#cant let the gang know i fw this
froggybirdtaco · 3 months
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larvamars · 2 months
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patreon reward :3
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beeduoo · 3 months
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wayched some of charlie slimesicles gay highschool adventures
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Nikto x Cryptic! Reader
Tags:Kissing, Reader being a cutie, ballsy nikto, the man of routine
Might write a nikto pov, who knows
××××××××××××××××××××××x x××××××××××××××××××××××
Nikto who doesn't shiver in fear whenever he finds you starting at him for far too long for it to be normal. Or healthy. Instead he kisses your eyes and therefore your eyelids to make sure you blink enough to moisten your eyes.
"Nikto...What was that for?"
His hands were gripping your wrists, forcing them beside your head as his mask met both your eyes again and again. The soft fabric of his balaclava failing to conceal the softness of his lips as he forcefully peppered kisses across your face.
"Nothing moy lyubov', stay still da?"
××××××××××××××××××××××x x××××××××××××××××××××××
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mioakem · 2 months
going to vegas in a week, already know how imma be spending my free time there
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demontime09 · 2 months
Faded - Chapter 2
Alr posting the second part 😈
Chris never came back. But that's normal now, I guess. I've curled myself into my bed, my reading glasses on, carefully turning pages so as not to rip it.
"Wha' youu readin?" I don't even look up as I immediately recognize the voice.
"Old yeller." I reply softly. I finally look up to see him teetering on my window sill.
"Can I uh-" He stumbles and holds himself up on the wall. "Comeee in?" He finishes.
"Aren't you already?" I reply, placing my book back on the nightstand. He stumbles over and falls on top of me. His gaze lingers on my chest before looking at me. His eyes desperately try to focus to no avail. "Mm, you're so purtty," He mumbles before yawning and beginning to snore on me. I run my fingers through his hair before turning off my lamp. This has become our nightly routine, and who am I to break it? If Chris enjoys it, I do, too.
I wake to no Chris. No warm embrace, no pillow talk, no making coffee for each other. But again, that's how it is.
I walk downstairs to see him reaching into his pockets and desperately searching for something. He's dressed, his wife beater and jeans hugging him perfectly. Sometimes I wish i could take off his clothes in a sexy manner but its almost always to wash vomit stains out.
Instead of it smelling of sex, it smells like weed and booze. Instead of moans and happily praising eachother, it's him mumbling profanitys at me or passing out on me. Like last night. I'm glad it wasn't the latter.
He turns suddenly and notices me. He finches slightly. "Oh, hey. Thanks for letting me crash here last night, ma, " He says awkwardly. "Of course, anytime." I smile a tiny bit, which seems to affect him in some way, and he immediately looks away and rambles about losing his keys. I nod toward the bedroom and tell him they're on my floor. And by the time I'm in and out of the bathroom, Chris is nowhere to be found.
I guess I should give you some background. I met Chris at a highschool party in 12th grade. Before he had any of his issues, back when he only dabbled in weed and only drank at parties. I thought he was cute, funny. The type of guy I'd see myself being with. He ended up driving me home, kissing me goodnight, and that was that. I was hooked. I knew I needed this man.
I spent the next couple months trying to get close to him. I'd invite him over, ask him out, and he would most of the time. By month 3 he was canceling dates, but would always somehow make it up to me. By month 6 he was high 24/7, making excuses, and starting to sell bud. Before I knew it, a whole year of knowing Chris had passed. And the chris i met at that party, the chris who bought me flowers at graduation, the chris who told me he'd wait for me when I wasn't ready, the Chris who used to blast rap music in my house without my input. It was always him choosing the music, but I never minded. All of those things, all of that chris, was pretty much gone. Now I only ever get affection if Chris is drunk enough.
I know this sounds like I'm just throwing a pity party for myself, but I really don't mind it. I've always been on the passive side, things don't bother me too bad. That's why me and Chris work so well. He wants to get high and drunk, that's his business. And I'll always be here for him. And even though everyone tells me to leave him, I can't bring myself to. Who will be here to take care of him? To hold his hair back when he's sick? to get him water and advil for his hangovers? This has become somewhat of a purpose for me and I'll never give it up, I don't care what my friends say.
I snap out of my daydream and start getting ready for work.
(Time skip, I am not writing abt her working who gives a flying fuck)
After hours of work all I really want is a joint. And I know I know, but I used to dabble in weed too, and I developed quite the liking to it. Ever since I saw chris and his problems, I got scared off from it. But if he gets to get faded every single day, why should I not get to have a bit of fun?
Only problem is, I don't have any weed, it's super late, and I'm itching for the sweet sweet smell of bud. I have one choice.
I call chris, and thankfully, he doesn't sound drunk. "Hey ma, what's up?" "Can you come over, please?" I hear him hesitate and sigh. "I dont-" "I wanna get high." I blurt. "Oh. Uh, um yeah, gimme 15 minutes." He hangs up.
I'm about 20 minutes I'm sitting on my bed with Chris, his wife beater has gotten a little dirty and his jeans are scuffed up.
He clears his throat and fixes his hat.
"Why don't you change chris?" "Wha- I don't have any clothes here. "Yes, you do. In that drawer, I had you bring some over a couple of weeks ago." "Oh I um, forgot." Chris always,"forgets." I think it's cute.
He changes into some pajama pants and white shirt. Classic chris.
I look closer at his eyes, they're red, he doesn't seem to be drunk at all, just high.
"Would you like some eye drops?" I ask camly. "Fuck ma, are we gonna smoke this or not!" He snaps. I immediately flinch away a bit. "Fuck, I'm sorry Char, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Chris." I smile softly. "Really, it's okay, you're right, let's do it." He looks away, "You sure you don't mind it in your room? I can blow it out the window." His voice is low and calm. "It's fine." I don't wanna inconvenience Chris, he's come all this way to smoke with me, I don't wanna ruin it.
He lights it, the smoke slowly drifting up to my ceiling. His hit is huge, and he holds it in, zeroes it, with not even a flinch. I am in awe. Chris hands it's to me. I look at it nervously. "Hey ma, don't worry." His eyes shift slowly towards me. "You've got it. You've done it before."
I take a deep breath and take a hit, hold it in, and cough it out. My chest burns And my throat is raw. God I've missed this.
As I'm coughing and covering my face from embarrassment, Chris reaches out for my hands and holds them gently in his. He focuses right into my eyes. "You did so good mama's, hey, hey look at me." I haven't seen chris like this in a very long time. Its just like the old chris, the one who kissed my lips softly before typing his number into my phone and driving away in his little rinky dink Honda. God I've missed this.
He blows more smoke up into my ceiling.
"I'm sorry, ma." He looks in my vague direction. "Hm, for what?" I saw reaching for the joint. He rubs his eyes and clenches his jaw. "I'm just not myself anymore, am I?" I sit with that statement for a while before I exhale and cough a bit more, he reaches for me almost like it's a reflex, only for him to retreat his hands back to his sides. "I like you how you are, Chris." He flicks the joint over my ashtray and puts his head back, his adams apple bobbing as he thinks. "I'm glad, char." Is all he says. It's a miracle he's even over here at this time of day. Usually, he's off with his buddies doing God knows what, so I don't push it.
After 4 more hits, I'm really feeling it. I'm closer to chris, laying on my bed. He's right here, finally. God, he's warm. My vision blurs and focuses on his features. "Ma.." he trails off when I touch his jaw. He holds my hand away, his breath quick, "I gotta.." I don't hear the rest of what he says. I hear the creaking of my bed, and feet hit the floor. "This was fun ma, I'll see you." He reaches for the door handle, hesitates. "Fuck.." He cusses under his breath. I hear his footsteps again and feel his breath on my face. He kisses me quickly, turns on his heel, and with one door slam he's gone.
Authors note
Goodbye. How can I ruin chars life any further bro 😭 this poor girl
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katszzzz · 5 months
cant let the gang know i still fw these songs
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soyhasmcaamp · 8 days
"can't let gang know I fw this" if your gang doesn't fuck with the things you fuck with then they aren't your gang
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emo-protagonist · 15 days
i cant let gang know i fw asmr
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froggybirdtaco · 3 months
prev: Part 3
he's a lil melty
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twice idea from @phoebes-savior-complex ‼️
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hotchwalk · 2 months
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I can’t let gang find out I fw kigurumi
Sorry it’s so messy lost my eraser again 😞
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beeduoo · 4 months
my cbenchtrio gachas they are completed guys gacha life is awesome i unironically get on here for fun
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etoiile · 3 months
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akascow · 4 months
i think the funniest thing to come out of the fnaf fandom was the sexy glamrock art from SB
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spivecream · 5 months
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lcvclywon · 5 months
chat why did i js cry to spider-man far from home
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