#canon bisexual carlos
deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
okay - i am seeing the rumblings on Carlos and the trope about promiscuous bi characters - I see you.
but I also - am trusting this week.
I am trusting Robbie and I am therefore trusting that the nuance will come - Carlos is set up to be pinning after Mary tbh - to turn into the overlook best friend trope I think.
The problems come when there are only single representations, and there are not a plethora of bisexual men on television, we never GET explicit bisexual representation that's not exploitative for the male gaze. On Buffy they wanted to make a prominent bisexual character but felt lucky to have permission to instead have a gay one. Rep is few and far between and complete and nuanced representation really requires more prominence on television, a variety of portrayals.
You cannot portray a rainbow using only a single color.
So clearly. The proper solution is to have more bi main characters on television. #MakeMaryBisexual2022 #CanonBiMary
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Carlos going to therapy in his hottest fashions pushes back on ideas of what a vet "looks like"
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me watching the winchesters pretending that john is a completely different character than john in spn
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tarlosislove · 6 months
For those who are new to the 911verse because of Buck, hello! This is just another post I'm making to show that there's been Queer characters here all along! 🏳️‍🌈
I'm so glad because of Buck being canonically Bi new people have started watching the show, maybe you didn't know there's been Queer characters the whole time, maybe you don't know that there's a spinoff that is also v queer.
Both 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star have been Queer from the very beginning.
9-1-1: Hen and Karen are Lesbians, they're married and have a son together. The first season is.. rough with them but we as a fandom have basically agreed to ignore that storyline because they are incredible now and have been for a long time, just push through that storyline and it's all good from there. Shipname: Henren
You'll see Michael and David for a few seasons, they're really sweet and I love them, they're said to still be together but they're not on the show anymore. (That is completely the fault of the actor for Michael)
Josh is a recurring character, he's gay and Maddie's friend and co-worker at the dispatch center.
Buck has had so many moments throughout the show that just makes complete sense that he is now discovering his Bisexuality. So don't worry you're not gonna have to wait 7 seasons to see Buck have Queer moments.
There's also several times we see Queer characters that are just there for an episode because they were part of the rescue.
9-1-1: Lone Star: Carlos and T.K are gay and get together at the beginning of the show and are still together as we're going into season 5. Shipname: Tarlos
Paul is a Trans man firefighter. As a Trans person Paul means so fucking much to me.
Nancy is Bisexual, while there has only been one comment in the show both the writers and the actress for Nancy have confirmed she's Bi.
Again there are times when you see Queer characters that are there for an episode or for a rescue. I love when shows do this because it just normalizes Queerness throughout and it's not just main characters that are Queer.
These are both gay firefighter shows and I truly hope you love them! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖
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aaronsinferno · 4 months
'buck and tommy only had a one episode build up' no if they had a one episode build up that would be fine, tk and carlos were fucking within like an hour of meeting and i have no issue with that because they have an actually palpable instant attraction and connection rather than being thrown together randomly for shock value, their relationship actually developed really well after that, they're both very well developed characters, neither of them is significantly more invested in the relationship and their makeout scenes don't look like somebody frenching their dad lmao.
Regardless, the attraction between the two is real. They’re in a non speculative and canonically proven romantic relationship that’s been said to be healthy and will come off as a romcom. Just wanted to get that out of the way before I got into anything.
Evan and Tommy weren’t a slow burn. They didn’t see each other across a room and go “I’m gonna take you home later” or anything similar to that. It was just one guy unaware of his attraction towards another until the other guy in question made the first move. (Which was bold asf btw)
There’s no one way to jumpstart a relationship. Sometimes it’s taking a leap of faith and acknowledging your feelings in whatever way you can.
The kiss was always going to be shocking hence the uproar of homophobic outrage afterwards. If Evan, for whatever reason, kissed who you wanted him to kiss then I’m positively sure you’d still be pretty surprised that the kiss actually happened. A scenario that will live and die on the internet btw.
And you’re right to imply that Tommy isn’t a fully developed character. There’s still so much we don’t know about him. I’m assuming that if the writers want him around more, then not only will they build onto his character and background, but they’ll also build on his and Evan’s relationship.
I’m assuming the dad thing is you making fun of Lou’s age. I don’t have a problem with it. Unfortunately for you, though, neither does Evan. We’ve seen papa Buckley before, and I hate to say it, but Tommy doesn’t give that at all.
And I love Tk and Carlos, but using characters who have been sure and open about their sexuality since before their series began as a “gotcha” moment for Evan and Tommy is a bit odd. They know what they want and have experience identifying partners and forming relationships. Evan just came to realize that he’s bisexual. It’s new to him so it’s understandable if he’s not making moves like TK.
It’s a show. Let things fall into place. The story is still being told. Exhale.
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lemotmo · 2 months
i ask this entirely in good faith since i’ve been thinking about it a lot lately but could anyone explain why fox blocked bi buck and possibly buddie but somehow tarlos was able to survive on lone star while on the same network? i mean this is the same network that also used to have glee on their roster back in the day so it’s even more insane to me that they would block it for 911 but maybe someone has a better answer, perhaps from a business viewpoint that i haven’t considered? i love your blog!
Well, I'm no expert on Lone Star Nonny. I tried to watch it, but gave up after two episodes.
However, as I understand it Tarlos was always the plan. TK was always established as gay, right from the beginning. Carlos was also gay from the start. So the plan was alway Tarlos.
FOX knew that there would be a gay couple in Lone Star. They knew it beforehand and they approved it.
In that sense Buddie is more unique. Buck started out sleeping around with a lot of women in season 1, before settling with Abby. There was never a plan to make him bisexual. Canonically, at that point, everybody thought he was straight. Which of course ended up being wrong, because in season 7 we found out he is (and always has been) bisexual.
Eddie was introduced in season 2. An insider on Twitter has talked about the fact that Eddie was supposed to be gay from the get go, but we have no real confirmation of that. Canonically he was married to a woman and the audience didn't have reason to think he was anything but straight. Now, Eddie fans quickly clocked him as some kind of queer, but it wasn't (and still isn't) canon.
Buddie was never in the plans. It just naturally developed because of Ryan and Oliver's crazy crackling on screen chemistry. They just clicked so well and anything they filmed together was gold.
Everyone could see their connection, including the show runner Tim Minear. But when he pitched the idea to FOX, they said 'no'.
Now, I'm not American, but I understand that FOX is a very conservative network. So maybe they didn't want 'another gay couple' in one of their shows? The OG already had Karen and Hen and maybe they thought that was representation enough? Maybe they didn't specifically want bisexual representation on their show? Who knows?
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Keep in mind that Lone Star came after the OG, so maybe they saw how popular Buddie was online and wanted to recreate that chemistry with two men that were established as gay from the start? Perhaps they were even hoping that people would stop asking for Buddie to happen if they threw Tarlos at them? Amost as if they thought that queer couples are interchangeable somehow? 0_°
For Buddie it would certainly have been a more complicated story line than Tarlos, since neither of them was established as anything else than straight from the start. Maybe that was the problem? Two men coming out in their late twenties, early thirties? After a lot of relationships with women and even a marriage. Not just that, a marriage with a kid.
Maybe they were afraid that more conservative viewers would drop the show if two 'manly macho previously perceived as straight' men would fall for each other?
Whatever it was, it's obvious that Ryan and Oliver are very happy to be free of FOX. ABC is giving them the opportunity they didn't get at FOX.
Good for them.
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valenschmidt · 14 days
Stop. Just stop. Carlos and TK are two characters written as gay men from the very beginning. Their relationship has been the central relationship of the show from the first episode. The characters are portrayed by an out gay man and an actor who was able to come out publicly as bi because of the reception Tarlos and the show received from the audience. (With the exception of Buddie shippers who have been jealous and bitter about Tarlos from the start.) To dismiss an actual canon gay relationship, played by two LGBTQ+ actors as an experiment to convince Fox to allow Buddie to happen is just pathetic. Your so-called Tim/Buddie/Lone Star lore is nothing more than a delusion dreamed up by Buddie fans who couldn't handle that a) their ship isn't canon and b) that their ship isn't the most important thing in the world.
Ok first of all I am sorry if I actually made it seemed as if I don't respect Tarlos as a separate ship of buddie. I just explained what I believe is the reason for the creation of that relationship in particular from the same man who also created Buck and Eddie and honestly the fact that playing TK gave Ronen the courage to come out and live his true self is admirable and something to be proud and happy about and I am NOT dimishing the impact Tarlos has had on the lgbt community who has watched LS and feels represented in the characters...
Leaving that aside... so what if Carlos and TK were written as gay from the start??? What does that have to do with anything??? Buck is bisexual and he wasn't written that way from the beginning so you have a moot point there... Also, buddies are not jealous and bitter about Tarlos and never were Idk where you got that from. What I have seen is Tarlos shippers being horrible to buddies because even though Tarlos is canon and buddie is not, Buddie has more popularity (and that is probably because buddie has two more seasons of development in their relationship) and honestly it's sad that buddie is more popular because Tarlos are actually quite cute but sadly lack a lot of development. Again, this is NOT me disrespecting Tarlos. This is just an observation
Also, you cannot deny the amount of similarities between the four characters like they are literally right there so of course a lot of us believe that Tarlos could have been created because buddie was not allowed to be canon (which again doesn't diminish what Tarlos accomplished on its own it's just how that relationship was created) so no I don't believe it's a delusion ESPECIALLY after it was confirmed by Oliver Stark himself that the bi Buck storyline was actually pitched in to him during S4 but got shut down FROM ABOVE (since Tim was the one who approached him with the idea, the only "above" left is fox) and an insider confirmed that actually Eddie has always been a gay man and that buddie was supposed to happen in s4 but Fox didn't allow him (again which I suspect it was actually BECAUSE they weren't initially written as gay/bi)
And to finish... 1) My ship isn't canon but 1/2 of it has been confirmed bisexual last season and since the show isn't over there's still time and 2) No. Buddie is not the most important thing in the world but I'll say this: when they go canon (which they will) just go and check out the impact they're going to have -just like how bi Buck impacted social media-
Hope this helped anon
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thewingedwolf · 6 months
this being the second time i’ve been screaming a character is clearly bisexual in a show on fox and then the show is canceled, picked up by abc, and that exact character is revealed to be bisexual literally the next season and the actors imply they’ve been thinking about this for awhile makes me so conspiracy brained. i bet any amount of money that andy samberg wanted jake and rosa to both be canon bi by like season 3 and fox put a hit out on him, stephanie, and andre just to be safe. i bet they were gonna make schmidt and nick bi in canon and have cece enter a long relationship with a woman but fox threatened to shave zoey’s head in her sleep if elizabeth merryweather even let cece mention another woman outside of reagan. i bet the executives watched the finale of house where house and wilson ran off together and started crying screaming and sent fake anthrax in the mail to hugh laurie to scare him off from doing an american tv show again. i bet wentworth miller AND carlos valdes had to be physically stopped from kissing another man on set. fox who else are you silencing i need to know.
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ellscarrotqueen · 7 days
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so as requested here are my hsmtmts headcanons, if there are any other headcanons you want me to share let me know. and leave your thoughts on mine if you would like. hope you enjoy lol! i also have in general headcanons of characters as well not just sexuality, etc. i also have ship headcanons i guess lol. so if you would like those i'll be happy to share. this is kind of a mess lmaoo
Ricky Bowen:
i strongly believe that ricky is bisexual there is just no way that he is straight. i may be bias because i ship Caswen but yeah. he for sure is NOT straight whatsoever 🩷💜💙
ricky uses he/him pronouns but i think ricky would honestly also be okay with using he/they pronouns.
i think ricky has ADHD because i have ADHD and he’s so me. so he has ADHD because i said so and it just makes sense he gives that vibe. i believe he could also be autistic perhaps because i can see it kind of makes sense.
i believe ricky has anxiety as well (same) i do believe he might have a little bit of social anxiety in some scenarios too.
EJ Caswell:
i believe that ej is gay. there’s no way he is straight. he’s a theatre kid okay, he’s definitely not straight 🏳️‍🌈 i feel like its possible after dating girls he realised he was actually gay.
i think ej would use he/him pronouns but he probably doesn't mind he/they either.
i like to think that ej is autistic, because it lowkey just makes a lot of sense to me idk.
Gina Porter:
i like to think that Gina is probably bisexual, i believe she has had multiple crushes on girls as well as boys. 🩷💜💙
gina definitely doesn't mind she/they pronouns.
i feel like gina is audhd, it just feels right to me and idk why, i also think she has anxiety.
Nini (Nina) Salazar-Roberts:
i believe Nini is a lesbian, and no one can tell me otherwise. i like to think she used to label herself as bisexual because of the few crushes on girls she may have had, and after dating men that she didn't like men and figured out she just liked women. she had a very bisexual to lesbian pipeline i feel like. 🩷🤍🧡
definitely she/they pronouns, sometimes she prefers they/them over she/her though.
i feel like she is autistic.
Ashlyn Caswell:
ashlyn is already canon queer, but i do believe she is most likely bisexual or pansexual. i'm not sure if they ever confirmed her label, but i honestly don't care bc she's a canon sapphic, whether thats bisexual, pansexual or what ever else we stan her 🏳️‍🌈
she/they pronouns
i think she's autistic for sure.
Big Red:
well big red is canon bisexual, so yep he's bisexual. before he was confirmed to be queer i always thought he was queer lol 🩷💜💙
i feel like big red uses he/him but sometimes he prefers they/he.
i have a feeling he is probably autistic, maybe adhd too.
Seb Matthew-Smith:
well seb is basically canon bisexual right so yeah. 🩷💜💙
i think seb uses he/him pronouns sometimes they/them.
seb is definitely autistic lol no one can tell me otherwise.
seb for sure has social anxiety as well.
Carlos Rodríguez:
carlos is canon gay so yeah lol 🏳️‍🌈
he for sure uses he/they pronouns idk why i feel like he does but it makes sense idk.
he is definitely autistic or adhd, you cannot possibly tell me he is neurotypical.
i don't think they ever confirm a label for maddox, but we know she is in some way sapphic, most likely a lesbian? as i only think they only showed she had crushes on and relationships with girls - her ex madison, that she used to like val (confirmed by her) and her current gf ashlyn. 🩷🤍🧡
maddox uses she/they pronouns and sometimes prefers they/them pronouns over she/her.
being autistic runs in maddox and jet's family and i like to think she is autistic + adhd.
i like to think that jet is probably queer in some way he for sure seems like the type of guy to kiss girls and guys lmao, just get that vibe from him lol 🏳️‍🌈
i feel like jet is the type of guy to use he/him but secretly feels happy when someone uses they/them pronouns on him too. so probably he/they.
like i said with maddox, being neurodivergent or autistic probably runs in their family, and i believe he is also autistic.
Kourtney Greene:
i honestly feel like if kourtney didn't show interest in jet or howie throughout the season, i do think she would be give me lesbian vibes. however, i think she might be queer still possibly.
kourtney uses she/her pronouns. but she doesn't mind.
it was basically confirmed that kourtney has some type of anxiety, i do believe she could also be autistic maybe.
Miss Jenn:
miss jenn gives me heterosexual vibes, as much as i want to just say she gives me lgbtq vibes i just can't vibe with that idk why (someone prove me otherwise im curious on your thoughts, maybe i will rethink).
she/her pronouns.
she has anxiety for sure.
Mr Mazzara:
he is possibly queer in some way idk it just feels right?
he uses he/him
he definitely is autistic, you can't tell my otherwise.
i like to think she's sapphic in some way, i feel like maddox and her might have had a little thing at some point possibly. and if ashlyn didn't end up falling for maddox, i could get behind val and ashlyn possibly being together for a little. 🏳️‍🌈
she uses she/her pronouns
we didn't see a lot of her so i'm not sure if she has possible neurodivergent vibes (give me your thoughts).
i think he's queer idk why but he gives that vibe.
he/him pronouns.
idk why but i can see lily being a lesbian. or maybe bisexual idk 🏳️‍🌈
she/her pronouns.
Extra: i've noticed literally almost everyone i have a headcanon for is either queer, neurodivergent or both, but honestly lets be real it makes sense 😭
if anyone give their thoughts on this i can try and add on to some of this, i did miss a few characters but haven't seen enough to head canon them, but if anyone has any thoughts let me know lol.
i also noticed i don't really have any transgender, other gender headcanons for characters, so if you do i'd be happy to hear some. i just have no idea honestly so that's why i haven't given any lol.
might end up editing and adding on changing things if so.
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did Sam just say CARLOS??! I know like two (2) things about the prequel, one is that Dean’s breaking out of Heaven to narrate his first fanfic and the other is that Carlos has my entire heart PLEASE tell me this means he’s still alive
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genrebender · 2 years
Some Canonically Queer Characters:
Asexuals and/or Aromatic:
-Jon Sims - asexual biromantic (The Magnus Archives)
-Jay - aromatic & asexual (Supernatural Academy -in show not sure about books)
-Alastor - aroace (Hazbin Hotel)
-Caduseus Clay - aroace (Critical Role: Campaign two the Mighty Nein)
-Lilith Clawthorne - aroace (The Owl House)
-Artemis/Diana aroace (PJO)
-Hestia aroace (PJO)
-Athena/Minerva alloromantic & asexual (PJO)
-Reyna Ramírez-Arellano alloromatic & asexual (PJO)
-Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
-Korra (The Legend of Korra)
-Asami Sato (The Legend of Korra)
-Millie (Helluva Boss)
-Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
-Loki (Marvel Comics and MCU)
-Loki (PJO/Magnus Chase books/Riordianverse)
-Tony Stark (Marvel Comics only)
-Logan/Wolverine (Comics non 161 universe)
-Jesper Fahey (Grishaverse/Six of Crows)
-Nina Zenik (Grishaverse/Six of Crows)
-Tommy Shepherd (Marvel Comics)
-David Alleyne (Marvel Comics)
-Hercules (Marvel Comics)
-Marvel Boy (Marvel Comics)
-Yizhi (Iron Widow)
-Shimin (Iron Widow)
-Zetain (Iron Widow)
-Mystique (Marvel Comics)
-Kate “Kitty” Pride (Marvel Comics)
-Harley Quinn (DC)
-Poison Ivy (DC)
-Catwoman (DC)
-Joker (DC)
-Tim Drake (DC)
-Wonder Woman (DC)
-Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! On Ice)
-Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
-Glimmer (She-Ra)
-Mermista (She-Ra)
-Sea Hawk (She-Ra)
-Lonnie (She-Ra)
-Rogelio (She-Ra)
-Kyle (She-Ra)
-Entrapta (She-Ra)
-Tim Stoker (TMA)
-Georgie Barker (TMA)
-Vax’ildan (Crit Role: Campaign 1 Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Vex’ahlia (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Allura (Vox Machina)
-Caleb Widowgast (Mighty Nein)
-Mollymauk/Lucien/Kingsley Tealeaf (Mighty Nein)
-Laerryn Coramar-Seelie (EXU Calamity)
-Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast)
-Star Lord (Marvel Comics)
-Apollo (PJO)
-Zeus/Jupiter (PJO)
-Poseidon/Neptune (PJO)
-Keyleth (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Essek Theylss - demisexual & demiromantic (The Mighty Nein)
-Deadpool (Marvel Comics and implied in movies)
-Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
-Rita (The Penumbra Podcast)
-Adora (She-Ra)
-Catra (She-Ra)
-Perfuma (She-Ra)
-Scorpia (She-Ra)
-Netossa (She-Ra)
-Spinnerella (She-Ra)
-Kima of Vord (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Beauregard Lionett (The Mighty Nein)
-Yahsa Nydoorin (The Mighty Nein)
-Kara Brunehilde (Venture Maidens)
-Rem (Venture Maidens)
-Gidget (Venture Maidens)
-Hemithea (Riodianverse)
-Josephine (Riodianverse)
-Lavinia Asimov (Riodianverse)
-George (She-Ra)
-Lance (She-Ra)
-Double Trouble (She-Ra)
-Taryon Darrington (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Shaun Gilmore (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Orym (Critical Role: Campaign 3 Hell’s Bells)
-Teddy Altman (Marvel Comics)
-Billy Kaplan (Marvel Comics)
-Bobby Drake (Marvel Comics)
-Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
-Cecil Gershwin Palmer (WTNV)
-Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale)
-Nico di Angelo (PJO)
-Hyacinthus (PJO)
-Ganymede (PJO)
-Wylan Van Eck (Grishaverse)
Trans (M&F):
-Jewelstar (She-Ra)
-Perfuma (She-Ra)
-Khemdal Dust (The Mighty Nein)
-Terra (The Mighty Nein)
-Yussa Errenis (The Mighty Nein)
-Sipriotes (Riodianverse)
-Double Trouble (She-Ra)
-Jay (Supernatural Academy)
-Bryce Feelid (The Mighty Nein)
-Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast)
-Raine Whispers (TOH)
-Masha (TOH)
-Pottery Barn??? (Riodianverse)
-Mother William non-binary & two-spirit (Riordianverse)
-Loki (Marvel Comics)
-Loki (Magnus Chase books)
-Mollymauk Tealeaf (The Might Nein)
-Bryce Feelid (The Mighty Nein)
-Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase books)
Not specified in cannon but generally queer:
-Amity Blight (TOH)
-Raine Whispers (TOH)
-Ed’s Clawthorne (TOH)
-Mara (She-Ra)
-Martin Blackwood MLM (TMA)
-Melanie King WLW (TMA)
-Victor Nikiforov (Yuri!!! On Ice)
-Scanlan Shorthalt (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Zahra Hydris (Vox Machina/TLOVM)
-Stolas (Helluva Boss)
-Eadwulf Grieve (The Mighty Nein)
-Zerxus Ilerez (EXU Calamity)
-Will Solace (PJO)
-Magnus Chase (Riodianverse)
-Piper McLean (PJO)
-Yizhi (Iron Widow)
-Li Shimin (Iron Widow)
-Wu Zetain (Iron Widow)
-Star Lord (Marvel Comics)
-Caleb Widowgast (The Mighty Nein)
-Astrid Becke (The Mighty Nein)
-Eadwulf Grieve (The Mighty Nein)
-Lonnie (She-Ra)
-Rogelio (She-Ra)
-Kyle (She-Ra)
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serrennedyanonwriter · 5 months
room tour???
I’m assuming this is in response to me showing off the rooms in my RE household. Anyway-
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Claire’s Room
Didn’t have of much of idea of what to do besides using red and making it look like a room she’d likely use. Also, Chris likes to randomly go into her room, talk to her, and then use her exercising equipment very casually as they’re still talking.
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Sherry’s Room
Used a lot of lighter blue along with whites and lighter browns as it fits for her. Also, tissues next to the bed because I don’t know, something tells me she sometimes has hardcore crying sessions because of Raccoon City as well as loosing both of her parents. Also, she has an art easel as I feel like she’d like painting in some way.
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Carlos’s Room
Carlos and Chris really got short ends of the stick as they’re both military-ish green men. For that reason, I used a lot more browns for of them to make things look better. A lot of I wanted to use for him were locked by career stuff, and unfortunately, to cheat to unlock them does not work on PS4, so I used could.
Fun fact: I made Luis an astronaut (because closet thing to scientist I have active in the game), and he has to workout for likely higher chances of being promoted. Because of this, I make him go into Carlos or Leon’s rooms when they’re there, and he flirts with them automatically without me making him do so.
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Luis’s Room
Yes, his room will be lost if there were to ever be a fire started in there, but in my honest opinion, it’s worth it for aesthetics and canon accuracy. I don’t know, something just tells me he’d use a lot of candles, and the curtains and bed just scream him to me. When he’s not being gay, he likes to read in his room a lot by the way.
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Leon’s Room
A lot of blue and black for him as I had no ideas really for him. I might go back and edit to make it more messy/depressing as I hc he is messy (not on purpose though). Plus, he is depressed so making his room reflect that makes sense. Also, the TV in front of the treadmill is something I feel like he’d do. The row of bookshelves is for aesthetic (He rarely reads /hj)
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Chris’s Room
I GAVE HIM BACK HIS GUITAR. Also, I did say him and Carlos got short ends of the stick thanks to the military green they wear. Gym equipment as this man keeps constantly wanting to work out. I might make his room messy since in the OG RE2, Leon makes comments about Chris being messy.
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Krauser’s Room
A hidden-ish bisexual flag since I feel like he’d be ashamed of being gay (internalized homophobia™️). Coffin is there not only because he is dead but because I wanted to do a replacement for Las Plagas for him by making him a vampire. One of the weaknesses I gave him was only being able to rest in a coffin. I completely forgot to give him a dresser and mirror (as I did with everyone else), but I’ll fix it later.
Ada’s room has three pictures, and I reached the image limit so, time to wait for a reblog for her room.
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velvetrambles · 3 months
Velvet’s Guide to Understanding the AUs I Work on (Resident Evil: Rainstorm Edition)
(Once again none of this would be possible without my lovely boyfriend @reallolattack who is also co-creator of the AU!! I’d also like to thank @tearsoftime0086 for supporting the AU these last few months as well as inspiring me to keep writing, you’ve been a major help in fleshing everything out :] )
------------------- Oh hey it’s been a while since I did one of these. I just kinda forgot to,,,, But hey Resi brainworms returned and I started writing again so here goes nothing!!
Resident Evil: Rainstorm
"Imagine if Resident Evil was written by Oingo Boingo songs and bisexual people" - @reallolattack Okay first off; change!! What have we done? What will we do? (a lot of a pain for our characters that’s for sure)
The RC outbreak is delayed by a month.
Leon and Claire team up to investigate what’s going on because Chris isn’t telling her shit
I went and revived Steve Burnside because FYUCKKK YOU
Steve works under Wesker between CV and RE5. The prototype for P30 is also developed to keep him under control
Carla is drastically changed from her canon counterpart (main thing is that she isn’t well. Ada 2. But she also plays a much bigger part)
Aeon, Burnfield, and Valenfield are all very much canon here
Sherry and Steve meet and they are FRIENDS
Basically everything about RE6 has been mutilated beyond all recognition for the sake of self indulgence
Carlos is a member of the BSAA
These will mostly be from rps between @reallolattack and I. They do have the possibility of becoming a fic in the future, so if you happen to see these paragraphs pop up again that's why! :] ------------------- Rebecca stares at the words, weakly strung up on some makeshift poles and hanging over their desks. The typo sticks out to her like a sore thumb, but she knows she can’t mention it now, not while they’re on a time limit. Yet, she keeps staring, like her eyes will magic away the extra ‘O’.
A few of the others are busy handling other equally cheap decorations to even notice it, leaving the burden of such knowledge to fall to her.
Did this happen at her welcoming party? Did she get a typo? Is this a running gag she’s unaware of? Or is whoever got sign-duty dyslexic?
You think Captain Wesker would point it out, but no. He’s too busy arguing with Chris over wacky glasses. Jill’s got cake duty. And Barry’s probably acknowledged its existence for all of five seconds before choosing to ignore it. Richard hasn’t even bothered to glance at it.
She takes a deep breath. He won’t notice, surely. She has to stop overthinking typos or simple mistakes before she ends up worrying more about being embarrassed than investigating a grisly murder. - Written by me. ------------------- They were mostly for minor injuries anyway, she hasn’t been bitten or scratched by these things, yet, only sliced by glass and broken metal, she’s more likely to get tetanus than infected.
Or so she hopes, really.
It’s one of those things constantly gnawing at her mind, always aware of her symptoms, always aware of any sign that she might be turning. She hates it, the around-the-clock paranoia, the small moments of panic when she thinks she’s developing symptoms.
Ever since Marvin, she.. she can’t begin to imagine what it’d be like once she actually gets infected. - Written by me. ------------------- Steve tests the shoulder as he shakes his head, which is also aching. Just his damn luck. The plane crash really did a number on them, and if the cold doesn’t kill them - internal bleeding just might.
Okay, best to avoid thinking about that. They’re not going to die here. They’ve got this far, right? Or well, Claire certainly won't perish here. With a wound like this, he’s already a liability. Honestly, it’d be better if she left him here, might increase her odds.
Damn, did he hit his head that hard? - Written by me. ------------------- He doesn't let himself entertain the thought of becoming one of… them. As far as he knows, he's the only cop left in the city. It wouldn't be a good look for the R.P.D. if all of their workforce died in the one situation they couldn't protect people from, right?
Well, except S.T.A.R.S., maybe. They would've owned the apocalypse.
Especially Wesker. God, he's cool. - Written by @reallolattack ------------------- He sits down with a sarcastic grin.
"Nope. Intentionally avoided it. I walked."
And he walked with tank controls!
"Needed to get the cardio in, anyway. I've been hunched over a desk for so long, I forgot what good posture was. Which- thank you for getting me out of the White House."
Which is a sentence that no-one on Earth has ever said before. Claire Redfield is just that strong.
He uses this opportunity to straighten out his back against the chair, keeping his posture in line. You just straightened out yours.
I know what you are. - Written by @reallolattack ------------------- Yeah, he was expecting something vague. Nothing affirmative, no dates, just- "once in a while". How long exactly is a while? Is he really okay with the bait of something stable, if it even is, hanging in front of him for god knows how--
… she told him not to think too hard.
It's something. It's… something. Hope. Tangible, material hope. The most he's had in- fuck. Ada's faint pulse against his chest made his own heart feel like it's finally beating again. She is his oasis.
"My window's always open."
Except when it's locked. But hey, she has a knack for these things. Maybe she has one of those Hollywood laser glass-cutters? She's used to destroying government property by now. Hell, his couch is probably next.
"So…" His teeth latch onto the inside of his bottom lip for a moment. "… how long are you staying?" - Written by @reallolattack -------------------
Stories set in Rainstorm
Every fic I post to AO3 set in this AU will be linked here!!
Early Morning Cuddles
As per usual; questions are welcome!
This AU has so much content sitting behind the scenes that things may get confusing quick, but I’m always willing to clear things up if needed!
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acidh2otoby · 2 years
Resident Evil Sexuality / Identity Headcanons, part 1
Ada Wong
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Aroace / Female
She has a small devil in her head that brings her joy when she leads people on
She's never admitted to actually liking anyone but said she's lead people on
Albert Wesker
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He's either aromantic or gay / Male
The reason I'm torn is because he's never shown any interest romantically in any way... but his obsession with Chris is a little... gay
Scratch that, it's really gay but he's confusing
Alcina Dimitrescu
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Lesbian / Female
It's basically canon that she prefers women in other ways than in the bedroom
She prefers their taste in blood (which totally isn't a slightly sexual thing)
I honestly think that if they wrote Ethan as a female, Alcina would've most likely been nicer until, you know, you kill her daughters (who are also all lesbians)
Billy Coen
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Ally / Male
He kinda comes off as a bisexual but I don't see it
How I see it is that he's comfortable with his own masculinity and is a supporter of anyone that's queer
Part of the reason I say this as well is because he's a Queen fan in canon and Freddie Mercury was one of the best gay icons so...
Carlos Oliveira
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Pansexual / Demi-boy
He doesn't give a shit about being attracted to a specific gender, he's just got love for everyone
He isn't also fully a boy but doesn't fit anywhere else, there are days where he just wants to be a blob on his couch
Carlos has most likely dated at least one person of the more popular gender identities, but definitely dated Tyrell, friends don't look at each other the way Tyrell looked at Carlos
Chris Redfield
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GAY / Male
Chris is SO GAY
You'd have to be blind to not see Chris' gayness, and I bet even if you WERE blind, you could still see it
He's not the flaming homosexual kind but like... just, C'MON!!
Claire Redfield
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Pansexual / Transgender (male-to-female)
Claire (like Carlos) doesn't care about gender attraction and thinks it's stupid it exists
She's also trans and started early, and also most likely made it obvious when she was little
Chris is 100% in support and (other than Leon and Sherry) is her biggest supporter and has thrown a fist for her
Donna Beneviento
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(there's no gifs of her that I could find)
Aromantic / Transgender (male-to-female)
Donna's got too much devotion to her dolls that she absolutely does not need someone to care for her
She still feels insecure about her identity and still thinks she looks too masculine which is only part of the reason she hides her face
She also loves and prefers making female dolls as a way to show how she would've loved to look like if she had not been turned into a monster by the stinky Mother Miranda(r)
Ethan Winters
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(he's seen some shit)
BISEXUAL / TRANSGENDER (female-to-male)
There has never been a bisexual the way Ethan has
Also, you think Capcom would dare to make a male character THAT skinny and such a babygirl without trying to state something?
Helena Harper
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Bisexual / Demi-boy
She has a hard time during her moment in China with Leon and occasionally Ada being around
She definitely finds both of them very attractive and her brain will go "brrrrr" whenever one of them does anything mildly attractive
Helena also doesn't feel exactly like a girl but is in that in between where sometimes she wants to be a masculine man and others where she just wants to exist
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Alright, since I realize I haven’t exactly been as active on here recently as I would like to have been, I thought I would attempt to make up for it by letting you guys in on some of the newest OC babies I’m planning on introducing soon. I hope you guys like these little tidbits, and (even though I don’t have any of their intro posts up yet), feel free to ask me whatever questions you’d like about them!!
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— Texas native who transfers to McKinley at the beginning of season two after her mother’s job is relocated to Lima.
— Generally your typical sweet Southern belle, but also fiercely independent and has a feisty streak.
— Well-set up to be popular when she first transfers, but quickly becomes an outcast after giving a tongue-lashing to some jocks after she watches them slushy Tina, so she joins New Directions.
— Generally sings country and pop music outside of the group numbers, but occasionally busts out a showtune (and does some country duets with Sam).
— Either a Tina or Santana ship, I haven’t quite decided yet.
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— Her story is set in kind of an AU post-canon after the boys recover the stolen money from the ravine, where Santi officially retires and they all move to the same town close to each other (and also where Frankie doesn’t have a baby and broke up with his girlfriend because I just. Can’t really deal with that).
— Quite literally bumps into Frankie at a bar (and spills her drink all over him) and very quickly becomes friends with all four of them.
— A total energetic and social ray of sunshine who’s very comfortable in her bisexuality and active in her local queer community, and helps the boys come to terms with their various non-straight identities.
— The main singer at a local burlesque club, and KILLS it as a performer.
— In a poly ship with all four former Delta Squad boys, who are all also dating each other (except for Will and Benny, obviously).
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— Daughter of Grumpy of the seven dwarves fame.
— Pretty much lives up to her father’s name; doesn’t put up with one bit of crap and is never afraid to speak her mind (which normally doesn’t make most people happy, but she doesn’t really like people anyway).
— Is definitely an outcast in Auradon and at school; the only people who actually talk to her at school outside of the teachers are Ben and her cousin Doug, who’s actually a little scared of her.
— Befriends Mal almost immediately after the VKs get to Auradon (they are truly kindred spirits) and decides to try and help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand because she resents Auradon and how fake and falsely cherry it is.
— Doesn’t really lose her prickly streak by the time the Coronation rolls around, but does come to realize that not everyone in Auradon is so bad and she needs to let people in more.
— Definitely besties with Mal, but also strikes up unlikely friendships with Carlos and Lonnie (and kind of becomes Carlos and Jane’s unofficial protector since they’re both pretty quiet and she is. Not).
— Also an Evie ship because I simply have to give my beloved girl a girlfriend. <3
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— A boyfriend for my bi king Charlie Swan. <3
— A tailor who runs a clothing shop in downtown Forks - Charlie constantly brings his uniform to his shop whenever it gets ripped.
— Definitely suspects the Cullens of being vampires but can never prove it until Charlie lets him know about Edward and this man just jumps up and shouts “I KNEW IT!”
— Sweet but fiercely loyal and protective Gryffinpuff king. <3
— Definitely acts as a non-Charlie adult confidant to Bella and is the best stepdad when he and Charlie finally get together.
— Also used to have a bit of a crush on Carlisle and still gets nervous around him even after getting together with Charlie because Carlisle is just. So pretty.
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— A British archeologist working with American Army Intelligence who gets assigned with Indy to help him find the Ark of the Covenant.
— Kind of shy and socially awkward (mostly due to constantly being underestimated in her field for being a woman) but incredibly intelligent and observant and knows when to stand her ground and not take other people’s crap.
— (Also probably autistic, but, well, they didn’t really have the language for that back then. But she is.)
— An incredibly sweet and compassionate woman who would do anything to help people in need (but also tends to trust too easily, which is why Indy is good at balancing her out).
— Indy likes to call her Lou, and she pretends to hate it, but she secretly loves that he thinks enough of her to give her a cute nickname.
— A ship for the daring professor himself, obviously!
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— (Yes, I know Winchester sister OCs are overdone, I don’t even care.)
— Technically her first name is Olivia, but she doesn’t like it and prefers to go exclusively by Via.
— Sam and Dean’s half-sister, fifteen years old in the first season, who was born out of a three-night stand between John and her mother.
— John didn’t stick around, obviously, but he kept tabs on Via and her mother and when the woman was killed in a car accident shortly after Sam left for collage, he came and got her and started training her to be a hunter.
— Immediately loves her two older brothers and is fiercely loyal to and protective of them, but shares a closer bond with Dean since she’s spent more time with him.
— Doesn’t like John at all, however, both for essentially abandoning her and her mother and for trying to turn all his children into hunters rather than letting them have normal childhoods, which is a point of contention between her and Dean.
— Despite her anger towards John forcing his kids into early training, she loves being a hunter and has a particular affinity for taking down vampires.
— A badass baby lesbian (who not only knows Dean is bi WAY before they even meet Cas but takes one look at Sam the first time they meet and is like, “Well, this one’s not straight either”).
— Might not have a love interest, or I might make another OC to give her a girlfriend, I haven’t decided yet (I’ll probably wait until I get a little further into the series).
Alright, that’s it for my more immediately upcoming OCs!! Again, feel free to ask me any questions you want about my newest babies!!
Tagging some of my OC community besties: @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @luucypevensie, @carmens-garden, @endless-oc-creations.
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applebees4prez · 1 year
my btr (tv show) lgbtq headcanons
james is gay, carlos and logan are pan, lucy is a lesbian, camille jo and kendall are all bi
logan uses he/they pronouns and lucy uses she/they
carlos’s relationship to gender is similar to that of charlie from iasip in that he doesn’t understand how gender works
lucy realized she was queer in middle school, but identified as bi until kendall got back with jo, then started questioning her sexuality before dating james and eventually breaking up with him after coming to the conclusion that she’s a lesbian
camille kinda always knew she liked girls but didn’t know bisexuality was a thing until guitar dude told her about it or something
if we’re going by canon, james DEF doesn’t realize he’s gay until after the show ends. it doesn’t take long to figure out that he’s still not happy after finally entering a relationship with lucy but tries to convince himself that he’ll be happy eventually. when she breaks up with and comes out to him, james just thinks she’s being dramatic or something at first. it does help him consider that he might also be gay, but it takes a long time to accept himself
i think carlos “coming out” is what ended up spurring james to come out. i put coming out in quotes because he never actually comes out, he’s just like “dude everyone is attracted to all genders” and lucy is like “dude you’re pansexual” and carlos is like “yeah that makes sense” and then james accidentally comes out in a jealous fit of rage
after getting diagnosed with autism, logan does a bunch of research on asd and sees that most neurodiverse people are often queer and struggle with gender identity so he’s like “oh that explains that” and after doing some more research begins identifying as bi and uses he/they pronouns
jo hears about bisexuality from camille and ponders it for a hot second before realizing she finds all of her costars hot and is definitely bi
she tells kendall she’s bi and he’s initially kind of a brat about it and jealous but then he realizes he’s ALSO bi and apologizes
jett is very obviously gay and has known he was gay since first grade and wants jo and kendall to break up so he can take kendall for himself and use jo as a beard
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