#can't wait for the 1 hour mark panic
i have a paper due in four hours that i haven't even started but i am too busy reworking playlists to care :)
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i-smoke-chapstick · 7 months
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Victor and reader have an...interesting day out.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!victor x female reader. This is a 4 part fic. AGE GAP ROMANCE! (reader is still in highschool). Victor and reader bantering. Victor falling in love too fast (subtly). Slowburn. Victor is confused. Soft Victor. Like, you're his world. You just don't know it. Set during season 1. Reader becoming more villainous by the minute.
♫ “Oh I swear, at this moment, you mean everything.” Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners
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When all your restraints were undone, you made it a point to refocus your breathing. Falcone had walked out the room ages ago after shaking your hand. The rest of your ropes were undone by Victor himself, who looked at you. He analyzed your every move. It almost reminded you of how Jim did that day.
Victor wasn't rough undoing them, which you were thankful for. He seemed aloof, like his mind was elsewhere. Careless. You didn't speak a word while he undid them.
You're still terrified. The man is pointing a gun at you, though he's not very alert. It seems to be some sort of precaution.
His eyes were unblinking as he took a mental note of every single detail on your facial appearance. The wrinkles, the scars, the birth-marks, everything he could see was analyzed.
Once he finished his short routine of observing you, he looked thoughtful. A few moments went by as his eyes were glued to your face. Then with a quick glance up, he finally spoke,
You blink at him. "...Hi."
It's awkwardly silent, and you finally stand up, stretching your legs. You feel your pockets for your phone.
You begin to panic when you can't find it.
You look toward Victor, and to your vague intrigue, he has your phone in his gloved hand that wasn't occupied with a pistol.
He's lazily scrolling. How the hell did he unlock it?
"Mr. Zsasz, um. Hi. Uh, can I have my phone?" You manage to squeak out. He pays you no mind. "...Victor."
He is still scrolling, and the invasion of privacy is a bit much for you.
"What's that? I wasn't listening." He mumbles, seemingly preoccupied. You attempt to hover your way behind him to get a glimpse at what he's doing on your phone, but each way you move, he turns effortlessly with the gun.
You sigh. "Give me the phone and I'll tell you were Maroni's men are." You try, but you sound small.
"Uh-huh." He nods, absentmindedly. "You're gonna tell me anyways." He just waves you off.
...He's right. You are gonna tell him anyways, unless you want to die a gruesome death.
Your stomach crunches when you realize you are going to go on a job with him. What, a stake-out? Your gonna first hand witness him murder a whole group of men with his little assassin army of hot women. Okay, cool. You huff. You don't even realize why you're presence is needed for this operation.
He seems to be waiting for you to tell him the information. He's in no hurry, lounging around the living room and sitting himself on the armrest of a couch. Can't he at least sit normally?!?!?!
You sit in silence for a few minutes, but your antsy. Your fighting with yourself, stalling for time. You hope a miracle happens and Jim Gordan magically crashes through the door to save you, but you know he won't.
Him continuing to browse through your phone makes you antsy. You have your parents numbers and addresses on there. He could be looking at photos of you and your friends- making mental notes of who to torture! You finally cave.
"The guy who works for Maroni is named Ricardo Ricci," You speak, and he perks his head up. "They all get together at this warehouse by the docks. It's on other biker gang territories, so they meet after hours. They never leave a trace of there presence. Perfect cover up."
He stares at you, before slowly nodding his head. He lowers the gun, and sloppily throws you the phone. You catch it, seeing Candy Crush opened. So that's what he was doing. You let out a soft, frustrated scoff.
He moves to stand up, and you furrow your brows. In a second, he's grabbing your hand. "Where are you-" You ask, but he cuts you off.
"We have a job to do. That's where we are going."
"Yeah, well, no shit. But they don't get together until night time-"
"...So?" He looks at you like your stupid. "Let's get a milkshake."
For a moment, you think this cannot be the same man Jim Gordon described as a sadistic homicidal maniac. Before you know it, you're getting pulled by your arm.
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He was true to his word, he got a milkshake for himself. He offered to get you one too, but you refused.
You two sit on a rooftop above the docks. His legs dangle over the edge while he drinks. He set up a sniper rifle next to him.
The whole time, he's kept a gun pointed in your direction. You have your phone, but just your luck, it's on 1%. You think about texting someone, but by now you've realized it's futile. You assume that was his plan.
It's still daylight outside. You two have spoken not a single word to one another. Your still utterly confused as to why Falcone required you to come with him, instead of just making some other goons watch over you until the job was done.
The awkward silence simmers and the two of you watch the city. You find it in yourself to sit next to him, letting your legs dangle.
"Falcone's right, y'know." He finally drawls. "You don't know how special you are."
You look at him, and the gun pointed casually at you. You shrug.
"I'm just a highschooler."
"A highschooler who somehow knows everyone's secrets." He hums. You pause.
"Yeah. I guess. Everything everyone tells me is mostly bullshit, though."
"So...it's on a whim you're getting killers caught left and right?" He remarks, turning to meet your eye. It's the first time he's done so since your first conversation.
You stay silent at this.
"I didn't plan for any of this to happen." Whispering, you find yourself being oddly vulnerable. The gun pointed at you reminds you this could be the day you die. He watches you pout.
He stares at you for a long moment, as he slowly nods to himself. His look softens a little bit, before he breaks the brief moment of silence that just passed between the two of you.
"You're pretty damn lucky then."
He says, with an amused tone. You stare at him incredulously.
"Lucky? I've probably snitched on like, half of Gotham's underworld to Jim Gordon. I've got a gun pointed at me. It's a miracle I haven't been killed yet." You say, fidgeting.
"Exactly," he purses his lips. "...Nobodies managed to get you. That's what I like to call being damn lucky."
"Falcone got me." You remind him.
"...True." Victor states with a slight grin as he shrugs in agreement. Almost as if he's prideful in his boss. "But Falcone has been careful not to harm you, hasn't he?"
"There's a gun in your hand pointed at me. I'm sitting on top of a building with THE Victor Zsasz, about to dive head first alone into a shoot out. Which- by the way, is insane. I thought you'd bring some of your girlfriends with you." You sneer, referencing the zsaszettes.
This illicits a snicker out of him.
"Uh, first things first, those are called hench-women. Get it right," He jokes dryly, looking at you with a feigned duh expression. He raises the drink up to his mouth and takes a long sip of it. You roll your eyes.
"And second, I couldn't possibly bring any of my ladies. Not on a job like this. This is a two-person job at most. Easy peasy." He seems confident- you let out a humorless laugh.
"You do know I don't know how to shoot, right?" You stare at him bewildered.
He waves you off.
"It's really easy." He assures you, with a calm smirk and a hint of slow sarcasm in his voice. "You take this here-" He stands up, setting the gun pointed at you down. He makes his way to the sniper rifle set up next to the two of you, and he raises the gun up for you see.
"You aim it at what you wanna shoot..." He demonstrates by pointing the scope at a stop sign from afar. "And then you pull this little sucker here." He says, as he pulls the trigger. His accuracy is remarkable as he hits the stop-sign dead center, and a you hear the pang of the bullet hitting the metal surface.
You watch him, slack-jawed.
"You expect me to do that?"
"Nah...but I expect you to learn." He states, simply.
I look up at the sky, it's still daylight. "What, in a few hours? Are you crazy?"
"Oh come on, it's not that hard." He says, as he gestures to the gun he left next to you. "We'll start small. You can learn everything about this gun in under an hour. That's a .45 caliber pistol. It packs a punch and if I were you, I'd get a feel for it as soon as possible."
You look down at the gun. He's right. Oh, this is your last chance at survival. You're probably gonna die. "…Show me." I whisper, picking up the gun in your hand. It feels incredibly foreign, heavier than you thought it would be.
Victor looks at you with a slight raise of his eyebrows. He seems surprised at your sudden decision.
"Well...Ok." He replies, before deciding to put on the instructor hat.
"Here, first rule; Always keep your finger off the trigger unless you intend to shoot. The first thing you wanna do is make sure the chamber is clear, which means its got nothing loaded in it, kay?"
He demonstrates by pulling a pistol from his suit jacket you didn't even realize he had, then ejecting the magazine, racking the slide to throw out the bullet that had been chambered. He catches it in his fingers. He does it with such ease you scrunch your eyebrows.
"Yeah- okay, that's not happening." You mumble. "Just teach me how to shoot."
Victor looks at you, with a feigned look of disappointment. But he decides it's easier to agree.
"Alright, so, first thing you wanna do is stand with both feet on the ground and have this arm here extended out like this." He demonstrates the position, coming up behind you. You poorly imitate it.
"...Then you wanna bring your other arm here-" He shows you how to position your arm holding the gun. You feel the warmth of his gloved hands on your arms, and struggle to focus.
He's talking down to you like a child.
You breathe a shaky breath as he instructs you, you can smell him. Expensive cologne and gun powder.
"There." He says, and snaps back off of you instantly, as to not mess with your perfet position. "Go."
You press the trigger, and a bullet comes out. It's not smooth- the kickback nearly sends you flying, and Victor doesn't see you damn near fall on your ass. He's too busy paying attention to where the bullet manages to land.
Not dead center, but certainly close enough to where his sniper bullet was left on the stop sign.
He let's out a low and long wolf whistle, and a crooked smile blooms on his face. Before you know it, you're getting picked up from the ground by him. You assume even the sound of a gun being fired gets him pumped.
And...strangely enough, you feel it too. The adrenaline. It courses through you like a drug, and you give a loud giggle of excitement.
You jump up and down, closing your eyes like a kid in a candy store.
"Oh, hell yes!!!" You cheer for yourself, proud. You're fist pumping the air, hands thrown up as you jump.
When you look back at him with a thrilled smile, you finally notice.
He's looking at you like you're the only girl in the world.
You let your breathing settle down.
"Again?" You ask, hopeful. You can't explain it; but your grateful to be a good something. Something other than an informant.
He doesn't respond, but the smirk on his face is enough. He twirls his index finger in an "again," motion, agreeing with you, before the two of you reposition yourselves.
You two do this routine for what seems like hours, losing track of time. Eventually, you get the hang of it, absorbing the kickback with ease.
And somewhere along the way, you stop picturing a stop sign, and start picturing Jim Gordon.
The darkness of Gotham clouds over the two of you, and you vaguely remember how it looked that night, running from school.
Your arms are tired from holding the pistol. He even let you have a go at the sniper rifle, to which you failed miserably. Neither of you seemed to mind though, laughing it off.
You two now sit together in the hovering darkness, back to your original position, legs dangling over the edge of the building. He goes to sip his milkshake, realizing it's empty. Okay, so you maybe had a few sips when he wasn't paying attention. Is that an indirect kiss? You brush the thoughts out of your head.
You break the silence, that has now transformed into something more comfortable.
"...You think I could become an assassin?" You ask, under your breath. Your eyes have drifted to the city lights below.
Unbeknownst to you, Victor hasn't been able to take his eyes off you for hours. And now is no exception. He stares at you softly.
His silence is long. Long enough that you're certain your question struck a nerve. It's disconcerting.
"...You're young." Finally, he answers. The gun that was previously held to you is now long forgotten, stuffed into his holster. His voice is quiet, almost as if he's speaking to himself. "Maybe, maybe you could be. It's a good job."
Your eyes light up. It's the first time you feel seen. The first time someone has agreed with you, that you could do more. Jim never did that.
"Yeah?" You speak with a child-like wonder, thoughts racing.
He glances at you; you can't help but feel watched under his gaze. He nods, his face suddenly looking uncannily vulnerable and confused.
"Yeah." He responds quietly, before taking time to digest what he said.
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Needy | An Epilogue of Sorts
Okay, first off: your Roman angst is a certain brand of heartfelt that I appreciate so much <3 Secondly: I know it's only been four hours since posting, but, um...if you find some spare energy for it, perhaps a part two to Needy? Like, along the lines of Roman getting used to actual real touch & still battling a little bit of that arophobia. No pressure to write it! Just thought I'd throw it out there :3 Your aro Roman is very dear to me <3 – {a tired lil anon}
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: panic attack/breakdown
Pairings: none
Word Count: 1408
Sometimes things don't get better right away. Sometimes you just need a few moments that you can hold onto.
There is something truly upsetting when your go-to wish for comfort is to be entirely alone.
You wait until everyone else has gone to sleep, and the world is silent save for you and your pain, and you go into the bathroom and close the door. You do not turn on the lights. You curl up into a ball, on the bathroom floor, for the bathroom floor can solve any ill, any ache, any pain, if you give it enough time. The first sob that leaves your throat is silent, you have trained yourself to be so quiet. The next few are as well, and the first noise you make is the inhale to get enough breath to sob anew. Tears leak from your face, snot leaks from your nose, drool leaks from your gasping and wretched mouth. You slobber all over yourself, the floor, and you cry because you do not know what else to do.
You wrench each and every sob you can out of your pitiful face and the dark of the bathroom allows it. You lie on the floor because there is a trick you have learned: if you roll over onto your side, you cannot get enough breath in to keep sobbing, and so you can quickly quiet yourself. But you do not want to be quiet right now, this is the time you have set for yourself to feel all of the nasty things that wriggle around under your skin and make you feel so intolerable to yourself. The bathroom dark is safe because you are alone, and no one is there to hurt you. No one is there, so it does not matter how large the pile of slobber and tears grows, it does not matter that the gross sticky wet noise of breathing in grows worse and worse as your nose stops working, it does not matter that you are lying pathetically on the bathroom floor with tears streaming down your face. You are alone, and that is safe.
You cry so hard you almost throw up. The thought of getting better makes the tears start afresh, because you do not want to get better. You want to stay here, with tears leaking out of your closed eyes, in the dark on the bathroom floor. You are hurt here, you are wretched here, you are pathetic here, and so you are safe here.
You are afraid. You are exhausted. You are alone.
You are safe.
Logan comes to him when he's sitting in the living room late at night, typing away on his laptop. He rests a hand on his shoulder and kindly does not comment on the way Roman stiffens and sags.
"Hello, little one," he says gently, "will you come and cuddle with me on the couch while the others get ready for movie night?"
He is weak to any requests for comfort, on his behalf or otherwise, and so he lets Logan coax him to close his laptop, get up, and sit on the couch. An arm winds under his legs and scoops him up partway into Logan's lap and he can't help the noise of surprise.
"Shh," Logan murmurs against his forehead, "you're alright. I'm just holding you. Can you sit here like this? Is this okay?"
He doesn't trust his words. He just nods and Logan's mouth brushes his cheek in a chaste kiss. The brief contact makes his head spin and his chest ache. He must let out some small noise because Logan's hand is covering his hand a moment later—when did he touch his own chest?
"Does it hurt?" He nods. "Does it hurt very badly?" Another nod. "Let me see, little one."
He lets Logan look at his chest, although he knows there are no marks there, and his breath shudders out of him when Logan's thumb caresses the bare skin. The arm around his back is unwavering, supporting him even when he goes lax and nearly slumps into Logan's shoulder. Logan chuckles, the warm sound thrumming through them, and gently tugs Roman's shirt back into place.
"It's alright," he murmurs with that soft and tender certainty that makes Roman's head spin, "you're safe here. I won't let anything happen to you."
"Yes, little one, what is it?"
"Can—can you hug me more?"
"Of course I can," and he does, wrapping his arms tightly around Roman's shoulders and tucking his head into the crook of his neck. "Is that better?"
Logan is big and soft and warm, and Roman closes his eyes to breathe in the smell of paper and ink. He lets out an involuntary sigh, sinking deeper into his hold, and the next chuckle tickles his cheek.
"You can rest, Roman, I can wake you up when the others get here."
"Yes, little one, I promise."
Virgil finds him sitting at the bottom of the stairs and drapes himself over Roman's shoulders like some great weighted blanket.
"Hi, Princey," he rumbles, chin on Roman's shoulder, "you doing okay?"
Roman shakes his head. Virgil hums, sitting on the stair behind him to wrap his arms around his waist.
"Can I help?"
"I don't know how."
"Well, we can sit here like this and I can just hold you. We can go cuddle if you want, that might make you feel better. Have you eaten stuff recently?"
"I can make you eat something and that might make you feel better." He tugs lightly on Roman's waist. "C'mon, let's go get you a snack."
Virgil helps him up from the stairs, wrapping his arm through one of Roman's as they amble to the kitchen. He reaches up and takes down a bag of Roman's favorite snacks and sets it on the counter. Not once as they move around does he stop touching Roman. The touch still burns, but a pleasant one, as though Roman could climb into the fire and sit in it and not feel pain.
"Hey," he murmurs again when he feels Roman start to wobble, "we're almost done, okay? Then you can eat and try and feel a little better."
"Nah." Virgil grins. "Thought we'd sit on the floor."
"On the floor?"
"Take it from me, it's the best place to sit and have a snack when you need one." His eyes do that thing where the crinkle up at the very corners. "And it involves less walking and more leaning against stupid things that aren't meant to be leant against, which is always great."
They sit on the floor. Roman leans against Virgil's side and eats his snack. He closes his eyes and it feels a little bit better.
Patton's hand cards through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. His fingers run up and down his spine, fiddling with the slightly pulled threads and other wrinkles in his shirt. He finds an itchy spot and lingers to scratch lightly. Every so often, he turns to press a kiss to Roman's temple.
"You doing okay, sweetheart?"
Roman sniffles and nods.
"You want to move at all?"
A vehement shake of his head.
"Okay, sweetheart, no worries. We can stay here as long as you need."
The two of them don't move until dinner.
"You have too many hands," Roman mumbles.
Janus chuckles. "Are you complaining?"
"What was that?"
"What did you say, sweetie?"
Roman, who is currently being cuddled by far too many hands and far too many sweet words, can't remember what the hell they were talking about. Janus doesn't hold it against him.
"Hey, Remus?"
Remus looks up from where his head was resting on Roman's shoulder. "Yeah, Roro?"
Roman fiddles with his hands, biting his lip. After a long moment, he mumbles something.
"A little bit louder?"
"I said I love you."
Remus grins so hard his face hurts. "I love you too, Roro."
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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spicy-outer-space · 1 year
Part 2!
Tw: heavy angst, gore, hospital, possibly others
Word count: 1,327
It takes a few minutes of monologuing for Mark to realise his captain was motionless, slumped over, and definitely not listening anymore. It takes a few more moments for his head to clear. What did he just do?
It all felt like a fever dream. He hoped that's what it was. Really, sincerely wished it wasn't real, that that didn't just happen. I didn't. I wouldn't. Not the captain. I wouldn't hurt him. Not again. Gods, not again. Please. But the gravel poking at his knees through his uniform pants; the red sticky liquid covering his arms and front, pooling around his friend and soaking into denim; the strong metallic smell in the air; the heavy weight in his right hand all dashed those hopes. This was no dream.
He recalled watching the light fade from his captain's eyes. Remembered watching it slump to the side, eyes fluttering closed. Remembered not caring, too drunk on the pride of his idea "working"
He panics now, quickly shoving the object in his hand back in his captain's chest. It's fine, he's FINE, just don't think about it, it'll all be ok. His captain doesn't react when he calls out to it. He only realises he's shaking when he reaches out to touch the captain's cheek, staining it even more red
It's cold
When Celci answers on the third ring, the usual "asshat" is said with a tinge of worry. She knows he wouldn't call her unless it was important. Not during work hours and especially not on her personal phone.
"I... I killed the captain" Mark surprises himself with how calm he is as he confesses. He gives Celci the details of what happened and where he is, and stays on the line until the ambulance arrives, watching as they rush the captain to the hospital. He doesn't even remember taking out his phone.
He doesn't know why the second ambulance is there, or why it takes him to the hospital. He shouldn't be around people, what if he hurts someone again? The room he's put in looks like any other room. The only differences are part of the wall connecting to the hallway being made from thick glass, and a guard waiting outside the room door. A nurse takes samples for a few tests before pointing Mark in the direction of clean clothes and a secluded bathroom area and leaving him alone
He doesn't sleep
It doesn't matter how comfortable the hospital bed is, or how tired he was from working overtime for the past month
It's been a few days now, or so he thinks. It's all blurred together
He couldn't sleep, because every time he closed his eyes all he could see was the captain– his captain– looking at him, silently pleading "don't do this". Every time he drifted off, even for a moment, he could hear its scream as he cut its heart out. No, he won't sleep any time soon. Maybe not ever again
The hospital is silent. Only the hum of the cooling units keep him company. The guard outside his door left to get snacks some time ago, asking him if he wanted anything from the vending machine beforehand. Mark wasn't sure why they trusted him to not just get up and leave
He turns around to check the clock on the nightstand. 1:18am. Time dragged on. He wonders if there's any of those tables with lots of magazines on them somewhere near his room. It would be better than doing nothing
He gets out of bed, turning back towards the door, intending to see if he can get the guard's attention. He makes it a total of two steps before freezing
This can't be happening. No way. This isn't possible
His arms lower from the defensive position they instinctively went up to
"...captain?" His voice sounds broken, barely above a whisper. Almost like he's been crying, he realises, even though he hasn't shed a single tear. He has half a mind to run to the door and hug the captain, just to make sure it's real
But a different, louder part of his brain sneers at the thought. You killed him. How do you expect him to be here if he's dead? Do you see how pale it is? How much it's not leaning against the IV pole? This is a ghost. And he's come to haunt you for what you did to him
Mark doesn't realise he's backpedalling until he trips onto his bed. He quickly sits up, pulling his legs up and locking his eyes back onto the ghost in the corridor
But... There is no malice in its face. In fact, it looks concerned. Why is he concerned? I killed you! You should hate me! Hate me, godsdamnit! Mark doesn't break eye contact until the ghost does, and even then he watches it until it's out of sight. Why did he leave? Why did he leave again? Come back. Come back come back come back come backcomebackcomebackcomeback-
He stares out into the hallway for the rest of the night
David woke up with a start, the beeping of the machine next to him picking up together with his heart rate, going almost fast enough to alert the medics.
He's.... back?
It took a lot of strength just to sit up. The digital clock next to him showed 0:47AM. What a great time to be awake.
It only took a bit of fumbling with the buttons for David to call his attending nurse. It wishes he could say he was surprised when Celci entered the room
"David" all formalities thrown out the window. She sounds concerned. And tired. "How are you feeling?"
"Weak, mostly" his smile is rather humourless "where's...?"
"Mark's fine. We're running a few tests to see what might have caused... that... reaction. Should be getting the results back any day now"
"I want to see him"
"No, CC, I need to see him. I have to know he's ok." Despite being the one in the hospital bed, its stare was quite defiant, and Celci had to relent.
"Fine. But only after you-"
"No. I have to. Now"
It took a few more minutes of back and forth arguing for Celci to finally agree and let David see Mark. She sends away the guard to give David and Mark some semblance of privacy.
It doesn't like how Mark looks: tired, and numb. And him stumbling away from it in horror is something it likes even less. This is going to be a long healing process. For both of them
He leaves after another moment, though it feels like a hundred years. He knows Mark's eyes don't leave it until it's out of sight
"A... flower? A flower caused this?" It was morning, about a week later. David was back in his room, looking over the med test results together with Celci
"Yes. Apparently, it causes dimorphous expression to become a lot stronger. Kind of romantic, if you think about it"
David had to think about it for a minute. "...cuteness aggression? That flower caused cuteness aggression?"
"Not quite. The flower caused all of Mark's emotions to become stronger. It just so happened that at the moment those emotions were 'upset about work overload' and 'missing his captain'"
David paused for a second, processing this information.
Mark... missed him?
"Huh. Well. Maybe next time he'll ask me out normally. Or I'll ask him out myself. Either way, there will be way less stabbing"
Mark has been getting better nowadays, especially after seeing David around during daytime: talking to other people, eating, and overall acting very much alive.
"Captain you know-"
"That it's against regulations? Yes. Yes I do. But what base doesn't know won't hurt them. Besides, what are they going to do? Fire me?"
He was already planning how to ask Mark out. After all, it still had that Valentine's gift to give
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jaehyunsbreadbasket · 2 years
Snowed In With You: Chapter Two
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Mark Lee x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: The boys have an eventful time at the store, while you and Mark listen over the phone. A harsh snowstorm begins.
Word Count: 477
Before I know it, over two hours has passed and the boys still aren't back. From my text chain going with Haechan, I know that the boys spent at least half of that time goofing off in the toy isle. Can't really be surprised that of all things that could get them distracted, it would be that.
I decide I should give them a call, wanting them to hurry up before it got too dark, I dial Haechan's number.
-"Hey, Y/N! What's up?" Haechan asks as I hear lots of clattering from the other end.
-"You guys have been gone forever, what are you doing?"
I hear someone say "I will destroy you" before hearing the sound of something banging together, there is absolutely no way these grown men are having a sword fight in department store right now. The sound of a hum comes from the other end, getting louder before I hear the swords coming into contact. Correction, the grown men are having a lightsaber fight in a department store.
-"We're in the meat isle," Haechan lies, "getting turkey."
"Watch out, Haechan, he's going for your head!" Chenle says from the background.
-"Turkey..." I begin, "right."
-"We'll be back soon, don't even worry about it."
Mark looks at me, quirking his eyebrow, "Haechan," I answer. He nods turning back to the TV before I watch his expression change quickly.
"Y/N," he starts as he turns the TV up, gesturing towards it with the remote.
'Rough Snowstorm Begins' reads the headline, "Rough snowstorm?" I mutter, putting the phone on speaker.
"Several feet of snow are to be expected, we advise everyone to stay in the house as the snow has already begun," the meteorologist warns.
-"Hey, Haechan...is it snowing over there?" I only ask because I know that the closest grocery store was 30 minutes away, the snow might not of reached there yet.
-"Yeah, why?" he chirps.
-"The news says a blizzard is starting, that people need to stay inside."
-"Shit really? Okay, we'll come back now," I hear rustling as I assume Haechan is walking around. "We gotta go," he tells the guys.
Suddenly an alarm blares on their end, "Attention shoppers, it's been brought to our attention that a blizzard has begun outside. We've been advised to make sure everyone stays inside until it passes. Please wait patiently as we determine our next steps."
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. That's not good guys." Renjun says, panic clear in his voice.
"Let's all just relax. I'm sure the storm'll be over before we know it," Jaemin tries.
-"We've gotta go now. We need to figure out what they want us to do over here," Haechan tells us.
-"Call back as soon as you can," Mark yells over.
This has got to be the worst way to ever start off a trip.
Chapter 1 ⇐ ➠ Chapter 3
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Taglist: @brownsugarbaybee @chardonnayyyy @spaghetti-oh-nos @ablueperiodbabe @sfsrm-blog @bundleleeknow @inkathie @shiningdery @jaeveil @sky-nnyyy @stanner-of-many @jakiki94 @johnniverse @thelmathinks
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
candela obscura chapter 1 episode 1: 🎶who you gonna call🎶
I'M HERE I'm just gonna stop playing totk on thursdays (lie)
matt's scandalous naked wrists
oh the spotlight
oh auggie's art is good
the unintroduced characters being in shadow is nice
I need anjali in period dress forever
I'd vote for him
maybe even….president…..
ashley's face sjdflks
"I just GOT HERE"
don't keep ice atronachs in your furnace
the art camera panning around a desk instead of just the fade-in
"tol hat"
"as I expected" rude
laura noticing the light on her and perking up
murder hand MURDER HAND
that is the correct response
donald :(
not the swamp gas
"who are you >:["
auggie (ashley?): mark me down as scared AND horny
robbie and laura already gossiping
"candela's recruiting fetuses now?"
void stuff
auggie is surrounded by posh weird women and is utterly unable to enjoy it
"we ain't found SHIT"
howard's kind of a bitch
she said the thing
force hands
"I don't think that was charcoal"
familiar (derogatory)
"well let's go home" mood
the more arlo talks the more I love her voice
"auggie's education goes far beyond book smarts" I love charlie
"did you need some help pulling that stick out of your ass?" I also love auggie
auggie is reminding of my kid when we ask her one clarifying question too many
I don't mean this in any kind of negative way, it's a totally valid frustration
"trauma bonding" sdkfjsl
calling panic attacks brain marks from now on
deeply enjoying auggie vs howard
not a chair
"we need a distraction. I'll go :D"
I love matt's Dumb Guard voice
"I'd love to help but I'm off flirting"
"I'm not very good at seeing things that are here"
"this is wood" dlkfjsl
Ghost Donald
"are you okay" auggie.
"you're so warm" that's. not great.
"it's FINE 👿"
"I know who you are charlotte" lmao rip
fuckin leila
donald no. have you tried consent.
laura picking apart no matter what game system they're in
tiny magic messenger pigeons
Abodeless Individuals
ghost hand GHOST HAND
fable npc voice
"you're a bit older than I remember" "yeah, that's what happens"
oh bless her
mala: the circle learns about poor people
I was about to say "r.j. maccready vibes" and then I Remembered
roll for vibes
I like charlie as a bridge between the classes, as it were
"what's so funny?" "usually doctors are useful"
"rikers over it"
"sorry about the laughing at you" (lie)
howard has a death note
unecessary parkour
that one bit from arcane
can't wait for this ride at critical role land
"the children" howard
"help him, doctor!" AUGGIE
I'm a DOCTOR but not THAT kind of doctor I have a DOCTORATE but you can't HELP people with a DOCTORATE you just SIT THERE and you're USELESS
I may have seen treasure planet one too many times
this music is a+
charlie I don't know what you expected
mala: you're not his real mom
"I don't like the way you said 'great'"
oh ow
is this going to be the equivalent of trying to drive stick
"NO my sweet student"
not the final destination
fuck! all fails
vax get back in your own game
"you did it to yourself!"
mala: Matt: good rp. suffer more
"did it work?" "no! :D"
arlo and howard are A Pair of Characters
any time ashley does that half-lean shrug question thing
The Food Of Our Woes
hungry hungry ghosties
"you're bleeding out of your head"
not the chetney noises
oh shit
rip auggie
everybody keeps forgetting they can roll again
"leave it up to fate - no that's stupid"
robbie's so into this sdlkfjnls
old as balls
eddie? whomst?
"the gilded rainbow" gay as shit
"we were part of an industrial accident" swamp gas
"I crashed a truck into a building! it didn't work!"
"there's a reason he's a professor" it's bc he's a bitch
"don't set it on fire"
"your club tried to kill me, not sure if want"
in a few hours the sun will rise
ah the true fantasy setting - free rent
"I slathered a nice man up" hate it
acted bizzare
they got a good grade at ttrpg
oh I love arlo
of course it's doc cochran
I heard the "mmmmakinmway" in my head
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haechanokeh · 4 years
I'm Right For You [pt.2 ]
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[teaser/ prologue] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
(you can play Die For You by The Weeknd while reading this 😌)
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning (chapter): handjob, public, fingering,
warning: corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, anal sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, psychology, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
I think I'm right for you, babe. You know what I'm thinking, see it in your eyes. You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry. It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect and I know that you're worth it I can't walk away. (Die for you by The Weeknd)
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class ended and you're packing your things, and so your seatmate for today- mark.
"mark, do you want to eat with us?" your other classmates always invite mark.
"sure, wait. Do you want to eat with-"
you carry your bag and immediately left the room. he's the last person you want to be with, after what happened yesterday. mark confessed that he likes you and now you just can't talk to him.
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
you're in the library trying to be "productive" and pretending to be "studious". you tied your hair, hyping yourself that you will study but 3 minutes after opening your thick pharmacology book, you took a nap.
mark entered the almost empty library. there's a lot of vacant tables and chairs but he's looking for the best spot, until he saw your sleeping face... from a far. mark has a keen eyes, especially when it comes to you. he walked towards your place and carefully sat beside you cautious in his movements to prevent waking you up. he put his bag on the vacant seat beside him and turned his head on you. you're squished side of your face against the table made him smile. lying at his classmates is worth it.
unaware of your surrounding, you didn't know mark was now sitting beside you. he saw your book was opened in diuretics chapter so he opened his own book at the same page as yours. he started writing notes, for you.
mark likes you but he's having a hard time to get close to you. not sure but he thinks that you're avoiding him, you immediately dismisses his presence when he's approaching you. you weren't rude when you do that though, you just speak very shortly with him. mark doesn't have a concrete reason why he likes you, but everytime he looks at your serine personally and your innocent face t brings him calmness. sometimes he just catching himself staring at you during class.
after he wrote the key points, he transferred all the sticky notes on the pad. he clicked the pen and look at you.
"you're still sleeping, wow." he whispered but with amusement. you're sleeping for 2 hours already. his eyes landed on your slightly parted plump lips.
dirty thoughts running in his head. he imagined your lips wrapped around his dick. yeah, the mark everyone look up to thinks like this towards you. he's not like this to anyone except you, he was also shock to on the effects you give him. mark was afraid you became an obsession, well too late for that.
he removed your specs, folded it and put it on the top of the table. he just watches you sleep, not caring whether other find it creepy.
suddenly your phone alarmed, you woke up immediately and to your panic you can't find your phone which was actually just infront of you, so mark was the one who off your alarm. you turn your head to look at him.
"thank you." you gave him an awkward smile. you look around and you saw from afar the librarian was glaring at you. you gave her an apologetic face and she returned to her seat.
he extended his arms and his thumb touched the side of your lips down to your chin. you felt a burning sensation from his thumb.
"welcome." he gave you his signature warm friendly smile.
you look down because you felt uncomfortable once again. your eyes caught a wet pool on the book, later you realize that mark wiped your drool. heat of embarrassment took over your face.
"let's eat?" he asked, lowering his face and moving it close to you. he wanted you to see his face, which you did. you're heart beating so fucking fast.
"i have to study." you said as an alibi.
"really?" he was unconvinced and playfully gave you a doubt look.
study my ass! I JUST WOKE UP!
"tomorrow is the case study, aren't we supposed to study together?" he sat up straight.
"we already did yes-" suddenly, his confession popped out from your head. "yesterday." you whispered, a ball of saliva almost stuck on your throat.
"really? i really don’t recall anything though.” he pretend to be naive. your eyes widen.
“you can’t remember anything? that’s impossible, you even confess to me... i mean...” shame crossed in you. please, swallow me my dear land. "mark, please let me study. i'm not like you."
he chuckled. "okay, but use my notes. here." he pushed towards you the notes he did while you were sleeping. your eyes gleamed like a sun.
"really?" you said excitedly.
"shhh!" you heard the librarian, you covered your mouth.
"really?" you asked again as confirmation. he giggled and nodded his head.
he admiringly stared at you goshing over his notes, he felt a weird sensation in his heart. mark was smiling like an idiot, this was his first time to see you smiling or happy when he’s around.
"thank you mark for saving me." you definitely forget the awkwardness between you. you looked at him sending him gratitude look.
without any words, you excitedly study his note. you're so oblivious that you didn't notice mark placed his hand on your thigh. horniness strike him.
your concentration broke when he squeezed your thigh. you turned your head to face him, there was uneasiness in your stomach when you face him again. the other mark that melt your knees.
he moved his face closer and whispered in your ears.
"y/n, i had a hard time sleeping last night. you know why?"
"why?" voice shaking and hands are sweaty while you're holding his notes.
"you never left my head, you kept on bothering me. i fantasize you last night, crying and begging to suck my dick with your small mouth and juicy lips." he huskily said and gripped your thigh tighter.
you squeezed your thighs together as you felt ache on your pussy. your breathing became ragged, chest rose heavily. you stare in those dark-lustful pair of eyes.
"i was horny last night, like what i'm feeling right now." his eyes glued in your lips.
he reached for your right hand and guided it to his hard cock. you gasped, and in surprise you take away your hand from his hardness but mark caught you and put it back.
"can you feel how hard i am right now? do you know how painful is it for me?" he grunted low. his lips touches your every time he speaks. "i need your help, y/n please." there was urgency in his voice.
"h-ow?" stuttering because of nervousness but with hidden excitement.
you heard a zipped sound. you look down and his hard flesh peeking through his boxers. he pulled it down revealing his standing cock. you almost drool, it's thick, veiny, and long. he planted a small kiss on your ears and folded your hands wrapping it around his dick. your lips parted letting out a breath.
his dick was hot, hard, and has a lot of texture- you can feel his vein. you don't believe that when a guy's hands are veiny, and so their cock... but mark is the living statement.
"move." he commanded. you pushed down your palm around his cock, and start pumping it slowly.
"like this?" you asked innocently.
mark saw your submissive look again, doll-like eyes shinning with innocence but full of lust.
"yes, baby. fuck faster, you're doing great." he complimented you, teeth gritting. he put his left arm across your shoulder and his other arm resting on the table.
both of you didn't care whether you're about to get caught or not. you enjoy the playful desires you share with each other. he smashed his lips to your soft lips. tongue caressing each other but careful not to produce noises. you're pumping him hard and fast, you felt cramp in your wrist but didn't stop. his hands formed into fist, knuckled getting white.
he moaned inside your mouth when he reach his climax. you felt the hot sticky liquid on your hands. you broke the kiss and look down to see what does it look like to have his cum on your hand. your eyes looked up and gaze into his eyes, he saw guilt, regret, and shame.
“what am i doing mark?” you bit your lower lip and your eyes watering. you know this is wrong, but when you’re with him all the rationality in you just evaporates. you became terrified of what you became and what you will have become. “what are you turning me into?”
mark was satisfied when he heard that coming out from your mouth, that means he has effect to you. he knew, because he felt the same from you.
“same goes to me, y/n. don’t you get it there’s something bet-” he was cut off when there were tiny voices. both of you turned your head towards the library entrance and there were bunch of seniors coming in. mark quickly zipped his pants and you wipe his cum on his black sweatshirt. you both looked at each other, you just realize what you did.
“i’m sorry.” you whispered and shoved your head against the book. he snickered on your cuteness and clumsiness.
“hey mark.” you froze when the girl seniors approached mark. you stay still, face against the book.
“oh, hi.” he greeted back, giving them a forced smile.
“i saw them on the pizza house, i thought you’re there? i was about to go. good thing you’re here.” she said and you heard some chairs being pulled out.
I need to go fudge, this is probably why i don’t like mark, he’s surrounded by people. knowing you, you’re allergic to people.
you stood up and gather your things.
“where are you going?” mark asked in curiosity and confusion while watching you.
“hmm?” you look at him and carried your back and book. the seniors were staring at you too. “oh, my mom said i have to go for groceries, heheeh empty fridge.” you LIED again. his brow rose.
he was looking at you but not in your face though and you have no time to pay attention to that.
“again? yesterday you went-” you did not let him finish.
“i have to go bye!”
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
you couldn't ignore your wetness beneath you. you were having a hard time walking because of the weird feeling and you felt discomfort on your abdomen part. obviously, you're horny and you knew that. you quickly turned to the right corner to use the girl's comfort room. you masturbate especially everytime you watch porn, and you badly need to masturbate right now without watching porn. you entered one of the cubicle and when you were about to close it, a hand appeared stopping the door.
he stepped inside the cubicle which made you step back , the behind of your knees touched the toilet seat. you heard and clicked sound, he closed the door.
“wait, weren’t you...” you were speechless as you point your finger outside but you were actually pertaining to the library.
why the hell is he everywhere? does he have roller blades on his feet?
"i can smell you." he said looking down, you were curious of what he was looking at but you were offended from his statement.
"excuse me?" you scoffed.
"you were standing infront of me before you leave me, too close and i'm not sure if that's the smell because it was my first time but..." he gaze straight into your eyes. he palmed your pussy which made you yelp. "it was sweet and erotic, are you horny right now?"
you gulped in embarrassment, you want to be swallowed whole by the soil. you were that wet from giving him a handjob!
"were you planning to masturbate?" his eyes switched into dark and dominating. you wonder, how can he guess everything right?
his palmed between your legs made it hard for you to control your desire. you grabbed his wrist.
"i need to cum." you gave him your pleading eyes.
your pleading sweet voice and eyes, and the way you say the word cum went straight into his dick. he never expected that word to come out from your mouth. when it did, he want to grant you.
"you're so special." he whispered. he unzipped your jeans and pulled it down above your knees which slightly made him annoyed because it was hard to pull it down. he gave your dump panty and glance because he can smell it, it wasn't a bad smell it was the opposite. it was sweet, very aromatic.
you just watch him while holding on his shoulder for balance. he stood up straight. you where biting your lips while staring at his handsome face through your lashes.
"mark..." you murmur as you were growing impatient. mark chuckled.
"okay, baby." he called you baby, and your heart lifted... and so as your right leg using his left arm. he hang your leg on his arm.
"what are you doing?" he didn't answer you.
he palmed your already sticky and wet pussy which made you bite your lower lip. he rubbed it in circular motion, you suppressed your moan because goodness it feels so good but you're afraid someone will hear you. he pulled your panty aside and rubbed your slit and clit, hard but slowly. your eyes were squeezing shut and enjoy the feeling. his lips pay attention on your jaw.
"mark, i want to cu- go. please." you whimpered.
he inserted his two finger and started to thrust it inside you while his thumb were flatly rubbing your clit.
"ah... hmmm" you couldn't suppress your moan anymore. "it feels so good." you cried and throw your head back gripping mark shoulder.
mark switched his attention from your jaw to your neck, licking and kissing it. he started to fasten the pace. your were producing a squelching sound.
"please, please, please i need to cum... oh f- yes yes." your eyes rolled back, you almost saw your brains. your legs felt tension causing your leg being lifted to flex straight, toes folded.
"are you cumming now, y/n? hmm?" he said against your neck. you nodded aggressively.
"i'm so close, so close" you were mewling. "ahh!" you clenched mark's fingers and produced a long cry when you finally reached your climax.
you became weak, your limbs became jelly. you were about to fall, good thing mark catched you before that happened. your arms have no energy to hold onto mark.
"are you okay?" mark genuinely asked. "did i overdo it?" growing concern feed him.
you shook your head, head empty, and catching your breath. you have low stamina, this already made you almost pass out? what more if he fuck you?
you shook your heard want to remove those perverted thoughts, and why the hell you thought of mark?
"seat down y/n." he made you seat on the toilet. suddenly, your phone rang. mark, without hesitation looked for your phone inside your bag. he looked at the name. "your mom." he cleared his throught and was about to answer but you quickly snatched it.
there's no way you want your mom to hear a male voice.
"mom?" you answered through your heavy breathing.
"y/n? why are you panting? are you okay?"
"ah, y-yes. i just ran from ahm nevermind i just ran that's it. why are you calling me?" mark intently watching you.
"oh, i forgot a file in our house, it's on top of my table, bring it here, okay?" she asked for your favor.
"yes." you sighed. your mom always forget something.
"okay, love you!" and she hang up.
you stood up. you look down as you felt your stickiness between your legs. you just pulled up your underware and pants.
"i need to go home, i'll go out first and make sure the coat is clear then you'll go out. okay?" you were still panting, catching your breath.
"i can drive you home." he said. there goes again, the warmth in his eyes. you were staring each other, mark looked so determined.
"promise me you will not do anything. i have no energy, mark." you sighed in defeat.
he laughed and pinched your cheek.
"sure." he said, smiling but deep inside he was disappointed. might not be visible because his sweatshirt was covering it, but he is painfully hard right now.
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pastelpasteru · 3 years
┊° . • · ❐ ❝ Late Night Confession ❞
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Pairing/s: Kageyama Tobio × Fem!Reader
Genre/s: Romance, Fluff
Tag/s: OneShot
`'- Listen to the playlist that inspired me to write this!!
`'- Link: https://youtu.be/6oqqLQ8HR2c
`'- If you've seen my original comment on the video, you'll notice that I changed it since I didn't really like it. So here! An improved version.
W A R N I N G !! Boring Oneshot, Mistakes ((Sorry for this))
[Y/n] = Your name
[L/n] = Last name
[E/c] = Eye color
[H/l] = Hair length
[H/c] = Hair color
[S/c] = Skin color
[Y/p] = Your personality
[F/f] = Favorite food
[F/d] = Favorite drink
⎖ · · · 1:47AM, you still found yourself awake despite the lateness of the hour. Why? Well, that's because of your phone that kept dinging almost every second.
Annoyed, you finally checked it to see no other than Kageyama Tobio, messaging you non stop. He's your bestfriend since diapers, you two are so close with each other that people thinks that you two are dating but you know that's impossible because in his eyes, you're just a sister to him.
Or maybe you are more than just that..?
"Hey Y/n."
"U awake?"
"Oi boke!!"
"I know ur awake, reply nowww!!"
He chats, much to your annoyance of him doing so. But setting the annoyance aside, you sighed and checked his messages.
"What do you want Tobio?"
"You ruined my sleep!!"
You responded after a small grunt escaped your lips, eyes squinting to the light that your device emitted.
"Oh good ur awake now"
"Open your door boke, its freezing here!!"
Eyes widening and twitching in irritation, you immediately heard knocks from your house door, making your heart race in panic.
You asked through text, receiving a ding from your phone which is a reply from the ravenette male who is now standing by your door, waiting for you to open it, and letting him enter.
"Yes now open it :)"
Seeing his reply, a relieved sigh escaped your lips as you mentally facepalmed along with an annoyed grunt.
"Geez!! FINE!"
Immediately springing out of your bed, you dashed to the door where the ravenette is at. Opening it to welcome your friend.
"Tobio why the hell are you here!? It's literally 2 in the morning!!" You exclaimed as you swing the door open to see Kageyama standing with a box of milk in his hands. His favorite drink which you always tease him for always drinking it.
"Nothing, I just can't sleep. Plus, I'm bored." He replied in a monotone voice, a blush slightly visible in his cheeks, probably from the coldness outside or from the flustering appearance of you, in a loosened shirt which belongs to him.
"…What do you want me to do, talk you to sleep?" You said jokingly along with a sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose and glaring at the boy who doesn't seem to mind your annoyed look that was sent to him.
"Yeah, that could work. Anyways, are you gonna let me in?" He replied, making you twitch your eye in annoyance. Irk marks forming by your neck. "...You are one thick faced boy, Tobio." You muttered, eventually letting him in to your room.
Now sitting on your bed quietly, both you and Tobio stared blankly into space. Silence filling the room as no words were dropped by you two. Only slurping the empty milk carton from Kageyama was heard together with the faint music from your phone.
"...So, what do you want to talk about, -Yawn- Tobio?" You asked between yawns, breaking the silence, rubbing your eyes due to sleepiness and tiredness. "I don't really know." He muttered, staring at your sleepy figure, shrugging as he answered.
"My god..." You groaned as you slam a pillow on your face. Eyes rolling in annoyance. "Uhm... How about this, describe the person who you like, your crush!" You exclaimed to Kageyama who has his eyes widened and a small blush painted his cheeks.
"W-w-what!? N-no way, I won't say...!" He grumbled as you chuckled at him. "C'mon Tobio, you were the one who approached me to talk. Now go talk about that person~ I'll also say mine, c'mon!!" You announced as the ravenette grumbled curse words under his breath.
"Fine then..." He muttered and took a deep breath before continuing.
"It's a she, then she has [e/c] eyes, [h/l] [h/c] hair, and [s/c] skin." He admitted, making you raise a brow due to curiosity of who does he like. "Then? What else? I wanna guess who!!" You said excitedly, staring at him with sparkling eyes but deep inside, you knew that it's hurting you...
Who is she? Who does he like? I know it isn't me but... I like you.
You whispered some of your thoughts as Kageyama huff a few breaths before continuing his description of this certain someone who he likes.
"She has a [y/p] and she also likes [f/f] and [f/d], she also kept teasing me for liking milk too much. And..." He paused, glancing at your face which he admired everyday. The face he wants to see one day, every time he wakes up.
"And?" You mumbled with a smile, but under that masked smile was sadness that bubbled up inside you.
"...She doesn't have any clue that I'm describing her right now." Kageyama said with a faint smile, looking at you with a hint of sadness glistening in his eyes. While yours shone in hope, happiness.
"What?" You asked, waiting for confirmation, eyes wide opened and jaw hanging. You were shocked and flustered at the same time, all thanks to your anger issues milk addicted 'friend.'
"[L/n] [Y/n], I like you... For a long time now, please accept my feelings. I was just scared to admit my feelings for you before since I---" Kageyama confessed but you immediately cut him off by crashing your lips with his, completely shocking the boy who eventually kissed back.
...After a moment, you pulled away and smiled at him, "I hope that answers your question, Tobio~!!" You cooed, throwing a peace sign up at the flustered ravenette.
I Love You~
With that final sentence, he crashed his lips with yours now.
I Love You Too...
`'- Who wouldn't thought that this late night talk would turn out to be a late night confession?
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© Pastel Pasteru, 2021, please do not copy my contents or I'll come after you. Thanks.
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lovelywingsart · 3 years
Apologies (mild 18+)
-- Karl Heisenberg X OC (AFAB, She/They) --
The 'part 2' to the small 'trilogy' of stories! The 'part 1' to this is Irritation. :D (I can't really say when 'part 3' will be posted, but of course it'll be added into the Masterlist when it is!)
There's still alot going on for me IRL, but I finally managed to do this... :'D I'm sorry if more entries take a while to upload...!
*Warning?: Small regrets, aggressive speech, teasing, mild 18+ themes near end
Summary: Emelia doesn't really regret much, but seeing Karl's reaction to her words makes her hunt him down to apologize. But will he accept it? And how?
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It felt like hours had passed, and Emelia finally made her way back up to the higher levels of the factory once her work was complete. Her words had been stinging her brain, and she felt worse and worse as time went by. She purposely avoided certain routes and hallways to prevent any more potential Soldat run-ins while thinking. Would HE even want to see HER?? She wouldn't have blamed him if he didn't... Hell, for all she knew, she could be killed as soon as she walked in the room when she found him. And that was IF she could find him... Where he chose to hide away was always a mystery to her until she actualy found him. She had learned that the hard way after multiple 'family meetings'; the thought made her physically cringe.
She kept her eye open and focused, listening for anything that could have clued her in on his whereabouts. Humming, pacing, swearing or muttering in rough German, even scraps and pieces being thrown in aggravation. But, save for the noises of the factory, there was nothing. Silence, so to speak. Even as she took the elevator floor to floor. Even as she looked in any door she could find on the way up. Even as she searched through every hallways, eventually risking finding the Soldats in order to find him. This apology thing was truly eating at her mind, and she couldn't stand it... But she couldn't leave it alone.
It took her much longer to look for the man than it took a full working 'shift', she thought, enough so to where she almost decided to give up. She was tired... She was exhausted. She was exhausted, and despite her initial irritation having lessened, a new irritation had flared. An irritation with herself, primarily. A desire to see him at least once before she managed to lay herself down to have yet another restless sleep. To apologize despite never having a reason to do so before. But the longer she searched, the more she wanted to just... stop. It had never taken her THIS long to find him... but perhaps she deserved it. She let out a sigh as she hit the elevator to the highest floor, making her way through the halls once more in a last attempt to find him. But alas, there was... nothing.
Thoughts clouded her mind as she finally made her way towards the small, personal workshop he had, going through her usual routine of climbing the pipes and slipping through the grate in the floor without being detected by the worst of the Soldats. Sure, there were definitely easier ways to get up to that level, but this was what she was used to. No, he wasn't here, either... Now she REALLY had no idea where he was. With a heavy sigh, she made her way to a hidden door on the other side of the workshop, pausing only to glance at the primary table. It looked as if he had been making... something. But small bits of recently crushed metal made her wince, and it wasn't until she caught sight of a small gear that she moved again, slowly nearing the table itself. It was the gear he had taken from the mould before she opened her mouth. She gingerly picked it up, noticing it not even touched by his powers. She could feel it... Metal moved by him had a certain... energy to it. It wasn't something she had started to notice until recently. The gear she held didn't possess this energy, and it made her feel even more guilty. Just how pissed was he to not even use the Cadou???
She took a breath before stuffing it in the pocket of her tied jumpsuit, hearing the small *clink* as it hit the other one she had pulled after he left. Why did she take them...? She didn't know... It was a mindless decision that she knew wouldn't have much of an impact.
Distant sounds of machinery could be heard as she finally made her way through the door, her footsteps silent as she made her way to the room she occasionally occupied when she wasn't in the factory itself. It wasn't HER room per-say, more like a resting place if needed. She reached up to take her hair out of the small tie and run her hand through it before opening the door with a sigh, only to freeze as she entered the room. She was met with Heisenberg on the 'bed', laying on his back with his arms behind his head, his eyes closed and his legs crossed. His jacket and button-up shirt were thrown across a chair, leaving him in the dark tank top he wore underneath. She watched his muscles tense as the door opened, his jaw tightening somewhat as she held her breath. A wave of nervousness flooded over her as she stood in the doorway, not unsure if she should even move.
"... Ah..." she tried, almost afraid to speak. "... H-Hey..."
She gulped as she was simply met with an acknowledging grunt. He said nothing... He didn't even look at her. She stood for a moment before holding her breath and slowly entering the room, mentally bracing herself for any kind of impact. But... nothing came. Even as she hesitantly made her way to the desk, jumping slightly as she heard the door close naturally behind her. She tore her eye away from him, instead focusing on the desk itself, looking over notes he had written. Or... lack thereof... The paper on top was filled with obvious, angry eraser marks over random words that had been written so many times that the paper itself was imprinted with them. Other miscellaneous papers were crumpled or bent, indicating frustration. There was silence until she spoke again.
"... Production ran smoothly..." she said quietly, only to flinch as she heard movement. She looked at him to see as he slowly sat up.
"Good." He said simply, lacking any sort of interest.
Emelia felt a twist in her gut as he moved to stand, his movements somewhat stiff as she heard soft clicking from his left leg once he stood. It was then that she knew, her words had hit him harder than she thought. It sounded as if the leg was going to give out on the poor man as he walked despite knowing it wasn't, nearly brushing past her on his way to the door. It sent an unpleasant shiver down her spine. She held her breath, the twisting in her stomach not leaving.
"H-Hey..." she tried, her voice soft as she spoke over her shoulder. She heard the flick of a lighter before she smelled the sweet scent of the cigar.
"What." His voice was low as he glanced back at her. She couldn't face him... His eyes dug into her shoulders. It was an admittedly cold feeling... She didn't like it.
"Shouldn't... Shouldn't you... Relax a bit...?" She offered, trying to sound as hopeful as she could despite the feeling. She looked at him as she heard him move again.
"I already did." He replied, mere inches away from the door, itself. She couldn't help as she felt the smallest bit of panic.
"I have work to do, Emelia." He growled, reaching for the handle. It was then that she turned around fully, her face that of regret.
"Karl, please...!" She said, her voice nearly begging. He seemed to pause, his head turning slightly towards her. He said nothing, the smoke from the cigar flowing through his nose as if he were an enraged bull. But she kept her eye on him, her own jaw tightening as she took a breath.
"I... I'm..." she started, reaching to rub her arm slightly. He didn't move. "I'm sorry..."
Silence filled the room once more as Heisenberg stared at her, his hand hovering over the door handle. She then took a breath, opening her mouth to speak once more.
"I... I really am..." she sighed, looking down. "I just... I wanted to be alone... Those damned Soldats haven't granted me any peace all week, the bloody Lycans have been running me ragged outside of the factory, and I've been so damned angry and I just... I wasn't thinking, and..." she paused, taking a breath before looking back up at him and sighing. "No, I... There's... there's no excuse. I shouldn't have said anything... I'm sorry, Karl... I'm so sorry."
More silence.
'Please say SOMETHING...' she thought, watching as he finally looked at her. She couldn't tell WHAT he was thinking behind the shades he wore... It worried her. Her breath halted as he slowly moved his hand away from the door, turning his body to face her entirely, his movements slow.
"You really think I can forgive you just like that?" He asked quietly, his shaded gaze burrowing into her skull. Smoke came out of his mouth with each word. She nearly shrank back, lowering her own gaze to the floor.
"No..." she answered, shaking her head. "I wasn't expecting you to..."
"And what's stopping me from leaving this room, or even crushing you?"
Her answer was immediate, and she glanced up at him to see him left his chin. He seemed to think for a few moments, his gaze flicking around her form. But to her surprise, he relaxed.
"The gears you have are defects." He said simply, nodding to her hip. What?? She stared at him, now incredibly confused.
"What...?" She asked, unintentionally backing away and leaning against the table as he walked to her. He stopped in front of her, raising a brow at the confused- and now nervous- look she gave him.
"The gears in your pocket. They're defects. Check around the edges." He repeated, holding out his hand. The gears... She reached down to pat her side, feeling the pieces of metal against her leg as they made a small noise from the movement.
She reached into her pocket and pulled both of them out. She looked over each one for a moment, frowning as she saw what he meant. There were holes... Not the usual holes, of course, and not where she'd notice immediately unless she had closely inspected each one beforehand. They were along the insides of the gear edges, nearly going through the metal itself. There were multiple holes in each gear, indicating odd air bubbles when the metal had set. In other words, anything they were used in would have ended badly. That must have been why he had taken the one in the first place... She then groaned, thinking back to the amount of them she had made.
"Damn it..." she growled, only to jump as Heisenberg nudged her hand with his.
"The others are fine, if that's what you're worried about." He said casually, nodding to his hand. "That also means you took one off my work table."
Emelia looked at him before giving a sigh, carefully setting one of the gears in his palm.
"Sorry..." she said quietly, her eye moving to his hand as he inspected the gear he was given. "I just thought-"
"Thought you could fix a mistake with a broken gear?" He asked, watching her face. She hesitated.
".... maybe... I just... didn't know how." she admitted, looking at her own. She was quiet for a moment. "You didn't touch it with your powers, I thought maybe it could be used for something..." she mumbled.
Her words seemed to make him perk up somewhat with a newfound interest.
"I didn't what?" He asked. She froze.
"... You... you didn't use your Cadou...?" She repeated carefully, looking up at him.
"How can you tell?"
How COULD she tell??? She knew it was a recent thing, but...
"It... I don't know, it's... It's hard to explain." She managed, reaching for the one In his hand and gingerly taking it as he opened his palm for her. "There's... almost an energy to the things you've used your Cadou on, if that makes sense... Almost like a small... fuzzy electric coating... Sort of."
"And when did you realize this?" He asked, legitimately curious as he blew out more smoke. She stopped, her eye widening slightly.
Of course she knew when. Or, at least what she assumed started it. 'The first time you touched me like that', she thought, her cheeks going slightly red at the thought. The metals in her own body had felt different since then, setting off a small change in feeling to every metal around them daily.
"Since we... uhm..." she mumbled, her eye moving between the gears as she pushed them together slightly. She flinched as Heisenberg gave a soft chuckle, knowing exactly what she had meant. It was an interesting development, he thought, as well as a highly amusing one.
"I guess that makes sense." He said, a light smirk crossing his features.
"... It does?" She asked quietly, only to jump as he took a step closer and leaned forward, setting his hands on the edges of the table beside her and effectively rendering her unable to move. She could feel his body heat once more, though was slightly more concerned about the cigar that was ever so close to her face despite him being careful to not let the burning embers close to her skin. She clutched the small gears to her chest, watching as he studied her face.
"Back to the original topic..." he started, noticing as her cheeks reddened just slightly. "There might be a way I can forgive you."
Emelia stared at him with a wide eye, watching as he backed away enough to take the cigar from his mouth without it touching her.
"... there is...?" She asked quietly, watching the smoke curl into the air as he nodded and spoke.
"Yup." He said, gesturing to her hands. "Find something to do with those gears. Something that WON'T destroy my factory, preferably."
She paused.
"That's it...?" She managed, utterly confused. He shrugged.
"For now."
He held out his hand to offer the cigar to her. There was a moment of silence as she stood still, only moving as he gestured to it. She hesitantly reached up and took the object from his fingers, nodding her thanks before slowly putting it between her own lips. He removed his glasses before nodding to her hand.
"Think you can do that for me?" He asked, watching as she exhaled smoke from between her teeth with a nod.
"Of course." She replied, almost too eagerly for her taste. But she meant it... Something in her mind told her she wanted to appease him in any way possible now. She didn't know WHAT she'd use them for, or how long it would take, but she'd find a way.
More smoke came from her mouth as she took another drag, handing it back to him carefully. He took it back, but simply kept his position in front of her and gave a hum.
"Maybe one or two more things." He said suddenly, the smallest smirk forming as more nervousness filled her face.
"What...?" She asked, moving to set the gears on the table next to her, only to jump with a surprised noise as he suddenly leaned forward and nearly crushed his mouth to hers.
The kiss was somewhat rough, a decent amount of aggression behind it as she was pushed backwards against the table and nearly losing her balance. Her hands few back to brace herself against the table as not to fall backwards, just barely managing to keep very balance. small shiver ran down her spine as she returned it, and another came as he let out an angry growl.
"Sit." He grumbled against her lips. She let out a confused whine as he gripped the table behind her, and she thought he'd toss the thing with her on it. The small cogs clattered to the floor as he suddenly swiped everything away from the edge of the table while keeping her against him.
"I said SIT." He growled louder, earning a surprised yelp as he suddenly grabbed her hips. His fingers dug into her sides as he lifted her and shoved her on to the table, feeling her hands fly up to hold onto his shoulders in attempts to balance herself once more. He didn't let up, another growl leaving his throat as he sent a rippling pulse through the piercings in her body.
Emelia let out a squealing whine at the feeling, though was kept locked to him as he wrapped an arm tightly around her waist. Her back arched into his chest with the pulses of electricity, attempting to hide the muffled whines that escaped her throat. But they only encouraged him. He felt her nervous hands travel to hold his jaw, her fingers trembling. Not with fear, however, very obviously proven as she welcomed the kiss and touches with every movement he made. She gasped into the kiss as he suddenly tugged her forward, pressing his hips to hers. Her thighs tightened slightly around his sides as the pulses grew in power, and she was suddenly molded to him and soaking up every bit of warmth he gave.
"Not used to it and you already want more, yeah?" He said, pulling away from her enough to speak, yet still close enough for his lips to brush hers with every word. He could see her face, taking pride in the redness of her cheeks and the near begging glint in her eye.
She was silent, only slightly nodding with a single, embarrassed whine as her thighs trembled against him. Heisenberg chuckled, the tone dark a he smirked almost evilly.
"Didn't think you were so eager." He started, leaning down to press rough kisses and bites against her neck, marking the skin almost immediately. A chill ran down her spine as her breaths came in light pants while he bit up to her jaw, her hands gripping his shirt straps.
"You pissed me off, Emelia. I don't take that shit lightly." He growled lowly, his lips nearly against her ear. He tugged her shirt from its tucked position, enjoying as she nearly melted into putty in his hands. He continued. "You pissed me off, so here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to do whatever the hell I want with you and to you." He stated, moving one hand up to brush his fingers along her neck as he allowed the pulses to cease for the moment. He felt her breath hitch as he pressed his fingers just below her jaw, feeling her pulse quicken. "You're gonna do what I say and you're not gonna say a god damn word about it. Do you understand?"
Emelia felt another large shiver down her spine at his words, feeling his palm rest against her neck as she swallowed nervously. Sure, they made her just she smallest bit scared. But it was also... exciting? It sent her mind into a frenzy, and she legitimately wasn't sure if she should have been afraid or aroused. Either way, she nodded almost immediately, taking as deep a breath as she could without making any other sudden movements. He grinned with an evil chuckle.
"Good girl." He grumbled, leaning to bite down on her neck once more before backing away fully, chuckling at the quiet whine of protest he received in response as his hand left her throat. Emelia froze for a moment once she realized his warmth had left her, covering her face in near embarrassment with her legs almost immediately closing together as he adjusted his shirt.
"For now, you're gonna wait." He said simply, standing up straight as she looked up at him with disbelief. How could he just-
"H-Hey...!" She started, only stopping as he reached forward and grabbed under her jaw, pressing his fingers to her cheeks and yanking her forward just slightly.
"Shut up and stay here, Doll." He purred, watching as she squirmed slightly on the desk. "Relax yourself, you're gonna need it-" he then paused, only to smirk, "- Or make yourself worse for me. This is the last choice you get until I come back."
Emelia gave another whimper, gulping as he shoved her back against the table before letting go.
"What are YOU doing...??" She asked, unable to hide the slight pout in her voice. Oh god, what in the hell WAS this?! What was she reduced to? POUTING?!
"I've got some work to do. Now stay in this room." Heisenberg chuckled, finally retreating back to the door. "It'll be worse for you if you leave. Trust me, I'll know."
She opened her mouth to speak, only to get cut off as he left the room almost too quickly. But even then, her voice was caught in her throat once the door clicked shut. How... How did he...
She finally pushed herself off the table with a shaky breath, nearly feeling her knees collapse under her from the warm feeling between her legs. It was a feeling she knew she had to get used to despite knowing what it was... While it usually irritated her, this time it filled her with a near excited anxiousness. It took a few moments to regain her composure, finally managing to walk with shaky muscles. She made her way to the 'bed', nearly flopping down on it with her legs hanging over the side as she got lost in thought. He didn't SEEM incredibly pissed anymore... Granted, he wasn't happy either.
Her hands covered her face, rubbing it slightly.. It COULDN'T have entirely been a way to 'forgive', could it...?? If so, what were his plans when he got back? She had no idea how fully experimental he was... Hell, she didn't know what SHE could do. The idea of him using her was terrifying and admittedly arousing at the same time, but she couldn't help but relax just slightly. At least he forgave her... Or, he would. Partially. That fact put her mind at ease somewhat, knowing that going out of her way to find him afterward to apologize wasn't all for naught. But for the time being, she let her mind wander to what he could possibly do. Or maybe she shouldn't... She barely knew what to expect from the subject alone much less from him, especially when he was upset. He pushed her hard enough without the aspect of sex, but now... She really didn't know what to expect.
Oh well... It would be fine.
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blackcherrykiss · 3 years
BLOOD BOUNDARIES - Enhypen OT7 Fanfic (ch.7)
[CH.1] [CH.2] [CH.3] [CH.4] [CH.5] [CH.6] previous chapters
[CH.8.] next chapter (unavailable, check back or follow for updates!)
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You fell into a distrustful panic that night now that knew the screams of the woods were also where Jungwon and his friends lived. You weren't sure if you should be scared for those group of boys or be scared of them. You'd be lying to yourself if you tried to believe it was only a coincidence the boys had a place in the forest of violent cries.
You questioned your sanity, were they murderers? Was that their dirty secret?
Your conclusions were endlessly dark, repeating themselves countlessly. You had never wanted to sleep away your thoughts more than ever. Eventually, you got exhausted from your thoughts. It was mentally draining to try and tear apart the possibilities of the situation, you didn't have enough evidence to be so sure. You lay in a cold sweat as you drifted off into a deep but horrible sleep.
You dreamt in full awareness. The boys with blood spilling down their hands and onto their swan white clothes. A red mess everywhere on the cream walls of an orphanage that overflowed with rays of a full moon. Although you were scared of what you were witnessing, you could not wake up even if your life depended on it. It seemed as if the dream had sped up your sleep as you woke in what felt like a few seconds. Calmly, you awoke in the misty autumn morning in a crushed up pile of blankets. You sit up to peel your wispy curtains away from the window to get a good look at the dark forest that steamed with a muddy blue fog. All of the memories of Jungwon yelling at you for just being near the woods flooded your brain as you stared. This time you were determined to search deep into that forest and get to the bottom of its mysteries as it called out to you.
"Y/N I think you're going to be late for your first class." Nana knocked before bursting into your room in full uniform, not a wrinkle on her shirt.
"Y-you're already ready? What time is it?!" You glanced back and forth between your pyjamas and uniform that draped over a random stool as you were too lazy to fold nicely the night before.
"We didn't want to wake you... So we went ahead thinking you'd come down eventually." She yanked you out of bed, gripping your forearms tightly before backing out the door, "Don't be late! We promised we'd keep out of detention this year!"
Within a blink of an eye, you slip into your uniform, slinking your arms through the holes of your blouse and adjusting your legs to be cover by your ashy plaid skirt. With your bag and binder in hand, you sprinted across your campus to the gymnasium where you found yourself arriving, everyone already in the proper athletic attire.
"You're late."  Your health teacher grit her teeth in visible disappointment. Your teacher knew how unlike you it was to be late as your classmate's eyes followed your every movement.
"P-pardon me." You clawed your fingers through your bedhead, speeding to the change room, nervous she'd assign you detention.
You let out the deep breath you were holding in as you got into the empty locker room, frustrated at yourself for waking up so late. You can't help but feel upset that you let your thoughts get the best of you and ruin your perfect attendance. Truly you were ashamed but began to see no point in continuing to rush the pace at which your day was running.
The locker room door opens and you see Kyungeun peep herself inside, "Y/N? You alright?"
You pull your boxy shirt flat down, zipping and tying every spot on your tracksuit jacket, "Yeah, sorry rough morning..."
"No worries, I just said that I had to go to the bathroom but I really just wanted to check on you." She had a motherly sound to her voice which comforted your bad start to the day. Perhaps she was in a good enough mood for you to ask her briefly about her relationship with Sunghoon.
"Kyungeun, I think I need to just clear the air... I saw you with Sunghoon in the library." You tilted your head in regret as to whether or not you were starting off the conversation in the right direction.
"Y-you saw us???" Her face drained to an unrealistic hue, "Lord... Sunghoon will kill me if he finds out you know."
"Stop! What do you mean? He'll kill you? Is it because I know that you two are dating?"
"NO! Nevermind then!" She cut you off right after the question mark in your voice. She looked rather relieved at your response which could only mean their relationship was much different than you had presumed. "I just can't tell you about our relationship I'm s-sorry it's between just us two."
"So then it's okay for him to flirt with my roommate?"
"No? Are you serious right now ?!" Kyungeun panicked.
"So you are dating?" You gave a smug smile.
"It's not that..." She was visibly frustrated not being able to describe herself in words, "I'll tell you this, I'm bound to him..." She ran her index finger along the reddened gash on her neck  He's blackmailing me."
"So you're like his pet?" You held in your laughter, you knew you should be more serious but you had no other way of trying to help Kyungeun express the gist of her relationship.
"I'll tell you another day...  Let's just go before the teacher gets mad at you for taking so long to change."
After your class full of advanced leg exercises and mediocrely fun games, you got halted by your gym teacher, "Y/N can we speak about how tardy you were today?"
You got fearful of her sentencing you detention, freezing up from your heel upwards, "I'm so sorry, I just had a lot going on last night..."
"Sweetie, I know this is your first late in my class but unfortunately the school does not tolerate tardiness in the way I believe it should be." She tapped her chin a few times, "I have no other choice but to send you to detention but it'll just be a half-hour at lunch." You felt better that it wasn't for a full hour or two after school but you were still dreading the idea.
"Can't you just let me off the hook? I promise it'll never happen again" You pleaded desperately.
"I'm afraid I cannot... If the other teachers or students knew you didn't get sent to detention I could get into trouble for giving you 'special treatment'. I know you didn't mean to love but I cannot afford to lose my job so I'll see you then." She patted one of your shoulders, giving it a little squeeze to cheer you up.
"I understand..." You nod with your head that already hung low.
"It's in the English room down the hall, there is usually only a few students there. Some familiar faces."
That rest of your morning would only pull through faster as you got some weird anxiety over walking into the detention room. You could not concentrate at all in the class you had before lunch. You felt as if you were too good for the detention group of kids, but here you were about to join those you criticized. Karma.
"Make sure to answer the questions 8-16 on page 300, you have the rest of the class to do so. Any questions?" Your physics teacher stood with his hands balled up behind his back.
Realizing you had no physics book in your bag after triple checking, you shot your arm up in distress, "ME! I forgot my textbook today... I was in a rush this morning." You faked a polite laugh with the expectation your teacher would have a spare.
"I'm afraid I don't have an extra, anyone willing to share?" The teacher lifted his head to scan the class.
"I could share." Jaeyun winked making your face recoil
"Perfect! You'll probably have to move your stuff to his seat then." Your teacher suggested.
With a thick coat of disappointment, you pulled a chair up to Jaeyun's desk to which he kneed you annoyingly.
Within just a few seconds of settling down, you complained "How the hell am I supposed to write? There is no space... Desks are made for ONE person."
"Okay then don't use my textbook and fall behind" He sneered.
"Wait wait, I just had the greatest idea Jaeyun." He gave you puppy eyes when you said his name, "What if you look for half the answers I do the other half then exchange?" You whispered so the teacher could hear.
"I can't trust you make good answers though..." He jokingly sighed.
"HEY! Okay or work together for every question to get it done twice as fast? Oh wait but then I'll be the one carrying the team... Bummer..." You stretched the corners of your mouth until your lips disappeared.
"I honestly don't feel like doing work so lose-lose." He pouted and rolled his eyes.
"Same... I can't even focus, I'm having a rough morning..." You openly admitted, "I got sent to detention for being late in my first class."
"Detention? Didn't think you were the type." Jaeyun had an unexpectedly sweet giggle which contrasted with his lower tone voice, "Heeseung and Sunghoon get sent often, surprised they aren't kicked out of the school."
"They get sent often?!" Your voice rose to which you quickly quieted down to avoid trouble, "Will I see them there?"
"Why? Looking forward to going now?" Jaeyun whispered with a grin, causing you to scoff.
"As if..." A sudden idea coming to mind, "Say Jaeyun... About the party... Heard you guys have a place in the woods...?" You became aware that you could pry some information out of him that would help you when searching the woods that night.
"Yeah, we do... We don't normally tell people about it." He said casually yet still with some sort of caution.
"So why tell us then?"
"Haven't had any visitors in a while..." Jaeyun toyed with his mechanical pencil, using the plastic part to trace around his lips, "Awfully interested aren't you?" He seemed to have caught on to your intentions, shifting the mood of the conversation around in a full 180.
Suddenly the dream you had earlier slipped into mind, causing you to sit in growing discomfort, "What do you want from my friends and I?"
"Nothing sweetheart... We're more interested in you than your dormmates. You look like someone we know." He laughed like a psycho and it creeped you out how the two of you were just poking lighthearted jokes to something much darker and mysterious, "I know you're afraid of us, you know far more than most girls." His voice dropped to a whisper as he watched the teacher behind you to make sure he didn't see the both of you slacking.
"Kyungeun knows your secrets too she said she'll tell me."
"She's acting like we don't know her secrets." Jaeyun closed his textbook, "Y/N just remember this, Kyungeun is half as bad as we are and half as pure as you are."
"Alright class, that's it for today's class. This textbook assignment won't be due until Friday have a good lunch." The teacher interrupted, causing your conversation with Jaeyun to end on a hanging note.
"Good luck with detention."Jaeyun hushed in your ear.
p.s, i changed the cover lol don’t make fun of my photoshop skills!
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justtogetthrough · 3 years
I spent 6 hours in the ER tonight to be diagnosed with food borne illness and offered no pain management for the first 5 of those hours despite me being balled up and crying in pain bc literally nobody came to check on me for 4 hours. At the 1 hour mark upon arrival is when I got put in a room from the triage/waiting area and I was like hey nurse I'm doing real bad bc x and y and she was like you're going straight to a room so I'm sure you'll be seen quickly. And then I saw no one for 4 hours except when I pressed the call button at hour 4 crying and having a panic attack and asking if I should just leave cuz apparently there's no medical reason anyone feels I should be there and she's like no no the doctor will come and I mean... he did... but not for another hour and a quarter and I was in 9 out of 10 pain alone in a hospital room crying for hours and literally nobody gave a shit. Adulthood sucks. I had just gotten up to grab my coat and leave when the doctor walked in to draw blood. And they have the gall to post signs in the rooms saying nurses will check in every hour during the day to check on pain, potty, position, and personal belongings "its called the 4 p rounding in the ED". I want to file a complaint and be like TELL ME WHY NO ONE CHECKED ON ME FOR 4 HOURS, AND WHY IT TOOK 5 HOURS TO GET PAIN RELIEF WHEN MY LITERAL PRESENTING COMPLAINT WAS PAIN ALL DAY FLUCTUATING BETEEEN 6 AND 10 OUT OF 10. As soon as they injected the antiinflammatory into my arm at hour 5.25 since arriva to triage the improvement was significant and the crying stopped and its like wow. I could have had this hours ago. I wasn't drug seeking. Fucking toradol is all it took, its not a narcotic, and it worked and I was satisfied and I want to know why a doctor didn't check in on my pain within the first hour of getting a room to see what I needed to function. That toradol injection at hour 2 not hour 5 would have made this night a lot less hellish and spared my neighbours from listening to me cry and hyperventilate for 30-40 minutes straight.
I am much happier to be crying in my own bed now than in the fucking hospital where everyone just ignored the sounds of a person in extreme suffering.
At this point I would rather die from some random medical misfortune slowly and painfully at home then ever voluntarily attend my local hospital man. It's literal hell on earth.
I'll go there for stitches when I'm not in medical need besides sewing up a wound and I can bring a book. But if I'm suffering in any way, the hospital is the last place to go. I need to restock my home pharmacy with OTC and illicit drugs and I'm self medicating from here on out. If I could stitch myself I would and trust me I've checked Amazon for suture kits. They seem suspect. Once I find a real kit with real tools, I will never step foot in a hospital again.
Ps, med students link me up with suture kits, I'll pay you for them. Amazon sells practice kits and idk if theyre truly skinsafe. I need what you use and I have 2 decades experience watching it done and am probably autistic and would research the fuck out of it and do it 100% properly minus the med school qualification. Hook me up please. This is a serious request.
This post is written on xanax and zopiclone and will form the basics of my complaint I will be losing with the hospital thanks. I need to ask my kid if he still wants to lodge a complaint about his mistreatment in November. We can navigate that process together. It's a life skill. Reporting concerns is not the same as complaining but the complaint process is necessary and it needs to be used when services are harmful and negligent and both of our situations warrant formal complaints and apology letters for mishandling our medical needs.
So that could be a tomorrow thing given I refuse to work after this week I've had so yep. Day off, boss can't convince me otherwise and likely won't. So reading up on hospital complaint procedures and connecting with my kid about whether he wants to do his too. His complaint was way more violating so I suspect he won't, but I think he should. Up to him though. People, institutions, etc all need to be held accountable and if they dont know we're unhappy or the whack shit their employees are doing, we are failing our responsibility to take part in social democracy.
That's my drugged up rant for tonight. I am upset.
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thechangeling · 4 years
Lux and Obscures:
This used to be called aimless but I decided to change the title to match the story better. This is going to be multiple chapters. I've linked part 1 down below. I know it's been a million years I'm sorry.
Chapter 2: Despair
"What do you mean she's been taken mom?! What the fuck happened?" Mina shouted. Her parents both instantly glared at her disapprovingly. Helen and Aline promptly stared off into the corner awkwardly. Her father still looked a little strange, kind of dazed and miserable.
Mina tried to regain her composure. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have sworn, that was uncalled for. I'm just really worried about Ellie" she explained. Her mothers faze softened. Her father still looked deeply troubled.
Then it dawned on her.
Where's my Parabatai, is what she had said. Where's my Parabatai? Her father probably had been asking himself that very same question over and over for years now.
"What even happened?" She asked her mother, nudging by her and the Blackthorn- Penhallows to go to the weapons room to retrieve Cortana. Emma and Julian hadn't had any children so that meant Mina was the Cartairs heir.
It had taken awhile for Cortana to accept her. The first time she had tried, Mina had been 15. She had anxiously held out her hand but nothing happened. She refused to budge. It had been Emma originally who insisted on Cortana being called "she" instead of it because apparently she just "felt right." Well she (Cortana) was an obnoxious bitch. Emma had then held out her hand and of course Cortana lit up and came flying into her mistress's hand.
Mina had been so discouraged. She was flat out convinced that it was some sort of personal flaw of hers. She spent the next several years working her ass off to he worthy. It wasn't until her 18th birthday that Cortana finally relented. It was possible that she was just having a hard time letting go. She and Emma had been together for so long. But all good things needed to come to an end.
Mina currently sped towards the weapons room, everyone else following behind her. "The institute was attacked by a team of warlocks" her mother informed her.
"None of them were familiar" Helen chimed in. "They grabbed Ellie and tried to grab me but seemed to be dodging everyone else. Helen's voice was shakey, as if she were holding back tears. Aline pulled her arm around Helen's waist and rested her forehead against Helen's shoulder. "I just don't get it" Helen said dejectedly.
Mina took a breath. Helen was right. It didn't really make sense. However there was no time to dwell on that. Mina knew Ellie wasn't dead or else the bond would have snapped. But that didn't mean she wasn't in trouble. She needed to move fast.
She marched into the weapons room, grabbing up Cortana. There was no time to grab gear so she just tied her hair back. Mina turned back to face the group. "Do we have any ideas about where they took her?" She asked.
Her mother stepped forward and produced a plastic bag that seemed to contain a throwing star. Magnus had the idea to pull a print off of this." She said
"But that might take awhile" her father interjected. Mina's breathing began to become shallow and frantic. She could feel panic brewing inside of her.
"How long exactly?" Mina asked with a sharp edge to her tone. "We can't wait very long. Who knows what they might be doing to her?"
"Mina!" Her mother scolded her sharply, giving her a pointed look. Helen and Aline both looked horrified. Mina felt guilty. She knew she was being immature and disrespectful, but she couldn't help it. She was terrified.
"It'll take a few hours" Aline answered. "In the mean time we need to prepare an assult team. I'm assuming you're coming with us?"
Mina nodded firmly, she watched her parents out of the corner of her eye to see if they would protest, but neither of them said anything.
"Great" Helen said raising her head. "We need to go to New York to meet up with Julian, Emma, Mark and Cristina. Maybe throwin Kieran if he isn't busy. I'm pretty sure we could get Clary and Jace involved as well, and of course Magnus and Alec, but Simon and Izzy are still in Peru." Helen marched past her to load up on weapons. "You're probably going to want to change sweetheart. I dont know what you're brother might have told you but you can't actually survive stab wounds just by sheer force of will." She joked.
Helen and Aline were strapping knives and short swords onto their gear while her father went to retrieve his staff. Her mother was preparing to make a portal for New York.
A few minutes later Mina emerged from her bedroom, fully dressed in gear. "So what about Kit and Ty?" She asked physically restraining herself from saying kitty instead. This was a serious situation.
"They volunteered to stay behind with the younger kids" Aline supplied sliding another knife up her sleeve. "So basically that's Emelia, Iris and of course Rosie and baby Livvy. Everyone else is coming with us."
Emelia was the youngest daughter of Kieran, Mark and Cristina and Iris was the youngest of Helen and Aline. Rosie and Livvy were Mina's nieces, Kit and Ty's daughters.
"Wait a minute. Literally everyone else?" Mina asked incredulously. "You mean Gianna too? Honestly I didn't think she would give a shit."
"Wilhelmina!" Her mother shouted.
"Ok this isn't helping!" Helen snapped. "We need to go." Mina instantly felt guilty.
Her mother nodded and raised her hands. Slowly blue light began to spark from them and rush outward in a flurry of colour creating a portal. Mina couldn't help but feel jealous.
"Alright then come on" her father beckoned her towards the portal. Mina reached behind her back to pat Cortana to make sure she was still there.
Mina closed her eyes for a moment, steeling herself.
I'm coming Ellie.
She opened her eyes with a sense of newfound determination, took her father's outstretched hand, and walked through the portal.
And as she stepped into the black nothingness crackling with energy, she couldn't help but think to herself.
If I had power. Real power. Then this never would have happened.
@thelandunderthehilll @inxj @ti-bae-rius @zafirafoxx @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @older-brother-kit @eutony-in-whisper @stxr-thxif
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nocherryblood · 4 years
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Hey! Just a couple of random drawings here!I'll list all the ideas and explanations behind these drawings here:
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1) Idea: Will is sick (Mason's come down with it too- and by how close Mabel is to him by trying to comfort him, she'll get it too... aww), the Gleeful twins (they're about 10 or 11 here) refuse to go to bed (which may or may not have been down to a dangerous mix of Mabel Juice and Smile Dip), Bill refuses to leave his twin until he's better so he let himself into the mansion, and Kill's playing the big brother card and refusing to leave too, instead deciding to settle down on Bill's head to watch it all. :) Ah, bliss. So, what does Stanford do? The only thing he can, drug them into submission begrudgingly read them a bedtime story about a few "adventures" he's had. Oh well...
2) Idea: Stanford and Fiddleford find one of those novelty character photo stands, and stick their heads in the holes to take a photo for a laugh. The end result is two quite weird looking "disney princess " photos.
3) Idea: Vampire Will! I'll run through what's happening in each Still!
(Top left) Will is blood-starved (which is when he's either refused or unable to get, blood) and goes crazy trying to get some. He still manages to looks cute to me in a way. And yes, when he gets mad, he goes red, just like his twin! Aww! (But don't laugh, he's thirsty and it looks like you're next...)
(Top right) Will feeding off of someone, but they've been fed from many times before... can you guess who it is (Hint, look at that "tattoo"...)?
(Left middle) During one of the times that Will is blood-starved, he walks to Dipper's college dorm (crossing through a portal to get to Gravity Falls- thankfully, DipDop is out that evening; the two of them "share" a dorm in college, even if Bill doesn't actually go to classes, he's just there to spend time with his Pine Tree), stumbling a little. Bill smiles, just happy to see his little bro, and lets him in without even questioning it (and here we see the very rare thing called "Bill's innocence"). Will asks him for a hug, saying only that he felt a bit lonely so he came to see him, and Bill accepts straight away, going in for the hug. But he's horrified to see Will's face flicker from sad to lust (FOR BLOOD. FOR BLOOD!) for just a second, but before he can do anything, Will's already bitten him several times in just a matter of a few seconds (vampire speed + vampire magic + demon speed + demonic powers = run the hell away from that OP b*tch). Bill staggers back, falling to the floor, and although Will tries to "switch back" to himself, he can't, and getting a taste of (demon) blood didn't help. The end result is... well... Bill ends up losing a heck of a lot of blood, there is one very surprised Pine Tree who comes home in the morning to find Bill passed out on the floor, and one very drunken Will, who drank way too much (especially because it's demon) blood, and it has an effect like being high/stoned or being intoxicated, it just depends. That was a fun morning.
(Middle right) Someone forcing Will's hunger to grow by smashing a vial of angel blood in his face (which by the way, tastes irresistible to him), which can be used to lure said vampire-demon if used in the right way... A smear of angel blood here on a victim and a smear of angel blood there on a victim, aaaaannnndddd... it'd be enough to send him reeling; poor victim :( And no, they (a normal victim at least; 'angel blood' victims don't stand a chance) won't get turned, they'll bleed out unless someone helps them out, because there's a special venom that Will has to inject with his fangs if he wants to turn someone... so don't think you have a chance of survival, unless:
A) He manages to get himself back and decides to help you out
B) You're a child- because Will will NOT attack children, no matter how much he wants to. There has been only one time (he was forced to by Fidds and Ford for an experiment), and he had to be left in the basement for a week before he calmed down...
C) You find him another victim quick enough (of all the three options, this is the one with the least hope- so say goodbye now while you're at it)
(Bottom right) Will's coffin! It's white, with his name written on the front in black letters written on it in cursive (though as he grows 'older', he does prefer a less 'curly' font, but at first, he likes to stick to his old style of writing- from when he was just a demon). He doesn't have to sleep in it, he can sleep in a bed-, which he does do at first, but he finds it safer in case he accidentally wakes up to find the sun's rays glaring down at him... which won't hurt him exactly, but it's not exactly the nicest feeling either...
(Middle) Blood-starved Will...
Will: "I'-It's [the restraining belt] a little t-tight, Bill. Could you t-take it off, p-please? It hurts...."
Bill: "I know Blue, I-I'm... sorry... but I can't... It's not... It's not..."
Will: "It's not... safe... is it?
Bill: "Oh, Will... No... If course it's safe, I just-"
Will (distorted): "WELL THEN WHAT, BILL?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? I'M STARVING!" *grabs bars, shakes them, growls*
Bill (quietly): *backs away* Will... this isn't you... St-stop it...
Will (quietly): *backs away into 'cell', sniff* Bill...?
Bill: *looks up*
Both: *run to each other, hug through bars*
Bill: "I love you, Blue..." (AS BROTHERS!)
Will: "What's happening to m-me, Bill...?"
Bill: *runs hand through Will's hair* "I don't know, Will..."
Both: *crying profusely*
Backstory time! (This could change a little, in time, but here's the rough idea-)
Well, at first, no-one thinks that being bitten by a rogue vampire is going to affect a demon that much...
At first the signs on Will are subtle, like becoming more and more sensitive to sunlight and tending to stay away from more people, unless he trusts them or knows them well... but he was fine.
Soon the signs become more severe, and he develops a sort of hunger eating (that pun tho...) away at him, and his senses are starting to get overwhelmed. But he was fine.
All in all, for first few months, Will can pretty much (mostly) just try to ignore the signs, just blaming it in being stressed rather than everything else. He could still serve under the Gleefuls (especially Stanford and Mason, hint hint ;)) without them noticing too much; the only people to noticeably be worried about him were Dipper and Mabel (Pines), and his brother- whom he was allowed to visit every once in a while. So things weren't exactly alright, but he was fine.
Until his bite marks disappear...
One Friday evening, after a particularly draining show (in which he had to use quite a bit of energy), Will is set to serve the evening tea. At first, everything is fine, and he barely notices anything is wrong.
But just as he walks into the dining room, a sharp pain pierces his neck, causing him to shriek, fall, and drop the dinner plates all over the floor. He quickly attempts to get up to clean it up, and Mason tries to help him too (if only to mock him at first), but before he can leave a snidy remark and walk away with a smirk, Will grabs his hand.
The blue demon switches back and forth between himself and the fledgling merging with him, letting go of Mason's hand as he tries to stay in control. He has visions of blood running down the walls, making him panic and feel like he's drowning, and then feeling like he can't breathe.
Flashes of consciousness of him feeding on Mason (whilst the poor boy frantically struggles to get away from him) phase through the visions to him, but ultimately, he cannot stop it. He "wakes up"on the floor, with Mason bleeding out by the wrist next to him, before Mabel rushes to help Mason. Will sees Stanford approach him, and Ford drags Will up by the collar, and down to the basement, locking him down there. He observes Will from a distance- from a camera in another room- before he begins to notice Will losing himself as he soon tries to get out as his vampire side lets paranoia about being trapped, set in. Will essentially goes "feral" banging on the bars, baring his teeth/currently-lengthened fangs, growling, hissing, rocking back and forth, pounding on the walls... you get the message. After a while, Stanford decided (even though he would usually just let Will suffer) to try to anathetise Will, before eventually just giving up and filling the room with narcotic gases to make him sleep. After a couple of coughing fits, Will finally passes out, and Stanford comes in, resolving to typing his arms next to him with an enchanted belt, so that Will can't free himself, no matter how hard he tries. He also puts a special collar on him, like a shock collar but it can also administer small amounts of the narcotics, if Stanford so wishes. So, with done, he lets Will sleep until the morning, just waiting to observe his actions... And so, when Will is denied/refused, or unable to obtain blood or energy (because he can feed off of people's energy too, it's just not a effective and fills the hunger for much less longer) then that, is when he is blood-starved, so he'll probably anything just to get some, though let it be said, the longer he has to wait, the greeider he'll become. There have been numerous experiments between Fidds and Ford, to see how long will could actually go for without attacking someone whilst blood-starved, unbeknownst to poor Will :(. But regardless of that, the record if around 2 hours and 1 minute...
(If you have any further questions, ask away!)
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littlepichon · 5 years
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Twitter: Silvia Stringhini- Swiss Epidemiologist, English translation of Dr. Daniele Macchin’s account...Bergamo, Northern Italy. Monday 9th March 2020:
‘I may be repeating myself, but I want to fight this sense of security that I see outside of the epicenters, as if nothing was going to happen "here". The media in Europe are reassuring, politicians are reassuring, while there's little to be reassured of. This is the English translation of a post of another ICU physician in Bergamo:
“After much thought about whether and what to write about what is happening to us, I felt that silence was not responsible. I will therefore try to convey to people far from our reality what we are living in Bergamo in these days of Covid-19 pandemic. I understand the need not to create panic, but when the message of the dangerousness of what is happening does not reach people I shudder. I myself watched with some amazement the reorganization of the entire hospital in the past week, when our current enemy was still in the shadows: the wards slowly "emptied", elective activities were interrupted, intensive care were freed up to create as many beds as possible. All this rapid transformation brought an atmosphere of silence& surreal emptiness to the corridors of the hospital that we did not yet understand, waiting for a war that was yet to begin & that many (including me) were not so sure would ever come with such ferocity. I still remember my night call a week ago when I was waiting for the results of a swab. When I think about it, my anxiety over one possible case seems almost ridiculous and unjustified, now that I've seen what's happening. Well, the situation now is dramatic to say the least.
The war has literally exploded & battles are uninterrupted day & night. But now that need for beds has arrived in all its drama. One after the other the departments that had been emptied fill up at an impressive pace. The boards with the names of the patients, of different colours depending on the operating unit, are now all red and instead of surgery you see the diagnosis, which is always the damned same: bilateral interstitial pneumonia. Now, explain to me which flu virus causes such a rapid drama... And while there are still people who boast of not being afraid by ignoring directions, protesting because their normal routine is"temporarily" put in crisis, the epidemiological disaster is taking place. And there are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopedists, we are only doctors who suddenly become part of a single team to face this tsunami that has overwhelmed us. Cases are multiplying, we arrive at a rate of 15-20 admissions per day all for the same reason. The results of the swabs now come one after the other: positive, positive, positive. Suddenly the E.R. is collapsing. Reasons for the access always the same: fever and breathing difficulties, fever and cough, respiratory failure. Radiology reports always the same: bilateral interstitial pneumonia, bilateral interstitial pneumonia, bilateral interstitial pneumonia. All to be hospitalized. Someone already to be intubated and go to intensive care. For others it's too late... Every ventilator becomes like gold: those in operating theatres that have now suspended their non-urgent activity become intensive care places that did not exist before. The staff is exhausted. I saw the tiredness on faces that didn't know what it was despite the already exhausting workloads they had. I saw a solidarity of all of us, who never failed to go to our internist colleagues to ask "what can I do for you now?" Doctors who move beds and transfer patients, who administer therapies instead of nurses. Nurses with tears in their eyes because we can't save everyone, and the vital parameters of several patients at the same time reveal an already marked destiny. There are no more shifts, no more hours. Social life is suspended for us. We no longer see our families for fear of infecting them. Some of us have already become infected despite the protocols. Some of our colleagues who are infected also have infected relatives and some of their relatives are already struggling between life & death. So be patient, you can't go to the theatre, museums or the gym. Try to have pity on the myriad of old people you could exterminate. We just try to make ourselves useful. You should do the same: we influence the life and death of a few dozen people.You with yours, many more. Please share this message. We must spread the word to prevent what is happening here from happening all over Italy."
I finish by saying that I really don't understand this war on panic. The only reason I see is mask shortages, but there's no mask on sale anymore. We don't have a lot of studies, but is it panic really worse than neglect and carelessness during an epidemic of this sort?’
(Source: @silviast9 https://twitter.com/silviast9/status/1236933818654896129?s=21 )
Donate to fundraiser for Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano: https://www.gofundme.com/f/coronavirus-terapia-intensiva
Donate to China: https://give2asia.org/help-support-coronavirus-outbreak-prevention-wuhan-china/
Please update with donation/info links! Stay safe x
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breathebangtan · 5 years
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Ch. 6: J…….
Genre: FallenGuardianAngel! Jimin, Supernatural
Members: Jimin
Pairings: Jimin x y/n
Synopsis: love is an uncontrollable feeling, even for those who were meant to protect, and only protect. Nothing more and nothing less. Yet somehow, there was always outliers.
Warnings: None really
Word count: 5.8k
A/N: Hope you all enjoy! Please like and reblog if you do!
Ch.1 | Ch.5 | Ch.7
The bus I took was pretty barren, like a desert with cactus in randoms spots, with the occasional eagle perched on it. I took my seat, somewhere in the middle, near the back. The driver took a few minutes to finish loading the luggage. As he did I got comfortable in my seat, resting my head on the window. The smell of vanilla with lavender and roses was slightly filling my space, it wasn’t strong in the slightest. As a matter of fact, the vanilla wasn't as apparent as the flowery smells. The connection Jimin and I shared was becoming apparent as well, but barely even there. “Rest your head on my shoulder.” He whispered, as if not to startle me. I felt slight panic though, I was afraid someone would see him and wonder how he got on. “Only you can see me right now, and hear me for that matter.” He reassures me as if he read my thoughts. I give a little sigh, relaxing as I rest my head on him. I’d be lying if I said I felt the same amount of warmth I felt when we first met. Everything about him from that night was starting to disappear, or lessen at least. I wondered if maybe it was because I was getting use to his presence or if it was the stress he’d mentioned before, taking its toll on him. If it was the latter, I worried for him. Even if he was a heavenly being, the fact that he had stress at all proved to me that he could be fragile too.
I entangled my hand in his, trying to return the comfort he’d giving me all this time, hoping that maybe I could act as a remedy that could get his heart beating again. “Malum.” Jimin whispered, repositioning his chin atop my head, ever so gently, it was as if he was barely pressing down. “Hm?” I hummed slightly, letting my eyes flutter shut. “You know I love you, right?” He asked, his voice was filled with more emotion than I’d ever heard anyone put into words. The suddenness of them catching me off guard, the genuine raw emotion burning through my ears, like hot iron making its way to my heart until it left a permanent mark. I didn’t know what to say, or what to do. “I…” I pushed away from him, staring up into his eyes. They were soft, not expecting anything, just hopeful. I just wasn't sure what they hoped for.
“All I want is your safety and happiness. You know that, right?” He continued. I don’t know why I’d felt so weird about it, he was my guardian, that’s what he meant when he said it. He loves me as much as any other guardian angel can love their assigned human, that’s what he meant. Nothing more to it. So why did I feel so oddly about it? “Of course.” I whispered back to him, as I noticed that the driver had finally made it in, getting ready to pull out of the station. Anyone who was remotely close to me, was wearing headphones. I could talk freely to Jimin without anyone questioning me, but I didn’t want to be louder than a whisper because the same silence would make my voice identifiable. If the driver heard me, he’d think I was crazy.
My hold on his hand tightens, as if to assure him. “I’d be lost without you.” The words escape my lips in such a breathy whisper, as I let myself rest on his shoulder again, hoping to drift into sleep even if just for a little while. His soft humming lulling me into slumber. I was supposed to be back home, at my parents house before midnight, which gave me plenty of time to rest. So I let the movement of the bus’ wheels on the concrete ground rock me, like a baby being carried by its mother on a rocking chair. Everything was so peaceful.
“We are currently 8 minutes away from our destination. Please be sure to gather all your belongings and be ready for our arrival. Don’t forget to wait for your luggage after you’ve gotten off.” The drivers announcement wakes me up. I’m thankful that he speaks in such a soft voice, saving me from being startled awake. As I regain consciousness, I realise that Jimin is gone now. My eyes look to the window to see the familiar city I’d been away from longer than I’d like. I waited for the bus driver to give me my luggage before walking into the bus station to await a taxi I'd called.
It didn't take long to arrive home from the station, nothing over 10 minutes. Which was great because I made it home with a little less than half an hour left before 12. I paid off the taxi with the remainder of the 100 dollar tip I'd received from the odd customer. I still could not believe that, that money was literally just enough to pay for my bus ticket and the taxi ride here. My head was starting to throb as I tried to explain how a simple customer, who had given me a weird nickname by the way, was able to predict what I’d go through? There was no way, he’d probably just been generous with what he decided was a fair amount to tip, and decided to write whatever?
Trying my best to put the thought aside, I knocked on my parents door and waited for them to open. I hoped I wasn't waking them, I had warned them I'd be here around this time. “Y/n! My beautiful daughter, oh you're home!” My mother says excitedly as she opens the door, pulling me into a tight hug. My father laughing behind her, bringing my suitcase inside with him. “Come on in sweetheart, you must be cold.” She ushers me inside the warm home, the one I've missed for quite some time now. Being an adult was tough, and being away from your parents for the first time was worse. I knew it was part of life, and I didn't mind it, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss being in this house. In their presence. “I've missed you both. So much.” I sigh as I hug my dad, he pats my back slowly.
“We're so glad to have you home.” He smiles down at me, kissing the top of my head. The lights are mostly off but the ones that are, are dim creating a cozy environment. “Why don't you go rest, and we’ll plan something for tomorrow in the morning.” Mom asks me as they lead me up stairs. Even though I’d slept on the way here, I’m still exhausted. So of course I nod my head in agreement as we come up to my room. “Goodnight sweetie.” My mother says as she opens my door before walking off with dad. It’s just as I left it before moving out into my apartment. My white desk with all sorts of stationary on it, sticky notes on the wall in front of it. The fairy lights I had hung all over my room still intact, I wondered if they still worked though. I laid my suitcase on the floor and opened it, bringing out my pajamas. My burgundy bed covers perfectly made, it looked so inviting. I changed quickly and got into bed, leaving my phone charging on my nightstand. My mind drifted off not too long after and I welcomed it, ready to rest.
Instead of drifting into peaceful sleep, however, my mind started to go into dreamland for the first time in awhile. Only it wasn't a dream, but a nightmare. A weird distorted image of Jimin replying in my head. Oddly enough, the strange customer who had given me the 100 dollar tip was behind him, wicked smile on his lips, horns on his head paired with dark crimson wings. The same color as the tears streaming down Jimin's face, which was contorted into a pained expression. His hands tied behind his back whispering apologizes as I tried to run towards him, but I wasn't moving, my body trapped in place. The man behind him brought his hand up, his fingers getting ready to snap. All I could hear was my agonizing screams, asking him to stop, but it was useless. He'd snapped his fingers, and flames consumed Jimin. My body shot up in my bed as hot tears slipped down my cheeks, burning like alcohol on fresh wounds. I couldn't believe I had witnessed that, even if it was just a nightmare. So vividly, it was like it had truly happened. My hand came to my throat as I tried to breathe, but it was hard as I started hyperventilating.
“Malum? Are you okay?” Jimin was quick to rush to my side, bringing me into his embrace. “I thought I'd lost you.” I manage through heavy breathing. It didn't seem like just a nightmare, if I was honest, and that scared me. I wrapped my arms around him, not wanting to let him go. Afraid that he'd be taken from me. I've only known him for half a month, but I felt like I'd known him my whole life. I hadn't realised the gravity of just how much I cared for him. The way he looked at me when I studied, his adoring smile always made me blush. How he'd always check on me, to make sure I was alright, helping me out with such meaningless things like finding my keys. The fact that he knew what I wanted, when I wanted it. All he wanted was for me to be okay, but I didn't know that all I wanted was for him to be so too. I wanted him to stay by my side for as long as I could have him.
I was afraid I was becoming too attached to him, of what my feelings for him really were. He was my guardian, and he could never be anything more. “Please say that you'll always stay.” Another stream of tears slipped down, as I couldn't imagine him being ripped away from me. He pushed back the strands of my hair, holding my face from either side, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. His eyes staring into my soul, their beautiful dark brown shade was mesmerizing. “What are you saying? I'll always stay here. With you.” He leans in, leaving a reassuring kiss on my forehead. God I hoped my nightmare as meaningless, I hoped with everything inside me that his words weren't anything but the truth.
“I just can't imagine not having you.” I sighed into his neck as he held me close. Just as I'd said that, a knock came from my door. “Honey? Is someone in there with you?” My mother's voice chimed in, somewhat muffled because of the door. A slight panic came over me as I tried to think of an excuse. “No… No, not at all. I'm just talking to myself.” I face palmed at my own excuse, I'd probably sounded crazy. Not like most people didn't do it, but no one would admit it, because it would make them sound like a lunatic.
“Are you sure? I swear a heard a man's voice.” She insists, Jimin leans back slightly, his head falling back as he giggles quietly, watching me struggle. “Oh, I'm just watching something on my phone. But did you need anything?” I ask trying to change the subject as I hit Jimin’s arm. Not that it helps, so instead I cover his mouth with my hand. “Okay, well breakfast is ready. Why don't you come down and eat with us.” She says, thankfully not mentioning it again.
“I'll be right down.” I wait for her footsteps to sound further away before I remove my hand from his mouth, giving him a stern look. All he can do is raise his hands in the air as if he wasn't sure what he'd done wrong. “You just love seeing me panic, trying to cover for you, don't you?” He chuckles shaking his head. I get up from my bed, walking to my suitcase.
“Of course not… Besides that would be bad for me.” I could tell from his tone he wasn't being serious, even though half of his sentence was true. “Just admit it. You evil man, making me struggle.” I try my best to sound serious, but the slight laugh in my tone is apparent.
“Okay, just a little.” He giggles again. I grab my shoe and fling it at him, but once I turn to look at him he's gone and in his place is the shoe I’d thrown laying on my bed. There's a slight pull at my heart, as the images of my nightmare flashback for a second. Hoping this isn't the last time I see him, I gather a change of clothes and my toothbrush. After I'd washed up and changed, I walked down to the dining table. My favorites were set up on the table, in elaborate arrangements, pleasing to the eye. I was more than ready to dig in. “Mom… You really didn't have too.” I smile at her, taking a seat. I'd missed her cooking so much, and to wake up with all my breakfast favorites was a wish come true. At the same time I didn't want her to overwork herself for me. “It's been so long since you were home. I thought it would be perfect.” She smiles, as the smell of everything makes my mouth water.
“It is, it's perfect. Thank you, mom.” I pick up my fork, taking a bite. All of the flavors coming together in perfect harmony, nothing to overpowering, but just right. A symphony of flavors bursting in my mouth. It really had been so long since I'd had her cooking. “Your mother and I were thinking of going to the science museum. The one we use to go to when you were younger. You loved that place so much, we thought it would be perfect.” Dad smiles at me, waiting to see my reaction. I nod quickly, loving the idea. I could barely remember the place, as it had been that long.
“I heard they added some new stuff, is it true?” I wondered out loud. The website for the museum had mentioned something along those lines a couple months ago, but I wasn't sure if I'd read correctly because I was multitasking as I had done it. “A colleague of mine went with her son just a few weeks ago. She said there was new additions and some changes to already existing exhibitions.” Mom explained, which made me get so much more excited for it. Both my parents were what some might call, science nerds, so naturally growing up they'd shown me related things. I grew a liking to it, of course. But I had a feeling my parents always knew it wasn’t for me. Although, to be fair I wasn’t sure what was for me.
“Well I’m excited to go! It’s been so long since we’ve done something as a family.” I smiled happily at the both of them. We finished eating soon after, mom sending me up to my room to get ready, stating that surely I had nicer clothes to wear. I laughed at her comment and agreed, a somewhat prestigious place like that wasn’t to show up in ripped jeans and a simple tee. I replaced my current outfit for a black skirt and a beige blouse tucked into it, pairing it with black boots. The car ride to the museum wasn't too long, at least it didn't feel long, but it did take close to 40 minutes. It was pretty far away from home, but we still managed to make it relatively early in the morning.
The line to get inside was pretty big, so much so that many were standing outside waiting to go in. Surprisingly so, the line moved relatively fast. More than I'd expect it to with this many people waiting. We finally made it inside and started exploring. Taking pictures here and there. As we went along we noticed all the new additions that were made. Like the electric wall that makes your hair go crazy because of negative and positive energy mixing. Or the new area that was dedicated to climate change, and the negative effects it had on the atmosphere, and the earth in the long run. Everything was just as interesting as I’d remembered it, my parents throwing big scientific words around as they explained things to me. Not that I’d understand everything, but I got the gist of it, I enjoyed listening to them happily explain things to me. Watching them enjoy it made me happy.
After some time of walking, we headed out for lunch. “Wasn’t that just amazing?” Dad asked me as he buckled his seatbelt. The both of them with big smiles on their faces. “They adore you so much. How could they not?” Jimin’s voice says from beside me, my head turns so quickly to see him seated beside me, I think I nearly gave myself whiplash. He can only laugh at me, as I try to go back to conversing with my parents. “Yeah, just how I remember it as a child. I love the climate change section they added.” I try to keep our conversation going. Which works, my parents both busy talking to each other about it now. “Did you miss me.” He asks, innocent smile across his lips, I can only shake my head at his comment. “Do you always have to startle me when I’m around people?” I giggle slightly as I whisper to him, my parents not even aware, thankfully.
“I’m sorry, I just needed to check on you. After what seemed like a nightmare this morning, I wanted to see for myself that you were alright.” His eyes are sincere, as I hold his hand in mine. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to be my guardian. “As long as you’re here, I’ll always be alright.” I couldn’t help but smile at him. I was starting to forget my parents were still in the car, because my mom was calling my name when I heard their voices again. “Hmm?” I ask her.
“I was just asking where you’d like to go for lunch.” She repeats herself. I didn't realise I completely stop listening to them, I'd only paid attention to Jimin in that short span of time. I was just so glad that he was back, because to be honest with myself, my heart had been beating irrationally this whole time. Worried he'd never comeback, I couldn't help but feel anxious. Maybe I should get use to it though, seeing as he was breaking rules letting me see him. Letting me know he exists, not that he ever mentioned it, but I was starting to realise it. “Anywhere is fine.” I smiled slowly at my mom as she nodded, my dad pulled out of the parking lot, taking us wherever. I could only look back to Jimin, trying to burn his image in my head, in case the ones upstairs decided it was time he stopped visiting me.
My parents started talking again and I commented here and there, as I did I felt Jimin’s hand leave mine. He was gone again. I fought the anxiety that was building up inside me, and tried to keep smiling for my parents. We finally made it to a restaurant we use to frequent when I was much younger. We made it in, and got seated almost immediately and just as quickly got our orders taken. “Sweetie.” My mom spoke to me, fixing her shirt.
“Yeah?” I gave her my full attention, waiting for her to say what was on her mind. “You never told us why you had the week of from both work and school.” She wondered, which she was right about, I’d only mentioned I had the week off but never explained why to her. I was still quite shocked at what was happening in school to be honest. “I still can’t believe why myself, but apparently the dean and couple professors have been money laundering with the students tuitions.” I shook my head slight as I sighed. Both my parents went wide eyed, not being able to believe it. “Money laundering?” My dad repeated as I nodded my head, insuring him that’s what I’d said. There reactions were similar to mine, when Rae had first told me.
“Yeah, Rae said that one of our professors was involved so there was a chance that by the time we went back to school, we’d have a new professors.” My mother raised an eyebrow as if saying wow. Which I agreed to. “What about work?” My dad questioned. I took a sip of my drink before answering his questions. I made a mental note to call Stephen later this week, see how he's doing. Poor guy, I could only imagine what he was going through. He'd seemed so rough the last time I'd seen him at work. “My boss gave us the week off, apparently his mother was in an accident. He just didn't want to deal with the shop, since he had to go and take care of her.” They both nodded, taking in the information.
“Poor guy, is his mother badly injured?” Mom inquiries, but frankly I didn't know. Stephen didn't give us any specifics, and I didn't blame him. He didn't have to tell us, if he wanted to keep his private life as that, private, then I was okay with that. “I'm not sure, he didn't say. He looked really stressed out though. I hope she's okay.” I sighed, I really hoped for the best for him and his family. The rest of the lunch went peacefully as we reminisced. Silly things I use to do as a child, places we'd use to go together, or short vacations we'd go on. I'd missed my parents and spending today with them was great. I felt refreshed.
That was until we'd gotten home, and I realised that I still didn't have my wallet or anything with me. Which of course I needed. I knew my parents could probably buy my ticket for me without a problem, as a matter of fact they insisted once I told them why I needed to go to the bank. But I didn't want to rely on them or their money. So, I walked to the bank that was near our house. Of course, dad argued that he could drive me, but it was in walking distance and I didn't mind. Eventually he gave up and they let me walk. The walk there was around ten minutes, which wasn't too bad, but it was chilly out so I was glad I decided to put on a sweater. I just hadn’t noticed that I’d mindlessly put on Jimin’s sweater until my mom pointed it out, before I’d left.
“Is that a man’s sweater?” She asked me, as she inspected it. I was caught by surprise, looking down at it. “Oh… I uh… I saw it at a store and really liked it. I didn’t mind that it was a man’s. Why? Does it look okay?” I asked her, trying to sound as innocent as possible. She brushed it off saying it looked nice on e regardless and walked away to the living room with my dad.
It still had his scent on it, strong vanilla with slight lavender and roses. I missed that smell. These days, his stress was making him change in all aspects. His light was dimmed, his roots turning black, his scent barely there, and our connection was weak. But his sweater reminded me of how cheerful and full of light he was when I first met him. I wished I could do something to help him get over his stress. I made it to the bank sooner than I thought, must have been because I was so caught up thinking of my guardian. “Hi, how can I help you today?” The woman behind the desk asked as she looked away from her computer screen. Her perfectly placed dark brown hair. Not a strand out of place.
“Hi, I just wanted to take out some money. I’m here on vacation, but I forgot my wallet at home. I wondering if I could do something about it?” I asked her. She smiled kindly, nodding at me, typing something into her keyboard. “Of course, do you have your ID?” She asked me, and I reached into my purse. Thankfully I had left a second ID at home with my parents before leaving to college. I got it out and handed it to the woman her took a look before typing some more. The process wasn’t as hard as I had imagined. She just asked a couple questions that seemed to be routinely. Once she’d given me my money inside a little envelope which I stuffed in my purse, I walked out. Before heading home I decided I wanted to buy some junk food from a convenience store that was close. Little did I know I’d run into David here, much less in my hometown. An odd thought that he’d been stalking me came to mind, but I remembered that he’d said he loved in a different town as well. Maybe he was here visiting as well.
“Y/n? Hey? How are you doing?” He asks, walking closer to me. I smiled at him as he leaned in for a hug. I didn’t want to be rude so I returned it. “I’m fine, I’m sorry about the other day. I really didn’t mean to just leave you there.” I sigh, feeling sorry that I’d done that to him, he didn’t do anything wrong. But I also just couldn’t be there, after what I’d gone through before that, I just needed to run away. “Don’t worry about it, I understand.” He smiles back. I nodded, walking with him through the store as we got what we needed.
“I’d like to take you out soon though, like we said that night.” He smiles, paying for his things, as I wait for him. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go out with him. Leading him on wasn’t fair, and to be quite frank I don’t even know what took over me that night that made me say and agree to things I wasn’t truly feeling.
He’s everything I’ve ever wanted, how could I say no? My mind started up again, just like that night. The vacancy inside my chest coming back just as addictive yet unpleasant as before. The sudden emptiness taking my breath away. But I was quick to regain it, a little use to it. “Yeah… you know what?” I pause, thinking of what I was about to say.
Just say yes, look at those pink lips. So kissable. I need to try them. My voice was starting to become more seductive, but it was odd, didn’t sound exactly like myself. I was confused. “Let’s do it. I've been meaning to see you again.” I was confused at my own words, but I went along with them, even if I wanted to disagree, I couldn’t bring myself to do so. I couldn’t explain why either. But I did notice that everytime I spoke in such away to him, or the thoughts that I was having came to mind, the smell of lavender and roses was growing stronger.
His smile grew from ear to ear which made me do so as well. “Oh great, I’d love that. Maybe when we get back? I know the perfect place to go to. I think you’ll really like it.” He speaks as he guides me out of the store. I just nod my head, walking close to him.
“Sounds great, getting to know you better. We barely got the chance to last time,” I pout slightly, looking up at him. “and I know from the short time we spent together last time, it’ll be fun doing so.” His cheeks stained with a rosy color that I knew well enough it wasn’t from the cold breeze. “But David, you never said why you’re in town.” I wondered out loud.
“Oh, I came to pick something up from a friend who lives here. Since we have the week off school, I decided I’d stay over a little longer. Haven’t seen the guy in a couple months.” He explained with ease, and I nodded as he did, taking in the information as I walked. Relief when he explained, the thoughts of him stalking me escaping. I breathed a little more freely after that. “Are you here visiting someone too?” He questions me now.
“Uh, yeah I came to visit my parents.” I smiled, we were getting closer to the street I had to take a turn on, which meant I may have to say goodbye to David. “Oh that's right. You mentioned you lived two cities away.” His face expressing the sudden remembrance to the piece of information I'd told him that night. I giggled slightly at it, before we were interrupted.
“Malum? What are you doing?” Jimin's familiar voice calls out to me, as I hear his footsteps get closer. My mind told me to ignore him, because if I responded, David would think I was weird, talking to air. My heart dropped in a matter of seconds when David questioned me, however. “Is he talking to you?” He asked, and I realised Jimin wasn't hiding, he was making himself visible to David. I turned around to face him. I noticed the black in his hair was starting to pass being just in his roots. Was he okay?
“Ji… What are you doing here?” I stopped myself from saying his name, not wanting David to hear. Instead I questioned him on his presence, and the fact that he was openly letting David see him. “Your mother sent me out to get you, she felt you were taking too long. Was a bit worried.” He explained as he grabbed the bag from my hand. Obviously I knew he was lying, but why was he? “Let's go home, yeah?” He gestured towards my house with a slight nod of his head.
“Who is he?” David questioned, his expression was a bit bitter at Jimin, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice Jimin's sour one as well. “Uh, who are you?” Jimin retorted. My eyes going wide for a second. “This is just, uh… My neighbor, were childhood friends.” I giggled as I tried to come up with an excuse on the spot, hoping David would ignore Jimin's comment. “I really should get going now.” I smiled, I was about to hug him goodbye, but Jimin's hand slipped in mine, catching me off guard. He pulled me away towards my house, all I could do was wave at David instead, as he stood their dumbfounded. His expression growing more confused when Jimin snaked his arm around my waist and kissed near my temple. Leaving me just as confused, as I looked up at him.
I would have said something, but I was just so speechless at Jimin's actions. Once we were a couple houses away from mine, I took my bag and pushed him away. “What were you thinking?” I angrily said, as I walked away. My mom and dad were chatting in the kitchen and didn't stop to ask what they were up to, instead just announcing I was home before rushing up to my room. “What was I thinking? What about you?” Jimin's voice was a bit louder than it usually was with me, a tad bit aggressive as well. I was use to him scolding me sometimes, but even then it was sweet and calm. This? I'd never heard from him, he was so different now.
“Me? I did nothing wrong? I was talking to a friend, coming home. Until you decided to show up, and reveal yourself to him. What the hell was that about?” I fought back, my voice wanting to yell at him, but I knew I couldn't. My parents would come and ask what was going on, and that was out of the question. “Out of all people, him? After what happened a couple nights ago? I don't want you around him. Is that too much to ask? Only look at me. I've told you, you're mine,” He takes a few steps closer to me, his stare is intense, and where his usually brown eyes that had a spark of light in them use to reside, are now deep dark brown eyes that could easily be mistaken for black. An emotion I wasn't familiar with expressed in them. “I need to know you're safe.” I felt like my body was floating, my mind was not existent now, and I was losing myself inside his eyes. That was until I realised that the moment his words left his lips, the black in his hair start consuming the blonde that was left. At the same time, the little bit of light that still followed him was gone, nothing at all was left. I wasn't sure why, but I felt a piece of me leave, in that instant. A single tear fell from my eye, as I reached to touch his hair.
“What's happening to you?” I questioned, my fingers touching the dark strands. The blonde disappeared so quickly, leaving nothing behind but black hair that resembled the feathers of a raven sitting on a windowsill. My heart ached, as I wasn't sure who was standing in front of me anymore. His hand wasn't as warm as it use to be, as he wrapped it around my wrist. His soft lips leaving a kiss on my hand. “I've told you, it's just stress.” I couldn't help but think that I was the one causing him all that stress. He didn't want me around David because of what happened the last time I was with him. He was afraid I would be in danger around him. Here I was, trying to relive his stress, but I was just adding on to it.
“I'm… I'm sorry, I'll stay away from him. Just, please don't worry so much.” I needed to find a way to help him, I just wasn't sure how. “I just need to have you here with me, and everything will be okay.” He pulls me into his embrace, one that feels oddly different in a pool of familiarity.
I was his? As I let him hold me, his words came back and repeated themselves in my head. Only look at me. What did he mean?
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john3v16kjv · 4 years
Seasonal Signs of the End Times
The end times have their seasonal signs. As do our physical seasons have signs for winters, springs, summers and harvest. In not worrying about the next season or next year, is the same vain in which the Father Jehovah God Himself calls us to not worry about the end time seasons, and time after that. In His Hands are our works and fruits thereof secure. In Hands is all time. In His hands are the worries of my heart about the end times calmed to a still. Because in Him, in His hands, I am at peace and still as He needs me. As I'm Commanded. As He is unmoved to panic by the end times, or anytimes before, or since Creation.
Yes, the end time seasons are all important for us to bear witness unto for the Father's Goodness. At the same time, here and now, they are but only a reminder for us to live right by Him. At the very least. Because that is the most important and end times proofed take away message from any and all end time signs. Yes it is important to watch and pray for the LORD to take us up at the Rapture, and holdfast onto our faith in Tribulation. The way to do it, and the time to know for exactly when to do it - is by now confessing that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. So, that in the very last days, we will not be caught off guard, and ashamed; but taken up in joy and laughter. For we were always walking with Him into the very last days and hours of our end time on Earth.
We can't be surprised at His walking beside us, nor His second coming, because He never left us. As we truly are with Him. Jesus promised us this much, and we know it to be true where He says so - 'I will be with you with til the end of the Earth' (Matthew 28v20, KJV), and when Jesus was walking with His apostles and they recognized Him not; because their faith was diminishing by the hour with each day that came in the end time of their generation (Mark 16v13-35, KJV). Caught off guard by His presence were they in their generation of the end times, and caught off guard we must not be in our generation of the times, and certainly caught off guard must no one be in the very last hour of the day when our LORD will call us up into Heaven, and come down to forever reign and dwell with us on Earth.
Basically - we do not want to be on the wrong side of waiting for our Saviors call to us and return for making the whole Earth anew. It is not nearly as important to be exact on the hour or day or year or even decade for all these things to come to pass, as it is to walk with Him and not be caught off guard because of that. It is forever more valuable to put down the Armageddon calculator, and pick up His Word for sticking by His side each day and into eternity, than it is to obsess over when the very last hour, day and year of the end times will be. Because the point of us knowing there is a very last hour and day and year isn't even for us to watch for that, but to watch for where the LORD leads us all the way through the end times. So we will be forevermore righteous in Him, in these times of today, the very last days, and the Never Ending Day to come. As a result of simply waiting and watching for the LORD in everything, at all times, and everywhere too.
I'm firmly convinced that it is for this reason and nothing short of that, my Jesus himself doesn't even obsess over the end times (Matthew 24v36, KJV). Because the biggest deal about it without a question, is just simply walking with Him, through them. So we aren't caught up in sin at that time, but all righteousness, who is Him. Should we walk with Him - we've got nothing to worry about, if not - then there is absolute logical reason to fret and stress about the very hour, day and year of Jesus's Rapture and Return. Because sin will have been our best companion and the judgment for that - resting upon our heads. A weight no man can or was ever designed to bear, except Jesus Christ Himself. The Blameless One.
It is my prayerful hope that you all will do well to remember Him - our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Keep a watchful eye on Him, and less on the never ending Armageddon clocks of the physical world. Because all those clocks with stop, but our eternal clock of life will never stop, so we can focus on other things at full ease. In Jesus's name I share this Word with you all, as I pray you welcome Jehovah Father God to move you at this Word and Psalm 11v5-6 (KJV), as He desires for you to be moved. Amen.
The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth. Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.
Psalms 11:5‭-‬6 KJV
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