#car paint job
bluedesignwall · 1 month
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Hubby collected the Cortina from the painters as soon as we got back from holiday. We are really happy with the final result. They fixed a few dings Hubby had missed and sorted out the doors so they close better too. Now Hubby will have to put it all back together and add some finishing touches like door rubbers and it will be all done.
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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highsocietygifs · 8 months
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flmboyz · 1 month
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three-red-horns · 3 months
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I took tons of pictures at this car show. To post more? Show of hands, yay or nay?
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s33r-of-pyr3 · 1 month
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Played through Pacific Drive, and I'm severely disappointed there isn't an achievement for having 10 unfixed quirks on the car u_u
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knifebaby3000 · 3 months
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you can see my heart burning in the distance
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Somehow i really almost forgot to post the coolest car I’ve ever seen. Seen at the Monticello Railway Museum. Apparently this car lives somewhere near my uncle since he says he sees it almost everyday on his way to and from work. Not exactly a train but I thought it fit here. I hope maybe I can see it again someday, it was awesome.
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Awesome Flames
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hetchdrive · 3 months
Somebody in my class has a hot pink car, hot pink seat covers, hot pink fuzzy dice dangling from the rear view mirror and their license plate has a rhinestone boarder and every time I see this car I’m like damn I wish my car was like that. Not hot pink but loudly visually interesting.
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bluedesignwall · 3 months
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It is Friday night and I have just eaten too much Pizza and am snoozing in my comfy chair watching the telly. Hubby came in from out in the garage. It's all done he yelled come take a look. Oh man what have you done? He has stripped down the Cortina ready for her final coat of paint. She is off to the paint shop while we are on holiday. Son is happy, he will be able to park his car in the garage well out of the frost.
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floridaboiler · 5 months
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headfullof-ideas · 1 year
I’ve decided that in a modern AU, Snotlout is actually the one that drives everyone everywhere on long car rides in the gangs shared van. Here’s my reasoning.
Hiccup, while being a great driver, lives off of caffeine and spite, and if left to his own devices and too much caffeine, will try and do tricks in parking lots that usually end in him crashing. And once this boy hits the freeway, he goes as fast as humanely and legally possible.
Astrid gets road rage over every minor inconvenience, and doesn’t believe in right of way unless it applies to her. She also keeps the windows down at all times and speeds, even when it’s -25 degrees outside or there’s a hundred bugs outside.
The twins are actually decent drivers, but go out of their way to break every driving law possible, especially in the presence of cops. They’re infamous for numerous high speed car chases with the cops, and are on a first name basis with half the police force for their driving shenanigans alone.
Fishlegs drives like a grandpa: five to ten miles below the speed limit, uses his blinkers religiously, and waits too long to take an opening. When he does get behind the wheel, he also chooses the longest possible route to literally anywhere, insisting they enjoy the scenery. This usually ends with everyone being late to everything in varying degrees of tardiness.
Snotlout, while a bit of a hothead, with minor road rage issues of his own, doesn’t try and do something that’ll potentially wreck the car. He comes after everyone about leaving their garbage in it, nags Hiccup into teaching him how to do repairs on it. He refuses to drive after having a single drink, he hand washes it inside and out every month. He treats this car like it’s a temple…..mostly because it’s actually his car that he’s lent partial ownership to the others, which is also half the reason he’s the designated driver.
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avianautopsy · 5 months
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Not drawn all 3 of them for a while
I hope the writes cover how 3 broke 31y olds are able to maintain + modify a R35 The none fun answer is debt/loans but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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cars2-renaissance · 6 months
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Did I, as a grown ass adult, really just buy a little dicast car for myself?
It’s Holley!!!
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whereifindsanity · 2 years
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