#capitol mall park
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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The city of Denver, Colorado was founded on November 17, 1858.
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annebaby · 9 months
National Anthem ♡
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hello all! this is my first multi-part fic, and I hope you like it! part two will be posted very soon :)
part two!
part three!
warnings: toxic snow, bribery, fem!reader x young!coriolanus snow, use of Y/N, that's it for this chapter!
I hope you enjoy! this is national anthem ♡
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The capitol streets were bustling with the obnoxiously ignorant, blind-sighted chatter about the games this year. People in all the most unnecessary of extravagant clothing, smiling, laughing, and celebrating death. It was sickening, truly. Hearing them talk about their favorite tributes and the gruesome details of their death made you want to rip all your hair out. 
Surprisingly, you were not a stranger to this life. Born a capitol brat, you shouldn’t let this get you to your breaking point at all. A senior in the academy this year, you vividly recall the students being mentors in previous years; the thought of helping a child to their death made you want to vomit. 
So, you tried your best to get your single errand for the day done as fast as possible. Your goal: to find a dress for the gala in a few days. Nothing too showy, but not too modest. A dress that screams, ‘I’m pretty, but smart. I am a district doll.’ As the President’s daughter, appearance and impression were the two most important things drilled into your head. 
Your father, President Stirling, was a new favorite of Panem. His pride for the land, his love for the people, and his goals for the future are what got him elected. He was a very clean-cut man, always showing how much he loved his family. 
You knew better though. He was a cold man, one who hardly showed affection behind closed doors, a man who had spoken very rarely to his daughter. You didn’t really know much about him, always locked in his office and never really caring about you. Unless, it was about your appearances or impressions. 
Scurrying through the mall, you quickly find your go-to dress shop, a more quiet and less popular location. This dress shop has all of the current trends, but they always had something different about them that you loved. You hated capitol fashion, but it was your only option as the most looked upon girl in Panem. At least they all had a unique look to them. 
Entering the store and smelling its sweet fragrance, you hurriedly got to work. Giving every dress you liked to a worker, she put it in the dressing room for you. A common customer, they adored your business. They adored your money. 
Dress after dress, you had finally found a winner. A thin-strapped velvet dress with jewels adorning it in a beautiful pattern. It was a deep red, floor-length dress. Happy with the way it adorned your body, you took it off and handed it to the shop worker. Swiping Daddy’s credit card, you smiled at the workers and thanked them sincerely for their help. They handed you the dress across the counter and you started to make your way home. 
Navigating the large mall, there were people everywhere. You did your best to hide your face, sunglasses and all. The President’s daughter was always known as the Princess of Panem, a girl that the younger children looked up to. It was hard to be unnoticed. 
Swerving and dodging people to the best you could, you made it outside at last. Unfortunately, your presence had become known and now none other than Lucky Flickerman was awaiting you outside. Probably one of your least favorite capitol citizens, always pushing you for personal answers to appeal to the audience. 
Trying your best to spot your driver without being noticed, you see the blacked out SUV parked right down the street. It was a different car that dropped you off, but this SUV was still branded with the President’s logo. You open the doors to exit the mall, and Lucky Flickerman is already on you. 
“Is that the anticipated gown for the Gala, Ms. Stirling? What color is it? Just a peek? We’d love to see it!” 
By the time he was done getting his jumble of questions out, you had already reached the SUV. Opening the passenger door, you quickly threw the dress in the back. However, you noticed your driver was a different man than usual. 
“Coriolanus? Did my dad send you as my driver?” You took the sunglasses off your face, confusion taking over as you awaited his answer. 
Coriolanus Snow was your father’s newest intern. A charming man, certainly. He was handsome, smart, and cunning. You had a schoolgirl crush on him since he started working for your family, but you pushed it to the side. You didn’t want to be just another nuclear wife with a nuclear family in the capitol. You just weren’t ready to accept your inevitable fate. 
“Yes. The other driver wasn’t aware he was supposed to wait for you, and he returned home,” Coriolanus says. He puts the vehicle in gear and begins to take you both back to your estate. 
“Oh, that’s odd. He’s never done that before,” you say. He was a nice man, you had actually gotten on with him quite well. You weren’t sure where communication went wrong. 
“Yeah. He was fired immediately after he stepped in the door.” Coriolanus doesn’t look at you, just keeps his gaze on the road ahead of him. 
You didn’t expect much less from your father at all, but still your chest ached for the nice man. After all, he talked to you more than your own father did. 
You looked at Coriolanus for much too long after he said that. You admired his slicked-back blonde hair, his prominent jawline and you took in all of his aura you could. The Snow family had a newfound power in recent years, and boy did he know it. He was dripping in luxury. He carried himself with such seriousness and coldness that it drew you in. 
You broke away from your trance, looking forward at the road as well. It was hard to focus on anything but him when you were around Coriolanus. He too was a capitol brat, one of the worst. He supported the games in all their glory, though he was never too extravagant about it. He’s a few years older than you, meaning he’s seen more of the games. He probably accepted the fact that they were never going to end. 
Stuck in your thoughts once again, you hadn’t even realized you reached your estate that quickly. The car stopped, and Coriolanus opened the door and shut it quietly. He headed to your side of the vehicle and opened your door, holding out his hand for you to grab. Blushing, you smiled and took his hand, slowly exiting the car. He opened the back of the car, retrieved your dress, and you two headed into the house.  “Thank you, Coriolanus. You didn’t have to do all that,” you speak gently. “It’s a part of my job, Y/N,” he says coldly. You wonder if you’ll ever get past his emotionless wall. You enter the house, and Coriolanus hands the dress off to a helper so they can take it to your room. 
“Lovely seeing you today, Miss Y/N,” he says before walking back towards her father’s office. He strides when he walks, hands in his pockets and chin up. You smile to yourself, before heading up to your room.
The next day at the academy was dragging. Excitement bubbled in your stomach for the Gala the next day, and all of the classes were giving you a headache. You didn’t need them anyway - your success was guaranteed thanks to your father. 
As you were finally dismissed from your last class, you gathered your things and headed for the door. Cascading down the stairs, your best friend Bridgette Sinclair joined you. 
Both of you had been friends for years, taking a fancy to each other's' company. She was a shorter girl, with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. A true capitol beauty, you had always thought. She too was born into the power she had, and she too believed all the same as you did. She didn’t act arrogant, never bragged on any of her assets. You loved her like a sister. 
“I say, we go to the park and discuss the Gala tomorrow! I can’t wait to see you there, Y/N.” You giggled with the girl, allowing your teenage personality to peek through. 
“Let’s go to my house instead, I’ll show you my dress!” You smiled and jumped up and down, finally allowing yourself to be true to how excited you were. 
She squealed in response as you waited for your driver. You hoped and prayed it wasn’t Coriolanus, Bridgette would never shut up about it. She knew about your crush, and she wanted you to talk to him so bad. Every time she’d hear about him, see him, or even just think about him, she would always tell you and then laugh at your blush. 
The both of you sit and gossip until the black SUV comes to pick you both up. Fingers crossed behind your back, you open the door with your other hand, and almost roll your eyes. Coriolanus is your driver again, of course. His blue eyes look at you through the rearview mirror as you sit down, not breaking his gaze even when Bridgette sits next to you. 
“Still no new driver I guess, yeah?” You look back at him through the window as he suddenly stops staring. Bridgette laughs and grabs your hand. 
“Uh- yeah no. Not yet. Your father is a particular man,” Coriolanus says, hesitantly. 
He slowly starts to take you both back to the estate, the car ride consisting of awkward stares from Coriolanus as Bridgette pesters you through hushed whispers. You almost feel as if he’s hearing everything she’s saying. You smack her quickly and quietly in hopes she’ll shut up. 
Arriving at the estate, Coriolanus does the same thing as before and opens the car door for you and Bridgette. However, his hand is only offered to you, not her. A strange action for him, you had always known him to be cold but still very polite. You took his hand and exited the vehicle before running into the house with Bridgette, looking back at Coriolanus as a ‘thank you’, before heading inside. 
“Y/N I have got to see your dress. I won’t tell anyone what it looks like, just please show me!” Bridgette plops onto your bed, anticipating your dress like a child on Christmas morning.
 You smile and head into your closet to retrieve the gorgeous gown. Grabbing it off the hanger, you slowly unzip the protective bag off of it. Bridgette’s eyes widen as she gets up to feel the dress, jaw dropped to the ground. She feels the material all in her fingers, gently admiring everything about the highly anticipated gown. 
“Oh my God Y/N. It’s beautiful. I absolutely love it!” She starts smiling widely before getting a mischievous grin on her face. 
“You know who else will love it,” she says, giggling slightly. 
You zip up the dress and hang it back in the closet, getting flustered by Bridgette’s continuous mentioning of Coriolanus. As much as you wished he had noticed you in the same way, you knew it would never happen. You were just like every other girl in the capitol. Nothing special about you. You wished he would see you as something special, but you were sure he didn’t. 
“If you don’t stop mentioning him, I'm going to strangle you, I swear.” You point at her, smiling sternly. She puts her hands up in a ‘it wasn’t me’ motion, before you plop down onto the bed next to her. 
“I really wish he did say something to me, just once you know? He is really handsome,” you admit. You hardly ever opened up about your feelings for him, just felt like getting it off your chest. 
“I know, Y/N. But I'm telling you, in a dress like that, with looks like yours, you won’t go unnoticed. There is simply no way he won’t stare at you tomorrow. And believe me, I noticed him looking at you in the rearview today. And! He only gave his hand to you for help out of the car. That had to mean something!” Bridgette sits up on the bed, you shortly following. She shakes your shoulders and tells you to be more confident in yourself. 
Hours pass by discussing makeup and flirting tips and all the other girly topics you could think of. All in preparation for the gala, of course. You discussed which shoes to wear, which hairstyle would look best, what color lipstick, everything. You knew you would feel pretty tomorrow, just maybe not pretty enough for him. 
Bridgette left after all the discussion, being picked up by her own driver. As you were walking back to your room after taking her to the door, you spot Coriolanus in the hall. He was passing off cash to a man you had never seen before. You quickly hide in the doorframe and try to listen as best you can. The man is short, seems friendly enough. 
‘Maybe a new hire?’ you think to yourself. Then, you’re finally able to pick up their conversation. 
“Just let me pose as the driver for a few more days. I won’t tell Mr. Stirling. Just leave the premises when you’re supposed to pick her up, and return back to the house in however long it would take you to pick her up yourself. Just this last time,” Coriolanus quietly whispers. He’s practically begging the poor man, shoving wads of cash towards him. 
‘Are they talking about me? He wants to drive me around? Is that why he’s been my driver?’ Thoughts are running through your head a mile a minute. So fast, you weren’t able to notice the conversation being over, and Coriolanus now heading your way. 
Too late to try to hide, you slowly start to reveal yourself as if you had just been walking to your room. He spots you immediately, eyes getting wide. You smile at him slightly, before trying to reach the stairs. However, he speeds up and grabs you by the shoulders, pressing you against a nearby wall. 
“Did you hear any of that, Ms. Y/N? Be honest with me.” His eyes piercing into yours, quickly darting from your lips and back up. He looks absolutely insane. 
“I- uh no. I don’t even know what you’re talking about I swear,” you lie. His eyes are scanning your face frantically before he releases you. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N. As I'm sure you’re now aware, I'll be your driver. Be ready at 5. I’ll pick you up.” He slowly stares for just a second before walking away. He’s wearing a long coat, taking long strides. Something about him is so addicting. 
You catch your breath for a second, slowly starting to put the pieces together. He knew you were listening, and now you knew you were correct. He wanted to be your driver and he was bribing the new hire! Oh you couldn’t wait to tell Bridgette about this. 
You hurriedly headed up to your room, changing into your PJs and getting ready for bed. Your mind continuously running on overdrive, you couldn’t seem to focus on anything, except the fact he was taking you to the gala tomorrow. Did he like you?
Getting into your bed, it wasn’t long before you fell asleep, Coriolanus heavy on your mind. 
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Digimon Adventure 01x33 - Pump and Gotsu are Shibuya-Type Digimon / Out on the Town
Previously on Digimon Adventure: In the middle of a blistering summer day, DeathMeramon showed up to make things even hotter. Internet contrarianism at its finest. Bet he's also one of those clowns who retools their truck to produce more emissions and trigger Libs. Fortunately, the youth of the nation turned out and voted to throw him off a building so it's all good.
Now we turn our attention to another pair of kids. The recap offers a bit of extra information to set the stage for what's happening.
(Oh fuck me, it's this one. I am not ready. I am not ready.)
Narrator: On the night of the same day they fought DeathMeramon, Yamato escorted his younger brother Takeru to their mother's place and they headed in the direction of Shibuya.
Thit bit of setup doesn't make it into the dub's recap, which simply tells us what happened in the previous episode as usual.
As the episode begins, a CGI readout informs us of the date: It's August 2nd, 1999. The children still have about a month left in their summer vacation.
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To put our current location into perspective, here's some of those familiar map markers from last episode. Black circle is Vamdemon's lair at Daiba Park. Green is Shibaura. Blue is Tokyo Tower. We are now one city over from Minato City in Shibuya.
Shibuya is well-known for being, as they say, hip with the youngsters. Imagine if a stereotypical American shopping mall in the 90's with all its associated teenage memes was a city. That's Shibuya. It's like the capitol of youth fashion trends in Tokyo.
So these two Digimon roll up on the roof of a car.
Pumpmon: (excited) This place is even famous in the Digimon World: Shibuya!
The narrator wastes no time going into their rundowns.
Pumpmon is a Perfect-stage Data-type Puppet Digimon. Did you guess Nightmare Soldier? Because he's a Nightmare Soldier. He's kind of a catch-all. Any Nightmare Soldier can evolve into Pumpmon as a Jogress Evolution but no Nightmare Soldier directly evolves into him.
His name is, unsurprisingly, derived from "pumpkin" for his pumpkin head.
Narrator: Pumpmon. A stuffed doll with a pumpkin for a head. His scary but cute appearance is popular with girls. Tonight, he plans to run wild in Shibuya as if it were Halloween. His special attack is Trick-or-Treat.
That little guy next to him is Gotsumon, a Child-stage Data-type Ore Digimon. Gotsumon is a Nature Spirit and the mid-tier evolution for Mochimon. He evolves into a few Digimon you may recognize such as the Monochromon from File Island, Gekomon, and in the 0.5 update, Tailmon - though Tailmon would later receive a more official pre-evolution.
Gotsumon: These are Shibuya-type humans! Narrator: Gotsumon. His body is tough, but he's a cheerful and playfully naughty Digimon. He goes with the flow and was made for Shibuya! He plans to rock out tonight! His special move is Angry Rock. Pumpmon: Something exciting is about to happen! Gotsumon: Let's have fun! Ahahahaha!
Gotsumon and Pumpmon bound off the car roof and disappear into the city.
The dub adds some silence-breaking dialogue to their intro. It also somehow thinks those two are driving the car even though they're clearly on the roof of it.
Gotsumon: Let me drive! You're going the wrong way. Pumpkinmon: How do you know which way to go? You've never been in the real world before. Gotsumon: What's the difference? I've never driven a car before either! Pumpkinmon: Well, it's my first time too! Both: Ahahahahaha!!! Pumpkinmon: Whoa, check 'em out! Uh-huhuhuh Uhuhuhuhuh! Gotsumon: Ew! Pumpkinmon: So these are city people in the real world. They don't look like much fun. Gotsumon: (rundown) Well, Pumpkinmon? You're the right guy to teach them what 'fun' really is. You are, without a doubt, the most rockin' creature to ever have a pumpkin for a head. Remember: Chicks dig evil Digimon. Gotsumon: At least that's what I keep telling myself, anyway. Pumpkinmon: (rundown) Gotsumon, you are the mon! We're going to have such a blast here in the real world; They might even name a building after you: The Gotsumonument, where they keep all the party supplies. Pumpkinmon: 3... 2... 1... LET'S GO!!!
Dub Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are weirdly judgmental about the Shibuya people's party qualities. Though I will say: "Chicks dig evil Digimon" is a surprisingly pragmatic adaptation of Pumpmon having a "scary but cute appearance that's popular with girls." That's not what they said, but... it's not not what they said either.
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While Pumpmon and Gotsumon disappear into Shibuya, we join Yamato and Takeru on their way to say goodbye to one another. The brothers sit in silence while the music of Yamato's harmonica plays in the background.
From the luggage rack, Tsunomon and Patamon discuss their situation for the audience's benefit.
Tsunomon: Yamato and Takeru's parents divorced four years ago. Patamon: So even though they're brothers, Yamato lives with his dad and Takeru lives with his mom, right?
Now that we've laid down that reminder, Takeru checks the time on his Digivice. It's 7:07 PM.
Takeru: It's late. Onii-chan, you should get off at the next stop. Yamato: No. I'm taking you all the way to Sangenjaya. Takeru: It's okay-- Yamato: (firmly) Takeru. Takeru: What? Yamato: Let me do this. Takeru: Okay.
Rip my heart in half, and the episode's only just started.
The purple circle on the map is Sangenjaya. As you can see, it's a bit of a trip from the red circle Odaiba. Depending on your timing, it's about an hour to an hour and a half one-way by train. Takeru's worried because Yamato isn't going to get home until like 9. Which is pretty late for an 11-year-old.
We're about to come up on Shibuya Station, which means another 20 minutes to Sangenjaya. For Yamato, that's another 40 minutes added to the length of his round-trip if he goes all the way.
The dub adds a silence-breaker to this scene that completely kills the tone of the boys sitting in awkward, strained silence.
T.K.: How much longer, Matt!? Matt: Relax, T.K. You're almost home.
I guess T.K.'s getting impatient to split up. Their faces are onscreen for most of the extended silence, so the dub still has to go through with Matt and T.K. sitting there unmoving and not speaking. But the vibe is completely killed by T.K.'s whining.
Tsunomon: Matt and T.K.'s mom and dad aren't together anymore, Patamon. So even though they're brothers, they don't live together. Patamon: So T.K. lives with their mom and Matt lives with their dad? That explains why they try so hard to stay together all the time. (T.K. checks Digivice for the time) T.K.: It's sure late. Matt: Yeah? So? T.K.: The next stop's good enough. Matt: No. I'm gonna take you all the way home, little brother. T.K.: You don't have to. Matt: I know I don't have to but I'm going to, okay? I've got my reasons! T.K.: What reasons? Matt: You're my brother. T.K.: Thanks Matt.
This part's pretty well adapted. Matt uses a lot more words to explain where he's coming from, whereas Yamato captures basically all of that in the four words "Let me do this." But he still gets to the same point.
Things are pretty tense here in the train car. But then Patamon asks a question that's more insensitive than he realizes.
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Patamon: Are you upset because you're splitting up (wakareru)? Takeru: Shut up! Yamato: (surprised) Takeru! Patamon: You don't have to yell at me like that! Takeru: Even if it's you, Patamon, you shouldn't talk about us brothers like that! Patamon: Fine! I won't talk anymore! Tsunomon: Patamon!
To understand why Takeru lost his shit all of a sudden, you need to understand the nerve Patamon struck. The word he used, wakareru, means to divide or to separate. He was trying to politely ask if the fact that they're going to go their separate ways soon is what's causing all this tension in the train car.
But it's also the word for divorce. Patamon accidentally brushed on Takeru and Yamato's mutual insecurity, that their parents breaking up has broken them up.
Meanwhile, in the dub:
Patamon: Ahhh, nothing like sweet brotherly love! Tsunomon: That's a Digi-mouthful! Patamon: We like when you guys get mushy! T.K.: Hey, quit it! Matt: Easy, T.K.! Patamon: You don't have to be mean about it. I thought what you guys said was ni-- T.K.: MIND YOUR OWN BEESWAX!!! Why ya listenin' to our conversation anyway!? Patamon: FINE!!! If you don't want me around, I'll leave! Tsunomon: Patamon!
Patamon abruptly starts talking about how cute the boys are, and T.K. gets so embarrassed that he snaps at Patamon about it.
The anime's always been uncomfortable talking about the divorce. So uncomfortable that they initially posed these two as half-brothers but I think we've officially done away with that. But they did bring it up a second ago, so I'm a little surprised they suddenly back down from it here.
Patamon's feelings are so hurt by the argument that he bails as soon as the train doors open.
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Patamon: I'm getting off here! Yamato: Patamon!
Yamato and Tsunomon try to chase Patamon, but only get as far as the door. He's gone.
Yamato: Takeru! Patamon flew away! Takeru: (bristling) Who cares.... Tsunomon: The door's about to close! Yamato: (firmly) Takeru....
Right as the doors are about to close, Takeru's anger breaks. At the last possible second, he and Yamato jump out onto the platform of Shibuya Station to go find Patamon.
In the dub:
Patamon: I know when I'm not wanted! Matt: Patamon, don't! (Patamon's gone) Matt: Patamon got off the train, T.K.! Don't you want to go after him? T.K.: Who cares about him!? Tsunomon: I think you care about him. Matt: Don't you? (beat) Tsunomon: T.K.? Matt: Better decide, T.K.; The door's closing! (T.K.'s anger breaks and he jumps off the train with Matt) T.K.: Where'd he go!? Tsunomon: Where are we!?
Again, it's wordier but it hits all the important points. Tsunomon and Matt having to spell out T.K.'s inner turmoil might be a bit over-expository but it doesn't feel intrusive to me. The scene still flows pretty well.
Leaving the station, the brothers hit the streets of Shibuya to find Patamon.
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Tsunomon: Where could Patamon have gone? Yamato: This is your fault for yelling at him, Takeru. Takeru: (snaps) I couldn't help it! Yamato: Hey, don't take it out on me.
Takeru stops walking suddenly. His eyes soften.
Takeru: Onii-chan, I'm sorry.... Yamato: You went too far with Patamon. Takeru: I know, it's just.... He wasn't wrong.... Yamato: (gently) I know how you feel. Tsunomon: Let's go look over there!
Tsunomon's doing a pretty terrible job of being a plushy, I gotta say.
The dub, I guess, adds a timeskip as the brothers exit the train station?
T.K.: Seems like we've been walking around for hours.... Tsunomon: Yeah, I'm tired! And I don't even have any feet or legs! Matt: You shouldn't have yelled at him like that, T.K. T.K.: Hey, it's not my fault! Matt: Well, actually, it is. (T.K.'s eyes soften and he stops walking.) T.K.: Oh, I'm really sorry.... Matt: I understand, T.K. I know you didn't mean to hurt his feelings. T.K.: Well, I thought he was making fun of us.... Matt: No way, dude! You know Patamon better than that. Tsunomon: Hey, why don't we try looking over there.
Well. Uh. Glad we got that resolved. T.K. was making mountains out of molehills and he gets that now. Emotional drama: Over.
While Yamato and Takeru search for Patamon, they pass a pachinko parlor. We pan inside, where Pumpmon and Gotsumon are spending their night on the town not gambling.
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Pachinko is a pretty huge industry in Japan, proving not-gambling entertainment services. Comparable to a slot machine, pachinko is an easy way to burn through your disposable income by turning a knob and seeing what you get.
The reason I keep saying not gambling like that is because pachinko exploits a legal loophole to dance around Japan's strict gambling laws. Legally, it's simply classified as entertainment. This is because you can't win any money from the machines.
When you play pachinko, what you win from it are balls which are then exchanged for prizes at a nearby prize center. Sort of like an arcade. Those prizes can then be sold to a vendor in exchange for money.
See! It's not gambling! You're winning prizes, not money. And then turning those prizes into money. Not gambling!
So. yeah. These two are basically in a Japanese casino. It's an open secret that pachinko's cheating the system but it's also a pretty major industry, puts a lot of money into taxes, and the law still restricts minors from playing so everyone sorta goes along with it. There's stuff like that in every country.
We join Pumpmon inside as his machine pays out a ton of pachinko balls. Behind him, he has five separate trays filled with balls.
Pumpmon: This is really fun! Gotsumon: Hey, give me some. Pumpmon: Again!? Gotsumon: Don't be selfish! Pumpmon: But I am selfish. Gotsumon: I'll pay you back. Pumpmon: Promise? Gotsumon: Promise.
Before Pumpmon can turn any balls over to Gotsumon, a casino worker finds them.
Worker: You two. You're kids wearing costumes, AREN'T YOU!?!?
He drags them both from the casino and throws them out onto the escalator.
Worker: Next time I see you in here, I'm calling your school!
Once the two Digimon hit the bottom, they get up and yell back at him.
Pumpmon: WE'RE NOT CHILDREN!!! Gotsumon: We're just short! Worker: WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!?!? Both Digimon: WAUUUUGH!!! (flees)
The funny thing is, he's half-right. Gotsumon is a child.
In the dub:
Pumpkinmon: Haha! Alright, another winner! Gotsumon: So will you give me a few? Pumpkinmon: What, again!? Gotsumon: I'll pay you back, I promise! Pumpkinmon: You'll pay me back with what!? Gotsumon: With what I'm about to win! Pumpkinmon: But you never win. Gotsumon: I'M HOT TONIGHT!!!
I don't think Gotsumon knows what that phrase means. Also, sad that we dropped "But I am selfish."
Nonetheless, pleasantly surprised that they correctly adapted the pachinko parlor as a casino by any other name. This is casino dialogue.
Worker: Hey, you two! You kids just don't get the message! Get out and STAY OUT!!! (Worker throws them out) Worker: If you have to try sneaking in here dressed as cartoon characters, at least get a decent costume! (Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon hit the ground floor) Pumpkinmon: Boy, it's a good thing we were just about to leave! Gotsumon: Or we'd teach you some manners! Worker: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!? Pumpkinmon: Uh-oh! Gotsumon: Oh boy! (They flee)
These two are clowns in both versions. I love it.
Fleeing from the casino, the two Digimon run into a young woman, knocking her to the ground.
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Gotsumon: IT'S A SHIBUYA-TYPE GIRL!!! Pumpmon: Let's hit on her to celebrate our first night in Shibuya! Gotsumon: What's up, babe? Woman: What do you want!? Gotsumon: Do you know what time it is? Woman: (checks her watch) Hey! Don't come any closer! You two look like rejects from "Kinchan no Kasou Taishou"! Pumpmon: What is that? Gotsumon: I don't get it. Pumpmon: You're dressed funny too!
Pumpmon demonstrates the peculiarities of the woman's attire by yanking her out her nose stud. This proves to be a terrible mistake, as the next we see of them, they're fleeing for their lives while she chases them in a blood fury.
Needless to say, their attempt at hitting on the woman they knocked down did not go well.
The TV show she brings up is a Japanese variety show that's basically a professional talent show. People would come on and do their own skits, then be rated by a panel of judges.
In the dub:
Gotsumon: Whoa! I think you knocked over a monster! Pumpkinmon: Even worse, I think I knocked over a teenager. I've heard about these strange looking creatures. Woman: Hey! It takes one to know one. Gotsumon: Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Pumpkinmon: TIME FOR NEW CLOTHES AHAHAHAHA!!! Woman: Get lost, you creeps! And what's with the costumes!? Aren't you guys a little late for Halloween!? Pumpkinmon: What's Halloween? Gotsumon: I don't think I like these teenage things! Pumpkinmon: Me either. Maybe I can reprogram her if I pull out her safety mechanism. (Pumpkinmon tugs the woman's nose stud, provoking the fury) Woman: COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE MUTANTS!!! THIS 'TEENAGE THING' IS GONNA TEACH YOU SOME MANNERS!!!
It's August, so we're more early for Halloween than late.
Pumpkinmon talks like a grumpy old man in this scene and it's weird. His lines here are generation-gap Boomer Humor, and it feels bizarre coming from what are supposed to be two fun-loving imps having a night on the town.
I mean, he is an Ultimate Digimon so maybe he is a boomer but it doesn't fit the tone.
That said, the payoff in the woman's final line is hilarious. XD
Fleeing the infuriated teenager, Pumpmon and Gotsumon's trajectory brings them down an alley and straight towards Yamato and Takeru.
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Tsunomon is not playing. The second he lays eyes on these two coming down the alley, he evolves to Gabumon.
Gabumon: Pumpmon! Gotsumon! Takeru: Do you know these Digimon? Gabumon: I think they work for Vamdemon. Pumpmon: We're being chased by a Shibuya-type girl who's much scarier than Vamdemon-sama! Gotsumon: You should hide too!
The pair grab Gabumon by the arms, dragging him away to a hiding place.
In the dub:
Gabumon: Hold it right there! Why are you two in such a hurry!? T.K.: Do you know these guys? Gabumon: I sure do! They work for Myotismon. Pumpkinmon: You're right! But, right now, we're being chased by something even scarier than Myotismon. Gotsumon: There's a really mad teenage human after us! Come to think of it, you'd better hide too!
Losing the repeated references to these humans as "Shibuya-type" doesn't seem like that big a deal, but it does take a bit of the unique characterization and charm away from Pumpmon and Gotsumon.
While the Digimon take cover, Yamato faces the furious Shibuya-type teenager.
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Woman: WHERE THE HELL DID "KINCHAN NO KASOU TAISHOU" GO!?!? Yamato: (points) They went that way. Woman: Thanks! (runs off)
Classic misdirect. Once she's gone, it's time to find out what's going on with these guys.
Gabumon: Did Vamdemon order the two of you to come here and find the Eighth Child? Pumpmon: That's right.
Yamato tenses up at the confirmation. The music takes on an ominous tone as Gabumon and Takeru withdraw to Yamato. Steeling themselves for the--
Pumpmon: But Shibuya is much more fun! (Tension killed instantly) Yamato: (lost) Shibuya is much more fun?
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Both: (dramatic pose) We've become Shibuya-type Digimon! Takeru: Shibuya-type Digimon? Gabumon: What is going through your heads? Both: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon all exchange weary glances over whatever the hell this is. But when they look back, the Shibuya-type Digimon are gone.
In the dub, the teenager opens this scene with a valid point.
Woman: YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE DRESSED IN THOSE STUPID COSTUMES WHERE ARE THEY!?!? Matt: (points) Uh, they went that way. Woman: THANKS!!! (runs off) (The Digimon come out from hiding) Gabumon: I think I know why you two troublemakers are in the real world. Did Myotismon happen to send you here to find someone? Pumpkinmon: Yeah! That Eighth DigiDestined kid. Matt: Huh! Then you're our enemy! Pumpkinmon: No, we're not! We just want to cruise around the city and have some fun! Matt: Well, we thought you two were evil Digimon. Gotsumon: Evil schmevil! We love it here! In fact, next stop: Hollywood! (dramatic pose) TA-DA!!! T.K.: (flatly) They're not ready for TV. Gabumon: Typical. Everybody wants to be in show business. Both Digimon: Lights! Cameras! And action! (The trio all exchange glances and disgusted noises) Gotsumon: Hey! There's some lights! Pumpkinmon: YEAH!!! (Everyone looks back and they're gone) Matt: What are they doing up there!?
The dub's aversion to quiet moments prevents it from even competing with the original. Also, the nonsequitur about Hollywood is clearly written in there because they had no idea what to do with the Shibuya-type animations they were saddled with.
Now, where did those two get off to?
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Gotsumon and Pumpmon jump onto a streetlight, shaking it and scrambling its signals. The ensuing confusion causes a traffic calamity.
Suddenly, police sirens start up in the distance.
Takeru: Police sirens! Yamato: They'll arrest us if they see this! RUN FOR IT!!!
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon cheese it before the bacon patrol can arrive. Gotsumon and Pumpmon consider their options.
Pumpmon: They're running away. Gotsumon: Let's go too. Both: WAIT UP!!! (flee)
Wise decision.
Over in the dub, Matt yells at them as soon as they jump on the streetlight.
Matt: HEY!!! GET DOWN!!! (Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon cause a pileup) Gabumon: That's enough! That's not funny; It's mean! (Police sirens) T.K.: Sirens! Matt: Get down or the police will arrest you! We'd better get out of here, guys; Let's run! (T.K., Matt, and Gabumon flee) Pumpkinmon: Did he just say let's run? Gotsumon: Sure did! Both: WAIT FOR US!!! (flee)
Mostly the same, though Gabumon's gentle admonishment isn't as fun as original Gabumon's furious outburst.
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After cheesing it from the cops together, the brothers realize they've misplaced the Shibuya-type Digimon.
Yamato: H-Hey, what happened to Pumpmon and Gotsumon? Takeru: They were keeping up with us a minute ago. Gabumon: Those two are so impulsive... ACK!!!
Gabumon suddenly spots Pumpmon and Gotsumon trying on outfits inside a clothing store through the display window. Pumpmon is rocking a pink dress while Gotsumon's trying on blue shorts and a white shirt.
Brothers: ...those guys.... Pumpmon: I think this dress would look better on you. Gotsumon: I agree!
They swap instantaneously.
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon enter the store to confront them.
Yamato: Pumpmon! Gotsumon! Gotsumon: Oh, did you want to dress up too? Pumpmon: PUT THIS ON!!!
Gotsumon and Pumpmon dress Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon each up in goofy outfits. The camera lingering on each in turn.
Gotsumon & Pumpmon: YOU LOOK GREAT!!!
Right at that moment, Patamon flies past the window.
Takeru: AH! PATAMON!!! Yamato: AFTER HIM!!!
The trio throw off their costumes and frantically exit the store, chasing after the lost Patamon.
Pumpmon: Should we follow them? Gotsumon: Sure!
In the dub, Gabumon takes this as an opportunity to be zen.
Matt: Hey, where are Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon? T.K.: They were right behind us. They must have gotten lost or something. Gabumon: Those two... Even when they're found they're lost. AUGH!!! (Gabumon spots the pair in a storefront window) Matt & T.K.: Man oh man.... Pumpkinmon: I think this one makes me look fat. But what do you think? Gotsumon: Well then, let's switch! (Brothers and Gabumon enter) Matt: You guys need to change your attitude! Gotsumon: You need to change your clothes!
XD "You need to change your clothes" got me.
As the camera pans over each of the dressed up protagonists, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon get some silence-breakers.
Pumpkinmon: (on Matt) This look says you're not afraid to think big! Gotsumon: (on T.K.) Here's a sporty look! Course, I haven't figured out what sport it is yet. Pumpkinmon: (on Gabumon) And finally something nice and a little teddy. Well, what do you think? (Patamon flies by) T.K.: OH!!! PATAMON!!! Matt: HEY!!! PATAMON, COME BACK!!! (The brothers run out) Pumpkinmon: ...so, should we follow those guys? Gotsumon: And why not?
XD Again, they got me. "I haven't figured out what sport it is yet," was a solid follow-up to the innocuous seeming setup, and the timing on that line was pretty good.
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Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon chase Patamon to a nearby park, but then they lose him.
Takeru: We lost him again.... Yamato: Patamon must still be upset. Gabumon: He's not usually this stubborn.
Suddenly, Pumpmon and Gotsumon show up with ice cream cones.
Pumpmon: Now now, cheer up! Gotsumon: Have faith that you'll find him eventually.... Pumpmon: ...and have some ice cream!
Yamato and Takeru both gasp with alarm when they see what the pair are holding.
Gabumon: Where did you get that ice cream? Both: WE STOLE IT!!!
As if on cue, the ice cream vendor comes running into the park behind them.
So the whole group has to start running once again.
Yamato: Why do we have to run!? Gabumon: She's seen us with them! Gotsumon: Want some ice cream while we're running away? Takeru: GET RID OF IT!!!
Once they've evaded yet another Shibuya-type pursuit, Yamato and Takeru stop to catch their breath.
Pumpmon: (holding out the cones) Want some? Yamato: Not me. Takeru: Me either. Gabumon: ... (Beat) Gabumon: I'll eat. Yamato: HEY!!! GABUMON!!!
XD Yamato's trying so hard to present a unified front here but it's ice cream. I mean, no point letting it go to waste; Damage already done and all that. You can't unpop that cork.
In the dub:
T.K.: Do you see him anywhere, Matt? Matt: No. Looks like we lost him again, T.K. Gabumon: Patamon doesn't usually hold a grudge but he was mad as a bull with a Black Gear.
It's funny to me that they're still bringing up Black Gears. That was more than half the series ago. On the one hand, new viewers are going to have no idea what that's supposed to mean. But from a writing perspective, I kinda like that their initial File Island adventure left a mark on everyone's psyches.
Like they're just waiting for Black Gears to become a thing again.
Pumpkinmon: Hey now, don't look so bummed out! Gotsumon: Yeah! I'm sure you'll find your little flying pig friend somewhere! Pumpkinmon: Maybe some ice cream will cheer you all up, huh? Brothers: !!! Gabumon: You guys don't have any money so how did you get ice cream? Both: WE STOLE IT!!! Vendor: (running into the park) YOU CROOKS!!! COME BACK HERE WITH MY ICE CREAM!!! (Everyone runs) Matt: I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO!!! EVERYWHERE YOU GUYS GO, THERE'S TROUBLE!!! THE NEXT TIME YOU TWO GET SOMEONE ANGRY, MAKE SURE THEY CAN'T RUN VERY FAST!!! (Everyone stops to catch their breath) Pumpkinmon: So, want some ice cream? Matt: Not me. T.K.: You stole it! Gabumon: ... Matt: Gabumon won't take it either. Right? Gabumon: Ice cream... Ye-- Brothers: GABUMON!!!
Not sure why Gotsumon knows they're looking for a flying pig; He hasn't laid eyes on Patamon. But they did say Patamon's name so he's probably familiar with the species. That's fine.
The dialogue exchange while everyone's running is replaced with Matt scolding the pair of troublemakers for the entire sequence. Though, funnily, he seems more upset that they got caught than that they stole the ice cream in the first place.
The Gabumon joke at the end is slightly different but still nails the landing.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning from the stormy sky strikes the road in front of them, kicking up a cloud of dust. And then everything stops being funny.
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Vamdemon: Pumpmon. Gotsumon. Both: Y-Yes, sir!? Vamdemon: Why are you eating ice cream with the Chosen Children? Both: Y-you see.... Vamdemon: Weren't you supposed to be searching for the Eighth Child? Both: We haven't found them yet! Vamdemon: Then why haven't you taken the Crests from these children!? Both: We were just about to do that! (Pumpmon and Gotsumon turn on Yamato and Takeru) Gabumon: RUN!!!
Gabumon shields Yamato and Takeru with his body and the three of them run for it. Gotsumon and Pumpmon let out adorable little battle cries and give chase.
Over in the dub, Myotismon opens by telling these two what he really thinks.
Myotismon: Losers! Failures! Both: No no! Don't say that! Myotismon: Instead of causing pain and suffering, I find you here eating ice cream! Both: ...well, it is stolen-- Myotismon: I DON'T CARE ABOUT ICE CREAM!!! Have you found the Eighth DigiDestined Child yet? Both: Well, we were about to find him! Myotismon: Redeem yourselves by stealing the Crests from these children OR ELSE!!! Both: No problem, boss! That's just what we were about to do! (Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon turn on Matt and T.K.)
Gabumon doesn't say anything when they run this time. He lets out some scared vocalizing like Matt and T.K. are.
Different openings to the same result. Honestly, both openings have merits. I prefer the first one, because Vamdemon's stonefaced "Why are you eating ice cream with the Chosen Children?" is a beautiful Oh Fuck moment. There is no possible answer they can give to that question that won't incriminate them further.
But also, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon pointing out to Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain Myotismon that the ice cream does qualify as a crime, only for him to scream "I DON'T CARE ABOUT ICE CREAM!!!" is hilarious. XD
So, in the original, Vamdemon opens the conversation with an impossible-to-defend accusation in what is very much the voice of a boss catching an employee goofing off at work. Meanwhile, in the dub, they get him. They win that verbal joust and he's livid about it. Both versions are so good.
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Takeru: Why did they attack us all of a sudden!? Yamato: It can't be helped. They were working for Vamdemon from the start! Gabumon: But I can't bring myself to fight those two!
Pumpmon and Gotsumon are troublemakers, but there's no malice in it. They've sort of become the kids' friends, in an odd way.
In the dub:
T.K.: Can you believe those two turning on us!? Matt: And I thought Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon only wanted to have fun, not fight! Gabumon: I suppose they'd rather fight us than fight Myotismon.
Gabumon's line in the original is an expression of his own personal feelings towards Gotsumon and Pumpmon. He's asserting his growing fondness for the pair. In the dub, he explains their motive for the betrayal, which we saw for ourselves half a minute ago, so it's not as interesting.
Cut to Patamon hunkering down on top of a streetlight. He's finally run out of angry and is starting to have post-fury regrets.
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Patamon: I left in the heat of the moment, but I wonder what Takeru's doing now?
Down below, he overhears a pair of girls in school uniforms chatting.
Girl 1: Yeah, if you want to meet up with someone, it should be in front of Hachikou's statue. Girl 2: Hachikou's statue is the best place to meet up! Patamon: Hachikou's statue....
Patamon takes to the air again, his mind set on a destination.
For context, Hachikou was a dog whose owner brought him to Shibuya. His owner would take the train to work, and every day Hachikou would wait at Shibuya Station for his owner to return.
His owner died one day from a medical complication at work, and never came home to Hachikou. From then on, every day for the next ten years, Hachikou would come to Shibuya Station and wait, unaware that his owner would never return. He kept this up until the day he died.
(Yeah, that Futurama episode that made you cry is based on a real event that happened in Japan.)
In his memory, a statue of Hachikou was erected outside the station. He's been immortalized in movies, anime, and video games. There's even an annual memorial in his honor.
So. Y'know. Lot of cultural significance to using Hachikou's statue as a place to meet up with people. Which isn't going to translate into the dub very well.
Patamon: I just can't stay mad at T.K. anymore. Besides, I really miss him! Girl 1: So I told Rebecca and Sarah to just find us at the park later. That'll work. It's like... It's so easy to find somebody at the park! Girl 2: Yeah! It's totally easy to find somebody there! Patamon: Oh, in the park!
(sigh) They could have at least used the statue as a landmark. Even if kids don't understand the cultural significance, that's fine. Neither does Patamon. Someone said "Hey, Hachikou's statue is a great place to meet!" and that's all the context he has. It's fine if that's all the context the audience has.
"The park"? This is a metropolitan city. Which park?
While Patamon's heading to Hachikou's statue, Yamato and Takeru find themselves cornered by the formerly friendly Gotsumon and Pumpmon.
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As they round a corner, they see Pumpmon ahead, cutting off their exit.
Yamato: AUGH!!! Takeru: PUMPMON!!! Pumpmon: This is as far as you go! Gabumon: He cut us off from the front. Yamato: Get behind me, Takeru.
Gripping Takeru by the shoulders, Yamato moves him back towards the rear. Unfortunately, it's not safe from that side either, as Gotsumon brings up the rear.
Takeru: (spots Gotsumon) Ah! Yamato: (turns) Gotsumon! Gotsumon: This is as far as you go.
I like the symmetrical taunting from Pumpmon and Gotsumon as their trap is sprung. These two are such a double-act, even as the enemy.
The pair backs Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon into a vacant lot. Nowhere to run now.
In the dub:
T.K.: Hey, how'd you do that!? Pumpkinmon: Aren't I amazing!? Gabumon: Well, you might make a nice pie. Matt: Come on! Let's turn around! (moves T.K. behind him) T.K.: Whuh!? Gotsumon: (approaches from the rear) Hehe, I don't think so! Matt: We're surrounded! Gotsumon: Sorry we have to do this to you guys, but orders are orders. You understand.
"You might make a nice pie." Holy shit, shots fired. Gabumon threatens to eat Pumpkinmon.
Matt's also given a tone-shifting silence-breaker when Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon back them into the lot.
Matt: Alright, if it's a fight you want, LET'S DO IT!!!
This is one of those lines the dub likes to use when the kids are in extreme peril to make it seem like it's not so dire.
With their backs against the wall of the lot, Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon prepare to have to defend themselves. Pumpmon and Gotsumon slowly advance on the Children with determination and menace in their eyes. Then, at last, Pumpmon--
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Pumpmon: I quit. Gotsumon: Ugh, me too! Pumpmon: Playing around in Shibuya is way more fun than fighting the Chosen Children! Gotsumon: Yeah yeah! Come hang out with us! Group: Huh!?
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon have tonal whiplash over how this night has gone. But the tension's been deflated, our new friends are still our friends, and--
A bolt of lightning suddenly strikes nearby.
Pumpmon: V-VAMDEMON'S COMING!!! Gotsumon: Go hide!
Things may have de-escalated with these two, but there's still the big guy lurking around. It's not safe to be out in Tokyo at night.
In the dub:
Pumpkinmon: Uhh, I quit. Gotsumon: Yeah, me too. Group: Huh? Pumpkinmon: Why should we fight? Somebody always gets hurt. Besides, it's way more fun just hanging out and cruising around the city! Gotsumon: That's for sure! Hey, why don't you guys hang out with us? Group: Huh!? (Lightning bolt strikes nearby) Pumpkinmon: Whoa, Myotismon's coming! Gotsumon: You should all hide!
It's worded a little different but mostly the same. I like Pumpkinmon's new point about how violence sucks, actually. Like. Unless you're Son Goku, on a scale of 1 to Fun it's a 0.
Takeru, Yamato, and Gabumon all hide while Pumpmon and Gotsumon go out to confront their boss.
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It does not go well.
Vamdemon: Where are the Chosen Children? Pumpmon: Unfortunately, they got away from us. Gotsumon: We almost had 'em! Vamdemon: You LIARS!!! I have no further use for you. NIGHT RAID!!!
Pumpmon and Gotsumon's deception confirms Vamdemon's suspicions, provoking a rare break from his typically cool demeanor.
We're going to see in a moment that he does know where the Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon are. It's too late to hide. He's giving Pumpmon and Gotsumon an opportunity to tell him and prove that they haven't deserted their posts. A test that they fail.
In the dub:
Myotismon: Where are the DigiDestined!? Pumpkinmon: Uh, they were here just a second ago! They must have got away! Gotsumon: Yeah! You can't believe how fast they are! But we almost had 'em, boss. Myotismon: Yes. I can imagine. You had your chance; Now I'm condemning you to my dungeon in the Digi-World! GRISLY WING!!!
...yeah, we'll. Uh. We'll talk about Myotismon's dungeon in the Digi-World in a moment.
The acting for Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon is so good in this scene. They do a fantastic job selling these claims as pathetic excuses from dipshit minions.
There is, however, a bit of a narrative shift here. Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are lying to protect their friends in both versions. However, in the original, Vamdemon sees through their lies and attacks them for betraying his side. Myotismon is just executing them for failure. This was their opportunity to "redeem themselves" for not finding the Eighth Child, and they bungled it.
Well. Shit. Vamdemon's on the attack, as his bats swarm Pumpmon and Gotsumon. Nothing to lose now; Go for the Hail Mary.
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Pumpmon fires off his Trick or Treat, conjuring a colossal pumpkin above Vamdemon and dropping it. The Night Raid bats quickly return from their attack, moving into defense and catching the pumpkin. They ravenously devour Pumpmon's best move.
While his bats are distracted, Gotsumon tries to blindside Vamdemon with his Angry Rock attack. But. Like. It's a rock being thrown by a Child-stage Digimon, and Vamdemon's Perfect. He telekinetically stops the rock with a sharp gaze, then shatters it in midair.
The dub calls these moves Pumpkinmon Power and Rock Fist Attack respectively.
Once the bats have finished eating Pumpmon's pumpkin, they go back on the attack. Pumpmon and Gotsumon have nothing left to defend themselves.
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Vamdemon's Night Raid descends upon Pumpmon and Gotsumon once more. They both let out the most bloodcurdling screams, and we pan away to Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon in a nearby alley.
Gabumon: Pumpmon! Takeru: Gotsumon!
Yamato throws himself around Takeru and pulls him away, using his own body to break Takeru's line of sight.
Yamato: Don't watch, Takeru!
The axe from Pumpmon's head and one of Gotsumon's rocks clatter to the ground. Then they dissolve into pixel dust. The incorrigible pranksters are dead. Vamdemon takes a step forward, his boot landing where these parts of the prankster pair had dissolved, as if crushing their bodies underfoot.
There is no change in the dub. Even their bloodcurdling screams as they die are retained. This is because the dub already changed the context of this scene a moment ago. This is where "My dungeon in the Digi-World" comes in.
They pre-emptively altered the context of Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon's disintegration so they could present the death scene in all its gory detail, unhindered by the need to appease the censors. They went to the dungeon, so it's fine for them to die screaming while Matt yells at T.K. not to watch.
...honestly, clever. Points to the dub for managing to make the censors happy and preserve the emotional punch of this scene. Though if you're hoping for a follow-up episode where we spring them from Myotismon's dungeon, I... Uh... I have some bad news.
(Now that I think about it, his entire castle and the mountain it's situated on got obliterated the day after he left. He doesn't know about that. So... I guess they're fine. Dub Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon popped into existence in a vacant lot in the Digital World, then ran merrily off into the woods. The joke was on Myotismon in the end.)
With the deserters disposed of, Vamdemon next advances on the alley where Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon are hidden away.
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Vamdemon: The three of you are next. Yamato: (voice breaking) They were good people.... Gabumon: Yamato.... Yamato: YOU HAD NO REASON TO KILL THEM!!!
To understand how big a deal this eruption from Yamato is, you need to understand something. Much like children's media in the U.S., children's media in Japan generally frowns on the word kurosu, meaning "to kill". It's considered vulgar and inappropriate for young audiences.
Like western children's cartoons, Children's anime will generally favor other terminology. "Defeat him. Destroy him. Take him down."
Yamato here uses the word. We are not pulling any linguistic punches. This motherfucker murdered Pumpmon and Gotsumon.
Gabumon evolves into Garurumon, slamming Vamdemon against the wall of the storefront across the road. He gets a hit in, but Vamdemon easily punches him away.
Garurumon keeps up the assault while Yamato shakes with fury.
Yamato: Those guys... It may only have been for a little while... (voice breaks) But they were our friends! GARURUMON!!!
Vamdemon catches Garurumon in his Bloody Stream, whipping him away and tossing him at a building. Just then, Yamato's grief activates his Crest, pushing Garurumon into Super-Evolution.
In the dub, Myotismon is cruelly dismissive of Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon.
Myotismon: (Advancing on the alleyway) Well, that wasn't very difficult. Now it's your turn. Matt: (voice breaking) Those two... They were really trying to save us. Gabumon: You're right! Matt: Rrrrgh! And you just condemned them for no reason at all!
The dub does not have the nerve to say kurosu here. Though they have dropped in some "kill" words in the past. I think this is contextually too dark for them.
Garurumon attacks Myotismon, and Matt's speech here is:
Matt: Go get him. He should pay for what he did to those two! Those guys just wanted to be our friends! GARURUMON!!!
Tonal shift. Yamato's speech is a furious eulogy centered on Pumpmon and Gotsumon, while Matt's is a vindictive battle cry against Myotismon. As usual, the Americans are more comfortable in the realm of aggression than emotional sincerity, which often gets put on display with Yamato/Matt specifically.
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WereGarurumon catches himself, landing on his hind legs on the building and then springing back at Vamdemon. Kicking off the most public Digimon fight we've had yet right here in the streets of youth culture center Shibuya.
We cut briefly to Patamon resting in a tree at Shibuya Station above the statue of Hachikou.
Patamon: Aww... Those girls said that if I wait here, I'd find Takeru...
In the dub:
Patamon: Aww... Those girls said the park was the place to find someone, but where's T.K.?
The spirit of Hachikou is strong today, however, and Patamon will be reunited with Takeru. The sound of screaming alerts him to something happening nearby. He looks up in time to see glowing signs on distant buildings destroyed by WereGarurumon and Vamdemon's fight.
(We aren't retreating this time; Yamato's out for blood. Also, fun fact: I'm sure I brought this up before but WereGarurumon himself is a Nightmare Soldier.)
The public below look on in horror as werewolf and vampire duke it out in Shibuya. WereGarurumon dodges away from a stabbing Bloody Stream and counters with Kaiser Nail. His claws form an X-shaped projectile that slams Vamdemon back through the wall of one of the neighboring buildings.
Startled humans inside leap to their feet as the fighting progresses indoors. WereGarurumon jumps in through the hole, but Vamdemon's back on his feet. A Night Raid hits WereGarurumon dead-on; The bats lifting him through the air and crashing him through a neon sign.
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Though the fight started off promising, the neon sign costs WereGarurumon dearly. Vamdemon now has the upper hand. Before WereGarurumon can recover and get back to his feet, Vamdemon lashes him with Bloody Stream.
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The fight has completely turned. Vamdemon has the unassailable advantage now. WereGarurumon finally makes it back to his feet, holding his stomach, badly hurt. Only to take another Bloody Stream to the face and knock him back down.
Yamato and Takeru watch in horror while Vamdemon lifts WereGarurumon into the air on his Bloody Stream whips, shocking or burning or doing something to him. WereGarurumon screams in agony.
While the violence unfolds, Takeru isn't even thinking about it. He's buried in his guilt.
Takeru: (thinking) If I hadn't gotten so mad, Patamon wouldn't have left us. We never would have met Pumpmon and Gotsumon in Shibuya. And Pumpmon and Gotsumon... wouldn't have been killed by Vamdemon!
Holy shit, that is a lot to lay on the shoulders of an 8-year-old. Takeru believes his mistakes got Pumpmon and Gotsumon killed. He's... he's not right but he's not wrong either.
I love that he calls out Vamdemon as the killer. That's vital perspective that people struggling with guilt don't always have. Vamdemon killed them, not Takeru. He is not to blame. It's good that he recognizes that.
But the chain of events that led to their deaths did begin with him exploding on the train. He's not to blame, but he's still going to be telling his therapist about this when he's forty.
In the dub:
T.K.: (thinking) WereGarurumon's in big trouble and it's all my fault! If I hadn't been so mean, Patamon would still be with us and we would never have met Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon! And if those poor guys had never met up with us, they wouldn't be stuck where they are now! Ohhhhh....
Good effort. Doesn't land quite as strongly, but that's mainly because there's only so hard they can go on T.K.'s trauma when Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are simply in a dungeon cell somewhere. They still put in as much effort as they can to sell this.
Takeru's grief and trauma and fear is so overwhelming at this point that it all comes crashing in together, pushing him over the edge for the second first time. Patamon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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FINALLY, a full 19 episodes following his death and reincarnation, Angemon is back in play. Patamon doesn't even know what's happening when the surge of Takeru's emotions hit him all at once and bring him into the fight.
Angemon soars over the onlookers in the streets below and straight on into battle. Vamdemon notices him at the last second, swerving out of the way of Angemon's swing - but the attack still goes through. Angemon's staff crashes through the whips of Vamdemon's Bloody Stream, breaking the bonds that are holding WereGarurumon down.
Angemon's intervention buys WereGarurumon a moment to finally catch his breath and get back up.
WereGarurumon: Angemon!? Angemon: Are you okay, WereGarurumon? WereGarurumon: Uh, sort of? Takeru: Angemon! Yamato: Takeru's feelings reached Patamon!
It's great that Angemon is back in the fight, but WereGarurumon's still hurting. We're not out of the woods yet.
Though the dub ratchets up the positivity.
WereGarurumon: Angemon.... Angemon: Are you alright, WereGarurumon? WereGarurumon: Yes. Thanks to you, I am. T.K.: Angemon rules! Matt: Well, I guess we don't have to look for Patamon anymore!
Matt, is that the most pressing matter right now? Dracula is still right there.
WereGarurumon gets his second wind while Angemon stares down Vamdemon.
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Vamdemon: So you're the one who possesses holy powers. WereGarurumon: Let's go, Angemon. Angemon: Right.
In the dub, Myotismon is weirdly dismissive of Angemon?
Myotismon: Hmph. Angemon. They must be desperate if they sent you! WereGarurumon: Angemon, shall we take him? Angemon: Let's go!
Uh, Angemon is kind of a big deal? I mean, he's still only Adult-stage; He'd get wrecked in a straight fight. But Myotismon is talking about him like he's the team bottom-feeder.
Angemon doesn't even respond to Vamdemon. He and WereGarurumon go straight on the attack as soon as WereGarurumon's recovered.
Angemon goes high, raising his staff for an overhead swing, while WereGarurumon goes low. WereGarurumon feints with a spin kick. Just as planned, Vamdemon dodges upwards to evade, coming straight into Angemon's attack range. He's forced to raise his arm to block the follow-up from Angemon.
With Vamdemon momentarily pinned down in melee with Angemon, WereGarurumon rebounds off the building that was behind him and comes in for his real attack. He throws himself up into the fray, coming straight up at Vamdemon's defenseless back.
And then I guess we ran out of time and budget because a big blue light blob conceals the entire rest of this fight.
Vamdemon retreats, attempting to save face with a parting taunt and his weird robotic monotone laugh.
Vamdemon: I'll finish this fight later. Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
So fucking creepy every time he does that. He laughs like a Text-to-Speech generator with a reverb played over it
Myotismon continues to have a much less Uncanny Valley laugh.
Myotismon: It's time I take my leave; We will fight again! HuhuHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Myotismon has a villain laugh and Vamdemon has this eldritch thing masquerading as mirth.
Now that the fight is over, WereGarurumon and Angemon revert to Gabumon and Patamon. (Not Tsunomon? Odd.) Yamato and Takeru race over to check on their Partners.
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Yamato lifts Gabumon into his arms as much as he can.
Yamato: Gabumon....
He looks concerned, but Takeru is distraught, with tears in his eyes. Considering what happened to Patamon last time he evolved, you can understand why he's freaking out.
Takeru: Patamon!? Are you.... Patamon: Yeah. I'm okay, Takeru. Takeru: T_T I'm sorry for getting mad.... Patamon: Don't cry, Takeru.
Of course, Takeru's fears are misplaced. The reason Angemon died last time was because he channeled the full holy might of all seven Digivices through his body at once. It was that desperation play that killed him.
But Takeru has had a fucking hell of a night and he can be forgiven for thinking he was about to cap it off by watching Patamon die again.
In the dub:
Matt: I hope they're alright! T.K.: Me too! (Both boys grab their Digimon Partners) Matt: Gabumon? T.K.: Ohhh... Patamon! Are you okay? Patamon: Yes. I'm alright now, T.K. T.K.: I'm sorry, Patamon. I'm sorry I got mad. Patamon: Don't cry, T.K. It's alright.
There's some extra dialogue leading into it but it's otherwise the same.
Yamato and Takeru walk back through Shibuya with their Partners, headed for the station. Along the way, they can't help but see the ghosts of the memories they made tonight, with two friends who paid a tragic price for it.
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They were Shibuya-type Digimon to the very end.
Takeru: Onii-chan, over there....
Takeru points out the storefront where Pumpmon and Gotsumon dressed up, and the memories flow in from there. Thirty seconds of silent flashbacks while a mournful piano melody plays in the background.
Yamato: (quietly) ...let's go home. Takeru: Yeah.
As the boys leave, a pair of shooting stars twinkle by overhead. A parting symbol of the lives that were lost tonight.
The dub tries to keep things light and upbeat, which really doesn't work for this scene.
T.K.: Hey, look in that window! That's where those crazy Digimon tried on all the clothes, remember?
Due to the dub's aversion to silence, the flashbacks contain voice lines from Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, of the various things they said in those scenes.
T.K.: Aww, they were funny. Matt: I know what you mean, T.K. I miss them too.
Yeah, you can't lighthearted a scene about grief. T.K.'s lines end up underselling the severity of what's happening in this scene. Though I guess that's to be expected since Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon went somewhere else.
While Yamato finally takes Takeru back to Shibuya Station to drop him off, we turn our attention back to Odaiba.
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The camera pans across the Rainbow Bridge, passing over Daiba Park where Vamdemon's base is located.
Narrator: The children saw the cruelty Vamdemon is capable of with their own eyes.
Then we cut to the Yagami home from outside. Hikari is in her room doing homework. The camera slowly pans up to reveal Tailmon on the roof. Watching.
(What she is watching, I have no idea. All she can see from her vantage is the balcony of the apartment above Hikari's.)
Narrator: Soon they would realize that this was only the prologue to the great battles ahead. Once the Eighth Child discovers their destiny, the flames of battle will flare in an instant and devour everything.
Then we close on a shot of Hikari's Digivice lying in a nest made from stolen hangers. Because crows.
Narrator: There's not long now until that time arrives.
Since the dub has no narrator, Matt takes the mic and uses it to spell out the Moral of the Episode.
Matt (V.O.): I guess we shouldn't take our friends for granted! T.K. nearly lost Patamon's friendship and who knows if we'll ever see Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon again! (Shift to the Yagami home) Matt (V.O.): But one thing's for sure; I know Myotismon isn't through with us yet! His henchmen are out there right now searching for the Eighth DigiDestined! Gatomon: (thinking) You may be sweet, little Kari, but next time I will get my claws into you. Narrator: Will Kari survive her next encounter with Gatomon, Myotismon's most loyal servant? Find out on the next Digimon: Digital Monsters.
Oh fuck me, I guess we DO have a narrator all of a sudden.
Remember, kids: Treasure the friends that you have. Because you never know when Dracula will murder them lock them in a dungeon.
The dub still doesn't quite understand what's going through Tailmon's head right now. She wasn't thwarted in her attempt to kill Hikari; She ran away because Hikari makes her feel feelings that are freaking her out.
She's fence-riding. Trying to monitor Hikari because she's pretty sure Hikari is the Eighth Child, but using "We don't know FOR SURE" as an excuse not to take further action.
But the dub's still playing Gatomon as super determined to kill Kari, but struggling to find an opportunity. Even though she had a perfectly good opportunity that she fled from.
Assessment: Fuck me, this episode. Hahahahaha hi shit is dark today. Between this and Angemon's first outing, Takeru will be in therapy until he's ninety.
This episode's a bit of a cheater. Like, it's kinda bullshit that Tsunomon can go straight to WereGarurumon in the same night he recovers to Gabumon after how much time was spent building up the drawbacks of Super-Evolution - and then revert back to Gabumon instead of Tsunomon.
I'm not sure if this is going to be the new standard going forward. The Digimon do get stronger over the course of the series; It was a plot point on File Island that practice made them better at being able to evolve to Adult-stage more frequently and consistently. So it may be that we're getting better at Super Evolution too. We'll see if this sticks. But it's still weird that he can hit Perfect in an episode he starts out in Baby.
Of course, Pumpmon and Gotsumon tore my heart in half like I knew they would. And Takeru, just... Just... Takeru. It's not exactly the episode from Fullmetal Alchemist (both versions, you know the one) but it's brutal nonetheless.
The dub... This is another one of those episodes where they were screwed from the outset. The censors were never going to let them do this episode justice. It's dark as shit. They didn't want to deal with angry parents calling because their children are screaming and crying over a pumpkin boy.
But for what they'd be allowed to do, they did a better job with it than I expected. It's still a pale imitation of the original, but there's more definition to that imitation than I thought I was going to see. A C for the overall product but an A for effort.
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kahlanmars · 1 year
Hi! This is the sequel of Bad Feelings, I just couldn't stop writing about these two!
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1. Flowers on the table
Life in Capitol City. You would lie if you didn’t admit you wanted this. Life in the District is good, and you know everybody, but to live in Capitol is kind of a dream. In Effie’s house you have running water all the time, hot shower, a giant bed and a fridge. The fridge is your new favorite thing in the world. These are the things that you used to see in the victor’s houses and envied them so much, and now for six months a new, shining version of them is yours. 
After a month in the city you figured out a lot of things. People walk for fun there, but only in malls and shopping centers, not in parks. Most of the citizens have jobs where they sit all the time, and then they go to the gym afterwards. And they have cinemas. When Portia took you to the cinema for the first time after the reconstruction - to help you see stage costumes - you nearly cried. 
The food is so good you are excited for every meal. And you can have meals everyday, not like in District Thirteen where every meal was for you to work harder, but a proper breakfast, a proper lunch and a proper dinner. A meal for the taste of it.
So, for these reasons and more you like living in Capitol City. But you miss your folks immensely. You hear from Holly every week, she is an ancient soul and she prefers to send you letters instead of just installing a telephone. And Haymitch comes every weekend, he stays for two days and he returns to Katniss and Peeta. 
There are a lot of ways you pictured your weekends with Haymitch during your stay in the Capitol: romantic dinners with candle lights, kisses under the moonlight, lazy morning cuddles, maybe a movie or two. 
Not fighting in a gym, your hair sweaty and a simple tank top and sweatpants as an outfit. 
«You got lazy.» He grumbles, and all you want is to scoff and go to a party. 
Haymitch grew paranoid in these months, since you got a threatening message written on the wall close to home. It simply said “GO AWAY”, but it was red like blood and you made the mistake of telling him, and now he wants you to become a skilled soldier.
You are definitely not a skilled soldier.
He is becoming one, though. He runs every morning, he helps Peeta with the bakery and sometimes he even hunts with Katniss. You wanted to point out that he can’t help you if he is in District Twelve and you are in Capitol City, but his abs are fantastic and his arms are so strong and big now that you quickly decided to shut up and enjoy the view.
«That’s because there is not a war anymore.» You glare at him, but he only attacks you again.
«And you are dead.» He puts you under him in a quick movement, mimicking a blade under your neck with a finger. In this position you can see his sparkling blue eyes and his neck, inviting you to bite it like a snack.
«If you wanted to get on top of me all you had to do was ask.» You purr, leaning for a kiss while your hands wander on his shoulders. He blocks you.
«Be serious.» He warns you, but you only pout. The times where you were kinda scared of him are long gone.
«Tomorrow you will be gone and I’ll have to work all day. Can I have at least a kiss from my fiancé?» He capitulates to your kiss and you are in his arms in the blink of an eye. Cheap shampoo, tobacco and the scent of woods, mixed now with a bread undertone, thanks to Peeta’s help. You miss his odor. Sometimes when you stop in a room, you feel like something is missing and it’s his scent. 
«I just want you safe.» He kisses your head and you lean against him, enjoying the feeling of your skin against his. 
«I know. And I love you. But you are obsessing.» He tries to rebut, but you stop him with your lips on his. «Now let me go, I have to prepare dinner for Effie.»
You want to thank her as much as you can, and cooking for her it’s a great way to do that. She is not a great chef, but she loves to eat and since Capitol is under reconstruction and she is not wealthy anymore, she can’t go out for dinner every day and you obviate it with your cooking qualities. You also clean her home and wash her clothes, basically what you did for Haymitch when you were his maid.
«I was hoping for a shower before that.» His eyes have a glimpse of lust that you can’t help but to appreciate. You are actually afraid he loses interest in you, since you are not close to him. You know it’s just your stupid fear and he asked you to marry him, and you can’t wait to be Daisy Pinecone-Abernathy, but he is so far away. 
«Oh, now you remember I exist?» You deadpan, but he doesn’t give you the decency of an answer, he just catches you and lifts you up on his shoulder like a caveman.
To be fair, you love when he acts like a caveman. 
The shower at Effie’s is one of the many perks of living in the city. Her bathroom is bigger than a house, and the shower has hydromassage, something that you really, really wanted to try with Haymitch, and it doesn’t disappoint at all.
You miss him. You miss him in the morning, because nobody wakes you up with little kisses and pecks. You miss him at lunch because you eat alone at Portia’s office, and you miss him at night, when you close the telephone and your bed is too large to be alone in it. And you can’t help but feel superficial because of how much you miss intimacy with him. 
The moments where you lived together in the Penthouse first and in Thirteen second are long gone, now you have to wait for the weekends to enjoy your partner. 
You still miss your house too, but you have to admit Effie’s home is marvelous and honestly so pretty. It’s very colorful, with light pink painted walls and trinkets all over the place. She used to be pretty rich, but now you pretend not to see she sometimes goes away with jewelry and comes back with cash.
When you asked her if your presence was a problem, she answered she gladly enjoyed your company and was more afraid of being alone than being a little less rich than usual.
The menù is simple tonight, so you can have your time with your boyfriend. Tomorrow you will have to wake up at six, to work for Portia.
Portia is a great stylist and you can’t wait to learn everything for her, and she is also a friend, but at work she is not the easiest person ever. She wants everything to be done perfectly, which is fair, but also you are still learning. And she has a lot of things to do during the day, she never catches a breath, she never stops to drink a coffee (you began to bring her coffee after she almost collapsed on her desk). 
You don’t know if she tries to be respected as she was before the war and she has to work more to gain that or if she used to work the same amount of time, but sometimes you watch her and you are not sure you want this life. You want to work in fashion, but you don’t want your life to be your job. You also want to go out with Haymitch (or, maybe, you want to stay in with Haymitch) or your friends. She barely sees Effie these days. 
«I love your hair.» He mumbles, more to himself than to you. You are flaming up the kitchen fires, you don’t have any makeup on anymore and the hair is not exactly combed. So you smile at him and you blow him a kiss.
«I love you. I can’t wait for you to see the wedding dress.» You pretend not to notice he is suddenly green at the mention of the wedding. You admit it is harder than you thought. «Effie loves it.»
«Where is Effie, by the way?» Haymitch asks while you are cooking. He doesn’t bother to put a shirt on when you two are alone, and you ogle him without shame. This piece of man is yours, all yours. You are in his shirt, that barely covers your thighs. By the way he is looking at you, like he wants to ravish you, he thinks the same thing.
«Out searching for a job, I suppose. She has not been lucky so far.» Poor Effie, nobody wants to hire the last escort alive. She is not in the television business anymore and she is trying everything. 
«Maybe Plutarch could help.» He suggests.
«Maybe.» You don’t like Plutarch and it shows. You can’t trust a snake. «For now I can help her with my income, but I wanted to send some money to Holly too.» 
You don’t know how Holly is doing. She is too proud to tell you the truth and her and your man are not on speaking terms, so you don’t have news. 
«Save some money for yourself.»
«Why? I’m marrying a rich man.» You whisper and you climb on his lap. «You are so hot, Mr. Abernathy. I think I’m falling for you.»
«You are so blind, but I won’t complain.» He laughs, circling you with his arms. «You are not so bad yourself, Mrs. Abernathy.»
«Daisy Abernathy.» You taste the name on your lips. «Go put a shirt on before dinner, you know Effie.»
«And you know how much I give a…» You stop him with a smack on his arm.
«Haymitch. Shirt on. C’mon.» 
«That’s not what you said in the shower, little lady.» He takes your wrist and places a rough kiss that looks more like a bite. He loves to mark you since you are not in your house. Like you have time to meet someone else. You spend all your day in Portia’s office or at home, you are not much of a socialite. Perla and Lora usually go out on fridays, but you are with him the next day and you don’t want him to smell wine or alcohol on you, so you say goodbye to them before sunset. He has been so good you don’t want to spoil everything.
«I don’t want to let you go for a whole week.» You are overdramatic and you know it. Still, you think it’s good for him that you tell him you like him. He always has so many doubts about it. «Can I kidnap you?»
«In Capitol City? Never.» He still kisses your shoulder and you stroke his blonde hair. He has more white hair than usual. You don’t mind, on him it’s sexy. 
«And…» You bite his neck. «In my bed?»
He lifts up his shirt on you, ready to make you sit on the table. «That’s better.»
The separation with your man is always hard. You kiss him goodbye too many times and he makes you promise there are only five months left and then you’ll come back in Twelve. He does that all the time.
Monday comes too quickly, and you are full of work even in the first hours of the morning. Portia is very meticulous on what she has to do. Today you have to sew like a hundred pieces before she comes, and when Lora approaches you, you have to turn her down.
«I’m afraid you got here for nothing. I can’t go out for lunch.» You look at her hoping she doesn’t do her famous big eyes, because it would be very hard for you to say no again.
«And what are you eating?» She wants to know instead. That’s a great question, which you don’t know the answer to. Either you starve or you pretend to bring something to Portia and then you eat with her in five minutes.
«I don’t think I will, I have to sew all these dresses and I don’t have time.» 
You like your life in Capitol City, and it’s just for six months. You can handle six months. Then you will have your knowledge, you’ll work as a tailor for District Twelve and you will live in your big house. 
«Nonsense. You have to eat.»
«I’m used to that, honey, don’t worry.» She doesn’t look so sure of it, so you try to change the subject. «So how are you in Perla and Cinna’s house?»
«Oh, well, good I think. I want a place that I can call mine, but I have to find a job first.»
The reconstruction of Capitol City is still going on. Many places are not ready, but they have money, more money than the districts, so they are faster. But you can still see the bombs in some parts of the city and the ruins, and it’s scary. You try not to think about it so much, and you don’t visit these places. Your face is unfortunately very famous, and not in a good way. Once you were Princess Daisy, beloved by the people, but now you are Rebel Daisy, who admitted killing a capitol citizen, who bombed their heads, and the fiancé - that got away from the news, you don’t know how - of one of the masterminds of the revolution.
Not really a good look.
And for Lora it is not really different.  
«Lora, you do know you don’t have to find a job or a place tomorrow, don’t you?»
«I don’t want to impose on Perla. When Chaff proposed that I could have gone to Capitol City to figure out what I wanted to do I thought it was a good idea, but now…»
Chaff proposed it because he couldn’t take care of her, probably. He is not in a good place with alcohol, Haymitch told you, and Lora is only nineteen and she needs a caregiver sometimes. She is bright and smart and brave, but she is so young and she has seen so many things. You want to suggest to her Doctor Aurelius, since you and Peeta are under her guide, but you don’t want to be inappropriate.
«You know Perla and Cinna like to be with you. You don’t impose yourself.» You squeeze her hand in support.
You admire them so much. You don’t know if you would want another person in your house the first days in the cohabitation. You know you are selfish, but the first weeks after the revocation of the sex strike you couldn’t stay five minutes with each other without ending up pushed against a wall. Or in the shower. Or on the kitchen table. 
Then again, Perla and Cinna have always been more responsible than you two. 
«I kinda do. Think about it, it’s their first days as a couple who live together. And I’m there.»
You cut her off. «They chose it.»
«Doesn’t mean they are not bothered by it. I just thought finding a job in a big city would have been easier. When I say I’m from the district they don’t want me anymore.»
That makes your blood boil and your first instinct is to shout to everybody that Lora is wonderful and they would be so lucky to have her, but then you remember you don’t have any power in the City. You notice that if they don’t recognise you from the games, they wrinkle their nose when they hear your accent. People are scared the revolution will end up like in the Dark Days, when the Capitol citizens didn’t have any food, and they don’t trust the districts. Paylor has been kind to them, definitely kinder than Coin, but it’s not enough. And maybe under that there is a sense of superiority.
«That’s kinda shitty.»
«Yeah…» She shrugs her shoulders. She is sad and you don’t know what to do to make her happy. Tomorrow, you decide, you will make her lunch. You have limited ways to make people happy: food, fabrics, or sex, but this particular way is just for your fiancé. You don’t have time to sew her a dress, so you will go with the food.
«You know what? We will have lunch with Portia. You can help us if you want, she promised me she has a great idea she can’t wait to show me. And we could ask her if she knows someone who needs an assistant or something like that.»
When you come back home you are tired as hell, your hands hurt and you just want to go to bed, but you have to prepare dinner. And Portia didn’t have time to see you, so you don’t know the big news. 
This is what you chose, and you like it. Cut the crap and stop acting like a spoiled brat, she lets you stay here for free. 
«You can’t imagine what Lora told me, she is… Effie?»
You spot your roommate on the big purple couch, with her nose red and a bunch of tissues near her. She cried. She wasn’t supposed to get caught, you get from the expression on her face. She is still very much an escort on that aspect: eyes bright, chin up, smile on. Doesn’t matter if your life is falling apart.
«Effie? What happened?» You rush to her, in case she needs help. Maybe she is hurt, maybe someone hurt her. You think Haymitch is paranoid about these words near the house, but it’s her house.
«Nothing, darling girl, don’t worry about me.» She dismisses it waving her hand. 
She is different. She doesn’t have a wig on anymore because the fashion in the Capitol is changed, tamed. She is better this way, her blonde curls on her shoulders are let loose, and they shine like gold. She has makeup on, but not as much as she used to, more like a rich district woman and less like a television star. She is breathtaking, the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. You wish Portia didn’t have to work so much, because she deserves to be revered every second.
«That’s a little too late. Tell me what happened.» You insist.
«It’s… it’s my fault, I deserve it.»
«What?» You spot a magazine. She shouldn’t buy that rubbish, but you understand why she did it: she is on the cover. An old picture of her, when a twenty something beautiful Effie Trinket was smiling at the cameras without a worry in the world. Under that there is written “Child killer”. 
Look who's talking. Like they didn’t. All Capitol City is guilty except for the rebels, and she is very much of a rebel.
«Let’s burn this. They don’t know you.» On page six, you read, there is an article about Finnick Odair and why he is not the sex bomb he was before. On page nine a piece about “Which girl you are? A Finnick girl or a Peeta girl?”. This magazine really is trash. 
«They are telling the truth.» She curls on the couch and you sit next to her. She cuddled all the time in Thirteen, you can do it one time.
«I don’t think so.» You repeat.
«I thought… I thought that it would have ended. The guilt, the nightmares. I thought, with the Revolution…» You pretend not to hear her at night, sometimes. She screams and then you make her a cup of tea or milk and you place it next to the door, or you pretend you wanted one for yourself and you made one more. You have nightmares too, Haymitch too and you are sure there is no news for Finnick or Annie either. 
«Effie, no. You have nothing to be guilty of.»
«I picked the names, Daisy. Katniss. Peeta. Your name.» But she was so young when she auditioned. She figured out everything by herself, you wish she could see it.
«It was your job. Haymitch was there too.»
«I chose it.»
«Yes, you chose it. At twenty, young and brainwashed. As you chose to be part of the revolution.»
She stays silent, drinking her herbal tea. She is too silent, and you don’t want her to suffer again.
«Haymitch lost his family and girlfriend because of Capitol City. He jumped at the thought of a revolution. Same thing for Finnick and Johanna. They are brave and strong, and you know how much I love my fiancé, but that is the truth.» You cup her face in your hands. «You chose it. You had every comfort here, you were famous, wealthy, hell you were even rich. No one in their right mind would have chosen the other side, except you. And not because you are crazy, but because you saw the injustice and corrected it. Effie Trinket, you are a hero and you are a rebel.»
She is still silent and you go heating up a soup. When you come back she still doesn’t speak but she rests on your shoulder. She smiles now. Mission accomplished.
«Haymitch! When did you come back? I didn’t see you.» You turn around from the couch where you are sitting. You spent the morning tidying up the house and you feel a little stronger already. You like not being in bed all the time, but to be fair you liked that your man did everything too. The fact that he was willing to bear the house, the geese, the cooking and you in general all by himself was really arousing. But now it’s time to get up.
«Hi sweetheart.» He kisses you and you notice he places something on the table.
«What is it?» You want to know, but he blocks you in his arms. «Oh, hi again… are you planning on seducing me?»
«Always.» He answers and the slap he gives you on the ass is so strong you actually whimper. «You know I was out in the woods and I kept thinking of you all the time. Fucking addiction.» 
«That’s how it is meant to be. I think everyone should think about me all the time.» You say smugly and you lean for a kiss. You love the fact that he is taller than you, you feel protected.
«You think you deserve it?» He taunts, and his hands are already toying with the buttons of your shirt. 
«I think I can show you how much I deserve it.» You flirt, and that much is enough for him to lift you up and push you to the couch, with him on top.
You can see the table in this position. And there *is* something on it.
«What’s that?» You ask, but your man is so focused on biting your breasts than you don’t think he even heard anything. And to be fair that’s really flattering and hot but now you want to know. «Darling, what’s that?»
You get up, with much of his displeasure, and you see what’s on the table. Flowers. Pretty flowers. «Do you want tea with those?» You question, confused.
«Nah.» He seems uneasy and embarrassed, and you slowly realize it. 
«Then why did you bring those home?» You turn around to see him, and you take the flowers in your hand. «Haymitch Abernathy, did you bring me flowers?» 
«It’s not a big deal.» He answers rougher than usual, «Don’t read anything on it. I was just trying to get in your pants.» 
You want to laugh so bad, because you are about to marry the guy and he still points out you shouldn’t read anything on a sweet gesture. And truth to be told he doesn’t need much effort to get in your pants.
«I wouldn’t dream of it.» You humor him and you smell them. They are so pretty! Yellow and pink. You will find a vase for them. «I still love them.»
«Figured you would have liked useless stuff.» 
«Such a gentleman.» You lick your lips, but he throws you on the couch again after you lay the flowers on the table. «Haymitch!»
He kisses your cheek and your nose. «Did you like them?»
«Love them. Now gimme your kisses.»     
The next day, on lunch break you need to speak with Haymitch. You know you usually call the other one at night - and you quickly found out it’s not the easiest thing ever to make him talk on the phone, he is not used to it - but you need to hear his voice. You fell asleep while working on your wedding dress last night, and thanks heavens you didn’t drool on the fabric. You would use a bed right now, your back is killing you and you still need to call a thousand stockists for Portia.
This is not his voice, though. This is a female voice, and not Katniss, who is there all the time. You don’t mind Katniss, she is nice and she is your fiancé’s daughter, not to mention she brings you delicious meat you don’t have to hunt yourself, but this is not Katniss.
«Hi, who’s this?» You try to remain calm, because you are not jealous of every girl in the whole world. Just the ones in your house.
«Sorry? Who are you.» Oh, you recognise it now. «Marjorie?»
«Oh, hi Daisy.» She has the nerve to be surprised. She is the one in your house and she has the nerve of being surprised.
You don’t understand. If she is visiting, and you are not so happy she is visiting, why is she answering the phone? And why is she visiting? They remained on good terms, and you pretend to be happy about it so you can babysit Ivy in your free time. Maybe she is just bringing him fresh bread or something.
«What are you doing in my house?» You are not supposed to say this, this is not calculated. My house seems petty and childish. Our house is better, because it is your house. 
«I was just bringing Ivy to Haymitch.» She was whating the what?
«Ivy? To Haymitch?» Ivy is a wonderful kid. She is nice, she is quiet, she enjoys talking about herbs and she is a joy to be around, she goes along with every animal, even with the geese. You really like to stay with her when you have time, but Haymitch? He doesn’t like kids. He doesn’t have any patience or interest for them. You can catch him playing football with some of the neighbors' children, but that’s when they are old enough to play. 
The sudden image of a loving family hits you in the guts. Haymitch and Marjorie with Ivy, it would be perfect, but you wouldn’t be in the picture. 
«He offered to watch her while I’m… cleaning.» 
«You are cleaning? Sorry, I don’t understand.»
«He didn’t tell you?» If she has to explain it maybe no, he didn’t tell you anything. «I’m working for him while I’m looking for a job.»
«You are looking for a- you are a nurse.» Your tone is rude and impolite and Effie wouldn’t be proud of you, but you are annoyed. She is talking nonsense. Haymitch would have told you. You quickly try to remember if he said anything about Marjorie, but he didn’t, you are sure of it. You would have remembered. 
«Yeah, in Thirteen, and it takes time for the documents to arrive in Twelve. Your mother is helping me as well. But I need money to take care of Ivy.»
«Oh.» You don’t want her to look in your things, you don’t want her to touch your drawers and your clothes.
Your job. That was your job. She is his new maid. And you trust him, but Marjorie is still so beautiful. She has majestic blonde hair, bright and magnetic blue eyes, the poise of a queen. Oh hell no.
Don’t trust her, your voice says. Maybe none of this is true, maybe she is in the house for some other reason and she is telling you this to hurt you like you hurt her.
«Did you need anything?»
«I was looking for my- my-» You can’t say “Your boyfriend”, it’s childish. Again. «Haymitch.»
«Do you want me to tell him? He can call you back. Your Haymitch.» You don’t know if she is being difficult on purpose or she is just trying to be funny, but suddenly you regret saving her from that damn bunker.
«Yeah, thank you.»
«Thank you, Daisy, it’s nice you let me stay in your house.» 
Not if you can’t help it.
taglist: @crimsonincursive can you tell me if you still wanna be tagged in the sequel? Thank you!
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wardenparker · 2 years
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Dating Your Ex - ch 1
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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When Marcus unexpectedly runs into his ex-wife he is plunged into a world of complications where rekindled attraction and deep-seated insecurities reign. Unfortunately for him, it is also a world wherehis ex-wife is not the only ‘ex’ around, as a new case crosses his desk that will require all hands on deck. ✨💖Inspired by and based upon absurdthirst’s Tequila💖✨
Rating: G but this blog is Always 18+! Word Count: 4.2k Warnings: Mentions of: divorce, collegiate Greek life, underage drinking, food/alcohol consumption. Summary: Going to pick up his date from her office turns into a rollercoaster night for our dear Marcus Pike. Notes: Welcome to a brand new series and hang on for the ride! This should be a fun one, and Keri and I are really excited to spend time with Marcus once again.
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Marcus hums as he searches for a parking spot. The building was off the Mall, a few streets over and it meant that he wasn't going to have to fight for a spot from overeager tourists who didn't realize how big their rental van was. Not that he begrudged anyone coming to the capitol to tour some of the amazing museums and monuments. He encouraged it, but the heavy summer travel traffic had given way to fall and he was enjoying the cooler temperatures. His stomach flutters slightly, not as much as it has from other women, but he tells himself that it's just because this is only the fifth one. He's trying to take things slow, although he doesn't know how sleeping together on the second date counted as slow. Maybe because he wasn't already planning out his future with the pretty restoration technician. He parks and hops out of his car, ready to pick her up from work since her own caar was in the shop. Reservations for Ambar were already set for seven o'clock and he was looking forward to sharing a bottle of wine and learning more about Silvia.
The FBI badge still pinned to his jacket means most people let him go by easily, with only security asking him to stop to check that his clearance is, in fact, authentic. The restoration labs are on the lower levels of the building with the offices above, and the large bullpen-style office full of conservationists that work specifically on photographs is on the second floor. He knows the building roughly at this point, mainly knowing Silvia's directions on how to get from the front door up to her desk in the second-floor photo office. She's been staring at the clock for the last half hour, intentionally a little overdressed for work so that they could go someplace nice for date number five.
She really, really likes Marcus and has been telling her little trio of work girls about him since the beginning, but doesn't have the same relationship experience he does since she's a few years younger. She's taking her boss's advice though - since Silvia adores her boss - and taking things slow. Not rushing into things is key, she's been told. Silvia sighs, glancing at the clock again right before the pebbled glass doors to the bullpen open.
"Hey you!" She calls out, waving enthusiastically. There's no one else in the office now so she can be as excited as she likes.
"Hey." His smile is easy, making the dimple in his cheek show as he puts a little bit of hustle in his step to reach with short statured brunette and give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Slow, he reminds himself. Moving too fast has resulted in a failed marriage and a failed engagement as well as plenty of relationships in between. "Are you ready?" He asks as he pulls back to smile at her again.
"Yeah, just let me send this e-mail and we can get going." She nods and sits down again quickly to type out two more sentences before hitting send. When she pops up again and grabs her purse the sound of commotion comes from behind a closed door on the other end of the bullpen. "Oh!" Silvia grins and motions toward the door in question. "You should meet my boss while you're here! She's awesome. Best bar trivia teammate ever."
Meeting Silvia's boss wasn't high on his list of things to do for the night, but he was always agreeable on small things like this. Plus, it was good to know the boss in case he ever needed a favor. Cultivating friendships and contacts was important now that he was running the Art Crimes division as a whole. "Sure. Lead the way."
"She's great," Silvia promises, leading him across the bullpen before knocking twice and pushing open the door. The brass name plate glints in the stagnant office light but he doesn't notice the name on it. "Hey," Silvia hums, sticking her head inside. "I'm headed out, but I thought I'd introduce you to Marcus before we leave. He'd make a great addition to our trivia team, ya know." It's about the sixth time she's told her boss that, but that's okay. She's just excited.
Marcus was expecting a woman, he was sure that Silvia mentioned her boss several times, but to be honest - he hadn't been able to keep up. She had a tendency to jump from subject to subject that made it difficult to actually understand what she was talking about. He hears a wooden creak as the boss gets out of her chair and rounds the desk. He plasters a friendly smile on his face and starts to extend his hand. "Nice to mee—” his words die in his throat as he comes face to face with the last person he had ever expected to see.
His ex-wife.
"Marcus?" You freeze on the spot, the polite smile that had previously been painted across your face replaced with complete shock. In a split second it's like you're back in the Kappa Sigma house while the dreamiest sophomore in the world makes fun of your cheap ass margarita to the tune of some god-awful party playlist made by one of his brothers. You almost feel like you can't swallow, so taken aback at the sight of him that your jaw may as well have hit the floor.
He sees you in the Chi Omega t-shirt, pulled tight over your breasts and your head thrown back as you laugh at his jokes. Looking at him like he's the only man in the world. In this split second he can feel the weight of the cheap wedding band he had worn proudly on his finger as he whispers your name. "I— what are you doing here?" He asks in shock.
"You're standing in my office," you remind him, amusement creeping into your voice as you start to feel a little relieved that he's as surprised as you are.
"You guys know each other?" Silvia is standing beside him still, looking between the two of you in honest confusion until a thought seems to dawn on her that makes her smile. "Hey, Pike and Pike. I never put that together before. Are you like...cousins or something?"
Marcus's eyes widen slightly as he turns to Silvia, completely forgetting that she was there for a moment and now thrown back into the very awkward reality of the situation. "Uhhh," he shuffles slightly and braces his hands on his hips as he absorbs the information that you had not changed your name back to your maiden name. "Doctor Pike huh?" He sees the doctorate proudly displayed behind you. "That's— that's great."
"Yeah...it, uh...it took a while. But it was worth the work." Shifting awkwardly from one foot to another, you look back at Silvia with a pit swirling in your stomach, and the wall of realization that hits you is far less innocent than the one that just hit her. "Th-this is who you've been seeing?" You ask, eyebrows raised in a way that just begs her to say 'no'.
"Yup!" But Silvia doesn't seem to be reading the room at all, and she nods happily while reaching for Marcus's hand. "This is what, babe...date six?"
Hearing her call him babe almost makes you sick, but you manage to barely hold onto your composure. Silvia's a hard worker and a kind person who has been a good friend in the time since she was hired. She's sweet and deserves to be happy. You just desperately wish she wasn't off being happy with your ex-husband of all people.
It seems wrong to hold Silvia's hand but he doesn't resist. Instead, he gives her a weaker than normal smile and looks back at you in abject horror, as if he's been caught cheating. Although the divorce papers that he had in his files at home would beg to differ. "Uh, you talk about me to your boss?" He asks, terrified over what she might have said since they have been sleeping together.
"Of course," Silvia laughs like it's not a big deal. "I told you; I tell my girls everything."
You cringe internally, wishing you could just disappear into the floor at this point. When Silvia says everything, she means it. "We...we've been friends for a little bit..." you tell Marcus. It had happened kind of by accident, but it was nice to have friends at the office. Of course, now you'll have to avoid socializing with her outside of work like the plague, just to avoid running into Marcus randomly.
Silvia shines a sunny smile on Marcus. "So...are you guys related? It's so weird I never noticed the last name thing before."
“I— uh—” he flounders like a fish out of water for an answer and immediately looks to you to see if you will step in and explain. The idea that she had shared fucking him with you nearly makes him want to melt through the floor although you know firsthand what he’s like in bed. Fuck, you had taught him plenty about what women liked. ���So, about that, uh, it’s kind of a funny story.” He chuckles weakly. “We’re not related…anymore.” It’s wrong, it’s so wrong but he can’t help but think that Silvia isn’t the brightest crayon in the box for not picking up on the same damn last name. It’s not like Pike is common.
"We're divorced." The kindest thing you can do is just get it out in the open, instead of letting yourself and Marcus wither away in the awkwardness. Maybe it comes out a little more harshly than you meant it to, but only because you're trying not to squawk or get emotional over it. Over him. Fuck he looks good... Nope, don't let yourself go there.
"You're...?" Silvia nearly hiccups, her small eyes blowing wide as she looks between the two of you. "I...I didn't know you were married."
"It was a long time ago," you murmur, desperately wishing you were one of those people who kept a bottle of liquor in your office.
“I told you that I had been married before.” Marcus defends himself, oddly hurt that you kept his name but people didn’t know you had been married. Apparently, the divorce hadn’t been as friendly as he had thought, especially considering he hadn’t wanted it. “I—” he looks over at you, reminded of how fucking beautiful you are before he looks away, over to Silvia. “We got married in college. Divorced three years later.”
"Oh...god, I—I had no idea that..." Reality seems to finally catch up to Silvia and she tries for a joke even as she cringes. "I mean, you've got great taste."
At this point, Marcus isn’t quite sure who Silvia is talking to, but he needs to get out of this room. “We have reservations at seven, so we need to go.” He offers quietly.
"Right." Silvia smiles again, looking up at Marcus and giving his hand a happy squeeze. "Well...I'll see you tomorrow." She tells you, obviously just as glad to get out of the awkward bubble of suffocation that is your office as Marcus is.
"Yeah..." You nod, but it's stilted and awkward. "Tomorrow." For tonight...you'll be going home to drink a bottle of wine alone on your couch.
"—'m sorry, it's weird right?" Marcus looks up from the glass of Pinot Noir to find Silvia shaking her head and looking almost panicked as her words rush out. He shakes his head, a little ashamed that he hasn't been paying attention to his date. His preoccupation with his ex-wife living in D.C. and apparently working as a director at the Smithsonian was all he could think about. All while studiously avoiding the thought that you looked amazing – just like you had the day you had moved out of your shared apartment the morning after the divorce. "I'm sorry." He shakes his head and gives her a smile that is meant to be charming but probably falls slightly flat. "Could you repeat that?"
“I said it’s weird.” Silvia repeats, sinking in her chair a little bit like he’s just confirmed everything she was saying. Marcus has been completely different tonight - distant and awkward and inattentive. She knows why, of course. She isn’t stupid, despite what she knows other people say behind her back. “She’s my boss, and hopefully still my friend, and I like you but there’s a lot of history here that I’m just not comfortable being in the middle of.” Silvia sighs slightly, leaning her elbows on the crisp tablecloth between them. “Maybe it’s best if we just end things here?”
“Hey—” Marcus immediately feels guilty, reaching out and touching the back of her hand. “I’m sorry, I’ve been horrible tonight. I am just— surprised.” He settles on that and watches her closely. It’s not her fault, he’s been perfectly happy with his dinner date with her up until an hour ago.
“And I get that.” She nods, not pulling away from him but also not returning the gesture of comfort. “It’s not like I’ve never been through a breakup. But…” she blows out a breath, heavy and loaded. “Let me ask you this. Why did you get divorced?”
“Nothing bad.” He’s quick to assure her, not wanting her to think there was ever anything acrimonious between you and him. “We just— we got married too young.” He sighs softly, remembering the pain both of you had felt when you realized that you were both on very different pages for what was the plan over the next ten years. “So we decided the smartest think we could do was divorce.” He chuckles. “Nicest divorce ever.”
“God, you’re so nice,” she groans, laughing despite herself. She’s not laughing at him, but at the situation on the whole. How incredibly weird it is. “So…nicest divorce ever but you didn’t keep touch?”
Marcus frowns slightly, shrugging his shoulders. The truth was, he hadn’t wanted to see where you ended up, it was too painful. “We just…lost contact.” He settles on that finally. “I decided to join the FBI.”
“And she went to grad school.” Silvia knows your career path. She’s looked up to you since you were a guest lecturer at George Washington University in her undergrad years. Granted that wasn’t so long ago - and maybe the fact that Marcus is nearly ten years her senior is part of what’s making her feel like an awkward kid caught between parents right now. “Look…I just…I don’t want anything to get awkward or uncomfortable because of me being friends with your ex-wife, and…if I’m honest, it already feels pretty awkward.”
Marcus sighs, pulling his hand away and his shoulders slump slightly. Fucking ironic, the relationship that he wasn’t rushing into, he was getting dumped. “I understand.” The food is barely touched in front of the two of you and he motions to the waiter, asking for to go boxes and the check. “At least you can take dinner home.” He jokes weakly.
“I’m sorry.” She is. Honestly, truly sorry. But it’s better that this is discovered now when they’re barely anything to each other than in six months when she’s had a chance to develop feelings. “At least let me pay for dinner. It’s the least I can do, since I’m the one…ya know…breaking things off.”
“No.” Marcus shakes his head and reaches for his wallet. “Don’t worry about that.” He’s not going to hold a grudge or have any hard feelings. In fact, he’s a little relieved as he shoots her a small smile. “My treat. Last time.”
“You’re a really great guy, Marcus.” Whether it hurts or helps, Silvia is at least going to tell the truth. “This is just a super weird coincidence. That’s all.”
“Well, it will be something you can awkwardly joke about later on.” Marcus tells her as he hands the bill to the waiter with his credit card inside and reaches for his wine glass.
“Maybe.” She hesitates before doing it, eventually reaching out to grasp his hand for just a brief moment when the waiter places her to-go box in front of her. “It’s been really great to know you, Marcus,” she murmurs, continuing the streak of awkwardness by smiling and silently walking out of the restaurant.
Marcus sighs and finishes his wine before the waiter brings back the credit card slip to sign. Maybe this was for the best he tells himself as he takes his own box and gets up so they can clear the table. Obviously it wasn’t ideal to date her when she works for you.
****** The fact that you got shit sleep last night is really your own fault. A bottle of wine and an entire bag of tortilla chips with guacamole is not dinner by any stretch of the imagination but you just couldn't get yourself to eat anything substantial. It had been snacking and getting steadily drunker while you tried desperately not to think about Marcus, culminating in an extremely ill-advised viewing of Casablanca whilst wine drunk and digging through the remainder of the chocolates your sister sent you from her last trip to the Godiva outlet. This morning you're tired and hungover, glad to have nothing to do but paperwork and a little office organization that you've chosen not to pawn off on the new intern. Doing it yourself from time to time so the interns can get more hands-on time in research suits everyone nicely. Having already had a cup of coffee in order to even get out of bed this morning, you didn't stop for your usual venti soy pumpkin white mocha and you're regretting it, just wishing you had that little treat to pick yourself up when the weight of your own shoulders seems heavier than normal.
Silvia is nervous as she walks into the office, depositing her purse at her desk and deciding that she would stop in the break room before she talks to you. This is very convoluted - despite the insistence that things are okay, she wants to clear the air. Your regular coffee mug is in the drying rack, so she makes you a cup of coffee before carrying hers and yours to the door that proudly displays Dr. Pike, Director on the brass nameplate.
"Come in." Even though the knock is hesitant, you still hear it, and you pull yourself away from hard-staring into the void just in time to see Silvia poke her head in the door. Ah, shit. It's not that you don't want to see her - she's hard working and very sweet and honestly you like spending time with her outside work most of the time - but today it's just...it's fucking awkward. "Morning, Sil," you murmur, trying for a smile.
“I—I brought you a cup of coffee.” She offers, holding up the mug that is still steaming. “And I—I was wondering if I could, uh, talk to you. About yesterday.”
"Thanks." Nodding as you accept your Bat-Symbol coffee mug, you swallow a sigh and sit down behind your desk. Silvia moves easily, shutting your office door and leaning on the edge of the heavy wooden piece of furniture you sit behind for at least a few hours each day. "What did you...erm...want to talk about?" You know what, technically, but not specifically.
Silvia bites her lip and decides to just come out with it. “I stopped seeing Marcus.” She blurts out. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner.”
"Oh." Whatever you had thought, however fleetingly, that she might say, that was definitely not it. "I—um...you didn't have to do that...I mean, he's a good guy. Just because we're divorced doesn't mean I hate him or anything." In fact, you never did. And that was what made it so hard. "And besides, how I feel about him has no bearing on whether or not you should go out with him."
“You’re my boss.” She flushes slightly and looks down at her own milky coffee. “And I just— I told you all about sleeping with him.”
“Yeah…” Huffing slightly, you shake your head and take a sip of the sweet, equally milky coffee she made for you, humming in appreciation. “And as your boss, I agree that it’s a little weird. But as your friend?” She reminds you a lot of your sister, actually, which might have been tucked away in your subconscious when you hired her two years ago. “As your friend, I don’t want to stand between you and happiness. If that’s Marcus? Well…I—I would completely understand. I mean, he’s a great guy.” He had been your happiness too, for much longer than five dates.
“Why did you get divorced? I asked him but he just said you got married too young.” If he’s such a great guy, why wouldn’t you want to stay with him? You had kept his last name.
“That’s what happened.” You nod slightly, but it’s obvious from her expression that she isn’t buying it. “We were really young, Sil. I mean we were still teenagers when we met. I was Mrs. Pike by the summer before sophomore year.” It had been the whirlwind romance to end all whirlwind romances, and your sorority sisters had cooed over it much more readily than your family.
“High school?” Her eyes are wide and horrified. She hadn’t thought you were that young. How was that legal?
“Oh, no.” Shaking your head vehemently, you realize you definitely left out a few details. You’ll blame the hangover. “College. Marcus is a year older than me, and his frat at UPenn used to throw this big welcome party for all the new Chi Omega sisters…which was the sorority I had just rushed. He was on the verge of turning twenty and I was not quite nineteen.”
“Oh, good.” She’s relieved at that, but she still couldn’t imagine being married that young. “So you were a freshman and he was a sophomore?”
“Yep.” You feel like a damn bobble head doll from nodding so much, and you sip your coffee for one silent moment. “We couldn’t even have champagne at our own wedding. We were kids. So when I say he’s great, I mean that. We just…dove in too fast, ya know? By the time we were starting to think about careers, Marcus was starting to talk about kids. And I…I just knew that I wanted to have a career before we had to start making compromises.”
“Oh.” Silvia hadn’t even gotten close enough to think about things like that. She had been too focused on her school and hell; she had been in elementary school when you had gotten married. “So you didn’t want kids and he did?”
"Basically, yeah." It was more complicated than that. There had been a great deal of immaturity and a bit of your own fear involved, but you're really not in a place to go into too many details right now. "We got divorced the summer after I graduated."
“If you hadn’t, you might not be Dr. Pike right now.” She decides, nodding. “I doubt he would have wanted you to go to graduate school.”
"I don't know." Over the years you've come to terms with that. That you'll never know what could have happened if you had stayed married to Marcus Pike. It's something that you had tucked away into the back of your mind, thinking you would never see him again so it would never matter. Oh, how very wrong you were. "But considering I got my doctorate at the Sorbonne and Marcus is an FBI agent? There would have been a rocky road no matter what. I just have to believe that I made the right decision. It’s not like our career paths are geographical neighbors or anything."
Silvia contemplates that and nods, taking a sip of her coffee. "I'm sorry that I sprang seeing him on you. You looked very shocked. I just— yeah..." She sighs and stands. "For what it's worth, he was preoccupied during dinner last night." She knows the difference when people are just not interested in her rambling and being completely in another world and last night Marcus hadn't been in the present. He was most definitely caught up in the past, a past that heavily involved you it seems. Giving you a small smile, she moves towards the door. "I hope that it doesn't make things between us awkward." She continues. "I have a lot of respect for you and have really enjoyed learning under your guidance."
"If anything, I think this brings us a bit closer together." The smile you return to her is a little lopsided and off kilter, but that's pretty honest to how you're feeling at the moment. "Thank you for coming in and not just letting it hang in the air. That shows a lot of maturity, and I respect the hell out of you for it."
That makes Silvia smile brighter and she ducks her head. "I'll go get started on my work, boss." She says before she scampers out of your doorway, feeling better about the entire situation. Marcus was a good guy, sure – but she wasn't going to ruin her job for any man.
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threadatl · 3 months
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The original World of Coke building was demolished by the State of Georgia this week to make way for a new parking lot, next to the Capitol Building in Downtown. Which is sad. This is near MARTA rail and there's already too much space deadened by parking here.
But it gets sadder...
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But it gets sadder. The state's long-term vision for the property is...a Capitol Hill Visitor parking deck, per the Georgia Building Authority master plan.
For comparison, last year California announced state property on their own Capitol Mall would be developed as affordable housing.
What's up with that, Georgia? Looks like we're determined to lead by bad example instead.
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sequinsmile-x · 10 months
It’s only when they get level with the picnic tables Jack had told her about that morning, the Capitol building coming into view in the background, that it clicks, when the discomfort she’d felt since they arrived suddenly makes sense. 
This was where she’d met with Ian.
Hi friends!
This is based on an anon I got asking for a fic where Emily has a panic attack/PTSD attack and Aaron comforts her. I immediately got an idea for this one, so here we are.
I hope you like this <3
Warnings: Anxiety, panic attack, PTSD
Words: 3.1k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Before Aaron and Jack, going to the park would never have been Emily’s ideal way of spending a Saturday. 
If she was honest, it still wasn’t. It wasn’t the park that appealed to her, nor the heat of the midday sun beating down on her, but spending time with them. Her Hotchner boys who had helped pull her back together after she thought it was impossible to do so. Their matching smiles she couldn’t say no to and their unending kindness apparently all she’d needed to feel at home again in a place she’d been torn from, her life left in torn-up pieces around her, frayed edges she would have said, not long ago, were impossible to repair. 
It was slow at the start. The ease she felt around them something she’d put down to chance at first. She’d bumped into them at the mall. She’d been there shopping, exposure therapy she was forcing herself through to get used to crowds again, and she’d found them buying shoes for Jack, the little boy going through a seemingly endless growth spurt. She’d found out since that Aaron had sensed her unease, that he’d seen through her carefully constructed facade and fake smile, and he asked her to stay with them, feigning ignorance on what shoes his son needed as he asked for her advice. It gradually became a regular thing. All of her spare time was spent with them, weekends and evenings that had once been full of nothing but anxiety and silence, her eyes fixed on her front door as if a ghost would burst through it and kill her, the smell of whiskey and cigar smoke never far away, now full of them. 
Soccer games she’d watch intently just to see Jack attempt to score. Evening meals that she’d pretend to help with even though in reality she’d sit there with a glass of wine and gently make fun of Aaron. Low-stakes, gentle, family movies that she knows Aaron would pick for them as well as Jack, both of them at their limit for anything more serious once work was done for the day. 
If she was asked, she’d never be able to explain what made her kiss him one evening, why all of a sudden not kissing him seemed impossible. The magnetic pull he’d had on her for longer than she’d care to admit so strong that she could no longer resist it. He hadn’t hesitated in kissing her back, not even a second of no response before he held her closer, as if he’d been waiting for her to make the first move. 
With anyone else, she’s sure it would terrify her that they had moved so quickly. That she’d be struck with fear that she all but lived with Aaron and Jack only a few months since they officially got together, that the fact she’d told Aaron I love you on their first date, and that he’d repeated it back to her immediately, would fill her with anxiety. But it didn’t. It felt right. Like everything she’d been through, every awful thing she thought she wouldn’t survive, had been leading to this. To them. 
So, even if her choice would have been to stay snuggled up in bed with her boyfriend, Jack tucked up in between them as they slept for a little longer, she dragged herself out of bed because it was what the little boy wanted. She’d slathered her boys in sunscreen, her eyes narrowed at Aaron as he made a joke that he’d never met someone who took sun protection so seriously, and let them pick the park they were going to spend the morning in.
Jack told her that he liked this one. That it had the best swings, and a picnic area with big round tables, a glint in his eyes that Aaron said hadn’t existed before when he mentioned the ice cream truck that was nearby. 
She can’t explain it, but as they get closer to the park she starts to feel uneasy. A familiar tightness builds in her chest that she doesn’t understand as Aaron parks the car. Jack releases himself from his seat and is out of the car only seconds after Aaron turns off the engine. Aaron chuckles, shaking his head at his son as he opens his door.
“Jack, no running off,” he says sternly, and Jack nods, standing perfectly still as he waits for them. Aaron turns back to Emily and frowns, picking up on the tension rolling off his girlfriend like a bitter perfume, “Sweetheart,” he says, placing his hand on her knee, his concern only deepening when she jumps and looks at him, “Are you okay?” 
She nods, because she doesn’t know why she isn’t, doesn’t know how to explain that she feels like her body is remembering something she doesn’t. She smiles and leans forward to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“I’m fine,” she says, smiling as she pulls back, “Let’s go get your son before he explodes with excitement.”
Emily climbs out of the car and stands by Jack’s side, offering her hand to him and smiling as he immediately grabs it, his hand warm in hers. Aaron joins them, walking alongside them as Jack talks at her, reciting facts he’d told her a hundred times and that she’d happily listen to a hundred more. 
It’s only when they get level with the picnic tables Jack had told her about that morning, the Capitol building coming into view in the background, that it clicks, when the discomfort she’d felt since they arrived suddenly makes sense. 
This was where she’d met with Ian. Where he’d threatened the team, the man she’d one day love and his son who she loved as her own. 
Suddenly, she can’t feel the warmth of the sun on her skin, or Jack’s clammy hand in hers. She’s cold, chilled to the bone as if winter was on the horizon and not several months away. She’s frozen on the spot, the pull of her arm as Jack continues to move forward barely registering as her eyes remain fixed on the metal round table in front of her, two abandoned to-go coffee cups staring back at her, almost mocking her in the way they tip over in the light summer breeze, as empty as her chest feels as she struggles to breathe. She isn’t aware of anything around her, her body numb as she feels like she’s freezing from the inside out, the phantom of the cold, hard plastic of her glock pressed into her skin, making her palm itch. 
The faint smell of sunscreen that had lingered on Jack’s skin disappears, it’s replaced by whiskey and smoke, something that had long since meant danger and fear to her. She’s stuck there, reliving the moment when her life had changed forever again and again as she’s unable to pull herself out of it, her eyes still fixed on the empty coffee cups on the table where she’d once sat opposite the man who had killed her. 
She’s snapped out of it. Her lungs immediately fill as she gasps, sucking in air as she feels a warm palm on her cheek, her body tense as her eyes lock with Aaron’s. She tries to breathe in again but can’t, her chest aching as she can’t exhale, her lungs so full she thinks they might burst. 
“Emily, sweetheart,” he says, sounding much calmer than he feels, his other hand reaching for one of hers and placing it on his chest, purposely exaggerating his own breathing to try and encourage hers, “I’ve got you. Just try and breathe with me, okay?” He says and she nods, closing her eyes as she rests her forehead on his, “Good, don’t worry about anything else. It’s just you and me.” 
She swallows thickly, the feeling painful and sharp as she tries to push down her fear but she can’t. Instead, she focuses on Aaron. On his hand wrapped tightly around hers as he holds her palm to his chest, the smell of him and his cologne. How warm his skin is even through his polo shirt. Balmy and comforting and safe. She slowly comes back to herself, the sound of the park filtering back in, children’s laughter as they play washing over her, a reminder from the universe that good things still exist. She grasps at Aaron’s polo shirt, fisting it in her palm as she pulls him closer, sinking into his embrace as he pulls her into a hug. 
“I’ve got you,” he says, kissing the top of her head as he gathers her to his chest, “Do you want to go home?”
She pulls back to look at him, “Jack was excited about this,” she croaks out, her voice not sounding like her own, “He was looking forward to this.” 
If she hadn’t just had a panic attack right in front of him, her entire body frozen in spot whilst she saw something he couldn’t, he’d laugh. Her constant need to put others ahead of herself one of the many things he loved about her. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, “Jack understands,” he says, looking back at his son who steps closer and nods, a look of concern on his face that matches his father’s which makes her ache. Guild and love mixing in her belly to make her nauseous, “Right, buddy?” 
Jack nods, “If you’re sick Emily we should go home.” 
She grasps at Aaron again, wondering what she’d missed during her panic attack, what conversation between father and son that she hadn’t heard despite being right there. She looks back at the table for a second before she looks back at them, her present and her future so much more important than her past. 
“Yeah,” she says, clearing her throat when her voice shakes, “I’d like to go home please.” 
It didn’t occur to her until much later that home meant wherever the two of them were. 
He gives her space. 
It’s the last thing he wants to do, fighting against every instinct in his body as he sends her to bed alone, giving her the space he knows she needs. He tries not to think of how she goes without argument, a sure sign she wasn’t feeling herself, or how she’d shivered in the car all the way home despite the warm weather and the sweater of his he’d pulled from his go-bag in the trunk. 
He spends time with Jack, and explains to him that something, although he didn’t know what, had scared Emily, telling him in terms that the young boy would understand what had happened. He compares it to how loud noises can sometimes still spook Jack, reminding him of what he’d heard as he lay quietly in the trunk in Aaron’s old office all those years ago. 
Aaron swears his heart breaks as Jack gently asks if they can find out what had scared Emily to make sure they protected her from it in the future, his wide eyes concerned as he thought of the woman who was so often the place they found their strength. 
Jessica picks Jack up early in the afternoon, a plan they’d had for weeks so Jack could spend the evening with her and Roy whilst Emily and Aaron had some time alone. Aaron convinces his son to go, assuring him that Emily will be fine, and that he’ll look after her, and he does a few chores once Jack is gone. 
Eventually, he walks towards his bedroom, making sure his steps are slow and steady, announcing his arrival long before he knocks on the door. 
“Sweetheart,” he says gently as he pushes the door open slightly and looks at his girlfriend, his heart aching as he sees her lying on the bed, her arms wrapped around his pillow, his sweater still hanging loose around her shoulders, “Do you need anything? I could cook whatever you want.” 
She shakes her head and smiles at him, feeling the shake to it as she clears her throat, “No, thank you,” she says, the idea of eating anything turning her stomach. She sits up and she looks at him. His hand is tight on the door handle, his shoulders tense as he purposely holds himself back, and she untucks one of her arms from around his pillow, “Come sit with me for a bit?” 
He doesn’t wait for her to change her mind or for her to ask again. He’s across the room in a second, joining her on the bed. He purposely gives her space, not getting too close to her, but she reaches out for him, linking her fingers through his as she squeezes his hand tightly. 
“I’m…I’m sorry,” she says, “I…,” she drifts off again, unsure how to put it into words, how to explain to him what happened, so she settles on the thing she can make sense of, “I’m sorry Jack saw me like that.” 
He wraps his arms around her, grateful that she sinks into him, and he presses a kiss to her forehead, “You have nothing to apologise for, baby,” he assures her, kissing her forehead again, “I spoke to him, he understands what happened.” 
She chuckles bitterly as she pulls away, wiping at her cheeks as she pushes away tears that she’s furious at herself for slipping free. 
“Does he?” she says, shaking her head, “Because I don’t,” she blows out a steady breath and presses her lips into a firm line, “We were at the park, we were meant to have fun and pretend we weren’t going to buy Jack ice cream before lunch,” she wipes away another tear, “But then I…I thought I was better.” 
He knows the feeling, the disappointment that would weigh heavily on his chest when he felt like he had a setback. How a nightmare that would tear him from sleep after months of not having one would make him feel like he was right back where he started, his chest aching and barely held together, blood seeping from his freshly stitched wounds as despair filled his lungs. He’d feel like he’d made no progress, like he was still back in the hospital bed where he’d last seen Haley alive, right up until Emily reached for him. Half asleep and blearily reaching out for him as she pulled him into her embrace, offering him a safe space to come back to himself, to remind himself of what he had now. 
He knew he did the same for her, that their pasts meant they could only truly understand each other. 
“You are better,” he says firmly, his voice full of love as he encourages her to look at him, his hand on her cheek as he guides her back a little, “One day like this doesn’t undo everything else, okay?” He asks, and she nods even though she isn’t sure. He’d never lied to her, and she knows he won’t start now, so she trusts him even though right now she couldn’t trust herself. “Do you know what caused it?” 
She swallows thickly as she nods, blowing out a slow breath as she closes her eyes, “You know I told you that I met with Ian before…before everything went to hell? And he threatened you and Jack and everyone else?” 
Aaron nods, remembering the conversation they’d had back when they were kidding themselves that they were just friends, “Yeah, you met him in a park…”
She watches as it clicks in his head, his words fading as his jaw clenches, irritation at himself burning in his gut.
“I am so sorry, sweetheart,” he says, shaking his head at himself, his grip on her tightening, “I should have-”
“You should have what?” She asks, raking her fingers through his hair, smiling softly as it flops back into place, “Known what park I met him in even though I never told you? Scoped out every park to see if my terrorist ex was ever there?” 
He hates that she’s trying to make light of it, as if seeing her frozen in place, so consumed by fear, terrified of a ghost he hadn’t been able to see, hadn’t broken him. 
She smiles sadly and nods and she rests her forehead against his, “I mean it,” she says, softly stamping her lips against his, “You couldn’t have known.” 
He sighs and runs his hand up and down her back, “We’ll never go back there.”
“You and Jack love that park,” she says, kissing his jaw before she pulls back, “You told me that this morning.”
He tucks some of her hair behind her ear, “We love you more,” he says, and she smiles in response, her first real one since before they’d left the apartment that morning. It fades as quickly as it blooms, the seeds of it not quite ready to plant or take root yet, the gloom of that morning still in the dark shadows of their eyes, “How can I help?” 
She rests her head on his shoulder and encourages him to wrap his arms around her as tightly as he can.
“Just hold me,” she says, sinking into his embrace as far as she can, letting his warmth replace the chill she still could feel from earlier, “And maybe tell me a story?” 
He chuckles lightly as he lays down and pulls her with him, pulling the covers over them even though he’s slightly too warm for it, “A story?” 
“Distract me,” she says, pressing her face into his neck, “Tell me something good.” 
He runs his hand up and down her arm, thinking for a moment before he smiles, “There was once a prince called Aaron, and a brave knight called Emily-”
She laughs and pulls back to look at him, her eyebrow raised at him, “Seriously?” 
“My son is six,” he says, “Fairytales are the best I can do.” 
She presses her lips together to suppress her smile and lays her head back down, “At least I’m the brave knight, I guess.” 
“You could never be anything else,” he says, kissing her forehead, “Now are you going to listen or are you going to interrupt again?”
“I’m listening,” she promises, closing her eyes, and letting him take over all of her senses. 
“Good,” he says, kissing her one more time, “There was once a prince called Aaron, and a brave knight called Emily…”
She listens as he tells a diluted version of their story. A version where the bad guys never win, not even for a moment, and the good guys always prevail no matter what. 
She falls asleep, content and safe in his arms, happy in the knowledge that her story was nowhere near its end, but just at its beginning. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @gravyfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaursrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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qrjung · 1 year
*this isn't organized.
I think it's sad how little opportunity Josh and Simon were given to develop. Like, at all. Even their dialogues sounds terrible, almost like they're speaking for the game instead of as actual human beings. [Edit: Ha, this is so funny I'm keeping it in. "As actual human beings" bruh]
A scene on the Capitol park chapter is the clearest example of this. If he's still alive, Simon says (ha!); "Our broadcast is all over the news. Now the humans know what we want. We have to think about public opinion." Or something similar. At first it sounds like normal conversation, right?
Until you realize he's talking to Josh and North who all have the same amount of information as him so they already know what he's saying is true. And Markus isn't there so he can't be speaking to him. Which means he's talking directly to the player, literally spelling out everything for us and it makes me 😭😭😭 is that what people sound like irl? Like mouthpieces?
He's literally telling us "public opinion is really important in this game, just so you know. Think about all those blue arrows you're going to get *wink wink*" to remind the player to go pacifist.
For all the terrible ways David Cage handles North's character, in contrast to the other two Jericho leaders, she looks so fucking well written lmao. Most of what comes out of Josh's mouth when he's talking about the revolution doesn't sound like it's personalized. He's just spewing words to push the player in the direction the game/David Cage wants. Where's the personality? Where's the fucking motive behind his words???
Anyways, I could talk on and one about how unfair that shit is but that would be too depressing.
I've talked about Josh here and there but never this indepth
From what we see of Josh, he's pretty opinionated. Just like North, he has his own set of beliefs and he's willing to die for them. Unlike North though, we never know why. And sure, he doesn't have to spell out all his motivations but it would have been nice if we'd known why he so strongly believes freedom can be won with dialogue. Especially in a world that is determined to prove him wrong.
Because ignore how happy the pacifist ending looks, there's androids still being executed while Markus is giving his hopeful speech. And the ending tag literally says "androids won their freedom. For now." What kind of ominous sentence is that?
Anyway, Josh reminds me of Rose; pacifism that exists not because the person is naive but they've choosen peace while being surrounded by violence. In DBH, choosen violence is easier and it pays off more. So while that doesn't necessarily make it the wrong option, it does make the people who go against it stand out.
But also, his stance could come from a place of fear. There's also that to consider. Maybe he's scared of what the humans will do if the revolution kicks off and he'll prefer they stay silent. Because that's his reasoning against the Stratford Mission
He's the one that expresses hesitance the most to the other missions Markus assigns. North is usually the first to agree with Simon agreeing too. But then in Freedom March, Josh is all for the March but Simon (later on) and North are hesitant. It makes me think Josh prefers taking risks when he's sure it'll actually pay off. Because like he says, that mall and the surrounding areas will go down in history. No matter the outcomes.
We also don't know anything about his past except that he was a university lecturer and hot attacked by his students. It's a shame this information doesn't come from Josh himself but from the character gallery. I wonder how long he's been teaching for?
His relationship with Markus is also very impersonal. He doesn't seem to like him much no matter which route you take but will somewhat tolerate him if he's pacifist. I think they're differences are beyond what Markus chooses for the revolution. He also doesn't like North much and Markus and North have a few things in common; they're action oriented, have a tendency to take risks with unknown chances of it paying off and Josh might not like that the risks they're taking could mean the end of android life if it fails.
He starts to warm up to him in night of the soul though but Markus has to save him first.
This adds to my theory that Josh chooses peace because he's cautious. He doesn't like the risky decisions Markus makes because he's scared of the consequences.
I think Simon falls somewhere in the middle of the Violence - Pacifist scale. I wouldn't say neutrality (it's not the word I'm looking for🤔) but being able to go both ways should the need arise. Some people in the fandom frame him as a coward and I think that proves to be incorrect when you start thinking about it.
He's usually not vocally opposed to any options the player chooses and will be supportive. If you choose violence, he's ready to fight but if you choose pacifism he's also ready to march. But, he chooses to back down in some moments: high risk moments with opportunity to retreat.
It's almost like he's willing to take risks but when there isn't much on the line.
He agrees to missions when it just his life and the lives of the other three at stake but when something greater is on the line, he backs down. For instance, he'll agree to the spare parts mission, but will express hesitance after the bags of thirium have been gathered. His reasoning is because he doesn't want to lose the spare parts they've gotten and the mission be for nothing.
"We can’t bring them back with us. It’s too dangerous!"
"This is suicide, Markus. Our bags are full. We got what we came for, let's go before they catch us."
And in the freedom march chapter, he agrees at first. Not strongly though. He simply suggests if Markus wants to go through with the March, he should convert more androids to increase his chances of success. He disagrees later on; after he realizes that things might not go well and with the hundreds of androids gathered, that means more casualties.
"And dying here won’t solve anything. Markus, we need to go, now, before it’s too late."
It's insanely difficult to get a read on the guy though: he's really non vocal. He hovers in the background during conversations, only getting involved when it looks like conversations are getting heated. Does that make him the glue of the team?
He's also been in Jericho the longest of the four. Unlike Josh we never even know what he operated as before deviancy but I guess it's easy to see that he was most likely taking care of a child. If he's also been there for a while, did he have some form of "power" in Jericho? I like to think so.
But North also seems important too but she hasn't been in Jericho for very long so I can't say I see her as the pre revolution leader. She gets her opportunity to shine when Markus arrives and she's suited for more action oriented leadership. She seemed eager to get out and do stuff; if she was Jericho's leader before the game starts, it would show.
I wonder if Simon had a similar experience with Daniel though. But instead of acting on his feelings of betrayal, he choose to run away instead.
That's about as much as I can think of for Josh and Simon while still remaining within canon. Outside canon though, it opens a world of possibilities. I suppose it's no secret that I'm not a big fan of Simon's fanon characterization (especially in relation to Markus and how their relationship tends to take on tones of racial prejudice) so I won't be talking about that.
But Josh though, I can talk about him——he's an almost blank slate in the fandom since people tend to forget him.
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xxsksxxx · 1 year
Liberating the Mirage
When an assignment goes horribly wrong, Mulder has to race against time to find Scully.
But sometimes the line between reality and illusion blurs—and it turns out there’s more than one locked door that needs to be opened.
This is my little contribution to Fictober, a yearly event that celebrates writing and reading—and fall. All of which are good things in my world.
Since there’s no way I can come up with a new story every day, I’ve decided to write one fic that includes all prompts from the Fictober 2023 prompt list. They’re all in bold if you want to seek them out specifically. You can find the list here: Fictober 2023
This story is complete, but to keep in the spirit of Fictober, I’m posting one chapter a day.
I hope you’ll have as much fun reading this fic as I had writing it.
AO3 | Start at the Beginning | @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023
Chapter 4: Symbols
Pearson Steel Corp., Washington, D.C Basement
Scully woke to the door creaking. She opened her eyes carefully, keeping her body perfectly still. The room she was in was nearly completely dark now, save for a sliver of moonlight creeping in through the small basement window.
The door squeaked slightly, and then there was a muffled snap as it was gently shut. She tried to figure out who was in the room with her, but all she could hear was gently breathing. Just as she was about to turn around and look, she heard footsteps silently coming closer. Someone was trying to sneak up on her. She sat up with a jerk, ignoring the spinning in her head, and turned around, pinning the visitor down with an icy stare. He immediately stopped moving and held a finger to his lips. “Psst,” he whispered. Scully tried to see who it was, but she could barely make out his features in the dark. The man came closer and stepped into the moonlight. Connolly!
Scully stayed silent, squinting her eyes to focus on him.
“Don’t talk,” he whispered. “I’m going to get you out of here.”
Scully frowned. “Why?” she asked without lowering her voice, and Connolly grimaced, looking at the door.
“Because John’s not what you would call a team player. He’s not going to be the one who will take the fall for this. And I’m not going to spend the rest of my life in jail for holding an FBI agent hostage,” he whispered harshly. “I need the cross you’re wearing,” he said, pointing at her throat.
Scully immediately raised her hand and grabbed it protectively. “Why?” she asked again.
Connolly snorted impatiently. “We don’t have time for this! I need it as proof that I know where you are!”
The cross felt warm in her fist, the edges cutting into her palm. She hesitated, then moved her hands behind her neck and opened the chain lock. Reluctantly, she lowered it into Connolly’s waiting hand without saying anything. Hopefully, this isn’t a mistake, she thought. It might be my only chance to get out of here. If John decides to use the drugs again to get me to talk, I might not survive.
Connolly looked down at his hand. “If all goes as planned, you’ll get this back in no time,” he whispered before stepping back from the mattress and silently walking back to the door. He turned around, his hand gripping the handle, and gave her one final look. “No word about this to him! Understood?” he said forcefully before opening the door and slipping outside. Scully heard the lock turn again, and then there was only silence. Mulder, I hope I didn’t make a mistake, she thought. I hope my cross will help you find me.
U.S. Capitol Mall, Washington, D.C. 6th level, Parking garage
Mulder opened the button on his gun holster and placed his hand on the handle while opening the car door with his left hand. He got out of the car and crouched down, staying below the car roof to not be seen. The damp air surrounding him smelled musty and clung uncomfortably to his skin. He carefully moved around his car, the rubber soles of his dress shoes muffling any noise.
He checked up and down the rows of parked cars, trying to find his caller. It was completely silent in the parking garage at this time of night, save for the distant hum of the electrical lights illuminating the dirty concrete around him. His chest felt tight, and the air seemed like a heavy blanket around him.
Just as he decided to head for the staircase to check if someone was hiding there, his cell phone started ringing. With a curse, he grabbed it, trying to silence it before it gave him away when he noticed the caller ID. It was an unknown number. He hastily pressed the call button and put the phone to his ear. “Yes?” he asked urgently.
“Agent Mulder,” the familiar voice said. “I see you’re here.”
Mulder looked around, trying to find the other man. “Where are you, Connolly?” he asked. “I thought we were going to meet! Or is this some kind of chicken game? Because if it is, I'm not interested!” he said angrily.
“I’m right behind you,” the man replied, and Mulder whirled around. A few rows down, Connolly stepped around a divider and started moving towards him, his footsteps echoing in the empty parking garage. Mulder pulled his gun and pointed it at the approaching figure. “Hands where I can see them!” he shouted.
Connolly stopped and stretched his arms out to the side, his phone still in his hands. “I have something you want, Agent Mulder. And I believe you have something I want,” he said with a grin, not the slightest bit intimidated by the angry agent aiming a gun at him.
Mulder’s gun didn’t waver, adrenaline coursing through his veins. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?” he snapped.
The man took a few steps closer and carefully opened his fist, palm up. “Do you recognize this?” he asked.
Mulder looked down at the man’s hand. Scully’s cross was nestled in his palm, reflecting the overhead neon lights. He slowly lowered his gun, gripping it tightly in his fist. His heart was racing. “Where did you get that?” he asked monotonously, watching Connolly with a blank expression. “Is she okay?”
Connolly nodded and threw the cross at Mulder. “She’s fine. But she won’t be for long. Did you bring the list?”
Mulder caught the cross with his left hand, its weight feeling like a lifeline to him, and stored it securely in his coat pocket. He didn’t take his eyes off of Connolly and reached into the inside pocket of his suit. “Here it is,” he said, holding the folded piece of paper up in the air.
Connolly eagerly reached for it.
“No, no, no. Not so fast,” Mulder jerked his hand back quickly. “Where is she?”
“She’s in the old steel mill, an hour northeast of here. The man you’re looking for is trying to get her to talk. He wants those names as much as I do, and he’s holding her in the basement there right now. So you might not want to waste any time,” he replied, never taking his eyes off of the piece of paper in Mulder’s hand.
Mulder nodded. “If she’s hurt in any way, I’ll find you. And the deal we made is off!” he said angrily before throwing the paper at Connolly.
He hastily picked it up, his face turning from eager excitement to anger. “Hey! There’s just one person on this list! And he’s in jail already!” he screamed.
Mulder gave him a look. “I got you what you asked for. Consider the hour I’m giving you to get away a bonus out of gratitude. If I arrested you, you’d spend the rest of your life in jail. Sounds like a good deal to me.” He turned around, ignoring Connolly cursing wildly behind him, and hurried back to his car. He was not going to spend another moment on Connolly, there was no time to waste—after all, Scully might not have much left.
*** Thank you so much for reading. You can also find this fic on AO3.
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follow-up-news · 6 months
Former Donald Trump adviser Peter Navarro, who was convicted of contempt of Congress last year, is set to surrender Tuesday at a federal Bureau of Prisons facility in Miami to begin serving his four-month sentence. Before turning himself in, Navarro held a press conference in a strip-mall parking lot down the street from the facility. Near a Papa John’s, Navarro gave an extended speech airing his grievances against the government and his prosecution, painting himself as a victim of political persecution. “I will walk proudly in there to do my time,” Navarro said. “I will gather strength from this: Donald John Trump is the nominee.” Navarro, who was closely involved in Trump’s attempts to overturn his 2020 presidential election loss in the lead-up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, was convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House committee investigating Jan. 6. He had been directed to surrender to the Bureau of Prisons by 2 p.m. ET on Tuesday.
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inspotlight · 1 year
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shadyside, ohio is the horror capitol of the world. with demonic cheerleaders, babysitter stalkers, and witches cursing the town just the beginning, it's no wonder people are clamoring to get out. but can you ever really get away from shadyside? these days, mayor goode is trying to change the way shadyside is viewed, and in doing so, many of the fier family's old properties are being demolished or revitalized. no in-between. the division street mall just got a major expansion and the old fear mansion on fear island is being turned into a museum. fear park is reopening. it's going to be a tourist trap in no time. but not everyone is happy about this. the curses have started again. the possessions have started again. all eyes are trained on the fiers as the town begins these changes. a line is drawn in the sand. where will you be standing?
this verse is heavily based upon the book series as a whole. if it happened in the books, it's possible it can happen in this verse, and those elements are included in the town's history.
001. there is to be no ooc drama. 002. message an admin if you have a problem with someone ooc. 003. please refrain from godmodding unless approved. 004. feel free to play as many characters as you can manage. 005. this is a dash-only group, everything will be done on tumblr. 006. this group verse is mutuals only and 18+. 007. this is not a movie compliant verse in re: sarah fier's backstory. 008. you can reference this post for more information on shadyside. 009. we'll be using the tag gv. welcome to shadyside for this verse.
to apply, simply send the following information to @inspotlight:
ooc name/age/pronouns
character name/age/pronouns
family affiliation (fier family descendant, fier family supporter, goode family descendant, or goode family supporter)
character fc
are you down for your character to be cursed or possessed? if you play more than three characters, at least one of them must be available for these plots. alternatively, has your character been cursed or possessed in the past?
ghosts do exist in shadyside so if you would like your character to be a ghost, note that here. they are functionally human but with powers and abilities that ghosts would have.
nini salazar-roberts is a fier family descendant and is 21 years old. she was once possessed on fear street and is recovering from the experience. she looks eerily similar to olivia rodrigo. she is played by hales (29, she/her), and located at @inspotlight.
sharpay evans is a goode family supporter and is 23 years old. she has never been possessed. she looks eerily similar to sabrina carpenter. she is played by hales (29, she/her), and located at @wylmn.
ricky bowen is a fier family supporter and is 21 years old. he has never been possessed. he looks eerily similar to joshua bassett. he is played by kenna (22, she/her), and located at @melodyplucked.
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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The city of Denver, Colorado was founded on November 17, 1858.
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musicfren · 7 months
Protests March 2nd (this Saturday). Mostly USA, some global
Albuquerque, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Tiguex Park
Sponsored by: SWC4P
Alfred, NY
3:00 p.m.
Corner of N Main St and Pine St.
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Angelica, NY
12:00 p.m.
Angelica Park Circle (37 Park Cir)
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Arequipa, Peru
2:00 p.m.
Plaza de Armas
Asheville, North Carolina
2:00 p.m.
Pack Square, N Pack Square
Sponsored by: PSL WNC, ANSWER Great Smoky Mountains, UNCA SDS, ETSU MSA, Unequolada
Atlanta, Georgia
1:00 p.m.
190 Marietta St NW (Intersection of Centennial Olympic Park Dr and Marietta St NW.)
Austin, Texas
1:00 p.m.
City Hall
Sponsored by: PSC and PYM
Baltimore, Maryland
2:00 p.m.
Baltimore City Hall
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, Baltimore Artists Against Apartheid, Hospitality for Humanity, The Banner of the People, Teachers & Researchers United, People's Power Assembly
Belmont, NY
1:30 p.m.
Belmont Park Circle (7 Park Circle)
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Boston, Massachusetts
1:00 p.m.
Cambridge City Hall
Contact: ANSWER Boston -- 857-334-5084 · [email protected] 
Brainerd, Minnesota
1:00 p.m.
Intersection of Highways 210 and 371 -- Baxter, Minnesota (near Kohl's Department Store)
Sponsored by: Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE)
Boise, Idaho
4:00 p.m.
700 W Jefferson/Capitol Bldg
Sponsored by: Boise to Palestine
Burlington, Vermont
1:00 p.m.
622 Main St.
Calgary, Alberta
3:00 p.m.
Calgary City Hall
Sponsored by: Justice For Palestinians Calgary, Independent Jewish Voices, Calgary Palestinian Council
Caracas, Venezuela
9:30 a.m.
Sponsored by: Comuna el Panel 21, Brigada Internacionalista Alexis Castillo, Fuerza Patriótica Alexis Vive, Alba Movimientos Venezuela
Charlotte, North Carolina
3:00 p.m.
First Ward Park
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation; Charlotte United for Palestine
Charlottesville, Virginia
4:00 p.m.
Free Speech Wall on the Downtown Mall
Sponsored by: SJP at PVCC
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
2:00 p.m.
West Side Park (400 W University)
Cincinnati, Ohio
3:00 p.m.
City Hall (801 Plum St)
Sponsored by: PSL SW Ohio, PAL Awda Ohio, Students for Justice in Palestine UC, Ceasefire Now Covington, Coalition for Community Safety
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
11:30 a.m.
2nd and Lincoln Hwy
Chester County Liberation Center
Columbus, Ohio
3:00 p.m.
Goodale Park
Sponsored by: PSL Columbus, ANSWER, SJP OSU, PLM-JUST
Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
1:00 p.m.
Corner Brook Public Library (Courtyard)
Sponsored by: GCSU, CFS-NL
Cornwall, Ontario (Canada)
12:00 p.m.
691 Brookdale Avenue
Davis, California
1:00 p.m.
University of California Davis Memorial Union
Dayton, Ohio
12:00 p.m.
444 W 3rd St
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism & Liberation Southwest Ohio, Code Pink Miami Valley, Gem City Action, YS Uproar, S&F Volunteer Collective
Denver, Colorado
1:00 p.m.
400 Josephine St
Sponsored by: Colorado Palestine coalition, Denver PSL, Denver DSA, Denver Boulder JVP, DAWA, Denver SDS, Denver FRSO
Detroit, Michigan
2:00 p.m.
Hart Plaza
Sponsored by: USPCN, FRSO, SDS, SJP, PYM
Eastham, Massachusetts 
12:00 p.m.
In Front of the Windmill
Sponsored by: Cape Codders for Peace and Justice
Flagstaff, Arizona
6:00 p.m.
Heritage Square Downtown Flagstaff
Falmouth, Massachusetts 
1:00 p.m.
Falmouth Village Green
Sponsored by: Falmouth for Ceasefire Now
Havana, Cuba
8:00 a.m.
Sponsored by: Union of Young Communists, Women's Federation of Cuba
Fayetteville, Arkansas
12:00 p.m.
Wilson Park Gazebo
Sponsored by: Friends of Palestine NWA and Christian Voice for Peace
Fort Wayne, Indiana
2:00 p.m.
Allen County Courthouse
Fresno, California
4:00 p.m.
Blackstone & Nees Avenues
Sponsored by: Peace Fresno
Gainesville, Florida
1:00 p.m.
Corner of W University and NW 13th
Sponsored by: PSL
Geneseo, New York
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Main Street and Route 20A
Sponsored by: Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace, Chapter 23 Veterans for Peace
Grand Rapids, Michigan
2:00 p.m.
Monument Park
Sponsored by: Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids
Hamilton, Ontario
2:00 p.m.
Dundas Driving Park, 71 Cross st
Houghton, NY
10:30 a.m.
9722 NY19
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Huntsville, Alabama
10:00 a.m.
Whitesburg Dr and Airport Rd
Sponsored by: North Alabama Peace Network
Indianapolis, Indiana
5:00 p.m.
Indiana State House East Steps
Sponsored by: ANSWER Indiana, Jewish Voice for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine – Butler, PSL Indianapolis, the Middle Eastern Student Association at IUPUI
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 
1:00 p.m.
Cambridge City Hall
Joshua Tree, California
10:30 a.m.
Downtown Joshua Tree (Corner of 62 and Park Boulevard)
Sponsored by: Morongo Basin Resistance
Kansas City, Missouri
3:00 p.m.
Mill Creek Park, 47th Mill Creek Pkwy
Sponsored by: Al-HadafKC, Free Palestine KC, PSL MO
Kingman, Arizona
10:00 a.m.
120 W Andy Devine Ave (Meet at the Route 66 Sign)
Sponsored by: Alohaproj.com
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: Sekretariat Solidariti Palestin
Lander, Wyoming 
8:00 a.m.
Centennial Park
Sponsored by: Fremont County for Ceasefire Now!
Las Cruces, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Downtown Plaza
Sponsored by: Las Cruces PSL, Telegram group, NMSU Students for Socialism
Las Vegas, Nevada
2:00 p.m.
3449 s Sammy Davis Jr dr
Sponsored by: Npl_palestine and fifthsunproject
Los Angeles, California
1:00 p.m.
Los Angeles City Hall (200 N Spring St)
Manchester, New Hampshire
4:00 p.m.
Manchester City Hall Plaza
Martinsburg, West Virginia
11:00 a.m.
Martinsburg Town Square
Sponsored by: PSL
Memphis, Tennessee 
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Ridgeway Road and Poplar Avenue
Sponsored by: Palestinian Association Community Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1:30 p.m.
Zillman Park (2168 Kinnickinnic Ave)
Sponsored by: PSL Milwaukee, Milwaukee 4 Palestine
Mineral Point, Wisconsin
10:30 a.m.
State Street at the Capitol
Sponsored by: Poor People's Campaign
Nanaimo, British Columbia (Canada)
2:15 p.m.
Maffeo Sutton Park
Sponsored by: VIU Muslim Women Club
Nashville, Tennessee
4:00 p.m.
1 Public Square
Sponsored by: Inspire Youth Foundation supported by PSL Nashville
New Orleans, Louisiana
4:00 p.m.
Jackson Square
Sponsored by: New Orleans For Palestine, JVP New Orleans, PSL Louisiana
New Paltz, New York
12:30 p.m.
93 Main Street
Sponsored by: Women in Black
New York City, New York
1:00 p.m.
Washington Square Park
Sponsored by: Nodutdol, Black Alliance for Peace, No Tech for Apartheid, Audre Lorde Project, Ridgewood Tenants Union, Uptown 4 Palestine, DRUM NYC, Anakbayan, Bayan, Mamas 4 a Free Palestine, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Jews Against White Supremacy, Defend Democracy in Brazil, Al-Awda NY, NYC Dissenters, South Asian Left, Columbia University SJP, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, CUMC for Palestine, Black Men Build, UAW Labor for Palestine, Labor for Palestine, NYC City Workers for Palestine
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Robinson and Hudson near the Skydance Bridge
Sponsored by: Oklahomans Against Occupation
Olean, NY
8:30 a.m.
Lincoln Park
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Peterborough, Ontario
4:00 p.m.
Confederation Square
Sponsored by: Nogojiwanong Palestine Solidarity
Pensacola, Florida
2:00 p.m.
Main and Reus St.
Sponsored by: PSL, Answer, Panhandle for Freedom and Justice in Palestine, Mobile for Palestine
Phoenix, Arizona
6:00 p.m.
Arizona State Capitol
Sponsored by: PSL
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2:00 p.m.
City Hall
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, ANSWER Philly, Philly Boricuas, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Jefferson University SJP, Philly Liberation Center, AMP Philadelphia, Philadelphians of Palestine, Black Alliance for Peace
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11:00 a.m.
William S Moorehead Federal Building (1100 Liberty Ave)
Contact: ANSWER Pittsburgh -- [email protected]
Pompano Beach, Florida
1:00 p.m.
1641 NW 15th ST -- Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Sponsored by: Al-Awda, JVP, SJP @ FIU
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1:00 p.m.
Market Square
Sponsored by: Occupy Seacoast
Port Angeles, Washington
12:00 p.m.
Clallam County Courthouse at 4th & Lincoln St
Sponsored by: FSP, PSL
Portland, Maine
1:00 p.m.
Longfellow Square
Sponsored by: Maine Students for Palestine, Maine Coalition for Palestine
Portland, Oregon
1:00 p.m.
Lownsdale Square
Sponsored: Party for Socialism & Liberation, ANSWER, Oregon to Palestine Coalition, Portland DSA, Entifada PDX
Providence, Rhode Island
1:00 p.m.
World War 1 Memorial, Memorial Park, South Main st.
Sponsored by: PSL RI, Brown Grad labor Organization, JVP RI, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Falsteeni Diaspora United, SURJ RI, RI Antiwar committee 
Raleigh, North Carolina
3:00 p.m.
201 S Blount St Raleigh, NC 27601
Sponsored by: Refund Raleigh, Migrant Roots Media, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Muslims For Social Justice, Democratic Socialists of America, Muslim Women For, Jewish Voices for Peace, NC Green Party, Peoples Power Lab, NC Environmental Justice Network, PAX Christi Triangle NC
Richland, Washington
1:00 p.m.
John Dam Plaza
Sponsored: Party for Socialism and Liberation - Eastern Washington
Rochester, New York
1:00 p.m.
Rochester City Hall
Sponsored: FTP ROC, Coalition to End Apartheid, ROC DSA, JVP, U of R SJP, ROC Voices for Palestine
Salt Lake City, Utah
1:00 p.m.
Sugar House Park
Sponsored by: Palestinian Solidarity Association of Utah, PSL Salt Lake, Mecha de U Of U
San Antonio, Texas
2:00 p.m.
Municipal Plaza Building (114 W Commerce St.)
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
San Diego, California
ANSWER San Diego -- (619) 487-0977
San Juan, Puerto Rico
12:00 p.m.
El Morro
Sponsored by: Boricua Con Palestina
Santa Barbara, California
11:00 a.m.o
Pershing Park
Sponsored by: Central Coast Antiwar Coalition
San Francisco, California
2:00 p.m.
Harry Bridges Plaza
Sponsored by: Palestinian Youth Movement, ANSWER Coalition, American Muslims for Palestine, US Palestinian Community Network, Muslim American Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Islamophobia Studies Center, Oakland Educators for Palestine, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Northern California Islamic Council, Jewish Voice for Peace Bay Area, Islamic Circle of North America, United Educators of San Francisco, Do No Harm Coalition, Arab Resource & Organizing Center, Workers World Party, Palestinian Feminist Collective, QUIT, Labor for Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Democratic Socialist of America - San Francisco, Union Nurses for Palestine, Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle, Democratic Socialists of America East Bay
Savannah, Georgia 
2:00 p.m.
Springfield City Hall and Senator Warren's Office
Sponsored by: Western MA Coalition for Palestine, Western MA Showing Up for Racial Justice, Northampton Abolition Now, Demilitarize Western MA, Amherst for Palestine, Community Alliance for Peace and Justice, Islamic Society of Western MA, Code Pink
Seattle, Washington
1:00 p.m.
Denny Park
Sponsored by: PYM, PSL, ANSWER, SPV Endorsers: Samidoun, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, South Asians Resisting Imperialism, SUPERUW, Falastiniyat, FGLL, Tacoma DSA, SU SJP, MSA UW, ASA UW, BAYAN, Somali Student Association, NOTA
Seoul, South Korea
3:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: International Strategy Center
Spokane, Washington
Details TBA
Springfield, Massachusetts 
2:00 p.m.
Springfield City Hall and Senator Warren's Office
Sponsored by: Western MA Coalition for Palestine, Western MA Showing Up for Racial Justice, Northampton Abolition Now, Demilitarize Western MA, Amherst for Palestine, Community Alliance for Peace and Justice, Islamic Society of Western MA, Code Pink
Springfield, Missouri 
12:00 p.m.
Park Central Square
St. Louis, Missouri
2:00 p.m.
Kiener Plaza - 500 Chestnut St
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, Voices of Palestine Network, American Muslims for Palestine
Syracuse, New York
1:00 p.m.
Clinton Square
Sponsored by: PSL - Syrcause
Tallahassee, Florida
12:00 p.m.
Sidewalks in front of Florida State Capitol Building
Sponsored by: Revolt Collective (rev0ltcollective on Instagram)
Taos, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Outreach/petitioning event, contact Suzie at 575-770-2629
Sponsored by: Taoseños for Peaceful and Livable Futures
Tillamook, Oregon
1:00 p.m.
1st and Main
Sponsored by: Racial and Social Equity Tillamook
Tri-Cities, Washington
Details TBA
Tokyo, Japan
2:00 p.m.
Shinjuku Station South Exit
Sponsored by: Palestinians of Japan
Toledo, Ohio
1:00 p.m.
Franklin Park Mall: Starting location is the corner of Sylvania and Talmadge
Sponsored by: American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and Toledo 4 Palestine (T4P)
Troy, New York
11:00 a.m.
3rd & Fulton
Sponsored by: Troy 4 Black Lives
Tucson, Arizona
5:00 p.m.
Catalina Park (941 N. Fourth Ave.)
Sponsored by: Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance
Tulsa, Oklahoma
1:00 p.m.
Yale Ave and Admiral Place
Sponsored by: Oklahomans Against Occupation
Ventura, California
1:00 p.m.
Oxnard City Hall
Victorville, California
1:00 p.m.
9700 Seventh Ave.
Sponsored by: Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance
3:00 p.m.
March from Wailuku Safeway to Queen Kaahumanu Center
Sponsored by: Maui for Palestine, Hawaii for Palestine, Rise for Palestine, Citizens for Peace, Kauai for Palestine, Kona for Palestine
Washington, D.C.
1:00 p.m.
Israeli Embassy (3514 International Dr NW)
Sponsored by: PYM, MD2Palestine, ANSWER 
Waukegan, Illinois
1:00 p.m.
Jack Benny Plaza (corner of Genesee and Clayton)
Sponsored by: PSL Waukegan
Wellfleet, Massachusetts 
10:00 a.m.
Town Hall Lawn
Sponsored by: Cape Codders for Peace and Justice
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aleck-le-mec · 7 months
The day that Rowe vs Wade got overturned my mom woke me up crying, she told me that nothing would be the same now.
The day that trump was elected in 2016 my sister cried for the rest of the day and no one had to ask why.
The day that a shooting happened at my local mall my best friend was there, he called me out of breath, shaking and scared.
The day that a bomb threat was called into my middle school I watched my classes empty of students one by one.
The day the Covid lock down started we all knew we wouldn't make it back into school for 8th grade graduation.
The day my hoco dance was canceled we were all just happy we didn't get shot by the concealed guns sitting in the parking lot of our school.
The day of the insurrection it was too cold to go outside so we watched as the capitol was stormed from our phones.
The day that the first bombs were dropped on Gaza we didn't speak about it to our parents. Afraid of what they'd say we mourned alone crying over pictures of people who looked like our friends.
The day BLM protests started we wanted to join but the adults around us were more scared of looting than of injustice.
The day that Florida passed yet another anti-trans bill I knew that I wouldn't be safe there anymore, not even in my aunts house they would have to come up north this year.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
The National Guard will be assisting local police on Tuesday as tens of thousands of people are expected to attend two large-scale demonstrations in the nation's capital, according to officials.
The first rally, the "March For Israel," is being organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and will begin shortly before noon, according to a permit filed with the National Park Service.
The permit states that it is expected to bring up to 60,000 people Washington to "show solidarity and support for Israel and the Israeli People" amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in the wake of Hamas' Oct. 7 terror attack, in which the extremists are believed to have also taken more than 200 captives.
"March to free the hostages. March against antisemitism. March for peace," organizers posted on X on Monday.
Lawmakers are set to speak, too, according to the permit.
Despite the name, the event will not include a march and will take place entirely on the National Mall, where significant fencing had been erected as of Monday night.
A second event on Tuesday, called the "Here To Work" protest, will be in support of immigration reform. Organizers have said that "thousands will converge" to demonstrate for authorizing work permits for immigrants currently without that documentation "who have been members of our communities, raised families, worked and paid taxes for years or even decades."
According to a permit filed for the demonstration, they are expecting up to 5,000 people to march from the U.S. Capitol to Lafayette Park outside of the White House and rally for several hours while calling for additional government action to "grant relief to immigrants."
Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser said Monday that police had "asked for mutual assistance and support from the National Guard" and, with road closures planned, "the National Guard will be supporting some traffic safety points."
"We continue to monitor we expect a large gathering," Bowser said. "We are paying attention to the numbers of buses that are coming, and I think we can expect tens of thousands of people."
The Department of Homeland Security designated Tuesday’s rally as a "Level 1" security event, the highest rating of risk assessment, sources told ABC News.
The assessment, which ABC News has obtained a copy of, indicates no "specific, actionable threat" but echoes previous warnings from federal authorities.
For comparison, the Super Bowl is routinely designated a Level 1, which DHS says is "defined as having such significant national and/or international importance that it may require extensive federal interagency security and incident management preparedness."
In a separate statement, Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson Paris Lewbel said that authorities are "committed to ensuring the safety and security of all residents and visitors to the District. We recognize the importance of upholding the First Amendment rights of individuals to peacefully express their views, and we are committed to facilitating lawful demonstrations while maintaining public order."
"Currently, there are no credible threats," Lewbel said.
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simswhitehouse · 2 years
Does your country have any interesting landmarks or tourist attractions?
Hiii thank you so much for the ask! and sorry for the very late replies lol
I’m just scrolling through my inbox and found out this lovely question 💙
Since my blog is set in the United States of America, and the main city of my story is in Washington D.C. Here are some interesting landmarks that you can visit!
1. White House
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The White House, is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. President Clark and First Lady Laura Clark are delighted to welcome members of the public to tour the White House.
2. U.S. Capitol
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The U.S. Capitol, is the seat of the the United States Congress. located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Capitol welcome visitors from across the United States and around the world. 
3. Lincoln Memorial
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The Lincoln Memorial, is a U.S. national memorial built to honor the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Located on the western end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The national memorial is a National Park and is open to the public 24 hours.
4. World War II Memorial
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The World War II Memorial, is a national memorial in the United States. located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. This memorial is dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II.
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