#can’t stress enough this is all personal opinion and it might be right up your street
alinaastarkov · 3 months
Is hotd s2 good? Without spoilers pls
that’s the short answer jfksksksks and is obviously subjective as someone who’s always preferred the conquest/main asoiaf saga too. but the writing has been very inconsistent, slow and a bit nonsensical. their “feminist” take seems to be women will always want peace even as their children are killed and all men want war (and war is bad). still has some pretty visuals, and ofc other people will love it where i don’t but personally this is not it. still has time to get better tho i suppose!
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dystopyx-blog · 2 months
Hey I didn't see any requesting rules. I'm sorry if you posted them before but I didn't see them. I completely understand if this is too much. (Ngl I've thought about writing it myself)
I was wondering if you could write about a symptom with a reader who has a form of Conversion disorder/ A form of Fnd?
It's a umbrella term but to put it into words for what it; it is when a person experiences temporary physical symptoms, such as blindness or paralysis, that do not have a physical cause. While the exact cause of conversion disorder is unknown, researchers believe it occurs in response to stressful situations or trauma.
I personally have problems with my legs not moving at all for inconsistent periods of time.(Could be 5 mins or 3 hours) (Dw I'm fine I have a mobility aid)
So my question is which yandere twst boy do you think would take advantage of the whole leg thing most?
Once again I completely understand if this is out of your comfort zone and sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just really like your work
Y’know what maybe I should make requesting rules aksnsjsjsjsjd but I’m lazy
Speaking of lazy
Leona, no question. I have a very specific situation in mind—where you’re in the botanical gardens, standing over him, probably yapping
and then your legs give out underneath you
and Leona just… yoinks you…
you’re his pillow now.
If you nag him or just talk ‘too much’ (in his opinion) he’ll say something awful like “why can’t your moth stop working too?” if you’re sensitive like me and then cry about it, he would probably not make that comment.
Floyd is bad about it too…
you’re unable to walk so he just scoops you up and carries you with him. He’ll skip his own classes to get you where you need to go, but he will NOT put you down until your legs are fine again. And if you try to be all “oh Floyd what about your classes? :(“ He’ll just take you with him to his classes, so you miss yours. He is also very condescending about it :( and unlike Leona, he doesn’t really understand when enough is enough. Might have to complain to Jade or Azul if he goes too far with his comments or ‘jokes’.
Now imagine… you get taken to twst, and you still have conversion disorder, but no mobility aid. Crowley ain’t gonna help you. That’s just facts. So you go to Mr tech wiz on campus, Idia Shroud. But but but… he doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to be building for you 🥺 and he wants to get it right…. So you HAVE to stay with him whenever he works on it!! So he can get it right for you!!! Yeah you’re not getting a mobility aid. Man’s won’t even finish a fucking walker or wheelchair or walking stick for you, because it’ll never be “just right” or “perfect” enough for you…
Really this is just his way of ensuring you have to hangout with him. He just likes you so much 🥺👉👈
tbh this has just inspired me to do a getting trapped in twisted wonderland but without you meds and also everyone is yandere thingie
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cupcakemolotov · 4 months
Ex's and Oh's: Part Two
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known; Minor Character Death; Magical Realism; We Make War Not Love; Post-Divorce; These Two Fools in Love; Klaus and Caroline Being Territorial; for each other; tyler is dead; kind of; Canon-Typical Violence; Violence; Murder; Werewolf!Klaus; Human!Caroline
Caroline's return to New Orleans is a little less triumphant than she'd like. There is a dead body in her trunk and a magical artifact in her passenger seat, and no matter how much she'd like too, the chances of avoiding her ex-husband are astronomically small. What, with the mate bond and all, but a girl's gotta hope.
“Caroline, why are we here?” Bonnie asked as she looked around at the familiar bar they’d once visited regularly before. Before.
Caroline looked up from her pile of beer battered fries. “I missed you?”
Bonnie gave her a look. “I missed you too, but I expected this chat to happen like, three days from now. You know, once you settled in and actually had the time to try that thing most of us do called communicating with your ex.”
“We should definitely go out again soon,” Caroline agreed with a nod. “This time with cocktails instead of beer, maybe during that dinner you could give me a list of who these mythical ex’s of yours are that you’d willing talk to. I only have the Curse on Sight bullet point list saved to my phone.”
“Caroline,” Bonnie said in fond exasperation. “You know what I mean. When you called and asked for your boxes, I was expecting to play delivery girl, not go out for an impromptu dinner. Please tell me you’re not doing this to avoid Klaus.”
“Hey,” Caroline protested as she gestured towards her food. “I’m hungry, and being hangry cannot improve this situation on any level.”
“Sure,” Bonnie drawled, “but there is no way you can convince me Klaus doesn’t have food in his house. I know how many calories werewolves consume in a day and it’s a lot.”
“He might have a house full of food, but there was nothing to eat.” Nothing she wanted. Not a single emergency bag of Doritos, no chocolate bars tucked away on a shelf, no decent cheese. The freezer hadn’t even contained a quart of emergency ice cream. She wanted to eat her feelings, and Bonnie was lucky she’d agreed to actual food instead of eating her weight in pie.
“Fine, I’ll give you that,” Bonnie allowed. “I’m not saying you owe him anything, but did you at least tell him you were going out?”
“Klaus,” Caroline said with false cheer. “Wasn’t there when I woke up, so I decided he didn’t get an opinion.”
Bonnie groaned and covered her eyes. “Haven’t you had enough rampaging werewolves today?”
“Eh,” Caroline said dismissively. “This morning was hardly a rampage, and you know it. Besides, torturing Tyler is absolutely a form of stress relief. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Probably. Bonnie was right, it would definitely piss him off that she’d left, and what she’d left him would not improve the situation. Dunking a fry into her pile of ketchup, she wrestled with the truth that she wasn’t in a mood yet to improve things.
I know a war when I see one.
Those words had haunted her as she’d fallen asleep, and had resonated in her chest when she’d woken. This felt like a war. Her own personal fight for something she wanted so badly she’d buried it under the ash and smoke of her temper, the scorched earth of her hurt. Wanted so badly and yet, no idea how to move past that anger.
Bonnie made a noise. “I knew we should have gone to Marcel’s.”
Her jaw clenched so hard, Caroline thought she could hear her teeth grinding. “No pack.”
“You can’t avoid them forever.” The words were said carefully, her best friend far too aware of that sore-point.
“Oh, I won’t,” Caroline said, flashing her teeth. “I really, really won’t.”
Thoughtfully, Bonnie relented enough to pick up her own fry. “What did Klaus tell you before he went off torture Tyler’s remains?”
Caroline shrugged. “He’s made changes, he’s the almighty ruler who rules with an iron fist, murder murder, the usual.”
I miss you.
She missed him.
Muttering something pithy, Bonnie pulled out a small bundle of herbs and dumped them on a convenient plate between them. A moment later, the familiar scent of burning sage brought a deluge of memories of ten years ago, and Caroline swallowed past the unexpected lump in her throat.
How often had she and Bonnie sat in this booth with sage burning between them, tipsy from cocktails? How many burgers had been consumed in the name of girl’s night? How often had she wished she could do this again as she sat alone in a random diner, eating pie and rapidly texting the second most important person in her life?
“Caroline,” Bonnie huffed. “You know people are straining to hear every word you say. People have been staring for the last ten minutes, there is no way the locals aren’t already gossiping.” Pointedly she glared at someone over Caroline’s shoulder.
“Nothing I said so far should be a surprise, they’ve all lived with his ego as long as I have.” Caroline said, emphasizing her words with the jab of a french fry.
Bonnie made a face in silent agreement. “I am absolutely not on team Klaus, but this separation hasn’t been easy for either of you.”
Caroline looked away for a moment, because she didn’t know how to explain the tangle in her chest, the way it’d felt like a fist when she’d woken alone in a bed that smelled just like her best dreams. Tired, bruises stiff and aching, she wanted him there and she was mad he wasn’t, and she was mad at herself for being mad about it. Showering had required that she clench her hands into fists not to sniff test everything in the shower, wanting his scent in her lungs.
“I know.” Her lips flattened. “I don’t know how to do easy anymore, Bonnie.”
“When have you ever?”
Caroline reluctantly smiled. “Klaus and I… we didn’t really have a lot of time to talk before he had to leave.” She would have been mad about that, that he’d disappeared so soon after the first time they’d seen each other in years, but she was firmly anti-zombie, so she had decided to be gracious about it. She just wasn’t sure what to do about the rest of it. What they had said. Their conversation had felt too personal, too raw to repeat out loud. “He wants me to stay.”
“Oh, he definitely wants more than that,” Bonnie muttered.
A03: Part 2
Please remember all my fanfic has been locked due to AI Bots scraping A03.
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yarameijer · 5 months
Hiiii Yara!!!!
I have changed accounts bc I forgot my password, but I was Flan-Girl304! I have been commenting in ur fics for years now lol, except in the last couple of updates, bc, yk, lost my password.
Anyways, I was rereading Accidental Reverse, as one does, and now I really want to know your opinion on the relationship between Sengoku and Tenma, because I love the idea of Sengoku being so protective and caring of the rest of the team and noticing Tenmas problems/struggles early on.
He really is like a pilar of peace between all the chaos of raimon, isn't he? (Most of the time)
Also, completely unrelated, but I just realized how long it has been since Accidental Reverse started, I was still in school. Now I'm on my last year in pyschology. And now knowing the struggles of university, I absolutely understand ur updating schedule, I haven't updated my own fics in ageeeees. But I'm still hyped for whatever you decide to post in the future!
Anyways, hope you're doing well!!!
WHOAAA I CAN’T BELIEVE IT, it’s been so long!!! Hi!!! How have you been??
I'm good, just super tired! University's been pretty demanding and I ended up pulling an all-nighter last night to almost completely finish my thesis, so I am going to bed very very soon.
‘’rereading, as one does’’ you know it’s almost 300K, right
Aww Sangoku, yes we love him. He’s great. He’s the best, hands down. He’s the voice of reason, the eye of the storm; he fades into the background when compared to other members on the team, both in terms of personality and appearance (...pink hair, anyone?)
I headcanon that Sangoku is the eldest on the team and that makes him feel responsible for his teammates. We know from the anime he’s already a very caring and responsible person, as shown by his interactions with his mother; she works late often, so he is in charge of groceries and cooking and other chores. He was canonically captain before Shindou and never really got rid of some habits from that time.
Which means that, just like Shindou, Sangoku understands Tenma's struggles as captain and tries to support him as much as possible; he did the same thing when Shindou was made captain after him, although of course the specifics are different because Tenma and Shindou are different. Sangoku doesn't really interfere with the leadership part; he's not one of the loudest voices on the team, and he doesn't want to be. He can leave the decision making to Shindou, Kirino, Tenma, Tsurugi, all the more outspoken members, all more qualified and talented than him - that’s what he thinks.
Instead he tries to help in more subtle ways: by caring.
(This doesn’t just apply to Tenma, of course. Sangoku keeps an eye on the whole team - literally and figuratively. He’s the keeper, he’s always in the back, always in position to keep watch over his teammates during a match, and that doesn’t end when the match does.)
He keeps an eye on Tenma whenever he can. Does he look tired? Upset? Ill? If Sangoku notices this, depending on the severity, there's a few different things he might do. If it's not that bad, he'll usually cue in the other first-years and let them drag Tenma along to hang out and unwind for a bit. The quickest way to get Tenma to forget about his worries for a bit is to let him spend time with his yearmates and act his age. They're a chaotic bunch and there's no room for worry or stress there.
If it's worse, Sangoku might interfere more directly. If it's more of an internal problem in the team, Sangoku can and will tell the others to lay off (Shindou means well, but sometimes he gets carried away). The rest of the team listens to him, and this is a rare enough event that the few times he's had to do it, it's been very effective.
If it's an external problem, Sangoku can't honestly do much. In those cases the whole team is stressed and trying to support each other, and as much as he wishes he could, Sangoku can't just go up to their opponents and tell them to knock it off. Instead, he'll ensure (by teaming up with the managers) that there's enough snacks and drinks present for everyone, and try to keep them all calm and rational.
Sometimes, when Tenma is being especially stubborn, Sangoku will outright scold him and tell him to go home, go to bed, take a break. Tenma definitely doesn't like this, but he respects Sangoku too much to deny him.
It's even happened a few times that someone else on the team cued in Sangoku. They know Tenma will listen to him, even when he's being stubborn, and they're not afraid to misuse it.
And always Sangoku is just ready with a listening ear, an offer to help, little check-ins, even when nothing bad is happening and Tenma is just busy or mildly stressed.
Like I said, Sangoku does this with most of the team, but he's more aware of Tenma. This, again, stems from having been captain himself. Early on, when Tenma became captain, Sangoku worried and tried to make sure the kid was doing alright, and that just stuck. Even years later after Tenma has proven himself more than capable, it's an old instinct that Sangoku can't get rid of.
And Tenma doesn’t really… know? Sure, after being captain for so long, he knows the dynamics of his team. How Sangoku is the voice of reason - no, rather, how he’s the calm inside the storm, the one who worries quietly and cares for them all and has taken the responsibility to watch over them through their craziest adventures and laziest days. He knows, by logical reasoning and several late night instances where Sangoku was the one to check up on him and tell him to get some rest, that Sangoku does it for him too and he appreciates that more than he could ever say. He just doesn’t notice that Sangoku is a little more keyed into his well being specifically - probably the only one who does is Shindou, and that’s because Shindou is the exact same way, for the exact same reason (they both agreed to make yet another first-year captain, when they know the burden of it; they refuse to let him drown under the pressure).
So Tenma hasn’t noticed, is not as close with Sangoku as some of their other teammates, and Sangoku honestly doesn’t mind. Truth be told, after so much time he barely notices it himself, it’s just become a habit.
Their relationship is interesting because they don't really hang out outside of the team - sure, if the team will go out together, they'll both join if they can, but they don't usually meet up with just the two of them. They’re both closer with other people on the team. Their relationship originated as simply senpai and kouhai - Sangoku feeling a sense of responsibility towards a younger teammate, Tenma looking up and listening to an older teammate. And yet it’s grown so much from what it was. Tenma knows Sangoku's door is always open and he can always count him. Sangoku respects Tenma as his captain, and cares for him as a friend rather than a kouhai.
Funnily enough, they’ve got a bit of a similar opinion on taking care of the rest of the team. Perhaps Tenma has been unconsciously imitating Sangoku’s behavior in the way he cares for them, and even handles them when they’re acting rash. It actually makes Sangoku his biggest ally in getting the team to behave! As we see in Accidental Reverse, Tenma is fully capable of being the craziest on the team, but in his actual timeline where he's captain, he's usually the semi-responsible one, if you'll believe it (in his defense, if something happens, he's the one who has to deal with the paperwork). And Sangoku is most often the voice of reason on the team, so he will fully support Tenma when they're trying to get the team to NOT do anything stupid for once.
So yeah. In summary, this is a relationship that was at the start nothing more than regular senpai and kouhai, and funnily enough never changed much in their roles - but the sentiment behind it? That has become much more genuine. Sangoku doesn’t look out for Tenma and feel responsible because that’s what is expected of him, but because it’s Tenma. And Tenma doesn’t respect and listen to Sangoku because he’s older, but because Sangoku has time and time proven that there are few people Tenma truly appreciates and admires more.
So! I hope you enjoyed that. Oh, don’t mention how long I’ve been working on AR, I know exactly how you feel. I uploaded the preview for it on my sixteenth birthday. In less than three weeks I’ll be celebrating my twenty-third.
I am still planning to continue though, I just need to deal with stubborn characters who don’t want to be written, tss.
It was really great hearing from you again!
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rweoutofthewoods · 5 days
Hi! I don't know if it's inappropriate to ask, but what makes an age gap relationship acceptable?
I'm not asking in an judgmental way, it's just that I've always preferred people older than me but I can't see myself liking someone younger than me
I'm just wondering about the morality of it, because sometimes I find it unethical when it's other people, but when it's me, I don't see the problem (like the power imbalance)
Hi! So I’ve decided to say my piece. But also this is my personal opinion I’ve settled on. But I’ve obviously considered these things a lot, so here’s what I think:
An age gap be very unethical and unhealthy just like it can be very healthy and happy. The determinator of this to me is really a few important things:
1. All parties are OF AGE. Big thing, if you’re a minor with someone who’s an adult much older than you… even if you’re eighteen or nineteen… be careful, I’m not encouraging or condoning that. like i remember how absolutely fucking naive and stupid I was at that age, your brain is still growing and developing so much and I implore caution. That’s why that’s a big theme in Tennessee Baby, showing that while it’s legal, reg is still a kid and very naive and teenagerish and that brings a lot of problems.
2. Following the first point, it’s not predatory. and also the power imbalance thing goes with this, if there’s a power imbalance in your relationship that can lead to dangerous territory. There needs to be equal respect, understanding and communication. You need to feel there’s trust to bring up anything and that you’re your own person. YOU NEED TO BE EQUALS!! Biggest point, main point I can’t stress enough.
3. If the main thing that is being fixated on in your relationship is the age gap, then that’s a red flag in my opinion. Like if the main dynamic IS that there’s an age gap… and that’s the core of your relationship or what you both like about it at the top of the list? Maybe not a great sign.
Like speaking personally, it’s something that comes up as a joke sometimes, but it’s not what drew me in, it’s not what I like about my relationship, it’s not something I think much about most of the time. In mine, we were friends first for a good chunk of time and knew each other very well and had a really strong connection. Also I’d like to point out I’m an independent full grown adult, even though I’m younger, I’m still fully grown, have a job and a bachelors degree and everything. And those kinds of things are important to consider, where you are in your lives and if that difference might affect a relationship.
A power imbalance IS a problem but an age gap doesn’t always automatically mean there is one.
So really, the thing is it isn’t black and white and there’s a lot of variables that go into making it healthy vs. unhealthy. But those are some of the things I think are important. Like after not thinking first before joking the other day, I just feel the need to be super clear. It’s not something to aspire to, idolize or romanticize. I personally just happened to fall in love with someone older and I thought it was silly to joke about that it was something you could probably see hidden in my works, just like a lot of parts of me end up in my writing. But also, you can see I have always examined the issues and morality of it too and where it can go wrong and right. So I wouldn’t want anyone to interpret me outing my own relationship as something it isn’t.
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oceandeviancy · 1 year
Speculation (BadBoyHalo x Male Reader)
Title: Speculation
Pairing: BadBoyHalo x Male Reader
Requested by: xenenbii on Wattpad
Scenario: You decide to make hot chocolate for Bad while he streams.
It was no secret that it can be hard dating a content creator. (Y/N) had many creator friends who had their relationship public and he's seen the good and bad affects of doing that. Some flourish in the spotlight, showing off that perfect life, while others have seen the strain. He has witnessed many breakups and it wasn't fun to witness his friends go through so much pain, especially when millions of fans were involved.
He was grateful there were friends that trusted him enough to know the status of their relationship and in turn, he knew the status of his own was safe with them as well. (Y/N) was not a famous YouTuber or streamer by any means. Sure, he did a Twitch stream occasionally and a YouTube video rarely but he did not consider himself on the same level as his boyfriend or any of his other friends. That life was something he did not need the stress of.
(Y/N) saw the stress Darryl had keeping up with content creation and his public persona. He was glad his partner always set aside time to spend with him. He sometimes wondered how actors could spend months at a time away from their families. He wondered if it carried the same association of a musician going on tour.
One thing (Y/N) loved to do is watch Darryl's streams and bring him things as needed any time he mentioned them. It was (Y/N)'s way of telling Darryl he was watching. You'd think he would be mod with how much he spent watching but the pair agreed it was best if that didn't happen. Being mod could cause people to start looking into who (Y/N) was. Some fans could be a bit intense with how they treated their favorite people and those surrounding them.
On today's stream, Darryl had a camera set up to show Rat, who was currently sleeping on her bed, and the audience were loving it. They would commentate on everything she was doing. Every turn, every yawn, and every blink of her eyes. It was a bit much but Darryl preferred this greatly over some of the spam he's had to endure over the years.
Rat wasn't her actual name but it fit her so well that it might as well be her name. It's one of those nicknames you give your pets that become so common in your day to day life that using the original name seems wrong. Even when he wasn't using his BadBoyHalo persona, Darryl would sometimes say or do things that he would typically only say or do while streaming, including saying Rat. (Y/N) found it adorable.
(Y/N) didn't love Darryl because of him being a popular YouTuber. He loved Darryl for Darryl, and he appreciated that. Darryl didn't need to keep up his online persona in his personal life. He wasn't having to live a lie with his boyfriend. The lie was to his audience.
He was watching the stream, which was mainly building a new base, while trying to finish a personal project. He had all of his work out on the kitchen island and his laptop with the stream off to the side. (Y/N) kept moving the laptop around as he didn't want to bury it underneath all of his work.
"Does this look right chat? I can't decide if I like this color or this color"
(Y/N) checked the stream to see the context. Darryl was designing the entrance to the base and had several ideas for the color palette. The chat seemed to be split between the two options he had shown. (Y/N) quickly typed his opinion in chat and went back to his work.
"Yes, I think I am going to agree with everyone saying this one. Sorry to those who said the other. Both were very good options"
He continued to make progress and was slowly clearing the table.
"'What is your favorite drink'? Hmm...that is a good question. I think I'd say hot chocolate. Man, I'd love some right now"
In that moment, (Y/N) got an idea.
He thought it would be a good idea to make some hot chocolate for Darryl as a surprise and for him to have a treat to enjoy while streaming. He found the container in the cabinet and started the process of making it. Normally he would make the whipped cream but they, unfortunately, didn't have the cream or the vanilla he preferred to use. He chose to just use the can in the refrigerator.
Occasionally he would hear Darryl say something hilarious from reading chat and (Y/N) would let out a laugh. He loved his goofy self.
Once the hot chocolate was done, he topped it with the whipped cream and a little bit of cinnamon.
He walked into Darryl's room and could see he was busy with his game and reading chat. Rat was sleeping peacefully in her bed. With a careful eye on the hot chocolate, (Y/N) made his way across the room. He taps Darryl's shoulder to alert him.
"Oh gosh, you scared me" he jumped.
"Sorry," (Y/N) laughs softly, "I thought you might like some hot chocolate"
He hands Darryl the mug, whose face immediately lights up at the sight of it. He takes it from his boyfriend and places it on the part of his desk where he knows he won't accidentally knock it over.
"Should've known you were watching my stream"
"Of course. They're always very interesting"
"Chat certainly makes it interesting"
They both glance at chat. It was a mix of emoji and meme spam and people beginning to question who was talking.
"Indeed they do," (Y/N) turns to Rat, "Sorry to wake you, Rat"
He kisses her head and pulls out a dog treat from his pocket. He offers it to Rat, who immediately takes it. Dogs were always really hilarious to watch eating a treat. (Y/N) did know he was in view of the Rat Cam but in this moment, he wanted to forget.
"Would you like me to order food for you? I was considering getting something for myself but thought I'd ask you as well"
"I'd love some. I'll text you once I figure out what I want"
"Great. Enjoy your stream"
(Y/N) gives Darryl a soft kiss and leaves the room. Darryl was grateful he wasn't using his webcam. He was burning from the blush that would be very clear to an audience.
"I know what my chat is going to say. (Y/N) is just my roommate, I've said that many times before" Darryl says.
He really did wish he could tell them the truth but now just wasn't the time. One thing that was important was time. He wanted the time with (Y/N) where his audience wasn't going to constantly ask about the relationship or try to dig into their personal lives. He liked that peace. Separating his work and personal life is how he liked to live.
A lot of their friends knew they were roommates but only a small group knew of their relationship status. Darryl trusted the people who knew.
"I think communities of content creators sometimes look too deeply into the things the creator shares with their audience. Friends will playfully interact with each other, that doesn't mean they are attracted to each other. People will have roommates, that doesn't mean they are dating"
He could see that chat was still the mess that it was. On top of the normal spam, it was now filled with speculation and theories about who (Y/N) really was. It wouldn't stop as that is just how some fans can be but he could ignore it in the best way he could.
"Let's go back to this game, shall we?" Darryl sighs
He glances at chat and sees a familiar chatter.
(U/N): People are so nosey smh
"Indeed they are (Y/U), indeed they are"
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earth4angels · 2 months
I think I might have to leave the Jace fandom and it’s devastating.
For some reason, there is a trend of Jace writers making him take out his anger and stress on his girl by using sexual violence and I really can’t take it anymore. It never happens to men in fanfiction and women are not outlets for mens violence. Like women are human beings and they and their bodies are not tools to be used for when men are upset. A lot of the fics are straight up SA and some are just super rough sex which is still out of character for Jace. Like he is the softest boy and a mama’s boy who is a surprisingly feminist character for asoiaf. Rhaenyra didn’t raise her son to use women sexually when he is upset. Jace is canonically pouting and reading when he’s upset, he is not going to Baela and pushing her down on the bed.
I read Jace fics as a comfort character because I know he is sweet and soft. There are so many other men in the asoiaf world who are rough and mean. As an abused women who men have hurt and then said that they couldn’t control their emotions, it really bothers me to see a rise of Jace fics where he “takes his anger out” on his girl. Like that is the definition of abuse and internalized misogyny. Men already use women enough in real life and Jace would never do that.
It also bothers me that some writers I like are participating in this and other writers I like are supporting it. I know some people you are friendly with on here are writing like this and it really makes me feel alone and crazy
hi noonie… i hope you don’t leave bc there’s such good jace writers and many nice people in the jace fandom! i appreciate you!
but i understand im so sorry the fandom has been failing you. i’ve seen there is a trend of writers writing jace in this violent way and it’s all to the writers rights to do that. it’s a ooc jace that people love? i personally don’t get it bc that’s not jace but everyone to their own. i personally don’t like it. i’m very picky with stories i read that feature jace. if i start seeing it’s very ooc i tend to click off and that’s my choice, i know the writers are talented but i have the choice to read or not you get me?
people i’m close to on here that i’ve seen are very creative and they write beautiful stories of jace in many universes — most of my jace fics recs are literally beautiful pieces of art but any ooc jace im not really a fan of so i understand i personally love writing jace in soft writing bc he’s literally me, he’s a enfj and idc what people say but noonie you have a choice to not read things and to follow blogs that you feel comfortable with. you’re not alone and you should know your feelings and opinions are validated, i adore you & your opinions 🤍
but i promise there is beautiful writers that write jace so beautifully & know that from me you wouldn’t get any jace that isn’t soft with different layers into his personality bc personally that’s just what im comfortable in writing. of course ill write kinks and all that hard core stuff BUT ONLY WITH CHARACTERS THAT FIT THAT DESCRIPTION.
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
day 24 - orgasm control
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nct 1.2k words gender neutral reader insert Reader x Jung Jaehyun NSFW
🖤 warnings: teasing teasing teasing, situationally strange banter, a slowwwww handjob, using a man’s very competitive nature against him for sexy purposes 🖤
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Like most things, this gets much more interesting as soon as you frame it to him as a competition.
He's unstoppable when he has the opportunity to win. What winning means, in this scenario, is kind of unclear, but that doesn't seem to be holding Jaehyun back.
"Okay?" you check in.
A little heated, maybe, but he sounds fine.
One of the best things about Jaehyun is his low-maintenance personality. He's the kind of guy that goes where you ask, gives his opinions freely, and in more intimate matters, does whatever sounds the most fun in the moment. No stress. No worries about roles or strengths or his masculinity or other buzzkill things like that.
Which is why you figured he'd be down to give this a try. You just want to see how far he can take his cool and casual exterior.
The only rule, as you'd told him right up front, to an unimpressed dimpled half-grin, is that he only cums when you let him.
He'd said it was no problem, that he could handle himself. That maybe he'd even be able to convince you to go easier on him than intended with his adorable face and winning persuasion skills.
Doesn't seem like that's gonna happen.
"How long..." Jaehyun trails.
You've got him on his back, on the laminate floor, in the sunlit and wide-open living room of your apartment. This wasn't exactly a planned dalliance, so you have to make do. Sometimes just watching a movie next to someone as infuriatingly hot as Jaehyun makes your mind wander, it's not your fault.
"You're - ah - you're going to want to get off, too, you know," Jaehyun says.
You shake your head. "I'm good."
"Come on, you don't even want me to-"
"But that thing I can do with my-"
"Baby, you know full well that I don't need to do anything but this to have fun."
Negotiation tactic number 17, failed.
He really is so pretty, though. Pretty enough that you can forgive any and all mental warfare.
Nude and shameless, lean masculine body lines sprawled on your floor, head tipped back and jaw working as he tries to control whatever struggle is playing out inside. His cock, as pretty as the rest of him, standing tall, so hard that you're sure he's having a difficult time, poor baby.
You've been jerking him off with alternating lubed-up hands as consistently and agonizingly as you can manage, slow and in control, for maybe fifteen minutes. Maybe twenty. It's not like you're keeping track, but he very well might be.
"If this is too much, we can change up the game," you offer.
"I don't think anything you come with is gonna be easier."
"You're right," you say, sweet as pie.
Even so, he grins, lazy. "Lay it on me."
"Since you're obviously not a fan of not being allowed to cum, we could see how many times you can cum in a row, instead."
It's the same game, if you're being honest. You, with free rein to do whatever you want, to make him feel whatever you think he deserves to feel, and him trusting you to make the end result worth it. Just a different process. He's not taking back any control, and he knows it.
That's what makes it so fun.
"You know, that second choice doesn't sound any better," says Jaehyun.
"Those are your choices."
Even strung out, many steps into this game, Jaehyun's dry humor is on top form. "I wanna talk to whoever's making up these games. It's bullshit."
"Already on the line, pal. And that's all you're getting."
"Then I'm going higher up the ladder. Can I speak to the manager?"
"Oooh, speaking."
He's talking to distract himself, and you shouldn't be letting him. It's like cheating, basically.
"Are you close?" you ask.
"I've been close."
"You know you can't-"
"I won't," he insists.
He can't, if he wants to win, and Jaehyun likes nothing better than winning.
"Think about it," you say, increasing your pace infinitesimally, making sure to catch him with a good twist on the upstroke, the way he likes. "You can pick all or nothing, remember."
"Such great - shit - choices."
"I try to be fair, that way."
"How long has it been?" he asks, and it's strangled in a way that makes you proud.
He hasn't been keeping track, then. Huh.
"Maybe like twenty-five minutes?"
"I've lasted half an hour? That has to count for something," he whines.
You shrug as best you can without breaking pace. "The deal is that you don't cum until I decide you can. Endurance by the numbers means nothing."
"Goddamnit, cut me a break!"
Oh, he's getting touchy. His temper flaring, breaking through that perfectly patient and chill exterior, is such a lovely sign that you're fraying his nerves, pushing all the right buttons.
"Do you want to cum, baby?" you ask.
"Of course I do!"
"Do you want to admit you can't hang, and for me to let you cum?" you rephrase, smirking.
The look he gives you is a veneer of annoyance over the best kind of desperation. You know how badly he wants to win. That makes it all so much sweeter.
"You've done a good job," you placate, "Nothing wrong with admitting that I'm too good at this, that you just couldn't do it."
"I can do it."
His voice is so thin, frayed by your carefully relentless onslaught of pleasure. You're telling the truth, of course; he's done a great job.
"If you want to cum, you just have to say that you lost."
It's not an offer he's going to take easily, but it's what you're going to give.
Jaehyun pries open his eyes to fix you with a helpless stare. He hates losing. He hates saying it.
That's the point.
"Any time now," you say.
Just to be awful, you circle your palm over his swollen head, earning a choked-out groan in his deepest voice. You don’t expect that to be the kind of thing that would break him, but his hips jump, his abs tense.
"You win, you win!" he says, nearly babbles. "Jesus, fuck, you win, okay, I want to cum, I want-"
"That's not what I said," you grin.
"I can't-"
"Oh, you absolutely can. Just tell me that you lost."
He doesn't say it. You slow down, just enough so that he'll notice, just enough to let his incoming high wane, to warn him that you mean business with this one.
And finally, desperation wins.
"I lose."
Jaehyun is pretty quiet when he cums, and this time is no exception.
He looks a little different, though. Cheeks tinged a darker pink than usual, the color creeping up his ears, as if he's embarrassed by the way this has gone. It's cute, in a way, sweet, that he was taking it all so seriously.
It's just a game, after all.  
Once the haze of his orgasm has cleared, as you're wiping his cum off your hand onto his t-shirt - he's gonna get mad about that later - Jaehyun is already looking at you, jaw set and eyes firm.
"Let's go again. And this time, I'm gonna win."
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hi!! it’s the anon who wrote the long ask on how to begin a story, and i’m sorry to say, but i’m back with another question. that question is : how do you come up with your story concepts? because aurora, be with you, guerrilla, sunrise, and where do i go are all conceptual masterpieces. like serial killer!yunho with a crime novelist? GENIUS! king’s right hand!seonghwa and an exiled former royal spy? BRILLIANT!! soldier!san and soldier!reader with suppressed feelings who are forced to confess because they might die? (in my opinion) ROMANTIC AS HELL!!! your mind is a goldmine for amazing ideas.
personally, ideas come from dreams, movies or shows, or just random bouts of inspiration. and sometimes those ideas aren’t even actual storylines. sometimes it’s dialogue or a specific scene. but then if i really like it, i have to come up with the rest of the story. also, thank you for your advice! i’ve been trying to just move past it because i’ve just been writing for myself, but i still can’t really get past like one and a half paragraphs. granted, i also get confused and stuck on if the punctuation is correct, but i’m trying.
anyways, congratulations on finally finishing your jongho story! i know you’ve been stressing about it for some time, and while i haven’t read it yet, i bet it’s awesome and i can’t wait to! good luck on whichever project you’re working on now!
ahaha omgg welcome back!
thank you i try 😭😭 you're right, most of the ideas come from dreams, movies/tv shows, or just a random inspo. and yes, sometimes it is a scene or a dialogue that i want to write and i shape the story accordingly. sometimes it's just that i know the roles of the characters and now have to come up with the plot.
for stories like aurora, i saw the yunho pic i used for the moodboard- the one from the limitless mv and i was like, i have to use this. it looks like a military uniform and originally i was going to make it a typical 'he's loyal and you're a spy' story but personally, to me, when it starts to look like a typical trope, i try adding a twist to make it unique! so for aurora, i came up with the 'he's forced to be loyal' and worked my way from there- why would he be forced to be loyal if he was originally a loyal soldier and strategist? what was big enough that he could risk betraying the system?
sometimes i just come up with a concept first and think of who in ateez could fit the role. like in be with you where i initially only had the king's right hand x exiled former spy who'll use the right hand to get to her revenge. or in sunrise- military agents, yes, but the thing that i wanted to write about was how military agents must live knowing that they could die any day, what they want to do the most, how they would be hesitant to love bc loving means losing too. similarly, with where do i go, i had the bodyguard x whatever reader but it was a result of being heavily inspired by the kdrama mr. sunshine!
so yes, the motive for writing each fic is very different! it doesn't always have to be very unique- like ice prince x fire princess (white love) is not new, i just have to make sure the plot is unique and make up a backstory to fit that. prince x princess arranged marriage (promise) is also a very commonly written trope. but i think whenever you're coming up with the basic details of your fics, you first have to decide what will make your fic unique. think out of the box (i know its hard to do it sometimes) but i'll let you in on what i do-
i like to talk about what i'm thinking about a fic. i only became friends with loren recently and she's been my go-to person to exchange ideas with, and she's been such a help. it's great when you have someone you can exchange ideas with, get wild, think of possibilities that seem impossible until you think 'wait, i could make this work'. but i've been a writer longer than i've had loren LOL and before that (i'm gonna sound like a loner but it's bc no one irl knows i write) i used to exchange ideas with...
myself. oops
i'd simply open boring old notepad and start a dialogue with myself (only when coming up with ideas for fics and i still do that sometimes when im stuck) bc it helps me take in every perspective. it's a series of what ifs and me contradicting my own what ifs, me roasting my own ideas in the middle of that LOL and finally having some outline which i can work with. and then we start writing and see how it goes from there
i'm happy to learn that you've been trying to write and i hope it gets better!! i kind of relate to you now bc cyberpunk has to be my first real challenge. i've never struggled as much with a fic as i did with cyberpunk and all bc i was hell bent on writing this concept (i did this to myself oops). it took me 8 months to finally finish it. i came up with the first concept 8 months ago, wrote like 3 pages, stressed over it bc i felt like it was too dark and heavy (it was) and then i scrapped it. i came up with another plot, wrote like 6 pages and i thought this time i had it, only to realise that it was going to be the most boring thing ive ever written. it had no oomph factor. left it to sit in the drafts and collect dust, visiting every once in a while, meanwhile writing and posting other oneshots. and when i finally came up with a new plot and all?
i got too busy with real life to write it 😭 like i swear i was buzzing i was on a roll i was writing like 2k words every day but then it stopped and it was hard to get back to writing but i finally, finally finished it. all i had was droid!jongho x programmer!reader and that's it. i'll admit i hate droids im never writing droids again but at least i overcame this challenge, and i know you will too! if you ever need someone to bounce ideas with, i'm here. i love doing that. good luck <3 hope my rant was meaningful LOL
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ma1dmer · 11 months
Crescent City - Cormac Donnall NSFW
i have a soft spot for bastards what can I say
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): he'll stay with you if he has the time, trailing his lips up and down your body simply basking in your presence, its one of the rare times he looks almost relaxed
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): he has a small fixation with your neck, the way you swallow, how it looks with your hair up, likes simply resting his hand against your throat to feel your moans against the palm of his hand
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): out of sight out of mind, always finishes outside and immediately cleans you up or simply wears a condom
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): loves having his hair pulled, he always wants to be in control so whatever makes him seem as weak in his mind is sort of a dirty secret for him, even if its just his kinks, but he trusts you
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): he has some experience not a lot and definitely not as much as you’d expect but even so he is very confident in his skills
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): anything where he can properly see you and your expressions, he loves staring into your eyes , eye contact is very important to him, he loses himself in your eyes, knows when he needs to pick up his pace by the way your gaze flutters
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): he is more serious, it's difficult for him to entirely let go and be fully relaxed, if he gets you to laugh during sex he really doesn’t know how to handle himself, feels confused, are you laughing at him, should his pride be hurt, or are you enjoying yourself, at which point adoration swells in his chest and he can do nothing but crush his lips to yours
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): he trims just enough to not be very messy, he also smells very very intently of whatever cologne he uses
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): very very intense and passionate, kissing you so deeply it takes your breath away as if its your last moments together ,holding your hands and breathing against your lips, swallowing every moan as he stares deeply into your eyes
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): doesn't bother, would rather have you or take a long shower to distract himself
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): he is quite vanilla, he's easy to please in that regard
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): away from prying eyes where you are both comfortable and warm, he is very private especially when it comes to your intimate moments
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): stress, he is so grumpy, he often finds himself starting unnecessary arguments when he just isn’t in a good mood, dealing with the stress in his life and stuff, however having you eases all that, especially if he can simply pound his stress away, there is always a split moment of guilt right after but he is too prideful to apologise
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): for now he hates the idea of finishing inside you, he has had so much pressure put on him about breeding the next heir or whatever so i can’t see him being really comfortable taking such a risk
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): surprisingly a very thorough giver, he'll be between your legs for a long long time ,using his mouth and fingers ,his eyebrows furrowed in concentration his hair up in a messy ponytail
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): slower but definitely rough, he digs his fingers in your hips, holds your neck while bruising your lips with his kisses ,his hands are always seeking purchase on you, mapping out your body as if he might lose you any second
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): wants to take his time, but won't say no to the opportunity of having you, using his shadows to hide you both or teleporting you away somewhere more private ,just long enough for the both of you to get your release
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): surprisingly vanilla, his experience goes as far as a few one night stands and nothing else, just physical stuff , not bothering to explore much, knows the basics of what he likes and doesn’t care for anything else
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): he has amazing control of himself, so he knows exactly how to pace himself and keep everything going for a long time,
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): he doesn’t really see the point of toys during sex because he wants to be touching you, but won’t say anything about you using any when he is away, he doesn't want to think about it though
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): he hates being teased, and is not much of a tease himself, things are very straight forward with him
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): he muffles himself , biting his lip or his hand and groaning quietly against your skin
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words): he has a very pretty cock, a bit on he thicker side and really straight
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): i think he'd be really into clothed sex, the desperation of wanting someone so badly that you both can't care about whatever you are wearing just needing to feel each other
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): this man is nothing but yearning, he is consumed by yearning and want, not just with sex, he wants you in any and every way you'll let him have you
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): he is often busy so as much as he’d love to spend every night with you, he rarely actually sleeps over, but always tries to return before you wake up just to press a kiss to your lips before you wake up and part ways for your day
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I am a lesbian and I came across Lostryu’s post by way of a mutual of mine. I was curious and wanted to see your response. I have to say your rebuttal contains nothing of merit that could possibly fare as a proper argument. It’s chock full of contradictory statements and straight up lies. I am assuming you’re a USA resident, but the highest university with an LGBT+ population is Brown Univeristy; and only about 20-24% of people reported being LGBT+
As a fellow english major, it was painful to read. Constant contradiction with only half formed ideas; practically agreeing with Lostryu regarding the definition of lesbian only to backpedal…. And words do have meaning, that’s why we use them in our craft as wordsmiths. You can’t simply replace keywords with opposite definitions and expect your manuscript to make sense!
I also want to point out that you degendered Lostryu entirely, refusing to use correct pronouns. That in and of itself is very transphobic. I don’t really trust your judgment as it seems like you didn’t even care about reblogging from lesbian and transgender rape apologists.
I thought you might like to reflect on this, but I truly think you care more about your self-perceived moral superiority rather than actual people.
Oh boy. Ok.
Well thanks for being so kind and civil and not attacking my character.
I know you don't trust me, but you gotta trust that a queerer school than Brown exists and I go to it. I can see where the confusion is, after doing a google search myself, because my school is pretty small and doesn't show up on a lot of searches for colleges in the US. I will give you that, after looking up the number myself, it's more like 50-70%, but I will tell you that less than a quarter of the people I know and talk to on a regular basis are straight and cisgender.
I'm not writing an english essay here, it's a tumblr post. If anything, this is a lot closer to how I would format a philosophy paper, which, if you've ever read one of those, are very rambly and have roundabout ways of getting to the point. Also, again, thanks for not attacking my character, here. Thanks for really respecting me and not discrediting my nearly completed degree. Really appreciate that.
I... have no words. I used they/them/theirs pronouns throughout the whole post, which, I cannot stress enough, are NEUTRAL pronouns. I use those pronouns for all people online, and I think most other people do too. Yes, I knew he used he/him and used they/them instead, but I also cut his username out of all my screenshots. I wasn't talking about him specifically, his post was just an excuse for me to explain a concept in depth, and explain why exclusionism such as what he was promoting is detrimental to the queer community as a whole.
I didn't include his username or @ him at all. It wasn't even meant for him to look at, really. He was an example, a nebulous person with an opinion I don't agree with. It wasn't personal, so I used neutral pronouns. I am really sorry it came across that way though, I never want to make anyone uncomfortable and I know pronouns are super important to pay attention to for some people. This is an actual sincere apology.
I don't think I'm morally superior, that's not the point. I don't argue with people on the internet in order to prove my opinions are right and that anyone else with different opinions has made a wrong and evil choice and is unredeemable as a person. Really this whole thing happened because the original post had some terfy red flags and even though op isn't a terf, I wanted to point it out so that people know how to spot it and avoid it.
And do I think it's bad for the community to exclude mspec lesbians? Yes, but I also understand where the frustration comes from. I don't think less of people who have that opinion, I just hope to change their minds, because I think a radically inclusive community is the best kind of community.
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tswift · 2 years
hi so i’m never usually the person to send anon asks especially not to be like…. “arguing” or otherwise stirring up unnecessary drama and certainly not to make anybody feel bad, but i wanted to give some of my perspective on the whole anti hero mv scale issue, if you might let me. i def wanna make it clear that im not looking to be a jerk or say that you or anyone else is wrong or whatever at all. i do respect your perspective on this and i hope that’s clear throughout this!!
anyway i’m not the best person to speak on the issue from this side but ive spent a lot of time today trying to understand why people are taking issue with that part of the mv because admittedly, i definitely don’t feel right about it and ive wanted to get other peoples opinions, esp those who are the most impacted by the video. to me, it seems like people are less trying to call taylor fatphobic or cancel her or whatever, but rather they’re pointing out that the creative decision she made plays into fatphobia. no matter how you look at it, even when we consider her struggles with body image and eds and horrid experiences w the media and fans etc in this sense, it still doesn’t erase the narrative being perpetuated (or i’ll say implied because to be fair, we can’t know exactly what she meant or how she meant it) that being fat is bad, or that it takes away from your worth, etc. i am positive that she never would have put this out there intentionally, knowing that it can potentially be deeply harmful. however, that doesn’t change the fact that there are seemingly a considerable amount of people who were somehow hurt by this portrayal.
i’ve seen plenty of people of all body types with varying opinions here, but personally i do fear that it would be very harmful to just ignore and write off the voices of actual fat people who are saying that they feel hurt, or upset, or angry, or disappointed. even if we happen to disagree, it’s unfair to not even attempt to understand where they’re coming from and empathize with them here.
i’m sorry to bug you with this, but i hope that we can all kinda try to empathize with and understand each other a little more here. i’ve heard a lot from people with this particular viewpoint and i’m totally open to the other side as well :) i hope you’re having a great release day!!
Hi there! I must admit I was tempted to not read this because it's so long and I'm exhausted but you were super polite and thoughtful so I had to answer!
I've also spent a lot of time on twitter today reading various perspectives on her use of the word "fat." And I agree, that the video does reinforce that the word "fat" is something that should be viewed as derogatory.
HOWEVER, this is an extremely personal and vulnerable song that is about her individual experience. I think one of the reasons she really stressed the nature of this song is probably due to the scale scene where the word "fat" is featured.
I do not believe Taylor is making any kind of statement about being fat, or how we should react to the word. She is instead illuminating how the word was weaponized against her, specifically. And that the media played a huge part in her eating disorder and body dysmorphia.
The scene is basically the "bad" version of herself, the version who hates herself enough to let these very public criticisms of her body bleed into her own self-image. If anything, the scene is telling the audience that using the word "fat" in a derogatory way IS harmful and wrong. She could have easily put "flat ass" or "too skinny" and it would have the same effect. It's the very fact that there are people out there commenting on her body enough to either give her an ED or worsen an eating disorder she already had before becoming famous. We also need to consider how much of the spotlight Taylor is in compared to someone like me or you. You may have two or three people comment on your appearance in a negative way, well she has millions commenting and speculating and criticizing. Fatphobia is extremely prevalent and it was much worse even just five years ago.
But all of this does not change the fact that music is art and it's deeply personal. Not always, but this song is EXTREMELY personal. She did not make a song about the daily struggle of human beings, she made a song about her OWN struggles.
I think it would be disingenuous to the song and Taylor's own experience if she erased or altered it because people may watch it and make the song about themselves. This is a very rare time because this song is not really as universal. Like yes we can relate to having anxiety about our appearance and what people think of us/etc, but this song is specific to Taylor. She should not silence or rewrite her own history and trauma. She should not have to deal with people commenting and judging her on how she chooses to heal. Recovery is a long and winding road.
I hope this made sense. As someone who also has an ED, I did not find the use of the word offensive at all. I actually found it comforting to know that someone else out there feels the pressures of society, a society that tells girls too many harmful things and expects them to just accept it as a fact of life. But the bottom line remains: this is not about me or you. It is about her.
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crowties · 2 years
oh sorry i wasnt trying to strawman, i just literally only know sin from Azure Waters, and i personally hated her actions. genuinely can i hear your thoughts
sure! let’s address the asks you’ve sent me so far:
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and this was the one you sent me after i answered your other ask:
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we’ll start chronologically, from top to bottom.
sin mal getting mind crushed for physical + sexual assault is a reason for her punishment, not a justification. i’m not saying that she doesn’t deserve punishment, i’m saying that the degree and method of her punishment was both counterintuitive and unethical.
i want to first point out the fact that sin mal was bronya and seele’s age when she did those things (twelve and thirteen), and before you mention anything about how children can be held accountable for their actions, i brought up this specific point because children (and adults as well) learn best through rehabilitation and positive reinforcement.
actually take a second and think about how you might punish a kid for physical and sexual assault. mental toture and the potential death you celebrated in the first ask you sent me are definitely not the appropriate methods. wouldn’t it be better to actually tend to the people affected, and to rehabilitate the kid, so that they can choose to do good on their own volition? approaching the situation with an eye-for-an-eye philosophy doesn’t do anything to improve bronya or seele’s well-being, nor does it do anything to help sin become a better person in the future. everything about it was harmful, and nobody got anything out of it. revenge doesn’t count as a plus, by the way.
and again. sin mal breaking bronya’s legs, sexually assaulting seele and generally being kind of a dickhead in the orphanage is something i’ve never—and will continue to not—deny. and i agree she deserved a punishment, only that it should’ve been ethical and productive. the retributive reasoning you sent me is the reason why people can’t progress… as people. two wrongs literally don’t make a right. i can’t stress that enough.
and just to answer your other ask about her current status in the hi3 storyline: she’s been entrusted to the orphanage, meaning she’s grown enough as a character to have herself be placed in a position of responsibility over children. it’s also important to mention that sin mal originally comes from ggz, where she’s a deep and nuanced character. she was vilified in hi3, however, to give the azure waters manga an antagonist, and to give the main storyline a scapegoat. which clearly worked, unfortunately. i’m not asking you to like her (i don’t really love her either), i just want to give you a better idea of her actual character and what she deserves.
i hope that answers all your questions or at least gives you a way to look at sin mal in a new light. fiction is obviously designed to make us feel certain ways about certain characters, but it’s important to step back and evaluate just why we might feel that way, and if it’s within reason. i’d suggest that you should do at least some research on a topic before you try to form such an opinion, even if you don’t really like it, because if it’s something outrageous like “this child deserves to be dead or mentally tortured if they were to physically and sexually assault another person,” you’ll need more than manga evidence to back it up. try to keep an idea of ethics in mind, or humanity at least.
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amournoir · 1 year
Writing Questions Tag Game!
tagged by @fvckinghenrycavill thank you love!
• What is your absolute all-time favourite idea you've ever had?
the general idea that i should write. i had read so many fics and i figured i should try to write one as well. my problem was that i had so many ideas but i couldn’t get them all down fast enough which made me procrastinate but i finished my first ‘series’ and quickly after, i had an idea about another one 😭 i’m not a new writer though, i’ve been writing since i was at least 11, my first ‘public’ story was an OC on quotev which is cringeworthy to read now so i tried brushing it up and posted that on wattpad (ended up making the whole thing private) and then i wrote on tumblr and posted my first ‘fic’.
• Is there a question you've been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes?
no, at least not on tumblr. when i wrote on quotev, i had other writers who asked to be co-authors on my story which made me feel like i was doing something right.
• What is your favourite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
the writing part is my favorite especially if my idea easily flows from my head to my fingertips. i love things that look visually appealing so it takes me a bit longer to make the entire fic look pretty. something i would leave would be writer’s block because it’s not about lacking inspiration, it’s about losing the drive/desire to write anything. it’s even worse when i have a great series lined up but the thought of sitting down and writing it physically makes me sick.
also, i’m a perfectionist, i can’t stand the thought of writing anything that is subpar so i tend to put that wip on the side which i then forget to return to later….on the off chance that i do return to it, i hate the fic idea so now i completely won’t write it. i no longer come up with a fic title, i just write my idea down and keep going, i’ll figure out a title or summary at the end. if i don’t it this way, it’ll force me to look at the fic in one way only which stresses me out because i feel like i can’t deviate from the ‘original’ idea if that makes sense.
• What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
1) reading the responses to my fics + reading fics from other authors that i adore. i’ve read my fair share of fics but only a couple have stood out to me. i gravitate more towards writers that have a similar writing style as myself or those who want to tell a story that you can easily follow along with that pulls you in.
2) music. i can create any fic from either a full song or just one lyrical line (must be powerful enough). i dislike music fics though, you know the ones that have lyrics in the fic….yeah not a fan but that’s my opinion. also, playlists are my favorite thing to ever have existed because i create a whole series from a 1hr playlist.
3) booktok. if you’re on tiktok, you know exactly what i’m talking about when i say ‘booktok’. i won’t go in depth explaining this one but just know it’s deriving ideas from existing books.
• What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
writer’s block is different for everyone and you never know when it’ll actually hit you. i’ve never had it in my whole life up until this year and i totally didn’t know how to ‘handle’ it.
• What is your favourite story you've written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you'd like and can!
i wish i could link it! lol it’s the one in my head, i have 2 series and idk when they’ll ever be done or if they will be.
• What is your favourite out-of-the-box quote?
lol i don’t think i have one
• Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
i’m still working on my wips and there are new characters but surprisingly none of them. their mindset might be controversial to some but not me honestly. i like characters that have an ideal or two that can be relatable, i wouldn’t write characters that are fully unhinged because i can’t force myself into that mindset and it’d be uncomfortable to write. *i will revisit this question later on because it’s interesting to me*
• If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
lmao younger me would definitely think i’ve lost my mind with half the ideas i’ve come up with. also, she might be a bit disappointed because i loved writing poetry and there’s this specific piece of writing that i adore, it’s my favorite thing i’ve ever written and i wish i could write like that again. it was a short story for a class and i wholeheartedly love it. other than that, she wouldn’t be too surprised because i haven’t changed that much, i grew up and so did my perspective of how to write stories.
🏷️ tag you’re it: @dreamingwithrafe @delicate-moon-princess @softcoremaybank @fleurfairie + anyone else!
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atelier-kristel · 2 years
5 Crucial Leassons I Learned as a Female Artist and Entrepreneur
Being a full-time female artist and running your own business is a tough enterprise, being a woman on top of that comes with its own set of challenges. I feel incredibly privileged for the career that I have and the opportunities that I have gotten along the way. They have all been a result of hard work, determination and ambition.  
Whenever I am approached for advice by a budding female artist or entrepreneur who is trying to make it out there, I have a lot to say as I end up reflecting on all the lessons that I have learned over the course of my career. This blog is going to be a retrospective one, as I look back and list down 5 invaluable lessons that I would like to pass down to all the women creators and entrepreneurs out there.
So, let’s get going…
Lesson 1 – Stop apologizing
Okay, I understand. As women, we are programmed to constantly apologize for wanting things, for being ambitious. Well, no one got anywhere by being sorry or cautious about upsetting people. You cannot get everyone to like you regardless of what you do or don’t do, so stop over-apologizing and obsessing over the opinions of people that you might never see again.  
Embrace your ambitions and dreams like a coat of armour and wear it proudly, with your head held high.
Lesson 2 – Work-life balance is key
I know, I know… You have invested all your time and effort into this craft and business, the desire for it to get off the ground is immense. So, you spend every waking moment obsessing over every single detail and idea to a point where you are spending countless hours working and never really finding the time to destress and recharge.
You know, what that does?  
Yes, you end up burnt out and with zero motivation for not only your art but also your family and friends. Therefore, have boundaries between your work and your personal life. It is only when you have this clear healthy divide, you are able consistently create and have the energy to face all kinds of professional challenges.
Lesson 3 – Mistakes are okay. Learn from them and move on.
We all hate making mistakes.  
I know, I did.  
It is the way, we are raised and taught in schools to avoid making mistakes because a mistake means that we have failed or that our shortcomings have been exposed. This is the mindset that we need to change and approach everything from a place of growth and learning.  
Every mistake presents you with an opportunity to learn and grow from it. This is how we get wiser, as we get older by making mistakes and hitting the bumps on the road. When it comes to running a woman-led business, it is impossible to not make mistakes because you are creating and managing something from scratch. So, don’t be too hard on yourself and take your mistakes as invaluable lessons.
Lesson 4 – Ask for help and delegate!
Yes, asking for help can be the most vulnerable thing to do when you are a perfectionist like I am. However, the fact remains that you can’t do everything yourself.  
It is literally impossible.  
Even if you try to micromanage and control everything, you will end up with same outcome that I had outlined in Lesson 2: burnt out, tired and out of motivation. If you are struggling or facing a challenge in your work because of a knowledge or skill gap, then ask for help. I am sure there are plenty of people and resources out there to assist you.
Also, at a certain point in the growth of your business, consider hiring people who can be delegated with tasks that are a time suck for you. Conserve your time and energy for things that actually matter to you and your growing business.
Lesson 5 – Surround yourself with people who actively support and encourage you.
This is a lesson that I cannot stress on enough.  
A flower cannot bloom, if it does not have the right environment which provides it with enough sunshine and water. It’s the same way with us.  
We need a support system of people who stand by us and support us, when we are combating self-doubt and our insecurities. This support can come from spouses, siblings and friends. I would also suggest networking and finding yourself mentors who are female entrepreneurs running profitable businesses similar to yours and were in your position at one point. These mentors provide crucial guidance and advise to not only help you grow and thrive, but also take your business to the next level.
There you have it: my pearls of wisdom for you to ponder over and implement. Doing art full time and running an art business can be a challenging and alienating experience, please know that you are not alone. Take a deep breath, consider what I have discussed in this blog and let’s get going!
Shop my artwork collection HERE.
Check my digital artwork collection HERE.
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summerells · 2 years
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How to Create the Best First Impression
“First impressions matter,” as the saying goes, and it’s for a good reason. Do you know that it’s assumed that someone’s first impression of you is created within seven seconds of meeting you? You may have just said a few words at that time, or none at all. But your nonverbal communication has already been assessed and judged.
So, whether you’re meeting people at a professional event or at work, knowing how to make a positive first impression on people will be your powerful edge.
Here are some pointers to help you present yourself in the best light when you first meet someone at work.
#1 Proper greetings must be a habit
Greet people in a manner that is acceptable for the occasion. If you’re attending an international event, you should do some study on how to introduce yourself to people because handshakes aren’t always the culture.
But for most professional situations, you can’t go wrong with a confident, solid handshake. Ask trusted people how they think your handshake feels and adjust your grasp accordingly so that it isn’t excessively forceful or limp, which might negatively affect a person’s first impression of you.
In other cases, when someone shakes your hand and introduces themselves, show that you’re paying attention by greeting them back, including repeating the other person’s name.
#2 Observe The right Composure and Body language
Maintaining eye contact with someone is a simple method to exhibit confidence and indicate you’re interested in what they have to say. Even more essential than what you say is how you look, stand, walk, and carry yourself.
Identify and break any nervous tendencies you may have that convey the feeling of low self-esteem. Stand tall, smile, and make hand gestures when speaking to come across as open and confident. 
Let us practice the most confident body language and notice how you’ll subconsciously connect with the audience.
#3 The Role of Smiling
Have you ever been anxious while meeting someone and then felt more relaxed after they smiled? People will be more at ease with you when you smile than when you keep a straight expression.
Positive people are often positively evaluated, so join the conversation with a friendly smile and honest intentions. Indeed, the impact of a smile is so powerful that it lowers your stress levels, making you feel better during the encounter as well!
You don’t have to smile throughout the conversation or have a wide grin tattooed across your face. You simply want to smile enough to be perceived as open and welcoming without being insincere.
#4 Be Punctual and Value Time
If you are meeting someone for the first time in a professional environment, it is a rule of thumb to arrive on time. 
Respecting them and their time helps to foster a pleasant work atmosphere and relationships with coworkers. Always arrive on time or at least 15 minutes earlier for business meetings and conferences to make a good impression.
It’s better to plan ahead of time so that you won’t feel rushed and any travel hassles don’t cause you further issues. Do yourself a favor and allow extra time to get there. Remember, punctuality and promptness makes people take you seriously.
#5 Listen Actively and Attentively
When meeting someone for the first time, many people merely listen passively. This act is most likely because they are anxious and preoccupied with what they will say next. Additionally, using your phone while talking to someone is the surefire way to make a negative first impression.
Active listening conveys to the other person that they are valued and that their opinions are heard and acknowledged. Asking the speaker a specific question about what they’ve just said can reflect active listening. When meeting new people, make sure to pay close attention to the people you are communicating with.
Wrapping It Up
The fact is first impressions do not only create a perception of being professional, it is also about reflecting your kind of character as a person and a worker.
With these professional and productive tips, you can make the best first impression and present yourself in the best light possible. In business, polishing your professional image is not only reputable but also a consistent strategy to reach your career aspirations.
Discover more about relevant career tips and strategies, check out lifewellnest.com!
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