#capricorn lilth
cazshmere · 2 months
Astrology Observations Pt.5
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DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!!
🔮 When Venus is transiting your 5th house, you tend to become more active on social media (posting pictures, TikToks, videos, etc.) and you feel like going out of your comfort zone a bit more. It's a very fun time with a lot of playful energy 🩵✨
🔮 Can we talk about how good a Cancer Mercury's memory is? THEY have that photographic memory and remember everything so vividly. Also, they are such good listeners. If you’re a yapper get yourself a cancer mercury friend cause you best believe they’d genuinely be interested in listening to you yap away haha😭. Such a good placement to have imo (esp if there are no harsh Neptune/Saturn aspects)
🔮 A question for those with prominent Sagittarius and 9th house placements: Did y’all ever just stay with your grandparents for a long time, be it on vacation or something?
🔮 Lilith square Moon natives are afraid to express their emotional needs and feel embarrassed when they do. They immediately regret being vulnerable and wish they wouldn’t have let their guard down. It’s so sad to see honestly :((, y’all deserve the tightest hugs fr 🫂
🔮 I've noticed that people with Sagittarius placements often end up being the butt of the joke. Most of the time, they laugh it off, but it does bother them. They don’t want to ruin the “vibe” by bringing this up so they end up just going along with it 🥲
🔮 Virgo men and playing the victim in situations where they are confronted in go hand in hand plus the amount of self pitying that goes on is ridiculous 💀. Every Virgo man, when at fault, will say things like, "I know I AM a burden to you," "I know you hate ME, I would hate MYSELF too," "I know I AM a loser, and I don't know how you even stayed with ME" like boi stfu😭😭😭
🔮 Mercury trine Mercury synastry could possibly indicate having similar music tastes. The type of couple who’d share earphones and just vibe to songs together 🥺🎧
🔮 Virgo women (especially Sun, Venus, and Rising) pull off the ‘no-makeup makeup’ look so effortlessly. Natural beauties right here 🥰🤩
🔮 When it comes to celebrities or idols you really like, there's definitely some 1st house/5th house/8th house or 10th house synastry involved 👀
🔮 Aries moon friends are the best type of friends to have fr, no bs and the realest ones out there. They’re extremely motivating and will definitely help in uplifting your mood no matter what. A true ride or die friend unless you piss them off 😭🤪
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© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
banner credits : @anitalenia <3
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theastrologylady · 1 year
Which placements would you want on your side during a debate?
Unaspected mercury
Mercury in the 7th, 9th, 10th, or 11th
Mercury in Gemini, Capricorn (if positively aspected), Virgo, Sagittarius or Aquarius
LILTH - mercury aspects, especially hard ones
Uranus - mercruy aspects
Venus - mercury hard aspects
Sagittarius, Virgo or Gemini MC
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starsapphire · 6 months
yea bruce is like textbook earth sign esp Capricorn sun and like the aqua moon is v real !! 'world's most saturnine loser' sooo tru ! none of his canon bdays makes any sense to me he's like born either at the end of the year or like beginning anywhere from (24 Dec to 2 jan) but thats just the vibe
in regards to jason,, yes it's probably like chaotic n insane, and yes I see him being a leo I think it makes sense esp with everything u said like 100% to all of it. I see him an earth sign moon bc of how like through and calculated he can be (in certain comics at least) but also !! cancer moon does make soo much sense its the toxicity, the parental issues, and the never getting over anything ever (despite what this imply I like cancers but if the shoe fits !!). also absolutely if we had to go with an air sign the gemini vibes r off chart esp like maybe mercury (or jupiter) however I know in my heart he is a leo venus that's certain.
ok this is getting too long sry lmfao so (1/2)
(2/2) as for cass i do agree she has an aqua sun but definitely vibing more with her having a capricorn moon. I can't say I've considered for her an Aries rising but I see what u mean and I agree. I'll also add I think she has a earth sign venus leaning towards taurus but also cap could make sense.
Steph is soo aries u r soo right like she's obv a fire sign and for a while I couldn't decide but reading what you've said yes to all of it. okok for her moon I could see the argument for all water sign bc like they feel v intensely but also like r v catious of it, personally tho I'm learning towards like cancer bc it's the cardinal water sign but also pisces n scorpio r like v compelling options. yk I personally hc her as having a libra Venus which like Taurus is lead by Venus so like the vibes r there. I do love her having a sag rising it makes perfect sense. I will say I also think she has gemini mercury u r soo right for the aqua lilth its literally the ' rebellious dreamer ' v fitting for her
I love yapping about the batfam n astrology so this v fun !! also lime shortbread sounds tasty
YES all of this... bruce is a textbook capricorn and he has issues idk what to say (<- guy who is also a textbook capricorn with issues). now that i've thought about it more i'm leaning more toward cass cap moon also tbh. i do think it's compelling to have bruce and cass' signs mirror one another (cap sun aqua moon + aqua sun cap moon). steph is such a fire sign it's crazy right!!! and gemini mercury is So true
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daddy-pops · 4 years
🖤Astro Notes✨
(Part 4):
(Pls don’t take anything I say personally, for this is only astrology!)
Creds to: @omgits_ella on insta🥺✌🏻
From the perspective of a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, Capricorn Rising, Aquarious Stellium 1st house😉🔍:
* Since it’s Scorpio♏️🖤 season: Scorpio’s have always given me the popular auroa that they’re super mysterious and dark, but I want to also say, we’re real. We’re so down to earth, we don’t sugarcoat anything. We can be the most realest people you will ever meet.
* In my personal opinion, Virgo Sun parent’s can be so overly critical of their children. They nitpick everything they do. Alot of: “here, just let me do it”. They do it out of the kindness in their hearts though because they only want the best for you and the want to see you succeed. Depending on elements & placements they can give you a lot of tough love.
* I’ve noticed that Air and Fire Venus’s are more likely to jump into polyamrious relationships.
* In undeveloped placements, Lilth in Pisces can be really manipulative. They can project their emotions & insecurites onto you, they can have overemotional / irrational outbursts, they overthink and jump to conclusions. I’ve noticed that they have a hard time knowing the difference between reality & what’s going on inside their head / what they think is reality (or their reality). I think that is because Pisces is represented by Neptune & the 12th house, the planet and house of illusion, confusin, subconcious, and dreams.
* I’ve realized that people with 7th house placements don’t usually show those attributes in a group setting. You really only see those come out when you’re with them one-on-one.
* Saggitarius in the 12th house can have common thoughts such as: “I just want to run away from here and never look back.”
* Libra in the 12th house is an interesting placement. You get what you give with them. Seriously. They subconciously mirror you as your relationship with them goes on. As you talk to them, they pick up on your personality. And as time goes on, how you treat them will usually be how they will treat you. Libra is a social, outgoing sign but when it’s placed in the 12th house, it brings some challenging problems to it. (This also depends on how it’s aspected in your chart what kind of issues you experience).
* Venus in the 10th house / Venus in Capricorn / Venus in Libra in a Composite Chart can mean that your relationship is viewed A LOT different publicly than it is one-on-one. For example, friends may see your relationship as one way, while you see your relationship as a different way. It’s all about presentation and reputation of your relationship to others, how it looks to others.
* Venus in Capricorn / Venus in the 10th house in a Composite Chart can mean the relationship is VERY private, like I mentioned in the last bullet, not many people outside of the relationship know entirely what’s going on. You only show what you want to show, and you care a lot about how other people view the relationship. This placement can also mean that there’s some tough love in the relationship.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
hi. can you tell me about saturn conjunct lilith(in aries) in synastry please?
Saturn Conjunct Lilith in Synastry
Indicates discipline, patriarchy, structure, and regiment meet rebellion, wild-sexual abandon, and non-conformism in the most intense way. The Saturn person, unable to force any of his wills on Lilith, experiences a thunderbolt to their system and winds up getting a sort of Plutonic level awakening/transformation to their karmic habits. They wind up being able to loosen their executive form thanks to Lilith [and in Aries, which is cardinal, sexual, and warlike will get them going at all costs]. The Saturn partner feels poetic, loosens up, and inspired to break the rules when the Lilith partner puts her spell on them. The Lilith partner’s spell turns into a solid contract and takes a deep-rooted effect thanks to Saturn’s [father of time] discipline and longevity. This is an aspect than can indicate long-lasting sexual attraction because typically Lilith and Saturn get along. Remember Capricorn’s/Saturn’s Card in tarot is ‘The Devil’ which is all about ambition, desire, and lustful habits. Things can get very carnal here. Remember a Conjunction is still a hard aspect so though it is harmonious be careful to not allow things to get too controlling on either side.
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imagineastrology · 5 years
black moon lilith in first house things
🤫 hatred of taking orders/authority
🤫 alluring and tempting
🤫 needs freedom of choice and a dictation of their life
🤫 apologetically follows instincts
🤫 can easily talk about taboo subjects like it’s the weather
🤫 can come across as shocking to some people
🤫 easily embraces their (feminine) shadow side, without hesitation
🤫 extreme suspicion and doubtful of people’s motives
🤫 impulsive
🤫 people can be obsessed or in awe of the native’s body and physical appearance 
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thebarbaricbeast · 2 years
Bad bitches....part 3
The greatest females in human history have achieved the impossible; they've nourished their fervor and created a nation of possibilities for their future, not because of the fragility of their beauty by which they may or may not possess, but because of the depth of their minds and the faith in their vision.
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She's a ferocious character, intellectually strong, and she dances as if she's lived a thousand lovely lives, as if she's the reflection of any soul; nonetheless, her character has an incapability. She is unable to settle down and trust a man since she values her freedom over her life.
Scorpio Rising
an individual with depth and spiritual capacity.
Leo midheaven
a promised prominence in the gamble of society
Pluto conjunct the rising in Sagittarius
An fresh book that you've discovered festooned in a beautiful medieval air but when its opened the pages fly out and the handwriting is in a language that is unlike anything you've ever spied.
At least three water signs in a fire sign placement
Working in a fiery setting can bring up some difficult emotions. A fiery and rebellious woman. She's blunt, and it's difficult to bend down and keep feelings hidden.
Lilith in Scorpio, Libra
A poisonous serpent, a servant of herself and she walks with depth but is in danger of a distasteful reputation
The moon and Saturn contact with scorpion influence
Although the moon in contact with Saturn is pessimistic, it serves as a boundary and inhibits emotional consistency. In most circumstances, scorpion influence will bring optimism. The kind of optimism that makes you want to go on an emotional excursion and be fascinated by other people's misdeeds.
Libra/Leo in the 8th house
She knows. Every sexual secret. She craves an audience and she's aroused by an intellectual man.
Pluto touching neptune or in the 12th house
She goes into the recesses of people's souls without their consent, just as she dives into the recesses of the universe, a painter who can determine every distinctive artwork but not the one that is concealed within herself.
Pluto in the 1st 9th and 8th
A woman who has strong character
Virgo sun/ virgo placements
A woman that arouses jealousy in the hearts of others
Pluto influencing the inner planets
brings depth to the character and sexual significance
Mars/moon/mercury square Pluto
Lilith anywhere hear the inner planets
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Women and Superiority
Pisces Midheaven
A wise woman with a crown can do more than just influence.
Fire signs in the midheaven
Earth signs in the midheaven
libra midheaven
A lady with manners and the likes of her subjects, deadly in persuasion.
lilth in capricorn
The sun in the 5th degree
Venus in leo/libra
incredible confidence some where within her and the ability to be liked
Cancer in the midheaven
Treats her society with a great degree of care
Saturn in a Sagittarius degree
risky.. But that's the point
Saturn and mars in the 6th house
Sun/mars conjunct midheaven
Born to rule
Aquarius in the 9th house or Aquarius contacting Sagittarius
Venus conjunct Pluto
A model the world imitates
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Sometimes depth destroys you, that's why only the indestructible withhold it- ladylabyrinth
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blushinghrt · 2 years
green flags pt. 2
- people who use dark mode google extensions
- people who have grown out roots
- people who are hairdressers
- people who have mix match socks
- people with their lilith in virgo, capricorn, taurus, and gemini
- people who love ratatouille
- people who keep bees
- people who have pet rats or snakes
- people who glam out every day just to go to school, or work, or stay at home
- people who are stay-at-home parents
- people who pre-pack their lunches the night before
- people who bite their nails
- people who make it a point to compliment at least one person a day
- people who lend you pens and don't expect you to return them
- people who like reading
- people who use Pinterest
- people who send you memes randomly
- people who don't believe in your practices but ask genuine questions and show interest
- people who have to use bumpers when bowling or get gutter balls ever time
- people who have silent laughs
- people who have gaps in their teeth
- people who have ridiculous loud laughs <3 especially those like goose honks (idk how to describe them LMAO)
- people who will always wave to you whenever they see you
- people who make obscure references just for themselves
- people who laugh at their own jokes
- people who can't tell jokes without dying laughing before they even say it
- people who are brutally honest
- people who remind you to put on sunscreen
- people who are fantastic drivers
- people who are listeners
- people who volunteer to be the designated driver
- people who randomly compliment you
- people who don't bring up your insecurities
- people who don't mind if you have sweaty hands
- people who have lilth in virgo
- people who can't get math to save their life
- people who listen to rnb
- people who play animal crossing
- people who watch coreyxkenshin
- people who cosplay or don't judge others for cosplaying
- people who can cook
- people who eyeball measurements for food
- people who bleach and dye their own hair
- people who are honest about their intentions
- people who are OBSESSED with pink rn
- people who always have lip gloss on
- people who knit
- people whose favorite flower is roses
- people who share gum with everyone
- people whose favorite gum flavor is spearmint
- people who make paint (especially on tiktok)
- people who do candle magick
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(repost from old acc!)
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thecherrytarot · 2 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 (𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧)
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pile 1 → pile 2 → pile 3
This is an 18+ reading. Minors do not interact. I am not responsible for your actions and if uncomfortable I will block you. Pick the photo you feel the most drawn to and please remember that this is a general reading so take what resonates!! Keep in mind that this reading is not about the feminine gender it's about the energy.
𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏:
Capricorn and Aquarius energy, it doesn't have to be in your big 3 it could be in your big 6 or eros/lilth. You might be into some taboo stuff (bondage, threesomes etc). A hidden part or your "shadow place" wants an almost obsessive type of love.For many of you, you might not be aware of this but you do have natural, inbuilt sexual energy. You don't even have to try to do anything "sexy" people will be naturally drawn towards you. People could think about you as a 'temptress' or someone who tempts them to give into their carnal desires and feelings. They are afraid of you and usually stay far from you. It's mostly because you are everything they have desired, someone that they have fantasized/wanted and they dont know how to act around you. But the funny thing is, they know that it's best to stay far away from, but that's not easy for them. You have this magnetic aura (?)around you that pulls them towards you. You may seem distant and mysterious and that turns them on for some reason. You feel special to them but they hate that there is a distance. You are out of their reach and they love it and hate it at the same time.
𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐:
You may either live modestly or look like someone who hasn't had many sexual experiences. Whatever it is, (in bed) it suprises your partner how wrong they were for thinking that you are innocent. A high sex drive. Many of you might be homosexual. People find being with you a 'spiritual' experience. Majority of you are dominant or the one that lead in bed. Not gonna expand much on this but there something special about fluids (cumplay, spitting or squirting). and something about hands on the chest area so take however it resonates. You may have multiple toys that you want to use on someone or want someone to use them on you. You know how to use your charms to get whatever you want.Using your skills and powers of persuasion to talk a reluctant partner into bed. You are an interesting character and you always have something unique/different to say. You may want serious relationships but still stick to booty calls/flings.
𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑:
Healthy, domestic sexual preferences. Slow sex over hard and wild. You may prefer to have sex with someome you have romantic feelings. One night stands or no strings attached might not be your thing. You may be reserved at first but when you get comfortable them, you don't hold back. There is healthy communication about your preferences (voyeuristic tendencies, sex tapes and photos, roleplay, breeding kink)
People are naturally drawn to you because you bring them comfort and are comforting. They like how no matter what you try to be full of life and are dependable. I heard "wifey material". Your partners want to have a future with you and maybe start a family so take however that fits you. You have a powerful presence that brings you attention. No need to command for it, for you it will come naturally. In relationships you use both, your heart and head i.e you are logical and emotional. Everyone loves you and wants to be close to you.
Thank you so much for reading this!! I hope you enjoyed it. Feedback is welcomed ❤
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marsofsaturn · 5 years
astro notes .01 🌙
💗 sun in your 7th may cause an individual to choose a romantic partner who mimicks their father. These people also tend to marry “well”.
💗sun conjunct mercury folks may struggle finding their identity and come into it later on, struggle with communicating their own feelings, and may even have stage freight.
💗mercury conjunct lilith in synastry may cause the lilth person to LITERALLY be attracted to mercury’s mouth and will often wanna kiss n all that fun stuff.
💗venus square pluto natal may cause you to attract others who become possessive & obsessive over you fairly quick, individuals with this aspect tend to be very magnetic.
💗 sun in 2nd people may have no “interest” in education
💗 neptune conjunct ascendent in synastry causes a “dream girl/dream boy” effect, the neptune individual often puts the asc on a pedestal and it takes a lot for that image to be changed.
💗gemini in the 5th house can indicate birthing twins
💗capricorn ascendents tend to age fairly well
💗pluto in 10th house overlay can point to an affair in the public eye, this can also point to the pluto person boosting the house person’s career and taking control over it (worst case scenario of course)
💗pluto in 10th overlay can also suggest that the house or pluto persons image can be hindered if they were to separate.
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krovscastlerpg · 4 years
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It’s Ask Tuesday! To participate, just reblog this post and remember to send asks to the other players participating!
Astrology Inspired Asks
The Signs
Aries - Is your character somewhat impatient? How so? Taurus - How stubborn is your character? Gemini - Is your character duplicitious or two-faced? Cancer - How important is family to your character? Leo - Is your character prideful? Virgo - How neat is your character? Libra - Would you consider your character someone diplomatic? Scorpio - What are your character’s passions? Sagittarius - Is your character adventurous? Capricorn - Would you consider your character ambitious? Aquarius - Tell me three character quirks. Pisces - Would you consider your character someone sensitive?
The Planets, Asteroids (and other astral bodies)
Sun - Describe your character’s personality in depth. Moon - Do you consider your character someone emotive? Mars - How does your character express their anger? Mercury - Is your character likely to gossip? Venus  - How important is romantic love to your character? Jupiter - Is your character someone generous? Saturn - How lawful is your character? Pluto - How has your character evolved throughout the years? Uranus - How creative is your character and in what areas? Neptune - Prompt - Describe a dream your character would have. Chiron - What’s your character’s deepest wound? Ceres - How does your character act in grief? Vesta - Is your character more traditionally femenine or masculine? Both? Lilth - What’s your character’s dark side like? Juno - What do they look for in a relationship? Pallas - How does your character think? What’s their general skill when it comes to strategic intelligence? EXTRA! Part of Fortune - What talent or talents does your character posses?
The Houses
1st House/Ascendant - How do other people tend to view your character? 2nd House - How much does your character value money? 3rd House - How big is your character’s network? Describe it. 4th House - Describe your character’s family and how they influenced them. 5th House - What are some of your character’s guilty pleasures? 6th House - How is your character health-wise? Any concerns? 7th House - Does your character intend to get married? Why or why not? EXTRA 7th House - If married, what is their marriage like? 8th House - What’s your characters most likely cause of death? 9th House - How educated is your character? 10th House - What’s your character’s reputation like? 11th House - Does your character have a lot of friends? Why or why not? 12th House - Is your character spiritual? How important is spirituality to them?
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wotnahq · 4 years
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It’s time for a WOTNA anon hour! To participate, just reblog this post and remember to send asks to other players participating!
Astrology Inspired Asks
The Signs
Aries - Is your character somewhat impatient? How so? Taurus - How stubborn is your character? Gemini - Is your character duplicitious or two-faced? Cancer - How important is family to your character? Leo - Is your character prideful? Virgo - How neat is your character? Libra - Would you consider your character someone diplomatic? Scorpio - What are your character’s passions? Sagittarius - Is your character adventurous? Capricorn - Would you consider your character ambitious? Aquarius - Tell me three character quirks. Pisces - Would you consider your character someone sensitive?
The Planets, Asteroids (and other astral bodies)
Sun - Describe your character’s personality in depth. Moon - Do you consider your character someone emotive? Mars - How does your character express their anger? Mercury - Is your character likely to gossip? Venus  - How important is romantic love to your character? Jupiter - Is your character someone generous? Saturn - How lawful is your character? Pluto - How has your character evolved throughout the years? Uranus - How creative is your character and in what areas? Neptune - Prompt - Describe a dream your character would have. Chiron - What’s your character’s deepest wound? Ceres - How does your character act in grief? Vesta - Is your character more traditionally femenine or masculine? Both? Lilth - What’s your character’s dark side like? Juno - What do they look for in a relationship? Pallas - How does your character think? What’s their general skill when it comes to strategic intelligence? EXTRA! Part of Fortune - What talent or talents does your character posses?
The Houses
1st House/Ascendant - How do other people tend to view your character? 2nd House - How much does your character value money? 3rd House - How big is your character’s network? Describe it. 4th House - Describe your character’s family and how they influenced them. 5th House - What are some of your character’s guilty pleasures? 6th House - How is your character health-wise? Any concerns? 7th House - Does your character intend to get married? Why or why not? EXTRA 7th House - If married, what is their marriage like? 8th House - What’s your characters most likely cause of death? 9th House - How educated is your character? 10th House - What’s your character’s reputation like? 11th House - Does your character have a lot of friends? Why or why not? 12th House - Is your character spiritual? How important is spirituality to them?
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astroyongie · 4 years
Honey sorry if I'm bothering you but can you plz give a nct pfnn ship? (i sent you a request before this but i forgot my rising🤡) I'm aries sun(10),Pisces Mercury and Venus (both 10),Moon scorpio (6),gemini rising,Cancer mars(1),Capricorn jupiter (7), saturn virgo(3),Pisces uranus(10),Aquarius Neptune(9),Capricorn Pluto (7), Aquarius north node,Pisces midheaven,lilth scorpio🌼 tysm<333
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daddy-pops · 4 years
Astro. Notes: Part 9 🥀
creds to: @omgits_ella on instagram
pls don’t take what i say to heart, this are mostly just my opinions on astrology💕
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💖 based on the perspective of a scorpio sun, virgo moon, capricorn rising, aquarious stellium (1st house):
🌸 aries mars & mars in the 1st house are very strongwilled people. they have a mindset made of armour, very “solider like” mindset. like, “i don’t need your help, i got this on my own”, or “i’m perfectly fine, i can keep going.” very strong people who don’t take any shit from anybody. i hope u guys are all doing ok💕
💖🌙 ✨ any moon - venus aspects really have a desire for people to like them / to be liked. they want to come off as charming and charasmatic. whatever aspect is inbetween the 2 can show the strengths and struggles of this.
🍼🎀 mercury conjuct venus aspects are sweet-talkers. they are good at saying exactly what the other person wants to hear. this can become toxic in many ways though if underdeveloped, as they can talk themselves out of problems and could use maniuplation tactics. this aspect is also really good for writing / journalism / poetry. usually people with this placement really like words of affirmination as their love language aswell.
👄 a turn on for mars in the 3rd house would be confidence. the 3rd house represents the house of the mind, people with this placement are usually super interested in how the mind works and the psychology of it. they are really attracted to someone who knows what they’re talking about, who seems confident enough to speak their own voice and can maybe even outsmart them. someone who can put themselves out there confidently and is not afraid of making a whole room of heads turn to look at them. they like someone with intelligance, but with the confidence to use it.
🌷 having any scorpio placements in your chart shows you where your going to have the most change and transformations in your life. scorpio is ruled by pluto, the planet of transformation, regeneration, and rebirth. having scorpio placements is going to you the intense transformations you’re going to make in your life. for example, for scorpio suns, they are always constantly changing their identities based on their past situations. they try to recreate themselves to be a better person next time, or maybe change some things they disliked about themselves that brought out bad energy.
🎟 i’ve noticed that people with moon in the 8th house don’t like to have sex or sexual relations with somebody unless they have developed emotional feelings for them. they are not the type for one night stands because they need that emotional connection inorder to feel comfortable and safe whilst having sex.
🧠 mercury in saggitarius and mercury in the 9th house can be a super honest placement. they may be a little too blunt sometimes lol. may blurt things out and could have a tendancy to say things other people perceive as rude. they have pretty straightforward thinking, and don’t like beating around the bush. really enjoys humour.
🐙 pisces moon, pisces lilth, 12th house stelliums, or just prominent neptune in a chart can make a person more likely to form an addiction to drugs / alcohol as a means to escape their problems. they see this as a form of escaping into their own world. it’s a negative distraction method.
💅🏻 gemini saturn’s sometimes have a hard time putting their thoughts into words, or even knowing what to say in the first place.
🎀 aquarious mars suck at comforting other people when they’re upset. they find themselves getting stuck and not knowing what to say, then they panic. they’re good at making people feel better, by making them smile and taking their mind off of the issue. but comforting others, not so much. it’s not that they don’t want to help you out or comfort you, they just are trying to figure out in their head a rational solution to your problem, and then word it in a way to you that doesn’t seem too harsh or rude.
🦄 questioning a virgo moon or a gemini moon’s intelligance or ability to do something is a good way to get them to dislike you lol
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hey guys! c:
if you like my astro notes you should definitely go check out my other parts💕
astro notes part 1
astro notes part 2
astro notes part 3
astro notes part 4
astro notes part 5
astro notes part 6
astro notes part 7
astro notes part 8
thank u for supporting me & my account c:, i hope u guys continue to like my content💖
i have a special treat coming up soon that i’m excited to post 💞☺️
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beekkul · 5 years
Hello darling, if the zodiac ships are for everyone then I’m a libra sun&venus, scorpio moon&mercury&lilth, virgo mars and capricorn ascendant. Who do you see me with? ✨🌙
i see you with either wonho or shownu
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zodiacsandmore · 6 years
Hey there so im a aqua sun virgo moon aqua mercury pisces venus taurus mars gemini lilith and taurus rising what are the most compatible signs to me? And what are the signs i can have the most passionate relationships with? And what signs would i have the longest relationships with? And thank you so muuch
Most compatible (overall): Aries, Gemini, Libra sun and mercury, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer moon, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio venus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces mars and rising, Aries, Leo, Libra lilith.
Passionate: Aries sun and mercury, Taurus moon, Scorpio venus, Pisces mars and rising, Aries or Leo lilth
Longest: Libra sun, lilith and mercury, Taurus moon and venus, Capricorn or Virgo mars and rising
It is okay if you disagree with me because a lot of the time, relationships aren’t because of astrology.
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