#can someone with actual artistic ability please draw this
melbush · 4 months
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this, but it’s eight, fitz and anji
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mayplantstarrwaters · 16 days
person who have never entered any fandom spaces in their life : Why aren't artists making beautiful art anymore?
#the modern art suck crowd never cease to amaze me with how plain stupid and narrow minded they are#as all they look as is just abstract art which they don't seem to understand the meaning behind it#art is not always just about aesthetic and serve to please someone's eyes#they always serve to consist a meaning or a story the artist that made it wanted to convey#if you want a drawing that looks good to you and fit with your narrow narrative there's something call kitsch art where it please your eyes#and you don't have to complain about how "boring#and stupid they look#anyways back to my main topic#it still boggled me how there's a very good amount of art that are still being made today#yet many still acknowledged it and say art is dead#art isn't dead your discovery ability is dead actually#i have been in many fandom spaces and i have been following alots of famous artists on the internet ever since i was a in my early teen#and the amount of good art i have seen is basically endless#and sometimes i even saw artists in my fandom dropping the most beautiful art i have laid my eye into in a whim#now that's what i call art#my definition of art is something people create from their passion love belief anything and of course it's still exist#because without art how can human live#it's basically human nature#if you think art is dead then you are actually dead mentally#rant#this is also a shout out to all of my artists friends and mutuals#your art never cease to amaze me and i love how sometimes it gives me hope and make me feel happy when i look at it ahhh
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little-red-fool · 1 year
Hi, I’m Red, an aspiring character artist. I mainly draw my OCs and my art often includes erotic and grotesque themes, but I’ll occasionally do some fanart and talk about my characters (and if you have any questions about them feel free to send me an ask, I’ll try to answer it as best as I can).
I don’t generally try to cater to other people so if you don’t like what I draw, post or reblog feel free to block me, I don’t want to be harassed.
Also, contrary to what you might see on my blog I’m actually really shy and not very good at interacting with others so I’m sorry if I don’t reply to you or it seems quite awkward, it’s not something I’m very good at.
General info 👇
x 18 x He/Him x I speak English and Turkish
My Twitter
I try to tag everything to the best of my ability, including fandoms, character names, and some common triggers, I usually do it for the ease of finding things on my own blog rather than for other people to find my stuff in the tag search so I’m really sorry if I’ve been spamming a character tag.
Main Tags: x My Art x My OCs x OC Lore and Info x My Comic (update: I’m no longer making it a comic but I’ll keep referring to it as my comic for ease) x Asks
🚫 NFTs/AI 🚫
Do NOT repost/claim/edit/reference/use my art or OCs (even for RP)
Also please don’t tag my OC art/pictures as someone else’s/your OC or another character.
⚠️Content Warnings⚠️ x Blood/Gore/Violence/Decapitation/Flaying x Body horror x Corpses/Skeletons (human & animal) x Rot/Decay x Insects/Spiders/Snakes x Partial nudity x Somewhat sexual/risqué imagery, e.g. clothing, poses, character interactions (not explicit)
I freely use the block button so if you’re an art/character thief, use AI or are a dickhead you’ll be blocked, please be warned.
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starwars-art-events · 8 months
Art Event 4: Different Genres
Hello there!
This is an informal, for-fun art event, meant for any person who enjoys making art. This time, it's a two-parter: both a trade, and just a casual event for those who just wish to create art for themselves. It's a pressure-free event! No need to create a big masterpiece--just something you or others would happily enjoy.
The theme this time around is "Different Genres." You can choose any character(s) from any media(s) and put them into a different universe entirely. Make a clone a mermaid! Toss Thrawn into a K-drama! Hondo Ohnaka could sail the seas in the Golden Era of Piracy! Anakin Skywalker could be a Warrior cat! Whatever genre you can dream up, they could be in.
Types of art welcome:
Drawings (digital or scanned traditional)
Short comics
Short animation
Photo edits
Video edits (music or otherwise)
Music creation
Moodboards/photo collages
Quotes-and-photo collages
Other (contact moderator ASAP)
Dates to adhere to:
Deadline to join the trade: February 10th (There is no sign-up or deadline for free-posting individuals)
Dates to post: March 30th-31st
For the trade: Joining requires creating art. To recieve art, you must create art! Simple as that. Many types of art are allowed (see above), and all can be adapted to how you wish to conceive yours.
You don't have to be "great" at any art to join! This is an informal event with no level restrictions. The important thing is that your art absolutely must have effort. For example, a moodboard should be cohesive, and it should contain enough photos that it could be worthy of giving as a gift. Make sure you are satisfied with what you are giving out (to your abilities levels, of course--don't expect the Star Wars Mona Lisa if you aren't to par with DaVinci's skills!).
This is an anonymous event. You will know who they are creating art for, but you will not know who you are recieving from! Until posting dates, please keep your art to yourself (or a trusted non-participating friend). In the words of Gandalf the Grey: Keep it secret; keep it safe.
Art should be created for your giftee based on things/characters/ideas they enjoy. Do a bit of "pseudo-stalking" (not real stalking) of their tags. See what the person enjoys, both in terms of mediums and concepts. If they have clone trooper OC's, base something off those guys! If they are a big Ezra Bridger fan, see what types of AUs they enjoy! If the concept of the Force makes them go wild, include that in your art! If you are at a loss for ideas, send an anon message to the person to see what they are interested in OR contact the moderator.
Please sign up only ONCE. You will recieve art from only ONE artist. The artist may wish to give you more than one piece of art, but it will only be from THAT artist alone. If you wish to make more art for someone else, arrange that on your own time, please!
If you need to drop out, that is okay! Things happen. You are able to drop out at any time. Please contact the moderator ASAP if you need to drop. Please understand that the other artists are putting their own time and effort into their pieces. The artist gifting their time and effort to you is no longer obligated to do so anymore. If you drop out, they are completely allowed to drop, too.
Important note: All skin tones and disabilities must be accurately portrayed. No skin tone should be lighter than the actor/character's actual skin colour. Disabilities must be depicted correctly. If not, you will be dropped. The same goes for respecting canon cultures. Please refrain from depicting Children of the Watch or Tuskens without their garments, unless the scenario is explicitly of situations where the removal of clothing/armour/helms is acceptable. Please cover the heads of Twi'lek women, and that of Mirialans. These requests are not only personal wishes of the moderators, but also just basic decency. Do your research portraying someone different than you. Do not fall prey to harmful tropes. This hurts others..
IF YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS, PLEASE DM THE MODERATOR. You may do so here, or at @engagemythrusters or @darlin-djarin.
Sign Up Form for Trade Here
Thanks, all!
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llatimeria · 5 months
fear mongering about new tech stuff is so fucking frustrating because it leads to people completely losing the plot about what they're actually mad at and the real problems in the world.
like, NFTs are not bad because they're collectable and tradeable pngs. collecting and trading art rules and has probably existed since the first moment a human made a piece of art that could feasibly be handed to another human. NFTs are bad because cryptocurrency is a power-guzzling scam pitched by people smart enough to know it's worthless to people who want to pretend they're just as smart as those people because they have too much money.
AI isn't bad because it's a computer that makes art. that in and of itself is completely and utterly morally neutral. it's a complete nonissue and I can't believe the people who romanticize things like the Mars rovers and Voyager sattelites aren't all over COMPUTER THAT DRAWS THINGS FOR YOU or COMPUTER THAT WRITES A LITTLE STORY FOT YOU as a super cute anthropomorphizeable phenomena.
the problem with AI is that corporate behemoths, who either don't understand the technology or do and don't care, are firing actual people in favor of using AI and even this is nuanced. In creative fields it's obvious horseshit, but in every other field it's slightly more complicated horseshit - we should be striving for a world free from dumbass labor, but we also live under capitalism and a person's ability to feed themselves and their families is tied to the amount of work they do so, unfortunately, they depend on doing that dumbass labor that they probably don't like and would rather be spending their time doing literally anything else, like spending time with the families they're performing dumbass labor to feed.
Not to mention a lot of creative AIs were built with scraped datasets taken nonconsentually from artists and writers (and imo that's also kind of a nothingburger - are you really materially harmed by someone looking at your art and being inspired by it, even if that "someone" is a machine? why do you care if i don't care if my work is used in training data? what would you say if i told you that, if asked nicely, i'd enthusiastically give an AI programmer permission to use my art and writing in their training sets so they can better understand how these programs work?), a significant privacy issue -- creators should have the final say over what is done with their art -- and actively making their programs worse by including junk and irrelevant data. AI is dangerous because it's been unleashed on an unsuspecting public without enough caution and safeguards by its creators, but what's done is done and now we just have to figure out what to in this reality rather than getting stuck on what we should have done.
can we please. Just. keep ourselves on the fucking plot with this shit, before we get people thinking that it's evil to have your cancer diagnosed by a computer program who can catch it way faster than a human doctor could, or that it's a problem to SELL AND TRADE ART, or that we should really stop researching the shit that eases the burden of dumbass labor because some people reaaaallly neeeeeeed to do dumbass labor for money when we could just as easily have those people do less dumbass labor with all the time and energy we're saving offloading dumbass labor to computers instead of making a poor schmuck scan documents day in and day out
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mrghostrat · 8 months
Hello Mr ghost rat! I apologise if this is an incredibly stupid question and if this is an inconvenience to answer, please don’t feel pressured to even look at it! I was just wondering, how do you feel comfortable writing fan fiction for a tv show you have started more recently. (And by recently I mean less then 6 years since starting it and rewatching it a million times) like- and I’m so sorry if this makes no sense but I desperately want to write good omens fan fiction, and fan fiction for other fandoms I am immensely interested in, but I feel as though I am unworthy of writing these characters who I have only just met and may not understand to the best of my abilities. When I watch a tv show and I like it I go into a frenzy and by about a month since watching it I could tell you everything there is to know about the show the production the storyline the hidden meanings what happens and any time stamps during the film but I feel very guilty writing the characters even though I probably won’t ever know them better then I do now. The only thing I’ve ever felt comfortable writing fan fiction about is a tv show I started watching when I was 8 and have literally (and I’m not exaggerating) watched over 300 times since then I have merged with the characters and so I feel justified writing them. I have so many ideas for fics but don’t feel as though I have known anyone long enough to write them. Either way my question is, how do you do it? You write so brilliantly (and so much) for characters who you seem to have only met within a few years of writing? It’s incredible and I would love some advice! I’m sorry that this is so long but I would appreciate anything you would be able to tell me! Thank you so much 💛🐝
honestly you sound more than equipped enough to write good omens fan fiction! i think reading a lot of other fic helps, because you get a feel for how other people capture their likenesses in prose-- kind of in the way that it's easier to learn to draw people by looking at someone's art of them, to see how another artist interprets their face in a two dimensional way.
i guess i was a little terrified to write and release my first fic, but when you inhale the characters like we do, it's not the end of the world to simply try. writing for a live action series is a godsend actually, because you can close your eyes and picture the words coming out of david & michael's mouths and test if it sounds natural or not. that's also why i enjoy linking in so many lines and moments from the show (good lord + that's my point + etc) because it brings you back to their reality and keeps you grounded in canon characterisation.
at the end of the day, you can't do any worse than people renaming aziraphale to ezra/zira/az/avery.
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15 people, 15 questions
Thank you @transboyzuko and @kiki-strike for tagging me!!
1.) Are you named after anyone?
Nope. My parents nearly called me Isabella but they chose Sofia last minute (I’m glad they did bc it’s Portuguese and there’s also like a million Isabellas.)
2.) When was the last time you cried?
Thursday last week bc I watched a movie in class that I didn’t expect to be triggered by but Oh Well.
3.) Do you have kids?
I don’t even have a job 😭
4.) What sports do you play/have played?
I’m absolutely terrible at every conceivable sport and hate it with a passion but I did play netball for like, six years when I was really young. Still shit at it tho lol.
5.) Do you use sarcasm?
When I need to, yes. But not if I know it’s gonna upset someone.
6.) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes. I don’t know why it’s so random but I’m always drawn to eyes, maybe it’s because they’re the window to the soul or maybe it’s bc that’s the centre of the face and I’m scared shitless of first impressions and always think about Eye Contact.
7.) What’s your eye colour?
Green but it shifts from forest green when I wear dark green clothes to lighter green when I wear (shocker) lighter green clothes.
8.) Scary movies or happy endings?
I cannot be paid or coerced to watch anything vaguely scary so I’m strongly on the happy endings side. I just want my fictional characters to have good lives man 😭😭
9.) Any talents?
Well, I am a bit of an artist. That’s quite underground though, I’m not sure if people know? (I’m not funny) No but seriously I draw, sing, act, write, play3 instruments, I can do accents? If that counts lol. My friends say my ability to be nice to anyone is a talent, which is sweet so I’ll add it :)
10.) Where were you born?
Idk I just was
11.) What are your hobbies?
Drawing, singing, writing fanfic (guilty pleasure), reading fanfic, playing instruments, history facts (yes I’m a nerd shut up)
12.) Do you have any pets?
Never had one :’)
13.) How tall are you?
5’7 and still getting taller
14.) Favourite subject in school?
English english english I knoWW we all hate writing essays but uh. I don’t? It’s kinda fun actually 😭 and I like analysing poems? Uh. My English teacher is a gift to the earth so maybe that’s why
15.) Dream job?
Psychologist. I’ve always wanted to help people (especially teens) with whatever they’re going through, neurodivergent people, queer and trans people. Literally anyone who I can help. I know it’s a hard job, and it takes a lot of work, but honestly? Seeing people happier or if I can help at least one person would be worth it :)
Tagging people who might already have been tagged uhhhh but it’s fine probably
@adriancatrin @haroldtea @please-dont-burn-out @electro-strike-zukka-time @erisenyo @divorcedzukka @strrwbrrryjam @sukiluvvs @sukidude @bonksoundeffect @blu3berrydraws @mike-queerler @myguiltyartpleasure @moncuries @marriedzukka
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
Thinking about the siblings and cousins again…
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Hyacinth eventually needs a wheelchair because of her condition, because most of the time it becomes far too painful and or difficult to stand for long periods of time. Most of the time she would slap anyone’s hands away who try to push her chair, even if they only mean to help her (as someone who has used a wheelchair for about a year of my life cause of a series of surgeries in my knees, so not push someone without their consent). Most of the time when people do try push her it’s because she is ease dropping on a meeting or snooping around the house, she’ll slap their hand away, especially if it’s Sebastian or James, they can handle it, and then go off on her own telling them she can do somethings on her own. Then the only ones who have her permission to push her if need be are her father, mother, Louis, Andrei, and Madeline, but not Eloise or Marguerite because Eloise has the build of a twig and barely lift or push anything over fifteen pounds and Marguerite because she accidentally made Hyacinth tip over backwards by putting practically her whole weight on the back of the chair.
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Madeline goes horseback riding early every morning, before anyone even wakes up, like around four in the morning, so no one even knows she is gone. When she is in London she goes to St. James's Park along the paths there and since it is so dark and early practically no one sees her, then in Durham she goes along the old country paths that are practically empty minus the early morning farmer who she passes by every day who she smiles and waves at, but this is also how her father finds out because he is rather sociable with many of the locals and the farmer mentions a young blonde lady who looks an awful a lot like William who rides by every morning. Honestly William is quite impressed by his youngest daughter’s ability to sneak in and out completely unnoticed by the entire family and with a horse no less, because every morning when they have breakfast she is redressed in her nightgown. So one day when she is on the path through the woods she hears another horse coming up from behind her and she assumes it’s another townsperson but then she hears her father’s voice.
“Madeline, you are more than welcome to go riding wherever you please, but do tell me first in the case something were to happen to you… and do not tell me have been riding out in London at this early hour as well, it is not safe at that early.”
“You have, haven’t you?”
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Then Andrei is an artist, both with the theater, joining acting classes at university and attending talks on the theory of acting, who he normally takes Hyacinth along with, honestly if he could he would love to join the theater as an actor probably but since he has every intention of one day being the head of the family and the earl he lets those dreams go but constantly encourages his sisters and cousins to follow their own dreams, but for now he will enjoy the days of performing with his classmates at school and his sister. Then on the other side of the arts he is quite adept in music, learning from his mother to play the piano when he was barely three, and then quickly picking up the violin, cello, flute, guitar, to name a few, when Marguerite and their mother return from their travels during the time skip they return with a truck full of sheet music from all sorts of countries and even a guitar they bought him in Spain and a violin from Russia and they quickly becomes his prized possessions. Then lastly Eloise was the one who got him into the art of painting and drawing, the two have actually spent hours outside in the garden or the park with their paints or sketchbooks to do a scene of the outdoors and gossip, these sessions will go on for sometimes six hours and end whenever they are called inside for dinner or someone like Moran, James, or Jack comes to grab the two from the park because it is getting dark, but normally when they go out to the park either Moran or James comes along to make sure Eloise or Andrei doesn’t try anything too clever.
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Speaking of Eloise, she just wants to be held by someone but has far too much pride to say sorry. She always distances herself from the adults in her life, even her mother when she gets into her teens, and the only ones she will listen to are her sister and cousins, especially Andrei and Madeline. But her snarky and rude comments towards the others in the family gets her in more trouble as the years go by and she learns to become more bold with her words, especially when William mentions the murder of an entire family, including the children, that is assumed to be the work of some Duke in York…
“I do not think you should be talking, father, especially since you murdered the one who had your name first when he was a child.”
The silence after that comment was so loud you could practically hear a pin drop, but Eloise just flipped to the next page in her book that she was reading. The silence is only broken when William stands up from his seat and pulls the book right from her hands.
“Go to your room, and Louis?”
“Can you grab the other books she has up in her room?”
After that incident Eloise was grounded for two weeks because of all of her comments, that was just the final straw. So instead of her books, she must actually talk to her family for a change, but this just turns to her and Andrei painting together.
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Then Marguerite has a nasty habit of sneaking contraband items from around the house. Sometimes during late nights when people are asleep in the house, she steals a pack of cigarettes from her Uncle William’s study or from a draw in the kitchen where she knows Moran hides extra sometimes which she normals smokes with Andrei when he takes her out into town or with Eloise when she goes to her room to talk when most of everyone is gone on missions so they cannot get caught, these talks are normally rather deep, hopes, dreams, fears in life, and sometimes they loose track of time and have to scramble to hide the evidence when they see the carriage returning from the window, they only have been caught twice. Then she also often steals a bottle of wine from the cellar, but this is not something she often indulges in, mostly something she does to mess with her father because no how hard he tries he will never find it because it is hidden under a loose floorboard underneath her dresser. But somethings she does open a bottle to split only with Hyacinth when either of them have had a particularly horrible day, Hyacinth’s illness acting up or Marguerite getting in trouble and judged by other nobility, most of whom she has never met, for her lack of ladylike behavior in public.
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anjael · 1 year
Yes, it's that time again!
As always, even if you aren’t participating, I’d be very grateful if you could signal boost by re-blogging!  I’ll also be cross-posting to my Twitter *here* so RTs much appreciated if you’re on there ~
What’s a Secret Santa?
For those who have never done a Secret Santa before, the way it works is you submit a gift request, which goes into a pool which is then randomised. The randomised requests are then handed out to the participants.
So basically, its Mystery Gift! Everyone draws/writes a gift for someone. You won’t know who it’s for, and you won’t know who is doing yours! Then at the exchange, the completed gifts are handed out anonymously to whomever they belong, via email.
Sounds good, where do I sign?
Send your email applications right here!   ->  [email protected]
What do I write in my  application email?
1. Your name / tumblr tag / most used social media - a link to your blog would also be helpful so I know who you are and can contact you if emails are not working or something. A link to examples of your work (art tag, etc) is also appreciated!
2. Preferred gift rating.  NSFW requests are totally okay as long as they are not offensive/racist/sexist but if you’d like something NSFW, please also provide a SFW alternative request as not everyone is comfortable producing such content. If you don’t mind receiving NSFW but would prefer not to submit it, please tell me and vice versa.
3. Your actual request!  If you prefer shipping/non shipping, please include this in your signup email. Please try to word your request so that it can be filled by either an artist or writer, if possible, as your gift-giver is randomly assigned!
Examples of requests  (just for reference, there’s no required format):
- something with your fave pairing / a particular scene
- an AU you’d like to see (please provide some details)
Your requests don’t have to have any particular theme, request whatever you like!
4. Whether you would be able to pinch-hit (fill an extra gift if needed).
5. Whether you would like to remain anonymous to your gift recipient and/or on the master-post of entries (which will be posted up on Tumblr a few days after gift exchange)
———-   DEADLINES   ————–
Applications Close:  29th October 2023, 00:00 GMT
Prompts Sent Out to Participants: by 1st November 2023, 00:00 GMT
Gift submission: 20th December 2023, 22:00 GMT
(Please submit your completed gifts to [email protected])
Gift Exchange: 22nd - 24th December 2023 (TBC)
———-      RULES/GUIDELINES     —————–
- Don’t be a butt. (generally the best rule to live by)
- Complete the gift using your MAD SKILLS, be it drawing or writing fanfic! If you have other cool magic abilities like animating, you’re welcome to use those too!
- Please submit completed works only. Your gift should be fully coloured if it’s art (unless you are specifically doing a monochrome / inked piece), and properly formatted, spell-checked and at least 1,000 words if it’s a written piece.
- For written pieces, google doc links/word documents are fine for the email exchange, but if you want me to include your fic in the tumblr master-post please bear in mind you need to post it somewhere link-able such as AO3.
- if you are submitting NSFW art, AO3 hosts art too and can be a good alternative to tumblr/twitter restrictions.
- Please don’t post any completed gifts on your blog before the gift exchange date!
- if the deadline is approaching and you know you won’t be able to submit your piece in time, please tell me as soon as possible so I can arrange for someone else to fill your assigned prompt.
- if you’d like to remain anonymous, please tell me (there will be master-posts of all the submissions a couple of days after exchange)
- I’ll be tracking the tumblr tag ‘tlhod secret santa 2023’.
There’s also a Discord group - please let us know if you’d like an invite!
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flightyquinn · 9 months
AI Haters, Please Read to the End
I see people celebrating every time something bad happens in the AI art world, and that makes me very sad. Because I am partially colorblind, and have ADHD, clinical depression, and other health issues that I'm less comfortable talking about. Because I can't work, and rely on family for housing and government assistance to afford essentials. For someone like me, the barrier to entry on art is high. I'm never going to own a drawing tablet, I can't get professional lessons, my focus sucks to the point where it's hard to follow tutorials no matter how much I want to, and even if all of that could be sorted, my own eyes are against me.
But I still have ideas. I still have pictures in my head that want to get out. Characters that want faces, scenes that want to be expressed, and the like. I'm still creative. I just can't properly express that creativity. Nor can I pay someone else to express it for me. However, I can tell an AI what I'm trying to depict. I can tweak the settings, make small changes, spend hours on end generating and re-generating, tweaking and re-tweaking, and making small edits that are within my power to do, until I have a picture that satisfies my need to bring the thing in my head to life. That's not "stealing". It's not pushing a button and letting the computer do the work for me. That's me having my own ideas, and trying to use the tools at my disposal to turn them into something that other people can see.
Plus, there's one other thing I can do. This is a picture I generated with AI that I'm actually quite proud of.
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And do you know why? Because it started as this.
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I fed my terrible MSPaint rough as hell doodle into an AI, and told it what the picture was supposed to be. And I tried again, and again, and again, until I was able to refine the result into something that I was happy with - which took a whole lot more than just pressing the button again, let me tell you.
This is my idea, from start to finish, and my shitty art became something that actually looks halfway decent. Yeah, I'm aware of the wonkiness and AI jank. I know the jawline's weird, his eyes don't match, and there's something up with his ear. It's not perfect, but it's a whole lot better than what I could do on my own.
Look, when it comes to stopping the commercialization of AI art, I'm right there with you guys. Fuck corporations that want to replace their whole art department. Fuck people who want to impersonate other artists, or take commissions to turn someone's description of what they want into a prompt. Hell, fuck the people who take the first result they're given without trying to refine it at all!
However, I don't want AI to die. AI is an accessibility option. AI is a tool that lets me go from saying for years, "I wish I could have art of my first D&D character, I have so many fond memories of him." to having that one picture. It lets me stop stealing every time I want a character portrait for a new TTRPG that I'm starting up. Because you know what? I don't have the ability to be a "real artist", and I never will. There's too many barriers for entry.
...and my situation is mild compared to what some people have to deal with. Sure, there are people who find ways to make traditional art despite disabilities, but that's an exception. It could be the rule. Why shouldn't it be?
As far as "theft" goes, I have yet to hear one explanation of why it's okay to use references, but not AI, that didn't boil down to "it's different when we do it". And what about collage? Is a collage art, or is it "theft?" What about sculptural works that use reclaimed objects? They didn't create that. They just decided how it would be arranged. Hell, what about pieces like "The Fountain" for that matter? That's a big problem I have with all this hate. If you applied the same standards to other things as to AI, then there's a lot of things that currently are art we'd have to say aren't any more.
If you have a problem with AI, why not work to make it better, instead of trying to deprive people who rely on it for self-expression of a creative outlet?
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Ya know im getting really sad that all these fan arts im seeing have reader being white. Like can someone show me how they make these fan arts? I wanna make some with poc.
They’re just drawing themselves, fam. This is fanart of fan inserts, much like in writing, it’s just them. See, when it comes to writing poc (black for example) characters, it’d be blasphemous to expect white writers to write as a black person because they have no idea what it means and is to be a black person. One minor slip up, and they would most definitely be eaten alive. They would not know what they’re doing, which is why it’s their due diligence to make sure not to white code their reader for inclusivity, that’s what we’re asking for. There’s a way to do that.
Imma be real with you, there’s no fucking way to do that with fanart as the reader has to physically be depicted. No way. I’ve seen people do those bland characters where it looks like it’s the stick dude from the restroom sign and it’s nice, and appreciated but it’s not necessarily aesthetically pleasing to the eye because I don’t really see it as reader hugging Eddie or something, I see it as a stick figure hugging Eddie, so I understand why that’s not taking off. And I understand your frustration, trust me, if I had art skills, I’d be drawing myself and OCs with Eddie. You don’t see POC art, because POC artists aren’t drawing or posting, that’s the unfortunate reality of it.
Just like when I started writing because I got tired of reading white coded reader inserts, poc people have to do the same thing with their art. I can rant on and on about POC inclusivity, but it’s not gonna do shit if POC aren’t gonna step up to the plate and involve themselves. We have to put ourselves in these spaces, we cannot rely just on these white writers to not mention pale skin (which they should know better about). I can count on my hands the amount of POC writers I’ve come across in this fandom. It’s very sad. Especially when I’ve seen a couple of POC readers expand on some fic ideas, drabble, blurbs, etc and they’re really good fucking ideas and writers but they just don’t post. Like baby, you’ve got all the ingredients, just throw it in the fucking oven and cook it please!
So if you’ve got even an ounce of artistic ability in you, I am definitely encouraging you to draw POC reader in fanart. Begging actually, lol.
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creaturefeaster · 2 years
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this post is sponsored by uppsulka
This post has nothing to do with Uppsulka I just had this doodle sitting for like a day. I just wanted to talk about my last post-- that ask about CQ’s story and the likes. I’ve gotten a handful of messages about it since I answered it (+a couple replies on the post itself) and I wanted to clarify a couple of things.
Please, if you’re worrying that I’m overworking myself, or pushing myself to put stuff out that isn’t ready yet, know that I am certainly not under any pressure to put things out before their due time. I share lots of tidbits about the story on this blog of course, but you may notice that any actual, physical writing for the story is virtually nonexistent on this blog. If I wanted to, I could have shared the drafts long ago, but I’m taking my time and making it perfect (for me). It will be out when it’s ready, and you don’t have to worry about outside pressures/lack of quality.
Another thing! Some of the messages I’ve gotten were in response to some of the tags on the post, as I am known to ramble quite a bit in the tags from time to time. I mentioned the possibility of me seeking out artistic help in the future. The amount of people wanting to help is heartwarming, it really helps me realise just how many people want to see this story come to fruition. However there’s still a long road before the real, official art for the story will come into play.
Finding the right people to help with such a personal project of mine, if I so choose to go down that fork in the road, would be an arduous process in making sure I know and trust those people and their abilities. (I’m also really picky about how my style is drawn, if people were to help. But that’s a discussion for another time) Not everyone has all the time in the world, either! This is a long term project. Keep in mind this story has been developing for over a decade, and while it’s only the last handful of years that I have really kicked everything into overdrive to try and fully piece it all together, it’s still probably got a while to go before I could ever consider it complete. So please, keep all of this in mind.
As I continue structuring and polishing the written story, I wish to release it in divided chunks. When any given chunk comes close to its finish, I’ll be having beta readers scour the texts for a little bit. Placeholder sketches would ideally be littered throughout the story as needed, but by beta reader’s judgement, more or less may be added. That right there, once the beta reading is done, is the end of the road to visuals-ville. That is to say, that’s when I’d start actually drawing out the things that I need.
So now you have some insight on how the process would work. Was it all necessary to explain? Probably not!!! But if I didn’t ramble so much, I don’t think I’d be able to write this story, either. It’s so big x_x.
All of this could be (and probably should have been) summarized to this:
For those who want to help, for those who truly enjoy the content I create for my universe and want to see more of it, I just ask for your support. Seeing likes, reblogs, reading the tags or comments people add onto the content I share, they really, really help keep me motivated. Every piece of fanart makes my day, whether I comment on it or not, I’m always behind the screen getting all giddy and excited that someone cares about the characters and world I’ve poured my heart and soul into. All the asks you guys send, while I can’t always answer all of them, it lets me know there are still people who are interested in the world and want to know more about it. That’s what keeps me wanting to write. So if you want to help, that’s how you can do it right now.
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breakerwhiskey · 3 months
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
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Okay, Birdie, we’ve gone North. We’ve gone so far North that we’re quite literally at the Canadian border. I’ve never been to Canada. Well, I guess I have now—the moment we got to the sign, I stopped the car and Harry and I both jumped out and ran for the other side of the border. One of those moments where we both had the exact same idea at the exact same time.
I missed that. The way that we can be in perfect sync. Sometimes on a job, we could communicate with just a look. The whole crew had that ability to some extent, but it always felt…you know. Better. With Harry.
Things have been…better. With Harry. I demanded she tell me anything else she’d left out about Pete and her snitching and…I think I know everything now. Even if I have no idea what to do with it. But it’s cleared the air some. Made me understand her a little more. Even if I’m still furious so much of the time…that fury is not aimed solely at her anymore.
It’s her birthday today. June 30th. She didn’t mention anything to me—it’s not like we’ve got a wall calendar hanging off the rearview mirror or anything, so it was only when I was doing my usual marking of my atlas that I realized.
I didn’t get her a gift, obviously. A trip to Canada, I guess. When I wished her a happy birthday, she just sort of…quietly said thank you and that was that.
We’re both a year older and not any wiser for it. We know more now, about the world, about each other. It doesn’t feel like—I’m not sure what other secrets we possibly would have to reveal to each other. And yet, I don’t feel like I actually understand anything. I’m still just…out to sea.
I don’t know. I miss Donnie. I wish I could talk to him about this stuff, I wish—I wish I could talk to him about Pete. I wish I could have someone else’s perspective on her. On us. And the real problem is that, despite everything, I still—
The look on her face when she got to the other side of the border. We were both out of breath and red faced, like kids who had raced to the front door. And she smiled so big and she looked at me and said “Didn’t I tell you once that I’d take you to another country someday?”
I honestly couldn’t believe that she remembered that. She said it one time, years ago. I remembered it of course, because at that time I was looking for any kind of scrap that she…
We were at a new exhibit at the Morgan Library—rare manuscripts, I think from the renaissance, I can’t really remember. Pete—(voice cracking) uh, Pete, um, loved—loved stealing manuscripts. They were hard to steal, because they had to be so delicately handled, but Harry knew how to do it, which gave Pete an advantage that most thieves didn’t have. With big exhibits of them, we could steal just one, not a whole collection, and still get a really good deal for them. Especially since there is always a wealthy person out there who wants to own one just for the sake of having something rare and won’t fuss too much about where it came from.
Anyway, we were casing the place, her and I, because Harry could spend hours looking at every corner of an exhibit and make it seem totally natural, like she was just looking at the art. She usually went alone, just to get the layout of the exhibits, but we’d never tried robbing the Morgan Library before, so I went with her to get a sense for the whole building’s security. And we…
We had a good time. We had a really good time. We laughed at all the weird margin drawings that the monks would leave in the books of hours, or whatever they were, and Harry would tell me about the history of when and where these things had been written and, if she’d been to the place herself, she’d talk a little bit about what it was like now. I’ve never been…anywhere. And when I told her that, she said, “I’ll take you someday. Everyone should leave the country at least once”.
Actually, I think she said “continent”. That’s…obviously not possible now. Well, I guess we could go to South America but…I’m just happy she remembers that conversation at all. I thought about it for weeks afterwards. What she meant by it. The implication that she would be with me if I traveled. That she’d be the one to take me.
You know, I could get her a rare manuscript for her next birthday—I could walk into any museum in this country and walk right out with one, just like I did with that painting in Santa Fe.
"Her next birthday”…guess I am thinking that we’ll still be, well, that we’ll still be alive and that we’ll still be together a year from now. But I really don’t know that for certain, do I?
Anyway, should we keep going North or…do you want to give us a little direction here? Literal direction, in this case.
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Art Trade 2: Put Them In Situations/Make Them Cozy
Hello there!
This is an informal, for-fun art trade event, meant for people who enjoy drawing for others. It's a pressure-free and casual trade! No need to create a big masterpiece--just something others would happily enjoy.
The theme this time around is "Put Them In Situations OR Make Them Cozy." You can select to either participate in making art of a character/multiple characters in peril/a sticky situation/comedically painful situation, OR you can choose to give them the comfort you feel they deserve. Both of these require SCENES this time! You will create art of the whole picture. What's happening? Who is it happening to? A snapshot (or a few!) of the scenario!
(More below the cut!)
Types of art welcome:
Drawings (digital or scanned traditional)
Short comics
Short animation
Photo edits
Video edits (music or otherwise)
Music creation
Moodboards/photo collages
Quotes-and-photo collages
Other (contact moderator ASAP)
Dates to adhere to:
Deadline to join: October 1st.
Dates to post: November 4th-5th.
Joining requires creating art. To recieve art, you must create art! Simple as that. Many types of art are allowed (see above), and all can be adapted to how you wish to conceive yours.
You don't have to be "great" at any art to join! This is an informal event with no level restrictions. The important thing is that your art absolutely must have effort. For example, a moodboard should be cohesive, and it should contain enough photos that it could be worthy of giving as a gift. Make sure you are satisfied with what you are giving out (to your abilities levels, of course--don't expect the Star Wars Mona Lisa if you aren't to par with DaVinci's skills!).
This is an anonymous event. You will know who they are creating art for, but you will not know who you are recieving from! Until posting dates, please keep your art to yourself (or a trusted non-participating friend). In the words of Gandalf the Grey: Keep it secret; keep it safe.
Art should be created for your giftee based on things/characters/ideas they enjoy. Do a bit of "pseudo-stalking" (not real stalking) of their tags. See what the person enjoys, both in terms of mediums and concepts. If they have clone trooper OC's, base something off those guys! If they are a big Ezra Bridger fan, see what types of AUs they enjoy! If the concept of the Force makes them go wild, include that in your art! If you are at a loss for ideas, send an anon message to the person to see what they are interested in OR contact the moderator.
Please sign up only ONCE. You will recieve art from only ONE artist. The artist may wish to give you more than one piece of art, but it will only be from THAT artist alone. If you wish to make more art for someone else, arrange that on your own time, please!
If you need to drop out, that is okay! Things happen. You are able to drop out at any time. Please contact the moderator ASAP if you need to drop. Please understand that the other artists are putting their own time and effort into their pieces. The artist gifting their time and effort to you is no longer obligated to do so anymore. If you drop out, they are completely allowed to drop, too.
Important note: all skin tones and disabilities MUST be accurately portrayed. No skin tone should be lighter than the actor/character's actual skin colour. Disabilities must be depicted correctly. If not, you will be dropped. This is the personal wish of the moderator, but also just basic decency. Seriously, do your research portraying someone different than you. Do not fall prey to harmful tropes. This hurts others.
Depicting clothing for characters of specific religious/cultural backgrounds MUST be done with accuracy. For example, you must properly helmet Children of the Watch as they are shown in canon. Do not depict them out of armour in public settings. Same goes for Mirialans--make sure they are dressed appropriately, as shown by Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee. There will be NO "situations" regarding them being forced out of clothing/armour. NO THEMES OF SUCH XENOPHOBIA ARE ALLOWED.
IF YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS, PLEASE DM THE MODERATORs. You may do so here, or at @engagemythrusters OR @darlin-djarin.
Thanks, all!
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drawingfoxxo · 2 months
So, funny story:
Currently, the device I use to draw (an Amazon Fire 7 with literally 1GB of RAM) is on it's last leg, being broken and battered in every place due to mixes of my own careless mistakes and others from my family. That is the only device I can use to draw, barring this Chromebook, and I don't exactly have a drawing tablet–in the sense that i lost the pen in this godforsaken room–meaning sooner than later, I won't be able to make art for a while.
And I KNOW a hefty part is my fault, but you need to understand, I've tried to keep it safer than it is. The main cracks came from slight carelessness in the form of me leaving it in the house with a rowdy puppy.
So, why am I explaining this?
I had wanted to start some kind of crowdfunding for me getting a better tablet, but I'm not exactly too big. I know that in all of my combined blogs, I have 31 followers here, but that's not enough to write home about, especially when it comes down to wanting something from people.
Atop that–while I do want to do ask for help in affording a better device, I barely want to sound like a brat or someone just tricking people without any promise of actually continuing the many series I do. But to lie about something like that is more harmful to me than anything else. I have the two thieves askblog to be ran, ToD, and a bunch of different ideas bottled in this dumb head of mine. If I lied about anything that big, I'd be the fool, losing the ability to share my creations with people.
I don't want to have to sit around, unable to do what I love doing.
I don't want to have to put ToD on a hiatus again, not for a reason like that.
I don't want to sound like a con artist, coming out of nowhere, asking for money, then running off with it.
So, instead of doing that—I'll ask this.
Please share this around...
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lume-nosity · 2 years
tsukasa, saki, & mizuki w/ an artist s/o
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style: fluff
an: this is a second birthday present to the friend who likes akito a lot, (11/27) i went the extra mile to try writing for all the characters they really like :) only wrote them based off of my personal knowledge, so yeah!
notes: reader js gender neutral, not proofread, most likely ooc in saki and mizuki’s part, ena mention in mizuki’s part
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man’s ecstatic at your talent
would absolutely ask you to draw him
only if you want to, of course
if you do agree to draw him, tsukasa will do a little victory dance because he’s a little silly guy
he’s the best person to go to for reference poses.
he’d have all of these creative poses and it’ll build your inspiration
it’s a win-win if you ask me
‘hey! y/n! how about this?’ ‘or this!’ ‘oh! maybe this!’
okay well,, there are pros & cons. the pros is his creativity with his poses, the cons is his inability to stay still
it’s a balance
in your head you’re like: ‘i love you tsukasa but please stay still’
from the looks of your face he actually chose to stick with one pose he thinks is the best, and you could see sparkles emanating from him somehow?
well, it’s not a surprise for someone like tsukasa
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like tsukasa, saki would also be estatic.
like brother like sister yk?
from every drawing you finish, expect compliments from her
even if it’s just a tiny doodle, she will compliment it
she’ll say stuff like: ‘that’s so cute y/n!!’ ‘you’re so good at drawing!!’ ‘can i hang this up my wall?’
live laugh love saki tbh
she hangs up every drawing you gave her on her wall and cherishes them like prized possessions
is proud of owning them
will probably brag to her brother about your drawings too
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is impressed of your artistic abilities
they know ena is also an artist, so they think that you and ena should draw together sometimes as they insist the two of you can improve together
how thoughtful <3
they’ll take you to shopping sprees for your art materials!!!
picks out the ‘cutest’ colored pencil packs the store has to offer
‘hey, you should get these! they’re pretty cute.’
‘are you picking them just because they’re basically filled with your favorite colors?’
‘huh? what made you get to that conclusion?!’
whenever they catch you drawing for a longer time than usual they’ll remind you to take breaks
they know drawing is a relaxing hobby, but they care about you
if your hands are straining and they sense your exhaustion they’d just stop you no matter where you’re at in your drawing
‘no buts, y/n!‘ they grab your wrist, ‘for now, we’ll be watching movies.’
so then you both spend some time together watching movies
what a nice way to relax
in each other’s embrace if you will
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