#car test driving
humanoidhistory · 7 months
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Digital driving test in Hungary, 1982.
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so-very-small · 12 days
“I don’t want to do this.”
“C’mon, you know weddings are fun! You’ll be fine.”
“It’s not the actual shindig that’s the issue; it’s the traveling four states over to get there. That drive is gonna take me like, twelve hours. Be glad you’re a borrower and don’t have to travel for cousins’ weddings.”
“Dude, you’re joking, right? Last year my brother had a destination wedding, two blocks down the street at that house with the big birdbath. It took me three weeks to travel there. I had to fight a CHIPMUNK.”
“I wish I could have drove. The birdbath pool party reception ruled, though.”
“Oh, nice. Open bar?”
“Tinies don’t do that. It was Open Bottle. One open bottle of rum, and we were thriving.”
“Fuck yeah.”
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 11 months
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Citroën SMA "Proto Michelin," 1972. An experimental short wheelbase racing version of the SM fitted with a 3.0 litre Maserati V6 that produced 300hp
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f1-birb · 11 months
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lando for basically the entire first episode of grill the grid
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mollyyancey · 8 months
which touhou character would drive a toyota
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ran yakumo 2003 toyota sienna road rage incident
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jaubaius · 2 years
It is trying...
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tazmiilly · 1 year
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it's rough
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104-days-of-gifs · 11 months
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Another 104 Days of Phineas and Ferb GIFs: Day 73
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pappadu · 4 months
my brother and our uncle (only 4 years older than us not a weird old man) always find themselves caught up in these weird sidequests. one night when they were drunk they decided that they should have a licence for big tractors after they became obsessed with the farming simulator game for like all of winter. so they texted the local driving instructor who also does schooling for tractors and trucks and he straight away signed them up. when they were sober the next day, neither of them wanted to be the one to back out so they were now on track to have a completely useless, 800 euros costing licence. but due to the fact that my brother has always loved tractors and the power of autism, he was SO GOOD in the theory lessons that he will have his driving test next thursday where he will have to drive an enormous tractor + trailer through a village DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE HAS NEVER EVER EVEN DONE THIS BEFORE the driving instructor just assumed he has to have worked in the agricultural field with machines before because he has so much knowledge....
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
I reallyyyy want to talk about how much fun it would be to jerk a really submissive Bucky off with a pair of soaked panties 🙈
I feel like submissive Bucky is so vocal too and I love that thought. He trusts you completely with his body and he's not ashamed to make as much noise as he wants to.
He knows what his little whines and moans do to you. You get off on his desperation and he absolutely knows it. You can't help but melt when he looks up at you from his knees, his eyes wide and expectant, whispering "please, mommy" when all he wants is permission to kiss from your ankle to your knee.
He's learned that being well mannered is the only way to get what he wants so you don't mind rewarding his good behaviour. His plump lips begin to trail eagerly from the ankle strap of your heel, up the side of your calf until he reaches the joint at your knee. Your fingers tangle in his hair, warning him not to go any further and the groan he elicits is heavenly.
"Please let me kiss you." He practically sounds like he's panting. Frustration has settled into his features, his eyes trained on the cherry red lace that shields your sex from his hungry gaze.
He knows you're already wet and he knows that if he's just able to kiss a little bit higher, your self control might waver enough that you'll allow him to lap up your arousal and that's really all he's dreaming of.
"You're so selfless, aren't you?" Your sarcasm isn't lost on him. He wants to taste you because he wants to taste you, not so much for your pleasure. "No, let's try something different."
You slip your panties down your legs but he's smart enough to know you aren't going to give him exactly what he wants.
You kneel down beside him, lining your hand with the slick lace before wrapping your fingers around his stiff cock that's been begging for attention for far too long now.
"O-oh my God." The first stroke of your hand makes him crumble. Despite being slick, the lace offers so much friction and he's far too sensitive for that.
Your hand pumps quickly, watching his face while he begins to slip. "Good boy, that's it. Take it. Fuck, you're so pretty, do you know that? You're doing so well for me."
" 's too much. Please. Don't stop." His head falls forwards onto your shoulder, groaning pathetically into the crook of your neck.
"Do you want to cum, sweetheart? Are you going to be a filthy slut and cum in my panties? Do you even realise how fucked up that is?" Your soft voice makes him melt up until your hand on his cock speeds up.
"Y-yes. Oh God yes, please let me cum." He didn't think it'd be this easy but when you give him permission, he knows to take the opportunity while he's getting it.
In just a few more minutes, his thighs are trembling as he shoots a thick load into the already saturated lace lining your hand. The release of each gush of his seed feels more euphoric than the last and he's whining pathetically, up until he's fucked himself empty into your fist.
"Good boy." You whisper, kissing his damp forehead while he catches his breath. "I'm so proud of you."
You unfold the lace, admiring just how much of his cum he's managed to splatter over just your underwear. "Now. I want you to put these on and wait in the bedroom."
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trans-xianxian · 2 months
*holding my little wei wuxian plush in my hands* please mr yiling laozu help me pass my drivers test
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marisatomay · 1 year
just remembered paul newman had framed photos of tom cruise in his office along with his children…what if i feel to my knees…
they’re so………
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hippolotamus · 7 months
Inspiration Saturday 🔮
tagged by my love @disasterbuckdiaz @watchyourbuck (soooo looking forward to your creations)
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A smöl snippet from a Secret Thing™️ I’m working on
Stevie levels the intruder with an unimpressed glare. “Did David put you up to this?”
“Whatever,” she grumbles, trudging up the stairs. “Just don’t get comfortable. This is temporary.”
no pressure tagging @daffi-990 @wikiangela @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @demora00 @ramonaflow @elvensorceress @giddyupbuck @monsterrae1 @spagheddiediaz @spotsandsocks @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @thewolvesof1998 @heartshapedvows @loserdiaz @your-catfish-friend @statueinthestone @buddierights @911onabc @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @pirrusstuff @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @apothecarose LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @vanillahigh00 @weewootruck @exhuastedpigeon @underwater-ninja-13 @messyhairdiaz @gayedmundodiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @jamespearce9-1-1 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming and anybody else who wants to 🥰
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odinsblog · 1 year
Coming Soon To A Road Near You: “Full Self-Driving”
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Video clips from traffic surveillance cameras on the San Francisco Bay Bridge on Thanksgiving morning show a white Tesla reportedly in “Full Self-Driving” mode crossing over to the fast lane and abruptly breaking, resulting in an eight-car pileup.
Just hours before the crash, Tesla CEO Elon Musk had triumphantly announced that Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” capability was available in North America, congratulating Tesla employees on a “major milestone.” By the end of last year, Tesla had rolled out the feature to over 285,000 people in North America, according to the company.
A Tesla Model S vehicle which the driver claimed to be using the 'Self Driving' feature caused an eight-vehicle crash on the San Francisco Bay Bridge on Thanksgiving Day, resulting in the injury of nine people.
The driver reported to the police that he had been using Tesla's "Full Self-Driving" feature prior to the incident.
The crash happened on the same day that Elon Musk announced that the beta-testing of FSD would be expanded from a limited set of Tesla owners to "anyone in North America who requests it."
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has launched an investigation into the incident.
The NHTSA has said that it plans to examine a crash in Ohio also involving a Tesla that may have been using the automated-driving system. The agency has investigated a total of 35 crashes that potentially involved Tesla’s Autopilot highway-driving system. A total of 19 people have died in the crashes.
(continue reading)
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messandamiracle · 4 months
Nami (at least in East Blue) is the only one of this ragtag group of youths who would successfully pass the driving test and get a license.
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