#canopic chest
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Duamutef and Qebehsenuef present linen to the deceased (who bears a certain resemblance to Benedict Cumberbatch) for his mummification. From a canopic chest at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden.
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ukdamo · 2 years
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Today’s Flickr photo with the most hits: the canopic jar chest from the Tomb of the Two Brothers, in the Manchester Museum. 
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tellytoys · 1 year
okay one thing about g3 cleo is that i like that they acknowledge that her organs are in canopic jars but like... her heart would still be in her body. literally for the reason they state in the show is why mummies would keep their hearts in real life
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nhothicket · 3 months
is it too late for Halloween?
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Some close ups and silly spare thoughts about this half-baked au below the cut ^v^
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Some thoughts:
It's extremely important for this au that Etho is very enthusiastic about his clowning, okay? Nobody's forcing him to do this he is a PROUD CLOWN.
The setting is probably somewhere in the 80s-90s at an amusement park with a carnival vibe. I thought it might be fun to have all the Halloween hermits be canon, but I also see this being a world unaware of the more supernatural goings on, so I'm not sure if that could pan out. Maybe some sort of veil from the supernatural might be in play? Who knows.
Anyway! This is about Ethdubs not those other nerds.
> So, in this amusement part there's an oddities attraction of sorts. There resides Bdubs, he is a haunted heart preserved in a jar, not an actual attraction though just set dressing for the creepy shed vibe. As the story goes this jar has been passed around for decades, but its progressively gotten heavier despite being untampered with. The preservatives have gotten thick and changed colors over time. This is actually just Bdubs' spirit taking its sweet sweet time to manifest, as he slowly materializes around his heart, the preservatives turn to ectoplasm.
Most of the time he's sealed up in the jar, thanks to this mystical veil regular people usually can't hear him grouching about the tight space. The jar itself is part of his haunting, which means its technically part of him and he can't pass through it. So, until Etho realizes the disembodied voice he's been hearing come from the little building is not all in his head, Bdubs was stuck there.
> Bdubs' more human less goopy form is also a bit translucent in that form and he's not at all solid. If Etho were to poke him in the arm his finger would go through with some pressure. A firm hug would be fine at first, but he'd quickly start sinking into the ghost. It takes a lot of energy to be that physical, so Bdubs hardly does it. He's capable of leaving his heart in the jar and being a more traditional wispy ghost in that image, but... he feels left out when he can't touch things, so he'll usually choose being a bit gooey over being a beautiful beautiful man.
His heart is the only part of him that is completely physical. It is a real object in the world still, he's possessing it. It's what allows him to be more physical, so if someone were to reach into his chest and pluck it out he'd turn into a wisp. (He and Etho have both done so repeatedly to make bad jokes about heart stealing). How did Bdubs' heart get in a shady unmarked jar? Who knows. The people who ran the place probably don't even know its a real human heart anymore.
> Bdubs frequently lies about how old he was (recalling and inserting himself into historical events he wasn't even born for), Etho humors it.
> Bdubs died before Etho was born, this is the subject of mockery on both sides. (Etho would've been born maybe a decade or so after Bdubs died, he's in his 30s at present)
> Etho's gimmick is being comically good slight of hand and magic tricks. He's not supernatural, but he's like fantastical in his competence when it comes to looking magical. Etho invents (realistically jmpossible) contraptions to make his magic work.
> Horse drawn buggies would've been on their way out as Bdubs was growing up, so he could be nostalgic for that, I thought it might be cute if Etho took him out on one of those horse drawn tours as a surprise. Don't mind the clowny guy carrying around a jar with a heart in it.
> Another funny thought I had, Bdubs asking for a grand sarcophagus after getting jealous of the attention a new mummy is getting in the attraction. Etho doesn't buy him a sarcophagus, but he does get him a novelty canopic jar from the gift shop of a nearby museum.
Okay, that's all for now. ^v^;
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egypt-museum · 9 months
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Canopic Shrine of Tutankhamun
New Kingdom, late 18th Dynasty, ca. 1332-1323 BC. From the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62), Thebes. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 60686
Inside this imposing and elaborate gilded canopic shrine was the alabaster chest that contained the four canopic miniature coffins. At each side of this shrine stands an elegant statue of one of the four female divinities in charge of protecting the deceased king, their faces turned slightly to one side and their arms stretched out in a gesture of protection. These goddesses are Isis, Nephthys, Neith, and Serket.
The outer canopy of gilded wood, fixed to a sledge, consists of four square corner posts supporting a projecting cavetto cornice topped by a frieze of uraei, or rearing cobras, with solar disks. A cavetto cornice is a concave molding with a cross section that approximates a quarter circle. Scenes of the protective deities are incised in relief on the sides of the shrine.
Spreading her arms in protection, a gilded wooden statue of the goddess Serket guards a shrine from King Tutankhamun’s tomb. On her head is a scorpion, her identifying feature. Inside the shrine stood a calcite chest containing the jars that held the king’s viscera.
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bluebelleisabelle · 1 year
G3 Clankie headcanons:
Cleo calls Frankie “precious” or “my precious” in reference to her voiceover towards the end of Horoscare, in which she referred to them as a “precious monster”.
Frankie likes doing the nose-to-nose boops/rubs that they give Watzie with Cleo, and every time they do it, it catches Cleo off guard and makes her a little flustered.
Frankie lets Cleo borrow their jacket, and when she returns it to them, they hug it to their chest and smell her scent on it jdjdj
Cleo always fakes being full when eating screechza (pizza) with Frankie, so that they don’t feel bad eating the last slice
 Whenever Cleo puts her canopic jar bag down, Frankie guards that shit with their UNDEAD LIFE like it’s an unattended drink at a party. And if Cleo ever asks them to hold a jar for her, Frankie will clutch onto that thing and make sure nothing happens to it
*Insert Frankie doing something silly goofy* *Cleo responds with a “omg I love you, you little dork” look*
Frankie makes Cleo things when she’s having a rough day. Whether it be jewelry or a cute art piece of the two of them holding hands with lots of glitter and glue djjdjd
Though Cleo has every piece of jewelry imaginable that she inherited from her royal family, she still chooses to exclusively wear the homemade jewelry that Frankie makes her
Frankie infodumps to Cleo about their interests and vice versa. Cleo will talk about one of her favorite influencers (showing pictures and gushing), and Frankie will enthusiastically respond with questions
Frankie likes having their face cupped in someone’s hands (Cleo’s hands specifically)
When the two of them are having creepovers, Frankie will ask really strange, philosophical questions to Cleo at late hours of the night. Things like “can vegetables feel pain when you bite into them” or “is cereal a soup”. Cleo considers the questions for two seconds, realizes she’s too tired, and says meekly “go to bed, Frankie”.
Frankie doesn’t understand that salmonella exists, so Cleo has to keep a close eye on them when they’re baking together to ensure that they don’t eat fistfuls of cookie dough
Whenever Cleo and Frankie are watching pep rallies from the audience, when the fearleaders enter the stage, Cleo always looks over at Frankie to assess their expression and make sure they’re okay. They always have a beaming smile on their face.
Cleo has become Frankie’s safe space to let out emotions if they need to. When Frankie approaches her needing someone to talk to, Cleo can sense that the vibe is off, and she gives them a safe space to talk it out
I’ve mentioned this is a prior post of mine, but Cleo definitely allows Frankie to gently stim with her mummy wraps when they’re alone together <3
Lots of nose kisses !!
Cleo will approach Frankie after class like “um… hey, precious, what was the homework?” And Frankie will give her all of their class notes and offer to help her study
Cleo told Frankie that, as someone who appreciates healthy emotional processing, her favorite acronym is “MILF” (Man, I Love Feelings), and Frankie goes around saying “milf”, having no idea what it actually means
Cleo will send Frankie vague messages like “aw I’m sitting all alone in the creepateria. I wish a cute monster would sit with me :( ”. And Frankie is like “awww Cleo, I’ll sit with you !! :D ”, having no idea that Cleo was referring to them the whole time
Frankie will try to eat something off the floor and Cleo will slap their hand away. Frankie will look sad, and Cleo will kiss the back of their hand with a timid apology
Frankie loves treating Cleo like royalty, but not in the alienating way. Like, they love serving Cleo breakfast in bed, kissing the back of her hand, and playfully bowing before her when they volunteer to help her with something djdjd
Will I make more parts? Honestly, don’t be surprised if I do jdjdjd
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venus-celestial · 5 months
Pushing my Nesquin agenda with the prompt for day 3 of @nestaarcheronweek Self-care
So I hope you all enjoy it
Sweet Sea
Nesta's breath catches in her throat and she clutches harder to the male at her side and she stares with deadly fear she can't do this no way
"Your alright it's alright Nesta breath" Tarquin says one hand coming up to stroke the back of her head the other gently holding her arm
"You've been doing so wonderful and I'm so proud of you Little Pearl" He says gently still stroking her head "I'll be right here holding onto you as usual I promise" Nesta shakes her head a little frantic
"I can't i- I can't" She says her voice almost a whisper as she clings more tightly to him Tarquin wraps his arm around her back and gently pulls her into him
"Oh my darling brave girl I promise I won't let go" he starts"you are so strong and so brave I know you can do It I'll be right here and I won't let anything happen" he promises
Nesta looks out into the pool it would only up to half her chest and her feet would still touch the ground but gods was she terrified
"I won't let you go sweet girl" Tarquin said hands gripping her firmly as if to prove his words true "I swear it on my life I won't let anything bad happen to you" be promised
Nesta took a deep breath and held on tighter to him "Ok" She said voice soft with a hint of determination "Let's go" She looked at Tarquin and he nodded
Slowly they started making their into the water Nesta holding on to Tarquin the deeper they got as promised he didn't let her go
As they got deeper Nesta held unto Tarquin tighter to the point she had to wonder how she hadn't ripped his shirt at all
Once they made it to the deepest part of the pool Nesta had to remind herself to breathe the water was warm this wasn't the cauldron she was alive
Tarquin started pulling away slowly and Nesta panicked gripping his shirt tight and crying out in prue Alarm "No please" She cried
Tarquin Started stroking her hair again gently shushing her 'It's alright lovely it's alright I'm going anywhere" he said "I'm just putting a little space between us so you can look at me but I'm not letting go" He soothed
Nesta took a few deep breaths and took both her hands in his and gently backed away not to much but just enough that should could look up at him without hurting her neck
"Hi" She breathed softly Still taking deep breaths to clam herself he chuckled lightly "Hi Pretty" he said back gently letting go of one of her hands so he could stroke her head lovingly
Nesta Leaned into the soft touch enjoying the way his fingers played the honey- Brown locks They strayed like that for a few minutes before Nesta pulled herself into his chest
"I want out now please" She murmured Tarquin let out a soft laugh at the adorableness his lady displayed "Alright Lovely let's get you out" he said as gently hoisted her up into his arms and Bridal carrying her
Nesta buries her head into his neck and closes her eyes as he makes his way through the palace and towards their bedroom
it doesn't take him long to reach it using his magic he opens the door stepping inside and then closing it with his foot as he makes his way over to the bed
He sets her down gently before summoning an attendant and whispering something to them eyes still closed Nesta listens to the sounds being made around her
Nesta only opens her eyes again when she feels Tarquin pull her into lap and putting her head on chest when her eyes slowly open she takes in her surroundings
Their in the middle of their bed pillows and blankets surround them the balcony doors open letting in the nice summer air and their canop has been tied open
Nesta Has just finished looking around when Tarquin holds a spoon up to her lips
"Here" He says "Eat lovely" Nesta does without hesitation taking the spoon in her mouth
the coolness am flavor of chocolate and strawberries has her delighted immediately Tarquin chuckles and removes the spoon quickly replacing it with another spoonful of ice cream
He keeps feeding her until the bowl has been emptied and then proceeds to wrap his arms around her and lay them both down onto the bed
"I love you my lovely girl" He says pulling a blanket over the two of them "I'm so proud of you and how far you've gotten and I'm so lucky you're mine" He finishes beginning to stroke Nesta's hair
Nesta let's out a sigh of contentment as he gently messages her scalp She feels so loved and cherished and she knows as long as they both live he won't let her forget that feeling
That's all folks hope you liked it
God I need more content for Nesquin they are so cute and I just love them anyway as always please forgive any spelling mistakes
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spellshite · 3 months
Time for another stupid poll game!!!
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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The 5 Most Opulent Artifacts Found in King Tut’s Inner Tomb
All that glitters is sometimes gold—particularly when it comes to the tomb of King Tutankhamun.
There is perhaps no other period in human history that has captured minds and imaginations quite like ancient Egypt. “Egyptomania,” or the intense interest in all thing Egypt, was first sparked by Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign at the turn of the 19th century. Throughout the 1800s, people across the world emulated the architecture and design of Egyptian culture—for example, Victorian-era jewelry frequently incorporated scarabs, and cartouches and monuments across Europe took the form of obelisks.
The pervasive obsession with Egypt reached an apogee when on November 26, 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter and his team discovered the doorway to the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (commonly referred to as King Tut) in the Valley of the Kings on the west bank of the Nile. Though archaeological digs had been undertaken throughout the area, most tombs had succumbed to looting and grave robbing, leaving them stripped bare of their original contents. Tut’s tomb, however, had been hidden by debris and rubble, preserving it to near perfect condition.
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Despite discovering King Tutankhamun’s tomb in late 1922, it took several months for archaeologists to work their way through and catalogue the contents within the outer chambers. On February 16, 1923, Carter finally came face-to-face with the doorway leading to the tomb’s inner burial chamber and unsealed it. What he and his team were met with was the most well-preserved and intact pharaonic tombs ever found. Over the following eight years, the items and goods contained therein were carefully catalogued and removed, and today are held in the collection of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
To mark the centennial of the unsealing of the burial chamber, we’ve gathered five of the most opulent and intriguing artifacts that were found in King Tutankhamun’s tomb.
Tutankhamun’s Sarcophagus and Three Coffins:
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Seeing the sarcophagus was perhaps one of the most exciting moments for the archaeologists at the time, as it indicated early on that the contents were preserved and intact. Crafted of quartzite and red granite, and displaying the images of Isis, Nephthys, Neith, and Serqet, the sarcophagus housed three nesting coffins which held Tutankhamun’s mummified body. The outer two coffins are made of fully gilded wood and inlaid with glass and semiprecious stones, such as turquoise and lapis lazuli. The innermost coffin, however, is made almost entirely out of 110.4 kilos of solid gold, similarly adorned with inlaid stones, and incised with inscriptions and in the shape of Osiris holding scepter and flail.
The Death Mask of Tutankhamun
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Found within the innermost coffin upon the mummified body, King Tut’s death mask has become a world-recognized icon of ancient Egypt and the pharaonic era. Composed of 10.23 kilos of solid gold, it depicts Tutankhamun wearing the traditional stripped pharaonic headdress replete with representations of the goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet above his brow. The mask’s back and shoulders are inscribed in Egyptian hieroglyphs with a protective spell copied from the Book of the Dead, offering protection as the pharaoh moved through the underworld.
Canopic Shrine
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In the process of mummification, many of the person’s organs are removed and placed in what are called canopic jars. These containers frequently included lids shaped after the heads of the Sons of Horus, protective deities. Like many other ancient Egyptian tombs, King Tut’s included an alabaster canopic chest containing the four separate jars. However, in the pharaoh’s tomb, these were housed in a canopic shrine. Standing at six-and-a-half feet tall and enrobed in gold, the shrine includes the figure of the goddess Nepthys who stands guard over the royal contents.
Golden Sandals
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A large swathe of the items found in King Tutankhamun’s tomb represented personal necessities, such as clothing, toiletries like perfume, and food stuffs. Included among these items were a pair of gold sandals. These golden shoes have been found in numerous other ancient tombs, and it is believed that they were made specifically for funerary and burial practices. The soles of the shoes depict the nine traditional enemies of Egypt, including the Nubians and Libyans, symbolizing that as god-king they were literally beneath his feet.
Golden Chariot
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King Tutankhamun’s tomb contained a total of six golden chariots—though, unfortunately, all were in various states of disrepair as they were either mishandled or damaged by looters. After restoration, they were identified as typical D-cab chariots that were meant to be drawn by two horses. The image of a pharaoh driving a chariot was a common symbol of royal power and wealth, and in ancient times, pharaohs were often presented at public events in opulent chariots to highlight their status.
By Annikka Olsen.
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ciltilladeltilla · 25 days
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(edited sprint piece, 500 words, partly inspired by this book & paper)
The ice chest sat next to the hotel bed, covering a hole in the three layers of plastic wrap. He looked at it while the surgeon prepared, and hoped she wouldn't do any more checks to see if he was sure.
Even he'd assumed it was insomnia until he'd noticed mirrors had a color. It was a putrid color, at that - a higher octave of beige, only more damnably bright than the others.
"There aren't any medical texts for this, of course," she explained, shrugging off a layer of baggy casualwear and revealing full scrubs with plastic gloves taped to them. "It's a bit like those marriage drive-thrus in Vegas. Do they still have those? Anyway, you'll want to avoid doing any physicals from now on."
At night, stars had become suns again, while moonlight smeared the air and made it into fog. The moon itself didn't wane for him, but when its light was fainter it became almost tiger-striped with infrareds that rhymed with orange and green.
Next had come the clicking from the outdoors, a bomb or a loom hushed only by the rain. The sound of more letters being forced into his box in the lobby by someone cursing under their breath. Spiders became hydraulic and pistoning, snapped branches became wet telegraphs, and a universe of tiny, churning mouths vibrated the concrete under his feet.
The cravings had clarified the rest.
In the hotel room he laid back - sparing the details - and stared at the popcorn ceiling, thinking distantly of canopic jars. It was a wonder to him that this, this alone, should be so sensationless.
When the work has halfway done the ice chest was opened and gave a long, droning sigh as the surgeon lifted four containers and twisted four seals. For him it was hard to tell them apart except for size, but each smelled like mud or railroads or lifelong, prickling fear.
The group had already told him that rabbit, elk, pig and falcon were the traditional hearts for starting someone off. They'd also given him a warning, that his life depended on knowing which things kept and which would go sour. Which, he suspected, was just their segue to telling him he'd be paying in favors and not cash.
Rabbit, elk, pig, falcon. There was room for them, now, and as each was attached and resumed its operation he felt more - awake? The present contracted and expanded in the same motion, somehow - finer-grained but across a broader surface. All four beat in separate rhythms, syncopating in pairs and flirting in triplets until they joined in a crescendo on the half-hour mark.
"And - that's it?" he asked as the surgeon closed him up.
She placed the sewing needle between her teeth and made a 'so-so' gesture with her hand. "Reason these are standard is they go bad in about five years. Make nice with the right people and show you keep your favors and that won't be a problem. If that's not you, figure something out."
"Is stuff like this how you do it?" he asked.
She shook her head. "I made friends with the Order of St. Hubertus."
She declined to elaborate on that.
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dwellerinthelibrary · 2 months
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Detail of Hornedjitef's canopic chest, with jackal gods (Duamutef?) bringing offerings to what I guess is a shrine of Osiris. I took this photo at the exhibition Discovering Ancient Egypt at the National Museum of Australia.
When: Ptolemaic Egypt
Where: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden
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brandstifter-sys · 2 years
Word Count: 1153 (Ao3)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Rating: T
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, ocd, violence mention, gore mention, innuendo, out of context emo lyrics and song titles
Remus is having a bad day, his intrusive thoughts are loud and stressing him out. He's lucky that his emo boyfriend is willing to ease the tension
(songs referenced linked at the end of each paragraph)
It was one of those days when Remus couldn't get out of his head. He tried everything to quiet some of the horrible horrible thoughts about killing his brother or Janus and going all Leatherface on the snake's body, or turning Patton into a casserole, or pulling out a dissection kit and—no no no, he was not giving in to these ideas. Why were they so loud!?
He paced around his room, making sure his heels touched his toes with each step, stretching his room when he didn't have an even number of steps before he hit the wall.
His canopic jars were organized and dusted, and all the pickling creatures were looking toward the wall. His floor was spotless save for one blood splatter that he could not under any circumstances try to clean. It had to stay there. It was supposed to dampen the noise.
He couldn't handle his flood of screaming thoughts. And then they found a new target. Virgil. Oh he could see himself going Dahmer on that edgy snack. He could see Virgil doing the same to him, full of hatred and venom.
Who wouldn't hate him? It was an uphill battle to like him! Remus had to fight to like himself and he fought tooth and nail—which in its own way was something he could like. This was just one battle he was losing.
He fell to his knees and groaned into his hands. He couldn't stop his brain from flooding. He could deal, most of the time but this was too much. He needed something to calm his frayed nerves.
"You know I love it when you're down on your knees—but you should get up," Virgil said with a teasing lilt to his voice. Remus glanced up, wondering when Virgil showed. (x)
"Why would I?" Remus said with a laugh, "I'm in the perfect position to relieve some of your tension!"
"I'm not that tense, but you are. And maybe I want to help," Virgil shrugged and averted his gaze.
Remus got to his feet and tried to focus on anything but the urge to bite off his fingers and eat them.
"Your OCD is getting to you," Virgil said and grabbed his hand, "What kind of thoughts are you having?"
"Skin stealing and cannibalism. They're too loud today."
Virgil brought his hand to his lips and smiled softly.
"I'd like to be able to keep you safe and warm while I get to touch all of you, like you're not under my skin already."
Remus giggled shyly as Virgil gently kissed up his arm and locked their fingers.
"And you already devour me with your eyes," Virgil hummed when he reached Remus' neck, "I don't want you to stop."
Remus giggled as Virgil's bangs tickled him.
"Scare Bear, I'm the horny mustache gremlin here!"
"Don't care. I feel like doing this," Virgil said and pulled Remus' back to his chest, "I feel like treating you like the muse of an emo song."
"Even if I keep thinking about biting you and tearing away your flesh to eat?"
"Babe, if you don't think I dream about being the one to sustain you, to be a crucial part of your life, to know the deepest parts of you, I'll have to prove it to you," Virgil mumbled and got back to kissing his neck and shoulders,
"My fingers are yours to cut off, and my bones are yours to shatter in pieces. My teeth are yours to pull out and my soul is yours to slowly rip apart," he muttered between kisses. (x)
"You know that's really dark, especially when I keep thinking about it," Remus pouted.
"Yeah, but you also keep thinking about how much you think I'd hate you for it. I wouldn't. I'd still do anything just to hold you in my arms." (x)
"You thought I made Thomas bad for being an intrusive thot. You thought I was evil. Why wouldn't I think you'd hate me for going all Buffalo Bill?"
"No I didn't, I never thought you were evil, just acting up and stirring up trouble at the worst possible time."
"I'm not exaggerating when I say it was the worst possible time. I wasn't thinking clearly, afraid. You know how that one issue was plaguing Thomas and affecting me and Patton in the worst ways. I know you better. Even if he still thinks you're evil, you look like heaven to me. I'd follow you to hell and back again." (x)
"You mean that." It was not a question, Remus knew Virgil all too well and melted into his touch, even if he was using lyrics to seduce him.
"And I will make your worst nightmares as picturesque as the sea," Virgil said and wrapped his arms around Remus.
"By quoting emo bands," Remus jeered and leaned his head back to flutter his lashes.
"Joke's on you, I only made four music quotes. You just make it easy to get poetic. No matter how gory your mind gets."
"I love it when you get sweet and poetic with me. Am I the only one who ever sees this side of you?"
"You're the only one I want to see this side of me. You're the only one who I want to see me bare and vulnerable, hidden under your covers in the middle of the night. I want to feel your skin on mine, hear your breathing, taste your poison laced lips, and succumb to a taste of death in your arms."
"You want to snuggle in the buff? You know I'll get touchy and then I'll get pregnant from eye sex!" Remus giggled and spun around, feeling less stressed.
He scooped Virgil up and wiggled his eyebrows. Virgil snorted and shook his head.
"This is probably the best, not to mention the worst idea that I have ever had," he said and licked Remus' cheek. (x)
"Is that another—? Scare Bear!" Remus laughed and carried him to the bed for cuddles, "You're such a dork!'
"It's the easiest way to calm you without stripping," Virgil shrugged, "and maybe I like getting you a little flustered for a change. It's cute."
"I love the way that you tease, I love the way that you breathe," Remus jeered and nuzzled Virgil's cheek. (x)
"Kiss me, I'm contagious," Virgil jeered, "And you're just as infected with emo lyrics as me." (x)
"You were peppering me with smooches and emoing all over me, it's your fault if I caught it!" Remus countered, "And I'm feeling better about the thoughts of eating you alive."
"Cuddefish, you know I'm dead inside," Virgil teased and kissed the tip of his nose.
Remus giggled and flopped on the bed, holding Virgil to his chest. The thoughts were still loud but he had an emo nightmare to ease the tension and remind him that he was still lovable no matter what his brain said.
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renma-2 · 1 year
Log #1
~​˖⁺. ༶꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦♡꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦~​˖⁺. ༶
[…] - Segment “Eta”, otherwise known as The Heart. He was rumored to be Il Dottore’s first ever prosthesis, created shortly after acquiring Balladeer as part of the Fatui. Aged around 30 in bodily years, he is by far the most devoted and steadfast subject amongst the menagerie. His sole duty is to assist Prime in his endeavors, hardly ever allowed to leave his side for reasons that are unknown even to us, his fellow Segments. […]
[...] - You’d be wise not to cross Renard’s path. Although he is known for his mellow and friendly nature, he is Prime’s eyes and ears. Whatever you say to him, know that sooner or later, Prime will know of it too, whether Renard wants it or not. So choose your words wisely, Traveler. δ
Renard is a Segment that was created shortly after Scaramouche joined the Fatui, and Dottore obtained knowledge on how to create beings similar to him. After obtaining all the necessary resources, and after a set period, his very first clone was brought into Teyvat. A snapshot of his current self at that time, a mirror image so identical and yet so different, his blank eyes and unamused visage staring back at him as he sat on the operating table.
“He” was a breakthrough. The confirmation and first phase of his plan.
A creation that was frail, wobbling like a newborn fawn before the man’s very eyes; and yet, he was a divine being, in a way. Molded in the shape of an Archon’s puppet, bestowed with the mind of a genius. Bearing no name of his own and no sense of self, the clone both fascinated, and evoked a sense of benevolence in the Doctor. After all, this one would be the baseline of all the other segments that would come around in the future. “He” could be considered important, as every new discovery of his, and every step would be a rush of new data, new possibilities to improve every other clone that would be created after him.
“He” was destined for more, though.
And it so happens that the Doctor had already written his fate.
What is Renard?
[…] – I am the fruit of your labor, carrier of the brunt of your sins. Should you wish to end my life, I will drag you into the grave with me. η
The void in his chest was easy to get used to. The Doctor was always known as a heartless monster dressed in the robes of a charming man, all this talk about his cruel ways and inhumane methods could finally be justified. He was no longer ‘human’. A human must have a heart to be considered a living and breathing unit. And his, has found a new body to inhabit.
A commodity, at first. To transplant his heart into the body of a pliant vessel, that would abide by his every whim. One like “him”. Given a heart, the segment awoke anew, drawing in a sharp breath for the first time.
This time, though, he’d gaze at his creator with wonder, sensing the thin thread that connected them. Although the organ was no longer in the Doctor’s body, its behaviors resonated within him through “him”.
‘What shall be your name, my creation?’ The Doctor’s lips curl into a wry smirk, observing the faint, azure glow from under the wound dressings on the clone’s chest. He feels its every beat, the apprehension that lingered in the segments head. It’s exhilarating, like a bird fluttering in a cage, reverberating like an echo in his own, empty chest cavity.
Finally, he speaks, his voice an unfamiliar timbre, soft like a wisp of wind in a quiet chamber.
‘Renard.’ He says, and the Doctor nods, reaching to grab his chin between his thumb and pointer finger. There’s excitement lingering in his eyes, a keenness to see what else ‘Renard’ can bring to the table.
[…] – Two bodies, one heart. The Canopic segment not only houses the physical organ of the heart, but also its burdens and past experiences. Some even claim the heart to be the seat of one’s soul. Perhaps it is why this difficult task, of tending to the heart, was given to Eta. The number eight is a constant flow of power and energy; in other words, the number 8 represents everything that makes up the universe which is infinite: love, time, and energy. Additionally, the number eight is a connecting number representing the link between the earthly and the divine worlds. A body carved from the branch of a white tree, seemingly transcendent, yet still fleshly in a way. Burdened with an inconsolable human heart, meant to forever nurture it to preserve its owner.
~​˖⁺. ༶꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦♡꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦~​˖⁺. ༶
END OF LOG [...]
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Canopic chest belonging to Amenemhat, with sledge base, featuring depictions of the goddesses Isis, Nephthys, Neith and Selket. 18th Dynasty, Egyptian. British Museum. EA35809
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egypt-museum · 1 year
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Miniature Coffin of Tutankhamun
The interior of the alabaster canopic chest of King Tutankhamun was divided into four compartments, each holding a miniature gold coffin containing the viscera of the king, wrapped in bandages.
These mummiform coffins were decorated inside with texts and outside with a feather design inlaid in carnelian and colored glass and the titles of the king. Each coffin was under the protection of one of the Four Sons of Horus. This one was dedicated to Hapi and to Nephthys.
New Kingdom, late 18th Dynasty, reign of Tutankhamun, ca. 1332-1323 BC. From the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62), Valley of the Kings, West Thebes. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 60688 Read more
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kindsummer · 2 years
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                                          meet me on the equinox - kindsummer
Akila could not die, so she gifted the funerary equipment that had been crafted for her to her brother. Gold mask, middle coffin, canopic coffinettes, several of the gilded shrine panels, the shabti figures, the boxes and chests, the royal jewelry. All of it was Akila’s but it wasn’t as though she could be buried with it. As much as she knew, proven by her encounter with Caius, vampires could not be killed. Akila stood over Asim’s body, wrapped in cloth, coffin lid in hand. Her fingertips brushed along the metal of his mask, eyes skimming over the words engraved on the cartouche. "Neferneferuaten mery-Asim". Neferneferuaten beloved of Asim. Akila bent and pressed a kiss to the forehead of the mask before she pulled the lid over the coffin, sealing Asim in for eternity.
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