#can i get oneeee
coralei · 10 months
I want pizza as a personality trait. I want pizza as a component of my soul.
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heartscrypt · 7 months
(to 2014 gay anime boys) mitski upon ye or whatever.... like i even care..........
27 notes · View notes
aboyshapeddog · 6 months
WIP ⚠️
Staci “No Survival Instincts” Pratt’s Night Out
Relationships: Staci Pratt/Jacob Seed
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dom/Sub dynamic, Smut, Alchohol Use, NonCult Au, Jacob is a Creep, Rough S*x, BDSM, Bondage, Biting, Age Difference (duh), Knives, Toys
Spending his off nights in the local bar had become more of a routine than an outing. Less getting dressed up, more finding the cleanest shirt left in his hamper not too threadbare to wear in public. One beer into his solo pregame, after catching his reflection in the admittedly dirty mirror, it struck him. Staci Pratt was too young for this shit, to be throwing his night away like he’s got nothing better to do. 
So he straightened out, showered, spritzed on a little too much cologne, and combed back his hair so it curled neatly behind his ears. Tonight the very off-duty Deputy would allow himself a real night out; a night in some thigh hugging jeans, and an appropriately too tight t-shirt, even if it meant Joey spending half the time ribbing him for it. So, he was back on track to the Spread Eagle, but decidedly not to mope and nurse a glass whatever they had on tap for the next hour. 
It was dingy and dark when he arrived, the air had a permanent heaviness from smoke, and the smell of stale beer. The nostalgia almost let him disregard the way his shoes would stick to the floor in some areas, from the copious amounts of spilled drinks that found their way to the old wood. Joey had somehow convinced the Junior Deputy, and Sharky Boshaw to come out with her for a night of real partying, perfect. Staci was three drinks in before he agreed to some old fashioned two stepping with his fellow deputies, four before the banda music started sounding like a personal call to action, and five before right now; feeling the rhythm beating in his chest, Staci attempted some kind of lasso move with the just as inebriated Deputy Hudson- then boom.
They were both slingshotted in opposite directions with enough momentum to send Joey into the loving drink-filled embraces of Rook and Sharky, and Staci into- Huh, that wall he bumped into was interestingly placed . . . and moving, oh man. Even swaying on his feet, Staci did his best to reflect the character of the friendly neighborhood Deputy, “Oh I’m real sorry, Sir I did not see you there”, his face was hot from the drinks and embarrassment, his drawl becoming much more pronounced with each.
This was new, there weren’t many people in the county that Officer Pratt wouldn’t immediately recognize, it just came with the territory of living and working in such a secluded area, and here was this big, big, man, fiery hair, thick beard to match, and ice cold eyes, this was a face he would’ve remembered. The Deputy lifted his hands in a no-harm-done gesture, drinking in the sight of the massive man now looming above him, who didn’t seem to react. The stranger stood still, looking the younger man up and down very slowly, before grunting an acknowledgement. Staci blinked a few times, deciding the interaction had indeed ended, turning back to his party. “Jesus Stace, next rodeo they’re hosting I’ll have to tell them to forget the bull and just call you.” Joey snickered, egging a round of laughter from the group. “Oh ha ha, Joey. While you’re on the phone, why don’t you call up Whitehorse and report the illegal construction of the Splash Zone you’re cultivating over here." The tense energy of the situation seemed to evaporate immediately, each of them feeding off the other’s excitement.
Alright, not gonna ruin his night! Well, it wouldn’t have if he wasn’t so damn clumsy. It had been close to another hour before Staci made the mistake of running into the stranger again, almost literally. A bit too much commitment to a save in the alcohol fueled “Hope County Sheriff’s Department Ping Pong Tournament” (with celeb serves from Sharky) sent him stumbling straight into the same guy as before, was this karma? 
Time seemed to move a second faster than his brain could catch up with. The man grabbed him by his shirt collar, large hot hands closing their distance fast, “Are you looking for a fight, kid?” he growled and it showed his sharp white teeth. For a second neither moved a muscle, piercing blue eyes locking on to his own; Staci could feel the other man's breath on his face, smell the alcohol, his cologne, and skin. Their noses could have touched, and the closeness made him shiver. Joey immediately made a move to step in, always the protector, before Staci waved her off with a quick nod and a sheepish smile. His heart was beating out of his chest, “No Sir, listen I’m real sorry about that-” he was interrupted “Yeah, you said that.” The man’s previously full whisky glass had found itself empty, dispersed between the bartop and his freshly soaked t-shirt. “Hey listen I don’t mean any trouble, really.” Staci reasoned, offering a charming grin as he pressed both hands to the man's wide chest for leverage. “You seem like a, uh, reasonable man. My place is five minutes from here, how about we grab you a new shirt, and-and I'll grab you another drink alright? Sounds square to me.”
The larger man considered it for a moment, visibly relaxing and releasing his hold, “Yeah. Alright.” he grunted. Thank God for small favors, and of course work mandated de-escalation training. Staci smiled again, this time with genuine ease “Alright alright, my cars on this side of the lot, Mr. . .” he paused, turning around to look at his soon to be house guest as he led them both to the door. “Jacob.” he said curtly, “And you’re not driving, even if you weren’t tripping over your own ass just a second ago.” Ouch. He scoffed “Well, we might as well walk then, I just saw you with a drink in your hand just a minute ago, didn’t I?”. Jacob was just as quick on his feet, “Well Columbo, due to some unforeseen circumstances I didn’t really get to drink it.” Oh. Right. Staci was red again.
The Deputy waved quickly and gestured toward the door for Rook, who gave him a comically serious salute, and went right back to riling up Hudson and Boshaw with more trash talk. Joey’s voice echoed through the bar as the two strangers made it through the door “You take that back you son of a bitch or this paddle’s going right up your-” They’d probably be going home together tonight.
 Staci had sobered up a little by now, thanks to the glasses of water Hudson had practically force fed him throughout their game, and the icy night air outside the bar. “Alright big guy, looks like you’re driving. I’ll just direct you, it's not too far down the main road.” Staci could see his breath when he talked. “Good.” Staci turned to look at the man- turned to look at Jacob and found his gaze already met, those shiny white teeth on display again. Something twisted warmly in his stomach, he smiled back and let out a short uneasy laugh. The Deputy couldn't help but feel like he caught a fox about to sneak into the hen house, “Yeah. Good, alright”.
 It was a short drive, but between the passing beams of headlights Staci still had enough time to think about how stupid it was to give big, violent, strangers armed with 6-inch hunting knives your home address. “Yeah and just a right down here.” Oh well. His house looked smaller from the windshield of the truck, glowing under the headlights’ beam like a beacon in the surrounding woods. “Here we are.” Staci chirped, hopping down and out of the vehicle. He took a few seconds with his keys, practiced hands maneuvering around his loaded key ring like a pianist. “Home sweet home” Staci said more to himself than his guest, “I wasn’t really expecting company so it’s uh- well it is what it is.” 
Jacob allowed himself to be silently herded through the entryway to the kitchen, taking in the organized chaos. “You’re welcome to anything in the fridge, drinks, um yeah. I’ll be right back with something that’ll fit you.” The host excused himself politely. He rummaged through his drawers as quickly as possible, he thought of Jacob’s curled arm holding him in place, his shoulders, biceps, everything were huge . . . Not exactly the point Staci back on track, what did he have with such forgiving sleeves? He walked out of his bedroom talking, “Sir or uh, Jacob, I hope you’re alright with this. I don’t think I’ve got much in your size.” His voice trailed off as he re-entered the kitchen, eyes landing on two faux crystal glasses sitting on the countertop and his cheap bottle of bourbon next to them. 
He didn’t have a minute to consider the offer before Jacob was removing his shirt; light cotton stretching over taut muscles and skin. Staci short-circuited. “Wa- hold on a minute-”, his pleas fell on deaf ears. He watched as the red-head finished removing his still damp t-shirt, and reached out for the fresh one; which Staci could have handed over if he wasn’t occupied charting the map of the other man’s torso. “See something you like?” Jacob teased sarcastically, but he was right. “I get it, most people haven’t seen scars this big before.” the older man reasoned, pulling a tight top from the Deputy’s loose grasp and over his chest. Staci stumbled to close his mouth and find his words again. “No. I mean, Ye- I don't mean, uh, I’m sorry it’s not polite to stare, you're just ripped.” Fuck his big mouth, he couldn’t play it casual if his life depended on it. There was a beat of silence and Staci contemplated leaving his own house out of embarrassment. Staci took a breath, “What I mean is-” Jacob interrupted him again, thank God “What you mean is, you invited me under false pretenses, Deputy.” Yes. Wait, No. What? “That’s alright sweetheart, you’re a pretty little thing I’m not bothered by it.” Jacob reasoned.
“Sidling up to me at the bar, inviting me back to yours to get my wet clothes off, I should’ve seen right through that good samaritan schtick.” The stranger needled at Pratt, watching him get more flustered with every word, he didn’t even remember telling this guy he was a deputy. “Now you hold on a minute, I was just trying to-” Jacob was right in his space again, looming over him, filling all of his senses, it made him shy under the scrutiny. “I just wanted to make up for giving you a hard time at the bar.” he said, creating just enough space between them to get a good look at Jacob, “Not that I’d mind sharing a drink with you.”. They were still close, barely a foot between them, the sound of each other's breaths becoming the loudest thing in the small house. 
The scent of Jacob’s cologne felt more intoxicating than anything Staci had sampled earlier, he stepped closer. “And uh, I’m a pretty little thing?” Staci preened a little under the praise that had been doted on him. “Oh sure.” Jacob took Staci’s chin in his hand, “Well, when you’re not spilling a drink on me, you’re so sweet you make sugar taste like salt.” Staci scoffed at that, and went to turn his head away. Jacob’s grip tightened slightly, holding Staci where he was, holding their eyes on one another’s, Staci let him. “Tell me, Is a drink all you wouldn’t mind sharing with me?” Jacob’s voice was so low in his throat it could’ve been a growl, and Staci’s body reacted like it was one; starting at the nape of his neck, every little hair oh him came to stand on end.
The younger man’s cheeks flushed, now he was trying to think of a single reason he should say no. In the place of an answer, Staci leaned in slowly, studying Jacob’s face some more before pressing a soft plush kiss to his lips. Then another, and another, slightly parting his lips as he moved to the corner of Jacob’s mouth. The older man stood still, staring down at Staci as he moved from peppering soft kisses to his cheek to his knuckles, then the inside of the palm of the hand that had just been pressed under his chin. Jacob struck then, like a viper; in one fluid motion removing his hand from Staci’s, and squeezing his cheeks between his thumb, middle, and index fingers.
Then, as quickly as Staci recognized their change of pace, he felt a hot tongue lick across his open mouth. “dios mio” he breathed. Jacob had already pulled back, admiring Staci’s flushed pink face and wet lips. He gripped the younger man tighter, “Is this what you want, I don’t play gentle, kid.” Staci felt faint, like he was falling under hypnosis “uh, y-yeah.” His heart pounded in his chest. “Good.”
Jacob was on him like a wild animal, biting into kisses, sucking his tongue, and the air from his lungs. Staci gripped Jacob’s (actually his own) t-shirt to keep him steady, nearly losing his balance as he was ravaged by the larger man before him.
His trance was only broken as Jacob pulled his wet lips away to focus on unbuckling his belt from his pants; as Jacob leaned back he watch a strand of saliva connecting their mouths snap in the air, it made him dizzy. Staci’s eagerness forced him to reach down to help undo the belt; his hands were batted away just as fast, and he was turned around. “I’m in charge, you wait.” Jacob’s voice brooked no argument.
So Staci had none when the belt made its way around his wrists, or when he was lovingly hostage walked down the hall to his bedroom with Jacob breathing down his neck.
“Bend Over.” the older man commanded, placidly, like he was saying ‘Hello’. Staci felt himself being pushed into position on his bed anyways, like a dog learning a command by force. With a firm hand Jacob then yanked down the deputy’s tight jeans, revealing lacy pink panties. “Oh, Staci. They must’ve sent you from heaven.” Jacob sighed, sliding a finger under the lace lined elastic and pulling it back to snap it against the skin, then moving to caress his ass like it was the world in his hands. “Ya know, kid,” Jacob started, groping the younger man as he spoke “I’m a little surprised you’d let a stranger tie you up like this.” His large hands moved around Staci’s waist, smoothing over the soft skin there and settling just above the brunette’s hips. “A big, mean, stranger.” The red head pulled the hips in his hands flush against his own, hard, smiling as Staci’s muscles flexed beneath him. The smaller man could no doubt feel the sizable bulge pressed between his cheeks. “I could do anything to you.” He growled.
The words processed in Staci’s mind a moment later, lost in the sensations, there was that hot, uneasy, feeling again. “Oh- oh yeah, and what are you gonna to do to me?” he asked, shifting his hips backwards against the larger man, and Jacob seemed to consider.
The silence hung heavy in the air between them, Staci waiting waiting waiting, listening to the rustling of clothes behind him. Then the skin of teeth pressing gently to the back of his neck, his body jerked at the contact, Jacob blew out a laugh. “I’m gonna..” a kiss was pressed to his neck, “Huff” kiss “And puff” kiss “And blow your house down.” Staci squirmed as the hot breath condensed on his neck, and belly laughed. “What the fuck man, you are so weird.” Jacob rumbled a laugh behind him, but when he tried to turn around, his head was pressed back into the mattress.
Jacob’s rough hands spread his legs, squeezing the bulge in his panties. Staci’s legs folded beneath him, moaning at the contact, God it had been a while. Luckily Jacob was holding him steady, moving to smooth the heel of his palm down over the expanse of Staci’s back. “But first.” Staci’s ears perked up at the sound of his voice, “I’m gonna eat you alive.” This guy was such a creep. Jacob rolled him over then, Staci’s brows were knitted but a smile sat lazily on his face.
Jacob held his eye contact, slowly kneeling in front of the smaller man, and slotting his bearded face between muscular thighs. He kissed there too, hot and open mouthed to Staci’s clothed dick, then chaste and delicate, focusing entirely on the smooth skin of his inner thighs. He covered them in hard sucking kisses, nips, then bites, and licks to soothe them over. Staci’s legs spasmed, pink and purple bruises blooming on the sensitive skin while all he could do was pant, whine, and shift his weight so he wasn’t crushing his own fingers. “Fuck Jacob” he panted, and bit his lips closed, embarrassed by how needy he sounded.
The older man didn’t seem to mind, taking some pity and pulling out his massive hunting knife. He caught Staci’s eye as he sliced through the thin fabric of his panties in one motion, exposing him to the cool air of the bedroom. Pratt panted harder, heart racing, and cock jumping as Jacob ran the cool flat end of the knife from his base to his tip. The reflective silver glinted in the moonlight, entrancing the deputy in the same manner as Jacob’s blue eyes and shiny white canines.
Jacob hummed, sliding the knife back into its sheath and taking one hand to slide Staci’s shirt up, his skin rough against the deputy’s soft belly. Then back down, slowly, slowly, to the tip of his cock. Jacob pressed two fingers against the wet head, hooking a thumb around him and rubbing hard over the precum forming delicate pearls on the tip. Staci keened loud, cutting himself off with a gasp, when Jacob gave a wet kiss to his member. Then he licked slowly up the length to suck on the tip, hard. “Jesus Christ, Jacob.” Staci allowed his head to fall back and mouth open, desperate noises flowing out of him with every movement. The larger man bobbed up and down, sucking and swallowing all the way. “Oh God.” Staci whined high in his throat, straining to lean upwards and watch Jacob as he worked. Jacob was the same, he drank in every twitchy noise, every shift of his hips for more, more. He fed on the helplessness of it, poor thing stuck on his back with tied hands, then he pulled off of Staci’s cock.
“You got any lube?” he asked, voice rough with wanting and use. “Uh- yeah yeah.” Staci stuttered out, breathing heavy and trying again to sit up before settling on his back, “It’s um, I have some on the nightstand over there.” He directed with his head. Jacob lumbered out of view, and the deputy craned his neck for a moment trying to keep him in a line of sight, before deciding he could wait. “You have any dildos?” Jacob asked, again rough, but almost deadpan like it was the most mundane question he’d asked all night. “Yeah, yes.” Staci paused, feeling exposed, embarrassed, and still achingly hard; now red and spit wet against his own stomach. “Uh it’s in the top left drawer of the dresser, but uh-” then Jacob was rustling through his drawers.
The older man let out a low whistle, holding up another pair of panties, even skimpier than the last; Staci hid his face in his shoulder, “Very nice, Staci.” Jacob mumbled to himself, bringing his spoils back to the edge of the bed. The larger man pumped some lubricant into his hand, warming it between his fingers, before inserting two. Staci moaned, arching his back off the bed, and spreading his pink bitten legs wide to accommodate the intrusion of such big fingers. “Fuck.” He sighed again, trying to relax himself into the slow rhythm of his partners fingers, as they sunk deeper knuckle by knuckle. After adjusting, the deputy began to slowly push back on the other man’s hand, forcing his thick fingers to rock deeper in and out of himself with every thrust. “Atta Boy” Jacob whispered, and Staci almost lost it in the obscene sounds of his generously lubricated fingers squelching in and out of his hole. “Please God, Jake-uh just fuck me.” Jacob moved slowly, twisting and curling his fingers in the tight heat, monitoring Staci’s every twitch and movement. He hummed “Whatever you say sweetheart.” Finally, pulling out his fingers and wiping them on Staci’s tender thighs.
The older man admired the sight in front of him as he lubed up Staci’s dildo “A little small isn’t it?” He asked. “N-not really?” Staci mumbled; if this was small what was he packing? It was a similar length to his own dick, matte black, thinner, but it got the job done. “Hm.” Jacob grunted, lining up with Staci’s hole and fucking him slowly, first pushing in through tight twitching muscle all the way to the hilt, and pulling out until just the tip was covered. “Look at you.” Jacob praised; free hand rubbing up and down Staci’s chest, massaging his exposed skin, and moving down to his neglected dick. He pumped both at once, building a rhythm and picking up speed as he slid up and down the deputy’s cock and twisted in and out of his ass. Staci’s body was singing, hips stuttering, and arms flexing tight against their bonds. “Please, Jay. Can you. Dios Mio. Faster.” Staci’s breaths were heaving, his stomach and hips moved involuntarily, contracting and relaxing, as he tried to piece together a sentence. “Hmm.” Jacob feigned consideration, furrowing his eyebrows as he continued to work Staci like he was weighing the pros and cons of some arduous dilemma, before clicking his tongue in a sort of tsk. “I don’t think so, Staci. l like the look of you like this veeery much.” He smiled. Bastard. Staci was layed out on his back; arms restricted and flexing under his flush and glistening body, writhing under Jacob’s every touch, it crossed his mind only then that that edge was exactly what Jacob wanted, it was torture. Jacob, equally sweaty; devoured every moment like a three course meal, eyes dark and hungry, thick veins protruding from his fingers to his elbows, straining under the perpetual motion. He kept Staci on the edge like that, so much stimulation, so much blinding pleasure but just enough to keep him on the precipice.
It felt like an eternity before Jacob pulled the dildo out of him again, running a rough thumb over his wet, gaping, hole. It made his body go limp. “Yeah you look ready for it. You’re ready for it aren’t you sweetheart?” Staci whimpered in response, he felt so tender everywhere, like he’d already cum and this man was just using his over sensitive body. Jacob continued to thumb his hole roughly, slipping in and out just to watch Staci swallow him up, and the younger man flex and twitch on his fingers. His other hand, unzipped and pulled himself out of his jeans, throbbing. He was still fully dressed down to his boots, and Staci’s t shirt, it was a lovely juxtaposition in his opinion. The larger man sucked in air through his teeth as he worked the cool lubricant up and down his hot cock.
“Now you’re gonna help me take care of this aren’t you, Peaches? .” Jacob prefaced his movements, and Staci nodded feverishly in agreement like he could do anything else at this point, but take exactly what he was given. Then his cock was flattened against his stomach, and legs pressed together and positioned against Jacob’s shoulder. The older man rubbed appreciatively down the length of his tanned legs, caressing his hands down the sides of the deputy’s thighs, and hooking them around his hips to position his body right over the edge of the bed.
Jacob lined himself up and slipped his head in with ease; Staci blew out a shaky breath through his teeth, even with the excessive prep Jacob was much larger than his dildo. He didn’t waste any time, pushing himself deeper and deeper until Staci was completely full, and then until their hips connected. “Fuck Jacob. You’re- hmm so big.” Staci babbled, he could feel the stretch inside himself, it burned and curled hot in his stomach. Jacob moved slow again at first, watching for Staci’s expressions as he moved minutely in and out, catching when his eyes seemed to go blank and he’d let out a brainless “Uhnn.” That was it. “That’s right Staci, just like that.” He picked up his pace, fucking harder and faster, rutting into Staci’s tight heat and stimulating his prostate. The younger man’s legs shook, even from where Jacob had them pinned, he knew exactly what he was doing. “Jake-Jacob I’m uhn.” He couldn’t take it, Jacob kept his pace, hitting that same sweet spot as Staci drooled onto his bedsheets. “Mierda. I’m gonna-” Jacob fucked his fist fast on Staci’s neglected dripping cock, “Good boy. That’s it, cum for me.” And it was instant, shooting sticky ropes over stomach and chest, coating Jacob’s fingers and the bottom of his t shirt. The older man milked every drop out of him, squeezing slowly from base to tip over and over as Staci begged for reprieve. “Oh God. It’s too much. Please it’s-uhn.” The last spurts coated them both, and Staci layed back boneless, still twitching with aftershocks.
“Sorry Darlin’ you’re not done yet.” Jacob almost sounded apologetic and he continued to fuck deep into the deputy’s used hole, stretching Pratt’s limp body wide over his thick cock like a sex doll. Every thrust pushed an abused whine out of Staci, still nailing his prostate and overstimulating his wrecked hole. Jacob pressed a delicate kiss to Staci’s calf on his shoulder, as he rolled his hips in to thrust deeper, another quiet apology. Then the older man was sliding one large hand up his chest, pushing his cum stained t shirt up with it to expose his heaving bust.
Jacob groped him while he fucked, wetting fingertips with his tongue to pinch his hard nipples. “Jacob, Please.” Staci begged, he didn’t know what he was begging for. “Oh honey, I told you I play rough. This too rough for you?” Jacob tutted condescendingly, before picking up his speed, and gripping both of the deputy’s hips. “Fuck you’re so tight. God damn.” He sighed between grunts. The wet slapping of their bodies and the deputy’s high moans grew louder and louder, Staci was worried his neighbors might hear. As if hearing his concerns, Jacob spoke up again, “Don’t worry, you’re almost- hmm finished. Now where-“ Jacob had to pause his chatter to catch his breath, pistoning in and out of the younger man like a machine, “Where do you want it.” It took Staci a second to comprehend the question. It was such a dirty question; dirty like a man tying you up and fucking you with a dildo, dirty like cumming from a stranger calling you a good boy.
“Cum in me, please.” So dirty. He sounded like a chick in a porno, but he couldn’t help it, he wanted Jacob to fuck him full of it. It had the same effect on his partner, his brows furrowing and eyes falling shut, moaning and grunting loud with every thrust. “Fucking cum in you.” Jacob whispered to himself half in disbelief, “Fuck. Yeah, yeah I’m gonna breed your little hole like I own you.” Staci’s cock jumped again, standing up to half mast between them and Jacob’s fist was around it like lightening. “Is that what you want, hmm?” Staci didn’t know what he was asking but he wanted it all. He nodded fast, biting his lips to quiet himself. The deputy could barely think straight, brain fuzzing around the edges.
“Yeah of course you do, you’re fucking perfect. Perfect, taking all that for me. Such a Good Boy for me huh?” Jacob lathered him in praises, grunting louder between every phrase, kissing up and down the deputy’s pointed legs. Staci whimpered every breath away. “So. Fuck-“ Jacob’s breathing became shallower, hips falling out of rhythm, “So fucking tight.” He moaned leaning over Staci, practically folding him in half. His thrusts became shallower as well, only pulling out enough to ram his tip against the deputy’s most sensitive nerves. Then “Fuck.” Staci’s hips were in a vice grip, bruising purple thumbprints into his tender flesh as he was held, Jacob as deep in him as possible. The older man’s mouth hung open, eyes closed as his cock twitched, spurting load after load of white hot semen inside of Staci.
They stayed there for a minute, Jacob balls deep and panting heavily onto Staci, before slowly, slowly pulling out to the tip. His cum dripped out with every inch, glazing Staci’s thighs as he finally popped out completely. The deputy whimpered at the loss, already aching and sore. “Shit, kid.” Jacob sighed, unceremoniously wiping himself and tucking himself back into his jeans. When he looked again, Staci’s brows were still furrowed. His stomach was tight and cock once again flush. “Greedy little thing aren’t you?” Jacob chastised, “That’s alright, I’ve got you.” Staci didn’t even want to think about it, so used and over sensitive, if he could even cum again. Jacob didn’t seem to think of it as a question. He moved onto the bed behind the younger man, sitting him up and untying the belt from his tender arms; Jacob smiled to himself, admiring his handiwork, that was gonna leave a mark.
Staci’s relaxation was palpable, he groaned with appreciation, flexing his arms and wrists, and leaving backwards as Jacob supported his weight. “I’ve got you.” He repeated as he hooked his arms under Staci’s and went right for his cock. One hand held his freshly bruised thighs open, and the other pumped and twisted over the head, savoring the wet sounds it produced sliding through his fist. Staci’s moans were music to his ears, loud now, not caring about neighbors or dignity; Staci cried out in wanton, whiny, needy bursts, overtaken by the sensations, he could still feel Jacob dripping out of his hole. It didn’t take long to get him to the edge again, hips stuttering and jerking into Jacob’s fist, mouth hanging open near silently as the Staci hid his face in the older man’s neck. Then “Oh fuck fuck fuck.” He was shaking, shooting all over Jacob’s fist again, fucking through it as he lost control.
Jacob wiped his fingers on his (actually Staci’s) shirt, taking it off and cleaning down Staci’s stomach, and delicately down his cock. Jacob got up then, laying his partner down carefully as he made his way to the edge of the bed. He rubbed the cotton over Staci’s hole, gently again, then pushing down on the deputy’s stomach and forcing the semen inside of him to squirt out. Staci whined and covered his face, and Jacob wiped up the rest; staying another moment between his kiss bruised, cum shiny, thighs.
“Fucking- take a picture it’ll last longer.” Staci quipped, half annoyed and half turned on by this man’s odd infatuation with every part of him, “Can I?” Jacob asked, ignoring the joking tone, admiring the view. “Wh- fuck no.” Staci closed his legs, fully embarrassed, drawing himself up and pulling his rumpled t shirt back into place. The older man smiled up at him, “Fair enough.” He walked closer to where Staci’s head lay, breathing deeply and leaning down to hold the younger man’s chin “Ya know you’re really cute when you’re angry.” Staci’s eyes could’ve rolled out of his head, tearing his face away to push himself up out of his prone position, fuck he was sore. “Yeah yeah, I’m a catch all around. Where did you put my jeans.” Jacob laughed at that, finding the crumpled up denim hidden in a corner on the floor.
Jacob grabbed them and held them out to Staci, who stood up to meet him. When Staci grabbed ahold of them, the larger man yanked the crumpled fabric to his side closing their distance. “You sound pretty cocky kid, you wouldn’t be ready for a round 3 would you?” his voice was a low growl again, it made Staci flush all over. He could barely stand as it was, he felt himself shrink a little in shame, running a hand through his tussled hair, and leaning down to pull his jeans up “Uh no-not tonight, I don’t think.” Jacob laughed then, a belly laugh, and it embarrassed Staci further knowing it was a joke. “Well” Jacob smiled that smile that twisted his insides “I’ll just have to have you another night.” Staci tried not to let it shake his confidence this time, leading his guest back to the kitchen with pride like the guy hadn’t had him begging and drooling over himself minutes ago. “I guess you will.”
As they made it to the entrance, Jacob loomed over him, taking up the doorway. “How about your number so we can do this again?” Staci couldn’t help but feel charmed by him. “Sure.” He said, reaching for his phone and typing his number in a bit too fast to appear nonchalant. Then setting his first name to ‘Staci Pratt <3’ and his last to ‘Bar’. “Now you’re not trying to pawn me off with a wrong number here, are you?” Jacob teased. Staci pushed him out the door smiling, “Hell no. Now would you get to your damn truck, or do you need a chaperone?” Jacob smiled too, looking Staci up and down “I might.” God this guy. Staci grabbed his hand and walked him up to the truck, butterflies curled in his stomach and he felt like a schoolgirl, letting go as they got to the drivers side door “Goodnight Jacob.” he sing songed, and he felt a hand on slide up his shoulder. Jacob was mapping his face with his eyes, landing over and over on his lips, Staci did the same. Jacob leaned down then and kissed him, pulling him close and taking his breath away; then pulling away, leaving him reeling, and panting in the driveway. “Goodnight Staci.” GOD this guy.
Staci watched the truck pull away, bewitched. He carried himself back to his home, getting undressed once again, tidying up and taking a quick hot shower, too exhausted to preform any other steps of a nighttime routine. Staci curled up in his sheets, incredibly sore, and ready to feel worse the next day, when his phone buzzed.
Made it home. I may have a few things of yours.
(a photo attachment of his stained t shirt Jacob had borrowed laying out on a bed, and another of his panties hanging from Jacob’s fingers)
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
you stole my underwear ??
They must have slipped into my pocket. They’re very pretty, Staci.
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
i’m free this friday if you want to bring them back
It’s a date.
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browntrait · 1 year
I want nothing to do w/ Project Renee
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treecakes · 1 month
i wish my uni had a good linguistics program i love languages etc. but archaeology is neat too i guess. 😭 it is actually fun. i like digging holes. but linguistics <3
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minglana · 3 months
obras en la resi. someone kill me
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gorillaxyz · 6 months
by the way
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girlblocker · 1 year
i love totk but i miss revalis gale so much
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Dabi mochi is available on Mercari for $16
you’re right! but mercari doesn’t ship to canada either :( so for anyone in the states looking for him, check mercari! <33 thank you for letting me know tho anon and thanks for trying to help! c:
0 notes
hopelesslonelyghost · 5 months
18+ ghoap x fem!reader
soap with a pretty bird back at home who he facetimes all the time bc they just miss each other so much. they’re so clingy for each other.
you’re always relaxing when you call him. in a t-shirt and sweatpants and are either sitting on the couch with a warm lamp on beside you or laying in bed with only the fairy lights on. you’re always giggling and smiling and making sure to keep your entire face within frame so that johnny can see all of you.
and you know that his lieutenant is always somewhere beside him even if johnny denies it, but you know. because the two of you have spoken about it.
“i showed ghost a pic of you.” he spoke one night after the two of you had finished some…salacious activities.
you immediately lifted your head up from where it was laying on his chest, “which one did you show him?”
“don’t get upset.”
you side-eyed him instantly, “john…” you smacked him lightly, “which oneeee?”
after a bit of pestering, he showed you. it was a mirror pic of you in some oversized sweatpants and a thin tank top. your hair was tied back and you were brushing your teeth. it was a silly pic, one meant only for him.
“oh my god, mactavish I can’t believe you!”
“wai’ bonnie lemme explain.”
you were pretty sure you were bright red, trying to hide your face in your hands, but johnny wasn’t letting you.
gripping your wrists, he pushed them both besides your head, getting between your legs, forcing them open, “he loved it.”
your mouth fell open, “johnny how the fu-! HOW?! I look like shit! my face is greasy and I’m pretty sure I hadn’t showered that day when I sent that picture!”
he chucked and pecked your nose, cheeks, and finally your lips, “you weren’t there to see his face. fuck lass, he was exactly like you are now, ears red and all doe-eyed.”
you felt him hardening again, rubbing up against your already soaked cunt, before slipping in with ease, “gonna bring him home. have him fuck this pretty pussy. show him how much of a good girl you are.”
with that in mind, you sometimes say, and do, some out-of-pocket stuff. one time you were complaining to your boyfriend how the birth control pill was making your tits sore and how much bigger they were getting.
“look!” you turned on your nightlight and faced it, giving your boyfriend, and subsequently ghost, an unfiltered view of your tits through your nightie. the low cut helped accentuate them.
your grin was hidden off camera when you palmed one of them and whined, putting on a show for both men, “they’re so swollen babe. i wish you were here to massage them.”
“steamin’ jezus bonnie.”
you could hear a choked off groan somewhere in the background. bingo.
“you’re coming home soon, right baby?” you moved the camera back to your face, pouting and batting your lashes.
“fuck yes. coming home real soon, I promise.”
and it was sometime past three in the morning when he got home a few days later. you were already sleeping, the heat during the summer nights was enough to have the a/c on blast, and wearing just a cropped tank top and a thong to bed.
the sound of the unit running made it easier for both soap and ghost to make their way to your shared room. there you laid on your side, facing away from the door. thin sheets had been kicked off and were now tangled up around your thighs, your bare ass was in full display. the string of your thong tucked nicely between your perky cheeks.
both men swallowed their groans, soap turning to the taller man and elbowing him softly, “better than a phone call, eh l.t.?”
ghost swallowed roughly, eyes never leaving your moonlit body, “way fuckin’ betta’ sergeant.”
and then both men pounced. they’d both requested extended leave, and they planned on using all of it buried deep inside you.
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dark-and-kawaii · 21 days
You've done a remarkable job getting me hopelessly hooked on tieflings. It did get me wondering tho, how would the bachleors react to their partner begging for the knot? Properly too, face down, ass up, hands holding their cheeks spread.
Thank you for writing, I do appreciate reading your work. ♡
˚₊‧꒰ა♡໒꒱‧ Knotted ‧꒰ა♡໒꒱‧₊˚
₊˚⊹♡ YES!!! 100/10!!! I’m eating this up om nom nom!!! Something about the tieflings and having knots just make me drool!!! The way they’d fill you up so nicely- you’d never want another cock again, nor would you ever be the same~ ♡
₊˚⊹♡ Pairings: Zevlor x F!Tav/Reader - Rolan x F!Tav/Reader
₊˚⊹♡ Content: NSFW - Stretched So Good - Pussy Never Going To Be The Same - Tiefling Cock Has Your Tongue Dangling Out - Tip Of Their Cocks Kissing Your Cervix - Begging - Tummy Bulge - Spread Wide
Notes: I didn’t add Dammon because these got longish~ Enjoy my dear xoxo
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‧₊˚✧[ Zevlor ]✧˚₊‧
The way your face was pressed into his bed roll, your ass thrown up in the air as your fingers spread your pussy lips... The look in your eyes, the way your tongue was out, panting, saliva dribbling down your chin. And that beautiful hole of yours, slick with your juices, glistening and twitching... No doubt you were playing with yourself in preparation for his return to the cave... That was pretty risky of you. If Tilly had decided to accompany him...
“Z-Zevlor~!” You gasp out his name in a breathy moan, “I want it- I- I want to take your knot please~”
A shudder runs down his spine as he listens to you. It takes all of his willpower to not just slam his hips into you, his aching cock twitching with every word that falls from your lips. He swallows thickly, his fingers pulling at the armor around his neck.
His face felt hot and his mind hazy.
He had to focus on something other than your scent, the way you called his name… “Y-you shouldn’t be here. What if someone came looking for me and found you in this compromising position-“
“I don’t carrrreeee~” your mouth hangs open, saliva dripping onto his sheets, “I want them to know~ know I belong to a foulblood, the most handsome oneeee~” you whined, wiggling your ass, spreading your legs a bit wider.
You were going to give this old man a heart attack. He had to open his mouth and take a few gulps of air to get more oxygen to his brain.
“A-are you sure? I fear it may-“
“I-I can take it~!” You cut him off, looking over your shoulder at him, “Y-you've stretched me out so much with your cock already... A-and I've seen it~” You give a small moan as you slip a finger into your pussy, “Y-your knot is so big... I-I wanna feel it stretching my pussy open~ break me~”
He gives a small groan, his hand moving down to free his throbbing cock, stroking the length as he watches you finger yourself. He wants nothing more than to slam himself into your little cunt, feel it wrapped tightly around him, but... He also wants to make sure that you'll be ok. Taking his thumb he smears the bead of pre-cum dripping from his tip onto the head, slicking it up before pressing his thumb into your needy cunt. He can't help but shudder when he feels how wet you are, his tail swishing in response as he slips his thumb deeper, watching as you start to suck him in.
You bite your lip as you look over your shoulder at the handsome tiefling, pushing yourself against him and his hand, wriggling your hips desperate for something bigger- much bigger. “A-ah~! Z-Zevlor, p-please~! I-I need more~ I-It's not enough~!”
He had never seen someone- never been with someone as desperate as you for him. He hated himself for saying you looked like such a whore in his head, but it was true. You were just a needy, whimpering mess on his bed roll.
Zevlor's thoughts were cut off when he felt you reach back and grab his throbbing cock.
“Zevy~ Fuck me please~! Stretch me open…“ You looked over your shoulder at him, licking your lips hungrily, “Commander~”
Hearing his title, feeling your hand stroking his cock, the sudden change in the way you addressed him… Despite his fear of harming your tight snatch, he’d give you what you desired, and he’d make sure to take such good care of you~
Your legs were quivering, knees weak, as you bit into his thin sheets, the only thing you had to muffle your screams. It had taken Zevlor a moment to get his knot halfway inside, his cock pulsing with each breath you took.
“mmmph!!!! fhhhh~ !! AHHH~!!! MMMMMM!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!~~”
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped his bed roll, your pussy stretching wider and wider. Tears rolling down your cheeks as his knot started to press into your pussy further. It felt like you were being ripped open, his knot growing wider and wider.
“My light, I can stop- I- I can pull out. I don't want to hurt you... If this mmph- if it’s too much... We can try some other nigh-���
Your hand released his bed roll and grabbed his arm, holding it tightly.
“I s’need it, commander... Please…~” Your words came out a choked sob, a plea.
His breath catches in his throat as he watches you push back onto him, his eyes going wide, the pain evident on your face as you force him deeper and deeper inside of you.
Finally, it popped inside.
The mouth of your sex stretched grotesquely as it engulfed his big meaty knot, your lips sealed around the base of his cock… “Ahhhn~!!! H-hhaa~! Oh gods, oh gods- Z-Zev!!! I'ms stuffed m‘full- soooo fff-full~!! I-it's stretching my tummy-!!”
Zevlor delicately moved his hand down and around your waist, and sure enough there was a little bump on your belly where his cock was. His hands moved to your hips, gently rubbing the skin and preventing you from taking him deeper. His heart was pounding, worried that his knot was too much for you. His hand slid over to yours so he could lace his fingers between yours before kissing your shoulder softly, trying his best to be comforting, “Shh… You're alright, I've got you...”
One thing was for sure, he was going to miss you when you both finally went your separate ways…
‎‧₊˚✧[ Rolan ]✧˚₊‧
You lay there panting, a thin gleam of sweat on your entire body, babbling his name like some sort of prayer. Feeling the cold air on your exposed, wet pussy as you spread it open for him, your hands pulling your folds apart to show him all of your insides… How your womb was ready and waiting for his potent tielfing seed.
“R-Rolan- Please-,” you were ready, it was time you took his knot. The way it throbbed, the tip of his cock oozing a thick and gooey white liquid, the base of his length throbbing and engorging with blood, turning his pretty cock into a bulbous, veiny knot that was just begging to be sunk into your waiting sex.
But Rolan didn't move, “I-“ he felt so foolish. Here you were, ass in the air, your pussy spread and waiting for him like some sort of offering, and here he was, the very picture of hesitation and uncertainty. His own mind was screaming at him, yelling that this was everything that he had been waiting for- he’s imagined filling your greedy pussy with his knot from the moment he met you… But now that you were begging, now that it was right here he was too scared to take the plunge.
He was so afraid to lose you, of being alone… It’s the reason he’s been purposely holding back from locking himself with you, not giving you his knot no matter how much you begged him. Rolan never said it out loud ever but deep down he was afraid you’d look at him like a monster if he showed you the true extent of his nature.
And you, ever the observant one, noticed.
Your hand reached between your thighs to grab the base of his dick, feeling the bulge of his knot pulsate against your palm. Squeezing him gently as you cock your head at him and pout, “don’t be so greedy~” you mocked him. You were still breathing heavily, but a smile graced your features. Your other hand, covered in a sheen of your own wetness, reaches back and grabs his tail. Gently, but firmly.
Pulling his hips closer to yours, guiding him, “if you don’t fill me nicely with that delicious knot~” you bring his tail up to your lips and lick a long, slow line from the base to the tip, causing Rolan to shiver and moan. Your teeth nibble at the base of his tail, biting down enough to make him squirm but not enough to cause him any real pain, “I’ll have to use this as the replacement. I think that will do nicely, don't you agree?~"
Rolan groaned at the sensation, his mouth agape as his breath became more ragged, “mphf - hah-” he covered his mouth, trying to keep from getting too excited. The idea of you shoving his tail in your cunt and riding it so deep until he saw the outline of it snaking through you- “S-so desperately needy and gr-greedy- li-like a whore in heat-“ he breathed on your shoulder…
Your head jerked back, “GUEAAAU!!!!!~” your tongue hanging from your mouth as saliva fell from your lips, your eyes crossed, your vision blurred, and your ears ringing. For a moment you couldn’t hear, see, or feel anything other than the sudden, overwhelming sensation of being filled stretched, your uterus being smashed repeatedly by his tip now that it was finally fully buried inside.
Rolan bit his bottom lip so hard he nearly drew blood, the sharp points of his teeth digging into his flesh and leaving indents, his face a mess… He could feel your sloppy pussy lips wrap around his knot, the popping noises it made as he would forcefully pull it out and then back in as it caught on your lips over and over. The sounds coming from your mouth made it sound like your internal organs would come popping out of it…
“M-my wom-b- A-a-augh- H-ha-h-h-hh-hhhh-h-h-!!!!! Sho’deep Rolan baby~! You're sooooo deep~!! I can- can feel you- so deep~!!! You're hitting- my cervix-! Ahhh!! Ah-!! You're making my pussy all stretched out and gaping f-from yo-your knot~!!!”
His hips moved on their own, the tip of his dick kissing the entrance of your cervix, trying to penetrate you even further than he already was. Your cervix was already starting to swell, and you could feel the pressure building up in your belly.
You were going to be filled with his warm milky tiefling seed, your body ready to welcome his into this world. You swore your eyes had heart shapes in them from thinking about how his knot would plug his cum up inside of you this time, keeping it nice and safe, until he’s ready to fill you up with another batch of it. And then another… And another… Never spilling a single drop…
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gladiatorcunt · 4 months
feels so ugly when i’m honest
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cw: afab reader, ambiguous era, dubcon coded, insp. by this ask, patrick and reader have noncon somno fantasies about the other (so rlly it’s more cnc), patrick is gross and mean, situationship/roommate!patrick, unprotected p in v sex & relying on the pull out method, weed mention and wine mention, art guest star appearance (patrick mentions him), oral (afab reader receiving), hints of: foot fetish, dacryphilia, cnc in general, plus sized!reader, mythological themes, 3k words of me losing my marbles, one use of daddy, we don’t gotta be in love you knowweeeeee i don’t gotta be the oneeee you knowweeeeeeeeew
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You’re making him crazy, Patrick knows it. He shouldn’t spend his mornings humping his pillows that you hold in your lap during movie nights. He definitely shouldn’t be stealing your panties and strangling his cock with the lacey fabric that’s going to end up smelling so foul from how much he’ll use the same pair over and over. He thinks he can catch your scent on his clothes when you’ve never actually been close enough to leave a reminder of you behind. Sometimes Patrick gets so frustrated with continuing at this same snail’s pace that he wishes he could just grab your face and smush it into his musky crotch. He’d let you go if you were about to pass out, maybe. You can’t get shit twisted if you’re unconscious.
He’s telling you another one of his stories, hoping to see a twinge of… something swirling in your irises. You just hum too much and squirm a bit, ever the overactive listener. Patrick would cut off his balls if it meant that he could hear anything resembling a moan from you, not just little signs that you’re listening and not speaking. The transformer movie’s reached a point where you don’t really have to pay attention, so you cutely shuffle your mess of blankets around on the couch so you can give Patrick your undivided attention. He’s had to start keeping space in his closet for the large throw blankets you bring along even though you refuse to let him turn the fan off.
“Yeah, I was with Art actually. We ate each other out back in the day, y’know, to see what it was like. He sat on my face and fuckin’ almost broke my neck, his thighs were gripping me so tight.” He coyly tilts his head to the side, pretending to be shy about the whole thing.
He narrows his eyes and analyzes your reaction. You dart your gaze around the room for a split second, struggling to tamper down the blossoming warmth in your stomach and the insecurity that comes with never being able to catch up with Patrick. You’ve confessed to it a couple times, usually after a couple of bottles of whatever cheap alchohol he’s got on hand. His nails shred into his palms with the effort it takes not to give you something to talk about, even if you think they’re only dreams.
“When was the first time someone ate you out? I can’t be the only one shoving my foot in my mouth here.”
God, what he’d give to have your feet in his mouth, and vice versa.
You play with the fluffy black blanket in your lap, making eye contact with one of the cartoon nutcrackers on it and not Patrick as you answer his question. “Oh… I’ve actually never been eaten out, maybe that’s why no one’s made me cum.”
It’s a like his world has been hit by an unexpected asteroid and blown to smithereens, bits of membrane and curdled dna scattered across the milky way. The gross-ness imbued in his bone marrow leaks out into vaccum of space as he processes this truly fucking suprising piece of information. Never in his life has Patrick been told something that just can’t be true, not when there are still good things in the world. Not when that helpful little tidbit will split him open and take over his every waking and sleeping thought.
He shakes his head, blinking rapidly. “What? What the hell do you mean no one’s ever eaten your pussy?”
“I, I don’t know. The people I've been with have just never gone out of their way to do it and I didn't make a big deal out of it.”
His heart’s breaking in half and you clearly have no idea. Patrick scrambles to sit up and grabs your hands to stop them from fiddling with the blanket anymore. There are a thousand things he wants and needs and just has to say but all he can do in the present moment is keep shaking his head and crowding you against the right arm of his tattered gray couch.
“Then they’re so fucking stupid, I can’t believe you don’t know what it feels like to have a tongue up your cunt.” He states, a firm declaration that has you throwing out a hand on his bicep to ground yourself.
Patrick looks crazed above you, dark hair impossibly soft and pupils steadily expanding outward. You slide your hand up his arm (trying to ignore the muscle there, what it’d be like when they flex as he picks you up by your ass) to place it on his firm chest. You open your mouth, trying to cobble together any kind of response you can think of but your mind is blank. Patrick seizes the opportunity and smahes his mouth against yours, when the clashing of your lips is over there’s more blood than spit. He flicks his tongue out to catch the little drops of blood dripping from your lips, moaning after he swallows each one.
You’re catching your breath, “You… you can’t… just do that.”
He rolls his eyes and grins, “I did. I can hear you through the walls at night you know? Rubbing your pussy on one of my pillows that you think I don't know you stole, crying for me.”
Damn, that’s what you get for making risky decisions while you’re ovulating. You knew you washed it and should’ve snuck in while he was out to throw it on his plaid comforter and act like it never happened. The longer you kept it stuffed between your plush thighs, smothering it in the natural scent of your pussy, the more your shyness grew. It was easier to spend your nights like that then explore the possibility of doing something else with your time, but now you’re just wishing that you hopped on Patrick’s stupidly huge dick while he was passed out and snoring and called it a day.
“I… I’m sorry, okay? You can have it back.” You say and keep the grumpiness out of your tone, having to come to terms with hoarding nothing that smells like him anymore.
“Just shut up and be happy, be good for me.” He punctuates it with a mean squeeze to your face, slowly sliding his hand down to hang around your throat and falling to his knees in front of the couch.
Maybe it’s the cheap white wine, maybe it’s the subpar edible you had earlier, but you throw caution to the wind and sink your fingers into Patrick’s hair. Your breath happily flies out of your lungs when he pushes your knees apart, coaxing your white lace panties off with his teeth. The bright lights from the TV cast a glow around him, and you hate how pretty he looks. Like if Hercules was a modern porn star, muscles rippling and eyes spearing through you as he catapults you to the stars.
The roughness of his fingers feels heavenly as he smooths them down your inner thighs, “Nice and fat pussy, dripping all over the place. Saying hi, right? It’d be rude of me to not say anything back.”
So he does, spitting right on your clit and spreading it all over your pussy. Patrick shuffles closer and takes several big lungfuls, humping the air with every whiff of your artificial body wash combined with your much more attractive musk. He opens his mouth wide and latches onto your soaking folds, flattening his tongue and licking broad stripes up your cunt. He laps up your juices sloppily, almost wagging his tongue wildly in an effort to suck up whatever he can.
There’s a coil forming in the pit of your stomach, winding tighter and tighter with every swipe of Patrick’s wet tongue. Your face flames in embarrassment once again, you don’t really know if you look bad from his point of view but you can’t stop yourself from throwing your head back against the couch and scrunching your face up. He gives your asshole an open mouthed kiss, half to tease you even further and half because he just couldn’t resist. It was glistening and winking at him and everything.
“Fuck! Fuck! That’s so- how are you so good at this?” You mewl, raking through his hair thoroughly like you’re searching for something you lost.
Patrick’s ego grows in size and he smiles as he moves to your clit, hollowing his cheeks and suckling rapidly. He buries his face in your pussy and drinks you down in several gulps, picking up speed when you resign yourself to telltale moans about much you need to cum. He flicks the tip of his tongue against your swollen clit and slows down right when you’re apart to fall over the edge. He actually chuckles into your mound and winks when you glare at him. He cuts off whatever bratty retort you armed yourself with by going back to nearly inhaling your clit without warning.
“Ungh- I really-really fucking hate you, but don’t you dare stop, I’ll kill you.”
Each suck sends pulses shooting up your core, and that scary coil in the depth of your guts tightens blissfully. You squirm, the very definition of a hot mess as you grind against his face. The friction was never enough but you keep corralling his nose into your pubic hair, fruitlessly rutting your hips with no end goal other than the urge to hump whatever’s available. You panic for a second that you’ll suffocate him or he’ll be grossed out by you not shaving, but you shouldn’t underestimate him. If anything, Patrick groans at the heady smell. Getting it straight from the source and fucking the air during his suckling.
His eyes never stray from you. Your agonized face straight out of a renaissance painting, too strung out and burning with pleasure to resemble anything normal. Your thick thighs, jiggling with every move you make, you can’t seem to decide between humping his mouth like a bitch in heat or trying to squeeze his head like a watermelon. Your sounds, wails and cries and moans and whines, he’ll have to record you next time, play it anytime and anywhere in case you misunderstand what this is. The first documentation of how much cum and fluid you can paint him in, whatever color or thickness you’ve got for him. He’ll wring it all out of you eventually, film a home movie series to chronicle every squirting session and the like.
Gun to his head, you taste like those old fashioned butterscotch hard candies. Decadent and sweet, if he could he’d sink his teeth into the slippery supple flesh and pull and rip.
After several rounds of cruel edging, your brain whites out so hard, you can almost form the blurry shapes in your peripheral vision into a red spiked tail and horned wings. Patrick’s ruining you entirely, you know that now, and the movie’s already over but you don’t spare the scrawling credits more than a weary glance. Your soul is probably cartoonishly swimming through the putrid air towards your body, but your sweaty body is shaking too much to receive it. There’s a ringing in your ears as you blink yourself into awareness, Patrick unbuckles his jeans and a blunt pressure stretches your hole out.
“Sorry, ‘m out of condoms, I’ll pull out, baby.” He huffs out, praying to whatever’s listening that he doesn’t just start pummeling your shit.
You feel your stomach bunching up before you see Patrick’s dick disappearing into you. The feeling of being split open on something so thick has you reeling, no one else you’ve been with has left you spiraling quite like this. In a room full of dicks you’d be able to spot his, you’d just have to find the one that has the back of your throat tingling and going dry just from a sniff and a look. You’d cry if he pulled out now, it’s already too late for you. This is such a stupid decision, sloppy rough sex with your roomate-turned-situationship on his worn out couch that’s older than the both of you combined.
It’s one hell of a story, and maybe some moments in life should be allowed to boil down to that. The hand loosely wrapped around your throat tightens its hold, you welcome the thumb pushing into your mouth without prompting. The depravity of it all makes you feel owned, has you seriously considering living your life as some guy’s exclusive pet whore. The ‘squelch’s and the ‘schlick’s that come with his savage thrusts and milk white strings connecting the base of his cock to your puffy pussy.
Every breath you think you’re going to be able to take, he steals from you and mocks your whimpery “unh-unh-unh~”’s in his raspy mid-fuck voice.
“This is the only dick you’ll be hanging off of from now on, got it? Can’t let some lousy jackass try to sew his balls to this pussy when it’s not even gonna cream around him.” You say yes to that hissed demand, yes of course, Daddy.
Patrick plunges his cock to the hilt into your cunt in one sharp stroke, gasping and gripping your hip to distract himself from the way your walls are clenching around his length. Every part of you is greedy apparently, you’re perfect for each other then. The position he has you in is so filthy, he’s standing and hosting your legs up over his shoulders, folding you in half on the couch. His dirty levi’s pool around his feet and the sound of his belt hitting the floor inspires awful thoughts in you. Your sweat mixes together and trickles down your legs, sticking to his leg hair.
You can have it soft once he’s gotten this demon off his back and out of his system, you can ride him while you’re cozied up in bed, lazily rolling your hips until you get tired a couple minutes later and clinging to the caresses on your love handles. Patrick has to destroy something before he can even stand to think about putting it back together, your insides and you yourself are no exception. Your walls feel like the finest quality silk around his throbbing cock, leaking inside of you as he clutches onto your ankles. The TV’s automatically shut off by now, and the lack of background noise enhances his animalistic grunts and deep moans.
“Gonna fuck your tits next time, fuck-what the fuck-you’re too damn tight, massage them for you after, rub your cunt raw-“
Patrick fucks like he’s staking claim on a spoil of war, you’re learning, as if the pale ferryman’s hot on his heels and this sliver of time is the only sacred thing he’ll ever get in his wretched mortal life. All his, gone limp between bloody jaws and killing hands. He snarls in your face as he pounds your pussy, angling his hips to stab deeper in you than should be medically possible. You don’t when you start tearing up, but Patrick does nothing to wipe away your tears, not even lick them up. He just fucks you to the point where you’re crying, shutting his eyes as he throws his head back so you can’t see that he’s crying too. The both of you borrow from different sources of emotion.
“You sounded so scared when you were cumming, made my balls twitch, was cute.” Patrick tells you in between messy kisses, more focused on almost eating your face than properly locking lips with you.
His tongue hangs out of his mouth as he abruptly yanks himself out of you and lavishes your belly in ropes after ropes of cum. You’d reach down to dip a finger in and taste it, but you’re too annoyed at the thought that he’s depriving you of an orgasm again. You haven’t even decided whether you’re going to pout or flatbout get up and leave when Patrick’s sliding home once more. You give him a punched out gasp, sort of pained and kind of relieved, in response. He hisses through his teeth, grinding them together like it’s burning the flesh on his cock to plunge back into your searing pussy. Actively breaking and remaking you. Both of your muscles tense up as the wave threatens to crash over you.
“You can cry some more, if you want, I'd like that a lot. Beg me to save you from what I’m doing to you, to this tight pussy.”
Happy or sad, doesn’t matter. He knows you like it when he keeps you from fighting back, you suit being manhandled and made to take dick better than anyone else he’s slummed it with.
He hunches his back forward to kiss you again, and you claw red stripes down it as your tongue maps out every inch of his mouth. He pulls back and you spend several seconds like that sharing breath. You don’t realize what you’re saying out loud, things like ‘Holy shit you’re so fucking big-so good-it’s so fucking good’ and ‘Feels better than i thought it would, how is that even possible?’ It’s like your own little sex obsessed podcast, centering every episode around how situationship dick is on another level and will irrevocably destroy you. Patrick chuckles, he can’t wait to hold every treasured compliment from you over your head. You could say you’re done with whatever this is when he leaves the toilet seat up again but he’ll never forget you howling for him and his cock to never leave you.
Patrick will swing himself over the net into overstimulation before the next time your pussy’s clamping down on his thick cock and spasming, but he’ll be damned if you’re not gonna end up passed out and drooling while the sun rises. You can spend future movie nights cockwarming him, if you can stand to endure the sickeningly perfect stretch without being allowed to get your cunt beat. You’re mewling when you froth the base of his dick again, your walls pulse around him like you’re a cat laving up your favorite cream. Tonight’s not the night where you’ll be getting it straight from the source, maybe when you’re willing to take certain risks. His smiles are the most genuine when you drag out your whine to follow the speed in which he pulls out to paint your body. Tangy ribbons hanging over your love handles and dripping down to your ass cheeks.
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kissforyouu · 6 months
Can you write a drabble of oc surprising jk with a new tattoo. I’d picture she’d get something cute like a peach or a bunny idkkk but she’d definitely have something small and dainty. She’d probably put it somewhere where only Jk could see too🤭
oc is not that much into tattoos, but she'd sometimes use temporary tattoos on herself and show jk. he'd just keep asking her over and over "when are you getting a real oneeee". he completely doesn't mind tattoos on oc at all, considering how tatted up he is too. but when oc actually does get a tattoo...
"jungkook!" you shout from across his living room, excitedly skipping your way through. he yells back from his room, surprised that you came over. you didn't even tell him beforehand. your boyfriend exits his room to have you jump on his body right after, hugging the man like the world was going to end right now.
you hug him really tight, swaying him from side to side. "hi, baby!" your voice was high pitched as you placed kisses all over your boyfriend's cheek. he loved whenever you acted like this. kisses were his favourite. jungkook liked to get pampered by you a lot. even though he'll probably never admit to it.
"hi, sweetheart." his smile was big and bright, probably even starting to hurt his face at this point. you let go of his body, finally freeing him.
"i got tatted." bombshell.
"like, tatted for real? not temporary?"
"nope! actual tattoo, look."
jungkook was surprised. you swore to yourself to never actually get a proper tattoo because you were afraid that later you might regret it. but you actually did it? okay, where is it? what type of tattoo? jungkook was thrilled.
but the moment you bent over and to strip down, jungkook's draw fully drops. shit. you had a sly smirk on your face, fully aware of what you were doing as you discarded your pants. there revealed your black lace panties.
"here." you turn around your upper body to point at the small (very small) red heart tattoo on your ass cheek. it was right below your waist near your hips. cute, he thought. very small though, very. but jungkook wasn't surprised at how small it was. the little tattoo complimented your ass well, and your whole personality itself. it suits you. but it wasn't the tattoo that had him mermerised, it was definitely your ass. lol.
ever since then, man's been obsessed with doggy style just to see your dainty tattoo bounce on his cock over and over again. he makes sure kiss it every time whenever you guys had sex. the obsession was real.
in addition to that little tattoo was another dainty heart but this time on the side of your middle finger and some other sparkles. and not necessarily a tattoo, but a belly piercing you got when you were around 16 and (totally legal!) a bunch of other piercings in your ears.
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taglist : @fungie2332 @wintertxt @wheexine @hyunjinswifeee @ohsweetmimosa @canyon-txt @kooreo @rrosiitas @goldenjeonkoo
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mariaace · 4 months
Your insta as Kageyama's partner
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Masterlist for the series
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Liked by Kags.volley, Shoyoolly and 4637 others
Caption: Gotta get ready for practice
Shoyoolly: ofcourse you'll find him there
↪Tsukki_: of course*
↪Kags.volley:What that's supposed to mean?
↪Tsukki_: What's* that*
↪Shoyoolly: STFU
Yachiii__: Y'all are cute
↪the.one_and_only: thank youu
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Liked by Kags.volley, Tsukki_ and 3672 others.
Caption: I'm forcing him to study.
Kags.volley: Volleyball is importerer.
↪the.one_and_only:...babe no
↪Tsukki_: LMAO WHAT?
↪Shoyoolly: that's the first time I've seen Tsukki writing caps
Daichi_Sa: Keep it up
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Liked by Kags.volley, Daichi_Sa and 5383 others.
Caption: IT'S TIME FOR??
↪the.one_and_only:No, but okay!!
Shoyoolly: PRACTICE
Tsukki_:To die
↪the.one_and_only:Then go die somewhere wtf
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Liked by Shoyoolly, Kags.volley and 6293 others.
Caption: "Come throw us some volleys" manages to stay two hours here
Daichi_Sa:YOU WHAT?
↪the.one_and_only: oops
Kyoshi__Sugaa:My bbys
Yachiiii__: Can i also come?
↪the.one_and_only:pls do
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Liked by Kenmaa, Testuro_Ko and 8637 others
Caption: Setting up for the match with Nekoma
Tetsuro_Ko:We gonna win this
↪Kags.volley:No way
↪the.one_and_only:Damn spawned the whole team😭
Kyoiii_:Ready for it??
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iluvyvonne · 4 months
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suddenly had the urge to to write a little smthhhh while listening to my 2016 music 😭.
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our fluffydutch/german!farmer taking his precious earthyblack!reader along to the farmers market with him! and reader getting in a bittttt of trouble 🫢 (nsfw next part 🤭)
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come on!!
Oh my ... there goes Mr teddy bear.. having to search for you again as you've wandered off to search for the animal section here. at this point teddy is really considering getting us one of those little backpacks with the leash on it (😭).
oh poor man can't even catch a break as he shopped. oh, but as he stress bought, you popped right back up next to him with something.. exotic?!
"bubba look! i bought us a ferret!" you giggled happily, showing off the long furry animal
as you thought your husband would be happy with what you had spent your money on, he couldn't even crack you a smile. sighing as he rubbed his forehead he tried to have remorse for what he now considered his bit-bimboed wife.
"Hun.." he sighed "we don't .. need anymore animals.. " he continued, sighing as he let you down
"but.. bitte?" you politely begged, tugging at he sleeve.
he knew you absolutely didn't need any more animals on your already packed farm but oh.. your eyes.. your small begs.. how could your man just say no to you!?
"you really stress me, schatz" he sighs once more, his words being your indication for a yes.
you giggle happily and peck his cheek, hugging his side as he continued shopping. pointing out a few things he missed on the list.
"i don't need your fuckin' help, puppe" he chuckles, placing the missing items in his basket. you giggle once more, placing another warm kiss on his face.
ah .. there you go again.. not too far this time though! you saw a snack stand not too far away and slipped right from his side.
"hm.." you examined the vast variety of self serve snacks and candies in front of you.
"hi sweetheart! well aren't you a cute one? here, this one is on me, get what ever you'd like, doll!" a tall man approaches from behind the stand, handing you a medium sized plastic bag. you smile sweetly at his kind compliments then brightly at his kind gesture of paying for whatever you grabbed.
as you began scooping and using the little tonsil to pick your candies the (guessing) owner began small talk. and oh, you just wanting to be oh so friendly, you complied and replied.
"so.. see some stuff you like?" he chuckles, sucking on a toothpick he had sticking out of his mouth
"mhm!" you giggle, adding more things
"gon' on and fill it up sweetheart" he encouraged, waving his hand out to let you know it was okay
you nod, looking around at the other options, picking up a few pieces of cotton candy and some gummy eggs.
"do you have any popcorn or chips? I thought I saw some when i came over here" you give a warm smile, as you picked and put some sour belts into your bag.
"oh yeah, yeah hold on.." he turns around and bends over a bit to pull out a popcorn machine. "I'll make some popcorn for you doll.. only for one thing.." he said, plugging in the machine.
"hm? I'll do it!" you giggled, stopping to look up.
"I just want oneeee.. little kiss right here" he pat the middle of his cheek with the bed of his index finger.
"oh umm.. hold on, I'll go see if my husband will let me!" i place the bag down on his stand, turning around quickly to go grab Teddy.
"wait, you have a husband?" he asks rather quickly
"yes! just please, stay right there!" you happily walk over to teddy
"bubba! can I give that man over there a kiss for some popcorn" you point to the man. "he said he'd give me free candy too!" you giggle happily, looking up at him as you hugged him
"a.. kiss.. for popcorn and.. candy" teddy sighed "the woman you are princess.." he huffs, paying for the groceries before walking you two over to the man's pop up shop.
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bitte(german): please
schatz(german): darling
puppe(german): doll
hiiii!! i would rlly RLLY love it if you guys would recommend and request stuff, I've had writers block for a bit after I posted the first fic so I'm kinda bummed out and idk what this is 😭😭😭. yes there will be a next part after this and smut is included so mdni and yep... please send in requests ..🧸
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