#canon divergent AU
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godmadeaterribleerror · 24 hours ago
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Chapter 12 - Watch You Work the Room
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist
Author's Note: Dean in a suit chapter for the whores (me. I'm the whores). Enjoy!
Chapter title from The (After) Life of the Party by Fall Out Boy
Word Count: 17.2k
Chapter Summary/Warnings: You and Dean go on a mission, Sam breaks into some cars. Usual warnings.
Tags: Dean Winchester/Female Reader, enemies to friends to lovers, canon divergence, slow burn, angst, fluff, pining, action
Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
Read on A03!
“Are you-“ San cleared his throat from across the room, and Dean didn’t bother to look up. “Dude, are you reading?”
“You got eyes, Sammy?”
“You know I-“
“Use ‘em.”
Sam sighed. “I- Why are you reading?”
“Because I’m not fucking talking to you.” Dean grunted, glaring at Sam over the top of the book. “And it’s not like-“ He glanced at the bathroom door, and dropped his voice to a whisper. “How to get out of demon deals is going to be on the Cable TV.”
It wouldn’t be. Dean would know.
He’d already checked.
He’d been looking everywhere. He’d gone to libraries and bookstores, stolen Sammy’s laptop, and really started to fucking look. Anywhere that could be somewhere, with anything he could get his hands on. He’d called Bobby six times just this week, with possible leads that didn’t pan out, but could have.
Dean could get out of this. If he really fucking tried, he might make it out of this year alive.
Bobby and Sam had noticed the change. Bobby had been the one to bring it up—over the phone at midnight, when Dean was crouched in the parking lot—and Dean hadn’t been able to give a reason anyone wanted to hear.
“What’s the sudden change of heart, boy? You suddenly not borderline suicidal and stupid?” Bobby’s question had been firm, and Dean had run a hand over his face with a long breath.
“I was never suicidal-“
“You were all but rollin’ over and waitin’ to die, Dean. Now Sam’s tellin’ me you’ve been workin’ harder than he has. And I got a suspicion to what changed your tune, but I wanna hear ya’ say it.”
Dean had swallowed. “Bobby, there’s nothing going on-“
“Then why’re you defendin’ yourself-“
“Cause if I don’t, you’re gonna drive down here and put me on the barrel of a shotgun!”
“I’m only gonna do that if it’ss what I think.” Bobby had grunted. “And if you’re breakin’ her heart-“
“I’m not-“
“If you are.” Bobby had snapped, and Dean had flinched, pulling the phone a little further away from his ear. “You’re gonna end up a lot worse than shot. Demons are gonna have to find your body scattered ‘cross Montana.”
“Gee, thanks, Bobby-“
“I’ve been warnin’ you, Dean.” Bobby had let out a long breath. “Ain’t a single thing on this earth I wouldn’t do for that girl. And if what Sam’s sayin’ is true-“
Dean’s jaw had clenched, and he’d glowered at the pavement. “Don’t listen to what Sam’s saying. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.”
There had been a brief, static pause through the speaker, and Bobby had let out a long sigh. “You boys still fightin’, huh.”
Dean had just shrugged where Bobby couldn’t see it, and kept the conversation moving back to the empty lead they’d found yesterday.
And they were. Still fighting. But telling Bobby why would’ve led to another fight Dean knew he wouldn’t win, and he’d be stuck with two people helping him that he wanted to strangle.
Because Bobby would always choose Her. And Dean understood that. She was awesome, and cool, and he was still a little haunted by Bobby’s expression when he’d seen Her bleeding out and infected in Dean’s arms. 
But Sam was supposed to choose Dean. He wasn’t supposed to keep tight-lipped and shut down about whatever the hell had happened in that motel room. About why Dean had come back to find Her trying to strangle Herself, why she’d collapsed onto Dean’s chest with ragged breathes and a small, strange sound that had been echoing around Dean’s head ever since. 
Dean knew better than to push Her about what had happened. She’d said she didn’t want to talk about it, and that meant she wouldn’t talk about it. He could’ve tried to drag it out of Her with a fight, but that had never really worked before, and She’d looked so small. Fragile and panicked, almost feral as he’d pulled Her back into bed, and she’d fallen asleep in his arms.
He didn’t want to fucking lose that. He never wanted to lose Her. It had been the final straw on the whole if he died, he died thing. She might be able to live a life where Dean was only a pained memory, but he’d fucking carve out his heart from his chest and ship it to Lilith in a box before he became another thing that caused Her pain. He was finally something that mattered to Her, even if it wasn’t everything She was to him.
And Dean could admit She was a little more than everything to him. Just in his head, he could acknowledge that when he looked at Her and crashed down into the depth of all Her silver light and furious beauty, it was because She was just more. The most. 
And he wasn’t going to lose Her. Not now. If have the short end of three months left to live was offering Dean anything, if was fucking clarity. He wasn’t going to lose Her. 
But Sam was going to get himself fucking punched. Because Dean had cornered him that night while She’d been showering, and demanded to know what the hell had happened, and Sam had given him fucking nothing.
“It’s-“ Sam had swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing around the motel room for an escape route. There wouldn’t be one. Dean had been really fucking careful about that. “Nothing happened, dude-“
“Bullshit.” Dean had hissed. “We both know those things don’t just happen-“
“I mean, they kinda do-“
“But there’s always fucking something. And that,” Dean had pointed to the bathroom door, his eyes narrowed. “Was the worst one I’ve seen in damn years, Sam. What the hell did you say to her-“
“We- uh, we were just talking about the arrowhead. She lost it, and we needed to figure out what to tell Ruby-“
Dean had scoffed. “She would not fucking cry about Ruby-“
“I don’t know what you want to hear, Dean, that’s what happened-“
“No, it fucking didn’t.” Dean had taken a firm step forward, and Sam had a least had the decency to look worried. “You fucking said something, Sam, and I’m willing to bet my Baby that it was something bad if you won’t even damn tell me-“
“So ask her.” Sam had his raised his chin, crossing his arms. “If you think it was that bad, she’ll tell you, won’t she?”
Dean had gone rigid, started to weigh how valuable Sam’s nose was, and the door to the bathroom had opened.
The fight had been put on hold as She returned. But it hadn’t stopped. 
Sam kept refusing to tell Dean what the hell had happened. Dean couldn’t—wouldn’t—ask Her.. 
But yhey were both keeping something from Dean. Something about that fucking arrowhead, something about Ruby, something about Her episodes that Dean wasn’t allowed to know about. And he wanted to loathe Her for not trusting him, but She did. She slept at his side and let him walk one step behind Her, let Dean order Her food at diners when she was too invested in a book and always smiled at him when he walked into a room.
He couldn’t hate Her. That was another piece of the near-death clarity. Dean really needed to stop trying to hate Her, because he was bad at it. She was too beautiful to hate. It was like trying to hate the stars for shining so bright and not just moving into Dean’s hands to be held. 
And She did let Dean hold Her. She let Dean touch Her, causally and without cringing or running away. So Dean couldn’t hate Her. He wouldn’t trust himself with something delicate and important either. And maybe, if he made himself a useful enough tool for Her disposal, She would tell him. 
It wasn’t like he wasn’t keeping a worse secret from Her, anyway. 
And fucking Sam kept reminding him of that. Kept telling Dean that they’d far past the point where She needed to know, and every day that stuttered by was another one that She could’ve been helping, but wasn’t.
Dean didn’t want Her to help. He didn’t want this to be Her problem. And he knew She’d disagree, and likely try to stab Dean for keeping it secret at all, but he didn’t care. Dean had cursed himself to go even deeper than the mud. He’d doomed himself to end up surrounded by fire and pain for the rest of time. 
So no matter what Sam said, Dean wasn’t going to fucking tell Her. 
And if they did their damn jobs, the deal wouldn’t even matter, and Dean would be able to bring it up as a joke in a few years. He’d poke Her in the side and tell Her funny story about 2008, Princess, and She’d shove him but be glad he was alive, and then he’d wrap his arm around Her shoulders and haul her over his body, into a long and deep kiss because he’d be alive and she would’ve stayed-
Dean couldn’t think about that now. He’d figure it out after he fixed this, but he couldn't cross the line until then. When he did—because he would, it was becoming more and more obvious as Dean's will weakened and She only grew more beautiful that Dean would end up damning it all and crashing into Her in a way that stuck—it needed to be when he could keep Her. When he could prove to Her over and over that he was barely more than a weapon, but he was Her weapon and not one single shining, stardust-forged son of a bitch would ever serve Her the way Dean could. He'd send the rest of his damn life proving that She'd been right to—for reasons Dean would never understand—stay, when it would've been so easy for Her to leave him. Dean would've left himself, if he could. And he would've hated Her for abandoning to be as he should be, alone, but She fucking hadn't. 
And when She'd run, she'd always come back. To Dean. 
So he'd prove, when this was done, that She hadn't been wrong. He'd dedicate himself to it, and he wouldn't have to mold or break at all because She'd only ever stayed for him as he was.
He didn't understand it. He'd never understood it.
He was kind of done fucking trying to.
So all that was left to do was find his way out of the deal, and figure out how to keep Her near him all the damn time. 
It was why he was reading. She'd gone into the bathroom to get changed for their next case, and he didn't have anything better to do, so he'd grabbed one of Sam's huge, dusty books and started to comb through it. Going page by page like a nerd, looking for some sort of highlighted sentence that told him this would be fine. That was a neon red exit sign out of a crossroads deal, and promised that He wouldn’t have come so close to having Her, only to have everything crumble and fall through his fingers.
At this point, part of him wanted to tell Her. Not because it was a good idea, but because Sam was, annoying, right. She’d probably have this worked out in an afternoon, pointing to a single sentence Dean, Sam, and Bobby had already read but citing it’s completely different meaning, making them all feel like idiots and fixing it in a heartbeat.
But that only managed to solidify that Dean could not tell Her. He had to work this out himself, if he was going to try and pretend to be worthy of Her. If She did this for him, there’d be no reason for Her to stay. She didn’t need Dean. Nobody needed Dean. So he had to bank of Her wanting him, and why the hell would She want Dean if he needed Her, if he craved Her and followed Her everywhere like a dog that only took Her scraps and never offered anything but gnashing teeth and pointless labor- 
It wouldn’t be pointless. Dean would make sure the labor he did for Her meant something. That every bullet shot was a promise that, when She started to breathe to fast and clawed at Her skin, he’d take care of her, keep her safe, and serve her however she asked.
Even if that meant reading old books that gave him a headache, and wearing this stupid tie, and fidgeting with the cuffs of his shirt like they were shackles. 
“She’s taking a while,” Sam muttered from his chair, frowning at the bathroom door. “You think she-“
“She’s fine.” Dean grunted, flipping another page. “It’s not like you’re in there to freak her out.”
Sam sighed. “Dean-“
“We’ve talked about this-“
“I didn’t say shit,” he shrugged, shooting Sam a glare. “And she always takes this long. She’s doing girl shit, and unless you wanna get stabbed, I wouldn’t interrupt her.”
“What’s girl shit-“
“I dunno, I’m not a freakin’ girl-“
“Then how to do you know she’s doing girl shit-“
“Cause she walked in there with her fancy bag, and she’s gonna come out looking…” He shook his head, giving Sam a pointed look. “It’s fucking witchcraft, Sammy.”
Sam frowned. “You mean makeup?”
Dean didn’t know what he meant. Maybe that every time She’d go through Her whole girl routine, she’d come out looking pretty much the exact same, but with little features highlighted to make Her look damn near godlike. The witchcraft was mostly how the hell she knew how to use all the tubes and sprays and brushes that Dean had seen in Her hands. 
So Dean just glowered at Sam—trying to find a way to answer the question that didn’t sound stupid—when the door opened, and his heart stopped.
It made sense why She’d taken so long.
That was more than just some of Her features highlighted. Every already perfect part of Her had somehow been carefully enhanced, and Her hair seemed to be absorbing all the light in the room before throwing it out twice as bright, and Dean didn’t know where the hell She’d gotten that dress, but his brain was already memorizing every dip of the fabric and curve of Her body and-
“You look, uh-“ Sam cleared his throat, glancing at Dean with an almost worried expression. “Ready.”
“I am.” She shrugged like it was nothing, like She wasn’t half glowing, didn’t look exactly like that fallen star She always lit in the pit of his body, and Dean wasn’t going to lose his mind. “And look.” She raised the dress with a wide grin, revealing Her knife, strapped to her thigh. “You can’t even see it. I fucking love this dress.”
Dean loved it too. For very different, inappropriate reason that were going to keep him in his chair for at least a few more minutes.
“You’re, uh-“ He coughed, trying to force his voice back from a rasp into at least a casual drawl. “You gonna be able to run in those?”
He nodded to Her heels, and She rolled her eyes. 
“Of course I can, I’m not a child. Plus,” She kicked one heel off, catching it in Her hand with practice grace and pointing the stabby end at Dean with a grin. “That’s three weapons.”
Sam frowned. “Three-“
“Knife,” She pointed back to Her thigh, and Dean’s grip on his book became white-knuckled. “Two shoes. Are you reading?”
Dean blinked at Her, then scowled, slamming his book back onto the table. “Am I not allowed to broaden my horizons, Princess-“
“You are.” She hummed, crossing to room to stand only one tug of Her waist away, and She was so pretty, and She smelled so good- “But this is like, half in Latin. And about demons.” She raised Her brows at him. “Lilith?”
“I, uh- Yeah. Lilith.” Dean gave Her his best smirk, and pretended he couldn’t see Sam’s pointed glare. “I got bored, sweetheart. Figured I might as well try to get something before we headed out-“
“Which we should’ve done,” Sam jumped in, frowning at his watch. “Like, a half hour ago. We won’t be late, but I wanted to be early, while the crowd was small-“
She shook Her head, rubbing Her thumb over her palm. “No, that would be suspicious. Our backstory is already rocky, being early would draw attention we can’t afford. If we’re on time we’ll be just another pair of faces in the crowd. Easier to slip past everyone for Dean and I, easier for you to navigate around security. But we should go soon, are you guys-“
“Born ready,” Dean grinned at Her, pushing out of his chair and keeping his gaze firmly on Her face. He couldn’t look down at Her body—or else they’d be here another hour while he calmed himself down—and Her face was a better alternative, but She was still so fucking gorgeous, and looking at Dean, right at Dean, like She could really see him, but she wasn’t moving away-
Sam snorted. “You’ve been bitching about your tie for like, an hour-“
“It’s choking me.” He snapped, fidgeting with the knot around his neck. It was too much like a noose, too great a reminder of how stolen his every breath had become. “And it looks fucking stupid-“
“No, it doesn’t.” She said, waving Dean off with a hand as She scanned around their motel room, not noticing the way Dean’s heart started to burst out of his chest, how his gaze locked on Her like she was a magnet. “And you can take if off as soon as we’re out, but everyone’s going to be wearing a tie-“
“Why?” He half-whined, pulling at his shirt. It was white. Inappropriate for hunts, prone to being stained, almost see-through white. He felt like a piece of meat. 
She only shrugged, shooting him a small, world-ending smile. “Because, Deano. That’s what happens when we take cases with rich people.”
“I didn’t take this case,” he grumbled, letting Her start to herd him towards the door. “Sammy took it. I just got dragged along-“
“We can leave you at home,” She suggested, nodding to Sam as he grabbed his bag, and they all moved outside, “I can put on some TV, leave you some snacks until we get back-“
“Shut up.”
She giggled, pulling away from Dean as they reached the car and he wanted Her to come back. He didn’t want to do this case at all—it was a waste of time that any hunter could take care of, and a reminder that he would never have the gross luxury he was likely about to witness—but if he had to, he didn’t want to be away from Her side.
Not when She looked like that.
Dean had really never seen anything more beautiful. It was distracting. He looked in the rearview mirror far more than he needed to, but he couldn’t stop himself. Light would catch off of Her in all the best ways, and he’d fall a little further whenever She’d shift in her seat and her soft skin would almost shimmer in the dark. Like She was really just a spirit or vision or figment of Dean’s imagination, an incarnation of every single part of him that had ever dared to want something he shouldn’t be allowed to have. He’d think She was an early torture sent to fuck with him, but She was very real. 
He could smell Her perfume, and it was the sweet and sugary vanilla one She’d been using for years, but it still wasn’t strong enough to overpower the fruit. The fucking fruit. The only part of Her that haunted Dean more than her voice.
Her beautiful, musical, taunting voice that followed him on the wind, that called him down, down, down into wherever She’d stray or wander, and kept his attention on Her words, no matter how they confused him.
And sometimes, they’d really fucking confuse him.
“The Lord isn’t actually supposed to be in attendance, so as long as we remember our cover stories and keep out of larger conversations, this should be really simple.”
Dean frowned at the road. “What’d you mean, Lord. America doesn’t have lords, sweetheart, we got senators and the Kardashians-“
“It’s a British lord,” Sam explained, shrugging in his seat. “I told you already, dude, that’s the whole case-“
“What, killing him?”
“No, Dean-“
“Only if he gets in the way.” She cut Sam off with a grin, and Sam rolled his eyes.
“Don’t encourage him,” Sam said Her name in an almost scolding tone, and Dean had to bite down a chuckle as She wrinkled her nose in the backseat. “And no, Dean. We’re not killing anyone. This artifact is said to drive people to insanity, and it’s supposed to go on display at this party, so we need to get it out before the night ends in a half orgy, half bloodbath.”
Dean grimaced slightly. “Damn, Sammy, ease a guy into it-“
“I did, five hours ago, but you weren’t fucking listening to me-“
“Sam,” She said from the back, leaning over the bench with a wrinkled brow, and Her arm was half on Dean’s shoulder. He was going to fucking explode. “Did you ever work out what the artifact was-“
Sam shook his head. “I’ll keep trying while you guys get inside, but I think as long as neither of you touch it, we should be fine.”
She nodded slowly, and Dean could feel Her attention shift to him. “You don’t remember our cover, do you.”
He shot Her a glare, and Sam smirked like a little bitch in his seat. “You know, Princess, we need to have a conversation about how little freakin’ faith you have in me-“
“So you do?” She gave him a teasing smile—beautiful lips curling up and lashes fluttering slightly—and Dean felt his will fold in a heartbeat.
“No.” He muttered, scowling out at the street. She couldn’t be that pretty and be Herself. It short-circuited his whole fucking brain. “I was reading.”
She hummed, propping Her chin on the back of the bench. “That can be dangerous.”
“Shut up-“
“Are you paying attention now?”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m kind of a captive audience, sweetheart-“
“You could turn up the radio-“
“You see me reaching for the dial?”
He dared a glance at Her, raising his brows in a silent challenge, and he didn’t know how to deal with the bright, satisfied smile on Her face. It was mesmerizing, in the shifting and flashing lights of the highway, with Her hair perfectly framing her face and her makeup making Her look like a fucking goddess and this wasn’t fair. Dean wanted to grab Her and tangle his whole body into Her’s, forever, until he was always glowing, always full, always alive-
If Sam hadn’t coughed, he might have lost his mind entirely and crashed the damn car.
Dean turned back to the road and cleared his throat, his grip on the wheel almost painful and the shadows of the night only barely hiding his need for Her in his pants.
“Hit me, Princess.”
“You’re Dean Bishop, and I’m your wife,” She said Her own name, and Dean was going to crash the car. She couldn’t do that, couldn’t offer him that thought, because now it would plague him forever. “These people won’t have any idea who we are, so we can use our real names. You,” she poked his arm, shooting him a blinding smile that pulled at his own lips. “Work in stocks. And nobody knows what that means, so if people ask, just start saying words that sound like they’re related to money. You met Lord Appleton-“
Dean snorted. “Appleton?”
“Yep. British.” She shrugged. “You met him at Oxford. Oh, and I’m just a trophy wife.”
Sam sighed, shaking his head. “I still don’t think trophy wife is a good cover-“
“This is an old money, occult-obsessed family of fucking weirdos. Trust me, Sam.” She let out a long breath that stuck to Dean, crawling over his skin as Her voice dropped from a confident drawl to something heavy. “They won’t see women as people. Trophy wife will work.”
Sam shot Dean look he didn’t miss—he knew it was mirrored on his own face—but didn’t acknowledge, either. 
It was another thing Dean would work out when this was over. He knew Her family was old money. And he’d be consumed by the way She’d said that with an almost tragic, haunted certainty, but he’d have to live to fix that for Her. 
He would fix it. 
But after. 
For now, he needed to get this dumbass case over with, so he could go back to looking for his out.
The plan would be simple. Sammy would work out where the artifact was being kept—and, ideally, what it was—and She and Dean would slip out of the party and grab it the moment they had the chance.
Until then, they’d just be wandering through a crowd of rich douchebags, waiting for Sammy to do his job.
They stopped a few blocks away from the Lord’s mansion so Sam could switch into the driver’s seat and Dean could move to the back. She said rich people didn’t drive themselves, and this way Dean could keep Baby out of the hand of some random fucking asshole trying to park his car, and in the hands of Sam. 
“Listen,” he hissed as Sam pulled up to the entrance, leaning over the bench with a scowl. “I see one scratch, one stain, one fucking spot of dirt-“
“You’ll kill me, Dean, I know.” Sam said Her name, and his voice was not nearly afraid enough for how Dean was promising to dismember him. “I’ll text you when I have the location, and I’m going have to park close to the building to get a connection to their security system, so if you need me-“
“I’ll call.” She nodded, smoothing out Her dress as she frowned out the window. “De, are you- wait-“
Dean frowned as She leaned down, shifting through Her bag. He could see the shape of Her waist and small of Her back, and he wanted to touch Her-
They were on a case. They were working. He needed to keep himself the fuck together.
“What’s up-“
“Here.” She sat back up, dropping something in his hand and starting to move Her rings around on Her fingers. “For our cover.”
It was a wedding band. She was giving Dean a wedding band, and it was for their cover, but it felt pretty damn real—catching gold in the light and cool on his palm—and he was going to fucking die, from this alone and nothing else-
“You, uh, you just have these?”
She shrugged, sliding a matching one onto Her own finger. “I’m prepared, Winchester. Ready?”
He was not ready. No part of Dean was ready for how right that ring felt when She was wearing a matching one, for how She felt when she hooked her elbow into his and gave him a perfectly sweet and adoring smile—maybe for the show of the other partygoers, but still seeming so real—and for how She looked in full, shimmering light of candles and chandeliers. 
There wasn’t another word for it. Dean didn’t believe in heaven, but he sure as fuck believed in Her, and that was the only word that came close to describing it. How the world more than moved for Her. How it was designed for Her, as if everything had only ever been made to make her more beautiful, more happy, more bright. 
She was so fucking bright. 
He was just a shadow in Her wake. Dean was leading her through the crowd, and he was really just a fucking stain or shell of a body, clinging to Her glory and there to spill blood in Her name. And he didn’t hate that. For what he’d been born, what he’d done, how he should’ve been stuck in the mud for the rest of his life and never spared Her glance, let alone Her trust and loyalty—because Her hand had move to hold his arm and Her body was leaning into his side, as if she was trying to shield Herself from the world with Dean and Dean alone—he knew he was long gone from hating Her for how simply awesome she was.
But that didn’t mean he could hate everything else about this. Hate how this crowd was filled with people who could be worthy of Her, who could steal Her attention and whisk Her away from Dean side with promises of the riches and luxury She deserved. She should have. She should be treated like a Queen, and all these assholes where literal fucking royalty—wearing dresses and suits that probably cost more money than Dean had ever seen, but still didn’t compare to the way Her dress looked like it was a second, colorful and shining skin—so why the hell would She ever stay with Dean. 
Maybe this would be the straw. It wouldn’t be a fight about a lie, or the consequences of the deal, or a fatal injury that tore Her away from Dean. It would be one of these suit and tie sons of bitches—eyeing Her on Dean’s arm like She was nothing more than food when She was a fucking predator, a force of nature that could probably kill them with a spoon—offering Her comfort hunting could never provide, riches Dean would never have, and most of the world to Her on a silver platter, and Dean would never be able to blame Her for choosing them.
If it was up to him, She’d have all the world. It was made for Her. It was only right that it belonged to Her too.
“How expensive do you think that champagne is?” She whispered, nodding to the sleek, polished bar, and Dean shot Her an amused look. 
“You drinking now, Princess?”
She rolled Her eyes, elbowing him in the ribs. “I’m bored. And we could probably buy like, a fucking house or something with just one bottle of it.”
Dean knew that face. Narrowed eyes as She bounced slightly on Her feet, watching the barkeeper with an intensity that could brand someone—Dean would know—and a spark in Her eyes that was almost like a flaring warning sign.
He ducked his head to mutter in Her ear, and forced himself to ignore how She shivered slightly against him. “You distract him, I’ll take three bottles. We’ll head to Vegas and triple our money.”
She turned to him with an adorably wrinkled nose, and fuck, She was so close. Dean could see Her pretty flush, and every undertone of Her skin, and all the hidden colors in Her eyes-
“We aren’t going to Vegas, De.”
“Not until after we steal the champagne-“
“We’re not stealing the champagne-“
“You were thinking about it.” He smirked at Her, and there it was. Hitched breath. “I know you, Princess, you were ready to kick that guys ass and run off with his fancy bottle-“
She scoffed. “I was not going to run off.”
“Yeah, you were-“
“I would’ve taken you with me,” She snapped, kicking Dean’s shin lightly. “It’s not running off if I stay with you.”
She’d won. Whatever fake argument they’d been having, She’d just won by a damn mile, because all Dean could do was stare at Her. She couldn’t keep just saying things like that. Over and over and over, like Her staying with Dean was a given, like he was as easy for Her as she was for him.
“You, uh,” he cleared his throat, trying to force his head back into focus. They had a job to do, and it needed to be done so Dean could get back to his real work. To finding a way to keep Her. “You want a drink?”
She glances at the bar, and shook Her head. “I-“
“I saw a Pina Colada on the drink list.” He raised his brows, offering Her a small grin. “I can make them mix it without the fun stuff.”
“The- Oh.” She swallowed, but nodded. “Yes, please. Do you want me to- I can go find some food?”
Son of a bitch, She was perfect.
Dean nodded, forced his body to detach from Her’s and moved to the bar. He managed to get through the order without tugging at his tie or losing Her in his periphery, right up until they served his drink, he turned his back for one damn second, and She was gone. 
He couldn’t see Her. It was a crowded room, and everyone was trying to take up more space than was owed, but Dean couldn’t see Her.
He grabbed the drinks with barely a nod in the bartender’s direction and started to shove through the crowd as his heart began to pound in his throat. She wasn’t in danger. Every bit of Dean’s logical brain knew She wouldn’t be in danger, because this was not a place where danger would pass unnoticed and She was more dangerous than vulnerable, but he still kept envisioning Her on fire on the ceiling, or bloodless and pale and choking on a green-eyed demons blade or Her own hand. Every damn time he’d ever lost Her had been after he’d left, during a fight or to buy something to just to grab fucking ice or coffee or- 
She was fine. Dean was just a pathetic, clingy idiot, and She was fine.
She was more than fine. She was cornered at the long table—full of food that looked more fancy that actually edible—by a man with a slick haircut, a straight nose, and suit that likely hadn’t been stolen from a rental store by his little brother. Haircut was flirting with Her. Leering over and smirking down at Her, angling his body to half cover her’s and matching her every pace down the table as she filled her plate-
One plate. Why did she only have one plate. 
Dean couldn’t move. He was truly fucking weak, truly fucking selfish. He wasn’t moving to take Her back to his side like Dad would’ve told him to—you see a pretty girl, you make sure she knows it, son—but his stomach was twisting because this was it, he’d have to go back to Sammy and tell him She’d gone to be mixed with diamonds and sand and beauty like She deserved-
Haircut said something, and reached for Her arm, and Dean felt fucking sick but he was frozen-
She shrugged Haircut’s touch away, turning to where Dean could see Her profile and saying something he could hear, but he still understood. Her smile was too sweet, too careful, too measured. It wasn’t the wide, happy one She’d always offer Dean that made him crash further into Her.
It was the one She used on every case. Sincere until you knew Her. 
And Haircut didn’t know Her, so he moved closer once more, and She took a step back. Held up Her hand for Haircut to see, scanned over the crowd, and met Dean’s eyes with a wide smile. 
A real smile.
And he couldn’t stop himself from grinning back.
It was like he’d just gone through a factory reset. His legs moved on their own, pulling him back to Her. He leaned down and kissed the side of Her head, passed Her the Pina colada, and grinned at Haircut like he’d won the fucking lottery.
He had. He’d kissed Her. Not fully, but more than She’d allow anyone else to. 
“Hey, dude.” Dean extended his now free hand to Haircut, and he didn’t think most rich people said dude, but he also had Her and she looked like She’d been made to be here, so he wasn’t too worried about blowing their cover. “Dean Bishop. I see you met my lovely wife?”
Haircut mumbled something Dean didn’t really care about and excused himself, and this case was awesome. The champagne was kind of shit, and Sammy was taking way to damn long on the detail they needed, but She was staring at Dean with wide, pretty eyes, drinking Her Pina colada with Her lips wrapped nearly around the straw, and swaying slightly on Her feet, so Dean got to wrap his arm around Her waist to keep her steady, and he never wanted to go back to normal hunts again.
“What a douchebag,” he grinned down at Her, jerking his head to where Haircut had disappear. “You think his hair was real?”
She swallowed, Her voice softer than usual and sparking right through Dean’s whole body. “I- What?”
“His hair, Princess-“
“I heard you,” She frowned, passing Her already empty glass to a passing waiter. “Why wouldn’t it be real-“
“I dunno,” He shrugged, shooting Her a wink. “I’m thinking we could start a real bet, though.“
She smiled, Her body relaxing slightly in Dean’s arms, and he’d never seen anything better. “Stop thinking, De.” She traded Dean’s glass for Her plate, but held the arm around Her on her hip. “You’re bad at it.”
Dean’s grin was almost painful on his face, and if anyone else had said that the words would’ve stung, but it was Her. She said them with a teasing smile, and She was so close, and he knew that nothing hateful or mocking behind them. If She was striking to kill, he’d know it. He’d feel it, cracking up his spine. And She never bit unprovoked. Every time they’d struck each other like that it had been because Dean was a fucking idiot, and couldn’t hold something beautiful as She was and not ruin it. Couldn’t have something so good and destroy it. 
But he had Her—in the moist vague and loose sense of the word, Dean had Her—now. For at least this night, where She was right against him and had chosen to be there, Dean had Her. 
He’d be damned, further down than he already was, if he broke that. 
“You, uh,” he cleared his throat, glancing down to the plate in his hands. “This all for me?”
She hummed, nodding thoughtlessly as She started to sweep over the room. “Do you think Sam will be mad if we start to just search the mansion-“
“No.” He squeezed his hold on Her, and She looked up at him with wide eyes. “But I’m not letting you just fuck around, Princess, I’m taking this job seriously-“
She gave him a flat, amused look. “You just want to party, Winchester.”
“Gotta pass the time somehow-“
“I can search alone, you know-“
“And there’s no damn way I’m letting you.” Dean shoved the plate under Her nose, hold her gaze. “Eat a fancy grape, sweetheart. We’ll move when Sammy calls you.”
She narrowed Her eyes at him, but grabbed a grape with a pouting frown that made Dean feel things. “You think you let me do anything?”
“No,” he shrugged. “But I could tackle you and stop you from wandering. Gimme some of my champagne.”
“Get your own fucking champagne-“
Dean drawled Her name, giving Her an amused grin. “You’re holding my glass.”
She flushed, glanced between the champagne in Her hand and Dean’s hand on Her hip, and Dean was ready for her to shove him away. He was braced for it, for how he’d have to grab his glass as She shoved it into his hands, but he’d need to keep full balance because She’d—hopefully—loop their arms back together and drag him after Her, wherever She wanted to go-
Dean almost fell to his knees as She rolled Her eyes, muttered something under Her breath he couldn’t make out, and pressed Dean’s glass up to his lips. All while holding his fucking gaze, glaring at him like he’d broken something or done something incredibly wrong, and keeping his arm around Her body.
She stayed pressed right against Dean, and he didn’t need to damn champagne. He could get drunk on just Her, shining in the light and there and real and fucking intoxicating.
He didn’t know how he’d gotten here.
He never wanted to leave.
“You wanna stand in a corner and make fun of people?” She raised Her brows, taking the glass back from Dean’s mouth, and if the hellhounds came for him here, he’d die a happy man. 
She was so fucking awesome.
“Aw,” he smirked at Her as he said Her name, let the high feeling of Her overtake his body, and pressed anther kiss to the side of Her head. “I thought you’d never ask.”
She rolled Her eyes, but there it was. Flush. Hitched breath. Parted lips. 
“I’m not asking you to the prom, Winchester.” She muttered, starting to move them through the crowd but still holding on to Dean. “Calm down.”
“I’m perfectly calm, sweetheart. And I’ll have you know we would’ve killed it at the prom-“
She snorted. “Who’s we?”
“C’mon, Princess.” He wiggled his brows at Her. “You’ve got the bossy, hot, popular girl thing down-“
“I-“ She stared at him, and Dean couldn’t fully read the expression on Her face. “That’s- Never say that sentence again. To anyone.”
 “Yes, ma’am.” Dean frowned at Her as they stopped in a corner, scanning over Her hardened, beautiful features and tightened brow. “Did you go to prom?”
“I didn’t go to high school, De.”
“I- what?”
She shot him an incredulous look. “You knew that. I was a runaway, my family had a bounty on my head, I couldn’t exactly enroll in Sioux Falls public school system.”
“But you’re…” Dean trailed off, his words bubbling and dying in his throat as he searched for words he didn’t have. She was brilliant, and clever, and a genius who he’d bet on in every situation, She spoke so fast and with such power, She was the only person he knew who was close to as smart as Sammy, and that kid was a fucking genius. “You’re you.”
“I’m aware.” She drawled. “But I learned most of what I know by watching PBS and reading. I got bored. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house, it was like-“
“Bobby didn’t let you leave the house?”
“I didn’t let me leave the house.”
“Cause of, uh,” he cleared his throat, watching Her carefully. “The sickness?”
“Yeah.” She mumbled, frowning at Her own hands. “The sickness.”
“Did you go to like, elementary school?”
“I went up to the first half of third grade. Then I ran away.”
Dean nodded slowly, and he wasn’t sure where the line was. She’d never told him much about Her family. She’d never had the chance, after that fight in Colorado. He’d never grown the balls to push Bobby on it, and he knew that wouldn’t have worked anyway. 
All Dean knew was that Bobby had found her wandering. That She’d been sick. That whoever Her family was, they were hard to speak of. 
And he wouldn’t ruin the chance to hear about them. For Her to trust him like that, with skeletons She seemed to try and ignore and bury, but kept clawing out of the dirt to make Her scratch at Her skin and pick at Her nails.
Dean bumped Her hand with his plate, stilling Her picking without a word, and just watched Her. She’d say what She wanted, and Dean would—for Her—shut the fuck up.
“I, uh,” She cleared her throat, Her gaze fixed on a button of Dean’s shirt. “They were a lot like this. These people. Kind of worse, actually. A lot worse. And I- I still don’t understand most of it. Most of what they did, or why they did it, or-“ She took a shaking breath, running Her thumb over the scar on Her palm. “I just- I knew- I know it was wrong. That was why I got out, and- I don’t know. They were-“
She took another, almost too shallow breath, and there was a darkened expression on Her face. That wrinkle in Her brow as her fingers flexed against her and her hands shifted slightly, moving up before flinching down.
Dean needed to mend this. Whatever was making Her look like a hollow shadow, because She was supposed to be lit up from within and he couldn’t fucking stand to see Her in pain. 
He set down his plate without a thought, squeezed his arm around Her waist, and ran his thumb down the bridge of Her nose until the wrinkle was well and truly gone. Until She was blinking softly at Dean, still not smiling but nowhere near tearing at whatever seams held Her together. 
Dean gave Her a small grin. “You wanna play a game?”
She blinked at him for a second, but Dean knew She understood. That he’d heard enough, and She never needed to say more if She didn’t want to. Even if Dean was going to spend a long time—when he finally had some of it to spare—trying to track down Her family and introduce them to the barrel of his gun, She’d never have to say another damn word about them. Dean would stay here, with Her, no matter what.
She relaxed against his side, returning his grin with teasing words. “No, De. You never have real games-“
“This is a real game,” he shrugged. “Winner takes all-“
“What’s all?”
“Whatever they want.” He winked at Her, and she shook her head.
“I’m not betting my favor, Winchester. And you haven’t even said the fucking game-“
“I’m getting there. See all those assholes?” Dean jerked his head out to the crowd, and She nodded with a frown. “We’re gonna watch them, place our bets on their lives, and then go work out whatever we can. Closest bet wins.”
“Their lives?“ She stared at him, shaking Her head. “What-“
“Names, occupations, personal lives?” Dean suggested, and She nodded slowly. 
“Personal lives like marital status and kids?”
“Sure. Same first letter counts for the name guess-“
“And most correct guesses wins.” She finished. “We pose as the married couple getting to know people until we work out the information.”
Dean nodded, and a smile crept over Her gorgeous face.
“What are we betting?”
Dean knew what he wanted. It was an old desire. One that would be stuck on his brain until it was fulfilled. “I win, I get to hear you sing, Princess.”
“You- why?”
He shrugged, just shooting her a wink. Flush. Breath. Lips. “How about you?”
“I-“ She paused, a small smile crossing Her face, and raised Her chin. “I want to dance. Together.”
Dean scoffed. “No. I don’t-“
“That my bet, Winchester.” She raised Her pinky, giving him a pointed look. “Take it or leave it.”
He’d take it. He was fucking pissed about it, but it was Her, so Dean would take it in a heartbeat. 
He rolled his eyes, but hooked his pinky through Her’s.
“That’s rude, Dean.” She fluttered Her eyes at him, and if She wanted Dean mobile and functional, she needed to stop fucking doing that. “No way to talk to your fake wife.”
He shrugged, even as his traitorous fucking heart started to pound in his ears. “You’re the one who fake married me.”
“No,” She let out a dramatic sigh, pouting up at him “The man I fake married would’ve never called me bossy, you’ve changed, and I’m leaving you for the pool boy-“
Dean pinched Her side, grinned at the high squeak that escaped Her lips. ”You’re having too much fun with this, Princess.“
She shrugged. “Well, my husband’s neglecting me, I need to find fun wherever I can-“
“I think,” he drawled, leaning down slightly, unable and unwilling to stop himself. He was drowning in Her. Crashing into Her. So fucking close and for the first time he didn’t feel like She was going to vanish into air, and he could fucking smell Her it was a drug. “You will find that I’m the funnest son of a bitch here. I think you’re gonna forget about your pool boy by the time the night is over, sweetheart.”
“You-“ She swallowed, staring at Dean with slightly glossy eyes, and right fucking there. “Funnest isn’t a word.”
“Uh huh.” He smirked at Her, tilting his head with a grin. “You ready for target one?”
A small, pouting frown crossed Her face, and whatever spell Dean had managed to pull off there vanished in a second. “Why do you get to choose the first target-“
“Because it’s my game.”
“Nope. Target one.” Dean pointed over the crowd to a man wearing what seemed to be a bowler hat, grinning down at Her. “Richard. Single. Failed supervillain.”
She giggled, “That’s not a real job, Winchester-“
“It is to me. Your move, your highness.”
Her eyes narrowing in focus, and Dean had a sudden feeling he’d made a mistake with this game. “Jonathan. Married but she’s not here, she’s home with the kids. Banker.”
They moved up to the man, acting drunk and dumb and asking carefully questions as if they were interrogating a vic, and She’d been on the money. 
James. Married with two kids. Not a banker, but not a failed super villain either. 
And Dean knew he’d made a mistake, because She was amazing at this. She was wiping the fucking floor with him, and Dean was starting to suspect everyone here was in on it. That She was somehow saying things that hadn’t been true an hour ago, but then She’d demand they were and they just… would be. She said everything with that mind-numbing, easy confidence like it was fact, and Dean was pretty sure if she looked him in the eyes and said the sun is actually blue, Deano, he’d believe it. Then he’d wake up in the morning tomorrow, and the sun would be blue.
And She won. By a fucking mile. They stopped in a small corner of the room, and didn’t even bother to compare scores because She’d won. And Dean could’ve said he was just off his game, but She was smiling at him and bouncing on Her feet, looking so fucking happy, and he didn’t know how to do anything but stare at Her.
She’d called him Her husband almost a hundred times tonight. 
It was going to haunt him, well past the grave.
“You owe me a dance,” She said, watching Dean like She always had, like he was worth looking at, and Dean would give Her anything.
“Guess so,” he took a long step forward, smirking at Her, and if he played this right he’d be able cast that spell on Her again. Make Her feel half of what he did, when he was trapped in Her orbit with no desire to escape. “You think you’ll be able to keep up?”
“Keep up-“
“I don’t like to dance,” Dean drawled Her name, leaning down. Just a little further down. Flush. Breath. Lips. “But I can. I’m gonna blow your mind, Princess-“
The ring of Her phone cut through the air, and they blinked at each other. Stuck time for a brief, infinite moment before She cleared Her throat, and outstretched Her hand.
Her phone was in Dean’s pocket. 
He didn’t remember putting it there. But he also hadn’t really been thinking about anything but Her.
“It’s Sam,” She muttered, frowning at the screen when he passed it to Her. “I’m gonna, uh-“
Dean nodded, fidgeting with his cuffs as he watched her, and something had grown. Dean wasn’t losing his mind, something had become suddenly heavy and potent in the air, and he knew She could at least feel that too. She was leaning forwards into him, Her fingers moving in an awkward motion on the screen where She was always so deliberate and careful, and She may have never felt the pull but Dean was damn sure She could feel this-
“Hey, what’s-“ She frowned into the air, and Dean could hear Sam’s slightly muffled voice over the speaker. 
He frowned, lowering his voice to breathe and holding Her gaze as he mouthed at Her. “What-“
She held up a finger, giving Dean a stern glare as she spoke to Sam. “Yeah, I guessed that, where-“
Sam started talking again, and Her brow drew into that adorable, concerning wrinkle.
“Are you-“ Sam said something, and She sighed. “Okay. Get the car started, we’ll probably have to make a run for it-“
“A run for it-“
She kicked Dean in the shin as Sam snapped something through the speaker, and She nodded, dropping the phone from Her mouth.
“Sam says to shut up.”
Dean scowled. “Tell him to shut up.”
She grinned, and raised the phone back to Her mouth. “Dean says you should shut up.”
Sam grumbled something, and Her gaze never broke from Dean’s as Her grin grew.
“Sam says you’re a child.”
“He’s the child-“
“Dean says you’re a child-“ 
Sam snapped, and She rolled her eyes.
“I am not encouraging him- Yeah, fine, tell me.”
Dean moved a step closer, trying to overhear what Sammy was saying to Her, but she went tense, and he froze.
“Sam.” Her voice had dropped to a firm, almost harsh tone, and that was never a good sign. “There’s no way- There’s not-“
Whatever Sam said sounded like an apology, and She shook her head, frowning at the air.
“Then I’m not-“
Another pause for Sam to speak. Dean was going to lose his mind.
She let out a long breath, the wrinkle fully on Her brow. “You’ve got to be fucking me.”
There were more of them. You’d destroyed the arrowhead and almost lost your mind over it, but there were more of them. 
Those stupid fucking solemn oath weapons. Jo had said there was an arsenal of them, but they were supposed to be rare. That had been a big part of your fight with Sam, after Dean had eased you back together and you’d fully adapted to Sam knowing.
“What about the arrowhead?” Sam had snapped, his voice hushed even though Dean was out getting food. “You just destroyed something that’s like, thousands of years old, and irreplaceable, do you not even care-“
“No.” You’d hissed. “I don’t, Sam, you know why? It was fucking dangerous, and we don’t need any more of that.”
“They’re rare!” He’d snapped, narrowing his eyes. “That might have been the only one discovered in our lifetime-“
“Good. I hope that’s true.” You’d raised your chin, not breaking your ground, and the fight had, eventually, waned off. 
Sam wouldn’t tell Dean. He was still a little pissed you’d broken the arrowhead, but as the weeks had passed and he still hadn���t told Dean, you’d decided he could know more. What the arrowhead did. What the episodes were, and everything you knew about the green demons, and why you couldn’t risk anything. Nothing could be a game, or a gamble, or a chance. You had to place bets you knew you’d win. 
Otherwise everything that was already hanging on such a thin fucking line would fall apart, and you lose Dean.
You couldn’t lose Dean. He’s annoyed that you and Sam won’t talk about the episode in the motel, but he’s still here. Still sharing your bed, in a way that’s not everything but still more than you’d ever dreamed. Handsome in the light of the party and making your knees weak, grinning at you when he says a joke, laughing at your side and making every Silver.
And you’d never said it, but Sam still knows. You can see it in his eyes—when he looks between you and Dean shoving and teasing each other with an odd expression—that Sam’s painfully aware that when you’d described everything to him, you’d glossed over Dean for a reason. Because he’s more. He’s golden and peaceful to exist in the gravity of, and you couldn’t lobotomize him out of you if you tried.
You can’t lose Dean. 
And there shouldn’t have been another solemn oath weapon.
But here you are, moving silently through the halls with Dean one pace behind you, and you keep checking over your shoulder that he’s still there, because you can never fucking get what you want. 
Dean hisses your name, grabbing your wrist and stopping you in your steps. “Sam said left.”
“I-“ You glance around the abandoned area, and shake your head. “He said left after the big cat painting-“
“Yep.” Dean points back down the hall, right to an oil painting of a massive, winged lion. “You’re off your game, Princess-“
“Shut up.”
You stomp past him, your nails digging into your skin, and he’s right. Your head is spinning around Dean’s warm, almost caring eyes on yours at the party and the fact that these weapons were supposed to be fucking rare, and you’re distracted.
Sam had been right. These things were supposed to be once in a lifetime. Not pop up every other month at the worst possible times, ruining your perfectly good chance to crash further into Dean, to make everything about him a little more permanent that just a mark of him on everything you see and a spiderweb of pure, iridescent light in your body. 
That was something you haven’t told Sam. Or Jo. Definitely not Bobby. Since the motel room, since the fractured pieces sealed back together and Dean stayed, the White hasn’t been aching and pulling for him. The pain is still strong and blinding and horrible, but the Darkness seems to have soothed by the light of Dean that moves through your whole body like blood.
You don’t know what it is. The spiderweb. You don’t really have time to figure it out, and it’s terrifying and amazing. It hums and refracts around all the time, and sings when Dean is near, and when he’s gone there’s no anguish or whining plea to be near him again. It like he’s stuck into it, and every bit of you is assured that he will come back. Dean, physically, may come and go, but he always comes back. He may glower and grumble about pointless things, and leave the motel with Sam to research Lilith without you, but he always comes back.
It’s like he’s faithful. He’s not even yours, but he’s still a geyser that you always know with burst up with cooling water and shifting colors in the sunlight, and he’ll come back. 
At least you have that. If you can’t have reasonable lack of dangerous weapons and one moment without some kind of pain in your life, at least you have Dean.
Still a pace behind you, walking in perfectly matching time with your steps and keeping his voice hushed as he says your name.
“You sure you-“
“I know where I’m going, Winchester.” You shoot him a glower, and he just shrugs. 
“What does that mean-“
“It doesn’t mean anything. I’m just saying okay-“
“No, you said okay-“
Dean grunts your name, taking a large step forward until he’s right at your side, looking down at you with an annoyingly amused expression. “Deep breath, Princess. I said okay. And if you’re wrong, I’ll just pick you up and take you wherever Sammy said the, uh- Thing is.”
It’s impossible not to lean a little into his side when he’s grinning at you like that. Like it’s easy, and nothing is really all that wrong in the world, and he does trust you. You still haven’t told him what you are, and why this is making you lose your mind, but Dean trusts you and that’s going to kill you more than any weapon could.
And he’s baiting you. Giving you a reason to spar back and forth with him, and not dwell on how fucking annoying this is.
It’s never hard to fall for him. It’s impossible not to, when he’s all but asking. 
You raise your brows at him, your mouth pulling up slightly. “The thing?”
Dean shrugs, his attention returning to the hallway as he walks at your side. “You didn’t freakin’ tell me what it is, sweetheart, and I’m not a mind reader-“
“It’s a-“ You sigh, sorting out every word carefully before you speak. “Sam thinks it’s like the arrowhead.”
“Like the arrowhead?”
You hum, nodding slowly. “Same kind of weapon. He said it looks similar, on the camera feed, and the event invitation had a picture-“
“Invitation?” Dean frowns. “I didn’t see an invitation-“
“That’s cause we’re party crashers, De, we didn’t get an invitation-“
“Then how-“
You shrug, shooting Dean an amused look. “Sam can be sneaky. I think he might have broken into some cars.”
Dean snorts. “Don’t know how he ever manages stealth cases, he’s a freakin’ mammoth-“
“It’s easy to commit crimes when no one’s watching,” you shrug, bumping your shoulder into Dean’s with a grin. “That’s why we’re doing so well.”
He rolls his eyes. “And I thought we were just a good team-“
“Two things can be true, Deano. And Sam-” You scan around the hall with a frown. “Do you remember if he said left or right?”
“Right.” Dean’s hand rests on your back, turning you in the right direction as he shoots you a wink. “I thought you were leading us, Princess-“
“Shut up.”
“Bos- Shit-“
Dean groans as you elbow him in the gut, and you can’t stop the giggle from escaping your lips. 
“Do you want to hear about the artifact or not?”
“I thought we were done talking about it,” he grumbles, his hand finding your back once more, almost like a fucking magnet. “C’mon, we can’t stall.”
You shrug, but let Dean keep moving you down the hall. You’d let him move you anywhere. “I wasn’t the one stalling-“
“Artifact, sweetheart. What else is so damn important for me to know about-“
“If you don’t want to know, just say-“
Dean grunts your name, shooting you a glare, and you fucking giggle again.
This is fucking serious. This is, in several ways, your worst nightmare. But Dean’s here, and he’s adorable and touching you and here, and you can’t stop giggling. Not as the spiderweb seems to cling to every drop of his attention and grow stronger, and your head starts to feel light and easy as the pain eases, and the world blurs to Silver.
And Dean’s just watching you. Not snapping for you to focus or get it tougher. Just moving you down the hallway and scanning from door to door, his hand still on your back, and small grin pulling at his face. 
His gaze flicks between two doors, his brow furrowing slightly, and you tug on his arm.
“Three more doors.” You say, angling your head down the hall. “It might be locked, but I can pick it-“
Dean shakes his head. “I’ll just break it down-“
“Do not break it down, Dean.”
“Ooh, Dean.” He shoots you a wink, and you meld a little further into his touch. “You’re serious-“
“Shut up or you get elbowed again.” You mutter, he opens his stupidly pretty mouth with shining eyes, and you wrinkle your nose at him. “You say bossy, and you get stabbed.”
He chuckles—the sound rolling through your whole body—and looks back around the hall. “You actually gonna tell me about the artifact, Princess, or am I just that charming and distracting?”
He is. 
He doesn’t get to know that.
“Sam says we’re not supposed to touch it.” You hum, hitching up your dress as you move over the awfully dusty hallway carpet. “It’s- He said it’s like the arrowhead because it has all the same writing, and looks about the same age, and that means it’s dangerous. I brought a napkin.”
Dean shoots you an odd look. “Where-“
You reach over, patting his suit jacket, and he scowls.
“You know, sweetheart, in another life you’re a fantastic criminal-“
You grin at him. “I’m a fantastic criminal now.”
“So you are a criminal?” He smirks, stopping you in front a large, polished, wooden door. “Years of saying you’re not stealing shit, and-“
“Stabbed, Winchester. Gonna get stabbed.” 
He laughs, loud and echoing through the empty hall, and you’re too drunk on the sound to remind him you’re supposed to be sneaking around. You just roll your eyes, pull out the bobby pin you’d kept in your dress, and drop to your knees in front of the door.
“No touching anything.” You remind him as you work the door, looking up with your best stern expression. “I’m serious.”
“Yeah- uh. No touching. Got it.” Dean shifts on his feet, rubbing his neck and suddenly looking very uncomfortable, and you frown at him. 
“What’s wrong with you.”
He shrugs. It’s not convincing. “Nothing, Princess-“
“I said nothing-“
“Liar.” You hum, the lock clicks, and you grin up at him. “Ready?”
He blinks at you, nodding, and you tilt your head at him.
“De, you’re being weird-“
“Just open the damn door.” He grumbles, fidgeting with the cuff of his jacket. “C’mon, Sammy’s waiting.”
You wrinkle your nose at him, but push to your feet, and Dean steadies you with a hand on your back. Your lower back. Right where the depression for his touch had never fully mended or faded, sending a rush of lightning up the spiderweb and making you stand a little taller. 
“Ready?” He grunts, his expression suddenly steeled and firm, and you nod a little stupidly.
You’re not. Dean gives a firm nod—his spare hand wandering to where you know he’s keeping his gun—and you didn’t think you could’ve been ready. Not as you open the door and see it.
It’s not an arrowhead this time. It’s a knife. Made in a blatantly similar style to the arrowhead, with all the same writing carved over the blade and handle, but clean. It’s not dusted and faded like the arrowhead was, it’s polished and shining in the low light of the room, and it’s like a flame. The words that you can read shift as they always do—the glint of the metal entrancing and bright—your breath catches in your throat as if the blade had been driven through your neck.
It looks like it was made to be held. The hilt looks almost identical to that of the knife on your thigh—the knife Dean had bought you, the knife that was yours more than anything else ever has been—and you think, if you held this knife, it would fit perfectly in your hand. No callouses or oddly places fingers. An extra limb, easing everything further to Silver. 
The Silver wants to feel it. The knife is calling you forward, and you can vaguely hear someone important and golden and critical calling your name, but you can’t look anywhere but the knife. The closer you move, almost gliding across the room, the more you know that you have to hold it. You can’t read the Latin that well, or the Hebrew and Arabic at all, but the shifting words are all familiar too.
For the Woman of the high, promised of Him. 
Your brain feels as if it’s being muffled. Thoughts of woman, not women, and Him flash over your brain with brief scrutiny, but they shrivel up within a second. Every part of you feels like it’s being suffocated by the almost glowing knife, and the spiderweb is bursting like fireworks through your body, trying to vault you back where you belong, but you have to keep moving forward. It’s like there’s a phantom behind you, pushing you forward, whispering in your ear that it’s yours, made for you, take it because it’s been waiting thousands of years for you, and He’s been waiting longer, and all of this is made for you so take it-
Something louder shatters the spell. For half a second there’s a roar of your name from something that feels weaker than the phantom—but louder than your heart and more vital that the blood in your body—rushing your vision into focus and that’s Dean, colorful and running through your blood and over your bones and a little to the right of your heart and Dean-
You almost turn to see him, almost stop moving to the weapon, but the phantom shoves you forward, and you’re gone.
Your hand wraps around the knife, the Silver flares and flashes and consumes your body. You feel some part of your body give out—you’re not sure, everything feels like you and you don’t know what’s your body and what’s just the rest of the universe—and right before it all gets too big you see a flash of white, radiant light dissipate into the air.
And then you’re gone. 
The whole world booming out and out and out, and you’re the gravity of the earth and the heat of its core and the flood and turning water in every ocean and the infinite loneliness of every star, and everything is-
It’s too much. Too big. You can’t bear it. You can’t really see anything, but you can see everything and you feel thin, stretched apart, not your own. 
There’s no pain in your body for half a second, and you grit your teeth and squeeze your eyes shut to drag yourself back down as something curses and shouts around you and you crash back down into your own body like a comet. 
And the pain returns. It hits you, blows right into your guts and rips at your skull as you choke on the Darkness, and it’s still too much. The knife is still in your hands and you can’t drop it, and someone is grabbing you and they feel right but something is wrong-
You choke out a word, and you don’t know what it means but it’s a prayer. A name. 
Dean. Where’s Dean-
“I’m here,” the same low voice says your name, and a rough finger in pressed to your brow, running down your nose and easing the world back together. “I- Shit, we gotta go, there’s an alarm-“
You shake your head, repeating the word because it’s making things better. Dean. Dean. Dean-
“I know, I’ve gotcha, just- c’mon-“ Something steady grabs your face, and everything keeps mending as the spiderweb catches the touch and spins it into illuminating color in your body. “Son of a- Sammy said not to touch it, Princess, why’d you-“
You grab the hands over your face, keeping them where they’re supposed to be, and you can see him. 
He’s beautiful. Golden. Better than the Sun, or that strange white light from before.
“Dean.” You whisper, and it pulls you a little further down. “You’re- Dean-“
“Yeah, I got that. Sweetheart, we need to go and if I gotta carry you, I will.”
You think he’s scanning over you for injury, but you can’t really tell because he’s just Gold.
Almost just Gold.
There’s something else. Something you’ve never seen on him before, even when he’s only been this same, striking Gold. It’s like a stain, or a scratch, or a wound. A mark on the Gold that’s wrong, because it’s seeping and pulsing like an infection, and it’s not yours. All of the Gold feels like it’s a little bit you. This dark red, bloodied mark doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to something steel gray and wrong and demonic-
Something clicks in your brain. Snaps into place and rushes through your whole body, and the sound that leaves you isn’t fully human. 
“Dean.” You choke out, and you think your nails are digging into his skin but you don’t care, he’s going to turn to ash and blood but you need him, you can’t fucking lose him, not now, fucking God, no-
He mutters your name, and you shake your head frantically. 
“What-“ You swallow, your gaze fixed on the brand. It’s a brand. 
A claim. 
“What did you do.” You whisper, and you can’t really hear yourself over the blood in your ears, but you know he can hear you. You know because he freezes. Because the spiderweb is aching and howling, and- 
“What did you do?!” You’re half screaming. You don’t care. “Dean- you- why?! Why the fuck-“
He grunts your name, but there’s no fire and fight behind his voice. He sounds pained and worried, and it’s too much-
“I don’t- You’re freakin’ me out, I need you to tell me what wrong-“
You shake your head, almost clawing at his skin. “Why. Dean, why-“
“I don’t-“
Something bursts through the ringing and pounding in your head. Something loud and blaring, and Dean freezes again, turning away from you, and he’s going to leave, you’re going to lose him, he’s going to go away and you’re trying to grab at the brand and remove it but everything hurts and you can’t fucking breathe-
“No.” Something drags your hand from your throat—you don’t even remember putting it there—with a firm grip, and suddenly you’re rising. Not on your own legs, shaking and weak and not fully yours, nothing in you is yours but the Silver and the spiderweb, and they’re whining with pain because why, why the fuck would Dean do something so stupid- “We’re not doing that, we need to move. Hold on.”
The words feel like a commandment, and you listen to them without thought. You wrap your arms around Dean’s neck, and everything slowly begins to come back into focus as he holds you. 
He’s warm. Solid and warm, panting slightly in your ear as he hauls you down the flashing hallway, and there are red lights flashing around you but they’re not as bright as Dean. 
Still Golden. 
Still about to be lost.
His touch and the smell of grass and spice are grounding you in your body, but the Silver won’t stop roaring. The Gold isn’t all yours. It’s supposed to be twined and fit with you, but Dean’s marked to be taken away, and it’s all you can do not to burst into tears. Every breath is forced and mechanical. You know you might strangle Dean with your grip, might mark him with your nails sunken into his skin, but then maybe you’d get to keep him. Maybe your stain would be greater than the one on the Gold, and you’d get to keep Dean. 
You don’t notice when the blur begins. Not until it’s too late, and the only thing louder than your blood in your ears and the pounding of the Silver against your heart and ribs is the Darkness. Tearing from the Silver and reaching out, an instinct engraved deep onto your nerves that something is wrong, there’s a danger and it’s coming and Dean-
The first one arrives before you can screech and choke a warning in Dean’s ear. All you’re doing is blinking in a frantic, rapid double-pattern, but he’s looking ahead at the hall and can’t see you anymore that he can see the demon. Almost materializing out of the blood-red shadows, raising a knife from Dean’s back and grinning at you like it knows, like it can see what’s making you fall apart and it’s reveling in it. 
The blur slams into you full force, and before you can think you’re scraping out of Dean’s hold, shoving him away just as the venomous, raging and violent shape of green crashes into him. 
It’s close, but the demon misses. Just barely. It stumbles forwards but recovers fast, and you’re still too much and not enough, feeling all the demons fury and the frantic pulse of the alarms and the ache of the creaking floor under your feet. 
Dean shouts your name, and you hear it over the blur, but you can’t move. You’ve pressed yourself up to the wall as the Darkness starts to rip out of your control, you weren’t ever supposed to stop moving but you’re frozen. Everything hurts. Dean is roaring for you but you’ve already lost him and you’re horrible anyway, you never could’ve kept him, but it just fucking hurts-
He’s fighting. You can hear gunshots echoing in what sounds like the distance, but is barely a few feet away, see through the blur that Dean is swinging punches and slamming the rioting green into walls. They’re attacking him. Not you. None of them are even sparing you a glance, they’re all focused on Dean, and you can’t lose him. You need to get to him but you can’t move. You’re going to lose him and you’re not you and he’s not yours but you can’t fucking lose him, and you’re caught in a loop but you don’t know how to pull yourself out without letting the Darkness over take you, and if you do you’ll hurt Dean, and you can’t hurt Dean, not like this, not with the cancerous pain that always infected him but never made him leave for good, but you’re going to lose him for good and you can’t lose him and he’s gone but he’s right there and you can’t fucking breathe, can’t lose Dean, can’t hurt him, can’t move-
The blur freezes. For one quick second everything is captured stasis, and you can see everything so clearly it feels fake. 
Three wrathful shapes of green, backing Dean into a corner as he swings a vase he must have grabbed from one of the pedestals in the hall, his face set in determination but something flashing in his eyes that you recognize. 
A crack in the armor.
But it’s not aimed inward. It’s not caving into and crushing the Gold, not a knowledge that he’s surrounded, the vase isn’t useful against the demons, and his gun is lost down the darkened hall. It’s fear that’s screaming and reaching to get to you, sunken back down to the floor and choking yourself with a firm hand.
He’s not looking at the demon that has its knife raised, aimed right for his chest. 
He’s looking at you.
And when everything rushes back, it moves to fast. You’re not breathing enough, so you can’t scream. You’re frozen, so you can’t move.
The demon’s blade sinks into Dean, just a little to the right of his heart, and you don’t care that you’re not you anymore. You don’t need to be you for this. 
The Darkness is let out with your will. You urge it on, letting it turn you into more than just a panicking girl in a corner.
You don’t really know what you are. You don’t really care.
All that matters in the weak noise of pain that left Dean when he fell to the ground, and the fact that you want something to suffer for it. 
You’re more than the Darkness this time, though. The White is just as savage, and violent, and righteous. You’re something that makes the Green balk. Cower. Fucking retreat.
They don’t get three steps away before they’re nothing. Not killed. Not exorcized. Eliminated. Crushed and folded and turned into just another part of the sheer power you can feeling, rushing through the world and bigger than anything. It’s a part of you. It’s too much and you don’t care, because it more than you should be able to handle, but you’re not overwhelmed. It feels right. Whatever you’re meant to be, it’s this. Silver and vast and furious and- 
The spiderweb in your body pulses weakly, and something smaller and concentrated makes a noise that sounds like your name. It sounds important. It’s golden and barely a spot on everything you can see, but it’s the only thing stronger than you are and you’re looking through everything for it—even as something pure and White tugs your further into whatever you’re turning into—because you need it, more than anything you need whatever is calling you-
The noise repeats, and the spiderweb is white-hot with pain, and you see him.
Everything falls back into you. And it’s loud—alarms blaring and people shooting from somewhere in the distance—but it’s just you and Dean in the whole world. You fall to your knees at his side because there’s never anywhere else to be, and you don’t know if you’re choking on the darkness, or the air, or your own heartbeat when you see the blood over his chest.
He’s supposed to have time. You’d seen it, on the mark, that he had time. Not enough time, but time. You still need to scream at him for being an idiot, and you need to pretend you hate him for doing this to you when it really just hurts, and you need more time- 
He’s making strained sounds that still sound too much like your name, but he’s so pale, and his eyes are barely open, and when your hand finds his brow he’s already cold.
And the Darkness is still bubbling at the surface. And you might hurt him but he’s always half-gone, and you won’t lose him. Not like this. 
“Dean,” you whisper, and you think you can feel your heart cleaving in half at the moan that escapes his lips. “I- I’m sorry. I didn’t- You’re- If this hurts, I’m so sorry. Just don’t leave. Please don’t go- I- Here-“ You grab his hand, and his fingers through your like it’s an instinct, but his grip isn’t as tight as it’s been before. “Don’t go. You’re not allowed to go, so fucking don’t. And I-“ You take a shaking breath, and you’re choking on the pain. The Darkness rotting and molding around your lungs, trying to claw out and fix this. 
You’ll let it. Just this once, to keep him, you’ll let it. 
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, and you know he doesn’t hear you. He doesn’t even move. “I’m sorry, Dean. But I won’t- I won’t.” Another stronger breath. No other way. 
You just need more time.
Your head bows to his chest, you press your brow to his shoulder, take a ragged breath that’s just to keep yourself together, and you let go. The Darkness falls out of you, right into Dean. Not just a drop. All of it.
It’s not painful. It takes you a second to realizes, but there’s no pain at all. 
And it’s not the Darkness, it’s the Silver. Flowing out of you like a breath and rushing through the Gold—driven on by the spiderweb and moving a little deeper into Dean’s body than you’ve ever known existed—as the stench of metal fades. 
When you lift your head back up, Dean’s eyes are fully closed, but his wound is gone, his breath is even, and his heartbeat is steady under your hands. 
But there’s something new. You blink at him, looking so peaceful—his face relaxed and full of color like nothing ever happened at all—and right next to that brand, there’s something that hadn’t been there before. 
It grooved and running over him like little cracks of iridescent color. Glowing and pulsing and rushing through his whole body, and they don’t look wrong but there something deep, deep under them. Shifting and humming and-
You marked him. More than just one small spot, more than just condemnation. There’s Silver in the Gold because you’d lost control and marked him, and it doesn’t seem to be painful but you never should’ve fucking lost yourself, you should’ve found another way, should’ve tried harder to only let less of the Silver out, should’ve just called-
Sam shouts your name, and you hear him barreling down the hallway behind you. Dean shifts a little against you, leaning closer to your body, and you don’t know what to do. 
The knife is discarded on the floor, the hilt pressed right against your shin. 
All you can work out is that Sam can’t touch it. You remove your own knife from against your thigh—keeping one hand tangled in Dean’s—and replace it with the new, dangerous one, right as Sam stops at your side.
This is going to be hard. And complicated. And painful.
But you don’t know what to do. 
So you’re glad Sam is here.
“What the hell happened?” He breathes, and you take a deep breath, brushing your hand over Dean’s brow. 
He’s warm again, and something loosens in your chest. 
“We got jumped,” your voice is soft, but you’re afraid that you’ll wake Dean, and he needs rest. “The Assassins. But they went for Dean, and he got hurt.”
Sam drops to your side in a fraction of a second, and you don’t need to look at him to know he’s panicking. “Fuck- Where’d they-“
“He’s fine.” You mumble. “I fixed him.”
“You-“ You can feel Sam’s gaze on you as he says your name. You don’t really care. You don’t want to look away from Dean. “What did you do.”
“I fixed him.” You repeat, and Sam sighs.
“You didn’t use the-“
“I did.”
“And the demons-“
“I destroyed them.” You don’t like how passive you sound about it, but they hurt Dean. He’s the world, and they hurt him, and no guilt festers in your gut.
You hope it hurt. You hope that they didn’t end up wherever dead demons go. You hope that they spend the rest of eternity sufferings as a million disbanded particles, feeling the pain of everything the same was you always have.
Sam repeats your name, and there’s a caution in his voice that he’s not very good at hiding. “I thought you said you weren’t going to use it-“
“I know.” You shrug, finally tearing your attention for Dean’s pretty, consuming face and meeting Sam’s eyes. “And I don’t care.”
“Look, I-“ Sam glances down at Dean, running a hand over his face with a shake of his head. “I know you care about him, a lot. Like, so much I don’t really understand it, but-“
“Sam.” You say, keeping your voice so neutral it rots on your tongue, because this is going to kill you, but you can’t let it. Not when you still have time. “When is it going to happen?”
He blinks at you, his expression faltering slightly. “When-“
“When is his time up.” You whisper. “When are they coming for him.” and Sam flinches, but doesn’t deny it. You’d prayed you were wrong. 
You’re not that lucky. 
“I- did he tell you-“
You shake your head, and every movement is too much. “I saw it. When.”
Sam just stares at you, and you swallow. 
“Please, Sam.” You’re begging. There’s nothing else to do. “I- I need to know. Please.”
“Three months.” He mutters, and he won’t meet your gaze. “We- We should go. We can’t stay here, and this is-“ He sighs, shooting Dean’s sleeping body a glower. “This isn’t the place to do this.”
You nod, everything in you feeling a little numb, and help Sam haul Dean up between your body, shuffling him out a back door to the Impala.
Sam could’ve carried him. Dean’s not small, but Sam’s bigger and stronger, and it might have been faster to just toss Dean into Sam’s arms. 
But you think Sam knows now isn’t the time to pull Dean from your side. Not as your head continues to spin around three months. Dean has three months.
You can’t lose him.
But he only has three months.
You’ve never been so purely numb like this. There’s still the pain—increased tenfold and almost knocking you to your knees as the Darkness shreds itself apart—but everything else is numb. Not numb like nothing. Numb like too much. Numb like the spaces between the stars, filled with something but too big for it to be identifiable. The world suddenly too much in a way you’ve never experienced before, where it’s vast and cold and lonely like a pit left in your chest by something you’d never know was removable in the first place.
It’s numb like grief.
But Dean isn’t gone yet. He has time. You’d marked him in a way you know you’ll never forgive yourself for, and you’re almost strangling the Darkness to keep yourself upright—with nails and bitten lips and held breaths, by fucking force because there’s no other way—but you’d bought Dean more time.
And he’s here. He’s still here. Just for now Dean is slumped into your side on the Impala’s back bench, his head pressed into your stomach as he holds you like you’re a buoy in an invisible storm, breathing heavily but still breathing. 
You can hear him breathing. You can feel him holding you. You can run your fingers through his hair and feel him almost relax from the movement, and you can see every shadow of the road dance over his handsome face. You don’t need to grieve him now because he’s here, and he has time. 
You have time.
“I got the blade.” You mumble, tracing over the line of Dean’s cheekbones. “It’s in my- fuck-“ Your breath catches in your throat, and you look up to Sam as panic start to seize over your chest. “Sam, my knife-“
“I grabbed it.” He mutters. “It’s in my jacket. I know it’s important to you. It’s- Dean got it for you.”
You nod, hoping Sam can feel your gratitude, because you don’t know what to do. To say or figure out, and you’re stuck in loud noise and too much color like a broken TV, and you’d talk to Sam but you really can’t look at him, because he’s still one shade wrong, and you don’t know what to do-
“How’d you work it out?” Sam asks, his voice barely audible over the engine, and you swallow.
“I told you, I saw it. It was like a- sort of- I-“ You take a shaking breath, shaking your head. “I don’t want to talk about it. Please.”
Sam grunts, and time stretches so slow. You don’t speak again until you’re parked back at the motel, until Dean’s hauled back into bed—your bed, the bed you share, if you lose him you’ll have to learn to sleep again without Dean, and you don’t think you ever really knew how—and Sam drops in a chair, running a hand over his face with a long breath.
“I wanted to tell you.” He mutters, and you look up from the dresser with a frown. 
“I swear,” he says your name, and there’s something in his voice that so desperate you can’t look away. “I told him, over and over again that he needed to tell you, but he- It’s Dean and he, I think he was worried you- Shit, he thought you’d leave-“
“I know.” You pull out the new blade from your thigh, turning it over in your hands. The words are still shifting, they still read the exact same, and the Darkness wants it almost as much as the White and the spiderweb are screaming for you to return to Dean’s side. “I have a theory about something. I’ll need to run it past Jo and Bobby, but I think I’m right.”
Dean would laugh and say you always think you’re right.
Sam just blinks at you. “A-“
“Theory.” You shrug, grabbing a spare, dirty shirt from the top of the dresser. “I’ve told you about all the colors, like with the arrowhead-“
“Yeah, but-“
“I think I worked out what they are. It- It really makes a lot of sense, and I don’t know how we’d confirm it, but-“
Sam says your name, his voice firm as you wrap the Blade in the shirt. “Why are we talking about this?”
“Because.” You whisper. “I- I need to.”
“But now that you know, you can help us-“
“I don’t know how, Sam.” You flinch at your own tone, and you have to brace a hand on the dress to keep yourself from the ground. “I- I can’t fix this, I’ll make it worse, I’ll make Dean worse-“
Sam mutters something, and you can’t hear him over your own short breaths or the ringing into your ears.
“I hurt him, Sam. I’m going to hurt him and I don’t know what to do- I don’t know what to do-“
You can’t breathe. Sam moves like he’s going to try to help you, but he’s too slow and too hesitant and you stumble back with a strangled, weak sound.
“I can’t- Please- I don’t- I can’t-“
You’re pressed back into the wall when Sam reaches you, and you’re too tired to fight. Too frozen to claw and scream, only able to take uneven breaths and sob into Sam’s shirt as it sinks further into you.
You’d hurt him, and you needed him like he could never need you, but you were going to lose him. Forever. No coming back, no spell or ritual or scream of his name to the sky bringing him back to your side. You marred Dean with the Silver, you’re going to lose him, and he didn’t trust you-
That one’s new. Dean didn’t trust you, and the broken sound you make is almost inhuman. Sam knew. Bobby probably knew. And Dean didn’t want you to know. 
He thought you’d leave. He didn’t trust you enough to know you couldn’t drag yourself away from him—not permanently, not in a way that razed every piece of your body more that it hurt him—if you tried. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You whisper, leaning a little further into Sam’s hold. “I- If we talk about it, it’s real. Please.”
Sam sighs your name, and when he pulls back his expression on yours unreadable, but he nods all the same. “You need to promise you’ll talk about it with him. For my sanity. Please.”
“I will.”
You’re not lying.
You will. You need to.
Because you kick your dress of like it’s poison on your skin, and take a burning shower until your skin is raw, and scrub your body with sugar until everything stings, and the Darkness is totally under your control, but there’s a thin layer of grime over your organs that’s made of Dean. 
Dean didn’t trust you. He wants you enough to keep you around, but he didn’t trust you. He thought you’d leave. He obviously can’t feel he pull—if he did, he know truly leaving is impossible—and that should remind you that you can never really have him, but it just hurts. 
It worms and whines over your heart, and it hurts. More than just pain in your body, pain in something deeper, a little to the right of your heart and bursting will dulled colors because this hurts. 
Dean’s right not to trust you. You wouldn’t trust you. You still haven’t told him about how wrong you are, but that knowledge doesn’t help. Knowing never helps. 
It just makes this hurt more. 
And you should get through this. You’ve always gotten through it. 
But you can’t say that with certainty. This is too much, and you don’t know what to do. 
You’ve always known what to do. And sometimes it was pain and isolation and suffering but it was something. And you’d known Dean was fine. Safer, even, without you there.
But you hadn’t been there, and you’d lost him without knowing it. If you’d been there you might have stopped it. You don’t know what it is, but you could’ve found another way because there’s always another way. You’ve always gotten through it, and you’ve always found another way, and you’re caught in the loop again, but you don’t know what to do-
You don’t know how you end up there—the world blurring in and out as you shuffle around, trying to find something that can keep you busy—but you’re lying flat on the bed, right at Dean’s side. Staring up at the ceiling and caught in the loop with no sign of breaking out. 
Sam said he was going out for a drink, and to call him if you need anything.
He just doesn’t want to be here when Dean wakes up. 
When you hear a throat clear, and a low groan escape his lips, and turn your head to find him already watching you. Looking right through your neutral expression with a small frown, shattering whatever composure you’d had in a just a second, just by existing.
Dean opens his mouth to say something. 
He doesn’t get the chance. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
He blinks at you, frown deepening as he scans over your face. “I- uh-“
“The demon deal.” You whisper. “I know, Dean. I- Why?”
You don’t know what you’d expected him to do. Fight. Deny. Lie and spin his way around it. 
But he just… caves.
“Sammy tell you?” He mutters, and you’ve never heard him sound more hollow. No charm lining his tone, no fury laced through his every word. Just heavy exhaustion. “I told him not to tell you.”
“Why.” You repeat, pushing up on your palms to stare down at him. “Why, Dean, why didn’t you want him to tell me- I-“
“You didn’t need to know-“
“You don’t get to make that choice for me!” You half scream, and he doesn’t even flinch. “I- I don’t know why, Dean, I just need to know why-“
“You didn’t need to know. It’s not like you’re the one that’s dying, Princess.” He snaps, but there’s still no fight in it. You wish he would fight. 
Because you want to scream at him. You need to tell him that you’re furious because you are the one that’s dying. Some part of you that you’ve never understood is going to fucking die because Dean’s- 
You can’t say it. You can only be caught on repeat, curling into yourself as you shake your head over and over, repeating the only thing you can think of.
“Why what?” He grunts, and it’s still not angry enough. “Why’d I do something so stupid? Why’d I sacrifice everything for the one person I got left? Mom’s been gone, Dad was gone, you left-“ He pauses, blinking at you with a small shake of his head. “I- It was just Sam, he can live a life-“
“You can live a life!” You protest, digging your nail into your skin to keep yourself from reaching for him, and he scoffs.
“Yeah, okay-“
“I mean it-“
“I know you do.” He mutters. “But that’s not how this shit works-“
“I don’t care! I don’t care how anything works, I don’t care why you did it, I care that you didn’t fucking tell me-“
“Why, you gonna save me, Princess? Gonna work one of your best hunter tricks and pull one over on Lilith for my soul?” He raises his brows at you, and blink.
The Darkness is riot in your body, but caged all the same, and the Blade is over on the dresser, but you can see Dean. Right into him. Past the skin and bone and tissue, right into him. 
He’s vulnerable. There’s something that’s deep, deep in his eyes that you’ve never seen in full light before, but something is shifting and it’s like a floodlight has pushed right through it. As if all the stars concentrated into one thing and aimed to the ocean, looking right down into its trenches and pits and seeing every bit of life hidden under. 
There’s so much color. It’s luminescent and strange and lonely, but there’s so much. It’s beautiful. Dean’s beautiful. Even when you want to fucking murder him, he’s beautiful.
He’s waiting for you to leave. You can see it. How he’s tensed to build up some barricade to prevent a flood of burning gold. How those cracks you’d left on him are already festering, preparing for your departure. 
And that’s something you can do.
You can prove him fucking wrong, and keep him, and save him. 
He’d said it like it was a joke.
You mean every single word that spits out of your mouth.
“You’re not going to die.” 
He grunts, still just staring at the ceiling, and you lean over to eclipsed the ceiling light. He needs to see you.
“I’m not fucking leaving.” You hiss, and he stares at you with a slightly parted mouth. He’s Golden. He’d have to toss you away with his bare fucking hands and bullets, and even then, you’d still crawl back. 
Dean says your name slowly, and you shake your head.
“Partners, Winchester.” You snap. “Safer together, remember? You’re not dying on my watch, so suck it the fuck up.”
Something strange flashes in his eyes, and his voice slightly hoarse. “You should go. Now. Before Sammy gets back.”
“It’s your best shot-“
“I don’t fucking care. You’re fucking stuck with me, asshole, and we’re getting you out of this if it kills all fucking three of us. Got it?”
He scans over your face, then down your body, and you don’t understand the expression on his face at all. 
“No.” He mutters, his gaze stealing slightly as it meets yours, and there it is. The fucking fight. “You’re not dying, Princess.”
“You’re not the boss of me-“
“Yeah, I got that, but if you die, and I’m dragging you to hell with me. Swear you won’t die.”
He raises his pinky, and you blink. He looks like he wants to kill you. 
He’s making you pinky promise.
You raise your own slowly, but narrow your eyes and yank it back at the last second.
“Anything else you need to tell me, Winchester?”
“Nah.” He shrugs. “Deal’s kind of a limit one per customer thing.”
He’s smirking. You don’t laugh.
“We’re doing this my way.” You snap. “Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You keep something like that from me again, I’m killing you myself.”
“Got it. You gonna just keep making demands about my death-“
You hook your pinky through his, and shake it firmly.
“Stop calling it your death.” You snap, leaning back to lie at his side. Keeping your pinky hooked. “You’re going to be fine, you fucking idiot.”
He chuckles. “Bossy.”
You roll your eyes, and decide to strangle him later. After this is done, you’ll shout at him all you want. 
But you have three months, and it’s not enough time, but you’ll make it enough time. The only thing you won’t do is use the Darkness—you won’t hurt him further, and he still doesn’t know, and that’s too fucking dangerous and complicated to touch—but you won’t need it.
You only need Dean. And he’s not allowed to die. 
So you’re not going to fucking let him.
End Note: That might have been the most Babylon chapter I've Babyloned yet.
Thank you so so so much for reading!! If you like this story, please reblog, share, or leave a comment! <3
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darkforestpetalkit · 3 days ago
Will Bloodpetal and Mapleshade ever become aware of each other's presence? If so how would they react to each other?
Yes! They do! It happens at the very end of the series as THE finale/epilogue that I cover in the previous ask.
However prior to this, Mapleshade did become vaguely aware at one point, she just didn't realize it was her Petalkit.  
So surprise Concept art and lore dump!
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Just pretend Mapleshade and Thistleclaw are waaaaay further back and higher up bc I drew them way too close lol.
Thistleclaw has managed to keep Mapleshade in the dark for a while, managing whispers and rumors. That is until Petalpaw/Bloodpetal's growing reputation as Thistleclaw's undefeated champion started escalating fast. She wasn't just winning fights, she was performing and savagely butchering opponents, either killing them, or if unlucky, leaving them permanently maimed. She was known for her unpredictable, sadistic nature and tendency of ‘playing’ with her victims.
It was impossible for these rumors not to eventually reach Mapleshade’s ears. But when she actually saw familiar warriors like Snowtuft looking as if he’d been cut open and Shredtail missing an entire ear, her idle curiosity turned into suspicion.
She decides it’s time to see what the fuss was about, and what was Thistleclaw planning? Why was she not informed? Is this why his need for her guidance and mentorship had been declining? Especially when the location of these fights are taking place so far away across the Dark Forest and Dark Lake.
Thistleclaw, being the manipulative asshole he is, predicted this, knowing she would have eventually grown suspicious. So he preemptively invited Mapleshade to witness one of his ‘shows.’ He basically hides Petalpaw in plain sight. Carefully leading Mapleshade to have “back stage” view where she could observe without drawing Petalpaw’s attention, who would be too busy indulging in a blood frenzy. (I’m considering Thistleclaw giving Petalpaw a performer name, like Petalripper or Ripper before she is officially named Bloodpetal. Still unsure!)
At this time, Petalpaw was about 8 moons old and looked completely different. Nothing like her Petalkit. Besides, her daughter died generations ago. There was no reason for Mapleshade to even entertain the thought. At most there was just a brief moment of recognizing the coincidence in the prefix name. 
Which only reminded Mapleshade of her deep-seated vindictiveness toward Appleduck’s descendants and feeling that she had wasted her time. She had more important things to do than entertain Thistleclaw parading around his creation like some Twoleg’s prized fighting dog, as if his teachings were superior. Although she was impressed by Petalpaw’s performance, she scoffs at Thistleclaw for being too arrogant. 
Mapleshade challenges him with a smirk;
“Impressive, Thistleclaw. But tell me, when the beast you’ve shaped decides it no longer needs to be controlled...will you still be proud?”
—Mapleshade taunting Thistleclaw
Thistleclaw bristles with his ego flaring. He indignantly snaps back how Petalpaw wouldn’t dare, she is loyal and a beast would not be foolish enough to bite the hand that feeds.
Amused and satisfied by Thistleclaw’s defensiveness, Mapleshade leaves, letting him bask in his delusions. It was laughable that he thought he could outdo her. She dismissed the event as nothing more than Thistleclaw setting himself up for failure. It was only a matter of time before he came crawling back, the day he lost control of his little monster. What a waste of time. She had crossed the entire Dark Forest for this? 
She had more pressing matters. 
She had a life to ruin—Crookedjaw’s life.
The irony however, this was all according to Thistclaw’s plan. 
Arrogant and reckless though he could be, Thistleclaw was not stupid. He knew precisely how Mapleshade would judge him. He had played up his arrogance, baiting her into underestimating him, into dismissing Petalpaw without a second glance.
It worked.
Now, he no longer had to worry about Mapleshade’s scrutiny or the risk of Petalpaw ever crossing her path. Mother and daughter would never meet. 
Thistleclaw felt victorious and triumphant. The legendary Mapleshade, fooled by her own ego, had brushed off her own kin without a single moment of doubt. Too obsessed with her own pursuit of vengeance to even notice her daughter was under her nose.
But there is one simple truth he didn't consider.
Mapleshade wasn’t wrong. 
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justrandomfanficideas · 3 days ago
1-Kyou Kara Maou
A soulmate Au where when your soulmate touches you for the first time(skin to skin contact), it leaves the mark of their hand there or flowers bloom in that place.
So for normal humans, the touch of their soulmate leaves the mark of their hand in that place(the colour of the marks varies but more often then not it is the fav colour of the soulmate or the colour of their eyes) but mazokus and other species flowers bloom in the place where their soulmate first touches them.
First thing first, I may not be remembering right how things go on the anime since it has been a long time since I watched it but since this is an Au idea some things will be very different then canon.
The beginning is pretty much the same as canon but it changes that when Yuuri unknowingly and accidentally asks Wolfram in marriage, flowers bloom in Wolfram's cheek(I don't remember if Yuuri touched him before or not in canon so if he did...well, it didn't happen) to the shock and surprise of everyone present(and seconds later, happiness in some cases) while Yuuri is a bit confused until he realizes that his father had a similar mark that he never believed his mother when she told him that was the mark she left on his body when they first touched.
Of course that Yuuri started to mentally have an existencial and sexuality crisis while Wolfram wasn't happy that this unknown boy would be his king and was also his soulmate but if fate put them together then he would find out why so he called Yuuri but was ignored so he grabbed Yuuri's wrist(leaving his mark there) which took Yuuri out of his head.
As you can suppose Yuuri wasn't sure about anything as everything happened too fast so some canon things would happen still(maybe not the fight...or there could be a fight but instead of Yuuri vs Wolfram it could be Yuuri vs Gwendal who wouldn't accept just anyone to be his baby brother's soulmate?) as Yuuri came to terms that his soulmate was very pretty boy and Wolfram got to know Wolfram.
Anything else is up to the writer but I thought of a scene where Yuuri goes back to Japan and in school one of his friends notices his mark and starts asking who was the girl who left that mark, why did he not tell any of them, etc until a classmate appears and tells Yuuri that a beautiful blonde boy was looking for him(this happens at the end of his classes) and Yuuri grins already knowing it is his soulmate so he ignores his friend and makes his way to where Wolfram is waiting for him at the gates(I just love fics that have Yuuri's human friends meet Wolfram and what relationship they have).
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lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom · 3 months ago
Summary- Dae-ho wakes up from a nightmare, with you being the only one by his side to calm him down.
Warnings- Mentions of PTSD, Nightmare, ECT.
A/N- Thank you, @tomgregtruther101 @errruvande @momoko-world @thethreeeyed-raven for encouraging me to write this!
Word Count- 1,223
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A low mumble awoke you from your slumber. Typically you were a heavy sleeper, but when it came to Dae-ho it was different. You could have slept through a firework show. Though, the second your beloved got up to use the bathroom- you're up with him.
It bothered the sweet man at first, he hated waking you up. After some reassurance that you didn't mind, he warmed up to the idea. This night, however, was not like many.
It was not uncommon for Dae-Ho to wake up frazzled. He would get something warm to drink from the kitchen, and lay back down. (Praying he didn't wake you). On the much more common occurrence, you would awake with him. In turn, you'd be the one making him something warm to drink, possibly something sweet to snack on. Then the two of you would cuddle until he was fast asleep.
It was honestly comforting for you as well, being able to be his anchor was flattering. He trusted you like no other.
Dae-ho was not Frazzled though, and he didn't wake up to get a beverage.
He was thrashing, hard. His legs slightly kicking, arms jumping up every few seconds. With an impossibly scrunched face, he mumbled again.
"Dae?" You whispered out. The only response you received was a hit to the side, a stray flaring hand had got you.
The mumbling quickly turned louder, now sounding like a cry or groan. It worried you beyond recognition.
"Dae-ho." You pressed a gentle hand to his shoulder. His body jerked away from it. Very uncharacteristic.
A disfigured 'no' left his lips, a struggled sob escaped. He had managed to kick the comforter off of himself, and the bed.
You were now sat on your knees, looming over him. "Dae-ho!" You firmly grabbed both of his shoulders, shaking him.
A loud gasp erupted from both of you as his eyes shot open, you had no time to make a comment. His legs pushed and kicked, separating himself from you. At that singular moment, in his fear struck mind, he didn't seem to recognize you.
He had already found himself against the headboard of the bed, his hands pressing tight against his ears. You had barely blinked in all his movement.
With gaping eyes, a pounding chest, and heavy breathing he looked at you. Almost as if you were the one who hurt him.
"It just me, Dae-ho, its just me..." You spoke as soft and low as you could. You didn't approach any closer, but put your hands up to appear less intimidating.
His eyes just darted across the room in response, body curling further. His lip quivered, face and body drenched in sweat.
"You're okay, you're safe. Dae, you're safe. It's just me... It was just a nightmare, everything is okay..."
He swallowed thick, slowly nodding his head. His gaze now stuck on yours. His scared and nerve wrecked appearance crushed you. It was opposite of the man he appears to show to everyone, only you knew of his nightmares.
"I'm going to come closer, I promise I'm here, I'm real, you're at home. Safe in bed..." You shuffled over on your knees, hands starting at his forearm.
He slightly flinched at your touch, but made no attempt to move away. Your hand caressed across his arm, going to his own hand. You tenderly unravel his tight grip on his head, tangling your fingers in his.
A large sigh left him, his head falling back in frustration. He was now back to reality, though still beat and weary. Water glossed over his eyes. He bit his lip hard, trying to fight away any tears. He thought it would make him seem less of a man to cry in front of you. You couldn't disagree more.
"I'm so sor-" His voice cracked as he tried to speak, a couple tears has managed to escape. You didn't let him finish, his face was pressed deeply into your chest within seconds. He truly didn't know what he was apologizing for, for waking you? For having a nightmare? For his frequent PTSD attacks?
You had quickly taken his frame into your arms. He would have admitted that your knees pressing into his thighs was uncomfortable, but he didn't care right now. You were with him, holding him, and loving him. That's all he cared about.
"Don't you dare apologize, you've done nothing wrong." You cradled his head tight, pressing kisses to the top of his crown.
You managed to twist the two of you around, your back now against the headboard with him in your lap. He was quiet for awhile, you simply rocked him back and forth for a little bit.
His arms found themselves wrapped around your waist. He held onto you for dear life... Almost as if you'd fade away if he let go. You heard his breathing shake every few breaths, but he was calming down.
Continuing to rock, you reached your hands up to his hair. It was half up, half down. The hair tie pulled out of his hair easily enough. You were able to considerably comb through his hair with your fingers. A simple action you knew he loved.
While one hand worked at his soft black hair, another rubbed circles on his back. "Feeling better?"
He sniffled, leaning up to look at you. He couldn't meet your eyes, almost embarrassed. His meek, "Thank you." was accompanied by a nod.
You brushed through his hair, even with him sat up. "Want to talk about it?" You never wanted to pressure him into anything he wasn't comfortable with.
"Just the typical... but you were there, you were who I was shooting... It was like you were the enemy... I just- I can't describe it.. It made no sense-." His voice shook again, so you interrupted him.
"Exactly, baby. It was a nightmare that will never happen... Because I know you would never hurt me, that you would do anything to protect me?" Your tone implied a question.
He nodded furiously, now making direct eye contact. There wasn't a phrase he agreed more with. He looked at you like a loyal puppy.
"See? It was your sweet little mind playing mean tricks on you..." You rested a flat palm to his cheek. Taking in how handsome he looked in the moonlight.
He puffed, now more light hearted, and fell back onto your chest.
"I promise I will keep you safe from all the nightmares and mind games." He was frustrated at your words.
"But that's supposed to be my job..." He said, face conveniently still upon your breast.
You smiled warmly, "Yes, it is. And you fulfill it perfectly. I couldn't be happier. But, you must let me take care of you as well..."
He didn't respond, his internal monologue had a million points to argue back. But he didn't. He embasked in the moment, squeezing you tight again.
You took the silent request, resuming your back rubbing and head scratching.
From experience, you knew he would not fall asleep any time soon. That you'd probably fall asleep before him, no matter how hard you tried to stay up. All you could do for now was whisper how much you love him, play with his hair, and hum silly melodies.
And he was content with that.
A/N- Okay, so erm. I feel like it was rushed (it was), but I also feel that way about all my works. So... Please let me know how I can improve. Also this is my first time writing something like this, so I hope it wasn't terrible. XOXOXOX LOVE YALL
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ms-dead-inside · 5 months ago
Okay, but hear me out:
Murder baby Damian, but for whatever reason, his first attempt at Tim's life is put on pause, so they never have that interaction. Instead, before Damian can come up with a new plan, Tim (who's kinda excited he now isn't the baby of the family) offers to train him in detective work for when Damian finally gets the mantle of 'Robin' as a way to bond with him.
"Why train your enemy, Drake?"
"We're brothers, not enemies. Besides, Robin has always been a mantle to pass down. I'm certainly not going to keep it in my twenties or thirties. And other than Bruce, I'm the best detective in the family."
"Very well, Drake, I shall accept your tutelage for the time being."
Damian accepts, of course. Not only can he study Drake for his weaknesses, he will also improve his own skill set. It's worth the wait for Robin. By the time Damian's done, there will be no doubt that he is the superior bat.
Unfortunately, he actually grows fond of Timothy. While he will inevitably get close with Richard, just like in canon, Timothy is a breath of fresh air for when Richard is being too overbearing, especially when it comes to things like 'socializing,' and 'making friends.'
When his father dies, and Timothy declared him actually lost to time, Richard doesn't believe him, can't believe him, because the hope is too painful. Timothy still gives Damian Robin, because, "I'm barely holding on as Batman as it is. I can't handle Robin being gone for potentially months at a time, halfway around the world."
During his partnership with Richard, truly becoming his brother-son, Richard introduces the ideas of pets to him. Damian loves animals, and having and taking care of a creature that could potentially survive on its own, but will have a much better quality of life under his care, speaks to him. He has Alfred and Titus and about half a dozen other stray animals that usually stay for about a week while he nurses them to health at any given moment, but he feels like he should officially have another pet.
Que the whole thing with his grandfather, and Timothy getting kicked out of the top of a skyscraper. He comes home with proof, and the Justice League brings his father home. And as Dick basically refuses to let anyone leave the mansion for the foreseeable future, Damian realizes several facts:
1.) Timothy is a human, and humans are animals.
2.) While Timothy has somehow survived until now, he wouldn't recognize self-care if it slapped him in the face.
3.) Timothy's quality of life will improve if someone is taking care of him because he cannot be trusted to do it for himself. (Is it a coincidence that he loses organs when he is away from the family? Damian thinks not.)
4.) Damian has gotten good at taking care of animals.
Ergo, Timothy is now Damian's pet. Tim doesn't know what to do and simply humors him. Besides, it's nice when someone actually bothers to give him a plate of foods that he likes when he gets hyper focused on work and forgets to eat. That, and while he is exasperated every time Damian tranqs him, those are still the best sleeps of his life.
Jason finds it hilarious. Damian doesn't understand Richard or his father's reactions.
"Damian, Tim can take care of himself."
"Barely. Father, now that I am in charge of his sleep schedule, there aren't as many dark circles under his eyes. Even Alfred has commented that Timothy consumes less caffeine."
"Damian, he can't be your pet."
"Why not?"
"Tim's your brother; he's family."
"So are you saying that Alfred and Titus aren't family?"
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welcometothesewers · 1 month ago
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Sonata Part Two! I’ve finished drafting the second part of Sonata, and will be linking pages here as it updates! I’m so excited to share more of my story with you.💕
Part One
Table of Content
Page One
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queenendless · 2 months ago
A/n: As we are now in a new year, time to write on some new fandoms.
Rewatched S1 dubbed — and yes Aleks Le as Sung Jinwoo is the reason why cause he's so damn fine~! Listen to his voice as you read this, I insist! I just need to get my Sung Jinwoo fix. Therefore—
Pairing: Sung Jinwoo x F!Adult!Reader
CW: Explicit 21+ MATURE content inside. SOME SPOILERS but not much. Morning smut, implied mentions of suicide, reader got reincarnated as a humanoid magic beast and serves Jinwoo now.
DON'T PLAGARIZE, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE MY FANFIC WORK. Rather reblog like and follow pls n thx.
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"Wakey wakey." That teasing low purr in the crook of your neck had you giggling tiredly as the ticklish sensation pulled you out of slumber. Spooning you from behind, his legs entangled with yours, Jinwoo breathes in your scent, sucking tenderly. Taking his enormous hand that rested on your hip into yours, just to play with his fingers, made him smile.
“Don't go.” You murmur, raising that hand to brush petal soft pecks to his knuckles.
"Come on, now. I gotta get ready." His slurred gruffness were telltale signs he was in no hurry.
"The world is your kingdom now, Jinwoo. It'll still be there tomorrow." Your reassurance meant you curled further into your side of the bed, the tendrils of slumber creeping back in. His deep chuckle trailed butterfly pecks from your cheek, down the pane of your neck, then up to your ear. "Stay here with me, please."
"Even the Shadow Monarch needs to lead his guild." His words were one thing. His wandering hands were another story. "But, if you rather keep me in bed all day, I suppose you could persuade me." His very presence chased away the bitter freezing loneliness you were accustomed to, submerging you in his comfortable burning embrace.
"God, you're something else." You turned in his grasp, finally able to face him and shower him with your smooches, such smitteness brought warmth blooming within him. Not to mention his bulge rubbing against your crotch sent sparks shooting through you both.
Flashes of memories surfaced in your mind. Such a whiplash it is that the most powerful hunter in this world that you personally witness slaughtering every beast and human that dares stand in his way, soaked in their blood, could be the very same man that held such requited smoldering endearment for you.
The butterflies and flips occurring inside from every gaze, touch and word given are always worth it.
"God has been long gone from this world ... just Rulers and Monarchs now ... and yours is beside himself. To think his favorite beast on the streets ... is a lamb in the sheets~" That rumbling deep voice roughly heaved in between kisses. Opening your mouth so willingly had him grinning against you as his velvety tongue entangled yours, lost in the thralls of the passionate dance within. “My favorite~”
His sculpted hands slithered underneath your top, lightly brushing up against your sides, then your tummy. One hand stayed to fondle your cushiony mounds; he never gets tired of feeling you up.
"A human from another world ... reborn as a humanoid magic beast." Pinching, pulling and rubbing your pearls between his long sly fingers had you melting as your muffled mewling grew frequent. “Failed by those closest to you, abandoned to that pain and fear … a kindred soul.”
His other sly hand slips under your undies, cupping your dripping sex. Your moaning had him smirking as he nibbled your bottom lip in tune with his thumb insistently rubbing your clit and the tips of his fingers brushing around your cunt. "Isn't this what you wanted? To be touched by me? Your beloved King?"
"Mmm yes~" His voice always got you going, especially when those four fingers filled you up well, curling and scissoring in their trek straight to your burning core. "Aaah~" Your hips rutting into his hand got him bricked up through his sweatpants. "Nngh~" Wringing your hands through those dark messy locks and stroking along his shaved undercut got him trembling, all to reel him in and keep you as grounded as you could currently be in your haze filled state. "Don't stop~"
"So touch starved." Your sharp gasp was the sign he reached your bundle of nerves, prodding it with such vigor, stuffing you right up to his wrist, lathered up in your cream. “To let me be the first and only one to shower you with such devotion ... I'll forever be grateful for that blessing." Tears of ecstasy leave your e/c eyes and he kisses them away, his ebony bangs tickling your moaning burning face, the flames of passion stoked for you as you come undone. "My Queen~"
His creamy hand then pulled right out of your valley, leaving you desperately wanting him to fill up your emptiness. Your faith got restored, however, as he pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside, revealing the chiseled marble sculpture that is his physique.
He knows the sight alone makes your mouth water. Your hands traversed the panes of his soft firm pecs, that thick neck, those broad shoulders, even these sculpted biceps that flexed as his daily tasked push ups came with the added benefit of pushing down to your laying form, being enthralled by your rewarding kisses. Such reliable stability beneath that lean stature of resilience.
Your own eyes burned with the glow of enchantment, the image of who he used to be versus who he has become reminded you of yourself. How the physical and mental scars that plagued your old life for years on end shaped you into who you have become. A magic beast serving the Shadow Monarch. What a pairing.
His cream coated hand slips under his own waistband, pulling his beast free from its confines, using your cum as his lube to be more prepared.
His other hand cupped under your knee, draping your leg over his shoulder. "Wouldn't you rather I give you tongue~?" That low toned growl already got your other leg willingly draped over his other broad shoulder already as that mouth sunk into your wet folds.
“Yes love~!” Ripping such a concupiscent symphony outta your mouth. His other hand couldn't help but jack off to your venereal cries. The scorching presence his mouth gave as the starvation had him ravaging, suckling as much as making out with your now squirting folds.
His cheeks filled with your essence, dexterously aiming his tongue to drive you further up the tower of sins. Your spasming hips only buried his face deeper in, inhaling your scent as his nose got pushed in your pubes, his light yet sturdy weight. Those lidded silver eyes flashed violet as their predatory gaze marveled in your sweaty flushed expressions due to his ravenous gorging, your voice shrieking as you unloaded, his creamy covered lips curling swallowing gratefully.
“You're truly decadent.”
Your body and soul trembled in anticipation for what's to come; your legs falling off his shoulders to hug his firm hips. So did him, leading his dick slowly into your loosened yet smothering grip. "Let me make love to you." He grunted, you sucking him up as greedily as his cock started into the slow steady rhythm stroking your creamy grip.
“Fuck me! Please~! Don't stop~! Don't ever stop!” Your unhinged shouts of passion hit his ear as you hugged his neck, his own hot breath hitting your shoulder as he picked up the lace into the feverish fueled tapping; skin squelching and smacking noises bouncing off the walls.
“Fuck~! You’re heaven incarnate~!” Your sob filled yell riled up his necessity to bust his nuts in you even more. His feral groans in response had you squeezing him in a vice state, marking the side of his neck into a bruising suck, drawing scratches along his chiseled shoulder blades.
His own fingers dug into your rolling hips, finger shaped bruises painting your skin in kind, while his sharp teeth marked along your shoulder and neck, marking you as his and his alone, raising you further to the apex.
“I’ll fuck you until the world ends. This needy pussy deserves to be ravaged every waking moment. Every inch of you is mine to worship. Your beautiful womb filled up with my seed. That's my dream. To have you as my wife. To raise a family together. To make you Mrs. Sung!”
“Yes, Jin~! Yes~!” Your choked up agreement got lost in the sloppy, tongue filled kisses as you came a third in a row, making a cum circle around his shaft, painting his rippling thighs and the once pure sheets.
Your orgasmic greeting met with his, shooting right into your womb quite thickly, lifting you in his shredded grasp, externally and internally. Thrusting his still oozing libido into your heavenly valley like a madman to chase that euphoric high.
Your head limply rested on his shoulder like a pillow, fatigued mewls spilling out as the burning weight of his essence settled into your abdomen. Carefully setting you down on the bed, Jinwoo collapsed on his side, heaving slowly and deeply, his dazed eyes gazing at yours, glowing radiantly as the sunlight slipping in outlined your form.
Still submerged in you, now limp dicked, his muscular arm draped over you, pulling you both closer, all to have you curling into his slickened torso, breathing in your intermingled scent.
“Now call in sick.” Your weak request got him chuckling deeply.
“I will in a bit.” Curling your cascading hair through his fingertips, he caressed your pretty head, allowing the tranquil silence to linger.
“I love you, Y/n. So damn much. Thank you for being in my life, in this moment, and for the rest of our reign to come.” His whole being enveloped you in his bear hug of an embrace, drawing in your shared taste through an endearing kiss.
“I love you too, Jin. So damn much.” Your voice fluttered from the swelling of emotion taking hold on your heart, as you couldn't help but fall into the routine of peppering smooches all over that beautifully precious face of his.
“I'll love you. In this life and the next. Until the end of it all.” He vowed to you as you succumbed to sleep once again, smiling softly at your face, kissing your sweet lips once more before reaching out behind him for his phone, sending a quick text to Yoo Jinho about his impromptu work absence. His brother in arms was A-okay about, already suspecting fooling around with you being the reason why.
Jinwoo's next text was him dubbing Jinho as his best man at your upcoming wedding, already looking forward to seeing you on that sacred day, followed up by quite the steamy honeymoon.
He was already anticipating your future together, basking in the early morning, setting his phone aside as it filled with the following texts of congrats and excitement from his little bro, before joining you in the confines of dreams, cocooned in your shared comfy warmth, watched on by his shadow army in the corner, silently cheering for their master’s engagement with their future Queen Regnant.
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minibagelqueen · 5 months ago
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"...a rare moment of peace..."
Yes, that is a flower in Sokka's hair, yes Sokka has added his own shell accessories, yes he carved something for Zuko, who wears it around his neck. (What do you think he carved?) Yes, Zuko picks flowers because it feels like normality and he does everything he can to keep himself and Sokka sane. Which is no easy task! Will they ever find a way off of the island?
Really happy with this drawing, it's so tender and beautiful and still so simple. I think the scattering of flowers and empty shells just added to the piece.
What do we think? Should I try a coloured version?
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hairmetal666 · 11 months ago
TW for internalized homophobia and related bad decisions
Steve is 12 and he thinks about finding his soulmate all the time.
You're supposed to find them through touch; your life together will flash in front of your eyes. They're rare, though, soulmates. So rare that most people never find theirs. So rare that some people say they're made up.
Steve wants to be one of the lucky few. He wants it to be a true, unbreakable bond, a love he gets to have forever.
He wonders if he'll find his soulmate at school. He's popular, he thinks. Tommy would say they were popular. But Tommy's definition of popular mostly has to do with the number of kids he can get away with being mean to, and that's not really Steve's deal. Tommy is like a prey animal, the way he can find weaknesses.
There's a new boy at school. Steve doesn't know his name, but they have English together. He's too thin, with huge brown eyes, and all his clothes are too big. His head's been inexpertly shaved and he never looks anybody in the eye. It's only a matter of time before he catches Tommy's interest, and Steve wishes he could stop it somehow, but he's never been good at going against Tommy.
The day comes, of course. They're standing in the hall, the new boy walking towards them, head down, as always. Tommy nudges Steve says, "What a loser."
And Steve shrugs, starts to ask Tommy about football, if the Colts can make the Super Bowl, but the boy is nearing and Tommy is cackling.
"Watch this." Tommy sticks his foot out.
The boy doesn't react fast enough. He falls forward with a bitten off yelp, and Steve moves without really thinking, only knows he can't stand to see him fall. He catches the new kid beneath his armpits, Steve's thumbs brushing the soft skin his arms.
The world around him falls away at the touch.
He's sitting on the floor in the band room, Eddie--the boy's name is Eddie--next to him. Eddie's hair is a little longer and Steve's in a green polo he doesn't recognize, and he's never been in the band room in his life. They're leaning into each other and laughing and Eddie's so beautiful.
They're in the woods--Skull Rock, Steve thinks. Eddie's hair is curled and frizzed around his chin, and he's laughing, his cheeks pink, his dimples prominent. He tries to pull his hair in front of his face, but it's not long enough yet to reach. Steve is overwhelmed, wants to kiss him so bad. He's never had to wait to kiss someone, or been unsure, or--
He wants to kiss Eddie.
So, he does.
It's hard, desperate, not the first kiss Steve expected, but then they've been waiting for so long.
Steve stands in the hallway of Hawkins High. He's wearing a striped, beige short-sleeved polo, and flirting with Nancy Wheeler.
He likes Nancy, she's pretty and smart and fun. And it's easy. He can hold her hand. Can introduce her to his parents. Can take her on dates and kiss her in public.
She bats her big blue eyes at him, and he can't help but kiss her.
He pulls away gently, brushing his thumb against her cheek, and when he looks down the hall, Eddie is there, frozen. His mouth is wide, his eyes glassy.
Steve thinks the way his heart stutters must be what dying feels like.
He's sitting on his diving board, facing away from the pool. He smokes a cigarette and there's a bat studded with nails at his feet, what the fuck. Music thuds, shrieks and laughter seep into the cool night air.
He should be playing the gracious host. He should be having a good time. Instead, his eyes search the woods and he taps another smoke out of the pack.
"Harrington?" The voice makes him jump, hand flexing around the bat handle. "It's freezing out. What are you doing?"
He recognizes the voice now, doesn't turn, doesn't respond, can't stand to see another person he let down; another person who could call him bullshit and be 100% correct.
"Do you not have a jacket? C'mon, man."
Something warm settles over his shoulders, and he inadvertently breathes in weed and leather and cedar. He squeezes his eyes shut, like that will make the comforting, familiar scent go away. He'll have to move to shrug off the jacket, though, which would mean acknowledging Eddie's presence.
"Can you at least say something, Harrington? You're freaking me out."
"I'm fine, Ed--Eddie." The nickname falls from his lips too easily. He doesn't miss how Eddie flinches.
His hair is long now, down to his shoulders, brittle looking in the cold. He's wearing a t-shirt and worn flannel, arms wrapped around his chest for warmth now that his jacket is draped over Steve's shoulders.
Steve is an idiot. He's such an idiot. Chasing after Nancy when Eddie is--
"I'm sorry," he says. He turns to face his soulmate, then. "I'm sorry about Nancy, I--"
Eddie jerks back like he's been hit. "Fuck you, Harrington," he snarls.
He sits in the back of an ambulance, eyes swollen shut, face throbbing. He's wearing a sailor suit for inexplicable reasons, which is almost more upsetting than the ambulance. He smells like puke and something toxically sweet.
A girl is with him, one he doesn't recognize, but he feels deeply, instinctively protective of her. He holds her shaking shoulders tight, tries to whisper comfort to her through his busted and bleeding mouth.
He's pretty sure he has a concussion.
"Steve!" Someone screams over the sounds of the EMTs and firefighters, of the building burning and collapsing behind them.
Eddie bursts through the gathered onlookers and past the ring of police cars enclosing them. He's falling into the ambulance before Steve has a chance to react.
"Sweetheart," Eddie sobs. He tries to cup Steve's face, but his fingers flutter around the damage. "Sweetheart, oh my god. I came as soon as I heard. Are you--what can I--"
Steve stares at him--his hair falling from its messy bun, his cutoff Metallica tee, concern and love leaking from those brown, brown eyes--and bursts into tears.
They sit on the roof of his house, sharing a joint back and forth. It's chilly, bordering on cold, winter just on the horizon. They're laughing, leaning into each other, and Steve is--he's happy. Elated. Could float away with it.
Robin--Robin-- is in the bathroom, or maybe in the kitchen for snacks, and it's just them for now. They're looking at each other, smiles wide, eyes bright.
They're taking it slow. Steve knows it's important, after what he did. They talked about it, his abandoning of Eddie for Nancy, chasing what his dad told him was normal and expected.
He doesn't want to cross any boundaries, wants to do this right. How Eddie deserves. But they're leaning into each other and they're smiling, and he's so in love. Intoxicated with it, lost.
In the end, he doesn't know who makes the first move, just that they're kissing and it's like coming home.
He's in a building, a shed or something. It's musty and dirty, smells like oil and gasoline and a building left closed up too long. Eddie's in his arms and he's talking through hiccuping sobs.
"I didn't save her, Steve. I didn't help. I just left her there! She was broken in pieces and I--I--"
Steve holds him close, tight, squeezes his eyes closed to stop his own tears from falling. He never wanted this for Eddie, never wanted him involved. Thought he could protect him from all of Hawkins's terrible things.
They aren't alone. Robin is there, coming up to hold Eddie too, plus a redheaded girl and curly haired boy he doesn't recognize.
"We'll figure this out, Eddie." The boy promises.
"We won't let anyone hurt you. We know you didn't murder Chrissy," the girl says.
Steve is in a world he doesn't understand, and Eddie is his arms. Eddie is in his arms, and there's blood everywhere. He's not awake, he's not--his heart beat is soft and slow, too slow, and his breathing stutters, and Steve can't--
"Baby, stay with me." He begs as he runs across the dead and rotting landscape. "Eddie, please. Wake up, okay? Wake up for me. I need to--I need to know that you're alright."
Eddie stays limp in his arms.
"Please," he begs. "You can't leave me. We promised, remember? We promised we'd be together forever. The rest of our lives. Me and You. Our six little nuggets. You promised."
The portal back to Hawkins is less than a dozen feet away, he's so close. Eddie gasps to consciousness, but his eyes are still hazy.
"Hi, sweetheart," he mumbles.
"Hey, hi, you're doing so good. We're almost out, okay? We're almost out and we'll get you to the hospital."
Eddie reaches out a weak hand, touches the edge of Steve's jaw. "Love you, Stevie," he whispers. "Glad you were mine."
He goes still in Steve's hold.
The images come faster now--
A hospital room at Hawkins General, Eddie hooked to machines. Steve holds hands with an older man. They wait in terrified silence
Eddie propped in a bed, a bunch of kids around him, Steve and Robin at his side. His eyes keep sliding to Steve, like he's making sure Steve's real, that he's still there
Their bodies tangled together in a bedroom Steve doesn't recognize
Steve down on one knee in a marble room lit only by black and red candles, Eddie standing in front of him
Hand-in-hand on a cliffside overlooking the ocean. The Chief of Police, Jim Hopper, stands in front of them with tears in his eyes and a beaming smile on his face
In a big, green yard behind a cozy little house. A little boy with Eddie's eyes and curls riding on his shoulders. Eddie sprinting around with a tiny girl giggling after him, perfect imitation of the King Steve hair-do on her tiny head
In a park, surrounded by family and friends. Steve has a little bit of a paunch and wears glasses. Eddie's hair streams around his shoulders, going grey at the temples. There's a banner strung between trees proclaiming 'Happy 20th Steve and Eddie!' They're surrounded by everyone they love and it's perfect
The images flash too fast for Steve to catalog after that, seconds-long glimpses of a shared future, and then he's back in his body in the hallway of Hawkins Middle, still holding too tight onto Eddie's arms.
Eddie rears back, face pale and terrified, and Steve is too shocked to do anything but let him go.
Tommy's yelling, but Steve only has eyes for his soulmate, who scrambles to his feet and throws himself down the hall away from them.
"What the hell, Harrington? Why'd you catch him? That was about to be funny as hell! I bet he'd have broken his nose--you ruined it!"
Steve isn't listening. He's trying to hold on to the memories of their life together, the ones that are already fading.
The last thing he remembers is that, sometime in the not-too-distant future, he'll find his way to the band room, Eddie Munson, and the rest of their lives.
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cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu · 6 months ago
Need a story where Arthur is a ghost who follows Merlin around all day and only in dreams can he communicate and touch Merlin. But to Merlin, he thinks it's not real that he's imagining the Arthur in his mind because no way would Arthur, his golden King would ever call him precious or beautiful, it's just wishful thinking on his part.
So Merlin lives a long life without knowing Arthur is there with him, this time it's Arthur's turn to watch and protect Merlin from the shadows as the warlock once did when Arthur was alive.
Arthur could've stayed in Avalon til he was needed yet the urge to return to Merlin is powerful, although he entrusted the care of Camelot into the hands of Guinevere and Leon he could not do the same of Merlin, and only upon his death did he finally realise why.
He was in love with his best friend. Always had been.
And so it is with great stubbornness and a helpful hand from Freya, whom he just found out was Merlin's first love, he frees himself from Avalon and returns as a spirit that guards Merlin's dreams from nightmares and fights off evil creatures that want Merlin's magic or wish to claim Merlin for themselves...and if some of those creatures happen to be humans who wanted to court Merlin well, he's not going to make it easy on them, on his knight's honour he will protect Merlin's virtue!
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godmadeaterribleerror · 3 days ago
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Chapter 2 - Hell to Raise
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist
Author's Note: I also love putting men named Sam in the middle of places where they're third wheeling like crazy and full of regrets. Enjoy!
Chapter Title from Sleep to Dream by Fiona Apple
Word Count: 10.9k
Chapter Summary/Warnings: Against his will, Bucky crashes your dinner with Sam. Contains usual tags.
Tags: Bucky Barnes/Female Reader, enemies to friends to lovers, canon divergence, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
Read on A03!
“Where are we going.”
“I don’t know.”
Bucky frowned. “What do you mean, you don’t know. You’re driving, Sam, you should know-“
“I’m using the GPS, genius.” Sam snapped. “I just punched in the address she gave me-“
“She gave you? I thought you were choosing where we were going-“
“Don’t know why you did, cause I never said I was-“
“You said you were getting dinner with her-“
“And we are-“
“How do you know we’re going to get dinner?” Bucky crossed his arms, glaring at Sam in the dim light of the car. “Maybe we’re going to her apartment, or a warehouse, or a damn club or something-“
Sam snorted. “We are not going to a club, you paranoid asshole. She ain’t exactly the club type.”
“Her file would suggest otherwise-“
“Her file is her on paper. You know better than anyone that people aren’t always as they appear on paper.”
Sam raised his brows, shooting Bucky a smug got you there look, and Bucky’s frown deepened to a scowl. He did know that. He still didn’t fucking trust this. Any of this. 
He’d spent all day trying to find a way to go back on his agreement. He’d sent Sam a dozen texts about how he’d be more useful out in the field—filled with examples about how he knew Hydra and how they operated better than any computer, hated them more than any person, and had a tendency to throw himself in the line of fire that Sam called stupid but Bucky called helpful when fighting monsters—only to have almost all of them ignored. 
The only response he’d gotten had been two hours ago, and it hadn’t been the calling it all off text he’d hoped for.
Sam Wilson
B ready when i get there
wear a nice shirt
Bucky had glared at the message for about ten minutes. He didn’t want to wear a nice shirt for this stupid dinner. He didn’t want to go to this stupid dinner. It was a waste of his time, and it was a waste of his body. He was meant to be a weapon, not a shield. This was, if anything, a Captain America job. Righteously protecting someone who probably didn’t deserve it.
He was the destroyer, not the protector. If Sam wasn’t being so stubborn, the asshole would’ve realized that Bucky’s body should be used as the gun or the fist, and nothing else.
But Sam wasn’t going to cave to that. And the only reason Bucky hadn’t locked his door and ignored Sam when he shouted from the hall for him to get moving—apparently they were, somehow, already going to be late—was because he knew that he had to do this.
That was the other thing he’d done all day. Found reason after reason that he needed to at least meet Her. He’d read Her file five times, failed to crack Hydra’s code after nine attempts, and studied her apartment and office layouts until they were branded onto his brain. 
And Bucky didn’t trust anyone to handle the properly. To handle Her, and whatever She was hiding, with the appropriate vigilance. And that wasn’t because he was paranoid, it was because none of this made sense, and Bucky wasn’t blinded by some previous care like Sam was. He’d be able to see through cracks and facades Sam couldn’t. He was trained to find them.
And he knew they were there.
Because nothing about Her made sense.
Her history had odd holes and tears that seemed sown and patched and pieced together with gauze instead of glue. Covered so that Bucky couldn’t figure out what was being hidden, but not done well enough for him to not notice that something was off. 
She was a community college dropout, and She ran the Stark Foundation. Her parents were both dead, but that didn’t track either because She’d never been in foster care. Her entire childhood seemed like it had been taken out of some picture book instead of lived. She was so beautiful Bucky had been forced to tape over Her photo, and he was a little worried he wouldn’t be able to breathe if he saw Her in person. 
Everything about Her seemed designed. Fabricated. Made.
It stirred a strange feeling in Bucky’s gut that had pulled at him in Romania, before the whole accords mess. It had tugged him before the snap, and every time he’d spoken to John Walker, and it was made of years of knowing what wrong felt like. When something was unjust or important, but he didn’t have the power or strength to change or alter it because he was only Bucky.
He’d never known how to really change anything at all. 
Another stupid reason for him to do Sam this favor. If She really was up to something—if that gut tug was what Bucky thought it was, and the unjust thing was how She might be manipulating Sam or working with Hydra—this would be a shot to try. To make further amends, only with a name he hadn’t put on his list because he hadn’t known it before yesterday. 
And he wouldn’t tell Sam, but he’d tried to remember Her. To see if She was lost in the fog of Hydra, to push the mauled and weakened pieces of the Soldat to the top of his head and test if he remembered Her.
He hadn’t. Neither Bucky nor the Soldat—in more fogged memories Bucky usually was more than okay with smothering—had any sort of recollection of that name before Sam said it, and if She was Hydra and this was a ruse, it was a well-crafted one, and She was going to be a clever, careful woman. 
She seemed like She could be, if Her file and how Sam had spoken of Her were any indication. She didn’t seem like some sort of docile creature, and when Bucky had peeled back the tape over Her picture one last time—checking that She was still there, still beautiful—that strange thing was still shifting and humming around behind Her eyes. It still seemed dangerous.
And that was another thing that clashed about Her file. If it had been presented to Bucky without a photo or explanation, he would’ve pinned Her in his head as sweet, a little shallow, and bright like a crystal on a chandelier. 
Grabbing the glow from a candle and casting it out with color. More decoration than person, and happy with it. A history of moving up the ladder with soft smiles and innocent words, good but in the way that was easy. Non-complex.
Good because they’d never known real pain—not the kind of pain that haunted Bucky, with blood and iron and an infection over his heart—so good had never needed to be a struggle.
And he didn’t know why She wasn’t that. Why She was someone Sam spoke so highly of, when by all logical conclusions she should be a spoiled brat or entitled little girl.
Bucky didn’t like not knowing something. Not being able to work out this puzzle, and being stuck in a loop of that gut feeling. Having to trust Sam, but Sam trusted Her, and Bucky didn’t believe a single thing about Her. He could see that there were massive gashes and stains on whatever painting She’d turned herself into, and it set his spine rigid and his head on edge.
So he’d kept pushing himself further, and further, and further, all of last night until he had a migraine, and the air of the world was suffocating. 
He’d spent the earliest hours of the morning—the light in his room gray and shifting through the blinds like prison bars—glaring at the ceiling and playing his silent, grounding game until every single nerve in his body felt like it maybe had the right to exist. 
His name was James Buchanan Barnes. His phone was dead, and his lamp was off. He liked the chirp of the birds outside his window, because it reminded him that there was life around him that he hadn’t broken, and there had never been birds in Russia. He hated that he’d had to cover all the mirrors again, because when the world got this weighted and painful he couldn’t stand to look at his reflection. He needed to sleep, because everyone kept saying it was good for him, but he wasn’t going to, so instead he needed some coffee. He wanted not to do this, because even if he had to, the whole point of wanting things was to know that they were possible, but not promised.
And Bucky fucking knew that. Another reason to keep the wanted part of the game was practicing the possible part. Things could be possible now. And Bucky never got what he wanted, so he was already very good at the not promised part.
It was why, in the car as they hit a point of no return—being too close to the end of the drive for Sam to ever agree to turn around and let Bucky go home—he didn’t expect any sort of relief as he gave one last protest.
“You could still hire a group of guards.” He grunted, narrowing his eyes at Sam in the dark. “You’d get a discount, if you use the Captain America thing.”
Sam snorted. “What kinda bodyguard company is givin’ discounts to Captain America-“
“You got a discount from a hotdog stand last week, this would be like that-“
“That was Carlos. I saved his cat once.”
Bucky frowned. “Since when are you saving cats-“
“Didn’t mean to. Just happened.” Sam shot him a wide, mocking grin. “I’m just that great of a hero, Buck. Lookin’ out for the everyman-“
“Every cat.”
“Animals are people too-“
“No, they’re not. They’re animals.”
“People are nothin’ more than beasts, man. You need to take one of your college courses on biology, think they might have missed some stuff back in your cinderblock shoe days-“
Bucky rolled his eyes. “We were poor, not street urchins. And,” he sat up a little straighter, grabbing the opportunity. “I’ll get the time to take that course, if you let me out of this-“
“Nah, I’m good. You’ll find the time yourself, Buck, it’s not like it’s a consuming gig. You’re just gonna have to sit in her office and make sure nobody gets murdered.”
Bucky scowled, sinking back down into his seat. “You’re the one who’s been on my ass about furthering my modern education.”
“Yeah, but that online college shit is a scam, man. I told you that-“
“I am not doing that veteran GED group. Stop suggesting it.”
“But the teacher is hot, Buck.” Sam wiggled his brows, and Bucky was going to punch the grin off his face. “Just your type.”
Bucky gave Sam a flat look. “What exactly do you think my type is, Sam.”
Sam paused, and Bucky regretted asking the question in a second as Sam’s smirk split into a shit-eating grin.
“Warm body, nice face optional?”
That was it. They were only going about 40, this wasn’t a highway, and Bucky had survived much worse than jumping out of Sam’s Jeep-
He froze, and pulled at the door handle again. It didn’t budge.
“Child-lock.” Sam shrugged, his body far too casual in the seat for how he was almost certainly about to be stabbed. “Knew you’d try to jump ship, and we shook on this. You’re stuck here until I got this whole mess sorted out.”
Bucky blinked at him in disbelief. “We didn’t shake on it-“
“Yeah, but it’s about the principle-“
“Shut the fuck up-“
“Look, man. I need you for this. And if you break my door, you’re fixing it and paying me for emotional reparations.”
The glower on Bucky’s face didn’t waver, but he did stop pulling at the door. He had a feeling that, even if he did get out of the car before they reached the restaurant, Sam would still track him down and make him go through with this.
“I hate you,” he grumbled, and Sam only laughed.
“I hate you, too.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “You never responded to my suggestion.”
“I saw all the texts. She’s got a job, she can’t just go on lockdown.” Sam frowned at the road. “Wouldn’t work anyway. She’d get around it somehow.”
“Get-“ Bucky shook his head, and added another thing to his list of facts about Her. Clever or slippery enough for Sam to be worried that she might, somehow, get out of a locked down and monitored Stark apartment. “Not that. I mean the group of guards. I’ve heard about this thing called Craigslist-“
Sam snorted. “We are not hiring bodyguards of fuckin’ Craigslist. Who the hell even told you about that-“
“Google. And if we’re not using that, there’s gotta be something else so I can focus on helping you, Sam.” Bucky sighed, running a gloved hand over his face. “I’ve told you, I’m not going to be good at this-“
“Yeah, you are.” Sam dismissed him with a shrug, his words flat and firm. “You got the whole brooding, stoic guard thing down. You’ll be great, Buck, you just gotta believe-“
“I’m not talking about guarding. I’m talking about your friend.” Bucky said Her name, and it sounded different than when Sam said it. Sam had said it like it was a name or a poem or something important. Bucky said it like it was a code-word, but to him, that’s all it really was. Needed to be. 
If he couldn’t get out of doing this, he’d probably have to learn to say it like a least a real name.
For now, he had bigger problems.
“I told you, Sam, I read the file. Just because you two are close or whatever, doesn’t mean we’ll be-“
“Damn, here I was thinkin’ you’d made her a friendship bracelet.”
“I don’t know what that is, but-“
Sam cut Bucky off with an almost offended expression. “How’d you not know what a friendship bracelet is-“
“Believe it or not, I’m still a little behind on the past eighty years-“
“But I played you that Taylor Swift song-“
“In the car last month!”
“I wasn’t paying attention.” Bucky shrugged, narrowing his eyes. “And I’m being serious, Sam. If she tries to make me her butler or something, I’m out-“
Sam waved him off, his voice flat. “She’s not gonna make you her butler. That’s not who she is.“
Bucky sat up in his seat, watching Sam carefully. Another opening, this one for more information. “How’d you know who she is, anyway? You never told me how you got into a crowd of New York socialites. Doesn’t really seem like you, buddy-“
“Don’t call me buddy.” Sam muttered, frowning at the road. “And she’s not a- It’s complicated. But she’s not like that, I promise.”
“You sound sure-“
“I am sure.” That was a snap. Sam had snapped. It was serious. “She’s a good person, Bucky. One of the best I know, she’s just got a complicated past.” Sam gave him a side-eye, and Bucky did not fucking appreciate it. “Not like you’d know anything about that, though.”
He scowled. “It’s not the same-“
“No, but it’s more similar than you think-“
“You gonna tell me how-“
“No.” Sam shrugged. “Not my place. But she’s more than that file, and I’m just tryin’ not to let my one of my best friends die at the hands of Hydra, Buck. You don’t need to love her, you just need to keep us from attending another damn funeral.”
Bucky’s hands curled into fists as he glowered out the window.
He hated when Sam was right.
“I thought I was your best friend.”
“Aw.” Sam smirked at him. “You jealous? Gonna wear a friendship bracelet if I make it for you?”
“I still don’t know what those are,” he muttered, and Sam hummed.
“They’re like, letters and beads. Don’t really know, I’ve just seen them online. And you don’t have anything to worry about-“
Bucky rolled his eyes. “I’m not worried-“
“Yeah, because I’m reassuring you.” Sam grinned at him. “You’re my best friend, Buck. She’s more like the sister I never had.”
Bucky paused. He hadn’t seen Sam hit his head, but he still needed to check.
“You have a sister, Sam. I’ve met her. Sarah.”
He kept his words slow, cautious, and Sam just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“I know that, man. That’s why I said she’s the sister I never had. Sarah is nice to me.” 
Bucky grunted as Sam turned into a small, clean parking garage, and added another fact. She might be mean. Not a bitch, and likely not cruel—at least on the surface—because Sam’s tolerance for truly bad people seemed to start and end with Bucky, although Sam would insist that Bucky wasn’t a bad person.
And he wasn’t right now. But he knew he had been. And he knew that he had the capacity for it.
And everything had still been off about Her past, so it was another thing to keep an eye on Her about. She was beautiful, Sam liked Her—enough to compare her to Sarah, which was higher praise than Bucky had thought She’d be offered—but nothing about Her made sense, and She might be mean.
Bucky scanned around the mostly empty garage, placing about five, fancier cars, at least seven cameras, and not a single flickering light or abandoned piece of trash on the pavement. There was a glowing, smooth and golden sign over the entrance to the restaurant, which meant they wouldn’t have to go outside at all. There was jazz playing over a speaker from inside that wasn’t horrible. He could see the velvety, rich colored furniture through the glass doors, and the carpet had those weird, fancy swirl pattens. The only people besides himself and Sam were a woman standing near the entrance—wearing an obvious uniform—and a security guard who was fidgeting with his belt.
No threats.
“This the place?”
“Seems like it.” Sam muttered, shaking his head as he looked around them with a frown. “Motherfucker.”
Bucky blinked. Everything was fine, as far as he could see. The unsettling gut instinct was dormant, and this place looked fancy, which meant it would have good security. But Sam looked tense, almost stressed, and his was sitting too tall in his seat as he grabbed his phone and started swipe at the screen with a glower, so something was off-
“She always does this,” Sam muttered, glaring at the restaurant. “And I never- This one is on me, I should’ve checked the damn address-“
Bucky’s slow words were cut off by Sam grabbing his bag from the backseat, shifting through it with a scowl. “I’m gonna kick her ass,” he muttered. “Gonna tell Happy she’s been stealing papers from the office-“
“Stealing papers-“
“They’re her papers. She won’t get in trouble. She can’t. She freakin’ runs that place.” Sam scowled between his bag and the phone, angled on his lap where Bucky couldn’t see the screen. “Shit, Bucky, how many credit cards you got on you-“ 
Bucky frowned. “I don’t have a credit card, Sam. I barely have a social security number-“ 
“Cash then. You got cash?” 
“Why would we need cash-“
Sam grunted Her name, dropping his head back on the seat with a long groan. “She’s tryin’ to kill me. Need to start vetting these places-“
“Sam.” Bucky hissed, making his voice firm. “Are you going to actually tell me what the fuck is happening?”
Sam sighed, and passed Bucky his phone without a word. Bucky scanned over the screen with a tight frown, and it was just a menu. Italian food, which Sam usually liked, and a lot of different options, and-
Bucky’s grip on the phone tightened, and he felt his eyes widen as he turned to stare at Sam.
“That had to be a misprint.”
“It’s not.” Sam muttered, glaring at the roof of the car. “For her, it’s actually on the cheaper side.”
“This,” Bucky pointed to the phone, shaking his head. “Is not fucking cheap, Sam-“
Sam shrugged. “For a Stark associate it is-“
“It’s insane, that’s what it is-“
“I know that, Bucky, but-“ Sam ran a hand over his face, his words slightly muffled by the gesture. “Hell, man, this is what she does.”
“What, pick a place so fucking expensive it’s going to make us bankrupt-“
“Yeah, so we can’t pay.”
Bucky paused, frowning back to the phone, then Sam. “What.”
“You saw those prices, man, ain’t no way we could afford that-“
“I’m got that, I’m asking what you mean so we can’t pay-“
“Means what it means.” Sam shrugged. “Since she made it in the big game, she always choses somewhere stupid fuckin’ fancy to meet so I have to let her pay for everything. It’s real annoying.”
Bucky frowned, and couldn’t really find a place for that fact to fit into his internal log about Her. He didn’t even know what he would be logging. Annoying to Sam, even if they’re friends. ‘Made it’ in the big game, which Sam didn’t say the way Bucky thought he would. Doesn’t like making Sam pay for things, even if he wants to, which would imply some sort of antagonistic virtue Bucky didn’t have a name for.
“Least we managed to get here first.” Sam muttered, tugging his phone back from Bucky’s grip and flicking to what looked like his contacts. “Fuckin’ finally.”
“What-“ Bucky looked back around the empty lot, then to Sam. “I thought we were late?”
“Nah, I just wanted to beat her-“
“Beat her- You dragged me out the door like the world was ending-“
“She’s always insanely early, Buck. Didn’t wanna make her wait for your geriatric ass.” 
“You make me wait all the time-“
“You scare me less.” Sam sighed, lowering his voice slightly. “And she’s already gonna kill me. Don’t need to give her more reasons.”
Bucky frowned. “What’d you mean, more reasons-“
“Don’t worry about it.”
“I am worried about it. I wasn’t, but then you said not to-“
“So don’t.” Sam frowned at his phone. “We probably don’t got a lot of time, but if I call her before she-“
Sam’s words dropped off as loud, distant music filled the garage, and their heads both shot up on instinct. Headlights turned the corner, a very normal, boring looking car moved past them into one of the spots—further from the exit, parallel to where Sam had parked the, and closer to the restaurant itself—before the headlights dropped off.
The music kept playing. Really fucking loud, to the point that Bucky could almost feel the bass roll in his own chest, even as he was in Sam’s car and far down the lot. 
That was Her. The driver of the deafening car. Her face was shrouded slightly in shadows, her head was slightly tipped back, and Bucky could mostly only see her side-profile, but that was Her.
Bucky had spent enough time last night staring at and memorizing Her picture to know it was her.
And even if he hadn’t, the way Sam sighed and dropped his phone back into his lap was a dead giveaway. 
“Damn it.” He muttered, and Bucky grunted, mostly just focused on Her in the car.
She wasn’t getting out. Just sitting in the driver’s seat, Her hands tapping on the wheel. Her head was either bowed down in a motion like she was praying, or she was a hunchback, but it was hard to tell through the tinted windows. 
“She religious?” He asked, keeping his voice flat, and Sam frowned at him. 
“I don’t know, man. That important to you?”
“No.” Bucky muttered, his eyes still trained on Her. “What the hell is she doing.”
“Uh, wait-” Sam paused, angling his head slightly. “Ah. Song’s not over.”
Bucky ripped his gaze away from Her half-silhouette—She’d leaned slightly forward, and he’d been able to see the slope of Her nose and shape of Her lips, but one of his rules was supposed to be don’t look for too long—and frowned at Sam.
“She’s gonna finish the song,” Sam waved a hand vaguely over Bucky’s body, towards where She was still unmovingly parked. “But I know this one, looks like we caught it at the beginning. Gonna be a minute.”
“A minute?”
“Yeah.” Sam shrugged, shifting in his seat. Like he was getting comfortable. “You don’t wanna interrupt her, Buck, she’ll reign blood and murder or somethin’.”
Bucky glanced back to where Her car, curling his hands into slightly fists. “What’d you mean, or something.”
“Don’t know. Haven’t tested it since I made the mistake myself.” Sam shot him a sharp look. “I’m warnin’ you, man. You don’t wanna do it.”
He very much did. Bucky didn’t even want to be here, let alone wait for this lady to finish up Her loud, long, impossibly fast-paced and disruptive music so they could have food at the stupid expensive restaurant She’d chosen, so that Bucky could spend a portion of his life protecting Her beautiful ass- 
He assumed it was beautiful. He’d never seen it, but something about Her photo and the almost revenant way Sam had spoken of Her—like She was more wrathful god than breakable, mortal woman—made his imagination run wild and picture Her as beautiful in every possible way, but that didn’t matter. He’d told Sam he wouldn’t be Her butler, and he’d meant it. This was a damn favor, and She should be respecting that, and he didn’t care if Sam called him an old grump for this, he wasn’t going to wait around. The sooner they got started, the sooner they could be done.
“She made us come here.” Bucky muttered, scowling out the window, and Sam shrugged in his periphery.
“Technically, I made us come here-“
“Shut up. You know this song?”
“Think I do, yeah-“
“How long is it?”
“I don’t know, do I look like Spotify to you-“
Bucky flipped him off, not looking aware from where She still wasn’t getting out of the car.
He put his hand on the door handle, and gave Sam a firm, expectant look.
Sam sighed. “Bucky, I tellin’ you-“
“And I heard you. Open the door.”
“You’re gonna regret it-“
“I have bigger regrets.”
Sam smirked slightly. “You takin’ a philosophy course too?”
“Door, Sam.” Bucky grunted. “Now.”
“Alright.” Sam rolled his eyes, and reached for a button that better remove the child locks, or Bucky would break the window. “Your funeral, man.”
Bucky heard the click of the door, pushed it open before Sam had even leaned back and stomped out of the car. 
He didn’t have time for this. He didn’t want to do this. The music was so damn loud, and this was so fucking stupid, and it might be another thing to do. but She was still the reason Sam wasn’t letting him really help—really be fucking useful—so Bucky would not sit around as if he was waiting for Her goddamn permission to move. 
He banged a fist on the window when he reached her, She jumped in her seat, and looked up at him with wide eyes through the glass. 
Bucky’s tongue caught in his throat. He’d been ready to spit words about hurrying Her ass up, but they were gone. Turned to dust and wind as their eyes met. Sam had been right. It was his funeral.
There was nothing about Her that was obviously worrying or terrifying, but Her grip tightened on the wheel, then Her eyes narrowed, and Bucky felt… odd. Frozen. Not in the cold, stasis way Hydra had trapped him, but like he was being hung up on some sort of wall. Like a piece of art She was analyzing as they stared at each other through the glass, as Her eyes pierced and carved right into his soul. 
Then She rolled down the window, and Bucky had to drag his every bit of will and resolve together to keep his face set and angry. 
She was more beautiful in person. By far the most beautiful person Bucky had ever seen, quickly rivaling most everything else for the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Rocketing past sunsets in Wakanda and the view from the top of mountains where he’d felt amazingly small and human. Clashing with the night sky in the coldest parts of the world that few men dared to tread, but where Bucky had spent long days and nights, watching the stars shift and pass above him and glow off the snow. In front of him, Her beauty was that same impossible and strange and inhuman kind from the photo, where every divet and crook and bump on Her face looked as if it had been purposefully placed there. Bucky’s mind was already flipping back to his enhanced by Hydra to be extra beautiful for some reason theory, but his head moving slower than normal, because most of what he was able to do right now was hold Her gaze. 
Her eyes weren’t blank. They seemed to be painted over or covered with something, like a firm layer of ice over whatever was trapped inside Her that she didn’t want Bucky  to see. Her entire face seemed have that same element, like She was wearing an invisible mask that made Her seem more like a canvas than a person. She held Herself too tall, too still, like a statue. 
She was younger than he’d thought She’d be. In the photo, something in Her eyes had made him think She’d seen longest and harshest and darkest corners of the world—whether she’d been running from them or sought them out—and that would’ve required time. That combined with being a CEO made him put her in a margin of at least being around Sam’s age, but She wasn’t. 
He couldn’t tell how old She was. He couldn’t tell most things about Her, and that spurred his body into tension, because that wasn’t normal. 
Nothing about Her seemed normal. Not quite artificial, not quite human, but something in-between that tugged at Bucky’s gut and told him to stay alert. To be careful, because something about this was wrong.
He added a rapid fire list of things to his log about Her, as they glared at each other and he forced himself to get his shit together—this was exactly why he couldn’t look at Her too long, She was dangerous just by existing even if She wasn’t Hydra, and Bucky couldn’t afford distractions—so that he could finally do what he’d come for, and snap at Her over the music, still blaring in the background.
Her car wasn’t expensive, but the tires weren’t muddied, so She didn’t drive often, or She cleaned it frequently. It was likely the former, because the interior of the car was filled with trash. Her nails were neat, but not painted, and Her hair was done to stay out of Her face. Despite choosing the fancy restaurant, She was not dressed up for the occasion. She didn’t have any weapons that he could see, and her hands were gripping the wheel with white knuckles. She was making no movement to turn down the music, only watching Bucky with a silent challenge. Daring him to move first, and confident She would lose whatever game they were playing. She sat too tall not to be, and watched him with a dry boredom that could be taken for anger. 
Her eyes seemed to be brimming and boiling over with that thing, even as the veil remained, and Her breathing and heartbeat were casual. 
She was not threatened by Bucky leaning against Her car, glowering at Her and scanning over her face. She was either incredibly confident, or had no idea who he was.
She should know who he was. His hair was longer again, so he was more recognizable, and if She worked at the Stark Foundation she’d likely be expected to keep up with the news.
She seemed like someone who would keep up with the news.
She still wasn’t reacting to Bucky.
And he caved first.
“Turn your music down.” He grunted, and She raised Her brows, but still didn’t speak as She leaned back without breaking their eye contact. 
The music turned off.
Bucky didn’t know why Sam had been so worried about him. That had been easy-
“Why are you here?”
Bucky blinked. She had a distinctive voice. It would be easy to memorize, once he got Her speech pattern.
“Dinner.“ He grunted, forcing himself to hold Her gaze. “You know who I-“
She gave him a flat look. It felt like it pressed right up against his ribs. “Of course I know who you are, I own a phone with internet access. Why are you here.”
He scowled. “I already told you, dinner. Sam invited me.”
Her eyes narrowed, and there was a long silence as She watched him, before something flashed in Her eyes, right through the strange mask, and the expression on Her face shifted. 
Bucky still couldn’t read it.
But it didn’t seem good.
“Where is he.” Her words were neutral. Cool. It felt like a trap, but whatever shit Sam was about to get he probably deserved, so Bucky nodded his head back to the car.
She sat higher in Her seat, glaring past Bucky to where Sam was likely watching them. 
Bucky couldn’t be sure.
He was finding it hard to look away from Her to check.
“Fucking pussy.” She muttered under Her breath, before raising her voice to a shout. “Samuel, get the fuck out here!”
Bucky added another thing to his log. She could be very loud—Her voice echoing around the garage like a haunting, furious choir—and incredibly angry. 
He highlighted that last point as She scoffed and stood out of the car, pushed right past Bucky with a second glance, and stormed across the lot. It was like watching a small bundle of fire and wind and fury rush through the world. She walked with a purpose.
Bucky would apprentice that, other any other circumstances.
Right now he was just a little worried for Sam’s safety.
Sam was grinning at Her, when Bucky came up behind them. It was his careful, charming, I’ve never done anything wrong in my life ever grin. 
They were in trouble.
“Hey,” he said Her name carefully, nodding to Bucky over her shoulder. “Looks like you finally met Bucky, I’ve always thought you two would get on great, you know-“
“Shut up.” She snapped—something different in Her voice then when She’d been speaking to Bucky—and Sam listened. Bucky needed to learn how to do that. “I told you I didn’t need him.”
“Yeah, but it’s Hydra-“
“It might not be. It might just be a fluke-“
Sam gave Her a pointed look. “I know you don’t think that, kid-“
“And I don’t need him.”She pushed on, Her voice rising over Sam’s as she pointed over her shoulder. To Bucky. “I told you no, Sam, I told you to fucking drop it-“
“And I didn’t, because you might be in danger,” Sam’s voice was firmer than before as he said Her name again, but it still didn’t match Her fury. “This is Hydra. I ain’t lettin’ you mess with your safety when it’s Hydra.”
She let out a dry laugh, and when Bucky shuffled at few feet to the side, he realized what was different. 
The veil had dropped. And under it, She was different. Almost raw and pure, but like the night sky. Visible, but unreadable. Forceful. Powerful.
And a realization very slowly started to creep over Bucky, rising into his head and falling to its place, shifting everything around him and making his jaw clench.
“I am not in that much danger-“
“You pretty fuckin’ obviously are-“
“Sam.” Bucky grunted, not bothering to hide the fury in his voice. “Did you ask her if she wanted my service?”
She snorted. “Service? Are you an escort-“
Bucky rolled his eyes, shooting Her a glare. “You can shut it, kid-“
“Don’t call me kid-“
“I’ll call you whatever I want, long as I’m the only thing keeping you alive. And you,” he glared back to Sam, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Caught in a fucking lie. “Answer my question or I slash your tires.”
Sam sighed, looking between She and Bucky wearily, and shook his head. “No. But it’s cause I knew you’d both say no-“
“I would’ve said yes to a rotating group.” She hissed. “And you know exactly why I said no, you dickhead-“
“And I think it’s a stupid reason,” Sam muttered Her name, giving her a pointed look Bucky didn’t understand. 
He didn’t understand most of what was going on. But this was more than his usual confusion. This felt personal, like everything was off kilter just to spite him. They were arguing in a weird, cryptic, half-code he couldn’t follow, and She’d said she didn’t want him. Didn’t want Bucky. Not a guard, period, but Bucky.
That should’ve been a relief. He could just leave, because he wasn’t about to force his presence on anyone, and this gave him a reason to tell Sam to shove his better on babysitting duty shit up his ass.
But it stirred something furious in his body. Bucky wasn’t a saint, but he was good at his job. He was effective. He would be able to keep Her safe better than any group guard, he just hadn’t wanted to. And She didn’t know him, not well enough to hate him. He would think it was the whole former Hydra assassin thing if She was afraid of him, but she wasn’t.
She just didn’t want Bucky.
And nobody wanted him. 
But for some reason that his body and mind were grabbing by the throat and running with, Bucky hated that. She had no right to dislike him, even if it was a reasonable conclusion. She had no right to think She’d just win this, that Hydra wouldn’t crush Her all the same as they crushed their other enemies.
And maybe She wasn’t an enemy to Hydra. Maybe She didn’t want Bucky around because She knew he’d catch onto whatever she was planning. Because he was a real threat to whatever game She was playing.
He wasn’t going to take the out. It was right there—shining and clear and leading him back into a routine and mundane life that was not good, but better than before—and he let it fade away.
She and Sam were still arguing, so Bucky crossed his arms and raised his voice. 
“Are we going to go inside.”
They both stared at him for a long second, and She spoke first. “What-“
“Inside.” He drawled, narrowing his eyes at Her. “It’s over there, under a roof. With the dinner Sam promised me.” 
She tilted Her head at him, and even with the mask off and the equally beautiful—but worryingly potent and loud—creature revealed beneath, Bucky could still see that secret. A layer just below this one, looking almost tucked away. Hidden.
He could see it because he knew it. He had one of those horrid layers too, trapped at the base of his skull.
But he never lied about it. 
And there was no way he was backing out now.
“You think we’re still doing dinner?” She asked, and Bucky shrugged.
“I’m still hungry. How about you, Sam. You want some spaghetti?”
Sam, for once in his life, looked stunned out of words. “Yeah. I’m, uh, I’m kinda starvin’. We can keep talking inside, but just remember, most restaurants have a no-murder policy.”
She shot Sam a glare. “I’m done talking. That,” She pointed to Bucky, and it was a little too much like being on the barrel end of a gun. “Isn’t happening.”
Sam opened his mouth, ready to protest, but Bucky had it covered. 
“You know,” he said Her name, and Her eyes snapped to his with an almost impressive glower. “I’d be offended, if I gave a shit about your opinion.”
Her lips tightened, but She didn’t waver. She didn’t really seem like the type to waver. “And that’s lovely for you, Barnes. Stay out of this.”
He shook his head. “My friend asked me for a favor, and we shook on it. I’m not gonna let your funeral be the reason I deal with Sam crying again.”
Sam’s expression of pure confusion waved slightly with a frown. “I wasn’t crying, Bucky, it was onions-“
“I am not going to die.” She cut off Sam with cool words, standing a little taller, like She was trying to tower over Bucky despite still looking up at him. “And I don’t know what Sam promised you to babysit me, but-“
“I wasn’t promised anything.” Bucky shrugged, keeping his voice flat and dry. “I’m doing it for the love of the job.”
There was a long silence as they glowered at each other—Bucky wondered, if he glared hard enough, if She’d just confess to everything and this would all end in one night—and it was cut only by Sam clearing his throat.
“So, uh,” he looked between Her and Bucky with a weary expression. “Dinner?”
She hummed, still not breaking the stare. “Fine. Sargent?”
He felt his jaw tick, something rearing its head deep in his gut, deeper than the instinct of strange, at how She said that. Mockingly sweet, right on the edge of a sneer, with beautiful pouting lips and an arrogance that made his whole body burn. 
“James is fine.” He grunted, and Her mouth curved into a smile. It was wolf-like, as if She was getting ready to pull him apart with only Her teeth and devour whatever piece of him She could find. 
If She tried to, he’d be ready. She might still be that strange kind of beautiful, but Bucky’s will wasn’t easily broken by something as simple as beautiful. 
So whatever She was up to, Bucky would stop it. 
He’d be right there, keeping that careful eye he’d promise Sam on Her, and everything would be under control.
Bucky could keep this under control. 
You’re going to kill Sam. Captain America or not, he’s dead.
You’d told him no. You’d told him you’d be fine alone, because you know how to be. This was terrifying, maybe. You didn’t know what the hell was happening, certainly. You’d slept even worse than usual for the past two nights, your head spinning faster than you could keep up with as questions why, what did they know, what did they want, why you, why turned around in your head, absolutely.
But you’d be fine alone. It was probably an empty threat, and if it wasn’t, there wasn’t a single thing you have to offer Hydra. You don’t know any dark, secret information. You’ve never been a sole witness to any crime, or uncovered any conspiracy, and you’ve spent most of your life as nothing more than a bright accessory for people more important than you were.
And even after you became important yourself, it wasn’t as if you shifted the earth or rewrote political borders. You worked for a charity. You smiled for cameras and put on the show because you had to, then you curled right back up into your apartment with the Boy. 
You could’ve been fine alone. Sam had said I’ll give you Bucky, to keep you safe, you’d very audibly and clearly told him you’d be fine, Sam, and he’d given in.
The sneaky fuck had just given in—which should have been suspicious, but you’d been too tired to care—and then brought his stupid super-solider friend to what was supposed to be a casual dinner, because he still sees you as a kid that needs protection.
You’d feel bad for Barnes, if he wasn’t spending the whole night staring at you with a scowl that felt unreasonably personal. Sam had told you once that it was just how he was, and that if you ever met him, you’d catch on quick that he’s really more bark than bite.
But Sam seems to have been full of shit.
Barnes seems like he’s all bite. Not because of the metal arm you can see peeking under a sleeve, or the broad, strong build of his body, or even the targeted glower on his face. 
It’s his voice. Low and commanding, well-suited to his overall face and stature, but firm. Unbreakable. Only low grunts and dry words and measured, careful contributions to your conversation with Sam, like he’s trying to test the water for poison, but still plans to drink it regardless of the result. 
He’s watching you the same way, and the bite there as well. In his eyes. Silver-blue and focused on yours, no matter who’s speaking. His attention seems to be threatening to swallow you whole. It feels as if you’re an army rather than one person, and Barnes is working out his best plan of attack. Boring into your heart and head, and then a little deeper. Looking for something you don’t understand, because all of you is on a platter for him to see.
The show had ended almost the moment you put together that Sam had pulled this shit. It wasn’t like you’d meant to do the show at all tonight—you never did the show around people that really knew you—but Barnes had caught you off guard and it had slipped over you on instinct alone. He’d interrupted your music and hurdled you quickly to a white-hot edge of off, now everything is off, and you’d been ready to make some very graphic threats when you’d looked up and seen Bucky Barnes glowering down at you, the words had died on your tongue.
He looked really human. Not like a phantom story or cautionary tale. Just a man.
A very handsome, angry man. 
You’d seen pictures of him before—museums, history classes, the general news—but none of it had done justice to how handsome he was. If you weren’t you—if you knew how to have fun and let go and be just the right amount of whatever you were made of—you would’ve smiled at him and introduced yourself.
But he threw you off. And asked you to turn down your music. 
And the show had been to easiest way to keep yourself together in fractured pieces. Then you seemed to have pissed him off just by speaking and thinking and feeling—understandable, but he didn’t know that—and any desire to try and salvage something had withered and died.
Now, the most important thing had to be finding a way out of or around this. Around Sam and his belief that you’re nothing more than a delicate little bird. 
Around Barnes, and his annoyingly attractive face. 
He’s sitting up straight, turning his head just enough to give the restaurant around you a sort of routine check, and you hadn’t missed the quick, assessing scan of every waiter that’s moved through the room. He’s gripping his fork like a blade. He’d taken the seat that faced all the exits. 
And he’s going to take this seriously.
Which was exactly what you hadn’t wanted. 
You’d been willing to take a detached guard. A guard that kept you alive because Sam was right, and Hydra was nothing to mess with—especially when you still don’t know what they want—but who wouldn’t report to him.
A guard that wouldn’t turn right around and tell Sam anything you didn’t want him to know, because Sam may be Captain America, but you were smart, acceptably attractive on surface, and rich. You could easily get a group of too-large, brooding, lonely men to flip and work for you rather than Sam. And even if they didn’t, you’d be able to find your way around them. You’d talk Happy and Sam into letting you choose the group, and pick out a selection that didn’t really care. That let you do whatever the hell you wanted. 
A group that would turn a blind eye to him. 
That was the big thing. You don’t want Sam knowing how bad it is. That the worst dangers aren’t in the shadows and stalking you through the city, they live your apartment and send a curling chill through your blood every they move. 
A random selection of men will keep their heads down and do only their explicit jobs, and long as you play your cards right.
Barnes will not be that easy.
He’s loyal to Sam. You don’t think bribery or extortion will work on his solemn, resolved everything. If he sees how horrid your life has become, he’ll snitch to Sam and you won’t even have time to cover the bruises or come up with a good lie. 
If he finds out that you’re trying to fix the Hydra thing yourself, he’ll shut you down. Probably grumble something about how you don’t know what you’re doing, and tell you to keep pretending everything is fine while he and Sam handle it.
Everything is very much not fine. And you trust Sam with your life, but you will not be useless. You can’t be useless. You can’t let someone else fix this for you, because they never have before. 
You have always clawed your way through everything alone, and it’s worked. You’ve surived. You’ve becoming whatever you needed to be in order to do what you had to do, and you already have two working theories, while Sam has a grand total of zero.
The likely one—the one that Sam will probably work out on his own—is that you’re not the target. You’re the path. The leverage or outlet of Hydra’s wrath on someone else. They have greatly overestimated your importance to the men who’d held and used you like you were a very pretty, shiny pair of cufflinks, and now you have to deal with this because you try not to even remember their names, let alone what secret information on Hydra they might have told you.
And it wasn’t like they’d ever actually told you anything. You’d been a chase, then a hunt, then a prize, then nothing at all. You don’t tell trophies about your secret fascist business dealings. That would require valuing their opinion, and you weren’t sure a single one of those assholes had believed you had opinions. 
Which had been by design.
But it still meant Hydra was going to be tracking you with the intent to hold you as a truly useless hostage, or trying to scare information out of you that you simply didn’t have. 
And that was the easier theory. The one that made you relax, because whatever you had to offer them was null, so you’d be fine. Hydra would either work out that using you to get to someone else—either for money or information—was pointless, and they’d be better off kidnapping a random rat and asking for ransom. People would probably come together to free the rat. The rat might have emotional community value, or a little rat family. You couldn’t be sure of the same for yourself. 
Nobody would trade anything for you. 
And if Hydra was really watching you, they would work that out themselves. 
But second theory wasn’t as easy. It was worrying, and haunting, and dangerous.
The second reason Hydra could be after you was because of you.
Because of the thing.
You don’t know how they’d know. You don’t know what they’d know, or what they’d plan to do, or why they’d care. 
Nobody knows. You’re always so careful to ensure nobody knows, because there’s really nothing to know, but you still don’t want to make yourself into even more of a prize or pretty little toy. If people knew, then you’d become even more of a vessel, more of a statue, more of a caged animal. You’re already barely a person. You don’t need another way to be alone in your own head as your body continues to mold and morph, to survive and please.
If the thing is what Hydra wants, they won’t be able to use you as a weapon unless they transfer the bond to one of their own. You can’t do anything without the bond. Without the bond, they’d just be kidnapping a random woman and asking her to perform miracles. 
And that’s the theory that means you will have to be careful. But it also means no one else is going to be able to handle this, no matter how many resources and contacts they have, because they couldn’t know to look in any of the right places. Places you’d purposefully kept hidden and contained, and that you’re not about to reveal now. 
So you’ll fix this yourself. Quickly, so Sam and Barnes can get back to things that matter more than you. 
All you need to do is get out of this whole Barnes situation, and you’ll be able to fix this. 
“You still workin’ on that community plan for the VA?” Sam asks, and his smile is wider than usual, almost plastered on his face. “Cause I got a few buddies down in DC who’d be willing to throw their weight behind it-“
You snort, raising your brows at him. “Since when do you have buddies in DC-“
“Since I became Captain America. Everyone wants a piece of America’s best patriot-“
“I think that might be an abuse of power.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “I’m tryin’ to abuse it in your favor, kid. You tell me to reach out, you’ll get endorsements so far up your ass you’ll be shitting them out until May.”
You wrinkle your nose. “I- That is not a saying-“
“Could be.”
“No, it really couldn’t-“
“You want the backing or not?”
You sigh, poking your food with the fancy, half-useless fork. “No. We wrapped that up last week, and I think if I try to add anything more to it I’ll get another call from the board about paperwork and going rogue.”
Sam frowns. “You can go rogue at a charity? What, you donating too many blankets?”
“No, I just have no respect for the precedent.” You shrug, leaning further back in your seat and crossing one leg under your body. “No work talk, Sam. You’ll get me in trouble.”
Sam gives you a disappointed look. “You broke into the office again?”
“Broke in implies that it’s not my office-“
“At the Stark Foundation.”
You pause, frowning at Barnes. He’s still staring at you, arms crossed and face unreadable, and his words hadn’t really sounded like a question, but you’re going to answer them anyway.
“How’d you end up with that?”
You blink. “With my job?”
Barnes gives you a tight nod and grunt, and you shrug.
“The old director died in the Blip. Tony offered me the role, I took it, and I still have it.”
“Why you?”
You narrow your eyes at him, trying to find some sort of crack in his rough, firmly set expression that will tell you what exactly he wants to know.
“Why not me?” You snap, sitting a little taller, and Barnes blinks, but doesn’t back down.
“Don’t know,” he drawls. “Might be why I’m asking, kid.”
Your fingers dig slightly into the cloth of the table. “Well, James, I was just in the right place, at the right time, and it doesn’t really matter now, does it? I’m good at my job.”
Barnes just raises his brows. “And who’s told you that?”
“Everyone. For the past six years.”
“What about the old director?” He leans forward slightly, holding your gaze. “Where’d he head off, when everyone came back?”
You snort. “I’m pretty sure he just stayed in his coffin. He didn’t blip, he died.”
Barnes frowns. “But-“
“One of the many, many plane crashes that the Snap caused.” You hum. “Any other questions I can answer for you?”
“Yeah, actually.” Barnes says, and you’d been right. His voice is what’s telling you to be careful, because it’s rough and deep and almost sounds like a weapon of its own. “You know what type of security system your building has? I’ll need access to it.”
You scowl. “No.”
He gives you an almost taunting look. “No, you don’t know?”
“No, you’re not getting access to it. I said I’m not doing this, and I was serious-“
“Afraid that’s not really up to you, doll.”
Something prickles over your skin at how bored and flat his tone is, rooting around in your skull as you suddenly feel a little too small under his gaze. The same way you’ve felt for too much of your life. Not a person, too much of a person, better as only an accessory or art piece or oversaturated giggle and smile, better putting on the show and being the doll-
“Don’t call me that.” You snap, raising your chin as you hold his gaze, and his eyes narrow on yours, but he doesn’t say anything, so you push on. “I do not need a bodyguard, and I’m sure you’re not eager to do this either-“
“I made a promise-“
“And that’s amazing for you, but I’m afraid you’re going to have to break it. I’m sure Sam will recover from the emotional damage.”
“He won’t if you die.”
You roll your eyes. “I mean, yeah, but I haven’t died yet. Statistically, that means I might be unkillable-“
Barnes hisses your name, and it sounds strange when he says it. Not really like a name. Likely something either far more, or far less. “This is not a game. If Hydra really is after you, they aren’t going to be pulling punches or playing fair. You can get your group of rotating guards, or you can have someone who knows what the hell they’re doing.”
“You? I could have you?”
His blinks again. It seems to be the equivalent of a visceral reaction from him. “Unless Sam can find you another ex-Hydra super soldier, yeah, do you-“ He cuts himself off with another blink. “I’m what they’re offering. Take it.”
“Or leave it?”
“I didn’t say that.” he grunts, and you roll your eyes. “Take it.”
You’re running out of ways to get out of this. 
You’ll keep trying anyway.
“You know,” you drawl, spinning your fork between your fingers as you give Barnes a mockingly intrigued look. “I don’t think you count as ex-Hydra.”
He frown somehow deepens. “What.”
“Ex-Hydra implies a voluntary complicity to their actions.”
Two blinks. Progress. “Why are we talking about this.”
“Because,” you hum, and when you glance at Sam, you’d think he’s watching a tennis game the way his gaze is bouncing back and forth across the table. “If your pitch is that you’re ex-Hydra, and you’re not, then your pitch is invalid, and-“
Sam snaps your name, giving Barnes a strange look before turning back to you. “Stop tryin’ to Jedi mind-trick out of this. You’re gonna give poor Bucky a stroke before he even has a chance to save your ass.”
You scowl. “Nobody’s saving my ass, Sam. My ass is fine where it is-“
“I’m sure it is,” Barnes mutters, and you shoot him your most venomous glare.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean-“
“It means,” he sneers, and this time you get a nostril flare. He might be furious. “Like we’ve told you, Hydra isn’t going to play fair. It’s not going to matter how high profile or status you are, they’ll find you, and they’ll do what they want unless you stop being a stubborn fucking brat and let us help.”
You stare at him, the whole world suddenly a little too colorful. Bright. Loud. Hot. Everything in your body is burning and you don’t care that he’d swat you away like a fly, you’re going to launch across the table and strangle Barnes with your bare hands, because he doesn’t fucking know you, doesn’t have the right to speak down to you like you’re a child or little, dumb, naïve girl who doesn’t know that she is in danger. Who thinks she’s above danger, when you’re not above anything, you’re barely above yourself, you’re barely yourself at all and he doesn’t fucking know that, he doesn’t know you, he doesn’t know what you’ve done and who you are and just how stubborn of a problem you can be for his stoic, hot, brooding, angry-
Sam coughs, his tone slow and cautious as he speaks. “Bucky’s being a rude asshole, which we’ve talked about not doing, but,” he shoots Barnes a stern glare as he says your name. “He’s right. We can’t afford to get cocky here-“
You shoot Sam a cold glower. “I am not-“
“I know, just-“ He sighs. “I know you don’t want Barnes, but you’re takin’ him. And I’m not asking. It’s an order.”
You gape at him. “Are you fucking serious-“
“Yeah, I am.” Sam’s jaw clenches, but there’s still something apologetic in his gaze. “You can do this easy, where you let Barnes follow you around until I sort this shit out, or I can tell your board that their CEO is bein’ threatened by Hydra, and that as Captain America I’m puttin’ a detail on you to keep you safe.”
“Sam,” you hiss through your teeth, leaning over the table. “I am not a child. I will be fine-“
“I’m sure you will.” He shrugs. “Cause Bucky’s gonna be keeping an eye on you, and he can be a grumpy dick-“
Barnes grunts. “I can hear you-“
“But,” Sam only waves him off, not breaking his attention from you. “He’s the best damn guy I know. And this’ll be a whole lot easier if you at least pretend you’re not gonna try and give him the slip everyday.”
You scowl. You don’t think you will be able to get past Barnes. Or hide things from him. Or keep your lack of sleep and disastrous private life or anything at all from him. 
Including, maybe, the thing. And definitely him.
But there’s no way out of this. You’ve been back into a corner, and your usual two ways out—gnashing and clawing like a feral animal, or talking in circles under you make an opening to flee through—won’t work here. Sam knows you too well. Barnes is like a fucking rock, and you can’t confuse and annoy a rock into doing what you want.
“What would he do.”
Sam’s face splits into a wide smile at your mumble, and hate that he knows he’s won. 
“You’re gettin’ the best of the best,” he says your name with a far brighter tone than only seconds ago, gesturing to where Barnes is still rigid in his seat. “This model comes with a metal arm, an inside knowledge of Hydra, personalized sarcastic comments, and handsome face that could charm the evilest of bad guys-“
“Sam.” Barnes mutters, still watching you. If he doesn’t look away soon, he’s going to lose an eye to go with his arm. “Shut up.”
Sam doesn’t listen, and you don’t know what Barnes expected, but his glower deepens as Sam plows on. 
“He’ll be shipped right to your office, and spend his days makin’ sure you don’t become Hydra-meat-“
You wrinkle your nose. “Meat?”
“I’m goin’ off the cuff. They’re not all gonna be winners. He’ll start tomorrow.”
“I’ll be at your office.” Barnes mutters. “I want full badge access, and a blueprint. Let your security know I’ll be armed-“
“You let them know.” You snap. “Sam will give you Happy’s number, but I will have work to do-“
Barnes scoffs. “You can’t take five minutes to make sure you don’t get kidnapped-“
“I thought that’s what you were supposed to be doing.” You snap, shooting Sam a pointed look. “Am I going to be explaining his job to him the whole time?”
Two blinks. Nostril flare. 
Maybe by the end of this, you’ll get a full and obvious sneer. 
Sam just gives you a look like he’s disappointed in you, before Barnes can even snap or grunt anything, and the conversation moves on.
You’ve lost. Just for now, you’ve lost.
But you’ve been in worse situations, and you’ve found more difficult ways out. So when you leave the restaurant—you paid, and ignored Sam’s glare because after pulling this shit, he doesn’t have a single leg to stand on—and Barnes scans you over one last time, you don’t flinch.
He’s just a man. Just a person. He can roll up the sleeves of his jacket all he wants—as if he’s trying to remind you of the metal arm, when it hadn’t been all that well hidden in the first place and you really don’t care—and glower down at you as imposingly as he can manage, using that deep voice to ask more obviously leading and stiffly formal questions about your past that you dodge with ease, but at the end of it, he’s a person and you’re more. 
You won’t have to do the show here. Not the normal one. You won’t be able to be everything but you can be as much as you need to be
So you can be as much as you want. 
And it won’t matter what experience he has, what warnings or cautions or files Sam has given him, or how prepared he may think he is.
Barnes doesn’t know what the hell he’s getting into.
End Note: Enemies to lovers is my safe space for romance I fear. They're about to be so mean to each other (until they're not).
Thank you so so so much for reading!! If you like this story, please reblog, share, or leave a comment! <3
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lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom · 2 months ago
Hello! I would like to make a request about Dae-Ho, a character I love. I would like the story to show how Dae-Ho and the reader develop a special connection during the games, despite being on opposite sides. She is part of Thanos' team, but they still interact frequently. On one of those nights, they kiss and promise to get to know each other better once it's all over. However, that promise is not fulfilled because she dies in the carousel game.
I hope this story fits the bill. Happy holidays! <3
Anything Is Possible?
Summary- You are number 230's, rapper Choi Su-bong, sister. Just because you are on 'Thanos Team', does that mean you can Dae-Ho cant get together? Will you survive long enough?
Warnings- Squid Games, Angst, mentions of blood, murder, and death
A/N- I combined this ask with another anon request, "badass reader and daeho! maybe she is related to 100 and that's why the romance is kind of forbidden but she doesn't agree with his actions and thinks daeho is very cute. I would love a first kiss between the two, which she initiated and he was all embarrassed but really excited" I hope y'all don't mind, they were very similar!
Word Count- 4,605
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"What is your problem!" You found yourself yelling at your brother. While this was not uncommon, the situation surely was. Thanos the rapper, or just known as Choi Su-bong to you, had pushed several people down on purpose. This killed them in the Red light, Green light game.
"You killed them!" You continued, though he did not seem to care.
"Look, as far as 'The Thanos' is concerned, each body means more cash for MOI!" He spoke, uncaring.
"Oh, and if it was me, would you let me get shot!" You crossed your arms, eyeing him up and down.
He looked around, checking for any guards. He then slipped out his cross form under his shirt. You knew he had some kind of drug in there.
"Look, if it will shut you up, you can have one. But keep your mouth closed!" He ushered his cross in your direction. You rolled your eyes.
"I'd like to at least be aware of my surrounding in a death defying game!" "Shhh, Shhhh!" His face scrunched up as he looked at you, offended. He thought someone might have been drawn to your choice words.
You scoffed and walked off, sitting on the edge of a bed to catch a train of thought.
With a puff, you pressed your head into your hands. Could you really go on like this? Risking your life? Then it hit you, your life was over either way. Loan sharks were bound to kill you the second you left... Might as well go out with a bang?
The gruesome thought lingered until you felt the bed sink next to you.
"Thanos, I don't want to-" You looked up to not see your brother. Instead a man with a '388' on his jacket.
"Well I'm not sure who 'Thanos' is, but are you doing okay?" He looked genuinely concerned.
You started at him for a second, "Like fifty people just died..."
He faltered, "W-well yeah... Obviously you aren't okay... I just, I saw you arguing with that guy... The one with purple hair." You sigh again at his response. Well, this might be the last conversation you ever have. Why not be an open book!
"That's my brother. He thinks since he got one hit song, he can boss anyone around." You again rolled your eyes at the thought of him.
"Oh... I see. I-I have three older sisters, I know how it can get." He said, trying to offer you some sort of condolence.
You gave a side smile at him, appreciative of his efforts. "Thanks... What got you into these games?" You figured there's no reason for 'proper exchanges.' What was the point anymore?
He seemed ashamed at the question. "Sorry, if it makes you feel any better- I'm about 30 million won in debt. Some online crypto coin my brother swindled me into. Lost big time." You explained.
He shook his head, "No, no, its fine. See, I was a marine. Couldn't find a job after I got out. Guess I just got carried away with the wrong people... Got into some bad loans."
You gave a sympathetic face. "That sucks..." He just nodded sheepishly.
A silence fell between you two, but it wasn't awkward or annoying. It just...was.
"Well, uh, which are you going to vote?" He asked like it had been on the tip of his tongue all day.
As the Guards had told us earlier, we would get a chance to vote before the next game. Stay or Go.
"My brother seems pretty adamant on staying... And I honestly don't think it would be smart to piss him off anymore. He's got me in his little clique already." You didn't really know which one you would have chosen if the vote was anonymous.
He nodded in understanding. "I mean, I don't have a groupie or anything. But, you could stick with me if you wanted."
Your heart fluttered. Looking up at him, you seemed to just notice how handsome he was... Then reality hit.
"I deeply appreciate that... But I think you might have better odds without me. Choi- uh Thanos, would probably do something to you... I don't really want to risk it, I'm sorry." You knew that you really did want to be on his team, but you also knew how your brother was.
He had a slight look of defeat on his face, "I get it. I feel confident about the next game. I mean, if they're all children games, how hard can it be? I'll vote the same as you."
You agreed, "Then, maybe I can talk to Thanos? See if he wants another member?" You smiled at him.
He opened his mouth to speak, happily, but the two of you were interrupted when the pink guards came back in. Letting everyone know it was time to vote.
"See ya on the other side." You said, standing up to rejoin Thanos. Plus his newly acquired group of 3.
"Yes ma'am!" He responded, giving a small salute. You just laughed as you glanced at him a last time.
"Are you crazy!" Thanos whisper-yelled at you, turning the two of you away from the group. "Are you tryna embarrass me in front of my boys!" He scolded you like a child. His arms and shoulders going up.
"It's not that big of a deal, he was a marine, he could be good for us." Thanos just "tsked' in response.
"No. We are already perfecto. No more room." He said as-a-matter-of-fact. His arms making an 'X.'
You turned and looked at the two men staring at you. "Thanos, there are four of us in total. What if the next game is five players!"
"Huh, and what if its four! Then I'd be pushing YOU out, Cause of ya mouth." He made faces at you, then laughed loudly. "I'm just joking sistah! I'd only do that if you really pissed me off.... We are sticking to four." His expression turned serious.
At a mere coincidence, you turned around and saw '388' staring at you. You mouthed a 'sorry' and shook your head. Signalling Thanos said 'no.'
He nodded, then smiled at you anyways. At that, you watched him walk over and sit with a group of 'X's.
The lights soon went out. You laid back in your bed, trying to get some kind of sleep. It was useless, especially when you heard a 'psst' right next to you.
You turned your head, playing cool, even though it did startle you a bit. "Shh, It's just me." The voice rang familiar, and when you squinted your eyes in the dark your made out number 388's face. He was on his knees, crouched down next to your bed.
"What are you doing!" You whispered at him, sitting up quickly. Thanos and his two members were just a bed away.
"Shhhh, I have something to tell you." He said, his hands were waving slightly, a nervous tick.
You eyed him, moving closer. "What?"
"One of the guys has played these before. He said he won the games...That he knows which one is next."
Your hands rise to rub sleep from your eyes, "Really? You think he's telling the truth?"
With a frantic nod he continues, "It was the guy who knew about the Red light, Green light. Number 456."
You looked down, "Why are you telling me this..." You questioned, unaware of any kind of unconditional kindness.
"I want you to survive, why else?" You locked eyes with him. They were honest and pure.
"Well, what's the next game?" You didn't know how to respond to such generosity. For all he knew you would stab him in the back. Not that you could bring yourself to, not after he snuck over to tell you.
"He said its Dalgona. Ya know, the game where you scratch out the candy shape?" You knew the game, having played it in your youth.
"Make sure you pick the Triangle. It's the easiest one." You nodded.
At that, a shuffle made both of you turn your head. Thanos moved in his sleep, rolling over. His eyes were closed, but he was now facing you.
"You better go, in case he wakes up." You warned, not wanting any drama.
His head shook in agreeance, he raised to walk off.
"Wait!" You whispered, he looked back. "What's your name?"
"Dae-Ho. Dae-ho Kang."
"Thank you, Dae-ho..." The corners of your face rose, almost grinning at yourself saying his name.
He gave a small wave of his hand, another salute. You suppressed a giggle, and laid back down. Sleep came easier this time...
"Welcome to your second game, this game will be played in teams. Please divide into teams of five in the next ten minutes."
You looked around, Dalgona was not a team game. Had Dae-Ho lied to you? No, why else would he sneak over in the middle of the night. It didn't make sense. Maybe 456 was lying?
"Should have listened to me, now we have to find another person." You remarked to your brother, smugly.
"Trust trust, my skeptic sister. Thanos has got this under control!" He spoke about himself, immediately levitating to the closest attractive women. You, once again, found yourself rolling your eyes.
"Señorita, excuse me?" You wanted to physically face palm at his attempt at a pickup line.
Quickly enough, time selection was up. Everyone was orderly sat in their groups. Conveniently, Dae-Ho and his group sat behind you.
"Dae-Ho." You called, moving to be in his range of sight.
"Ahh, hey!" He said, excitedly. His demeanor changing from skittish when he saw you.
"So, what happened to Dalgona?" You asked, not blaming him- just curious.
He gave an unsure face, equally as confused. "He said the games must not be the same. I'm sorry."
"What for?" You beamed, knowing it was not his fault.
He laughed, "I guess I don't know.."
You just shook your head humorously. "Which game are you going to do?"
"Uhmm, Gong-Gi... My sister's played it a lot, so I'm used to it."
"They've got me doing spinning top. I was never any good at Gong-Gi." You made a glance to Thanos, he was high out of his mind. You caught him slipping Nam-Gyu a pill. He didn't notice you talking to Dae-Ho.
"I wish you the best of luck!" He gave a quick bow of the head.
The game went smoothly enough. Though, it took much longer than Red light, Green light. Watching all of the teams go one at a time was excruciating.
A handful of words exchanged with Dae-Ho while waiting was calming, it grounded you. He had nothing to gain by helping you, he simply did. It was flattering.
You and Dae-Ho had figured out that his team was going last. It was nerve-wracking to think about him not making it. No one had ever effected you like this before...
Eventually your team went, suffering frequent verbal degration from Thanos and Nam-Gyu. Thankfully your team made it with 8 seconds to spare. Too close for your comfort.
The worst part came when you had to wait. You felt like you could hear a large clock ticking right by your ear.
Would Dae-Ho's team make it? You didn't doubt his Gong-Gi skills, but he was dependent on the skills of his team mates as well. It was terrifying to think they were shot with not enough time to complete the games.
You couldn't bare Thanos bantering, he complained about every survivor. It just made you more paranoid about Dae-Ho's possible death.
Trying to settle your mind, you stepped away from your group, preferring to sit by yourself on the edge on the steps. You picked at your nails, praying he would make it.
Minutes and minutes went by. No one had come out in a while. Was the game finished? Did they die?
Just as you were about to return to your brother hopeless, one last group appeared.
A gasp left you as you watched Dae-Ho's team emerge. You stood up, cheering with a handful of other players. Your hands were clasped gleefully In front of you.
Dae-Ho's gaze was fixed on you, he chuckled. His first raised in victory.
You gave him a salute back.
You managed to slip away from Thanos. He was too busy hitting on Se-Mi. You were grateful for her, it took some of the pressure and attention off of you. You had to remember to thank her later.
"Dae-Ho!" You called out, he turned around and stepped away from his group.
"You were amazing! You went 'Wooshhh' and got the top first try!" He was practically bouncing on his heels. He mimicked the process of spinning a top with his hands and body.
"Thank you, Thank you." You pretended like you were bowing to an applauding audience.
"How did Gong-Gi go?" You asked, antsy. He rubbed the back on his neck.
He grinned deep, "Would you believe me if I said I got it first try too?"
Your face lit up, "Really!"
"I swear it!" He placed a hand across his chest.
You gave a quick clap to him, "I knew you could do it!"
You felt like a schoolgirl again. Talking to Dae-Ho made you feel like a blushing bride. He was such a ray of light and hope for you.
"What do you think the next game is?" He questioned, taking a seat on a step by the large doors.
You thought for a second, "I don't know, Maybe some kind of mind game. Since the last two have been really physical."
He nodded, "Yeah, maybe, maybe. Thats smart thinking."
You joined him on the step facing him. While you were about to change the conversation, you overheard a few people talk about what they were voting next. It reminded you of the real life-or-death situation you were in.
"So, d'ya think you're going to change your vote?" You became more solemn.
"...Yeah, I just... The others have convinced me. I mean, truly, I shouldn't have voted 'stay' in the first place..." He looked down, almost as if he had disappointed you.
"Honestly, Dae-Ho... I want to leave too... But, but, what if I press 'leave', and we still have to continue the games. Then Thanos would be pissed, and deep down I need him. He's still my brother." You hated the fact, but you were scared of what Thanos would do.
Dae-Ho thought for a moment. He mumbled something you didn't quite catch. "What?" He stood up.
"I can protect you. Honest. With my life." Your breath hitched, you stood up as well.
You shook your head, a lump forming in your throat. "Oh Dae-Ho... That's just the thing. I can't have you risking your life. Not for me."
He gently lifted your hands into his. "You are worth risking my life for."
"Dae-Ho, you don't even know my name." Your voice quivered.
He nodded quick, "Then lets change that. What's your name." You bit your bottom lip before telling him.
"Now, I can defend you from Thanos. He won't do anything to do." He ended with your name, it sounded angelic coming from his mouth.
"I'm sorry... I just... can't." You let go of his hands, fully set on walking away. But, he stopped you. He grasped your shoulder.
"Please don't go. I'll stop talking about it, I swear." He pleaded. He truly just wanted to be with you, he was content with you.
And you were with him.
You closed your eyes, shook your head. You fought off any kind of objection. "Okay."
The two of you talked and talked, time ran past. You no longer seemed to worry about the games, just that you knew you wanted to stay with Dae-Ho.
Until, the large doors opened and the pink guards once again announced a vote.
You said a quick 'goodbye' to Dae-ho, hoping the games wouldn't continue. Even if you never saw him again, at least he would be alive.
Much to your dismay, the games would continue another round. The vote wasn't even close this time. It was almost relieving, knowing that your vote was not the determining factor.
Once again, the lights went out to signify the night. You noticed teams were huddling together for protection, taking shifts and keeping watch. It was getting more serious as each hour went by. You could not find rest, feeling extremely uneasy.
While you tried to find some sort of reassurance in Thanos, he was fast asleep. You decided to take your chance and go see Dae-Ho. Just as he had done for you.
You knew the general area where his group was, but couldn't make out specific people in the dark. Not from your distance.
You racked up the nerve to quietly shuffle over. Your socks helping to muffle any noise.
"Shh, someone is coming." You heard a man whisper, it was 456. You could see the large numbers next to the 'O' on his jacket.
"I-is Dae-Ho with you..." You ask, shakily.
"And what do you want with him?" A man next to 456 spoke, defensively.
"I- Hes my friend, I need to talk to him." You tried, fiddling with your fingers.
"Yeah, Sure he is. You're probably trying to get in and take one of us out, huh!" The man 390 rose, acting like he was ready to fight.
You stepped back, "No, really, I swear I'm not!"
You heard your name, a confused Dae-Ho crawled out from under a bed. "Dae-Ho, please tell them in not trying to kill any of you."
"What?" He was still weary from sleep, rubbing his eyes. Once he saw the position you and 390 were in, He quickly stepped between the two of you.
"No, No, she wouldn't do that. Really, whatever shes saying she's telling the truth." Dae-Ho came to your rescue.
"Can we talk Dae-Ho?" You stepped closer to him, both of your hands gently resting on his arm. He nodded rapidly, stepping away from his group.
The two of you found a cluster of abandoned beds, and sat on the floor between them
"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" He looked you over for any visible infliction's.
"No, no I'm fine..." You pulled your knees to your chest. "I just wanted to see you." You felt silly once it left your lips.
His face flushed beet red, you could even tell in the dark. His hair falling in his face made you reach a hand out and brush it back. "O-oh"
"You never told me what you think the next game is, Dae-Ho." You needed a distraction.
He shook his head, like he was getting some thoughts out. "I have no idea... I just hope its an easy one. Gi-Hun, uh 456, said that they've already played Tug-of-war, Marbles, and some kind of glass stepping game. So, uh, I would assume none of those would repeat."
"I'm glad I missed Tug-of-war... That would mean the number of survivors would be half..." You thought.
He changed the subject, beginning with your name. "What's wrong? I know you said you wanted to see me, but, I guess I don't understand why."
"Dae-Ho, I don't really know why either. I just, wanted to be with you. I feel safe with you. I feel like I'm alone anytime you walk away..." You blinked away a stray tear.
Dae-Ho was lost in thought, he had thought his feelings weren't reciprocated. Maybe they were after all?
He didn't have time to speak, because you have lounged yourself forward in a burst of confidence. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and pushed him to the floor. He was laid on his back with you on top of him, as you pressed a hard kiss to his lips.
His eyes widened, his body went rigid. When you pulled away to look at him, he stammered. "I-I, Uhm."
At his reaction you pulled away quickly, "I'm so sorry, I thought-"
"Can you please do that again." He was now giddy, a fat smile on his face. Excitement radiated out of him. "A-are you sure.. You seemed so..."
"No, no, you just caught me off guard, please, please kiss me again." He scrambled to a sit, hoping you would come closer again.
With a refound joy, you moved closer. This time you went slow, making sure to bask in the moment. You once again wrapped your arms around Dea-Ho's neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
"You're perfect.." He mumbled against your lips. Though, he felt something wet on his face. He pulled away, his eyes soft, "Whats wrong?"
You sniffled, "Promise me. Promise me, that after everything is over, that we will find each other." You asked, pressing your cheek against his.
"I swear it, I swear we will meet after the games." He leaned in for another kiss.
"Welcome to your third game. The game you will be playing is Mingle."
Okay, this one seemed safe. You had a large group, this can work. You tried to be positive, you had someone to look forward to after the game.
"Heyyy, we'll be mingling together. Doesn't that sound like so much fun?" Thanos went on, trying to hype everyone up. The only one who was just as high as him was Nam-Gyu. It worried you that he wasn't fully aware of his surroundings, but at least he wasn't on your tail about everything.
"Please step onto the center platform. When the game starts, the platform will begin to rotate, and you will hear a number. You must form groups of that size, go into the rooms, and close the door within 30 seconds."
You nodded, understanding the rules. Everyone gathered to the platform. You noticed groups staying together, huddling close.
While following Thanos, you passed Dae-Ho's group, you caught his eye and gave him a small salute. It seemed the two of you now had an inside joke.
"Let the game, begin."
At the jump and pull of the platform, you almost lost your balance. You reached a hand out and held onto your brother. He looked over at you, for a split second he actually seemed like your brother. He was there for you.
That's until a muffled snort came from Nam-Gyu. Thanos pushed your hand off, laughing at you.
You sighed and thought of a smart remark, but the platform stopped spinning and a 'Ten' rang out.
Thanos laughed loudly, "We needa four!!" He screamed, shaking his face all about.
"Were four!" A man yelled back, and Thanos took off running. Your eyes widened and you ran after him. "Run, Hurry!" You yelled at Se-Mi, who had stopped to grab Min-Su.
Luckily everyone had made it to the room, just as the door shut the timer went off. The door locked shut. You peaked out of the doors small slit. You didn't see Dae-Ho. A good sign.
Multiple gunshots rang out, each making your body jolt.
"Ha Ha! My family! We did it!" Thanos bantered, clapping some of the men on their backs.
When the doors finally opened again, you looked around. You looked and looked for Dae-Ho. Finally sighing in relief when you saw him. He ran over to you.
"You're okay, thank God!" He hugged you, you held him tight.
You swallowed hard, "It's not over yet. I'll find you after the next round!" You said, quickly finding Thanos again.
"Yeahhhh! Easyyy!" Him and Nam-Gyu joked back and forth. They started dancing to the music as the platform started rotating again.
Thanos stopped and looked at his group for a minute. "Gyeong-su, you're with me!" He grabbed his hand, pulling him.
"Damn!" Nam-Gyu said, gripping your arm and pulling you. While you were happy to be chosen, you were worried for Min-su and Se-Mi.
"Lets goooo!" Thanos yelled once we were all in the room.
"Thanos what was that! Gyeong-su over me!" You pointed your finger at him.
"I swear I thought I was pulling you! Besides, you gotta stop running your mouth. You made it, you're fine!"
You couldn't believe what he was saying. Sure, he talked a lot about leaving you. But it was always just talk? Right?
The door opened once again, you were thankful to be away from Thanos. Your new objective was to find Dae-Ho now.
This time, the second you saw him- you ran to him. You no longer cared about what Thanos thought, nor what he'd do.
"I'm so happy to see you." Dae-Ho mumbled into your hair, which his face had been shoved into right after you ran into his arms.
"I have to stay with you, Thanos tried to leave me. I can't make it with him." Dae-Ho didn't hesitate, and pulled you over to his group.
Though, Thanos didn't like that. "Yo, brotha. What're you doing with my sister!" He tried to shove Dae-Ho, but he was bigger and stronger.
The platform started to spin.
"Leave her alone, you obviously cant take care of your sister." He ushered you behind him.
"I don't know what you're talking about bro! I save her, shes only alive because of me and Nam-Gyu!" He argued, leaving out the crucial part of information where he wasn't the one who grabbed you.
"It doesn't matter anymore. I will keep her safe now, you can mind your own business and get along with Nam-Gyu."
They continued to yell and argue over the carousel's music, it was difficult to hear them. Until,
Thanos gripped one of your arms, Dae-Ho held another.
"Thanos, let go!" You yelled, trying to pull from his grasp.
It was chaotic, screaming was heard around you. "Dae-Ho, this way!" Two men yelled out, Dae-Ho twisted his head but didn't move.
Your stomach dropped. You couldn't be the reason Dae-Ho would die. You were all running out of time.
"Dae-Ho, go. Please! I'll go with Thanos and Nam-Gyu!"
"I'm not leaving you!" He was adamant about protecting you. Damned everyone else.
"If you don't go, we will all die. Time is running out!" Dae-Ho battled internally, you let go of his hand.
"Go! It's okay, I'll see you in a minute!"
He didn't want to leave, he couldn't. But you made him. When he slowly walked backwards, you let out a relived sigh. You then turned to run with Thanos. Nam-Gyu was already in a room, his yelling ushering you two forward.
It was going to be okay, The three of you in a room. Everything was fine. There was time.
Until, Nam-Gyu moved out of the way... Gyeong-su was behind him... There was already two in the room. Thanos ran in, not thinking twice.
Your running came to a stop right outside of the door. Where Thanos himself had closed it on you.
A "NO!" Was heard from across the room. It was Dae-Ho. He tried to come to you, but he was too far.
Player 456 and player 001 were pulling him into a room. Forcing the door shut. You could see Dae-Ho looking out of the door slit, his hands peaking out as well.
You didn't turn to see what Thanos might have been doing. You didn't care. Not anymore.
You just wanted your last moment to be looking at the most handsome man you'd ever met. His soft eyes were filled with tears as he watched you.
You weren't upset, not scared, not nervous. Not anymore.
It would all be over soon.
You gave him one last salute before a loud bang rang out.
A/N- Not going to lie ya'll, I ate that up. But I still love hearing y'all's constructive criticism! Please LMK if you want to be added to my tag list, TYSM for reading!
Dae-Ho Taglist- @fuzzyscissorsmakerpie-blog @thethreeeyed-raven
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kyri45 · 2 months ago
Hi! Sorry if I'm mistaken, is there no lone "Canon divergence" sticker on your Redbubble? I can find it in bundles with other stickers, but not on its own...
here it is! (if the link doesn't work, copy and paste the one below)
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asudogi · 4 months ago
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More Silidia. It's my canon divergent AU Silidia!
With a little context: Idia is starting his training to overcome his social anxiety! Ofc accompanied by his bf Silver.
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sugurugetoshairbrush · 3 months ago
"hi, I'm gojo, your favorite sorcerer, and I think shoko is gonna be the drunkest tonight."
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if shoko ieiri has one undeniable talent, it's bringing people together—though her plans often border on catastrophic. so when yaga steps out of class to take a call, you aren't surprised to see a sly grin spread menacingly across her face. turning in her seat, she wastes no time laying out this week's plan—meticulously crafted, as always.
she breaks it down into a comprehensive, four-step process:
convince her older cousin to buy her alcohol tomorrow during her family’s visit
sneak said alcohol into the school and stash it under her bed
host a party in her dorm friday night while yaga is away overnight
you and gojo exchange amused glances, already on board. shoko's plans are always a healthy mix of brilliance and disaster. geto, predictably, looks hesitant.
"is this really a good idea?" he asks, brow furrowing. "what if something goes wrong? most of the tokyo staff will be gone with yaga. no one will be here to help."
shoko leans back smugly, her arms crossed. "and that's why I'm a seasoned expert in reversed curse techniques. relax, geto. that's literally my whole thing."
geto rolls his eyes but doesn't argue further.
"don't fret, suguboo!" gojo interjects, puffing out his chest dramatically. "they call me the strongest for a reason. I'll take care of you when you inevitably get wasted." he flutters his snowy-white eyelashes for emphasis.
geto deadpans. "me?"
"you heard me. waaastee—" gojo drags out the word, but the sound of yaga’s approaching footsteps cuts him off.
you react instinctively, smacking the back of his head. "quiet, idiot."
by friday, the plan had unfolded without a hitch. well, almost—gojo got smacked up several more times for being oblivious, and shoko nearly had a heart attack when one of the shopping bags threatened to burst under the weight of the bottles on school grounds. still, by the time you helped her stash the loot, everything was ready for what she dubbed "operation blackout."
at 9:44 pm, shoko's message pops up in the group chat:
Ieiri Shoko | Today at 9:44 PM evrybdy head over!! 🥂
when you open the door to her dorm, you’re immediately struck by the startling transformation. the normally cluttered space was spotless, the floor gleaming as if polished. a low table sits in the center of the room, draped in a burgundy tablecloth and surrounded by eight matching cushions. twinkling lights crisscross the ceiling, and the scent of something delicious wafts from the kitchenette, where shoko is bent over the stove.
utahime stands at the counter, pouring drinks from a tall pitcher into glasses. an empty sake bottle sits beside her.
"wow, you aren't playing around, sho," you say, stepping closer.
shoko spins around, startled. "shit, don't sneak up on me like that! almost dropped a bowl."
you smirk, peeking at the tray she's prepared. perfectly arranged katsudon bowls—crispy fried pork over rice, garnished with scallions.
"well, don't just stand there," shoko says, snapping you out of your awe. "make yourself useful. operation blackout starts with a heavy meal and a sake cocktail to warm us up."
"yes, ma'am." you salute before obediently grabbing the tray carefully from her outstretched hands to place at the table.
the gang filters in one by one, each person reacting with impressed remarks at the eloquent setup.
"I thought this was going to be a trashy frat-party experience," mei mei said, sliding into the last open seat. "this actually warrants my attendance."
utahime scoffs, "backhanded compliments are your specialty, huh?"
"I mean," gojo chimes in, grinning, "considering shoko's goal of total blackout, I figured we'd be doing keg stands before forcing suguru to let us ride rainbow dragon to mcdonald's at three am."
"as if," geto mutters.
nanami raises an eyebrow. "keg stands, gojo really? this isn't some coming-of-age teen drama, you watch way too much tv."
gojo glares, a flush creeping up his cheeks. "you never know."
haibara jumps in, grinning brightly. "kento, hush! anyway, great job tonight, shoko! this is amazing."
"I second that," you say, pulling out your phone. "and to commemorate the night, let's make a bet. let's each record a video saying who we think will get the drunkest tonight. we'll review the footage later to see who was right. deal?"
with this group's competitive streak, everyone immediately agrees.
you prop your phone against the bathroom sink, angling it perfectly. with a satisfied nod, you return to the others in the dorm. "alright, who wants to start?"
"ME! ME! ME! ME!," gojo's hand shoots up, waving frantically.
you catch nanami's exaggerated eye roll and laugh, "alright, satoru, the floor is yours."
00:03 ==⬤---------------------- 04:01  ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻  gojo: "...and we're live! hi, I'm gojo, your favorite sorcerer, and I think shoko is gonna be the drunkest tonight. I mean, c'mon—she's literally an aspiring alcoholic!"
geto: "hello, viewers. geto suguru here. my prediction? gojo will be the drunkest. sure, he's got impressive stamina in combat, but let's be real—that doesn't translate to drinking."
you: "hey, y'all! it's me. so, I know gojo's gonna be the drunkest tonight. he's giving strong lightweight energy."
nanami: "to whom it may concern, my name is nanami kento, and I believe yu haibara will be the drunkest tonight. right now, I confidently estimate my prediction to be of 70% certainty."
haibara: "haibara here! after careful consideration, I think our dear host, shoko ieiri, will be the drunkest tonight. she literally said she wants to black out!"
shoko: "the moment you've all been waiting for—ieiri shoko: sorcerer, host, chef, and event planner extraordinaire. holding for applause... okay, I'm predicting utahime or gojo will be the drunkest tonight. they're both way too hot-headed and competitive."
utahime: "h-hi! I'm iori utahime, and I think gojo's gonna be the drunkest tonight. he's always bragging about being the strongest, but that can only get him so far. so I guarantee he'll be the weakest tonight."
mei mei: "they saved the best for last. I'm mei mei, and I think sweet utahime is going to be the drunkest tonight. low tolerance vibes. and with that, let's reconvene later for updates..." 04:01 =================⬤ 04:01  ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
when mei mei returns your phone, shoko has already begun her toast to the evening. "here's to a messy, sloppy, drunken night," she says, raising her glass. "may I be passed out on the grass by four am!"
utahime doubles over laughing as everyone clinks glasses. the bitter, tangy scent of sake fills the air as the group shouts, "cheers!"
the conversation drifts into speculative territory as gojo leads a heated discussion about principal yaga's alleged secret love child. evidence cited includes muffled crying or squealing sounds overheard from his office and trashed crib packaging. the theory dies down as the meal takes center stage. the katsudon, perfectly seasoned and artfully plated, is a hit—a warm, savory comfort that pairs too well with the strong drinks.
plates empty and glasses drained, you observe the scene. gojo, is even chattier than usual, his words tumbling over each other at lightning speed. haibara's cheeks glow tomato red, and utahime twirls a braid around her finger, sneaking glances at shoko. very, very interesting.
meanwhile, shoko, geto, mei mei, and nanami seem relatively unaffected—or are just better at hiding it. you decide it's time to turn up the chaos.
"guys!" you tap your glass with a pair of chopsticks, drawing their attention. "we still have four bottles of tequila to get through. who's up for a drinking game of truth or dare?"
the suggestion is met with enthusiastic cheers from shoko, gojo, mei mei, and utahime. haibara looks excited but hesitant, while geto and nanami exchange weary glances, clearly bracing for disaster.
"as host," shoko declares, waving her chopsticks like a wand, "I command full participation. let me pour some shots. who needs a mixed drink?"
shoko and utahime get to work. plates are cleared and replaced with a neat line of shots. utahime's heavy-handed pours prompt a dramatic gasp from mei mei.
"damn, 'hime," mei mei says, inspecting the shots. "you trying to kill us?"
shoko returns with two mixed drinks, sliding them toward haibara and nanami. "classiest of the group," you mutter with a grin.
you smooth your hands over your hair, leaning forward to begin the game. "alright, let's start this right. host sho—truth or dare?"
"dare, duh," shoko replies instantly.
"hmmm..." you glance at gojo. "what did you bring as a chaser?"
with a flourish, gojo pulls a bottle from beneath the table. "strawberry ramune, my favorite~ why?"
"perfect. shoko, I dare you to drink gojo's chaser."
shoko grabs the bottle without hesitation, but just as she tilts it, you interrupt.
"oh, by the way—gojo adds five packets of sugar to sweeten his ramune."
the table erupts in laughter. nanami smirks, and shoko sputters as she swallows the disgustingly sweet concoction.
"blegh!" shoko slams the bottle down, grimacing. "gojo, who does this shit?!"
reaching for a shot, she drowns it in one go—and then grabs another.
"two shots to chase ramune?" haibara asks, incredulous as he shrugs off his sweater. "that bad?"
"it was that bad," shoko confirms, her voice muffled as she pours herself another drink.
"let's..." shoko wipes her tongue with a napkin, grimacing. "let's just move on. I'm asking... geto. truth or dare?"
"after witnessing... whatever that was," geto gestures vaguely toward shoko's earlier tequila ordeal, "I'm gonna play it safe and go with truth."
shoko grins mischievously, tilting her head as she looks geto up and down. "okayyy," she drawls, clearly deep in thought. "hmm... got it! you're the only guy here with ear piercings—such a bad boy," she teases, earning a visible cringe from geto. "so my question is: do you have any other piercings we don't know about?"
you press your lips together to stifle a laugh. as close as you are to geto, you already know the answer. he's going to drink.
sure enough, geto opens his mouth to respond but then, without a word, picks up a shot and downs it in one smooth motion.
"WHAT?!" shoko shrieks, half outraged, half delighted.
"naughty," mei mei murmurs, leaning her chin into her palm, her smirk growing wider.
"sugu's such a tease. its just a—" gojo starts, but you slam your hand over his mouth before he can spill the details.
"don't you dare," you hiss.
gojo bites your palm in retaliation, but you refuse to let go, glaring at him.
geto clears his throat, grimacing slightly at the tequila's burn. "and there's my cue to move on," he says, brushing past the topic. "since satoru seems eager to air out my business—truth or dare?"
you cautiously release your hand from gojo's mouth, glancing at the raw bite marks on your palm. gojo scratches his chin dramatically, as if pondering some great mystery, then grins, his azure eyes lighting up.
"dare! cuz I'm not a pussy".
geto laughs, unbothered by the jab. "alright, satoru. this one's easy—I dare you to eat all the scallions you picked off your food."
the table collectively turns to look at gojo's napkin, overflowing with at least twenty pieces of scallion he meticulously removed.
"suguruuuu," gojo whines, slumping in defeat.
geto merely slides him a shot, patting his fluffy white hair. gojo glares at the drink, nose wrinkling as he takes a tentative sip. he shudders visibly, sticking out his tongue. "so gross."
as he sets the glass down, his eyes narrow. he scans the group, zeroing in on utahime, who's laughing a little too hard at this expense.
"utahime," he announces, and her grin instantly vanishes. "yeah, not so funny now, huh? truth or dare?"
she groans. "ugh, truth"
gojo clasps his hands together like an evil mastermind, his grin nothing short of diabolic. "who here, out of all of us, would you say is the weakest link in jujutsu society?"
"uncalled for," you mutter, yanking on his ear like a scolding parent.
"stop picking on her, satoru." shoko adds, rolling her eyes.
but utahime surprises everyone by taking it in stride. she lifts a shot, downs it without hesitation, and wipes her chin with a satisfied smirk. "moving on. your turn," she says, turning to you with a pointed look. "truth or dare?"
"dare," you reply confidently. "give me a juicy one."
utahime exchanges a mischevious look with mei mei before whispering something in her ear.
"got it," mei mei says, sitting upright. "give us your phone. utahime and I get to send one text to anyone we want—and you can't take it back until the end of the night."
you take a steadying breath, weighing your options. it's only utahime and mei mei, you reason. how bad could it be? if it were gojo, the tequila would already be halfway to your lips. finally, you unlock your phone and slide it across the table.
"go ahead. do your worst."
mei mei snatches it up gleefully, her fingers flying across the screen. you pointedly look away, unwilling to torture yourself by imagining what chaos they're unleashing.
"alright," you announce. "let's keep the game rolling. haibara—truth or dare?"
haibara flushes an even deeper shade of red than before, the color creeping onto his neck. "I'm a little nervous," he admits shyly. "truth."
"don't be nervous," you say with mock sincerity. "we're your closest friends! we'd never judge or be offended by anything you say or do. that said... who here is your least favorite person?"
haibara gasps, clutching his chest. "noooo! I can't answer that—it's too mean! I love and respect you all equally!"
nanami, ever the calm voice of reason, places a gentle hand on haibara's and nudges it toward his drink. "take two sips, yu," he says simply.
you chuckle as geto flicks your forehead. "harsh, but fair."
haibara obeys, taking two large gulps. he sets his glass down, visibly tipsy now, and beaming at nanami.
"okay, nanamiiin~" haibara slurs slightly, drawing out the nickname, "truth or dare?"
nanami raises a brow but humors him with a small smile. "dare."
"alrighty," haibara begins, leaning in conspiratorially. "for some backstory—I heard you singing in the shower a couple weeks ago when you thought no one was around."
the table collectively perks up.
"so," haibara continues, his voice dropping to a dramatic whisper that's still loud enough for everyone to hear, "I dare you to sing for us. don't be shy, ken. you have a beautiful voice."
the group falls into stunned silence. nanami's ears turn bright red as the color spreads across his cheeks. it's possibly the first time you've ever seen him blush.
after a pause, he clears his throat and picks up his glass. "you got me there, yu," he says smoothly, before chugging the rest of his drink in one go.
haibara's face falls, his disappointment palpable. "aww, but I really wanted to hear it!"
nanami leans over, resting an arm on haibara's shoulder. you catch a faint, "later," murmured under his breath.
and with that, he nods toward mei mei, signaling the game to continue.
"alright, mei mei, truth or dare?" nanami asks, his tone measured, as always.
"dare, of course," mei mei replies smoothly, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder.
nanami straightens his collar, clearly crafting something calculated. "I dare you to do your best impression of someone at this table. if we don't guess it right, you drink. no talking allowed."
"regulated and thorough," mei mei says with a smirk. "I would expect nothing less from you, nanami. very well, I'll begin."
she stands, her violet off-the-shoulder sweater swaying with her movement. turning her back to the group, she pauses for dramatic effect. then, with a sharp turn of her head, she flutters her eyelashes, blows an exaggerated kiss, sticks her tongue out, and pretends to push up invisible glasses.
haibara is the first to pipe up, "I got it! 's gojo-senpai, that's really g'd, mei mei!"
"how the actual fuck is that me?!" gojo exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.
mei mei curtsies, her smirk widening. "correct, haibara. it was an easy choice—gojo's the most dramatic one here."
the group hums in agreement. shoko, sipping from her drink, adds dryly, "since we guessed it right away, shouldn't gojo drink? he's technically the loser."
"you can't just make up rules, sho!" gojo protests, looking around for support. his gaze lands on geto, who shrugs and slides him a shot.
"sounds fair to me, satoru. unless... you can't handle it?" geto teases, his grin lazy but pointed.
with a theatrical sigh, gojo downs the shot, grimacing as he does. nanami ever the thoughtful one, disappears into the kitchen, returning with a cocktail for himself and glasses of water for both gojo and haibara. gojo accepts his water with a reluctant nod, taking slow sips while you rub soothing circles on his back.
"your kindness is admirable," mei mei drawls, watching you with amused eyes. "but since you're being so tenderhearted, I'll send some chaos your way. truth or dare?"
you immediately withdraw your hand, straightening in your seat. "truth."
mei mei leans forward, violet eyes glinting mischievously. "I’m feeling messy, so… who would you fuck, marry, and kill among your fellow third-years? choose wisely."
the table erupts into a mix of gasps and laughter. haibara nearly chokes on his drink, and nanami quietly hands him his water. all eyes turn to you, expectant.
you lean back, arms crossed. "alright, I'll answer with my whole chest. first, marry shoko—duh. she’s special-grade wife material. she cooks, cleans, and nurses you back to health."
utahime's grin falters slightly, but you press on. "fuck suguru—" you gesture toward him, "I mean, look at him. plus, we all know he swallows."
the table howls with laughter as shoko nearly falls out of her seat. geto arches an eyebrow at you, looking both flattered and mildly concerned.
"and I guess that leaves gojo, so... kill him." you shrug. "though honestly, I don't even know how I'd manage that."
gojo clutches his chest, aghast. "why me?!" you just admitted you can't even kill me yourself! and what, am I unattractive to you?!"
you roll your eyes. "relax, bookie. you're fine as hell, but you're more 'all-up-in-your-face' fine. suguru's more... nonchalant fine."
the group hums in agreement, fueling gojo's indignation. "what does that even mean?!" he whines, flailing.
geto places a calming hand on his arm, his voice even. "relax, satoru. I have my own concerns—" his gaze flickers to you. "—about the swallowing comment."
feigning nonchalance, you glance at your wrist as if checking an invisible watch. "oh would you look at the time? moving on. shoko, truth or dare?"
"dare," shoko says immediately, lifting the tequila bottles. "and as host, I declare a new rule: from now on everyone drinks every turn, no exceptions."
a collective groan rises from the trio of haibara, gojo, and utahime, all clearly tipsy. you, mei mei, geto, and nanami grunt or nod in agreement.
"lovin’ that energy sho, so to up the ante," you say, digging into your pocket, "I dare you to smoke this." you toss a poorly rolled, but fat blunt onto the table. "and take a shot after. getting crossed should help you reach tonight's goal."
shoko's eyes light up as she snatches it greedily. "the girls are really coming through tonight! you're a godsend."
gojo scoffs. "godsend? how? she brought literal drugs to your party! isn't it called the devil's lettuce?"
shoko snorts, rummaging for a lighter. "this, from the guy who probably can't even stand up straight."
"I just don't feel like standing right now," gojo mumbles, pouting.
shoko gives him a withering look. "fine. truth or dare, satoru?"
"well, now I know what the dare is, so... truth."
"alright. who at this table have you had a sex dream about?"
the table falls into stunned silence. nanami chokes on his drink, and gojo freezes, eyes wide as they dart around the group. his gaze lingers a bit too long on you and geto before he quickly looks down, blushing furiously.
shoko smirks, satisfied. "definitely tabling that reaction to circle back to later."
gojo groans, face hidden behind his hands. "'m drinking. everyone drink."
you clink your glass with geto's, smirking. he wasn't fooling anyone.
shoko makes her way to the sliding backdoor, tossing a casual remark over her shoulder. “I'll be back in a flash—just gonna step outside to finish my dare. keep it going, and don't forget my shot when I get back." she winks before stepping out and taking a seat on the back steps.
inside, gojo hiccups, his high-pitched squeak drawing laughter around the table. his cheeks flush a shade brighter. you smirk, knowing your prediction about his tolerance was proving accurate.
clearing his throat, he wobbles a little before announcing, "who'd I wanna choose next... hmm... nanamin~! my dearesst kouhai, trussted friend, and bl—"
"I'm afraid to let you finish that sentence," nanami cuts him off dryly, already raising his glass. "so, I'll just drink. everybody?"
the table burst into laughter, raising their glasses to join him. haibara clunks his cup down a little too hard before slumping over, his head landing heavily on nanami's shoulder, some tequila dribbling from his lips onto nanami's sleeve.
nanami sighs, staring down at the mess before resigning himself. "haibara, maybe stick to mini-sips for your next few drinks. you can't even hold yourself up anymore."
haibara hums in drowsy agreement, leaning further into nanami, who chuckles heartily—a rare sound that surprises everyone. turning to geto, nanami raises a brow. "geto-senpai, truth or dare?"
geto, looking unbothered as usual, undoes his bun, letting his inky-black hair spill over his shoulders. he tucks a loose strand behind his gauged ear with a casual flick. "dare, nanamin~."
nanami considers this, his words tumbling over each other as the alcohol dulls his normally precise tone. "how about I... you... okay, I dare you to ride your manta ray curse around the school right now."
geto blinks, waiting for a punchline that never comes. "wait, you're serious? now? like, right now?"
"I don't know how I could be any clearer."
"dick," gojo mutters.
geto shakes his head, airing out his shirt. "as much as I would—and have, by the way—I think that might qualify as drunk driving. or, you know, drunk flying."
"or drunk swimming," you chime in.
"semantics." geto waves it off. "fine, everybody drink."
at this point, the alcohol is catching up with you. tilting your head back to take your shot makes the room swim a little. you fan yourself, suddenly flushed. gojo notices, leaning close to blow cool air onto your face like a fan.
you giggle, slurring, "satoru smells like str'berriesss~."
geto shakes his head at the chaos and turns his attention to utahime, whose head was face down on the table. "utahime, get up. truth or dare?"
utahime rolls her head sluggishly to the side, revealing a face flushed deep red. "fucking dare."
"language," geto teased with a mock pout. "there's no need to cuss. let's bring out that sweet side of yours. I dare you to kiss shoko when she comes back."
utahime shoots up, wide-eyed. "what?! k-kiss—shoko?!"
"that is what I said," geto replies, calm as ever.
mei mei nudges utahime, smirking. "do it, and I'll finish that paperwork for your mission on monday."
after a moment of hesitation, utahime grabs her shot, muttering, "fine. fuck it," before tossing it back. she slumps over dramatically.
the backdoor slides open just then, shoko reappearing with a dreamy sway. her eyes bloodshot and reeking of weed, she gives a languid nod when you ask, "damn, sho. you killed it, huh?"
she slumps into her chair, blinking slowly. "soooo, where are we?"
utahime stiffens but manages to squeak out, "my dare is... to kiss you."
"oh." shoko's lips curl into a lazy smile. "'kay. go ahead." she tilts her face. presenting her cheek.
utahime leans in, delivering the quickest peck possible.
"boo," geto jeers.
"yeah! boo!!!" gojo joins, cut off by another hiccup.
"tomato, tomato, tomato," you tease.
shoko blinks in confusion, looking one breath away from falling asleep. haibara's muffled voice comes from nanami's shoulder, "s'not the kiss we's looking f'r. try again—on th' lips." he clumsily raises his hands in a heart shape.
shoko turns back to utahime with a sleepy "'kay," puckering her lips and closing her eyes.
utahime hesitates, side-eyeing the group before her expression softens. smitten, she closes her eyes and leans in. their lips meet in a soft peck, but shoko isn't done. she grabs utahime's jaw, pulling her into a loud, smacking kiss.
everyone turns to gojo, who is clutching his stomach. he gags loudly.
"what the fu—gojo, are you okay?!" geto asks, concerned.
"arrgh, aargh—"
"are you seriously gagging?" you ask, wide-eyed.
he sputters, cheeks puffing up like a chipmunk before bolting for the bathroom. the door slams shut behind him, and moments later, the unmistakable sound of vomiting echoes.
the table sits frozen. shoko and utahime remains in their pose, hands still cradling each other's faces. the faint sound of retching fills the silence.
geto breaks the tension with a deadpan, "so, gojo's homophobic."
from the bathroom comes a strained yell, "'M NOT HOMOPHOBIC! it was just bad timing! I've never drunk befor—"
he gags again.
nanami buries his face in his hands. "jesus."
geto stands. "I've got him." he slips into the bathroom after gojo.
you push yourself up, retrieving water and chips from the kitchen. "I'll give him a hand," you say, heading for the bathroom. "sounds like he needs it."
the fluorescent bathroom light buzzes faintly, its harsh glow making your head pound as you step inside. gojo is bent over the toilet, panting heavily, his white hair sticking out in a chaotic mess. geto is knelt beside him, one hand rubbing circles into his back, murmuring softly, "you're okay, satoru. just breathe."
you ease down onto the cold tile floor beside them, your hand brushing gojo's sweaty bangs off his forehead. "you'll feel better soon," you say gently.
after another minute, gojo finally stops heaving. he reaches up with a trembling hand to flush the toilet, the sound of rushing water echoing in the small space.
uncapping a water bottle, you tilt it to his lips, letting him take a few cautious gulps. then you nudge geto over slightly and lean your back against the base of the toilet. gojo groans before collapsing across your laps, his head resting on geto's thigh and his chest presses into yours.
"the room is spinning, guys," gojo mumbles, voice hoarse. "make it stop".
geto smooths his palm over gojo's cheek, his voice low and soothing. "I know, satoru. just close your eyes and focus on your breathing."
reaching down, you find gojo's hand and lace your fingers with his, pulling it to his chest. you trace small circles over his knuckles. "you're okay, satoru," you murmur. "this happens to everyone."
gradually, his body softens in your hold. his breathing evens out as his eyelids flutter shut. geto hums a low, calming tune, and you rest your head against his shoulder.
"I think he's out 'ru," you whisper.
geto's arm slips around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. "always looking after you two," he says quietly. "you owe me."
you snort, muffled against his chest. "'m comple'ly fine though!" but your own head was spinning, and the warmth of geto's hand tracing your arm lulls you toward sleep.
outside the bathroom, nanami notices haibara ceasing all movement, slumping lifelessly against his shoulder. concerned, he asks shoko for permission to use her room. once inside, he gently lays haibara on the bed, propping him up with pillows. fetching a glass of water and some bread from the kitchen, nanami coaxes small bites and sips out of him.
by the time haibara's color returns and his glassy eyes gain some clarity, nanami feels his own nerves ease. haibara grabs his wrist, tugging him onto the bed. reluctantly, nanami allows it, settling beside him. haibara's breath evens out as he drifts off, his forehead presses into nanami's side. nanami sighs, resigning himself to the makeshift role of caretaker once again.
shoko and utahime decide the night isn't over and stumble toward shoko's small couch with utahime's speaker in hand. shoko fiddles with her ipod shuffle browsing through her music gallery. she settles on her indie playlist, and excitedly stands on the couch pulling utahime clumsily up with her. what starts as vibing out quickly ends with them passed out together, limbs tangled and mouths agape, soft snores punctuating the quiet.
as the only one remaining at the table, mei mei is busy with her usual mischief. having memorized your phone's passcode earlier, she unlocks it again and frowns at the failed transaction she made from your dare earlier. not one to be deterred, she fiddles with the wi-fi and tries resending the payment. her face lights up moments later when a notification buzzes on the screen.
Mei Mei | Today at 2:14 AM this is an automated message. your apple cash amount of $[100.00] was processed successfully.
she smirks, scrolling through her personal wishlist for potential splurges. after adding a few items to her cart, she looks around the room, noting. the rhythmic snores of her friends. satisfied as the night's clear victor, she turns to your phone's camera and swipes to video, ready to document her triumph.
00:06 ==⬤---------------------- 01:22  ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻  mei mei (whispering): "once again, we have saved the best for last. everybody else just can't hang—it's quite unfortunate. as the rightful victor, I conclude that gojo satoru was the drunkest tonight, given his stint bent over the toilet. let's take a look, shall we?" [the camera pans to the bathroom. gojo is sprawled across the laps of geto and you, his face pressed against geto's thigh. geto's head rests against yours as all three of you snooze peacefully.] mei mei (whispering): "look at these cuties, snuggled up on the bathroom floor. gojo looks so peaceful, you would never know he was just expelling his entire stomach's contents barely an hour ago."
[the camera cuts to the couch, where shoko and utahime are tangled together in a chaotic sprawl, drooling and snoring loudly.] mei mei (whispering): "and here are the lovebirds! snorting and drooling all over each other. utahime is definitely going to remember this tomorrow. shoko? I sure hope so, because I can't go back to those constant longing stares, ugh!"
[the shot moves to shoko's room, focusing on haibara clinging to nanami like a lifeline.] mei mei (whispering): "and here's haibara, glued to his big, strong man who saved him from being gojo 2.0. nanami, ever the hero, still played babysitter. truly wholesome content."
[the video cuts back to mei mei, her face smug.] mei mei: "and that's a wrap! should I keep sending myself money off everyone's phones? hmm... haven’t I earned it? anyway, bye now!" 01:22 =================⬤ 01:22 ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻
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thedawner · 5 months ago
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AU!Thrax ref done while binging on Alien movies.
Osmosis Jones fanart.
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