#carbon services
carbonbulksales4 · 8 months
Carbon Bulk Sales
We are the most trusted site for bulk carbon sales, carbon services, and sales of handheld equipment. We are a leading distributor of Solinst water level meters, RAE Systems handheld equipment, AMS soil samplers, Proactive groundwater pumps and more.
water level device
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"In an unprecedented step to preserve and maintain the most carbon-rich elements of U.S. forests in an era of climate change, President Joe Biden’s administration last week proposed to end commercially driven logging of old-growth trees in National Forests.
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, who oversees the U.S. Forest Service, issued a Notice of Intent to amend the land management plans of all 128 National Forests to prioritize old-growth conservation and recognize the oldest trees’ unique role in carbon storage. 
It would be the first nationwide amendment to forest plans in the 118-year history of the Forest Service, where local rangers typically have the final word on how to balance forests’ role in watershed, wildlife and recreation with the agency’s mandate to maintain a “sustained yield” of timber.
“Old-growth forests are a vital part of our ecosystems and a special cultural resource,” Vilsack said in a statement accompanying the notice. “This clear direction will help our old-growth forests thrive across our shared landscape.”
But initial responses from both environmentalists and the logging industry suggest that the plan does not resolve the conflict between the Forest Service’s traditional role of administering the “products and services” of public lands—especially timber—and the challenges the agency now faces due to climate change. National Forests hold most of the nation’s mature and old-growth trees, and therefore, its greatest stores of forest carbon, but that resource is under growing pressure from wildfire, insects, disease and other impacts of warming.
Views could not be more polarized on how the National Forests should be managed in light of the growing risks.
National and local environmental advocates have been urging the Biden administration to adopt a new policy emphasizing preservation in National Forests, treating them as a strategic reserve of carbon. Although they praised the old-growth proposal as an “historic” step, they want to see protection extended to “mature” forests, those dominated by trees roughly 80 to 150 years old, which are a far larger portion of the National Forests. As old-growth trees are lost, which can happen rapidly due to megafires and other assaults, they argue that the Forest Service should be ensuring there are fully developed trees on the landscape to take their place...
The Biden administration’s new proposal seeks to take a middle ground, establishing protection for the oldest trees under its stewardship while allowing exceptions to reduce fuel hazards, protect public health and safety and other purposes. And the Forest Service is seeking public comment through Feb. 2 (Note: That's the official page for the proposed rule, but for some reason you can only submit comments through the forest service website - so do that here!) on the proposal as well as other steps needed to manage its lands to retain mature and old-growth forests over time, particularly in light of climate change.
If the Forest Service were to put in place nationwide protections for both mature and old-growth forests, it would close off most of the National Forests to logging. In an inventory concluded earlier this year in response to a Biden executive order, the Forest Service found that 24.7 million acres, or 17 percent, of its 144.3 million acres of forest are old-growth, while 68.1 million acres, or 47 percent, are mature."
-via Inside Climate News, December 20, 2023
Note: This proposed rule is current up for public comment! If you're in the US, you can go here to file an official comment telling the Biden administration how much you support this proposal - and that you think it should be extended to mature forests!
Official public comments really DO matter. You can leave a comment on this proposal here until February 2nd.
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plethoraworldatlas · 10 months
Today (NOV. 3, 2023), the U.S. Forest Service proposed a rulemaking that would clear the way for corporations to bury carbon waste under national forests – a dangerous move that privatizes public spaces, threatens ecosystems and endangers public health.
In response, Food & Water Watch Policy Director Jim Walsh released the following statement:
“Our nation’s forests should not be a dumping ground for polluters. The Biden administration continues to promote bogus carbon capture technologies that only serve the interests of giant fossil fuel corporations that stand to benefit from carbon capture while exploiting public resources. “Carbon dumping would require a buildout of dangerous pipelines and injection wells that would present serious safety risks, and impact our national forests in perpetuity. This move serves to boost fraudulent carbon capture schemes that are being used to block actual policies to reduce climate pollution. The Biden administration should get serious about ending fossil fuels, not green lighting dangerous waste dumping in our national forests.”
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a-study-in-dante · 1 year
Me : I want Italy, sunshine and heat
Deutsche Bahn : hummm 'kay, what about München, rain, and 12°C ?
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sw5w · 8 months
Qui-Gon on the Offensive
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:55:51
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cmipooja · 1 year
Global Decarbonization Service Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Growing Environmental Concerns
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The Global Decarbonization Service Market is estimated to be valued at US$69.73 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.3% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. This market involves the provision of decarbonization services that help reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy practices. With increasing concerns over climate change and the need to transition towards clean energy sources, organizations and governments around the world are seeking decarbonization solutions. These services offer various advantages, such as reduced environmental impact, improved energy efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards. Market key trends: Technological advancements driving decarbonization efforts One key trend in the global Decarbonization Service Market is the increasing focus on technological advancements to drive decarbonization efforts. Advancements in renewable energy technologies, energy storage systems, and carbon capture technologies are enabling organizations to adopt more sustainable practices. For example, the implementation of smart grids and advanced metering infrastructure allows for better monitoring and management of energy consumption, leading to optimized energy usage and reduced carbon emissions. Similarly, the development of carbon capture and storage technology enables the capture and sequestration of CO2 emissions from industrial processes, reducing their impact on the environment. PEST Analysis: - Political: Governments worldwide are implementing policies and regulations to encourage decarbonization. This includes carbon pricing mechanisms, renewable energy targets, and incentives for clean energy adoption. - Economic: The economic benefits of decarbonization, such as cost savings from improved energy efficiency and the creation of green jobs, are driving market growth. Additionally, the declining costs of renewable energy technologies make them more affordable and attractive alternatives to fossil fuels. - Social: Increasing public awareness and concern about climate change are driving demand for decarbonization services. Consumers and organizations are actively seeking sustainable solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. - Technological: Technological advancements, as mentioned earlier, are playing a crucial role in accelerating decarbonization efforts. The development of innovative solutions and the integration of renewable energy sources into existing infrastructure are enabling a more sustainable energy transition. Key Takeaways: 1: The Global Decarbonization Service Market Size is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 12.3% over the forecast period. This growth is driven by increasing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable energy practices. For example, the rising global temperatures and extreme weather events are motivating governments and organizations to adopt decarbonization services. 2: In terms of regional analysis, North America is expected to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the Decarbonization Service Market. This can be attributed to government initiatives promoting clean energy adoption, favorable regulatory frameworks, and high awareness among consumers about the importance of decarbonization. 3: Key players operating in the global Decarbonization Service Market include Schneider Electric, ENGIE, Siemens, AECOM, EDF Group, Johnson Controls, DNV, Honeywell, Carbon Clean Solutions, Green Charge Networks (ENGIE Impact), ERM (Environmental Resources Management), First Solar, Tesla, CarbonCure Technologies, and Ørsted. These companies are actively providing decarbonization services and developing innovative solutions to address the increasing demand for sustainable energy practices.
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
Lost in the sordid news of Putin's war crimes and Trump's legal problems this week has been the expansion of protection of old growth forests in the US by the Biden administration.
In an unprecedented step to preserve and maintain the most carbon-rich elements of U.S. forests in an era of climate change, President Joe Biden’s administration last week proposed to end commercially driven logging of old-growth trees in National Forests. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, who oversees the U.S. Forest Service, issued a Notice of Intent to amend the land management plans of all 128 National Forests to prioritize old-growth conservation and recognize the oldest trees’ unique role in carbon storage.  It would be the first nationwide amendment to forest plans in the 118-year history of the Forest Service, where local rangers typically have the final word on how to balance forests’ role in watershed, wildlife and recreation with the agency’s mandate to maintain a “sustained yield” of timber. [ ... ] “Climate change isn’t knocking at the door,” said Forest Service wildlife biologist Raymond Davis. “It’s got a foot inside the house already.”
Protecting old growth forests (over 150 years old) is a step prior to protecting mature forests (80 to 150 years old).
Much of the younger mature forest acreage was planted during the era of the FDR administration's Civilian Conservation Corps. We should follow in their footsteps and plant massive numbers of trees to act as carbon sinks for future generations.
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albonium · 11 months
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is your workplace normal or do you have gas masks in the corridors ashdkfkfgl
(there's a lab that uses hydrogen cyanide)
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On this post I am putting my longest and most banger tags
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I love the phrase "they get along like a house on fire". It's perfect. You and me have perfect chemistry and it's setting off the carbon monoxide detectors. People are calling emergency services to get us to stop being so chummy. Someone died
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jcmarchi · 12 hours
AI, Sustainability, and Product Management in Global Logistics: Navigating the New Frontier
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-sustainability-and-product-management-in-global-logistics-navigating-the-new-frontier/
AI, Sustainability, and Product Management in Global Logistics: Navigating the New Frontier
Before we explore the sustainability aspect, let’s briefly recap how AI is already revolutionizing global logistics:
Route Optimization
AI algorithms are transforming route planning, going far beyond simple GPS navigation. For instance, UPS’s ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation) system uses advanced algorithms to optimize delivery routes. It considers factors like traffic patterns, package priorities, and promised delivery windows to create the most efficient routes. The result? UPS saves about 10 million gallons of fuel annually, reducing both costs and emissions.
As a product manager at Amazon, I worked on similar systems that not only optimized last-mile delivery but also coordinated with warehouse operations to ensure the right packages were loaded in the optimal order. This level of integration between different parts of the supply chain is only possible with AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data in real-time.
Supply Chain Visibility
AI-powered tracking systems are providing unprecedented visibility into the supply chain. During my time at Maersk, we developed a system that used IoT sensors and AI to provide real-time tracking of containers. This wasn’t just about location – the system monitored temperature, humidity, and even detected unauthorized access attempts.
For example, when shipping sensitive pharmaceuticals, any temperature deviation could be immediately detected and corrected. The AI didn’t just report issues; it predicted potential problems based on weather forecasts and historical data, allowing for proactive interventions. This level of visibility and predictive capability significantly reduced losses and improved customer satisfaction.
Predictive Maintenance
AI is revolutionizing how we approach equipment maintenance in logistics. At Amazon, we implemented machine learning models that analyzed data from sensors on conveyor belts, sorting machines, and delivery vehicles. These models could predict when a piece of equipment was likely to fail, allowing for maintenance to be scheduled during off-peak hours.
For instance, our system once predicted a potential failure in a crucial sorting machine 48 hours before it would have occurred. This early warning allowed us to perform maintenance without disrupting operations, potentially saving millions in lost productivity and late deliveries.
Demand Forecasting
AI is revolutionizing how we predict demand in the logistics industry. During my time at Amazon, we developed machine learning models that analyzed not just historical sales data, but also factors like social media trends, weather forecasts, and even upcoming events in different regions.
For instance, our system once predicted a spike in demand for certain electronics in a specific region, correlating it with a local tech convention that wasn’t on our radar. This allowed us to adjust inventory and staffing levels accordingly, avoiding stockouts and ensuring smooth operations during the event.
Last-Mile Delivery Optimization
The final leg of delivery, known as last-mile, is often the most challenging and costly part of the logistics process. AI is making significant inroads here too. At Amazon, we worked on AI systems that optimized not just routes, but also delivery methods.
For example, in urban areas, the system would analyze traffic patterns, parking availability, and even building access methods to determine whether a traditional van delivery, a bicycle courier, or even a drone delivery would be most efficient for each package. This granular level of optimization resulted in faster deliveries, lower costs, and reduced urban congestion.
As product managers in the logistics industry, we’re tasked with driving innovation and efficiency. AI offers unprecedented opportunities to do just that. However, we now face a critical dilemma:
Efficiency Gains
On one hand, AI-powered supply chains are more optimized than ever before. They reduce waste, minimize fuel consumption, and potentially lower the overall carbon footprint of logistics operations. The route optimization algorithms we implement can significantly reduce unnecessary mileage and emissions.
Environmental Costs
On the other hand, we can’t ignore the environmental cost of AI itself. The training and operation of large AI models consume enormous amounts of energy, contributing to increased power demands and, by extension, carbon emissions.
This raises a pivotal question for us as product managers: How do we balance the sustainability gains from AI-optimized supply chains against the environmental impact of the AI systems themselves?
In the age of AI, our role as product managers has expanded. We now have the added responsibility of considering sustainability in our decision-making processes. This involves:
Life Cycle Analysis: We must consider the entire lifecycle of our AI-powered products, from development to deployment and maintenance, assessing their environmental impact at each stage.
Efficiency Metrics: Alongside traditional KPIs, we need to incorporate sustainability metrics into our product evaluations. This might include energy consumption per optimization, carbon footprint reduction, or sustainability ROI.
Vendor Selection: When choosing AI solutions or cloud providers, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources should be key selection criteria.
Innovation Focus: We should prioritize and allocate resources to projects that not only improve operational efficiency but also enhance sustainability.
Stakeholder Education: We need to educate our teams, executives, and clients about the importance of sustainable AI practices in logistics.
As product managers, we can learn a lot from how industry giants are tackling the challenge of balancing AI efficiency with sustainability. Let me share some insights from my experiences at Amazon and Maersk.
Amazon Web Services (AWS): Pioneering Sustainable Cloud Computing
During my time at Amazon, I witnessed firsthand the company’s commitment to reducing the power consumption of its AWS infrastructure, which hosts numerous AI and machine learning workloads for logistics and other industries. AWS has been implementing several strategies to improve energy efficiency:
Renewable Energy: AWS has committed to powering its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025. As of 2023, they’ve already reached 85% renewable energy use.
Custom Hardware: Amazon designs custom chips like the AWS Graviton processors, which are up to 60% more energy-efficient than comparable x86-based instances for the same performance.
Water Conservation: AWS has implemented innovative cooling technologies and uses reclaimed water for cooling in many regions, significantly reducing water consumption.
Machine Learning for Efficiency: Ironically, AWS uses AI itself to optimize the energy efficiency of its data centers, predicting and adjusting for computing loads to minimize energy waste.
As product managers in logistics, we can leverage these advancements by choosing energy-efficient cloud services and advocating for the use of sustainable computing resources in our AI implementations.
Maersk: Setting New Standards for Shipping Emissions
At Maersk, I am part of the team working towards ambitious environmental goals that are reshaping the shipping industry. Maersk has set industry-leading emission targets:
Net Zero Emissions by 2040: Maersk aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its entire business by 2040, a decade ahead of the Paris Agreement goals.
Near-Term Targets: By 2030, Maersk aims to reduce its CO2 emissions per transported container by 50% compared to 2020 levels.
Green Corridor Initiatives: Maersk is establishing specific shipping routes as “green corridors,” where zero-emission solutions are supported and demonstrated.
Investment in New Technologies: The company is investing in methanol-powered vessels and exploring other alternative fuels to reduce emissions.
As product managers in logistics, we played a crucial role in aligning our AI and technology initiatives with these sustainability goals. For instance:
Route Optimization: We developed AI algorithms that not only optimized for speed and cost but also for fuel efficiency and emissions reduction on regular shipping routes.
Predictive Maintenance: Our AI models for predictive maintenance helped ensure ships were operating at peak efficiency, further reducing fuel consumption and emissions.
Supply Chain Visibility: We created tools that provided customers with detailed emissions data for their shipments, encouraging more sustainable choices.
Despite the challenges, I believe that the implementation of AI in logistics remains a worthy undertaking. As product managers, we have a unique opportunity to drive positive change. Here’s why and how we can move forward:
Continuous Improvement
As product managers, we’re in a unique position to drive the evolution of more energy-efficient AI solutions. The same optimization principles we apply to supply chains can be directed towards improving the efficiency of our AI systems. This means constantly evaluating and refining our AI models, not just for performance but for energy efficiency. We should work closely with data scientists and engineers to develop models that achieve high accuracy with less computational power. This might involve techniques like model pruning, quantization, or using more efficient neural network architectures. By making energy efficiency a key performance indicator for our AI products, we can drive innovation in this crucial area.
Net Positive Impact
While AI systems do consume significant energy, the scale of optimization they bring to global logistics likely results in a net positive environmental impact. Our role is to ensure and maximize this positive balance. This requires a holistic view of our operations. We need to implement comprehensive monitoring systems that track both the energy consumption of our AI systems and the energy savings they generate across the supply chain. By quantifying this net impact, we can make data-driven decisions about which AI initiatives to prioritize. Moreover, we can use this data to create compelling narratives about the sustainability benefits of our products, which can be a powerful tool in stakeholder communications and marketing efforts.
Catalyst for Innovation
The sustainability challenge is driving innovation in green computing and renewable energy. As product managers, we can champion and guide this innovation within our organizations. This might involve partnering with green tech startups, allocating a budget for sustainability-focused R&D, or creating cross-functional “green teams” to tackle sustainability challenges. We should also stay abreast of emerging technologies like quantum computing or neuromorphic chips that promise vastly improved energy efficiency. By positioning ourselves at the forefront of these innovations, we can ensure our products are not just keeping pace with sustainability trends but setting new standards for the industry.
Long-term Vision
We need to take a long-term view, considering how our product decisions today will impact sustainability in the future. This includes anticipating the transition to cleaner energy sources, which will decrease the environmental cost of powering AI systems over time. As product managers, we should be advocating for and planning this transition within our own operations. This might involve setting ambitious timelines for shifting to renewable energy sources, or designing our systems to be adaptable to future energy technologies. We should also be thinking about the full lifecycle of our products, including how they can be sustainably decommissioned or upgraded at the end of their life. By embedding this long-term thinking into our product strategies, we can create truly sustainable solutions that stand the test of time.
Competitive Advantage
Sustainable AI practices can become a significant differentiator in the market. Product managers who successfully balance efficiency and sustainability will lead the industry forward. This is not just about doing good for the planet – it’s about positioning our products for future success. Customers, particularly in the B2B space, are increasingly prioritizing sustainability in their purchasing decisions. By making sustainability a core feature of our products, we can tap into this growing market demand. We should be working with our marketing teams to effectively communicate our sustainability efforts, potentially pursuing certifications or partnerships that validate our green credentials. Moreover, as regulations around AI and sustainability evolve, products with strong environmental performance will be better positioned to comply with future requirements.
Ethical Responsibility
As leaders in the field of AI and logistics, we have an ethical responsibility to consider the broader impacts of our work. This goes beyond just environmental concerns to include social and economic impacts as well. We should be thinking about how our AI systems affect jobs, privacy, and equity in the supply chain. By taking a proactive approach to these ethical considerations, we can build trust with our stakeholders and create products that contribute positively to society as a whole. This might involve implementing ethical AI frameworks, conducting regular impact assessments, or engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders to understand different perspectives on our work.
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
The challenges of sustainable AI in logistics are too big for any one company to solve alone. As product managers, we should be fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the industry. This could involve participating in industry consortiums, contributing to open-source projects, or sharing best practices at conferences and in publications. By working together, we can accelerate the development of sustainable AI solutions and create standards that lift the entire industry. Moreover, by positioning ourselves as thought leaders in this space, we can enhance our professional reputations and the reputations of our companies.
As product managers in the logistics industry, we have a unique opportunity – and responsibility – to shape the future of sustainable, AI-powered logistics. The challenge of balancing AI’s benefits with its energy consumption is driving innovation in green computing and renewable energy, with potential benefits far beyond our sector.
By thoughtfully considering both the efficiency gains and environmental costs of AI in our product decisions, we can drive innovation that not only optimizes operations but also contributes to a more sustainable future for global logistics. It’s a complex challenge, but one that offers immense potential for those willing to lead the way.
The future of logistics is not just about being faster and more efficient – it’s about being smarter and more sustainable. As product managers, it’s our job to make that future a reality.
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3daqua · 7 days
How Many Wastewater Treatment Plants Are There in Delhi, India?
Delhi, the bustling capital of India, is a vibrant city characterized by its rapid urban growth and diverse population. With such a high density of people, managing essential services, including wastewater treatment, becomes crucial. Wastewater management is vital for maintaining public health and environmental sustainability. In this article, we will delve into the number of wastewater treatment…
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How Carbon Fibre Concrete Strengthening Revolutionizes Modern Construction?
Some leading industrial and commercial concrete repair experts come with cutting-edge carbon fibre concrete strengthening solutions for exceptional strength, efficiency, and versatility in reinforcing contemporary structural reinforcement.
These top-tier companies deliver premium-quality concrete stabilization services including advanced epoxy resin crack solutions to maintain a robust structural integrity and hold it for many years to come.
They skilfully address weak places and utilise cutting-edge technology and materials that increase the durability and lifetime of the infrastructure.
Pros to Improve Structural Integrity Using Carbon Fibre Reinforcement:
Well-established companies can significantly enhance the structural integrity of concrete constructions, through carbon fibre reinforcement over traditional methods.
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These companies provide exceptional quality materials and workmanship that increase the load-bearing capacity of the structure. They deliver top-quality carbon fibre which is lighter and easier to install, which simplifies the construction process and reduces labour costs. It has a corrosion-free nature ensures longevity and durability, minimizes the need for frequent maintenance and saves money over time.
In addition, these companies employ experienced staff who can understand how to apply carbon fibre reinforcement that excels in resisting climatic variables, including high temperatures and seismic activity.
Its superior tensile capacity and flexural strength make it ideal for a wide range of applications, from highways and bridges to tunnels and municipal structures. This advanced system not only extends the lifespan of concrete structures but also maintains structural integrity predictably and efficiently.
Find a Trusted Company for Concrete Strengthening Services:
Finding a reliable crack repair and concrete reinforcing service is critical for ensuring the structural integrity and lifespan of the infrastructure.
People should look for reliable organisations with substantial experience and a track record of successful projects.
Examine their qualifications, accreditations, and affiliations with industry sectors that maintain high levels of quality and professionalism.
Read existing clients' evaluations and testimonials to determine their level of satisfaction and the company's credibility.
Enquire about and compare the processes and materials used for crack repair and reinforcement to ensure they use cutting-edge solutions that match industry requirements.
In addition, ensure that they are transparent about pricing, timetables, and project expectations, which is necessary for successful cooperation.
Finally, use these methods to locate a credible service provider who can answer your individual requirements and give effective, current personalised solutions.
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shirazeetraders1 · 30 days
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sw5w · 8 months
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:52:38
You can clearly see this is Ewan McGregor's stunt double, Andreas Petrides, in this scene.
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farmerstrend · 1 month
Putting a price on soils: can farmers benefit?
Healthy soils do much more than produce food. They perform a multitude of vital functions, like filtering water, supporting biodiversity, and even protecting the planet from climate change. Just as the environmental costs of intensive farming never factor into the price of food, farmers who build soil health are rarely compensated for the ecosystem services they provide. As a result of these…
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