#can i get a uhhh… childe butterfly skin then
prettybbychim · 3 months
is the butterfly theme for skins a thing for a reason or
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leifberry · 8 months
Hi! I’m Leif!
I forgot how to make introductions so im winging it rn
have this art i made specifically for this cus idk
i like misspelling my name
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thats my sona!! am i a furry? im gonna be real i have no idea
but heehee lil kity!
i’m audhd (is that how you say it?)
and my current hyperfixations are:
•My own ocs, a story named Abyss!
they’re like,,, the only thing I draw,,,,
(Butterfly Eyes also exists, but Abyss is my favourite child lmao)
•Sky: Cotl! Specifically Season of Abyss!
im planning to eventually make a crossover because i have free will, believe it or not
other mini-hyperfixations include:
•The Cambrian Explosion, for some reason
•Pokemon (Specifically S/V, if you cant tell by my current pfp as im writing this, gay Tatsugiri)
•My little pony!! I've loved it ever since I was a kid and it's coming back oh god /pos
abyss mlp au when
•A bunch of creators :D
•Generation Loss (woah I wonder who one of those creators from the point above is /j)
•Gravity Falls!! i've loved it for years :3
I like a bunch of other things, but im not hyperfixated on them so they dont get to be mentioned :)
I use any pronouns!! I don’t mind mirror pronouns too!!
I’m finally trying to break out of my comfort zone and actually be somewhat active here?? woah??
im usually a lurker on the internet but like
bro i need an outlet for my interests i am totally normal about (not)
my posts are gonna be mostly about my ocs and sky cotl sorry not sorry
i’m 18 :D
i’m gonna update this post as time goes on :)
have my skykid for your troubles
they look like my sona and i love that
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i’ve been playing sky on and off since rhythm and i can still never get over how pretty vault is <33
maybe I should add boundaries?? just in case???
I’m a tolerant person, unless it’s people being intolerant to other people! (Basic DNI)
and also please for the love of god, no sexual nsfw of my ocs
they’re literal cats, that’s weird as hell
gore is ok!!! i’m okay with gore!!!
if for whatever reason you wanna make au’s, don’t make them too over-the-top (like mafia au’s or something. Idk, just doesn’t sit right with me)
Same with headcanons, you can headcanon them!! But also keep in mind I designed them all with little projections of myself!! So don’t make them too different from the original or else I will cry /hj
also!!! human designs are okay!! encouraged even!!! but don’t make them all the same, give them some variety!!!
Allium is black :3
only one with a canon skin-tone :3
update: same rules apply to Butterfly Eyes! And anything else I make honestly.
i'm gonna make so many more of these
the magical cat stories will never stop as long as I am here
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
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Did they believe in Santa?: No, since Christmas isn’t a holiday celebrated in Seelie, and thus there was no story or myth of Santa Clause to be told to kids. Aur only became aware of the concept when he was stranded in the mortal realm and his first thought of hearing a man who snuck into houses to leave children presents and who was repaid in milk and cookies was “...Hm, sounds like a fae.”
Were they a dinosaur or rock kid?: Dinosaurs...also not much of a talked about concept in Seelie. I guess rocks? He was pretty mature for a kid even as a kid regarding his mannerisms though so it’d only be to the extent of him finding a particularly pretty rock and admiring it.
Bugs or slimy critters?: He’s good with butterflies and stuff. He doesn’t have anything against bugs and slimy creatures, but he’s not like feeling more than neutral towards them.
Do they fidget? How?: Generally no, he’s pretty still intentionally so as to not give away any anxieties or whatever he’s feeling. If his guard is down though or he’s distracted, he’ll generally mess with his hair in some way if he’s agitated or thinking deeply on something. He’d stop himself if he noticed he was doing it though.
What were they frequently in trouble for as a child?: Aur was lameeee (I’m joking) as a kid and didn’t get in trouble because he didn’t really act out or do stuff he was told  not to. Now, once he hit like young to mid-teens, after his mother passed, he started taking to sneaking out of the palace every now and then. It didn’t happen as frequently back then though so his dad never discovered it.
What underwear do they like?: ...Mother-- am I going to have to look up ancient Scottish underwear to see what the fae could be working with? I’m sure it’s just some type of cloth wrapped around the lower body, or maybe even nothing who knows. I’ve now returned from my Google search in the span between that last sentence and this one and probably braies? He of course worse modern underwear while he was living in the mortal world but it’s kind of hard to come by some Fruit of the Looms in Seelie.
Designs on clothing or no?: Sort of? He can at time have patterns, uh I guess reminiscent to fleur de lisle even though that’s a whole other region of inspiration but shhhh, it’s not actually fleur de lisle anyways.
Birthmarks?: Do his fae marks count? He was born with them after all.  Absolutely the lines all over his body that curl like vines or ivy and are set into his skin. I’d even consider his two-colored eyes birthmarks. Green coloring in his blond hair, his tail, horns, etc. etc. 
Do they have good self control?: Restraint to a Capital T. I know I would have blown up long ago if I were in Aur’s position. Generally though, he’s pretty good at keeping his emotions reined in at the moment something is happening and good with self-restraint.
Favorite franchise?: He’s...in Seelie too often to engage with franchises. Who has the time anyways?
Do they re-enact scenarios in the shower?: Nope. I’ll refrain from talking about how Seelie mainly utilizes baths anyways, or natural uhhh springs? Waterfalls? I forgot how to describe it, but either way they don’t have actual water running through pipes set into the walls showers. Aur would like to look into that at some point though....when he....has the time.... 
Do they tell the waiter that their order is wrong?: Pft, no. Not that he’s scared or too nervous to, he just...he’ll get the order and something in it’s wrong? He goes “Oh well”, and proceeds to eat it anyways. It just doesn’t seem like a big enough deal to him to get someone’s attention, point it out, and then wait for it to be fixed when he could be eating it right now.
Stairs or elevator?: Stairs. Once again, familiar with elevators because of the mortal world, but Seelie hasn’t really hit its Industrial Revolution era yet.
Are they an exaggerator when telling stories?: Nope, he’ll tell it how it is plain and simple. He’ll try to include all the relevant details, but he’s overall not a talkative person so he might leave out something that was small and didn’t seem big to him, but could have actually been.
Tagged by: @lured-into-wonderland​!
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katyasrussianaccent · 4 years
you’re so golden (corpse x reader)
Summary: You’re a faceless youtuber that sings cover songs. What happens when a certain faceless streamer slides into your DMs after you cover one of his songs?
Authors note: Part 3 whoop! I havent written fic in 3 years so Im hoping this is okay. Its about 4000 words, super long, sorry. I also dont play Among Us, but hopefully its not too obvious. Lemme know what you think!
You're nervous, though you aren’t quite sure why. The kind of nervousness that spreads to your feet, causing you to tap your toes against the side of your sofa.
Call you in 15. 
You look at the message again, staring at it till the screen goes blurry. Rubbing your eyes you exhale into the emptiness of your apartment; a feeble attempt at calming yourself down.
Logically it’s stupid to be nervous over a phone call. Logically you know that in the grand scheme of the universe, there are bigger things at hand. But you’re not a logical person, never have been. You’re all heart and emotion, both a blessing and a curse. There’s something intimate about a phone call, to have nothing but someone’s voice on the other end of the phone, talking to you and only you. It was a little scary; to think your purely online friendship with Corpse was going to be taken to a different level. You’re excited to think what that could mean.
“Fucking get it together,” you mutter to no-one as you exhale again, because there’s nothing else to do other than to wait and try to breath. There’s this frantic energy about you; like when you eat fizzy sweets, the flavour buzzing on your tongue. Your ancestors used to hunt wolves and here you were nervous over a single phone call.
The silence in your apartment’s too much now; too noisy. You grab your TV remote, clicking onto Spotify to find something. You’re scrolling so much, none of the artists feeling quite right for the moment before settling on Sufjan Stevens.
The dulcet tones fill the space, and for a brief second, you feel fine. You’re feeling relaxed and then your phone lights up.
Incoming Facetime Audio
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck” you say. Your face feels warm, your heart quickens in your chest. You could just ignore it, say you’re not feeling too good and that would be that, you wouldn’t have to do this. But it’s Corpse, you like Corpse and you’re kind of friends.
You swipe to accept the call, and press the button for speaker. 
“Hey,” you say, cringing at the meek tone your voice has taken on.
“Hey,” Corpse’s deep voice rumbles through your tiny speaker, distorting slightly and you press the volume button to turn it down a little.
There’s a beat of silence, a beat too long, and you already hate how awkward this is. You’re not great at social stuff, the concept of being a social butterfly is almost foreign to you. And it’s not because you dislike people, it’s just you hate this; the small talk, the awkwardness before you get comfortable and can hold an actual conversation.
You suddenly remember a tip from your customer service days. “How are you?” you ask, plastering on a grin so wide that it must look borderline demented. Thank god you’re single. 
“I’m okay thanks, how are you?” he asks.
You lounge back against the soft cushions of the sofa, lifting the phone up to your mouth as you do so. “I’m good, excited to be taught by the Among Us master.”
He snorts in disdain. “Hardly a master.” 
You chew your lip before you speak again, “I dunno, people on the internet think you’re pretty good.”
He snorts again, and you smile at the sound. It’s not something you’ve heard from him before, through your hours of watching his streams, you’ve become accustomed to his voice and the noises he makes. But this one seems to be new. And maybe it’s the weird, selfish part of you that likes to think he’s only ever made that sound for you. You shake the thought out of your head, because really? Getting happy over a snort is really such a ridiculous thing to do. 
“People on the internet say a lot of things.”
“True, but sometimes they speak the truth,” you reply, moving to get more comfortable; tucking your feet under your thighs. You wonder what he’s doing right now as he talks to you, is he sitting down? Or is he lying on his bed; his head propped up with pillows? There’s a brief flash of yearning, of wanting to be there in the same room as him, but it disappears as quickly as it appeared so you ignore it.
“Hm. We’ll agree to disagree.”
“Okay, you’re the boss Mr Husband.”
He chuckles softly, and again, you smile. You can feel yourself getting annoyed with yourself; you’re acting like a child with a crush; smiling at the phone. All you needed now was a notebook that had Mrs YN Husband written all over it.
“You know if you keep calling me that, we’re gonna have to get married,” he says, his voice a little lower than it was before. You blink and cock your head to the side, looking at an imaginary camera like you’re in The Office. Did you say that out loud? Is he...flirting with you? Sure, you’re flirty over Twitter, but it’s Twitter, Twitter isn’t real. There’s a fluttery feeling in your stomach at the mere prospect that he might actually be flirting with you.
“I’d be the best wife you could ever get,” you shoot back. There’s a brief second of silence before he answers, and you can hear shuffling on the other end. You want to ask what he’s doing, but you know it would break the conversation, and you’re curious to see where this goes.
“Oh really? And why’s that?” he asks, and you can picture the smirk in his voice. You have no idea what he looks like, no real care about it either, but you bet he’s got a beautiful smile. You bite your tongue before it tells him this, for once your brain actually works and stops you from making a fool out of yourself. It’s incredibly strange, how quickly he puts you at ease without a try, he’s just so naturally comforting. He’s not this flashy persona, he’s just a guy who likes to play video games and happens to be kinda good at them. And also has a voice that is literally like chocolate. Not just chocolate; dark chocolate. If dark chocolate could talk, it would sound like Corpse.
“Cos your girl can cook,” you say proudly, puffing out your chest a little. And that’s not a lie, you can cook. Okay, you’re not a Michelin starred chef, but you feel quite confident in the fact that Gordon Ramsey could eat your food, and probably (hopefully) wouldn’t scream that it was “fucking raw”. 
“And what would you cook for me?” he asks. 
You hum in thought for a second. “You’ll have to marry me first to find that out.”
He laughs, a proper laugh that settles in your stomach, spreading warmth through your chest. “I’ll think about it. I can hear music, what are you listening to?”
You straighten up a little, the question catching you off guard. You bite the inside of your cheek as you look at the song that’s playing. It’s not his type of music, you’re almost positive about that. You almost don’t want to tell him out of embarrassment. You’re not sure why you feel embarrassed; you know Corpse isn’t an asshole, he wouldn’t make fun of you. But music is so personal to you, so personal, it’s like baring a piece of your soul; which sounds so fucking cliche, but it’s true.
“Uhhh...It’s called Make out in My Car by Sufjan Stevens,” you reply.
He hums in affirmation. “It sounds nice; from what I can hear.”
“I can turn it up?” you ask, leaning forward to grab the remote off the coffee table.
“You could always sing some for me,” he offers. 
You laugh a little, scrunching up your nose. “And why would I do that?”
“I thought you wanted to get married. You have to woo me,” he replies.
“Woo you?” you ask, your tone incredulous. This isn’t how you pictured the conversation going.
“Yeah. Woo me, yn.” he says, dragging out the “o” causing you to laugh again.
You sigh dramatically. “I haven’t warmed up or anything, it’s gonna sound so bad” you warn as you put the song to the beginning.
“I’m sure you sound great. Go ahead, woo me.” 
You shake your head as you softly sing. “I'm not trying to go to bed with you, I just wanna make out in my car. And though I'm dying to fall in love with you, I just wanna make out in my car”. You stop and you’re suddenly very aware that you have essentially just serenaded him. Good going, brain.
It’s silent for a beat too long, and the smile that graced your lips starts to fade as the embarrassment starts to set in. 
“Well now we definitely have to get married,” he affirms. And there’s that fluttery feeling again.
You swallow, moving the conversation swiftly onto Among Us. You grab your laptop that was next to you, humming in acknowledgement as he walks you through downloading it. 
“So there’s a few of us joining us tonight, it should be really fun.”
“Oh. It’s not just us two?” you ask. You focus on the download, watching the number increase. You’re nervous at the prospect of playing with other people, strangers, for the first time. 
“No, it’s a 4 player minimum. We’re going to stream as well.”
“Corpse…” you start. You begin to pick at the skin around your nails, a habit you do whenever you get really anxious. This was meant to just be a cute moment where you learnt how to play a game, not a big event where people would be actually watching you, judging your every move.
“We’re going to do a few games off stream with you, you don’t need to be there for the stream after if you don’t want to,” he interrupts. 
“Okay,” you trail off, your teeth biting down on your bottom lip. You feel a little better, but not by much. You didn’t know who the other people were, what if they hated you? You ask this out loud.
“I’ll be there. You know Rae and Sykkuno. Felix, Sean and Toast will be there but they’re super nice, I promise.” His voice is sincere, and it soothes you. You don’t know him, not really know him, but you trust Corpse. You know he has his own struggles, and you believe his promise; he wouldn’t screw you over or put you in a situation you were uncomfortable with.
The rest of the call is him taking you through how to play and how to set up something called Proximity Chat so everyone can talk to each other in the game. He says it’s easier once you actually play, and it doesn’t sound particularly hard quite honestly, you just hope you don’t get imposter on the first try because you’re not the greatest liar. 
The game screen pops up, and you type in the code that Corpse gives you. You say goodbye to Corpse, who tells you to text him if you need any help. You drop into the game lobby, and you look at the little astronaut. There’s no time to dwell as a cacophony of voices hits you.
“YN!” Rae screeches and you chuckle at her enthusiasm. You’ve known Rae for a few years now, you met at college and had become fast friends. Though you had many different interests - gaming for one, you considered her your best friend. Rae was the type of friend where you didn’t need to talk every single day, you could message her a week later and it would be like no time had passed at all. And you loved that, sometimes you just didn’t want to talk to anyone. Sometimes your mood wasn’t the best, and you needed a little time to recharge. And she understood that, something that you were eternally grateful for. 
“Raebies!” you screech back, using your “pet” name for her.
“I’ve been trying to get you to play forever. But Mr Smooth Operator over there slides into your DMs and suddenly you’re a gamer now?”
“It sounds so sordid when you say it like that,” you reply.
“Hi yn! Glad to see you playing with us,” Sykkuno says. You greet him and the others, making sure to say hi to everyone in the game. You didn’t want to start off by being accidentally rude. You listen as everyone talks amongst each other, and you talk when spoken to, but you aren’t interjecting. It wasn’t anything against the other players, it was just a little overwhelming, and you were figuring out what everyone was like.
“Hello,” Corpse’s voice interrupts your train of thought and you greet him along with everyone else. 
“Aw, I wanted purple,” you say, frowning at Corpse’s name above the astronaut.
“We can switch,” he replies.
“No it’s o -” you start to speak before you realise he’s already switched to white. “Thank you, you didn’t have to.” You smile as you switch to purple, and you decide to add a flower for a little pizzazz.
“It’s your first game, I’ll kill you if I get imposter so it’ll even out,” he jokes and everyone laughs. The countdown begins and you puff your cheeks out, exhaling as it gets to 1. You’re nervous again, a seemingly common theme of the night. Your shoulders relax as the word CREWMATE flashes across the screen.
You watch as everyone but Corpse disperses from the cafeteria with haste, and you look at the keyboard to press the buttons to move.
“You ever see an old person text? That’s how I’m picturing you right now,” Corpse says as you walk together to Weapons.
“Shut up Sonny,” you reply in your best old woman voice, getting a laugh. You open up the task, shooting the Asteroids with ease. “Yay, I completed a task!”
“Good job,” Corpse replies, and you beam at the praise. You move down to o2, doing your task while Corpse does his.
“Wait, you could be imposter right? How would I know?” you ask as you walk together to Navigation.
“You wouldn’t, you just have to trust me,” he says, his voice full of charm.
You scowl. “Well that just makes me not want to trust you.” 
Before he replies, there’s a blaring alarm. DEAD BODY REPORTED. You blink at the suddenness; you were really enjoying the relaxing pace of the game. You look at the screen;  Felix has been killed.
“Who found the body?” Corpse asks.
“I did,” Rae answers. “I was in admin, and was going to lower engine and it was there in storage.”
“If you were in admin, why didn’t you go up through Cafeteria?” Toast asks.
“Because it’s quicker to go through storage,” Rae replies. They argue between themselves, and you listen intently and silently. It’s a lot of information, you can’t tell whose lying, but you guess that’s what makes a good player.
“Where were you yn?” Sean quizzes, and it takes you a second to realise you’re being spoken to.
“Oh. I was in um o2?”
“You don’t sound too sure there, pretty sus,” he says. Your face heats up a little, you’re not the imposter, but it feels like you are.
“She was in o2 and then we went to Navigation,” Corpse answers, and you breathe out as he takes on the interrogation.
“Oh you were together?” Rae asks, and you know that tone she’s got. It’s the tone that says she’ll be messaging you right away.
“Well yeah, it’s her first game, I’m not gonna leave her alone,” he says and you smile at that. 
“Yeah we’ve been together the whole time,” you add and it’s left at that. No-one votes anyone out, since no-ones really too suspicious. You carry on the game, and you find yourself really enjoying it, though the questioning part is kind of stressful. You can see why Corpse likes it so much, it’s really fun. You’re in electrical, humming as you do your task when Rae comes next to you. 
“Hey,” you greet her.
“I’m sorry, nothing personal,” she replies. Before you have a chance to say a word, she kills you and you look on in shock as your ghost floats above your body.  You listen into the meeting as Rae continues to lie and plead her case. She’s good, but Corpse knows better.
“Wait, you said you found her in electrical and you were where?” 
“I was in Upper Engine, and then I went to electrical to do my task,” Rae answers, her voice even and calm.
“I was in Lower Engine, and I didn’t see you,” Corpse says, and you grin at the fact Rae’s been found out. That’s what she gets for killing you.
“You were doing your task, I passed right by you,” Rae starts. She pleads her case, but it’s too late and she’s voted out.
“That was so much fun!” you declare. “I can see why you guys play it all the time.”
“Yes! We have converted another!” Felix shouts in victory.
“And all it took was Corpse,” Rae mutters sarcastically.
“Don’t get bitter Rachel, just get better,” you reply, causing the group to laugh.
You get the hang of it after a few games, and find yourself agreeing to stay while the others stream, though you decide against it yourself. You’ve only streamed once by yourself, and it was a very casual affair and you don’t want to feel too much pressure while you enjoy yourself. You know that Corpse gets nervous when he streams and he’s been doing it for so much longer, so you can only imagine how nervous you would be.
You tap your fingernails against the keyboard as the lobby counts down, any previous nerves have been replaced with excitement. 
IMPOSTER flashes across. You’re the only one, your astronaut looks lonely on the screen by itself, and the red letters almost taunt you. 
“Shit,” you mutter as your brain goes into overdrive. What was it Corpse had said before? Not to be too obvious. You don’t kill immediately, instead going at your previous pace to not look too suspicious. You were still fairly new to the game, and you were going to use that to your advantage.
You fake your task in Cafeteria before venting over to Navigation where Toast was.
“Hi Toast!” you greet, coming to stand next to him as you pretend you’re doing the task. 
“Oh hey yn,” he says. It doesn’t seem like he suspects you, and you’re not quite sure when to click the Kill button. You do it anyway before running out and going down and into shields. There’s adrenaline running through you as the dead body’s reported and you crack your knuckles before putting on your game face. You were going to play dumb, play the confused newbie - because to them, that’s what you were. 
“YN, where were you?” Corpse asks. Fuck. Maybe you weren’t going to get away with this.
You twiddle your hair as you draw out your words, playing the role perfectly. “Uhm I was in...shields? I think that’s what it’s called. I was in the cafeteria before that though.”
“Wait, you couldn’t have, I was in weapons. I would have seen you,” Sykkuno says.
You open your mouth to talk. “She could have vented,” Felix comments, and the rest of the group starts to agree.
“Guys, I don’t even know what venting is. I literally just started playing,” you point out, giggling.
“That’s true,” Rae agrees and you knew there was a reason you loved her.
“Bullshit! She’s playing you with her “oh I don’t know how to play” schtick,” Felix proclaims.
“Aw, that’s kind of rude, Felix. I’m just enjoying the game, doing the tasks,” you say, pouting a little. He’s the next on your list. 
Everyone skips the vote and you lean over your laptop, ready for the next round. You were going to win this. You kill Rae and Toast next, and yet again, manage to worm your way out of any suspicion. You can sense that Corpse and Felix are starting to get suspicious of you, and you know you need to bring out the big guns to throw them off.
You catch Sykkuno in Med Bay after checking the cams in Security.
“Hi yn!” he greets, and you almost feel guilty as you kill him. He’s so sweet and innocent, but unfortunately, casualties are a given. You pass Felix as he comes out of reactor and it’s only a matter of time before you’ll have to talk your way out of this one again.
“I passed yn as I came out of reactor,” Felix shouts with a hint of glee.
You roll your eyes; this is going to be tough. “Yeah I came from Upper Engine, I was finishing part 2 of a task.”
“I was in Electrical, where was the body?” Corpse asks.
“Med Bay. And the only one that could’ve been there was yn,” Felix starts.
“Well no, you could have passed me and killed Sykkuno then self reported,” you reply. “I think you can do that right?” 
Corpse hums in agreement. “Oh come on! She’s being really sus,” Felix argues.
“You are being a little sus yn,” Corpse comments.
“Corpse. You don’t really think it’s me do you?” You decide to lower your voice a little, your tone sweet but sultry. “You only taught me like an hour ago, there’s no way I’d be able to fool everybody so quickly.” You get close to the mic so it’s like you’re speaking only to Corpse. “Remember what I said? You’re a master at this.” You’re laying it on thick, and for a brief second you think you’ve been too over the top.
“This is difficult,” Corpse says, and you see the seconds count down, your heartbeat starts to quicken.
“Corpse, stop being a fucking simp and vote her out!” Felix demands.
“Corpsie baby,” you drawl out and you smile in success as you hear him sigh, almost shakily. You’ve got this in the bag. The victory screen flashes up and you cheer.
“Fuck yeah!” you shout, patting yourself on the back. You laugh as you exhale the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Good game yn!” Sykkuno comments, the others agreeing.
“Not fair, you used your womanly wiles against Corpse,” Felix says.
“Gotta use them for something. Not my fault Corpse knows where his allegiance lies,” you reply laughing a little.
You stretch, your back crying out in pain from being hunched over so long. You let out a long, loud moan of relief as you straighten your spine, your shoulders relaxing as you move from side to side.
“Your mic’s not muted” Corpse points out, clearing his throat. You feel your stomach drop and your face instantly becomes hot. Shit. 
“Oh. Uh. I totally forgot about that,” you say, forcing out a chuckle. You screw your eyes shut, any happiness has been now replaced by red hot shame. “So this was fun, uh, really fun, but um, I’m gonna, I’m gonna go. So...yeah. Bye guys, have fun!” 
You click to exit without giving anyone a chance to say a word, and drop your head into your hands. 
“Can’t wait to see what they say on Twitter about this,” you mutter into your hands.
TAGLIST (if youre bold, it wont let me tag): @teenageguitarist @fanworrior  @cherry-piee @mirahg  @clara-bee @cookinglovingalien @vir-tual @clubfairy @youretheonlyonewhomakesme @more-like-reyna @boiled-onionrings @moneybagmgk @brendalopez99 @delicateavenuenacho @dreamsofficialwife @hydrate-tion @little-red02 
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hiveswap · 3 years
tell me about your ocs i wanna know who hugo is - crunchie
Okay so there are two universes. Out of all ocs i have, Hugo's story changes the most between them, so i have to explain both.
Water!verse is more recent, so there's a lot more complex character driven stuff going on than in Sireverse. Sirenverse has better worldbuilding though, please read that too! (I'm happy to answer more questions)
Btw resurrection turns the skin grey in both universes.
The original one, is from what I call the Sirenverse. (<- lore) He was a rebellious son of the king of Ocesed, who married Angelica Moon, the leader of The butterfly society in secret. They are both powerful reapers by ancestry.
They lead a revolution to bring justice to Sirenland, until the they were betrayed by their friend Oliver Rivers, (i used both names interchangably) who held a grudge against them for letting his friend Arian (a siren) die during a confrontation in the Angel Mountains. Hugo died to pneumonia in prison, Angelica was executed.
The two had a son called Jace before the betrayal, who was then raised by Princess Elise, Hugo's elder sister in secret, alongside her son Kamil, whose father is Oliver. They uhhh Don't get along anymore to say the least.
Hugo's spirit is bound to his scarf, which is hidden in a box in Elise's attic. He comes back to haunt Jace and reveal his family's history when he brings Kamil back from the dead after he breaks his neck climbing a tree.
Sirenverse!Hugo is confident, stubborn, and has all the good intentions but fucks up every step of the way, because he is inexperienced and idealistic. He is driven by his strong sense of justice.
As a ghost he's scared, confused, and lashing out.
Waterverse!Hugo is a young actor who gains hydrokinetic and healing a powers from a lake by his home.
His father, who leads the theater he performs at, forces him to use this ability to resurrect his girlfriend, Angelica, after Oliver, another actor their age, shoots her with a corssbow. Oliver in this universe doesn't want to do it, he is forced into it as well.
Hugo's uncle, Tyler, also has these abilities, but refuses to use them to his brother's benefit, (other than a few special effects with water here and there) instead tries to intimidate him into leaving them alone. This backfires and Tyler dissapears withoutba trace one day.
They are afraid to say no, since the theater is all they've ever known and believe they couldn't survive without it.
When Angelica gets pregnant, they decide to conspire to kill Hugo's father, flood the theater until it is covered entirely by the lake, and run away.
Oliver is the one who kills him, before walking out to Hugo, who is in the process of raising a wave to cover the theater, and shooting him down as well.
Hugo doesn't fully die however, instead dissapearing into the water as it crashes down and destroys the theater.
Angelica runs away after giving birth, leaving their child, Jace, with, Hugo's sister, Elise. (Same as Sirenverse) Oliver has a child, Kamil, with her, then has a breakdown and tells her everything. She kicks him out and never tells anyone, afraid of getting the law involved.
This Hugo doesn't quite haunt Jace this time.
Kamil dies by drowining in the lake, and Jace brings him back. After that, Jace starts feeling a calling towards the lake. He eventually walks into the water.
Kamil goes out to look for him. He finds him alive eventually, also recovering Hugo's... "body" in the process. He's also very much still alive, although he's physically (and emotionally) fragile after almost two decades of laying on the lake bed.
He tries to readjust to life as best as he can after. He has a lot of difficulties. and ends up having to use a cane.
He eventually reuintes with Angelica, who he still loves although she's moved on, and Oliver, who has long regretted hurting him and doesn't know how to fix it.
In this universe, he, and all of his team, are victims of abuse at his father's hand. He's scared, hurt, not just after "dying" but before that too. He's trying his best to heal, even though his friend's fear ends up taking his life away from him for a long time.
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^^most recent drawing of him, applies to both universes (before death)
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Can u do Tom Holland x black model reader where tuwaine brings his friends to readers photo shoots and she wearing revealing clothes and lingerie and Tom starts to like her and admires her modeling ending in fluff or smut doesn’t matter
Summary: oop-
Warnings: nipples, popping out and etc- NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW YÆS
this vine has been on my mind all day AGH
Tuwaine: hi
You: do you know how awkward your already making this?
Tuwaine: how?
You: who in the hell says hi anymore
Tuwaine: well then, hello
You: alright- stop speaking
Tuwaine: I’m not speaking-
Next thing you knew he was calling you, you answered. “Heyyyy” “tuwaine” you sighed, “shut up” he laughed in return “but uh- I wanted to introduce you to a friend” “you know I have work to do-“ “EXACTLY! See I will show them the work you do!” “I’m grocery shopping”
“Even better!” You laughed at his comment while you looked at the shredded cheese section. “Fine- butttttttttttt” “what?” He asked, looking at the US football while he waited for Tom and Harry to come home. “I don’t know what I’m gonna wear, I don’t need-“ “nopenopenope no boners here y/n!” “You sureeeee?” You crossed a leg over the other as you looked up at the ceiling.
“Yes” he gave a stern answer now fidgeting with his keys, “alright I’ll see you lata” “iLl C U lAta” he mocked and hung up leaving you giggling and turning off your phone, “back to shopping” you sighed, taking the cheese and dropping it in your basket.
“Yeah sure, why not?” Tom smiled, sitting down next to tuwaine. “What does she look like?” Tuwaine handed Tom his phone, and instant blush found his cheeks while he sighed and slowly scrolled through “nice...” tuwaine cringed at him “okay, enough” “what- I only looked at one!” Tuwaine snatched the phone from him and Tom only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, looking at the TV. “Looks like someone got a little crush” “shut up you div” Tom took the pillow nearest to him and threw it at Harrison while he laughed and grabbed it.
“Uhhh-“ you distanced off as the wardrobe designer raised the clothes “the faster we do this, the faster we get out of here, work with me here” she glared at you “it’s not that- I love these but I have people coming over!” You whisper yelled, her eyes widened “why!” She whispered. “Because tuwaine wants me to meet someone-“ “who?” “Tom holland I think?!” Her mouth dropped “as in- spiderman?” “He plays spiderman?” “YES!” “I feel bad now-“ “that’s besides the point, your basically gonna be naked infront of himmm”
She winked as you shook your head aggressively at her “that’s a no no!” “You mean a yes yes, gurrlllll” “shut the fuck up tiffany” “just know that he is good lookin” you stared blankly at her while she still tried to stir things up “just give me the clothes please” she smacked her lips as she handed you the lingerie.
You sat in the chair with rollers in your hair...well not your hair, but your hair. For the makeup it was more of a soft look, baby blue covered your eyelids with clouds and cheek bones were snatched, your lips covered in a shimmery gloss.
you were in baby blue, the silky blue thong hanging on your hips, the bra was very lacy with different with patterns, the fabric see through, on your feet there is platformer white heels and on your fingers long press on white nails with blue butterflies.
“I don’t understand how you play that game” your hair dresser sighed shaking her hair as she waited for the rollers to sit. “Roblox is a really good fucking game- your just mad you have no robux” you let out a hmph as she giggled at your childish manner. “Y/n!” You heard your name being called, you looked behind you and found-
“Tuwaine!” You smiled and waved your hand, you grabbed your robe and put it on while he and his guest walked over. Tom looked around and observed the place, it was an opened windowed house, white everywhere everything clean and stuff.
tuwaine slapped toms shoulder and pointed at you, when he looked over his eyes widened as his mouth dropped slightly, he watched as if it was a movie. all slowly motion when you walked, just beautiful all over your body.
“hi tuwaine” “hey y/n, this is tom” tom continued to stare at you, to caught up in his thoughts until you waved a hand infront of his face “oh- hi!” he let out nervously, you stepped up for a hug while he raised his hand to give a handshake “oh uhhh” “yeah we can-” “nonono i will just-” he wrapped his arms around your waist and you did yours around his neck “Your more pretty in real life” you giggled at his comment and let him go, looking at his face while he admired yours, you noticed something on his face so you wiped his cheek he closed his eyes allowing it while tuwaine cringed again “i dont think im suppose to be here”
you both turn your heads around at him and tom mouthed a shut up while you only shrugged. “Y/N!” your hair dresser shouted making you jump and turn to her, she let out an innocent smile and turned the seat to you. “alright see you in a minute” you turned back to then and they waved, you turned and went back to your seat.
you walked in the room, tuwaine said he had to go use the restroom leaving tom following behind you. the room cloud themed, a very light blue sky with wide big clouds, and a huge fluffy cloud on the white table that your supposed to sit on.
“theres a chair right there” you pointed at the chair and he smiled and nodded, walking over and grabbing the chair to bring it closer.
Slow but upbeat music playing in the background as you posed, sitting down, your left leg down while the other was up, sitting up and using your left hand for strength, lips slightly opened as you stared at the camera.
Tom watched you in admiration, you did it so easy. Your body moving so soothingly and your face written with beautiful all over it, your confidence reeked from your skin and he just wanted to touch it.
“You look a bit thirsty” tuwaine said but tom didnt even notice, to blind by your curse (ew).
By time it was finished everyone got something to eat, you went to one of the empty rooms to eat because you wanted to watch love island.
“Woah your a fan of love island?” Tom murmed and you screamed turning it off “what-no! You scared the living shit out of me!” You whipped your head at him while he only chuckled and walked over, the paper plate with steak tacos and two pepsis in his other hand.
He walked over on the floor next to you and offered you one which you took. “No need to be ashamed darling, im a fan too” “favorite season?” He let out a ‘pfffft’ “season one of course” you cheered it on and agreed leaving him lauging but stopping “your...ya know is poking out” blush crawled his cheeks as you checked yourself “oh sorry” “nonono its my fault-“ “no its my bad-“ “no its mine” “no its-“
He suprised you by putting his lips on yours to stop you from talking (TaLk AbOuT cOnSeNt HoLlAnD ✋🏽🤡) when he pulled away you let out an “uhhh” and he did the same before popping the question “wanna go on a date!” “You did the steps backwards” “i didnt even have sex with you yet-“ “YET?”
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secret-engima · 4 years
So in your Naruto FF cover where Noct/Yoru is believed to be a god, what are the reactions of the families of the Chocobros? Cause their Clan member just got poached but they've also been really strange ever since their near death experience that woke up their memories (or did they always remember)? Especially the Hyuuga because they basically had Hikaru/Ignis enslaved and branded. Or even some povs from the Chocobros. (Poor Prompto, being an Aburame lol)
Ooooo tricky. Kinda depends on the family?
Lemme see- Ignis’s family are Most Displeased. They are super possessive of their eyeballs and treat their branch members as slaves anyway so they see it more like theft than a powerful man claiming a friend. Of course, there’s not much they can DO about it considering it’s Yoru and he burns Ignis’s seal off in .05 seconds and also threatens to burn the rest of the main branch to the ground if they touch Ignis again (not in so many words, but his magic does flatten a few of the members with its intensity when they got too close to Ignis.
Tbh that’s probably a blood grudge the Hyuga hold until Naruto’s time even though they stay in Konoha and Ignis is known among the hyuga not only as the blind member but the Stolen Hyuga. A warning to all hyuga of what will happen if they are not careful with their eyes and other such nonsense that only works because younger Hyuga don’t interact with Yoru enough to know that he’s a really chill dude and Ignis is happy where he is.
The Inuzuka are not too thrilled at first, but more laidback about it? Gladio still visits and they can tell that he’s Super Happy about being reunited with Yoru, and Yoru is polite and respectful to them and their dogs like him and you can never go wrong with the opinion of dogs in an Inuzuka’s eyes.
The Aburame ... are honestly the most chill about this? They aren’t too thrilled at first, but Yoru already has a Hyuga and an Inuzuka by then, so there is a precedent, and after a bit of watching it’s clear that these four are basically a Hive unto themselves and Prompto is happy to be there, is healthy and well cared for so they just kinda- shrug and move on. Maybe use the fact that one of their own is “Favored by Yoru” to their advantage during tricky Council meetings generations later.
The oddness and memories thing were long commented on, but ... mostly unnoticed in Hikaru’s case? Among the Branch Clan it was noted, but no one said anything or really thought about it because honestly I doubt the Hyuga have never had an Incident where Branch Members get a bit ... weird post Sealing and post a traumatic experience. That’s a chakra doohickey tattooed to your SKULL, side-effects are not impossible. The Inuzuka noticed it too, but Gladio was still ... himself, just a big more jaded and mature so they let it slide.
The Aburame maybe spent a good few years trying to figure out what the freak happened with Prompto though. Because they’ve never had a bug-a-phobic member before and it’s weird. They love him tho. He’s their disaster child.
Tbh in the Warring States Era nobody was really focused on mental health. If you were loyal to the Clan and could fight that was all that really mattered, weirdo personality changes aside.
Uhhh POVs but only short snips, and pls forgive any inconsistencies with previously establish AU lore my brain is tired and I may not keep all the details 100% straight. Just roll with it.:
After a lifetime of being blind, being able to SEE everything, all around, at any given time is unnerving. This entire era is unnerving and Hikaru has bitten his tongue more than once to keep from railing against it. Against sending CHILDREN, some not much older than toddlers out into the field, against the brand on his head and the heads of so many others that burns on the whim of a Main Branch member.
He keeps his head down, but inside ... he hates. More than a little bit. He is a fractured piece of glass and he knows too much pressure with make him snap, so he does his utmost to avoid those situations (because if he snaps children will get hurt even more than now and nothing will change in the Clan).
Then one day they go to meet Hashirama and Madara, to speak of peace, and of course Hikaru has heard of Yoru, the mysterious forest spirit that supposedly watches over the new village and ensures no fighting happens, but he does not actually think this Yoru will be all that impressive.
He never expects it to be NOCTIS. Noctis, who looks at him with hope and wonder in his eyes, who looks so very unchanged despite lifetimes, who rises and calls him brother and Ignis and friend and CLAIMS him in a way the Clan Head cannot dispute. No one can dispute against Noctis, because he is still a Lucis Caelum and a king and to him, their chakra is pebbles in an ocean.
And for the first time in a long time, Ignis is happy. Ignis has hope.
Gladiolus loves his new family, and he knows they love him back. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss his old life like a wound in his side. Iris’s presence makes it a bit better but also not, because war is cruel and no one cares that she is still so young (older than the other Clans children sent to the field, because Inuzuka treasure their puppies, but still far too YOUNG to the mind of a Shield and Crownsguard). He loves his canine partner and the Pack, he loves that they don’t really question his memories, how his personality has matured and changed since the incident that woke him up.
Even so...
Even so, the absence of his brothers is a bleeding wound in his heart, and when the Clan Head looks at him, Gladio knows the man can see that in his heart of hearts, Gladio is not part of their Pack. He is family, but he has another Pack, another Alpha he swore to a lifetime ago, and that loyalty still howls in his soul far stronger than even the ties of blood and Pack and love that binds him to the Inuzuka.
So perhaps that is why the Clan Head does not look as outraged or surprised as he could have been when Yoru finds him, when NOCTIS looks back at Gladio from an eerily familiar yet not face. That is why, while the Hyuga sputter in shock when Gladio hugs Ignis tight and spins him in a circle for joy, the Inuzuka just watch with comprehension dawning in their eyes. Gladio looks to his Clan Head and says he’s going with Yoru and there is not request for permission. Just a courtesy of announcement. Because THIS- this is his Pack, his Alpha, his Beta, his brothers and littermates. He will follow them above all.
And the Clan Head lets him go.
Prompto wants to know who he ticked off in his past life that had a say in the next, because he HAD to have ticked off someone. Why else would he have been reborn into a clan of LIVING HIVE PEOPLE???????
He thinks he distresses them- no, he knows he does, when he flinches from the clan techniques and hives, from the little insects and their pheromones that the Clan uses as essentially an insectoid, chakra-based texting system amongst themselves. He knows he stresses out his hive for a long time, flinching from the feel of them inside him, from the skitter of their legs and wings and the whisper of their tiny, simple little thoughts in his own when they talk to him.
It .... it’s bad for a while. A WHILE. Bad enough the Clan won’t let him fight (which is fine with him) but also bad enough he loses weight and can’t sleep from the hive buzzing buzzing buzzing under his skin from his distress toward them.
It’s his great great grandma that saves him, quite literally, because an Aburame that rejects the hive is an Aburame who dies, not by any malicious intent on the Clans’ part but just- biologically. Just like starving to death will kill him, rejecting his Hive will kill him too and he KNOWS that but he can’t just- turn off his fear.
Then one day Elder Maya, the oldest living Aburame, sends for him. He comes to her private house with shivering skin and jumping senses and the hyper-awareness of the things inside him buzzing buzzing buzzing trying to remove the source of his distress and making it worse because they WERE his distress-.
Elder Maya takes his shaking hands and leads him to her garden.
It’s- it’s beautiful. It’s so beautiful he could cry for his long lost camera of another life. There are colors everywhere, blues and greens, reds, pinks, whites, and mixed splashes of yellow and purple- flowers that stand tall, flowers that droop, flowers dangling from the vines growing up tree trunks.
And everywhere there were flowers, there were butterflies. Butterflies and ladybugs, the two insects he wasn’t completely creeped out by because they were so pretty and photogenic, and for a moment Prompto is so awed his shaking stops, the Hive inside him goes quiet. A butterfly flaps lazily over to him, a glorious thing with vivid blue wings the color of magic and black dots and swirls that remind him of fire. It settles on his hand and he doesn’t flinch from it like he does the kikachu of the clan, just stays quiet and watches it with a bit of awe.
“You are not scared of these ones,” Elder Maya hums.
“U-um ... no,” he whispers as he watches it, “they’re ... pretty. Cute. They don’t ... they don’t look like they’ll hurt me.” And that’s not really his issue with the Kikaichu, but he can’t explain a phobia to ninja, not well anyway.
“Good,” says his great great grandmother, but not with her lips, with the soft splash of impression-scent-sensation from the butterfly on his hand and he gapes as he realizes THIS is her hive. These ladybugs and butterflies are Elder Maya’s hive. He stares at her and she adjusts the dark glasses she wears, “I will give you some of mine. Why? So you can cultivate a new Hive that you will not be afraid of.”
And she does. And it’s CREEPY, but also ... kinda not? It’s ... it still freaks him out to have bugs under his skin, but these ones ... he knows these ones. He chose them, he hatched them, he raised them. They are beautiful and deadly and soft looking and can strip flesh from a target in seconds and he wishes he had a camera because it would be so cool to have butterflies that can pose on command.
It’s a rocky road, but his shaking stops, and his weight goes back to normal, and his sleep schedule returns, and all the Clan breathes a sigh of relief when they see Prompto ambling around, not flinching from the glittery blue butterflies flitting on his shoulders.
And it’s not like his old life, his brothers he misses so badly, but its kinda nice to never be alone. Wherever he goes, his Hive goes, and his new Queens are kinda ... bossy almost and its endearing in a creepy kinda way. The only thing that would make life better, make it perfect (other than to not need a Hive in the first place) would be to have his brothers again.
And then they go to the new village of Konoha, and he meets the famed and terrifying Yoru, who isn’t terrifying at all, but is instead old and tired and blue eyed, and a fish lover and when he smiles, crooked and shy at Prompto all his Hive SINGS under his skin because he KNOWS.
And suddenly the world is perfect again.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Dare: A Guns N’ Roses Fanfiction
Chapter 34: Thunderstorm
Pairing: Duff Mckagan/OC
Story Symmary: A stupid harmless dare, that’s all it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be something they would do, and never revisit. For Delilah, little did she know that visiting the strip wasn’t going to be a one time thing when she made the choice to accept the dare. Life is full of choices. Some choices can mean absolutely nothing, while others can change your entire world. Delilah had heard many rumors about the Sunset Strip or Devil’s Strip. Teenagers would whisper stories about how the Devil walks the streets of the strips without a care in the world. It was known as a place untouched by God. After years of hearing rumors about the Devil’s Strip, Delilah wants to see it for herself. Thus a Dare was born.
Chapter Summary: Delilah decides to finally do it with Duff
Taglist: @gingerspicetalks @str4nge-haze @queen-crue
Despite the rain and the thunderstorm that had started after Duff’s gig, Del couldn’t help the smile that had grown on her face. When she looked up to Duff’s face as the walked into Guns N’ Roses Place, she found a smile that met her own.
“You look sexy tonight,” Duff whispered in her ear. Hi fingertips danced down her arms until he he reached her exposed thighs that used to be covered by her tight leather skirt. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he spotted her in the crowd. His eyes studied her the entire show, and he had to continue to kick himself to knock him out of the trance she put him in.
Del could feel herself turn tomato red as he complimented her. He had called her cute and beautiful, but never sexy. She could feel the butterflies causing chaos in her stomach as the nerves flooded her veins. There was a small voice in the back of her head that whispered to her that she chose to ignore.
Del gasped as Duff spun her around. She felt a small moan escape her as she felt his soft warm lips pepper kisses across her soaking wet collarbone.
“Damn the fucking rain,” Del whispered between moans earning a soft chuckles from Duff. He pulled back, no longer sending vibrations across Del’s skin from his small chuckles.
The pair locked eyes as Duff towered over the short brunette. She felt him eye her up and down in all of her soaking wet glory. Her hair appeared darker as it clung to her features. She let out a soft chuckle and looked away from Duff as he gently placed the hair that clung to her face behind her ear. He could see her blue bra that was showing through the soaking wet white shirt, clearly on display. He took in his favorite piece of fabric, her skirt, that now barely covered his ass. He figured that it must have ridden up as they ran through the pouring rain from his gig, but he wouldn’t complain. Feeling his lingering eyes, Del went to pull her skirt down, but Duff swatted her hands away. She stared up at his hazel eyes, and couldn’t help the smirk that had grown on her face. A smirk that mirrored the one on Duff’s own.
“You better watch your mouth. Swearing is HIGHLY inappropriate. You better watch who you spend time with, I think he is a bad influence on you,” Duff replied earning a soft chucked from her making his heart leap.
“Is it safe to say that having sex before marriage is highly inappropriate?” Del could have sworn that she saw Duff’s eyes grow at least three times when she spoke.
“Highly, I’m going to have to punish you for even saying it,” he growled into Del’s ear making her melt.
“Then you’re going to have to catch me first,” Del said before she escaped his grip and began running towards the kitchen, giggling the entire way. Duff without hesitation followed her, quickly trapping her behind the kitchen table.
Del looked in his hazel eyes from across the table. There was only one word that could describe them, hungry. It was clear that Duff was the mountain lion and she was the faun.
“Well well well...Delly it looks like you are in quite the predicament,” Duff teased as the pair circled the kitchen table.
“Hmm..I’m not sure what you mean,” Del naively replies only earning a deep chuckle from Duff.
Hoping that he was distracted enough, Del tried to bolt past him. Giggles escaped her lips as Duff caught her and spun her around.
“We should probably take off this, so you don’t catch a cold,” Duff whispered while tugging on Del’s shirt. She turned, still wrapped in his arms, smiled right back at him. “I can say the same out you.”
The pair quickly removed their shirts faster than a blink of an eye, quickly discarding them on the floor.
“This as well Delly,” Duff whispered as he pointed at Del’s bright blue bra, the same one that was driving him crazy ever since they walked into the apartment.
“Here, let me help you,” Duff quickly unclamped Del’s bra as he spoke. She remained frozen in time as Duff towered over her.
“Your..your pants,” Del mumbled pointing at Duff’s pants.
A smile that could only be described as one that matched the Cheshire Cat grew on Duff’s features.
“What about them, Delly?” He teased right back.
“Can I....can I take you pants off?”
“Fuck yeah baby,” Duff said before Del began to undo his belt, and take his pants off.
Her eyes grew as she watched his member spring to life. Duff snickered as he watched Del admire it. He didn’t have to wonder if this was the first time she had seen one, just by the look on her face he knew. This only made him harder.
“Suck it,” Duff grunted as she continued to stare at it.
“I...I don’t know...I don’t know how,” Del could feel her cheeks turn bright red as embarrassment took over as she spoke. She wanted nothing more than to turn invisible and hide.
“That’s okay, do you know how to suck a lollipop?” Del nodded at Duff’s words.
“It’s just like that...don’t worry..I’ll guide you Delly,” Del smiled at his words as she got on both knees.
Duff looked down at Del as she had her pretty little mouth wrapped around his member. There was something surreal about it. He wanted to fuck her so bad, just Del sucking on his member was driving him crazy.
“Your skirt,” Del stopped sucking at his words.
She scrunched her face and looked up at Duff, “what about it?”
“Take it off,” the moment Del took it off, Duff picked her up and spun her around. Del gasped as Duff pressed her up against the cold wall.
Duff pulled back when a the room illuminated a bright blue from the lightening coming from the raging storm outside. Del felt Duff push her even harder against the wall earning a soft moan. The smell of cigarettes and vodka filled her as she gazed into his dark hazel eyes that would illuminate whenever lightening filled the sky.
Del felt her fingers slowly intertwining with his blonde hair as the taste of vodka filled her mouth. Del lightly tugged Duff’s hair, trying to pull him closer. She felt him - all of him - presses up against her. She needed more. As if on cue, Duff roughened the kiss causing every inch of Del to dissolve into his arms. Duff’s weight on Del was driving her insane. She needed more. She whined earning a quick snicker from the blonde when he carried her away from the wall and towards his and Slash’s room. The last thing he wanted was to be disturbed. He let out a small moan as Del began to lightly tug on his hair. She was driving him insane. He wanted nothing more than to drop her on his bed, taking her right then and there, but he knew he had to take it slow with her. For she was a virgin after all.
Duff was caught off guard when he tasted Del’s strawberry lips again. He felt another moan escape him as she bit his bottom lip, and slowly pulled back.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Dell nodded at Duff’s words.
“I want to show you how much I love you,” her voice was barely louder than a whisper when she spoke. She stared into his hazel eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that afternoon as she held his chin in her hand, rubbing her thumb over the small stubble on his cheek.
“Umm...do you have a...,” a lightbulb quickly went off in Duff’s head as Del spoke. He quickly dug through his dresser until he found what he was looking for, a condom.
“Thank you,” Del whispered earning a soft smile from Duff.
“So uhhh...how do we...” Del paused as she tried to find the best way to ask how to have sex. The only sex education she was taught was abstinence which clearly wasn’t helpful in this situation.
“How do we have sex?” Duff finished her question as he sat down next to her on the bed. He mindlessly played with her chestnut hair as he spoke. She was nervous, it was clear as day.
Del didn’t say a word as she nodded her head. She felt like a child. Doubt started to fill her head as she sat next to Duff. She knew he was experienced, and she was terrified that she would make a fool of herself. For she saw herself as nothing more than s girl, and Duff was a man.
“However you want. I would prefer to gaze into your beautiful eyes while we do it, but first I’m going to have to....prep you,” Duff was kicking himself once he finished talking. Prep you, PREP you, what was she a dish he was making for dinner?
“How do we...how do we make sure..that...umm I don’t get pregnant,” Del asked. She felt a smile cross her face as she felt Duff wrap his arm around her. She felt relief at the fact that Duff was being patient with her.
“I’m wearing a condom and I’ll make sure I pull out...how does that sound?” He asked before tucking some of Del’s hair gently behind her ear. It was one of his favorite things to do whenever she became nervous because it seemed to always relax her. He liked to think that it made her feel safe.
“That sounds good,” Del smiled at his statement, she could finally feel herself calm down, the nerves slowly disappearing.
Duff then guided Del to lie down on the bed, and he got on top of her as he began to leave a trail of soft kisses down Del’s stomach. He looked up at her one last time looking for permission. She nodded and sent the bassist a warm smile.
She felt the butterflies in her stomach erupt into chaos as she felt him kiss the inside of her things. Duff guided her to separate her knees, as Del felt her breath quicken. She pushed all doubt to the back of her mind as she watched his every move.
Del couldn’t help the moan that escaped her mouth as she felt Duff’s soft lips kiss her clit. She only got louder as she felt Duff’s rough tongue take over her senses.
“Ohh Delly you’re so fucking wet, and you taste, so fucking good,” Del let out a moan at Duff’s words, filling the small room.
Without warning, Duff slid his middle finger into Del, his own groan joining hers.
“Ohh god, Delly you’re so fucking tight. I just gotta...loosen you up..okay baby?” Del nodded as her moans continued to fill the room.
Del let out a gasp as Duff flipped her over in one swift motion. Del, for the first time, now towered over Duff. The way he looked at her, how hungry he was, set her soul on fire.
“Now, Delly...whenever you’re ready just,” Duff motioned towards his erect cock as he spoke. Del nodded understanding what he meant.
She positioned herself over his cock, and looked at Duff who wore a shit eating grin.
“Go as slowly as you.....” before he could continue Del had lowered onto his tip.
“Ohh fuck Duff,” Del moaned causing Duff to compulsively lightly buck his hips.
“You’re so fuckin’ tight,” Duff cussed as Del had lowered herself all the way onto his cock. It took every ounce of his willpower to not flip Del over and fuck her hard. He didn’t want to hurt her.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked, once she finished squirming on him.
When she nodded, he smiled at her and said, “if it hurts....tell me to stop.”
He grabbed her by her waist and began to slowly buck his hips. Despite Del’s general quietness, she was fucking loud and Duff was loving every second of it.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Duff said no louder than a whisper. Del remained moaning nothing more than sounds unable to form words. Her mind had dissolved as she focused on the rhythm.
“I’m gonna fucking cum,” Del was pulled from her thoughts as Duff’s husky voice filled the room. He quickly pulled out, and Del felt the warm liquid cover her breasts as Duff once again towered over her.
The room then went silent as Duff pulled Del close to him, nuzzling his head into her neck humming sweet nothings. Del felt frozen in time as the smell of vodka and cigarets overtook her senses like a tsunami on a beach. She let a small whine escape her as Duff pulled away.
“Don’t worry, Del...I’ll be right back...I just gotta...grab a towel or something...” Dell nodded as Duff motioned towards the mess he made on her chest.
Duff left his room and headed towards the kitchen. Taking a hand towel, he soaked the center of it in water before throwing it into the microwave. After some quick searching, he was able to find a second hand towel to clean the mess he made on Del, Realization snapped through his head as he headed towards the living room to collect his and Del’s clothing. The last thing he wanted was for the guys to come back to an apparent littered in Del’s clothing.
Duff froze as he heard the front door squeak open.
“What the fuck, Duff!” Duff covered his member with the clothing he was able to grab off of the floor. He felt like a deer in headlights as he stood naked as Axl, Slash, and Izzy walked into the apartment.
“Hey, guys....how’s it going?” Duff tried to play it cool as Izzy and Axl stared him down.
“What the fuck are you doing walking around the apartment naked?” Axl yelled earning a suppressed laugh from Slash.
“So..how was she?” Slash asked, not even letting Duff answer Axl’s stupid question.
Duff felt a shit eating grin cross his face before he went back to grabbing his and Del’s clothing that was still on the floor.
Slash and Izzy’s laughter filled the room, “you lucky bastard” Izzy added before heading to the kitchen.
Duff felt Axl staring him down the entire time he picked up the clothing.
“Okay...I give up..what’s your problem?” Duff turned towards Axl as he spoke. Normally he would just ignore Axl, but not today, not when it came to Del.
Axl just continued to glare at Duff. He could feel his blood continue to boil at the thought of Duff fucking Del.
“What? Am I not aloud to fuck my girlfriend?” Duff shot towards the singer.
“Not in the fucking living room!” Axl shot back, Duff saw an all too familiar fire in Axl’s eyes.
“We didn’t! Ever heard of foreplay?” Duff shot back, making sure to not raise his voice. There was more going on here. They have all fucked someone on the couch, and it was never a problem before.
“Is everything okay?” Del’s soft voice cut through the apartment.
All eyes were on Dell who had covered herself in Duff’s blanket which in the right light was a bit see through.
“Yeah Delly, I’m just grabbing our clothes,” Duff sweetly replied before walking over towards her, and placing his hand around her waist.
Izzy watched Axl’s blood boil as Duff whispered something into Del’s ear making her laugh.
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nazario-sayeed · 5 years
Afterglow (Ethan x F!MC)
A/N: This is probably the most challenging fic I've written to be honest, mostly because I had to write a character that doesn't exist and that's hard. I'm satisfied with the result though. I got the idea after the open heart team said something about new characters we're meeting in book 2. As the name implies, it was heavily inspired by the song Afterglow by Taylor Swift. I had a whole ass playlist for this fic but that song was my main inspiration. English is not my first language. Tag list is under the cut. 
WC: 4950 (sorry about that) 
Rating/ warnings: Angst, alcohol abuse, mention of sex (nothing explicit), jealously uhhh i think that's it 
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"Sienna, thank god I found you! I've been looking all over for you"
"Are you okay? What happened?" Sienna was confused to see Lexie almost running into the locker room, out of breath.
"I'm fine, but... something weird happened." she paused. "You know Dr. Marino, right?"
Dr. Leonardo Marino was invited by Dr. Banerji to spend one week working with the diagnosis team in Edenbrook. He was brilliant, charismatic... and incredibly handsome. A significant amount of the hospital staff had spent the whole week making heart eyes at him. They weren't to blame, though: he had a bronze skin, dark eyes, a perfectly cut hair, an undeniable gorgeous face that looked like it was sculpted by Aphrodite herself and an italian accent that made most people melt.  
"Yeah, of course. What about him?"  
"Uh, he kinda asked me out?" Lexie said, not sure it had really happened. Sure, they had been working together all week and got along pretty well. She noticed he was specially friendly to her- but she thought it was just his personality.
"Oh my god, Lexie!" Sienna screamed and grabbed Lexie's arms, beaming. A few curious heads turned to them, and Sienna giggled. She continued in a quieter tone. "What did you say?"
"I said yes" Lexie said with a smirk.
"Really? Oh Lexie I'm so happy for you!" Sienna hugged her roommate, before stepping back back and biting her lip with hesitation.
"What is it? Why did you make that face?"
"I really am happy for you, don't get me wrong, but I thought you weren't over… you know" she didn't say his name nor she had to. Lexie knew who she was talking about, of course. Ethan freaking Ramsey. Lexie sighed.
"I'm not over him. You know that. But I can't let it keep holding me back, can I? Besides, Dr. Marino is leaving town in a couple of days. It's just casual." She said, leaning back against a locker. They both knew Lexie was hurting more than she let on. Sienna decided not to say anything.
"I hope you have a great time. He's a catch, Lexie! Tell me everything when you get home, okay?" They hugged and Sienna went home, leaving Lexie to get ready for her date.
It had been a while since Ethan and Lexie had decided they couldn't keep seeing each other. It wasn't much of a decision, honestly. After both of them went back to Edenbrook, Ethan simply pretended nothing had happened between them, so she had no choice but to follow his lead.
That didn't mean it was easy for her, or that she didn't miss him. Because she did. But she couldn't do anything about it and Ethan kept pretending everything was fine. If it wasn't for a few pained looks she sometimes caught him giving her, she would've thought he was indeed fine.
So she kept trying to move on, even if all she wanted was to run to him and tell how she truly felt. Getting ready for her date and pretending to be excited for it was just one of her ways of pretending she had moved on.
Lexie and Leonardo had agreed on meeting at Donahue's after work, so it wasn't like there was too much Lexie could do to get ready. She was wearing the clothes she had worn when she left her apartment that morning and just a bit of makeup to at least seem like she had made an effort. As she crossed the door to the bar, she realized she was feeling really numb about it. She wasn't nervous or excited at all.
Leonardo was already waiting for her in a booth. He smiled when he saw her, and got up to greet her.
"Hi, Lexie. You look beautiful" he leaned over and kissed her on both cheeks, and she blushed even if she didn't mean to. She wasn't used to his warmth.
"Oh, thank you Dr. Marino." she sincerely doubt she looked beautiful after a 12 hour shift, but she wasn't going to argue with him.
"We're outside the hospital, you can call me Leo." he said with a smirk.
"Right. Sorry, Leo" she smiled and they sat down, facing each other.
As he ordered them drinks, she realized she was nervous after all. But only because she had no idea of how the date was gonna go. She didn't know what were his expectations or if she could meet them.
Things went really smooth, to her surprise. The conversation didn't feel forced, and he was a very nice and smart man. But that was it. No butterflies on her stomach, no accidental touches that made her heart jump out of her chest. No chemistry. She knew a lot of men and women who would love to be in her place, but she wasn't feeling anything at all. Leonardo was being respectful but flirty, smiling at her, trying to make her laugh and even gently touching her hand once or twice. One of the most handsome men she had ever met was trying his best to please her and there was only one thing on her mind: He is great, but he is not Ethan.
After a couple of hours of talking and a few drinks, she excused herself and went to back of the room where the bathrooms were. She wanted to splash some water on her face or text Sienna- just an excuse to leave the table for a few minutes.
She leaned against the sink and pulled her phone out of her pocket.
'its not going great tbh. hes fine but im not feeling it'
'im sorry :( does that mean you are coming home soon? we can open a bottle of wine and talk about it'
'sounds tempting. i'll hang here for a while but i think i might leave soon. gtg now, bye'
'good luck!! :)'
Hanging with Sienna sounded more fun that staying at the bar. She should make up some excuse and just leave.
Lexie rubbed her hands on face and closed her eyes, letting out a long sigh.
"What is wrong, Anderson? The date isn't going well?" she heard his voice and froze. When she opened her eyes, Ethan was standing by one of the men's stalls.
"Dr. Ramsey? I didn't know you were here at the bar, I...I didn't see you." She said, feeling her heart beat faster than it had all night. Pathetic.
"I was at the back when you arrived to your date" He couldn't hide the bitterness on his voice when he said the word date. He looked… off.
"Um, are you okay?"
"I'm fantastic." when he moved closer to wash his hands on the sink she could smell the alcohol on his breath. It all made sense.
"Dr. Ramsey, you're drunk!" she blurted out and it sounded more like an accusation than she intended to. He simply snickered.
"I did drink a lot of scotch. I guess I am." he said with fake amusement, drying his hands on his pants.
Lexie bit her lip, nervous and not sure of what she should do. Ethan being drunk on a Thursday night on a bar where most of his coworkers liked to hang was a bad idea to say the very least. It could damage his reputation- he wasn't a young, careless intern anymore and he shouldn't act like one. But he is not my problem, she thought to herself.
"You should go home, Dr. Ramsey" she said, trying to not stand too close. Even with all the scotch, if she got too close she could still smell something that was so uniquely him. Sometimes, she would walk by him at the hospital and smell his cologne- then all she could think about was his smell on her sheets after their last night together. It was hard to focus on anything else when that happened.
"I can't. Reggie took my keys after my third glass."
"Then grab a taxi or an uber" she nervously glanced at her watch. She should really get back to Leo, but she shouldn't leave Ethan like this. She couldn't.
"Go, Anderson. You don't want to worry your date. And you certainly don't have to worry about me." she could hear the hostility on his voice and it hurt her more than she thought it would. Apparently drunk Ethan was more of an idiot than regular Ethan.
He walked away and she could see him stumbling on his feet. She mentally cursed him and walked back to her table, where Leonardo was sitting with a new drink and a concerned face. He certainly had seen Lexie and Ethan leaving the bathroom basically together. He noticed the hesitant look on her face.
"Is everything okay?"
"Not exactly. Dr. Ramsey is drunk and I… I can't leave him like this. I need to drive him home, I'm so sorry." she tried to look guilty. The disappointment on his face was clear, although he tried to hide it.
"Oh. I understand. I'm sorry too." he smiled sadly.
She squeezed his hand softly, not sure what to do, then simply turned back and walked to where Ethan was sitting at the bar- with another glass of scotch on his hands. Lexie took it out of his hands. He turned to her, looking angry.
"What are you doing?" he tried to reach his glass but his reflexes were too slow, so she easily dodged him.
"Reggie, can I have his keys? I'm taking him home." the bartender looked grateful as he handed her the keys and took the glass from her hand.
"I don't need a babysitter, Anderson. Go back to your date and leave me alone" Ethan said, sounding exactly like a stubborn baby.
"Well, you're certainly acting like a child. Let's go, Dr. Ramsey" she was getting annoyed at his behavior. He reluctantly got up and headed for the door, not even looking back. She sighed and followed him. As she stepped outside, the cold Boston wind hit her and she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to create some heat.
Lexie looked around for Ethan and found him already walking- no, stumbling to the hospital. She had no option but to follow him.
They walked in silence to his car on Edenbrook's parking lot and quickly got inside the car, turning the heat on as she drove away to his house. The silence was far from comfortable, so she decided to just say what was on her mind knowing she might regret it in the morning.
"What the hell was that, Ethan? Are you trying to ruin your reputation?" she was almost yelling at him. She had her eyes on the road, but he could see her face turning red.
"I'm off the clock, Anderson. I don't own explanations to anyone about what I do outside the hospital, much less to you"
"Well, the next time you decided to act like a drunk asshole, you should at least do it at a bar that isn't literally 5 minutes away from where you work! Are you really that blind that you can't see how much this could hurt your image? Or are you just that stubborn?" there was no hiding the frustration on her voice now. Her knuckles were white where she gripped the steering wheel.
"I don't need your advice on how to manage my image or my career, Anderson" He spit back at her.
"Fine. You do whatever you want. Why should I give a shit, right? You know what you're doing." she laughed bitterly. Lexie could feel angry tears threatening to form in her eyes and didn't even know why. She bit her lips trying to hold it back- she didn't want to make it all worse by crying. He crossed his arms and didn't say anything else.
The few minutes that it took her to drive to his apartment felt like hours.
As they got out of the car, he was a little less drunk- just enough to feel slightly guilty, but not enough to walk straight. Lexie was still feeling mad, but as she took in the shape he was in, she decided she would let herself feel angry tomorrow. Tonight, she needed to help him.
"Come on, let's get you home" she surprised herself and him with her gentle voice.
"I can get to my apartment just fine, you should go." he tried to argue but his slow voice betrayed him, and he found himself leaning against her shoulder for support.
"I'll go as soon as you're asleep on your bed with a bottle of water and some aspirin on your nightstand" she said, which made him chuckle.
Lexie had to almost drag him to the elevador. She was trying not to think too hard about where his body was touching hers, or that she could so clearly smell his cologne. Her heart skipped a few beats. To feel him so close to her was the best and worst kind of torture at the same time. She couldn't help but remember what had happened when she was at his apartment a few months ago.
Jenner bounced on them as soon as they went through his apartment door- it was almost enough to knock Ethan off his feet. He calmed the dog down and went straight to his bar, grabbing a bottle of scotch.
"Ethan, what the hell do you think you're doing?" she asked in shock.
"Just one more glass. Will you join me?" he didn't even bother using a glass and took a big gulp straight from the bottle.
"Ethan, please, just go to sleep." Lexie was almost begging him. She just wanted to get away from there, get way from him. It was too much.
She tried to reach the bottle but he dodged her. His eyes were kinda red and his hair was a mess- but he kept drinking.
“Why are acting like such an idiot today?!” she yelled in frustration, covering her face with her hands.
“Because seeing you on a date with someone else drove me fucking insane, okay?” he yelled back, feeling as shocked with his own words as she looked. She just froze.
“What?” her voice broke.
“You want to know why I’m being such an idiot? Because I can’t stand to see you on a date with someone that isn’t me. That’s why. I wanted to punch his face every time he touched your hand, or when he said something that made you laugh. But I couldn’t do it, so I just drank” his voice was a mix of anger and hurt, and every single word felt like a slap to her face. But her surprise soon was replaced by rage.
“You don’t have the right to get mad over who I go out with! You were the one who chose to act like nothing had happened between us for months, you were the one who didn’t even give us a chance! You think you have the right to feel anything when you see me with another man? Because let me tell you something: you don’t! It was your choice to walk away, it was your choice not to fight for us, it was your choice to leave me.” her voice broke and she had to stop and take a breath, trying to hold back the tears. Before he could say something, she continued “You don’t get to drink your ass off and act like a jerk when I’m doing what I can to try and get over you. I only went on date with him because you chose not to be there for me, Ethan.”
When she finally stopped yelling, the tears had found a way to spill from her eyes even if she had tried to fight them. It felt so good to get it all out of her chest, but it also hurt so fucking much. She tried to stop the tears from falling even more but she didn’t seem able to, so she simply turned back and grabbed his kitchen counter as support. She felt pathetic and weak as she literally sobbed on his kitchen.
Ethan stood frozen in place for a few seconds, letting the truth of what she had said wash over him.
"You think I don't know that? You think I haven't been missing you ever since I went back to Edenbrook?" his voice broke the momentarily silence between them. He sounded so vulnerable. "Lexie, I don't regret most decisions I've made, but I do regret letting you go."
She quickly wiped her tears and sniffed once more before turning back to look at him. Those ocean blue eyes would be the death of her. When she spoke, her voice was merely a whisper.
"So why did you?" Of course she knew why. She had gone over the reasons why on her head over and over again. He was her boss, it was complicated and unethical, blah blah blah. She knew that. But she also believed that if he really wanted to be with her like she wanted to be with him, they would find a way.
"I don't know." his mind was still foggy. At that moment, he couldn't believe he had ever let her walk away. All the reasons seemed so stupid.
"Ethan, I think I should go, I…" the tears were threatening to come back and she didn't want him to see her crying because of him again.
"Christ, this isn't a conversation I wanted to have drunk." he said more to himself than to her. He rubbed his hands over his face and took a deep breath, looking at her again. "Look, Lexie, I don't know why I let you go. I was too stubborn, I was focusing on the wrong things… I thought it was the right move when in fact it was nothing but a mistake. But you know that I never make the same mistake twice." he walked slowly to where she was- partly because he didn't want to scare her off, partly because he didn't trust his drunk legs. She was standing frozen and he gently caressed her cheek with one of his hands. "Don't leave me again. I'm sorry, Lexie. Please stay."
Her face betrayed her surprise and pain. It was all she had wanted to hear for the past months and yet she felt her heart break into a million piece. Even though everything in her mind told her to turn back and leave, she couldn't. It was a treacherous situation, but she knew she would do anything he asked her. Instead of leaving, she leaned into his touch.
He moved his head towards hers but instead of kissing her, he touched his forehead to hers, She gently removed his hand from his face and brought it to her lips, placing a soft kiss to the back of it.
"We don't have to make any promises today, okay?" she whispered and he simply nodded. She smiled and stepped back, clutching his hand on hers. She was afraid that if she let it go, he might not come back.
"Come here." She led him to his suite and as they crossed his room to go to the bathroom she tried not to think too hard about the things they had done on that bed, even if she hadn't been thinking about anything else for months.
She sat him down at his toilet turned the shower on. She stood in front of him and slowly helped him out of his clothes, letting her fingers softly graze his body as she undressed him. It wasn't a sensual touch or anything- she just needed to feel his skin under her fingertips to make sure he was real, to make sure the whole thing wasn't some kind of twisted dream.
She stood up and looked down at him: drunk out of his mind, naked, looking more vulnerable than she ever remembered seeing him, and looking up at her with those ocean blue eyes full of… something she couldn't quite place, but she knew it was a good something. She smiled down at him and reached out to run her fingers through his hair. He leaned into her touch.
"Lexie... I'm sorry I was such an ass today. I'm sorry you have to see me like this." his voice was broken. All at once, she forgot any anger she had felt that night. She only wanted to be there for him, she wanted that moment to last forever- both of them letting their feelings for each other show, standing vulnerable in his bathroom with the steam from the hot water surrounding them, making everything look almost ethereal.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Let me take care of you now, okay?" her voice was so soft she didn't even recognize it. Ethan closed his eyes and simply nodded.She leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, trying to let some of her affection for him translate into that touch. His breath caught in his throat.
She helped him get inside the shower but as she was trying to leave him- she wasn't sure of where they stood at that point, but she didn't want to push him too far- he grabbed her hand.
"Can you stay, please? Just… stay." he pleaded. Anything, she thought, I will do anything you ask me to.
"Of course. Just give me a minute okay?" she smiled at him and he nodded, sitting down on the bench on his shower wall and letting the water pour over him. She stepped out and peeled off her clothes, taking a moment to fathom the whole situation. Was it really happening?
She stepped back into the shower and smiled shyly at him. The weirdest thing was that there was no sexual energy in the air. She couldn't quite describe what was happening at that moment, but it felt almost pure. They were both vulnerable, and open, and just there. Letting go.  
They stood there in silence- he sitting on the bench, and she taking care of him- but it wasn't uncomfortable like inside the car. It was peaceful. Lexie helped him wash his hair, his body, wash away the alcohol and the regret. Suddenly, one word came to her mind: intimacy. That was what she was feeling at that moment, it was the energy surrounding them. He had literally been inside of her, but in that moment she felt closer and more connected to him than ever before. For the first time that night everything felt so simple. They could almost forget all the complications attached to their relationship. In that moment, none of that mattered.
He finally stood in the shower, facing her. She looked up at him and felt her heart skip a beat as he brushed one hand over her cheek.
"Thank you, Lexie" he whispered, then leaned down to press his forehead to hers. She knew where this was going.
"Ethan, we shouldn't..." she whispered back, her throat closing. She couldn't go through this again, she couldn't. She had said to him they didn't need to make any promises that night- but if they kissed, there was no going back for her. She didn't know what she would do if he leaned in but she also didn't know what she would do if he pulled back.
He moved his face lower and pressed a kiss to where her neck met her shoulders, making her hold back a small moan.
"I'm so sorry, Lexie. I'm sorry I pushed you away. I'm sorry I was an ass today. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm just sorry" he said, his voice cracking. She couldn't tell if the drops she felt on her shoulder were from the shower or his eyes.
"It's okay. I'm here" she said softly, wrapping her arms around him. His lips moved up again and slowly found hers in the most perfect kiss she could imagine. It was slow, soft, vulnerable and intimate. It wasn't a kiss like the ones they shared before. It was a quiet answer to all of their doubts.
God, she had missed those lips, those hands on her body, his taste- even if she could only taste the scotch. She had missed him.
Eventually, they broke apart. She was smiling despite of herself, but he looked serious. With their hands still around one another, she asked:
"Is everything alright?" she didn't want to admit that she was afraid of the answer. She couldn't have her heart broken by him again.
"Lexie, what is this for you?" he asked with a serious tone.
"What do you mean?"  
"This. Us."
Oh. She wasn't expecting that question right away. She searched his eyes and found that he didn't look drunk at all anymore.
"It's… I don't know, Ethan. It's not casual, that much I know. It's something I've been wanting even before we first kissed and haven't stopped wanting ever since." she admitted. She couldn't put into words exactly what they were for her, but her answer was as close as it could get. He seemed relieved.
"That's good to hear. You know me, you know these things aren't easy to me. I know this is too much to ask this soon, but I just needed to know if we are on the same page." he smiled and kissed her cheek. She was naked in the shower with him- the same man she had sex with twice- but that kiss on the cheek was what made her blush.
They took their time finish their shower; washing each other and getting lost in gentle kisses. The kind of closeness they experienced in that moment had nothing to do with sex; it felt somehow even more deep and intimate.
After Lexie dried herself and put on one of his bath robes, she went searching for her phone and found it under her clothes on Ethan's bathroom floor. There were multiple texts from Sienna; it was only then that she realized how long it had been since she told her roommate she was leaving the bar- and she never made it home. She discreetly closed the bathroom door and dialed her number. Sienna picked up after a couple of rings.
"Lexie, where the hell are you?" she sounded so concerned, which made Lexie feel guilty.
"I'm so sorry, I forgot to call you. Tonight was eventful, Sienna. But I'm fine."
"What do you mean with that? Where are you?  Why are you whispering?"
"I'm whispering because I'm in Ethan's bathroom, wearing his robe and I don't want him to hear me" she whispered furiously. There was a long silence on the other side of the call.
"Oh. Are you spending the night?" Sienna asked; Lexie could almost hear the grin on her voice.
"I think so. Yes. I'm not sure what's going on right now, but I'm fine and I have to go. I just needed to let you know that I'm alive, okay? I'll tell you all about it when I get the chance"
"Okay, sure. I'm just glad you're okay. Have fun and stay safe" Sienna said with a giggle and Lexie rolled her eyes.
"I'm going to ignore that. Bye, Sienna, I'll talk to you later" Lexie ended the call with a silly smile on her face, then returned to Ethan's room where he was waiting for her sitting on his bed, also wearing a robe.
"Who was that on the phone?" he asked with a smirk.
"You heard that, huh?" Lexie walked to the bed and laid down, propping her head on an elbow and looking at him.
"The walls are thin, and your whispers aren't as quiet as you think"
"It was Sienna. She was worried about me."
It was his time to lay down, mirroring her position and looking at her as well.
"And what did you say?"
"I told her the truth." Lexie reached between them and laced his fingers with hers. "That I'm fine and that I'm here. Is that okay?"
He gently stroked his thumb on her hand, smiling softly.
"I assumed you would have to have a conversation with Dr. Trinh and Dr. Greene after they caught me sneaking out of your room."
"Elijah pretended it didn't happen, but I did talk to Sienna. She's been there for me those months we've been apart. She knows exactly how hard it was for me when we had to end things, how hard it had been for me to even try to move on." She mentioned it casually, but his eyes filled with sorrow.
"Lexie, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I pushed you away when I should've fought for us, I'm sorry I distanced myself from you these past months. I'm mostly sorry that I hurt you." he moved his hands to her face, pushing the hair on her face behind her ear. "It kills me to hear you say how hard it's been for you and know it was my fault. But I want to fix that, okay? I’m here now.”
“Ethan, I understand why you did it. We can’t act like this isn’t complicated, because it is. But we can try to make it better, and we can try to make it work. Together.”
She closed the distance between them with a kiss that felt like a promise.
That night, they fell asleep together, naked, side by side, with a million different challenges and promises hanging between them. But, for that night, they chose to ignore everything else and just focus on the feeling of being in each other's arms once again.
tagging: @bryceslahelas @lahelalove @donutsgirl36 @queenkaneko @msjpuddleduck @niaellariious @flyawayboo @brightpinkpeppercorn @jlpplays1 @desiree---1986 @embarrassingsmartphonegame @mfackenthal @cerisesayeed-ramsey @chasingrobbie @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @akacalliope  @perriewinklenerdie​ @lastfirstcupcake​ @sparklinglilac @sofreakingdonewiththeworld​ @makingbadchoices​ @isabella-choices​ (let me know if you want to be added/removed from my tag list)
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no-goddamn-cilantro · 5 years
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I got a bug, so I decided to write this ridiculous nonsense.
Adventures in Babysitting
The ship hummed softly as the power-down sequence began, and Rocket was quick to hop out of the pilot's chair and make his way back to the makeshift child seat Gamora insisted he use. Something-something safety, something-something, blah-blah-blah, whatever.* Groot's safety is and always will be number one, but it's insulting that she thinks a glorified bucket with a seat harness is going to do shit. Rolling his eyes to himself, he lifts the "baby carrier" by the handle and disembarks, wincing in the bright sunlight on Peter's home world.
He probably should have told Peter he was going to come, see if the guy had any family to visit. Ah well. Too late now, time to meet his old pal to drop off the kid before getting down to business.
Dyn Jarren was, to put it mildly, exhausted. After Sporog, there had been nine other planets, either too hostile or where they were too easily found. Nine.* So he'd decided to... Branch out a bit. Hit the next Galaxy over- he had contacts there, a Mandalorian covert hiding away on the moon of some backwater planet called Terra where the locals had barely managed to intrude on the dead rock, let alone notice the comings and goings of the refugees on their own moon. One of these Terrans had even gained that most precious of commodities years ago, the Mandalorian's trust.
There were three shootouts, a target's gills getting infected with fishrot, and said Terran actually convincing the target to be encased in Carbonite willingly. It was a wild four days, but the man was trustworthy, never having breathed a word of what happened during his "spirituality retreat."
Landing in a tucked away copse of trees near his contact's current location, he hefts The Child into his arms, turning his head to shush him gently.
"None of that. It's faster if I carry you."
Without another word he disembarked down the gangplank and set off at a brisk pace, following the coordinates in his helmet's display.
Keanu was sitting in the sunny Northern California early afternoon, dozing off if he were to tell the truth, at the rather larger home than he really needed that had been rented for the next week. He wanted plenty of room for Rocket and his young ward to explore and relax though, so this was his best option. It was secluded, no neighbors for miles, with a dense forest to the back and miles of vineyards in lieu of the missing neighbors.
A coo only a few feet from him caused him to jerk fully awake suddenly, eyes opening to see a man he'd never expected to see again and- was that a child?
Standing, he greeted the unexpected guest from outer space with a pleased smile.
"Mando! Man, wow, it's been like- six years? How are you? And who's this little guy??" As he approached his face broke into a more intimate grin as he made eye contact with the tiny green child, delight lighting up his face as The Child gifted him with another coo.
The Mandalorian, for his part, gives a neutral hum that borders on pleased. "This is The Child. We're currently hiding from parties that want him dead- or worse. I was hoping we could lay low here for a while- is that alright with you?"
Keanu, for his part, is astounded at that story, but the only question that passes through his lips is, "Mando, have you not... Named your kid?"
Despite being able to see exactly none of the Mandalorian's face, he can practically feel* the other man's blush. "... It hasn't been important so far."
"Keanu." Unexpected, deadpan snark from his friend, but he rolls with it. Abruptly, he remembers his manners and invites them hurriedly, offering food and beverages. Dyn declines both for himself, but soup for The Child if he has it. Keanu does and quickly begins heating some on the stove. While that's working, he tries to figure out how to tell the bounty hunter about his other, expected visitor.
As it turns out, the Mandalorian wasn't terribly fussed about his having other guests, so long as they didn't try to harm either the man or the* child, though the Terran man was subjected to a hard stare he couldn't see but could definitely feel when he mentioned his other guests were "a little unusual-looking."
Rocket, true to form, didn't bother with knocking, though Keanu was openly relieved he used a door at all for entering the abode. The bipedal raccoon, on the other hand, was distinctly and obviously uncomfortable. With a blatantly false smile across his snout and speaking through his teeth, Rocket jerks his head a few times back towards the living room from the doorway of the kitchen where he'd abruptly halted.
"Hey, Neo, need to talk to you real quick. In here. Away from the bounty hunter."
The implacable stare of the helmet followed them out of the room and until they turned the corner, Rocket leading his friend halfway up the stairs leading to the bedrooms. Before Keanu can speak, Rocket is standing- somehow- on the railing and gripping the collar of his jacket, pulling him close to mutter threateningly in his face. "I don't know what that guy has told you, but I don't have any more bounties on my head. I went straight, we all went straight, we're doing good now. I won't let some Mandalorian asshole with out of date information skin me for credits, you got it?"
"I'm not here on a bounty."
Both man and raccoon in the stairwell jump, looking down at the Mandalorian standing with crossed arms. He continues, unperturbed by the blatant hostility of the raccoon that scampers down the stairs to stand eye to... Well, hip, until he takes advantage of the banister again. "I'm just laying low for a while. Needed a place to hide. Keanu mentioned you were coming." At the last sentence Rocket glares back at the man, before Mando dryly adds, "We were unexpected. You weren't."
Keanu decides that he needs a strong mug of tea.
So once helmet-head and his little goblin child are settled in the dining area, Rocket goes to collect Groot and his- bucket, no, carrier- from where he'd left him napping in the sun. He is completely unsurprised that his own little monster child has managed to escape the prison of the child seat and is frolicking in the yard after a butterfly or some shit. Rocket allows himself the barest moment of tender enjoyment of watching Groot just be happy, before he knuckles up and shouts across the open lawn.
"Hey Groot, come meet your babysitter! I don't got all day, hurry it up!" The tree person- is he a shrub right now? He's small enough to be a shrub- comes scampering across the yard, stopping in front of Rocket, crossing his arms, and indignantly huffing.
"I am Groot."
"Yes, you do. I can't leave you on the ship by yourself for a couple of days."
"I am Groot!"
"Because I'm the adult and you're not right now."
"I am Groot?"
"Keanu. Don't give me that look, that's his real name."
"I am Groot."
"Look who's talkin'! You think either of us have room to be critical of someone else's name?"
"... I am Groot..."
"That's what I thought. Now c'mon, he's waiting inside and he made you food, so be grateful."
He takes his ward's hand, leading him inside. More to himself than anything, he mutters, "But Keanu is a weird fuckin' name..."
The second meeting with the children present goes much smoother than the first. They sit and share a meal- with the exception of Dyn Jarren, who answers endless questions about Mandalorians, his helmet, his weapons, and anything else Rocket can think of to annoy him with, with a remarkable amount of patience- if not without more of the snark Keanu witnessed earlier. The fathers then send their children to play, with stern warnings about not leaving the yard that are, the Terran is sure, going to be completely ignored. He has to grip Mando's sleeve to get him to sit and stay after some noises of play begin and the man slightly panics.
Rocket, for his part, decides to refuse to be this much of a worrywart over Groot upon observing the bounty hunter's near-palpable anxiety over his foundling.
Keanu decides to get into the practicalities of the next few days, asking what each child likes to eat, when they're supposed to sleep, and what discipline they're used to, ready to take notes.
Both Mandalorian and raccoon stare at him blankly after the first question. He tries again, starting with what he thought was the easiest question.
"what time do they generally go to sleep?"
"Uhhh, Groot just sorta passes out when he's tired. Usually about... 9ish? I guess?"
"Does he nap during the day?"
"How'm I supposed to know, I'm workin'! He just sleeps when he's tired."
The bounty hunter's shoulders drop slightly in what might be classed as defeat. "He sleeps all the time in about two hour chunks, then he's up for about five." When the Terran blinks at him in what looks a lot like confusion, he sighs. "I've tried getting him to sleep longer, but unless he ends up using his abilities, it's just not happening."
Keanu nods in what appears to be deliberate lack of judgement, making notes on either side of his page. Rocket snatches the paper almost as soon as he's done with his bedtime notes, barking a laugh at the name given for The Child.
"Mando Jr.? Really, bounty hunter? You couldn't come up with anything better?"
"... I didn't come up with it."
"So what's his real name?"
"... It's not important. That'll do for now."
And so the conversation went, discipline being a similarly baffling subject for both of them. When it came to food though, they found surprising common ground.
Keanu made a continue gesture after they both looked at each other in surprise, before Rocket jocularly punched Dyn on the shoulder. Dyn, for his part, just seemed exhausted. Keanu could relate.
"Soup. Small bits of meat... Mushrooms. Insects if he can catch them."
"Groot'll eat anything, kid's a trash compactor. We done here?"
Keanu is more than happy to finish out the conversation there, releasing them to go check in on their kids before headed out. Sometime in the last few hours, Rocket had decided a Mandalorian was pretty good backup for what he was doing and asked if Dyn would like to come along. The bounty hunter had sighed heavily before nodding his agreement.
Which brought them back around to the sitter conversation that now had Keanu reaching for the tea kettle again.
It was going to be a long three days.
Keanu, for his part, was pleased to discover Groot had no problems retreating to his and Rocket's room at 9pm for bed. The Yiddling, as was the name that seemed to stick for the sitter, was another story.
He whined, he grizzled, he even squealed a time or two. The Terran just kept calmly holding the kid and bouncing gently, singing half-remembered lullabies to the child as it slowly, eventually, tired itself out. Keanu very gently lowered the child into the crib he'd acquired from the bounty hunter's ship before they left, taking the three steps back to his bed to collapse backwards into the sheets and blissfully drop off after hours of soothing a fussy toddler who could move things with his mind.
For two hours. Then the crying began again.
It was a long night for everybody, and the sitter was more than happy to go start the coffee pot just as the first fingers of sunlight began to creep over the treetops behind the house. By the time he had breakfast prepared for the two children under his care, the kitchen was bathed in golden morning sunlight. The two ate well, then his little tree-like charge turned to him with a stubborn tilt to his head.
"I am Groot."
"A nature walk? Why?"
"I am Groot!"
"I somehow really doubt the forests of Earth are your ancestral home."
"I am Groot!"
"... You know what, an excellent point. You two can find all the frogs you like and I won't have to attempt to catch any for you. We'll go in a little bit, okay? I need to pack you both lunches in case we're out for a while, and I need to put together that thing."
"That thing" was, in fact, a jogging stroller for doubles. A quick overnight delivery after the arrival of not one, but two children in his care necessitated it, and it had arrived promptly at 8am. He cleaned up after his little charges, helped them both wash their hands in the sink, and then sent them to play for a while as he carefully read the instructions for assembly.
One hour, two bandages, and a hurried, "don't repeat that!" tossed in a nosey Groot's direction after some overheard profanity, and the babysitter had the stroller ready. He packed two quick lunches based on the Yiddling's preferences- as his was the more specified, and Groot really would eat anything, including the plate- and got them all out the door, a bag of essentials that he resolutely would not call a diaper bag tucked into the very-convenient compartment beneath the seats of the stroller and took them down the path that had a trail head right there in the backyard. Keanu decided Groot really did have an excellent idea with this.
Two hours later Keanu was smugly pleased with both the nature walk and the double stroller. Both kids were passed out asleep in their stroller seats, snoring gently with the remains of their lunches clasped gently in sticky fingers- twigs? Claws? Fingers was just easier for Keanu's exhausted but triumphant brain- and resting lightly in their laps. He was now taking a leisurely stroll back to the house, enjoying the peace as much as communing with nature.
And so that's how the three spent the next several sleep-deprived days. Breakfast, stroller, wander through nature (one extremely disturbing frog-hunting hour around a pond that he's never mentioning to another living soul except for maybe their parents) lunch and afternoon naps, playing tag and other such games in the yard, dinner, and then a fraught bedtime with the little Yiddling.
When their parents returned, Rocket was nearly bowled over by an excited Groot, being squeezed happily by suddenly very long toddler tree arms. The Mandalorian was passed The Child by a tired but very happy Keanu, who reported to both parents that they were good kids and behaved. Mando was surprised in equal measure by both the Yiddling- he was keeping that name for him, thank-you Keanu- falling asleep in his arms immediately, and the sitter in question's flabbergasted stare that soon melted into a soft, gentle smile.
As they each departed for their ships after what was decidedly a warmer and noisier splash than The Mandalorian had wanted to make on this planet, they were both secretly pleased at just how comfortable their children had been with the Terran, and at how well they'd been able to work together.
Perhaps they'd have to do this again sometime.
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camillemontespan · 5 years
confident camille [interview!]
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I really really hope you like this. I was planning to release this in like two weeks but I feel I can’t add anymore to this piece. I really enjoyed writing this one, like ridiculously enjoyed. It felt like sitting down with a friend - and I know that’s weird but I guess that I’ve been writing Camille for so long now that she does feel like a friend. 
Imagine this is a magazine spread :)
I’m so excited to publish this one. Not because I think it’s good but because this is Camille right here. 
@moonlightgem7​ @ibldw-main​ @emichelle​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @katedrakeohd​ @loveellamae​ @mskaneko​ @gardeningourmet​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @sirbeepsalot​ @dcbbw​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @saivilo​ @notoriouscs​ @walkerswhiskeygirl​ @pug-bitch​ @dcbbw​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @burnsoslow​ ***************************************************************************************
The Duchess of Valtoria is in a chatty mood. As she poses for photographs for our cover story, Camille takes breaks to ask the crew how they are, what’s everyone got planned for the weekend and what did we think of the latest Beaumont Bash theme?
She is dressed in a bohemian pink dress which fits the theme of our issue today - confidence. The dress is bright and colourful, just like the woman wearing it. Later, she will be changed into a white shirt and ripped denim jeans with heels, and more pictures will be taken. Our creative director wants Camille’s confidence to shine from the page; looking at the images, we agree that our vision has come to life.
When Camille finally gets a moment to sit down with a cup of coffee, she changes into jeans and a loose fitting sweater. She hooks her denim clad legs up beside her and settles in for our interview. She looks upbeat and happy, her smile making the corners of her eyes crease, a smile that is genuine. 
It’s remarkable to me that despite the current press attention - which has been intrusive and negative - Camille is still smiling. She must have really thick skin.
'I’ve learned to block a lot of it out,’ she admits. 'At the end of the day, only you know who you really are, not anyone else. I don’t listen to those who say I’m the worst Duchess in Cordonia or that I’m a bad mom. I get on with it.’
And she certainly has been doing that. For the past ten years, Camille and her husband, Drake, have fielded negative press. Yes, they have also been subjects of positive articles and they are much loved in Cordonia; but there are still many traditionalists who make a point of slating them. 
Previous negative news stories have focused on Drake being too vocal about men’s health, Camille being too ‘fake’, their decision to have their daughters study at a ‘normal’ school (i.e one where they are the only noble students) and the couple implementing a restraining order against the paparazzi. While news outlets condemned the couple, Drake and Camille carried on with their daily lives.
I ask what led to their decisions, starting with the restraining order.
'Our daughter, Lily,  was photographed in the school playground when she was five,’ Camille tells me, her eyes flashing. 'That made us incredibly angry and so that set the wheels in motion to get the courts involved. Then when we found out I was pregnant with Luna, that really forced us to evaluate everything.’
I wonder what that entailed.
'Drake and I sat down together at the kitchen table and we set out what we wanted for our family,’ she explains gently, hands spread, justifying herself to me. 'It’s one thing when we are being photographed, you know? That comes with the territory of being Duke and Duchess. But when your child becomes involved.. The child you have tried so hard to protect.. Well, it makes you take a long hard look at everything around you. We felt like we failed Lily and we refused to make the same mistake with our second child. ’
Her voice cracks now. I tell her that they hadn’t failed their daughter but she shakes her head. 'We had,’ she interrupts, her voice thick. 'She was supposed to be safe and when her picture was plastered all over the news, she was instantly vulnerable.’
Drake and Camille are notoriously private when it comes to their family life. Their daughters go to a school where they are the only noble children, a decision that prompted outrage among the aristocracy and media. 
'We wanted them to have a normal childhood,’ Camille says, shrugging. ‘I was born a commoner, as was Drake. The whole royal circus doesn’t fit our personalities and we wanted our kids to just be kids, you know? I think it’s amazing that they have their own friends who are not of noble blood, it’s refreshing. And guess what? The other kids don’t care that Lily and Luna are noble! They literally don’t! They just play and fight and get muddy outside; they exchange leaves as a declaration of love, for gods sake. They’re children.’ 
I get the feeling that their girls  are  little firecrackers. Camille grins. 'That’s exactly the word to describe them. Actually, funny you should say that because Drake calls them his little pocket rockets.’
Drake is the one who first told the press that they were seeking a restraining order against them. He has made no secret of his dislike of the media circus that surrounds his family, yet I wonder why he isn’t here today.
'Because he will get all fiery,’ Camille says, giving me a wink. 'He’s a fiery guy, my husband.’
That is certainly one way to describe Drake Walker. 
‘He is very protective,’ she continues. ‘But he has to be. I guess when I was being stalked on a daily basis, I didn’t want to complain? Like, I thought if I complained about my invasion of privacy then everyone would go ‘oh poor little Duchess in her golden tower.’ I didn’t want to seem.. Ungrateful for my position. And the photographs come with my position so I didn’t say anything. Does that make sense?’
She looks at me with wide eyes. I say it does. She smiles, her shoulders relaxing now. ‘Well, Drake isn’t like that. He saw me being stalked by the paparazzi and it made him so, so angry. He defended me when I wouldn’t defend myself. I was so good at keeping my head down, trying to be a polite and regal Duchess. I wouldn’t make a scene. Drake can’t do that and I’m grateful to him for being the tough one.’
Drake has ensured that whenever his family are photographed, pixels cover their children’s faces. Yet it was a rogue photographer who took Lily’s picture while she was playing in the playground years ago and sold it to the highest bidder. ‘We felt sick to our stomachs,’ Camille tells me quietly. ‘She was only five. So I’m here today to say that I’m tearing up the rule book when it comes to what’s expected of me. I’m not going to sit and be silent anymore; when you target my little girls, I’m like a lioness protecting her cubs. I will go after you.’
She says all of this in a quiet, soft voice but not once does she waver. Since becoming a mother, it is clear that Camille has changed. Gone are the days of when she first came to public attention and wore an innocent smile, winked at the cameras and talked non-stop about New York. She seems more self aware, more reserved, fragile.
‘Oh, this life changes you,’ she confirms, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. ‘One hundred percent. When you have to watch how you appear to the masses, watch what you say.. You have to look out for yourself. I actually cringe when I look back at previous interviews I’ve done and I’m showing the journalist around my dressing room. Like, here’s my new Valentino dress!  I was so new to this shiny world. Uhhh why?! That is not how a duchess behaves! I can totally see it from Bertrand Beaumont’s viewpoint now!’
I admit that Trend does love a look around their interviewee’s closet and the beauty section on our website is partial to a video of a celebrity showing off their make-up routine. Something tells me that Camille wouldn’t take part in this now. 
She has changed, but so has her husband. He used to be in the background at court; now he is at the forefront. Has the change been gradual?
‘Yes,’ she says. ‘But he’s changed for the better. His walls are down, he talks about how he’s feeling which is so, so important. He has his mental health foundation, Mind over Matter, that is going from strength to strength and he is such a good dad. I honestly couldn’t live without him.’
Drake and Camille met during the suitor competition that saw her compete against the other noble ladies of court for King Liam’s hand in marriage. The suitors had to take part in events such as boating and horse riding, while touring the country to show themselves to the public. Camille was the favourite to win; she shocked everyone when she rejected Liam’s proposal, instead choosing to be with his best friend, the one and only Drake Walker.  When did she realise she wasn’t there for Liam anymore?
Camille reddens at my question and clears her throat. ‘I had to be very, very honest,’ she admits. ‘Questions were asked. I guess I realised that throughout the whole thing, the one person I wanted to spend time with was Drake. Okay, you know when you have a big crush and you wake up and the first thing you do is think of them? Or you feel constant butterflies in your stomach that just won’t go away when you talk to them? That was Drake for me. He was it.’
But when did she realise she loved him?
‘When I saw him dancing with someone else,’ she says instantly. ‘I always danced with Liam, you see. But one night, while I’m dancing with Liam, I looked over his shoulder and saw Drake dancing with my friend Kiara and that.. that hurt because Drake never danced with anyone. It was innocent, of course, but I realised that all I wanted was to dance with him. I wanted to dance all my dances with him.’
She shrugs. 
I ask how she feels about Kiara, who is well known amongst the press. Did Camille feel like she was competing for his attention?
Camille blinks. ‘Uh, no,’ she replies. ‘I’ll be honest, I’m a girls girl. I support other women, like with my podcast (more on this later). When I say that it hurt to see Drake dancing with Kiara, it doesn’t mean I didn’t like her. I do like her, very much actually. But I never viewed it as a competition because it wasn’t; if anything, Drake was doing his own thing. I was in a contest to marry his best friend, it would  have been totally unfair for me to want him to ignore other women and just focus on me.’
She is panicking now, trying her best not to say something that will bite her on the ass. I divert back to her feelings about Drake and Liam; how did she feel when she came clean?
‘Like a weight was lifted,’ she says. ‘Once I was honest, I felt like I could move on. It was hard and I felt guilty, but I did feel relief.’
I imagine Drake felt more than relief at landing the girl of his dreams. ‘No,’ Camille muses. ‘He took it really hard actually. He is a glutton for punishment and felt so guilty for betraying his best friend. When I told him I had said no to Liam, he didn’t believe me and when he finally did, he asked why I had done something so stupid..’
I ask her to elaborate. She smiles weakly. ‘Drake used to be really negative about himself. He didn’t believe he was worthy of happiness. But he is so worthy and I’ve worked really hard to make sure his walls don’t come back up and that he talks to me if things start feeling too much.’
Drake has been vocal in the past about his struggle with depression and alcohol. How did Camille feel when she found out? Was she aware of it?
She bites her lip. ‘He was good at hiding it,’ she finally says. ‘I feel like I failed him as I just didn’t realise for a long time. I’m usually so good at understanding people, you know? I can tell when someone is feeling  vulnerable. But it completely blind sided me.’
Did Drake tell her himself? ‘No. He just slipped up. I wish he had had the courage to tell me, but I understand why he felt he couldn’t. He’s a proud man, my husband. He doesn’t like to feel like a burden - not that he is. But there’s only so much shit one person can take..’
 I gently ask Camille how she deals with his demons.
‘You take it day by day,’ she tells me. ‘I don’t force him to be something he’s not. If he’s having a bad day, I leave him to it but at the end of that day, I do sit him down and ask him to talk about how he’s feeling. He attends AA meetings and has therapy. He’s made huge strides in talking about his emotions - he set up his own mental health foundation for God's sake, that’s huge. I’m honestly so proud of him.’ 
Drake has received somewhat narrow minded criticism from male journalists who call him ‘weak’ for discussing mental health issues in men. Apparently, according to some, men in Cordonia are happy and strong, thank you very much. I wonder what Camille thinks of him being the public figurehead of men's mental health, leading the crusade. 
‘I think it’s really brave of him actually,’ she says instantly. She’s clenched her fists and I can see from the ramrod straight position of her back that she has been expecting this line of questioning and is on the defensive. ‘It takes a lot for a man of his position to stand up and admit that he is an alcoholic and suffered from depression. He opened himself up to a lot of scrutiny; he’s such a private person too, so he really was going against his own nature to talk about something that is so important. He’s helped thousands of men in Cordonia because of it.’
She is passionate and fierce when it comes to her husband. Her voice quietens and she wrings her hands together. ‘He’s inspired me to be more brave,’ she murmurs. ‘He’s made me want to stand up for things that matter, to ignore the naysayers and just do my thing. Drake paves the way and I’m just happy to follow in his footsteps.’
They are a refreshing noble couple in that they don’t shy away from real world issues. They make it their mission to spread positivity and reach out to those in need. Camille set up a rehabilitation centre for recovering drug users, a move that many found to be too risky as it would bring up questions about her past, but Camille shrugs it off. 
‘I saw my parents struggle in their battle with drug addiction,’ she says. ‘It’s an issue that’s very important to me.’
We know nothing about her parents except for their drug abuse. Is there anything Camille can tell us today that shines a light on them? Camille bites her lip and hesitates, as if trying to work out if this is a trick question. In the end, she smiles and she clears her throat.
‘My father was called Jacob,’ she begins. ‘My mother was called Gabrielle.’ She laughs to herself. ‘You know Chanel’s perfume Gabrielle? I wear it everyday. Not because it smells beautiful, though it does, but because it’s my mom’s name. I like to think I’m close with her when I wear that scent. You know when you miss your mom so you wear her scarf that smells of her skin? It’s like that. Lily does that with one of my sweaters, she will wear it sometimes when I’m away on business as a way to keep me with her. So, the perfume works like that with me and my mom. We weren’t exactly close when I was a child, so I guess that’s my way of trying to rectify that.’
I ask her which of her parents she is most like. ‘My dad,’ she says, smiling. ‘Before he became an addict, he was the best dad ever. He was also so handsome, so so handsome. He had these beautiful green eyes that shone. My eyes are my mom’s and Drake loves my eyes, right, but I wish I had my daddy’s eyes.’ She says this last part wistfully, as if she’s imagining it. 
She’s being so open right now which is a delight; usually, she doesn’t mention her parents at all. She continues. ‘He was a great cook and he loved to talk to people. If he spoke to you, he would make you feel like you were the only person in the world. He had that gift.’
She tails off. I must admit that Camille has that gift too. I tell her so and her face breaks into a wide grin that crinkles up the corners of her brown eyes. ‘Really?!’ she cries. ‘Oh my gosh, thank you so much. That is really sweet of you.’
It is tragic that this man that she speaks of so highly is no longer here. But she shuts down when she mentions his downfall and so, I move the conversation onto something lighter, such as her new podcast.
Camille rolls her eyes. ‘Are you going to say I’m being a crappy Duchess who doesn’t know her place?’ she teases, gently squeezing my hand. I’m not; I’m actually an avid listener of her episodes and Camille claps her hands excitedly. ‘Aah you’re so kind!’
There has been negative press about the release of Camille’s podcast ‘Working Girl.’ Released last year, the podcast is hosted by the Duchess who interviews women who are at the top of their careers to pick their brains on their career paths, the glass ceiling, women’s opportunities at work and if they have any wisdom to share with the listeners. According to statistics, 80% of listeners are women. Does Camille want male listeners too?
‘Yes,’ she says instantly. ‘I want to close that gap. I want men to listen to these powerful women and re-evaluate everything they’ve been conditioned to believe at work, like women should be paid less or that men can do a better job. I want to challenge the traditional views held by most of Cordonian society - because let’s face it, Cordonia is so, so traditional- and I want to use my voice to make a difference. I’m feeling brave and I’m doing it my way.’
The media has called her ‘out of touch’ with noble life. Because hosting a podcast about women’s rights is apparently not something a Duchess should do. According to the experts of regal life - the tabloids-, Camille must stay in her duchy for all time, under lock and key, pushing out baby after baby after baby, wave politely and must, absolutely,  let the paparazzi take pictures of her anytime they want to. I say this to Camille and she bursts out laughing, a deep throaty laugh that makes you feel warm just by hearing it. 
‘You got it in one,’ she tells me, wiping her eyes. ‘Look, I know I’m not a traditional duchess and my husband isn’t a traditional duke. But we are deliberately like that; we want to challenge convention and make changes from the inside. Drake wants to improve the lives and wellbeing of the men in Cordonia while I want every women at work to feel like they can achieve their ambitions. I want a world where my daughters can get a job and know that they will have a great future there, without being held back by perceived notions about their gender. Men forget that women are strong and powerful; it’s about time we reminded them of that little detail.’
She has clearly been spending a lot of time with Olivia Nevrakis. Camille giggles. ‘She’s one of my interviewees! Oh my God, she’s a riot. She wanted to drink wine during our podcast session and I was like, ‘Liv, it’s 10am,’ and she goes, ‘So?’ I honestly love her.’ 
What made Camille decide to make the podcast? 
‘My friend, Kiara- you know, the Duchess who danced with my husband all those years ago-’ she says with a knowing wink - ‘wanted to land a top job within international trade in the government. But she kept being passed over for men who weren’t as qualified as she was. She was literally told by an interviewer that she should just settle down and be a Duchess. It was rude. I spoke to our friends, like Olivia, Hana and Penelope, and we were all in agreement that we wanted to do more with our roles. We have this amazing platform to make a change and I realised that if Kiara, who is fluent in four languages and has an incredible education, is struggling to land the job of her dreams, how many more women out there are in the same boat? So, Working Girl was set up.’
It is a great podcast. It fires you up and makes you feel like you can take on the world. I literally went out and bought a power suit after listening to her fiery discussion with Olivia. I ask her if Drake listens to it.
‘Of course!’ she cries, her eyes widening. ‘Oh, he is so supportive. If I’m researching another women to interview, he will give me suggestions. He suggested Salma Hayek but I think that’s only because he has a huge crush on her.. I contacted her people, just waiting to hear back. I’d love to see Drake go all nervous and tongue tied! I wouldn’t blame him.’ 
She laughs and then goes back to being serious. ‘Yes, he listens. He tells me that if he is away in another country and it’s a different time zone which means I’m asleep, he will listen to my podcast so he can hear my voice.’ 
Her voice is like caramel; it can be quite husky in places but soft in others. She has the right voice for recording podcasts; if she wasn’t a Duchess, I’d suggest she host a radio show.
Moving on from women, we begin to chat about her daughters.  I tell her that looking at Drake, you can’t imagine him being the type to have daughters. He has always talked about his love for the outdoors, getting muddy. I can’t see his daughters being excited by mud. Lily is ten, while Luna is five; they are the spitting image of Camille. 
‘Ah, but you forget that they are half Walker!’ Camille tells me, laughing. ‘Lily is a daddy’s girl and she loves getting outside with him. She likes camping and hiking. When she was younger, she was always collecting frogs.. Seriously, she had a frog collection in our garden and she gave them all names. My older daughter may be really girly but she is also a little rough and ready. I wouldn’t have her any other way.’ 
What is Luna like? Are they close or is the age difference tricky?
Camille considers this. ‘Luna is very different to Lily,’ she says. ‘Yes, obviously the age difference means they are at totally different stages of life but they are close; Lily really looks out for her sister. In terms of personality,  Luna is quieter and quite reserved. Like, when Lily was her age, she was bounding around, a firecracker, bursting with energy. Luna is not like that. She always has her head in a book, she loves to draw and she hates the colour pink, unlike Lily who adores pink. Her favourite film is Nightmare Before Christmas, which isn’t a typical kid’s film, right? But she loves spooky stuff. I think the fact her name means ‘moon’ is a good indication of her personality. Also, while Lily is more like me, Luna is very much like her daddy.’
I’m surprised by this. In what way, I ask.
‘She is very observant,’ Camille explains. ‘Even as a baby, you could tell she was always looking around the room, at the people around her, trying to suss them out. Drake was the same; he’s good at reading people just from always being the background when he was young. She also has quite a dry sense of humour which is rare in a five year old. Like, the other day she accidently broke one of Lily’s necklaces and handed it to her with a totally blank face and went, ‘Oops.’ Deadpan. I’m really curious to see what she will be like when she’s older. I got a feeling she isn’t going to take any shit.’ 
She smiles now. ‘I love her so much.’ 
I ask if Luna enjoys camping too. After all, if she prefers to read books, maybe camping isn’t her scene. 
‘Make no mistake,’ Camille says, ‘Luna loves camping too. Drake has succeeded in his mission to make his daughters love the outdoors! Dad of the Year Award coming up, he would probably say.’
Can she see a son in their future?
Camille shrugs. ‘Maybe? Who knows. We haven’t really discussed it; I think Drake has resigned himself to a life of tea parties. But if we did have a son in the future, we would call the baby Jackson after Drake’s own dad. Lily, Luna and Jackson. It sounds nice, right?’
They are a close family unit. I ask what they get up to in their downtime, as surely being Duke and Duchess takes it out of them. 
‘Sundays are our day,’ she confirms. ‘That’s the morning when the kids barrel into our bedroom at 8am, excited to greet the day because it means they can spend all the time with us without school or our meetings getting in the way. I read the paper or drink my coffee in bed, while Drake and Lily play on top of us. Luna snuggles into me and  tries to read the articles too, though she is still learning so she won’t understand it all. We’re all squished up together. It’s claustrophobic, it’s messy, it’s elbows in faces, but I love it.’ 
She pauses for a moment with a thoughtful expression on her face. ‘If I’ve learned anything from ten years of marriage, it’s the moments in between that count.’ 
I ask her what that means, hoping she will impart wisdom for me to absorb and apply to my daily life. Camille smiles. ‘My husband loves the moments in between,’ she explains softly. ‘It’s when you take a moment to yourself and do something that gives you joy and peace. Like, drinking a glass of whiskey by the fire. Or getting lost in a deep conversation with a friend. It’s carving that little space for yourself to just.. Be.’
Drake sounds quite philosophical, I tell her. Camille giggles. ‘He is! When I first came to Cordonia and we hung out, we had those moments. If I needed to escape the competition for an hour, get out of the claustrophobic bubble we were in, Drake was there. He would take me to dive bars or to pizza restaurants. It was a sense of normality and calm amongst the chaos. It helped me to focus on myself and enjoy those little moments that Drake gave me.’ 
Did Drake know what he was doing?
‘Absolutely,’ she says with a firm nod her head. ‘He knew I was feeling pressure. He can read people really well, you see. Years of being on the sidelines at court taught him to judge situations and people. He can see a fraud from a mile away. He could see me with a fake smile on my face as I took part in the competition and he knew I was feeling like a fish out of water.’ 
I ask if Camille viewed herself as a fraud, noting the vitriolic way she is now speaking.  She sighs. ‘I felt like a fraud, yes,’ she replies. ‘I hated lying and acting like I was wanting to win. It was exhausting. It was hard keeping my feelings down. I can’t do that. I’m a really emotional person, I wear my heart on my sleeve.’
She is clearly talking about her hidden feelings for Drake. I remember her telling me that she felt relief when the truth came out; I see now that her feelings for the king’s best friend were her burden. 
‘I’m glad Liam is still my friend,’ she says, keeping her voice steady. ‘I got to say, it would never have worked between us.’ She laughs now and the matter is shut down. 
I shift the conversation back to the restraining order. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past ten years, Camille had been stalked by paparazzi practically everyday. Pictures had been taken of her in her car; going for a run in the park; kissing her husband; picking up her daughter from ballet class. Everything she has ever done has been photographed and shared among the media. What was the worst experience that happened to her?
‘I guess it was when I was pregnant with Lily,’ she says after thinking for a long moment. ‘It was terrifying. I would be walking to my car and the photographers would surround me, pushing and shoving. I was scared they would end up pushing me and I’d fall, hurting my baby.. But again, I didn’t complain because I assumed it was part of the royal circus that surrounds the nobility. This shit is what you sign up for, right?’
She fixes me with a steady stare. ‘But it’s not right,’ she continues. ‘It’s disgusting. It is not right for a pregnant woman -or anyone, in fact- to be photographed every single day. I became a commodity. But I was too scared to pipe up and say exactly what I thought; I wasn’t brave. Drake had to do it all for me, he was the one who hired a full security team that would never leave my side. For so long, I thought I could just walk around and be normal. I didn’t realise..’
She breaks off. I hold my breath, waiting for her to speak again. Finally, she does. ‘I didn’t realise I wasn’t normal.’ 
In a way, she isn’t. Her story is not normal. A former waitress from New York who flies to a European country to take part in a competition to win the hand of a future king. The same waitress who defies expectations, wins his heart, but rejects his proposal in favour of someone else. The rejected king gifts her a duchy and a title instead of sending her home packing. She is now a Duchess who is curtseyed to and called ‘Your Grace.’ Her story is not typical of the average American woman. Her story is the stuff of fairytales. 
But what a fairytale. 
To round off our interview, I decide to ask her some lighthearted questions. What is the one thing - not a person- that she can’t live without?
Camille giggles. ‘Ooh hard one,’ she says. ‘But I guess I have to say my Canon camera? Drake bought me it as a present for my 30th birthday because I love taking pictures. I don’t use Facebook, you see, so I don’t have online albums. I use Instagram but it’s not exactly the same, so I like to take actual photos and put them in actual albums. I hate this digital age, I miss the innocent, simpler times of just taking photos and sticking them in a book.’
I ask what she takes photos of. ‘My family,’ she tells me with a smile. ‘I’m always taking pictures of Drake and our girls; Drake hates getting his picture taken usually but when he’s posing with Lily and Luna, they make him laugh and put him at ease just by being their adorable selves.’
What are her hobbies? I imagine she is too tired to even think about hobbies what with her job and all the plates she is spinning, but she shakes her head. ‘I love yoga,’ she answers. ‘Every morning, I practice. Sometimes, Lily will join in with me which is quite sweet.’ 
She likes to read too. ‘I love vintage books. I love an evening by the fire with a glass of wine and a good book. Simple.’
The moments in between?
‘Exactly,’ she says, giving me a nod. 
Does she still find time to visit New York, her hometown? Does she miss it?
‘We go once a year,’ she tells me. ‘Whenever we’re in the states to see Drake’s mom, we will go to New York and just be a normal family. What do I miss? Oh man, I miss the accents, the angry cab drivers, the cronut bakery that was next to my old apartment.. I do love New York.’
One final question. How does it feel looking back on everything and seeing where she is now?
She considers this.
‘This feels like a different life,’ she says softly. ‘I’ve changed; grown up. Back in New York, I was stationary, working as a waitress, trying to get all the tips so I could keep a roof over my head. I wasn’t making a difference, I wasn’t really living..’ She bites her lip. ‘Now, I’m living. I’m feeling braver than I ever have and I think that’s all down to my family.’
Is she happy?
‘I am,’ she tells me, her face breaking into a smile. ‘I’m more confident, I feel more belief in myself, I feel like I’m making a difference. I have two amazing daughters and an incredible husband.’
She nods to herself, her cheeks turning pink as she thinks of Drake. ‘Yeah,’ she whispers. ‘I have it good.’ 
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mrsunderhill678 · 4 years
Hehe, guess who wrote more shit? Well, it’s not shit, but uhhh... Yeet
“Hope for the future is just optimism based in dead realities.” - West Von Sparrow
“He's claimed me as a butcher would a carcass, he's bled me dry and left me ta hang on this hook. I have been flayed of my soul, of my flesh, of my fucking humanity, guess I should'a learned he who rolls against the house, never holds the damn die.” - West Von Sparrow
“You may be a monster, but I'm just a little less than human, and that's what makes me, dangerous." - West Von Sparrow
“It's the break of a new dawn, and though the dusk took my last sunrise, I ain't giving in, cause after all, the sun doesn't rise only once. So when the night comes, just remember, bravery gets you through the night, love gets you through the day.” - Delilah Coraline
“It's beautiful, isn't it? When you find someone to share your world with?” - Evangeline Frights
“Guess I'm an oaf that's seen some shit, but so long as I'm her oaf, I bet I'll be fine.” - Crane Hemmington
“I haven't been in the trenches, but blood spilled is a war in of itself, thing is, you become the enemy.” - Crane Hemmington
“Everything that is yours, can just as easily be mine, possession of self is all you have, and even that can be taken.” - Ballith Greedpaw
“Life is the most precious thing to steal, is it not? Not only do you steal a life, but the joy the memories of the poor bloke you slew held in those who loved him's mind.” - Ballith Greedpaw
“Greed is such a twisted thing, and I suppose that is why I am tangled.” - Ballith Greedpaw
“If you want to speak in the language of what haunts you the most, you'll find yourself speaking the tongue of your mind.” - Damon Watkinson
“I, can do whatever I want, cause in a game with no consequences, why would I choose to lose? You don't reach the end of the checkerboard without the words, "King me," rolling off your tongue. You don't trap the other player's King without saying "Checkmate," so why would I get this far just to say, "Sorry?" - Damon Watkinson
“I have seen the truth, and a thousand lies, and perhaps, I am nothing more than one of the thousand.” - Damon Watkinson
“Our love is magical in the sense that it is beautiful in all it's simplicity and complexity.” - Gracie Hangers
“Life's been a struggle, of black eyes and bloody knuckles, the betrayal of false love and hopes, but whenever my heart falters and threatens to stop, I look into the eyes of my children, and find a reason to fight.” - Camille Trueblood
“I thought I fell in love, when all I really did was tumble off the fucking cliffside. God, I dived into those waters so willingly, drowned for a man who doesn't God damn care. All he's ever been is a false promise, and I guess those hurt more than lies, don't they? Lies are so easy to catch, but a false promise of love is so seductive, especially for a girl with... Nothing. All I had was my heart, and I guess he took that too.” - Jenna Coleburg
“The sun always fades into the night, you're guaranteed to spend some of your days in darkness, but that ain't what matters. What matters, is that you fight through it, and come out God damn smiling. It's what I did, ain't the strongest man of all, the one that comes out of hell still smiling? Or perhaps, the one who walks into hell, smiling.” - Carter Gariah-Smith
“I was swung from the gallows for sumthin' I never would'a done.” - Carter Gariah-Smith
“Just because something is damaged, don't mean it can't deal some.” - Carter Gariah-Smith
“Funny, huh, how in these thirty odd years of mine, I knew her for three, and if you think about it, those were the only three years I lived.” - Avelice Bevelriks
“I lost everythin', really, Sandy, my darling wife, she was my rope, and I guess ever since she snapped I just been floatin. It's cold in these hands of mine, these memories of her. I'm tryin' so desperately ta hold onta em, but they're slippin, they are. Her smile, her laugh, it's all faded. Don't even remember the sound of her heart no more. Though... I can still see her, in my daughter. Her eyes, her laugh, hell, even her smile or the way she sits. Sometimes it's hard lookin' at my daughter, some days it's like I'm lookin' back at Sandy's ghost.” - Casimiro Boeheken
“I've seen the devil's dreams, where young men die by young men's hands, where boys turn ta men and mothers ta widows.” - Casimiro Boeheken
 “Got a noose round my neck, and the floorboards are creakin' underneath me. Either I can cut the rope, or let them floorboards give way, cause either way, I'm free.” - Casimiro Boeheken
“Everything we do has a song, a melody, a voice. And I can hear the song in his smile, harps and echoes of angels, but I can hear the tinge of pain that haunts him.” Marinda Weathers
“I live to love, I live to lift up those around me and tell them, "You're strong, you're brave, and God, are you beautiful, live life like a butterfly, flutter those wings and fly. Because life is short, and you, are loved." - Marinda Weathers
“Day in day out, I fight, I win, and I move on. That's life, these days. Days pass, but I don't.” - Garret Weathers
“Everyone loves the angel with broken wings, huh? Cause they fight the hardest to get their wings back, only to realize, they're the savior of nothing, and they're ripping their own damn wings.” - Garret Weathers
“We can fight the dark, punch it square in the jaw and tell it to back off, cause the dark's only got place in our life when it's lightin' up the stars, and we ain't here to stay in the shade.” - Bob Weathers
“He who won't accept all of ya, don't accept ya at all. The bravest thing you can ever do is be you in the face of the man who hates ya.” - Bob Weathers
“My lullaby sings of secrets I cannot possibly understand, and my heart plucks the chords of joys forgotten and tragedies resurfaced, such a melancholy tune, this melody of my scars.” - Beatrice
“It's like Amethyst and Wanda are my lighthouse, constantly guiding me home. Even if I'm drowning I can see their light from underneath the waves.” - Gracie Ace
“Perhaps I ain't got no stars leadin' the way, but I got my heart givin' me direction. Sure, it's scarred, and God is it battered, but it's flutterin' them wings with everythin' it's got, and me? I'm still pumpin', blood's still coursin' through my veins, so I'm alive, and by every God, I'm fuckin' kickin.” - Crystal Bones
“It's kill or be killed, and I guess we just ain't dyin.” - Alfred Godsel
“In the eyes of many, I'm a hero, but in my eyes, all I see is a man with a gun, who pulled a trigger, and ended a life, but still somehow managed to make the most egregious of sins look like a hero's doin. How the hell did we manage to make spillin' blood somethin' noble?” - Alfred Godsel
“I've lost a lot, but I'll save my grievin' for the livin', for those who've managed to die before they ever hit the dirt.” - Alfred Godsel
“They say dead men tell no tales, but when I come knocking, oh, you'll be wishing that was true, you can pray to every god you know, but that won't save you, no one can. Because he who you silenced, have ripped the stitches from their mouth and out tumbled your secrets, right into my ear.” - Celestia Cloven
“At first I thought it a curse, the whispers of the dead, but not anymore... Not anymore. They speak to me their secrets only so they may find rest, and so he who wrought him demise, may be brought what they deserve. And I, am what they deserve.” - Celestia Cloven
“Belief can be either beautiful, or oppressive, it's up to the morals of the man who believes to create the damn definition.” - Jakobi Warcoat
“Until the fires of this revolution swallow us whole we will shout, we will cry and weep, cause freedom ain't so quietly taken away.” - Jakobi Warcoat
“You wanna kill us, go ahead? Show us just exactly who, you, are. Cause we already know, all yer doin' by killin' us, is provin' us God damn right.” - Jakobi Warcoat
“I've been running all night, trying to find myself, but sometimes I feel... Lost. But maybe that's not a bad thing, you know? The lost boys found a purpose in Neverland, after all.” - Gayle Flint
“I've got scars, and God do they show, the markings of a lonely child lie on my wrist, and they hardly compare to the ones in my heart and my mind.” - Emma Flockheart
 “If a warrior isn't a woman who's been through hell but came out a better person, than I don't know what is.” - Emma Flockheart
“My father was the one who built the crumbling pillars of my heart anew, but now, without him, I'm crumbling, God, I'm crumbling.” - Juno
“Some days, I feel perfectly comfortable in my body, and other days it feels like a cage and I wish I could just scratch at my skin until I tore my way out.” - Juno
 “No matter where you run, or where you hide, your mind gives you up to your demons every fucking time.” - Juno
“You can't explain love, just feel it, and trust it.” - Lynsey Aldallen
“You have the strength of a thousand lions, you shed your mane, and traded it for the hunt, and as you were always meant to, you led the pride, with your claws and your strength, the remnants of your mane fluttering behind you. And that's beautiful, to be brave and vulnerable all at once.” - Lynsey Aldallen (For context, she’s talking about her sister, who’s trans)
“My mother rescued me, I rescued her, she's my hero, but sometimes, we have to fight for our heroes, because their strength falters. And when it does, it's up to us to save them.” - Lexie Rebhan
“I'm already swingin', I reckon, these gallows were made for selfish men like me, I imagine everyone'll cheer. All hail! All hail! The wicked man is dead, strung by his neck, payin' for his sins with the devil. It's damn well the fate a man like me deserves.” - Ron Jameson
“So oh gravedigger, vengeful angel of death, put me down as you would a wolf wearin' the single dead sheep's wool in the flock, watch me bleed. Cause that's what I did to you. I caused you're pain, I caused mine, just be lucky you don't have to live with me... Cause I do.” - Ron Jameson
 “I was born to be damned, as they say, they speak of me in such terrible ways, history is written by the victors, the patrons, the saints, never by she who made it.” - Selena Wolfmoon
“All who burned me at the stake only had to live with themselves, but I, I have to live with the actions of every single one of them, and, worst of all, I have to live with my death. The scalding of my flesh and the charring of my bones, the screams of my two daughters still haunt me. They way Eldridge begged and howled, or how Autumn cursed at those who damned her. And all I could do was howl in grief as we burned away, but I imagine we were lost, just as tears in the rain or stars upon the waking of the sun.” - Selena Wolfmoon
“I like to say I'm tough, but it ain't because 'a what I look like on the outside, but who I am on the inside. You could be strong as all shit and still be a weak man. All you ever gotta do ta be weak, is push another down, and all it takes ta be strong, is helpin' a man up.” - Elwood Sparrvitz
“I 'ave been made anew by the love I been showed and given, my heart no longer beats 'a regret and pain, but for my lovely wife and children. Cause if your heart don't beat for no one, what's life worth?” - Elwood Sparrvitz
“To be completely divine is as inhuman as it is to be entirely damned, entirely broken or whole, we are never one hundred percent, we are many pieces, smelling of ash and smoke, and the fire that created it.” - Diaze Calico
“Savagery suits her like a well tailored suit, or a ball gown on the most royal of queens. She is savagery, she wears blood like wine on her teeth, and your pain like the finest of shawls, and in the end, she shall wear that shawl of your scars and dance before you in it, she shall make a mockery of your death, for that's all you ever were.” - Diaze Calico
“You can believe that hell is not where you'll go, but that's the greatest lie the devil ever spun, that there was an option other than her, that there was a loving God watching us.” - Diaze Calico
“The wicked doth not sleep, they doth not live, only breathe this blood on their breath.” - Diaze Calico
“Out of all this pain I've been through, I've found that even if bullets had flown that day, and planes had been torn from the sky on burning wings, it was in my sleep, when my mind was at rest, that I felt the most bloody chaos.” - Duke Benson
“I should've died the day a bullet pierced me fucking skull, but all that's left is this scar on the Earth known as Duke bloody Benson.” - Duke Benson
“I'd ask for a prayer or an amen if I thought it'd saved our damned souls, but a single prayer won't save a man who's sinned.” - Duke Benson
“A prayer won't save a man who's lost his fucking faith.” - Duke Benson
“With a foe as cruel as myself, I was bound to bloody lose.” - Duke Benson
“Bury me six feet deep, mate, deeper if you can, because I am a soldier, a sinner, a beast, not a bloody man.” - Duke Benson
“Reckon me 'ands are as stained as the soil wifin' da trenches.” - Angel Benson
“Inside me is a boilin' angah, at da world, at dis pain, myself and anyone in point blank range. I imagine me angah's shot me point blank, left the man I was fokin' bleedin', dead from a single shot.” - Angel Benson
“I've always condemned what I can't fokin' understand. So if I fear meself, wot does that make me, aye?” - Angel Benson
“You know wot's fokin' funny? You don't 'ave ta fight in it, ta be bloody broken by it. You could be livin' untarnished boi it, next thing you know, a soldier's knockin' on your fokin' door. War breaks all. They who fight, and they who bloody don't.” - Angel Benson
“Raise a glass ta da sinner full 'a anger, raise a glass for the poor bastards and blokes war touched, cause all who 'ave known her embrace 'ave known pain no loving God could create. But never, mate, NEVER, raise a glass, to the bloody Bensons.” - Angel Benson
“When I'm finally in da dirt, where I belong, da world will keep spinnin', the sun will rise again, as it shall sink, and though it may rain, da world won't weep a single fuckin' tear, for da man known as Jerry Benson, cause mate, why should it?” - Jerry Benson
“Us soldiers, we're cheered for, celebrated, but dey care only for da actions, not for da man.” - Jerry Benson
“As I've learned, 'e who tastes death will find dat da aftertaste is an eternal stain on one's tongue. Da tang of iron and blood is all dey'll ever fuckin' know.” - Jerry Benson
“God created us to love 'im, and expected us ta be more selfless den he.” - Jerry Benson
“War don't change a man, no, it kills him, and replaces the soldier with itself.” - Mordakai Benson
“He who runs with the wolves is bound ta be ripped inta the moment he stops runnin', no wonder there's blood on my teeth.” - Mordakai Benson
“War don't give a damn who you are, what kinda pain you been through, it'll putcha through more while promisin' glory! That's the picture they paint. Soldiers woopin' for victory and glory for all who fight, but they always forget he who catches the fuckin' bullet.” - Mordakai Benson
“The only thing you and I got in common is that we were made by God, difference is, I was forgotten by him.” - Mordakai Benson
“Don't raise no glass for this soldier, don't pour no wine on my casket, cause I'm the lamb that strayed from the flock, only ta learn he always wore a wolf's fur.” - Mordakai Benson
“I’m one dead dream away from blasphemy.” - Calliger Cougar  
“They say life is short, Tommy, that it goes by in the blink of an eye, so why ain't we fucking dead yet? I blinked a hundred times, and I'll blink a hundred times more. Cause no matter what they say, it don't go by in the span of a blink, or like a bullet speedin' through the air. It's slow, and God damn miserable, this here ward is proof of that.” - Ben Stilts
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Name:  Stephanie.
Country: USA.
Age:  31.
Gender(s): Female
Height:  ~5′4
weight:  70-something lbs.
eye color: Brown.
skin color:  White.
Heritage: I’ve been really wanting to do one of those ancestry dna or 23 and me tests to find out exactly what I am. Relationship status:  Single.
Are you physically healthy?  No.
Are you mentally healthy? Nope
Job?:  No job.
school:  I graduated college back in 2015.
Animal:  Dogs and giraffes.
Flower:  I don’t really have one.
Movie:  I have many favorites.
TV show: I have many favorites.
Music:  I like variety.
Band:  One of them will always be Linkin Park.
Video Game: Mario Bros games and Animal Crossing: New Horizon
Gaming Console: Nintendo Switch.
Name:  Alexander. ;)
Person:  My family.
Love life:
1: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.
2: Do you love them? 
3: Are you still in love with an ex? No.
4: How many people have you dated?  Two.
5: Do you think you’ll get married?  No.
6: Have you ever been emotionally/physically abused in a relationship?  No.
7: Have you ever hurt your partner by accident without knowing it? I’m single, but no I don’t think I have in the past. But if I didn’t know it then I wouldn’t know?
8: Whats important to you in a relationship?  Communication, trust, understanding, patience.
9: Do you have to see them everyday? ( or hear from them)? I’m singleeee. 
10: Do you think you can love someone within 2 weeks? I personally don’t think so.
Friendship and Family:
1: How many friends do you have?  Zero.
2: What type of friend are you?  Not a good one anymore.
3: Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? Yeah. My former best friend and I were friends for almost 15 years.
4: Do you have one best friend, more or none?  One, my mom. 
5: Have you ever had a friend just stop being your friend and you never knew why?  Yes.
6: Do you get along with family?  Yes.
7: Do you have a family member you hate?  No.
8: Does your family accept who you are?  Yes.
9: Are you an only child or have siblings?  I have 2 brothers. 
10: Do you have parents that still live together? Yes.
1:What grade are you in? I’m not.
2: Are you in Middle, High, or college? ( or neither)?  Neither, like I said I graduated college back in 2015.
3: Whats your favorite class?  English was always my favorite. In college I enjoyed most of my psych classes.
4: Do you have a fav school year?  Elementary school years.
5: Are you a good student?  I was, yeah.
6: Do you think homework is good or bad?  I wouldn’t say it’s good or bad. I mean, I get seeing if you’re understanding then material and whatnot and applying it. I guess it depends on the amount assigned and what type of assignment it is. 
7: Have you ever had a teacher who was really funny but had poor teaching skills?  Yes.
8: Is your GPA high or low?  It was high.
9: Do you like to particpate in conversations in the class room or are you the listener?  I was definitely a listener. I haaaaated classes that made class discussion apart of your grade.
10: Do you take part in extra school events? (eg. Plays, sports, leadership,clubs)? I was in clubs in high school and the psych club in college, even serving as a board member.
1: Do you need to lose or gain weight?  I definitely need to put on some weight.
2: Have you ever had the swine flu? (H1n1)  No. I remember being scared about getting it and that whole thing wasn’t even on the level of covid. 
3: Do you like to go to the doctors?  Nooo. I’ve had more than my share of doctor appointments of all different kinds all throughout my life. They still make me anxious and stressed out, they’re definitely not something I find enjoyable.
4: Have you ever puked in school or at work?  I remember getting sick once in kindergarten and having to rush outside to the trash can.
5: Have you ever been extremely sick where you couldnt even leave your bed? Yes, I’ve experienced that several times.
6: Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? I hate actually doing it, but afterwards I usually do feel better. There are times where it gets to the point where I wish I would just do it already and get it over with cause I know it’d help me feel better. That’s when I’m really not feeling well.
7: Have you ever coughed up blood?  No.
8: Should you be eating healthier ? Yes.
9: Do you lie to your doctor?  I downplay some things or not share certain things, admittedly. :X
10: Have you ever taken too much advils?  No. That would make me sick.
Mental Health:
1: Do you have a mental illness?  Yes.
2: Do you take anti-depressants? No.
3: Are you mentally stable?  Uhhh.
4: Have you ever been misdiagnosed? Yes.
5: Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? Maybe.
6: Is self diagnosing good or bad? I don’t see an issue with researching yourself and thinking you may have something, but it’s important to take that information to a doctor. However, sadly I know that not everyone is able to do that. And I also have a problem with doing that myself, which I think can cause unnecessary stress. I also think people tend to throw around labels and say they have something when they don’t. Gah, it’s a slippery slope.
7: Should we give more money to mental health research?  Yes, absolutely.
8: Do you think everyone has a chance to over come their mental disorders?  I think many can learn to better manage some of them, but I feel like they’re always going to be there. 
9: Would you ever not date someone if they had a severe disorder? ( Schizophrenia,BPD, mood disorders)? I don’t know and I’m probably horrible for saying that. I have my mental disorders and I know it can be a lot for people to be around and handle. I just... I don’t know if I’d be able to be there for them in a way they might need ya know? I lack the experience. I can’t say no for certain. I think it would just really depend on the situation and if I learned more about it. 
10: Does mental illness run in your family? Yes.
1: Virgin?  Yes.
2: what age did you lose it? 3: Did you take sex ed? 6th grade, middle school, and a health and psych class my freshman year in high school.
4: Does size matter?
5: Whats your favorite poistions?
6: Does virginity exist? I believe so. I know some feel it’s not a real thing or a social construct, but to me it’s a thing. It’s someone who hasn’t had sex. When you have sex, you’re said to have lost your virginity and to me that just means in the very literal sense that you’re not a virgin anymore. I’m not referring to it as something deeper. Although, it can be for some people. And while I don’t think it’s like losing some part of yourself or something life altering, I personally feel like I would feel a change in some way. I also want to add that it’s something I want “lose” or share with someone special. I don’t know, man. I’m sure I’m not explaining it well. It’s just a personal thing.
7: Do you think sex is overated?  I wouldn’t know.
8: Is making love and fucking different? One just sounds more romantic and slow and passionate and the other sounds rough lol 9: Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies?  Yeah.
10: If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? If it’s not consensual or your choice then you can choose not to count it is how I see it. Like yes, technically they’ve had sex, but something so horrific and traumatic doesn’t count. Losing their virginity should be done their way, with someone they want to share that with. In the situation they were raped, they’re allowed to take their power and control back and count it when they do so with someone they want to do, consensually. 
Check the box:
1.My hair color is: [x] Brown [] Black [] Blonde [x]Red [] Funky colors [] Auburn [] more than one color <<< It’s a mix of my natural color and red because I haven’t dyed it since February.
2.Eye color: []Blue []Grey [x]Brown []Light brown []dark brown []green []amber [] I have two different colors of eyes
3.I am a : []Male [x] Female []Trans Male [] Trans Female []Gender Fluid [] I dont have a gender []Non Binary [] other
4: I am: []Fit [] Average [x]Skinny []Fat
5: I love my : [x]Hair []Eyes []Smile []Teeth []Skin []everything about myself []None of these.  <<< Italicized because I only like my hair when it’s been dyed and my roots aren’t showing haha... unlike now.
6: I hate my: [x]Hair []eyes [xx]smile [x]teeth [x]skin [x] everything about myself [] I dont hate anything about myself
7: My feet are: [x]Small []Wide []Narrow []long []large [x]Ugly []Pretty
8: I have a hard time: []Finding something to wear [x]Making Friends [x] making food [x]staying focused
9: I am: []Employed [x]Not employed []retired []I can’t work []Self employed []Looking for a job
10: I love: []the moon []the sun [x]the stars []our galaxy []planets
Bold what is true:
I am Funny
I am a girl
I have no hair
I have curly hair
^ I hate it
I have straight hair
I have a dog
I have a cat
I have both
I love to get drunk
I don’t drink
I love to smoke weed but i hate smoking cigarettes
I love both
I rather have one best friend than 20 friends who i am not close with
My dad died
My mom died
My parents are both dead
My parents are alive
I like to touch my bruises
I have funny teeth
I love Mcdonalds fries
Sometimes when Im alone I sing as loud as I can
even if i cant sing
I believe in God
I believe in the butterfly affect
I hate video games
I wish I was taller
I can’t understand math
I am very good at writing an essay
I never had sex before
I love Mac N Cheese
I love Disney Movies
I prefer Dreamswork over Walt Disney
I am going to College
I finished college
I wish I went to college
I hate my job
I am the boss at my job
I have a feelings for a friend but i cant tell them because it would ruin our friendship
^ I have feelings and i told them
I wish soda was healthy
I sleep with the window opened
This survey was too long
2 notes · View notes
rickssugarplum · 6 years
Singing Him to Sleep
Alright! Let’s try a kinda angsty yet still super fluffy songfic! The song in the fic is Pale September by Fiona Apple. It is such a beautiful song and I highly recommend you check it out! ❤
(Rick C-137 x Reader) SFW, Music, Songfic, Swearing, Angst, Hints of depression, Existential crisis, Fluff
You are singing alone, and Rick comes by and overhears you.
Pale September...
I wore the time like a dress that year...
In a pitch-black evening, your home was filled with your voice as you were harmonizing with the keys of the piano you were currently tapping on your fingertips. 
The autumn days swung soft around me like cotton on my skin...
You loved to sing. It was a passion of yours for as long as you can remember. Music was your first love. As a young child, you would hear songs you loved and would memorize all the words within mere hours. You felt a sense of freedom and purpose when you sang out loud, never caring who would hear. Those that did, often praised the sound you would make with your vocals. It made you feel good that you were at least decent at something that you loved to do. Singing your heart out gave you a sense of euphoria. There was nothing else you had really needed.
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared...
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within...
As years went by, you started to grow wiser and no longer oblivious to the hardships of life around you. You no longer saw your family as the security you sought as a child, and people you knew suddenly went away. You had mainly kept to yourself as you started to grow, not talking to anyone, with really no desire to. At school, you had become the outcast, making you feel hurt and lonely. Certain challenges were harder to face, usually ending up as you being the receiving end of anger, leaving you with a broken heart. Time went by with experiencing many losses, from loved ones, the sense of wonder you used to have, to even your own self-worth. You were aware of the truth. The world wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It was filled with suffering and undeserved pain, not just for you of course, but also for people you would never even meet and know you couldn’t help. You felt useless, with no real purpose to exist.
So, you stopped singing. While it made you happy, your mind told you that you didn’t deserve happiness, no matter how small. You didn’t earn it. Why would you feel you have to right to be happy when you made so many people angry with your mere presence? When you finally became an adult, while you still had your insecurities, you had started to make decisions that you knew were important for you to function if you were going to continue on...with what, you weren’t sure. But, there was always one thing that always kept you focused and in the moment, that you had for awhile abandoned. One day, you decided to return to that place, where you were once that happy child, whose innocence still brightened the outlook on life around you. Little by little, whenever you felt you had needed to let yourself go, you would just sing. Every aspect of your life was in your mind as you vocalized the notes.
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full...
And sank in the burrows of my keep...
You thought of him; of Rick. Many people would insist that you’re crazy. And maybe you were, but you were certainly not naive. You knew he wasn’t the kindest man in the universe, but he was certainly experienced enough to not sugarcoat much, if anything at all. He was bold, upfront, infectious, brutal, and above all else; passionate. When a certain situation called for it, he could be anything he wanted. The thought of how he had brought you so much more out of life you hadn’t known, made your heart speed up with exhilaration. 
You were so enwrapped in your own world in that moment, you didn’t hear the typical rippling of a swirling, green portal warping from another room. Nor did you hear Rick call out your name as the piano’s sound had drowned everything else out. You just kept singing, unaware that the scientist had started to make his way through your home to find the source of the music. When he found it was you he was...surprised. You had never sang for him, thinking he had no interest in your little hobby. There was no real reason to tell him. “Why would he care?”, you'd scoff to yourself. Little did you know, he was now lingering outside your doorway, just listening.
And all my armor falling down...
In a pile at my feet...
And my winter giving way to warm...
As I'm singing him to sleep...
You stopped, satisfied that you got a little steam out of your system. It was late, and time for you to call it a day.Turning around to leave, you froze when you saw Rick standing there looking at you, stunned. 
“Oh! Uhhh...Hi Rick.” you spit out nervously. Now, you were used to him stopping by unannounced, but this is the first time he had been present as you were singing and you had no idea how much he heard.
“Wow.” he said, surprised, with a pretty rare smile on his face. “I didn’t know that you could sing.” he exclaimed enthusiastically.
You shrugged.“I don’t do it as much as I used to. Actually just getting back into it,” you confessed to him.
“You have a pretty voice.” he told you sincerely.
You felt your cheeks warm up. Hearing him say that, gave you butterflies.
“Thanks.” you finally responded, shyly.
“Y’know uhh, I dabble in music too.” he admitted. You were kinda shocked at that. You couldn’t see this man of science as a musician.
“Really?” you asked, intrigued. You moved on the piano bench to make room. Rick sat down beside you as he elaborated.
“Oh yeahh, W-w-we had a band, me, Birdperson and Squanchy. I-I was the guitarist. Don’t remember most of it though cause I was p-p-pretty fucked up on K-Lax.” he laughed, reminiscing about the old days. “I actually s-still strum up some shit from time to time. 'Fact, me and Morty had saved the planet thanks to our hot beats.” He admitted proudly. You weren’t surprised at that honestly. With all the crazy adventures he and his grandson had endured, they would be able to have the fate of the world in the hands of their ability to compose anything.
What did surprise you however, was that a man who was aware about the cold, heartless universe, was still able to get a thrill in making music, one way or another. When that was the reason you had stopped for such a long time. It made you wonder about Rick a little more, if music made him, dare you say it; happy.
“It used to bring me such joy, gave me purpose y’know? Like I could help people even in the smallest way. But, I don’t know..” You wallowed, struggling to find the words to tell him how you had really felt. “I felt like, I didn’t deserve to do what I loved cause, I didn’t deserve any happiness.” you finally admitted.
“Hmm..” he responded, seeming to understand where you were coming from. He was no stranger to mental battles within himself. With his gift of brilliance, he had also had his share of anguish and self-hatred, more so than he would like to admit, but he knew it was there, you knew it was there. That was when you would try to support him as much as you could.
“Well, the universe is hard and unforgiving, any idiot can see that. The ones that h-have their head so far up their asses pretend that everything is all hunky-dory. Everyone has a problem with themselves, not matter how unimportant it really is. There’s plenty of misery to go around.” He said as he twisted the cap off his flask to take a swig out of it. You just watched him sip, waiting for him to continue.
“Sometimes, you have to just not give a shit...because the more you care, the more chances life has to take you down. Fact is, w-we’re all gonna die and we’ll end up leaving no real impact in the end.” he stated boldly.
You knew he was right. If anyone knew the reality of the universe, it was Rick. He had seen so many different planets and dimensions where the impossible became possible.  Therefore, you couldn’t really argue with his point. However, he had another point to add that gave you a bit of an uplift.
“So, why not do whatever the fuck we want in the meantime?” he simply asked, so matter of fact.
A very slight curl to your mouth appeared as you look deep into his sunken eyes, placing your hand on his wrinkled skin. He simply closed his eyes, letting you caress his cheek. Your other hand explored his icy blue hair, always surprising you with how soft to the touch it was. Taking a closer look, you noticed another look he displayed. In his features and his body language, you noticed he looked...tired.
“And hey,” He opened his eyes half-lidded, to look into yours. “May-maybe I can bring my guitar over, and we can make music together sometime...share our misery.” he suggested with a smirk.
With a titter, you leaned in to press your lips softly to his, keeping the kiss gentle and light. You felt his thin lips returning your sentiment, not going any rougher than he usually would. His usual kisses were lustful and filled with need. This one felt, almost vulnerable... You both stopped to breathe, eyes locked, He leaned his forehead against yours. You were the first to speak up.
“I never asked you what you were doing here tonight.” You muttered.
“I had a looong adventure today and couldn’t sleep with Beth and her idiot fighting.” he explained, annoyed. Laughing, you understood. He was always welcome into your place whenever he just needed a break.
“Well, I was just getting ready to go to bed myself.” you led him to your bedroom, like you had many times before. He took off layers of clothing until he was left in a simple, white tank top and boxers. As soon as he did that, he climbed straight to your bed to relax as you put yourself in pajamas to get cozy, and then finally settled under the sheets, beside him. Rick then reached out to secure you in his arms. He always made you feel safe.The atmosphere in the room was perfect to fall asleep. However, Rick seemed to need one more thing tonight.
“Baby?” he muttered with his face in your hair.
“Mmm?” you responded.
“Can y-can you sing that song from earlier...?” he requested.
Your heart felt such a burst of joy, you were almost fully awake again. There was no way you would refuse him.
“Sure, Rick.” you answered sweetly, as you leaned in to kiss his forehead. Your fingers reached into his hair once again, lightly stroking his head as you started to sing.
He goes along just as a water lily...
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats...
Unweighed down by passion or intensity...
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts...
And he finds a home in me...
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap...
It was a moment you’d never trade for anything else in the world. You thought back to all the pain you had endured in your life. All those years you wished to just disappear, the heartache you had felt for so long, was worth it in the end, if it meant you got to sing to someone you loved as you felt him drift off.
All my armor falling down...
In a pile at my feet...
And my winter giving way to warm...
As I'm singing him to sleep...
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chroma-asks · 7 years
The Sensory
Tumblr media
Name: Chara (kah-rah)
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 10 years
Birthday: (Scorpio)
Species: human
Source(if any): Undertale
Family: Asgore,Toriel, and Asriel Dreemurr(adopted family)[not in system], Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: cinnamon, hot cocoa, knives, adrenaline, fighting
Dislikes: losing, feeling weak, being underestimated, other humans, milk
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Name: Damon (day-mun)
Pronouns: he/him
Age: ???
Birthday: August 15th (Leo)
Species: deep-sea siren
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Draco(son...? Technically...?)
Likes: water, singing, fun, swimming, love, goofing off, jokes, cooking, baking, playing with the kids, music
Dislikes: leaving people behind, silence, being bored, negativity
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Name: Draco (dray-co)
Pronouns: he/him
Age: ???
Birthday: March 23rd (Aries)
Species: Dragon
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Emerie(wife), Leviathan(son), Damon(technical father), Salem(technical mother), Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: storms, flying, his family, jewels, gold, meat, caves, solitude, Zero, sleeping
Dislikes: fruit, annoyances, invasion of privacy, socks(FOR WHATEVER REASON), being woken up
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Name: Emerie (eh-mer-ree)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Birthday: December 20th (Sagittarius) 
Species: Hydra
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Draco(husband), Leviathan(son)
Likes: fashion, sewing, love, her family, water, flowers, gardening
Dislikes: bigotry, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, really any kind of discrimination that harms and degrades others
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Name: Glitch
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 6
Birthday: (Aries)
Species: Unknown
Source: n/a
Family: Zero(surrogate mother), Aurora(actual mother)[Standby]
Likes: playing, learning new things, friends
Dislikes: feeling hated, hurting others
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Name: Gwenevere (gweh-neh-veer)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Birthday: (Virgo)
Species: arachne
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Freya(technical mother)
Likes: Octopi, knitting, sewing, fighting, hunting, teasing people she thinks are cute, helping out with cooking by cutting things
Dislikes: molting, when her fuzz is dirty, loose threads
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Name: Jelose (jel-ohss)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Birthday: (Leo)
Species: shoggoth
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Gnideria(older sister)[Standby], Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: hugs, candy, slime, water, dark places, mud, playing, friends, kids
Dislikes: negative emotions, being alone, being feared, being poked in the eyes
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Name: Kai (rhymes with pie)
Pronouns: he/him
Age: ???
Birthday: September 2nd (Virgo)
Species: Cerberus
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Weiss(technical mother)
Likes: sweets, screamo music, the shadows
Dislikes: bitter food, bright lights
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Name: Karma 
Pronouns: he/him
Age: ???
Birthday: December 3rd (Sagittarius)
Species: Ghoul
Source(if any): n/a
Family: n/a
Likes: puns, cooking, baking
Dislikes: things getting stuck between his bones
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Name: Koishi (koh-ee-shee)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Birthday: (Sagittarius)
Species: satori
Source(if any): Touhou
Family: Satori(older sister), Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: friends, playing, exploring, making friends in general, roses, animals, tea, coffee, gifts, being remembered, her sister
Dislikes: being shunned, staying in one place for too long, numbness
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Name: Lavender Pearl
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Birthday: (Cancer)
Species: gem
Source(if any): Steven Universe(non-canon)
Family: n/a
Likes: dancing, cleaning, water fountains, music
Dislikes: being yelled at, feeling worthless
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Name: Leviathan (leh-vai-ah-than)
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 5 in dragon years
Birthday: February 16th (Aquarius)
Species: water dragon
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Emerie(mother), Draco(father)
Likes: water, bugs, fish, watching science videos about nature, playing with the other littles, the beach, Zero, exploring
Dislikes: wearing shoes
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Name: Lexa Fae (lex-ah-fay)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Birthday: (Aquarius)
Species: faerie
Source(if any): n/a
Family: n/a
Likes: flowers, forests, mushrooms, butterflies, moths, being pampered, milk, pastries, alcohol, baths, scented lotions
Dislikes: disrespect, being insulted, unkempt hair, dry skin
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Name: Mina (mee-nah)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: Unknown
Species: Monster of some kind
Source: n/a
Family: n/a
Likes: shopping, cute things, fashion
Dislikes: eating
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Name: Morgana (mor-gah-nah)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Birthday: (Virgo)
Species: dullahan
Source(if any): n/a
Family: n/a
Likes: witchcraft, moonlight, night flying, researching physics and magic, candles
Dislikes: impatience, not having the freedom to practice her craft
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Name: Naraku (nah-rah-koo)
Pronouns: he/him
Age: somewhere around 70 if you include his human years
Birthday: Literally No One Knows
Species: half-demon
Source(if any): Inuyasha
Family: Aurora(in-system incarnation)[Standby]
Likes: literally any kind of drama, strategy games, Weiss
Dislikes: his human side, losing
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Name: Paka (pah-kah)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: over 10,000
Birthday: (Gemini)
Species: phoenix hybrid
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Weiss(technical mother)
Likes: food, cats, beanies, big jackets
Dislikes: dying
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Name: Polaris
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 6
Species: Princess-class Battleship
Source(if any): Kantai Collection
Family: 25 older sisters(all of which are in the Secondary Branch), Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: french fries, the beach, playing, wearing big shirts like dresses, playing with people’s hair, carnivals, piggyback rides from literally anyone who can carry her without dying(she is MUCH heavier than she looks), boats, skating, lighthouses
Dislikes: sinking in water, being alone
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Name: Salem (say-lehm)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: over 5000
Birthday: November 13th (Scorpio)
Species: oni 
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Zero(younger sister), Draco(technical son)
Likes: dolls, gothic lolita fashion, solitude, dark places
Dislikes: humans, romance, being caged, being told what to do, Chroma’s family
Tumblr media
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 6
Species: chimera, probably??
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: crackers(the sweet kind)
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Name: Shrii (shree)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: permanently 7
Birthday: (Leo)
Species: ghost
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: small fluffy animals, stuffed animals, pjs, blue raspberry icees, juice, her friends, Blueberry(her stuffed bunny), disney movies, studio ghibli, naps
Dislikes: clowns(terrified, yet she seems to handle LJ somehow), the dark, loud noises, scary movies, darkness
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Name: Terezi (teh-reh-zee)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 16
Birthday: (Libra)
Species: troll
Source(if any): Homestuck
Family: Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: drawing, coloring, watching FNAF playthroughs while eating Mac n Cheese, candy(cherry-flavored ones are her favorite), justice, her friends
Dislikes: memories of abuse, clowns(laughing jack is an exception)
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Name: Torture
Pronouns: he/him
Age: somewhere around 670-680
Birthday: June 30th (Cancer)
Species: undead
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Weiss(technical mother)
Likes: hospitals, experimenting with chemicals and cells, mint, ice cream, cold, tormenting Weiss
Dislikes: his past(has PTSD), slavery, his inability to grow, not being able to sleep(though he’s used to it now)
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Name: Umbra
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 4
Species: werebat
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Zero(surrogate mother)
Likes: Veirus, fruit, playing games
Dislikes: being the seeker in hide-and-seek(he finds everyone too easily with sonar), flashlights
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Name: Vague
Pronouns: he/him or xe/xir
Age: ???
Birthday: (Scorpio)
Species: void angel(but actually he’s basically a god)
Source(if any): The World Ends With You (surprise, he’s Joshua in disguise, the Bastard)
Family: n/a
Likes: space, city nightlife, his room, fixing things, Chroma
Dislikes: losing
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Name: Weiss (rhymes with ice)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: uhhh if I go by outer world years I’m like almost 12 bruh (good thing I don’t). I’m basically ageless in here
Birthday: June 29th (Cancer)
Species: glacie
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Kai, Sato, Same, Torture, Tyfia, Paka, Zetsumei, Tripp(technical children), Freya(technical mother)
Likes: snow(obviously), drawing, singing, video games, fictional things, socks(ironically), food, space, tiny replicas of things that aren’t usually tiny
Dislikes: bugs(more of a fear, but I’m working on soothing that), abusive people, loud noises/yelling(trigger), hot temperatures, humidity, needles, surgery, eye gore, pain, mint, coconuts
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Name: Yulie (yoo-lee)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: “somewhere over 100, I lost count”
Birthday: February 22nd (Pisces)
Species: werewolf/succubus hybrid
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Casimir(father), Marie(mother)[deceased], Freya(grandmother), Killer(great-grandfather)[not in the system]
Likes: romance movies, fanfiction, matchmaking, wolves, the moon, night flights, valentines day candies, cakes, science, philosophy, writing
Dislikes: really anything morally wrong relationship-wise, ageplay, hate, swearing(doesn’t mind if others do, though)
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Name: Zero
Pronouns: she/her
Age: over 5000
Birthday: January 3rd (Capricorn)
Species: oni
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Salem(older sister), surrogate mom to basically everyone in the system
Likes: kids, fighting, alcohol, sunlight, human history
Dislikes: child predators(more like a seething hatred), people bad-mouthing literally anyone she’s adopted
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Name: Zetsumei (zeh-tsoo-may)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Birthday: February 15th (Aquarius) 
Species: death scythe/shapeshifter
Source(if any): n/a
Family: Weiss(technical mother)
Likes: Halloween, bugs, weaponry, horror movies/games, haunted houses, really anything considered weird or spooky, sour candy
Dislikes: ?????
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Survey from Esther~
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? Janina Gavankar - Don't Look Down The Irrepressibles - Two Men In Love The Irrepressibles - The Arrow Flor - Warm Blood Shearwater - Animal Life Bastille - Laura Palmer 2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? I'm overwhelmed by this question and can't pick a single answer, sorry lol. This is like asking me what my favorite Pokémon is. 3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. I'm in a dog boarding facility's kitchen at the moment, no books in sight, I'm afraid. But I am reading the first book of the Raven Cycle series in audio form, if that helps 4: What do you think about most? What a question. Art? Animals? 5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? It's my boyfriend saying he's going to sleep :3 6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? *Gamagoori voice* I sleep in the nude 7: What’s your strangest talent? Even though I am not a smoker [unless you count a couple of hookahs per year], I can tell the brand of a cigarette by the smell of the smoke. The smell on someone's clothes, I know immediately what brand it is. Mixture of childhood exposure, sensory sensitivity, and the jobs I've worked lol. 8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) Girls are powerful. Boys are powerful. 9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? I dunno. Maybe? 10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? Uhh. Not a thing that occurs to me to do, to be honest lol 11: Do you have any strange phobias? Big phobia of hypodermic needles, or generally anything like a splinter, tiny shard of glass or hook getting underneath my skin. Phobic of getting pregnant. I guess those are weird. 12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? Uhhh probably? 13: What’s your religion? What a complicated question lol. Simple answer: I'm pagan. But there is literally nothing simple about my endless thoughts about spirituality 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Taking a walk in the woods, or sitting by a stream or body of water [water sources are especially sacred parts of nature for me] 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both. But I love taking photos and nobody really takes any photos of me. So I guess behind. Especially when it's behind a Polaroid. 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Shearwater. Honorable mention to the Irrepressibles. 17: What was the last lie you told? Fuck if I know 18: Do you believe in karma? Not really. But as always I believe in the awesome power of the brain. 19: What does your URL mean? It's my name with "Irrepressible" after it, in the style of Jamie Irrepressible, the vocalist of, well, you can probably guess which band. 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Weakness - I'm extremely prone to gaslighting and self doubt about my own reality. Strength - I might not be a fan of abrupt change, but I am very adaptable, given time to adjust. 21: Who is your celebrity crush? None 22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No, sadly. Remember what I said about my irrational fear of stepping on hooks or sharp objects? Interferes with my sacred need to swim in every lake I see. 23: How do you vent your anger? Ideally, art. Drawing, writing, even recording myself ranting to my microphone about it. 24: Do you have a collection of anything? I collect retro Pokémon merchandise and certain old video games. :> this makes me sound like a massive genwunner but rest assured, it's just an Aesthetic™ 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Text, to be honest. Us auties generally do better communicating in text based media. Skype calls are useful at times but I've always found them too awkward with delays and such to use reliably. 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Hmmm. Tentatively, yes? 27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Sound I hate: male voices shouting. Sound I love: music bouncing off walls and becoming ethereal and far away. 28: What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I don't understand what this question is asking me? 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts, no. I talk about them a lot though because the idea of them is dear and important to me, but literally, no, I have no belief in some vaporized version of your personality that goes on after death. Aliens, I assume are a matter of inevitability. But I don't believe we will probably ever find or meet them in the foreseeable future. Humans think they are much more fascinating than they actually are. Aliens are not crawling all over themselves to build technology just to come fly over to our house and meet us. Sry 30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Air both times lol 31: Smell the air. What do you smell? The heat coming on at work because morning is here. Faint dog poop smell. Gonna have to tidy that up lol 32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Buttfuck nowhere, West Virginia 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East Coast, if we're talking america 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? I don't have an opposite gender 35: To you, what is the meaning of life? To create something meaningful and beautiful, and to enjoy myself to the fullest while helping others whenever possible 36: Define Art. If it makes you think about whether or not it's art, then it's art. 37: Do you believe in luck? Uhh. Like as an actual outside force that decides whether good or bad stuff will happen to me, no. 38: What’s the weather like right now? Coldddd 39: What time is it? 6 am. Time to get off work! 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes, I drive, don't love it but glad I am able. No, but I did run over a bin once 41: What was the last book you read? A book about the history of heterosexuality as a concept, fascinating read actually 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? As a kid I liked it but it's kinda gross now 43: Do you have any nicknames? Many 44: What was the last film you saw? Can't remember a film rn but I am currently watching The Story Of Film which I CANNOT recommend enough, it is a documentary series about, well, the history of cinema and even if you don't care about movie making... It will absorb you completely and make you not only care but be totally fascinated. I adore it. 45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? You know, I've been really lucky. Never broken bone or needed stitches or even like, been to the hospital, lol. I think I chipped my shin bone on a brick stair once. And a couple years ago I missed a stair going down and sprained my ankle, and my work refused to let me spend any time off my feet so I was crying from pain in front of customers lol. But it healed fast once I had a brace. No problem. 46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? I dunno. I was taught as a child that if you touch their wing dust even a little, they will lose their flight and die. So probably I haven't. Even though I now know this isn't quite true. 47: Do you have any obsessions right now? The Story of Film, some bands, getting sucked back deep into my lifelong love Pokémon again lol 48: What’s your sexual orientation? Pansexual, or: Why Are Gender And Genital Shape Our Main Social Indicator Of Romantic Or Sexual Preferences, Of All Things, That's Really Weird And I Can't Relate, Please Save Me From This Bizarro World 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? Oh yes, plenty back in school 50: Do you believe in magic? Ahh. I believe in the power of will. I believe in the ability to make your own life full of magic via willpower. I believe in the harmless use of willpower to try and cause a change in your environment. I believe the force exercised by children known dismissively as "imagination" have incredible power to influence the mind and soul. I have no belief in a metaphysical force in the universe called "magic" that could describe basically anything and everything unknown to current science. If you ask me flat-out, I will say yes, I believe in magic. But this is more of what I mean. I don't believe in "magic", except that I do. Adamantly. 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? I do not tend to forget. Forgive is a matter of situation. But I don't forget. And I am quite the talented ice prince when it comes to freezing someone entirely out of my life. This includes immediate family. I only speak to my little sister out of my entire family. 52: What is your astrological sign? Taurus-Gemini cusp! 53: Do you save money or spend it? Spend :T 54: What’s the last thing you purchased? Bread, milk and a couple very cheap, very pink, very glittery nail polishes. My weakness. 55: Love or lust? Yes. 56: In a relationship? Yep 57: How many relationships have you had? Uhh... Many? Serious, deep romantic relationships, which I suspect is your real question: three. 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope 59: Where were you yesterday? Home, and briefly out at the store. 60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? My nails are pink and glittery. 61: Are you wearing socks right now? Yep. I wear two pairs to work because my super comfy work shoes are just the tiniest bit too big. 62: What’s your favourite animal? You asked the impossible question. Today, your answer is: praying mantis. Specifically praying mantis godmothers. Ask me again in two hours for an entirely different answer. 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Sorry, too socially awkward for this prompt 64: Where is your best friend? In bed, it is very late and/or early. 65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. Don't really have favorites? Just people and stuff I like. 66: What is your heritage? Whitey white. Scots Irish, English, a bit of German, and like everything else you can expect from a family that's been in America about as long as a white devil could possibly be. My mother is a hobbyist genealogist, so this isn't just typical white folks bullshit, I'm vaguely more educated on my roots. I am in fact a distant cousin of notable American politician of the 19th century, Henry Clay. 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Playing Pokémon Blue! Beating the game for literally the first time ever! 68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? Uh. Um. Oh god, I don't know lmao 69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Yes, everyone has, normalize it 70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Hmmm. Yes. 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Lose my job bitches, and maybe hope to go viral and boost my chances of getting a new job for doing this thing lol 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? A-Maybe. At least a few people. B-Travel, make good art, write my will, get my affairs in order. C- Yes, for a while. 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Trust obvs 74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Many. First one that comes to mind is Empire by Jukebox the Ghost 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? Nope 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Being best friends and trying to understand one another and willing to be open and honest, no ego in the way 77: How can I win your heart? Buy me sushi. 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Yes. 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? To not have children. 80: What size shoes do you wear? American size seven in men's, nine in women's. Sometimes half a size up or down. 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? No idea. I should get thinking on that. 82: What is your favourite word? Don't really have one favorite tbh 83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Glowing lights, core imagery 84: What is a saying you say a lot? Hell yeah 85: What’s the last song you listened to? Maxiimo Park - Going Missing 86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? Long story short: indigo. 87: What is your current desktop picture? Some Pokémon, I forget which. 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? A random white supremacist, maybe, but honestly, I probably wouldn't press it 89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? No idea rn 90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? I'd be quite disturbed because I cut my teeth on Ocarina of Time and was very creeped out by ReDeads 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Shapeshifting. Always my answer. Covers being an animal, or being a child, or flying, or swimming. 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? First thought is a marching band performance from high school. Second thought is back in that car in the vast moonlit Utah desert. 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Bad math teachers. Gave me a complex about math and didn't improve me as a person in any way like most of the others did. 94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? No interest 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Japan motherfuckers 96: Do you have any relatives in jail? Not that I'm aware of but I couldn't care less tbh 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? If I have, I must have been very small. 98: Ever been on a plane? Yep, just twice. 99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? If they actually absorbed what I had to say? Love yourselves. Love each other. Endeavor to understand each other. Try to figure out what you were taught wrong about yourself and your fellow humans, and unlearn those things. Embrace humanity in all its diversity. Open up and be vulnerable.
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