#cancer pet
geminimoonmadness · 1 year
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Copywrites reserved ©️Gemini Moon Madness
Like humans, animals have unique natal chart placements. This post is in regards to your pets sun sign, though if you are aware of their moon sign, you may see those traits come through as well.
Aries pets like to lead the way and be in charge, especially when on a walk! (They’re the dogs tugging on their leash) These pets will be harder to train than most and are known to not come when they’re called. Even though they have highly independent traits, they will still want to be the centre of your world. These pets may always be injuring themselves in accidents quite often and get to know the vet very well lol. They are confident & strong no matter what kind or size.
Taurus pets are extremely laid back. They love food to the point they’ll always check whatever you offer them out even if they’re not hungry or in the mood. They love to take regular naps! They appreciate affection but only when they’re in the mood. They can also be shy & don’t like be shown off to strangers. Loud noises and chaos stress them out so they need a peaceful environment.
I had a Taurus dog that was terrified of thunderstorms & lawn mowers. Even the noise of the builders 2 doors down was enough to force him out of his element.
Gemini pets can get moody. They can be passive and agreesive, have their good and bad days, sometimes they are outgoing, sometimes they’ll be reserved and distant. They are a quick learner as they are quite smart. They prefer to form a bond with more than one person rather than following the “ownership” dynamic. These pets are prone to separation anxiety/nervousness, they can be indecisive in their eating habits, love going for walks and are affectionate. They also love social environments and being spoken to.
Cancer pets are loving and may need continuous attention and reassurance. They are such sweet pets, very sensitive. They like to comfort eat & can become overweight/unhealthy easily. They make friends with other pets, as if they were a companion to them also. Moving home or visiting new and unfamiliar places can make these pets uncomfortable and a lil annoyed with you - They may not seem like themselves for a while until they settle in or get over it.
Leo pets have a pride about them, they’re warm, generous and the most loyal pets out there. They have energy to burn and will always be up for an outdoor adventure (their favourite!!) They love being heard and are known to regularly bark, even for no reason lol. This pet will enjoy to be the centre of attention wherever you take them, whether you’re at home, a friends house or the park, this pet is happy in the spotlight. Other pets may bully your Leo pet due to jealousy & feeling the need to assert dominance.
Virgo is the calm and quiet pet. They love routine and don’t like change, though these pets can handle stressful situations quite well. They like to follow you around, they will be a loyal travelling buddy as they tend to stick by your side when they are outdoors. Very intelligent and analytical which makes them easier to train than most pets. They enjoy it when you talk to them throughout the day, they may even try respond with their voice.
Libra pets are indecisive, one day they may like a treat, the next they will turn their head up at it. They will usually eat when they want to. They need structure and going with the flow won’t work for these pets. They also may suffer from a short attention span, (similar to ADD) which makes them slightly harder to train. These pets are extremely loving and need gentle discipline to feel safe & secure.
Scorpio pets are highly emotional but also strong willed. They usually get what they want and tend to stand over other pets, maybe even people! They require structure, because without it they will take advantage of everyone and everything they come in contact with. These pets would benefit from daily exercise/activity to relieve stress and built up tension (dog: walks, bird: let out of cage, cat: backyard time, toys). These pets love being groomed and in your company. They know what’s bad company and don’t forget when they’re wronged, they may make it known when they dislike someone.
Sagittarius pets love a challenge. These pets have such a happy go lucky vibe to them, they’re very outgoing and kind. They radiate positivity, maybe even with a visible smile on their face. These pets have a tendency to be picked on by other pets, so keep an eye on them. They believe you’re their one true love and will adore your affection. They are very loyal and will want to be with you at all times, this sometimes turns into separation anxiety with some Sagittarius pets. They love to have another companion in the house, they like company so the more pets the merrier for them.
Capricorn are the clean pets, they are extremely grounded and will act the way as you’d typically expect the species/breed of pet to act. Very easy to train though they do have a mind of their own. They always want to be working as they enjoy keeping busy. They love to run around! These pets don’t sleep as much as other pets do and they also suffer from anxiety in stressful situations. Capricorn pets may not like having a companion and will take their time to get used to any new pets or people.
Aquarius pets are highly intelligent and intuitive. They are unpredictable and can go from 0 to 100 real quick! They like to do what they want and when they want. They make for extremely loving and friendly pets. These pets will befriend another companion despite what it is whether you get a dog, cat or chicken. (They’re the pets you see in those cute videos where a pig and cat are besties or dog and duck, etc 🥹) Aquarius pets need their space and enjoy alone time to plot their next surprise for when you least expect it!
Pisces pets are the most sensitive out of the lot. They are very sweet and need a tranquil atmosphere to flourish as they can get stressed out easily. These pets usually get bullied by other pets for their non-aggressive nature. They are independent in the way that they do what they want without attracting attention. Pisces pets are sensitive to your emotions and may require gentle training and when they become afraid they want you to be there comforting them. They know what you want and will have YOU well trained 😉
꧁꧂ That was fun to create, how was it to read!? Who wants to see more Pet Astrology?
ღ I appreciate all interactions & feedback ღ
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kittykatninja321 · 15 days
Very deeply annoyed by the fanon idea that Talia treated Jason like a pet or a tool when he was catatonic, because when you actually read lost days you can clearly see that Talia is literally the only person who looked at Jason while he was catatonic and still saw a person and treated him like a person while everyone else around her (Ra’s and the doctor she hired) was ready to dismiss Jason as an empty shell
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theoreocat · 2 months
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Good morning everyone,
Thought I'd give you all a little update on Oreo. We’re taking things one step at a time and Oreo and I are both doing our best. It's been quite up and down all week. He gets sick every morning right before he has to take his anti-nausea pill. Then he won't eat for some time afterwards. This morning, he still wouldn't eat after I gave him his appetite stimulant so I got quite worried. A little message from my late senior kitty, Sushine, sent me to the grocery store for some Friskies. Well, Sunshine was right. Oreo ate it and he even purred while he did. I am doing my very best to get him to keep eating. I think if we can make it through this weekend alright, he may have a fighting chance to make it to his oncology appointment on Wednesday. This is the hardest thing I have even been through and my heart goes out to anyone who is going through the same thing. He is comfortable and resting once again. It’s the best thing for him right now.
Thanks again everyone for your continued support,
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little-tunny · 2 years
This is my cat, B-Man! He has mild cerebellar hypoplasia which effects his balance and coordination. But look how well he’s walking now that he’s grown up!
If you remember my beloved tripod kitty, Goop, he sadly passed away from cancer a little over a year ago. And a day before his birthday would’ve been, a starving pregnant stray showed up at my doorstep, so I kept her and her kitten! It’s actually a very wild story with crime, passion, opossums, and arson.
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blackbackedjackal · 5 months
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[insert movie title]
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vaspider · 9 months
We're saying goodbye today. Mila declined a lot overnight. She's taking comfort in Emet.
If you need me, no you don't.
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sagstelliums · 25 days
What your pet thinks of you (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that they think you’re emotional or sensitive and you may have a hard time sleeping or you get bad dreams, they think you’re intuitive/empathetic and caring. They think that you need more balance or more rest and they think you’re talented or that you have untapped potential. Signs- cancer/pisces. Initials- D, R, L, T, G
Pile 2
I see that they think you have a lot of issues in your love life or with people in general, they think you get along better with animals than humans. They think you have poor judgment sometimes and your life is a little chaotic, they think you’re too hard on yourself and you have a hard time standing up for yourself. Signs- V, Z, B
Pile 3
I see that they think you’re a great pet owner and they love you, you make them happy and they feel emotionally fulfilled. They think you’re overworked or overwhelmed and you need more rest, they think that you’re comfy to sleep with. They think that you guys spend a lot of time together and they have a lot of memories with you, they feel like you’re always there for them. Signs- Libra/pisces. Initials- K, M, F
Personal readings always available
Pngs by @lavendergalactic @rizzes0-o @nebulogia Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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littlestpersimmon · 1 year
Sincerely asking for everyone's prayers for me and my family rn. Please anyone, and please HaShem give me and my family relief
Genuinely. My uncle died, and have been feeding his two orphans ever since- at the same time my dog Sif had dengue. (He is recovered now, just got him back for a checkup and he is totally healthy, but it was a rough battle.) and now a cousin I'm very close with has been diagnosed with breast cancer, two of my cousins had pets die. One was old, and we knew it was coming, but the other one was totally random. I just got a call from my second youngest uncle to tell my dad he just got diagnosed with cancer as well, and being surrounded with so much darkness and death is affecting my mental health. Have been praying with all my heart for relief, but I feel I am not strong enough. Please please pray for me. Thank you so much
Here is my dog Sif btw
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sleepychipmunk · 7 months
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funky faced maud
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m00kieblaylock · 12 days
Hey 👋🏻
I have not been on here in I think 18 months-ish. Truthfully, 2023 was the most difficult year of my life. It’s completely surreal to be honest that it all happened, I couldn’t have written it if I tried. I think I’m still in a form of shock. I was in too much pain to write anything or even mindlessly scroll on this app, that has for so long been a comfort for me and where I got support from friends who I met or through joy I got from content etc.
Thing is, I lost my beautiful dog in the April who was my heart and shadow, who was my warmth and safe space. A week later I moved to a rural town which completely changed everything about my daily life. In itself it’s been a massive adjustment and identity and community and comfort is something I’m still figuring out. Then a couple months later my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. He passed less than three months after. It fucking sucked because I adored him and never got a proper goodbye. It all just happened so quickly.
A few weeks before he died. My other dog, a sweet and beautiful girl who was my boys soulmate went to sleep and joined him. She was a very special girl and I still fucking miss them both. 2023 was basically me getting my heart torn to shreds too many times so close together that it was too much to even believe.
I was the closest to leaving this planet than I’ve ever been before. While it was definitely understandable to struggle with life at that point, it was worse than that. I find it hard to explain but my depression and anxiety were completely untenable for me to even slightly function. I had the darkest times and while I’m proud that I’m still here it’s been a lot. It’s kind of a miracle to think about how bad things got.
I put a lot of hard work into multiple avenues of mental health treatments. I even had an initial round of TMS treatments - something I would definitely consider discussing with anyone who is interested. It’s been completely exhausting. I am taking far longer than I would have ever anticipated to be myself again after the past couple of years and I do get frustrated, but the road is still ahead of me. Recovery isn’t linear or black and white. So here we are.
I am slowly but surely trying to include more positivity in my days, so I really want to come back on here. I deserve that joy again. I need it, in fact.
So, I’m not sure who is still around, who’s read this far or what has changed, but anyone who wants to catch me up on your life or touch base etc - I’m here to enjoy this little space again 💕✨
Molly 🫶🏻
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cobwebbz · 14 days
I love you so much buddy. May your dreams stay forever pleasant. Rest well Maximus.
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I will never forget you.
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
trigger warning for cancer!!
just got off the phone with my dad and my corgi, macy, does have bladder cancer. the vets have been taking their time trying to figure out everything but they finally got back to my dad today to tell him the news. we have 3 options for treatment and none of them are cheap. i hate to do this but i’m in the process of moving 2 more hours away from my family and i want to help them out as much as i can while also not having to ask them for money.
i’m not asking for donations, i’m really not, i sell divination readings so if you’d like to help my parents, myself, and most importantly — macy, please consider buying a reading from me! i have p*yp*l, v*nmo, c*sh*pp, ko-fi, and z*lle ((message me for that))
i’m more than willing to offer multiple readings for a lower price, i’m just desperate to help my parents and my dog. we have 4 dogs in total so having to spend a lot on macy is going to cause issues for everyone in the house so please, please consider sharing this post so people can potentially buy a reading from me.
this is a post that no one ever wants to make but here are some silly pictures of macy begging for my siblings food!!
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dailydragon08 · 1 month
My cat, Jaz, hasn’t been doing well for a while and is 17 years old. After some back and forth with her vet and the animal hospital, it’s time. Please send good thoughts (and I wouldn’t say no to some fanfic character comfort either).
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(A pic from better days)
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normalamber · 2 months
today we are saying goodbye to the most incomparable angel to ever live. i brought her home when i was 24 years old and she weighed barely 1lb. she has been the most loyal, stubborn, sweet, and loving companion that anyone could ever ask for. i am devastated but i will never forget her.
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aurora-the-dog · 11 months
Aurora and Belle demanding to go outside to play!
Please consider donating to or sharing her gofundme to help her fight cancer at: https://gofund.me/1f74cd77. .
You can also find more information about her condition there.
#Cancer #dog #help #charity #animal #cancercare #spaniel #scarring #donate #CancerAwareness #aurora #aurorathedog #pet #cute #love #videooftheday #video #gofundme
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nico-di-genova · 3 months
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I’m just…yeah 🙁
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