabilities enable users to stay updated on industry news, trends, and best practices, fostering continuous learning and professional growth.
Moreover, LinkedIn’s job search feature streamlines the job-seeking process, connecting candidates with relevant job openings and recruiters. Its premium features offer additional benefits, such as enhanced visibility, advanced search filters, and access to online courses and certifications, further enhancing its value proposition.
Overall, LinkedIn’s singular focus on professional networking, coupled with its extensive features and global reach, makes it the preferred social media platform for professionals seeking to advance their careers, expand their networks, and stay ahead in today’s competitive job market. Buy LinkedIn Accounts.
Benefits of shopping for Buy LinkedIn Accounts
Bringing in cash with Google Adsense has never been less difficult on the grounds that you can rapidly significantly increase or fourfold your profit and every one might be a site or blog for your organization. Then, basically share the URL of your site with a many individuals utilizing the associations you bought for your LinkedIn profile, permitting you to change over site or blog guests into veritable clients. With only a couple of mouse clicks, you might produce a stunning measure of day to day deals for your organization! Buy LinkedIn Accounts.
How to Buy LinkedIn Accounts with Connections?
You should pick your choice and put in your request since usasmmhive.com sells an assortment of LinkedIn account classes.
Why You Should Buy LinkedIn Accounts with Connections?
Individuals who share a comparative interest in a vocation can interface on the notable expert systems administration site LinkedIn. As well as giving clients admittance to additional people, LinkedIn profiles with associations likewise habitually have more tenable and intriguing substance than accounts on other web-based entertainment destinations. Other long range interpersonal communication networks don’t have a portion of the capacities that LinkedIn does, similar to devices for posting position and direct associations with organizations and individuals. Buy LinkedIn Accounts through online from usasmmhive.com. https://usasmmhive.com/
We are the best service provider in the world with good reviews. So Please order now & Buy LinkedIn Accounts. If you want more information just knock us.
24 Hours Reply/Contact
WhatsApp: (681) 655-4332
Skype: usasmmhive
Telegram: @usasmmhive
       Or live chat is available on our website
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moonlight-yuyu · 26 days
Hi I would like to know about my career. My big 6 are:
Sun: Gemini
Asc: Gemini
Moon: Scorpio
Mercury: Gemini
Venus: Aries
Mars: Leo
Thank you 🧸
🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋
Sun, Ascendant, and Mercury in Gemini
Communications and Media:
Journalist, Writer, or Editor: With three key placements in Gemini, you have a natural affinity for communication and a talent for expressing ideas. Careers in journalism, writing, or editing would allow you to leverage your strong verbal and written communication skills.
Public Relations Specialist: Your Gemini energy is also suited for roles in public relations, where you can craft and manage narratives, engage with the public, and build relationships.
Marketing and Advertising:
Marketing Strategist or Creative Director: Your ability to think quickly and creatively makes you a strong candidate for marketing or advertising roles. You could excel in developing innovative campaigns and strategies that capture attention and drive results.
Content Creator or Social Media Manager: Leveraging your Gemini placements, you could thrive in creating engaging content and managing social media platforms. Your versatility and adaptability are assets in these fast-paced, ever-evolving fields.
Education and Training:
Teacher or Trainer: Your Gemini placements suggest a talent for communication and education. A career in teaching or training would allow you to share your knowledge and engage with others in a dynamic and interactive way.
Moon in Scorpio
Psychology or Counseling:
Therapist or Counselor: The depth and intensity of Scorpio Moon align well with careers in psychology, counseling, or therapy. You have a natural ability to understand and navigate complex emotional landscapes, making you effective in helping others through their challenges.
Research and Analysis:
Researcher or Investigator: Scorpio’s focus on uncovering hidden truths complements careers in research or investigative roles. Whether in scientific research, investigative journalism, or data analysis, you can delve deep into complex issues and uncover valuable insights.
Crisis Management:
Crisis Manager or Mediator: Scorpio’s capacity for handling intense situations makes you well-suited for roles in crisis management or mediation, where you can manage high-stress scenarios and help resolve conflicts effectively.
Venus in Aries
Creative Arts and Design:
Artist or Designer: Venus in Aries imbues you with a bold, pioneering approach to creativity. Careers in the arts, graphic design, or fashion could be highly satisfying, allowing you to express your unique style and vision.
Performance Arts: You might also be drawn to roles in performing arts, where you can channel your dynamic energy and enthusiasm into acting, dance, or music.
Startup Founder or Creative Entrepreneur: Venus in Aries aligns well with entrepreneurial ventures, especially in creative fields. You have the drive and initiative to start your own business or lead innovative projects.
Mars in Leo
Leadership Roles:
Manager or Team Leader: Mars in Leo gives you a natural flair for leadership and a desire to be in the spotlight. Careers in management, team leadership, or executive roles would allow you to use your charisma and decisiveness to guide and inspire others.
Public Speaker or Motivational Speaker: Your Leo Mars placement is also well-suited for roles that involve public speaking or motivational speaking. You have the confidence and energy to engage and inspire an audience.
Creative and Entertainment Fields:
Director or Producer: If you’re interested in the entertainment industry, consider roles like director or producer. Your ability to lead creative projects and your strong sense of vision would be assets in these positions.
Sports Coach or Trainer: Mars in Leo might also lead you to roles in sports or fitness, where you can use your leadership and motivational skills to train and guide others.
Combining Your Strengths
Given your strong Gemini placements, Scorpio Moon, Venus in Aries, and Mars in Leo, you might find career paths that integrate your diverse talents and interests:
Creative Leadership: Roles that combine leadership with creativity, such as a creative director or team leader in a dynamic field, would allow you to harness your Gemini intellect, Leo leadership, and Aries creativity.
Strategic Communication: Careers in strategic communication or PR, where you can use your Gemini communication skills and Scorpio depth to craft compelling narratives and manage complex issues.
Innovative Projects: Pursuing entrepreneurial ventures or creative projects that allow you to use your Gemini adaptability, Aries initiative, and Leo flair for leadership.
Your chart suggests a career path where you can leverage your intellectual versatility, creative drive, and leadership abilities. Whether you choose a path in communications, creative arts, leadership roles, or research, you have the potential to excel in careers that allow you to express your ideas, lead with confidence, and make a meaningful impact. Explore roles that integrate your multifaceted talents and passions, and you’re likely to find fulfillment and success.
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