#car sell switzerland
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autociel · 2 years ago
Swiss Company AutoCiel, your premier destination to sell your car in Switzerland hassle-free! If you're an expat living in Switzerland and looking to sell your vehicle, you've come to the right place.
Our dedicated team at AutoCiel understands the unique needs of expats, and we're here to guide you through a seamless and efficient car-selling process.
With our extensive network, expert advice, and transparent approach, selling your car in Switzerland has never been easier. Whether you're in Zurich, Geneva, Bern, or anywhere else in the country, Contact AutoCiel to help you sell your car quickly, safely, and at the best possible price.
Experience convenience and peace of mind with our tailored solutions for expats, and let us take the stress out of selling your car.
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whorekneecentral · 1 year ago
Holiday Greetings
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Virgil Van Dijk x Fem!Reader
Warnings: holiday postcards bring together friends, old friends reconnect, falling out with family, virgil never gave up on the friendship, mentions of bad relationships, surprise visits, old habits die hard, wet dreams, sharing a bed, making dreams a reality, oral (m!receiving), sub!virg vibes for like 0.2 seconds, penetrative sex (p in v), choking, using of the word 'whore' in a sexual context, sweetness from the big man at the end.
Word Count: 2,934
Author's Note: again, so sorry for posting this late but y'all know the big man is my babyyyyy so hopefully you guys like this one as much as I do!
merry smutmas series
You send your old friend a Christmas card every year and when he sees that a certain someone was no longer in the picture, he pays you a long overdue visit. 
The world works in funny ways; the red string theory and what not, you find the people that were meant to be in your lives one way or another.
He just happened to always be your person.
You and Virgil were old friends, you grew up down the street from each other; your families were always interlinked, the two of you attached at the hip - from school to Virgil's football matches around the corner from the houses, you were together.
At 18, you upped and left Holland without so much as a warning; all Virgil received was a letter in the mail, letting him know that something had happened with your family and you could no longer stay there. He tried to get you to come home, telling you that his mom would be more than happy to have you with them, which was true but you assured him you'd be fine.
He never gave up, asking you again when he signed with the Celtic and then again when he was with Southampton and Liverpool.
Despite you not taking him up on his offers to move in, you always kept in contact with Virgil; you didn’t talk often, a happy birthday message or a message of congrats when things went well for his career.
You never fully settled until recently, moving from job to job, place to place. For a while, you didn't have an address, bouncing from Belgium to Germany and then Spain before you finally settled in Switzerland.
Regardless of your lack of address, you and Virgil kept up your tradition of sending holiday postcards. It was your yearly catch-up, but you and Virgil would send a card back-and-forth and write a little message on the back of it.
For the last few years, there has been an addition to your cards; first it was your puppy, Sammy and then over the last 3 years, your boyfriend, John.
Virgil had never personally met John, but based on your type in men, he could tell that John was no good for you. The first card he got with him in it, you were happy, smiling but as the years went on, there was still a smile but he knew you well enough to know you weren’t you. 
This year's card arrived early, the first week of December rather than the week before Christmas. Liverpool was wrapping up for the holidays as they'd be going on winter break. Virgil was pleasantly surprised to see that it was just you and Sammy on the card this year. He flipped it over to see what you had written on the back.
Dear Virg,
I don't have much to report this year; turned a year older, got a promotion and I bought a new car - yes I still have the old one, I cannot bring myself to trade/sell it.
I see that you've made some big moves, congratulations skipper! Proud doesn't begin to cover it and you know that I always said you'd make it big.
Hope all is well with you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Yours always,
Virgil smiles, your words and card tucked safely back into the envelope it came in as he took his laptop out to look up something; flights to Switzerland.
He had some time between the end of the season and his return to Holland for the holidays. What better way to spend the time than to visit his favourite person in the world?
It had been years since he last saw you; frankly he hadn't seen you since you left all those years again but nothing's changed between you two. You were still y/n and Virgil - attached at the hip as always.
Switzerland was even colder as he expected it to be. Despite coming from cold, cold England, Virgil still felt as if he was underdressed.
The car parked at the curb as he checks the return address on your holiday card and the address he had put into google maps. Assuring himself he was at the right place, he got out and grabbed his bags, walking to the porch.
Christmas had always been your favourite holiday so to see your house decked out in decorations, lights and garland wasn't a big shocker. The little plaid doggie bed by the door was an assurance that he was in the right place - you had sent him a picture of Sammy in the same spot when you first adopted him.
Virgil shook off the nerves, knocking on the door. A part of him wanted to run away but another part of him couldn't wait to see you.
Sammy must have made it to the door before you, barking to alert you that someone was at the door. He could hear your voice, "shut your big mouth! I heard it!" You tell the dog, scooting him out of the way to open the door.
"He- what the fuck?" You passed, shocked to see who was at your front door.
"Is that how you greet everyone who comes to your house?" He asked you, a big smile on his face.
You laughed, setting your coffee mug on the entryway table, not saying anything but pulling Virgil into a bone crushing hug; it felt the same as it did all those years ago, it felt like home - he felt like home.
You stepped aside. "Please, come in. Make yourself at home."
Sammy runs over, jumping on Virgil. The man reached down to say hello to the dog, scratching behind his ear. You shut the door, noticing his bags. "Where are you staying?"
He glances at you, the same sly look on his face that you'd seen a million times before. "I was hoping I could stay here?"
You laughed, nodding. "Yeah, of course." You pulled Sammy away from Virgil for a minute, letting him take off his coat and walk into the house a bit more. "What the hell are you doing in Switzerland?" You asked him, sitting on the couch.
Virgil shrugged, joining you on the couch, "I came to see you, seemed like the right time to pay you a visit."
Just as well as Virgil knows you, you know him. You're certain he pieced together your break up and that's why he's here.
"You know you don't need to look after me, Virg. I'm not 15, I'm a big girl." You glance at your friend.
Virgil nods, his hand patting your thigh, "I'm not looking after you, y/n. I'm visiting my friend."
"Well in that case, how about dinner? My treat."
"Oh I'm the footballer and I don't have to pay for dinner? I should come visit more often." He jokes as you reach over his lap to the side table to get your phone.
It was as if no time had passed; you and Virgil comfortable in each other's space as if you were in your childhood bedrooms, giggling about the rumours at school or rerunning the tackles Virgil made on the pitch.
You settled on what to eat for dinner; a local place that made the best pizza on the planet, based on the fact that Virgil ate half the box, you'd say he agrees with your statement.
At some point throughout the night, you two shifted from spot to spot, just chatting about life. From the dining room table to the kitchen and finally back on the couch.
It was rather domestic and so easy for you two to slip into this little routine, even though Virgil had only been there for the evening. You're leaning on him, his arm over your shoulder with Sammy curled up on the other side of him, a movie playing quietly as you continued chatting.
"So do you like it?" You look at him and he nods. "Being captain is the dream come true. It's a great team, the place is so.. I don't think there's a word to explain how special it is to me and the guys.. we've got a fantastic team both on and off the pitch."
"That was such a PR response." You teased, laughing. Virgil smiles, pinching your shoulder softly.
"I'm going home after this, back to Breda. I'm there until new years and then it's back to Liverpool."
"That's nice," you smiled, "tell your mom I say hello."
Virgil laughs. "You can tell her yourself, she always tells me that you two are friends on Facebook."
"Don't diss your mom, dude! You're just hating because your mom is cooler than you and she gets to have me on Facebook and not you."
"I don't have Facebook, I'm not 67 years old."
"You shouldn't hate when you've got a big ass head like that."
"Shut up!" He laughed, smacking your arm softly. He sighs, glancing at you, "you should come home, it'd be nice to go home, no?"
"I.. I can't." You tell him, turning your attention back to the tv.
"Why not? It's been years, y/n. I'm sure your family wants to see you and so much has changed, don't you wanna see our home?"
"I can't, Virg. Not after what happened."
His brows furrowed, leaning back a bit to fully look at you. "What did happen, y/n? You never told me."
You shake your head, things were said that couldn't be taken back - none of which were your fault but no one ever seemed to care. Your family never reached out to apologize so you never did too.
Virgil looks at you, your silence was an answer in itself but he can't help but wonder what went wrong. He had asked his mom, knowing your mom and his were close, they often chatted and still do to this day but his mom never told him anything. She'd often remind him that if he doesn't know, it's because he's not meant to know.
He can't help but feel sad; not only for you but for him, for what could have been if you two had maybe gotten together, if maybe you had never left home.
You quietly get up, excusing yourself and heading up to your room. Virgil hadn't been your place before but in the short time he has been there, he figured out where things went. It was like a second home to him, he took it upon himself to clean up and take Sammy out before coming back in and locking up.
He makes his way up the stairs and knocks on the first door to the right, the same room that you occupied when you were at home.
Suppose old habits die hard.
"Y/n?" He knocks on the door, peeking into the room. "Can I come in?"
You nod, lying on your bed. Virgil lets himself in and sits next to you on the bed. You're on your side, your back to the man as you feel the weight of the mattress shift, his hand passing through your hair gently. You roll, now facing him and curling into his side.
"I'm sorry," he whispers into the silence of the room. "I didn't to upset you when I said-"
"You didn't," you cut him off. "It's just.. complicated is all."
Virgil shifts, now lying next to you and you move to rest your head on his chest. The two of you cuddled against one another, comfortably relaxing as you'd done a million times before when you were teenagers.
You're not sure when the minutes turned into hours but you had both fallen asleep.
The sound of Virgil's voice woke you from your slumber. You thought you heard him say something but when you glanced at the man, he was still fast asleep. You just assumed he was asleep and settled back into bed.
A few moments later, he makes a sound - a soft whimper.
You open your eyes to check on him again, trying to see if something was wrong and yet, he was still sleeping. You figured he was just dreaming.
You see make out his silhouette on the bed, the blanket tossed over Virgil as he shifted in his sleep. You can hear him mumble, you shake him softly. “Virg, you okay?” You ask when he groans. He rubs his eyes, confused for a moment.
“Y/n? What are you doing ?” He hadn’t realized the blanket had slipped down when he sat up. You glance down and you instantly look away. “Oh uh, sorry.”
He was confused for a moment, he looked down and he pulled the blanket back up, his cheeks red and shy. “Sorry! I didn’t realize-”
“It’s okay,” you glance at him. “It happens. I didn't mean to wake you, it's just.. I heard my name and you were, well, groaning." You trailed off, Virgil's cheek burning hot as he looked anywhere but at you.
It takes you a second but you connect the dots. Between the hard cock hidden away under the blanket and the avoidance of his glance, you realized why he was calling your name.
“Oh,” you breathe, “um, if you want.. I can help you with that if you want.”
Virgil seemed shocked by your offer, his eyes widened. "What?"
"I mean, it was obvious you were dreaming of me, Virg. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before," you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah but.. this is different."
Your hand rests on his thigh, “not really, I'm just helping you with it.”
Virgil shifts in the bed, suddenly feeling a bit shy and he can’t help but think about what you’d look like on your knees, looking up at him. He nods, “oh-okay.”
“Yeah?” You ask, looking at him. Virgil nods once more, slowly moving the blanket off his lap. You shift to lay between his legs, pulling his cock out of his boxers.
He watches as your lips wrap around his cock, tongue running over the tip. His hand tangles in your hair, pulling it away from your face as you lean down all the way, taking all of him into your mouth.
Your cheeks hollow around him, Virgil's hips buck at the feeling. A half smile playing on your lips when you glance up at him. You can see the red on his cheeks, the way his eyes follow you every move, watching as your head bobbed up and down, your cheeks hallowed around him.
It had been months, if not longer since he’d been with anyone like this; every time he even dared touch himself, you were the thought on his mind. It was like he was a teenager again, crushing on you and just wishing you'd make the first move because as confident as he was on the pitch, he was far too shy to make the move on you.
He'd be lying if he said he never imagined what it would feel like, what you would look like, how you'd make him feel.
It didn’t take long; your hand sliding up his torso and your lips wrapped around him, tongue pressed to the underside of his cock. Virgil's hips buck once more, you can feel him at the back of your throat.
He pushes you off of him, your brows furrow. "What? Something wrong?" You asked him, your tongue passing over your bottom lip, tasting him.
The sight of that alone makes his cock twitch.
"I wanna feel you," he whispers and you can't help the smile on your face.
You let Virgil pull you up for a kiss, tasting himself on your lips as he undressed you. Slowly, a pile of clothes ends up on the floor and you're on all fours. The man's behind you and your back arches, the curve of your spine evident when he drags his finger along it.
Virgil pushes into you, his name falling from your lips. “God, please Virg, like that,” the words tumble out, begging him for more as he fucks you. 
His hands squeezing your hips, nails digging into your flesh. Your hand reaching under you, fingers barely reaching to rub your clit. 
He pulls you up, his arm wrapped around your neck, your back pressed to his chest. His fingers dig into the side of your neck for a moment, squeezing you a bit. 
The two of you facing the mirror in your room, “look pretty girl,” he whispers into your ear, “look how pretty you looked all fucked out.” 
Your eyes open, looking at the screen in front of you. his eyes meet yours, and you smile. “You’re such a whore,” he hums, chuckling. 
Between the angle you were at and his hand sliding down to rub on your clit, your head drops back onto his shoulder, begging him to let you cum. 
Your eyes find him in the mirror and you don’t even have to say anything, he knows exactly what you’re saying. 
“Shh, it’s okay sweetheart, I know.” He tells you, thrusts getting sloppier by the second.
The two of you in sync, Virgil's chest pressed to your back as you came down from your orgasm. He peppered kisses all over your back, rubbing your side softly. He leans to press a kiss to your neck before pulling out slowly. 
You're flat on your stomach, catching your breath when Virgil moves off of you and shifts to next to you. His arm rests over your back, rubbing your skin soft. "You okay?" He asks quietly.
Glancing at him, you smile. "Perfect."
Virgil smiles, leaning over to kiss you.
taglist: @nosugarallspice  @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16  @books-and-netflix-pls  @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade  @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @trentsfav @trentsmyfave @noturbabe22
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justforbooks · 15 days ago
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‘I felt nothing but disgust’: Tesla owners vent their anger at Elon Musk
The tycoon’s links with Donald Trump and Germany’s far-right AfD have slammed the brakes on sales and put the car’s owners in a spin
When Mike Schwede first sat in a Tesla Roadster 15 years ago, he felt like it was a glimpse into the future. By 2016, he was the proud owner of a Tesla, revelling in the thumbs up he would get from other drivers as he whizzed along Europe’s highways in the electric vehicle.
But of late the sheen of owning a Tesla has begun to wear off. For years the brand has been synonymous with Elon Musk and his stance against the climate crisis. Recently, Schwede watched aghast as the Tesla CEO poured hundreds of millions into backing Donald Trump as he made promises to ramp up domestic oil and gas production.
“He was getting more and more weird,” said Schwede, an entrepreneur and digital strategist based in Switzerland. The final straw came when Musk made back-to-back fascist-style salutes during Trump’s inauguration in January. “I felt nothing but utter disgust,” said Schwede. “And I no longer enjoyed sitting in my Tesla.”
On Tuesday, data from the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association showed sales of new Tesla cars almost halved in Europe last month. The figures left analysts scrambling to assess how big a factor customers turning their backs on the brand because of Musk’s foray into far-right politics may be.
The Texas-based carmaker sold 9,945 vehicles in Europe in January, down 45% from last year’s 18,161, the association said.
Now, there are signs existing Tesla owners who have become disgruntled with Musk’s views are making their anger heard.
Schwede contemplated selling his car, but after racking up more than 60,000 miles on it, there was little value left in it. So he came up with his own means of reclaiming his Tesla and the liberal ethos that had underpinned his purchase; he began donating 10 cents for every kilometre driven to a range of charities, countering Musk’s support of the far right with direct support to those who help LGBTQ+ youth or fight hate and extremism. “It was something Elon wouldn’t like,” he said. “That’s my personal revenge.”
It’s a hint of how some Tesla owners in Europe are fighting back, putting up their own – albeit small-scale – resistance as Musk wades into global politics, using his wealth to help secure Trump’s return to the White House and his sprawling influence to back far-right and anti-establishment parties across Europe.
For Germany’s Patrik Schneider, the turning point came as he was heckled by a stranger at a petrol station, who pointed to his Tesla and called him a Trump supporter. Saddled with a long-term lease on the vehicle, he scrambled to find a way to address his relationship with a brand that – in his mind – had soured.
“Of course, as a Tesla driver you were always the fool: the Green party voter, the world saviour, the CO2 guy,” Schneider told Germany’s Capital.de media. “But now you’re in a category that’s no longer funny.”
What he came up with was a line of “Anti-Elon stickers” for Tesla cars. In an echo of an American initiative, he began selling the stickers online six months ago, taking orders for messages that range from “I bought this before Elon went crazy” to “Elon sucks”.
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As Musk waded more deeply into German politics, hosting the far-right AfD’s co-leader, Alice Weidel, in an interview on X and turning up at an AfD rally where he disparaged multiculturalism and lambasted the country’s focus on “past guilt”, demand for the stickers soared.
Demand has now climbed to as much as 2,000 stickers a day, with orders pouring in from across the German-speaking world but as far as Australia and South Korea. All of it was done without any advertising, said Schneider, adding wryly: “Elon Musk does that for us.”
Others have called for the actions to go further. In Poland – where the Nazi German occupation led to the deaths of 6 million Poles, including 3 million Jews – the country’s tourism minister called on citizens to boycott Tesla after Musk’s surprise appearance at the AfD rally. “All I can say is that probably no normal Pole should buy a Tesla any more,” SƂawomir Nitras recently told Polish broadcaster Tok FM. “A serious and strong response is necessary, including a consumer boycott.”
In August, the German drugstore chain Rossmann said it would no longer buy Tesla cars for its corporate fleet, citing Musk’s support for Trump, while the German energy company LichtBlick said on social media that it would be “pulling the plug” on the Tesla vehicles in its fleet, citing Musk’s backing of “a rightwing populist and extremist party”.
The message was echoed recently by UK-based campaign group Led by Donkeys after they projected images of Musk’s salute on to the facade of the Tesla gigafactory near Berlin.
“The world’s richest man, Elon Musk, is promoting the far right in Europe,” the campaign group wrote on social media after their collaboration with Germany’s Centre for Political Beauty. “Don’t buy a Tesla.”
In London, activists put up a parody “Tesla – The Swasticar” bus stop advert with the tagline “goes from 0 to 1939 in 3 seconds”, referencing the start of the second world war, and stickers with similar wording have been slapped on Tesla cars. In Tottenham, north London, a member of the activist group People vs Elon took a cardboard cutout of Musk’s salute into a Tesla dealership.
In Sweden, the EV maker Polestar has sought to capitalise on the discontent. “We get a lot of people writing that they don’t like all this,” the company’s CEO, Michael Lohscheller, told Bloomberg, adding that he had directed sales staff to target disgruntled Tesla owners.
After a Dutch poll suggested 31% of respondents who owned Teslas were considering selling them or had already done so, it remains to be seen what the impact will be on the company. Matthias Schmidt, a Germany-based automotive analyst, said “2025 will be one of the biggest tests for Tesla.”
“With all respect, consumers tend to be like goldfish; they tend to forget things very quickly,” Schmidt added. “But Germany is potentially slightly different because of its history 
 The shift to him backing the AfD was potentially far more damaging in Germany than his move to back Trump.”
Last year, Tesla saw sales in Germany plunge 41% – outpacing the overall 27% decline in EVs across the country – as rivals rolled out their own electric vehicles and governments rolled back subsidies.
Figures for early 2025 show that Tesla sales fell sharply across several European markets. Registrations were down 63% on a year earlier in France, 59% in Germany, 44% in Sweden, 38% in Norway and 12% in the UK.
While buyers could be reacting to Musk’s comments, other factors may also be at play as consumers await Tesla’s release of the updated Y model, said Schmidt.
When contacted by the Guardian, Tesla did not reply to a request for comment. But late last month, Musk appeared to be upbeat during a call with investors, hinting that 2025 may be a tough year but that 2026 would be “epic” for the company.
“Musk is kind of like a character that – like a cat – has nine lives,” said Schmidt. “And he’s almost used up those nine lives. And it will be interesting to see what happens now.”
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books
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writesaboutdragons · 3 months ago
365 Promises of God
Day 333 – With God all things are Possible
But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men [it is] impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible." (Mar 10:27 NKJV)
Read: Mark 10:17-27
It's common knowledge around this old world that folks in the US have it better than the majority of people elsewhere. I was surprised to see that we aren’t the richest nation, though. Monaco tops the list, with an average income of $186k. In fact, the US ranks seventh, following Bermuda, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Ireland, at an average income of $80k. If you add in the cost of living, however, the US ranks 14th, so we are probably ending the month with much more than most other countries.
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Regardless, on the world stage, the US is considered the rich. And as the Christian message has been suppressed in public here, we’ve become a lot like the rich young ruler who is the centerpoint of our reading today. Christ calls to us to come to him, but we must come empty-handed. We cannot BUY our way into heaven. Psalm 49:8 tells us this. Our redemption WAS costly. But not in money. In blood. And not our blood. The blood of an innocent man. And Christ calls us to surrender ALL to Him, for we are BOUGHT with that great price, and all that we have, all that we ARE, is HIS. That car you’re driving? It’s HIS. That house you’re living in? It’s his, too. The job you work? You got it. You’re working for HIM.
The rich young ruler came to Jesus and wanted to know how to have eternal life. Note that he KNEW who to come to. And he knew that he was a good teacher. That he had that knowledge, of how to get to heaven. So Jesus tests him. By asking why he calls him GOOD? Because, as this man would have learned, ‘There is NONE who doeth good, no not one.’ And Psalm 34:8 tells us that God is good. Jesus here gives the man an opportunity to declare openly that Jesus is God. It’s a leap of faith, but Peter had made it a few chapters previously. When it was obvious by the man’s expression that he wasn’t going there, Jesus responded with the Law, which the man DID know. Note that He doesn’t even give the entirety of the Law, just the portion of the Ten Commandments that deals with human interaction.
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The rich young ruler changes his address, then. He DROPS the ‘GOOD’ in his address. And tells Him he’d kept all those laws from his youth.
You’d expect the God-Man in front of him to raise an eyebrow at that, to point out the ways he had failed at it just that week, if not that day. But it tells us here that Jesus looked at the man with compassion, and LOVED HIM. So He gives him another chance. ‘Go, sell all that you have, give it away to the poor, take up a cross, and follow me.
That’s a hard ASK, dear Christian. It would be hard for anyone, but so much harder for those of us who have a lot. How DARE God ask me to give up EVERYTHING to follow Him? Especially if it means the possibility of suffering and dying in public on a cross like He did?
Well, don’t shoot the messenger, folks, but that might end up being the ask. Before you turn away, though, let me assure you that it’s not usual for God to ask you to give everything away, just give everything UP. Realize that it’s all HIS.
He might not ask you to die on a cross. To suffer public ridicule and shame. But he MIGHT. And we have to give up our rights to say no to that.
I’m just a font of good news today, huh. And that was the reaction when the rich young ruler went away, sorrowful. Because he had great wealth, and he couldn’t let go of it. How like us today. It’s hard to part with our dollars even when we see somebody in need.
Jesus then stated that it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. I’ve heard respected theologians declare that this statement was talking about some ‘eye of the needle’ gate in the wall of Jerusalem, where a camel could not get through unless you stripped it of all its burdens and trappings, and it crawled through on its knees. What utter and complete HOGWASH! Have you ever seen a camel crawl on its knees? If such a thing were even possible, the disciples would NOT have asked how anyone could be saved.
The answer Jesus gives is one of the most misunderstood promises in the bible. Realize I’m not saying here that God can’t do the impossible. If he can create the universe in six days (he rested on the seventh) part the red sea, create woman out of a man’s rib, and make the earth stand still in its rotation for a day, He can do ANYTHING.
But we take this promise and consider that it applies to whatever we pray for. And God CAN answer those prayers. Here, however, Jesus has used a metaphor, which He declares plainly requires an act of God. God can, of course, shrink a camel to the size that can pass through the eye of a needle. He also can expand a needle to the size that a camel could pass through it. The bottom line is that God can do the impossible, and convert a human heart, even that of a rich young ruler, to the point where he is willing to concede that Jesus is God, and surrender ALL, to Him.
Father God, help me share what I have with someone in need, today. Amen
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officialromaniantranslatiuni · 6 months ago
I know it's a matter of personal experience, but each time I hear someone brag about their life abroad as an expat, it only makes me not want to move abroad.
My uncle's business partner had his son sent to a boarding school since entering high school and this summer he came here to sell his old car as he has a job now in Switzerland and won't come back to Romania not even for vacays.
Anyway, long story short, wtf is Switzerland on? Not to be disrespectful towards their culture, but how is it possible to fine people for even the tiniest thing? I would literally feel terrorised by all the stupid rules. It's giving communist spies. "I got a fine because I flushed past a certain hour." WHAAAAT????
Same with uni professor who had the police knock at her door because her neighbour (idk if she was away in Denmark or the Netherlands) noticed how she hadn't opened the curtains for a whole week. Meanwhile, I never open my curtains and I have an orchard in front of my window. If I were to have nosy neighbours, I would get 3 layers of curtains.
Or my aunt from Norway and her grandchildren. They were counting up to 20 on their fingers and toes in second grade or something, but couldn't eat what she cooked because otherwise they would report her to the school and the school to the authorities. What the kids want, they must get.
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yourbravestpigeon · 5 months ago
Grandpa AU - 2019
“Thank you for driving me.”
“No problem”, Alberich said.
From the corner of his eye he could see Irene sinking deeper into the passenger seat, fiddling with the clasp of her weirdly adult leather bag. The only indicator it belonged to a 21-year-old girl and not a burn-out-approaching teacher was a heart-shaped sticker adorning the brown leather in stripes of blue and purple. Alberich had noticed the bag in his lecture hall before, only then he hadn’t known the calloused hands clasping it were his daughter's. Now he knew, and like surviving a car crash, everything was different. Bizarre, and fragile.
“I wouldn’t have bothered you if I knew anyone else with a car”, Irene explained sheepishly.
“I don’t mind driving you.”
The past months her and Alberich had met for wide-eyed coffees, short walks and an awkward steak dinner where he’d found out she was a vegetarian. He’d also learned that her adoptive parents lived in Oxford, that she’d gone to some fancy international school in Switzerland, and that she’d moved to London for her studies a few terms ago. He knew her major, of course, had always known it.
The big facts had blown his mind at first, but after the initial shock it started to be the smaller things that really uprooted him: the plethora of dictionaries on her shelf, her hurried handwriting, the slightly odd shape of her fingernails 
 He wanted to stare at her and be struck by divine lighting to find out how much of this was his, how much of her had been built using his DNA as blueprints. It was earth-shifting and tide-changing that she existed, and at the same time it was weird to realize that she was, in a way, just a normal person. Just a broke student, without a car to get to a date way out of town.  
“So who’s the guy?”, Alberich asked after a couple minutes of quiet driving.
“It’s, uh, more of a girl.”
“Oh.” He blinked. “Well, uh
 good.” That probably lowered the odds of her being murdered at this mystery lake he was driving her to.
“She was my tutor for a while, and
 She’s kind of difficult, but really fascinating.”
“A tutor in our department? I might know her.”
“Her name’s Bradamant.”
“You’re going out with Bradamant?”
“We’re not going out, we’re
“Well, date her. She’s very bright.”
“Brightness is not the main criteria I’m looking for.”
“Then what is?”
Irene considered for a second, staring into space. She was wearing purple nail polish on her Alberich-shaped fingernails.
“I don’t know. A passionate mind, maybe? Someone who gets me.”
“She’s a skilled researcher.”
“Again, that’s not the selling point you seem to think it is. I like that she’s
Alberich thought of Margaret, and imagined for a few fun seconds what it’d be like to run her over with the car. Yet he had fifty percent of her genes sitting in the seat next to him, and no matter how much respect he’d lost for the provider of those fifty percent, he did kind of like what had come of them. Irene crossed her arms, forcing herself to stop with the nervous clasp-fiddling.
“We’ll just see how it goes. And it isn’t even a date.”
The engine hummed as Alberich shifted into the next gear, the countryside highway stretching out ahead of them.
“Well have fun.”
“Thank you.”
Then Alberich was in Moscow for two months, and when he got back they met for a wintery walk along the dull grey Thames. Irene had gotten a coffee and wasn’t wearing purple nail polish anymore.
“How’d it go with Bradamant?”, Alberich remembered to ask after a while. Irene all but flinched, then blushed slightly, looking equal parts embarrassed and enraged.
“Not good. Not good at all.”
 Let’s talk about something else, please.”
“Want me to get her kicked off the assistant staff?”
Irene snapped her head around, looking at him in disgust.
“God, no! I hope you’re not serious!”
Alberich gave an honest shrug.
“No”, Irene said, “She didn’t do anything wrong. It was probably my fault for being too
 clingy, or
 I just misunderstood the things she said.”
“You think?” Having met Irene and having read some of her papers, Alberich doubted she was able to severely misinterpret something.
“Yes. She was pretty clear about it. I was just dumb and naïve or a second, so it’s my fault.”
“Hm, okay. Happens.”
“Just promise me you won’t abuse your position because of it. That’d be the last thing I want.”
“Fine. I promise.”
Once again Alberich wondered about the upbringing that had instilled such sound morals in the woman, and what she’d be like if he had raised her. If vengefulness were hereditary, they’d be buying gasoline right now. Irene took a long sip from her coffee instead, cupping her hands around the paper cup.
“So how are you? How was Moscow?”
“Good. It was my first time teaching there; I’m usually in Petersburg.”
“Sounds great. I’ve never been to Russia.”
“Where have you been to?”
“When I was little my parents used to take me on all their business trips, so technically I’ve been all kinds of places. I just can’t remember any of it.”
“Why’d they stop?”
“Taking me? Eh, I was in boarding school. Plus, they wanted me to grow up normally, with friends and routine and all that. That’s hardly possible when you swap countries every couple weeks.”
“You should make use of your semester break, go someplace nice.”
“Yeah, maybe. But a student job at the university library doesn’t pay my bills and a trip someplace nice.”
“There’re student grants for that. That’s what I did when I was young and broke.”
“Tell me about that”, Irene requested. Alberich glanced at her and thought she looked distinctly sad, but he had no idea how to fix it if he wasn’t supposed to hurt Bradamant. So he pretended to not notice and did as Irene asked, taking her on a strongly censored stroll down memory lane.
Still inspired by @withlovebinnie 's comic!
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disappointingyet · 25 days ago
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Trois Couleurs: Bleu
Director Krzysztof Kieslowski Stars Juliette Binoche, BenoĂźt RĂ©gent, Charlotte VĂ©ry France/Poland/Switzerland 1993 Language French, a little bit of Polish and Romanian (with English subtitles) 1hr 38mins Colour Weirder-than-you-maybe-think film about grief
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Trois Couleurs: Blanc
Director Krzysztof Kieslowski Stars Zbigniew Zamachowski, Julie Delpy, Janusz Gajos, Jerzy Stuhr Switzerland/France/Poland 1994 Language Polish, French (with English subtitles) 1hr 32mins Colour
Terrific dark comedy about Poland not long after the fall of Communism
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Trois Couleurs: Rouge
Director Krzysztof Kieslowski Stars IrĂšne Jacob, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jean-Pierre Lorit, some excellent dogs France/Switzerland/Poland 1994 Language French (with English subtitles) 1hr 39mins Colour
Possibly worth it just to hear how ‘chewing gum’ sounds in French
Just thinking about the Three Colours films takes me back to a time of people asking (and expecting the answer to be yes) if you’d read The Shipping News or Miss Smilla’s Feeling For Snow, a pre-fully-fragmented-mediascape time when there seemed to a sort of shared upper-middlebrow culture, or at least among people I knew. And in that mid-‘90s moment, Three Colours was a very big thing.
Apart from anything else, it was a smart piece of marketing, a trilogy announced from the start but not based on anything already existing, all released in a period of just over a year, with a fairly blatant selling point being the idea that each instalment stars a gorgeous French actress (we’ll get back to exact truth of that.)
Here was a hugely respected (if not massively watched) director, Krzysztof Kieslowski, who had laboured heroically under the constraints of Communism and could now make the most of both artistic freedom and French cinema budgets etc. Whatever the reason, the concept certainly caught a mood.
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But although there are nice little connections between the films (admittedly much easier to spot when you watch on consecutive nights than months apart), one of them is very much not liked the others, and I’m wondering whether there was a bit of Trojan horsing going on.
Blue (the first one) and Red (the third) are the matching pair, philosophical dramas in which the main character is a beautiful young woman with a dark bob, the action is triggered by a car accident, the dialogue is mostly in French and we’re here to ponder grief, loneliness, morality, mortality and art.
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In Blue, Juliette Binoche plays Julie, who has just lost her daughter and her husband, a famous composer.* There are rumours that she was the actual talent in the couple – will she complete his last great work or stick to her attempt at living an anonymous no-baggage life in the middle of Paris?
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In Red, model Valentine (IrĂšne Jacob) stumbles into the life of a cranky retired judge (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and is both creeped out and sorry for him, and they slowly get to know each other. It takes place in and just outside Geneva.
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White is not a drama, the main character is not (despite what some of the posters suggest) a beautiful young woman and most of the dialogue is not in French. No, White is a comedy about post-Communist Poland in which the main character is Karol Karol (Zbigniew Zamachowski) a little dumpling of a bloke. The tone, the look, the pace, the casting, are all radically unlike Blue and Red. This is a film in which (spoilers I guess) a man smuggles himself back into Poland by hiding in a suitcase in the hold of an airliner. And while classical music is grandly important in the other two, in White the key musical moments are Karol playing a comb-and-paper. Blue and Red are mood pieces light on plot, whereas White has multiple schemes stacked on top of each other. 
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In brief outline, Karol, a talented hairdresser, is divorced by his French wife Dominique (Julie Delpy), ends up homeless and busking in the Paris metro, makes it (just about) back to Poland and (like many of his countryfolk at the time) tries to get rich quick. My take, for what’s it worth, on what we’re seeing is that if you take a country where, in a completely dysfunctional Communist economy people had habitually (and often out of necessity) ignored the rules, when you replace that with a free market, those people aren’t going to suddenly start scrupulously obeying regulations or let tax officials know how many dollar bills they have stashed under the mattress, etc

Blue and Red remind me of Hirokazu Kore-eda’s 2019 film La VĂ©ritĂ© (which, as it happens, also stars Juliette Binoche) – foreign director comes to France (and Switzerland, in the case of Red) and makes something that feels as close as possible to the work of an actual French person. Whereas White is emphatically a Polish film made by Polish people about Poland. 
Now, as in 1994, White is easily my favourite of the three. It’s just more my kind of thing, funny and absurd and surprising. But that’s not to knock Blue and Red, both absorbing films that are a fair bit weirder than I had remembered. (Not to mention how full-on 1990s Blue is with all the colour filters used – and this is a good five years before Out Of Sight, for instance.)
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It's the 1990s. so there's a bowling scene, of course (Red)
Red, in particular, is better than it had become in my imagination. I understand why this is – it’s easy in memory to reduce it to ‘pretty girl stirs the heart of old grump back to life’ but the film is stranger and smarter than that. (There’s also an odd subplot that fits more with Kieslowski’s Polish stuff.) And the ending really works for me. 
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A few stray points: 1) Binoche is only a couple of years older than Jacob, but the trilogy has them at very different life stages. I bumped against this a few times in Blue – at one point her character says, ‘I’m 33’, which on the one hand doesn’t seem old enough for everything that’s meant to have happened in her life and on the other, feels considerably older than she looks. (Binoche was 29 and could easily pass for 25.) 
2) The build-up to the car accidents in both Blue and Red gets what British TV viewers will think of as the full Casualty treatment: we’re fully alerted of what’s about to happen. I guess there’s a workings-of-fate notion there, but feels clumsy and unnecessary to me.
3) Love the almost (but not quite) identical scene that happens in each movie.
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4) Love Janusz Gajos and Jerzy Stuhr as the depressed friend and the brother in White. Also, I should say that Julie Delpy is excellent in the film, it’s just if you’re expecting to see her on screen for the bulk of the running time, you’ll feel shortchanged.
5) These are beautiful films. 6) Look at those running times! That’s how you do it.
7) Do I have any idea at all about the films are trying to say about liberté, égalité, fraternité? Not a Scooby, folks, not a Scooby.
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I guess my question going into this rewatch was whether the Three Colours films were the kind of glossy, superficially serious arthouse product that get great reviews at the time but fade with the passing of their moment of fashion? I hope I’ve made clear that White was in fact never that kind of film – loved it then, love it still. But Blue and Red also, I’d argue, still stand up.
*Which had me thinking: are there any living composers as famous as this guy is meant to have been? Even in France? Even in the 1990s?
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bondshotel · 9 months ago
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On this day in 1970, the Mungo Jerry single “In the Summertime” went to #1 on the UK Singles Chart (June 16)
Mungo Jerry lead singer and guitarist Ray Dorset said that the famous melody just popped into his head one day, and the next day he wrote the song in about ten minutes using a second-hand Fender Stratocaster, while he was taking time off from his regular job working in a lab for Timex.
"It's got no chorus; all it's got is a melody that goes over and over again with a set of lyrics that conjure up a celebration of life," he said.
"Especially if you're a young person: it's a great day, you've managed to get a car - preferably with the top off - you're cruising around, and if you're a guy you're picking up girls."
The catchy song that conjured up carefree summer days was the UK’s biggest-selling single in 1970, staying at the top for seven weeks, and was also #1 around the world in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, South Africa, Ireland, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, and the Netherlands.
It ended up the biggest-selling song of 1970 in the UK

It was also #3 on the US Billboard Hot 100.
The song would be Mungo Jerry’s only hit in the US, but they did have further chart success in the UK

“In the Summertime” went on to become one of the best-selling singles of all-time, eventually selling 30 million copies.
Interestingly, there are no drums on the track, but an eclectic bunch of instruments including a shaker instrument called cabasa, banjo, jug, upright bass, piano, guitars, and Ray Dorset stomping his foot in time with the music.
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dalt20 · 1 year ago
Tooning In 13. Greg Bailey Part 4 of 10
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DL: Well. So how was working with Hanna Barbera again with Young Robin Hood?
GB:It was fine. Kind of like going back to my roots as far as working in animation went. On Robin Hood I was running the timing department and lip sync included. I went pretty smoothly from what I remember. It was a good chance to bring the US Saturday morning standards to a Canadian studio.
DL:The Busy World of Richard Scarry for Paramount/Showtime/The Family Channel and France Animation? How did that come to be and how was working on that show?
GB:It was my first animated series to develop and direct on. It became quite a hit and really put Cinar on the map. France Animation was the minority on the project . The only did the Busy World segment. We did the other 2 story blocks as well as the musical interstitials , the opening, the post production so we really did the bulk of it. The Paramount connection was actually quite peculiar and lucky. The people that worked in a portable in the Paramount lot were actually making trailers and publicity and handling some licensing. They were not the film or tv executives. However they had the rights and connection to Huck Scarry (son of Richard Scarry) and they decided they had the power to put together an animated tv series without going through the regular tv and film sections of Paramount. It was pretty gutsy of them to do that and after the show went out and was a success they ended up having to relinquish some control of it to the proper departments over there. Cinar ended up selling the show in over 100 countries worldwide. I really loved the development we did on the show. The characters all had unique walks and lip sync models and we also kept the scenes really busy with lots of details moving around. We also had used a sort of isometric perspective or down shot for the entire show. We avoided all the trendy dramatic cartoon kinds of angles that were and are still popular in animation. Things that are far away are always higher on the screen. This was something from the Scarry books. We also used a lot of white in the background to achieve that kind of vignette sort of look. It wasn't painted solid side to side like typical Nelvana kind of shows. It was really a cool look and I think the stories all had a nice twist ending. It was an interesting show for young preschool kids because we had a lot of information and details they would never have been exposed to. It was very whimsical looking with the things like the pickle car and the banana car and Lowly Worms apple car. But we showed a lot of stuff like how the inside of a fire station operated and the variety of firetrucks they use. I think we had more time to develop different things on that series than most preschool series even dream about nowadays.
DL:Did you have any interference with the Scarry family?
GB:I don't know that I would call it interference, but I did work with Huck quite regularly. His dad was not in the picture. But we would send the models and scripts and storyboards rough cuts to Huck. It all went out by fax machine in those days. He would often be able to send a sketch the next day if he had a better idea for a model or some details on the model in order to keep it in the Scarry world. But he did go through all the material promptly. It is always a matter of getting non-animation people educated about now backtracking on things at a later stage when they finally notice something they want to change. Like, don't start changing the character or background when we send out the storyboard and you have already been shown the designs a few months earlier. I think Huck got used to those things over the course of the season and wasn't a big problem that I can remember.
DL:Also I believe that Richard Scarry sold the rights to France Animation first because he was living in Switzerland. And France Animation was close by in France and they called CiNAR to co-produce and Showtime/Paramount came to broadcast and finance the series.
GB:I didn't know that! We had already been working with France Animation on other shows before that so I figured CiNAR asked them to partner on it. But I understand what you are saying and it's quite possible. I wouldn't know.I am not surprised that Richard Scarry would sell off his rights in Europe. He moved out of the US a long time ago and always had nasty stuff to say about the US. He was super right leaning and rigid from what I know about him. He was avoiding living in a country where he would have to share his taxed money with poor people. I think it would have been pretty crazy doing the show with Richard Scarry.
DL:I never knew he was anti-American.
GB:He was American himself. I would clarify that and say he was anti -America. He was pretty anti-a lot of things.
DL:The Little Lulu show for HBO and Golden Books.
GB:Little Lulu was a series I developed between seasons of Richard Scarry. This time I wanted to do something with a different and strong graphic style to it. So we had these characters and backgrounds with incredibly thin lines. It was still all drawn in pencil or pen in those days so it could be hard to get the proper line sometimes in production. It looked very beautiful but I admit the format of the show with all those small bits and pieces was hard to watch for a whole episode. The stand up comic bits were not funny and were lame. One of the producers loved Seinfeld and was sure that copying Jerry Seinfeld's standup section would work in a cartoon. But how would you get an animation writer to write a stand up routine? It is something that comics try out and constantly refine by reciting it to a live audience. It was the one series that I actually went to do the pitch and sale at HBO. I did the pitch and Ron Weinberg did the sale that is. The HBO producers owed a favour to Tracey Ulman for something she did for free for them, so they insisted we use her to do the voice-over for Lulu as part of the deal. Again it really hurt the series because she sounded old and gruff. She was totally wrong for the part of Lulu. The initial sale was to do 5 specials. So we used her for those 5 shows only. The show went to a full series of 26 episodes before we even delivered the first special. There was a lot of stuff I liked about the show but it wasn't as much of a hit as Richard Scarry was as far as sales went. Also like I say it had some irritating aspects to the episode because of so many little pieces that were not funny or did not help the flow of the episode. I was introduced to some great voice actors on the show like Michael Caloz that did Annie, and Bruce Dinsmore that did Tubby. These were the best characters in the series and I worked with these actors again later on Arthur because of the Lulu Series. I directed the first 5 episodes then I was a supervising director for the remaining episodes. So I was less hands on at that point.
DL:Well I like Tracey Ullman's voice for Lulu as it fitted the character weirdly and also a youtuber pointed it out too about the Seinfeld bits.
GB:In hindsight, I think the way to write the standups would be to give a theme to a standup comic and have them improvise a 30-second routine on the subject. And record it while they do it. Write it down and give the recording and written script to the voice actor to try to copy the timing and natural speaking rhythm of the standup. Something like that. But to get an animation writer to write and script then expect a voice-over actor to attempt to deliver something with the stand-up comic timing was not a good approach. It is not spontaneous sounding. There was a series about a psychiatrist that used stand up comic routines for his patient sessions. I forget the name of the show now.
DL:Dr Gnudo I believe.It was a segment on The Tracey Ullman show.
GB:I was thinking of Dr Katz.
DL:Papa Beaver's Storytime for France 3 and Nickelodeon?Also, did you watch the original Little Lulu cartoons or read the comics?
GB:I did read Little Lulu comics when I was young and I remember the cartoons as well. When we did the new version I watched a lot of them again. The history of Little Lulu was very long as far as the comic but also as a cartoon. It was made by a lot of different studios over the years. So we were just one more part of the line that makes up the history of it. I have a couple of the old comic books from long ago.
DL:That's cool!
GB:I always called Papa Beaver by the French name Pere Castor because we were the minority partner on the project and that was the name of the project until they dubbed it. I was a co-director. I loved those shows at the time because the stories were based on classic folk stories from around the world. So they had good stories and we copied the visual style of each book we used. No 2 shows looked alike. The beaver and the children beavers at the start of each show were done in France by the main director. So we had a lot of fun on our side doing peculiar and unique-looking small cartoons. Some were really weird stories like a raindrop that falls out of the cloud onto the farm field and eventually goes into a river. The story could be any length we wanted as long as it was under 4 minutes. I have never worked on anything that did not have a fixed length before or after that series. It was a fun show to do until people started calling me Pere Castor. I think we did 26 of those stories.
DL:Well, is it because you're Canadian hence the name?
GB:It just sounded like I was so old. If I was American it could have been worse using your logic. I would have been Papa Bald Eagle
DL:LoL! Legend of White Fang for HBO/The Family Channel?
GB:That was my first job at Cinar/Crayon Animation. I was a posing supervisor. That is the posing department would drawn the key animation poses as well as the camera key for camera work and field so it could be sent overseas for animation. Mostly what I remember is that the studio was very disorganized at that point and it was hard to get enough work from the layout department to keep my really small crew supplied with work. they were on piece work so it mattered to them. I did that show for 3 months or so and then the series Bunch of Munsch started falling behind and I got a chance to direct on 2 of the Munch specials.We had a historian as an advisor on White Fang . It was Pierre Berton who every Canadian knew at the time as a regular on CBC. Anyway, the interesting thing he pointed out in one script is that the people could not have sent a telegram to get help from the Mounties in one of the shows, because telegram service was something that was only available along the rail lines. White Fang takes place in the Klondike gold rush which is in the mountains and a few thousand miles away from the nearest railway line. It all seems pretty obvious but you can see how animation writers left on their own had no problem putting in a story point like that which would seem idiotic to anyone that knew how telegram lines work. I remember we had a scene in White Fang where the little girl was being held in a cage by the bad guys in this remote cabin in the wilderness. It was kind of kinky looking. Anyway one day one of the layout guys left a drawing from a scene with white fang hanging by his leg from a tree in a leg-hold trap. It did look pretty grim. The producers were doing a tour of the studio for some daycare teachers, and they saw the picture which freaked them out. Everyone got a lecture about it the next day even though the artist was just following the scene in the storyboard that he was supposed to follow. So for the little girl in the cage in the log shack, we changed that so the bad guy slept outside in the snow beside the cabin. It looked totally insane and confusing. I believe the bad guy's name was Beauty even though he looked like a big thug. So weird stuff happens in animation and it isn't always the animators doing dirty drawings on the side.
DL:Oh well, so you scared some preschool teachers, I find that actually funny.It's weird and absurd.Caillou for Teletoon and PBS?
GB:Caillou didn't run on PBS in the first season. Cinar had joined with Astral and Nelvanna and created the Teletoon Cable station in that period. If I recall it was 50 Astral and 25% each for Cinar and Nelvana.Caillou was developed from a Quebec book property that was already popular in Quebec in French only. So we were working with a local publisher and artist that illustrated the books. I remember there was a lot of push to put hair on Caillou but it just wasn't the same character anymore and I didn't have much problem with him being bald figuring a lot of little kids don't have much hair at that point. Later on people would send letters thanking us for the show because they had cancer and lost their hair too. They believed we did it because Caillou had cancer. I am always happy to hear these little unintended things have good consequences for some people that can use any good news they can get. The show was more popular than I thought it would ever be and it took off and kind of spread, including to PBS. There was always talk of renaming the show because it was hard for English people to read the name. The kids never had any problem with it but it scared the parents. I guess it was good for having made a new word known to Anglophones because we never changed that nor did we give him hair. The name translates as Pebble so that name was already known from the Flintstones so that didn't catch on. I developed the show from a book series to a TV series and directed the first bunch of shows before I moved to Supervising Director on it. I believe we were doing Arthur by then so likely I had worked Caillou during the off-season on Arthur. Caillou got kind of messed up after a few seasons when they added some live-action parts to the show. I heard that the kids that had been following the show in the earlier years were having traumas and crying because someone turned off Caillou. They were actually crying because a producer or sales executive messed up a perfectly fine show for little kids by adding some marketing idea to the show. The kids finally got their way and they took that crap out on the following seasons. Some parents often complained that Caillou was too whiny and their own kids never whined. I think they never sat in a restaurant behind their own kids, however. They were probably whining because of the live-action scenes in the Caillou show.
DL:Did you supervise the lost grandmother scenes of Caillou?
GB:What do you mean? The storyteller?
DL:Yes it was the opening format for the show in season 1-4 as the caillou segments were stories she read to her grandchildren.And were animated in a different style then Caillou segments.
GB:I remember going to the record session for those parts. It was pretty brutal. The actress was a former grammar school teacher and was very stubborn about the way she was willing to act out the line even when it didn't make sense in the overall context of the scene. I don't think it would make the show worse to remove that section except that kids don't have time to go get a snack before the story begins.
DL:Animal Crackers for Alphaim, Teletoon and Fox Kids.
GB:I didn't have a lot to do with the show in the end. At that time I was head of the visual look of new shows in development. The show almost sold itself because it was well known from the comic strip and the look was popular. It still always needs to be developed for TV but it went through my hands pretty fast before it was sold for a series. I was a Supervising Director on it. but not very hands on. It was a cute show but it didn't run very long.
DL:Paddington Bear for Filmfair/TF1/HBO and ITV?
GB:Paddington Bear. Interesting history on that property. It came about because Cinar bought Filmfair. FlimFair made the original series that ran on PBS as probably their first animated series. It was probably on PBS in one of their first year of being. Anyway we all thought we had fond memories of that old series so we all rushed out to watch old episodes of the show. Wow, was it ever crude. Anyway Filmfair still owned the rights for television. Michael Bond was still alive and he was all excited to do a new series. So I read a book or 2 of his books of short stories. I realized quickly why I never read them to my daughter when she was young. The stories were not even stories and they were trite and sentimental. The stories didn't have an ending; they just waffled away into nothingness. Michael was very involved and kept his nose in the business of the scripts on the series. He did his best to make those nothing endings on the stories so that was a barrier to making a decent show. The illustrations in the book are very scribbly and drawings with no structure so they didn't offer anything we could use to base the characters on. I'm not too happy in the end with the look we got for the characters. They are terribly typical looking characters for a preschool show at the time. It looks very generic like Denise the Menace or any number of shows with no style. Michael Bond thought that every time Paddington would say marmalade that it was just hysterical so it is in every show and it never makes me laugh. It's the trite kind of thing I mentioned. I did visit Paddington station in London the one time I was in London for a few hours. The idea was that Paddington Bear got his name because he was found wandering around in Paddington Station. The station is a really amazing example of 19th century iron work. It was designed by Isambard Brunel the great inventor of iron ships and buildings. There is a cartoon short from the UK about him that is excellent.
DL:I didn't like Paddington either, but I like the live action film. Have you seen the film?
GB:No, I didn't. I'm sure it was better than the series. Does the story have an ending? We should have just let Film Fair make a new stop-motion Paddington. It would have been well received. Paddington had a very extensive licensing franchise. We had these licensing people come from the UK and they explained how the image has been used all over the world and how it goes out of popularity just as it becomes popular somewhere else for some totally unrelated product. Some places in Asia gave free towels in laundry boxes and other places like Holland made cookies with the image. It was really interesting to see how licensing makes money like that.
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briamichellewrites · 1 year ago
1998. Bria Michelle Johnson was the adopted daughter of investor, Chris Johnson and makeup designer, Rita Johnson. Together, their net worth was in the multi-billions. They spoiled their daughter with whatever she wanted growing up. She went to a boarding school in Switzerland where she was able to participate in their theatre program. They also paid for voice lessons, acting classes, piano and guitar lessons; and dance lessons. She learned ballet, jazz, and hip-hop.
With only three hundred students, the school was quite small. They knew that if given a chance, she would be on stage performing. Whether it was dancing during talent shows or performing in one of their plays or musicals. She often had the lead role because of her talents. Her parents tried to see her performances whenever they could.
At eighteen years old, she learned that her parents were killed in a car accident. A driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol crashed into their car at over a hundred miles an hour. They both died on impact. Because of their deaths, she was given everything. That included their house in Los Angeles, their apartment in Waldorf-Astoria, their car collection, a private plane, a house in the Hamptons, and a house in Middletown, New Jersey.
After graduating, she returned home to LA. She had nothing, as everything had to go through the probate court before it legally became hers. Her family’s attorney allowed her to live in the house until everything was settled. She could then sell or keep whatever she wanted. The house was her childhood home, so she wanted to keep it.
She was introduced to Brad Delson and Mike Shinoda by Jeff Blue, an A&R guy for Warner Music. He heard her demo and he had her come in for an audition. Once she was signed, he had her meet them. They introduced themselves to her. It’s nice to meet you. What kind of music was she looking to play? Indie folk or country. She wanted to tell stories like Bruce Springsteen. Even though she had grown up in Switzerland and LA.
Jeff had her play something for them, so she got a guitar that was lying around and picked it up. When she sang, they heard her voice. It sounded like nineteen-sixties folk rock. Maybe a little Johnny Cash or Joan Baez. When she was done, they clapped for her. Where did she learn how to sing? She had voice lessons in school. What school did she go to? She went to Saint George’s Boarding School in Switzerland. They had a performing arts program.
Boarding school? What was that like? It was an interesting experience. She guessed it was like college, except with more adult supervision. They laughed. What else did she learn? Did she take any music lessons or classes? She took piano lessons, dance classes, and acting classes. For dance, she took jazz, hip-hop, and ballet. It was a great way to work out.
She had to be on stage performing, even when she fell on her ass. They laughed. That happened once during a ballet recital. She got up, bowed, and then went back to the choreography. They wanted to help her with her album, so they invited her to join them. At the moment, they were using Mike’s in-home studio to make demos. They thought she would get along well with their band members. She thought it sounded like a cool idea, so she accepted their invitation.
Mike lived in a rented house with his college roommate, Joe Hahn. Together, they formed a band with Brad, Rob Bourdon, and Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell. They were currently looking for a lead singer after firing Mark Wakefield. He and Brad introduced her when she came over. The guys thought she was beautiful! Joe offered her a coke.
Yeah, thanks. They found she fit in perfectly with them. She could tolerate their sense of humor and she wasn’t afraid of being the only girl. Her long brown hair had been dyed black and cut short to her chin. It was hidden underneath a beanie. She had tights underneath shorts with an oversized Bon Jovi t-shirt and a plaid long-sleeve top. Dave asked if she was going grunge. She was feeling a little Seattle rock at the moment.
She was thinking of piercing the cartilage in her nose and getting a tattoo to honor her parents. What happened to them? They were killed by a driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol. I’m sorry. Thank you. She also wanted to adopt a kitten.
“Decisions. Decisions. What will you decide to do”, Rob joked.
“I don’t know. I’m indecisive. I’ve always wanted a cat but I’ve never been able to. It wouldn’t have been fair because I was at school.”
“Bria, get the cat”, Joe said.
“I might have to give into peer pressure.”
They laughed. Did she get the cat? She did! Woody was an eight-week-old brown and white domestic shorthair kitten. Everything about him was adorable! He meowed at her and pawed at her leg, making her crouch down to him. Hi, human! She said hello to him and scratched his little head. He got excited when he saw he was getting adopted. I’m going home! Meow. Meow.
They went to Petsmart to get everything he needed. He had a collar and a leash, which were required in the store. As they walked around, he looked at everything while in the cart. He was curious about everything! There was so much to see and smell and hear! There were humans everywhere! He wanted to say hello to them. Meow. Meow. Some of the workers stopped to say hello to him. Hi, human! I’m Woody! I got adopted today!
He wanted to play on the belt at the register, but Bria picked him up. She didn’t want his little paws getting smashed. When they got to the car, she put him back into his carrier before putting the purchases in the backseat. Yes, she had an assistant who usually did the shopping for her, but she wanted to do this herself. Nicole was hired by her mother to take over the day-to-day responsibilities.
She was a woman in her twenties who had recently moved to LA from New York. They also had a long-time housekeeper named, Rosita. She and her husband, Miguel immigrated from Mexico in 1990. They both loved Bria and her parents because they were so kind to them. Her parents gave them money when they needed help paying bills or expensive gifts. They were considered family to them. Bria was not a spoiled brat, despite her immense wealth.
She was taught to never look down on anyone and to always be thankful for what she had. Everything could be taken away from her at any moment. Woody had zero knowledge of that. He was involved in watching his human put everything together for him. His water and food bowls went into the kitchen. She filled up the bowl with water before setting it down. His litter box went into the laundry room.
His toys, bed, and cat tree went into the living room. He had everything a kitten could need and want. For the moment, he wanted to play. Bria went into the kitchen and found the takeout menus. She looked through them as she thought about where she wanted to order from. As she made up her mind, the phone rang. It was Dave. She invited him over and gave him her address. After hanging up, she ordered pizza to be delivered. She then went to the living room to play with Woody.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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Austria hot take!
Austria shouldn't be blamed for most of the things he did when he was younger. He was probably stressed as fuck, since not only did he have to deal with his people but also the fact that he was getting beat up constantly by other nations. Stuff like forgetting Switzerland and treating Chibitalia badly was of course going to happen especially, with his situation.
I definitely think he should not be blamed for forgetting Switzerland. He was like a toddler idk what Switzerland expects. I'd like to see that as Switzerland being salty that he was like 6 and able to remember things but Austria was like 2 and unable to Remember period. It's hilarious.
With chibitalia I feel like it's one of those "this is an explanation but not entirely an excuse" type of situations where he is simultaneously victim and victimizer because you could say that he is totally innocent because he was in some really bad circumstances that he Should Not Have Been In but you could also say that chibitalia was also in some really bad circumstances that he also did nothing to warrant, so doesn't that make Austria the victimizer from chibitalia's perspective? Should he Have to forgive Austria? I feel like both of them have a right to be mad. Others would disagree but I think it's really one of those things with no right answer because it just depends on your perspective.
That's part of the reason that I really like that portion of the Austria Lore because it brings up interesting questions surrounding the cycle of abuse and the morality of the situation in general. I definitely think that an adult should have stepped into that situation and Austria should not have the same amount of blame as like a fully grown adult that is going out of their way to beat their kids. Like not even the same Type of blame Austria wasn't setting out with the intent of doing evil. I also think a lot of parenting tactics in general back then were super harmful so the argument could also be made that Austria was a product of his environment. Like hindsight is 20/20, I am coming at this from the year 2023, this was hundreds of years ago. People were fucked.
He also technically wasn't given a Child either, he was given a Slave. Italy was captured. He was Austria's "property", I don't think that anyone was really going in with the Intent of raising a child. They just wanted someone to mop. Even then Austria was framed as "strict but kind" so you can definitely tell that Austria was not actively malicious and seeking to do harm. He definitely had nice moments with Italy and while he may have done some bad things I don't think he's a villain. He's a little swagbeast deep down and he's always been that way.
I think this also dives into the debate of if you're going to brand the person themself as evil for being a product of their environment or just the environment itself as evil which could also segway into debates surrounding poverty because impoverished people do not Get the same kinds of help that rich people do, so some people turn to doing whatever they can regardless of morality because they need to get by. Are you going to blame the system for making people do bad things or are you going to say that those people knew that they were doing bad things and chose to do them anyway, therefore they are bad? What if they would have done good things if they were given good circumstances? What if you would do really evil things in worse circumstances and you just don't know it? This could be about anything from acting a little rude because you are In A Hurry And Need To Get To Work, to selling drugs, to murdering people for money. Like how far does it go? I don't think murder and a little beep beep on ur car horn are equal offenses.
I don't have a solid answer but I Really like the debate, mostly because I think a lot about what people would do if they had the same means as other people. What could I accomplish if I didn't have to go to a public school and work 30 hours a week at the same time? What could my artist friend have become if they weren't abused and pulled into the world of drugs and had like a billion dollars instead? What specific set of horrible circumstances would drive me to become everything I hate?
I think Austria would have been kinder in kinder circumstances. You can see it. He is much nicer now. I think Italy could have also been much more independent if he weren't stunted. I don't think it was Austria who stunted him entirely, Austria is a product of his environment, but it was also Austria himself who was locking him in that dark room for hours.
Regardless of morality, Austria is a solid 11/10 BABE so he can do what he wants tbh. Pretty privilege is real if it's Roderich Edelstein. He can lock me in a dark room any time đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”.
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autociel · 2 years ago
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
Prosecutors have called for two British brothers to be banned from Switzerland for five years as punishment for their role in raiding a museum of iconic Chinese Ming Dynasty artefacts.
At a court in Geneva on Monday, Stewart and Louis Ahearne confessed to being part of a gang which burgled the Museum of Far Eastern Art in June 2019.
On top of the ban, prosecutor Marco Rossier said the court should jail the brothers for four years.
They will be sentenced on Tuesday.
Mr Rossier told the court the brothers, who are from south-east London - and a third man named in court by lawyers as Daniel Kelly - were all "equally involved" in the burglary.
He said Louis Ahearne carried out reconnaissance of the museum, while his older brother Stewart hired a Renault Captur car out in his name - which he then drove to and from the scene of the crime.
"Louis Ahearne booked the hotel room, the ski masks and clothing used in the burglary," Mr Rossier said.
"Everything was prepared and organised. Everything was very quick."
Two bowls and a vase from the 14th Century were taken in the raid, Mr Rossier explained, adding one bowl was taken to a Hong Kong auction house by the three men. Stewart Ahearne left his passport details as they sold the item, the prosecutor added.
A second item, a vase, was recovered in central London as part of an undercover sting operation with Metropolitan Police officers posing as art buyers a year after the heist.
The third plundered artefact, a wine cup, has never been recovered.
Around 3.5m Swiss francs (ÂŁ3.2m) worth of damage was caused to the Museum of Far Eastern Art which is based in a listed townhouse in Geneva's old town.
On Monday, Louis Ahearne said he carried out the burglary in order to "clear a debt" and Stewart Ahearne said he took "full responsibility" explaining he wanted to "protect" his younger brother.
Mr Rossier said the prosecution doubted the brothers' version of events as the third person was not in the court and is currently the subject of extradition proceedings to Japan.
The court also heard from Loris Bertoliatti, representing the Museum of Far Eastern Art, who said damage caused by a power saw, sledgehammer and crowbar cost the institution millions.
"They are a professional gang," he said. "They were determined to sell the items. The victim is the museum. Lots of people were shocked by what happened."
Stewart Ahearne's partner Nicola Barry was called as a witness on Monday and described the father-of-five as a "kind, loving and nice person" - adding his employer has committed to giving him a job when he is freed.
The brothers' mother, Suzanne Ahearne, said Louis Ahearne is a "compassionate and empathetic" person who had an "unhappy childhood".
She told the court since his extradition from the UK, he has been writing to his nine-year-old son from prison in Switzerland trying to "give the guidance he never got" from his father.
The Ahearnes' defence barristers will also provide mitigation before the president of the court Patrick Monney delivers his judgement.
The hearing continues.
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lollytruecrimeworld · 2 years ago
Murder to even baffle Sherlock Holmes
The unexplained death of an Oxford University Doctor
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It was Saturday 10th December 1994, and Dr Michael ‘Spike’ Meenaghan was settling down for the football results programme on TV. He stepped into his kitchen to make a cup of tea and was shot through the window.
The gunman had crept through the garden within about 10 feet of Michael’s kitchen window and fired a shot from a double-barrelled shotgun. Michael was hit in the chest and was severely wounded. He crawled to the phone and managed to dial 999 but could only groan.
The call handler at the emergency services traced the call and sent out police and an ambulance, sadly they were too late as they found Michael dead from his injuries and no sign of the perpetrator.
Dr Meenaghan worked at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, a department within Oxford University. The research programme there includes the cellular and molecular biology of pathogens, the immune response, cancer and cardiovascular disease. I will come back to this.
Glasgow-born Michael chose to live on a pretty rough housing estate and so although the shot was heard, no one came out to see what was going on and “no-one saw anything”.
When police began knocking on doors on the Blackbird Leys Estate in Oxford one witness recalled hearing what he described as the sound of “a light bulb exploding” whilst others said they thought it was “just a car backfiring”. Nobody saw anyone running away or indeed anyone carrying a gun, at least if they did they didn't tell the police.
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The estate where Michael chose to live was not the best of places and had a pretty bad reputation with a period of severe unrest in 1991 when a mass of youths attacked police officers after Oxford Constabulary clamped down on car thieves and joy riders.
Michael liked it on the estate because he was of a working-class background originally and felt comfortable there. He was not a particularly house-proud man or anything he neglected the garden and had bed sheets hanging at all of the windows, except for the kitchen, in place of curtains.
Dr Meenaghan had a bit of confusing love life. He had been married and divorced, then lived with a girlfriend, Jenny who was a psychology student until the previous Easter. By all accounts, the relationship had not ended well after the police were called on more than one occasion, could this present a connection to the killing? It seems unlikely but every possible lead must be explored.
In the time leading up to his murder, Michael had been involved in a relationship with a lady named Denise and was in the process of trying to sell his house in order to move in with his new love. Jenny was married and had been expecting to meet Michael for a music gig at a local pub on the night of his murder. When he didn’t show up she drove to his home to find police officers there.
So let’s come back to Michael’s work for a moment:
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So was Michael working on something or close to bringing forth a discovery that could have made a major change in science? Something that someone really didn’t want the world to know about?
It is interesting that Michael worked in a branch of medical research and another lady who was also a victim of a cruel murder, namely Janet Brown worked in a public health and primary care research unit at Oxford University. Her husband was in the pharmaceutical industry and worked in Switzerland, the couple were planning to move to live in Switzerland.
You can read about the Janet Brown murder in a well-researched blog by clicking HERE
This case was mentioned by a writer as “A murder to baffle even Morse’s mind”, it certainly is a very confusing matter but it is my opinion that this case firstly can still be solved and secondly I feel that by carefully re-examining the evidence a whole “can of worms” would be opened for sure.
I always say that I would love to hear from you but, more so than ever in this case. I am sure I have some sleuths and of coursed qualified readers and I would truly value your opinion on this one so please leave me a comment or write me an email.
This is one case that I hope the team and I can take forward to a documentary so any input would be greatly appreciated.
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Email me:
Email the team:
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ruuraa · 3 months ago
How to Plan the Perfect New Year Vacation: A Complete Guide
1. Set Your Travel Goals and Preferences
Relaxation vs. Adventure: Would you like to just unwind and get away from hustle and bustle or are you after thrilling adventures? If it’s relaxation you want, places like the Maldives or Bali might be just the ticket. The snowy landscapes of Switzerland, the rocky terrains of New Zealand, make it travel goals and prferences with best travel agency in chennai. City Break vs. Nature: Do you find yourself attracted to the cultural excitement of cities like Paris, New York or Tokyo or perhaps drawn to nature’s beauty in far away places like Banff, Iceland or the Himalayas? It will allow you to understand whether you would prefer a city vacation or nature based vacation.
2. Choose the Right Destination
Goa, India: Goa is one of the best places in India to celebrate the New Year is because it is known for its lively parties, beautiful beaches and a sparkling night life. Beach parties, fireworks and live music make it a favorite with families as well as partiers. Sydney, Australia: Sydney is famous for its world class Sydney Harbour fireworks show to end New Year’s Eve, one of the biggest around. The city also caters well for a beach holiday, merging modern urban experiences with the sunshine of a stretch of coast. Paris, France: If you want to bow in the New Year in one of the world’s most romantic cities, than you need to go to Paris. Paris gives you its charm and festivity from the elegant celebrations in Champs ElysĂ©es to fireworks by the Eiffel Tower. 3. Budgeting and Saving for Your Trip Flights: It’s usually one of the biggest costs. Booking your flights as early as possible will guarantee you get better prices. To find the best deals, use flight comparison websites, like Skyscanner or Google Flights.
Accommodation: Luxury resorts to cozy guesthouses all will have their effect on your budget. It’s also possible to get discounts if you book early, which goes a long way towards avoiding inflated prices on the last minute.
Food and Dining: Whether you are eating out at your restaurants, plan for your meals. Fortunately, many destinations provide all inclusive resorts which can simplify your food budget.
Activities and Events: Thinking, what special events or activities would you like to attend during New Year celebrations. Tickets for a local tour or weekend concerts, New Year’s Eve parties, cultural shows.
Transportation: Always have transportation in your budget to get around your destination taxis, public transit, or rental cars, etc.
4. Book Flights and Accommodation Early Flights: Since New Year’s Eve flight is in main demand, make an early booking so that you may get better prices and a better flight time preference for you. Then here is how to consider using flight deal apps and websites that provide early bird specials and promotions.
Accommodation: So whether you want a lavish resort, a cosy cabinor just a cheap hotel, make sure you book it in advance. Around New Year’s Eve, many places which attract lots of turists will quickly sell out.
5. Plan New Year’s Eve Activities Fireworks and Parades: Sydney’s Harbour fireworks, or even London’s New Year’s Eve celebration have some amazing fireworks displays at many locations.
New Year’s Eve Parties: To be safe, think about booking tickets for a special New Year’s Eve event. It doesn’t matter if it’s a fancy gala, a beach party or a live concert; make sure you have a plan which margaritas.
Cultural Experiences: Rather than sticking to the beaten path (and missing some of the rich local traditions and customs), seek more unique experiences. In Japan, for example, families ring in the new year with temple visits plus festive food and in Spain, those pass the time eating 12 grapes at midnight in the hopes of good luck. 6. Packing for Your Vacation
Clothing: Make sure there are also things for bad weather and stuff you’re going to do. You’ll also want to pack the sartorial for New Year’s Eve parties, dinner.
Travel Essentials: Make sure you have the lots of documents, your passport, your travel insurance, and any necessary vaccinations for your travel destination.
Gifts or Souvenirs: If you are partying with family or friends, small gifts or souvenirs may be something you bring for presenting to friends during celebrations.
7. Be Flexible and Enjoy the Moment
Local Traditions: How ever you may be interested in, take a moment to engage with the local traditions and customs whether it be by eating the local meal or joining the local celebration. It’ll let you get a sense of the destination and make your trip more about things of meaning instead of things to do.
Relax and Unwind: You can never forget to take time out for you on your vacation. However, make sure you also allow space for which is rest, or rejuvenation, maybe lounging at a beach, or a spa day.
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fromdevcom · 3 months ago
When buying a used car, you have to be aware of the existence of a certain number that virtually every vehicle has. With the help of this number, a new owner can find out a lot about the vehicle, starting with its manufacture and ending in accidents the car was registered in. This 17-character code can help a potential buyer make the right decision when planning to buy a certain vehicle. A vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique code that identifies a specific automobile. It consists of 17 characters - digits and numbers - that serve the role of the car’s identifier. By reading the code, we can find out about the manufacturer, specifications, and features of the automobile. So, what do we need to know about vehicle identification number before buying a car? Where to Find The VIN Number? The meaning of numbers and letters (VIN decode). VIN decoding with the help of a free VIN decoder. VIN coding as a means of tracking a car’s history. VIN Code VIN code is used by the majority of car manufacturers and is supported in almost all countries. It is especially useful for drivers who want to buy a used automobile. With the help of VIN, they can find out about accidents the vehicle has been, in or thefts. VIN coding aligns with the ISO 3779-1983 standard that has been used for more than 30 years. In 1982, this standard was approved by the following countries: Egypt, Ireland, France, Belgium, Poland, USA, Australia, Switzerland, and others. This way, with the help of the VIN code it is possible to obtain information about any vehicle manufactured during the last 30 years. VIN Decoder VIN Decoder and VIN Check are the two independent services that allow obtaining two different reports. VIN decoder is free of charge service used to find out the car’s manufacturer, year of production, model, gearing system, etc. The given lookup on a vehicle gives information on the car’s history, license plate, recall, and vehicle value. VIN Check VIN Check service is partially free since it gives more profound information on a car’s history such as accidents, buying-selling, and automobile maintenance history. The report also includes information on the car’s value, license plate, price, recall, and existing defects. A full report is accessible only for payment. How To Validate a VIN In JavaScript Application? A valid VIN can be easily validated in a web browser using a simple JavaScript code. This code can do the VIN format check and ensure user input is valid.   You can also use a VIN validator library like this one. Getting a VIN report is a must-do for every used car buyer. Such a car report is easily performed with the help of free VIN decoding services. You can make a VIN lookup on the Internet and order VIN decoding or VIN check of the automobile of interest. Knowing vehicle history is crucial for any car buyer since it allows us to ensures there will be no problems with the car in the future and the money is not wasted. A vehicle history report is a smart way of car purchase and car ownership.
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