#captian marvel x female reader
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vbecker10 · 1 month ago
What Were You Going to Ask Me?
Pairing: Bucky x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: Sam & Steve push Bucky to ask you out on a date but every time he tries to ask you, something or someone interrupts him. After several failed attempts to find out what Bucky needs to ask you, he acts as if he forgot his question when he mistakenly thinks you have a daughter and husband.
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Sam rolls his eyes as he turns on the lights in the empty gym, "Okay seriously Buck, I'm tired of hearing about Y/N. Can you give it a rest for like ten minutes?"
"Why? What's wrong with Y/N?" Bucky asks defensively, following Sam over to the boxing area.
"Nothin'..." he explains with a sigh. "But you haven't stopped talking about her for a solid week."
"I don't talk about her that much," Bucky argues, folding his arms across his chest as he drops his gym bag at his feet.
"It's literally all the damn time," Sam insists. "I mean come on, I know how Y/N takes her coffee and her favorite pizza place-"
"It's good pizza," Bucky interrupts.
"That's not even close to my point," Sam opens his bag and digs around for what he needs.
"I hate to say it but Sam's right," Steve joins the conversation finally, putting his gym bag down at the end of a row of punching bags.
"Really man?" Sam asks as he takes offense to Steve's comment. "I'm right pretty often."
"Yeah, like when?" Bucky counters with a smirk.
"Stop it, we're getting off topic," Steve says in his Captain America tone before Sam can start an argument with Bucky. "Look Buck, we both know you like Y/N, it's painfully obvious."
Bucky kneels down and unzips his gym bag, pulling out a long wrap for his hand. Keeping his head down, he ignores Steve who continues to talk with Sam. He really thought he was hiding his growing feelings for you better than this. If his friends noticed, were you able to tell too? Maybe you did know and you didn't feel the same and that's why you never brought it up.
"Dude really?" Sam stands over the super soldier and finally gets his attention.
"What?" Bucky looks up then stands slowly.
"Would you please just ask her out already?" Sam asks desperately.
Before Bucky can explain all the reasons why that's a bad idea, his oldest friend puts his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly and looks him straight in the eyes. "If you don't ask her by the end of the day, I'm doing it for you," Steve says. "You're driving me nuts Bucky."
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After training, Bucky goes back to his apartment to shower then heads straight for your office before he loses his nerve or worse... Steve makes good on his threat. He knocks on the door and waits anxiously on the other side.
You sigh, looking up from your screen as you pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes tightly. You had spent the last two hours training the new SHIELD intern but you have a feeling he didn't retain a single thing you told him. That better not be Josh with more questions already, you think.
"Come in," you call with as little annoyance in your voice as possible. Picking up your cup, you finish your second lukewarm coffee of the day as the door opens. "Oh, hi Bucky," you say cheerfully as soon as you see the super soldier walk into your office. He smiles at you and you immediately forget how aggravated you had been only seconds ago.
"Hey Y/N," he smiles back as he closes the door, his nervousness easing slightly by how excited you are to see him. He takes a seat across from you, his eyes leaving yours momentarily to take in the tall stack of case files and two empty coffee cups. "Busy day?"
"Always is," you shrug and you notice his smile fade slightly which is the last thing you want. You can't explain how much you love to see him happy, it gives you butterflies anytime he smiles, especially when you are the one who caused it to happen. "I always have time for you though. What can I help you with?" you ask. "I didn't think you had any up coming missions, did I miss one?"
"Uh, no. I actually have a question for you," Bucky replies. He shifts on the chair and runs his metal fingers through his hair.
"Oh, okay. What's-" you start to ask what he needs but your attention is pulled away from Bucky to your phone ringing. You groan when you see who it is, "Sorry, I need to get this, it's Agent Hill."
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He nods and gets up to leave. "It'll just take a second, you can stay," you tell him but he's already out the door.
At lunch you decide to go looking for Bucky, still curious about what he wanted to ask you. You head up to the Avengers living quarters and make your way to the kitchen. He's standing with his back to you as he digs through the fridge for something to eat, when he turns and sees you behind him a smile spreads across his face.
"Hey," he says, carrying the ingredients for a sandwich over to the island.
"Hi again," you smile back and walk closer to him. "I was hoping I'd find you here." That was only a little lie, you knew you would find him here. Bucky always eats lunch in the kitchen unless he's on a mission or stuck in meetings.
"You were looking for me?" he asks as he assembles his lunch.
"Yeah, I was wondering what you wanted to ask me before," you explain.
"Oh, umm..." his cheeks redden and you can't help but wonder if he's blushing or if you're seeing things. "Well I was wondering if-"
Tony walks in and Bucky's mouth clamps shut tightly which only makes you more curious. "Hey," Tony greets you both as he makes his way to the fridge to grab a drink.
"Hi," you respond but keep your eyes on Bucky who suddenly seems overly focused on his lunch. He gathers the remaining ingredients and quickly puts them away. "Oh, did you still need to talk?" you ask Bucky, hoping he won't leave yet.
"Yeah, maybe later. I'll come by your office in a bit," he says without looking at you as he walks past Tony and heads towards his apartment with his plate.
"So that was weird even for him," Tony says when you two are alone.
"It was right?" you ask. You're tempted to follow him but before you can leave the kitchen your phone alerts you that you have a meeting starting in fifteen minutes. With a sigh, you head back to your office.
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Two hours later, you've completely given up on the idea that Bucky will come visit your office and finally ask you his question. The fact that he didn't want to talk about it when Tony was there just makes you even more curious. It obviously doesn't have anything to do with work so what the heck is it?
You bite your lip and just as your mind begins to wander, your phone vibrates. The initial disappointment you feel when the call isn't from Bucky vanishes when you hear your sisters voice on the other end of the line.
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You check your watch to make sure you're not late while the coffee maker works on your third cup of the day. You need to be down in the lobby in the next ten minutes or so.
"Hi Y/N," Bucky's voice fills the previously empty kitchen.
"Oh, hey," you give a small wave and your smile brightens when you see him, Steve and Sam. "I've got a few minutes until I need to do something, can we talk about whatever your question was?"
"You didn't ask yet?" Sam looks at Bucky as you reach for the sugar in the cabinet above you. Your back is turned to the trio so you miss the disappointed look Steve gives his friend but not the sound of Bucky smacking Sam's shoulder to quiet him.
You laugh, "I've been trying all day to find out what the heck he needs to ask me."
"Yeah, about that-" Bucky starts, shoving his hands deep in his pockets.
Your phone vibrates and you take it out to check the new message. "Sorry Bucky, I need to head to the lobby," you interrupt him.
"Right," he nods. "I'll uh... I'll ask you later."
"Come with me," you tell him. "You can ask me on the way. I'm dying of curiosity here."
He laughs nervously, "Yeah, sure." Steve pats his back hard as he walks past his friends and follows you.
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The elevator is crowded with people leaving to go home for the day and you frown knowing Bucky won't even give you a hint as to what his question is. On a more positive note, the cramped elevator means your back is pressed against his chest for the duration of the ride down. This is as close to the super soldier as you've ever been, you've thought about giving him a hug once or twice before but you always held back.
Bucky closes his eyes, keeping his hands in his pockets to ensure he doesn't reach out without thinking to hold you tighter to his body. His mind wanders briefly as he wonders if you'd let out that adorable giggle of yours if he kissed your cheek or put his arms around you.
When the elevator reaches the lobby, you hear what sounds like Bucky sighing in relief behind you. You bite your lip at his reaction and take as big of a step away from him as you can while you wait for everyone else to get out.
Bucky follows you, curious about who you are meeting since he had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts he forgot to ask. Maybe one of your friends? Hopefully not a boyfriend, you hadn't mentioned one but there was a lot he still didn't know about you. He stops walking and his heart sinks when a little girl runs over to you, hugging you tightly as you kneel down to greet her. You stand up, holding the child then walk a few steps closer to a man Bucky fears is your husband as he's obviously the girls father. He hands you a small backpack and kisses the little girls head which makes her giggle. The sound reminds Bucky of you and he does his best not to let his emotions show on his face as he watches you.
"Say bye to daddy," you tell the girl and she waves as he leaves through the front doors. You turn back to Bucky with a smile. "Ready to go back up?"
He doesn't answer, his mind swimming. He thought for sure you were flirting with him but maybe you were just being nice. Had he read the whole situation completely wrong?
"Bucky?" you ask to get his attention.
"Bucky," the girl repeats and giggles.
"Yes, that's Bucky," you put her backpack over your shoulder and wave at him. The little girl copies you.
Bucky wiggles his metal fingers as he waves back which you find far too adorable. His bright smile returns and he pushes the button for the elevator as he takes the pink unicorn bag from you. "Hi there, what's your name?" he asks.
"Lucy," she answers with a wide smile, showing off a missing front tooth.
"It's nice to meet you Lucy," Bucky tells her as you follow him onto the elevator.
"Okay, so what did you want to ask me?" you ask and laugh a little. "Sorry we keep getting distracted."
"Oh, I forgot what it was," he shrugs. "I guess it wasn't important."
"Seriously?" you ask not believing him. "All day I've been trying to figure out it and that's all I get?"
"Sorry," he responds, his eyes focus on the elevator buttons and he remains quiet until you reach the common floor.
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"Oh my goodness, who is this?" Nat smiles when the three of you enter the kitchen. Sam and Steve sit across from her, their discussion about what to order for dinner coming to an abrupt end.
Lucy bites her lip, looking at all the new faces and turns in your arms, hiding herself against your shoulder. "Aww, are you feeling shy?" you say to her gently.
She nods and Bucky rubs her back slowly which takes you by surprise. Lucy looks up at him and he smirks, "Don't be shy, everyone's so excited to meet you. Want to show them your missing tooth?"
She giggles excitedly and smiles wide as she faces your friends, pointing to the little hole between her teeth.
"Wow," Sam says. "You get a dollar from the tooth fairy?"
Lucky nods quickly as you set her down now that she seems more relaxed.
"Y/N, she looks just like you," Nat states, looking from you to Lucy.
"Right?" you laugh. "I always thought that was funny cause my sister and I don't really look alike."
"My brother-in-law got called into work early and my sister got stuck in a late meeting so I told them I could watch her for a few hours," you explain.
Bucky nearly drops the backpack when he goes to place it on the island and the sudden slip doesn't go unnoticed by the spy or his friends. You, however, don't notice as your preoccupied watching Lucy wander over to Bucky.
"Wait, so she's not your daughter?" Steve asks, his tone a mix of confusion and surprise.
You laugh again, "What? No, I'm on aunt duty tonight." Looking around, you see Bucky's mouth hanging open and Sam shrugging at Steve. "Wait, did you guys really think I had a daughter I forget to tell you about?"
"No, of course not," Steve says quickly.
"Absolutely not," Sam says at the same time.
Bucky remains quiet but you see the smile return to his face and wonder if that's why he had been so awkward in the elevator. "The three of you are idiots," Nat shakes her head, voicing your thoughts perfectly.
"Well yeah, but I just thought..." Bucky's thought trails off when Lucy grabs onto his pants leg and tugs to get his attention. "Hi," he smiles down at her.
She giggles up at him and reaches her arms up, "Bucky."
"I don't mind," he smiles as he sways a bit back and forth. "I think someone is tired."
"You tired of me already?" you pretend to pout but it doesn't get her attention, she continues to smile up at him and he kneels down to be at eye level. "Oh I get it, you just want to tall, handsome, soldier to hold you?" You blush when you realize you said that last part outloud and you can tell by Nat's expression and the way Bucky's head snaps in your direction that they all heard it.
Bucky gently lifts her up with his right arm and she cuddles against his chest. "You don't have to..." you tell him.
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"Are you ever going to tell me what you wanted to ask me?" you look up at him as the elevator doors close, leaving you alone and him with no way to escape the question that's been following you around all day.
"I-" you try to process a question that wasn't anywhere on your list of possible topics. He bites his lip as he watches your brain slowly catchup. "Yes! Yeah, yes I'd love to," you giggle and notice his smile returning but then yours fades. "Ooh no... I can't, I'm sorry."
"Now seems as good a time as any," he says with a nervous smile. He clears his throat, "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date this Friday?"
"What? No, I mean, yes I still really want to but just not this Friday. I promised I'd watch Lucy so my sister and her husband could go to a wedding," you explain quickly before he thinks you aren't interested in him.
His smile disappears completely, "It's okay, I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have asked."
He nods, putting his hands in his pockets. "Maybe next weekend?" he suggests with a shrug almost as if he's not sure he believes you.
"Or you could come over and help Friday?" you counter and he looks at you curiously. "Please? She already loves you and I get really bored after I put her to bed. I really want to spend more time with you. We could watch a movie or something."
"Sure," Bucky relaxes and you grin happily. "You think your sister will be okay if I come over?"
"I don't think she's going to mind an Avenger watching over her kid while she's out," you tell him.
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"Fair point," he takes a step closer to you as the doors open. "Its not quite a date, but I'm looking forward to it."
"Bucky!" Lucy screams excitedly when your sister opens the door and sees you with the super soldier.
"Wow, I'm forgotten about already," you say trying to sound overly hurt when you close the front door.
"She's been talking about him coming over since you called," Rachel laughs and gives you a hug as Bucky picks up your niece.
"Can we braid your hair?" the little girl asks with a smile as she pulls his hair gently.
"Maybe," he says with a smile that very obviously means yes.
"Glitter?" Bucky repeats nervously and you giggle with your sister as she puts on her coat.
"Oh and decorate your arm?" she asks as she reaches to play with his metal fingers.
"You going to make his arm pretty?" you joke with your niece who takes your question very seriously.
She nods, "Glitter."
"No glitter," your brother-in-law thankfully steps into the conversation. "Be good for aunt Y/N and Bucky okay sweetheart? We'll be home before you wake up."
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She nods quickly, "I'll be good daddy." Bucky sets her back down so she can hug both her parents goodbye.
He leans over to whisper to you, "If I see one piece of glitter, I'm picking the movie and what we're doing on our date tomorrow."
"That was the worst threat ever," you smile back at him as the front door closes. "So, where's the glitter Lucy?"
I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💙💙 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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loversrocktvgirl2 · 6 days ago
my mini multiverse of madness

Falling Asleep Headcanons (Tony, Steve, Peter)
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When you fall asleep near Tony, it’s cuddled up in a blanket on a chair, watching him in his workshop, in his element. It takes about fifteen minutes for him to realize you fell asleep, and the second he does, he feels bad. 
You’re gonna get a neck cramp in the morning if you sleep on this damn chair all night, and y’know what? He’s not gonna have that. 
Keeping you in your little blanket wrap, he picks you up and he carries you upstairs to go to bed. 
Normally, Tony can spend hours upon hours upon HOURS down in the workshop, fine tuning and inventing and building. It’s been a bit of a problem for everyone who knows him—his lack of sleep can make him insufferable in Stark Industry meetings, and it’s not good for him to be alone for so long with his thoughts just to keep them all to himself—but you’ve been the exception in the sense that, instead of insisting on dragging him up to bed night after night, you just come downstairs and stay there. If he’s gonna be your problem, then you’re gonna be his. 
He likes that you come and keep him company now, but sometimes he gets so caught up in his work that he forgets you’re there, and when he remembers, he always feels guilty. 
So tonight, he carries you up to bed and instead of sneaking back downstairs, he decides to stay with you.
You make yourself comfortable with him so easily that his heart sort of melts a bit, and he holds you closer to him, gently tracing soft circles on your back, breathing in rhythm with you. The cold night air comes in through the cracked-open window, and he finds himself relaxing enough to close his eyes and drift off to sleep, something he’s struggled with for a long time. 
When you wake up in the morning and find yourself here, you smile, because you know that he loves you. 
When you fall asleep on Steve, it’s after the two of you went on a date. You’d gone to a nice restaurant and then out dancing, and you’d had a wonderful time with him. You liked that he was a little bit old fashioned. It was a nice change of pace from all the more modern men you’d been on dates with. You felt like he treated you with more respect than they did, too. 
You rode back to the Avengers tower on his motorcycle, your arms wrapped around his toned chest, feeling the cool air against your skin and his warmth against you. 
You felt comfortable and safe. Motorcycles normally scared you a bit, especially when there was a great deal of traffic. But riding on Steve’s motorcycle on a back country road in the cool night, hugging onto him, you felt safe and happy. You were tired, your feet hurt from dancing in high heels, but you were content to be there. You leaned your head against his back and closed your eyes, relaxed. 
You weren’t quite asleep by the time he’d gotten you both home, but you’d almost drifted off a bit. “Sorry,” you said casually. 
“No, it’s okay,” Steve assured with a smile. “I like that you trust me enough.” You smiled back and him, and he helped you off of the motorcycle. Carrying your shoes, he walked you up the stairs to your bedroom.
While you got unready from your date and ready for bed, he did the same, sliding off his shoes and jacket and switching out his dress pants for pajama pants, leaving his white t-shirt on. When you came back into your bedroom, he was already lying under the covers. You climbed into bed and he brought your into his arms, and you drifted off to sleep. 
When you fall asleep on Peter, it’s in the middle of your movie night together. You’re relaxed on the couch with his arm around you, watching a bad comedy movie from twenty years ago, and you’re pretty tired. 
You like the movie, it’s not that—but you’re so comfortable this close to him, the blanket wrapped around you, back against the couch and head on his shoulder, that you find yourself drifting off to sleep. 
When Peter realizes that you’ve fallen asleep, he gets a little bit stressed out. 
What does he do? Does he just stay still? Does he carry you to bed? Does he fall asleep too? He’s panicking. 
Tony passes by the room and chuckles when he sees you peacefully sleeping and Peter stressing out over it. “Hey, kid, it’s okay, just stay still,” Tony says quietly, amusement clear in his tone. Peter nods in understanding and just freezes. Tony laughs a little, keeping his voice down so that he doesn’t wake you. “Don’t freeze, just
stay there. Finish your movie.”
Peter nods again. “Okay,” he whispers. He tries his best to remain calm and relax back into the couch. 
Within thirty minutes, he’s fallen asleep with you.
Thor passes by to grab a midnight snack and he sees the two of you passed out on the couch together, and he lets out a soft chuckle. “Ah. Young love,” he remarks quietly to himself and walks away, letting the two of you sleep. 
In the morning, you both wake up, still on the couch. Natasha’s sitting in a chair, reading the newspaper casually. “Morning, lovebirds. Don’t worry. Everybody already saw you cuddling.”
Peter blushes and you laugh. You turn to him. “I’m hungry, you wanna get breakfast with me?” He nods and you grin, and he follows you into the kitchen.
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lokisivy · 1 month ago
wildflower- Bucky Barnes
I've been feeling down recently and my bucky phase is reserfuring so I was like let me write a fluf about him I feel like Bucky would comfort someone pretty well.
warnings: female reader, fluff, crying? body dysphoria bucky is a sweetheart Honestly don't know how to do this.
Life hasn't gone well recently you've been trying to ignore these little things that bother you but these little things start to build up putting you on the brink of exploding. it begins with imaging an outfit in your head and it doesn't look as good as you thought it would be your thoughts start to say you should eat less when you and your friends are sitting down catching up they absolutely ignore your comments or acknowledge you. Someone made fun of the way you speak.
these things usually never bother you but these happen so frequently it was starting to bother you like how you never had a boyfriend you thought maybe it was cause you don't interact with people as much but then a male friend said that you were so ugly no one would even date out of petty as a joke but it stung even though it was a "joke" it still hurts. you knew you didn't live up to the beauty standards these days but you looked good enough for someone to like you right? you thought lying down in your room on the brink of having a breakdown you tried to ignore it and scroll through social media but nothing was gonna stop your emotions exploding.
That was when the lump in your throat rose up the shaky wave of sadness crawled to you making your tears slip. it got worse when you sobbed you tried to keep quiet you dreaded anyone entering your room and seeing you cry. this feeling was gonna end when you cried it out.
Bucky hesated trying to knock on your door he had heard you from his room he was trying to sleep but your sobs felt like he was getting stabbed in his heart. He knew you like to keep your emotions to yourself, but he couldn't shake the feeling off.
"Doll are you alright?" he knocked on your door lightly.
"yeah, I'm okay" You stop crying wiping your tears. He opens the door slowly giving you time to get up from bed.
"is everything alright?" you ask him as if you weren't just having a breakdown.
"yeah I'm fine," he says wiping a tear stain from your face. "Are you though?" he holds your face gently tucking your hair to see your face better.
"Tell me Doll what is bothering you who do I have to kill?" he jokes
"I don't know I just feel like nothing is going right-" a sob choked out your throat causing him to hold to his chest while you cried it.
"I look ugly in all my clothes no one ever listens to me I'm just a shadow just a shade behind someone." your cries got louder Bucky was devastated to hear these words coming out from you he thought you had taken every breath away when you walked in a room.
"Y/N you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, you light up every room you walk in," he said petting your head
"People sometimes are dumb and shallow but I bet if they got to really know you like I do they would do anything just to be by your side to breathe the same air you do." your cries stopped you hugged Bucky tighter inhaling his woodsy scent.
"Thank you" you whispered "Doll I'd give you my arm if you asked." he was trying to cheer you up but he had meant every word you said. you pull your head out of his chest. your eyes locking with his you kissed him on his cheeks. he said fuck it to himself and kissed your lips whats the worst that could happen.
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mxqdii · 1 year ago
distraction - c.d
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pairings: carol danvers x reader
summary: carol looks a little too good on a mission, causing reader to get hurt
warning(s): mention of injury
not proofread
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me and carol are on a simple mission, get rid of the drones, and get out 
well, at least i thought it was simple
technically, none of this is my fault, carol is the one who just had to look this good during our mission
like i said, not my fault.
her sleeves are rolled up, her hands glowing, her-
“y/n look out!” she yells, snapping me out of my trance to turn over seeing a drone come flying towards me at full speed
without any time to move, the drone hits me, hitting my cheek and upper arm
“fuck!” i yell in pain
carol looks over at me, eyes widened, using a burst a power to quickly eliminate the rest of the drones
she runs over to me putting both hands on my shoulders 
“baby why didn’t you move?” 
i wince at her touching the arm that got hit, seeing her hand quickly leave that area
while mumbling a quick “sorry”
“sorry- sorry, i was distracted” i say
“clearly” she mumbles back, causing me to glance at her 
we get back onto the spaceship, her grabbing my hand leading me to the bathroom
“sit” she points to the counter 
i jump up on the counter, seeing her rummage through the drawers looking for her first aid kit
she grabs bandages and cleaning solution
“babe you don’t have to-“ i start, quickly getting interrupted 
“shh, let me do this for you” she says and i almost melt right there
“you said you were distracted, by wha hm?” she asks and i sit there trying to think of an excuse
giving up, i mumble “it’s not my fault” 
“who’s fault is it then, pretty girl?” she says 
see this is exactly what i mean when i say i get distracted.
“caree” i whine, seeing a smirk fill her face as she places to bandage on my cheek
“alright, all done.” she says and i hop down
“thanks for helping me babe” i say, walking to our bedroom
“i mean- i kinda had to, it was my fault isn’t that right baby?” she says teasingly
i turn around seeing her trying not to laugh, this girl is gonna kill me.
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @prettysturniolo @its-jennarose @lea0518
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marvels-writings · 5 years ago
sorry if it’s more than one but can you do no. 9 and no. 20 (from the otp prompt list) with carol p.s. i was thinking they get into an argument and then ~make up~ (if you’re gonna do smut, please make reader a top đŸ„ș)
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9: Had a disagreement?
20: MORE THAN KISSED?! ïżœïżœ
A/N: Few people loved jealous Carol, so this is more jealous Carol, and I don’t write smut
Jealousy was irrational, it didn’t make any sense for Carol to be envious of one of the assistants at Tony’s lab talking to you. You were just talking and laughing with her while Carol talked with a few other people at the Avenger’s party. She put a hand on your shoulder and whispered something in your ear, hand sliding down your arm and wandering on your waist, drawing patterns on your back before pulling away. Carol watched your smirk over Rhodey’s shoulder. 
“Someone’s distracted,” Rhodey stated, sipping his beer casually, Carol turned to glare at him.
Carol tried her best to ignore him and walked as elegantly as she could in her navy blue tux, fidgeting with the sleeves as the sound of her black brogues. You wore a flattering fav/color backless dress paired with black Louboutins you borrowed from Natasha, your neck and ears adorned with jewelry Carol had gifted you, your makeup complimented your features, hair left down to frame your face.
You heard Carol walking over before you even turned around, greeting her with a smile and introducing her to the woman you were talking to, Emily De Clercq. She was pretty, even Carol would have to admit, Emily had a rich brown skin tone, light brown hair with blonde streaks, dark brown eyes and sharp features, she wore a body con scarlet dress with matching high heels.
 Carol forced a smile and greeted her, talking to her for a few minutes before Emily was called over by Tony. She sighed and turned to you, smiling apologetically with a hint of mischief in her dark eyes. 
“I hope I’ll see you around,” Emily said to you, ignoring Carol who was standing right beside you.
“You too,” You grinned at her and turned to face Carol to talk to her since Emily was leaving.
Emily smirked and walked in front of you, pecking your cheek, lips almost touching the corner of your lips before she headed off where Tony was, swaying her hips to attract your attention. Carol noticed how hard you were blushing at the small kiss. Carol stormed off towards the elevator, heading to her room, surprising you.
“Carol!” You shouted, stunned by how quickly your best friend walked out of the party.
It didn’t make any sense, Carol usually hooked up with one of the girls at the party for a one night stand, never seeing them again. But now, she had feelings for you, even if she refused to acknowledge them. 
“What?” Carol snapped, eyes cold as she looked at you. You frowned but walked into the elevator, standing in front of her on the side. 
“What is up with you?” You asked a bit offended at how fast she rushed off. Carol frowned and scoffed, avoiding looking at you.
“Nothing, just leave me alone,” Carol muttered, walking out of the elevator once it reached her floor.
You walked out of the elevator and went after her before she could shut you out, barely managing to enter her room before she slammed the door shut
“No, this isn’t like you Carol, so stop shutting me out.” You stated, Carol threw her hands up in exasperation. 
“What do you want from me?” Carol shouted, looking at you with eyes filled with hurt, the look on her face broke your heart, she seemed so hurt by you, even though you had no idea what you even did. 
“I want you to tell me why you’re shutting me out! You’re my best friend for christ’s sake, tell me what I did wrong?” You demanded, running a hand through your hair, trying to avoid her piercing gaze. 
“My problem is that the girl, Emily, was flirting with you, she had no right to kiss you or touch you,” Carol argued, your face scrunched up in confusion. 
“You’re jealous?” You asked, your eyebrow raised in question. Carol’s eyes avoided you in embarrassment before she quickly tried to cover it up.
“I’m not jealous.” She lied, keeping her face neutral, but you could see her jaw clench, an easy tell that she was lying to you. 
“Why are you jealous?” You asked. 
Carol was a good liar to everyone else who met her, you’d known her for almost a year, lying to you would be almost impossible for her. 
“I’m not jealous for christ’s sake.” Carol groaned, running a hand through her short hair and messing it up a bit, your heart skipping a beat at the sight. 
“Oh, you are so jealous, why?” You grinned, enjoying this more than you should. Carol noticed but tried to keep her face neutral even though you were seeing right through her lie. 
“I’m not fucking jealous.” Carol groaned.
She didn’t notice her hands starting to glow in her frustration, you did and backed off a little, clenching your jaw before deciding to push one last time. 
“Why are you jealous?” You asked, almost a little nervous to ask.
“BECAUSE I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU OKAY?” Carol shouted, a beam of energy hitting the door behind you. 
Carol noticed the burn but ignored, pacing in the room, hands running through her hair, fingers pulling lightly on the short strands. Your eyes widened at her sudden confession. 
“For fucks sake how oblivious can you be? Have you noticed nothing? I’ve been in love with you for weeks and seeing that girl flirting with you, I want to be that girl flirting with you. I want more than what we have and I know that’s selfish but I want you, even if I can’t have you.” Carol rambled, still pacing through her room, her voice quietened at the end as she turned to face you. 
You were barely able to focus on anything as her words ran through your hair on repeat. You’d loved Carol as soon as you had gotten to know her, you thought she never saw you romantically, she had never looked at you like she had looked at those girls at parties. You were just shocked she confess because she thought she was being selfish. 
“You’re more oblivious than I am.” You muttered, grabbing the collar of her shirt and quickly pulling her towards you, meeting her lips to yours.
Both of you were surprised at the sudden action, your hand slid from her collar slowly into her hair, running your fingers through the short strands while kissing her. Carol’s hands settled onto your waist, wandering lower before returning to your hips.
“Next time, don’t blow a hole in the door, just talk to me.” You whispered, pulling away for air and resting your forehead against hers. 
Carol barely focused on what you said before kissing you again, your other hand went up to her neck, pulling her closer. The kiss was more than both of you had ever dreamed about. You stumbled and almost tripped over your high heels, Carol caught you, lifting you easily as your legs wrapped around her waist. 
“But I kind of liked how this turned out.” Carol grinned, pulling away, you rolled your eyes at her, about to kiss her again when a loud knock at the door broke the atmosphere
“Lovebirds, you need to be at the party,” Tony shouted from outside. 
You rolled your eyes and looked down at Carol who shouted at Tony that both of you would be out soon. She looked up at you and gently let you down with a smirk on her face, you noticed a bit of your lipstick was smeared on the corner of her lip. You unwrapped yourself from Carol before addressing it. 
“You got a little something there.” You remarked, reaching up with one hand to wipe it off, smirking when she blushed. 
“Stop teasing me.” Carol breathed, her breath hitching noticeably when your thumb brushed over her lip before pulling away.
You shrugged and used one of Carol’s lipsticks before walking out, Carol walked out after you, resting her hand on your waist for the rest of the party, smirking when she saw Emily’s eyes widen at both of you together. But you were hers, nothing was going to change that.
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @5aftermidnight, @hstoria, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @ophelias-heart  , @never-didbefore , @justarandomhumanhere, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn , @lesbian-x-blackwidow , @marvelbbyx , @wlw-imaginesss let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: Thoughts? Feedback is hella appreciated.
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the-garden-of-tulips · 3 years ago
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Some Bucky barnes appreciation
( I do not own any of these I found them on Pinterest, I do not know who made them but I felt like sharing)
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beanxemily · 2 years ago
Y/n: I still don't understand why we are trying to trap boobs?
Tony: For the last time, Cap said to set up booby traps so we're doing what he said!
â–Șâ–Șâ–Ș EXTRAâ–Șâ–Șâ–Ș
Y/n: They're booby traps :)
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just-some-random-blogger · 4 years ago
Dude, She's Just Not Into You
Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary: You and Chris were lovers in a major motion picture. Beyond that you were great friends off screen. Except no one believed that. Everyone could see how whipped that meatball was for you, except you lol. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: A lot of pining, fluff, also i used Y/N n stuff ASHDHaL:SFHASLHF disgostin, actress au, crack fic lol, etc.
A/N: ayyy I kinda made a another one that kinda could be p2 but not really so if ur into reading it lol here it is
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20+ minute YT video captioned: Chris Evans & Y/F/N Test To See How Compatible they are with each other.
It's an all white background and two chairs.
Chris is in a sweater and slacks, as am I.
"Hi, my name is Chris Evans," I say making Chris turn to me and knit his brows mutter, "so who am I?"
I turn to him and examine his soft expression. I place a hand on my jaw and hum in thought. I look at his sweater and I turn back to the camera, "-and today we're going to be seeing how-" Chris laughs softly in the background, "compatible we are."
I turn to the bearded man, "now Ronaldo, I know we're dressed like we're on the same team, but we aren't."
Chris pulls his head back and makes a face. He turns over his shoulder and whispers softly, "are you talking to me? This is awkward."
I snap two fingers at him, "focus, focus, Zhao. You have the attention of a two year old."
Chris begins to look around, "am... am I in the right room?"
"I'm here to prove to everyone that I am the superior Chris Evans because I actually listen to what you have to say--"
He sucks in a sharp breath and straightens his back. He raises his brows and a finger, "aLrIghT, first of all--"
"--quit mansplaining, Johan-- but also the entire film we're in heavily relies on the compatibility we have. Thus if we are found incompatible because of your incompetence, you are the sole reason why this film would have any bad ratings whatsoever."
Chris looks dumbfounded but he eventually sighs, "well, you know what, that seems soundly fair."
I nod, "as it is."
"But your sweater is still ugly," he randomly spurts, making me turn to my white top then to his white top. I stand from my chair and position my arms into a T, "excuse me, this is above my paygrade. My cultured feet will not be insulted by a mildly amusing piece of white bread, thanks."
The comment section of this video:
Chris: I- Y/N: absolutely not [1.5k likes]
"I think Y/N is an absolute great person. She's so passionate and kind. Everything she does she puts her heart out. I know how cheesy it is to say, but I have never met someone like her." -chris evans "Imma be real witchu... I don't get it." -y/n freaking y/l/n [5.1k likes] >>>20 REPLIES<<< It do really be like dat sometimes 😔 [1k likes] MS Y/L/N COLLECT UR MAN OR GIVE HIM TO ME THX [2.6k likes]
I love how Chris gets most of the questions right and still is wrong lmao 😂 [200k likes]
OKAY BUT NO ONES TALKING ABOUT HOW SHE GOT ONE ANSWER WRONG BUT IT WAS ACTUALLY STILL RIGHT [61k likes] >>>500 replies<<< Ya'll can't convince me they're not dating. [3k likes] SHe wAs so pressed about it toooo HELLLPPP [2.5k likes] I think they're talking about it now lol [657 likes]
3 minute highlight clip from a solo interview captioned: Y/F/N On 'How Hard' It Was Working With Chris Evans
The scene is set in a red carpet event. Loud ambient noise in the background and infrequent camera flashes.
I'm wearing a one shoulder, sparkly, green tunic dress. I stand in front of an interviewer wearing something quite similar. She starts off with that, "Look at us, we're matching."
I smile back at her and match her enthusiastic tone, "Yeah! Look at us, in the trends. Had we been wearing the same color, someone would have gotten fired."
We share a laugh.
"So tell me how it was working with Chris Evans."
"Horrible," I say with no hesitation. I roll my eyes dramatically and huff, "the dude kept eating my muffins on set. Just because he had unlimited bread options as Captain America doesn't mean he can just steal my french toast too."
"Oh gosh, I had no idea."
"Yeah," sigh, "it's just not right." I look up and pretend to hold back tears. The dear interviewer plays along and pats my shoulder. I shake my head and raise a hand, "no, I'm fine. I just-- I want America to know that that man you love so much, is a glutton for gluten. It's kind of sad to see how much that bright star has faded."
The comment section of this video:
You just can't spell Y/F/N without dramatic. [104k+ likes]
This woman is so extra and I AM HERE FOR IT. QUEEEEEN [15.5k likes]
14 minutes of y/n hating chris & chris proving her otherwise (that's the video)
We're seated next to each other. The interviewer is in front of us and the movie poster behind.
"Do you ever look at someone and say, 'man, that dude is hecka ugly'? Well, folks, that's how I feel when I see him," I say turning to Chris who was already looking at me.
Chris says casually, "I think I'm pretty good looking."
"Well, that's what makes you ugly," I turn to the interviewer, "no one likes a self-aware hot guy."
Chris smiles, keeping his eyes fixed on me, "so you agree?"
--CUT TO--
Same setting, different time and interviewer.
Said interviewer asks, "After working on a film for a year, what has been your favorite thing to do together."
There is a short pause.
Chris answers, "you know, I think I'd say something like having coffee. Like, we would go to cafes and just sit there, read a book, and chill."
"Clearly it was enjoyable because I didn't talk to him at all," I say with a firm nod.
"Says the girl who made me rush into the makeup studio just to tell me that stupid joke she had."
My eyes widen in defense, "Oh well sorry you have no humor. Literally everyone in the makeup department laughed at the joke."
"If I had said the joke you wouldn't have let me live that down."
"Yeah, but you wouldn't have said that joke because your a dry piece of-"
--CUT TO--
I'm sitting alone in a studio. The video is in black and white.
"If you could get one trait of Chris Evan's as your own, what would it be and why," I read the question off of a cue card and place it at the back of the deck. "Okay, first of all, I would not touch that man with a 20 foot pole. Okay. Get that on record."
I push the hair out of my face then think for a moment, "second of all, Chris, I think these days, has such a lovable image. You know like, I think before he got his shield, he was type cast as a bad boy, but he really is just a really big, lovable guy, you know. And, I feel like I would want to be someone who feels like that, you know."
The comment section of this video:
Y/N: Chris Evans đŸ€ŹđŸ‘č đŸ’©đŸ’ąđŸ”Ș Also Y/N: Chris Evans đŸ„°đŸ’–đŸ€°âœšđŸŒž [40k+ likes]
5 minute clip: Chris Evans On Dating Rumors with Y/F/N
It's a red carpet event. Chris is in a suit and shades. "So," the interviewer asks Chris, "what do we think of Y/N?"
"Well, we think she's great. She's super talented, super hard working, super funny. She's great."
"Yeah, and we know how playful and wild your interviews can get."
Chris purses his lips in a soft smile and shakes his head, "she's a tough cookie, you know?"
"Do you like tough cookies?"
"I mean, a cookie's a cookie. I like cookies. I like them anyway I can get. You can always eat a harder cookie with milk, so."
"Would you say you're the milk to her cookie?"
Chris breaks into a left booby grab laugh. Once he settle down a bit, "I don't know where this is going but I don't wike it."
"I mean, you two are so comfortable with each other. Haven't you ever thought of dating?"
He sighs and shakes his head. He half-heartedly says, "Wow. I mean, what could I have ever thought about if not dating a tough cookie. Look, hey, let's ask her now."
I am about to pass by him, but I'm so rudely interrupted.
Chris borrows the mic from the interviewer, "have you thought of nothing else but dating me?"
I am, admittedly, taken aback. In a few seconds though, I turn to my shoulder and utter one word, "security."
10+ minute panel interview titled: Love Loop Stars Chris Evans and Y/F/N Interview In New York
"I'm really curious," the interviewer asks, "how did this all start? The bickering, the sarcasm, does it come naturally, or was there a tipping point between you two."
The two of us were laughing at the start of the question, knowing exactly where it was going from the get go.
"Well, I'm honestly a naturally sarcastic person. I think Chris and I have a similar sense of humor, but mostly I just like getting a rise out of him. He's such a confused old man sometimes and it's hilarious, which is why try my darndest to give the world the content they deserve. The PR team actually encourage me."
Chris's shoulders shakes in laughter. He shakes his head in disagreement.
"And how do you feel about her banter?"
"Well," he drags out, "not that I can stop her, but with every sarcastic comment she gives-- although... I do get a little nervous-"
"Wait what?" I turn to him with an incredulous look on my face.
"Well, you know you start thinking."
I roll my eyes, "oh my gosh, you just want me to sing praises on live TV and tell the world how much I love you."
Chris starts getting defensive and raises his hands. Red begins to rise up from his neck to his cheeks.
I continue on anyway, "Okay, ya'll better make sure the cameras are recording because I won't say this as often." I clear my throat, "I-" gag noises, "love Chris Evans."
The room cheers.
It's Chris's turn to stand and bring his arms together into a T, "time out." He disagrees, "this is wayyyy above my pay grade."
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spicyandplain · 3 years ago
Hi! I’ve decided to write one shots on here, since all of my stories have just stopped haha. Please send in your requests, i’ll put a list pf what im willing to write below.
I write for

Stranger things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Nancy wheeler
Robin (idfk her last name :0)
Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreaves
Klaus Hargreaves
Diego Hargreaves
Allison Hargreaves
Harry Potter
Harry potter
Ron weasley
George weasley
Fred weasley
Cedric diggory
Draco malfoy
Sirius black
Remus lupin
James potter
Lily potter
Hermione granger
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmet Cullen
Paul Lahote
Seth clearwater
Sam Uley
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Leah Clearwater
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
James Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Peter Parker
Clint Barton
Natasha ramonoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Doctor Strange
Shang chi
Evie Queen ( Actually Evelyn Grimhilde ??)
Benjamin Florian Beast
Carlos De Vil
Mal Bertha Faery
Jay ( son of jafar)
Harry Hook
Uma ( daughter of Ursula)
Zed necrodopolis
Wyatt Lykensen
Willa Lykensen
Eliza Zambi
You can suggest other fandoms and such, i will try my best to watch and write for you :)
I write as
Gender neutral
Female reader
Male reader
Trans reader ( ftm/mtf)
Give me suggestions if there are others?
Im open to canon stories or Au’s, however if i am not comfortable I have the write to change or not do the request. I don’t do smut with Minor characters, please don’t ask me to. Im not entirely comfortable with ageing them up either - AKA five Hargreaves ect.
If i get enough requests i will make a master list and make even content. I find that there is a lot more of a female reader base than another, and vise versa in some fandoms. So please dont be afraid to ask for anything!
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lanadelreyscokewhor3 · 3 years ago
Pairing: Boyfriend!Steve x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: When you go through your rough patches, your boyfriend Steve is always there to guide you through them.
Warnings:  fluff, kissing, pet names, mental health issues ( reader is going through one of her depression episodes)
Note** depression looks different for everyone. this is a small reflection of how my depression looks, when i go through some bad episodes. please know you are never ever alone, and i am always here for you if you need to talk about anything! im sorry this is kinda sadder then some of my other works... im sad rn and needed a steve rogers pick me up. ( he’d be the sweetest when you’d go through any hardships!) 
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Candles flickered from your vanity, their light casting a dim glow across your bedroom walls. Polaroids of Steve and you gleamed at you, littered across your mirror. Your fairy lights glimmered from the ceiling, a soft blissful melody streaming out of your vinyl player. It was peaceful in your room. It felt safe and comforting, the smell of vanilla lingering in the air.
 Except you didn’t do any of it. You didn’t light the candles, turn on the little fairy lights that you adored, you didn’t put the needle on the vinyl. No, you were curled up in bed, buried under the fuzzy blankets Steve had brought for you. You had refused to move all day, dreading waking up this morning. The idea of functioning had exhausted you. You were having another one of your depression slumps, it being difficult to even get up and make yourself drink water. Your bones felt like lead, the thought of moving hurting your brain. 
Sadness surrounded you like an endless ocean, you felt as if you were drowning in it. It was becoming harder and harder to breathe. Numbness seeped through your bones as you lay in bed, music tuning in and out of your ears, going in one and directly out the other. Your flushed cheeks were sticky with tears and your head felt as if it was going to explode.
 knock knock 
The door creaked open slowly and a tussle of blonde hair and baby blue eyes poked out from behind the door. Steve stood at the door frame, a bowl of piping hot soup in hand, a blanket in the other. Your gaze shifted to him, then back to the closet doors on the other side of your room. With a soft sigh, he trotted over to the side of your bed where you laid, setting the soup on your bedside table. Another blanket was draped across your body, warming the chill that settled in your bones. The weight of the bed shifted, a creak coming from the side of your bed. 
“ Bunny?” Steve murmured from beside you, stroking your face gently.
 “Mgmh.” you grumbled, burying yourself deeper in the sheets. You wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out again. 
The only thing keeping you here, awake and present was Steve, and even though it didn’t appear so at this moment, you were extremely thankful for him. Whenever you felt down or had episodes like these, Steve was always there. He comforted you and made sure you were taken care of. He understood that you could be moody and how sometimes you wanted space, so he was never over baring unless you wanted him to be. 
“ I know this is the last thing you want to hear right now, but I made you soup.”
“ I’m not hungry.” You mumbled from the sheets. “ I know bunny. But you need to eat, you haven’t all day. It’s not good for you.” he sighed, reaching for the bowl on the table.
“ Good.” you grumbled, peaking your head from under the nest of blankets you had made in your bed. 
“ Please? Just try a little bit. It doesn’t have to be much, just something in your tummy. It goes down really easy too and won’t upset your tummy either.” Steve gave you a pout and you re-considered. As much as the idea of food disgusted you at the moment, you sat up slowly, rubbing your tired eyes. Steve’s cooking never disappointed. A smile lit up his face as you took the bowl from his hands slowly, spooning some of it in your mouth. 
“ Good girl.” he whispered and you felt warmth spread through your cheeks, a blush tinting them. Even though you and Steve had been dating for over a year, the praises he gave you made your heart flutter every time. As you slowly sipped the soup he had made you, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
 Comfortable silence lingered between the two of you, the sound of the record fading in the background. That’s one of the many things you liked with Steve, you always felt comfortable. No matter how vulnerable you appeared, you always felt safe with him. Silences weren’t ever awkward between the two of you.
You finished your soup a few minutes later and set it down next to you. Steve reached over to grab the lemon water he gave you an hour ago, bringing the straw to your lips. “ Drink up honey. You need your liquids too.” You sipped the water, the faint lemon flavor making your taste buds tingle. 
You glanced over to the mirror placed across your bed, reflecting your image back at you. Your face was pale with dark circles under your dimmed eyes, hair in tangles. You felt a mess. Steve met your gaze in the mirror, his blue eyes trailing you over, catching your slight wince. “ My hair is a mess.” you whispered, voice horse from crying early. 
“ Did you want me to brush it for you love?” Steve asked, grabbing the hairbrush you had thrown somewhere on your bed. 
“ Please.” you nodded slowly and he smiled. After repositioning himself so you were between his legs, he began to brush your hair slowly, gently getting the tangles out. “ I’m sorry Stevie.” you whispered, upset at yourself. You always felt bad that Steve was the one to pick up your broken pieces. The brushing stopped suddenly. 
“ Hey, look at me please.” he murmured, turning you around to face him again. 
“ Please do not be sorry Bunny. I am here for you always. Through the bad and the good. I love you and please for one second think that this is a bother to me.” You looked down at the blankets, your anxious hands fidgeting with one of the corners. 
“ But-” 
“ No buts love. I am here because I want to be here. I am here because I want to be here for you, and I want to at least try and make you feel better. I adore when you’re happy and I will do anything to see that beautiful smile again.” His hand cupped your cheek, bringing your eyes to meet his loving gaze once more. “ I love you. And I may not know exactly what you’re going through, but I am here. Always.”
 You reached for him, kissing him passionately. His lips were soft and he kissed you gently, his warmth spreading through you like a wildfire. He tasted of butterscotch, touch tender and soothing. A smile lit up his face as you pulled away slowly, running your fingers through his blonde hair. 
“ I love you.”
“ I know.”
The brush ran through your hair once more, the tangles dispersing with each stroke. Steve held you in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as your eyes slowly drooped shut. You were lulled to sleep, engulfed in Steve. 
The smell of musk and cinnamon filled your senses, which was the smell of him. His strong arms held you close to him, protecting you from any dangers of the world. His warmth submerged you like one of the many blankets you had placed across your body. You felt safe, and at peace. Knowing Steve would always be there for you when you needed him most made any sense of dread in your body melt away. His gentle, soft touches made you feel loved, made you feel cared for. Wherever Steve was, peace followed. 
“ Sleep well, my beautiful baby.”
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loversrocktvgirl2 · 5 days ago
my mini multiverse of madness

That’s My Girl (Steve Rodgers x Reader Drabble) 
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The Avengers were playing around at Tony’s party, each of them trying to pick up Thor’s hammer. The competition had begun when Clint had questioned the integrity of the whole “you can only lift the hammer if you are worthy” thing, and Thor challenged him to try to lift it up himself. After his failure, he invited Tony to try. Tony gave his best attempt before grabbing his Iron Man hand. Soon, he’d recruited Rhodey with his War Machine hand, and the two of them pulled on the handle and still failed to pick up the hammer. Bruce was invited to try, and he got so frustrated that he forced himself to stop. 
Steve rolled up his sleeves and wrapped his hands around the handle, then pulled with all of his might. But even he couldn’t pick it up. 
You felt tired, and so you weren’t participating, about to head upstairs to go to bed. You walked by to say goodnight, though. “Hey, y’all, I’m going to bed, but I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said with a soft smile as you walked by them. Your leg hit the hammer and knocked it down. You bent over, picked it up easily, and handed it back to Thor. “Sorry about that,” you said casually, then walked away upstairs, letting out a small yawn of exhaustion.
The Avengers stared at you, shocked. Steve just grinned. “That’s my girl!”
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queenofheartts-love · 3 years ago
A Second Chance (MCU FanFic)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Raven (OC)
Prompt: Almost two years after the fight with Thanos Steve starts putting on meetings to help people who have lost someone. After doubting his feelings for Raven Steve agrees to go on date with her.
Warnings: Alcohol/Drinking, Little Fluff, Little Spice, Mention of a parent's death
Word Count: 2.7K
Author Notes: Sweet Steve is my favorite Steve.
This is a Slow Burn so it’ll be a few chapters before the juicy stuff ;)
Let me know what y'all think :3
If you would like to listen along with the story here's the Spotify Playlist
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Chapter 4
Steve's POV
(Insert ‘All of Me’ by Billie Holiday)
I hadn’t danced with anyone since 1945. I told myself that I wouldn’t dance with anyone until I got to have that dance with Peggy. But I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t follow my own advice on moving forward. The song brought back so many fond memories of my old friends. To Raven it may have seemed like a bad memory but I treasured it. I was feeling nostalgic. So I asked her to dance. I placed a hand on her waist and looked down at her as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I gave her a smile as she looked up at me. I took one step to sway with her and she matched my movements. I closed my eyes and I felt like I had gone back in time. I could clearly see the room I was in that night. The dimly lit club. The smell of alcohol and smoke in the air. I could see Bucky in his uniform dancing the night away with a blonde haired woman. I felt a smile on my lips as I hummed the medley of the song. I opened my eyes to be brought out of the memory that I was in. When I opened my eyes I saw that Raven was looking up at me, watching me.
“What?”I asked, my words coming out as a chuckle
 I just like seeing you like this.” She told me. Her eyes not wavering from my gaze.
“Like what?”I asked.
“Carefree, Happy or at least as close to happy as you can be.”
“Do I not normally seem carefree?”
“No.” She said without hesitation.
“You always look like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.” She told me. How was it that she was able to see me so clearly?
“I think that comes with the job.”
“Maybe so. But when was the last time you lived for Steve Rogers- not Captain America?”She asked me.
"What if they're the same person?" I asked her. A shiver ran down my spine feeling her hand slid down from my shoulder to my chest.
"Not the Steve Rogers that's just as famous as Cap... But the Steve that's in here."She told me as her hand settled over my heart. I broke our gaze and took a breath in, raising both my eyes brows and then exhaled slowly. When was the last time I lived for myself? I pondered on that question. I couldn’t remember. Maybe when I signed up for the army or maybe even when I asked Peggy out for that date. Or maybe when I chose Bucky over Tony but even that wasn’t fully for me.
“1930s over 1940s.. give or take” I finally gave her an answer, still swaying with Raven as the sound of a trumpet and saxophone filled her home. I looked back down at her to see a frown on her lips. She didn't like my answer.
“It’s been way too long then.” She told me and I agreed. It had been too long.
“When was the last time you did something for yourself? From what I can tell, you put everyone before yourself.” I asked her.
“Yesterday.” She told me and I raised a brow at her letting it be known that I was questioning her response. I immediately thought of yesterday when we went for that walk. From what I knew she was doing things for Abel not herself.
“I asked you to come over.” She told me and gave my hand a squeeze. Her answered surprised me. I allowed a shocked express to come across my face as I looked away from her again. I didn’t think this was a date but maybe it was. I thought about how that made me feel. I wasn’t uncomfortable with the idea of it. She was a beautiful woman and she was kind. It had been decades since I had an official date and this wasn’t a bad one. The track on the album changed just in time to match the mood. A slower, more intimate song started to play.
(Insert ‘I’ll be seeing you’ by Billie Holiday)
“Today’s the anniversary of my mother’s death
” she told me. My gaze shot right back down to her when I heard her words. Her eyes were focused on my chest as she spoke. I returned the hand squeeze she had given me earlier. When she looked back up at me I could see the pain in her eyes as her words set in. The bright twinkle that was normally in her irises was gone.
“I’m so sorry Raven.” I told her. Hoping she could hear the sincerity in my voice and see it in my eyes.
“It’s okay, I normally spend the day with River. Last year I spent it alone and it was harder than I thought it would be. But today hasn’t been that bad.” My heart ached for her in this moment. Someone who tried so hard to make everyone else feel okay was suffering alone and no one would have known.
"How long has it been?" I asked her.
"Three years." She said.
"Wh- What happened?"I said, stuttering with my words as I asked.
"Breast Cancer... By the time she told us it was too late. She didn't want the help or the treatment because she knew that it was too late..." She trailed off.
"She- um...She just wanted to spend time with us." She finished. I watched as her eyes turned glossy and a pool of tears gathered at her water lines. The hand that I had on her hip I moved until it was on the small of her back. I pulled her closer to me so that her body was flush against mine. Raven pressed her face against my chest and I laid my cheek against her hair as she let out a deep breath. I could feel a damp spot start to bleed through my shirt. I looked over when I heard the jingling sound of dog-tags. Sugar had gotten up from the dog bed and made her way over to us, staring up at Raven.
"I got her," I mouthed to the dog. I placed my cheek back onto Raven's head. I held her a little closer to me until I could feel her body relax against mine. I began to hum the melody of the song as I swayed with her to the music.
“Thank you... This is nice.” She mumbled out. She removed her hand from mine and the hand that was on my shoulder to wrap both of her arms around my torso. I mirrored her attractions wrapping both of my arms around her waist. I took a breath in smelling the sweet scent of coconut and vanilla from her hair. Regardless of the saddening information she just told me, she was right, this was nice. I wasn't expecting to have an evening like this one. I figured we would have a formal conversation filled with painful silences. I didn't think I was going to feel so connected to her. To feel more whole the longer I was in her presence. It was almost unsettling how comfortable I was around her. How much she felt like home- well as close to home as I could get... Was this why Natasha always pushed me into the dating world? Was it normally like this? If I knew dating would be this easy then maybe I would’ve gotten over my fear and resentment of it. Surely it wouldn’t be like this with just anyone. It definitely wasn't like this with Sharon. I thought to myself.
I basked in our silence as we danced. I smiled to myself feeling just how relaxed she actually was in my arms. If I could, I would have lived in this moment. For a few minutes nothing else seemed important. My heart break from knowing that I would never get my chance Peggy, my guilt from our fight with Thanos, the apparent loneliness that I hid- all of it was irrelevant in this moment. My mind and heart was at peace in this moment.
Neither one of us realized that the record had reached its end. It wasn’t until I heard the dogs whining at the endless crackling sound.
“I think our song ended.” I whispered out to her as I stilled our dancing.
“It seems so...” She whispered against my chest. Despite her acknowledgment she continued to stay in my arms. A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips knowing that she was enjoying the moment like I was. She took in another deep breath before she pulled herself away from me. Her eyes reached mine and she gave me a sweet smile- One I hadn’t seen before.
“Thank you for the dance.” She told me. Those words echoed in my head and in my heart. I thought I would never hear those words. My hand slid up her arm as she stared into my eyes. God I was starting to love those beautiful brown eyes of hers. I could see right into her soul through her irises and Something told me that she could see right into mine. I instinctively wanted to lean down and press my lips onto hers. But instead I just said-
“Anytime.” I matched her smile feeling her body slide through my arms. She walked over to the record player and picked up the record.
“Any requests?”She asked me and I shook my head.
“You won’t know this one but I think you'll like it.” She told me.
“Norah Jones.” She said, showing me the cover to the record. She flashed me a bright smile. I could tell just by her smile that it was one of her favorite records. I made a mental note to look up more songs by her.
“I haven't actually.” I told her as I walked over to the coffee table to pick up my glass of wine. I needed to preoccupy my mind from looking at her. I noticed how she was dressed when I came in but it was starting to get to me now. I liked the flare out grey pants she had on; Not to mention the formfitting short sleeve black shirt. I had never once seen her dress like this. Maybe that’s what she wore to work? If she wore that to work I wasn’t quite sure how she was single. Get it together Steve. I told myself.
(Insert ‘Come away with me’ by Norah Jones)
"I hope you like her. She has a unique sound to her that I think that you'll appreciate." She told me. Her back was still to me. I allowed my eyes to rake down her body and take in all of her curves. I took another sip of my wine swallowing it hard when my gaze landed on her ass.
“Do you like this one?” She asked me.
“Yes. I. do.”I said, clearing my throat as she caught me staring. She smiled and narrowed her eyes at me before she set the volume on the player to low. She sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her. I took another sip from my glass finishing off what was left. I took my seat next to her and she positioned her body to face me. She propped her head up with her hand as her arm.
“I think we need to address the elephant in the room..” She stated. I couldn't help but to feel like a kid that had just gotten caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“I really hope I’m not leading you on tonight. That was not my intention.” She told me placing her free hand on her chest as she spoke. I shook my head and waved off her words.
“You said dinner as a friend.” I reminded her and she smiled.
“I did.” She agreed. I think this is what Sam would have called friend- friend?
 Friend zoned? That’s what it was called.
“Why did you ask me? Not that I mind-Because I am honored.” I told her, hoping that my words didn’t come off as harsh.
“Everyone in my life right now I have to take care of
 and today’s the one day that I allow myself to fall apart.” She started.
“I um
 After yesterday I got the feeling that if I did fall apart, you would be okay with just sitting with me. Which I know sounds crazy because we’re practically strangers to each other-”
“I don’t think you’re a stranger.” I cut her off when I heard her voice waver with emotion.
“Good because I don’t either.” She told me and tapped my knee with her hand before she wiped a tear away.
“I dunno
 I just felt in my soul that you were the right person for today.” She told me. I grabbed her hand without thinking about it and ran my thumb over her knuckles.
“I am more than happy to be that person for today and for each year until you find someone better.” Before I realized what I was saying the words out. I didn't disagree with them but I was putting myself on the line. It was becoming apparent that she only wanted us to be friends. I wanted that too, didn't I? I questioned myself. I saw her take her bottom lip into her teeth; biting it. She became silent again and I sat in silence with her just like she said I would. It was an odd feeling to be so drawn to someone. I hadn’t felt like this since Peggy, truthfully. She was the last woman who captured my heart just after a couple interactions. I thought I had missed my chance to feel this way again.
“That’s the problem
”She said, breaking the silence. I looked at her raising a brow to question her words.
“I don’t think there’s ever going to be a better person
 Than you.” She whispered out the last two words. I could feel a spark in my heart that I hadn’t felt in decades. I took a deep breath and let it out. I was starting to get overwhelmed with my feelings for her. It was too soon to feel like this... or maybe not soon enough.
“I know I sound crazy. I’m sure you get that all the time.” She said taking her hand away from mine. I pushed my brows together and leaned forward taking her hand back into mine
“You do not, and I do not... I gotta be honest with you, I haven’t felt like this since-”I cut myself off as I felt a pressure building in my chest. Naturally I wanted to say since Peggy but I couldn't get the words out. I cleared my throat before speaking again.
“In a very, very long time Raven.” I told her. I watched as she closed her eyes at my words as if she could finally let herself believe her own thoughts. When she opened her eyes again I gave her a smile. We sat in another moment of silence. It was becoming evident that we didn’t need words to enjoy each other’s company. We just sat there looking into each other’s eyes. Her eyes looked a little glossy again, as if she was on the verge of crying. I looked down at her hand that was still in mine to give her the privacy to cry if she needed too.
“Can we forget that I said that?” She asked me. Her voice thick with emotion. I let out slow breath and nodded my head
“That might be hard
 but if that’s what you want.” I said, Giving her hand a gentle squeeze. I looked back up at her and saw tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Thanks.” She told me with a small smile.
“Sure.” I responded. She wanted me to forget that she had just told me that I was the one she needed. And if she truly wanted me to forget that then I could. But the problem was that I thought she was right.. I may have just gotten my second chance at love. Something I have been wanting since I woke up 70 years later. I didn’t know how to explain it but I felt as if Peggy put Raven in my path. She seemed to need me just as much as I needed her.
Thank you Peggy I said to myself.
**Divider provided by Firefly
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mariessecretcorner · 3 years ago
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Masterlist Keys:
🔞= SMUT 😈= Dark ⚠= Trigger Warning 💖= Fluff
⛓=Non/Dub Con đŸș= AOB ⭐= Personal Favorite
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(Divider made by me)
I Do Not Consent to any rewrites, translations, or use of this story. To do so is plagiarism.
I don’t own any of the characters/actors in these stories.
 All characters are above 18. This is all a fanfic/Au reality so don’t take it seriously. Please be kind and respectful if you have any comments, questions, and thoughts on this story.
Respect works both ways and I will not tolerate any hate towards others, I accept criticism and expect some from my work like most people do.
If my work isn’t to your taste, just don’t read it. Simple enough.
Otherwise Enjoy you horny fuckers!
Currently working on the masterlist
📌Chris Evans
📌AU Masterlist
📌Steve Rodgers/Mavel
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marvel-sluts · 4 years ago
Would you be up to doing a brie Larson x fem reader with prompt 8? With lots of fluff?
8 - Takes care of you when you are drunk
Prompt list
Drunken confessions
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Pairing: Brie Larson x reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, drunkenness, swearing.
Summary: After getting a bit too drunk at a party, your girlfriend takes you home.
A/N: I've never written for Brie before so I hope this was okay, enjoy <3.
«────── « â‹…Êšâ™ĄÉžâ‹… » ──────»
"Is she okay?" Chris Evans asked, nudging Brie softly and pointing at you. You were stood on a table, obviously very tipsy as you screamed the words to the song playing.
"Oh god, I forgot she was a lightweight." Brie mumbled, "hold this for a second please." She said, handing Chris her drink before heading over to you.
"Come on baby, come and dance with me." You said, as you saw her approaching.
"No darling, your drunk. I think the bartender was a little bit too generous with your drinks." Your girlfriend giggled, "come on, let's get you home."
"Nooo, let me stay baby. I wanna dance, I love this song." You said, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the dance floor.
"Fine one dance, but then we go home." Brie said, wrapping her arms around your hips to steady you. "You know what? I think your a lightweight, even though you keep denying it." Brie said simply as the two of you swayed to the music.
"Brie, I don't feel so good." You mumbled, tripping over your own feet as you tried to get away from the crowded dance floor.
"Come on baby, let's get you home." She said, taking your hand and leading you outside, successfully managing to get you down the stairs without falling.
Brie reached her free hand into your bag, fumbling around for the keys. Finally she felt them, pulling her hand out of the bad she unlocked the car and helped you into the passenger seat.
"Nooo, I wanna drive." You slurred, reaching over for the wheel.
"Sorry baby, but you aren't in any condition to drive." Brie laughed, doing up your seat belt before closing the door and heading over to the drivers side. She quickly texted Chris, explaining the situation and apologising for leaving so early before starting up the car and setting off, wanting to get you home as fast as possible.
"I'm gonna be sick." You mumbled not long after. Brie pulled the car over sharply, heading around to the passenger side to find you already hurling your guts out in a bush. She hurried forward, grasping your hair and holding it up.
"Thank you." You muttered, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand with a sigh.
"No problem darling, let's get you home." Brie said, leading you back to the car and starting it up. Not long later the two of you pulled up outside Brie's house. It made sense for her to bring you here, recently you have been spending more time here than in your own home.
A few minutes later you were tucked in bed with minimal injuries. Brie lay beside you, her arm draped lazily over your body, holding you in a protective embrace.
"I love you." You murmured, a sleepy smile gracing your features.
"I love you too." Brie mumbled, her stomach doing backflips as she realised the two of you had never actually said the L word. "So much." She added.
In that moment she realised just how much she loved you, she was ready to help you through your hangover in the morning, and any others after that. She loved you and you loved her.
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marvels-writings · 5 years ago
I meant to say 67 for carol x female reader
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A/N: Idk if this is the same anon as before but i have a class in like 7 minutes and i wanted to relieve some stress so here we are now
“You’re that tired just from training?” You asked Carol, Carol turned to glare at you from where she was situated on the couch while watching TV.
She wore one of your crewneck sweatshirts which was probably covered in sweat by now, peacock blue leggings and you could see the strap of her black sports bra underneath.
“You try doing the training I do.” Carol grumbled, moving to lie down and rest her head on the armrest of the couch before opening up her arms for you to join her, you rolled your eyes and did as she wanted, moving to lie down in front of her.
Carol tiredly wrapped her arms around your waist and snuggled her face into the crook of your neck while watching TV, your nose wrinkled slightly when you smelt your sweatshirt, but you didn’t complain, Carol was only on Earth for another week before going on a mission and you wanted to treasure it.
“How do you smell so good?” Carol whined into your neck, breath tickling you slightly, you chuckled as Carol felt the vibrations of your voice through your neck.
“Maybe because I didn’t wear my girlfriend’s sweatshirt while training.” You joked, Carol slid one hand under your shirt and sent up a quick spark of energy, you gasped and reached out for the nearest pillow, instantly whacking Carol’s face off of your neck.
“How dare you?” Carol joked, getting off of you and using the same pillow to whack you, laughing the entire time as you tried to defend yourself by getting another pillow, it didn’t do much, Carol started hitting you with both pillows.
“And she has fallen.” You said dramatically, lying down on the floor before noticing Carol was practically straddling you, you blushed as she shrugged and grinned before smothering your face with a pillow.
No matter how tired or grumpy she was, you always managed to cheer her up, she loved you for it, even if she was trying to suffocate you with a pillow.
A/N: ayy i wrote this in like 5 minutes, feedback is amazing!
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @5aftermidnight, @hstoria, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @ophelias-heart  , @never-didbefore , @justarandomhumanhere, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn , @lesbian-x-blackwidow , @marvelbbyx , let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
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the-garden-of-tulips · 3 years ago
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Sharing is caring.
<Pictures are from Pinterest, I just wanted to share.>
( also the fan art belong to @enstatia
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