#cardiac surgeon reviews
drpavankumarblog · 2 months
Managing Stress for a Healthier Heart: Practical Tips
In the present high speed world, stress has turned into a practically undeniable piece of our lives. While a specific measure of pressure can be useful, persistent pressure presents huge dangers to our wellbeing, especially our heart wellbeing. Overseeing pressure successfully is pivotal for keeping a solid heart and by and large prosperity. This blog will give useful hints to assist you with overseeing pressure and backing a better heart.
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Understanding the Connection Between Stress and Heart Health
Stress sets off an outpouring of physiological reactions in the body, frequently alluded to as the "survival" reaction. At the point when this reaction is actuated, your body discharges chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol. While these chemicals are valuable in short explodes, constant pressure can prompt:
Expanded pulse and circulatory strain
Irritation in the cardiovascular framework
Undesirable survival strategies, like gorging, smoking, or exorbitant liquor utilization
Higher gamble of creating coronary illness, hypertension, and stroke
Understanding this association highlights the significance of overseeing pressure for a better heart.
Reasonable Ways to oversee Pressure
Work-out Consistently
Active work is a strong pressure minimizer. Practice discharges endorphins, which are normal state of mind lifters. Go for 30 minutes of moderate activity, like strolling, swimming, or cycling, most days of the week.
Practice Care and Contemplation
Care and contemplation can assist you with remaining present and diminish nervousness. Basic practices, as engaged breathing or directed reflection, can fundamentally bring down feelings of anxiety. Applications like Headspace or Quiet deal with direct meetings to kick you off.
Keep a Sound Eating regimen
Eating a fair eating regimen wealthy in natural products, vegetables, entire grains, lean proteins, and solid fats can assist with settling your temperament and energy levels. Stay away from over the top caffeine and sugar, which can add to tension and stress.
Get Satisfactory Rest
Unfortunate rest can intensify pressure. Hold back nothing long stretches of value rest each evening. Lay out a loosening up sleep time schedule, stay away from screens before bed, and establish an agreeable rest climate.
Remain Associated
Solid social associations can offer close to home help and assist you with overseeing pressure. Make time to associate with loved ones, whether through in-person visits, calls, or video talks.
Deal with Your Time Successfully
Unfortunately, using time effectively can increase stress. Use apparatuses like plans for the day, schedules, and time-hindering procedures to coordinate your undertakings and focus on what's generally significant.
Figure out how to Say No
Overcommitting yourself can prompt burnout. Figure out how to express no to undertakings or commitments that are not fundamental, and agent whenever the situation allows.
Participate in Side interests and Exercises You Appreciate
Getting some margin for side interests and recreation exercises can give a genuinely necessary break from pressure. Whether it's perusing, cultivating, playing a game, or creating, find what gives you pleasure and make it a normal piece of your daily practice.
Practice Profound Breathing and Unwinding Strategies
Strategies like profound breathing, moderate muscle unwinding, or yoga can assist with quieting your brain and lessen actual strain. These practices should be possible anyplace and whenever, making them flexible devices for stressing the executives.
Look for Proficient Assistance When Required
Assuming pressure becomes overpowering, feel free to provide proficient assistance. Advisors, guides, and care groups can give systems and backing to assist you with adapting all the more really.
Overseeing pressure is urgent for keeping a sound heart and generally speaking prosperity. By integrating these functional tips into your everyday daily practice, you can lessen pressure, further develop your heart health, and upgrade your personal satisfaction. Keep in mind, making little strides consistently can prompt huge upgrades by they way you feel and how well your heart capabilities.
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killed-by-choice · 5 days
Amber Thurman, 28 (USA 2022)
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Amber with her beloved son
Georgia’s Pro-Life laws have reduced abortion and protected women. Amber Thurman, who died because of a legal abortion from out of state, is the only person in Georgia for years of records to die from septic shock from “retained products of conception.”
Amber, a healthy 28-year-old single mother, learned she was pregnant with twins in 2022. Scared for her stability and feeling unable to provide for them while attending nursing school, she and her friend Ricaria Baker scheduled a legal surgical abortion in North Carolina.
After leaving her son with a babysitter and making the long drive to another state, Amber and Ricaria were delayed by heavy traffic. They contacted the abortion facility only to find out that the facility had crammed in so many clients that they wouldn’t let her have more than a 15-minute delay or they would cancel her appointment. However, a facility worker gave Amber a “counseling session” and sold her the abortion pills. Tired from the journey and frustrated at the idea of making the long trip for a second time, Amber agreed. She took the first pill at the abortion facility on August 13. She was nine weeks pregnant.
Ricaria later told media that Amber wanted to get home before the abortion symptoms started. The two of them went home and Amber took the final dose.
Amber would soon learn that chemical abortion was not as safe or convenient as the facility claimed. She was in intense pain and bleeding much more heavily than she was led to expect. Her boyfriend called 911 after she vomited blood and lost consciousness.
At 6:51 P.M. on August 18, Amber was brought to Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, Georgia. Her condition mirrored that of others killed by “safe and legal” use of the abortion pill. A pelvic exam and ultrasound indicated that the legal abortion left tissue inside of her, where it decayed and caused sepsis. Her blood pressure was dangerously low from bleeding, her white blood cell count was elevated, and while attempting to use the bathroom she fainted again and hit her head.
After assessing Amber’s condition, doctors started her on an IV drip and antibiotics to combat the sepsis, The OB-GYN who was caring for Amber noted the possibility of doing a D&C the next day. However, her condition badly deteriorated. By 5:14 the next morning, she was having trouble breathing and her blood pressure was still dangerous even after five liters of fluids. Realizing that Amber was even sicker than previously thought, her doctors continued to gather information and increased her antibiotics. They also tested for STDs that could potentially complicate treatment and for pneumonia, which can easily develop in patients with sepsis.
With her blood pressure so low, Amber’s doctors tried to save her by giving her Levophed. This was a powerful blood pressure support medication given because she desperately needed her blood pressure to be stabilized. But even with Levophed, Amber’s blood pressure kept falling. She was admitted to the ICU at 6:45 A.M.
By 7:15, doctors discussed a D&C. However, because of her critical condition and because of how the Levophed affected blood flow, surgery was very risky for Amber. Still, after a specialist in intensive care examined her, it was decided that the risk had to be taken.
In the OR, it was discovered that the sepsis was causing her organs to fail. Amber’s bowel needed to be removed, but because of how her blood flow was affected, it was too dangerous to do so. A surgeon carried out the D&C as planned, but the infection was so bad that Amber also had to have a hysterectomy. Despite the hospital’s efforts, Amber went into cardiac arrest during her surgery. A maternal mortality review noted that her death was preventable.
Once Amber’s case became publicly known, some pro-abortion sources tried to claim that the Georgia abortion ban was what actually killed her. They claimed that Georgia law had criminalized D&C so absolutely that doctors were limited in what they could do to save her life.
This is not true.
First, Amber’s twins were already dead. A procedure to remove a dead baby’s remains or other retained tissue is not medically or legally qualified as an abortion.
Second, the legal text of Georgia’s abortion ban clearly states that even if a treatment could be considered an abortion (which, again, does not apply to removing the remains of a corpse), it is unambiguously legal if needed to preserve the life or health of the mother. The text of the law allows doctors, not politicians, to have the final say in what qualifies. Legally, Amber’s doctors were allowed to give her a D&C at any time— which they did. The claims that the abortion ban forced the doctors to delay the D&C or criminalized it are unfounded. Even ProPublica themselves admitted that “Doctors and a nurse involved in Thurman’s care declined to explain their thinking and did not respond to questions from ProPublica.” In other words, they were only guessing what they thought might have been the motivation.
Amber’s D&C was also performed on the day it was planned. There was no refusal to treat her, and in fact even the article that attempts to paint her as a “victim” of abortion bans admits that surgery was dangerous at that point because of the blood pressure medication— the medication given because her legal abortion made her lose so much blood. Surgery may be delayed for extremely fragile patients, and seeing that multiple experts were being brought in to analyze her case and help the best they could, it is extremely likely that she did not receive surgery sooner because they thought it was more likely to kill than save her. This is especially relevant in a patient with respiratory distress, organ failure and extremely low blood pressure— surgery on someone with highly impacted blood flow poses risks of its own.
Lastly, there is no denying that Amber died from a legal abortion. She was not a criminal— she underwent something she was told was “safe and legal” and still died. The blame for her death rests on the abortion facility that packed in as many women as they could and then risked their lives.
It is also worth noting that in a case like this of abortion pill-induced sepsis, treatment can fail even when everything can be attempted. Given that she was already in severe sepsis when admitted to the hospital, even an immediate D&C (had she been stable enough for one) may have been too late. A similar case, the death of “Jayden Roe,” records an immediate D&C being done on a patient who was much less sick and still died.
But even if, hypothetically, Amber’s doctors delayed an aspect of her treatment needlessly, that would be their fault individually as practitioners, not the fault of a law that clearly allows them to use their own judgement and decide for themselves.
Although Amber was afraid of financial instability, she loved being a mother and frequently posted about how much she loved being with her young son— a son who lost his mother and two siblings to “safe and legal” abortion.
Since becoming publicly known, Amber’s death has been exploited by abortion supporters. All of the social media posts claiming that abortion bans killed her miss a very crucial fact: she died of complications of a fully legal abortion.
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strwberri-milk · 3 months
Since your ask is open I was wondering if you can write a fic with the same concept as your "Finding Mc and leaving you" but for Zayne or Xavier? I'm a sucker for angst 😭
unfortunately xavier like. of the three i see him just not being able to date ANYBODY else but mc. tbvh i dont see ANY of them getting into realtionships but rafayel i think of it as like. release for him and just stright copium while dating someone and using them as a substitution for mc, zayne dates someone bc he thinks its 1) what hes supposed to do and 2) hes too dangerous to be around you and 3) doesnt think you return his feelings anyway whereas xavier is just a cryptid and idt you can make slenderman date anybody if he didnt want to so his is. a little diff than the other two
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You met Zayne during med school. He was so singularly focused on his career that you don't even know how everything happened. You were somehow lucky enough to find him when he was free, confessing that somehow, over the sessions he was tutoring you for as review for his own lessons, you fell in love with him. You had a good feeling that he wouldn't reciprocate your feelings but you just wanted to confess to him to say you did your best.
Surprisingly, he accepts and manages to carve out some time for you to go on a date. The entire ordeal almost seems transactional at first and you're worried he said yes only to let you down easily during the date. Somehow, one date turns to another date, then a third, then suddenly you find yourself in a committed relationship with Dr. Zayne, the youngest Cardiac Surgeon in Linkon City.
He chose not to speak too often about his childhood, telling you that he grew up in the same way everyone did. Sometimes, he'd mention a childhood friend that he had and that she often came to visit him as he was her primary physician for her heart condition. You never worried about her and had often run into her while meeting up with him after work. She had always been nothing but kind to you so you never would suspect anything.
Zayne was always kind of reserved around you but you never had to doubt that he cared for you. It's not until you're talking to your friends who are starting to get married or discussing their own relationships that somehow, the two of you just fell into a routine. Zayne was never affectionate with you but he always returned your affection. He remembers your birthday and anniversaries and always gets you the sweetest gifts. You know he's looking out for you but you get the sense that things aren't...this isn't what you want in a romantic relationship.
You ask him if he sees the relationship going anywhere, if there's any shared goals that the two of you want to work towards together or if you even make him happy. He's glad you're being honest with him but he asks you what brought it about and you have to confess that your friends seemed so much happier in their relationships whereas it felt like the two of you had grown stagnant. Hell the two of you don't even live together, moving in being something you had waited to bring up to him.
After a lengthy discussion and few days for the two of you to sit with the decision you end up having to break up. You aren't getting what you want out of a relationship with him and somehow, you know that you aren't making him as happy as he deserves.
You're glad you don't work at the same hospital at him but a year later you're invited to an event at his hospital. You're over him, for the most part, at this point but your heart still aches a little at the sight of him. On his arm is that friend of his, holding him tightly as she kisses his cheek in congratulations of whatever it was you were invited for. You know now as you watch them he never loved you as much as he loved her and for your peace of mind you decide to leave it at at that.
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Xavier was an enigma. The two of you had been dating just a few months when suddenly everything changed. You were planning a date with him when he apologised for cancelling, saying that a new hunter at work needed his help and he was going to stay late to help her out.
You couldn't do anything really except realise that Xavier was cancelling more and more on you. You knew he felt bad because he'd call you or text you an apology but it seemed more like he was doing it out of obligation. You don't think he's cheating on you with her because even if you randomly called or texted him he'd always pick up and was open about where he was - he just wasn't there, with you like you wanted him to be.
He breaks up with you fairly quickly after that and it doesn't take you long to put two and two together. You followed some of his colleagues on social media and out of desperation starting stalking all of them to see if he was cheating on you. Once you found that the page of that new hunter he was working with you thought you'd find your smoking gun, only to be sorely disappointed.
She posted about him occasionally but everything was purely platonic. She never commented on anything he posted romantically and he didn't for her. It's not until months later that you see her post something about a first date with him, forced to come to terms that he didn't technically cheat on you but clearly he fell in love with her far sooner than he fell into like with you.
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By: Christopher F. Rufo
Published: Jun 18, 2024
The “gender-affirming care” business has always had an aura of madness around it. Wielding the authority of white coats and prestigious degrees, doctors have convinced large swaths of the public that some children are “born in the wrong body.” The solution? Stop puberty, prescribe cross-sex hormones, and then, with the stroke of a knife, remove body parts—most commonly breasts, less frequently genitalia.
These medical practices use scientific rhetoric to affirm what is, at bottom, an ideological program. And gender activists have been successful enough at capturing the legitimizing institutions—medical societies, regulatory bodies, and teaching hospitals—to repel most challenges to the burgeoning child sex-change industry.
Now, though, the consensus appears to be shifting. European governments have backed away from many of these dubious procedures. In England, the Cass Review has raised grave questions about the scientific evidence behind “gender-affirming care.” In the United States, the public has turned decisively against the use of puberty blockers and gender surgeries on minors, with some state legislatures banning the practice.
I have reported on one of these programs, the pediatric gender clinic at Texas Children’s Hospital. Last year, I published an investigation demonstrating that, though it had promised to shut down its program, Texas Children’s had continued to administer hormone drugs to children as young as 11. Following the story, the state attorney general launched an investigation, and state legislators passed a bill, SB 14, prohibiting all transgender medical interventions on minors.
While these scandals caught the headlines, another story involving the same institution was brewing in the background: medical fraud.
According to a new whistleblower, doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital were willing to falsify medical records and break the law to keep practicing “gender-affirming care.” Caught in the wave of ideological fervor, two of the hospital’s prominent physicians, Richard Ogden Roberts and David Paul, cut corners and, according to the whistleblower, committed Medicaid fraud to secure funds for the hospital’s child sex-change program.
(Texas Children’s Hospital, Roberts, and Paul did not respond to a request for comment.)
This is a story of fanaticism, hubris, and the murky business of transgender medicine. It would have remained hidden, except for the courage of two people inside the hospital, a surgeon named Eithan Haim and a nurse who has now decided to come forward. Both have risked much to alert the public to the barbarism that is occurring at the nation’s largest, and arguably most prestigious, children’s hospital.
Some years ago, Vanessa Sivadge thought she had it made, having just accepted a position as a registered nurse at Texas Children’s Hospital. She had wanted to be a nurse since high school and felt a sense of joy in helping children.
But her feelings toward Texas Children’s didn’t last. Beginning in 2021, Sivadge saw a dramatic rise in the number of “transgender children” treated at the hospital. These patients struggled with various problems: depression, anxiety, addiction, suicide attempts, physical abuse, and discomfort with puberty. But rather than deal with these underlying psychological conditions, Sivadge says, doctors at the hospital would diagnose them with “gender dysphoria” and assign them to a regimen of “gender-affirming care.”
The practice made Sivadge recoil. “In the cardiac clinic, we were taking sick kids and making them better,” she says. “In the transgender clinic, it was the opposite. We were harming these kids.”
Then, the following year, she breathed a sigh of relief. Under pressure from the state attorney general, Ken Paxton, Texas Children’s CEO Mark Wallace said that he was shutting down the child gender clinic. But it wasn’t true. Mere days later, it had secretly reopened for business.
And business was booming. Doctors, including Roberts, Paul, and Kristy Rialon, were managing dozens of pediatric sex-change cases, performing surgeries, blocking puberty, implanting hormone devices, and making specialty referrals. They were motivated not only by ideology, but by hope for prestige: they were saviors of the oppressed, the vanguard of gender medicine.
Sivadge soon had seen enough. She read my investigative report exposing Texas Children’s sex-change program, which relied on testimony from Haim, and reached out to share her own observations.
“I work very closely with this provider, Dr. Richard Roberts. I’ve been in the room with him when he speaks with these patients,” she told me in an interview. “Dr. Roberts is extremely encouraging of their transition and will essentially do whatever he can to make sure that they are happy, at least externally happy. Because I am absolutely certain that they are not internally happy. He is very accommodating. He does whatever they want. Essentially, there is no critical analysis of the process.”
In Sivadge’s view, Roberts and other providers were manipulating patients into accepting “gender-affirming care.” When parents objected, the doctors bulldozed them, she claims. Some families, she believed, feared that the hospital would call Child Protective Services if they dissented.
Then, two months after I spoke with her for that story, Sivadge called me in a panic. The FBI had sent two special agents, Paul Nixon and David McBride, to her home. The agents knocked on the door, asked her about “some of the things that have been going on at [her] work lately,” and then asked to enter her home. She was terrified. (The FBI declined to comment.)
The agents told Sivadge that she was a “person of interest” in an investigation targeting the whistleblower who had exposed the child sex-change program. They told her that the whistleblower had broken federal privacy laws. “They threatened me,” Sivadge said. “They promised they would make life difficult for me if I was trying to protect the leaker. They said I was ‘not safe’ at work and claimed that someone at my workplace had given my name to the FBI.”
The authorities—the FBI, the hospital, and, as Sivadge would later discover, federal prosecutors—were all circling the story. Both the Department of Justice and the hospital leadership were ideologically committed to “transgender medicine.” They had been embarrassed by the investigation that had exposed their actions, and they were looking for revenge.
Things went quiet for a while afterward. Sivadge resumed her work as a nurse, and the FBI did not reappear.
Texas Children’s Hospital continued its sex-change program but focused instead on patients who had reached the legal age of 18. Sivadge saw the same terrible medical regimen being prescribed for these young adults: testosterone for girls, estrogen for boys, and referrals for specialty services. While Roberts and Paul had stopped providing sex-change procedures for minors, the gender clinic still overflowed with “transgender” teens. 
Sivadge’s duties as a nurse included providing medication refills and working with doctors to provide parents with information about treatment plans, scheduling, and diagnostics. She worked with patients’ charts and saw their complex psychological diagnoses and the treatments administered by the doctors.
Then Sivadge noticed discrepancies in the paperwork. After the FBI visit, she followed some of the medical charts for these patients and came to believe that doctors might be violating the law.
As Sivadge learned, Texas law forbade hospitals from billing Medicaid for transgender procedures. The Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual has long stated that “sex change operations” are “not benefits of Texas Medicaid.” In 2021, Texas Medicaid officials told the Kaiser Family Foundation that this prohibition was not limited to genital surgeries but “explicitly excludes coverage of all gender affirming health services.”
Transgender activist organizations and the popular media held this to be common knowledge. As the left-leaning Texas Tribune explained in 2023: “In Texas, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program already don’t cover transition-related surgeries and prescription drugs like hormone therapies and puberty blockers.”
When reached for comment, a spokesman for Texas Health and Human Services confirmed that the state Medicaid program has “never covered ‘gender-affirming’ surgery or prescription drugs for the purpose of ‘gender-affirming’ care.”
At Texas Children’s, as she was treating patients, Sivadge carefully scrutinized the treatments related to an alarming number of “transgender” teenagers under the care of Roberts and Paul, who, she came to believe, were unlawfully billing the state Medicaid program.
One patient, whom we’ll call Patient A, began treatment at Texas Children’s in 2022, at the age of 16. Patient A is a biological female who identified as “non-binary” and whose records claimed that she was “male.” This patient began treatment with Roberts, who approved a prescription for testosterone as part of the patient’s “gender-affirming” medical regimen.
During treatment, Roberts explained to Patient A the effects of testosterone, including masculinization and the suppression of fertility, and had her continue with testosterone injections. Roberts carefully monitored the progression of the desired characteristics for gender transition: voice deepening, facial hair, body hair. By the following year, Roberts increased the dosage of testosterone for Patient A, with the associated diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
Another patient, whom we’ll call Patient B, began care at Texas Children’s in 2022, also at the age of 16. Patient B is a biological male who identified as a female and whose records indicated the transgender identity, “female.” He arrived at the gender clinic under the care of Paul, already having begun a prescription of a testosterone blocker and estrogen, which served as a sex-change hormone.
Paul wanted to help Patient B feminize his body to conform to his desired gender identity. Patient B had increased the size of his breasts but was frustrated by the persistence of facial hair. Paul discussed changing the testosterone blocker and increasing the dose of estrogen in order to make progress with feminization. Patient B told Paul that he wanted his breasts to be larger, firmer, and more pressed together, with larger areolas. Paul adjusted Patient B’s estrogen prescription and discussed the possibility of breast implants.
Sivadge noticed another critical piece of information: Patient A and Patient B, like several other “transgender” patients, were enrolled in Texas Children’s Health Plan STAR, a “no-cost Medicaid managed care plan.”
Despite the law, which prohibited billing Medicaid for “gender-affirming care,” it appears that this was a standard practice at Texas Children’s Hospital. As Roberts himself admitted in a 2023 affidavit related to the lawsuit against SB 14, he had several patients in his transgender medicine program “who receive their health coverage through Medicaid.”
According to a legal expert with deep knowledge of Texas Medicaid law, the essential facts are as follows: Patients A and B had coverage through Texas Children’s Plan STAR; the doctors explicitly treated them for the purpose of “gender-affirming care”; and the standard practice would be for the hospital to submit this care for reimbursement through the state Medicaid program. It would be extremely unlikely, according to this expert, for the hospital to forgo this practice and, for example, cover the cost of its “gender-affirming care” program from its own budget.
“Based on the facts we have, the only reasonable conclusion is that Texas Children’s Hospital was using Texas Medicaid funds to pay for ‘gender-affirming care,’ contrary to Texas law,” said the legal expert.
For Sivadge, there was no doubt about what was happening. “The largest children’s hospital in the country is illegally billing Medicaid for transgender procedures,” she said. “It is evident that the hospital continues to believe it is above the law not just by concealing the existence of their transgender medicine program from the public, but by stealing from the federal government.”
During this period, the politics of gender procedures were changing behind the scenes. Federal investigators were busy assembling information. A federal prosecutor, Tina Ansari, threatened the original whistleblower, Haim, with prosecution. And the hospital continued to churn through transgender patients.
Then, earlier this month, the stakes intensified. Three heavily armed federal agents knocked on Haim’s door and gave him a summons. According to the documents, he had been indicted on four felony counts of violating medical privacy laws. If convicted, Haim faces the possibility of ten years in federal prison.
The Justice Department appears to be playing a cat-and-mouse game with those willing to challenge the legitimacy of transgender medicine. As public opinion shifts against “gender-affirming care,” Justice Department officials seem to be pursuing harder methods of ideological enforcement—investigating, threatening, and indicting whistleblowers. If you expose the barbarism that is happening in American gender clinics, the message seems to be, you risk imprisonment.
Sivadge, however, remains undeterred. “My faith and my gut, just knowing right from wrong, compels me,” she says. “I was born for this. I have no doubt this is what I am supposed to do.”
For her, it is personal. She witnessed and unwittingly participated in what she now believes to be, quoting a passage from the Bible, “deeds of evil and darkness.” She considers blowing the whistle a form of redemption, recalling a moment early on, in which Roberts asked her to teach a 16-year-old boy how to inject estrogen into his body to affirm a female identity. Later, Sivadge says, she realized what she had done: she had participated in a lie that would harm this boy.
“I was told to do something I knew was wrong,” she says. “It made me sick that the lie called ‘gender-affirming care’ was being sold to parents and children and creating hugely lucrative profits in secret—and I was part of it.”
Sivadge is not the only one feeling regret. Doctors, families, and political leaders are all starting to question the folly of child sex-change programs. The sense is growing that the public was sold a bill of goods—and that children are being put in grave danger. We have begun the painful process of recognition. The activist euphoria has worn off, the old rationalizations no longer suffice, and the bill has come due.
Texas Children’s Hospital is at the center of this national drama. Both sides—the “gender-affirming” doctors and the whistleblowers opposed to them—face enormous risk, including the loss of medical licenses and time in prison.
Some of those implicated in the scheme might escape with their reputations intact. Others might meet ruin. But a deeper lesson emerges, impervious to the ideological mania and the legal maneuvering that have precipitated this crisis: nature is not easily conquered, and its reckoning cannot be delayed forever.
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Whomst Reviews: Ghost Doctor
(For those of you Kdrama Tumblrites who haven’t seen this masterpiece yet)
So you know how you watched an episode of Gray’s Anatomy and thought, this would be better if it was gayer and had more ghosts?
Have I got the show for YOU
Episode 1 Recap:
Once upon a time, there was a grumpy introvert heart surgeon named Cha Youngmin. He’s out here in his fancy little suits existing day to day for his work, being That Bitch to everyone to avoid feeling things, just him and his sugar glider son Man Du against the world.
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Enter: one (1) naive but pure-hearted rich boy twink named Go Seungtak who loves drinking fancy coffee, showering people with gifts, taking naps, and avoiding real responsibility due to trauma-related anxiety and depression issues (so this is my drama debut tbh)
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Necessarily, they clash! Bc Seungtak is the hospital foundation heir, his grandfather has decided that in order to manage the hospital, Seungtak should become a surgeon instead of using his MBA to manage things (not quite following the logic here but sure), and Youngmin, as an esteemed (if disliked) surgeon and all-around girlboss, does Not Like That.
Seungtak immediately falls in love becomes fascinated with Youngmin’s personality and impressed by his skills, and follows him around like the puppy-brained little shit he is. 
Unfortunately, as Youngmin simultaneously decides to make “tormenting Seungtak” his whole personality, this leads to a sad Puppy being first humiliated during a surgery then exiled to ER work. Mondays, bro. 
It’s the first warning we see that Youngmin can allow his emotions to sway his judgment (you know, that thing he bitches at everyone about doing? yeah), because:
1.) he let a first-year resident help with an operation on his first day at work,
2.) he immediately jumps to conclusions and publicly berates that resident for failures instead of assessing what went wrong, and
3.) he’s assigned as Seungtak’s mentor but jettisons him asap the next day after Seungtak witnesses him arguing with his ex (more on her in a sec)
It’s hard to say what would have become of the pair if not for a series of unfortunate and premeditated events brought to us by Hospital Mean Girl Han Seungwon and Corporate Asshat Jang Minho, and liberally edited by Bitch-Ass-Liar An Taehyeon. 
The grandpa-style chairman of a corporation thingy goes in for surgery that Youngmin is initially reluctant to try, as it has a low chance of success and would not give him much more time. We see multiple times that Youngmin will give up on a risky patient rather than spend extra money for what he assumes/judges to be futile efforts. However! Then his ex SeJin shows up, and surprise she’s the daughter of said chairman, who left Korea and now works in Seattle as a neurosurgeon at Seattle Grace Hospital
Having researched her dad’s condition, she doesn’t want Youngmin to do the surgery either; so naturally, Youngmin decides to do the surgery. 
This is ultimately what sets everything else into motion. The chairman’s surgery is an initial success, but then Youngmin gets a text from SeJin and leaves his resting  patient behind (we are told that a surgeon is supposed to stay and monitor the patient until they wake up).
Next thing we know, Youngmin has been in an accident:( and he’s having an out of body experience. We are talking full Patrick Swayze here. He gets rushed to his own hospital.
Who’s available in the ER to assess the patient? Yep, Youngmin’s played himself here, because Seungtak is on duty. Ghost Youngmin screams a lot at people who can’t hear him, realizes that he can’t touch anything in the physical world and thus can’t save himself with his ghost body, and cycles through stages of grief like he’s doing the Tour de France. Oops. 
After assessment, Seungtak takes him to the ER so some surgeon can perform a cardiac tamponade surgery—except the surgeons aren’t answering their phones. Like, none of them. What the hell is going on in this hospital??
So then our brave little toaster Takkie decides to pick up the scalpel himself, despite being visibly panicked. Youngmin, an eternal micromanager, automatically reaches to correct Seungtak’s grip and possesses him instead. 
We end the episode with Youngmin doing surgery on himself??
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Patient is a [ ] yo male/female presenting to the clinic for a preoperative evaluation.
Procedure [ ]
Scheduled date of procedure [ ]
Surgeon performing procedure requesting consultation for preop is [ ] and can be contacted at [ ]
This patient is/is not medically optimized for the planned surgery, see below for details.
EKG collected in office, interpreted personally and under the direct supervision of attending physician as follows- sinus rate and rhythm, no evidence of ischemia or ST abnormalities, no blocks, normal QTc interval.
The following labs are to be completed prior to surgery, and will be evaluated upon completion. Procedure is to be performed as scheduled barring any extraordinary laboratory derangements of concern.
Current medication list has been thoroughly reviewed and should not interfere with surgery as written.
Patient has no prior history of adverse reactions to anesthesia, problems with airway management, difficult IV access, prolonged emergence, or postoperative nausea/vomiting.
Airway Mallampati score: This patient is a Grade based on the criteria listed below
-Grade I Tonsillar pillars, soft palate, entire uvula
-Grade II Tonsillar pillars, soft palate, part of uvula
-Grade III Soft palate, base of uvula
-Grade IV Hard palate only, no uvula visualized
Patient is a low/medium/high risk for this low/medium/high risk surgical procedure.
Will send documentation of this preoperative visit to surgeon [ ].
Patient Risk for Elective Surgical Procedure as Determined with the Criteria Below:
1- Very Low Risk
No known medical problems
2- Low Risk
Other chronic, stable medical condition without significant functional impairment
3- Intermediate Risk
Age 70 or older
Non-insulin dependent diabetes
History of treated, stable CAD
Morbid obesity (BMI > 30)
Anemia (hemoglobin < 10)
Mild renal insufficiency
4- High Risk
-Chronic CHF
-Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
-Renal insufficiency: creatinine > 2
-Moderate COPD: FEV1 50% to 70%
-Obstructive sleep apnea
-History of stroke or TIA
-Known diagnosis of dementia
-Chronic pain syndrome
5- Very High Risk
-Unstable or severe cardiac disease
-Severe COPD: FEV1 < 50% predicted
-Use of home oxygen
-Pulmonary hypertension
-Severe liver disease
-Severe frailty; physical incapacitation
Surgical Risk Score Determined as Below:
1- Very Low Risk
Procedures that usually require only minimal or moderate sedation and have few physiologic effects
-Eye surgery
-GI endoscopy (without stents)
-Dental procedures
2- Low Risk
Procedures associated with minimal physiologic effect
-Hernia repair
-ENT procedures without planned flap or neck dissection
-Diagnostic cardiac catheterization
-Interventional radiology
-GI endoscopy with stent placement
3- Intermediate Risk
Procedures associated with moderate changes in hemodynamics, risk of blood loss
-Intracranial and spine surgery
-Gynecologic and urologic surgery
-Intra-abdominal surgery without bowel resection
-Intra-thoracic surgery without lung resection
-Cardiac catheterization procedures including electrophysiology studies, ablations, AICD, pacemaker
4- High Risk
Procedures with possible significant effect on hemodynamics, blood loss
-Colorectal surgery with bowel resection
-Kidney transplant
-Major joint replacement (shoulder, knee, and hip)
-Open radical prostatectomy, cystectomy
-Major oncologic general surgery or gynecologic surgery
-Major oncologic head and neck surgery
5- Very High Risk
Procedures with major impact on hemodynamics, fluid shifts, possible major blood loss:
-Aortic surgery
-Cardiac surgery
-Intra-thoracic procedures with lung resection
-Major transplant surgery (heart, lung, liver)
High risk surgery: yes/no
Hx of ischemic heart disease: y/n
Hx of CHF: y/n
Hx of CVA/TIA: y/n
Pre-op tx with insulin: y/n
DM/how are blood sugars?
Pre-op Cr >2mg: y/n
A. Ischemic Cardiac Risk- Describe any history of cardiovascular disease and list the cardiologist/electrophysiologist. For CAD, report the results of the most recent stress test or cardiac cath, type of procedures or type of stents, date of MI, and recommendations for perioperative management. Include antiplatelet management. Continue baby aspirin for patients with cardiac stents - unless having neurosurgery, then coordinate with surgeon.
B. Ventricular function - include most recent echocardiogram evaluation ideally performed within the past 2 years
C. Valvular heart disease- include most recent echocardiogram, type of prosthetic valve
D. Arrhythmias - include any implanted devices and recent interrogation report, contact electrophysiology about device management during the surgery and include recommendations provided. For A-Fib, include CHA2DS2-VASc score
E. Beta blockade - All patients on chronic beta blockers should have these medications continue throughout the perioperative period unless there is a specifically documented contraindication.
F. Hypertension - Other than for cataract surgery, ACEI inhibitors and ARBs should be held for 24hours prior to surgery and diuretics should be held the morning of surgery
G. Vascular disease - include antiplatelet management and dates of strokes
A. COPD/Asthma - include any recent exacerbations, intubations, chronic O2 use, amount of rescue inhaler use
B. OSA risk - STOPBANG score - address severity of sleep apnea and CPAP use
A. Bleeding Risk - assess the bleeding risk and history for every patient
B. VTE Prophylaxis/Thrombotic risk - estimate risk and provide recommendations
C. Anticoagulation management - include pre-op and post-op medication instructions
D. Anemia - pre-op treatment plan
D. Oncology - history and treatments
A. Diabetes mellitus - include type, medication use, recent A1c, pre-op and post-op management instructions
B. Adrenal insufficiency risk - assess for prolonged steroid use in the last year
A. CKD - include stage, baseline labs
B. ESRD - include dialysis schedule, type, access, dry weight, location of dialysis. Generally, surgery should not be scheduled on a dialysis day.
C. Electrolyte abnormalities
A. Liver disease - including MELD score and Child-Pugh classification
7. OTHER relevant comorbidities or anesthesia considerations
[substance abuse, chronic pain, delirium risk, PONV (post-operative nausea and vomiting) risk, psych disorders, neurologic disorders, infectious disease, etc.]
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drraseshpothiwala · 23 hours
Finding the Best Cardiologists in Ahmedabad and the Top Cardiac Surgeons in Ahmedabad
Cardiovascular diseases remain a significant health concern globally, and timely, specialized treatment is crucial for managing heart conditions effectively. Ahmedabad is home to some of the finest healthcare professionals, including Dr. Rasesh Pothiwala, one of the best cardiologists in Ahmedabad, and leading cardiac surgeons providing world-class care at Divya Heart Care Foundation. Whether you’re facing hypertension, coronary artery disease, or complex heart conditions, their expertise ensures top-tier cardiac treatment.
Importance of Cardiac Health
Heart disease can manifest in many forms, from coronary artery disease to heart failure, arrhythmias, and valve disorders. Early diagnosis, prompt intervention, and ongoing care are vital for managing these conditions, which is where the best cardiologists in Ahmedabad play a pivotal role. Cardiologists like Dr. Rasesh Pothiwala use advanced diagnostic tools, including echocardiograms, stress tests, and angiography, to assess the heart’s function and recommend the best course of treatment.
Services Offered by Cardiologists
At Divya Heart Care Foundation, patients receive a comprehensive range of cardiac services, including:
Heart Disease Prevention: Guidance on lifestyle modifications, medication management, and regular monitoring.
Diagnostic Testing: Non-invasive and invasive tests such as ECGs, stress tests, and cardiac catheterizations.
Medical Management: Tailored treatment plans for hypertension, cholesterol, and arrhythmias.
Interventional Cardiology: Minimally invasive procedures like angioplasty and stenting to treat blocked arteries.
These services are essential for both acute care and long-term heart health management.
Role of Cardiac Surgeons in Ahmedabad
While cardiologists manage heart conditions through non-invasive treatments, cardiac surgeons handle cases that require surgical intervention. The cardiac surgeons in Ahmedabad work in tandem with cardiologists to perform life-saving surgeries, such as coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), valve replacements, and complex heart repairs.
At Divya Heart Care Foundation, experienced surgeons use the latest medical technologies to ensure successful outcomes in critical heart surgeries. Their collaboration with top cardiologists like Dr. Rasesh Pothiwala ensures that patients receive well-rounded, expert care.
Choosing the Right Cardiac Specialist in Ahmedabad
When selecting a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon, it is important to consider:
Experience: Specialists with extensive experience, like Dr. Rasesh Pothiwala, offer a high standard of care.
Facilities: Top-notch facilities at Divya Heart Care Foundation are equipped with the latest technology and a well-trained medical team.
Specialization: Whether it's interventional cardiology or complex heart surgeries, ensuring that your cardiologist or surgeon specializes in your specific condition is crucial.
Reviews and Referrals: Patient testimonials and referrals can guide you in choosing the right heart specialist for your needs.
For those in Ahmedabad seeking comprehensive heart care, Divya Heart Care Foundation offers some of the finest treatment options. With Dr. Rasesh Pothiwala, one of the best cardiologists in Ahmedabad, and expert cardiac surgeons, patients receive unparalleled care. Whether it's preventive care, diagnostics, or complex heart surgeries, this renowned hospital is dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes for heart health.
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ananya28 · 3 days
"Heart Hospital Highlights: What Jaipur Offers for Cardiac Patients"
Jaipur’s Heart Hospitals: Advanced Treatments for Cardiovascular Health
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When it comes to healthcare, finding the proper medical professional or facility is essential for quality treatment. In Rajasthan, towns like Jhunjhunu, Bikaner, and Jaipur are home to exceptional medical services. In this blog, we’ll explore the options for a urologist in Jhunjhunu, the best surgeon in Bikaner, and heart hospitals in Jaipur, providing valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about your health.
Urologist in Jhunjhunu
Urology is a specialized field that deals with disorders of the urinary tract and male reproductive system. If you’re facing issues like kidney stones, urinary incontinence, or prostate problems, consulting a urologist is crucial. In Jhunjhunu, several healthcare facilities offer urological services, ensuring patients receive specialized care.
Why See a Urologist?
Visiting a urologist is essential for diagnosing and treating various conditions. Common issues include:
Kidney Stones: These can cause severe pain and discomfort. A urologist can recommend treatments ranging from lifestyle changes to surgery.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Frequent UTIs can indicate underlying issues. A specialist can help identify the root cause and provide effective treatment.
Prostate Disorders: As men age, prostate issues become more common. Early diagnosis is critical to effective management.
Finding the Right Urologist
When looking for a urologist in Jhunjhunu, consider the following:
Credentials and Experience: Ensure the urologist is board-certified and has substantial experience in their field.
Patient Reviews: Reading patient testimonials can provide insights into the doctor’s bedside manner and treatment effectiveness.
Facility Accreditation: Choose a healthcare facility accredited and equipped with modern medical technology.
Best Surgeon in Bikaner
Bikaner is known for its rich history and culture, but it is also home to some of the best surgical professionals in Rajasthan. Whether you require general surgery, orthopedic surgery, or any other specialized procedure, finding the best surgeon is vital for your health and recovery.
Factors to Consider
Choosing the best surgeon in Bikaner involves several factors:
Specialization: Depending on your needs, you might require a surgeon specializing in a specific field. For instance, if you need orthopedic surgery, look for a surgeon with a proven track record.
Hospital Affiliation: A surgeon’s affiliation with reputable hospitals often reflects their qualifications and the quality of care you expect.
Consultation Experience: A surgeon should be approachable and willing to discuss your concerns. An initial consultation can help you gauge their expertise and communication style.
Common Surgical Procedures
Bikaner’s surgeons perform various procedures, including:
Appendectomy: Removal of the appendix, often performed as an emergency surgery.
Gallbladder Surgery: Treatment for gallstones and other gallbladder-related issues.
Knee and Hip Replacement: Orthopedic surgeons in Bikaner offer advanced solutions for patients suffering from severe joint pain.
Heart Hospital in Jaipur
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is home to several advanced healthcare facilities, including specialized heart hospitals. Cardiovascular diseases are a global health concern, making finding a reputable heart hospital for diagnosis and treatment essential.
Importance of Heart Health
Cardiovascular health is crucial for overall well-being. Conditions like hypertension, heart attacks, and arrhythmias can have severe consequences if not treated promptly. Regular check-ups and consultations with cardiologists can help detect and manage these conditions early.
Choosing a Heart Hospital in Jaipur
When looking for a heart hospital in Jaipur, consider these aspects:
Accreditations: Ensure the hospital is accredited by national medical bodies, which indicates quality standards.
Specialized Staff: The presence of experienced cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and nursing staff can significantly affect patient outcomes.
Facilities and Technology: Advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities, such as catheterization labs and emergency services, are essential for effective heart care.
Services Offered
Heart hospitals in Jaipur typically offer a range of services, including:
Diagnostic Testing: ECGs, echocardiograms, and stress tests to assess heart health.
Interventional Procedures: Angioplasty, stenting, and other minimally invasive techniques to treat blockages.
Surgical Services: Open-heart surgeries, bypass surgeries, and valve replacements for severe cases.
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Finding the right medical professionals and facilities ensures the best health outcomes. Whether you are seeking a urologist in Jhunjhunu, the best surgeon in Bikaner, or a heart hospital in Jaipur, doing your research will empower you to make informed decisions about your healthcare.
Each region in Rajasthan offers unique advantages in medical care, and understanding what to look for can help you navigate your health journey effectively. Always consult with trusted healthcare providers, ask questions, and seek second opinions when necessary to ensure you receive the best possible care. Your health is your most valuable asset, and investing time in finding the right specialists can make all the difference.
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With compliments from, the Directorate General of Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390
‘Maryam’s Maseehai:’ CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif Launches' Chief Minister’s Children's Heart Surgery Programme' to Save Lives of Children with Heart Diseases
Lahore, 16 September 2024:
Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif officially launched ‘Chief Minister's Children's Heart Surgery Programme' for the free treatment and surgery of children with heart disease, during her visit to Lahore’s Children's Hospital Cardiac Surgery Ward. She distributed 'Child Surgery Cards' among the deserving patients under the Programme. She said,”The operation of a sick child will be done in a private hospital if there is no place in the government hospitals.” She inspected HDU and other departments of the hospital, and reviewed various facilities available in the cardiac surgery ward.
Madam Chief Minister inquired about the well-being of the young patients, gave them gifts and also played Ludo with them. She interacted with the children, and prayed,”May Allah grant you health, we all pray for you.” She also talked to the parents of the sick children, and inquired them about the availability of various facilities. She said,”It is my mission to free every citizen of Punjab, including children, from the system of queues and waiting.” She added,”The number of specialist surgeons and allied staff will be increased to multiply the capacity of pediatric heart surgery in government hospitals.”
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said,”In the first phase, pediatric heart surgery facility is being provided in 6 government and designated private hospitals including PIC and Children's Hospital Lahore, Multan's Children's and PIC, and Faisalabad and Rawalpindi Cardiology Institutes.” She added,”In the second phase, facilities for pediatric heart surgery will also be provided in the hospitals of Wazirabad, Dera Ghazi Khan, Bahawalpur and Sargodha.” She also observed the dashboard developed to monitor the Programme.
Madam Chief Minister said,”I am extremely happy to launch the project as a mother, not as the Chief Minister.” She added,”I can understand the shock that mothers go through on the death of a child.”She also visited the 'play area' for children with heart diseases in the Children's Hospital Lahore, and reviewed various facilities available for them there.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said,”The provision of modern facilities of children's heart surgery is a sincere effort to wipe the tears of mothers and remove the diseases of young children.”She was briefed by the authorities concerned,”More than 5000 young children die every year due to lack of timely heart surgery.” Sha added,”In Pakistan's first treatment center for children, sick children from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and other provinces will also be treated.” She highlighted,”Children suffering from heart diseases will not have to wait for long.”
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bangalorehospital · 20 days
Innovative Heart Treatments at Leading Cardiology Hospital in Bangalore 
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Bangalore is known for providing modern healthcare, particularly in the area of cardiac procedures. The city is home to some of the top heart hospital, which provide patients with innovative medical care and advanced therapies. These facilities employ highly qualified medical professionals, such as best cardiologist and heart surgeon in Bangalore who specialize in treating difficult heart conditions.
These premier hospitals offer innovative heart therapies like robotic-assisted surgery, robotic heart surgery, and complex stent procedures. These techniques are favored by many patients since they involve fewer incision, less discomfort and speedier recovery periods. Additionally, some hospitals provide modern therapies for heartbeat issues, such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement and electrophysiological investigations.
Selecting the right hospital and doctor is crucial to get the best care possible. Patients can easily schedule Doctor Appointment online with many hospitals, giving them the opportunity to consult with leading cardiologist specialists and go over their treatment options. To make an informed decision, look into hospital facilities and reviews if you're looking for a heart specialist in Bangalore. The greatest results for patients can be ensured by early consultation, which can aid in the successful management of heart diseases.
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Finding the Best Cardiologist in Madurai: A Guide to Top Heart Care
Cardiovascular health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, making it essential to choose the right cardiologist when the need arises. Madurai, a city known for its rich culture and history, is also home to some of the finest healthcare institutions in South India. If you're looking for the best cardiologist in Madurai, this guide will help you navigate your options, highlighting key factors to consider and why Preethi Hospitals stands out as a leading choice.
Understanding Cardiovascular Health and the Role of a Cardiologist
Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death worldwide. They encompass a range of conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and hypertension. A cardiologist is a specialized doctor who diagnoses, treats, and helps prevent these heart-related ailments.
In Madurai, a city with a growing population and evolving lifestyle, the demand for expert cardiologists is on the rise. Whether it's routine check-ups, management of chronic conditions, or emergency interventions, finding the best cardiologist can make a significant difference in patient outcomes.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Cardiologist in Madurai
Experience and Specialization
When searching for the best cardiologist, one of the most important factors to consider is the doctor's experience and area of specialization. Cardiologists often specialize in different subfields such as interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, or heart failure management. Understanding your specific needs and matching them with a cardiologist's expertise is crucial for effective treatment.
Hospital Affiliation
The quality of the hospital where the cardiologist practices is equally important. A top-tier hospital not only has advanced medical facilities but also a robust support system in terms of nursing care, emergency services, and allied health professionals. Preethi Hospitals, Madurai, is renowned for its state-of-the-art cardiac care unit, offering comprehensive services from diagnosis to post-treatment care.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials
In today's digital age, patient reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into a doctor's practice. While individual experiences may vary, consistently positive feedback is often indicative of a cardiologist’s competence, bedside manner, and overall patient satisfaction. Checking online reviews or asking for recommendations from friends or family can help you make an informed decision.
Accessibility and Availability
The best cardiologist should be accessible for both regular consultations and emergency situations. It's important to choose a cardiologist who is easily reachable, particularly in a city like Madurai where traffic can sometimes be unpredictable. Additionally, the availability of telemedicine services can be a significant advantage for patients who require regular monitoring but cannot visit the hospital frequently.
Why Preethi Hospitals, Madurai, is a Leading Choice for Heart Care
Preethi Hospitals, Madurai, has established itself as a leading healthcare provider in the region, particularly in the field of cardiology. Here’s why it’s considered a top choice:
Advanced Cardiac Care Facilities
Preethi Hospitals is equipped with cutting-edge technology that enables accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of various heart conditions. The hospital’s cardiac care unit is designed to handle everything from routine check-ups to complex surgeries, ensuring comprehensive care under one roof.
Multidisciplinary Team of Experts
At Preethi Hospitals, cardiologists work closely with a multidisciplinary team that includes cardiac surgeons, radiologists, and specialized nurses. This collaborative approach ensures that patients receive holistic care, addressing all aspects of their cardiovascular health.
Patient-Centric Approach
The patient is at the center of all care provided at Preethi Hospitals. From the moment you walk through the doors, the staff ensures that your needs are met with empathy and professionalism. The hospital’s focus on patient education and involvement in treatment decisions further enhances the overall experience.
Emergency Services
Cardiovascular emergencies require immediate attention, and Preethi Hospitals is well-prepared to handle such situations. With a fully-equipped emergency department and 24/7 availability of specialists, patients can rest assured that they will receive timely and effective care during critical moments.
Conclusion: Making the Right Choice for Your Heart Health
Choosing the best cardiologist in Madurai is a decision that should be made with careful consideration. Factors such as the doctor’s experience, the quality of the hospital, and patient reviews all play a significant role in ensuring you receive the best possible care. Preethi Hospitals, Madurai, with its advanced facilities and expert team, is a top choice for those seeking comprehensive heart care. Prioritize your cardiovascular health by making informed decisions and choosing the right healthcare provider for your needs.
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drpavankumarblog · 2 months
Choosing the Right Heart Surgeon: A Comprehensive Guide
Choosing the right heart surgeon is a critical choice that can fundamentally influence your wellbeing and recuperation. Whether you're confronting a normal method or a mind boggling a medical procedure, the mastery and experience of your heart surgeon are vital. This guide plans to assist you with exploring the most common way of finding the best heart surgeon for your necessities, guaranteeing you settle on an educated and sure decision.
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Grasping the Significance of the Right heart surgeon
Heart surgery is a significant operation that requires accuracy, expertise, and broad experience. The right heart surgeon can have an effect in:
Careful Results: Higher achievement rates and less difficulties.
Recuperation Time: Quicker and more agreeable recuperation process.
By and large Experience: Better pre-medical procedure readiness and post-medical procedure care.
Key Variables to Consider
Capabilities and Qualifications
Board Accreditation: Guarantee the specialist is board-confirmed in cardiovascular medical procedure.
Instruction and Preparing: Search for specialists who have finished legitimate clinical schools and high level preparation programs.
Experience and Specialization
Long stretches of Training: More experience frequently corresponds with improved results.
Specialization: A few specialists have practical experience in unambiguous sorts of Heart surgery, for example, valve fix, coronary supply route sidestep uniting (CABG), or negligibly obtrusive methods.
Clinic Alliance
Notoriety of the Clinic: Consider specialists subsidiary with highest level emergency clinics known for their heart care.
Assets and Offices: Excellent medical clinics regularly have better assets and offices, adding to work on understanding consideration.
Achievement Rates and Patient Results
History: Exploration of the specialist's prosperity rates and patient results, especially for the system you want.
Confusion Rates: Lower inconvenience rates are characteristic of a talented and cautious specialist.
Correspondence and Solace
Patient-Specialist Relationship: Pick a specialist who conveys obviously and causes you to feel good.
Accessibility: Guarantee the specialist is available for conferences and follow-up arrangements.
Proposals and Audits
References: Look for references from your essential consideration doctor, cardiologist, or other medical services experts.
Patient Tributes: Read surveys and tributes from past patients to measure their fulfillment and encounters.
Moves toward Track down the Right heart surgeon:
Research and Compile a List
Start with a list of board-certified heart surgeons in your area.
Utilize online resources, hospital websites, and medical directories.
Consult with Your Cardiologist
Discuss your options with your cardiologist, who can provide insights and recommendations based on your medical history and specific needs.
Schedule Consultations
Arrange consultations with a few shortlisted surgeons to discuss your condition, treatment options, and the surgeon's approach.
Ask Important Questions
Inquire about the surgeon’s experience with your specific procedure.
Ask about the expected outcomes, risks, and recovery process.
Discuss the surgeon’s approach to patient care and follow-up.
Evaluate Your Options
Compare the information gathered from consultations.
Consider the surgeon’s experience, communication style, and the hospital’s reputation.
Picking the right heart surgeon is a basic move toward guaranteeing an effective medical procedure and smooth recuperation. By taking into account capabilities, experience, medical clinic alliance, and patient audits, you can pursue an educated choice that lines up with your requirements and assumptions. Keep in mind, your wellbeing is central, and setting aside some margin to choose the best heart surgeon can give genuine serenity and essentially work on your careful experience.
In the event that you have any inquiries or need further help with your quest for a heart surgeon, go ahead and connect for a more customized direction. Your heart wellbeing merits the most ideal consideration.
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heartspecial · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Thoracic Lungs Chest Surgeries
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Thoracic lung chest surgeries are vital procedures designed to treat a range of conditions affecting the lungs and chest cavity. From removing tumors to addressing chronic infections, these surgeries can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life. If you’re considering thoracic lung chest surgeries in Indore, this comprehensive guide provides essential information and highlights why choosing the best cardiac surgeon can make a critical difference in your care.
What are Thoracic Lungs Chest Surgeries?
Thoracic lung chest surgeries encompass a variety of procedures aimed at addressing conditions such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pleural diseases. These surgeries can be performed through traditional open techniques or minimally invasive methods, depending on the condition and the patient’s overall health.
Types of Thoracic Lung Chest Surgeries
Lobectomy: Removal of a lobe of the lung, often used to treat lung cancer or severe infections.
Pneumonectomy: Complete removal of a lung, usually performed when the disease is localized to one lung.
Thoracotomy: An open surgical procedure to access the chest cavity for diagnosis or treatment of various conditions.
VATS (Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery): A minimally invasive technique using small incisions and a camera to guide the surgery, offering benefits such as less pain and quicker recovery.
Preparing for Surgery
Consultation with the Best Cardiac Surgeon in Indore: A detailed consultation with a top-rated surgeon is crucial. The best cardiac surgeon in Indore will assess your condition, discuss the surgical options, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Pre-Operative Testing: Expect a series of tests including chest X-rays, CT scans, and pulmonary function tests. These assessments help in planning the surgery and determining the best approach.
Lifestyle Adjustments: Before surgery, you may need to make lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, improving your diet, and managing existing health conditions to enhance surgical outcomes.
The Surgical Process
Day of Surgery: On the day of the procedure, you will be prepared for anesthesia and the surgical team will review the details of the surgery. The procedure may take several hours, depending on the complexity.
Recovery and Aftercare: Post-surgery, you’ll be monitored closely in a recovery room. The best cardiac surgeon in Indore will provide specific instructions for wound care, pain management, and physical rehabilitation to support a speedy recovery.
Why Choose Thoracic Lungs Chest Surgeries in Indore?
Indore is known for its advanced medical facilities and experienced surgeons specializing in thoracic surgeries. Opting for thoracic lungs chest surgeries in Indore ensures access to cutting-edge technology, expert care, and a multidisciplinary team focused on achieving the best outcomes for each patient.
Thoracic lungs chest surgeries are complex procedures that require careful planning and expert execution. By choosing thoracic lung chest surgeries in Indore and consulting with the cardiac surgeon in Indore, you benefit from top-tier medical care and a personalized approach designed to enhance your health and recovery. This comprehensive guide aims to empower you with knowledge, making your journey towards better lung health smoother and more informed.
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digitalllr · 2 months
Heart Transplant Surgery
Patients who are unable to get alternative treatments for end-stage heart failure or severe coronary artery disease undergo heart transplant surgery, which is a crucial and intricate process. During surgery, a healthy heart from a deceased donor is used to replace the damaged or failing heart. The patient is first evaluated to ascertain whether they are a good candidate for the transplant. This examination includes a review of the patient's general health, organ function, and presence or absence of underlying medical disorders. The surgery is scheduled after a patient is found to be appropriate and a suitable donor heart becomes available.
The actual procedure takes many hours and is performed under general anaesthesia. The diseased heart of the patient is removed first. The patient has a heart-lung bypass machine attached to them.
, which throughout the surgery assumes the role of the heart and lungs. The donor heart is then inserted into the patient's chest by the surgeon, who subsequently links it to the main blood vessels. The heart is expertly sewn into position to guarantee correct alignment and strong connections. Following implantation, the replacement heart is gradually warmed, and as the patient is weaned off the bypass machine, its performance is closely monitored.
The patient is transferred to an intensive care unit (ICU) for close observation following surgery. During the recuperation phase, potential complications include infection, heart transplant rejection, and immune response problems must be managed. Immunosuppressive drugs are given to patients to lower their chance of rejection, and they have to follow
stringent dietary restrictions and lifestyle adjustments to preserve the transplanted heart's health.
Patients with severe cardiac disease can live longer and have better quality of life after heart transplant surgery. But it necessitates a lifetime of medical monitoring and care. Many patients with cardiac diseases that might otherwise be incurable are given hope by the continued improvements in surgical procedures, immunosuppressive medications, and post-operative care. For more information please do visit supreme hospital, Heart Transplant Surgery In Thiruporur.
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anuj1985 · 3 months
What is the role of cardiology
Cardiology plays a crucial and expansive role in modern medicine, focusing on the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart itself and the network of arteries, veins, and capillaries that transport blood throughout the body. Cardiologists, the medical doctors specializing in this field, are dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and preventing a wide range of cardiovascular conditions, from common issues like hypertension and high cholesterol to more complex disorders such as arrhythmias, heart failure, and congenital heart defects. The importance of cardiology cannot be overstated, as cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.
The foundation of cardiology lies in its diagnostic capabilities. Cardiologists employ a variety of tools and techniques to evaluate the heart's function and structure. Initial patient evaluations typically include a thorough medical history review and a physical examination, followed by diagnostic tests like electrocardiograms (EKGs), echocardiograms, stress tests, and cardiac catheterizations. Each of these tests provides critical information; for instance, EKGs measure the electrical activity of the heart and can detect arrhythmias, while echocardiograms use ultrasound technology to create images of the heart, revealing structural abnormalities and functional issues.
Once a diagnosis is made, Best Cardiologist in Gurgaon develop comprehensive treatment plans tailored to the individual needs of their patients. These plans often combine lifestyle modifications, medication, and, when necessary, surgical interventions. Lifestyle changes are a cornerstone of cardiovascular health management and may include dietary adjustments, increased physical activity, smoking cessation, and stress reduction techniques. Medications prescribed by cardiologists can include antihypertensives to manage blood pressure, statins to control cholesterol levels, anticoagulants to prevent blood clots, and beta-blockers to regulate heart rate and reduce cardiac workload.
In addition to non-invasive treatments, cardiologists are skilled in performing various procedures and surgeries. Interventional cardiology is a sub-specialty that focuses on minimally invasive techniques to treat cardiovascular diseases. Procedures such as angioplasty, where a balloon is used to open up narrowed or blocked arteries, and stent placement, where a small mesh tube is inserted to keep an artery open, are commonly performed by interventional cardiologists. Electrophysiologists, another subset of cardiologists, specialize in diagnosing and treating heart rhythm disorders. They perform procedures like ablations, which destroy small areas of heart tissue that cause abnormal rhythms, and implant pacemakers or defibrillators to regulate heartbeats.
Preventive cardiology is another vital aspect of the field, aimed at reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases through early detection and risk management. Cardiologists work closely with patients to identify and manage risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. This preventive approach often involves regular monitoring and follow-up appointments to ensure that patients adhere to their treatment plans and to make necessary adjustments. By emphasizing prevention, cardiologists help patients avoid the development of serious cardiovascular conditions and improve their overall quality of life.
Cardiology also encompasses the management of chronic cardiovascular conditions. Patients with diseases such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, and cardiomyopathy require ongoing care to manage their symptoms and prevent complications. Cardiologists provide continuous monitoring and adjust treatments as needed, often involving a multidisciplinary approach that includes collaboration with primary care physicians, cardiac surgeons, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals. This comprehensive management is essential for preventing hospitalizations and improving long-term outcomes for patients with chronic heart conditions.
Research and education are integral components of cardiology, contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge and the development of new treatments. Many cardiologists are involved in clinical research, studying various aspects of cardiovascular health, from the efficacy of new medications and procedures to the genetic and environmental factors influencing heart disease. Their findings are often published in medical journals and presented at conferences, disseminating new knowledge and best practices throughout the medical community. Additionally, cardiologists play a key role in educating the next generation of healthcare providers, teaching medical students, residents, and fellows through academic institutions and professional organizations.
The field of cardiology is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements and ongoing research. Innovations such as improved imaging techniques, minimally invasive surgical procedures, and the development of new pharmaceuticals have significantly enhanced the ability of cardiologists to diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases more effectively and with fewer complications. For instance, advancements in catheter-based procedures have reduced the need for open-heart surgery in many cases, leading to shorter recovery times and better patient outcomes. Similarly, the development of new drugs has provided more options for managing conditions like heart failure and trial fibrillation, improving the quality of life for countless patients.
In summary, the role of cardiology in modern medicine is expansive and multifaceted, encompassing the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Cardiologists utilize a wide array of diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies to manage both acute and chronic conditions, striving to improve patient outcomes through personalized care. Their work extends beyond patient care to include research and education, contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge and the training of future healthcare providers. Heart Specialist in Gurgaon who embrace innovation can help improve existing treatments and develop new strategies for managing cardiovascular diseases. As cardiovascular diseases continue to be a leading cause of death worldwide, the importance of cardiology and the work of cardiologists remain critical to public health, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care for their heart and vascular health.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
Patient is a [ ] yo male/female presenting to the clinic for a preoperative evaluation.
Procedure [ ]
Scheduled date of procedure [ ]
Surgeon performing procedure requesting consultation for preop is [ ] and can be contacted at [ ]
This patient is/is not medically optimized for the planned surgery, see below for details.
EKG collected in office, interpreted personally and under the direct supervision of attending physician as follows- sinus rate and rhythm, no evidence of ischemia or ST abnormalities, no blocks, normal QTc interval.
The following labs are to be completed prior to surgery, and will be evaluated upon completion. Procedure is to be performed as scheduled barring any extraordinary laboratory derangements of concern.
Current medication list has been thoroughly reviewed and should not interfere with surgery as written.
Patient has no prior history of adverse reactions to anesthesia, problems with airway management, difficult IV access, prolonged emergence, or postoperative nausea/vomiting.
Airway Mallampati score: This patient is a Grade based on the criteria listed below
-Grade I Tonsillar pillars, soft palate, entire uvula
-Grade II Tonsillar pillars, soft palate, part of uvula
-Grade III Soft palate, base of uvula
-Grade IV Hard palate only, no uvula visualized
Patient is a low/medium/high risk for this low/medium/high risk surgical procedure.
Will send documentation of this preoperative visit to surgeon [ ].
Patient Risk for Elective Surgical Procedure as Determine with the Criteria Below:
1- Very Low Risk
No known medical problems
2- Low Risk
Other chronic, stable medical condition without significant functional impairment
3- Intermediate Risk
Age 70 or older
Non-insulin dependent diabetes
History of treated, stable CAD
Morbid obesity (BMI > 30)
Anemia (hemoglobin < 10)
Mild renal insufficiency
4- High Risk
Chronic CHF
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Renal insufficiency: creatinine > 2
Moderate COPD: FEV1 50% to 70%
Obstructive sleep apnea
History of stroke or TIA
Known diagnosis of dementia
Chronic pain syndrome
5- Very High Risk
Unstable or severe cardiac disease
Severe COPD: FEV1 < 50% predicted
Use of home oxygen
Pulmonary hypertension
Severe liver disease
Severe frailty; physical incapacitation
Surgical Risk Score Determined as Below:
1- Very Low Risk
Procedures that usually require only minimal or moderate sedation and have few physiologic effects
Eye surgery
GI endoscopy (without stents)
Dental procedures
2- Low Risk
Procedures associated with minimal physiologic effect
Hernia repair
ENT procedures without planned flap or neck dissection
Diagnostic cardiac catheterization
Interventional radiology
GI endoscopy with stent placement
3- Intermediate Risk
Procedures associated with moderate changes in hemodynamics, risk of blood loss
Intracranial and spine surgery
Gynecologic and urologic surgery
Intra-abdominal surgery without bowel resection
Intra-thoracic surgery without lung resection
Cardiac catheterization procedures including electrophysiology studies, ablations, AICD, pacemaker
4- High Risk
Procedures with possible significant effect on hemodynamics, blood loss
Colorectal surgery with bowel resection
Kidney transplant
Major joint replacement (shoulder, knee, and hip)
Open radical prostatectomy, cystectomy
Major oncologic general surgery or gynecologic surgery
Major oncologic head and neck surgery
5- Very High Risk
Procedures with major impact on hemodynamics, fluid shifts, possible major blood loss:
Aortic surgery
Cardiac surgery
Intra-thoracic procedures with lung resection
Major transplant surgery (heart, lung, liver)
High risk surgery y/n
h/o ischemic heart disease y/n
H/o CHF y/n
H/o CVA/TIA y/n
Pre-op tx with insulin y/n
DM/how are BS
Pre-op Cr >2mg y/n
A. Ischemic Cardiac Risk- Describe any history of cardiovascular disease and list the cardiologist/electrophysiologist. For CAD, report the results of the most recent stress test or cardiac cath, type of procedures or type of stents, date of MI, and recommendations for perioperative management. Include antiplatelet management. Continue baby aspirin for patients with cardiac stents - unless having neurosurgery, then coordinate with surgeon.
B. Ventricular function- include most recent ECHO evaluation ideally performed within the past 2 years
C. Valvular heart disease- include most recent ECHO, type of prosthetic valve
D. Arrhythmias- include any implanted devices and recent interrogation report, contact EP about device management during the surgery and include recommendations provided. For A-fib include CHADS-VASC2 score
E. Beta blockade- All patients on chronic beta blockers should have these medications continue throughout the perioperative period unless there is a specifically documented contraindication.
F. Hypertension- Other than for cataract surgery, ACEI-inhibitors and ARBs should be held for 24hours prior to surgery and diuretics should be held the morning of surgery
G. Vascular disease- include antiplatelet management and dates of strokes
A. COPD/Asthma- include any recent exacerbations, intubations, chronic O2 use, amount of rescue inhaler use
B. OSA risk- STOP BANG score - address severity of sleep apnea and CPAP use
A. Bleeding Risk- assess the bleeding risk and history for every patient
B. VTE Prophylaxis/Thrombotic risk- estimate risk and provide recommendations
C. Anticoagulation management- include preop and post-op medication instructions
D. Anemia- preop treatment plan
D. Oncology- history and treatments
A. Diabetes mellitus- include type, medication use, recent A1C, preop and postop management instructions
B. Adrenal insufficiency risk- assess for prolonged steroid use in the last year
A. CKD- include stage, baseline labs
B. ESRD- include dialysis schedule, type, access, dry weight, location of dialysis. Generally, surgery should not be scheduled on a dialysis day.
C. Electrolyte abnormalities
A. Liver disease- including MELD score and Child-Pugh classification
7. OTHER relevant comorbidities or anesthesia considerations
[substance abuse, chronic pain, delirium risk, PONV risk, psych disorders, neurologic disorders, infectious disease, etc.]
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