#canadian site my ass
leofrith · 2 years
was thinking of maybe ordering a new laptop but then i went to check the cost of shipping and duties were gonna be almost $400......................
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muirneach · 2 years
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> “the senate is democracy”
> the senate is appointed not voted in
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miffmuff · 23 days
I was always befuddled by Rob's mysterious major in Canadian history considering he's 13 years old and also a drop out. What mysterious course of events must've led up to his stupid major. Was it just... A one off gag you're not supposed to think about??? That's absurd.
Well as I was doing my daily "standing near a window and acting like I'm really deep in thought" the answer came to me. It wasn't a real major. It was a fake one from a random ass website online.
As demonstrated here
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Now if that's the case, why didn't he just fake a more useful one? Well I imagine after this said site downloaded like a bajillion virusese and
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Moral of the story use a VPN, or smth like that idk. Anyways that's just a theory. A TAWOG THEORY!! thanks for reading.
(the certificate for the 0 people who want it)
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
I am sick and tired of America controlling the internet and putting other people in other countries on edge
if you haven’t heard about KOSA, google it, I beg you. Because it is targeted at Tumblr. Specifically.
As a Canadian writer, it is terrifying to even have to entertain the idea that my space may be taken away from me because some fuck ass transphobic shit heads want to control everyone else. It’s even more terrifying as a queer content creator. We aren’t hurting anyone, but going after fandom spaces under the guise of protecting children is.
Where is this same fire for R34 sites which could be actively harmful to your kids? I for one was a child with unrestricted internet access and was severely fucked up by r34 sites (and Twitter). I have seen shit I cannot unsee, no matter how hard I want to. Tumblr, Ao3 and wattpad were actually beneficial to me because they taught me how to healthily express my creativity and nursed my writing & art skills. They (the makers of the bill) don’t want that. They don’t give a flying fuck about kids and their internet safety - if they did they would have much different approaches. What they actually want is to go after queer spaces so they can control everyone. Because if they control what is online, everyone can fall into the alt right pipelines with no other option or voices to listen to. They can silence us all. They want to silence us all. They want queer youth and adults alike so they feel alone and wrong, and curl up in on themselves until we go underground again.
This needs to be talked about. Especially now, because they are doing it while all the focus is on the writers strike and the anti trans bills, so they can slip this one under the radar until it’s too late.
I’m Canadian so I know little in the way of how to stop your American bill process. So do your own research and fight back! Contact your local representative, share information, for once in your life scream from the damned roof tops.
If shit does get shut down here, I will move this blog to Pillowfort and definitely find some other places to post fanfic. If ao3 fully goes down, I will repost some of my fics, such as White Lies. I refuse to be silenced because some pasty ass republicans want me to open wide for their shrivelled penis all thanks to a body I had no control over selecting.
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
How many languages do you know? :0
(Or what site do you use for reference/to translate)
Hiya! So I'm only fluent in english, but I have a decent working knowledge and reading comprehension in a couple of languages- I studied japanese at uni for a little while along with neurolinguistics, so I'm super duper interested in languages and how they mutate! I grew up in wales and used to have fluent welsh as a kid but have lost it in the decades since. I worked in paris in my early twenties so my french comes from there! (There is a reason that french welsh and japanese are the languages I chose for the bots ^^, defo my comfort zone).
I intend to include some swedish and portuguese in future chapters, which I don't currently speak at all. I will have to do some grammar deep dives! When I include any language in fic I try to make sure it is accurate but also fairly colloquial- it's important to me that the characters feel like they are from their region not just their country. E.g it is important to me that Sol feels canadian, not just generic francophone. I try to identify real use cases find examples of when someone has used phrases in conversation so I can get a sense of the context. Like I mentioned, languages and how they work are a 'special interest' for my neurodivergent ass so I like to make sure its all as accurate as possible. You can't really do that by utilising an online translator (they struggle to really give you grammatically accurate/contextual results), so it just means doing a bunch of wider research! For later chapters I will hopefully have the assistance of some native speakers ^^
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scary-pixie · 1 month
Blargh...I feel soooo burnt out with art right now. I still have a couple pieces to work on on behind the scenes (one commission and two gifts, so I can't post them for a while yet), but otherwise it feels like a treadmill to nowhere (FACT: all treadmills lead to nowhere). The "big" social media sites like Instagram and Twitter suck ass for artists these days, and my engagement is about a third of what it used to be. SHIT, Instagram doesn't even have a proper "hashtag search" function anymore (it only shows top posts)! God damn it!!
I may try and put my Writer's Hat on for a while, since that's been my alternate thing for the last few years. Fun Fact: I occasionally write for both a video game website and a Canadian magazine, though I'm not sure I wanna mix the "professional" stuff with all the horse's ass nonsense I post on here, so I'll keep the details private for now.
I'm thinking of perhaps going back to writing blog entries about the games I've been playing (unrelated to the site) and maybe some other retro media, since that's an idea I've been toying around with for a while. I'm also confident enough to do little videos now, so maybe I'll mix a few in?
Or maybe I'll write stories with lots of dicks in them, I dunno.
Third possibility: I'm just in A Mood, and will go right back to doing art in a couple days. We'll see!
GOD DAMN IT, if only "being a fangirl" was a viable career path...!!
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britcision · 27 days
So I went on holiday last week! Free camping at the family trailer! (Free as in we didn’t have to pay for the site, we did do some restocking for the trailer itself and all other expenses)
So lemme tell you how that went :)
Day 1: drove up, which took an hour longer than usual cuz half the roads were torn up (ah the Canadian seasons… winter and construction). Made it there, met parents for dinner, found out heating and AC were still down so it was gonna get pretty cold.
Parents were fine because they have body heat, but it hit something like freaking 5 degrees so we broke out the winter sleeping bags about it.
Oh and got a second degree burn on my arm wrassling with the kettle trying to work out how/why it wasn’t whistling properly when it boiled (this remained unresolved and it just kinda did or didn’t at random). The trailer had sterile pads but no tape to apply them with, but I carry that in my car so it was fine.
And around 3am, a fuse blew so the lights wouldn’t turn on. Fridge and microwave still fine.
Day 2: woke up to discover the fridge, which contained my $$$$$$$$$ shots for at least 3 autoimmune conditions which can’t warm up for 15 minutes or they’re worthless, was no longer working. Microwave was.
I checked almost everything, asked my Dad if I had to turn anything off before playing with the actual fuse panel (unscrewed by knife because no screwdriver in the trailer anymore?? For some reason??). He insisted on calling and telling me to retry every single thing I already tried, then told me “no you can just play with the fuses see which has blown”.
The lights indicating blown fuses are on the list of things currently not working. :)
Luckily, I did manage to find and replace 2 blown fuses and got everything except the heater and AC working again before the fridge got warm. We went and checked out some spots to maybe do cosplay shoots!
Day 3: got most of the way to a cosplay shoot but my dumb ass decided to switch contacts at the site rather than scare the piss outta the cashiers at the 2 quick stops we made on the way, and something kept getting into my dang eyes.
I flushed it 3 times, taught my partner to flush it, and then had to bap a disposable lens back in anyway to drive down the street to the hospital, because every single optician who could do the 2 second check I needed to tell me if there was still something in my eye or I actually scratched the cornea (again) closed 10 minutes before this began.
So we hung out at the hospital for 3.5 hours, me with my eyes shut for about half of it because OW, in full view of the one single little scope I needed to borrow to determine if I could safely put contacts back in and drive to the trailer an hour away (very bad idea if there’s an actual cut or scratch on the cornea).
Flushed my eyes 3 more times in their bathroom and the red went down enough and the right eye started focusing so I figured if it’s a scratch it’s a small one and can wait til the opticians open tomorrow so we went home anyway. Both eyes fine, but there was Definitely still something in them until the last flush because it kept stabbing me.
Day 4: picked up a buddy from the bus station to join us for the rest of the trip, went about some of our favourite local spots to see wild gardens and waterfalls and shit.
Apparently the bus lost someone half way up who was supposed to get off at a specific stop but didn’t but that wasn’t our problem so it was fine. Only a 45 minute delay.
Stole some sticks from the arboretum :) and got back in time to light an early fire and toast smores!
Day 5: buggered off almost all the way back to the hospital we’d been to before, this time to go see a fen full of carnivorous plants. The other two kept leaving me behind by accident but I had the car keys so it’s not my problem.
We somehow lost a second little nature reserve on the way back but it’s fine. We made it to a second waterfall before partner started getting some serious pains (possibly smores related) and joked about going back to the same hospital, but it was one of their usual ones so we knew how to deal with it. No more smores for him though.
Day 6: big cosplay shoot that actually worked, I have shared pictures! Partner was pretty much stress dissociating all the way down aaaaand we may have nearly killed our buddy cuz one of the times we went off-roading and climbed under a ledge they got so dizzy they nearly fell and we had to stop to rest… fortunately at the shoot site around the next corner, so we got them fed and hydrated and had a break ourselves, then got to setting up light and such while they rested.
I climbed all the way down to the waterfront :) and! Someone recognized Delicious In Dungeon on our way back, but not Mithrun because anime-onlies. I still win though, cuz our other two were doing Name of the Wind and I think a really specific stage production of Peter Pan (it’s a cool costume) and they didn’t recognize that.
On our way home the GPS did decide to bring us down a spooky backroads we’d never taken before, despite driving this exact route 3 times previously on this very vacation and many times over several years before that. So obviously we said “fuck it” and went to check it out, which was good fun.
Then we got home and set up for our last fire, tried out our new smores grilling contraption to make bacon grilled cheese (it was goooooood), and me or buddy must have knocked the stove at some point, because around midnight the gas alarm started going off.
While partner, the smallest and shortest and worst-lunged of the group, had been inside on a bug murdering spree with the electric flyswatter.
We kicked his ass out, I checked the stove and determined it was not a more mysterious leak we’d have had to disconnect the propane for and lose the water heater, and opened all the windows and the door to let the propane clear out while we looked up what to do with a propane leak.
Buddy got in touch with their mom the former nurse to check when we should go to hospital about the propane poisoning (again we joked about going to the same one but for him) and determined that yeah, he was definitely poisoned and felt real sick, but so long as he stayed outside and did not get worse, puke, or pass out, he should be fine.
So, it getting cold again, I retrieved the cold weather sleeping bag and we put him in front of the fire, debating whether or not the smoke would make it worse. (He’s fine, the smoke probably didn’t help but again, it got Fucking Cold).
And then we waited about an hour 45 for the propane to clear, as determined by me sticking my head in and sniffing to see if I could smell gas every 15 minutes. We did not inform the nurse-mom of this method because we didn’t have a better one (the alarm stopped going off 5 minutes in and showed a green light but it still smelled REAL strongly of gas and I got a headache around the hour mark and got buddy to second guess the last few).
Nothing exploded and we didn’t get in shit for the alarm going off real loud at midnight, so all in all a success!
Day 7: we packed up our stuff, tidied the trailer, and met up with my parents again to turn the keys back over and headed home the long way, via another waterfall.
This time they’d opened the end that was shut last year (and sealed off the end that was open last year) so we got to hike upstream for a bit! And found some nice ruins and trees and all sorts of fun things.
A long drive, but not a bad one, and we got home and got everything sorted out to take buddy all the way back to their home the next day and the camping was officially over.
Oh and also we almost missed a turn on the way home, and when I turned us around to go get it partner was Brutally Attacked by all of the luggage piled next to them and we had to pull over to dig him out and check he was okay
And two very nice separate old farm gents stopped beside us to ask if we were okay (two of the only three cars we saw on they road, not bad)
Overall: BIG Everything That Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong energy, but all things that we were able to fix by ourselves, which was a blessing. Buddy may be once again regretting coming hiking with us, because I don’t think it’s hiking if you don’t have to use your hands at least once and they don’t exactly climb hills on the day to day
(But we were SO nice to them and stuck to the proper trails almost all of the time and didn’t go do my favourite detour off the big rocky beach and climbing the cliffside or nothin!)
And my back only gave out a little bit yesterday after we got everything put away, and it’s fine now so overall? It coulda been worse.
But now I need a vacation to relax and recover from our vacation.
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mayakern · 9 months
I was so scared to order any of your skirts because I don't wear skirts because they inevitably make me hate my body and also what is gender and especially because I'm Canadian and shipping here is astronomical and so are customs fees. But I finally took the plunge with your sale and bought four (two mini, two midi,) and holy crap I love them?
I can just wear them with my crappy Amazon tank tops, and I've been spinning in circles until I feel dizzy, and I can put my Steam Deck in the pockets, and the minis don't make me panic and think my ass is hanging out and my sensory issues don't hate how they feel, and I can just have? fun? wearing a skirt???
You have no idea how much I love that your site calculates the duties and stuff upfront, because DHL is Satan's own shipping service and will charge you through the nose to deal with that on your behalf (like there's a choice,) so I didn't have to spend a month wondering what limb I'd have to sell to pay them back for their "services." Thank you, thank you, thank you, @thedoomfairy!
I'm gonna have to get more plain black tops and leggings, but also I'm really looking forward to seeing what skirts come out next.
PS, I know you don't generally combine orders, but I pre-ordered a petticoat, and if there's any way to add skirts onto that order when they're ready, I'll be all over that (got my eye on the swords and the pomegranate and and and-). Like I said, shipping to Canada... Yeurgh.
PPS, I'm sorry I forgot how punctuation works, it's just that these skirts may be the best thing I've ever bought online
ahh i’m so glad you like the skirts! 🥰 thank you for taking a chance on them, despite your previous bad experiences!
unfortunately we have reached a size where, logistically, combining orders is very difficult for us. this is doubly so for international orders because the service we use to calculate and prepay duties reeeeally doesn’t like it when orders are split or combined. it messes up its calculations.
MAYBE if you make an order around when petticoats start shipping out and email in and are very very nice, we may be able to do something, but i wouldn’t count on it, and we definitely wouldn’t be able to hold items ordered in january until march 😅 sorry
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sophaeros · 4 months
I think I'm hf in the exact same thing as you rn I just found your blog I am also obsessed with band rpf and Casablanca's/hammond jr do u have a kind of manifesto or anything I can read
dude did one of my irls send this or smth..i was literally Just talking about putting together a masterdoc and they were egging me on BSJFJWBS. i mean i'm kinda working on one but no promises bc im terrible w long term projects and also theyre very difficult to figure out
BUT i Will say (and i've seen other random people online agree w me) i think the general timeline is that during the seven years they lived together from 1998 to 2005 jules was down bad for albert but albert didn't realise his own feelings, so the most that might've happened is some fooling around physically. (this is mainly going off of this page from the meet me in the bathroom book where jules says "albert, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, baby!" insane quote. i could talk a little more about their full quotes but that's another post)
sometime between 2005 and 2013 (possibly 2011 tbh, comedown machine is The gay situationship album but angles touches on it a lot too) they dated twice and broke up both times. im not sure who broke up w who but tentatively i would say the first breakup was more acrimonious while the second breakup might've been mutual.
it's difficult to say anything for sure because most of their songs have songwriting credits shared with other people, so looking at lyrics for clues has a pretty big margin of error since a line might've been written by someone else and not them, yknow? i mean rpf is never a "for sure" kind of deal i could be entirely wrong and that would be fine but. you get what i mean
also one way trigger is the lynchpin for me. i physically cannot imagine a platonic explanation for this poster that uses a screenshot from thelma and louise of all films. not to mention the lyrics like even my Mom raised an eyebrow at "get dressed in your bed while she's asleep." and also it's one of two strokes songs albert has ever played solo with the other being elephant song (at least according to setlistfm, im still trying to find a video of it) (edit 12/08/2034: setlistfm lied to me he did not play elephant song 💔💔💔💔) which was written, surprise surprise, by albert and julian in 1999.
i mean i guess the poster could be them fucking around and having a little laugh but come on what an insane ass joke to make man. i'm gonna make a post later about one way trigger being their specialest little song because it really is
soo like..theres still more i could talk about like one way trigger being written by the albert julian nick trio (which makes me laugh imagining nick mediating their lovers quarrel) [EDIT: ACTUALLY WAIT NO ok it's hard to find definitive information on who wrote what bc different databases have information of varying precision but the canadian site socan which is the most precise so far says only albert and jules wrote the lyrics for one way trigger i'd misremembered. albert julian nick trio Did do call it fate tho which is still kinda crazy !! also jules and albert being the only ones to do one way trigger makes me crazier jesus christ why is this depressing ass song Their Song !!!!] which is the same trio as games from angles. theres a lot i've been thinking about them nonstop for like, what, a month? give or take? my poor friends have to deal w me sending dozens of messages at a time much love and light to them if they read this muah
and thank you for the excuse to be insane on main anon 🥰
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atlin-x · 5 months
I cannot take the insane amount of chronically online Uber attached to their interest crazies on this platform… You literally cannot make a comment in passing that’s even remotely negatively to the subject they are interested in without them going crazy over it.
I make a single comment about how I dislike Canadian geese because my entirely life I have grown up around these big ass aggressive birds that attack the first thing that moves in their line of site, and literally every single person I have ever known growing up has joked about "How evil those murder chickens are", but apparently that’s enough to warrant being told by the OP I’m just here to shit on everyone’s fun and being explicitly mean about it, and then go on to compare my comments to that of a call for a mass extinction of the animal??? HELLO ALL I SAID IS THEY ARE EVIL AND I DISLIKE THEM, one of like 10 birds in that entire thread btw only pointed out one specific one I dislike, didn’t state some shit like “I fucking hate geese hope they all burn, we should just kill geese on sight because I think they are all so bad” like no I literally just said “Canadian geese are evil” like omgggggg💀💀 if this is what it takes for your entire day to be ruined and for you to then spend multiple hours annoying the user who made the comment, you really need mental help and need to get off social media for a bit.
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cerasus--flores · 4 months
u should do all the weirder asks cause it'd make me smile
doing the ones i didn't already do !!!
2- lighter or matches?
matches, they're kinder on my fingers
4- which cryptyd being do you believe in?
i can't point towards one in particular..... i'm sorry :(
7- why did you do that?
it was fun. it made me feel alive.
8- how many water bottles are in your room right now?
only the one i take to uni
10- would you slaughter the rich?
13- when was the last time you ate?
like an hour ago lol
14- do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
absolutely, it makes me happy
15- are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
16- can you drive?
nope again!
17- are you farsighted or nearsighted?
18- what hair products do you use?
just. shampoo and conditioner. i keep it short so
19- imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
i'd try but i can't guarantee prettiness
20- do you say soda or pop?
pop cause of you canadians lol
21- something you’ve kept since childhood?
insecurities and a porcelain doll w a music box inside
22- what type of person are you?
i wish i knew.
24- if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
rn? napping probably.
25- perfume/body spray or lotion?
uh. perfume?? easier to apply
26- a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
people playing avpm,,,,,,
28- do you wear a mask?
not physically
29- how do you like your shower water?
not scaling but very hot and steamy
30- is there dishes in your room?
no !!!
32- do you have a favorite towel?
my microfiber one
33- the last adventure you’ve been on?
i... don't... know?
34- is there a song you know every word to by heart?
off the top of my head it's friends on the other side but like. many. on account of having performed them.
35- what’s your timezone?
gmt +3 !!!
36- how many times have you changed your url?
only once >:D
37- someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
my school ex classmates
39- do you use lip balm?
now that it's winter, yeah. dry ass lip season.
40- did you have any snacks today?
yeah a couple tangerine pieces lol
41- how do you take your coffee?
90% milk, two teaspoons of sugar, and SOMETIMES w a lil chocolate
42- an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
much like every gen z in argentina rn i'm p hooked on tsuki's odyssey
43- what’s your take on spicy foods?
very good. too good for me.
44- you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
one person is too little for systemic change, so i can't tell you.
45- can you remember what happened yesterday?
46- favorite holiday film?
i don't really watch holiday films,,,,,
47- what was the last message you sent?
either "yes, darling?" or "just fresh" disc says they were sent at the same time lol
48- when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
around ten when i mistook beer for apple juice. willfully? at around 15. baileys :3
50- can i tag you in random stuff?
you already do but yesssssssss
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council--board · 6 months
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Status -> Stimboards: Closed -> Doodles: Open
Doc w/ each anon and request
-> please refer to me as v2, pebbles or willoh. I use he/him pronouns and I'm aroace. I'm a french canadian user
-> interests for anyone curious. this updates from time to time
-> be patient with me if you send requests. I am tired all the time and I sometimes get too busy to work on boards
note: I can't work on anything that requires me to open wikis to get images if I'm on my laptop since the wiki lags. this just means I'll take a bit longer to get to some requests so you're welcome to provide me with an image [could just link it or send it via dms if you'd wish to remain anonymous in the asks]
-> main blog is @paintedcomputer
-> I also run @ultrastim [ultrakill related] and @sliver-board [rain world related]
-> anons are allowed to sign off with a name or emoji which will be recorded on a notes app + a post on here. I sometimes may ask for anons to provide pronouns so I don't accidentally misgender someone when talking about them
-> guide that I made to help
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I will do: -> Original Characters -> Oc x Oc / Canon x Canon / Oc x Canon. I welcome ships -> Kin stimboard -> LGBTQ themed boards -> Animals -> Fandom characters [catified designs / your own designs are welcome!] -> Fandom specific -> Gift stimboard
Fandom Specific would be asking me to create a stimboard based off Undertale and not a specific character from the game
ships are only welcome if they're fine to do. if you ever see me do a ship board where it's problematic, please inform me and I'll get rid of it. I try my best to do research on canon x canon to make sure nothing is bad
I won't do: -> Spiders -> Soap Cutting -> Slime -> IRL people -> Kidcore
• I won't be recolouring gifs because it's a pain in the ass
• IRL people only applies to like actors, youtubers, etc. you get the idea. HOWEVER, characters from a tv series or a movie is fine since I’m not directly doing the actor
Maybe: -> Bugs [it depends which ones]
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-> this is a general stimblog! I do multifandom stuff and I'll allow pretty much anything
-> regarding fandoms: I don't care what fandoms you wanna request, I'll do the ones I'm comfortable with. I ask that you specify the fandom when requesting fandom characters so I don't get the wrong thing
-> requesting a kinboard is simple, just inform me it's a kin and i'll tag it. you're allowed to ask me to tell people to not tag it as id/me/kin if needed
-> " [character] x [character] " to me is a ship while " [character] and [character] " isn't one. you're allowed to specify ship or not in your request if needed but this is how I write them down. I don't understand people going " [character]/[character] " so it takes longer for me to do it
-> if you want me to use a specific image, I'll ask you to please provide it for me because sometimes it would involve me needing to hunt it down and I never find it in the end sometimes. I look at the wiki more than I try to look directly into the source [due to some sites not allowing screenshots yknow]. I will not accept fanart that isn't made by you without clear permission from the one who created it so I prefer if only official art was handed over
-> please be specific on your themes, you're allowed to not request any themes and let me choose everything but in most cases it takes me longer + me doing a ton of research
-> I do three characters max into one stimboard as more would look strange obviously
-> you can request multiple boards!! you don't have a limit, and you're allowed to request the same character[s] multiple times even if someone else already requested one
-> I'm allowed to change the theme around even if provided with specific stuff. I only change if I can't find a theme or if I think something else fits. I'm also allowed to deny any requests I'm not comfortable doing or that I can't do
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oh what did you mean by [blank] in your posts?
sometimes I add in blurbs when I make my own posts while sometimes I don't
-> for my own benefit - I think this is clear enough but pretty much means the board was created for me
-> I know what you are - I know exactly who the anon is off anon as I am probably friends with them
can you explain these tags?
-> #stimboard-logs - despite my new username as this is my original one, this is my general tag for anything I create -> #gabriels stimboards - only stimboards I create get tagged as this
-> Stimboards: " hey could I request a Gabriel from Ultrakill stimboard with themes of wings, gold and swords? " can also be written as " Gabriel [ultrakill "
-> Ship stimboards: " hey could I request a v1 x v2 from Ultrakill stimboard? " can also be written as " v4v [v1 x v2 ultrakill] " -> if you write down their ship name, please specify the names separately for easier research
-> Kin stimboards: " can I get a Foxy from FNAF stimboard? this is a kin request "
-> Doodles/Icons: " can I request a doodle/icon of [character/oc] " doodles can sometimes be actual drawings instead of normal doodle if you request doodles/icons, I will obviously want to be given the ref of the oc
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-> what are some requests you would deny? anything that makes me uncomfortable to work on or if it's problematic in some way then I'll deny it. I also avoid anything that wants me using bright colours or if the character is really bright [which might just be me putting an overlay on it] since bright colours gives me bad headaches
-> is there anything you won't allow for themes? spiders, water slime, anything on my " won't do " list really
-> could I make a blog inspired from yours? you don't have to ask, anyone is allowed to make a stimblog. I might look at your blog if you do make one though and I'm aware of it
-> can I ask for this specific thing again? go ahead! I don't mind
-> can you tag this for me? yeah, sure. make sure to tell me if it's a cw or tw because I don't know the difference :[
-> am I allowed to request a stimboard for someone else as a gift? YEAH!! please do, these are fun to make
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Watching The Mandalorian S3EIforget, "The Pirate"
Okay, 44 minutes of a show that's rapidly losing my allegiance, not for being offensive or brutal, just for being kind of dumb and palpably losing interest in its title character. Let's go then.
If this show was going to go with pirates while also being addicted to re-introducing characters from the CG TV shows, I really feel they could've graced our screens with Hondo Ohnaka. But I fundamentally don't want them to keep bringing in characters from the CG shows. The only exception I would make is Rex, because Temuera Morrison, but I would rather still have more Boba, because also Temuera Morrison.
They haven't even tried to re-member the dismembered IG-11 statue.
shiny ass-kissing droid
and now there are pirates
and I just feel like a man in Greef's position -
actually speaking of Greef's position, I love how before skyping the mossy pirate captain, he squares up and puts his hands on his hips like Henry VIII posing for Holbein
- okay, a man in Greef's position, formerly deeply involved with the bounty hunters' guild, ought to have a staff of mercenaries on site in readiness for shit like this. Instead he's as unprepared for the possibility of bad guys with a big ship showing up wanting to take his stuff as Boba was on Tatooine. Presenting these middle-aged guys who have been involved in the underbelly of the galaxy for their whole adult lives as so naïve about the security challenges of running one's own fiefdom during a somewhat lawless period of regime change is such a bizarre choice. Why is everyone in this show so dumb about stuff they should be totally used to? They're not Luke Skywalker coming from the middle of nowhere with starry eyes and feathered hair. Like they should be smarter than me at this type of thing, and I'm a typist from Auckland.
there's a PIRATE NATION taking over the Mid Rim? THAT I ACTUALLY AM SEMI-INTERESTED IN so I bet they won't show it.
Retreat to the lava flats - a large, open area without shelter or cover. Super.
exsqueeze me, Disney+ subtitler, but PSYCHEDELIC ROCK MUSIC PLAYING?
well, the krill farmers are still pumping out the blue juice, I see. And here's a nice Korean Canadian dad - you know what? I feel like Captain Teva is here to provide the Papa Smurf beard that Rex is not onscreen to give us.
Okay, so just as apparently Ragnar just hung out in a dinosaur's crop totally uninjured for 12 hours minimum while a search party stopped to rest overnight on their way to him, Mr Kim has time to travel to Coruscant and try to get a meeting with his superiors while Nevarro is under active pirate attack. He doesn't say "screw it, time is of the essence, I'll render aid and take the consequences." This show's idea of time in rescue situations is bizarre.
Who else feels like this fucking boring New Republic plotline was supposed to be part of the Rangers show that presumably Cara Dune would have headed up if the actress hadn't insisted on being a douchebag on Twitter? And now they're just trying to fold it into The Mandalorian. I resent it.
You know, when I heard the name Tuttle I had a brief feverish flowering of hope that a M*A*S*H tribute about the insanity of military bureaucracy might be in the works, but then it withered.
I know this guy from somewhere, somewhere relatively recent, but I am unable to place him. I am not interested enough to look him up.
I'm so irritated by the lazy cynicism of "If the Rebellion got into power they'd be useless." They're not the Democrats.
so now everyone's just wandering around in the blazing sunlight on hot black lava flats. Sorry Greef, your planet sucks.
And now... is this Jurassic Planet? yep, so I hope he doesn't get eaten by a serpent while he's here. Dude. Sir. You're standing so close to the bay that the mosasaurs like to pop out of. You've got your back to it. Please.
please help me
why does Paz address Teva as "Blue Boy"? He is dressed from neck to ankle in the most garish orange. Paz's own armour is predominantly blue. Is he fucking colour-blind?
Why does the Disney+ subtitler still head up Din's dialogue as "THE MANDALORIAN" when we've known for actual years that his name is Din Djarin?
they pride themselves on their secrecy... and their idiocy.
You know, this would never have happened if you'd stuck with your plan of repairing IG-11. He was no snitch.
Din calls him "Blue" too! HE IS DRESSED IN ORANGE
anyway BK's doing her swaggery walk again and while we're at it WHO ELSE PROMINENTLY WEARS BLUE?
and now we're going to have a long, leisurely meeting to discuss because what is time? what is urgency?
"and our children can feel what it is to play in the sunlight" - which we already let them do because we take absolutely no safety precautions about living right next to a bay where dinosaurs regularly pop out of the water or swoop from the sky to devour our young
"Does anyone else wish to speak?" No, because we are all just elaborately dressed extras. We know our place.
I'm... skipping stuff.
So the pirates are boozing it up in the school, like they wanted to. I'm happy that someone got what they wanted.
I like that one warthog pirate!
Did a Salacious B. Crumb monkey just tip off the Mandos?
I know they want me to be excited for the big battle, I know they do... I'm just too grumpy. I have a glass of wine, though, so that's good. Recognisable salmon pink in colour, The Ned Pinot Gris 2022 showcases classic aromas of quince, pear drop and vibrant stonefruit. The palate is lush with juicy nectarine and Braeburn flavours supported by an underlying hint of spice that leads to an unctuous ripe finish. A versatile wine when it comes to food matching with its notable fruitiness and gentle acidity. Try pairing this silky wine with succulent chicken thighs added to a creamy, lemon fettuccine pasta sauce.
you know, I don't usually tolerate words like unctuous and succulent being thrust at me by a mere product description, but I'll allow it
So... there wasn't much point to the mossy pirate at all, was there? Unless he bailed out with a parachute, he blowed up.
yes, the Anzellans are very cute. Always a pleasure to see them.
You know why I have a problem with this effort to do a whole thing about Bo-Katan and reuniting Mandalore and everything? It's the problem of trying to link up with the sequels, which were made before The Mandalorian was a consideration and gave absolutely no hint that the Mandalorians were a consideration either. Did they just "retake Mandalore" and then become totally isolationist, neither fighting the First Order nor supporting the Resistance? Did they get wiped out for keeps? Where were they when shit went down? You don't have to engage with that if you're prepared to just tell a small story of one dude and his kid, and a personal saga of family and faith, friendship and love, but once you commit to doing a big political historical story, you've gotta and it seems doomed to be unsatisfactory.
anyway if people are just whipping their helmets off now I reckon Din should pop back to Tatooine and show Cobb his smile
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maryeve-the-bitch · 10 months
I will say, the site I did check could be inaccurate, but I was curious about the May weather in dublin and GIRL?! IT NEVER GOT ANYTHING ABOVE 20 CELSIUS?! I had 33 in Naples, I get that only wearing tummy-free and head covered saves me there, but TWENTY?! I savoured the days where it was 20 degrees and the sun was out in Dublin, cuz it meant I didn't shiver and yeah, did sweat in my warm ass jacket and my thick woollen pullover. Did you just pack wrong???
*sweats in nervous Canadian*
But the sun
The sun was killing me.
Why the sun so strong?
Idk how to tell you i was feeling okay only in Scotland and Northern Ireland's north coast like
It was probably 15c and i was wearing a tank top and some other tourists were worried about me being cold. I was just really stressed and nauseous and hot all the fucking time. I'm built different.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 8 months
There. I Fixed It.
Kinda. Every instalment has been reformatted, although I haven't been over all of them so I've probably made a few errors which I'll catch over the next few weeks. Milo's cards seem to be displaying well across devices. The front page seems to function, as does Tin Soldier's new, incomplete, spoiler-lite sub page.
The menus and basic navigation, however, are fucked. The new interface is coding menus in a new way and I haven't tackled it yet. I got more doctor stuff today, so I'm taking a slight break to stress over that instead. Nevertheless, when I do get to the menus, there's a non-zero chance they'll break everything again.
There is no way for me to do this except breaking the site live. The backend does not preview correctly, or sometimes at all. There have been multiple violations of WYSIWYG, which I don't have the energy to explain. I got something that seems to work, but it's not how I wanted it. There are a lot of work-arounds for shit that's just broken.
And regarding Patreon's foot-dragging, privacy-violation in-progress: I finally got the email that SAYS they're deleting my information, but they haven't yet. It's all still there. It's been a couple days now. I'll hafta try clearing my cache and see if that does anything, but it hasn't been caching my site like that as I repair it, so I'm pretty sure the info really is still there.
My few supporters, this is no picnic for your privacy either, as I could reactivate my page and start charging you again as long as it's still there - if I were a bad person. I'm not gonna, but this makes me very reluctant to use Patreon again, even to support others. If I wind up paying money to another scammer, they could prevent me from cancelling my subscription by taking their page down and putting it back up - as, indeed, James Somerton has been doing.
I am ready to get set up with Ko-Fi, but I'm not doing anything until Patreon does what it promised. And I will not start charging anyone for anything until I start posting more instalments.
For the future, though, I have decided I want a million dollars. Canadian! CAD is fine! I'm not feeling enough incentive to keep screwing around with the broke-ass site editor, so I'm telling myself someone, or a lot of people, will eventually give me a million dollars, and then I'll be able to afford housing in the Lower Mainland, and grow me some tomatoes in the backyard. I probably don't really want that, but it's keeping me going for now.
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ineffablesnakegender · 9 months
Hello every nyan! This is my general blog info post. Everything here is subject to change and I'll update it as needed! GFMs for me and my partner to get gender affirming surgeries
Consider joining my art server over on discord
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This user is a practicing witch
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This user would love to receive messages in their inbox
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This user welcomes transgender questions
Our flag means death
Umbrella academy
The owl house
Sanders sides
Good omens
Doctor who
YouTubers I watch:
Legends of Avantris
Moriah Elizabeth
Thomas sanders
Safiya Nygaard
Samantha Lux
Sam Collins
Lovely Lor
Radqueers, pro/com/darkshippers, pro contact paraphiles, shota/loli, abuser supporters(Shane Dawson, James Charles, Jeffrey Star, Melanie Martinez, Wilbur Soot, ect), TERFs, radfems, and other bigots will be shot on site
No overly sexual or romantic comments towards me. (I'm dating the gorgeous @unsettledstream + I'm ace. Things like light hearted jokes and clear over exaggerations are ok but keep to a minimum)
Don't interact too much if you're an nsfw blog
People who believe in blackwashing. (It's not real. It was literally a term made by white supremacists on Twitter)
Do NOT use my art for AI
If you're a super religious blog please leave me alone I'm not interested in your religion, nothing against you just don't preach to my big Satanist ass
I've struggled with eating disorders almost my entire life so respectfully if you're an ed blog go away get help and stay off the Internet
Art request/commission info:
I always have art requests open but I don't promise to get to yours if you request anything.
I don't do animals for commissions just because I'm not very good at it.
My commission prices + examples vv
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Prices: +5$ per extra character. Lined rendered: 40$ full body. 38$ quarter body. 36$ bust. 34$ head. Lined colored: 32$ full body. 30$ quarter body. 28$ bust. 24$ head. Lined no color: 22$ full body. 20$ quarter body. 18$ bust. 16$ head. Sketch: 14$ full body. 12$ quarter body. 10$ bust. 8$ head.
I use cash app
Prices go up if you want the art in less than a week (+1$ per day)
I require 50% upfront before I start on your commission. I will send updates throughout the process to get feedback, they will be plastered in watermarks for my safety. I will send the finished product with watermarks on it, only after you send the rest of the money will I give you the real image. The finished product will have one watermark in a place that will be hard to hide but does not interfere with the art
Other info:
You can call me by my username, ineffable, snake, Crowley, Janus, or River
I'm autistic and have degenerative disc disease so I don't post very often.
I always want art critiques
I'm indigenous French Canadian (Metis) but I live in America currently. I plan on moving as soon as I can bc this place is hell
Dms and asks are open if you have questions
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Original poster hates Trans exclusionary radical feminists and pro shippers. Disrespectfully do not interact
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This user bites you bites you bites you
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Fanfic banners of shame. I haven't updated in years
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Ineffable snake
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