#caramel arrow cookie x dark choco cookie
lexi-the-demon-69 · 29 days
Don't Be Grumpy
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Finally, something happy and fluffy instead of angsty-
Sovereign of Sorrow is upset about something, at least Caramel Arrow is here to make him feel better
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saneijeijei · 26 days
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Sweet dream 💕
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rachelfloof · 8 months
I found this silly comic and made art of it lol
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behold, Caramel Arrow trying out her new watch tower (LMAO)
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127lovegalaxyperson · 8 months
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I make this trend bc I HAVE TO
when Caramel arrow cookie shoots hearts,dark choco cookie didn't know what to do, so he acts like he is dead (shot)
Caramel arrow cookie's mind :sooooooo cute
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quitecontrary69 · 1 year
Testing how long of a video I can post on tumblr.
This is a super duper rough storyboard from last year that I’ve been working on sporadically.
Also incase anybody needs context it’s about Cookie Run and the ship is CaraChoco.
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saraartbox · 1 year
CaraChoco Fan child
Caramel Brownie Cookie! (He/him)
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I was originally gonna make him younger but I decided to make him a similar age to my friend’s fan child.
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janayuga · 3 months
Id love to know cacao’s workout routine
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He does hit up the gym regularly, but even on his off-days he has his family keeping him in shape 💜🫶
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djljpanda · 5 months
Same anon from https://www.tumblr.com/djljpanda/729765849772228608/hi-just-discovered-your-tumblr-and-thought-id-say
May I be snow anon plz? Also...can't help but imagine one funny senario with all cookies, you can involve beasts or not if you want:
Imagine if y/n was naive and innocent and can get easily distracted....like two cookies could be duking it out for their attention only to discover y/n got distracted and was now watching a butterfly on a flower...like if the cookies took their eyes off y/n for too long or something, y/n wanders off lmao! Also can imagine y/n being confused why cookies are fighting eachother, not realizing it's for their attention.
Bonus if you want...if you want a playful naive fighter y/n senario too: imagine if y/n sees two cookies fighting, thinks they are sparring or play fighting...and just runs up and joins in!
Y/n, seeing two cookies duking it out for y/n's attention but y/n doesn't understand that: oooh that looks fun!
Cookie 1: their eyes should be on me!
Cookie 2: no, they should be on-huh?
The two cookies, turning to see y/n running straight at them with fire in their eyes: WAIT Y/N NOOOO!
*both end up punched in the face by y/n who thought they were sparring or having some sort of fun fight and wanting to join in!*
Y/n: did I win? 😃
Fallen Hero’s/Beast x Reader
I remember you snow anon.
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This all happens before their fall from grace.
Now Reader cookie has been traveling with the hero’s for quite awhile now as she was encouraged by the five to join them. But along the way all of them had developed feelings for the cookie.
Innocent Reader, always sees these cookies as friends and would be confused on why they scrabbled allot with each other, just to hold your hand? Now you hate to say that the butterfly flying around was the reason you got lost. But not for long as you saw Eternal sugar cookie come flying down, “oh I was so worried about you how could you get lost like that”. Eternal sugar cookie was always the first to find you and he sit did upset the others.
But at times while you were out doing something’s the rest might start fighting. Let’s say you were leaving to go collect some wood for the town you and the hero’s were helping with. Burning spice cookie, shadow milk cookie, and silent salt cookie had joined you while eternal sugar cookie and mystic flour cookie stayed behind in case if any other cookies may need their help.
But as time went by the two cookies had started to argue as both thought that they will treat you better which led to them about to physically start fight till they heard you and the others returned. When you questioned the two cookies they just pushed off the question while they helped you with the wood you collected.
Fighter reader, here you went with eternal sugar cookie, burning spice cookie, and mystic flour cookie to help some cookies with food. As you four left silent salt cookie and shadow milk cookie decided to spat together but as it continued they truly did started to fight as the topic of you came up. But both were token off guard as they were both knocked to the ground as all confusion went away they look up to see you smiling with the other cookies looking along. “You should have told you two were going to spar I would have stayed back”, you smiled helping the two up as you all got ready to go and help other cookies civilizations.
Other cookies that can fit your scenario-
Affogato cookie and Caramel Arrow cookie
Raspberry mousse cookie and Raspberry cookie
Lilac cookie and Scorpion cookie
Lotus dragon cookie and Longan dragon cookie
Red velvet cookie and Dark choco cookie
Linzer cookie and Crème brlee cookie
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Reader resting on red velvets chest please...also one of reader resting on clotted cream's chest and affogato's chest and caramel arrow's and royal margarine's...aaand dark choco's too!
(Sorry, the mozzarella one inspired me a little too much and ended up throwing in the crushes...couldn't resist, I'm sorry! They are all just so amazing!)
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He'll stop whatever he's doing whenever you decide to do this. When the cake hounds decide to join in, too, he knows he won't be getting up anytime soon. He doesn't mind at all, finding it very sweet.
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It usually happens during his work hours, when you're curled on his lap and your head on his chest. Sometimes you'll drift off to sleep, but he'll keep you there. He can't help but crave your affection.
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During her down times, she'll cuddle with you, and you'll rest your head on her chest. It gets her a little flustered, but hey, it makes you happy! She'll hold you closer too, enjoying your warmth.
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Affogato will stroke your hair when you rest your head on his chest. He'll talk to you during this time, sometimes even lulling you to sleep. He loves seeing you ap vulnerable with him.
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He gets incredibly flustered. He's not that used to physical affection, so you just resting your head on his chest throws him off guard. Doesn't mean he doesn't like it, though!
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little-luna-llama · 1 month
Post mystic flour eps the cacaonian cookies return to crispia, yet not all have recovered from their brush with apathy.
Wildberry cookie, who turned around and came back just after the others had left on a gut feeling, goes to see them and sees crunchy chip who doesn't look right. He finds out that a lot of them haven't quite recovered their full emotions back, and while dark cacao did overcome mystic flour and got stronger he needs to recover himself before he can really help anyone else, Dark choco is doing his best but obviously is not fully prepared either. The unit get to go have a break while they all figure out what to do about the cookies who are struggling, some recover fairly quickly once they get back, some don't. Caramel, Crunchy and the other two among the latter.
Wild is utterly devastated and stays even longer to help find an answer. Helping out dark choco at first until dark cacao is back on his feet, and then focusing particularly on his boyfriend and trying to get a reaction, anything to prove he's under there. He gets a little progress via the creamwolf pack, sees the spark in crunchys eyes flash for but a moment when they all rush him for attention. After that though it's nothing and it's incredibly taxing to see all that passion gone.
He finds himself in the uncomfortable position of being the more openly emotional of the pair, and also asking himself if crunchy will still love him after, if he ever gets his feelings back. It's not a pleasant feeling to have when you have a ring in your pocket you'd been working on while he was away saving the world.
Caramel arrow is no help, arguably in a worse condition that Crunchy Chip, because he ends up talking to second watcher who is a wreck over his nieces condition, he already lost her parents, and to him this is even worse because she's still technically alive, but she's hardly spoke and not even taken to the training grounds to use her bow which she used to love doing.
Crunchy does notice the general mood and points it out.
Wildberry, being fed up by this point, just steels himself and tells Crunchy that once he's better he'll take him on a date. A proper one. No monsters or fighting or imminent doom. He knows he can get better and he will. They'll go have a picnic in the woods or go visit crunchys family over in his home village, hang out with the wolf pack or go get another herring jelly pie.
"I..... I think I'd....like ..that?"
"I know"
Then Wildberry kisses him and when they pull away all of a sudden crunchy reacts to it in his typical style, something like "woof, that was a surprise" or something
And they both laugh and then Wild suddenly realises that what they needed this whole time was some big feeling to kick start their emotions, all the quickly recovered soldiers had partners or children- (second watcher was too busy to give Caramel the overwhelming amount she would need to recover)
They both quickly report what happened and run off to find Caramel
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lalovi · 1 month
Hey I got inspiration from this other anon's ask and...gotta ask:
Same traits question...but for...well Royal margarine, clotted cream, shining glitter, cherry blossom, dark choco (after he redeemed himself), butter roll, red velvet, Caramel arrow and finally...cream unicorn.
If it's too many cookies at once...surprise me with who you choose from the List lol! (Sorry for so many...I simp for a LOT of cookies! Just picked a few from the list of cookies I Simp for.)
AN: I don't know some of these characters that well, so sorry if they seem a bit wonky-
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Multiple x Reader CRK
Warning: Some of these characters may be OOC, not proof read
Royal Margarine
First and foremost, Buttercream has to like you
If they don't, you're automatically out (sorry)
It shouldn't be that much of an issue as long as you are a halfway decent person
Since he's kind of a wimp, he'd definitely appreciate someone who can fight rly well
A person to take care of him when he's drunk
Oh, and you have to be able to handle his constant flirting
And he probably won't mind someone who flirts back as well
Starts blushing and kicking his feet at the thought /hj
So, someone outgoing and bold
Clotted Cream
Knowing his profession and all, his day to day life is very stressful!!!
Therefore, I think he'd like someone who can help him wind down a bit
Someone who is always put together and organized
Like housewife vibes, even if that's a bit stereotypical
A person to just help his life become a little easier and a little less dull
So, someone detail oriented and calm
Shining Glitter
Since music is such a big thing in her life, she'd enjoy someone who can create music with her
Or even just dancing along to her own would be enough
Someone who appreciates everyone's art
A person who never gives up on their dreams
Or a person with a lot of ambition and ideas
Since it reminds her of herself <3
So, someone determined and creative
Cherry Blossom
100% you need to go on picnics with her daily
Bonus points if you know proper tea-party etiquette
She gives off nice aunt vibes but gossips a lot
Probably enjoys someone who she can gossip with
Not only that, but I'm sure someone who can bake would do her some good
After all, you must bring plenty of snacks to a picnic
So, someone who always listens and is easy to talk to
Dark Choco
Enjoys a person who will always love and accept him, despite his past
It would be a sun an moon kind of relationship
He seems rather touch starved, so a cuddly partner will definitely serve him well
So, someone understanding and kind
Butter Roll
He'd like someone who appreciates and is interested in his work
A person who always listens to his rants and what-not
An upbeat person to match his sunny personality
And perhaps someone who can notice small details and point them out
Someone who's dedicated to their craft
So, someone focused and upbeat
Red Velvet
I think he'd be interested in someone who is very kind and gentle
Since he has a lot of dogs, (cakes?) He would appreciate someone who can help him take care of them
Not only that, but I think he'd enjoy someone who he can just rant to
I don't know why, but I feel like he has a lot to say
So, someone gentle and caring
Caramel Arrow
She would be attracted to a person who always looks out for others
A person who fights to defend those who can't defend themselves
Even if they have to defy authority
You two would share that struggle
So, someone who looks out for others and has integrity
Cream Unicorn
Though they are very kind, they are actually rather calm
Therefore, I think they'd need someone a lot more extroverted to be with
A person who always tells them about their day
They just find you so interesting
A person who is kind to everyone
Someone with lots of energy
So, someone who is energetic and loves to talk
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 5 months
Carachoco Doodles
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Holy shit, I finally decided to make some Carachoco content that also ties into the Ghoul Choco AU. For the top two, I decided to try out a new shading technique I found and I think it came out very well!
As I mentioned before, Carachoco is canon to this AU, and Dark Choco's relationship with Caramel Arrow is explored a lot more than it was In-Game (The wasted potential is damn-near palpable.) At the beginning of the AU, Dark Choco still doesn't fully trust Dark Cacao and still can't really go to him to talk about his problems. The only one he can fully trust is Caramel Arrow, due to her not breaking his trust and always being there for him whenever he needs it most.
As time goes on though, Caramel Arrow encourages Dark Choco to give his father a chance to earn his trust back. While Dark Choco is very aware that Dark Cacao is actively trying to make things better between them, he just can't seem to bring himself to do it. So, they both decide to take things slow, so Dark Choco can begin to trust his father again.
Also fun fact: Whenever Dark Choco is in his ghoul form, he won't be as hostile with Caramel Arrow as Dark Cacao. (Yes, MF shows blatant favoritism, and his dad gets actively annoyed sometimes-)
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saneijeijei · 5 months
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Since there was quite a big reaction to my fanart and both fanbases participated in the survey very actively, I decided not to choose one of the two, but to make two in one.
Yes, it didn't turn out the way I imagined and how it was in the draft. But in principle, it turned out well for the first attempt. I hope you enjoy it and my efforts have not been in vain.
Thank you for participating in the survey! I'm still accepting fanart requests for these ships :)
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rachelfloof · 8 months
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story timeeee
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janayuga · 4 months
I wanna see vanilla and cacao bonding with their children 😭😭 some cute stuff
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Family-bonding-time sometimes is just you reading at the beach while the rest of your family sleeps in the shade for 7 hours straight.
(Based on the HC that Cacaoian Cookies get lethargic in the sun/hot weather)
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