#candy duo
ask-the-good-creeps · 2 years
Vigilante Pasta AU Timeline
//Hey, y’all. I’ve made a timeline for this AU, but it is longggg. I’ve broken it up into 4 parts, and the links to all of them will be at the start of the Masterlist post that’s pinned on the blog. Let me know if I missed anything! 
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OCTOBER: The entity we know as 'Slenderman' moves into the mortal world with the intention of forcing humanity to bend to the will of 'the Divine'. Zalgatoth (Zalgo) also begins to extend influence here (though he cannot physically visit) solely to interfere with the Slenderman's plans and allow humans to retain their autonomy. Slenderman brings Splendorman, Trenderman, and Offenderman in expecting them to side with him, though they soon begin to drift into working toward their own goals. A war hidden from human eyes begins between the two sides.
APRIL: The children of Novgorod, Russia have been hearing their parents anxiously discuss their worries about the more concerning acts of tyranny committed by Tsar Ivan the Terrible and where it may lead. The children make believe that they have strong protectors that are kind, fun, and whimsical. An entity among Zalgo's ranks finds it endearing and brings their imaginary playmates into reality: thus, Pop and Cane are created. However, they are bound to a music box with two dancing bears in it, and they cannot interact with the world unless the box is open and playing its music.
AUGUST: The Slenderman is angered by the otherworldly jesters’ presence in the mortal realm and sees it as blatant disrespect from Zalgo that he allowed one of his minions to do this. Slenderman manipulates Ivan the Terrible's paranoia to convince him that the people of Novgorod are secretly working with his enemies. Ivan sends his personal army, the Oprichnina, to slaughter them all as a result of this. Pop and Cane are bound to their box during the massacre, which not a single man, woman, or child managed to escape. The Candy Twins are beside themselves with grief and horror but are unable to do anything. The soldiers raid the homes of the deceased citizens for items they can take, and in the process one of them smashes the music box. This ends up freeing Pop and Cane permanently. The duo immediately sees to having Tsar Ivan strangled for the atrocities he ordered.
MAY: A one of a kind, colorful, Laughing-Jack-in-a-Box is spawned for a lonely little boy named Isaac in England. The creation of the Jack inside is not due to the Slenderman, Zalgo, or anyone in league with either of them; to this day, Laughing Jack's creator and that creator's motives remain an enigma. However, the Slenderman mistakenly believes the clown is a product of Zalgo's faction and seeks to ruin him.
JULY: Isaac has sealed Laughing Jack in his box, as his mother has informed him he will be going away to a boarding school. Both mother and son have been tricked, and in reality, little Isaac is the Slenderman's first attempt at a human proxy. Isaac spends years being psychologically manipulated and forced to do the entity's bidding, and eventually comes to enjoy it.
FEBRUARY: Isaac is returned to his now-empty childhood home when the Slenderman becomes tired of his experiment. Despite most of his memory of the past years being a blank fog, he still has the urge to shed the blood of heathens and miscreants and does not deny himself indulgence in this craving. Laughing Jack is forced to watch the carnage and is unaware of the Slenderman's existence or involvement.
SEPTEMBER: Isaac nostalgically releases a heavily traumatized Laughing Jack one night, who immediately sets to torturing him mercilessly. Jack kept Isaac alive and suffering for nearly 47 hours before his body gave out, after which Jack simply started to wander around, completely invisible to the people around town.
OCTOBER: Laughing Jack encounters the Slenderman for the first time, and the faceless entity attempts to convince him to join its crusade for order and conformity. Jack blatantly refuses, as he has no respect for religion in any context after watching Isaac's mother and conformity doesn't suit his tastes anyhow. The rogue seraph doesn't take this well in the slightest, and Jack is quite thankful he can teleport away like he does.
MARCH: Laughing Jack meets Candy Pop and Candy Cane for the first time and joins them in their search for Zalgo so that they all may request his protection from the Slenderman. Zalgo informs them that the mortal realm is open territory, and he cannot prevent the Slenderman from pursuing them there, but offers them their own 'pocket dimensions', where nobody can enter without their permission. This offer is gratefully accepted, and now Laughing Jack has his carnival and the jesters have the Candy Circus.
JUNE: Jason exists. He has no memory of where he came from or how he spawned seemingly out of nowhere, but he knows his passion and mission is to bring joy to the children he encounters with unique and wonderful toys he makes. It is generally assumed that Jason was created by the same mysterious being that brought Laughing Jack about, but this cannot be confirmed as fact.
JANUARY: Jason dedicates a corner of his shop to be a play area where children who can't afford to purchase new toys can come and play with them to their hearts content each day (respectfully, of course – Jason doesn't like to see his toys treated callously). The boy he met that inspired this project, named George, offers to help with chores around the toy shop as a gesture of gratitude, and is pleasantly surprised when Jason hands him a few coins after to pay him for his work.
DECEMBER: Jason has noticed a small child regularly peering in the window of his shop and ducking out of sight when the toymaker turns his head in that direction. One day, he waits behind the door and greets the boy when he appears, and invites him into the shop. The child is shy and hesitant, and based on the shoddy rags the boy is wearing as clothing, he assumes other shop owners have chased him away because he doesn't have spending money for their wares. Jason waves him in and allows him to play with some of the toys in the shop without worrying about buying or not.
DECEMBER: George has been coming by several times a week since then to help with whatever work Jason can find. Sometimes the toymaker can't find anything for him to help with, as Jason is a naturally clean and organized person anyway. On those days, George would watch him work, or wander the aisles and marvel at the incredible works on the shelves. Jason doesn't want to leave the child empty-handed for the holiday season, so in lieu of paid work he gives George a custom toy that has no other in its likeness anywhere in the shop: a fuzzy little mouse with wheels for feet. George watched in awe as Jason turned a silver key in its back and set it on the floor, only for it to scurry about in fun figure-8 patterns with a consistent mechanical purr. That memory of his laughter was the last Jason had of George in his shop.
JANUARY: George had not visited in weeks, and Jason was quite worried. With some effort and assistance from passersby he manages to locate George's home, but a sour-faced man wordlessly slams the door in his face when he inquires about the child.
FEBRUARY: A small river of melting snow disturbs a shallow grave on the outskirts of the town, revealing the corpse of a child. A wind-up mouse toy is found in the pocket of the body's trousers, and a constable brings it back to its maker. The authorities had come to question Jason regarding George's death, as the child's parents had apparently pointed their fingers at the now-distraught toymaker. Jason tells them what he knows, and the constable admits that he doubted Jason's involvement in the crime to begin with – the cold had preserved the corpse fairly well, and cause of death was evidently starvation. George had not spent enough time in Jason's shop to be starved there.
MARCH: George's parents cast reasonable doubt on their alleged involvement in their son's death. His mother sobbed crocodile tears as she told the judge that he must have gotten lost and fallen in with ill company. Jason could swear he felt his blood boil when the couple were not found to be at fault or punished in any way, when everyone seemed to know what they'd done. He had kept the little mouse toy on his person since it was returned to him...and he held it safely in his pocket on the night he slaughtered those miserable bastards to avenge the child they hadn't cared for in the slightest. As he left the town, he wasn't happy to have abandoned his toy shop – but he regretted nothing else he did that night.
APRIL: Jason crosses paths with Laughing Jack, who warns him about the Slenderman. Without waiting for a response of any sort, Jack had teleported Jason straight to Zalgo so that he could gain protection as well. Jason admits to Zalgo how desperately he still mourns his toy shop, and Zalgo grants him not only a similar space but the ability to move it wherever he pleased so that he would never lose it again.
NOVEMBER: With World War I starting up among the humans, the war between ancient entities seems to be drawing to a close. Slenderman agrees to a truce with Zalgo, and reduces his mettling with human affairs.
DECEMBER: Laughing Jack invites Jason to visit at his carnival, where the latter is also introduced to the pure chaos that is the Candy Twins (mainly Candy Pop).
APRIL: On the 24th of the month, Ann Carrington is born via c-section to an exhausted mother and disappointed father, the latter of which had been hoping for a son.
OCTOBER: On the [REDACTED] day of the month, Jack Robinson is born to two proud young parents.
MAY: Ann Carrington has fulfilled her dream of becoming a registered nurse and begins work in a well-known psychiatric asylum under the direction of its founder, Dr. Abel Whitworth, who has gained a reputation among the nurses for behaving very inappropriately with them.
MARCH: On the 17th of the month, Jonathan Frank is born, the second son to his parents.
SEPTEMBER: Nurse Ann has refused Dr. Whitworth's advances despite his threats to her career. He attempts to force her, but she successfully defends herself and runs off. A bitter Whitworth has her relocated to the most dangerous ward of the asylum in retaliation. Within two weeks of this reassignment, Ann is murdered by a homicidal patient who somehow managed to get ahold of a straight razor. Her body had already been hacked into pieces by the time anyone went looking for her. She woke up in the morgue without a pulse and walked out overnight; a new worker, afraid of being fired for negligence, failed to report her corpse missing and instead through some fireplace ash in a spare urn to report her cremated.
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emry-stars-art · 5 months
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It is… May 🦈
Find the mer aus masterpost here 💕
I'll reintroduce the made up little script and add the translation below:
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Go my children write silly little codes and messages on things. Anyway what they’re saying:
Wymack: I don't know if I can convince him.
Betsy: that's okay.
Abby: I think he's earned being a little scared.
Betsy: maybe he'd like something sweet.
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feroluce · 3 months
Had the cutest realization last night- so there's a saying we have in English meaning to get something done by any means necessary. It specifically includes dishonest methods, such as violence or lying. So when you're willing to resort to that kind of thing to achieve your goals, you say you're going to do something
"by hook or by crook"
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danmeigirl · 1 year
donno who is more cute Li lianhua or fox spirit 😚🥺
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They r trying 2 teach MK how 2 use new weapons w/,, varying success 😭😭
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rere9500-18 · 1 year
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Cotton Candy duo, my already beloved duo <3333333
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alfredojesta · 2 months
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CIRCUS DUO!!! LJ and candy pop are friends!!!
they call each other "my dearest clown" and "my dearest jester" and they occasionally hug and kiss but it's all platonic
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au-mashup-party · 2 months
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Here’s another gag character I made for fun. There name is Candy Corn(They/Them). Don’t let their size and appearance fool you, they bite. They’re best friends with the buff skelly himself!
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Note: They sorta have an AU of their own and mostly featured in other AU’s as an untouchable duo gag joke, similar to the trio “The Gacha’s” I made a while ago. Because why not? Trying something new never hurt anyone.
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sixthsensewulf · 4 months
Honestly I might do it for all the IH duos. . but there is just something about the Zac and Murph duo in all campaigns. That just cheers me up or makes me go insane.
FH - Gorgug and Riz... The OG duo pretty much right. The Barbarian and the Rogue, which turned into the Artificer with some Barbarian and the Rogue. I mean.. this duo just makes me happy. I also honestly think it's one of the underrated friendship pairings in Fantasy High.
Unsleeping City - Ricky and Kugrash. This pairing of the duo is honestly very sweet. I just picture Kugrash seeing his kids in Ricky, which is making me upset. But also the fact that Kug could have cured his son from vampirism but chose to help Ester and her family, definitely helped with the character development but also because of Ricky. I have honestly cried over the Rat making the choice to eat the bagel... But Ricky chooses to quit firefighting and open up a homeless outreach centre in honour of Kug, hurt.
Unsleeping City 2 - Ricky and Cody. Ah yes the two sides of the same coin. The dual paladins. The development these two went on is fantastic. The fact that the questing blade went to Cody instead of back to Ricky. The fact that Ricky wasn't using violence until his girl got taken. But honestly how Cody and Ricky's friendship grew was amazing to see.
Starstruck - Skip and Barry. Honestly the whole crew dynamics make me go insane. But this one.. their friendship is honestly insane.
Neverafter - PiB and Gerard. Ah the frog prince and his cat. Honestly the "commanding strike" combo these two do so often was nuts. But honestly I feel like PiB and Gerard definitely did share the brain cell of the group so often. But this duo was insane, I think it was also to do with Zac and Murph not engaging in the chaos of the other 4 during the finale.
A Crown of Candy.
I could write a lot about Lapin and Theo .. and chances are people would agree. They are like two ships passing in the night. I also feel like Lapin died at the right time, yes Lapin had so much more to do for the princesses... But honestly Lapin died at the right moment. He chose his people, and died for it. Casting Fly on Theo to let him have the better chance of getting the Rocks Family out of there. Lapin knew whatever he did in that fight, would prove which side he was on, and literally mark him for death. Theo also knew the position Lapin was in, regarding Lapin's situation with the church as well as his decision about Liam. Both of them were prepared to help fight for Liam, but didn't expect the swerve back onto the Rocks Family, which changed their plans.
Cumulous and Theo - the two people that knew Lazuli, reuniting. The two people who ended up protecting the magic of Candia. The duo didn't switch to join Saccarina but knew she was the better option to help protect Candia.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 11 months
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It's officially Halloween for me now so I get to post these!!
Reblogs appreciated! ^^
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hedgypipes · 1 year
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What will happen if they were in the same room together?
Spoilers for those who haven’t Watch Fionna and Cake yet!
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clowneepup · 3 months
i'll toss more f/o tags into the ring cuz I just finished the s/i sheet that smooches them :3
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Smg4 ; 💙 cotton candy lovers
Smg3 : 💜 devious duo
[I chose 4's cuz our colors are pink & blue :3]
[I chose 3's cuz we're both devious little losers]
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floridagirlboy · 5 months
i think marine corps got his license suspended a few years ago by gov himself for horrible reckless driving. im talking like
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like that. has rammed his shitty ford fiesta directly into gov's house at least twice and only one of them was an accident. and now navy has to fucking drive him everywhere. you can't ever Just talk to marine because navy is usually right around the corner because he had to fucking drive him there. and navy always has to give his opinions on anything you're talking about. worst duo ever
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purple-the-turtle · 1 year
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just a silly little magnetic duo (or cotton candy duo, as I’ve dubbed them (I know it doesn’t really make sense lol)) piece, didn’t really want to think abt it to much… i already have an angst idea with them but they deserve some cute in their lives <3
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k1ngspencer · 7 days
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Im literally so normal about these two.
Marvel they need to interact 🙌
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
u don’t get it i NEED to see candy interactions i need them to team up and become the most powerful duo to ever exist
cartman: Hey, for a girl you’re kinda good at making evil plans, huh.
wendy: Yes, and you’re quite ok for a fat racist misogynistic bigoted stupid piece of shit.
cartman, shrugging: Who would expect we’d make such a good team.
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