blutraene · 1 year
Hallo ihr lieben Menschen. Ich sammle seit ein paar Monaten immer wieder Bands und Solokünstler:innen, die man meiner Meinung nach boykottieren sollte in dieser Liste. Vorwiegend sind es klare Nazi-Bands, einfach weil ich zu denen sehr viel finde, aber eben auch andere Bands, die ich teilweise auch früher gehört habe, deren Mitglieder unverzeiliche Dinge getan haben oder die politische Ansichten vertreten, welche mit meinen Wertvorstellungen unvereinbar sind.
Ich versuche immer den Grund kurz dsrzustellen und Quellen zu verlinken. Anschließend werden die Bands noch in Kategorien eingeteilt.
Nutzt diese Liste gerne, wenn ihr bspw. bei Black Metal Bands unsicher seid, ob sie vielleicht rechts sein könnten. Die Liste deckt nicht alles ab, aber sie kann helfen einiges rauszufiltern. Ich musste im Zuge meiner Recherchen auch schon ein paar Playlists aussortieren.
Meine Bitte an euch: bitte weist mich darauf hin, welche Bands und Künstler:innen auf dieser Liste fehlen (gerne auch mit Quelle). Auch strukturelle Verbesserungsvorschläge für die Liste nehme ich gerne an.
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thecancle · 1 year
I used to be just like you
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verianal · 9 days
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I need him to wear glasses.... Its so cutie :(((
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bleeding-ambrosia · 4 months
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not sure how much i like how this turned out but I’ll definitely draw more dbd art at some point this was just something for my hands to do while i did my third rewatch aaaa!
I’ve never had a character that i’ve “kinned” but Edwin is so me 😭
I NEED A SEASON TWO SO PLEASE STREAM THE FUCK OUTA THIS (i just have it going on my tv on mute all day i won’t lie)
I think so far my favorite ship is payneland/painland i love a good slow burn! i’m not opposed to Edwin being with anyone else in between but i NEED a payneland endgame ���
I think it’s an unpopular opinion? but i rlly don’t like Cat King (IM SORRY) he just rubs me the wrong way thus far ✋😟 AND SOMEONE GIVE MY SON MONTY A SECOND CHANCE AT BEING HUMAN PLEASE please bring my crow son home🧎‍♀️
My biggest hope for this fandom (so long as we get green lit for season two) is that we don’t get into Voltron level ship wars bc i can’t go back and y’all can’t make me!
ty for coming to my ted talk 🫶✨
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You should watch Wheel of Time it has:
hot men!! hot women! hot people in general!!!
literally every character can be the ultimate blorbo. they all have issues! pick the character with the struggle you relate to the most! (mat my beloved)
just the best costumes. i usually don’t notice this but i think everyone looks cool as hell
if that wasn’t enough to convince you. it’s also genuinely a good show. the characters are interesting, the romances are complex, and it is incredibly obvious that the writers, producers, actors, and crew really care about the source material (while still changing parts so it can work better on tv and cutting the more uhhhhh… problematic stuff from the books)
The tumblr girlies need to get on this shit. They are missing out.
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leravat-lat · 1 year
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I now need a psychotherapist, I am satisfied :D
I know they are the same person, but I can't help but ship them😭
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illustratingari · 1 month
The fact that I will never see Manny Jacinto as The Stranger on my screen again, is just heartbreaking. And he has so much passion for his character too like…Disney how could you do this to him??? ON HIS BIRTHDAY???
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wigglebox · 1 year
well now i literally have no reason to watch the CW again ever. good fucking riddance i fucking hate that stupid network
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floofeeeeee · 4 months
Guys I’m going to be honest and this might be a hot take idk but…I HATE THE IDEA OF SOPHIE BECOMING A CANCELER I’m sorry I just really don’t like it especially be of all the shit they did to Sophie?????? You want her to WORK WITH THEM??? Aw hell naw bro besinds my theory is that she’ll become a keeper..you know…the name of the series ?
But yeah that’s all love you pookies
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whomadewaffles · 1 year
Incase anyone wanted a complete newbies opinion on the one piece liveaction adaptation.
Before we start, here is what I knew vaguely before going on, never having watched a single episode of the anime
. A pirate gets killed but challenges people to find his hidden treasure before he is killed
.there is fruit that gives magical powers, main character can stretch like mr fantastic and elastiagirl
.longgggg ass sorry with alot of rich world building
Now i Adore great world building so was always interested in watching the anime but...paying for cruncyroll premium and the sheer length of the show has kept me away. But with the word of mouth about this live action show being very positive I thought why not use this as a starting point. So without further ado here is what I thought.
It was wonderful, I was either smiling like an idiot or tearing up through all of it, I was hear for the worldbuilding and it gave me plenty in that regard but I wasn't realy expecting to fall for like...pretty much every single charater, the strawhats are all delightful and have such a amazing found family vibe and I am SO weak to that trope, koby and his marine subplot grew on me and so much good well choreographed action and some actual laugh outloud moments (buggy was a scene stealing highlight). Everyone said sanji's backstory was a tear jerker and that's 100% correct but nami's third act betrayal realy caught me of guard but love how it was handled. Luffy lives up to his shonen protagonist roots by just being an inspiring becon of positivity who I wish the absolute best for, the show would have fallen apart of we didn't care for luffy and luckly they nailed it. I would say zoro is my favourite of the crew though he had such a dry sarcastic sense of humor that i vibed with. The world was absolutely fascinating with how everything revolves around the sea, and the technology isn't advanced at all like they use snails as phones i loved that, it was so weird! And the way they used pratical effects when they could was great to see gave the world a real and lived in feel. and I realy get the sense there's so much magical stuff still to see! And the music!!! Omg the music! It added so much to so many great moments. Just have to hope netflix sticks with it but with their track record I'm.....not optimistic. But in summary what a charming start to an adventure!
I am curious am I the only person watching as a new fan? Is gate keeping generally a thing with this fandom?
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thecancle · 1 year
I'm not part of this madness..
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bleue-flora · 2 months
I’m so lost by that take
Umm… I don’t remember the ccs saying that… I once again ask for proof. Like guys if y’all be out here aggressively stating these takes can please cite your sources… like bruh. Just because you say it don’t make it true. Here’s what I know. In Daedalus Dream says this about Exile:
[17:45] SAM: “I mean… I don’t know. You told me that… You had Tommy trapped on that island with you.”
DREAM: “Yeah…?”
SAM: “Wasn’t that bad?”
DREAM: “I— what— what—? Me— After Tommy was exiled by Tubbo? That I— I spent time with him? And gave him food, like I’m literally doing to you right now? And talked to him? You know— tried to rehabilitate him from making the mistakes that he made over and over and over and over again?”
SAM: “Yeah— I guess… it’s not really that bad I guess. It’s…”
DREAM: “Like why was he exiled—? How is it my fault he was exiled?! He— he was— he was like— he was blowing up things and burning things and destroying things and causing tons of problems for no reason whatsoever.”
SAM: “Yeah, that’s true…”
DREAM: “And he was supposed to be well—behaved as like— what— like whatever he was for his country—I don’t know, he was in some position.”
SAM: “Yeah…“
DREAM: “And then Tubbo exiled him. And after he was exiled I took him to his exile spot and I just kept— kept an eye on him, I didn’t want him to be doing bad things. That’s not so bad.”
SAM: “Yeah… I guess it’s really not that bad. I guess it’s kind of… not bad at all in some ways.”
DREAM: “I mean I’d say— You know… I’d say, the things that— I said to Tommy and the things that I did to Tommy, I do— I do… think that they’re not… you know, morally… perfect. But in my mind it was— it was for his greater good, right? And the server, I mean he was destroying things, you know what I mean?”
Which is not talking about it as an ego trip. And based on that and what we saw in Exile, which I’ve already talked about to me looks oddly close to Philza’s teaching and parenting in general later, with making Tommy destroy items to teach Tommy not to put items above people. I think I’ll have to disagree with their take.
Firstly, if punching, hitting, or slashing or whatever at Tommy counts as child abuse than I’m pretty sure Everyone on the server is guilty and here’s the thing, are we really saying there a difference between abuse and child abuse in the first place? Why is that so important? Tommy could be the same age and Exile would still be messed up. Who cares if he’s 16, 17? In a world where anyone can run a country and lead a war, what does age matter? Couldn’t you also be impressionable and naive and just as vulnerable to manipulation as an 18, 19, 20 year old? Scientifically you ain’t grown up til you’re like 25, when you brain is finally fully developed. Sure in the real world, age matters but it matters because Tommy wouldn’t be able to do the things he does and he would have a legal guardian. In this situation to me it seems to be put at a higher importance. Isn’t abuse just abuse, or hurting someone just hurting someone?…
Plus, it’s not about equally bad. It’s not about deserve. You’re missing the freaking point if that’s how you’re viewing the story. It doesn’t matter about who deserves what and who’s wrong and right. They both hurt each other, they both abused eachother, they both tortured eachother, it’s not about who did worse and who was justified. That’s not how the world works. That mentality is how the cycle of revenge and violence and abuse continues, until there’s nothing left but ash. How about no ones in the right. How about it’s never justifiable. How about no one deserves it. How bout they’re both terrible people. How bout the Whole Server is full of terrible people…
To me if you are breaking the complex story do the dsmp down to exile and child abuse and oh poor Tommy, then you’ve missed the point of the story. And I’m pretty sure I can speak for everyone hand talking about it, no one is saying that anyone can be deserving of necessarily at fault of being hurt, I think we are more so looking at it from the context of Dream’s perspective and the context of the dsmp world rules.
And Tommy may not have deserved Exile, but he may be responsible for ending up banished. He’s not some innocent child, he never was, he has been. Yes, he is absolutely flawed, they are all flawed, but does dream not get the same reasoning of being flawed? Are they not all people, flawed and imperfect, doing things to the best of their ability, motivated with reasons and purpose. Are they not all wrong, but right from their own point of view…
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mr-molded · 9 days
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I love the new MK challenges so much! They're probably up they're in my top three
This section of empty the vault was really cool, I like these two mannequins in particular. They're just so goofy
I've got a few more screenshots from this particular MK below:
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letmesleepforeverpls · 10 months
Crushing on main for people who would tear your throat out>>>
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it's funny cause right after the dnf meet up I feel like a lot of people were like "oh.. I thought the size difference was gonna be bigger.." "why did I think George was shorter?" "Blah blah blah the size difference is not there" but like...
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dare-g · 1 month
Got my pass for the big film fest in October!!
A bit disappointed that it's going to be reduced this year cause they're renovating so it's going to be about 22 films when usually it's more like 32 but the renovations will be a good thing and they did reduce the price to make up for it
Also instead of being in multiple screens it's all going to be in the biggest one only which means no overlapping times so Ill be able to see every film instead of having to pick screenings over others which will be nice
Also two guest already announced Tantoo Cardinal and Graham Greene!
Anyway I'm just really excited it's always the big event I look forward to each year
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